#phoenix really is out here not speaking on his personal life
pennamepersona · 1 year
i know it gets addressed eventually but honestly it would be extremely on brand for phoenix to just refuse to explain how he's acquired a 15 year old daughter during a 7 year time gap
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prezaki · 1 year
One core trait of Phoenix Wright as a character that I rarely see discussed is how utterly evasive he is about his private affairs. It sticks out the most in AA4 when we see Phoenix from the outside, but "Phoenix won't tell anyone anything important unless he absolutely has to (and even then, he probably won't)" is by no means a new development for him.
From AA1 onwards, we see Phoenix dodge people's questions about his personal life time and time again. In part, this is by narrative necessity - Phoenix knows more than the player is meant to know in order to achieve the optimal tension curve. But AA takes his narrative shortcut and turns it into a real character beat.
Phoenix Wright is the most cagey fucker on the planet.
At the end of 1-1 Mia asks him how he came to befriend Larry and Phoenix dodges the question with a vague promise to tell her later - this also means that in all of his time working with Mia, he's never actually disclosed his full motivation for becoming a lawyer to her.
In 1-2, Maya asks him how he knows Edgeworth and he dodges, because of course he does. The same song and dance repeats at the end of 1-3. And despite Maya's repeated prodding by 1-4, Phoenix still has not told her a thing about his past. That's from October until December that Maya is left going ??? and her questions go nowhere.
Then, between AA1 and AA2, Edgeworth is presumed dead by suicide. Does Phoenix tell Maya about this? Absolutely not. He does not tell her in letters nor is he clear about it when they see each other again in person, months later.
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What Maya gets once it's inevitable to talk is a vague 'he's gone' and no elaboration other than the request to not speak about him again.
This is Phoenix's default coping mechanism.
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In AA3, there are numerous instances where he mentions forgetting Dahlia, not speaking her name again, etc. Edgeworth is 100% getting the 'person who hurt me too deeply to think about' treatment here.
But to not even tell Maya a vague overview on the matter, when Maya knew him too? Rough. And it just keeps going.
It's six months between telling Maya that Edgeworth is 'gone' in 2-2 and her finding out that 'gone' seemingly means' dead' in 2-3.
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Maya complains about it, too. This isn't a matter of 'she never asked again', it's a matter of 'Phoenix is dodging all questions'. Gumshoe has to intervene in order for Maya to finally find out.
And finally in 3-5, does he tell anybody why he's going to Hazakura temple and why he seems interested in Iris? Absolutely not!
At this point we get Edgeworth openly acknowledging that Phoenix keeps his emotional cards extremely closely to the chest. When he states that he wants confirmation on whether or not he has met Iris before, this exchange happens:
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Even as Edgeworth directly calls him out on being evasive and never actually speaking to people, all Phoenix can do is acknowledge that this is how he is by apologizing - but he won't change his ways.
AA4 Phoenix is really just a natural evolution of Trilogy Phoenix - Trilogy Phoenix is already evasive, already hates telling people about his struggles or accepting help... It's really no wonder that he'd isolate himself instead of reaching out once he gets disbarred.
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thewulf · 1 month
Wingman's Gambit || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - idk if you’re taking requests rn, but if you are would you mind doing a Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x FemaleBradshawPilot!Reader? where she’s Roosters younger twin sister and he’s really protective over her. anything else included is up to you! i really enjoy your writing!!
A/N: So sorry about the inconsistent posting. Summer is just doing the summer thing! I made Roosters sister a WSO for the stories sake :) Enjoy!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.6k+
T/W : Arguing (With roos)
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From your first initial brief encounters with Jake "Hangman" Seresin you gathered enough to understand why his reputation for bravado was almost as well-known as his flying prowess. Despite his cockiness, Hangman always treated you with an unexpected kindness and respect that stood out. Particularly in contrast to his usual smugness. Each interaction, though brief, hinted at a depth beneath the showy exterior which intrigued you more than you had ever anticipated. Especially since you knew how your brother, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw felt about the man… how most pilots felt about him actually.
Now, as you stepped onto the prestigious grounds of Top Gun, it's not just as any recruit. You stepped on as a newly minted WSO. The best of the best elite navigators and tactical hearts behind some of the best pilots in the navy. Here, your brother, has already made a name for himself. He was not just a skilled pilot but a protector, especially where you're concerned. The dynamic at Top Gun shifted perceptibly with your arrival. Rooster, your twin and lifelong guardian, watched over you with a hawk’s vigilance. His protectiveness dialed to its peak amidst the competitive pressures of the academy.
The air crackles with a palpable tension as you walk past the rows of gleaming aircraft with Rooster at your side. Hangman caught sight of you both. The easy grin he typically wears shifts into something more measured though his greeting remains warm and inviting. The rivalry between him and Rooster is well-known and your presence as a WSO—not just Rooster’s sister but a tactical force in your own right—adds a new layer to the already charged atmosphere.
During the initial briefings and training sessions you quickly sensed the underlying tension between Hangman and Rooster. Rooster’s protectiveness was palpable. His demeanor shifting subtly whenever Hangman interacted with you. Despite this though you were determined to carve out your own path, proving your skills in the high-stakes environment of Top Gun and navigating the complex dynamics of friendship, rivalry, and the unspoken rules of engagement.
Your journey at Top Gun was set against the backdrop of supersonic jets and tactical challenges where every decision could tip the delicate balance between personal loyalties and professional duties. With Hangman’s occasional flares of interest and Rooster’s watchful eyes your tenure at the academy was bound to be as thrilling as it was challenging.
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First Strike
The debriefing room is abuzz as you and the other members of your squadron file in after a challenging flight simulation exercise. As a WSO your role in today’s mission had been crucial. You managed the weapons systems with precision and played a key part in the team's success. The large screens at the front of the room flicker to life as you set down next to Phoenix. It began showing replays of key moments from the exercise.
Maverick who was your teacher and was overseeing the debriefing, commands the room with an authoritative ease. He walks everyone through various segments of the mission, pausing on a particular maneuver — your maneuver — that had decisively shifted the tide in your squadron's favor.
As the replay highlights your actions, Hangman, usually reserved with his commendations speaks out, “I think we ought to acknowledge the sharp tactics from our WSOs today, particularly Ducky,” he begins, capturing the room’s attention and staring right at you. “Her decisions out there were nothing short of critical. Maybe she should take the lead in coordinating our next sim, see what else she's got up her sleeve.”
Your call sign, Ducky, came as naturally as any others and the irony of it being avian themed wasn’t lost on you. One afternoon after a particularly challenging flight where you demonstrated remarkable agility and finesse your fellow WSO jokingly commented that you were "ducking and weaving like a little duckling out there." The room erupted in laughter, and the name instantly clicked. Despite the initial intention of a light tease, the call sign Ducky resonated, symbolizing not only your ability to maneuver with exceptional ease but also your connection to a family known for their distinctive and memorable contributions to the aviation world.
The suggestion by Jake though seems to take the room by surprise, including Maverick, who raises an eyebrow. He was clearly intrigued by this unexpected praise from Hangman. His interest is evident with a slight smile tugging at his lips as he considers the potential of Hangman’s proposal.
Rooster, however, reacts differently. He doesn't speak. He doesn't need to. His expression tightens, a clear sign of annoyance flashing across his features as he shifts uncomfortably. The protective brother who was always wary of Hangman’s intentions towards you is on edge though he chooses to remain silent. His demeanor speaks incredible volumes though.
Maverick picks up on the tension but chooses to redirect the conversation tactfully. “Interesting point, Hangman. We’ll consider all suggestions. Great work today, everyone, especially our WSO team. Let’s keep the momentum going,” he concludes tactfully before moving the debriefing forward but with a thoughtful look that lingers on you a moment longer, pondering the new dynamics unfolding within his team. With you and Hangman particularly.
After the debriefing concludes the room gradually empties as pilots and WSOs disperse, discussing the day's outcomes and upcoming assignments. You’re gathering your notes when you sense a presence beside you. Hangman leans casually against the table with his hands tucked into his flight suit pockets. That usual mischievous glint in his eyes was showing through as he waited on you.
“Hey, Ducky. Good job today,” Hangman starts, his voice low enough for just the two of you amidst the dispersing crowd. “I wasn’t just blowing smoke in there. You really do have a knack for this.”
“Thanks, Hangman. Just trying to make sure you’re not the only hotshot around here,” you quip with a playful smirk, acknowledging his compliment but keeping the tone light and spirited.
Hangman’s grin widens and he nods towards the doorway where Rooster is lingering. He was clearly waiting for you but doing a poor job of hiding his irritation. “You know, I think your brother might actually laser-beam me with his eyes if he tries any harder,” Hangman murmurs. His voice a conspiratorial whisper that tickles the edge of your ear.
You glance over at Rooster and caught the unmistakable scowl etched across his face. “Yeah, he’s not your biggest fan right now,” you admit while feeling a mix of amusement and familial loyalty tug at you.
Hangman chuckles himself while shaking his head. “Well, if he starts throwing punches you’ll cover me, right? I mean, who’s going to lead the next sim if I’m out of commission?”
His joke eases the tension a bit and you nod, playing along. “I’ll do my best but no promises if he’s really got his heart set on it,” you quip back. Your voice light, teasing.
As you both share a laugh Rooster finally approaches, his steps measured, his expression softening just a touch as he nears. Hangman straightens up while giving you a quick, conspiratorial wink before stepping back to afford you and Rooster some space.
“Ready to go?” Rooster asks, his voice a careful neutral.
“Yeah, just about,” you respond before casting a final smile at Hangman who shoots you a mock-salute and heads off leaving a trace of warmth and a promise of more lighthearted banter for another day.
As Hangman strides away with a confident flick of his hand in farewell Rooster steps closer, his expression serious. “Just be careful with him, alright?” he mutters as his eyes tracked Hangman's departure.
You nod, suppressing the urge to roll your eyes which you let slip anyway as soon as Rooster looks away. “I know, I know. Don’t worry so much,” you reply, keeping your voice light to diffuse any further concern. Despite his protective instincts you're not about to let that dictate your interactions. Not even with someone as notoriously charming as Hangman.
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Second Wind
The Hard Deck is buzzing tonight. It was filled with the lively chatter and clinking glasses of Top Gun’s finest unwinding after a week of rigorous training. You’re in the midst of a heated pool game against Payback and the stakes are humorously high. As you line up your shot, the cue ball snapping crisply against your target you sunk it smoothly into the corner pocket. The small crowd od pilots and WSO’s around the pool table lets out a mixture of cheers and groans.
Hangman is the loudest. His voice booming over the others as he claps enthusiastically. “Atta girl, Ducky! Show him how it’s done!” he shouts. The grin evident in his voice. As you straighten up he steps forward while offering you a high-five that lingers just a moment too long. His hand warm and firm against yours. Your smile broadens and a laugh escapes you, fueled by the excitement of the game and the infectious energy of Hangman’s support. Around you the others cheer on, but you catch a glimpse of Rooster at the bar. His glass is halfway to his lips but he’s not drinking. He’s watching. His expression is unreadable, but the set of his jaw and the slight narrowing of his eyes speak volumes.
As the game continues Hangman stays close, his cheers punctuating each of your successful shots. You can’t help but feel a rush of adrenaline with each shout. Not just from the game but also from the attention he’s giving you. It’s fun, it's exhilarating, and it’s something you’ve found yourself looking forward to more often than not.
“You’re killing it, Ducky! Payback’s gonna need a consolation prize after this!” Hangman jests from beside the table. His tone teasing but not without a touch of pride.
Glancing over at Rooster again you notice the slight clench of his fist around his glass, his gaze lingering a moment too long on you and Hangman. It’s clear he’s less than thrilled about the growing camaraderie between you two. He was seeing Hangman’s overt praises as more than just friendly support. Despite the fun atmosphere you can’t shake the awareness of Rooster’s protective instincts flaring up, perhaps seeing Hangman’s enthusiasm as a challenge to his role as your guardian.
The banter between you and Hangman grows more spirited as the evening progresses. Each witty exchange draws laughter from the onlookers and adds a spark to the already electric atmosphere of the Hard Deck. “Careful Payback, she’s got more tricks up her sleeve than I've got maneuvers!” Hangman teases loudly, his eyes twinkling with mischief as you line up another winning shot.
“Yeah, and all of them are better than yours,” you retort without missing a beat. The cue stick hitting the ball with a satisfying click as it sends it hurtling into the pocket.
The growing crowd gets into another round of cheers and Hangman’s laughter joins yours, filling the room with an infectious joy. You can’t help but revel in the blissfulness of it all. The ease of the exchange making the night all the more enjoyable.
From the corner of your eye though you see Rooster pushing away from the bar. His demeanor shifting from protective observer to active participant. Without a word he strides over to the piano in the corner of the room. The conversations around you dim as Rooster’s fingers begin to dance across the keys. That familiar tune that you both loved as kids filling the room.
You can’t help but laugh while shaking your head at Rooster’s not-so-subtle way of stealing the spotlight. “Show-off,” you mutter under your breath though the affection in your voice is clear.
Hangman leans closer, his voice low and amused. “Looks like someone’s trying to remind us he’s still the king of cool around here.”
You lean in too, matching his conspiratorial tone with a playful sparkle in your eye. “You know, I think he’s just trying to draw my attention away from a certain someone,” you say winking subtly at Hangman. “But honestly? I’d rather stay here and chat, just to annoy him a bit more.”
Hangman’s grin widens at that. His eyes lighting up with delight. “Oh, is that so?” he chuckles, clearly enjoying the game. “Well in that case, I’m more than happy to provide all the distraction you need.”
The playful exchange hangs between you, adding a layer of light-hearted flirtation to the evening. Rooster’s piano playing becomes a soft background melody to your continued conversation. Each note a subtle reminder of the familial ties that weave through your interactions. Yet, amidst the laughter and music, there’s a thrill in the air. A shared amusement that only adds to the night’s charm, leaving Hangman more enamored than ever.
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Third Time’s the Charm (Or Not)
The briefing room is charged with the usual post-flight tension as pilots and WSOs gather for the day’s assessments and comments from Maverick. You and Hangman had recently completed a tandem training flight that not only went exceptionally well but also demonstrated a seamless dynamic between the two of you. The energy from the flight still buzzes between you as you enter the room together, chatting lightly.
Maverick starts the briefing by outlining the objectives and reviewing key tactical points. As the session nears its end, Hangman, unable to contain his enthusiasm, stands abruptly, interrupting the flow. “I just wanted to say,” Hangman begins, his voice filled with a mix of pride and a hint of something deeper, “flying with Ducky here has been the highlight of my training. Honestly, she’s the best wingman I could ask for.” His eyes find yours across the room with a smile playing at his lips. The statement hanging heavily in the air, laden with unspoken implications.
The room falls into a stunned silence with every eye turning to gauge the reactions around them. Rooster’s chair scrapes back loudly as he stands, his face flushed with anger and frustration.
“This is just you trying to get under my skin, Hangman! Every damn time!” Rooster snaps. His voice cutting through the tension like a knife. The accusation hangs heavy, charging the air with an unmistakable intensity.
You feel a surge of frustration, your own temper flaring as you stand to face your brother. “Really, Roos? Is it always about you? Maybe he likes me as his wingman. Have you ever thought of that?” Your voice, sharp and loud, silences the room completely. The weight of your words settling over everyone like a thick blanket.
Maverick was caught off-guard between the sibling spat and simply looks between you and Rooster. His expression unreadable but clearly uneasy with the escalating drama. Hangman, meanwhile, watches the exchange with a look of remorse, realizing perhaps too late the depth of the rift his words have deepened. As the tension reaches a palpable peak you shake your head more in disappointment than anger, and storm out of the briefing room. Hangman hesitates only a moment before following you, his steps quick as he catches up.
Outside, the cool air hits you like a splash of water helping to temper your heated emotions.
Hangman watches you with a concerned expression as you step outside. “Hey, I know that got intense back there. I’m sorry you had to jump in,” he says softly, his tone sincere.
You sigh, feeling the sting of your outburst. “I just... I didn’t mean to blow up like that. It’s just frustrating when it feels like he doesn’t see me as anything more than his little sister to protect.”
Hangman nods while stepping closer, his presence comforting. “I get it. And for what it’s worth, I meant every word I said in there. You really are the best wingman, Ducky.” His voice carries a warmth that makes you look up, meeting his reassuring gaze.
The corners of your mouth lift in a small, grateful smile. “Thanks, Hangman. That means a lot, especially coming from you.” You knew full well he wasn’t one to hand out compliments.
His expression softens and he offers a small, encouraging chuckle. “And, hey, if it’s any consolation, you standing up to your brother in there? That was pretty badass. Not many people can make Rooster pause like that. Trust me, I’ve tried” He smirks trying to ease your frustration.
You laugh at that sounding more relaxed now. “Well, I guess it’s good to know I have a hidden superpower: stopping Bradley in his tracks.”
“Definitely a valuable skill around here,” Hangman agrees, his grin infectious. “Look, I know things can get complicated, but I’m here, alright? Wingman on the ground and in the air.”
The simple assurance brings a sense of relief, and you nod feeling the earlier tension dissipate. “I appreciate that, Jake. Really.”
As you both head back inside the conversation flows more easily, veering into lighter territories—upcoming missions, favorite downtime activities, and the occasional gentle tease. With each step you find yourself genuinely smiling. The weight of the day lifting with the shared understanding that whatever comes next you won’t face it alone.
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Clearing the Air
After the tension of the previous day, you know something has to give. Seizing a quiet moment in the early evening you find Rooster and Hangman at the base and steer them toward a secluded spot near the hangar. The impromptu gathering under the fading sky isn’t formal but the air is thick with unsaid things.
“Okay, guys,” you start, cutting straight to the chase. “We need to sort this out. Whatever this is.” You sigh, “Rooster, I appreciate you looking out for me, I really do. But I’m not just your little sister here… I’m a WSO in the Navy, and I need you to trust my judgment. Not just in the air but here on the ground, too.”
He tries to bite his tongue, but he can’t seem to stop himself. “Listen, Y/N, I’m just looking out for you. That’s my job as your brother,” Bradley insisted. His voice stern and unyielding.
Jake shifted uncomfortably, sensing the rising heat in Rooster's tone but remaining silent. His eyes flicking between the two of you.
“It’s not just about being my brother, Bradley!” you shot back, your frustration with him now boiling over. “I’m not a child, and this… this overprotective routine? It’s suffocating. I’m an adult! A WSO and a damn good one at that. I make life or death decisions every day. I can handle Jake. I can handle myself.”
Bradley’s expression tightened. His jaw clenching as he prepared to argue, but you didn’t let him. “I need you to trust my judgment, Roos. Trust that I know what I’m doing. Trust that I can take care of myself.” Your eyes are pleading now.
The raw honesty in your voice seemed to cut through the tension, leaving a heavy silence. Jake watched, his usual bravado nowhere in sight instead replaced by a look of respect towards your fervent declaration.
Bradley looked from you to Hangman, then back again. The fight draining from his stance. He sighed deeply, the lines of his face softening. “I… I’m sorry. I know you’re capable. It’s just hard for me to not see you as my little sister. But you’re right. You deserve to make your own choices. I’ll try to back off.”
You breathed out a mix of relief and residual adrenaline making your hands tremble slightly. “Thank you, Roos. That’s all I ask.”
Turning to Hangman, your tone softens. “And Jake, you’ve been great, really supportive. But sometimes the way you push Bradley’s buttons doesn’t help things. We’re all on the same team, right?”
Jake chuckles while scratching his head sheepishly. He was immensely grateful you were able to handle that before things got too sticky. “Yeah, you’re right darlin’. I might enjoy teasing him a bit too much. I’ll keep it in check.” He nods his head to Bradley. A truce of sorts.
Relief washes over you as the tension begins to dissolve. “Thank you, both. Let’s remember we’re here to make each other better, not make things harder.”
As the conversation winds down, the mood lightens, and Bradley claps you both on the shoulders. “Alright, let’s get back to it then. And maybe I’ll try to keep the drama for the simulators,” he says with a reluctant grin.
As your brother walks away Jake lingers, his smile genuine. “So, now that peace is restored, how about we grab dinner? Just you and me. I owe you one for being the peacekeeper around here.”
Your laughter echoes lightly in the cool evening air. “Sounds like a plan. Just promise it’ll be a drama-free meal.”
“Scout’s honor,” He grins as he fell into step beside you. As you walk towards the mess hall together the easiness between the two of you feels restored. And maybe, just maybe, you feel things a little bit deeper than before.
“Y/N, I wasn’t just trying to get on your good side earlier, you know?” Jake adds as you reach the door. “You really are the best at what you do.”
You nudge him playfully, feeling the last of the day’s stress melt away. “Keep that up and I might let you win at the next sim.”
Hangman laughs loudly. It was a sound you were coming to enjoy. “Deal. But only if you save me a seat next to you at dinner.” As you step into the warmth of the mess hall you can’t help but feel optimistic. With everything laid out and understood the path forward seems a lot clearer. And having Hangman at your side doesn’t just feel good. It feels utterly right.
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mamachasesmayhem @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @illisea @jessicab1991 @guacam011y @dempy @mrsevans90 @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @missxmav @kajjaka @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @ryswritingrecord @lostinwonderland314 @xxrougefangxx @greantii @tallrock35 @hyunjinvoid @ahoeforfandomsblog
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brights-place · 2 months
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Valorant Agent Headcannons
Pairings: None <33
Warnings: Fluff, Sillies, Headcannons,
A/N: My friend and I were rambling and writing stupid headcannons after playing a comp match so here we are \(・◡・)/
-Yoru is double jointed -Sage is heavily questioning her sexuality
-Omen is heavily questioning his mental insanity -Phoenix has a sneaker collection -Raze and KJ wake everyone up with there bots
-Chamber when he gets mad he starts speaking french sassily -Kay/0 has a file that's filled with comfort shows for the agents -Kay/0 knows how to make pancakes and makes them for everyone -Skye drags every new agent into a run in the morning -Omen once made every agent a knitted sweater for christmas… Ugly sweaters for life <33 -Breach makes good swedish sweets for everyone -Wingman would make beaded bracelets to agents he likes -Gekko bought a bead set for wingman so he could make more bracelets -When Kay/0 feels petty at an agent he will translate their mother tongue into english for the others to hear ESPECIALLY when someone talks shit (reyna) -Neon knows how to play Bass -All the young agents have tried to make a band together -Sage likes to gossip with Iso over tea and boba -When Clove’s pissed they make fanfics of the other agents >:D -Fade plays with her haunts like yarn (CANNON) -Astra collects seashells for Harbor -Sova has once had a snow globe obsession. He would bring them back to show his grandmother and place it on a shelf -Gekko has called older agents slang names -Viper is obviously a coffee woman and Reyna is a tea woman -Jett has tried to make Skyes birds move faster SHE WAS NOT HAPPY -Deadlock & Sova sometimes have a snowman building contest -KJ likes anime but also phoenix who hides it -Yoru and KJ know phoenix like anime Yoru found out by seeing Phoenix dance to anime songs -Yoru would bring back trinkets for them but denies he thought about them (LIAR)
-Reyna wants to take up crocheting
-Astra is really good at the drums
-Gekko has gotten curious on how his little friends taste he made a list
-Deadlock braids hair, and helps breach braid his
-Iso is really good at cooking and cooks with Jett in his spare time.
-Similarly, Jett and Iso have cook offs and get the other agents to vote
-Clove sneakily puts pride flag toothpicks in everyone's food
-Raze sneaks love letters in everyones lockersand watches with breach and laughs
-Harbour has a bath bomb addiction and collects them like an insane person
-Brimstone has reading glasses
-Cypher gets gifts from everyone on fathers day and also mothers day
-Kj likes making forts
-Chamber corrects the waiters pronunciation at french restaurants
-Reyna plays basketball with Gekko and helps him aim
-Phoenix is trying to learn how to sew so he can make better jackets due to Jett trying to take them
-Clove has an etsy and the only people that buy are breach and gekko
-Neon VS Gekko in any sports (NEON WINS PINOY PRIDE MFS) -Deadlock is scared of dogs
-When Neon gets sick every agent fears for their lives. Her sneezes are BIG (Zoomies) - Neon and Jett get the zoomies if they have energy drinks or coffee -Brim is a BBQ dad he makes good burgers -Imagine Fade looking into Deadlock's nightmares and seeing Cub instead of the bear -Cypher has tinkered with Chamber,Raze, and KJ’s is tech for funsies -Cypher will use people’s fetishes against them -Sova wears one of omens knitted scarves when he goes hunting -Omen gets overwhelmed by crowds sometimes so he likes to hide somewhere quietly -Jett would GRIND on Wuthering Waves and Honkai Star Rail
-Sova has different variations of prosthetic eyes and sometimes he gets gifted weirder or cooler looking ones for fun -Sova as a party trick has taken his prosthetic eye out and some younger agents who haven’t known scream like a banshee -Phoenix is a mama’s boy (I BELIEVE HE HAS TWO MUMS)
-Sage has binged Avatar The Last Airbender many times and takes inspiration from Katara
-Jett has a hidey hole full of other agents' belongings. Yoru’s knives, Phoenix’s shoes, Cyphers hat (sometimes)
-Yoru has tried time travelling, Phoenix jokes about it all the time
-When someone has a bad day, cypher watches over them over the camera to make sure they aren't doing anything bad to themself
-Yoru gives haircuts and is actually good, but he keeps yapping while using his different knives
-Gekko sings creep by radiohead in the shower when he's sad and Neon films from outside the door and jokes about it
-Omen gets too much candy due to being treated as a trick or treater
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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delta-06 · 1 month
Future poly 141 (if I wanna continue this or y'all want to know more abt this)
Small note: I took some inspo from the work "mages and monsters" by @thegnomelord . (hope its ok) and here are some warnings: major injury, depiction of blood and....uh...heartbreak cuz of love (?)
The human kind always escribed phoenixes as mythological birds capables of incredible doings, capable of being almost immortals and representing good omens. Their golden orangesque wings and their red markings made them re symbol of the sun, therefore, life.
It is said that a phoenix once fought in the trojan war, along side Achilles and Patroclus giving them protection alongside their allies. The man was taller than any human could ever be, some text described him as 2.40 meters tall (7 foot 10) with short black hair and skin tattered with flames patterns on his hands, feet, back and shoulders. His golden eyes and deep lucent black irises were always focused on the enemy, never leaving them out of sight and using his personal spear and bow to gain casualties to laugh about. But the most outstanding feature were his wings, big and slender, filled with bright golden orange and red sharp feathers used as weapons.
It was you who did all of that, it was you who had a personality that had you killed many times and then be reborn until the modern days.
You had been alive for more than 2000 years in a constant cycle of life and death, the more you lived, the more you knew how to brawl, study and everything making you a respected being. But only one thing you didnt learn, and that was how to love. You tried over and over again, falling and then watching them die or cheat or abandon you.
There was this one girl, a princess of a powerfull kindom whom you really loved. It was clear she did the same as after some years she offered her body for you to worship and have a child, or so you thought. One evening, as she spoke of tussling in the sheets, she mentioned that she really needed to know if your love was true by chopping off your wings and offering them. The ones that made you fly into the scorching sun, between the lush green mountains of their pearly white peaks. You listened to her, with half lidded eyes and a gone mind too captured by her demeanors and features didn't notice the sharp pain scattering itself from your back. Your breath itched and then was gone, and so were your wings. Thick golden rivers of blood flew your open lacerations, carving paths of your lover back and forming deep lakes on the marble floor.
You couldnt yell from the pain, only managing to fall on the ground and squirming like a worm as your mind was becoming more foggy by the minute. You managed to shoot them open for a split second and you caught a glimps of the guard’s bloodied swords, they were beautifully adorned by your golden essence. You spat out a ‘’traitor’’ and an ‘’I will end you’’ before closing your eyes and feeling death wrapping itself inside your now broken heart.
You loved and that was how you were repaied. You woke up in your den on the peaks of the mountain you were once born. The cave was simple and you always hated that, wanting more was the reason you left it for years before coming back there everytime you closed your eyes, now you wanted nothing more than to sleep in it forever.
Tears rolled off your eyes and you screamed at top of your lungs, animalistic rage speaking and screaming. Your wings were no more, your essence was no more, what was a phoenix without its wings? Nothing. Fake love tore your wings apart and that feeling nestled itself in your soul. Never again you would’ve loved someone again.
From fists, to spears, to daggers, to swords to guns you made your way into the world. Now you were in the military, you decided that this was going to be your forever life. Generals wanted you for your skills, sharpened for thousands of years and your reflexes, your knowledge and your loyalty as you had noone to be loyal to.
From humans to monsters was no easy passage. Seeing their bodies slowly mutate into feral ones wasn’t a shook to you, you saw and felt worse. Your mind didn’t care about your ‘’friends’’ of the battlefield, not until you saw a one winged dragon discussing with a wraith.
You were boarding on a plane towards Urzikstan, voices told that there was a new wanna-be-lord to be taken care of and you were chosen along many other people. As you had your head low and fixated into nothingness you heard some commossion, looking at that direction you made eyecontact with that green dragon. You sneakered and laughed, mocking its inability to fly and the way he was compulsively smoking before boarding the cargo plane.
He eyed your form before crumbling his cigar into smoking bits and yelling you to fuck off. As you sat on the metal seat, squished between other captains you felt some weak embers leaving your hands and falling off your fingers as they become just a non-existing spark.
That was bad, you did that only when you felt yourself falling for someone, that was not happening. Not anymore.
Little did you know that from love you lost your wings, and from love you shall recieve your wings back. In a way. Or another.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Iris sends Hangman (Deadman) sexy pictures when she knows he’s with Maverick.
I.R.I.S Masterlist
Picture it with me guys. PICTURE IT. Jakes on his lunch break. He’s enjoying the nice sandwich he’d made himself because if he had to eat another protein bar from the vending machine because he snoozed his alarm for just a little too long, he’d have a mental breakdown. They sucked ass. 
“You coming to the Hard Deck after?” Phoenix was asking. She’d begun to grow a little suspicious of Jake and his sudden disinterest in the copious amount of badge bunnies that seemed to hurl themselves at him on any given night.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be there—“ Jake replied with a massive mouthful of his sandwich. He obnoxiously overchewed just to annoy Natasha. 
“I think you’re beating yourself up about this a little too much Mav.” Bob smiled as he walked with Pete into the rec room. “These kids, they’re lethal weapons.” 
“Yeah, there’s literally guys in Fanboys advanced weapons systems lecture right now with callsigns like Mayhem and Chaos.” Rooster added. “So what if Iris got the drop on you old man? It was bound to happen.” It was the talk of Miramar, Y/n Iris Mitchell, only female TopGun student for this class, had gotten tone on her own dad, Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell in a basic Dogfighting maneuvers exercise.. “After all, she is the fruit of your loins.”
“Fruit of Mavs loins is still doing push-ups.” Payback chuckled as he looked out the window. “Can’t believe you have the only person that managed to get tone on your old ass doing push ups through her lunch.” 
Maverick just groaned as he sat beside Jake on the lounge across from Phoenix. 
“She won’t show off next time.” 
“Sore loser—“ Jake chuckled. 
“Don’t you have an ACM scheduled to teach after this? I wouldn’t speak so soon, Hangman—she might blow you out of the sky too.” 
“Imma pair her with P:E, she’ll be so busy watching his ass that she won’t be able to keep an eye on mine.” P.E. – Premature Ejection – pressed the ejection switch in an aircraft while it was still on the runway. How the hell that guy ended up in the top one percent Jake would never understand. “Plus, I’m a hell of a lot faster than you these days, pops.” Just as Jake is razzing on Maverick, his phone is buzzing on the armrest in the lounge. Unbeknownst to Jake, only seconds after Payback had said you were still doing push-ups on the tarmac, you’d been let go. You’d charmed Hondo into thinking you were actually a glutton for punishment and he got bored. 
Jake could’ve sworn he forgot how to breathe when he saw your name pop up on his lock screen, it was his fault really—he should have had the message previews turned on. But he didn’t. He walked right into your web. 
“Who’s texting you? All your friends are here?” Mav taunted as Jake shot him a look. 
“Do you even know how to text?” Jake snickered, swiping his thumb up the screen as his Face ID unlocked his phone. As Jake took another bite of his sandwich, he choked and coughed and splattered about in shock horror. “Fuck—“ Jake had never panicked so immediately before in his life. “Jesus Christ—“
There you were on full display, standing in front of your full length mirror, little emerald green set of lingerie on, obviously a pre taken, premeditated picture because you were just doing pushups out on the fucking tarmac. 
You were standing so close to the mirror that Jake could see your perfect nipples through the lace of the lingerie. You skin looked silky smooth and the hume of the dim lamp radiating behind you told Jake you took this last night when you decided on a night in. If he looked closely he could see the strategically placed vibrator on your bed and the not so inconspicuous H_NGM_N you’d written in the corner of your mirror. 
You were so hot it was a joke at this point.
“Here’s the deal, I get you on tone? you fuck me dumb, you get me on tone? I’ll do that thing with my thumb I know you like.” 
Jake locked his phone as quickly as he could, but he knew Mav had seen it over his shoulder. Holy shit. This was it wasn’t it? 
“What the hell's wrong with you?” Phoenix frowned as Jake coughed up his lunch, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine—“ Jakes in denial as he catches his breath. He’s red in the face and he feels like he’s got fire radiating in his lungs. “I’m good.” He’s not good, he’s got a raging hard on and anger rushing through his veins. 
“He just got sent nude.” Mav chuckled. “That’s what they’re called these days right?” Pete had for a split second seen the photo, until he averted his gaze. Not realising it was you, his own flesh and blood. “Or have I missed something?” He asked with a questioning tone.
“Nah nah, you got it Mav—“ Bradley bit his tongue, shooting Jake a glare. “You’re not missing anything, well done, good job on the lingo man, gold star.” 
There’s a ruckus coming from up the hall, Bob's curiosity gets the better of him when he sticks his head out into the corridor. 
“Looks like Rebound and Krod are at it again.” That was enough to get the attention off of Jake and on the two aviators blowing up in the hall. Mav was on his feet in seconds, Jake was unlocking his phone to text you back to meet him by B Hanger. 
“Your dad was literally sitting right fucking next to me!!” By your reply alone and the smirk that plastered itself across your face Jake knew you were out to get him in trouble. There was no way you weren’t doing this on purpose now. You enjoyed the rush too much. “He could’ve killed me then and there Iris!? The fuck are you trying to do here?”
“And somehow you’re still breathing?” 
“Don’t you ever pull that shit again? Do you hear me, Lieutenant Mitchell?” 
“Is that an order?” You asked, reaching down to cup Jake's raging erection through his flight suit. “Because there’s a lot more where that came from.” You whispered in Jake's ear as you stood on the tips of your work issued boots. “I would’ve taken some in my red set but I left the panties at your place.” 
“Shame, I really like you in red.” Jake's voice hitched in his throat as you palmed him ever so discreetly. “Like you a hell of a lot better in nothing at all though.” 
“So do you accept my proposal?” You asked softly, pulling back from Jake as you left him harder and throbbing. 
“Nope—“ Jake replied, grabbing you by the forearm as he spun you around, pressed you up against the side of the hanger and kicked your feet apart enough that he had inches on you. “I’m gonna fuck you dumb regardless of who gets tone on who.” Jake smiled, sucking a mark into the supple skin of your neck as he ducked down. “Because that’s what you want me to do don’t you? Daddies little girl, fucked dumb.” Your mother used to tell you something growing up as a kid when you’d ask why she never married Pete. Her response was always different and age appropriate, but the sentiment was always the same.
You fuck dumb, you don’t marry dumb.
Jake left a mark so dark and angry in his wake that it was very much noticeable when you returned for Jake’s theory assessment a little over twenty minutes later. 
“Lieutenant Mitchell?” Jake called you out as you sat writing down what he’d just said. “Is that some sort of bruise on your neck?” 
“Oh damn Iris where’d you get that?” Trash asked as he peeled your collar back, getting a better look at it. You just rolled your eyes, annoyed Jake would stoop so low. But then again, you deserved it. 
“Your mum gave it to me when I was busy fucking her last night, White.” You replied, to which the other pilots responded in an uproar. Jake just smirked to himself when you sent him a wink. Smiling back. 
Hangman felt his heart skip a beat as you did so. Feeling a warmth radiate in his chest he'd never felt before.
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mschimdt · 1 year
special (NSFW)
lyle wainfleet x human!mechanic!reader
2400 words
summary: you appear as a innocent mechanic, until lyle starts gaining interest in you after seeing a porn video that was posted by you back on earth, he immediatley recognised your face and his only goal now is to make you his
warnings:over simulation, embarassment, p to v, sex (obv), size difference, human x navi and many more
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as a mechanic on pandora, you were incharge of fixing and organising helicopters and fighter jets, you were also incharge of oxygen masks and anything that involved mechanical work, it was weird to be the only female on the mechanical team but you got used to it, you worked really hard to get this job and you werent ever going to give it up
in the past you were a known pornstar, put you kind of just disappeared off the internet after deciding to make yourself a better person, because you knew porn was wrong but it was your only source of income at the time
you worked your ass off and got into college to achieve your dream of working on cars and airplanes, you studied day and night and practiced to make yourself perfect
a few weeks after you graduated, something caught your eyes in the street, a poster advertising a program in a planet called pandora, you heard of this project and how they were able to transport humans a few hundered light years out of the solar system in just 6 years
you considered it, knowing you could get a spot in the mechanical feild on pandora excited you, you immediatley signed up and you were accepted
your flight to pandora was just 3 months away, you had no family here anyways, so throwing yourself on a different planet knowing you might never come back wasnt too hard because there was no one to worry about here on earth
now you work as a mechanic, one of the top mechanics in pandora, your work never failed to impress everyone, you could fix anything even if it was considered ‘unfixable’ by others
you heard of the phoneix project, it was probably a bad idea after the jake sully shit but oh well, it was intriuging how they could bring souls back to life ad huge blue giants
Reader POV
i was walking in bridgehead trying to get to the plane room as quickly as possible, ardmore needed something fixed ASAP.
but on the way there something caught your eye.. a blue figure walking through bridgehead… NOT ONE but a few, almost around 8, they looked navi and you immediatley got scared, you thought they were some navi savages coming to destroy bridgehead, they walked a but closer and you noticed they were dressed in military clothing.. this was probably the phoenix project that you heard ardmore speaking about
that was confirmed when you saw ardmore walking next to one of them, talking, the rest of them were walking behind both ardmore and the blue guy, you suspected he was quaritch, one of the most known men out here
ardmore spotted you and pointed at you, motioning for you to come over, both ardmore and the guy you thought was quaritch stood still waiting for you to make your way to them
your neck was slowly breaking while looking up at him, “y/n please come with us, i need you to explain new equipment to the colonel here” “yes ma’am” you said following her through the busy building, you all made your way to the building that had all the guns and weapons that were made for navis
ardmore started speaking: “this is y/n, shes one of our best mechanics and i wanted to assign her to any problems you and your team may have with equipment and veichles, shes good at what she does and she’ll make sure nothing happens to you regarding mechanical stuff.” you were having a hard time looking up at quaritch, you were really tall for a woman, you were 5’11 but you only reached up to his waist
“alright y/n ill leave this to you” now you were oficially left alone with about 9 blue fiants that could crush you with their fingers
“okay uhmm” you said clapping your hands turning around to face the wall woth everything on it, you grabbed a “sniper” but this sniper was automatic
“okay so this is a auto sniper, they created this while you were all dead- that sounds weird but anyways, it basically shoots for you, you just gotta aim it, the bullets have technology where theyll hit the target almost every time, you just click this button to mark the target and you could be looking into a completley different direction and itll still hit the target” you handed the gun over to the guy that was standing infront of you, a bald guy with shades, and he help it up “oh wow this shits crazy, if i wasnt told ive been dead for 15 years i woulda thought its been 50!” he said holding the gun up
fast forward that day, you and the “bald guy” whos called lyle got along pretty well, sure his ideas were insane but he was fun to talk to
lyle recognised your face from somewhere, and he asked you when you came to pandora and you said that it was around 7 years ago, which meant that he couldnt have seen you in person when he was human
he kept thinking about where hes seen you day and night, he needed to know and he wasnt going to give up anytime soon, he did think you were a porn star but he quickly got rid of that thought knowing you werent someone that would film themselves having sex
until he was having a conversation with you where you asked about your past, so he did the same, “by the way, y/n since you graduated at 25 years old, that means you went to college late right?” “yea, dont know why youre asking because its pretty obvious” “ya had no family on earth though, how’d ya’ make money with no one back there?” he asked wanting to confirm the theory of you being a porn star, he knew it was probably nothing but he was sure that hes seen you somewhere involving porn or some shit “its complicated, lets just say i filmed… things” lyles eyes went wide and he said “KNEW IT! knew ive seen ya’ somewhere before ya’ looked familiar as hellll”
your face went red as you realised that lyle has seen your videos “o-ohh youve seen them…” you said trying to force a smile “ah dont worry they were good if thas wa’s botherin’ ya” you stared at lyle shocked he would even say that “you know this isnt gow you speak to a colleague right?” he made a fake-sad expression “i thoughttt weee were friendsssss” followed by fake sobs “alright alright, just dont mention this to anyone okay lyle?” you said hoping that he wouldnt tell anyone “dont worry i wont, anyways i gotta get going, i need to go train with the team” “alright have fun”
you were no doubt catching feelings for lyle, his funny personality and the way he spoke to you, he was sweet, hes never sweet to anyone but you, sure you both only met 3 months ago but you couldnt stop yourself from fantasizing about him
lyle went to train and you made your way to the weapon room because ardmore said one of the weapons needed fixing, you were tired of ardmore, she called you at the weirdest times asking you to come fix things, you wont lie though, the pay was really good, we’re talking around 8k for each veichle repair, and 2k for each weapon, you fix around 15 veichles and 30 weapons monthly which brings your pay up to almost 200k each month
you were pretty wealthy, you just save your money because theres nothing to spend it on here, you have almost 50 million in your bank account and inflation didnt exist here YET so your money was worth what it was worth 7 years ago
you fixed up whatever ardmore wanted you to fix and you headed to your room, drenched in sweat because of the lack of air conditioning, you took your tanktop and shorts off and hopped into the shower longing the feeling of cold water on your skin
just a few moments later theres a knocking on your door, you were still in the shower so you hurridley grabbed a shower robe and rushed over to the door because whoever was knocking was getting really impatient
you opened the door your head just peaking through, it was lyle “hey y/n have you seen my phone? i must have forgotten it here yesterday and i really need it because apparently ardmores been spamming me with shit and i wasnt replying” he said
not even bothering to ask if he could come in, quickly rushing over to your couch where he sat yesterday, he found it there and grabbed it “alright thank-“ he cut himself off when he stared at you, you were barely clothed and confused. he cursed under his breath, he didnt notice you werent wearing anything but a light robe
lyle just stopped speaking and shamelessly stared at your cleavage, “uhmm” you spat out because it was getting really awkward, lyle walked over to you pressing you against a wall, his hand wrapping around your neck
you didnt complain, you just stared at him with wide eyes “god damn.. look at you” he said, your face flushed red
lyle realized what he was doing and took a step back removing his hand from your neck apologising “sorry, sorry y/n i couldnt control myself, that probably made you uncomfortable so uhm sorry” he said awkwardly turning around to leave not waiting for a reply to save himself some embarassment
“whyd you stop” he was shocked when he heard you ask him why he stopped, he turned around
“i wasnt controlling myself, didnt want to make you uncomfortable”
“you didnt make me uncomfortable i liked it” you said smirking
“oh shit then-“ he walked over to you roughly slamming you against the wall wrapping his hands around your neck once again, “ya’ like that dont’cha”
you nodded, he then lifted you and threw you onto your bed, your bed was navi size so it could fit you and lyle easily
nefore lyle joined you on the bed he took his shirt off, you stared at his muscles admiring the sculpture of a mad you had infront of you, you wanted to worship his body goddamn
he threw himself ontop of you, connecting your lips, what was a innocent kiss turned into a heated makeout session really quickly and soon enough his tongue was exploring your mouth
you reached your arms down not breaking the kiss and you unwrapped your robe, lyle could feel you unwrapping it against his stomache
he reached his arm down to cup your tits, massaging them with his hands, you moaned into the kiss and you felt lyles cock harden against your leg
he squeezed your neck making you choke, still not breaking the kiss
finally, lyle broke the kiss first sitting up to stare at you, your chest was exposed and so was your cunt
he reached his hand down running his fingers theough your folds while his face dipped down to mark and suck on your chest
you were a moaning mess, lyle was rubbing your clit and sucking your nipples
you felt him glide his fingers around your cunt when sufdenly with no warning, he pressed a finger all the way inside of you
you tried to suppress your moans to make sure nobody would hear you, but lyle didnt want that, he started punping his finger in and out of you trying to get some noises out of you
you were nearing your release “l-lyle im about to c-cum” you said whimpering, “yea thas right, cum on my fingers there ya’ go” you started grinding yourself onto your fingers and you reached your orgasm with a loud scream like moan.
he helped you ride out your high over simulating you a little bit before pulling his fingers out of your cunt, putting them in his mouth sucking up any cum that was left on his fingers
his other hand reached down to unbuckle his belt, it unbuckled and he pulled his pants and boxers down at once revealing his painfully hard cock, it was larger than you expected but you couldnt do anything more than take it
“sure ya can take my dick, considering how many people you probably fucked huh?” “m-mhm” you mumbled not being able to let out complete words because of how fucked dumb you are, just from his fingers
he grabbed your knees spreading your legs even wider and pulling you to the edge of the bed, he had to go on his knees because you were too short, he glided his dick through your folds, covering the tip with your slick
then slowly he started pushing himself into you, he knew you werent gonna be able to take his entire length and he was okay with that, considering you were half his size
he pushed his cock a bit more than halfway, then he felt your cervix stop him from going any further “youre so fucking tight mm” he said giving you time to adjust to his size, a few minutes later the stinging pain went away and now you were just filled with need
“m-move please” thats all it took lyle to start thrusting into you, he started off slow then he built up the pace and now was pounding into you, you let out loud moans while lyle was groaning
“i-im close” you said followed by many more moans and whimpers, “c’mon cum fr’me” and thats all you needed to cum all over his huge cock, he was nearing his orgasm too
it was over simulating, he kept going even after you came, finally, he released his own load into you thrusting into you a few more times before stopping, his hands were on both your sides holding himself up inorder not to fall ontop of your fragile body
“you were so good fr’e me hm” he said praising you
“dont think ill be able to walk for a few days because of you” you said followed by a light giggle
lyle pulled out and layed himself next to you
it was already pretty late and lyle didnt have any intentions of returning to the team tonight, so he cleaned you up and stayed in your room with you
you both fell asleep cuddling, you didnt know lyle enjoyed cuddling this much, but i guess hes just a softie on the inside
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xxladyballadxx · 1 year
𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓤𝓹
Joshua Rosfield x reader
Note: The reader being depressed and all, thinking she's a bad person just because she has done terrible things in her life(⌣̩̩́_⌣̩̩̀)
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‘You’re a fucking monster!’
‘Why are you still alive?!’
Every day and night, you hear the raging voices of the people in your hollowed mind. Angered and terrified by you. The part where you were forced to kill their loved ones. Men, women. Even children. Bringing terror to every village and town. That was when you were brainwashed and working with Lord Barnabas and Benedikta Harman. They forced you to kill people, the innocents. Picking the targets for you to track down. 
This one time, you were given the task to annihilate the outlaws and the dominant of Phoenix. Clive, Jill and Joshua. The people who were your friends back in Rosaria. When they first encountered you, they couldn’t believe their own eyes. Clive believed you to be dead. Jill thought so too.
Joshua, however, knew you would be alive somehow. They remembered you but you don’t remember them. Your mind was completely foggy and hollow, you couldn't remember anything since you weren’t utterly yourself at that time. Since The King of Waloed brainwashed you. Everything happened so fast…
The next day, you avoided everyone at the hideaway. Not making eye contact with them while doing something important. Including Clive, Jill and even Joshua. 
Jill grew worried about your well-being and tried to speak to you. You pushed Jill away and told her to leave you alone. You did the exact same thing to Clive. You didn’t want to talk about what’s going on in your mind. 
You stumbled into your room with your dark mind conquering you. Locking the door so nobody comes in. You slumped into your bed and sunk yourself down in a bottle of wine.
As you continue to drink every sip of wine, your mind wanders off elsewhere, falling into a pit of darkness. Screaming of terror made its way into that hole, causing you more suffering. All of these angry voices of people…
Their rage, their anger…dragging you all the way down to hell…
‘You’re a murderer and murderers don’t deserve a second chance!’
“Stop, please, no fucking more…” you mumbled, you held your head down to the floor with hands placed on your forehead. You just couldn’t take it anymore.
All these voices faded when someone came knocking on your door, “(Name)?” Joshua called out to you, he wishes to come in and speak to you, “(Name)? Are you in there?”
You growled in irritation, finishing off that darn bottle of wine and smashed it on the floor furiously, watching it shatter into pieces. “Just go away…” 
“(Name), please, let me in…” you could tell by the sound of Joshua’s voice that he was gravely worried, “I want to talk to you..”
You slam your hands on your bed in anger and walk your way to open the door for Joshua. He stepped straight inside after you decided to let him in. Joshua spotted the broken pieces of a bottle of wine on the floor. He looked up to you in worry as you closed the door. 
You sat back down on your bed, not looking Joshua in the eye. “(Name)...I couldn’t help but notice you giving everyone a cold shoulder. Even Clive and Jill.” Joshua continued on, expressing a sign of concern, “Everyone here is extremely worried about you, (Name).”
“Okay so?” you spoke in a cold tone which caused him to get more agitated. Joshua shakes his head disapprovingly, “How long are you going to keep acting like this? How long are you going to keep pushing everyone away?” Joshua stumbled over to sit with you, “...Including me..?”
He won’t give up until you tell him what’s making you feel this way. Joshua wishes for you to open up to him. But the very sad thing is; you really don’t like talking about what’s troubling you so much. To anyone. 
“Joshua, I rather not talk about it…” you told him, still not looking him in the eye. “The more you keep those feelings inside, the more it gets worse.” Joshua places his hand onto your shoulder, he could tell that you were suffering and wishes to make it go away, “(Name), please look at me…” 
And so you turned to face him directly, his eyes looking deeply into yours, “I know you have done terrible things in the past. I know that wasn’t you. It was Barnabas, he brainwashed you and used you. Forcing you to kill innocent people.” Joshua consoled you, trying to tell you that it wasn’t completely your fault. 
“...I will never forget what I did.” You were slowly opening up to Joshua, even though you didn’t want to at first but you wanted to pour your emotions out “I’ve killed a thousand innocents. I remember them screaming and crying, begging for mercy. Even the children. When they look me in the eye, all they fucking see…is an killer, a monster…”  
Your words fell hard on Joshua, he couldn’t imagine what it was like for you when you were being controlled by King Barnabas, “I can’t make it all go away. The past still haunts me. It will always haunt me. Stuck in a fucking loop with no way out.”
“(Name)...” Joshua held your hand into his as he continued to listen to you talking about the terrible things you did in the past. 
“I also remembered seeing blood on the wall after slaughtering them…” you recalled the moment where you just looked at the dead bodies and walked away after you completed your mission. 
“I have nightmares every single night, I hear voices every single day. The voices of the people whom I terrify the life out of them. I even hear the cries of the dead family. I can still hear them. Everytime I go out, people look at me and back away in terror. They remembered my face and threw stones at me.” you carried on opening up more to Joshua, tears visibly appearing on your face. “I walked out of there and found a quiet spot to cry silently.”
Joshua gestured his arm behind your back and held you close, you leaned your head onto his shoulder and wept, “Do I deserve to live? Do I deserve a fucking second chance?” you questioned in sorrow, you felt your heart falling apart. 
“You believe you’re a terrible person, just because you’ve done horrible things. I don’t see that in you at all. Just because you’ve done something truly wrong, doesn’t make you a bad person.” Joshua held his hand up and wiped your tears away using his thumb, “Just remember, (Name), you are not alone. For I am here for you always.” 
“...thank you, Joshua…” you said it so quietly but Joshua was able to hear it loud and clear. Joshua moved your hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles of it, “Despite those terrible doings of your past, I never stopped loving you.” You smiled sweetly at his words and kissed the corners of his lips, “I’m glad that… you’re here with me.”
Joshua motioned his head close to kiss you, “I will never leave you, (Name). Never.”
(A/n) - Still blaming @aria-lesage for getting me so much into angsty fanfics. I shall continue to write more ANGSTY ffxvi fanfics in future.
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lambergeier · 4 months
extremely basic but also vital dvd commentary request but last scene of the pacrim au prequel?
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back on that grind. that ruining phoenix wright's life grind.
“Klavier, please, you’ve got to—” Klavier sits bolt upright when he wakes. Kaiju attack. No. What? No alarm, no intercom, no Kristoph. Ema Skye is by his bed, face red and swollen with tears, one shaking hand on his arm. He hasn’t spoken to her since she told him her feelings. He’s been trying to give her space.
i like to drop in little hints like the world is full of small, personal tragedies that you/phoenix will never know about bc every person's life is unfathomably large and rich beyond the scope of outside understanding. tragedy one: klavier really would have liked to go on that date with ema!
“Klav, please, I need you to come with me,” she gasps, scrubbing a hand over her sodden cheeks. “Ema?” he asks. It’s so late. One AM? “What’s happening?” “I fucked up. Klavier, I fucked up so bad, and you—you speak German, I wouldn’t have asked, except—”
tragedy two ema will blame herself for the failed drift test for a really long time lol
“German?” He’s not getting this quickly enough. Ema’s breathing is overfast, she’s close to hyperventilating. “I, Kristoph speaks it better than me.”
because klavier is barely conversational god bless. man who sincerely hopes duolingo will fix him
She shakes her head like she wouldn’t mind breaking her own neck. “No, it can’t be him, Klavier, please just come, I—”
when everyone but youuuuuuuu knows your brother has the worst vibes in the wooooooooorld. and you kinda know toooooooooo
skipping forward a bit here, sparse descriptions of tense transitions blah blah
“Ema,” he says, though she’s already pulling him forward, “Ema, I can’t be here. If you don’t—if Kris isn’t supposed to know about this—” He isn’t. It’s immediately, stupidly obvious. Blood pours from Wright’s ears and nose, his arms spasm around Edgeworth’s chest. Edgeworth is out, gone, eyes rolled back in his head and the noise of his breathing like a child’s whistle. Kris can never, ever know about this.
haha klavier definitely knows his brother can't be trusted 👍
one thing i intended, between this scene and the kristoph scene and the discussion of the gavins not their hitting their baselines, was to be like, okay this is the beginning of the end for the gavins. fic in which it's the beginning of the end for everyone, the gavins not excluded, and the end is going to be two really grinding, horrible years before apollo shows up. so, i'm working this out in real time as i type lol, that would mean this is the first time the thought ever crystallizes for klavier that he can't trust his brother. he's gotten by on denial for five years, but faced with All This, the truth will out! can't trust your brother!!
the starting premise of this fic, back when me and emma were just shooting the shit in the kitchen during lockdown 2020, in between writing in better light chapters was: klavier gets roped into miles and phoenix's drift test and it's the first thing he ever has to lie about in the drift. so, first thing alongside the fact that he can't trust his brother!! the two go hand in hand!
man this fic has bleak implications for the state of everyone's mental health in in better light lol
“Please,” Ema says. “Please.” She pushes, like a tide, and then he’s kneeling in front of the bloodied shape of his commanding officers. “Commander,” Klavier says in German, then tries again when it comes out as no sound at all. “Commander, she needs you to—” Ema tells him. “—She needs you to let go of the Marshal. He needs help. She says his heart—” Wright laughs, blood moving slickly over his teeth. One of his hands is jammed under the Marshal’s chestplate, his own glove and armor ripped off, his scarred forearm pulsing with movement. The other cradles the Marshal's gray face.
i published the fic then went back in like twenty minutes later to add "The other cradles the Marshal's gray face" bc it was suddenly intensely important that everyone remember miles and phoenix are in love. i think this was a wise decision. ignore how many times i use the word "pulsing" in this scene thanks
Klavier turns to Ema. “He says you have to bring the defibrillator here.” She’s pale, almost as sweaty as Wright. “What?” “He says the Marshal’s heart is already in—” he hadn’t recognized the German word Wright used. “It already stopped. He’s keeping it going.” Ema looks at Wright’s hand, pulsing against the Marshal’s chest. Wright speaks. “He says to run fast,” Klavier translates. Ema stumbles toward the door.
phoenix keeping miles' heart going was another thing that was in the outline from pretty early on. one must imagine that klavier is translating all this with very little understanding of what it means. this isn't how the drift is supposed to work right (<- please god)
“Commander,” Klavier says again, low, pressing his hands hard against his sides as the Marshal wheezes and dies and Wright, moment by moment, pulls him back. “Commander, I can’t—I can’t be here. I can’t know that this has happened to you. Kristoph is a friend to you but he’s not—” Wright cuts him off, another fat-tongued laugh. His speech is a mash of German and English, his scarred face palsied, blood thick in the slack corner of his mouth. “You’ll be fine,” he slurs, in a language unimaginable. “You'll be fine. I’m going to teach you how to lie in the drift.”
haha i'm no longer interested in writing fic unless i can end it with a direct nuclear strike. sorry what 12 years of ao3 will do to a mfer
so the fic is about lying the drift. in mine and emma's conception, that's accomplished primarily by lying to yourself, secondarily by ommission-lying to your loved ones so rigorously that you just Never Think about the lie unless absolutely necessary lol. phoenix does it in IBL, keeping from miles the knowledge of apollo's existence, and this fic is about like: oh he was lying about way more than that!
here, phoenix is lying about how bad things are and can get. he's actually super aware of how futile everything is, up to and including trucy going to college, but he lies about it! part of that is like, a natural personality-based distaste for pessimism, and another part of that is the knowledge that you can't just act like the world is ending all the time, even when the world is ending all the time. you gotta just keep trying to do your job, or else the world will just end faster.
which is a normal compartmentalization that people do, ofc, but phoenix has miles in his head every second of his life. and miles is fucking depressed lmao. even when he's not actively pondering offing himself, he's soooo fucking certain that he will somehow Be Dead within the next few years. so phoenix has to be the No It'll Be Fine Actually guy all the time! every second of every minute! which he thinks is fine and he can totally handle it! he's handled it this long already! no problems so far! but......perhaps there are problems so far.
i didn't want to do anything so strong as Drop Hints on the subject, and i don't think i did, but i am open to the interpretation of this fic that is phoenix lies to himself and miles so thoroughly that he destroys the drift test and disables them worse. again, not committed: i stand by me and emma's decision in IBL, which is that miles has to want to live for their drift to succeed (as much as a drift between two basically drift-incompatible people can succeed lol), so the test in this fic was never going to resolve anything fully. but i leave open the possibility that phoenix made it worse!
and then he gives the cancer to klavier lol. because sometimes when the world is shit all you have are stopgaps i guess!!
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cleverri · 1 year
Apollo Justice x reader. Head cannons for relationship
APOLLO JUSTICE x READER | written by MOD clever
warnings; A few cuss words here and there but that's it-
headcanons for Apollo Justice in a relationship...
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Ace Attorney; Apollo Justice
First thing to know about this man- He doesn’t fall in love easily. But when he does? Man, he falls hard. He’s a dedicated and passionate individual, someone who isn’t open to dating someone unless he knows that they’re the right one.
You have to be someone he’s known for a long time. He’s been through a lot, and even though he continues to say that he’s fine, you need to be someone who can actually see through his facade and care for him as a person. Though he’s stubborn, he’ll be practically putty in your hands.
Apollo appreciates intellectual stimulation and enjoys engaging in deep conversations with his partner. (Taxes. /J) He enjoys being able to just have a full conversation with his partner, either it be about a trial coming up, or something random that you enjoy. With that being said, Apollo is also a great listener and a reliable source of emotional support. He genuinely cares about his partner's well-being and will lend a listening ear whenever they need to vent or seek advice. (Even if he's completely awkward at it at first.)
Dates? You mean spending time at a crime scene trying to figure out what the hell happened with Apollo's secret younger sister? Yeah- 
Seriously though, Trucy definitely has third wheeled y'all a lot. So has Phoenix. Phoenix absolutely will tease Apollo in front of you. 
"This is (Y/N), the person I was talking about earlier." "Oh, couldn't you have found anyone better?" "Mr. Wright-!?" "I was talking to (Y/N)-"
Isn’t exactly that big on PDA. He gets flustered easily, face- Hell, entire body going red at any type of affection from his partner. Grab him by the face and pepper his face with kisses. Hold his hand and shout with him that you two are fine. Let him know how much he is valued, admired, and loved so you can make his heart soar.
Leave small hand-written notes for Apollo to find throughout the day- You don’t understand how much that will brighten his mood and make him feel special. These notes could include words of encouragement, affectionate messages, or even playful inside jokes. At some point, he’ll start writing little notes back, and it’ll become a little thing between the two of you. (You two have a little jar of unopened notes for each other for whenever either of you need a pick-me-up.)
Apollo appreciates whenever his partner cheers him on in court. Though, most of the time he’ll miss the sighting of you, and ends up a bit surprised whenever he sees you after court, waiting for him- But just the realization that you had been there, so excited for him to reveal the truth and provide justice has him absolutely melting.
Loves cooking with you. Is he a bit horrible at it? … Yes- BUT HEAR ME OUT- The guy is a romantic at heart, and longs for a domestic life after everything he’s been through. He loves the idea of standing next to you and learning how to make something with you. He knows how to make everyday things, like- he knows how to make eggs and such. But anything past that is stuff he needs help with.
His siblings give him the teasings of his life whenever you’re around. Even if it’s ever so subtle- Or completely obvious- (COUGH COUGH- RAYFA-) Though, prepare to be completely confused when Apollo’s siblings start speaking Khura'inese. (Don’t worry, Apollo’s confused too- He barely knows anything in Khura’In tongue-)
Old-School kid. He has a vintage record player that he… Doesn’t use that much- He just loves it too much to give it away. He loves taking Polaroid photos and putting them into a little scrapbook (Most photos are of you but shh-). 
He tries to surprise you with dates, yet they never really seem to work in his favor due to how chaotic the people are in his life. He wants to be extravagant, yet his work schedule (and wallet-) tells him ‘Absolutely not.’ So dates usually end up with just watching random movies while helping Apollo work on an upcoming case.
You must like Mikeko. Mikeko must like you. I don’t make the rules, he does. Genuinely, he loves his cat so much, and if you aren’t willing to get along with his cat, then there will be a bit of a problem. Of course, if the two of you get along, he’s already getting the wedding ring- /J
Apollo pays attention to the small details and remembers the things that matter to his partner. Whether it's their favorite snack, a specific interest or hobby, or a meaningful memory, he shows that he's invested in their happiness by remembering and incorporating these details into their relationship. Though, he does this absolutely unintentionally. The guy doesn’t even realize he does this. Must be the lawyer in him-
Strong man /J I wouldn’t call him *that* strong, his arms are though- Has pretty buff arms- Strong upper-body strength. This is another thing he doesn’t quite realize? It’s quite funny watching him realize this over-and-over again, to be honest. That being said, he definitely will accidentally pick you up if you hug him. 
Lawyer- Lawyer business- Meaning his schedule is usually filled to the brim with upcoming cases and such. It’s a bit difficult to find some quality time with him- It gets a tad worse after the whole Spirit of Justice arc. Just be there for him, ya’ll.
Isn’t used to having someone be there for him 24/7. He’s lived a tough life, lost many people along the way of becoming an attorney, he’s used to the concept of loss. He’d be so scared of losing you as well, seeing how horrible his luck was around this certain topic. He’ll shout that he’s fine, when in reality, most of the time he isn’t. Hold him, and make sure he knows you’re not going anywhere.
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theheromira · 1 year
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Nimona Movie appreciation post (Part 2 of idk how many)
Sooo, here's part 2 ^^ another pic for attention ;)
the whole first interaction of Nim and Bal is pure gold, also that "jumpscare" with the music in the background, like I already said: Christophe Beck (and everyone in the music department of the movie for that matter) did a more than amazing job
"Did it bleed a lot? Did they let you keep the old one?" Nimonas expression just XD and Bal also answering her with a "No"
Loving Nims lil laugh when she says "Little girls?" and her just casually stopping the saw with her arm
the whole interaction with that little girl/how old he thinks she is
you'd like it to stay that way, yeeaah sure, you gotta just have that one 1000+ years old child
I love how Bal says kebab
also: where did Nim get the paper, there is some gold symbols etched in, almost looks like stationary from somewhere?
"Up here"
the whole to-be-your-sidekick-speech
also great foreshadowing with the phoenix and stuff
also Bal regretting his life choices while Nim does her lil speech and then him being jumpscared by the plate she throws against the wall
also that is a veeery clean plate for that kind of dreary place but hey, I'm also a very picky person when it comes to plate (and utensil) cleanliness (just gastronomy things in my case I guess lol)
Bals face after "Or we could just… talk"
The punchable face scene lol
all the little details of the innocence-wall
"Yeees!", looks at shattered bottle he wanted to kill the intruder with (probably), throw it away
Love how she seems disappointet that he isn't a villain but sshe already decided to adopt him, so it doesn't really matter to her anymore if he is or not
"It's complicated" 1x
Character-in-a-movie-says-he-won't-do-something-only-to-do-exactly-that-in-the-next-scene-clicheé (which I always love btw)
"I love lunch" lol same
the Director is such a good actor but in retrospect I really noticed how she speaks about Bal ("someone like you could be a hero" I mean, how that flew over my head the first time around I don't really know) or to the other knights ("you act like common children" as if there is a difference between normal children and those of commoners/as if commoners are not worth as much as them)
spotting Nim in rat-form when Bal asks for a chance blew my mind the second (or third) time I watched the movie
No matter what you try, if people think one way about you, you're always gonna be that in their eyes is a lesson I also learned when I was really young and ngl that's probably one of the things that made me be a completely different person when I'm not on the internet, soo… that's also one reason I can relate and why I love this movie so much
"I gotta hand it to ya.", she says and hands him his arm lol
Violence is also a code
loving the little noise she makes after she says "You know there's no toilet in there"
the whole murder 'em/ hide scene
"That's a hard No" made me laugh way to much
that whole break out scene until "They were like this when I got here" lol best break out scene of all time
Nims joke with the club of the one armed XD also the lights reflecting in her eyes as a little foreshadowing that she's not human
Nim casually knocking out that one knight with the axe
Bal reacting to her plan like: "Of course. The old something, something, something, we win." As if he alreay knows that plan and you can't convince me that that wouldn't be because Amb likes/ liked/ used to make plans like that
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vickyvicarious · 8 months
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The whole scene building to this is fascinating to me. First Albert specifically asks his old friend to protect his invention no matter what, even saying, "I'll cooperate. I'll do whatever you say. I swear it." Barok pauses a moment, before pointing out that means Albert has just confessed. And when Ryunosuke tries to deny it, he takes a moment to very pointedly spell out exactly what that will mean: if Ryunosuke argues that the experiment was a hoax, then the invention will no longer be protected. If he admits to the murder, the invention will be kept safe.
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This puts Ryunosuke on the spot, as he struggles with protecting his client legally, or obeying his stated wishes to protect his invention instead. As he points out, "(Either way, I can't avoid betraying his trust...)" This is a really interesting reversal of the way Ryunosuke himself has been betrayed by his clients in the past. With McGilded, he did his utmost to protect his client with all the knowledge he had at his disposal, despite some doubts. Later it was revealed that he had successfully freed a guilty man. (Not that he even made it out of the courtroom thanks to Graydon, but still.) And with Gina, he had to struggle to prove himself worthy of her trust before she would cooperate with him. In both cases, trust between a lawyer and their client was key. Here again that theme rears its head as he finds himself forced to betray his client's trust.
It takes Susato's arrival to (literally!) flip Ryunosuke's thinking around, from dwelling on how no matter what he must lose something... to instead focusing on what, then, he can still save.
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(Sidenote - I fucking adore Susato.)
It's only with this perspective that he is no longer paralyzed by the choice, and can openly speak to Albert about the reality of the situation. He establishes their common ground as people who seek the truth, and is able to snap Albert out of his denial about his experiment.
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It's a big moment for the both of them. Until Albert admits to remembering something relevant, implicitly agreeing to let Ryunosuke continue in his defense, things come almost to a head in a way that reminds me of Phoenix's choice in 2-5, when he must decide whether to send an innocent person to jail, or stay dedicated to the truth and lose Maya. Obviously, this is a little less personal, and less openly life and death, but it has a similar gravity in that it is a choice that would dictate Ryunosuke's path forward as a lawyer. Luckily, Albert does come to his senses enough that Ryunosuke doesn't actually have to betray him, but his determination to do so in order to save his life over his faked invention cements his own choice to dedicate himself to the truth. And I love that he is able to do so with Albert's acceptance, with common ground established, because it means he is able to keep that trust between lawyer and client here.
...So, big moment for Ryunosuke!
But we can't forget Van Zieks here.
When Albert has his breakdown about his experiment being tampered with, Barok's reaction is to say, "...So...you've finally opened your eyes." He then says those lines up top. He calls Albert by name as he says he "can't ignore this any longer." It's a moment of what seems like surprising vulnerability, or at the least Barok is expressing emotional openness in a way completely unfamiliar to Ryunosuke and Susato. And then, before the end of the trial for the day, Barok again asks Albert point-blank if he is giving up on protecting his invention. The Professor agrees, and apologizes. Maybe to the court for wasting their time, but... more likely to his old friend.
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It seems a lot like Barok was deliberately leading this whole conversation to force Ryunosuke into making that exact choice here, with the hopes of getting Albert to face the truth. As soon as he was asked to protect the invention over his friend's life, he started being very blunt about what that would mean. He repeatedly established what was being officially said, and whether or not the prosecution would have Harebrayne's consent to submit the paperwork, or whether Ryunosuke would take the official position to call out the faked experiment. I definitely get the vibe that he wanted things to turn out this way for the sake of his friend. He didn't want Albert to throw his life away for something that in all likelihood wasn't even real.
...At the same time, though, I feel like he may be playing to an audience at the end here. There is definitely the sense that Barok's superiors (Stronghart) want to learn all the details of the invention and want to be able to seize it for their own purposes. By the end of this conversation, he has that permission. I think probably he would have gotten it in one way or another regardless. I also think that he is going to continue to try just as hard to get Albert convicted. But now he is able to do both with the same understanding that he established when he visited him in his cell before the trial, that this is him doing his duty and is something Albert doesn't blame him for. Both prosecuting him, and inspecting his invention. It's his own way of maintaining that trust in their friendship even as they stand on opposing sides.
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saltsicklover · 1 year
Part Eight
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Hey lovely people, here's another update for you! There might be a little bit of a wait for the next part, as this is pretty much everything I've had back written. I hope you enjoy it!
Title: Once an Asshole, Always an Asshole
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2500+
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing, Crying, Tobacco, Smoking, the Daggers not knowing a damn thing about Bob.
Second Chance Romance!
Disclaimer: I do not own Bob Floyd, or anything related to Top Gun Maverick within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that may contain mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
Once Hangman and Phoenix stop yelling over each other, Bob doesn't bother trying to unshrink from himself. Hangman finally walked away, red in the face and angry. He wanted to hit Bob, he really did, but he knew better than to hit a fellow Aviator in the Hard Deck. So, to keep his fits at bay, he turned on his heel and headed for the front door- he needed to take a walk. That walk turned into red taillights shining through the windows of the Hard Deck, tires squealing as he took off. 
Phoenix pulled herself up into one of the stools, the tension of her body wearing on her muscles. Bob slides up next to her, still curled in on himself. The pair sit in silence, the bustle of the bar filling the air around them. The jukebox plays some off-radio country song that Bob catches bits and pieces of as the noise from the crowd ebbs and flows. 
It makes him think of her, how she still invades the pieces of his life the same way the song reaches his ears. Just when he hasn't thought of her, the memory of her would cross his mind again. And just a half a hour ago, she was standing right in front of him and he didn't even recognize her. That kills him. It makes all of the yelling he endured feel justified. 
"I can't believe this," Natasha's voice is quiet now, her fingertips buried in the slicked back hair of her bun. "Goddamn it Bob! How am I supposed to bring her back to our place now? How am I supposed to ask her to come back to a place that is basically yours- I'm just sleeping in your fucking guest room,"
Bob opens his mouth to try and argue that the house is just as much hers as it is his, even though it's not technically true. He owns the house, hell, he owns a house outside of each base he has been stationed at. The moment he was no longer bound to the barracks with in processing, he went out and purchased something. A new home that never quite felt right. His pockets have always been lined with money from his Father's oil business- not that any of his fellow Aviators knew that fact. 
It was easy to keep that secret, since no one really asked about him anyway. And when he moved Natasha in, he conveniently failed to mention that the house was paid off.  She didn't ask, and he liked it that way. Just another way he could put space between the person he used to be and the person he is becoming. The person he is now is a work in quiet progress- at least it was until Sunny walked into the bar tonight. 
"Oh my God, Sunny, I've been in here yelling at you instead of going after her!" Phoenix is disappointed in herself as she speaks, "God, Bob, you know I care about you, right? You're my back seater and I will continue doing everything in my power to make sure you make it home each day, but, I can't even stand to look at you right now. I've gotta go find Sunny,"
Natasha doesn't even make it two steps towards the door before Bob speaks.  
"Rooster followed her out," He hooks a thumb behind him, gesturing to the back door, "They went that way, and I-" Bob's eyes glaze over with tears, anger bubbling inside of him at the thought of his fellow Aviator out with her. 
"What is it?" Phoenix asks, her voice softer than it had been all night.
"If I hadn't lost her before, I sure have now," 
Phoenix moves to Bob's side, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You and I are going to talk tonight, about everything," She gives it a reassuring squeeze with as much emotion as she can muster before she is out the back door, leaving Bob alone in the crowded bar. 
For the first time since he started hanging out at the Hard Deck, Bob reaches into his back pocket, pulling out his silver cigarette case. He plucks one of the small Cigarillos from the confines of the case, placing it between his teeth. With the strike of a match he lights the cigar; the smell of cherry tobacco permeates the air around him. The nicotine fills his lungs, and yet, he feels no less heavy.  
"You know what really gets me?" Sunny mutters, a weak smile pulling over her lips. She leans her head back against Rooster's shoulder, sticky trails of past shed tears still damp on her cheeks. She balances an elbow on her knee, her hand coming up to brush over her brow. "God, it's so stupid," 
"What's that?" Bradley gives her elbows a small squeeze, encouraging her to continue. 
"He didn't even smell like himself," Her words are quiet but so sure, yet she speaks them with a shake of her head. She tries to dismiss them the moment they leave her lips, slightly ashamed that she admitted that fact to a stranger. 
"What do you mean?" Bradley leans a little, craning his neck to try and get a look at her face. He takes her hand from her brow, giving him a better look at her face now that she isn't hiding behind her hand. He gives it a gentle squeeze before letting go. 
"Bobby, he-" A small sniffle breaks her sentence apart, "He has always smelled exactly like the tobacco he smokes, you know? It's cherry and smokey and full and God, that fucking smell gets me every single time, and yet, he- it wasn't-" Sunny attempts to keep more crying at bay, a hand coming up to cover her mouth. She lays her other hand over Bradley's shin, her nails digging into the light fabric of his jeans. 
Bradley knows he shouldn't ask, but the confusion of the whole situation causes the words to leave his lips faster than his brain can stop them. 
"Bob smokes?" 
The question causes the loose hiccup of a sob to morph into a giggle, the whole thing sounding rather painful to Bradley, but a Sunny's lips quirk up in the corners. 
"We are talking about the same person, right?" Sunny asks, wiping her her cheeks with her fingertips, "Bob Floyd, ladies man, notoriously rude but hard working so people tend to look past it, always walking around with the smell of tobacco caked to his clothes, that Bob Floyd?" 
"I don't think we are talking about the same Bob Floyd, here Sunshine," Bradley admits, a light hint of laughter in his tone. 
"Yeah, I'm starting to put that together," Sunny almost grumbles, her demeanor slumping along with her body. 
"Hey, am I interrupting something?" Phoenix's voice breaks through the solitude Sunny and Bradley had found themselves in. Her words come out a bit apprehensively, unsure of how Sunny is going to take her presence. 
"No, not at all," Bradley chimes in, squeezing the tops of Sunny's arms. She takes the cue, scootching herself forward and away from his embrace. Bradley pulls himself from the ground, "Take my place, I think you guys need to talk," 
He moves past Phoenix, a small, knowing smile on his face. He gives her shoulder a reassuring squeeze as he passes her, one that Natasha answers with a small upturn of her lips. She moves into the spot Rooster had just been occupying, sitting Sunny between her legs and pulling her friend back into her own chest. 
"I see Bradley's mothering instincts got to you, too," Phoenix starts, feeling out the situation, "He has sat with me like this too. It was something his Mother used to do with him after his Father died. I think it's the only way he knows how to comfort some-," 
"I owe you an apology," Sunny's cuts her friend off, leaning just a bit away from her chest. 
"What? No. I owe you and apology!" Natasha counters, grabbing at Sunny's shoulders. 
"How could you have possibly known that your back seater is the man who broke my heart, huh?" Sunny laughs a small, tired laugh. Tears would run down her face if she hadn't been to dehydrated to cry. "I was the one who freaked out- God, I never thought I would see him again. I was purposely planning on avoiding the class reunion just so I wouldn't have to- I just, I should've been more adult about the situation. I feel like such an idiot."
Sunny hugs her knees to her chest, laying her chin atop them. Natasha rubs her friend's back carefully, her touch gentle over the exposed skin. She isn't quite sure what to say, so she just keeps reassuring Sunny that she isn't an idiot, no matter if she felt like one. 
Phoenix goes over the sleeping arrangements in her head, Sunny was supposed to be in the empty bedroom across from her own, the guest bedroom that just to happened to share a jack and jill bathroom with Bob's. 
When they moved in, he insisted that she take the master bedroom, claiming something about how women need more space. Nat found it ridiculous at the time, the dated concept no doubt having come from the mouth of his Mother as justification for his sister having the larger bedroom as children. But, since it worked in her favor, she didn't argue. The arrangement hadn't posed a problem until now. 
"I can practically hear you thinking," Sunny chimes in, tapping the hands that sit on her own shoulders. Natasha shakes her head, lacing Sunny's fingers with her own. 
"I am just-" Natasha takes a deep breath, bringing her forehead to rest on Sunny's shoulder, "I don't want to bring you back to my place now... Bob and I live together and I don't want to make things worse for you," 
"Nash, I am a big girl," A little low laugh escapes Sunny's lips, "Most of the time, at least. I can be civil. I didn't throw my drink on him, now did I?" 
Natasha laughs at that, the sound a bit strangled as it leaves her throat. 
"It's either that or you go stay with Hangman," Natasha jokes, her tone a bit too straight. 
"I think that man might lose his mind if I am inside of his house," Sunny tightens her grip on Nat's hand, squeezing her fingers. "And I think the Navy would be pretty mad to find out that one of their Aviators died because a woman was sleeping in the next room," 
"You're totally right," There is a sort of joy in Natasha's voice now, "I'd of offered to make Rooster take you, but I'm not making you sleep on his awful couch, that is a special form of punishment," 
Sunny pushes herself up from Natasha's grasp. When she gets to her feet she turns to look at Natasha, a small smile on her lips. That was a look Natasha was happy to share with her friend, a smile of her own on her lips. 
"Then lets get going home, okay? I desperately need a shower. I feel like I look like someone just found me dead in a river with all this crying. I can practically feel how swollen my face is," Sunny runs her hands under her eyes, trying to wipe away the feeling of the sticky trails of tears that have dried to her skin.  
"You are the most beautiful corpse I've ever seen," Natasha winks, taking Sunny's outstretched hands. She pulls Nat up from the sand, neither of them bothering to brush the sand from their clothes. 
They head around the outside of the building, arms link together. "I need to grab my bag from the back of Jake's truck, then we can head out, I'll order a rideshare to come pick us up," Sunny speaks as the round the corner to the parking lot. 
"Oh god," Nat wipes her hand down her face, another large sigh escaping her lips. "Hangman left a while ago, pissed beyond belief and God only knows where he is now. I doubt he is at home, probably off at some Civ Bar, drinking up a storm. I'll call him, but you probably won't get your bag back until tomorrow," 
"Fuck, okay," Sunny sounds defeated. 
"Hey, ladies!" Rooster's voice breaks through the breeze. He is leaned up against a large blue Toyota Bronco, arms crossed over his chest. The tear stains are still lightly visible on his shirt, but it has been tucked back in. "Your chariot awaits!" 
Natasha shoots a look to Sunny, both shrugging before making their way to Rooster. Sunny lets out a large yawn, her hands coming up to shield her face. 
"Hey, Rooster, I've gotta call Hangman and see if we can track down Sunny's bag, do you mind hanging out a minute?"
"Not at all, Phoenix, not at all," He smiles widely at the pair, "How you feeling, Sunshine?"
"I'm livin' the dream," Sunny speaks through another yawn, her eyelids beginning to droop. 
"Want to climb in the back and lay down until we can get the situation with your bag sorted out?" Bradley opens the door, gesturing in with a wave of his hand. Sunny turns to see Natasha dialing her phone again, pacing back and fourth just a few feet away.
"Sounds like a plan," Sunny moves towards Rooster, taking his outstretched hand. She grabs onto the rail inside the door with her other before hoisting herself into the large vehicle. She moves around the folded down front seat before practically throwing herself against the bench in the back. 
"Close your eyes, Sunshine. You deserve a rest. I'll wake you when we get to where we are going. For now, I'm gonna wrangle Phoenix and then we will head out, okay?" Rooster places a kind hand on the ankle of her boot. All Sunny can do is nod, a makeshift sound of agreeance coming from behind her closed lips. 
She tucks a hand underneath her head before drifting off, her other hand resting over her stomach. Bradley slides the front seat back so Natasha can slide herself in before he waves her over. 
"Any luck?" He asks her, the breeze caressing his skin. He runs a hand through his hair, messing the already unkempt curls atop his head. 
"No," Natasha joins Rooster's side, looking at Sunny curled up in the back seat. "I guess we head home and I'll head to his place tomorrow and grab it from the truck myself. God knows where he ran off to tonight," 
Rooster agrees with a silent nod as Phoenix climbs into the passenger seat of the Bronco. She buckles her seatbelt hastily as Bradley climbs into the drivers side. He buckles his seatbelt as the engine roars to life, the whole vehicle shaking a bit. The group pulls of of the parking lot, headed towards Bob and Natasha's house. 
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imawkwardlysoc · 2 years
i've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
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Song- Lover-First Dance Remix by Taylor Swift
Pairing- bob floyd x bradshaw! reader
Warning(s)- None!
Wordcount- 1,562
Summary- It's wedding day baby!
A/N- Happy Valentine's Day y'all! Why not upload a cheesy oneshot?
Part 1, Part 2
Backing up from the mirror, I smoothed out my outfit and looked at myself in the mirror. The afternoon sun shone through the window, shining my ring which reflected on the mirror. Just in an hour, I’ll be married to the love of my life.
“Who is it?” I asked as I heard a knock on the door.
“Just us hun.” I heard Mom’s voice on the other side and the door opened.
“So,” I turned to face my family, Rooster and Dad in their dress blues. “What do you think?”
“Aw,” Mom awed and clapped her hands together, with tears in her eyes. “Sweetie, you look great.”
“I have to agree with your mom Chickadee,” Dad smiled. “How are you feeling?”
“Nervous,” I let out a nervous chuckle. “But I’m ready.”
“You’re going to be fine,” my brother reassured me and gave me a hug. “Come on, let’s go. If we don’t we’ll be late.”
All of us grabbed our things and we got into Rooster’s bronco to head to the Hard Deck. Since Bob and I didn’t really want to do a huge wedding, we decided to plan a small and intimate one. It was just our close friends and family celebrating with us. Also Penny offered to close down the Hard Deck for the day for us for our ceremony and reception.
Pulling up to the Hard Deck and parking the car, the four of us got out and headed inside. All of our wedding party were inside chatting to each other before the ceremony started.
“You look great,” Phoenix walked up to me and hugged me.
“Thanks, you do too,” I complimented her in her dress. “How’s Bob?”
“A little nervous but he’s going to be fine when he sees you walking down,” she smiled. “So, did you tear up?”
“More like bawling,” I let out a laugh remembering when I read the vows he wrote for me a few hours ago.
We decided not to say our vows outloud to everyone but write it and give it to each other. It just feels more private and personal.
“Him?” I asked.
“Definitely cried,” we both let out a chuckle and we heard our wedding planner grabbing everyone’s attention.
“Well, see you down on the aisle.” Phoenix hugged me one last time before leaving the Hard Deck with everyone else.
“Remember, don’t trip.” I smacked Rooster in the chest from what he said.
Letting out a laugh and giving me a kiss on the top of my head, he left the bar leaving my parents and I together. With tears in my eyes, we did a group hug and collected ourselves before we walked down the aisle.
Linking arms with my parents, we saw everyone standing up and we started our way down the aisle. When we got closer to the aisle, I saw Bob in his dress blues and the tears started falling down. I saw him letting a few tears go which caused me to tear up more.
“Hi,” Bob whispered as I joined hands with him. “You look amazing.”
“Thanks,” I blushed a little. “You too.”
“You may be seated,” Mav announced.
Yes, he’s officiating our wedding. Ice was our first choice but with his voice and everything, we decided not to risk it.
“Today we are here to witness the union of Robert Floyd and Y/N L/N. If there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.” There was silence all across the crowd. “Alright then. Y/N, Robert, before we started with the rings, look out to the crowd.”
Bob and I look out at our friends and family who already have tears in their eyes. “And remember you’re going to be stuck with these people for the rest of your life. Are you sure about that?”
Bob and I  let out a laugh while everyone else cheered. “Bob, you’re going to have an amazing mother-in-law but are you sure you want Rooster and Goose as your father and brother-in-law?”
“Oh I’m sure,” Bob nodded his head as everyone laughed harder at Mav’s quip.
“Y/N, Robert, the two of you are going to spend the rest of your lives together,” Mav started his speech. “The two of you have gone through so many hardships which made your bond stronger than ever. Like every relationship, you’re going to live. You’re going to fight over every small and big thing. Yet the two of you always manage to get through them. I think it’s because the two of you have amazing role models when it comes to relationships.”
Bob and I looked at our parents and thanked them.
“Remember, these don’t just disappear when you get married,” Mav looked at us and we nodded our heads in understanding. “Now for the fun part, rings please.”
Phoenix got up from her seat and handed Mav the rings.
“Robert, do you take Y/N to have and to hold. In sickness and in health, for the both of you shall live?” Mav asked.
“I do,” Bob replied as he slid my wedding band on my ring finger.
Mav cleared his throat and faced me. “Y/N, do you take Robert as your husband to have and to hold. In sickness and in health, for the both of you shall live?”
“I do,” I replied with tears in my eyes as I slid Bob’s ring on.
“Well with the power vested in me and the state of California, I pronounce you as partners for life. You may kiss!”
Bob swooped me in his arms and dipped me giving our first kiss as a married couple. Bringing me up from the dip, we faced our friends and family who were cheering for us. Linking our hands together, we walked down the aisle and under the saber arch while Pheonix and Rooster closed the end. Giving each other a kiss again, they lifted their sabers and we headed a few feet away from the bar to take pictures together.
Before walking into the bar, Bob and I spent five minutes alone reflecting what just happened.
“We’re married,” I mumbled in his chest.
“Oh my god we’re married,” I heard the joy in his voice and looked up at him.
“I love you,” I got on my toes to kiss him.
“I love you too,” he kissed back.
When our five minutes were done, we made our way to the bar.
“Everyone, please welcome the couple of the evening!” We heard Phoenix announce. “Y/N and Robert Floyd!”
Bob and I walked hand in hand as our friends and family cheered in celebration. I let out a chuckle as Bob dipped me again to kiss me. Bob and I did a little speech thanking everyone for coming and helping us out with the wedding before food was served. Bob and I decided to cater Mexican food from a local taqueria that we go to after we’re done with work once a week that’s near base. Bob and I ate our food in the booth that was decorated for us.
Throughout the meal speeches were made. All of us laughed and teared up at the speeches that were given. Our parents gave some sweet speeches that were so filled with love and happiness for us. Rooster decided to spill all of my embarrassing moments and embarrassed me in front of everyone.
Why did I choose him as my man of honor?
Phoenix on the other hand shared a pretty sweet story between her and Bob.
“Alright, time for the couples first dance!” Rooster announced.
Tables were pushed along the walls leaving space for a dance floor. Grabbing Bob's hand, he pulled me to the dance floor and I wrapped my left arm around his neck while holding his hand. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer as we danced to the first dance remix of Taylor Swift’s Lover. We did some little spins and twirls to give our guests a show.
When the song ended, everyone applauded and the music changed. All of us danced to the playlist that Bob and I created with the addition of the Dagger Squad adding some songs. I gave Rooster a nod and he turned off the playlist and I went to the piano with him along with our dad. As Rooster pressed the keys, a familiar melody I grew up listening to filled my ears.
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain,” Dad first sang.
“Too much love drives a man insane,” Rooster sang next.
“You broke my will, but what a thrill,” I sang out.
“Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!” Everyone joined in.
“Kiss me baby,” I sang to Bob who kissed me. “Ooh, feels good.”
After the singing and more dancing, Bob and I cut the cake. Feeding it to each other, a little bit of the vanilla sponge cake with strawberry cream filling somehow ended up on our faces.
“Stay safe you too,” our parents told us as we were about to leave.
“We will,” we reassured them.
“The two of you have fun in Romania and England,” Phoenix and Rooster came up to hug us.
“Thanks,” we hugged them.
Saying and waving goodbye to everyone, we got into Bob’s Wrangler and drove away starting our new life as a married couple.
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utenthy · 2 months
i found you through your ace attorney art originally i am so so glad to see you posting it again.... would you mind expanding on your reasons why aa4 is (presumably) your favourite? i feel like we have similar thoughts and feelings on it and id love to hear you talk about it
HII ok so here’s the scoop on this yes aa4 is 100% my favorite aa game and i think mostly it all comes down to phoenix. his character feels incomplete without the context and dimension that ajaa gives him and because phoenix is the heart and soul of the series it also recontextualizes the rest of aa with the idea that actual justice is incongruent with the legal system as it exists. so politically speaking i feel like it has more bite and is really enlightening on phoenix’s true character - not as a purely faithful hero but as a flawed and conflicted person. like phoenix’s work as a lawyer in the original trilogy if taken at face value makes him seem really moral but you have to zoom out and see that 1) he went straight from a relationship where he changed everything about himself for dahlia directly to devoting himself to changing everything about himself in search of edgeworth: his own identity is always somewhat secondary and unknown, 2) as a lawyer he fundamentally disagrees with the corruption in the legal system and his failures and eventual disbarment come down to the problems he was unable to change as just another cog in the system. he has to escape it and break it (mason system!) and by his disbarment at the hands of kristoph he is given no other choice. and i think a lot of people think the change in phoenix’s character is random and disappointing but for me it really drew me to the game: it is a more logical and realistic conclusion that the person who cheats and lies to save people and buries himself continues to cheat and lie to save people and becomes more and more alone. that he was removed from everything that was his life before and still took in and cared for trucy and built a scam they could play together to both survive is important. as he became a lawyer for edgeworth he became a trickster for trucy.
i also love apollo’s character and how he is a vessel for the audience who feels grief at phoenix’s changing and idolizes and insists against it all. apollo justice is still fantasizing that their law system is a salvageable thing and he only has to slot in and become the “good guy” - and phoenix challenges him to see it differently, specifically by exposing and condemning the high-powered career lawyer mentor he had in kristoph. he shows that though his reputation is destroyed and he gambles and cheats, he is still more honest and moral than someone who has a clean image and causes harm in secret. i LOVE love love how much ajaa deals with illusions and secrets.
everything about trucy and the gramaryes obviously ties in with illusion but also brings up another one of my favorite parts of ajaa in general which is family and the damage associated - gavins are so awesome. i love the parallel of trucy’s puppet, her being used as a puppet by her dad, klavier being used as a puppet by kristoph, apollo being used as a puppet by phoenix. there is so much thematic richness i could literally go on forever and ever and ever but i’ll wrap it up. basically justice lies and illusions and we just don’t even have time tonight for the families and puppets and the class issues with trucy and phoenix starving living in an office versus kristophs lavish prison cell the bad are rewarded the good are punished and good is something different than you would think - FUNDAMENTALLY - and all people can be saved from continuing the cycle of secrecy and corruption and fear
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at-thestillpoint · 17 days
[fanfic director’s cut]
It’s interesting to be both an English major and a (fic) writer, because I spent so much of my academic life analyzing choices writers made as if they were all deliberate. Speaking for myself, there are certainly some parallels, callbacks/foreshadowing, etc. that are deliberate, but far more is accidental. Here are a couple of the deliberate choices, because they delighted me while I was writing!
From the second chapter of heaven’s in your eyes:
Seresin just grins, like he’s taken to doing each time she reveals she knows something else about him that he’s never told her. “You mean you didn’t pick out this dress just for me?” “Why would I do anything for you?” 
Natasha is a deflecting liar and absolutely did pick out this dress just for him! This event is the one in Arizona Jake asks her about in the preceding section (to see if she’ll be there), so she knows he will be there when she is packing. I plant seeds for this earlier on with “She looks best in red. And if there’s a reason she wants to look her best—no, there absolutely isn’t.” Looking at this now, I will probably go back and edit “no, there absolutely isn’t” to something about being dedicated to her job to make her rationale even more detached from Jake. I write in third person limited, and Natasha is really good at denying the truth to herself, which means it’s always a dance of how much information I can realistically reveal and how to do it. There is a lot I know that I want readers to know, but Natasha would never admit to, even in her head, so it ends up being a lot of implication. Interestingly enough, I think Hangman is actually a lot more straightforward, in-tune with and willing to admit his emotions, and therefore able to make them explicit.
One more under the cut from fill this ghost town up with life, aka the first FWB fic:
It’s stolen wisdom from her state school alumna sister and has served her well over the years: If it has a lime wedge in it, people think you’re still drinking.
This tidbit is directly connected to this line from much later on (many years later in this universe!):
After Natasha helps pour everyone’s drinks, squeezing two lime wedges into her own, she takes the remaining seat—a leather arm chair at a ninety degree angle to the large sofa, where Lucy, Pippa, Cass, and Hangman have all squeezed in.
This fic was a prompt fill about an accidental pregnancy that came in just around the time I was playing around with the idea of Hangman and Phoenix having something other than antagonism going on. (Pool cue handoff scene, I will write more about you one day!) Add in a dash of the neon rodeo and this fic was born. I knew the moment I wrote the first line about lime wedges in cups (which is absolutely true, btw) that I wanted to bring it back later. No one else in the room notices that it’s just sparkling water, so for a moment it’s this secret between Natasha and whoever caught that detail. (Not super secret, since the fic is tagged Unplanned Pregnancy, but its’s a tiny Easter egg for any eagle-eyed readers.)
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