witchbr · 5 years
honey bee body language guide
a quick reference for understanding honey bees !!!
🐝 approaching you
🌱 they want to know if you’re a flower, a threat, or neither ! don’t swat or get too close to their hive, and you’re not a threat.
🐝 landing on you (often you can see her cleaning herself, if you watch carefully)
🌱 she’s either tired or, on the rare occasion, deciding to sting you. don’t squish her !!! she’s probably just chillin with you, but if you want her off, blow her off. she’ll fall and fly away !
🐝 buzzing becomes high pitched
🌱 think angry bees in a cartoon. you can actually hear the change ! this means they’re getting agitated
🐝 circling your head
🌱 this is a warning that you’re being threatening and you need to leave ! calmly move away from the hive or the bee.
🐝 if you’re close to the hive: sending significantly more bees into the air
🌱 usually means they either want to know what’s happening or there’s a threat to the hive ! you should probably leave.
🐝 divebombing you in a headbutt, bouncing off
🌱 this is the most explicit “if you do not leave, i will sting you” that honey bees have. it’s the last warning !
💞some extras !💞
🐝 laying on the sidewalk
🌱 if she’s alive, she’s either resting or in trouble. she could be diseased or usually, in winter, too cold. some folks feed them honey or sugar water ! i’ve had a few good experiences in just letting them sit on my hand and warm up for a while before she flies off. if not, i leave her somewhere she won’t be stepped on. if you’re afraid to touch a bee but still wanna help, try getting her somewhere safer with a leaf or something ! if it doesn’t work, don’t feel too guilty. they’re like cells in an organism, some are always going to be dying as new ones are being born.
🐝 a BUNCH of bees clumped onto something or flying in a slow cloud
🌱 more than likely a swarm ! bees “swarm” when their hive is big and healthy enough to branch off into two hives, or when they’re moving houses ! you’ll never find a honey bee in a better mood than when they’re swarming. observe them from a safe distance, it’s super cool !
🐝 moving her front legs from her mouth over her face
🌱 she’s cleaning herself ! just like how cats do !
🐝 moving a leg from her mouth to her rear leg
🌱 she’s packing pollen ! she wets it with her mouth and then packs it into her pollen sac, which is basically just hairs on her leg shaped into a basket ! that’s why you see the yellow / orange dots on their back legs. they’re bringing it back to the hive !
🐝 dragging another bee out of the hive
🌱 they’re either moving a corpse or a diseased or malformed bee that will die soon. think of it like your body flushing out bad stuff– the bees are like cells of an organism, working toward the whole.
🐝 standing away from her hive on the landing pad, beating her wings
🌱 she’s fanning the hive !! this keeps the brood and honey at a safe temperature.
💞 feel free to add on or ask about more !! 💞
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witchbr · 5 years
Cautions For Dealing With Modern Fair Folk
Based on some actual experiences
- When a stranger comes to your apartment door on May day morning asking to borrow some butter or milk, don’t lend any…all your luck will go with it. Never give any stranger a light for their cigarette on May day either - giving out fire is giving away your luck as well. 
- When you are walking at night and you hear music, no matter how beautiful, or voices inviting you to join them don’t acknowledge that you can hear them and turn back towards home.
- When you are out walking at night and you hear the sound of horses or hounds or riders find shelter indoors or in your car quickly. The Wild Hunt (we call them Ghost Riders in America) is mercurial and if it’s the Slua Sí passing by they will do you harm if they can.
- Never run from the Fair Folk, if you see Fairy hounds or anything uncanny that frightens you. Running is what prey does and you do not want to be prey. Don’t acknowledge seeing them, if possible, but leave as quickly as you can. 
- If you are being pixy-led, if you have lost your way in familiar territory, turn your socks or coat outside in or laugh and joke about how much fun you are having. this will free you from the enchantment. 
- Never speak ill of the Good Neighbours aloud, nor express disbelief in them. They take insults badly and if they happen to be nearby and hear you they may respond. You will not enjoy their reaction.
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witchbr · 5 years
Underworld Ariel’s Crystallomancy
Hiya, cherubis and budews, bellsprouts and sunfloras!
A method I use in my divination sessions is crystallomancy, where I take my tumbled stone collection, close my eyes, mix them around in front of me and then let my hand be guided intuitively to however many stones to fetch answers and affirmations.
To upgrade this divination method, I recently purchased more tumbled stones! I will now have quite the collection, and so, I wanted to collect the meanings in all one space as I don’t think I’ll ever get round to write each an individual quick guides post.
Below is a list of every crystal I own in alphabetical and an explanation of what it means. Any with their name linked takes you to my guide post on them, which offers more information and sources. Because of tumblr’s link limit, I can’t link to the research I did on each crystal, but a standard google such can take you to them.
I’m sure this will be a helpful source away from my readings, so feel free to reblog! To learn more about my crystallomancy, check out my paid readings!
Wildly used from the ancient era to now for its healing and beauty, you find Amazonite in statues and amulets. This stone is noted to be a good energy filter. It is associated with hope and being a powerful affirmation tool. In this way, it can elevate you to being more matured and mindful in your being. It is known to help communicate your true thoughts and feelings without unnecessary dramatic emotions. Amazonite may help you view inner conflicts with more peace and objectivity.
This crystal can benefit you for endless reasons, the main one we all talk about being banishing and warding of negativity. It’s also a powerfully wise stone that can elevate your knowledge of craft and how you approach deep spiritual learning. A protective stone, Amethyst is one to turn to when you need to keep away bad energies and find your own dusty leather-bound book of truths in the darkness. It’s also said to be able to help the holder cope with stress, and also relieve nightmares when it is put under your pillow at night. Hailed since ancient times, it is thought to be balance of all manners.
Apricot Agate
This variety of agate is known to clear the mind and aid with distress. It can promote confidence in you and feel you with the feeling of nurturing. To get this stone in a message is to have a message of support given to you. It’s protective and often linked to helping children. It promotes consistency in your personal space, and is often recommended to mothers, pregnant women, and their children.
Aquamarine represents intellectual wisdom and finding the courage to speak your mind. It’s said to be brilliant for teachers of all kinds. In lore, it’s said this stone is the treasure of mermaids. It’s thought to be a stone of enlightenment and can impact the spirtual self tremendously, making us more aware. Aquamarine can help you stay in tune with your emotions. It has heavy oceanic association, and so can be good for connecting people to the seas. It’s said to be a stone to help us appreciate the beauty of the life in front of us.
Black Zebra Agate 
This stone helps with increasing physical energy and endurance! If you’ve been feeling tired in yourself, maybe this stone is for you. It helps you to think creatively and connect to the flow of love throughout the earth. This stone comes with a sense of increase and that idea can transform your life in many ways, such as slowly increasing your finances, some say. It’s ultimately thought of as a stone of the earth, able to connect us to the earth and benefit us with earthly luck and pleasures. It socialises us with our natural world.
Blue Apatite
You’d enjoy this crystal if you need an injection of ambition and independence into your life! Blue Apatite is a powerful motivator which can help with communication and consultation, making it guest in business and school work. It’s known to be a stone of manifestation, and so you can turn to it to make your desires become realities. It’s also said to bridge the present to past lives and the future. It’s said to help you attune spiritually and also promote a deep meditative state. Others link it to boosting clairvoyance, and assisting in lucid dreaming and astral travel.
An ancient stone used in amulets of protection, Bloodstone is connected to courage and strength. It is a sign of overcoming barriers no matter how hard because you have that strength within you. This stone is said to help you refocus your energy and promote your innate healing power. Filled with power, Bloodstone is also linked to having a grounding ability on us. This stone represents how time can heal. Some note Bloodstone to expose our eyes to the harm around us, and to have a brilliantly magical property to it.
This stone is thought to be linked to balancing body energies. Many use it for support in professional career fields. Carnelian brings with it prosperity, new resources, and a general sense of good luck to those who hold a piece. It’s sunny aura can inspire confidence. It’s said to be a good anchor for reality and a strong meditative aid. It can also inspire us to have kinder reactions to those around us. It is said to be a good aid to people sensitive to emotions for its protective abilities in these regards. This stone has been noted in history for thousands of years and was originally revered by nobles. It is also linked to leadership, courage, and confidence.
Cherry Quartz 
Cherry Quartz is said to be a regulator of life, balancing out all the energies which come toward you. It can ground you and restore any balance you may have lost. It’s great for promoting activity and productivity. It’s colour is said to link to vitality. It’s said to help opportunity flow and to reduce anxieties. It’s considered a hope stone. It makes receiving energies easier. It can unfog mirrors to the future. Cherry Quartz can help to heal emotional wounds and relieve from anger.
It’s known as a stone of prosperity for its use in gaining and maintaining wealth. It attracts abundance and success, and is great as a stone for manifestation. Artists of all kinds will love this stone as its linked to creativity. You may also benefit from citrine in terms of increasing mental clarity and personal will. Citrine is a stone filled with bright posivity and illuminates the mind. For Egyptians, it was often included in the burial of pharaohs as they believed it brought protection in the afterlife.
Dalmatian Jasper 
This stone aims to help you break down any barriers that you had built yourself in the name of misguided protection. It is a stone which wants to relieve a lack of trust and inspire you to seek other paths than revenge. It can reinvigorate joy and the inner child, as well as help your true purpose flourish in front of you. Holding this stone can help reclaim innocence, strengthen ties, and aid in the free flowing of ideas and luck. A wholesome stone, it promotes a sense of serenity and can unblock the emotions to help mental clarity and function.
Dumortierite is a stone which will encourage you to be more independent and stand up for yourself. It can help you take control and have more patience also. It’s supposed to be very stimulating and help with all manners of mental knowledge. With an assertive nature which inspires self confidence, it can help you speak up for yourself and improve organisational skills. Whilst it attracts positivity in these ways, it can also teach us lessons along the way. Overall, it’s great for elevating the mind and calming anger or intensity.
This crystal is known for protecting against manipulative external forces. It can ease opposing forces around you and ward off threatening or negative energy. It can bring calmness and decrease anxieties. It is associated with truth, consciousness, and intellect, making it a good stone for those on the pursuit of true knowledge. Due to its different colour combinations, it can strengthen different things. Mine are both green, one with some purple, so for mine we are usually always speaking of strengthening luck, wisdom, and pathways. Fluorite is a stone to turn to for order, focus, and structure.
Freshwater Pearl 
Because of our they’re formed, pearls are considered gems of nourishment and nurturing. Whilst not a crystal, they can be used in the same way. They represent calming and centring. They are thought to rebalance the body. Freshwater Pearls are thought to be purifying and able to prevent the holder from failure. It is said to help you through life lessons and promote gaining wisdom through experience. It can offer security and protection.
Green Aventurine 
This is a soothing stone which promotes connection to the earth. It can tie you back to nature and help you reconnect with and appreciate the earth. In youth, it inspires growth, and for all carries a sense of vitality. You may use it for healing tempers. Know as a stone of opportunity, it is thought to bring about luck and success. It is also said to align energies. Green Aventurine specifically is said to help spark the imagination. You may use this crystal to attract abundance and positive outcomes.
Green Banded Agate 
This stone is said to help your compassion, generosity, and your sense of justice. It is linked to promoting vitality and overall harmony of energy within the body. It can help you lead a more compassionate lifestyle and seek out the justice you deserve. You may also be inspired to be a more patient and tolerant individual. Some link it’s natural green colour to being a connection to the earth and a way to align with nature.
Hematite can be used as a balancer as it is seen to calm the heart and soul. It can minimise tensions and increase the energy flow in your body. It is said to help you see different perspectives and hence grow mentally. It can spur you on with confidence. This is a grounding crystal which can strengthen your willpower. It may provide you with courage and endurance. Hematite may help you focus and get through hard, boring, or tough situations.
One may use Howlite to awake a higher spirtual conscious and to relieve tensions and stress. It is said to soothe emotions and thus aid in the release of pain and anger. It can help focus your mental awareness, strengthen meditation and communication to higher realms, and affirm positive traits you hold. Due to being an awareness stone, many associate it with wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. It may remove distracting thoughts. Breaking down fuzzy thoughts and focusing the mind on the pursuit of knowledge, it can be helpful for artists chasing down new ideas.
Labradorite is often used for mental elevation, such as helping to enhance psychic abilities or understanding of the self. It’s said to help us access past lives and our innate magical powers. It helps ground you safety to the present if you are muddled and confused. It helps us to grow and transform, alleviating us of previous trivial problems. It can make you more confident in self expression. Some note it to remove energy that does not belong.
It’s deep green colour often means people associate it to nature, but aside from that it is supposed to be very protective. It is noted to rid your natural self of pollutants. It is said to be supportive and help the holder overcome accidents or hurdles. You may use Malachite to heal and protect you. It may also come into your life as it is a powerful aid to transformation away from negativity. It can support you in growing new roots for yourself.
Merlinite is said to inspire deep intuition and to attract powerful magic and good luck into your life. It can help psychics and mediums with their senses. It’s said to help access natural energy and thus help to communicate with elemental beings. Merlinite may be helpful for connecting to guides and teachers. It is dualistic and whilst it’ll inspire the light in you, it’ll also delve into the darkness of your soul. If you get this stone in crystallomancy, it may be a call to shadow work. This stone helps you push past the limits of your skills.
This is a support stone! It has a nurturing energy which can shield you in times of stress. It can help us make hard decisions in difficult times or help us to accept change. It may block wanted outside influence. It is linked to starting anew and spiritual adventures. It can be a symbol of nearby challenges. Some say it’s a reminder that spirit is ageless and we can all maintain young at heart.
Morganite is known for its link to love and being able to inspire you with courage and strength. There’s notes that it can elevate psychic powers. Morganite ultimately teaches you that bad experiences aren’t the end and sometimes they can push us forward in life. It helps us learn from those negativities. It can also increase empathy, help purify thoughts, and increase supportive capacities.
Moss Agate
Serving as no surprise, Moss Agate is a stone for gardeners and nature. It is thought to help plants grow. In that same way, it’s thought to grow confidence within humans also. In addition to bountiful crop, people believe Moss Agate to stabilise the emotions and attach wealth and success. It can help you to see new beginnings in your life. It may bring harmony to your life and inspire trust. It is thought to be restorative and fertile.
All in all, this stone is transformative. It can shield you from negativity and help you to overcome harsh lessons. Obsidian encourages you to cut off toxic ties and to strengthen relationships actually worthy of your time. Spiritually protective, Obsidian can lead your path toward a more fulfilling conclusion by supporting you through less than pleasant times in your life. It’s practical and reasonable, it won’t sugarcoast or plaster your wounds, but give you the tools to stitch them.
Ocean Jasper 
Ocean Jasper can spark joy! It represents renewal, strength, and interconnection. You may use it if you have an affinity to water. A companion to help support you through change, this stone reminds you to give a little self love. It’s thought to protect against negativity from others. It has gentle power which wants to ease and soothe you. Ocean Jasper carries with it peace and is a good stone for positive letting go.
With this crystal, we see higher communication and positive, helpful transitions. Opalite has beneficial energy linked to success. It can also help heal fatigue and keep your spirtual energy up. Opalite can help you with your confidence. It helps with transitions as it is a persistent stone to have on hand which can support you with strength, vitality, and a promise of success on your path.
Orange Selenite
Like regular Selenite, Orange Selenite is a cleanser and purifier, but this one, due to its colour, is associated more strongly with warmth, light, peace, and creativity. It can soothe the artists soul and inspire creativity and well being. Selenite is also linked to honesty. When this stone comes up in crystallomancy, it’s a message to focus on your inner warmth and allow your light to shine and purify in creative manners. Share your happiness.
Peach Moonstone
Peach Moonstone is a soothing stone that helps to eliminate fear and sadness. It will help you stop worrying and to relieve yourself of stress. It’s also said to be a handy crystal to have on hand for menstrual issues. It is seen as a symbol of fertility, which can translate to helping positive emotions flourish. Peach Moonstone specifically relates to increased self worth. It may soothe romances and the heart also. You may view the world with a more rosy tint when carrying Peach Moonstone.
This crystal is all about attracting love, luck, and wealth. It will fill your life with a sense of richness. It represents abundance and prosperity and so is good for people trying to reach goals. It is said to protect your heart and allow you to channel your inner free youth. It’s name derives from the French word for gold and it is known to be linked to the sun, showing us that Peridot is linked to luxury, royalty, confidence, and attainment.
Pink Botswana Agate 
Botswana Agate promotes calm well being. It relates to balance, harmony, and stability. It aims to teach the hold to care less about trivial matters and to instead live in peace. Botswana Agate shows that we are always in control of our lives and able to restore order in some way, shape, or form. Because of this, it can help you explore previously unknown territory. It is an amplifier linked to protection of the aura.
Filled with powerful love and compassion, Rhodonite is a stone suggested to lovers with broken hearts. It can release fears, uncover toxic emotions, and detox the heart of all those horrible heartaches. It’s known for being an emotional healer and have a highly supportive energy. It stimulates acceptance and forgiveness. Graceful and delicate, Rhodonite approaches wounds with calmness and tact, mending those heart bruises once and for all.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love and beneficial positivity. It attracts love and harmony, and thus, can relieve the holder of negativity and help clear emotional burdens. It gives off a calming energy, meaning it can be helpful in the presence of noisy or angry vibrations. It encourages love to enter your life, both as yourself and possibly in another too. It is often used by those who wish to amplify self love, attract new relationships, or heal from the past. 
This stone is a cleanser, purifier, and all round spiritual charger. It resonates with honesty and can liberate one’s self! It can help with meditation and ward off toxic energies. Selenite can help one transcend to a higher level of consciousness, to communicate with guides above, and to blow cold, fresh air into stale emotional spaces. It has a stone of purity, and thus can help to rid the holder of any negative energies.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is a stone interested in amplifying the truth and connecting to higher realms. People use this stone for its links to cleansing and detoxifying. It is said to transmute energies. Smoky Quartz can help you to work through negative emotions such as jealousy and sadness. Some people say the smoky colouring inside the crystal helps filter out fuzzy energy which may be affecting our intuition.
Snow Quartz
A facilitator of mental clarity and awareness, this stone is considered to have a soft feminine energy. Snow Quartz is linked to patience and discretion. It is said to be able to connect us high vibrational auras, possibly working as a bridge in metaphysical communication. It can connect you to your higher self or your guides. Having a positive spin on things, Snowy Quartz can dispel negativity coming into you in thoughts or feelings. Similarly, it can prevent emotional overflows.
Sodalite is a stone of maturity and rationality. It can help the holder with their communication and finding the most effective route to solutions in this fashion. Sodalite is hailed for helping you attune to higher knowledge and a deeper, more philosophical mindset. This crystal will look after you and help you make slightly less reckless decisions. Connecting you with your sixth sense when you have lost sight of it, Sodalite strengthens you to boost your energy to its higher state. It is capable of renewing you and empowering you.
Linked to confidence and finding the brightness in all, Sunstone can connect the holder to a more positive outlook on life. Sunstone harnesses leadership, freedom, and expanse in the name of all the power of the sun. It carries abundant positivity, as well as warm, mental clarity, and strength. It encourages you with your goals and hard work. Sunstone is a good, helpful companion to shy and indecisive souls as it fills you with the happiness and the confidence to be free and make your own decisions. 
Tigers Eye
Tigers Eye is an energy boosting, inspiring its holder with vitality. It can help you feel more in control again. Much like it’s namesake, it can inspire one with strength, courage, and self confidence. In this way, Tigers Eye is a stone to have on hand for big events or just in times of need for self worth. It can help its holder unlock a more bold attitude and reinvigorate their passion for life. Some say that when you feel adrift, Tigers Eye can anchor you back to the dock.
Tree Agate
Tree Agate is brilliant for strengthening you through and through. A stone which dissolves selfish attitudes and egoism, Tree Agate is good for higher minds. It can help with deep meditation, and also inspire stability and balance. This stone is known for bringing luck and prosperity in a manner of ways. Carry it to bring monetary fortune, luck over the self, or even prosperous wisdom. It is said that this stone can rid energy blockages and connect you back to a natural cycle. Some claim it can lead you to a life filled with opulence. 
This stone is associated with luck, success, prosperity, and personal protection. Many use Turquoise for monetary luck and success in their talents or careers. A rich, deep coloured stone, when it comes to protection, it is said to heal old wounds, pains, and stresses. It made a popular protective shield for ancient warriors and is a firm choice for modern spiritualists. It can be used to promote good health, mentally, physically, financially, and so on.
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witchbr · 5 years
Hekate is NOT a ‘’Triple Goddess’’ ( aka Maiden/ Mother/Crone )
Hekate is a Maiden Titan Goddess.
Maybe confusion started from one of her names indeed being -  Trimorphis ( of three forms).  
Three forms of Hekate were for Greeks ALWAYS same beautiful young woman aka Maiden. Triplicate of one form, if you will.
But, one of Hekate’s other names is Despoina, which is to say Maiden.
Hekate is a beautiful saffron cloak clad young woman - Maiden, like Artemis.
NOT  ‘’Mother’’,  NOT ‘’Crone’’. Just a beautiful Maiden.
Haire Hekate Megisti Soteira Ymon!
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witchbr · 5 years
Reblog if your blog accepts ALL Witches, regardless of their practices, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
We all have a story, let’s embrace that and grow :)
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witchbr · 5 years
The Significance of Rings
Rings add weight to the area of life that the finger represents, or could reveal imbalances. A ring placed with intent can enhance areas of your life. This can be strengthened by rings with corresponding crystals. When a ring is worn unconsciously, it more likely refers to the negative trait or imbalance that corresponds with that finger. Left hand: Corresponds to your personal and private life. Connected to family and personal identity or internal issues. Your left hand reflects the energy you take in. Right hand: Relates to your public life. Connected to work and your relation to society. Your right hand reflects the energy you give out. Middle Finger Element: Earth Considered the finger of cultural identity. It reflects how you related to justice, law, order, and responsibility. Can also signify inner security or materialism. Consciously placed ring: Reduce anxiety, improve stability, desire for self-development. Unconsciously placed ring: domestic unhappiness, insecurities, judgmental, lack of security. Crystals: garnet, onyx, agate, topaz, tiger’s eye, jade.
Index Finger Element: Water Considered the finger of personal identity, how you relate to and see yourself. Associated with leadership, ambition, and self-confidence. Consciously placed ring: Boost self-esteem, increase authority, improve confidence. Unconsciously placed ring: Damaged self-esteem, feeling not good enough, feeling better than others, controlling personality. Crystals: tourmaline, lapis lazuli, peridot, opal, emerald. Ring Finger Element: Fire Represents your extra-personal identity and self-expression. It represents creativity and love of beauty. If it’s a wedding ring or engagement ring, it represents success in finding a mate. But if bought by the wearer it can represent self-love. Consciously placed ring: Strengthen creativity, express friendliness, improve aesthetic awareness. Unconsciously placed ring: Creative frustration, concern with image, desire to be liked. Crystals: garnet, ruby, pink tourmaline, diamond. Little Finger Element: Air Considered the finger of impersonal identity. It reflects communication and sexuality. Also represents confidence in relationships and strength. Consciously placed ring: Improve communication, express sexuality/sexual identity, gain confidence in regards to relationships. Unconsciously placed ring: Poor communication, lies, difficulty with sexuality/sexual identity Crystals: blue topaz, sapphire, aquamarine. Thumb Element: Ether Your thumb symbolizes your spiritual identity. It relates to your will power, determination, and application of personal energy. It also reflects your ability to reason and apply logic. As the thumb is separate from the rest of the fingers, and a very useful finger, it also represents strength, independent thought, and freedom. Consciously placed ring: Boost energy level, increase will power/motivation, provide comfort, increase reasoning, increase personal strength and independence. Unconsciously placed ring: lack of energy, feeling powerless, lack of control, poor reasoning, feeling trapped, stubborn/stuck in own way, need for control, aggressive/forceful Crystals: moonstone, diamond, amethyst. Rings on all/many fingers This can indicate a negative circumstance that you are being faced with. It shows a likely lack of feeling safe or secure in your world, and that your putting on a front. It can also signify avoidance to deal with issues affecting your life.
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witchbr · 5 years
So many of my mutuals on here I wanna vibe with but i’m shy so i’ll just use my psychic powers to send my love out to ya
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witchbr · 5 years
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witchbr · 5 years
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flowers before pressing, from a date with my gf 💕
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witchbr · 5 years
The three virtues of the magical practitioner
Ever since I started studying magic, I’ve apprehended everything in a very scattered way. No head and no toes. With time I started understanding in my own way how to sort everything in my head. This is how I arrange everything while I study. 
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The Virtue of Knowing (Gnosis) 
The passive Virtue. It does not talk about knowledge in the superficial sense of the word. Knowing here is related to the acknowledgement, understanding and observing of the realities, not just cognitive learning. I divide this Virtue in three: Hylegnosis, Aithergnosis.
Hylegnosis relates to the knowledge of all things material. Here the studies of Astrology, Herbology and others apply.
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Aithergnosis relates to all that can be known and observed within the Astral Light (in Qabalistic terms, from Tipheret to Yesod). This virtue is related with Clairvoyance.
Meditations within this Virtue deal with passive observance.
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The Virtue of Daring (Thaumaturgy)
The active Virtue is related to the performing of magical deeds. From the performing of visualization and manipulation of energy to the most complex ceremonial magic. Invoking, evoking, transfiguration, transmutation, projection and manipulation.
Meditations within this virtue deal with active visualizations, astral projection and creation.
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The Virtue of Being (Theurgy)
Perhaps the most important Virtue, deals with the sublimation of the self and building the Body of Light. This is the area of the Mystics. Wether it be from an objective or subjective point of view (dealig with gods or integrating aspects) it appears as the basis for the expansion and growing of Consciousness.
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witchbr · 5 years
Quick Facts: Ancient Celts
Skin: Commonly described as fair, clear or white. (ref: Diodorus, Ammianus Marcellinus)
Hair: Long hair was the fashion, described as “thick and shaggy like a horse’s mane”, even satyr-like due to the treatment with limewater; the aristocracy favored large moustaches; and the Celts generally shaved their entire bodies, Caesar’s account further proven by iron razors and sprung iron shears found at the site of La Tene. Hair was variously mentioned as blond, flaxen or tawny, but either way further lightened artificially with lime. (ref: Caesar)
Height: Frequently described as very tall - taller than the Romans, the women bigger and stronger than Roman women. (ref: Diodorus, Marcus Borealis)
Fitness: The Celts are frequently attributed by historians with great physical prowess (“with rippling muscles”). In fact, fitness was so inherent to their customs, that any man exceeding the standard size was punished. (ref: Strabo)
Food/Diet: Grains, fruits, nuts, meat. Caesar describes them as living on “milk and meat”; Poseidonius also points out bread and fish. Cattle, dogs, hares, fowl and geese they grew only for entertainment or practical use.
Fashion: Striking clothing, dyed and embroidered in bright colors, striped or checkered cloaks. They wore form-fitting pants called “bracae”, tunics that were red, purple or multicolored, elaborate torcs as symbols of power, brooches, bracelets, hairpins and rings. They took great interest in their appearance, so that not even the poorest wore soiled or ragged clothing. Even cosmetic grinders have been found in Iron Age British contexts, signalling they might have used eyeshadow or blush. (ref: Diodorus, Flavius Arianus, Propertius, Amnianus Marcellinus)
Tattoos: The Britons were unique for their tattoos and the blue woad they painted their bodies with. (ref: Caesar)
Music: The most famous Celtic instrument is the Carnyx, styled in the form of an open-mouthed boar, emitting harsh, discordant sounds suited for battle. (ref: Diodorus)
Personality: High-spirited, hospitable, fond of feasting, straightforward, frank, courageous, etc. (ref: Diodorus)
Notable traditions: The head as the throne of the soul, hence the custom of severed heads as trophies; comradeship was important (those with most followers considered most powerful). (ref: Polybius)
Traveling: Some tribes were nomadic, ridden with wanderlust, others settled down in farming communities.
Sexuality: Homosexuality was common and they were very nonchalant about it, showing they were comfortable with varying sexual orientations as well as sexuality in general. (ref: Athenaeus)
Spirituality: Animism (the notion that everything is animated with life, including nature), the worship of nature, a vast pantheon of gods that differed from tribe to tribe, but had common deities as well (ie. Cernunnos).
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witchbr · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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witchbr · 5 years
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Wild 🌼
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witchbr · 5 years
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witchbr · 5 years
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The abandoned Mys Aniva Lighthouse, Sakhalin Island, Russia. Built in 1939 by Japanese engineer Miura Shinobu, it was reclaimed by the Soviet Union after WW2 and turned into an autonomous nuclear-powered lighthouse. It’s said to be still radioactive today.
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witchbr · 5 years
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witchbr · 5 years
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My collection of pressed flowers from this summer 🌸🍃🌼
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