#phone call api
cleverstacksblog · 4 months
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phonesuite · 5 months
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This blog post will give you an in-depth look at everything from API integration to connecting your switch with channel management systems, streamlining the operations performance of the hotel business. Learn More...
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fonadain · 6 months
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Discover how Phone Calling APIs can revolutionize your business communication. Learn about key benefits like improved customer experience, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Explore use cases and implementation steps. See how Phone Calling APIs can enhance communication and empower your business!
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phonesuitedirect · 11 months
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Choosing the right VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone service is a crucial decision for individuals and businesses alike. To make an informed choice, consider factors such as call quality, reliability, scalability, pricing, and customer support. Making the right choice can lead to cost savings, improved communication, and increased productivity for your business needs.
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changes · 10 months
Friday, December 8th, 2023
🌟 New
On web, we’ve removed the option to delete your account from your primary blog’s settings. Account deletion can still be performed via your account settings.
We’ve rolled out some visual changes in the iOS and Android apps to how reblog information is displayed in post headers. These changes have been live on the web for a while, now it’s in the apps!
In the public API, we’ve added a new field to the Post object, “parent_post_url”, pointing to the reblog’s parent post (often referred to as the “prev” post).
🛠 Fixed
We’ve fixed a bug that was preventing the DuckDuckGo browser on Android phones from being able to copy links to posts.
🚧 Ongoing
Nothing to report here today.
🌱 Upcoming
Check out this prototype we’re working on over in Tumblr Labs called “Communities”!
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
Wanna support Tumblr directly with some money? Check out the new Supporter badge in TumblrMart!
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shortformblog · 7 months
More on the Automattic mess from my pals at 404 Media:
We still do not know the answers to all of these questions, because Automattic has repeatedly ignored our detailed questions, will not get on the phone with us, and has instead chosen to frame a new opt-out feature as “protecting user choice.” We are at the point where individual Automattic employees are posting clarifications on their personal Mastodon accounts about what data is and is not included.  The truth is that Automattic has been selling access to this “firehose” of posts for years, for a variety of purposes. This includes selling access to self-hosted blogs and websites that use a popular plugin called Jetpack; Automattic edited its original “protecting user choice” statement this week to say it will exclude Jetpack from its deals with “select AI companies.” These posts have been directly available via a data partner called SocialGist, which markets its services to “social listening” companies, marketing insights firms, and, increasingly, AI companies. Tumblr has its own Firehose, and Tumblr posts are available via SocialGist as well.  Almost every platform has some sort of post “firehose,” API, or way of accessing huge amounts of user posts. Famously, Twitter and Reddit used to give these away for free. Now they do not, and charging access for these posts has become big business for those companies. This is just to say that the existence of Automattic’s firehose is not anomalous in an internet ecosystem that trades on data. But this firehose also means that the average user doesn’t and can’t know what companies are getting direct access to their posts, and what they’re being used for.
This story goes deeper than the current situation.
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kellan2255 · 1 year
Yet Another Summary of What r/196 is and the Current Reddit Drama
Some people in an apartment/dorm created a subreddit (a community on Reddit. Think a tag with its own moderators) for sharing memes called r/195, named after the room number. The only rule was that you had to post before leaving, which turned it into a shitposting subreddit and created the tradition of naming posts “rule”. After 420 weeks, r/195 was abruptly shut down and its users moved to r/196 (196 eventually had its own spin-offs like 197, 198, 19684, 196andahalf, etc).
For a subreddit with theoretically one rule, 196 was actually very moderated. Many rules got added over time like restricting certain controversial types of post to certain days, the ever changing rules about porn, and most importantly strong enforcement against bigotry. That made it one of the few mainstream shitposting subreddits with a largely left-leaning and/or LGBTQ audience.
Recently Reddit announced API changes that effectively end 3rd party apps. That forces users to use their horrible official app, which makes moderation harder, reduces accessibility for disabled people, and a bunch of other things people have written whole essays about. Users only have two ways to put any real pressure on the administrators running the site: negative media coverage (this has required multiple mass shootings by site users to be effective) and, more recently, blackouts.
All content on Reddit is made by users and posted to communities run by users. The main page is simply a collection of popular posts from these communities. A blackout is when the moderators of many large communities coordinate to make them private or block all new posts until a demand is met. This has been tried twice before and succeeded both times: one time to shut down the Covid misinformation subreddit r/nonewnormal, and one time to fire an admin who defended her pedophile father and banned any mention of her name. Also worth noting there’s a *lot* of history with Reddit admins and pedophilia that deserves its own write up.
People are less hopeful this time due to less participation in the blackout and the CEO quadrupling down on the API change. Again, there’s much more to that drama including lying about conversations, recorded phone calls, accidentally revealing he was using copy-pasted responses, and admitting the company wasn’t profitable to try and win an argument. Since it’s clear there will be no change and many communities will be gone forever, there’s an exodus of many of them, including 196, to other platforms like Lemmy, Mastodon, Discord, and Tumblr.
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vanillaxoshi · 7 months
Ok the convo between Cahaya and Tok just had me crying….Ik Cahaya accepts the circle of life and death but uk it still hurts
Hey just a request can you actually tell the scenario when the brothers arrive and they see all the arrangement and a cutely sleeping Cahaya, atleast their thoughts and how overwhelmed they would be when Tok tells them that he had worked hard for their birthday and slept being tired!
It would be so cute and sweet!!!
Note: this is before they went to databot
8:00 in the morning
eyes slowly open, he wonders, why is he in his room? wasnt he downstairs? when is today? he firstly took his glasses which also happens to be at the desk beside him, he sat up
he finally checked the time on his phone and realized
yesterday was their birthday. they didnt arrive that time.
all he could do was sigh and look blankly at his phone. he wonders if they're here now, if not maybe he should check up on them with the watch, if it could even reach them. He doesnt see Api, Air, nor Daun in their beds, he wouldve noticed immediately, they share the same room after all
he stood up and decide to check Petir, Tanah and Angin's room
they weren't there either.
well that checks out, they're not here-
He faces Daun, just as he was about to go down stairs
"Daun?" he spoke out with mild disbelief "i was just about to wake you up" Daun says smiling
Cahaya furrowed his eyebrows a bit, confused but relieved, all of a sudden Daun hugged him
"Thanks for preparing that huge feast for us, and dont worry we havent ate a single bite! we were waiting for you!" Daun told him, letting go of the hug he tackled him with
"you were waiting for us after all, its only right we wait for you to eat all together!!" Ruffling his hair, Daun chuckles
"Thanks little brother" He says with a warm smile
"dont call me that." Cahaya softly says
Daun chuckles again, pulling Cahaya downstairs
As Cahaya finally regained his footing from being pulled down to the kitchen, He sees his brothers prepping up the table, the cake in the middle has had the Candles rearranged, the plates and food lined up.
he was then, greeted with more bearhugs, this time from Api, Angin and Tanah. "HEY STOP IM BEINGSQUISHED HERE!!"
"Haha sorry, thats just a big thank you for all of this" Angin laughed
"aww you still have your heart despite all that darkness in it" Api teased
"sorry we didnt come earlier and celebrated on our actual birthdate, but we'll make up for it right now, wha'd you say we blow the candles now?" Tanah calmly spoke out
"i got the camera ready!!" Ochobot cheered out
"I've got the lighter" tok Aba said as he came in the room
"OH! Atok let me do it!!" Api exclaims point ing at himself while approaching the old man, but before Atok could reply tanah had already grabbed Api by his shirt and pulled the flailing Api away
Cahaya let out a snort watching the entire scenario
he was called by Daun to sit down by the cake, he smiled brightly running up to him.
the candles are lit each by color, as every year, the way they blew their candles are one by one
"one!" Petir shouted before blowing his yellow Candle
"two!" Angin shouted before blowing his purple Candle
"three!" Tanah shouted before blowing his brown Candle
"four!" Api shouted before blowing his red Candle
"Five!" Air shouted before blowing his blue Candle
"six!" Daun shouted before blowing his green Candle
"seven!" Cahaya shouted before blowing his white Candle
After that they shout altogether"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" before they would start eating.
Cahaya smiled brightly, he enjoys everything about this. It lofted his entire spirit from yesterday
It might not be their actual birthdate but, theyre here, as long as theyre here. Hes fine.
"We havent really spending that much time with you lately." Petir spoke up walking towards the glasses wearing boy
"you think?" replied Cahaya
"sorry" Cahaya was caught off guard by that reply, usually, Petir would be mad by his snarky remarks or tone
"we'll make it up to you, i heard there would be a mission we would be involved in. After some thinking, and talking with tanah, We'll let you be involved in missions, physically." Petir spoke in such a soft spoken way, when he looked at Cahaya, he saw what he expected, what he wont admit he missed,
A big bright smile and glowing eyes that reminded him of the boy who would always love to share everything with them
"Really??" Cahaya says in full ecstasy
Petir nodded, Cahaya immediately hugged Petir, Petir could only so return it back. "I promise you." Petir says
As they let go, Petir kept the conversation going "since your the 'informant' of tapops or smth... Can you tell me something about tapops? Spill their dark secrets to me." He knugged the boy with his elbow as he continues to kid around
"sorry, Even to family members thats classified!" Cahaya teased as he ate his cake
"oh really, shame." Petir chuckled as he replied
"what about space?"
"go ahead"
"Well, did you know space is above or below negative 400 Fahrenheit?"
"that's cold"
"according to some information Tapops had recorded, some froze almost immediately just by stepping out to space unprotected"
"well by our earth recordings, it is negative 400 degrees Fahrenheit, but i think the tempeture is written differently in a book from Tapops, i dont know what it is so i guess i'll have to research more about it"
The conversation went out long, through all of Cahaya's ramblings, Petir never once looked bored, infact he stops Cahaya time to time by asking questions, and Cahaya would happily answer them
The conversation would only fully stop once Atok called the brothers in to create a video to send to their father
"HI ABA!!!"
"We turned 15 yesterday!!!"
"we were late and a bunch but Cahaya fixed up something for all of us!!"
"wish your here aba!!"
They continued for the next hour or so talking about anything to the video, sadly the video had reached its limit and they had to stop. The rest of the day was calm relaxation few events, like kokotiam coming in with presents and the septuplets opening them up with little banters and teasing
They all decided to sleep together in the living room that night, they slept peacefully
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fakeosphere · 2 years
annoying reminder that tomorrow (11/8/22) is election day here are some good resources ive used recently
registration check
polling locations
a word about what's going on from Bernie Sanders (literally 2 mins)
Election protection resources via phone, call them with any questions or concerns u may have:
866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) English
888-Ve-Y-Vota (839-8682) Spanish
888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, and Tagalog
844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287) Arabic
301-818-VOTE (301-818-8683) American Sign Language (video call)
888-796-VOTE Disability Rights Texas
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bananonbinary · 8 months
Bee person dropping in to divulge some of the Secret Lore - there's about 20000 bee species, most of which (~85%) are solitary, meaning they live their entire life on their own. Most of these species are far less aggressive and territorial since it doesn't pay off for them to die in defense of their nest if they can just make a new one instead and still have at least a couple offspring. They're also much more vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change, pesticides, and loss of floral resources and habitats than a lot of social bees because they don't have a bunch of siblings to do teamwork with, so if the going gets tough for them, they have to go it alone - so they're especially dependent on us getting our shit together.
On a less depressing note, for anyone who wants to see some cool pictures of non-honeybee-looking bees, look up orchid bees, blood bees, carpenter bees, mason bees, mining bees, leafcutter bees, fairy bees, masked bees, sweat bees, digger bees, ... Not all of these are solitary, but they're all rad as hell. (The males often have quite fancy facial hair/markings too!)
In terms of that bumblebee, it depends - bumblebee colonies are quite small compared to what people will expect given the usual reference of comparatively giant honeybee hives (most bumblebee colonies don't tend to go above ~300 members) and their life histories are also quite different, as bumblebee colonies aren't perennial - young queens emerge from their winter diapause (a type of hibernation) in early spring, found their nests and rear the first workers, who then take over many of the tasks in the colony (such as foraging and brood care) until late summer, when they switch from rearing workers to new queens and males, who then get out and mate. The males and workers eventually die in fall, while the newly mated young queens find a cozy spot to while away the winter (usually underground, but pretty close to the surface, so don't clean up your green spaces too much and be gentle) to start the cycle again the next year. While isolation can have some negative effects on social bees like bumblebees, the severity of these effects depends on a lot of factors. Bumblebees, in my experience, are pretty tough though - for example, they can cope very well with randomly being dropped into an entirely new colony, which I know I certainly couldn't (I can barely handle phone calls on a good day). So long as they're given ample access to sugar water, they can live pretty long lives (for bees, anyway). If you find a flightless one, taking care of it is definitely the better alternative though. Keep them in a clean box (you can put a tissue on the bottom for easy cleaning/changing) in the shade for most of the day, at consistent room temperatures, give them sugar water and occasionally some flowers and they'll be fine. Just be careful as they can (and will) still sting in self-defense.
However, there actually are also stingless bees (Meliponini - more then 500 species worldwide) - they're another really cool group to look up. Like bumblebees and honeybees they are also social bess, and (like bumblebees) they build crazy cool nests. They're also the only group of bees that can produce honey outside of the honeybess (genus Apis - only 9 species worldwide) and can be found all over the world (the Americas, Australia, Africa, ...). They've been used for traditional honey production for centuries in a lot of South American countries, for example (off the top of my head I know of Mexico and Brazil). Their honey is also quite different to Apis honey in terms of chemical composition (and, speaking as a completely objective third party observer with absolutely no personal interest in the matter, is much tastier).
I'll stop now because otherwise I never will, but if there's anyone I haven't scared off yet, feel free to drop by and send me a message and I'll happily answer any and all bee-related questions you may have! I also really recommend the nonhoneybees (.) com blog, which is run by a wild bee researcher - they have really cute bee cartoons and lots of interesting facts about bees (and don't post at an overwhelming rate).
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thecodinglove · 2 months
When the salesperson asks me which phone number to use for API calls
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I'm no longer gonna be able to comfortably play my special interest, which fucking sucks. Rant under cut. It's about League of Legends and Riot's anti-cheat software, Vanguard, if you're interested.
Riot Vanguard (vgk) is a kernel-level software that scans all of a system's processes to detect cheat engines, which itself is fine - industry standard - except it boasts a particular effectiveness due to how it's run. Vgk runs on start-up so that it's running before a user has the chance to launch a cheat engine, and it can ID hardware so that if a player is caught cheating, they won't be able to play again on the same device. Unless it is disabled manually, it will run 24/7, whereas other AC software will start and stop in line with the game's execution.
It's more effective than other AC software, but it absolutely bricked some PCs back upon its initial release when Valorant dropped in 2020. This was a new game, fresh code, but the anti-cheat borders on a fucking rootkit - a term I'm using liberally, because vgk isn't malware, but it works in the same way on a systemic level. Equally as invasive, and can potentially be equally as destructive; one of those is intended, and the other is an unfortunate by-product of invasive software being developed by a video game company.
League of Legends is a 15 year old game with some pretty tragic code. If vgk caused people to bluescreen after exiting Valorant, then even more people are going to encounter issues with the shitshow that is LoL's code base.
Three weeks ago, an attempt to fix a bug regarding an in-client feature fucked over a far more significant API in several major servers. Every time a particular game-mode called "Clash" launches (every other month or so), it bricks the servers. This is currently a running gag in the community: that whenever the client acts up (embarrassingly often for such a well-funded game) Riot must be dropping Clash early. But when you introduce a bloody rootkit into the mix that runs in tandem with spaghetti code and beyond the closing of the game app, this is going to undoubtedly fuck some computers up.
I'm not someone who cheats at games, but I care about my system too much to risk this. Something that relies on the BIOS, that is known to have caused permanent damage to systems while running alongside a much better programmed game, that continuously scans your system while it's active (and always activates upon start-up until disabled) is obscenely risky. With a 24/7 invasive software, it can disable drivers regardless of what you're playing and when; the worst cases - plural - I've read about anecdotally were people's cooling systems being disabled erroneously by vgk, causing gpu melting. You bet any antivirus software you have installed is going to scan without pause because of it, which will cause more system-wide performance issues, too.
There's also the (albeit minor) risk of other scripts triggering the uh-oh alarm and leading to unfair account bans, and I've poured almost 7 years into this game. I mod some of my single-player games and write scripts. No thanks.
And while I'm lucky enough to have a decent system, the TPM 2.0 and secure boot requirement for Windows 11 users means that vgk will effectively - while the phrase is crude, I haven't seen a concise alternative - "class-ban" League players. Similar to the release of OW2, where a unique SIM was required for every account, including existing ones until that got changed after enough backlash - except buying a phone number is far cheaper than buying a laptop or PC. Even with the requirements, the performance issues will tank low-end systems, which would already be at higher risk of hardware fuckery from increased and extended cpu usage. And the game is currently designed to be comfortably playable on low-end rigs, so it will force-out a good number of players.
If you play League and intend to continue playing after vgk is made mandatory in Jan/Feb 2024, give it a few months after it goes live before you play. That's enough time for any catastrophic issues to unfold, because if the testing period was anything like it is for game features, it won't be sufficient, and the number of cases of system damage will be worse than it was for Valorant upon release.
This rant does read like I'm trying to dissuade people from playing post-vgk, and I'm not, but I am urging people to be cautious and informed on the legitimate controversies surrounding Vanguard, especially anything hardware related. Familiarise yourself with how the program works and assess whether your system will likely be affected, and how permanent any damage could be to your hardware. Read forums (that aren't moderated by Riot employees where possible) and verify the information you're reading. Including this. It's 3:30am and I'm writing this angrily, so my limited explanations of the software could stand to be more thorough.
I'm hoping that there will be enough of a reduction in League's ~200m monthly player-base to spark a reversal in the decision to implement vgk. Not out of consideration for people who don't want to install a rootkit for a video game, but because Riot would lose money and shit their corporate britches.
Having to say goodbye to my favourite game, a universe I love and one of the more significant outlets to socialisation in my life absolutely sucks, though. The actual season changes looked super cool too, and I was stoked about Ambessa coming to the game. I'll enjoy the game while I can, but yeah this feels like a bitter breakup lmao.
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fonadain · 8 months
Phone Calling APIs go beyond geographical barriers. Users, regardless of their location, gain the ability to connect seamlessly through voice calls. 
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
1, 5, 6, 8 tech ask for Kat please?
Thank you!!! These will be fun <3
Answers under the cut as usual :)
Your OC and Tech Ask Game
1. Describe their phone case.
Somewhat old, since she can't really afford a new one, and covered in smudged ink and dried paint from art accidents (she usually has references or a podcast pulled up while she works, so the phone is right in the splash zone)
5. What’s their texting style? (EX: abbreviations or perfect grammar? One-word texts or paragraphs?)
Pretty standard, I think? Not formal, but not hardcore abbreviations either. It depends a little on the person, though - she usually will call Ahk instead of texting, but when she does text she tends to be a little more straightforward with it (since she's not sure he'd quite get the hang of emojis or acronyms or other texting lingo)
6. Write out a text exchange between them and another OC.
Katherine: hey do you have notes on shaw's new art assignment?
Emily: yeah why?
Katherine: fell asleep again.
Emily: you really need to stop pulling allnighters at the museum like that
Katherine: not my fault. the moose got out and we had to wrangle it back in. did you know they're like taller than cars? v scary when you're face to face w it
Katherine: literally had to summon apis to get it back inside and not get rammed
Katherine: anyway can i have the notes?
Katherine: i'll buy you coffee
Emily: god this is like something i'd read in discworld
Emily: here
Emily: <sent a PDF>
Emily: hazelnut latte w a sprinkle of cinnamon please
8. What app do they use most frequently? (Name an app or describe a hypothetical one)
Pinterest, or a similar app, to collect art references
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