#phycological facts
mossinformed · 2 years
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Some moss leaves have a costa, a thickened structure running down the center of the leaf that provides support and has some capacity to transport water. This is just one of many adaptations bryophytes developed when they decided to move from water to land ~500 MILLION years ago. Half a billion.
Coastal seaweed communities were developing around the same time, and some have a midrib, which is a structure along the blade with a similar purpose.
Images used with permission: leaves of Tortula brevipes (possibly muralis) under the microscope and close-up of the costa.
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halomancer · 2 years
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I took some kids on a nature walk today, and I’ll admit I got a little too excited about the earth stars. They totally matched my energy though, and I got to talk about mushrooms with an enthusiastic audience!
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mooneggtarts · 2 months
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Hazbin... Heaven.... Heavbin?? AU?? Should I even make this into an au?? I mean, I don't have that many aus in my list (just 5 currently)
I did thought out about this, basically just what if Lucifer never offer Eve the apple? Meaning Hell never exsisted, meaning also that evil never actually slipped into earth, meaning humanity never have free will and I like to explore a world such as that. Where humanity is nothing but puppets in strings, a utopian sort of thing.
Until I suppose, someone suddenly slowly becoming *too* aware of that fact (hmmm I wonder who that is.. *looks up* ah ofc, him.)
Where the everyday same old peace and order suddenly became too unbearable that it somehow creates the very first extential crisis of his very exsistence (how he thinks there must be something wrong with him) that it changes his ways on how to live normally in such society (and how he realises that he can't say anything about it to not gain such dangerous attention)
Gosh why can't I just make a silly AU without any phycological lore behind it 😭😭
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health-bazzar · 1 year
Did you know ? colon cleansing Many aren't fat but may have between 5-25 lbs of toxic waste sitting in their colon.
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‌Certainly, I can help explain this in simple terms!
‌Did you know that sometimes even if people aren't overweight, they might have around 5 to 25 pounds of harmful waste in their colon? The colon is a part of our digestive system. If this waste isn't cleared out properly, it can cause problems like constipation (when you can't go to the bathroom easily), IBS (which is a tummy issue), and bloating (when your stomach feels puffy).
‌To avoid these issues, it's a good idea to clean out the colon 1 or 2 times a year. This is like giving it a proper cleaning to get rid of the harmful stuff that could be causing these problems. When you do this cleansing, it can help eliminate the toxins (bad stuff) that might be making you gain weight or causing digestive problems.
‌So, to keep your colon healthy, it's important to do a colon cleanse every now and then. It's a bit like tidying up your room to keep it clean and cozy. This way, you can feel better and avoid those uncomfortable tummy issues. Just remember to talk to a doctor before trying any kind of cleansing to make sure it's safe for you.
Free download ebook weightloss
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Maybe deja vu is just god or the universe giving us a second chance to live that moment or day again.
What if we are given a second chance to change something in our life and we just don't know it.
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misterdetectiveswag · 4 months
summary; headcanons for kaiser as your spouse and teammate.
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pairing; Micheal Kaiser x m!reader
warnings/tags; reader is playing for bastard munchen, not proofread, suggestive in a way that I don't get
a/n; i wrote this when i was relishing the thought of eating the sea food in eating shows, plz don't bomb me if ever the grammar is shitty.
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★ when you two perform 1v1s and he loses, he tries to brush it off as not even trying.
★ his ego is fragile as fuck and he expects you to take care of him. even if you were the one to wound his pride.
★ as much of bitch as he is, he actually (kind of) takes care of you when you had a shitty day.
★ he's lowkey insecure of his looks, because of the fact he looks way too much like his mom for his comfort.
★ he's genuinely such a loser that it's embarrassing (affectionate).
★ if ever he's wearing anything more than eyeliner, it's a really thin layer of foundation.
★ plus on the topic of makeup, he prefers jaw or neck kisses cause he doesn't want you to ruin his makeup.
★ he gets so offended when you insult or mildly say something bad about how he goes about his morning, cause he sees it as his motivation.
★ he uses his name as an excuse for you to treat him as an emperor.
★ he really expects some praise. just stroke his ego and he'll be happy.
★ for some reason he gets offended when you tug his rat tails during make out sessions.
★ those phycological books helped him become adept in guilt tripping.
★ he vocally gets more cocky when you kiss the crown on his hand.
★ he'd gift you blue roses whenever it's valentines day.
★ you two never announced it to the rest of bastard munchen that you two are dating, but the romantic tension between you two didn't go unnoticed by them.
★ he is selfish with his stuff, even with you.
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© misterdetectiveswag
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dairy-farmer · 1 month
When ever any of the bats have a big disagreement or fight that gets too out of hand Bruce just loudly orders the two people butting heads to ‘take it to the mats!’
Where they have to wrestle/grapple it out until someone wins when the other taps or neither of them have energy to continue. Usually Bruce will just tell them they are done when this happens. Both parties too exhausted to continue.
It didn’t start out sexual. It was a genuine effort on Bruce’s part to focus his angry troubled kids into channeling that energy in to learning/training skill and ability. ‘Don’t let the anger distract you’ ‘Overcome your stronger opponent.’
Maybe he started this himself with Dick when he started rebelling and fighting Bruce. Maybe Bruce never wrestled his kids because he would always think of himself as ‘right’ in their arguments thus it starts once his kids start outnumbering him.
He started this tradition as a peace making tactics when Jason came along and he and Dick started have screaming matches in the Cave. He just wanted them to stop shouting and his attempts at mediating verbally never worked.
So he just made them shut up and wrestle about it.
So “Take it to The Mats! ™️” was born
always the same rules-
No weapons or kicking or vertical fighting at all actually. Heavy hits outside of actual combat aren’t worth the risk. Especially when the two bat kids are SO SO angry and quite a few of them had literally made attempts on the others life.
It is straight up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (look it up) it’s all pins and holds all while grabbing and wrapping each other up in arms and legs and limbs.
The objective is to physically overwhelming the other and pressing down or capturing them so they can’t squirm away.
The sport in of it’s-self is a bit sexually charged, not to the level of mud wrestling or Turkish oil wrestling, buts it’s undeniably��intimate.
Maybe it’s just because they are teenagers when they all start participating in this tradition, at the height of puberty with raging hormones and many of them with little crushes on their older siblings. Maybe it’s because they are all bats with their own phycological sexually deprived minds that aren’t entirely immune to the fucked-up-ness that is maybe wanting to sleep with your adoptive family. Or maybe it’s just the adrenaline and burning anger that’s sometimes so close to lust, that heat of the moment thing.
Whatever it is, it’s super sexually charged and there is so much crotch contact with all parts of your operations body that even someone who has a cunt/pussy would get enough friction to get off.
So maybe they wrestling matched turn into something differently won. Maybe it’s become a way for them to fulfil a fucked up desire that they can’t get any other way without ruining the very fragile family dynamic.
Eventually every time, without fail these fights take a turn and then the objective is not to pin the other person down into submission and wait for a tap out but instead you are just trying to get that person to orgasam before they make you. It isnt something as padestioan as laying on the mats humping each other like highschoolers. They are Bats, it’s highly skills Jiu Jitsu…just with morally grey rules and wondering hands and gyrating hips.
In fact a layman watching on would probably not realise when these grappling matches change. The average civilian wouldn’t notice the tell tail groan of defeat sometimes drags out a few seconds too long or sounds strained in a way that’s undeniably pornographic.
They are all highly trained and are all aware of what they are looking at. Having used the same tactics themselves. It’s strangely less embarrassing when you are on the mats during these fight knowing that the people watching have been in your place. Have themselves won and lost this game of control. They have all seen each other like this.
Maybe the first time someone orgasms right their on the mats under the watchful eye of Batman it was embarrassing and shameful. But not anymore not after so long of being part of this tradition.
Maybe it was Jason under Dick entirely embarrassed and not sure why it happened it just did. He’s 14 and a stiff breeze can get him hard. So cumming in his pants while resting with his big warm sweaty older brother was bound to happen. He never wants to look anymore in the face again. But Bruce and Dick say nothing.
Maybe it’s all of them. Each having potentially their first ever sexually experience/ orgasam with another person right there on the mats in the Bat cave while Bruce watches.
Nothing ever happens if Bruce hasn’t okayed it. If he’s not there to tell them to fight it out. Or if for some reason he hasn’t deemed the conflict worth fighting over. Bruce will always be there to tell them when, how and where and he will always be there to watch them. His word is law in this. He is also the person you want to impress most.
They need Bruce to say it. They need him to tell them to, they need to hear him tell them that it’s okay and they are allowed to have this.
It becomes this kinda taboo/ unspoken thing that they all do. No one stops it. Because honestly Bruce should have been the one too stop it years ago when it first started ending in climax and not in tap outs. They would all be hypocrites if they spoke up now and said anything, they have all done it. More importantly they all guiltily love watching it too. Honest it dose actually help them. The argument stops and doesn’t start up again. The feelings that were hurt with words are soothed and smoothed over with physical action. No words are as vicious as the may they can and will use your weakness on The Mats.
Jason/Tim,Jason/Dick, Dick/Barbara, Dick/Tim, Steph/ Tim. DAMIAN/// TIM! Damian/Dick
Literally any of them is just so 😫😍🥹 to imagine. But I know you are only interested in Timmy. And admit I also just want to see him under another bat.
•14 y/o Jason watching Dick and Barbara, who at some point actually started making out and Bruce just sits and doesn’t interrupt but kept watch until one of them was done and told them to hit the showers.
• Tim and Steph when they are still dancing around eachother and Steph is shameless and flirtatious and taking advantage of pretty little Timmy under her. They have just had their first real fight and her feelings are hurt so she wants to embarrass Tim.
• DamIAN DAMIAN!! who has such a different outlook on sex/ intamecy and violence. The way he thinks the family pecking order should work, and all his horrible anger obsessive feelings toward Tim. He wants Tim to submit to him god damn it!
They are fairly matched in the beginning, but they fight nasty with teeth and nails and draw blood. It’s not exactly in the rules but Bruce hardly ever actually intervenes any behaviour when two people finding themselves here. He ALWAYS supervises thought. Never taking his eyes of this kids that time and time again need to blow off steam and lash out at eachother. It’s hate and it’s love that’s makes them want to hurt and hump each other.
The older Damian gets the more his fighting styles changes with Tim he start to fight more like Jason with his size and weight. Brute force keeps Tim under Damian towards the end of their matches. He puts up a good fight but eventually he doesn’t have the energy to resist. Not when Damian fights fairly now. No more teeth and nails he bends Tim how he wants him and presses so hard with his weight he leaves bruises on Tim’s hips.
In his teenage years Damian gets Tim on the mats so much it becomes a running joke the others snicker at. Jason especially loves to make a quip about getting Timmy on the mats. One Christmas he gets Damian an acalate or tacky trophy that proudly states a PB for ‘Most Time Spent on The Mat’ Or an embarrassing award for ‘most improved’ a jab at Damian’s earlier years when he was too eager to get Tim on the mats and overpower him. Nighting tooth and nail until Tim manages to get him hard after which Damian and inexperienced teenager would embarrassingly get lost in the fight and chase his own pleasure and finish accidentally.
As a pair no one has as much time on The Mats™️ as they do, but individually no one have as much time on the mats as Tim does.
I’m not good at smut writing 😩🫣 so I will leave that up to you! Feel free to have this idea if you like it. With any of the Bats on top of Tim! Yes please!
!!!!!!!!!! this is so gooood!!
they settle it "on the mats" by itself is good but the voyeurism?? the way bruce's control issues would be getting fanned because it's all happening on his whim and with his permission and he could stop it any moment if he wanted!!!! the way tim would work things out with bruce and dick on the mats and they'd initially be nervous, testing to see if it would fly because tim would be the first non-family member they tried it with 😍😍😍!!!
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gotham-uni-council · 1 year
Some people got confused on the newer electives at our school, so I’ve complied a list for you!! ^^
Strange Gotham University electives
Gothams Vigilantes and Villains: A crash course into both the protecters and destroyers of Gotham! It focuses on many topics including origins, first sightings, changes throughout the year (appearance otherwise), Suit designs, relationships with other hero’s and villains, etc
Batty gadgets and tech: A mini-course for engineering students looking into the schematics of Batman’s gadgets.
Villainous formulas: A mini-course for chemistry students analyzing things like Joker venom, Fear gas, and Banes venom.
Ivy botany: A unit in Botany class where we study the unique biology of Ivys plants as well as her pollens/spores.
Villain phycology: A unit in physcoanalysis where we look at what we know about the villians of Gotham and determine what went wrong in their lives and what we could’ve done to make them better.
V&V costume design: A mini-unit in cosmetics class where we look at the different suits used over the year and determine their effectiveness vs style.
And finally my personal favorite, Batfamily Conspiracy: It’s more of a club then a class, but a bunch of us get together every week and look at the facts and theories to try and figure out the identity’s of the Bafamily (and the Joker sometimes). The running theory is that Joker is Batman’s (who we believe is either Jim Gordon or a close relative of him) ex lover who took to a life of crime after being rejected and let down harshly by the man.
If you wish for more, I’ll see what I can do, but for now enjoy ^^ -Circe
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Monster!Reader (Part 4)
Requested: Yes
Warnings: Manipulation, Phycological Horror, Forced Amnesia, Light Gore, Dismemberment, Obsession, Stalking, Kidnapping, Broken Limbs, Poorly translated Russian, Character Death (background), Mentions of eating people (not technically cannibalism since the reader isn’t a human), Traditionally female monsters but reader is kept GN.
A/N: I uh, got a little bit darker with this one. And I’ll give credit where credit is do. @ghouljams I didn’t do it on purpose but when I was proofreading Roach’s part I realized it sounded a lot like Threat. It was a complete fucking accident 🖐.
König - Pixie
The heat around him was suffocating him, especially with his mask on. The sweat soaking through the fabric and making it stick to his face. Troublesome, making him unable to focus on the target through the scope of the rifle. So he opted to simply tear it off, careful to keep it within reach should he need it. But he hadn’t realized that in doing so, he left himself vulnerable to the many bugs surrounding him. Mosquitoes especially, annoying little things that he had to keep smushing.
And when he felt something soft and light brush against his cheek, he didn’t even think before he smacked it, startled by the crunch of something and a cry of pain. Loud in his ear but quiet when he pulled his hand away to see….you. Clutching your bent leg, one of your shimmering wings at an odd angle, sobbing your heart out in the palm of his hand, clearly in quite a bit of pain. He panicked, forgetting the fact that this was a very weird situation and that five minutes ago he didn’t even know that pixies existed, just cooing to you and gently trying to examine you, jumping when you screamed as he brushes his fingertip against your wing.
“*Tut mir leid!” He cried, probably a bit too loudly considering the way you jumped in fear, curling in on yourself the best you could. A scared little injured mouse in the paw of the fierce lion. “It’s okay. Shh, I will help you, *Kleines Glühwürmchen. Don’t be afraid. *Es tut mir so leid.”
He pulled you close to his chest, shushing you even as you beat at his fingers with your tiny body, kicking with your good leg, biting, and scratching at him as he placed you in a pocket of his vest, clicking it shut so you couldn’t fall out when he moved. He still had a job to do, but he promises he’ll take care of you afterwards! Bandage you up and get you back to perfect health again. He hoped those pretty wings of yours weren’t as fragile as they looked, hoped that they would heal so you could fly around again.
If not, well, he’d just have to keep taking care of you.
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Roach - Jorōgumo
How you two met was kind of a mystery to Roach, like a haze had taken over his mind. He remembered soft lips, music, flashing lights. Did he drink? He must have. It was the only thing that could rationalize the pure confusion that night brought up. All he knew was that he woke up to you lazily stroking at his head, and it felt like coming home. Like safety and love. So fuzzy with the feeling that he doesn’t even question when you stay in his home, when you crawl into his bed at night and kiss at his neck. Just giggle when he slurs out how much he loves you, how he can’t live without you. The feeling so overpowering that nothing began to feel real except for the touch of you.
He doesn’t remember his friends anymore, his brothers in arms. Their names forgotten somewhere in the back of his mind. Sometimes the thought of them itches at him, scratches at his skull like a rat in a jar. Incessantly, loudly, painfully. He’ll ask you, voice softened by a headache that pounds in his frontal lobe, if you know what he’s forgotten. But all you do is smile and kiss his cheek, and suddenly all those worries and the pain just fade away, putting him right back into that place of cotton candy sweet happiness and love.
He doesn’t notice the near invisible strings that wrap tighter and tighter around him everyday, cinching around his neck like a noose but never really biting into him. And your eyes always sparkling with poorly hidden mirth as he scratched at his neck, asking if you saw a hair that he couldn’t get. He believes you when you say no, doesn’t question you when you lick along that same line that night.
Ignorance is bliss, and he’d do anything to stay in your arms.
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Rudy - Witch
Rudy didn’t encounter you first hand for a long time but he found traces of you everywhere for months on end. Short curly hairs in his food, strange animals watching him from behind buildings and trees, and the ever present feeling of eyes watching him. Always the eyes, daggers digging into his back, reminding him of how he was never alone. Always watched. It was unnerving but also….comforting. On his loneliest nights, on his most dangerous missions, those eyes were always watching him. Keeping him company.
Some days he woke up swearing he felt the warmth of you at his side. The shape of your body denting his mattress, the weight of your arm tossed over his waist, the feel of your legs tangling with his. It was maddening as much as it was exhilarating and he couldn’t stop the wave of pure lust that rolled through him, needing to stroke his heavy and aching cock while those feelings still remained. Eyes rolling back in his head when he felt a phantom tongue lick the cum off his belly after he’d finished himself off.
But of course not everything can be so hot for Rudy. There are things that start to scare him. Nightmares of creatures looming over his bed, the vague shape of people in the dark corners of his room, sleep paralysis, and of course the sudden death or dismemberment of the people around him.
A too aggressive superior grabs his shoulder hard enough to leave bruises, and he loses that same hand in a freak accident with a shredder. A kind recruit bumps shoulders with him in the hallway and has half of her body burned during a mission. A man in a bar flirts with him and ends up dead in an alleyway, his own cock ripped off and shoved down his throat, eyes gouged out of his head, and his heart missing from his chest cavity.
That last one might be what scares Rudy most. As he’d woken up to a box on his bedside table, the vital organ still beating in the pretty red paper around it. But most horrifying was that he….wasn’t upset by it. Found his own heart swelling with affection as he reached out to touch it, feeling cold fingers creep along the back of his neck, leaving bloody trails. It felt like love sinking into his very soul.
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Nikto - Rusalka
Nikto couldn’t remember how he got to the lake. Couldn’t remember why he wanted to be at the lake. But here he stood, at the water’s edge, peering into the dark depths of it, moonlight shining on the surface. Soft slow waves lapping at the tips of his boots like a dog welcoming him home. Was this home? Nothing felt like it anymore. Nothing made him feel safe and warm and comforted, all the things people described as home. Nothing but that big moon, staring down at him. The chill of the breeze nipping at his cheeks through his mask, and the gentle touch of a hand reaching out to stroke at the small patch of skin on his ankle not covered by his pants or socks.
“I’ve missed you.” He heard you whisper, and he couldn’t even bring himself to listen to the voices in his head whispering that it was a lie. Your voice somehow overpowered them. It was the only thing that did. “*Мой сладкий ягненок. Step a little closer.” You beg, voice soft and pleading, ringing in his head like the wind chimes his Babushka used to hang around her house. He couldn’t deny you.
Slowly, carefully, he stepped deeper into the water, your approving hum vibrating through his bones. Deeper and deeper he waded, but never seemed to reach you. Not until the water was at his neck, your unnaturally sharp teeth glinting just below the surface of the waves.
“*хороший мальчик.” You whispered, the words making his heart pound despite the cold’s best attempts at making his blood slow. He sighed as you cupped his cheeks, pulling him forward until his face was nestled in the crook of your neck, humming a soft lullaby in his ear. He never understood why you didn’t kill him. Why didn’t drag him down into the watery depths like so many men before him but….he was glad for it. Glad to spend another day cradled in your arms, fingers slipping under his mask to tenderly trace his scars.
And if one day you changed your mind, then he’d be just as glad to be in his watery grave. His bones lining your nest, his flesh nourishing you, his very soul haunting you for the rest of your life, your guardian forevermore. Oh, what bliss.
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*Tut mir leid! = I’m sorry!
*Kleines Glühwürmchen. = Little Firefly. (Also can mean Glowworm but the intention is Firefly.)
*Es tut mir so leid. = I’m so sorry
*Мой сладкий ягненок. = My sweet lamb.
*хороший мальчик. = Good boy.
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54625 · 1 year
We all accept the fact that qsmp is homoerotic and gay as fuck, but no one ever talks about how absolutely hilarious the lore implications of that are. Like this super secretive and powerful organisation called the federation is in charge of what seems to be a long-term phycological experiment involving select individuals from all around the world, but at some point during whatever selection process occurred the person in charge went: REMEMBER. EVERYONE WHO WILL INHABIT THIS ISLAND MUST BE FUCKING GAY. IT IS IMPERATIVE.
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chaoticallyfluffy · 3 months
I don’t know much about Danny Phantom but I know for a fact he’d wear a Fanny pack. Whether it’s ironic or not I have no idea but he would at least pretend to be 110% into it and he just gets happier the more his friends get annoyed. He gives it weird names like the Danny Pack, Danny’s Fanny, Fanny Fenton, etc. While he’s transformed it’s The Phanny pack. The name acts as phycological warfare against the ghosts he fights so he uses that as excuse to never get rid of it.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Another Armandtism q: how do you think he would relate to the modern conceptualization of his neurodivergence? Would he see himself in the concept of autism and find some measure of comfort in it, or reject it out of hand as something that doesn’t apply to him? How would someone who was born before the field of psychiatry react to being told that part of who they are is considered reflective of a “condition” or a “disorder”?
ahhhh omggg I love this question!!! ❤️❤️ I think Armand would have trouble applying it to himself partly bcus he is much more spiritually +philosophy minded then conscious of like modern medicine and science. So I think it would be easier for him to understand his autism as a hypothetical characteristic then a diagnosis, bcus that’s what he’s used to. I doubt this dude has ever even been to a doctor so I imagine trying to understand himself through that modern perspective would be uncomfortable and feel foreign for him.
But! Armand is a fast and eager learner, while characters like lestat and Louis have that old person bitterness that keeps them from wanting to understand the modern perspective (bcus of pride that tells them that what they’re used to is better) Armand rlly wants to evolve with the times and to understand all the new technology and scientific advancements that come with it. So I don’t think he’d be so hesitant to explore the world of modern psychiatry. I think his natural curiosity and desire to understand things outside of his comprehension would overpower his fear of vulnerability + fear of exploring his own mind + lack of natural understanding of what he’s being exposed to. I don’t think it would be out of character for Armand to seek out an autism diagnosis just out of interest in learning about modern day phycology and neurology practices 😭.
Also, on my earlier note about how understanding these things from a modern perspective would be hard for Armand bcus of how spiritual he is, Armand has already tried adopting the spiritual explanation for his autism into his self perception (the whole “not made by human hands”, u r in some way other and inhuman bcus of ur connections to god, thing of his childhood), and that mindset has caused him nothing but pain and confusion. I can say from experience that being unaware of and undiagnosed autistic, for me and for someone as overthinking as Armand, feels often like always looking for an ambiguous answer that u can not even identify u r looking for. And I see that in Armand, I feel like for a lot of his existence he has been searching for an explanation for “why he is the way that he is” and the older he gets the more distressing and hopeless this search feels, bcus it seems that there is no answer, and he is just weird and unknowable and forever isolated for reasons he can not understand. So!! I think if he was able to get past his barriers, like his fear and difficulty when it comes to talking about himself, and the vulnerability it would take to open himself up to that, Armand would find the explanation that he is autistic rlly comforting + validating! Despite his spirituality, Armand finds science more comforting them God, bcus of all that religious trauma he considers modern secularism and technology almost soothing and reassuring (which is probably part of his fixation on it). So I think being given a diagnosis, a reassurance that this ambiguous wrongness about him is in fact a scientific, concrete neurological disorder that isn’t indicative of some spiritual destiny or devil influence or whatever, would rlly be pretty comforting for Armand to hear. “You have a fairly common disorder” I feel like is less scary and difficult to cope with then “you have an ambiguous, inherent wrongness that separates u from other ppl and is probably connected to ur divine fate” (which is what Armand has been internalizing for his entire life 😭)
thank u sm for the ask AHHH!!! I love Armand autism asks SM!!
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ಅನಿಸಿಕೆ ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ 👇 TAG your friends . . 👆👆👆@generalknowledgeinkannada ನಮ್ಮ ಪೇಜ್ ಅನ್ನು Follow ಮಾಡಿ. ಮತ್ತು ನಮ್ಮ YOUTUBE CHANNEL ಅನ್ನು SUBSCRIBE ಮಾಡಿ . PAGE ಅನ್ನು FOLLOW ಮಾಡಿ POST & STORY NOTIFICATION 🔔 on ಮಾಡಿ . Fallow @generalknowledgeinkannada . Facebook page https://gkik.page.link/GkikFB . Instagram page https://gkik.page.link/Gkikinsta . YOUTUBE CHANNEL https://gkik.page.link/GkikYT . Twitter https://gkik.page.link/GkikTwitter . . #generalknowledgeinkannada #gkik #news #currentaffairs #kannada #facts #kannadafacts #phycology #phycologyfactskannada #girlfriends https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjqygzPmOF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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headcannons 😨
kenny absolutely reeks of axe body spray
stan has the shittiest music taste out of the main 4
cartman has one of those "dark phycology facts" tiktok accounts and he has about 50 alt and burner accounts to bully children and/or give himself more followers
kyle plays animal jam and roblox with butters
butters really likes ducklings
ok that's all 😦
all of these are so real 💯
cartmans tiktok would have a shit ton of antisemitic psychology "facts", kyle would be so pissed off about that account without knowing it's cartman's, and when he found out he'd be between "yeah makes sense" and "im gonnna fucking kill him" 😔✨
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toxooz · 1 month
i'm sure you've described them before but i can't find anything on it so, could you describe the skate squad's powers if they have any?
idk if would say powers moreso just abilities BUT
Ponti with his HUGE ARMS can smash rip tear crunch squish impale ect. his bigass tail can put a hurtin too he can easily hold down a body under there, His ears can hear for miles if he really focuses, and finally his infamous death roll which is basically a gator death roll where they latch onto a limb and twirl tf outta their body
Abios eye has a bunch of phycological powers (oops) and can infiltrate the frontal lobe and get into someones head, see memories (spoiler alerttttttt 👀👀), and can manipulate feelings by controlling the brains chemical production, and probably a lot of other cool brain stuff i gotta get back on my neuroscience im rusty 😔 his eyelashes also emit pheromones that aid in all his succubs stuff but its close range
Ollie n his big brute strength ofc the fact that orcs are naturally super buff n strong but also his demon features where he does the thing similar to Gandalf when he makes the room all dark and terrifying when he's not fuckin around (it was heavily inspired by that) Ollie can make a room go cold and dark from his '''aura'' for lack of better word. His presence gives you the same chills as seeing a ghost and makes you hallucinate ect. That why when he does that ppl typically get too caught up in their body's fight or flight overdrive to be able to think clearly. I'd like to think he gives off Large Animal presence like as if u were in front of a horse or lion and that feeling is amplified when hes indoors lmfao AND he can also 'get in the head' as well like he can say some demonic shit that echoes off of the inside of the skull and can shake the very core of the soul (probably sounds like Sauron in tha head)
Kariiii has her dragon fire that's super hot and glittery so she can be a lil master of illusion if she wants. I'm thinking abt giving her gecko hands n feet so maybe she can climb on walls too if not she can still climb with her wing claws. She can lick her eyeballs and shes also got some fairy pizzaz that kinda works like a special 'aura' as well. She does have a hoarding pink things problem but she makes sure its at least presentable for the most part pfft
Remy oh bOI he doesn't have much goin for him but i think hes kinda got what Ollie's got just to a miniscule extent like he can make the room feel uneasy if he's all sulky and angsty but its only enough to mildly scare or irritate not so much 'strike fear into the hearts of men' cause hes also got that everlasting shadow over the eyes
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he can climb like a monkey with his tail ( so can Abby) so ig he's rlly good at parkour
Oscar's got his slime that can be a blessing or a curse when it comes to sticky situations and in the water he's kinda a menace he is SUPER agile and uses his ears for fins when he swims. He's got a 2nd jaw in his mouth for grabbing prey and those teeth carry a nasty bite
Vinny may be soft n fluff but he's also got his lil needle claws and teeth and can be really flexible and agile as well cause son cats WILL fuck u up when theyre angry
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