#phoenixeclipse forgotten au
phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 2 months
Phoenixeclipse - Forgotten AU
A dark force takes Phoenix away, making it appear as if she died. This takes place after the Journey To The West. She isn't brought back to her own world but rather she is taken to a place known as the void.
Sun Wukong and Macaque don't care about humans and stay on their island away from everyone else. Occasionally, I'm going to the city to make a mess to make sure Mk isn't going soft since he decided to move to the city. They also go to Camel Ridge to visit with their old friends. (All after 5 years of mourning)
She wants nothing more than to get back home to her mates Sun Wukong and Macaque and her cubs Xiaotian, Bao and Tao. However the longer she remains in the void the more she forgets about her life and the people she cared about.
It gets worse when she finds out she is pregnant with the Triplets. In order to protect them, she stays in the least dangerous part of the Void. The Void Mountain where almost nothing roams and only lush greenery is found.
However, the mountain has long and harsh winters. She is unable to stay awake and protect her own cubs. They are found by an ice demon (Crystal) who watches the children during the winter, the cubs who don't hibernate like their mother.
As they grow older, they learn more about their mother and their 'aunt' Crystal. Mostly, their mother, they notice, is slowly losing more and more of her memories the longer she stays within the Void.
>>> An is the youngest and nearly died when she was born. Her body is rather fragile for a monkey demon but still stronger than a human. She is persistent and doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to her family's safety. She's kind and calm with those who are nice to her and loves to simply sit back and relax or study.
So they plot to get her out. The only way to get out of the Void is to go through the King, who immediately refuses and sends them away. An is persistent, refusing to take no for an answer, and comes back again and again.
Finally, the King agrees if she defeats one of his gladiators. But if she loses, she would become one of his slaves. She wins and is sent out of the Void, alone.
So she needs to find a way back and a way to get the rest of her family out. During this time, she goes to Megopolis, where she finds a small noodle shop. There is a monkey demon like herself who is working, his name is Mk and he's so nice to her.
She just needs to find a way to ask for his help. Or maybe she shouldn't drag him into her problems. Too bad she doesn't have much of a choice when he finds out she is basically homeless.
>>> Jing is the second youngest and is protective and dangerous. She will fight anyone and anything to protect her family. If she gets hurt in a fight, she won't stop until she's either unconscious or dead.
Jing refuses to leave her mom's side after the first time they go to the King. She is protective of her mother, who barely remembered them when they returned to her. She is persistent that she won't leave her alone again.
She is visious to anyone who enters the mountain that she doesn't know or approve of. She also grows a loathing towards her Dad and Baba, who she has never met. She thinks that they abandoned them because her mom doesn't know what happened to them.
When An goes missing, she is distraught and tries to find clues, but in the end, finds nothing. She can't bring herself to leave the mountain away from her mother and thinks that her sister is dead.
>>> Meihua is the oldest still. She is protective of her siblings and is the most observant of them, too. She takes meticulous care of her fur and is persistent when it comes to grooming her sisters.
Meihua goes searching for her sister in depth and runs into a dangerous individual. The White Bone Spirit is ruthless and cruel, but even so Meihua stands her own rather well against her. She nearly kills her when she falls into a trap.
Her neck is severed, and she passes away. When she wakes up in the underworld, she doesn't take it lightly and actually drags herself out with the help of someone.
When she gets out she is stuck in the form of a Shadow. Her body was put back together with a golden scar around her throat where she was injured. But her body was also possessed by the White Bone Spirit who used it and her power to escape the void through the shadows.
She is fuming, to say the least, but doesn't confront her. Instead, she goes to look for her sister. She finds her rather quickly with her six ears in the city of Megopolis in a small noodleshop. She also finds another Monkey demon named MK (who covers up his ears and eyes with a glamour)
Mk or Xiaotian was in shock to find a monkey demon in the city. Most preferred the forests or the mountains where they didn't have to deal with humans or other demons. His shock is turned to excitement at the young demoness who couldn't have been more than 15.
He is dense and doesn't use his golden eyes of truth, so he doesn't see her true form through her glamour. He takes her in with the help of Mei when they find out she's basically homeless by seeing her sleeping in an alleyway.
He even helps her get a job with Pigsy. She seems more interested in studying with Tang, but he likes to drag her out on deliveries, though. She's like a little sister to him! How can he not want to get to know her a little bit!
Tao is the first to find out about An from Mk. On a night that his brother decided to stay in town, instead of returning to the mountain, he decided to go into town. His first plan was to spook his brother, a plan that goes straight out of the window.
He goes into the apartment above the piglet's noodle shop, intending to scare his brother but instead sees a young female monkey demob. He is confused by this new addition to his older brother's found family. He also rather quickly takes a liking to her because she reminds him so much of his mother.
He likes to spook her but gets annoyed because it's hard to. She has a good sense of hearing and can easily tell he's there before he even says anything.
He'll have to tell Bao about her.
Bao meets her second and is quite shocked, to say the least. His first instinct is to use his gold vision on her. He does. He is in shock when he sees her from her six ears, golden eyes and the roses decorating her hair he doesn't know how to react.
She is their sister, but how? That would only mean. But they saw her die. What the hell is going on!? Time travel? It had to be, but how could it be time travel? Unless their mother gets reincarnated, but she wouldn't be able to be older than 15 since that's how long it's been since she died.
He needs to tell Dad and Baba, No! He needs to make a plan first. And he needs to find out if this is real to begin with. Neither of his brothers sensed anything off so maybe his gold vision needs work. Yeah. That had to be it.
He was just going crazy. Wait, why does she have a scar across her arm? And is she shadow moving? He is definitely going crazy.
(And oh my word I have put these kids through so much in this au. This is the au where I actually figured out their personalities mostly)
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Phoenixeclipse Forgotten AU — Into the City
Sun An is free from the Void, lost and alone. Now she has to find someone to help her, but before she can do that can she handle the city? And who is this man who wants to help her?
Loud, loud it was all so loud. An lifted her hands and held them tightly over her ears as best she could. She could barely see the city over the horizon and yet she could hear all of the roaring engines, the loud bustling people and even the demons that roamed through the shadows of the city.
Her eyes stared ahead at the city as she continued to hold her hands over her ears. Is that where she had to go? Squinting her eyes she attempted to see farther but only a flicker of gold entered her vision. She couldn’t control that power yet, every time she even tried her eyes burned and watered.
She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, something she did nothing to get rid of. With tired sore legs, aching red bare feet, and an exhausted heart she trudged forward. With each step the noise that rung in her ears got louder and louder. Block it out, block it all out. Taking a deep breath she stopped, her hands remained cupped over her ears and she pushed mana through her hands.
The burning sensation that followed through her body was unmistakable. Her mana burned every time she used it, like molten lava following below her veins, heating up whenever she used it. But she knew, that she wouldn’t be able to get any further without the help of her mana.
Slowly as the heat roared the sound around her began to fade. It faded until she could only hear what was right around her. Her golden eyes fluttered back open as a feeling of relief flooded through her. Everything was so much more quiet now. She hated it, she hated how quiet it just became. She didn’t have to glance over her shoulder to know that they weren’t there.
Meihua and Jing were still trapped in the void. Her mother was still trapped in the void where she couldn’t get to. If only she listened to Meihua when she said they would find another way, or if she had listened to Jing when she said to stay on the mountain. If only- NO! Her mom needed to get out of there she needed to be free, the same went for her sisters.
With newly steeled resolve An fixed her robe. Long dark brown hair was covered by the enchanted robe, her six fluttering ears tucked out of sight along with most of her monkey kin features. Dark brown fur, a light pink mask covering her face and dark red roses that were scattered atop her head and across her shoulders.
Everything was hidden under a single black robe to conceal herself away. Her ragged clothing barely did much to help her with concealing anything else. The robe was the only thing left intact since her battle, not even her shoes had survived. Every step causing more and more pain to her already sore feet.
“Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque… I am going to find you, and you are going to help me,” she slightly growled before beginning her trek once again. Completely unaware of the silver eyes that followed her every move, now bolder with the seals that surrounded the young girl’s ears.
“Get out of the way!” someone shouted causing An to jump out of the way of a large vehicle, the engine roaring as it passed her.
Gasping in shock she stared wide eyed at the large vehicles that sped through the streets. Back in the Void there were so few vehicles, almost all of them were broken down or wasted away to nothing but scraps. Just bits and pieces of the world that found its way into the Void. This new reality was, startling and still so damned loud.
Stumbling through the streets she tried to find clues, surely she could find answers here. More people meant more information for sure, she just needed… she needed some place to start her search. Her eyes flickered around trying to find anywhere to stop for just a moment, her legs so sore they felt as though they were about to collapse.
How long had it been? How long has she been walking? It was nightfall when she arrived and that was at least two days ago. Had she stopped since then? She couldn’t remember. She was so tired and all she wanted was to curl up and sleep. Her stomach let out a low grumble causing her to tightly curl around it in pain.
She pulled out her small satchel and saw there were at least three coins in it, golden coins. Did they have the same money system in this city as the Void? It was doubtful but she had to try, at least ask someone to see if she could get some food. Her tail swiping around nervously as she looked around for a smaller food place.
Her eyes landed on the store that was in front of her. When did she get here? It didn’t matter, she decided as she stared at the pink pig emblem holding a bowl of noodles. Food was food and she was in desperate need of it. She just hoped that they would accept her payment. With a deep breath she opened the door, hearing the clear chime of a bell causing her to wince.
“-I’m just saying that clones are stronger than gold vision,” An older man who was sitting at the counter said with the roll of his eyes.
“But Gold Vision has a lot of uses too,” A young brunette back talked as he mopped up the floor.
The smell of fresh noodles hit her after their words and the sound of washing dishes. She glanced outside, it was getting dark but they should still be open. At least she hoped they were.
“I didn’t say it wasn’t-,” The older man began but was cut off by An who spoke up before she lost her courage.
“Hello!” She spoke louder than she meant to, a flush quickly covering her face not that anyone could see it.
The brunette jumped almost to the ceiling in shock, quickly whirling around to look at her. His dark eyes seemed to flicker under the light but An ignored it in favor of trying to push down her own embarrassment.
“Hi?” The man at the counter with a bowl of noodles asked in confusion.
“D-Do you work here?” Why did she ask that!? She cannot believe that she just said that, her blush darkened.
“Yes, yes I work here,” The young man nodded staring at her as if he was trying to figure out some elaborate puzzle.
She was certain that he wouldn’t find anything, or at least she hoped he didn’t. There was no need to drag anyone else into this if she didn’t need to. Carefully she shook the thought away as she pulled out a coin from her bag holding it out to him.
“D-Do you accept coins? I don’t have anything else,” She muttered before jumping back when the older man squealed quietly at the sight of it.
“Is that a void coin!?” He almost shouted staring at her outstretched hand excitedly before quickly composing himself.
“Yes it is. I don’t have any other money on me,” An replied looking down as she hoped that they would accept.
“What the heck is a void coin?” The younger man asked staring at it.
“Oh. They don’t accept that here,” The older man said, and immediately An’s heart sunk if anyone would have accepted it, it would have been a smaller mom and pop shop right.
“But tell you what,” the man began, getting An’s attention as he shuffled through his bag and held up several pieces of paper. “I’ll buy that from you for a week’s pay. It’s worth more than I can give but a week’s pay will definitely get you some food,” He said with a wide, kind smile.
An’s eyes widened looking at the money as a large pig demon suddenly entered the room. He took one glance at the small girl and froze his eyes roaming over her very disheveled appearance. He was about to open his mouth when the younger man spoke up too.
“Here, let me pay for you tonight. Pigsy can you get her a bowl of noodles?” He asked with a small smile.
The pig didn’t respond and just turned around as he started towards his kitchen. The sound of pots and pans being moved, were as clear as day. She was going to get food, she let out a sigh of relief before pushing herself to stumble towards the counter. Unfortunately she didn’t have that much strength and nearly fell over only to be caught by the young man.
“Woah! Are you okay?” He asked a shocked expression as he helped her up.
“S-Sorry, I just need food is all,” She muttered quietly, and a bed, and sleep, and safety, and her sisters, and her mother. The list went on, tears threatened to pour out of her eyes but she quickly pushed them down.
“Here sit, Pigsy will have your food out soon,” He helped her to sit down on a stool in front of the counter.
An didn’t know what to say, this was a stranger that had nothing to do with her. He was being extremely kind too. Picking at her cloak she bit her lip quietly trying to calm her racing nerves. What did he want from her? Was he going to as for repayment later? No one is this kind to strangers without wanting something in return. She knew that first hand, her hand trailed across her bandaged wrist.
“My name is MK, what’s yours?” He spoke up with an energetic tone catching her off guard.
She glanced at the cheerful expression and muttered a barely audible response, “An.”
“An, that’s a nice name. What are you doing around here all alone? Damn that sounded way wrong. I was just curious cause you look so roughed up,” He rambled abandoning his mopping in favor of sitting next to her.
She looked at him again with a frown. The only thing visible was her frown, her eyes along with the rest of her head still securely covered by her cloak. She couldn’t risk revealing her appearance, not to this man not to anyone. Not until she found her fathers, and even then what was she even going to say.
“Just… looking for someone,” She mumbled as Pigsy came back out setting a bowl of food in front of her.
She ignored everything else in favor of immediately chowing down on her food. Causing them to fret when she choked on some of the food. A glass of water was placed in front of her which she immediately drank.
“Be careful, you could hurt yourself,” MK spoke his eyes brimmed with worry.
“Thanks,” she muttered before going back to eating her food.
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Phoenixeclipse Forgotten Au Masterpost
Ideas and Notes Pt 1
Into the City
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Phoenixeclipse-lmkau Introduction Page
Hello everyone I wanted to make a new introduction page for myself! My name is Phoenix (pen name). I'm now 21 as of August and I am female for those who want to know.
I am reading/writing for the Jttw and lmk fandoms because they are so much fun! Love those Monkey Men, not that I’d admit that in real life, but eh. They are adorable!
I also like yandere and tsundere content.
- Prompt Request Page -
Other Accounts
A03 - PhoenixEclipseLmk
Yandere themes
Blood and Gore
Fandom Ships (The Ones I like)
Some of these are minor ships in my fanfics, but they are the ones I like and personally like to see/ read or write about. If you don't like them that's okay, just don't give me any hate and were good.
Phoenixeclipse (Sun Wukong x Macaque x Phoenix -OC- )
Shadowpeach (Sun Wukong x Macaque)
Sunphoenix (Sun Wukong x Phoenix -OC- )
Shadowphoenix (Macaque x Phoenix -OC- )
Sun Wukong x Reader
Macaque x Reader
Sun Wukong x Macaque x Reader
Freenoodles (Tripitaka Tang Sanzang x Zhu Bajie |Pigsy|)
Spicynoodles (Qi Xiaotian x Redson)
Azure x Phoenix (Onesided)
Spiderqueen x Wukong (Onesided)
Phoenixeclipse AU Masterlists (Lmk/JTTW)
The Journey Out Of The West Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Pirate Au Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Shadowbone Au Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Collage Au Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Forgotten Au Masterpost
Short Story Masterpost
Oneshots Masterpost
Phoenixeclipse Oc / Character Masterpost
Shadowpeach x Reader AU Masterposts
Currently, the main fic I am working on is Cursed Warlords.
Cursed Warlords AU - Masterpost
For those who read this au, you should check out the comments of the posts. I respond to people who comment as much as I can and might give extra info that I forget to put in the posts.
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 4 months
Phoenix Eclipse Masterpost
Yandere Characters
Violence, Death, Blood and Gore
Dub-Con warning!!!
I do take requests and asks for Shadowpeach and PhoenixEclipse (Shipname for my OC Phoenix and Shadowpeach)
LINKS BELOW!! TO CHARACTERS, FANFICS, AND ONE-SHOTS! Didn't want the post too long is all! Thank you for your time.
PhoenixEclipse Characters
Phoenix Mist-Mountain
Phoenix Mist-Mountain Redesign
Sun Wukong - The Monkey King
The Six Eared Macaque
Tripitaka Tang Sangzang
More in progress
PhoenixEclipse AU Fanfics -
Phoenixeclipse Fanfic - Tumblr Link
Phoenixeclipse Fanfic - Ao3 Link
- Still working on title but wanted to post~ Got any ideas message or ask please! (#Phoenixeclipse JTTW AU)
My Cub Xiaotian - The second fic in my JTTW/LMK fanfic 'series.' In which Xiaotian later known as MK grows up before he goes to work for Pigsy and Tang.
My Cub Xiaotian - Ao3 Link
Heartshot / Phoenix Twist - (Inspired by Dynamicsimp's Eyeshot AU) While venturing on JTTW with the Pilgrims Phoenix is shot in the chest with Cupid's Bow. The first people she sees are Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque at the same time, the two who had been flirting with her for ages. Now they have to get her to normal because she won't release them from her cuddles, but she's just so cute like this!
PhoenixEclipse AU Shorts/Oneshots -
The Ice Demon - The group is attacked by an ice demon while Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque are away.
Snuggles and Cuddles - Macaque and Sun Wukong decide they want to warm up a shivering Phoenix while she's asleep. (Partial Dub-con, they get a little handsy)
The Sun and The Moon Meet - Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque meet for the first time. Impulsive Sun Wukong decides the beauty shall be his.
Stargazing - Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque watch the stars and are pleased when Phoenix comes looking for them.
PhoenixEclipse / LMK AU's
Phoenixeclipse JTTW/LMK AU Masterpost - The Journey to the west and lego monkie kid inspired fanfic. (#Phoenixeclipse JTTW AU)
Phoenixeclipse Pirate AU masterpost
(#Phoenixeclipse pirate au)
Phoenixeclipse Shadowbone AU - Ideas and thoughts (#Phoenixeclipse Shadowbone AU)
Phoenixeclipse College AU - Ideas and thoughts (#Phoenixeclipse College AU)
Phoenixeclipse Forgotten Au Masterpost
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