#philodendron cordatum
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ferigrievous · 11 months ago
⊹ ࣪ ˖ in which you and inumaki toge find refuge in a hole in the wall bookstore
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absentmindedly fliping through the pages of a book you didnt care about, you leaned back against the bookshelf behind you, the only light source in the aisle threatening to give way. 
the book in of itself was on an interesting topic, but you had already read everything that was to be read on house plants, as if there was much to read on it anyways. you had only picked it up because the cover looked interesting in a sense, and the pages were worn, smelling of mildew and coffee, or  perhaps that was the whole bookstore in of itself, you thought.
it was a rare off day for you and the rest of the students at jujutsu tech, and while the others
took the oppurtunity to rest and sleep, you had instantly made your way to the hole in the wall bookstore you had seen a few times on missions. 
it was snowing outside, and paired with the dim lighting and a faint DEVO song playing from your the radio somewhere, you hummed along with it, enjoying the quiet moment.
'crassula ovata'. the jade plant. running your finger over the words, you hummed. it was a common  plant, the first indoor one you had ever gotten, and it could last generations if cared for properly.
you always wanted a big jade plant, one that you could prune and use the cuttings to make new ones, maybe to give to friends. but even after four years, after all the new plants had grown and grown, the jade plant you had gotten has only sprouted a few new branches.
you wondered if you had watered yours recently, and looked up to put the book back on the shelf, only to be met with a  certain white haired friend of yours.
"kelp." you could see the corners of his eyes crinkle up in a smile as you nudged him out of the way,  attempting once more to place the book back in its proper place, only to watch him take the book right out of your hands.
you huffed and rolled your eyes playfully as you watched him flip through the pages,afraid the pages would come right out of the binding the way he was handling it. he stopped
on a specific page, pointing at it and looking up at you. "tuna mayo ?"
"philodendron.. gloriosum?" you read, moving to stand behind him to read what he was looking at. the picture of the philodendron took up nearly the whole page, the text around it being nearly indecipherable over years of wear and misuse.
inumaki didnt strike you as a plant person, but now, watching his finger dance around pages and pages of the care of houseplants, it made so much more sense. 
watching him flip to different pages, he began pointing to different plants. looking up at you with excitment. "dracaena trifascita, aspidistra elatior, philodendron cordatum..." you look at him in what could only hope is surprise, maybe horror, as he reads off the different house plants, finger dancing across the page.
you knew inumaki only spoke in onigiri ingridents to protect the people around him, as the words held no meaning in the big picture, and could be used as freely as he wanted. only during missions and the sister games had you heard him say anything else, commands to "plummet." or "run away."
yet, here you were, in a dingy old bookstore, watching him eagerly read off house plants from a  rotting book. something you knew other people wouldnt experience, something you werent even
sure you were experiencing.
maybe its the black mold, you thought distractedly.
leaving him to his own minstrations to process everything, you did another lap around the whole of  the bookstore, the books that you had picked up held haphazardly in one arm. you were too stubborn to get a basket, a surrender to the fact that you had maybe spent too much on books again.
 its not  ike you come here often, or could ever again, and it seemed that you and inumaki were the only two customers in  the whole store, so it felt justified in the sense that you were supporting a small business. 
you found yourself in the poetry aisle once again, eyes scanning for anything of worth. you had been on the lookout for some books that you could read in the cold weather, and had struck gold, arms full of donna tartt and a few penguin's classics. you hoped to find a book by one of those poets you had heard of in passing from megumi, the one about the bug or whatever.
turning back to start at the beginning, you were once again face to face with inumaki, sifting through the pages of a large book that looked like it had been through the two world wars. you figured that the book was originally white at some point, but now it was yellowing and peeling, even under the multiple layers of plastic protecting it.
glancing at the cover you sighed, looking up at inumaki who you could tell was laughing, and had only probaly picked it up to piss you off. 
"the metamorphosis. really, toge ?" you rolled your eyes, a grin creeping across your face under your scarf.
after asking inumaki where he picked it up, he pointed right behind him and you sighed again, realizing that what you were looking for was in front of you the whole time as you picked up 
another one of his books. something about letters to someone, you couldnt read the cursive on the cover that was torn in multiple places, making it hard to even put together what it was supposed to look like in the first place.
you looked on the back, hoping to find a short summary on the book you held, but was only met with disappointment as you came face to face with an assortment of reviews and opinons on people you could never care about. rolling your eyes and balancing it on the stack of books you held in your  arms, you began making your way to where you thought the cashier was, only to end up lost.
after a few minutes of walking around again (and a small art book from the free basket) you found yourself in front of the cashier, praying to god knows who that you wouldnt have to do the walk of shame if you didnt have enough money. 
fidgeting with the tamagotchi on your belt loop, you felt what you assumed to be inumaki lean over and hand the cashier a 500 yen coin,  mumbling a "tuna mayo." as he patted you on the back and dropped the book he wanted to buy on the counter with yours.
you thanked the cashier and stuffed all the books in your satchel, but not before taking one of the free bookmarks that came with every purchase. you dully noted he had gotten the houseplant book that you had been reading when he found you as you walked out of the store behind inumaki.
while inside the bookstore, it seemed that nither of you had noticed how heavy the snow had gotten, wrapping your scarf around your mouth tighter as you looked at your classmate questiongly. 
you wanted to try the boba store that you saw on the way, so you tugged on inumaki's jacket to ask if he wantedto come with you. 
you got the impression that he was about to ask you too, because as soon as you mentioned it,  you watched his eyes light up and nod, a quiet "salmon!" heard behind his scarf. you raced him the short distance to the cafe, and he held open the door for you as you playfully flipped him off for winning.
the cafe was small and homely, and you understood now why it was right next to the bookstore.
books and plants covered nearly every surface, ambient lighting illuminating the whole shop a muted orange. standing in front of the cash register, you smiled as you read the names of the various drinks, promising that you would try one next time even though you knew you would order the same thing every time, at every store that served boba.
"whatcha gettin', inumaki ?" you nudged him with your elbow, glancing over to see him thinking way too hard over a boba order. he pulled out a pen and wrote 'thai tea with lychee jelly?' on  his hand. you had always wondered how inumaki ordered food, but felt it was too personal to ask.
you hummed and rung the bell at the counter, biting your tongue as an employee that looked no older than 17 rushed to the front, rubbing the back of their head apologetically. you had never seen an employee older than 25 at any cafe you had ever been to, and you supposed you never would.
"one large brown sugar milk tea, light ice, and one large thai tea with lychee  jelly please?" you averted your eyes as you spoke, mumbling your name when asked and paying quickly. you hated ordering, but its not like inumaki could do it without causing a problem.
as soon as you set your bag down on one of the window tables, both of your drinks were delivered, and you thanked the employee as they quickly retreated into the back room again. careful not to  rip the bottom of the cup again, you stabbed the cap of the drink carefully, watching the colours swirl around.
"yours is real pretty," you commented, the bright pink drink in inumaki's hand making you 
giggle as he drank. he didnt say anything, just narrowing his eyes and smiling, before suddenly  picking yours up and taking a sip out of it.
he dramatically gagged, putting down the drink and pushing it towards you like it was some sort of poison. "caviar," he choked out, downing half of his milk tea in an attempt to wash out the
taste of your drink. you laughed at his whole sphiel, sipping yours and grinning. "that bad huh ?" he flipped you off and finished the rest of his drink, wiping his mouth with a hankerchief and laying his head down on the table to watch the snow outside. you hummed, playing with one of your rings as you drank, staring out the window along with him.
 it wasnt often it snowed in tokyo, and when it did, you wanted to spend hours just watching it if you could. the snowflakes had gotten bigger since you two had entered the cafe, forgotten christmas lights twinkling from the restuarant across from you.
when you looked back, you watched with mild disdain as inumaki rummaged through your bag, pulling out his book and smiling at you sheepishly as he pulled his scarf and mask back up. 
he flipped through the pages quickly, seeming to be looking for something specific. "crassula ovata." he read, flipping the book over to show you and point to it, then pulling out  his phone to show you a picture of what you assume to be his room, a lone jade plant sitting on his nightstand, leggy and clearly underwatered
 you choked on a piece of boba as you tried not to laugh, slapping a hand over your mouth in attempt not to spit all over him. he fought a smile and flipped  you off again, mumbling a "caviar." as he shut the book and shoved it back into your bag.
"hey ! i didnt mean it like that, okay ?" you tried, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and turning away from him to laugh. "it just.. caught me off guard? i dont know." inumaki made a 'blah blah blah' guesture towards you, rolling his eyes as he stared out the window again. you sighed and finished the rest of your drink, standing up and asking him if he was ready to go.
untying the cat ear beanie you had dangling from the carabiner on your bag, you put it on and ventured back out into the snow, pulling your scarf around your face tighter in an attempt not to freeze to death. holding an arm out to inumaki, you two walked through the snow together, footsteps horrifically out of sync as he wanted to start running again, and you felt too tired to even walk.
while crossing the croswalk, you tripped on your untied shoelace and brought inumaki with you,  laughing as he pulled you along just out of harms away. as inumaki dropped your body on the sidewalk, you knelt down to tie your boots, gloveless hands shaking from the cold. 
as you moved to retie the other shoe as a 'just in case', you felt a cold, blunt, object hit the side of your face and slide down to cover the shoe. you looked at inumaki, holding three snowballs in his arms, the corners of his eyes crinkled in a smile as he launched another one straight to your face.
shooting straight up, you wiped the snow off your face and began chasing him and screaming, scraping off excess snow from windowsills you pass to make your own snowball.
in contrast to the now six snowballs inumaki held in his arms and ocassionally threw back at you clumsily, you only had one, large snowball, and the sole intent of slam dunking it on the white haired sorcerer. he had looked back to throw a snowball at your leg, and in turn tripped on an elevated grate, and you took this oppurtunity to catch up, kicking him back down as gently as you could to immobilize him.
lifting the snowball above your head, you laughed along with inumaki, but before you could bring it down, a loud "explode!" caused the snowball to knock you back from the force of the immidiate dissipation, followed by inumaki's loud laughs.
you sighed and covered your eyes with one arm, grinning as you both lay there, covered in snow, in the middle of a random sidewalk a ways away from where you two were supposed to be.
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comfortplant · 5 months ago
Why Cat Friendly House Plants Are Essential for Pet Owners
Choosing the right plants can be difficult for cat owners who also have affection for flowers and other green plants. The cats are usually inclined to explore and they chew on plants without knowing the danger of the plants to their health, and this leads to many complications. That being the case, it becomes very important to select cat friendly house plants. 
A perfect example of interior house plants are those that are friendly to cats as they will help in keeping them safe. Here, we'll explore why pet friendly indoor plants are important for pet owners and highlight one of the best options: called the Cordatum Heartleaf.
1. Keeping Your Cat Safe
Cats love to roam around the house and thus ends up playing with the plants most of the time. Some of the most notorious houseplants that are poisonous for cats include lilies, aloe, vetiver, and philodendron. Ingesting them can cause severe symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and organ failure. Hence, identifying the cat friendly house plants is something that cat owners will need to do in their efforts towards ensuring that the cat is safe..
2. Popular Cat Friendly House Plants
Many cat friendly house plants are available that you can try with your pet without the need to worry about the plant’s effects on your cat. Some popular options include:
Spider Plants: These are easy to care for and non-toxic to cats and they also do not shed their hair like some of the other breeds. They have long and green leaves which besides having an artistic value are associated with cleanliness and freshness.
Boston Fern: Recognised by their large glossy foliage, Boston ferns are non-toxic to cats and add a soft touch to the interior.
Cordatum Heartleaf: Another safe plant that is considered to be perfect for the owners of cats is the plant of the following name – the Philodendron scandens or, as it is also called, the heartleaf philodendron. Not only is this plant that has heart-shaped leaves very beautiful, but it is also on the list of affordable pet friendly indoor plants.
3. The Benefits of Cordatum Heartleaf
The Cordatum Heartleaf is one specific plant example of a stunning plant that is harmless to pets but does not require a lot of effort to thrive. It produces beautiful heart-shaped leaves and grows as a vine which just makes it an eyesore in any given area. Also, it is non-greedy can grow in indirect sunlight, and does not need water often making it suitable for busy people. Being recognized as a cat friendly house plant, it is 100% non-toxic, so do not worry about your cat eating it. 
4. Easy Care Tips for Cat Friendly Plants
The cat friendly house plants are very easy to take care of so this will not be a problem. Here are some general tips to ensure your plants thrive:
Light: Some of the not-so-toxic plants for pets require indirect sunlight to grow and can easily be grown at home. Follow the example stimulate placing your plants near the windows whereby they get enough light but not direct sunlight.
Watering: One has to be careful that one does not water them too much. Allow the soil to dry out a little in between waterings to prevent a condition called root rot, particularly if it applies to low-maintenance types of plants such as the Cordatum Heartleaf.
Humidity: Some pet friendly indoor plants love humidity, therefore it is necessary to spray them now and then or place them in areas like the washroom or the kitchen this will provide them with the humidity they need.
Placement: Make certain that the plants you select for your home are situated where your cat can easily access them but they should not pose any threat to their life.
To the pet owners especially those who have cats, it is prudent and fulfilling then consider these points for selecting cat friendly house plants. Not only will these plants allow you to give your cat a safe and happy environment, but they also add to the aesthetics and well-being of your home. Among such plants, the Cordatum Heartleaf can be considered the best one as it is beautiful, requires minimum attention and is safe for pets.
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black-fit-gardeners-shop · 2 years ago
Cordatum Philodendron Lemon Rooted Cutting, Real House Plant Décor Mini Live Plant Indoor Home Décor, Easy Care Houseplants
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blingboutique · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Philodendron Heartleaf Collection.
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nephrrite · 5 years ago
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hands-in-the-dirt · 3 years ago
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Got good things g(r)o(w)ing!
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tarynandre · 5 years ago
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My two philodendron selloums and swiss cheese plant got watered yesterday for the first time since I got them. This past weekend was mentally and emotionally tough draining. My eyes have absorbed nothing but trauma video, after trauma video, after trauma video... took some time to unplug and tend to my plants.
May 31, 2020
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sonder1510 · 5 years ago
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los-plantalones · 6 years ago
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philodendrons are cool, okay?
edit: scindapsus are cool, too.
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pnwplantpups · 6 years ago
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Heart Leaf Philodendron 'Brasil'
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gfloutdoors · 4 years ago
Philodendron Cordatum: Growth and Care Guide
Philodendron Cordatum: Growth and Care Guide
The Philodendron Cordatum is a very rare member of the Araceae family. Many people, even plant enthusiasts, have never heard of this variety. The plant is commonly mistaken for the more prevalent Philodendron Hderaceum plant. Philodendron Cordatum is a beautiful tropical plant that originates from the rainforests of southeast Brazil. It has lovely bright green leaves, heart-shaped leaves. Let’s…
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linneamariephotography · 5 years ago
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I wanted to thank my fiancé for letting me decorate our house with blushy tones. He says it “pink.” I try to deny it - You’re right boo... It’s pink!🤣😂 @jakesinstafoo ♥︎
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amandabacolas · 3 years ago
Amanda Bacolas loves to focus on the beautiful things in life 💚
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ghostlyfoliage · 4 years ago
🎵 It's starting to feel a lot like spring. 🎶
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But we're still getting winter storm warnings, and these remind me that I may be able to grow dwarf sunflowers on my windowsill but I still can't plant the potatoes that are trying to find light from inside their dark bucket. 😅
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nephrrite · 4 years ago
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hands-in-the-dirt · 5 years ago
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I behaved at the hardware store and only bought the pots I came for!
Buuuut! Look! at this absolute unit of a Heartleaf Philodendron! On sale for 6€!
I couldn’t find any pests on it and I’m really, seriously considering going back on monday to buy it! I want it sooo badly!
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