#phoenixeclipse college au
phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
Phoenixeclipse College AU Pt 2
Meeting Bai He The Monkey Cub
Phoenix's babysitter didn't show up for work so she had to watch her niece while at work. Sun Wukong and Macaque choose this time to come for a nice bowl of sorbet.
“EEK!” Scarlet squealed the moment her eyes landed on the small monkey cub that walked into her café holding the hand of her employee.
The monkey cub wasn’t taller than a foot, with wide blue eyes, dark black fur and a happily wagging tail. She looked up at the owner of the café with wide eyes that were filled with excitement and joy. She was adorable dressed in an oversized shirt that fell down to her ankles. Her shoes were old but rather sturdy.
“I am so sorry, the babysitter flaked out last minute. I came over to tell you that I don’t know if I can work my-,” Phoenix began to rapidly explain before she was cut off by the cooing redhead.
“She is so cute~! How come you never brought this darling here before!?” Scarlet squealed clearly holding back the need to scoop up the adorable cub.
“… Because this is work and… yeah,” Phoenix didn’t really know how to respond as her boss squealed and cooed over her niece. A warm feeling filled her chest at the sight. “As I was saying, I don’t think I’ll be able to stay for work…”
“Oh that’s alright. But are you sure? You said you really needed the money. Oh I’ve got an idea. How about I get some paper and crayons from my office. If she is well behaved, she can take the table in the back, no one goes back their anyways, but it is in perfect view of me and you,” Scar exclaimed her eyes sparkling at the thought before she rushed away without giving Phoenix time to respond.
She blinked in shock. Her boss would really be okay with that. Looking down at Bai He she saw a smile on the child’s face. Clearly, she was worried about burdening her aunt’s work, she had almost been in tears when her babysitter didn’t show up. She was so smart for her age and tried to keep everything clean and tidy around her. No doubt worried that she would have to leave her aunt like she did her mother.
Of course that would never happen, Phoenix was determined to keep her little niece safe and cared for. Seeing her boss express such adoration for the cub filled her heart with warmth and love. Scarlet truly was a gift from heaven if this was how she treated Phoenix and her niece. She had to hold back her tears as she took Bai He into her arms.
“Can you sit at a table while your auntie works?” Phoenix asked with a smile.
Bai He grinned a wide smile, the gap in her teeth showing proudly as she nodded. Ever the silent child she didn’t say a word but let her emotions be shown freely. With the approval from her niece Phoenix lifted her up and set her down at a table where she could keep an eye on her as her boss came running back out with a wide smile on her face.
“And here you go darlin,” She grinned setting down a stack of paper and a brand-new pack of crayons a proud smile adorning her face.
Bai He looked at the spread before her and gently picked up a single crayon with a smile. Her tail wagged as she started to silently color a concentrated look on her face. Once she made sure her niece was taken care of Phoenix turned to leave for the breakroom where she would change into her work clothes. Of course, she sped through it so she could get back to watching Bai He.
Wukong glared at the man in front of him with anger. He dared to trespass on his territory with such pompous arrogance. The demon before him begged to be released but was only dragged away by Azure who had come looking for the very demon who had escaped his own turf. If not for his old friend wanting information from him he would have totally ripped the demon to shreds.
“Wukong, are you alright?” Macaque asked as he pressed himself against his mate’s back. With his taller form he cuddled his mate and could both feel and see his body relaxing.
“I’m fine,” Wukong growled angrily, he wanted to break something, destroy something but he had to push those thoughts away for now.
“How about we get you some peach sorbet, your favorite~” Macaque purred and grinned as his mate looked up at him, nodding in agreement.
“Yes, I think that would be acceptable,” Wukong agreed, that was just what he needed. Besides ripping someone’s head off, some peach sorbet would be delicious right about now.
With a single command his men left without a word. Sun Wukong was feared all over by not only his enemies but also his own subornments. Everyone knew not to deny him or go against his orders as it would only result in pain and suffering. With a sigh he summoned his nimbus for him and Macaque to ride over to Scarlet’s café where they liked to hang out.
The whole ride Macaque was cuddled up to him taking his mind off of the mountain of paperwork that he had to do. It wasn’t just the damned demons that entered his territory that had ticked him off, it was also the neighboring mafia groups that were snooping around and the paperwork that he absolutely hated doing. By the time that they reached the café he had calmed down to a moderate level and was calm enough to interact with other people.
Luckily, they had picked a time where the café was almost empty. The only patron seemed to be a young monkey cub who was coloring on paper. Their eyes spotted her and the two grinned, it would be nice to have cubs of their own, they had both expressed interest in having a lot of cubs to take care of and love.
Their smiles soon turned to frowns, however, when they realized she was sitting at a table alone. Macaque could hear Scarlet was in the kitchen while her only employee Phoenix was in the bathroom cleaning. He was the first to approach her kneeling to her level when she looked at him curiously.
“Hey there little one, what are you doing out here alone?” He asked with a warm smile, Wukong soon walking over to squat beside him.
The little cub looked up at him and tilted her head. She didn’t say anything as her eyes slowly turned to look at his ears. Her eyes widened and she reached her little hand out to touch it, Macaque flicked his ear as a smile covered his face. He let her gently touch his ear in between her little hands. She was so cute.
“She is so cute,” Wukong muttered before turning his head to her drawings.
Each drawing was of three people. Two older monkey demons and a little one. His eyes glanced at the monkey demon drawn with splotches of red on her head, it reminded him of… he heard a screech as Bai He was suddenly pulled into the arms of a protective monkey demoness. Harsh eyes glared at the two as she was cuddled into Phoenix’s chest.
“Excuse me, what are you doing with my cub?” Her eyes flared as she glared at the two smaller monkey demons with a fierce protectiveness.
“My apologies, the little one was alone, and we got curious. I realize that we must have overstepped some bounds,” Macaque explained with a short bow.
Phoenix didn’t back down growling slightly. Now normally this would irritate the two however, they knew that a mother was usually very protective over their cub. And it appeared the cute waitress was no exception, with her fur raised, her face twisted into a scowl and the cub protectively held against her chest.
“Sorry, sorry. We’ll back off,” Wukong said raising his hands up in defense taking a few steps back. Honestly the look didn’t even irritate him seeing it on her face, it was kind of hot seeing her so angry.
Once the two had taken enough steps away from the two Phoenix finally settled down. She still held a glare but was willing to place the cub back down in her seat. The cub chirped as she simply picked up a crayon and continued to draw as if nothing happened. She gave the two a cute wave before focusing solely on her drawing.
“Finished the cake~!” Scarlet called as she walked out into the room with a beautiful chocolate cake in her hands only to freeze when she saw the scowl on Phoenix’s face.
The tension could be cut with a knife solely from Phoenix’s end. She didn’t say anything as she settled into grooming Bai He’s fur clearly not willing to part from her. Scar didn’t know what to do at first until she looked at the clock, it was time to send her home anyways. Might as well…
“So could we order something?” Wukong asked, his question pointed towards the brunette.
“Of course,” Pheonix said a fake smile on her face, as she took a pad from her pocket.
Scarlet wanted to say something but as the two monkey demons sat down at a table several places away from the cub, she knew it wouldn’t be a wise decision. Not only did Phoenix clearly wish to make sure they stayed away from her cub but the Monkey King Sun Wukong had specifically requested her. Gulping to herself she took a few steps back into the kitchen to hopefully avoid any fights that may arise. She couldn’t help but keep looking out the door to check on them and make sure Bai He was safe but she didn’t dare interfere.
“Now what would you like?” Phoenix asked, strategically placing her body between the monkey demons in front of her and Bai He who was cheerfully coloring.
“Two peach sorbets, and a side of you~,” Wukong purred out the last word only to receive a glare, he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Two peach sorbets coming right up,” She huffed, puffing out her cheeks as she turned and walked away.
Their eyes watched the way her hips swayed for a moment before they turned back to each other. She was hot with that protective look in her eye, ready to pounce on the threat to her cub. Wukong didn’t even realize how his tail was thumping against the floor, and while Macaque did he didn’t mention anything about it sense his own tail was thumping as well.
This was going to be fun~
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
Phoenixeclipse College AU Pt 3
Park Trip
Teasing Phoenix was just so easy, how could they reject such an opportunity. The way she gets flustered was too cute~ A visit to the park wouldn’t be too bad either.
‘Phoenix, you need to be careful with those two,’ Scarlet tried to warn her, not with words but written on paper.
The note was on a small pink sheet of paper. Phoenix lifted the paper up and stared at it before raising a brow at the nervous café owner. Scarlet was standing in front of her incredibly nervous as she bit her lip and shuffled slightly on her feet.
Being as she was handed a note Phoenix thought back to the two monkey demons in the other room. She glanced over at them to see them talking about something that she didn’t really care about. As long as they stayed away from her niece then she really didn’t care about either of them. Quickly she wrote a note back. ‘Why?’
Scarlet’s eyes widened when she read the note and quickly scribbled a note back furiously. ‘Because they are dangerous, really dangerous,’ She wrote in big fearful letters. Phoenix just huffed in amusement clearly not taking what Scarlet was saying very seriously. Before the red head could get another word in she was handed the paper as Phoenix began preparing the food.
She tried to say something several more times but failed each time. As Phoenix didn’t seem to believe the words she was being told. For someone so cautious she could be really dense when she got stubborn.
Wukong grinned as Phoenix set the sorbet in front of him. It was a large bowl of peach flavored sorbet with freshly sliced peaches decorating the top. Nothing like how Scarlet prepared it, no it looked way more appetizing like this. He licked his lips before digging in a cheerful grin spread across his face.
“Is there anything else I can get for you folks?” Phoenix asked, the glare she wore earlier was still hidden behind the fake customer service smile she wore.
“Just your number, but~ you already said no to that,” Macaque said while sending a smirk to the unamused woman in front of him.
“Anything that I am willing to give?” She asked, her smile tighter this time.
“A pretty smile, for your pretty face?” Macaque offered with a smirk.
Phoenix frowned as her brow arched. She had been smiling but it was a fake smile, almost anyone would be able to tell that will just a single glance. Which meant that even the two monkey demons in front of her could tell.
“Nothing that you are willing to give,” Wukong spoke up from his desert before he gently took her hand and placed a gentle kiss onto it as he sent her a wink.
Phoenix didn’t even have time to glare as her face flustered immediately. Her jaw dropped as she tried to form a sentence. When the monkey demons chuckled at her she ripped her hand away and stormed off. Her hips swaying in the short skirt that she wore.
“That was just precious,” Macaque chuckled trying to hold back his laughter.
She was honestly precious, protective over her cub and so easily flustered. The two monkey demons ate their sorbet happily, even though she clearly didn’t want to see them, she had still taken extra care of making the bowls look delicious. The cold dessert is just what was needed on such a warm day.
“Just 15 more minutes and then we can go to the park. Would you like that dear?” Macaque couldn’t help but overhear Phoenix talking to the cub.
It was such a domestic sight, with her bent over to pat the girl’s head gently. The girl pressed her head into her hand with a chirp as she nodded in understanding. Phoenix cooed lightly before heading over to the kitchen.
Macaque let out a low hum, so this was the end of her shift. Interesting. He didn’t know if it was the regular end of her shift however the information was welcome non the less, not that he would tell anyone about it. He decided to focus his attention back on Wukong only to see him looking at where she had gone. Oh. He was intrigued too.
He shook off the feeling that started to swell in his mind. He really didn’t want to think like that, he wasn’t sure what it was about, but he didn’t want to deal with it. Or maybe he did, he wasn’t sure. Whatever the feeling was he would deal with it… Had it been 15 minutes already?
Phoenix was back in the dining area; her hair was loose around her shoulders, and she was wearing casual clothing. A large baggy shirt, sweatpants and boots. She walked over to Bai He and picked her up with a cheerful grin.
Wukong kept his gaze on the two as Phoenix expertly picked up Bai He with a warm smile. She said a few things to the girl as she wrapped her tiny arms around her neck. It was so cute and so domestic. The two barely registered the old doorbell ring as Phoenix walked out of the building, her tail swaying side to side as she walked away.
Neither seemed to notice how they were rather quickly followed closely behind by the two monkey demons who didn’t stray too far behind. Macaque tried to tell himself he was just curious, that’s all it was. Besides she said she was going to the park, it’s not like they were following her home. He looked over at his mate who was staring at the two ahead of them with wide eyes that were almost awestruck.
The evening air was warm but not hot with a gentle breeze flowing over the city. A breeze blew through Phoenix’s hair gently pushing it to her back, the red roses in her hair seemed to glow under the evening sun. She was absolutely stunning; a soft melody soon began to leave her lips as she walked on the path towards the park.
Soft chirps left Bai He as she seemed to try and sing along with her ‘mother.’ It was so cute, she would make for their perfect cub~. She wouldn’t be alone for long, Phoenix already made a good mother a few more wouldn’t… what was he thinking? Wukong was the one who was thinking this time. His feet stopped immediately as he stared at the two ahead of them in shock. His stopping caught his mate’s attention.
“You alright?” Macaque asked, not appearing to be too worried.
What were they doing? Sure, they had stalked people before, but it was people who owed them money or people who weren’t supposed to be in their part of the city. Phoenix hadn’t done anything wrong and was a normal civilian. They didn’t actually like her… did they?
“… No. Yes… I don’t know. Why are we following her? I don’t get it, we don’t actually like her do we?” Wukong asked looking up at Macaque, worried that he was the only one who felt like this. All of his worries went away when he saw the smile that covered Macaque’s face.
“And here I thought, I was the only one worried about it. Um, I really don’t know. That’s probably why we’re watching her to see if we do like her,” Macaque said after a moment, his hand to his chin as he thought about it.
Yes, that made sense. Wukong nodded, that made perfect sense. All they had to do was watch her for a while to see if they liked her. They were just naturally trying to figure out what was going on… Wukong’s thoughts were cut short when he looked forward to see Phoenix sitting on a ground with Bai He. Playing like a dotting mother.
When did they get to the park? When did they start moving again? Those were the questions that should have been running through his head, not… why did she look so cute!? Phoenix sat there on the ground, Bai He right next to her, her hair fell down and surrounded her on the ground. The way her eyes seemed to shine with joy as the sun hit them just right, she looked absolutely ethereal. Even with the baggy shirt and sweatpants that hid her curves… no especially with the baggy clothes that hid her curves from unwanted stares.
“Bai He, do you want to make a sandcastle? There’s a sand box over there,” Phoenix muttered to the cub who looked at her and shook her head, scooting to cuddle into her lap instead.
Macaque held his heart pound in his chest, it was so cute~! He turned to his mate who was also staring at the sight in awe. Quickly he shook the thoughts out of his head, they needed to think this through. She was a good mother who was clearly adored by her cub but where was the father? The thought hit him like a ton of bricks, how did it not cross his mind that she was very clearly already taken.
Just as he was about to voice his concerns, he noticed Wukong was gone. He looked to and fro until he noticed a golden butterfly fly around the two sitting there. Macaque could feel his nerves skyrocket. What was he thinking!? Quickly he fell into his shadow and followed behind his mate trying to figure out what he was thinking. This was…
“Deep in the eye of the mountain below~ Keep careful watch on my sister’s soul, and should the sky be filled with fire and smoke. Keep watching over the Mountain Sons,” Phoenix sang gently, her voice calm as she picked up the cub into her arms, holding her close to her chest.
A soft snore left Bai He’s lips, as she cuddled into her mother’s chest. Phoenix’s words soon turning to a soft humming as she cradled the girl in her arms. Noticing the butterfly that landed onto her cub she couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You really do attract all kinds of attention,” She muttered placing a small kiss on the girl’s head.
She stood up with a smile, as she prepared to head back home. It didn’t take long before she was walking into a rather poor side of town. One that not many people liked to enter. At first the two following her frowned unsure of what she was doing, until she walked up to an old house that clearly needed some repairs.
It was only when she took the key out of her pocket that they seemed to realize exactly what was going on. This was her house!? It was so- broken. A little part of their hearts cracked; this is where Bai He was living? This is where the girl who had captivated them was living? No, they couldn’t have that! Their little cub clearly deserved more, if she had a mate that couldn’t provide then they would just have to take the reins themselves. It wasn’t as if some low-class demon could stand a chance against them anyways.
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
Phoenixeclipse AU - College AU
- Phoenix is a young woman who is studying plants because she loves them.
- She had long since left her mountain home to study in the city, in the process of this she finds herself working part time at a small Cafe.
- She lives in a run down, old house with her young niece who she is taking care of because of... reasons. (Her old master is a biatch)
- She doesn't have much but does everything to keep herself and her niece in a good situation. More so her niece who always gets a full stomach and a good bed because of her aunt's sacrifices.
- Since the Cafe doesn't pay enough for all of Phoenix’s bills she works a night job at a club. As both a bartender and a stripper.
- She of course gets several offers for sex but doesn't like to accept those. Only having accepted it a few times when absolutely desperate.
- Said Cafe 'Scarlet's Cafe,' is rather popular with particular groups, including (Drumroll please) a certain group of Monkey demons.
- This is mostly because Scarlet, the owner of the Cafe is mates with Liu one of the higher up monkey demons.
- While visiting the Cafe as they always do (it is their regular hang out spot) Liu's bosses, Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque spot Phoenix who always wears a smile on her face.
-They are captivated by her and recognize her as someone who goes to collage with them.
- They teasingly flirt with her to pass the time but slowly as days pass they become absolutely captivated by her.
- Captivation turning into obsession as they start to stalk her to know everything they can.
- Even when she politely pushes them away, they won't touch her inappropriately when she declines them, but a simple touch of their tail that goes unnoticed (it doesn't) won't harm anyone.
- Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque only go to college as a cover-up for certain... activates they pertain in.
- Street fights, clubs they own, and selling drugs. Maybe they lead a mafia~ who knows.
- There are other lmk characters who will be talked about later~
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
Phoenixeclipse College AU Pt 1
Clumsy Waitress
Phoenix is a college student trying to make ends meet working at a cafe and a nightclub. She is trying to keep herself up and out of as much debt as she can while taking care of her niece Bai He. She finds herself in more trouble than she expects when she catches the attention of two monkey demons.
“You really got yourself a keeper,” Ma said slapping Liu on the back as his mate set down the freshly made fruit pastries onto the table.
Liu was one of Sun Wukong’s best friends. He was a dark grey monkey demon who was about an inch shorter than himself with fluffy fur and a short tail. He was also one of the few monkey demons that he knew had a blue facemask surrounding his eyes. It wasn’t something seen often by Wukong but it was interesting.
Sun Wukong watched his generals all laugh at the brightly red-faced Liu, his normal blue facemask had turned almost purple with the addition of his flustered face. He couldn’t help but laugh along as he leaned on the table, glancing over at his mate who was staring down at a large book. With a smirk he leaned over his shoulder to see he was studying poisonous plants, of course he was.
“Thank you for the compliment, but I’m not the one who made these ones,” Scarlet or Scar as most called her laughed with a smile across her face.
Scarlet was a young monkey demon was dark brown eyes, bright red fur and a dark brown face mask that surrounded her eyes. A simple monkey demon who always wore a smile and loved to take care of her café. She was very particular about the way it looked and how it was set up but overall, she was a rather nice woman. A lovely companion for Liu, who was still super flustered at all the attention on him.
“Oh? Then who made these delectable dishes?” Ma asked as she took a bite into the pastry.
“That would be Phoenix,” The red furred waitress explained pointing a thumb towards the kitchen before a loud crash was heard. “PHOENIX!” Scarlet shouted as she ran around the corner.
She didn’t even make it to the kitchen before a young woman ran out of the kitchen with dust covering her face. Waving her hands around she tried to calm Scarlet down.
“Sorry, sorry, it’s okay. I just… might have bumped into a few things,” She chuckled with a blushed.
The crash was loud enough to make Macaque look up from his book and over to the waitress who was covered in flour and what appeared to be water. Wukong looked at her too, a clumsy new waitress it seemed, it was the first time either of them had seen her. Then again they hadn’t been to the café in the past two weeks due to… certain demons trying to ruin their hard work.
The waitress was rather tall compared to them, with dark, fluffy, brown hair that fell down below her ankles. Dark pink eyes glittered with joy and she had roses and red feathers littered through her fur. She wore a simple red dress with a yellow apron that reached just above her knees, rather modest compared to most of the cafes around this street. She was absolutely adorable.
Wukong looked back to see Macaque also staring at her and he smirked. It looked like his mate had the same idea; she would be fun to toy with. A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone after all.
“Oh Phoenix, you worry me so much sometimes,” Scarlet sighed when she realized no one was hurt. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
“Thank you, but I don’t need any help,” Phoenix muttered a cute blush covering her face.
“Nonsense, you look like a mess dear,” The cafés owner responded as she shooed her to the bathroom.
That’s when the group saw the waitress bump into one of the tables and nearly knock it over. She squealed and her face flushed as she rushed to stop it from falling over. She was clumsy too, how adorable. Both monkey kings chuckled as they watched her get pushed into the bathroom.
“She’s cute,” Wukong whispered just loud enough for his mate to hear.
He received a nod of affirmation. It wasn’t often that they wanted to flirt with someone besides each other but when they did, they both already knew the rules. They both had to agree with who they flirted with and that there would be no falling in love. They had never gone past flirting with someone else as they were both very loyal mates to each other and that’s how they liked it to be.
When the monkey demoness came back out she was scurrying around cleaning up the mess she made. Her footsteps were light as she hummed a very soft tune. It was relaxing watching her work as their friends laughed and ate together.
“Hey boss, I just got a call,” Ba spoke up with an irked expression.
As soon as he said that both of the Monkey Kings groaned but stood up none the less. Macaque had been so distracted by the waitress that he left his book as the group walked out of the door. Fortunately, they were stopped before they could get very far.
“Excuse me, hey sorry. You forgot this,” Phoenix said as she ran up to the six eared monkey.
Macaque blinked in surprise as the book was handed to him by the cheerful woman. When she handed it to him, he recognized just how much taller she was. Damn she was hot. She was slightly bent over, and his face was almost staring directly at her chest.
“Ehem, thank you, but we really need to leave,” Ma said grabbing Macaque’s hand and pulling him away.
“Oh, yes. Sorry about that,” Phoenix chuckled nervously not noticing how both the golden monkey and the six eared monkey stared at her with interest. She had a lot of guts to talk to them without any regard for her own safety.
Both Wukong and Macaque turned away and left without another word. She was very sweet, and quiet compared to most they had met around here. At least for someone who was willing to talk to them without a speck of fear.
 As Phoenix turned to once again enter the café she bumped into another table letting out a squeal as she worked to fix it up before anyone came over to help. She was really, really clumsy. She could only hope no one else noticed but more than likely a lot of people noticed.
Phoenix grumbled as she stared at the book in her hands. How was she supposed to memorize all of these plants before the end of the night? The test was tomorrow, and she had barely had time to study. She held in a groan as she flipped to the next page, sitting in a far corner of an old library she tried to concentrate on the words in front of her.
“What do we have here?” A voice purred next to her causing her to jump in surprise.
She whipped her head around only to come face to face with the golden monkey demon she had seen earlier that day in the café. She was surprised to see him and rather annoyed that someone was interrupting her. Even so she didn’t let her anger show.
“Do you need something?” She asked with a warm smile.
“Your number would be nice,” another voice purred from her other side as a pleasant heat nestled itself next to her. Turning she saw the six eared monkey. She had no idea what either of them were doing here or what they wanted. Wait… Did he just ask for her number!?”
“E-excuse me?!” She stuttered a blush immediately covering her face.
“Your number. We would like your number,” The first one said right next to her ear.
“I don’t even know who you are,” Phoenix responded trying to remove herself from the situation as quickly as possible, but it seemed that these two had other plans.
“Sun Wukong,” The golden monkey introduced himself with a light bow.
“Macaque,” The six eared monkey responded with a grin.
“Um. Listen I don’t really give my phone number out,” She said with a stutter. How was she supposed to decline these two, especially when they were so close.
“Awe, what a pity,” Macaque grumbled but backed away none the less, his tail grazing her leg as he moved away.
“Too bad, well I suppose we’ll see you in class some time,” Wukong shrugged his own tail mimicking the way Macaque’s did.
A shiver ran down Phoenix’s spine. She didn’t know weather it was a good thing that it did or not. She didn’t know if they were threats but she figured it would be best to stay as far away from them as possible. She barely nodded as they both walked away and a weight was lifted off of her shoulders letting her relax. That was… strange, to say the least.
Normally when people flirted with her it was when she was working at the club, and they were offering her money in exchange for sexual favors. Neither of the monkeys had done that, shaking her head she tried to reason with herself, not everyone was like that. Even though she wasn’t sure what they wanted she didn’t need to assume that these two were like everyone else. They had backed off as soon as she said no after all.
Yeah, they couldn’t possibly be that bad. Right? RIGHT!?
Phoenix doesn't have anything to worry about with these two innocent monkey demons, right? They're just innocently flirting with her.
College AU Pt2
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 4 months
Phoenix Eclipse Masterpost
Yandere Characters
Violence, Death, Blood and Gore
Dub-Con warning!!!
I do take requests and asks for Shadowpeach and PhoenixEclipse (Shipname for my OC Phoenix and Shadowpeach)
LINKS BELOW!! TO CHARACTERS, FANFICS, AND ONE-SHOTS! Didn't want the post too long is all! Thank you for your time.
PhoenixEclipse Characters
Phoenix Mist-Mountain
Phoenix Mist-Mountain Redesign
Sun Wukong - The Monkey King
The Six Eared Macaque
Tripitaka Tang Sangzang
More in progress
PhoenixEclipse AU Fanfics -
Phoenixeclipse Fanfic - Tumblr Link
Phoenixeclipse Fanfic - Ao3 Link
- Still working on title but wanted to post~ Got any ideas message or ask please! (#Phoenixeclipse JTTW AU)
My Cub Xiaotian - The second fic in my JTTW/LMK fanfic 'series.' In which Xiaotian later known as MK grows up before he goes to work for Pigsy and Tang.
My Cub Xiaotian - Ao3 Link
Heartshot / Phoenix Twist - (Inspired by Dynamicsimp's Eyeshot AU) While venturing on JTTW with the Pilgrims Phoenix is shot in the chest with Cupid's Bow. The first people she sees are Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque at the same time, the two who had been flirting with her for ages. Now they have to get her to normal because she won't release them from her cuddles, but she's just so cute like this!
PhoenixEclipse AU Shorts/Oneshots -
The Ice Demon - The group is attacked by an ice demon while Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque are away.
Snuggles and Cuddles - Macaque and Sun Wukong decide they want to warm up a shivering Phoenix while she's asleep. (Partial Dub-con, they get a little handsy)
The Sun and The Moon Meet - Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque meet for the first time. Impulsive Sun Wukong decides the beauty shall be his.
Stargazing - Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque watch the stars and are pleased when Phoenix comes looking for them.
PhoenixEclipse / LMK AU's
Phoenixeclipse JTTW/LMK AU Masterpost - The Journey to the west and lego monkie kid inspired fanfic. (#Phoenixeclipse JTTW AU)
Phoenixeclipse Pirate AU masterpost
(#Phoenixeclipse pirate au)
Phoenixeclipse Shadowbone AU - Ideas and thoughts (#Phoenixeclipse Shadowbone AU)
Phoenixeclipse College AU - Ideas and thoughts (#Phoenixeclipse College AU)
Phoenixeclipse Forgotten Au Masterpost
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