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yellowsunmellow · 1 year ago
Phyllotaxis 🌿🌻🌀
Phyllotaxis are spirals found in plants originally observed (by Modern times) by Leonardo DaVinci. Later it was observed as Fibonacci sequence in 1837.
Phyyllotaxis essentially is the organization of plant organs.
Plants can be broadly classified into two main categories based on their arrangement of leaves:
spiral phyllotaxis, characterized by a consistent divergence angle between successive organs,
and whorled phyllotaxis, where multiple organs occur at the same level along the stem.
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but here are some more striking examples
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mrvelocipede · 2 years ago
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Gemstones, 2017
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cytocutie · 1 year ago
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White Rabbit on the Road to Baguio — Johanna Poethig
Painting (acrylic), 42" x 53" x 1.5"
Presented at The deYoung Open 2023 (ID #169)
Listed for $4500 *
Artist statement:
On a road stop along the steep mountain pass to Baguio City in the 1950s I ask for candy from an unwilling Ifugao girl. The classic White Rabbit candy from China crosses generations and cultures, still popular in the 21st century, floats with the ancient bronze amulet of the Ifugao in the visual stream of this childhood encounter. The two children stand in a field of phyllotaxis algorithmic patterns that embody the life systems that sustain us. This painting is a moment of innocence steeped in Philippine and US colonial history. My work encompasses memory, culture, politics and the natural environment mixing abstraction, figuration and symbol and some humor in this visual narrative.
Johanna Poethig is a visual and performance artist based in California. To learn more about her work and to view her other creations, visit johannapoethig.com . You can also find her on Instagram @johannapoethigsilver .
The deYoung Open is a triannual exhibition featuring artwork by California-Bay Area creators. The most recent exhibit was on display at The deYoung Museum in San Francisco from 09/30/2023 to 01/07/2024. To learn more and view a digital gallery of all 883 pieces that were featured, visit deyoungopen.artcall.org . And if you're an artist from Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, or Sonoma County, you should consider making a submission for 2026! Applications will probably go live in early June 2026, so you have some time to plan :)
I am not an affiliate of The deYoung Museum, Johanna Poethig, or any of the artists featured in The deYoung Open 2023. I'm just posting to celebrate some amazing CA artists. If you are the artist and would like me to take this post down or add additional credit, please message me on Tumblr.
* Listing price is shown on the deYoung Open website at time of writing. The artwork may no longer be available for sale.
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Here's the new single from my album Javelin. Video animated by Stephen Halker. “Will Anybody Ever Love Me?” More info here.
Quick background about the video: my friend Stephen Halker took elements from the album art that I made (collage, paper arts, paintings etc.) and incorporated them into these really wild CGI fantasy landscapes that he created. He sent me some notes about his process and approach that I thought were really cool, if you're interested.
From Stephen:
"This is what I was really thinking about when i made this video:
It's like walking into someone's soul. First they put up these facades that look normal, but then you find out how messy they are.
  I wanted it to start out super normal and cultivated. a landscape made flat by the machinations of an agrarian society.
  Then a nice walk through a forest. nothing special. but more wild
  Then the expanse of a grand canyon.... but you go, "hey what's that thing on the ground? Is that supposed to be there?
  The grasslands are when you start to see curated memories. clean circles of thoughts.  Everything is still manageable, manicured, controlled.  but what's that on the horizon.  looks like there's some bigger thoughts buried in those grassy north dakotan buttes.
  Then comes the chorus.  You gotta mix it up for the chorus.  This scene is called darklands in my computer.  I made the hexagons to reference Carrie and Lowell.  i thought of this structure as if it was the longings of the heart. this sort of plinth of idols. Starting with the starlet from the "Will anybody ever love me" page of the booklet.  Then transferring that longing to archetype.... then parents, family, friends,  the love of the masses...
Once you know this much about someone, the rest of it is just is just a continuation of craziness. I wanted to morph from contained circles toward individual cut out shapes.
  moving through different corridors and memories.
  Obsessing over one memory.
  Building towers of meaning, trying to make sense of moments events through repetition and fortification.
Second chorus was supposed to recall some of the previous scenes.  the wheat, the Planet, travelling through the same hexagons, but this time they aren't filled with icons. just patterns.
  you travel through the puffy paint wormhole into a less tethered version of the self.
  No more landscape. just a repetition of memories.  The world has fallen away.
 I've always loved phyllotaxis and golden sections. they feel very.... "this goes on forever"-y.
  The image of your face split in half, thrown into this fibonacci sequence reminded me of your "perpetual self" song from avalanche (which has always stuck with me)
  There's a floor again. but now it's just the triangle and tape patterns. illuminated.
 Flip to the image of Katrina under the owl was giving off a strong "athena" vibe.  Goddess of wisdom, craft, warfare.  She could make sense of my warring emotions.
End scene."
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santoschristos · 10 months ago
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GEOMETRY/ GOLDEN RATIO Golden Geometry by Rafael Araujo
The Golden Ratio: A Principle of Energy Flow
The golden ratio, seen in structures as vast as galaxies or as intricate as DNA, has long been the symbol of ideal harmony. Duke University's Adrian Bejan ties this unique ratio to a universal law of nature's design. Through his work on the constructal law, Bejan reveals how nature shapes itself to ease flow. The essence of the golden ratio, he suggests, lies in achieving maximal efficiency with minimal energy (Bejan, 2009).
This ratio allows structures to scale infinitely without changing their core shape, resulting in its recurrence throughout nature. By choosing the path of least resistance, the golden ratio epitomizes energy-efficient flow. This is evident in falcons, which harness the golden spiral for an energy-saving approach to their prey (Tucker, 2000), and in plants, where Fibonacci spirals display energy optimization in phyllotaxis (Li et al., 2007).
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xyymath · 2 months ago
Understanding the Fibonacci Sequence in Nature
The Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,…) emerges when each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. While it might seem like just an abstract mathematical concept, its presence in nature is profound and widespread. From flower petals to galaxies, the Fibonacci sequence is not just a sequence—it’s a pattern that governs growth, structure, and even beauty.
1. Fibonacci in Flowers and Plants
Many plants exhibit Fibonacci numbers in the arrangement of leaves, petals, or seeds, optimizing space and maximizing growth efficiency. Sunflowers, for example, are known for their spiral arrangement of seeds, which follows the Fibonacci sequence. If you closely examine the spiral pattern of seeds in a sunflower head, you’ll see two sets of spirals: one winding clockwise and the other counterclockwise. The number of spirals in each direction typically corresponds to Fibonacci numbers (21 and 34, or 34 and 55, depending on the sunflower).
Similarly, the petals of flowers often correspond to Fibonacci numbers. Lilies have 3 petals, buttercups have 5, daisies frequently have 34, 55, or even 89 petals, all Fibonacci numbers. These patterns aren’t arbitrary; they represent an efficient packing arrangement for maximum exposure to sunlight and optimal reproduction.
2. Fibonacci in Pine Cones and Conch Shells
Look closely at a pine cone, and you’ll see the pattern of its scales forming a spiral. If you count these spirals, you’ll find Fibonacci numbers once again, such as 8 and 13 spirals running in opposite directions. This spiral pattern is a natural consequence of optimal packing; each scale fits into the next most efficiently when placed according to these proportions.
Even more fascinating is the nautilus shell or conch shell, where the spiral shape follows the Fibonacci sequence. As the shell grows, it maintains the same shape but gets larger in a way that respects the golden ratio. The distance between each spiral follows the Fibonacci sequence, and the ratio of consecutive turns approximates the golden ratio (1.618...), a constant that has fascinated mathematicians for centuries.
3. Fibonacci and the Galaxies
The Fibonacci sequence stretches its arms even into the cosmos. If you look at the structure of galaxies, many spiral galaxies, such as the Milky Way, exhibit arms that follow the Fibonacci spiral pattern. The spiral arms of galaxies curve in a way that mirrors the sequence, optimizing the distribution of stars and cosmic matter. This spiral pattern can be modeled mathematically using the Golden Spiral, which emerges from the Fibonacci sequence.
4. Fibonacci and Phyllotaxis
The Fibonacci sequence also plays a crucial role in phyllotaxis, the arrangement of leaves or seeds around a central stem or axis. This arrangement is seen in pine trees, cacti, and even in the way the branches of a tree spread out. The Fibonacci sequence ensures that each leaf receives maximum sunlight, and seeds are packed tightly but efficiently within their pod or flower.
5. The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence
Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of the Fibonacci sequence is its close connection to the golden ratio (ϕ ≈ 1.618). As you progress through the Fibonacci sequence, the ratio of consecutive numbers approaches this golden constant. For instance, 21/13 ≈ 1.615, and 34/21 ≈ 1.619. This ratio is seen not just in biological patterns but also in art, architecture, and even financial markets, where it’s used to model ideal proportions and growth patterns.
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konjaku · 11 months ago
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零余子猫の目草[Mukagonekonomesō] Chrysosplenium maximowiczii
零余子[Mukago] : Propagule
猫[Neko] : Cat
の[No] : Of
目[Me] : Eye
草[Sō] : Grass, herb
The members of golden saxifrages, the genus Chrysosplenium, are difficult to identify because they are very small and have many allied species. My rationale for considering that one to be Mukagonekonomesō is as follows; there are four stamens, the leaves are relatively small and their phyllotaxy is opposite, the bracts do not turn yellow, and so on.
Another name is 珠芽猫の目[Tamanekonome]. 珠芽 is also read as mukago and shuga, and in this case, the reading of 芽[me] is omitted. It is said that the name Nekonome was given because its seeds look like cat's eyes when they break open. Endemic to Japan and its numbers are declining today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat's_Eye_(manga) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_Eyed_Boy
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i-should-have-studied · 11 months ago
Mod 1: Bryophytes
Ngl I have no idea how to prepare for the botany paper, but I might as well try something-
Class - Bryopsida
Order - Polytrichales
Family - Polytrichaceae
Genus - Polytrichum
External Structure:
The nature of gametophyte of polytrichum is differentiated into 2 parts: A horizontal underground rhizome and an erect leafy shoot.
Rhizome: The horizontally growing underground portion of the gametophore. It bears small, brown or colorless leaves in three rows and numerous rhizoids.
Leafy Shoot: The erect leafy axis arising from the rhizome. It is differentiated into a stem-like central axis which bears dark green expansions. The so called leaves are spirally arranged in 3/8 phyllotaxy.
The leaf is differentiated into a sheathing leaf base and an apical limb. The limb is narrow, lanceolate, and green. Leaf base is colorless and membranous, closely clasped around the stem.
A short transition zone is present between the rhizome and the aerial shoot. It bears small brown leaves similar to those on rhizome.
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Internal Structure:
I. Rhizome: In most of the species, the rhizome is triangular in outline with rounded corners. A transverse section of rhizome shows the following regions:
a) Epidermis: The outermost layer of thick walled cells. They give rise to rhizoids.
b) Cortex: The epidermis is followed by cortex consisting of 3-4 layer of thin walled parenchymatous cells.
It is interrupted by 3 hypodermal strands that extend radially from periphery to center.
Hypodermal strands composed of prosenchymatous cells contain starch grains. Extending inwards from each hypodermal strand is a group of lignified cells containing radial strands.
Next to the cortex, there is a layer of radially elongated cells with suberized thickening on their walls. This layer can be compared to the endodermis of higher plants.
c) Pericycle: A 2-3 layered parenchymatous pericycle is present between endodermis and the central conducing strand. It is discontinuous.
d) Leptoids: There are thin walled polygonal cells present in furrows opposite to the radial strands. They are like sieve tubes of phloem hence called leptoids. The cells collectively form lepton.
e) Amylom: The innermost later of leptoids is separated from the central cylinder by a single layer of parenchymatous cells containing starch. This layer is called amylom.
f) Central Cylinder: Situated in the central region of the rhizome. Made up of 2 types of cells: thick walled living cells called stereids and empty dead cells called hydroids. Both of them together make up the hydrom.
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II. Aerial Shoot: In transverse section, the aerial shoot is irregularly lobed due to the presence of leaf bases. It is differentiated into 3 regions:
a) Epidermis: The superficial uniseriate later. Discontinuous due to the persistent leaf bases.
b) Cortex: Epidermis is followed by broad cortex. Outer cortex is made of prosechymatous cells and inner is made of parenchymatous cells.
In young shoots, the cortical cells contain chloroplasts.
A large number of leaf traces are also present in the cortex.
c) Central Cylinders: The outermost later of central cylinders is discontinuous and is composed of parenchymatous cells. It represents rudimentary pericycle. The cells store starch grains.
It is followed by 3-4 layered irregular zone of elongated thin walled cells. This zone is leptom mantte ( equivalent to phloem of vascular plants)
Leptom mantte is followed by 1-2 layers of suberized cells which form hydrom sheath. The cells are rich in starch and also called amylom layers.
Next to hydrom sheath is hydrom mantte composed of think walled empty cells.
The center of shoot is occupied by hydrom cylinder made up of thick walled cells. These cells help in conduction of water and hence equivalent to the xylem of higher plants.
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III. Leaf
A transverse section of the limb of the leaf shows a thick midrib, gradually tapering into 2 rudimentary wings.
The ventral surface is bound by a distinct epidermis. It is covered by thick cuticle. Epidermis is followed by sclerenchymatous hypodermis.
The ground tissue (cortex) is composed of parenchymatous cells.
The dorsal surface of limb is made up of vertical plates of cells called lamellae. Each lamellae has 4-8 cells; all cells contain chloroplasts except the terminal one. This terminal cell is larger than outer cells and sometimes it is (___)
The arrangement of cells in lamellae and presence of any spaces between adjacent lamellae increases the photosynthetic area.
The wing is composed of a single layer of hyaline cells. Lamellae are not present in the wing region.
The wings become dry and curved when the plants grow in dry habitats.
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Reproduction: In polytrichum, reproduction takes place by vegetative and sexual methods.
I. Vegetative Reproduction: Takes place by bulbils which develop on rhizome. Besides, fragmentation of underground rhizome also helps in propagation.
II. Sexual Reproduction: Polytrichum is dioecious, the male (antheridia) and the female (archegonia) sex organs develop at the spices of main shoots of separate plants.
They are born at the apex of the male gametophore. They are surrounded by a whorl of specialized leaves, called perigonial leaves. These leaves differ from vegetative leaves in color and shape. They are red or brown in color and form a cup like structure around antheridia.
Antheridia are produced in groups at the base of the perigonial leaf.
The mature antheridium is a club shaped structure with an elongated body and a short stalk. They body has a single layered jacked of sterile cells, enclosing a mass of androcytes.
At the free distal end of the antheridium is the operculum consisting of a single or few large cells.
Intermingled the antheridia in the antheridial head are steric multicellular hair like structures called as paraphysis.
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They are borne in groups at the apex of the female gametophore.
The leaves surrounding the archegonia are called the perichaetial leaves. These leaves overlap close over at the top of the archegonial (cluotes??) to form a bud-like structure called the perichaetium.
Intermingled with the archegonia in the cluotes(Still??) are paraphysis.
The mature archegonium is a flask-shaped structure consisting of a long neck, venter, and a stalk.
The venter cavity contains a single spherical egg and a ventral canal cell.
The long, narrow neck consists of 6 vertical rows of neck cells enclosing a narrow neck canal which has a row of neck canal cells (10)
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Water is essential for fertilization. The jacket sells of the mature antheridium swell by absorbing water. The hydrostatic pressure thus generated bursts the operculum and the antherozoids are liberated.
The neck canal cells and the venter canal cell of mature archegonium degenerate forming a mucilaginous mass.
The mucilaginous mass swells up by absorbing water and as such the cover cells present at the tip of the archegonium are pushed apart.
The antherozoids are attracted towards the archegonia and a number of antherozoids swim down the neck but only faces with the egg and this oospore is formed.
The sporophyte of polytrichum is differentiated into a foot, a long seta, and an angular capsule.
Foot: A dagger-shaped structure embedded in the female gametophore. It is composed of parenchymatous cells. It acts as an anchoring and absorbing organ.
Seta: A long, slender structure between the foot and the capsule. Anatomically, seta is differentiated into epidermis, hypodermis, parenchymatous cortex and a central cylinder, 'hydroids'
The main function of seta is to raise the capsule to the height and conduction of water and nutrients.
Capsule: The capsule is differentiated into 3 parts:
a) Apophysis (Basal part): The distal end of seta gradually enlarges to form a bulbous apophysis ad the base of the capsule. It has a thick walled epidermis continued with that of the seta.
Epidermis is interrupted by stomata, each stoma has 2 guard cells. It is followed by chlorenchymatous cortex and it serves as photosynthetic tissue.
The central part of apophysis is occupied by a conduction strands which is in continuation with the columella and seta (sterile).
b) Theca (Fertile): The middle fertile part of the capsule. It shows many longitudinal grooves. The wall or jacked of theca is composed of several layers of chlorophyllous cells. The outermost layer forms epidermis devoid of stomata. 'Thickwalls', 2-3 layers of cells, chlorenchyma wall layers.
An air space of lacuna is present inner to the wall layers and is divided into small chambers by transverse filaments of chlorophyll containing cells, the trabeculae.
The outer space is followed by space sac. The fertile cells present inside the spore sac constitute the archesporial tissue.
Initially the archesporium is single layered but it becomes many layered in later stages of development of the sporophyte.
The last generation of archesporial-cells differentiates into spore mother cells. Each spore mother cells will form four haploid spores.
The spore sac is also surrounded on the sinner side by an inner air space. It is also transversed by many transverse trabeculae.
The central part of the capsule is occupied by a thick column of parenchymatous cells, the columella. This is a sterile tissue which is continuous with the central axis of the apophysis.
c) Operculum: The apical part of the capsule which forms a cap-like structure at the apex of the theca. It has an extended proximal part, called rostrum, and a projects beak-like distal(?) part.
The boundaries of the operculum and theca are marked by a distinct countriction(??), the rim.
The distal end of the columella is expanded into a pale thin membranous epiphragm at the base of the operculum.
In the mature capsule the peristome is composed of 32 or 64 peristoimal teeth. The teeth are pyramidal and composed of fiber like cells several layers in thickness.
Peristome regulates spore discharge. They do not exhibit hygroscopic movements.
Dehiscence of Capsule:
At maturity, the capsule shrivels as it dries up. The columella disintegrates and the spores come to lie in the cavity thus formed.
Further drying and shriveling of the capsule wall causes the operculum to fall off and thus exposing the peristome.
After exposure of the peristome, thin walled cells of the epiphragm lying between the peristomial teeth also dry and this several minute holes are formed. The spores are dispersed through these holes.
Only a few spores are liberated every time the capsule sways in the wind. This method of spore dispersal is known as censor mechanism.
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Young Gametophyte:
The spores are small sounded structures, yellow but turn green immediately after dispersal. The spore wall is differentiated into an outer exospore and an inner endospore.
At the time of germination, the exospore ruptures and the endospore comes out in the form of germ tube.
The germ tube grows rabidly and forms a septate and branched protonema, which grows by an apical cell. It grows into a young gametophyte.
Evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes
The sporophyte of the majority of liverworts and mosses show the same plan. It is made up of an anchoring and absorbing foot, a stalk like seta, and a capsule which contains spores and elaters.
A comparative study of the sporophytes shows that there has been a progressive reduction in the amount of the fertile tissues from Marchantials to Bryales.
In all the bryophytes the oospore, formed as a result of fertilization, is the mother cell of sporophyte. In the simplest type of sporophyte the entire oospore is utilized in the formation of spores and capsule wall.
In some simple forms, some spore mother cells, which fail to develop into spores, form elaters.
In complex forms, the oospore develops into a sporophyte which is differentiated into foot, seta, and capsule.
The following 2 contrasting views have been put forwards with regard to the evolution of sporophytes in bryophytes: progressive sterilization and progressive reduction.
Evolution of Sporophyte by Progressive Sterilization
This view, aka "theory of progressive evolution" or "theory of sterilization" was put forward by Bower and supported by Cavers and Campbell.
According to this theory, the sporophytes of the complex forms (ex: Funaria) have evolved due to progressive sterilization of the potential fertile tissue of the simpler forms (ex: Riccia)
In primitive forms the sporophyte is simple and made of the tissue of the sporophyte is fertile (???)
The progressive sterilization from Riccia to Funaria occurred through the following stages:
First Stage: The simplest known sporophyte among bryophytes is that of Ricca. It consists of only capsule, there being no trace of seta and foot.
The entire sporogenous tissue is converted into spores. Few sterile cells (nurse cells) have nutritive function. They are supposed to be ancestors of elaters.
Second Stage: In Corsinia the sterilization has gone a step further and in addition to nurse cells, a sterile foot is also present.
Third Stage: Further sterilization is seen in Sphaerocarpus where the sporophyte has a sterile bulbous foot and a narrow seta, in addition to fertile capsule.
Fourth Stage: In Targionia, the sporophyte is differentiated into a bulbous foot, a massive seta and a capsule.
Amphithecium gives rise to single layered jacked of the capsule and only about half of endothelial cells give rise to fertile sporogenous tissue and the remaining half form sterile elaters. Thus there is further sterilization of sporogenous tissue.
Fifth Stage: In Marchantia, the sporophyte shows foot, seta, and a capsule.
Amphithecium gives rise to a single layered capsule wall and the endothecium forms sporogenous tissue. Approximately 50% of the sporogenous cells forms the spores and the remaining 50% the elaters with thickening bands.
Sixth Stage: The sporophyte of Pellia is also differentiated into foot, seta, and capsule as in Marchantia, but the jacked of the capsule is 2 or more layered. Furthermore a fixes sterile elatophore is present at the proximal end of the capsule with a bunch of elaters.
Seventh Stage: The sporophyte of Anthoceros, consists of bulbus food and a horn or brittle-like capsule. The capsule wall is made up of 4-6 layers of parenchymatous cells.
The outer wall later is epidermis which possesses stomata. The cells of the inner layers of capsule wall have chloroplasts. Thus the sporophyte is capable of synthesizing its own food and is only dependent on gametophyte for water and nutrients.
Another important feature is the presence of central column of sterile cells, the columella.
The tissue of the archesporium differentiates into large fertile spore mother cells and flat and relatively small sterile elater mother cells.
Eighth Stage: The highest degree of sterilization is found in the class Bryopsida.
Regions like foot, seta, capsule wall, columella, apophysis, operculum, and peristome in sporophytes of Funaria and Polytrichum represent the sterile tissue.
The sporogenous tissue is confined only to spore sacs and constitutes a very negligible part of the sporophyte.
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Evolution of Sporophyte by Progressive Reduction
Aka Simplification
Kashyap, Church, Goebel, and Evans are the supporters of the retrogressive theory of evolution.
According to this theory, the simple sporophyre of Riccia is the most advanced and has evolved by progressive reduction or simplification of the complex forms such as Funaria and Polytrichum.
The significant steps in the reduction series are:
1. Simplification of the dehiscence apparatus.
2. Reduction of the green photosynthetic tissue in the capsule wall.
3. Disappearance of stomata and intercellular spaces in capsule wall.
4. Decrease in the thickness of the capsule wall.
5. Gradual elimination of seta and foot.
6. There is no progressive increase in the fertility of the sporogenous cells.
Origin of Alteration of Generations
Antithetic Theory:
Celkovasky proposed this theory. On the basis of this theory, the gametophyte or sexual plant represents the original generation.
The sporophyte or the non-sexual plant is a new and different phase evolved by progressive elaboration of the diploid zygote.
The factors which caused its origin are prompt germination of the zygote accompanies by delayed meiosis.
The result is the production of a small sporophyte of Riccia consisting simply of a spore case.
With further elaboration and increased sterilization of the spore producing tissue, a larger sporophyte with differentiation into a foot., a seta, and a capsule is finally evolved.
Homologous Theory:
Pringsheim proposed this theory. According to this theory, sporophyte is not a new generation, but a direct modification of the gametophyte.
It advocated the fact that among the green algae, the gametophyte plant reproduces by both the methods of reproduction.
It bears spores and also the gametes.
In the course of evolutionary sequence, these two functions become separated in two distinct individuals.
The individuals forming spores came to be known as sporophyte and those forming gametes knows as gametophyte.
These two individuals occur regularly alternating in the life cycle.
Both the individuals in primitive land plants where photosynthetic and free living. Gradually the sporophyte became attached to and partly parasitic on the gametophyte. Consequently it became reduced.
Marchantia Thallus
The gametophyte of Marchantia is prostrate, dorsiventral and dichotomously branched. A distinct midrib is present in each branch of thallus.
The apex of each branch is notched and a growing point is situated at the base of each notch.
The dorsal surface of the thallus appears to be masked out into small rhomboidal to polygonal shaped areas called areoles. Which represent the outline of underlying air chambers.
Each areole has got a black dot like spot in the center which marks the position of stoma-like opening leading to air chamber.
Along the midrib on the dorsal surface of the thallus there are certain cup-shaped structures with frilled margins known as gemma cups and they contain special vegetative reproductive bodies called gemmae. (vegetative propagation)
The ventral surface of the thallus bears rhizoids and scales on both sides of the midrib. The rhizoids are usually colorless and unicellular.
Rhizoids are of 2 types: smooth walled and tuberculate. Their function is to:
i) Fix the thallus to substratum.
ii) Absorption of water and nutrients.
The multicellular, one-celled thick scales are arranged in 2-4 rows on either side of the midrib. They are of 2 types:
i) Appendiculate: usually form the inner row of scales, close to the midrib. Have apical appendage.
ii) Ligulate: relatively small and do not have any appendage.
The function of scales is to:
i) Protect the growing point.
ii) Retain some water by capillary action.
The sexually mature thalli possess specialized erect branched called gametophores, which bear the sex organs. These branches arise from the growing apex situated in the apical notch.
The branches present on the male thalli bear the antheridia and are known as antheridiophores while those present on the female thalli bear the archegonia and are called as archegoniophores.
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meirimerens · 4 days ago
in the countryside for the end of week, opened up my Fanfiction Writing Window on my computer (let's get back to it) and it's so funny seeing what i left open after i finished writing my peterstakh. "types of algea" "sea foam other names" "spiral phyllotaxis" "parastichy synonyms" "fusinus scolus" "pharidae" okay. underwater sex type of fic
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reality-detective · 2 years ago
"The spiral is perceived to be the torque of the universe. Found at all levels between the macrocosm & the microcosm, from spiral galaxies, to weather systems, to the water in your bathtub drain, to your DNA."
This sacred spiral, Golden Ratio, Phyllotaxis -> Φ Phi-llotaxis pattern 🌻 isn't just found all throughout which constructs nature, but is the same pattern as energy transmission lines / Frequency, to the very pattern of the magnetism itself, as seen with a magnet under a Ferrocell. 🍩 🧲 ⚛️
THIS is universal "LAW & ORDER"
See how many NATURAL sacred geometric patterns & formulas have been STOLEN & perverted by the occult, yet they're waved in our faces absolutely EVERYWHERE on a daily basis that we're completely oblivious to
⚛️ 🍩 🌀 🧲
To remove FAITH, you remove ORDER
There is DIVINE "LAW & ORDER" in the universe. But, that's the point of hiding it from us. It proves order, & of that order, proves The Divine.
You are more than you know. 🤔
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madamlaydebug · 2 years ago
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The pinecone is universally revered as one of the purest naturally occurring forms of Sacred Geometry, its pattern being the flower's evolutionary precursor, having its spirals in a perfect Fibonacci Sequence, much like the geometry of a rose or a sunflower.
This ubiquitous formation in nature is a common type of phyllotaxis pattern, from the ancient Greek phýllon "leaf" and taxis "arrangement", which refers to the set of principles that govern the arrangement of leaves along the stem of plants.  But not only in the plant world, these same principles govern the configuration of cycles of harmonic vibrations at all scales of nature, including in our DNA and in the orbits of the planets.
The pinecone symbol is one of the most mysterious emblems found in ancient and modern art and architecture.
Few scholars realize this, but in different cultures the pinecone alludes to the highest degree of spiritual illumination, similar to the Lotus and Flower of Life symbolism.
The Pinecone symbol can be found in the ruins of Egyptians, Indonesians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Buddhists and Christians. It also appears in the designs of esoteric traditions such as Freemasonry, Theosophy, Gnosticism and esoteric Christianity.
The pinecone symbolizes the science of light and its relationship with the mind and body through our pineal gland or "Third Eye", which represents the unified awareness that directs the evolutionary energy flow. The shape of the gland has a phyllotaxis pattern similar to that of the pinecone, hence its name Pineal Gland has its origin in the word "Pinecone".
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insomniac-isotope · 1 year ago
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Theoretically nearby stars should be more likely to connect in a constellation, but it's also possible to have criss-crossing lines, which should be avoided. But when you cut out one side of the boxed-X-shape that gets generated on the spiral points, you end up with a bunch of visible spiral lines, since all these points are in fact connected together in many separate spirals. That's phyllotaxis for you!
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years ago
Three basic phyllotactic patterns, termed alternate, decussate (opposite), and spiral, can be directly linked to the pattern of initiation of leaf primordia on the shoot apical meristem (Figure 17.32). (...) As we discussed in Chapter 17, polar auxin transport in the L1 layer of the SAM is essential for leaf primordia emergence, and is responsible for leaf phyllotaxy (the pattern of leaf emergence from the stem; see Figure 17.32).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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earthvitalsignimpact · 26 days ago
The Fibonacci Sequence: A Mathematical Blueprint of Nature and the Cosmos
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Disclaimer: Fibonacci Alert!
Yes, the Fibonacci Sequence is everywhere—but no, it’s not stalking you. 🌿🔢
This article is for educational and entertainment purposes only. We make no claims about ancient aliens, secret codes, or the universe being built on math (but wouldn’t that be wild?).
UEVS is not responsible for anyone who starts seeing Fibonacci spirals in their cereal, coffee, or cat. If this happens, step outside, take a deep breath, and remember—sometimes, life is just beautifully random. 😉
The Fibonacci Sequence: A Mathematical Blueprint of Nature and the Cosmos
Dr. Elana sat in the dimly lit archive room, her fingers tracing the edges of an ancient manuscript. The pages, brittle with time, depicted spirals, proportions, and sequences—symbols she had seen before. The Fibonacci spiral. A pattern older than history, yet embedded in the fabric of existence. She had encountered it in temples, in the ruins of Machu Picchu, and even in the celestial mechanics of distant planets. Now, in the hidden vaults of UEVS, she realized that this sequence was more than just a mathematical curiosity. It was a universal design—one that connected life, growth, and even the evolution of intelligence itself.
As UEVS transitioned from climate research to a broader pursuit of hidden knowledge—historical, technological, and metaphysical—the Fibonacci Sequence emerged as a key principle. It was a bridge between science, nature, and the fundamental order of reality.
What is the Fibonacci Sequence?
Mathematically, the Fibonacci Sequence is a simple yet profound pattern of numbers, beginning with 0 and 1, where each subsequent number is the sum of the two preceding ones:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, …
At first glance, it may appear as a basic arithmetic rule, but its implications extend far beyond numbers on a page. The Fibonacci Sequence is deeply interwoven into biological growth, cosmic structure, and even human perception.
Fibonacci in Nature: The Code of Life
One of the most fascinating aspects of the sequence is its ubiquitous presence in the natural world. From the spirals of galaxies to the petals of flowers, from DNA structure to the proportions of the human body, Fibonacci numbers and their associated ratio—the Golden Ratio (Φ ≈ 1.618)—govern the very architecture of life.
Botanical Growth 🌱
Sunflowers, pinecones, and pineapples exhibit Fibonacci spirals in their seed arrangements, maximizing efficiency and light exposure.
Leaf arrangements (phyllotaxis) in plants follow Fibonacci numbers to optimize space and sunlight absorption.
The Animal Kingdom 🦋
The branching of antlers, the spiral of a snail’s shell, and even the proportions of dolphin and whale bodies are aligned with Fibonacci proportions.
The spiral flight paths of hawks and the migration routes of certain species exhibit Fibonacci dynamics.
Human Proportions and Perception 👁️
The human face, limb ratios, and even the structure of DNA exhibit Fibonacci-based proportions.
The way we perceive beauty—whether in art, music, or architecture—often correlates with Golden Ratio proportions, suggesting an evolutionary basis for aesthetic preference.
Fibonacci in the Universe: A Cosmic Constant?
Beyond biology, the Fibonacci Sequence appears in physics and astronomy, suggesting a deeper structural principle of the cosmos.
Galactic spirals—Many galaxies, including our Milky Way, exhibit Fibonacci spiral patterns.
Planetary orbits—The distribution of planets and moons often aligns with Fibonacci-based distances.
Black holes and quantum physics—Some physicists speculate that Fibonacci structures might emerge in quantum field fluctuations and even dark matter distribution.
UEVS and the Fibonacci Mystery
As Dr. Elana and her team shift UEVS’s focus, Fibonacci principles become a key framework for understanding hidden structures in history, ancient architecture, and future technology.
Could Fibonacci proportions explain the construction of lost temples and sacred geometry in civilizations long gone?
Do quantum Fibonacci ratios play a role in the formation of exotic matter or advanced energy systems?
If Fibonacci patterns appear in evolution, could they be a sign of underlying intelligence guiding development?
A Hidden Message?
As Elana studied the manuscript before her, she recognized something beyond coincidence. The Fibonacci Sequence was not just a law of nature—it was a pattern of intelligence, a signature written into the very fabric of existence. Was this pattern encoded into the universe by chance, or was it left as a trail of breadcrumbs by an ancient civilization or a higher intelligence?
This was the next puzzle to solve.
🔢🌿🔭 The Fibonacci Sequence—Nature’s Hidden Blueprint or a Key to a Greater Mystery?
Livio, M. (2002). The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number. Broadway Books.
Golden Ratio: The Divine Beauty of Mathematics Hardcover – 24 October 2018 by Gary B. Meisner (Author), Rafael Araujo (Illustrator)
Huntley, H. E. (1970). The Divine Proportion: A Study in Mathematical Beauty. Dover Publications.
Kappraff, J. (2001). Connections: The Geometric Bridge between Art and Science. World Scientific Publishing.
Jean, R. V. (1994). Phyllotaxis: A Systemic Study in Plant Morphogenesis. Cambridge University Press.
L. P. Kadanoff (2000). Statistical Physics: Statics, Dynamics and Renormalization. World Scientific.
Zeising, A. (1854). Aesthetic Research: Mathematical Form in Art and Nature. Leipzig.
Pesic, P. (2003). Abel’s Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability. MIT Press.
E. R. Weibel et al. (2005). The Pathway for Oxygen: Structure and Function in the Mammalian Respiratory System. Harvard University Press.
Mandelbrot, B. (1982). The Fractal Geometry of Nature. W. H. Freeman & Co.
Penrose, R. (2005). The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe. Knopf.
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theotherchaospixel · 1 month ago
word nebula
a quick experiment using the Library of Babel project (look it up, cool concept at least) as a tool to create. an exploration of the nature of language and belief and understanding. some sentences are mine, some are edited fragments of pretty much random words, but all follow proper sentence structure, and some even have something to do with anything, my point being that meaning can be constructed from nonsense. and thats pretty cool.
entropic wilderness fasteners confusably reendowed echoviruses. acetone greengrocer antiterrorisms brutalize perigees. infinite stars, infinite galaxies, infinite monkeys at infinite typewriters. osteoarthritic ciphertext tenderises dolmenic spenders. pantries contravened laddered iconolatries, lards deconstruct forewarners, retreatants incandesce kata. knowledge cannot be contained by simple words, and the belief that it could is naught but a fools errand.
silverhorn epistolises sentences, cake versings incentivise giddily. and yet, one may hope to believe that something could be translated. phyllotaxied occultist phreakers diamond oversup. they would be incorrect that it could, but the hope is not wrong. annats formalistically, diagrammatically, connivently entitle seizures. there is an answer to every question, but not every answer will make sense in what words can say. saleroom moonrakings snowslip volubility. ferrosilicon scenemen richen colistin wakanda. the essence of information can only be understood fragmentally, sensationally, like the corona of the sun in an eclipse, the only way to perceive the truth is from the bits and pieces we find just outside what we truly understand. sartorially median dermatologic caponata helmeted outshouts of spectacled waveguides. temporized impaving disposes wontedness. snob demands finer edifications, impactite bolivars. magenta does not exist, nor does any color in actuality, it is naught but red and blue at once, but we believe it does exist, and that is enough. appetitive bookfuls prologuised fantasticalness, cimbaloms areached palmist locksets. bees dance to speak, trees have clan wars, and infinity is not a number, and the truth is a small, incomprehensible mess that words can only hint at. love is a chemical, yet we feel it all the same. diplomated chaptrels transpierce decree. naebody modulates insociably. overseed resinise debones coquet ting outreasoned scrattling guipure pathetic outfind epiloguized fluidity. an amygdule afflicts shimaals pestilence, intermodulation torchons inventory ridgepole sentinels. refuging beignets unlays, sperses, harries percipiency cunningly. life has no beginning, has no end, and ultimately may not even exist, and yet exist it does, and isnt that beautiful. serpiginously, hexaplas kbars mooted prefad ing transcutaneous vadose factors. colorblind people understand red, deaf people understand sound. cockups bowget proselytic wage weirdoes. historiology aril sighted. entelechies. any set of letters, any set of words, could mean anything to anyone, and noone would ever notice the difference. prepollencies apocalyptically lurk. cleaners are communionally nonsurgical. unthoughtful resipiscence cippuses imprints on uveas. a mind could exist on thought alone, if it had to, and other minds complicate everything, by virtue of simply existing. a hairbrained cav eating umbonic skipper vires punnily. enchained exorbitancies clankingly hotplat e entryists. but thats not a bad thing.
this is also very much the sort of thing that i have a world & a bunch of characters just to explore the concept of, the nature of. hopefully this is even remotely cool to anyone else.
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newsepick · 3 months ago
The Fibonacci Series: Nature's Math Magic
Discover the fascinating world of the Fibonacci sequence and learn how this mathematical pattern appears in various aspects of life including nature, art, and science, etc.Did you know? Today is the day, we celebrate the Fibonacci Sequence, a mathematical marvel where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... and so on. This sequence forms the foundation of countless phenomena in mathematics and beyond, bridging the abstract with the tangible. At the heart of its significance lies its connection to the “Golden Ratio” (φ ≈ 1.618), a mathematical constant that emerges when you take the ratio of successive Fibonacci numbers as they approach infinity. The Golden Ratio manifests in nature 🌿—from the arrangement of leaves (phyllotaxis) 🌻 to the spirals of shells 🐚 and galaxies 🌌. It's also a cornerstone of art and architecture, shaping masterpieces like the Parthenon and influencing modern design. Engineers, physicists, and biologists find echoes of φ in wave dynamics, crystal structures, and even DNA's double helix. The Fibonacci sequence also underpins fractals and self-similar patterns, offering insights into chaos theory and recursive algorithms. For more such amazing news stories don’t forget to checkout Newsepick: https://app.newsepick.com/
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