#philosophica hermetica
informationsblog · 6 months
Die Magie des Lernens - Über Paradigmenwechsel
und das Geheimnis der Neun:
Die Reue des Prometheus:
Korruption - Ein weltweites Problem:
Der Sinn sucht die Wahrheit
- Über die Verantwortung des Erkennens:
Aufwachen aus dem Traum "Wach zu sein":
Der Fluch der bösen Tat - Hiroshima und Nagasaki:
Der Teufelspakt (und seine höllischen Paragraphen):
Die geistigen Medikamente:
Die geisteskranke Struktur des Systems muss
erkannt und durchbrochen werden:
Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica:
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furtherfurther · 5 years
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Kabbala, Amsterdam
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One Nice Thing: The Digital Library of the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica
The Embassy of the Free Mind, aka the House with the Heads, houses the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, an Amsterdam museum and library, "a place where you can find wisdom from all over the world, where images and texts will tell you centuries-old stories created by free thinkers."
They are in the process of digitizing their library (partly supported by a grant from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds), and all of the manuscripts are available for free on their website as they are scanned.
The website is in English, and while the search function will let let you search for a specific author, year, or place of publication, there's no way to order the search by any of those items, so you will get a randomly ordered list each time you pull up the page. That could be useful, however—the serendipity of discovering just the right book or just the right author awaits!
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uschi-the-listener · 5 years
I’m curious about the world’s smallest, too. I didn’t know there were any, let alone ones graded by size.
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dr-archeville · 5 years
Amsterdam's Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (AKA "The Ritman Library) houses more ths 25,000 occult texts, covering "Hermetics, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, alchemy, mysticism, Gnosis and Western Esotericism, Sufism, Kabbalah, Anthroposophy, Catharism, Freemasonry, Manichaeism, Judaica, the Grail, Esotericism, and comparative religion."
The library has begun to scan and post its core collection to an online archive called The Hermetically Open Archive.  The project was underwritten by Dan Brown in thanks for the library's contributions to his books "The Lost Symbol" and "Inferno" (the library houses the first illustrated edition of Dante's "Divine Comedy," from 1472).
Though the scans are all in the public domain, the library uses Javascript tricks to try to block scraping, though, according to Maika at Haute Macabre, there are plans to enable downloading in the future.
Haute Macabre has assembled a kind of highlight reel of the collection, which has some gorgeous illustrated texts in it.
Hermetically Open [Ritman Library]
Bury Us Beneath Occult Books: The Ritman Library Digitized [Maika/Haute Macabre]
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The world's largest occult library has a public online archive
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Amsterdam's Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (AKA "The Ritman Library) houses more ths 25,000 occult texts, covering "Hermetics, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, alchemy, mysticism, Gnosis and Western Esotericism, Sufism, Kabbalah, Anthroposophy, Catharism, Freemasonry, Manichaeism, Judaica, the Grail, Esotericism, and comparative religion."
The library has begun to scan and post its core collection to an online archive called The Hermetically Open Archive. The project was underwritten by Dan Brown in thanks for the library's contributions to his books "The Lost Symbol" and "Inferno" (the library houses the first illustrated edition of Dante's "Divine Comedy," from 1472).
Though the scans are all in the public domain, the library uses Javascript tricks to try to block scraping, though, according to Maika at Haute Macabre, there are plans to enable downloading in the future.
Haute Macabre has assembled a kind of highlight reel of the collection, which has some gorgeous illustrated texts in it.
Hermetically Open [Ritman Library]
Bury Us Beneath Occult Books: The Ritman Library Digitized [Maika/Haute Macabre]
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lttrbx · 5 years
The world's largest occult library has a public online archive
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Amsterdam's Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (AKA "The Ritman Library) houses more ths 25,000 occult texts, covering "Hermetics, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, alchemy, mysticism, Gnosis and Western Esotericism, Sufism, Kabbalah, Anthroposophy, Catharism, Freemasonry, Manichaeism, Judaica, the Grail, Esotericism, and comparative religion."
The library has begun to scan and post its core collection to an online archive called The Hermetically Open Archive. The project was underwritten by Dan Brown in thanks for the library's contributions to his books "The Lost Symbol" and "Inferno" (the library houses the first illustrated edition of Dante's "Divine Comedy," from 1472).
Though the scans are all in the public domain, the library uses Javascript tricks to try to block scraping, though, according to Maika at Haute Macabre, there are plans to enable downloading in the future.
Haute Macabre has assembled a kind of highlight reel of the collection, which has some gorgeous illustrated texts in it.
Hermetically Open [Ritman Library]
Bury Us Beneath Occult Books: The Ritman Library Digitized [Maika/Haute Macabre]
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lunar-root · 5 years
"Over 25,000 texts have been painstakingly added to Amsterdam’s Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica – also known as ‘The Ritman Library’.
The volumes cover all aspects of the occult. From alchemy and mysticism right through to comparative religion and even guides on the art of Freemasonry.
Many of the works in the library’s collection pre-date the 19th century. The project was underwritten by the author Dan Brown – who frequently uses occultist topics in his works."
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golvio · 5 years
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vivimetalliun · 6 years
Maior biblioteca de magia e ocultismo do mundo digitaliza seu acervo
Maior biblioteca de magia e ocultismo do mundo digitaliza seu acervo
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Fundada em 1957, a Biblioteca de Ritman, ou Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, só foi aberta ao público em 1984. Seu fundador, Joost Ritman, começou a juntar livros raros sobre espiritualidade quando ainda era adolescente, iniciando com uma edição do século 17 de Aurora, do filósofo alemão Jakob Böhme.
Em junho de 2016, Dan Brown, escritor e autor de livros como O Código Da Vinci e Anjos e…
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witchbr · 6 years
The world's largest library of magic and occultism digitizes its collection!
Founded in 1957, the Ritman Library, or Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, was only open to the public in 1984. Its founder, Joost Ritman, began collecting rare books on spirituality as a teenager, beginning with a 17th-century edition of Aurora.
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In June 2016, Dan Brown, writer and author of books such as The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons and who had done several research there during his creative processes, announced a donation of 300 thousand euros to the Library could digitize its collection and make the works accessible to a larger audience.
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Of the approximately 4600 books in the Ritman Library, just over 2100 are now available online and can be accessed through the Free Mind Embassy website. There are several studies on topics such as alchemy, astrology, magic and other topics dear to the occult.
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It is important to emphasize that the works are written in different European languages, with predominance for texts in Latin. There are also books in English, French, German and Dutch, and the easiest way to filter the searches in the catalog is to select by Publication Place.
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Site here.
The original article here. Translated by me.
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igrejadesata · 3 years
A maior biblioteca de ocultismo online do mundo inteiro
A maior biblioteca de ocultismo online do mundo inteiro
Utilizada por Dan Brown, autor de “O Código Da Vinci” e “Anjos e Demônios” para suas pesquisas, a biblioteca de Ritman, ou Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, é uma das maiores bibliotecas de livros de ocultismo e está digitalizando seu acervo desde 2016, depois de uma doação do autor de 300 mil euros para custear a digitalização. Fundada em 1957, ela só foi aberta ao público em 1984. Seu…
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deadliveevents · 4 years
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A vast library of more than 25,000 occult texts has been scanned and published on the Internet for free. Founded by Joost Ritman, Amsterdam's Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (also known as 'The Ritman Library') contains tens of thousands of texts relating to a wide range of occult topics. https://boingboing.net/2019/08/21/gnostic-gnowledge.html . . . . www.deadlive.co.uk #deadlive #deadliveevents #psychicreadings #ghosthunts #hauntedvenues #ghosthunting #spookynights #psychicevents #ghosthuntingequipment #psychicnights #hauntedhouse #hauntedinn #hauntedpubs #hauntednights #northwestghosthunts #hauntedcastles #hauntedhalls #ghostscaughtoncamera #spookyevents #hauntedengland #liverpoolghosthunts #tarotreaders #mediumship https://www.instagram.com/p/CKTYkOElYVE/?igshid=1bikjmon2hv1g
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ruurdsnotes · 4 years
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Woensdag 12 augustus – Mijn eerste fysieke werkoverleg na de vakantie is een kennismaking met Thieu Besselink in de prachtige bloementuin achter de Embassy of the free mind. Dennis Kerkhoven is de aanstichter en is er ook bij. Ik weet niet of ik ooit iemand ontmoet heb met wie ik zoveel inhoudelijke fascinaties deel (ontwerpen, leren, commons, de donut, het subsidiariteitsbeginsel, herenboeren, Christopher Alexander...) en Thieu is ook nog eens een doener, een ondernemer. Ik zie uit naar de samenwerking die ongetwijfeld gaat volgen.
'De Embassy of the Free Mind is een ontmoetingsplaats waar wijsheid uit de hele wereld wordt verzameld, waar beelden en teksten de persoonlijke verhalen vertellen van vrijdenkers uit onze geschiedenis.’ Maar het ook een museum, opgebouwd rond de collectie van de Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica.
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uacboo · 7 years
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If there’s one thing The Da Vinci Code’s Dan Brown and “The Library of Babel”’s Jorge Luis Borges have in common it is a love for obscure religious and occult books and artifacts. But why do I compare Borges—one of the most highly-regarded, but difficult, of Latin American poets and writers—to a famous American writer of entertaining paperback thrillers? One reason only: despite the vast differences in their styles and registers, Borges would be deeply moved by Brown’s recent act of philanthropy, a donation of €300,000 to Amsterdam’s Ritman Library, also known as the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica House of Living Books.
The generous gift will enable the Ritman to digitize thousands of “pre-1900 texts on alchemy, astrology, magic, and theosophy,” reports Thu-Huong Ha at Quartz, including the Corpus Hermeticum (1472), “the source work on Hermetic wisdom”; Giordano Bruno’s Spaccio de la bestia trionfante (1584); and “the first printed version of the tree of life (1516): A graphic representation of the sefirot, the 10 virtues of God according to the Kabbalah.”
Brown, the Ritman notes, “is a great admirer of the library and visited on several occasions while writing his novels The Lost Symbol and Inferno.” Now he's giving back. Some of the revenue generated by his bestselling novels, along with a €15,000 contribution from the Dutch Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, will allow the library’s core collection, “some 3,500 ancient books,” to come online soon in an archive called “Hermetically Open.”
For now, the curious can download the 44-page guide to the collection as a free ebook, and watch the animated video at the top, a breezy explainer of how the books will be transported, digitized, and uploaded. Just above, see a trailer for a documentary about the Ritman, founded by businessman Joost R. Ritman in 1984. The library holds over 20,000 volumes on mysticism, spirituality, religion, alchemy, Gnosticism, and more.
To continue reading about this fabulous resource:
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mystiekeschool · 4 years
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Er is de laatste jaren een vernieuwde interesse het hermetisme. In 2016 bracht de Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica het boek De Hermetische Geschriften uit. Waar van begin af aan veel belangstelling voor was en is. En wie online zoekt naar ‘Hermes’ of ‘hermetica’ vindt tientallen boeken die de laatste jaren zijn verschenen, zowel in Nederland als in het buitenland. https://mystiekeschool.nl/7-hermetische-vragen/7-hermetische-vragen-jeroen-windmeijer-en-jacob-slavenburg/
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