sturgeonposting · 4 months
Do you love the colour of the sturgeon?
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Which one?
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Vincent Price at the opening of The Tingler (1959)
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starspilli · 14 days
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resting & fixing. click for better quality!!
now available as a print
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riverswater · 4 months
Genuinely crying at work rn. They have thousands of old photos (from the 50s to the 90s) they asked me to scan (so they can create a digital archive). Today I found a photo from a 80s protest with a banner that says "FOR THE PALESTINIAN CHILDREN". It's been 40 years. It has been a lot more than that, actually. And still.
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constantlyfalling · 6 months
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Shortcut to the Seaside
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lilybug-02 · 22 days
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This is Pixel, my Porygon2. She gets really excited when touching carpet - like hilariously so. I always figured it was because real life textures are kinda new and exciting for a digital creature. @realpokemon
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hinamie · 2 months
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been thinking a normal amount about just how Strong yuuji is
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slightlymad · 6 months
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hoofpeet · 7 months
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Photo study :] 🐱🐟
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teamunee · 5 months
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happy new year everywan!!!
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lithiumandsushi · 5 months
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somargraphics · 1 year
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Old photo from a trip to Puerto Rico about 20 years ago. The original picture, without the hat and featuring the "Oneill" text, is the first one. The other two are variations created using @adobe @photoshop's latest tool called "generative fill," powered by their Firefly AI art generator. It's really cool how seamlessly and effortlessly you can integrate edits with this tool. Personally, I find it convenient to use @wacom's tablet/pen combo for accuracy and speed. I simply use the lasso tool to draw on a shape selection and type a natural language prompt like "add [x]" or "remove [x]" in the text field that pops up as you marquee anything... Voila, it's done!
But it doesn't end there. This tool offers non-destructive edits, on separate layers with editable masks. This provides a great deal of flexibility for revisions and allows for more precise tweaks. Moreover, speaking of flexibility, each prompt yields not just one, but three alternative results, offering even more possibilities for experimentation.
Although highly impressive, I do wish this tool offered further granularity, similar to the options found within the Firefly interface itself. It would be fantastic to have features like regenerating or using your own images to insert generated content from those inserted images —what is up with the flags, guys? It would be great if your AI was the first to accurately generate any country/state/town flag— nonetheless, even with its current capabilities, the tool opens up a world of creative opportunities.
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arcusxx · 9 months
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art by geokurgan
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Vincent Price celebrates his 75th birthday with a special guest...RATIGAN!
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sabertoothwalrus · 13 days
why don't more people talk about the panel where chilchuck is literally grabbing senshi's ass
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