#photographer!Eddie Munson
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madaboutmunson · 7 months ago
And I'm sorry you were thinking I would steal your fire
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Chapter Summary: The morning after where Steve attempts to process the night before
Author Notes: Songs that were inspirational whilst writing this chapter:
Heart In A Cage - The Strokes Lovefool - The Cardigans
Tags/Warnings for whole fic: rockstar!AU; band; touring; music industry; alternate universe; drug usage; alcohol abuse; performing; enemies to lovers; road trip; stobin; platonic stobin; platonic with a capital P; canon typical violence; angst; masochism; fist fight; smut; fluff;
Word Count: 6.3K
Steve attempts to open his eyes and manages one. The other is shut tight and stings. In fact, the more he becomes conscious, the more his entire body aches. He makes a mental note to call down for some painkillers. 
As he becomes more aware of his body and his eyes adjust to his surroundings, he finds himself not laid out on his back as usual but curled up on his side. For the first time in maybe half a decade, no one is touching him, draped across him, or snoring in his ear. It's just him and the soft cotton sheets beneath. He shifts his legs slightly and feels a little burn in his thighs but welcomes moving to the cooler area of the bedding.
His mind does a violently quick slideshow of last night. His finger subconsciously runs over his lips, and there is a slight sting when he accidentally brushes over a cut. Mine, he thinks to himself. Though he knows it was probably just heat of the moment, cock-drunk words, alone he allows himself to hold them closer than he should. He knows Eddie could never feel like that about him, not after all the trouble he caused. 
And doesn't that just fucking land the most brutal blow of all?
Steve rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling. His reflection is not staring right back for a change, and he can't pick out all his imperfections, but he didn't need a mirror for that game. Most of them weren't visible anyway. At least today, his outsides match his insides. 
Sure, he built Eddie into something he wasn't. He'd ruined Eddie's life and couldn't pursue anything anyway. Not with everything hanging in the balance. But fuck if he wouldn't leap at the chance if he had it. Eddie was right. When he'd walked through the door to that meeting, he'd stopped him in his tracks entirely. Steve didn't really believe in love at first anything, not anymore, but he knew a hot guy when he saw one. Not only hot but talented and passionate about what he does. The way he talked about his ex, he probably loves ferociously, as evident from last night, rage-fuelled or not, he can definitely fuck ferociously, not that Steve had anything to compare him to, only women and the odd blow or hand job from a guy. He can already tell that sitting down anywhere would be interesting today but fucking worth it, he smiles to himself.
He'd never imagined it could be so good. The first orgasm was incredible, but that second time, he actually thought he'd died, completely lost himself for a few seconds, utterly checked out. That feeling was dangerous, addictive, even. Because if there is a sensation Steve enjoyed most, it is not being trapped in reality. This was different, though. The way his body felt so charged, then that blip of absolute stillness, then after how his skin felt like it was humming, and his head was full of cotton candy, and then all he could see, think or comprehend was Eddie.
Maybe that's what made him reach out for him? Like he was a lifesaver that Steve so desperately needed. So he'd copied him, made Eddie taste how he'd ruined him, and called him his own because he wanted it so badly right then and there.
For those final moments to last forever, so neither of them would ever have to go back to before, remember why they were fighting, or have to deal with the aftermath between them or anyone else.
He is struggling to put into words for himself what he's feeling. It's not love. He doesn't even know Eddie, not that that's ever stopped Steve from immediately thinking he was in love before, but he's had his fingers burned many times now. He knows it doesn't work that way, but he knows he wants him. Wants him over and over, more than a drink, more than a line, more than a pill, more than a fat pay cheque. But it's also more than just want. That's too crude, and it's more precious than purely some wanton lust.
And then there was after. When Eddie lay back on him, catching his breath, he looked so beautiful. He completely collapsed in Steve's arms, like he was free of everything weighing him down for a minute. Steve would have loved to have stayed longer in that bubble, but he was afraid of saying something ridiculous and genuinely worried about covering up as much as he could.
A manly fight he could get away with, but a manly fuck, no way. He'd save that thought for Robin later. She might find that funny if she wasn't pissed at him too.
Steve worries he'd show too much of his soft underbelly to Eddie. Showering with him, getting him a warm towel, asking him to stay. Maybe the positive side of that could be he wouldn't have to pretend so much around him? Well, for however long that might be. He just didn't want to be too far from him, that was all, and not in a possessive or horny way, but almost like he needed Eddie near for a little longer. Like Steve had moulted his shell, and he needed Eddie to protect his vulnerable state until a new one grew back. He usually didn't want to wake up alone purely for his ego's needs, for adoration, not safety.
He turns his head to the side, and the bed is empty. He trails his hand over the bedding where he would have slept. He picks up a pillow and sniffs at it, but it doesn't smell anything like him, not a trace of that musky, metallic, woody, leathery scent from sex, violence and cologne. The pillow just reeks of the shared products in the shower.
He holds it against himself anyway and stares up at the ceiling. He hears footsteps approaching and prepares himself for the incoming lecture from someone, slowly shuts his eyes and braces for impact.
"Ah, you're awake. Any idea where the coffee machine is?" Eddie asks, and Steve's stomach drops so hard he feels like the mattress swallows him up and spits him back out.
"What are you doing here?" Steve blurts out, even though he knows that's not what he means. He's trying to get over the fact Eddie actually stayed.
Eddie looks awkwardly around the room, adorably screws up his face, "You, um, you kinda asked me too. You don't remember?" He asks, starting to look a little worried.
Steve swallows nervously and quickly plays it off, "Of course, wasn't gonna make you walk past Buckley on your own, now was I?" He adds an extra detail, an innocent one, to ease Eddie's concerns about him being out of it or high or something. He remembered he asked about him taking anything last night. He hadn't. He was just having the fucking time of his life. 
Steve wonders if it would have mattered how he'd answered that question? If he'd said yes, would Eddie have tried to get away with something wholly debauched, or would he have stopped all proceedings. That thought makes his mouth dry, but he can't decide if the nervousness is from fear, excitement or both.
Steve tries to sit up quickly and immediately regrets it because the pain is incredible, and he's sore in places he never thought he could be. Still, he tries not to show it, just bites his lips together, "We don't make the coffee," and checks the time. It's like five in the morning. The trolley wouldn't be outside yet, but he could call it earlier. "We call for it." He smiles, dials the front desk, requests some painkillers and relays Eddie's order, "Shouldn't be long. They're really the best staff here." Steve enthuses, but his smile fades slightly when he sees the darkened bruising on Eddie's face and neck.
"Eddie, can I just say something?" He asks but doesn't wait for Eddie's permission. He needs to get this out, "I don't expect forgiveness or anything. I just wanna say I'm sorry." He turns his back to Eddie as he talks, "I got obsessed with the photo, and I should never have posted my frustrations publically, but believe me when I say I was stupid enough not to understand the implications of that, and no one told me anything had happened to your business after. I just thought you were busy being successful, like me, and I couldn't work out why you continually didn't want to work with me again. I'm just an idiot, Eddie. I didn't mean any malice." He wraps his arms around himself, "And yesterday, when you said the photo was meaningless, I just lost my mind. I can't explain too much, and this also isn't me trying to make an excuse. I just wanted to give some context. It was just all I had at points. The hope that one person in the universe really saw me. Even though they were a stranger, I had the evidence in print, or so I thought." 
He turns his head to look back at Eddie, who's sitting on the other side of the bed, his back turned to him, too, "I'm sorry, I got that wrong, and if I can in any way repair anything I did, please give me a chance to do that. I know we're not gonna be buddies, but if you're happy to and they let us, maybe we can at least finish these projects civilly? Then we can both leave with something; if not, I have connections. I've got more money than I know what to do with," he laughs awkwardly and, in a panic, quickly adds, "N-not like in a charity way. Not like that at all. I just want to…If you're happy with it, try and fix what I broke."
For a while, there is quiet.
"You think they'll let us?" Eddie asks. Steve can't read Eddie's tone if he's hopeful or wants the label to give him an easy way out of this whole thing. His heart stirs groggily in its cage anyway.
"I don't know, honestly. I think there is enough contractual red tape to make it not worth their time to sift through, but, you know, at least we got some shots, and we did a bit for your book on the plane, right? It's not like we don't have anything at all." Steve forces a laugh, trying to make light of everything, even though he feels like he's collapsing inside, enduring the longest goodbye.
"Yeah. You're right." Eddie agrees. There is another patch of silence, and Steve loathes it because his thoughts are so loud. He really needs to shut off, but he doesn't have anything. He can feel himself get antsy at the prospect.
Steve gingerly shifts his position on the bed to turn to see him. "I don't mind doing a little more now if you like?" Eddie's head snaps to the side, looking slightly alarmed. Steve quickly realises how his words might be misunderstood and turns his head away. "Of the-the interview, I mean, for the book. Your book." he stumbles awkwardly over his words, a little embarrassed.
"You sure?" Eddie asks.
Steve, eager to regain any crumb of his rockstar cred that he can, snorts out a laugh, "Yeah, man, I pretty much have interviews all the time. It's part of the job, you know? Though I'm assuming you don't have any thirst tweets for me to read out?" Steve tries a little humour, and it works.
"Unfortunately not, Ha-Steve. Unfortunately not," Eddie chuckles, and Steve's heart wrestles at its bars because it didn't miss how he'd corrected himself over his name. "Could you maybe go for some background questions? Or is that too personal? I can keep it to just music if you prefer?" 
Steve's brain does prefer that. Stick to now. The music. That's what it said the project was about. It's not an autobiography. They already have two people lined up for that. But, whilst Steve knows all of that is correct, he is completely distracted by his feral withered heart gnawing at its prison, foaming at the mouth to tell Eddie anything, everything, let him know you, see you. 
"Background is fine, but there are some things that I can't tell you, ok? It's label stuff, and I dunno if someone found your tape and leaked it, it could have some real dire consequences for many people." Steve tries to sound business-like, as his mom taught him to do in stressful situations.
There is a gentle knock at the door, and Eddie jumps up to get it, and Steve has to painfully chase him down, "You aren't supposed to be here," he whispers, catching his breath, resists marginally from touching Eddie's shoulder to make him step back, but they both look at his hand braced to do so. Steve briskly turns to the door to open it. 
A uniformed young lady stands on the other side of the trolley. Fuck he should have waited. He leans in the doorway, pops his hip out, turns up the Harrington, lowers his tone and volume, and slows down. "Mornin', sugar," he drawls," Thanks for bringing this up early." He beams brightly and watches her eyes widen, her phone clutched in one hand. He gestures to it. "Do you mind if we don't? Not looking my best." He laughs charmingly, and the girl relaxes. He pulls the trolley into the room but keeps his attention on her, "You got anything for me to sign, honey?" Without tearing her eyes from his, she rolls up her sleeve and extends her inner forearm to him, "Sure thing…." 
"Angela!" She says quickly.
"Oh well, at least that's an easy one for me. You're mostly Angel, right?" He laughs at his own joke and raises an eyebrow, and the nervous, wild giggle that spills out of her is hilarious.
He takes the pen and gently holds her arm. He knows the line enough to get them all excited, not enough that it makes him look like a skeevy letch. He writes her name and repeats it for her again as he signs her skin. That's the kind of thing they like to hear. "There you go, honey. Actually, wait a second," she's busy gawping at her arm, tracing it with her finger. He quickly heads to one of the boxes in the room. He comes back with some merch, "Here you go. Hot off the press program, which is already signed, with some exclusive fan club stuff and a T-shirt they haven't released yet. Not on sale until the first show," She's beaming for a second, but her eyes trace over him again.
"Are you sure everything is ok, Mr Harrington? I could get one of the on-site medical staff?" She asks meekly.
A concern sweeps over him. Pictures will be taken of him and Eddie, both with bruises, and it will be hard to cover up, but he could attempt to get in first. He looks around, his voice falling to a whisper, and he leans in towards her, "Listen, just between you and me. I ran into some people who didn't like me very much. It got a bit physical, but my friend got me out of there, even though they suffered for that too."
"Robin Buckley?" She says excitedly, and that's when Steve knows he's got a real fan on his hands.
"Unfortunately not, if Robin had been there. I know they wouldn't have even gotten one punch in," he gives her another dazzling smile, and she nods affirmatively. "Anyway, I better get these painkillers down me. It was so lovely to meet you, Angela. Hope to see you at the show." He beams and waits for her to walk away before closing the door.
Only to be immediately confronted with Eddie, and he nearly jumps out of his skin, "What happened to I'm not supposed to be here?" he says, worry etched on his face.
"I know, and you aren't, but the thing is, she saw me, and if what you said about my fans is true, that they don't like you, and they see you fucked up too, which they will by the way because this place will be crawling with photographers tonight, then they are gonna put two and two together. Whereas now, we've got in first. So, there will be at least two sides to it. She'll post about all of this now, and it'll go viral. She'll love the attention. She'll get haters and people on her side," Steve says reassuringly, "One side will think you saved me," Steve says, accidentally searching Eddie's eyes for a second before quickly turning to the trolley and pushing it through to another small seating area, that didn't contain his last night events staged area. "Go get your stuff, dude," Steve says, trying to sound impatient, but he doesn't look at Eddie except to watch him leave the room.
Steve takes the opportunity to ease himself into an armchair and grab a coffee and some painkillers. He looks at the breakfast spread of actual food. He can't remember the last time he actually ate breakfast. He pours a coffee for himself and ignores it all for now. He hadn't meant to say it like that, not saved me . He meant stepped in or got me out of there. He thinks about the choice of words and wonders if that is a subconscious thing. Does he feel saved, or at least is he starting to?
Eddie barrels back into the room. With a small notepad and dictaphone at the ready, he gets totally distracted by the trolley and nearly trips over the coffee table. "Jesus, dude, watch where you're going!" Steve exclaims, quickly reaching out and grabbing the back of his t-shirt, stopping him just in time.
They both look at where Steve is holding onto him, and he lets go, "Help yourself to whatever, man. Just don't brain yourself in the process." Steve says it like he's reprimanding a kid. A tingling sensation rushes from his hand that had been bunched in the material up his arm, and his mind flashes to how he'd wound Eddie's T-shirts around his fingers to pull him closer last night. He quickly shakes it off and wraps his hands around his coffee mug instead, waiting for his insides to stop backflipping.
"You not hungry?" Eddie asks, piling some food on a plate, and though he tries not to look, he feels compelled to, like if he doesn't, it might be the end of the world. He shakes his head in a no and then watches Eddie do something entirely mundane, but Steve is completely transfixed, taking in every detail he can, like Eddie's moving in slow motion. 
Steve's watching Eddie's dexterous fingers selectively pick apart the breakfast trolley, like he'd plucked at the worn ties holding Steve together last night, watches him taste small samples with that mouth that trailed over him, made him bend to its will, swallowed up his sounds of ecstasy for its own, and he's desperately trying not to watch it work around a fresh strawberry. Eddie wields his weapons like he doesn't know they're lethal.
"You sure you aren't hungry, man? Is it-Is it because someone normally fixes you a plate?" Eddie looks at him, a little confused, "Do you need me to fix you a plate?"
"Huh? No, um, I don't normally eat breakfast. Buckley usually brings me my breakfast , but it's a little early." Steve says with an awkward smile, air quoting around breakfast. 
Eddie's nose scrunches up, and it's impossibly cute, "Then why do you order the….ohhhh got it. For your guests," Eddie laughs, then goes a little quiet, sits on the floor next to the coffee table and begins wolfing down his food, almost at an alarming rate.
Steve laughs, "Are you worried someone's gonna steal it, or is it just that good?" he teases.
"No!" Eddie says with his mouth full, then dabs his mouth, finishes his mouthful and starts over, "No. I'm just in a hurry because I wanna ask you more stuff, but I'm also so hungry I could eat a mammoth." His hands and arms animate his words, his eyes are wide with exuberance, and Steve adores that completely. Is this him? Is he seeing a genuine part of Eddie now? He tries to keep hold of the moment.
"How about we put the recorder nearer me? You ask your questions, and I can still answer if you're eating. Rather that than you choke to death on….what is that?" Steve says, confused, looking at his plate.
"Well, it's, er, you know, a half pancake, half-waffle, bacon, hash brown, strawberry and maple syrup taco-thing, of course" he pushes out a fake laugh like Steve should know what this is.
"A what now?" Steve says, even more confused.
"It's a piggy-spud-berry breakfast taco," he says with a grin, taking a much smaller nibble.
"Well, first of all, wow, that sounds insane, and second of all, this is all vegan, so it's a non-piggy-spud-berry breakfast taco." Steve corrects, still with a bit of concern in his voice.
"We'll colour me impressed because I did not know this was fake, and the only insane thing about this marvellous creation is the taste. Flavour town population me!" He takes another bite but stops with a smile, "Wanna try it?"
"No!" Steve replies like it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever been asked. He watches the mischief spread over Eddie's smile.
"Oh my god, you so do wanna try it!" He laughs.
"I'm quite happy with my coffee, thanks." Steve frowns and shakes his head.
"Ok, ok. Fine." He presses record on the dictaphone and pushes it in front of Steve, "So I know you were born in Indiana like me, but where did you grow up?"
"Hawkins," Steve answers, and Eddie's head snaps towards him. He frowns at first and then shakes his head.
"No. Not possible," he says, turning back to his breakfast monstrosity.
"What do you mean? Not possible. I was born in Hawkins. I left my first junior year of high school." Steve laughs at Eddie's audacity in telling him his own history was impossible.
Eddie turns to him again, "Because I lived in Hawkins, too! Moved in with my uncle in middle school. Left when I graduated. First time, I might add, which no one saw coming" Eddie raises his eyebrows at Steve, "So you can't be from Hawkins. Otherwise, I would have known you. I had my own metal band. We would have been friends, acquaintances for sure!" He laughs.
"A metal band in Hawkins? How old are you?" Steve asks quickly.
"I'm a year older than you, dude," Eddie answers, "Anyway, I'm interviewing you, so tell me where you really grew up."
"In Hawkins! I just told you that. Wait, wait. We're you in…uh…. don't tell me….Constricted Coffin?" Steve says, wracking his brain.
"Corroded, and how the fuck did you know that?" Eddie says, turning to him again.
"Because I was there! There was a cheer performance, and when we moved up to high school, they would be our cheer squad possibly, so we over dramatically decided all of us had to go to support them because eventually, they'd be supporting us or some bullshit like that" Steve says cringing a little.
"Wait…us… were you a fucking Jock?" Eddie says, his mouth wide open in surprise.
"Yeah, well, kinda, I guess co-swim captain, played basketball," he shrugs.
"Holy shit!" Eddie says, staring at Steve and taking a bite from his breakfast taco, "So ok, now we've established this is absolutely insane. Why did you leave?"
"I got scouted by a modelling agency whilst drowning my sorrows." 
"In your junior year?"
"Yes! I was seeing this girl, she went a bit weird on me," Steve lies, but it's not Eddie's business, that is top secret shit, "I wanted to apologise, climbed up to her window and she was already trying to get it on with this other guy. I'm an idiot, so I stomped to my car and told my friends. They tried to wind me up about fighting with this guy, and then they suggested going out, and the rest is history."
"So you were underage drinking, and a modelling agency picked you up?"
"Yep. That's about it."
"You were a very young man in a bar, and someone much older than you said, 'Hey, wanna be a model?' And you were like, 'Yeah', and they emitted some evil laugh, I suppose and dragged you into the night? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" Eddie asks sarcastically.
"Well, it didn't quite go like that. I got their card, called them the next day, and got signed up," Steve shrugs.
Eddie narrows his eyes and pinches the thumb and forefinger of his hand together tightly, "Do you have any idea how dangerous that could have been? Hmmm? That could have been some rapist maniac serial killer." Steve just laughs. 
"Well, they weren't. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here, now would I? I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself," Steve says, laughing at Eddie's concern for his past self.
"Says the big boy who won't eat his breakfast," Eddie shakes his head. Now, when he said big boy, that sounded a lot different, at least to Steve's ears and heart rate anyway.
"God, you're such a fucking nag!" Steve pretends to be annoyed and leans towards the plate again, "Go on then, let's try this culinary horror show." Steve makes a show of rolling his eyes, but his heart is pounding being this close again. He hopes it doesn't show. Eddie excitedly starts cutting him up a piece, making sure there is a little of everything and stabs it with a fork.
"Here we go," Eddie says with a huge toothy grin as he moves the fork towards Steve's mouth as if he is going to feed it to him. Steve looks a little confused, and Eddie seems a little nervous.
Steve gently takes the fork from his hand, brushes their fingers together minimally and feeds the mouthful to himself. Eddie watches him the entire time.
"Well? The verdict?"
Steve has been chewing over the sickeningly sweet morsel with the occasional blast of bacon flavour and the odd texture combination tumbling over in his mouth. But his face doesn't show a modicum of disgust because not a metre from his face is a wide-eyed, encouraging, beaming, handsome man making his imprisoned heart pound so hard in his chest it is bending the cage bars with each one. Steve doesn't want to peel his eyes away, but he also can't stare blankly like a maniac, so he pretends to mull over the flavours, pulling faces of thoughtfulness, surprise, alarm, confusion, whatever he can think of, and each one seems to make Eddie smile more until he laughs, and with his prize won Steve settles back in his armchair. 
"I think it might be an acquired taste." Steve smiles into his coffee cup with his secrets, and there is a quiet patch. Steve hates it. He wants to say so many things, wants to ask so many things, none of which he can permit himself to, of course. He hears a click, and his eyes shoot to Eddie's hand on the voice recorder.
"Wanna get our story straight?" Eddie asks, not looking at him. Steve almost blushes and laughs at his wording because whatever they hope to hide with this story, it sure as hell is not straight. 
"Is the interview over, then?" Steve questions carefully. Keeping to the subject at hand, but that isn't really what he's asking.
Eddie pushes the remaining food around his plate and replies, "I figure if we don't fuck up the cover story, they'll believe us, maybe? Then this doesn't have to be over, does it?"
Steve's brain knows Eddie is talking about their respective projects, but his rabid heart is bending back the bars of its cell now, trying to squeeze itself through, clawing at the air towards Eddie, but it can't quite make it. It tuckers itself out and is left panting on the floor of its cage.
"I guess the easiest thing to go for is sports, right? Drunk people fight about the stupidest things. Maybe you slated The Bulls or something?" Steve suggests with a shrug, and Eddie looks at him wide-eyed like he's trying his very best not to burst out laughing but folds his arms instead.
"What could I have said about your precious Bulls that would have instigated a physical fight between us?" he asks with a smile.
"That they were shit last season," Steve says matter-of-factly, and that pulls a low hearty chuckle from Eddie.
"No one is gonna buy that, dude," he laughs, waving his hands in front of himself.
"Eddie, I've been playing this game of hide and very little seek with the label, the fans, and the media for some time. The simpler, the better. Trust me," 
"And what if they grill me on that, huh? Then what?"
"You frown at them like they're complete weirdos and say, I don't fucking know, I was drunk," Steve smiles broadly and quickly turns it down a few levels.
"You seem well-practised," Eddie says, returning to his food. Steve detects a hint of something, surely not jealousy, resentment maybe.
"At lying to people that hate what I am, yeah, at tidying up hotel rooms only to stage a mess, no," that gets him a side glance from Eddie. He leans over and clicks to start recording again.
"So your modelling career is fairly well documented already, but how did you jump ship into music? Has it always been something you enjoyed?" Eddie asks in his best news anchor voice, and Steve ducks his head down to hide his smile before replying.
"Well, here's an exclusive for you. They asked me to join a boyband first," Steve chuckles, and he looks over to see Eddie's mouth dropped wide open in shock.
"No fucking way. There is no way that's true!" Eddie folds his arms, but a colossal smile erupts on his face.
"I swear, dude. I swear." Steve can't help but mirror him this time, and the laughter is spilling out of them both now, and it feels so good. Almost like friends. Almost like two guys that hadn't tried to knock one another out less than twelve hours ago.
"I just can't imagine it, you all like," Eddie makes some vague, robot arm movements, and Steve can't hold back any longer. The laugh that bursts from him is loud, unashamed and unreserved.
"Please do not tell me that is what you think dancing is," he manages to say between laughs, trying to catch his breath, clutching his sides.
"You don't like my moves? Consider me crushed!" Eddie clasps his hands together and punches himself in the chest.
He's a jester, Steve thinks as he barely holds on to his mask. The smile of fondness warming his cheeks, the giggles threatening just behind the surface that he is sure his heart might use as a crowbar if he lets them happen. He swallows them down and clears his throat, quickly turning away from Eddie's newly trailing gaze and pleased smirk.
Clearly, he likes to entertain as much as the next person in his own way. "Insults aside, Steve, what happened with the boyband?" 
"I think they went with someone else in my place after I turned down the opportunity. I can't say too much because of NDAs and the like, but all I'm saying is they've done very well for themselves!" Steve sips his coffee and notices Eddie looking at him with wide wonder. If he'd been on a seat, he'd be on the edge of it right now.
"And then what happened?" Eddie bores the question into Steve's eyes with his own gorgeous, huge brown ones. He'd think they almost looked innocent if he didn't know the truth. It makes him feel unusual as if he has something to lure Eddie in with now.
Steve reclines more in his seat, "And then, they left me alone for a while. Got invited to some awards show I had no business being at. The red carpet question was about secret talents. I said I could play the guitar, and my agent's phone blew up as soon as it aired. So, it's not really the hard work playing dive joints that most rockstars go through. I asked you to, you know, but the money wasn't there, I guess? I know that fucking pisses people off too, but I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere until the fans, like you said, move onto the new thing."
He sees Eddie's expression fall to something like regret, and he knows he's said the wrong thing.
"Eddie, I didn't mean to bring that up like that. I just meant that's just how it goes in the public eye. You ride the wave of popularity as long as you can before you fall into obscurity, and then, if you're lucky, someone uses one of your old tracks in a cover, show, movie, or social media trend, and you get a renewed interest in your stuff and can get back on the surfboard for a while. So many artists have been through it now. It would be madness to think it wouldn't happen to anyone."
Eddie doesn't seem won over by his words, but before he can apologise, there is a click at the door, and Steve freezes in his chair.
"Mr H?" Buckley's voice rings out, and he instantly relaxes.
"Yeah, come in, Buckley," Steve says, and Eddie quickly scurries to standing. He looks terrified, so he lets his old instincts win and moves to stand in front of him, but Buckley glares around him intensely.
"Still here, I see?" She sneers at Eddie.
"Stand down, Buckley. It's ok. It was pretty even. Look at us," He gestures between himself and Eddie, and he doesn't miss the tiny twitch at the corner of Eddie's mouth when their eyes meet for a fleeting moment. Maybe he hadn't totally blown it.
"Yeah, well, it makes me look shit at my job, so forgive me a little annoyance!" She says, setting down the small case that instinctively makes Steve brush the end of his nose and lick his lips discreetly.
He thinks he can already feel the judgement from Eddie, and Buckley is already pissed, luckily most of it seems to be directed at Eddie, so he tries something to appease them both, "Might save that until after we get hauled in, Buckley. I had some actual breakfast this morning," he awkwardly laughs and hopes for the best, as Buckley stops in her tracks.
As she turns, she looks between them, and her expression softens before returning to something tougher again, "Sure thing, Mr H."
"Hey, I should get going," Eddie says, quickly gathering up his things and almost stumbling over the furniture as he retrieves his bag from the other room.
Robin waits until he's fussing out of sight. She gestures after him and whispers, "He stayed? I thought you'd snuck him out somehow."
Steve looks bashfully at the floor and then back up at her, "I asked him to," he says quietly.
"Steve, what is going on? What happened? Oh my god, did it happen? Like it?" She's still whispering but much more animated and getting closer. Steve cannot bring himself to look at her, but the jingle of Eddie's wallet chain breaks him out of his embarrassment and makes her retreat from him into her military stance.
Eddie comes into view, backpack on top of his jacket, and looks between them, "Ah, so yeah, um, I, er, gonna go," he juts his thumb at the door.
Steve notices the cut-up t-shirt in his hand, and something like envy rises in him. Yes, it's Eddie's T-shirt, but he wants it. He made it what it is. He should be allowed one keepsake. It should be his. He can still see clearly in his mind how the blade sliced through it so effortlessly, fell open to reveal the man underneath it, and lost in thought, he finally catches himself staring at it. 
He looks up into Eddie's eyes. He can feel this is goodbye in his bones, which must be what emboldens him because he soon finds himself stepping towards Eddie and taking the t-shirt out of his hands, "I can take care of that for you, man. Don't want anyone getting a shot of you leaving here with that, you know? You said it wasn't sentimental, right?" Steve asks, knowing, or at least hoping, his words send Eddie back to that moment.
Eddie nods and rubs the back of his neck, "Yeah. Thanks. Saves me dealing with it," he half-smiles, "I'll, um, get yours back to you," he looks up at Buckley, "somehow." and with that, he turns to leave, and Steve grips the cotton in his hand tightly, until it hurts, because he needs to put his feelings about this heart-cracking goodbye somewhere. Eddie opens the door but stops dead in his tracks just before stepping through it. He looks over his shoulder at Steve, "I'm sorry," he says and leaves.
Robin closes the door, waits a little while until Eddie's footsteps can no longer be heard, and then turns to Steve. He looks him up and down, "How bad of a situation are we in?"
"Oh really fuckin' bad," Steve says with a half smile as Robin wraps him in a hug.
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strangersatellites · 19 days ago
posting this feels like I'm crawling out of my grave and gasping for air
anyway- inspired by this post by @inthedarknessofnight
here's 1.3k of concert photographer!Steve and rockstar!Eddie because I couldn't get this out of my head
gimme, gimme more
1.3k words | this is the most g-rated thing I've ever written, it won't happen again
Steve’s feet hurt.
They always do after a show, but this one was particularly hard on him.
He’s been at this venue for two years now and shot countless shows in that time. But never in his career has he been challenged so– athletically. 
The photo pit at this place is light years better than his last venue. There’s more than enough room for all of the photographers and their gear without stepping on each other. Usually Steve is grateful for this because surely there is only so many more beatings his 35mm can take before it kicks the bucket. Today though, he’s grateful for the space because of the full-tilt sprint this band had him in. 
He’s never seen anything like it.
Well, less so did the band have him in a sprint and more so the frontman but, semantics. 
The guy is everywhere. Steve could barely keep up with the way he ran around stage, jumping, climbing on equipment, leaning off-stage toward the barricade.
It was fun but Jesus, what is his deal?
Steve hadn’t even known who Corroded Coffin was 24 hours ago. Now he’s burned through two SD cards in an hour and a half. 
The guy’s hot and a good photo subject, sue him.
Well, he thinks he’s a good photo subject at least. He won’t know until he’s culled through every single shot. Steve’s a good photographer, took to it naturally the first time he picked up a camera. His downfall though, according to his college professors at least, was that he pays absolutely no attention to what he’s shooting while he’s shooting it. Hence the overshooting. 
On more than one occasion he’s gotten started on editing and someone is wearing an outfit he’s never seen before, someone’s got sunglasses on in every photo, a tag hanging off their jacket. All he’s concerned with is the framing, the lighting, and the focus. The content can be a problem for Future Steve. Everything can be fixed in post.
Anyway, his feet hurt and he hates culling, so he pours himself a full glass of wine and plops down on the couch in front of an episode of trash tv with his laptop and props his feet up. Settles in for a long night.
2,461 images.
He throws his head back with a groan. Ugh. 
The first hundred or so are garbage.
They always are.
A few shots spent fucking with the exposure, a few the focus, some the flash.
He denotes the purple flag as his ‘good’ tag and orange as his ‘trash’ tag. The orange is stacking up fast. Around 163 he starts finding some good images. Ones that aren’t tainted by motion blur from his running around after this frontman. 
His photos of the drummer are pretty sick; he can't lie. The lights and the smoke and the near-manic smile on his face make for great photos. He’s not even this band’s personal photographer but he can imagine at least one of these will get posted to the band's socials. He’s good, what can he say?
He has a good bit of the bassist, his energy infectious enough you can almost feel it through the screen. Purple is making a comeback.
He finally gets through some crowd pics, some more drummer, some guitarist, some detail shots before he finally makes it to the frontman. 731 photos later. 
What did Wikipedia say his name was? Eddie, he thinks.
Weird, the very first shot Steve has of him he’s making fierce eye contact with the camera.
No matter how long Steve does this, photos of people looking directly at the camera never get less jarring. 
Orange tag. Trash.
The next one is exactly the same.
He’s really bad to fall victim to the high speed shutter on this camera and often finds himself with a dozen copies of the same picture. Looks like he’s done it again.
More piercing eye contact.
What? He squints and flips back and forth between the last two photos.
They’re not even remotely similar. As a matter of fact, Steve was in a completely different location in the pit for the second one. 
Green tag. Come back to this.
Taking a long swig from his glass he shifts so his laptop is closer to his face. Thinks that surely he’s not seeing this right. 
He takes to forgoing his tagging system and just flipping through every photo as fast as his fingers can press the arrow keys.
He’s clicked through about 200 when he starts getting worried, his heart rate speeding up. Surely he got something usable.
“What the fuck?”
He’s clicked through 50 or 60 more when he decides that, no he did not fall victim to the shutter speed at all. This guy is just making direct eye contact with his camera in every single photo.
Steve’s not mad, the opposite really. He didn’t spend much time looking at the guy during the show and now he gets to have an eyeful while he works. What’s there to be mad about? 
He is, however, mildly concerned that he won’t have a single decent photo to use for the venue socials when he posts about this show.
Whatever. Maybe fans of their music are also fans of uncomfortable eye contact. Who knows?
He finishes sifting through the rest of the photos, Eddie staring directly down the lens in every one, one’s where he’s not the subject included. Throws them all in an editing software and mass edits them all at once. He’ll detail edit later.
While the eye contact was a little unsettling, he did get one photo he’s particularly happy with. One that makes it look like the staring was on purpose.
It’s during the second to last song, a ballad– or as close as you can get with a metal band. Eddie’s standing center-stage and Steve had snagged the spot directly in front of him. He’s looking straight down, backlit with red spotlights, surrounded by smoke pumping from side-stage, and just close enough that Steve can see the sweat dripping down his neck. He looks a little bit scary, but that’s how Steve likes ‘em. 
That’ll be the cover photo for sure.
He shoots an album link to his boss to review before he distributes them anywhere, then spends  the next twenty minutes laughing to himself while he collects the goofiest photos of Eddie staring straight at his lens.
He puts them in a new album and copies the link.
When he opens up Instagram and searches Corroded Coffin he lets out a low whistle at the six million followers. Maybe he really should know who these guys are. With that many followers he doubts they’ll even see a message from his personal account, but whatever. He clicks on the message button on their profile and hits paste.
@ steveharrington.jpeg Great show tonight! Somebody tell this guy that he is allowed to look away from the camera though…
He only waits a few minutes for the reply.
@ corrodedcoffin HOLY SHIT THAT WAS YOU
@ corrodedcoffin Wait hang on
His phone pings with a message from a new account.
@ whoiseddiemunson HOLY SHIT THAT WAS YOU
@ whoiseddiemunson Sweetheart I wasn’t looking at the camera
Steve furrows his brows, confused. Starts typing a response but gets interrupted by another message.
@ whoiseddiemunson I was looking at the smoking hot guy behind it. Kinda hard to get a good look when he’s hiding behind the camera though.
Steve feels his cheeks flush and huffs a laugh to himself.
@ steveharrington.jpeg Well the guy behind the camera did manage to get a few good ones even though he was under surveillance the whole show. Wanna see those?
@ whoiseddiemunson Hell yeah I do. I just scrolled through your profile, your work is amazing. Do you want to show me the rest? Maybe over coffee tomorrow?
Steve smiles. His earlier heart palpitations replaced with butterflies.
@ steveharrington.jpeg Is this a date?
@ whoiseddiemunson It better be
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inthedarknessofnight · 21 days ago
did somebody say concert photographer Steve Harrington and rockstar Eddie Munson?!?! where he’s desperately trying to focus on performing but there is literally the most gorgeous man walking right under his stage?!?! and he keeps getting DISTRACTED?!?! and Steve doesn’t notice until he has to go through the photos later and edit them and he realizes Eddie’s looking straight into the lens in every. single. one. coincidence??? i think not!!!
(plz someone write this, all of my brain cells are in my dissertation rn and i cannot 😭 but Steddie brainrot is forever)
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strawberryyyenthusiast · 2 months ago
Steve is Morticia and Eddie is Gomez, do not fight me on this.
Eddie quite literally falls first and falls harder, immediately becoming obsessed with Steve. He brings him gifts, greets him with an exuberant amount of kisses each time he sees him, looks at him with so much adoration in his eyes that everyone feels like they are interrupting a private moment.
Steve warmed up to Eddie after a few days. It took him a bit but then he became extremely devoted to Eddie. He calls him the strangest pet names and accepts the quirkier side of himself once he lets himself fall into love with Eddie. He begins to wear flowy clothing and when he sees Eddie approach, he presents his neck or arm as an invitation for Eddie to place his lips on his skin.
They sit on each other’s laps interchangeably, share food from one another’s plates, and practically agree on everything. They may fight, but the aftermath only lasts for minutes at best before they are rushing back to one another, missing the presence of their other halves.
They share blood and clothing and help the other get dressed. The little things that other people, different people, wouldn’t think to do. Steve and Eddie need to be close to each other in every way possible.
Steve even wears an intricate golden locket around his neck everyday that has a lock of Eddie’s hair in it, while Eddie has Steve’s name tattooed across his chest.
When they die on the same day, five minutes apart, they are buried together in a joint coffin, holding hands, in a desolate cemetery in the middle of nowhere. Maybe one day, someone might stumble across their grave and be able to witness the greatness of their love, even after death.
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morganbritton132 · 10 months ago
Someone posts on their Twitter account, “I walked pass this restaurant on my lunch break and there was this gay couple on the patio, oohing and awing into a phone about seeing their little girl. When I walked past them, they were FaceTiming a cat.”
Jonathan replies to this tweet with a picture of Steve and Eddie at a restaurant and he asks, “Was it these idiots or is someone else in the same layer of hell as me?”
They reply, “Yeah, that was them.”
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dinkeydina · 8 months ago
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worked on the designs of spicy six for my Night School steddie AU! 👀
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here’s them separately!
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diangelosdays · 4 months ago
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i have some stranger things acrylic paintings on my shop if anyone is interested
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queenofhawkinshigh · 4 days ago
Chrissy who’s got shaky hands and always gets nail polish on her skin + Eddie who’s good at (and loves) painting her nails because he’s good at painting D&D minis (and loves her) = 🩷
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a-lilguy · 10 months ago
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ghostlyfleur · 1 year ago
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♡ eddie discovers he is shy!photographer’s muse
secret pictures. developing film. confident eddie. flirting. blushing and stuttering. two loners in love. heart shaped eyes. sharing lighters. tucking hair behind ears. enjoying each other’s company. reading sci-fi. shy smiles. hand holding. pinky promises. sharing all comfortable silences. tasm!peter parker taking secret photos of gwen stacy vibes.
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urhoneycombwitch · 1 year ago
Heyyy! Just a quick little request that has been TAKING over my mind. GN!Reader that LOVESSSSS photography x Rockstar!eddie. LIKE Reader will be taking photos of him whenever because he’s just so goddamn pretty playing his guitar. And Eddie will snatch film and shit for them. I’d like to think that they both have Polaroid pictures of each other. Bonus points if reader doesn’t like taking pictures of themselves but LOVES taking pictures of Eddie. I DONT KNOW I JUST THINKS ITS CUTE AHHHHH. if it’s fluff, smut, whatever, you do you! :D Byeeeeeeeee
as a film photographer myself i feel uniquely qualified to add to this tysm anon 💖
gn!reader, +18 mdni
Eddie absolutely gets you the good shit. he makes it a habit to visit the local camera stores at every city when he’s on the road, shells out for high-quality film cuz you taught him right and he actually listens when you talk about your interests!!
constantly surprising you with new gear. he’s never had money like this before and the fact that he can actually buy his partner things is so fucking thrilling. if his baby wants a vintage Rolleiflex with Planar lens that’s what’s getting boxed up for ‘em.
once you and Eddie settle on a house, he sets up a whole darkroom on the lower floor- lets you pick out all the details, hires a plumbing guy to hook up water so that you can do your own film baths. Jonathan Byers is equal parts green with envy and grateful that you’re willing to share the space w/him whenever he comes out for a visit 😇
before you, Eddie never really liked his picture taken, tolerated the ordeal at best- Wayne showed you an old photo book one time, groused about his nephew making odd faces and being squirmy in front of the lens even as young as 4 years old. you’ve made up for it a hundred times over, tho- Eddie learned quick that you wouldn’t take no for an answer when it came to your new muse.
you’ve got probably over a thousand pictures of him by now, in different states across the country, some on stage in full makeup shredding on guitar, a few that are widely recognized as Corroded’s album covers- but most are quiet, intimate. there’s this one you keep in your wallet, makes your heart flutter every time: Eddie leaned back in the grass on his elbows, soft sunlight filtered through the magnolia tree in your backyard, eyes crinkled at the corners and fixed on you behind the camera.
he’s got a bunch of you, too, of course- mostly Polaroids that are decidedly not for public eye. keeps those like a true gentleman safe in a shoebox under your bed at home: images burned into his brain by this point to take with him in memory while on the road. the soft shape of your thigh against a downy duvet, gleaming pearlescent with his cum. another of his hand wrapped around your throat, rings digging into gentle flesh under the blissed-out smile of your mouth that makes him ache somethin’ fierce just thinking about it.
there are others that he does keep in his wallet, more tame but just as searingly intimate, ones he’s taken after cajoling you in front of the lens or having won a tussle over whose turn it was to shoot whom. one of you with guitar cables looped neatly around either arm after a gig, nose crunched and mouth halfway to telling him off, irritation and fondness captured in bright flash. another of you stretched out in the front yard, one hand at your forehead to block the afternoon sun, the other resting placid on your stomach as you looked up at him.
“This one’s mine,” Eddie always says when asked about you, showing off the latest picture with a deep well of love and pride. he may as well start carrying an album for all the photos he carries of you.
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madaboutmunson · 1 year ago
I Think I Could Have Been Someone - Summary Post
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What if Steve was the rockstar and Eddie didn’t make it?
In his early 30's, Steve is riding a wave of established fame. He is a household name. He’s everyone’s favourite blue-collar, all-American, stadium-filling rockstar. Eddie doesn't make it successfully into the industry, though it remains a massive love of his. So he pursues another creative outlet to get him as close to that as possible. He became an event photographer, specialising in live music.
Years before this, Eddie covered a job for one of his photographer friends. This gig happens to be during Steve’s debut tour. That night, Eddie takes many photographs, but one captures the significance of that night for Steve, and it becomes a point of obsession for them both, but for very different reasons.
Author Note:
Key things to note. There is a 15-year time shift. Eddie and Steve are in their early 30’s. Neither of them had to face the horrors of the Upside Down. They haven't officially ever met one another before. This is a mature story with explicit elements, definitely 18+ only.
Tags/Warnings: rockstar!AU; band; touring; music industry; alternate universe; drug usage; alcohol abuse; performing; enemies to lovers; road trip
Chapter/Part Links
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7a | Part 7b | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
Ao3 Link
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lazer-meme · 2 years ago
thinking about steve leading eddie by his necklace like steve walk him like a dog harrington yk
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imnotgonnafightyou · 2 years ago
Seeking a fic that I started and never finished and have now lost that is Steddie and Steve is a teacher who starts doing some photo modeling for Eddie on the side and it’s largely like kink photos someone pls help
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mispatchedgreens · 2 years ago
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tequila sunrise, bloodshot eyes
the cowboy eddie munson brainrot is terminal
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syddsatyrn · 1 year ago
hii i love your fic “photograph”! its great, and i love seeing the love between everyone in the gang so far 💖 im following it closely~ have a great day!!
I'm so glad you like it! I really wanted to write something wholesome and fluffy. Next chapter will be out in a day or two. 💕✨
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