#phone notes from the longest airport pickup line of all time
crimeronan · 1 year
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"how are the eternal horrors treating you" listen no one wants to hear my answer to that question. devin and sol are coping really well though!
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fanaticfandomfan · 5 years
Tags-Chapter Two (A Bucky Barnes x OC Fanfic)
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"Remind me again how I got talked into this?" Abby snorted, looking up from her suitcase as she watched her father fiddle around with his own.
"Because you love Pepper and could never say no to her." Abby continued with her task, zipping her suitcase closed before setting it on the floor by her feet. "Honestly dad you're freaking out over nothing. It's one week without technology, I have faith you can go without it."
Abby couldn't help the chuckle at the pout on her father's face, as he slumped back into a chair. "But camping, of all things? She couldn't have asked me to whisk her off to some remote private island or the Swiss Alps?" Abby walked over, perching herself on the arm of the chair he had been occupying, nudging his shoulder.
"Yellowstone is pretty amazing. I think you'll have a wonderful time." she smiled encouragingly, patting his shoulder as he continued to pout.
"Still pouting I see." Pepper asked, amusement in her voice as she walked into the room, setting her already packed bag by the door.
"You sure you want to take this one camping? He may not survive it." Abby joked, both women laughing as Tony rolled his eyes.
"Oh har har laugh it up. You two are evil you know that." He pointed at both of them, his voice stern but his eyes giving away the playfulness behind them.
"You know the offer stands for you to still join us." Pepper stated.
Abby smiled, shaking her head slightly. "As fun as seeing my dad go through tech withdrawals would be, I'll pass. Plus, I need to get back to D.C. Knowing Fury I'll have a whole heap of projects waiting back there for me." she said, flopping back onto the bed. It was a given she would most likely have work waiting back in D.C. for her plus her and Fury needed to have words. Steve had heard from Steve about the Lemurian Star mission. She agreed with Steve, keeping him in the dark could have caused the mission to go south side quickly and she was ready to lay it into Fury.
"Don't forget the 100-year-old man waiting back there for you." Abby took the pillow closest to her and launched it at her smirking father, the pillow doing no damage as it bounced off his chest. "Hope you're taking it easy on him, you know old bones and all. He could break a hip."
"First off, eww. You're my dad and that's slightly creepy. Second Steve is my best friend alright, nothing more." Abby pointed out for what felt like the millionth time. She knew how much her dad loved poking at her friendship with the captain knowing how much it annoyed her.
"Stop tormenting your daughter or I'm extending our camping trip an extra week Stark." Pepper threatened. That instantly shut her father up.
"Alright, noted." he said leaning up to press a kiss to Peppers cheek before standing from the chair and walking over to the bed, taking a seat next to Abby. "In all seriousness, it was good to have you for a while. You know, we could use you more around the tower? Fury would survive without that brain of yours." Tony said, tapping her forehead for emphasis. Abby was used to this talk. She had thought about taking the bait, moving back to New York and taking up the charity outreach of Stark Industries full time. She was already doing it part time and while she truly loved being able to help those who really needed and benefited from the many scholarships and foundations, her work with S.H.I.E.L.D. was something she enjoyed. While she didn't have super strength or a suit made of iron, she knew her brain could be just as beneficial.
"I know dad. But with your ticker all working and taking a step back who's going to keep Fury in line or come up with new nicknames for the Ice Queen." Tony smiled, moving to press a kiss to the side of her head.
"Well you're not wrong there sprout. Offer always stands though alright."
"I know. Now you need to finish packing. Your guys flight leaves in less than an hour. Now, hand it over." Abby said, holding her hand out to her father. Tony scoffed, looking away from her as he crossed his arms. But he was soon met with the piercing gaze of one Miss Pepper Potts. Reluctantly he dug through his pocket, pulling his phone out and handing it over to Abby.
"And your backup phone." Tony went to argue but seeing the look on his daughter's face knew it would be futile. Muttering under his breath he dug into his pocket, producing a second one before placing it in Abby's hand.
"God, I feel so exposed." Tony said over dramatically as both women rolled their eyes. Abby handed the phones to Pepper who left the room, most likely to put the phones in the safe.
"You'll be fine dad, I will be fine, the world will be fine." Abby said patting his shoulder as he moved back to packing, grumbling the whole time under his breath.
Later, she would look back on her choice of words like an utter dumb ass.
The next morning
Morning flights sucked. As the plane started its descent into Ronald Reagan International, Abby swore to whatever higher power there was she would never in her life take an early morning flight again. This was the last time she was letting her dad book her flight, knowing the evil bastard had probably planned for the earliest one he could find with the longest flight time imaginable.
As the plane touched down, she downed the remainder of her coffee before digging through her bag to turn on her phone. Once it fully booted up, she reached in further pulling out another phone, this one slightly outdated from her first. The old flip phone showed its age, the beige color boring and bland. It had started off as a joke really. She had given Steve the phone last year as a gag gift, poking at the fact he was still clueless about using the smart phone he had been given by S.H.I.E.L.D. but it was now seen as a way for communications deemed emergency level. The low tech kept it at a low risk for hacking, which was ideal when you didn't want any important information getting leaked.
Flipping the phone up, she waited as it turned on, gathering her items together as the doors of the plane opened. Tossing it into her bag to finish up, she stood from her seat, grabbing her carry on from overhead before deboarding the plane, looking forward to the long nap she would be taking as soon as she got back to her apartment.
She immediately paused when she felt her purse vibrate. She knew it wasn't her smartphone, the music of AC/DC would have been blaring out if it had been. Which made the only other option the flip phone. Frantically digging through her bag, she pulled it out, her eyes widening when she flipped it open, seeing the multiple missed calls all coming from the same number: Steve's.
Her fingers quickly punched the numbers in, the phone barely to her ear when he was picking up. "Thank god! I've been calling you for the last 3 hours. It's an hour and a half tops from New York I thought-".
"Whoa, whoa slow it down Captain Popsicle I can barely understand you. I was on a long flight courtesy of dear old dad. What the hell's going on?" She heard Steve take an audible breath through the phone, hearing him speaking with someone on his side. "Steve your freaking me out talk."
"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been compromised, Fury was killed." She heard the words but her brain wasn't processing them. What Steve was saying had to be the world's worst joke. He would start laughing at any moment with a 'got you' and she'd be on his ass about scaring her half to death.
"Abby? Abby are you still there?" She was quickly brought back to the present, her hand tightening on the phone up to her ear.
"I swear to god Rogers this is not a funny joke-"
"Stark this is not a joke." Hearing Natasha's voice take over instantly had Abby on alert. The use of her last name was only ever reserved for when things got serious. And knowing Nat it was.
"Holy shit...what..how...why haven't I heard anything?" Abby rambled, the realization that this was in fact happening hitting her full force.
"Will explain it all when you get here. We're sending you an address. Do not contact anyone else, only call this number on the phone. We don't know who we can trust right now." Steve said, taking back over from Natasha.
"Shit there's going to be a car out there sent from S.H.I.E.L.D. to take me back to my place." Abby started to move, keeping her walk brisk, trying to hopefully not draw attention to herself, paranoia starting to creep up.
"Abby do not get into that car! Find a cab and get here as quick as you can. You may need to also ditch your other phone in case they decide to trace it." Steve suggested. Passing by a trash can, Abby quickly pulled the device from her bag, looking around before discreetly dropping it into the garbage before she continued on her way.
"Done. Send the address and I'll get there as soon as I can." Abby said, quickly disconnecting the call. A few moments later, the phone vibrated, alerting her to the new message. Reading over it carefully she headed towards the pickup zone. She tugged the hood of the baggy MIT sweatshirt, one of the many she 'borrowed' from Tony, keeping her head down as she weaved through crowds of people trying to leave the airport. Her fingers subconsciously went to the dog tags hanging under the sweatshirt, trying to quell the anxiety slowly creeping into her body.
Her eyes caught the black SUV up ahead, already knowing that was the vehicle waiting for her. Her eyes darted around before landing on a cab idling near the curb, keeping her head down and her face hidden she quickly slipped in, tugging her bag after her before rattling the address off to the driver. As the driver pulled away, Abby took the opportunity to glance back out the back window, noting the two suits exit the vehicle before rushing into the airport.
The two-story townhouse looked unassuming as Abby pulled up. It was in a quiet neighborhood, the only signs of life being the kids she had seen biking down the sidewalk. Pulling cash from her wallet, she paid the driver before stepping out. It had only been a moment before she felt her body engulfed in strong arms. Immediately recognizing them, her own arms wrapped around her arms around broad shoulders, pressing her head against his shoulder. Steve was the first to pull away, grabbing her bag and ushering her into the house, shutting and locking the door behind them.
"Took you long enough, thought this one was going to wear a hole into the floor with the amount of pacing he was doing," Natasha quipped moving to hug Abby as well, all a bit not as hard as Steve had. Abby returned it, smiling for the first time since this mess started.
"I am Tony's kid, got to live up to it all." she teased pulling away before looking over both of them. They were freshly showered she could tell but she could see the fatigue on their faces as well as the few cuts and bruises Natasha was sporting. "You guys look like hell."
"Should have seen them when they first arrived Think I may need to throw out my towels." Abby turned her head, finding the third occupant of the space leaning against the wall, his lips twitched up into a half smile.
"Abby this is Sam Wilson, a friend of mine. Sam this is Abby Stark." Steve introduced. Sam stretched his hand out, taking her offered one in a friendly shake.
"Thanks for helping them. Seems like they needed it." Abby said as Sam brushed it off.
"I mean can't exactly say no to Captain America, even if he keeps smoking me on our runs." The group laughed, the atmosphere almost falling into a sense of calm. Almost.
"You need to tell me everything that's happening." Abby said, turning to face Steve. Steve sighed, nodding towards the direction of what she assumed was the kitchen.
"There's coffee and breakfast. This is going to be a long story."
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alexander-slander · 6 years
Song fic chapter five part two (2)
A/N: no real warnings. Surprise. If there’s anything I missed don’t be afraid to tell me!
“See I’m covered.” I say shrugging. They leave and Alec Simon and I talk while I perfect the song and show them exactly what I’m planning on doing.
We look at the time and see that it’s time for Alec to go get her parents. The plan is for Alec to get them while everything’s being set up take them to the loft seeing as they’ll be staying with Clary and me then they can rest for a little bit. At about four forty five to five I’m going to go to the airport and pick up Clary.
Thirty minutes before pick up
I am a ball of nerves and I need to be at the airport in less than thirty minutes. “Alright now I know who you felt Simon.” I say as I’m pacing.
“Yeah I just let the music take over it was easier that way.” He says shrugging.
“Jace stop pacing you’re going to wear a hole in the floor. I bet you nine times out of ten she’ll say yes.” Alec says walking out of the kitchen.
“I can’t help it I’m nervous. Also there’s a possibility that could say no.” I say ringing my hands together.
“Do you really believe that? You two are the longest relationship I’ve ever seen. You’re high school sweet hearts it’s bound to have a happy ending.” Simon said putting a hand on my shoulder.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t be this nervous. I mean yes there is a possibility that she might say no but we won’t know until I ask her.” I say as I calm down.
“That’s the spirit.” Alec says clapping me on the back. “Now it’s time for you to get to the airport.” He says giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. I nod and grab my keys and walk out the door.
Clary’s POV
I read for a little while during the flight then I started to sketch again. Sketching always helped me stay calm. I honestly have nothing to be nervous about but I guess I was because Jace May have forgotten to pick me up again.
A few hours later the plane lands and I get my stuff from my overhead compartment and make my way out of the plane. I eat my other stuff from baggage claim then look around for Jace.
I walk towards the pickup line while looking around. I don’t see him and my heart drops for a second. I haven’t seen him in person for two weeks and he isn’t here to pick me up? I question to myself in thought. I pull out my phone and turn it on seeing if I have any messages from him. I don’t.
I sigh and go to call someone to come pick me up when a hand covers my eyes and before I can freak out a voice says. “Hey beautiful.”
My heart jumps at the sound of his voice. “Jace.” I say as he moves his hand.
“Sorry I’m late. I was picking up your favorite drink.” He says handing me a cup of coffee.
“How thoughtful of you.” I say taking the cup and wrapping my arms around him. “I’ve missed being this close to you.” I say kissing him.
“I’ve missed it too. Come on I’ll help you with your luggage.” He says as he grabs a few of my suit cases and I grab the others. We walk to the car and put my stuff in the trunk.
“I can’t wait to get home and lay down.” I say stretching as I get in the car.
“Well that’ll have to wait a little bit longer. I have a surprise for you.” He says getting in the driver’s seat.
“Oh really?” I ask looking over at him.
“Yes think of it as a welcome home present.” He says putting his seat belt on. “Here put this on.” He says handing me a blindfold.
“Really Jace a blind fold?” I ask looking at him.
“Yes a blind fold. Now please?” He asks starting to car.
“Alright fine.” I say smiling and putting it on.
Jace’s POV
We were in the car and I got her to wear the blind fold. I was going a different way so that way she wouldn’t know we were heading to the beach. Once we got there I went over to her side and helped her out. “Right this way watch your step.” I say guiding her to where everyone else was.
After we get there I let go of her and take the blind fold off as everyone says. “Surprise!”
“Oh my god Jace did you really do all this?” She asked turning to look at me as he recovered from her shock.
“As much as I would love too I can’t take all the credit. All of our friends helped plan this. Also there’s one other thing.” I say turning her around to where she’s facing her parents.
“Mom? Dad?” She asks running up to them.
“Yeah Jace asked us to come down and have a big family reunion.” Luke said hugging his daughter.
“I love you so much Jace.” She said walking over to me and kissing me.
“Alright how about we all go for a swim?” Izzy asked already I’m her bikini.
“I don’t have a suit though.” Clary said a little disappointed.
“Not to worry I got you covered.” Lily said holding out her hand. Clary took it and they went to go pick out her suit.
We all changed them headed into the water and messed with each other for a while. When it started getting dark we got out and grabbed some towels and Luke made a bonfire.
“Jace I can’t believe this.” Clary says sitting next to me.
“There’s more to come.” I say putting an arm around her. We sit around for a while and talk about what she did in Maine.
“Excuse me.” I say standing up and going behind a tent to grab a guitar. Alec grabs his and sits on a chair next to Magnus as he starts to strum along.
I start to pluck the strings of the song and walk in front of the tent starting to strum and then sing.
105 is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in our bed
That's precisely what I plan to do.
I walked closer to her slowly then stopped in the middle being illuminated by the fire.
And you know one of these days when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life.
I was about to take a bite of a smore Simon had given me when I heard music play and then Jace walked out with a guitar and he was signing. I started at him in awe and smiled listening to the words.
Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough.
I stand there and sing the song I’ve spent the last two weeks practicing trying to get every note perfect and my nervous started to kick in. I almost freeze them I remember what Simon told me. I let the music take over.
I'll say will you marry me
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say will you marry me
Our family and friends stood around and watched not saying a word. Once he started playing I knew he was the one although I had my suspicions beforehand. Looking at everything now I could tell Magnus and Izzy did the decorations Simon helped out with the song Alec picked up my parents and helped Jace make it on time and they all helped Jace stay calms.
I decided to just sit there and listen to the music and my boyfriends’ sweet voice as he sang his love to me. Honestly I never thought that he would do something like this.
How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?
Baby I don't ever plan to find out
The more I look, the more I find the reasons why
You’re the love of my life
You know one of these days when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day, I won’t be able to ask you loud enough.
Simon’s POV
I sat next to Clary and Raphael next to me as we all swayed to the music. Tonight was a great night and I could tell that Clary was going to say yes. There was no doubt in my mind. She was always a sucker for things like this.
Jace’s POV
I'll say will you marry me
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say will you marry me
And if I lost everything
In my heart it means nothing
'Cause I have you, girl I have you
I took a deep breath and put the guitar behind my back as I’d gotten closer to her as Alec started to pick up the song where I’d left off and get down on one knee taking out the ring.
So get right down on bended knee
Nothing else would ever be
Better, better
The day when I say
I'll say will you marry me
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say will you marry me
I'll say will you marry me
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say will you marry me
I hold the ring out to her as I look her beautiful eyes and smile.
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Would you marry me baby?
105 is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in our bed
That's precisely what I plan to do
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