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druidshollow · 1 year ago
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rudestmechanical · 1 year ago
i’ve only had ruby sunday and her box dye and her eyebrow slit for one hour but if anything happens to her i’m killing everyone in this room and then myself
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yessterdey · 2 years ago
Ten todo privado, que hay quien esta en tu equipo pero juega contra ti.
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pompadourpink · 2 months ago
Para- words
Para - next to (para) or to shield against (paro)
Parabène, m - paraben (benzène)
Parabole, f - satellite dish (from ballo - to throw)
Paracétamol, m - paracetamol (para-acétyl-amino-phénol)
Parachever - to complete/perfect (from caput - head, chief)
Parachute, m - parachute (chute: fall)
Parachutiste, m - parachutist/paratrooper
Parade, f - parade, display, mating dance
Paradigme, m - paradigm (from deyk - to show)
Paradis, m - paradise (from pairi - around+daēza - wall)
Paradoxe, m - paradox (from doxa - opinion, praise)
Parafe, f - signature (from grapho - to write)
Paraffine, f - paraffin wax (from parum - little+affinis - affinity)
Parafoudre, m - surge protector (foudre: bolts of lightning)
Paragraphe, m - paragraph (from grapho - to write)
Paraguay, m (maybe: para - river+gua - from+y - water)
Paraître - to appear, seem, be published (from pareo - being visible)
Parallèle, f - parallel (from állêlôn - one and the other)
Parallélépipède, m - parallelepiped (from parallel + plane/surface)
Paralogisme, m - paralogism (from lógos - reason, speech)
Paralysie, f - paralysis (from lúô - to let go, loosen)
Paramédic, m - paramedic (from mederi - to heal)
Paramètre, m - parameter, settings (from metrum - measure)
Parangon, m - paragon (from akónē - to whet with a stone)
Paranoïa, f - paranoia (from noéô - to think)
Parapente, m - paraglider/gliding (from pendere - to hang)
Parapet, m - railing (from pectus - chest)
Parapharmacie, f - personal care products (from pharmakeíā - to use drugs)
Paraphrase, f - rewording (from phrasis - word)
Paraplégie, f - paraplegia (from plḗssein - to strike)
Parapluie, f - umbrella (pluie: rain)
Parasocial-e - parasocial (from sek - to follow)
Parasol, m - sunshade (soleil: sun)
Parasite, m - parasite (from sitos - food/grain)
Paratexte, m - paratext (from textus - fabric)
Paratonnerre, m - lightning rod (tonnerre: thunder)
Paravent, m - screen (vent: wind)
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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hexxingcode · 2 months ago
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here have doodles of cheston's characters again. i actually did enjoy these. @druidshollow hey man. dune and phrasis
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cb-writes-stuff · 6 months ago
Flower for you…phrasie!
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master-cheffer · 2 months ago
HI!!! HEY!!!! HEY!!!!!!! I’m Bonnie! I’m a fictive (that’s what Dile says anyway) and this is my blog! I use they/them—DON’T use other things for me!!!
I’m not playing games! I’m a PERSON, and I wanna talk to my FRIENDS and FAMILY!!! So don’t try to play any weird pretend game things with me!!
I’m also genderfluid! So yeah!! Sometimes girl, sometimes boy, sometimes maverique. But just use they/them except for when I tell you not to!!!!
ALSO!!!!!! I’m a minor, so don’t be weird!!!
DOUBLES AND SOURCEMATES - those are things, apparently! I wanna talk to you!!!
#i’m cooking — my own posts!!!
#super brain!!! — my memories!!!
#askaroni — stuff people asked me!!!
#rebagel — reblogs! but talking to non-family!
#inedible recipe — vent
#malanga fritters! — Frin!!
#cookies! — Za!
#plums! — Belle!
#madeleines! — Dile!
#pineapple slices! — ME!!! But other me’s!
#bananas! — Loop!
#s’mores! — Phrasie!
#carambolas! — King!
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classics-cassandra · 2 years ago
Whatever dude *un eks your phrasis*
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 months ago
repeat after me , "i'm over it" .
Prompt Paradise // @hellsmayflower
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A scoff, Angel shakes his head in mild disbelief, mixing it with an odd sense of amusement. Over it, she says. Who does she think she is? Still? He’s a bad bitch and is never affected by things ever. His eyes meet hers, a hand placed on his popped hip. “I’m. Over. It. Happy?”
From here!
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thewickerking · 1 year ago
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druidshollow · 1 year ago
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the more i thought about phrases being all alone the more sad it made me so i decided im giving them a friend that they're gonna meet after rivers and glass collapse. his name is ten silver roots and all i really know about him is that hes an extrovert who hates being alone (phrasescore) and is also trans (phrasescore) and is really good for them because honestly they deserve a genuine good friendship finally
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rudestmechanical · 1 year ago
jacques snicket and olivia caliban you will always be endgame in my heart
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inland--empire · 2 months ago
YES YES YES!! You and Phrasie are both awesome, i am thankful for you <3 - Berryfrin
I'm thankful for you too, Stardust!
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ellam999 · 3 months ago
The Empathy Manifesto: Uniting Aesthetic Experiences
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Ekphrasis, an ancient Greek writing exercise, involves creating a literary piece inspired by a visual artwork. This creative interpretation aims to capture the spirit of the original piece, exploring both what is being said and how it's being said. The term ekphrasis originates from the Greek words "ek" (out) and "phrasis" (speaking), meaning "to speak out" (Heffernan, 2004). In this assignment, I will write an ekphrasis of Pablo Picasso's "The Weeping Woman" and provide a justification for my choices. In somber hues of blue and grey. A woman's sorrowful face appears, Tears streaming down, her eyes cast away. A poignant portrait of heartfelt fears. Her features distorted, yet serene, Convey the depths of her inner pain, A masterpiece of cubist sheen, Where emotions ebb and flow like rain.
Wake up to the beauty of empathy! In this culminating assignment, I synthesize my semester's work into a cohesive analytic whole, revealing the connective tissue that weaves through my aesthetic experiences. Through careful reflection on my blog posts, I've discovered a unifying theme: empathy. This manifesto champions art that fosters emotional connection, compassion, and understanding.
Empathy is the bridge that spans the chasm between individuals, cultures, and experiences. It is the spark that ignites compassion, understanding, and meaningful connection. Through art, we can tap into the depths of human emotion, cultivating empathy and fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities of life. The Empathy Manifesto promotes the cultural value of empathy, celebrating art that bridges gaps between individuals, cultures, and experiences. By embracing empathetic art, we cultivate a deeper appreciation for the human condition. This manifesto opposes art that perpetuates isolation, indifference, and emotional numbness. It challenges works that reinforce barriers, ignoring the complexities of human experience. 
I chose Picasso's "The Weeping Woman" for its haunting beauty and emotional intensity. Essential details include: Monochromatic color scheme, distorted facial features, expressive brushstrokes. My ekphrasis preserves the original by: Maintaining the color palette's emotional resonance, emphasizing the subject's emotional pain, capturing the expressive brushstrokes' dynamic energy. The use of cubist techniques in "The Weeping Woman" creates a sense of fragmentation and disjointedness, reflecting the subject's emotional turmoil. By employing a monochromatic color scheme, Picasso emphasizes the somber mood and introspective nature of the piece.
Scene Analysis: Hamlet's Confrontation with Gertrude. In analyzing Hamlet's chastisement of his mother, I explored the complexities of familial relationships and loyalty. This scene showcases empathy's role in understanding human motivations.
Public Sculpture: "Boy and His Dog" This sculpture embodies the beauty of companionship and loyalty, illustrating empathy's significance in interpersonal connections.
Playlist: "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" and "Stay Wide Awake" These songs represent stimulants that awaken empathy, encouraging engagement with the world around us.
The Empathy Manifesto unites my aesthetic experiences, revealing a profound appreciation for art that fosters connection and understanding. Through these examples, I demonstrate empathy's transformative power in various art forms. By embracing empathy, we can create a more compassionate, inclusive, and meaningful world. Through this ekphrasis, I aimed to capture the mood and feeling of Picasso's "The Weeping Woman." By using melancholic language, evoking emotions through sensory descriptions, and conveying the artwork's contemplative atmosphere, I replicated the visual details and brought a new understanding to the original piece. This creative interpretation highlights the artwork's emotional intensity, explores the relationship between color and emotion, and encourages contemplation and reflection. Ekphrasis provides a unique platform for artists and writers to engage with and respond to visual artworks. By examining the intersections between art and literature, we gain a deeper understanding of the creative process and the ways in which artworks can be reinterpreted and reimagined.
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forwhomthehexcodes · 2 months ago
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previous <- page 8 -> next
(the pages are quite long and tumblr likes to compress the quality- i would recommend and encourage reading on comicfury to avoid this!)
stop fighting youll make phrases explode
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moved-19871997 · 3 years ago
“ george and sapnap are “i love him to bits but *proceeds to raw them out*”” jesse what the fuck are you talking about
yk… when two besties declare their love for each other and then have sex
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