#philemon looks a little
fakecats · 3 months
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you know what fuck you *persona 2-ifies your mug*
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humblemediagenius · 2 months
thinking about.... drawing philemon as the fool tarot card when I get the time
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skeletonmaster69 · 1 year
i mean this in the nicest, jokiest way possible the gay persona polls have convinced me we need to tie every single p5 and p4 fan to a chair with a psp and force them to play through persona 1 and the 2 duology
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phantomarine · 2 months
Why do the Philemons like manta rays so much. like their island kinda looks like one but that seems a little thin
-flappy wings make it feel birdlike even in the sea -pointy tail barb looks like a rapier -lots of fantasy pirate hat designs have that weird cutout at the top that looks like the cephalic fins of a manta ray and I like that -and yeah the archipelago also looks like a manta
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canonicallysoulmates · 11 months
J2 Main Panel DC Con 2023
We're gonna jump right into questions:
How long have they been friends?
Jared answers that we all have our beliefs on why we're here, and what here is- this isn't the first lifetime they've been friends. That's so lovely 🥹🥰
He says technically, objectively this time around it was January-February 2005. Jensen says that's when they first met, and that when they met there was certainly a pretty fast connection between them- Jared interrupts to say he was pretty and Jensen was fast...then Jensen says he's gotten faster with age. I'm not gonna make a comment.
Jensen continues by saying that the day they met was the day they were auditioning for the roles in front of the studio and the network, and usually, there are a few different actors for the same role but when he walked into the building it was just Jared in there, and when they were called in they were called in together so they only read with each other and they were doing the scene where Dean tries to convince Sam to go on the road with him, and Jensen says immediately he was like 'oh this guy knows how to play, I can play ball with this guy' that there was a sensibility Jared had with his delivery and he was reacting to everything he was saying and it felt really natural.
They're asked to walk out and give everyone in the room a few minutes to talk it over, so they waited until they were told to go back in that they were going to be given some notes, when they walked back in the room everyone stood up and clapped and told them congratulations. So they left knowing they were about to work together and exchanged phone numbers. A day or two later Jared was inviting Jensen over to his place to play ping pong, it was then and there their friendship was born.
Jared tells two more stories. He lived in the LA Valley area and there are a lot of adult videos filmed in the area, and he lived next to an ex-porn actor and so Jensen came over, and they're two 20yr old guys, they're both in relationships but during the night they're playing ping pong and they have a keg, and all these actresses are coming in and out and Jensen was like 'where do you live dude?'.
Then, he's never told this story publically and he wonders if Jensen remembers it, but one of his makeup artists on Gilmore Girls had been talking about eye patches because he gets a little squinty if he doesn't sleep or has allergies- his eyes are really reactive. So, when he and Jensen met for the first time during the auditions, he thinks it was after the 1st or 2nd read, he asked him how he got his eyes so big because he thought Jensen knew a trick to make them look bigger. And Jensen was so confused.
Jensen doesn't remember that but he remembers Jared was squinty when he was younger, he was so brooding.
He also says he was worried Jared was going to tell another story involving a Chrissy from Oregon who was a neighbor that came over and was very nice, and they had a very interesting conversation. x
Next, question comes from Philemon Chambers, for those who don't know he played Augustus in Walker Independence, he wants to know who won ping pong?
Jared answers that in ping pong they were pretty split, pretty 50/50. And that he's probably still sore from playing ping pong with Jensen 20yrs ago.
Jensen says it was a bad idea when they took the ping pong table over to set because whenever they had a break, like lighting breaks which a lighting set up can be 20 to 45mins, they'd go next stage to play ping pong but the longer the break the sweatier they'd get so they'd come back to set and it would cause a delay cause the makeup department would have to cool them down. Until one day the ping pong table just dissapeared.
He says that's how the producers and directors would govern them they'd just take shit away for example the Impala had like a police spotlight at one point but got taken away because they'd blind the camera operator, and they also lost a horn during a certain point of the show because every time one of the camera operators leaned across the hood they'd honk it.
Jared says they wouldn't ask them to stop doing something they'd just take it away. Someone mentions the radio, Jensen says that's right the radio used to work it doesn't. x
What advice do they have for someone embarking on their 20s?
Jensen says in your 20's you still have so far to go in the best way so don't get hung up on stuff that will seem trivial 10yrs from now. Don't waste your time, there's a book called Don't Sweat the Small Stuff he recommends find it, read it, use it. But also even if you just take that title of don't sweat the small stuff because we do inevitably as people it's what we do, we focus on things that bring us to places emotionally that have no purpose that kinda stuff is just gonna be gone. He would say 20s is the perfect time to explore, have fun, live your life, dream big, and don't sweat the small stuff.
Jared agrees and adds don't sign long-term contracts, don't operate heavy machinery, don't drive but seriously your 20s are not the latter part of your life they're the beginning of your life. And he will add as well explore your first 20 years, explore how you got to where you are, the earlier you look into what's made you you, and what works and doesn't the better it'll be he started late, he started when he was like 35 and he's been working back trying to figure out what happened when he was 0-20 that formed who he is these days. Be curious, be kind, be compassionate. x
Looking back what's their favorite funny story in the time that they've known each other?
Jared says there are so many but this one popped up in his head, and it's the story of how when the twins were going to be born Jensen left his passport in Austin by mistake. In case anyone doesn't know the story the quick version of it is that D was set to give birth to the twins, and Jensen is usually very responsible but something told Jared to ask him to go touch his passport just to make sure he had it (because they were in Van filming and needed to get back to the States for the birth) and Jensen thought Jared was playing a prank on him but he checked anyways and it was not in his bag. He asks Jared about it he doesn't know where it is he wasn't messing with him, turns out Jensen left it by mistake in a jacket pocket in Austin. They got in contact with a law enforcement friend they have who contacted TSA or something and explained the situation so they were able to fly out of Canada and Jensen was able to be there for the twins' birth.
Jensen says this is an 18yr friendship they've had going, for the majority of it they've spent more time with each other than any other human being on the planet, so there are a lot of stories it's hard to pick one. He'll say what he misses about them working together so often was the times in between set-ups and shots when they would go and just spend time in the trailer. In most shows, they yell cut and actors go to their respective spaces but they didn't do that he would go to Jared's trailer sit on his couch, watch tv, and just hang out, and it was weird that they'd do that cause they never get tired of each other which he thinks speaks volumes when you spend that much time together and he thinks it's why they're still here today. 😍
When was a time that they had a hard decision to make? Something they weren't sure about but it ended up paying off.
Jared thinks he and Jensen have a similar story that could be an answer. Probably the most integral and scariest decision he ever made was to quit college and drive out to LA to try and be an actor. To go back to the 20yr question they had been asked earlier, he was 17 at the time when he did this, but the same rule goes and that's try on all the hats that you can, give it a shot, you're still learning who you are. He's 41, a husband, a father, a friend and he's still learning who he is and why he is who he is. In your 20s before you have a spouse, or kids, or a mortgage, or whatever it's a great time to go give it a shot, you rather try and learn that it's not for you than never try.
Jensen asks Jared if he had a backup plan. He did, it was to go back to college. He had some hours logged in already due to AP courses.
Jensen echoes what Jared said, one of the many things they have in common is that their origin story is very similar. He was set to go to college, courses were set, had a dorm room and roommate assigned, and then last minute just a few weeks before he had to report on campus, he said he was going to Hollywood and giving acting a shot. His dad gave him 6 months, they were incredibly supportive but his dad told him to give it a semester, and if he realized it wasn't for him to come back and start school in the second semester. He drove off and never came back, he started working right away and just kept working and kept working and it's like Jared said it's those little decisions that can have a big effect but don't put so much weight on every decision thinking it's gonna have a big effect, he's had a ton of decisions in his life that have had little or no effect at all.
There's another decision, he was on a soap opera for a number of years, he did 3 years and they wanted to extend his contract to do 3 more. As a 20yr old at the time he found it amazing, he did a good enough job they wanted to reward him with a bigger contract and the pay was going to triple- it was a dream come true type of thing and he had a bunch of congrats and people on set telling him it looked like he was gonna be there a couple more years but one amazing actress pulled him aside and told him no, that he wasn't he needed to go. And not in the way of wanting him gone but in the way of there are other things for him out there and he needed to go explore more and so against all odds he did, and that's a decision that has paid off. x
Do they have any shows or movies they re-watch or books they re-read that are really cherished? And why do they mean something to them?
Jared has some feel-good shows, he tries not to re-read books he just feels like there are so many he would love to read but he has re-read Into the Air by Jon Krakauer. And when he finds himself rewatching shows it's from his childhood like he'll put on Garfield or Simpsons. Someone in the crowd yells out Ninja Turtles and he says Ninja Turtles for sure. Jensen asks him which turtle he is and Jared replies he's probably Michelangelo but his favorite is Donatello. He thinks it's because he could always find a stick and hit people with it; his parents wouldn't let him have nunchucks, or the sai, or swords but he could always find a stick and pretend he was Donatello. And he had a purple outfit which was pretty cool; someone in the crowd mentions Leonardo and Jared says he was also pretty cool at which point Jensen says he thought Donatello's color was blue but Jared corrects him and tells him that no Leonardo is blue, Raphael is red, and Michaelangelo is orange. So when he does re-watch things it's from his childhood.
Jensen says this is unintentional, the show is just always on but his 10yr old daughter has found Friends, and he had forgotten how really entertaining that show is he literally doesn't know what station it is on but it's always on so anytime they're in the kitchen, she'll come in, put it on and sit down, and he'll be doing stuff while it's on and he'll just hear "pivot!" and start laughing. That's another thing, he had forgotten how many iconic sayings came from that show. It's a powerhouse of a show, but as far as a genre-type show he's kinda like Jared once he watches it going back and rewatching it he feels like he's missing out on the opportunity of seeing something new. He does have films that he keeps on his ipad whenever he's traveling or something that are downloaded, and there's one particular movie that he doesn't watch from beginning to end he usually just fast-forwards through to watch certain scenes of No Country For Old Men cause he thinks it's a masterclass in film making.
Jared comments he's like that with Inglorious Bastards, and Jensen replies yeah, that anything Tarantino like Hateful Eight he's been watching scenes of it, and it could be a stage play. But he gets the wanting to go back and kind of revisit those things cause it does give you those nostalgic emotions but also you know new experiences like he's sharing this with his daughter so that's kind of a fun new experience.
Jared says he's questioning his earlier statement about wanting to read new things cause if you watch the same show or movie or even the same book at different points in your life what you pick up will be different so maybe he'll start binging SPN. He will say without a word of a lie he could watch 15.20 reaction videos for an hour and cry every time, he thinks he's watched every single one. But he'd be interested to go and revisit the show. x
The next fan asks about a fuck it list. It's like a bucket list except that instead of waiting you're going to say fuck it and do it now, if you can, and their reactions are hilarious seriously y'all have to go watch this moment. But what would their current fuck it list item be?
Jared asks who or what? And then goes "okay, so just here and now" and moves towards Jensen with his tongue out 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Jensen moves away before Jared can get to him and goes "I told you I'm faster with old age". These men are unhinged. Unhinged I tell you!
Getting back on track, Jared is stumped on an answer, he doesn't know then he asks the fan if they have kids cause he thinks it changes once you have kids and says for him he would love to travel. The fan asks if with his kids and the silence speaks a thousand words, then after he pauses he says that no, they can travel as well somewhere they're welcome to do so but that just in case his wife sees this on youtube he says that he wants to travel with the kids and his wife cause he loves them so very much. Believe it.
Jensen says no, that he doesn't have either a fuck it list or a bucket list he has responsibilities. He can't just go play, he has a house to feed and lights to keep on. He's gonna be honest he has been asked bucket list before he had not been asked fuck it list but he honestly doesn't have either and he means that he's still at the age where he has responsibilities, he has things that he thinks he needs to do, he has things that he needs to get done, and things he wants to get done in order to facilitate certain things in his life. Some of those bring him joy and some of those are just responsibilities that he needs to take care of because he's an adult. x
Final question, any updates on the Impala's?
Both of their respective cars were sent to a body shop just out of Houston, between Houston and Austin, a very reputable place that Clif found for them, and they're getting all the work done that they wanted to get done but Jensen's took longer cause it needed to be used for The Winchester. And so he told them he had to pull Baby out of the shop and it went to NOLA, filmed for a while then finally got back in the shop a few months ago. Jensen thinks it's supposed to be ready this month. He'll go pick her up and then go cruise the back roads of America, and he tells Jared he'll go pick him up and Jared says he'll be there. Jensen says they haven't done it yet but they do joke about just driving around town at some point, they may have to like put some go pros or something on the side.
Jared says his only goal with the Impala is to somehow or another get Mark Sheppard into the trunk. He will say that there's this thing called live water it's supposed to be like ph balanced water. (It's unprocessed water. Or even simpler terms it's water from the river, or a spring, or a lake except river water isn't profitable but if you call it live water it is!) Anyways, he has a subscription for it, cause of course he does, and it's like 5 a month or 5 a week. The point is every third Friday they get a delivery. You leave the empty ones on your driveway and they take them and put the new ones, and the guy who delivered last time was seemingly a fan of SPN, and the garage door was open with the Impala in there and the pic of Sam on a horse from French Mistake is right next to it leaning up against a wall and Jared was walking the dogs, and the guy who delivers looked at Jared kind of confused, looked into the garage saw the Impala and the picture shook his head, said 'dude' and walked away. x
As the panel comes to an end Jensen mentions that he had gotten asked when he and Rob Benedict came up with the last question song, he doesn't know and Rob doesn't either but Richard Speight says that he does know why it started in the first place. It was so he and Rob would stop getting booed when they walked on stage to announce the end of the panel.
Before the boys walk off stage Jared says he feels inspired and motivated to say something: Be kind, be silly, be goofy, be yourself, and share snacks. 💛
J2 Main Panel DC Con
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taldigi · 3 months
After seeing your art with Philemon it got me thinking, how do you think Joker feels about the Velvet Room after all is said and done? Like, his experience there SUCKED but it also wasn't really Igor's fault. But Igor also happens to look exactly like the evil god that manipulated and tortured Joker, and I don't know if he'd be able to differentiate the two so easily. Plus, even if it wasn't completely their fault, it's not like the Velvet Room does much to make it up to him. Just a: We are sorry you did not get the Velvet Room experience that you were supposed to. Please take a Morgana as compensation. So I can't help but wonder what his end views are regarding Igor and Lavenza, as well as how he'd view Philemon. What do you think?
Ohh- now I think it's a really interesting thought experiment
I think Joker is, so far, the only one that Philemon never appeared to in some form or another (main series). IIRC he appears to Makoto Yuki and KIND OF Yu Narukami.. but the butterflies in p5 are explicitly Lavenza.
Perhaps the altercation between the Velvet Room and Yaldabaoth is considered petty in comparison to some of the other fates presented in other games- perhaps Philemon felt it unnecessary to intervene in the same measures he has before- especially at risk of agitating Nyarlathotep into like action.
Maybe cause the stakes were never a world-ending one (world altering, yes- but Ending? No.)? Maybe because the beef was with Igor and not him? In the end, he trusted the VR to get themselves out of their own mess (Which they ultimately did- so he was right on that front.) I mean.. Yaldabaoth is essentially a toddler compared to shit like Nyx, and he barely interacted with that mess- both times.
Joker isn't a hate kinda guy, and I think he's able to come to terms with the fact that the VR were kind of always on his side- even if they don't go out of their way/are unable to assist more than they are allowed to. There is an element of affection when it comes to Lavenza after all, and Igor wasn't responsible as he was locked away- and Igor's demeanor is so radically different, even having the same face shouldn't affect too much. Unnerving, sure- but when isn't he unnerving? Canonly?
That being said, Joker's whole MO is "People with authority who don't use that authority to help others are assholes." and he exists as a kind of Lucifer allegory in that sense (is he not, after all, the ultimate rebel who chose to defy god? Joker is beauty, he is grace, he shot god in the face.) And.. should he have been aware of Philemon, I think he's on team "punch him in the face".
That being said, I have a feeling that Philemon would find that absolutely charming. How very Joker for an action so unlike Joker.
From what I understand of Philemon, is that his role is that of the guide. Even though his guidance-only approach seems underwhelming and roundabout, it's been the best solution that is able to empower humanity to save themselves from themselves. Rather than having to rely on a god to fix their problems.. which is a very very very p5 sort of narrative, it's an approach that emphasizes that the flaws and failures of humanity are important building blocks. Philemon snapping away someone to save them robs the rest of the world of their growth. Joker and Philemon are very very much on the same wavelength, if Semester 3 is anything to go by.
Would Joker be angry? Yes. Disdainful and Dissapointed due to being the designated nanny for an infant god? Absolutely yes! And he'll even take every opportunity to make sassy little remarks in retaliation. But... Hateful? Never.
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katsona-the-katsequel · 6 months
Hey, I saw your persona map and found it very intriguing <3 I get the gist of it, but can you elaborate on it please 👀
Sure! I'm going to repost the map again as a reference:
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The first level, the PHYSICAL WORLD, is the most basic of all. It's where all the normal, human stuff happens. Fun fact, SEES (except Minato/Minako) never ventured beyond this point until The Answer. It all took place in man-made Tartatus. Supernatural beings are blocked from ever reaching this level unless they find a door. The Dark Hour made the walls between the levels thinner, temporarily allowing shadows to cross, but being sucked back once it was over. Slurp.
Next, we have the VELVET ROOM. I should have made it overlap a bit with the Expanse, but what's done is done. Any sleeping person can gain glimpses of this place, but only those who have been invited can interact with it. Furthermore, it seems only guests can fully remember what happens there. Otherwise, you forget as soon as you leave it, just like a dream. Permanent residents of this level include Igor, Nameless, Belladonna, Theodore, Margaret, and Lavenza. Come-and-go residents include the Demon Painter, Elizabeth, and Marie. Casual visitors include Eriko Kirishima, the Velvet Room's guests, and the Velvet Room's creator: Philemon.
The real second level is the EXPANSE. This is where all the shadows, demons, gods, and supernatural beings reside. Anything that happens here has some degree of impact on the physical world, as long as the event was strong enough. It might not seem like it, but the Expanse is not entirely ruled by anarchy. Well, it is a little. But if one knows where to look, they will find that it is divided in five worlds (though the better word would be "regions"), each one dedicated to a Deadly Sin: Pride, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, and Envy/Wrath. These worlds cover all the levels in the Expanse. Maybe Trish is in the world of Greed? As its name implies, the Expanse is huge, so we need to break it down into sub-levels.
In the Sub-Level One, we have UPPER MEMENTOS. Common shadows are found here. You know, your average joe. Not only are shadows found here, but also most Shadows. Notice the difference? The shadows with the lowercase "s" are the ones like Jack Frosts and Pixies. The ones with the capital "S" are the other selves of the sentient beings on Earth. The golden-eyed ones. The Shadows here mostly wander around, with no armies and posing little risk. They were created by small problems that could unmake and make them again in the blink of an eye. Even if you have a Shadow in this level, it is still possible for you to gain a Persona. You're just human. A little scuffle with Persona Users will temporarily dissolve all the negative feelings attached to your Shadow, giving you time to sort your issues. As for the other shadows, well, these will be found in every sub-level. The only known permanent resident is Jose. The Reaper can be found all over the Expanse, created after P2 (in my headcanon for Tatsuya-related reasons).
The next Sub-Level doesn't have a formal name, but the Investigation Team was kind enough to name it the TV WORLD. Shadows here have one main problem that has begun to define their human counterparts. Not everything can be solved with a quick fight and a pep-talk. No, the darker aspects of these Shadows attracted smaller shadows to them to help them create their Dungeons. These Shadows are going for the kill, but unlike the ones in the lower sub-level, their only real target is their other self. Anyone else is collateral damage. But even so, their end-goal isn't even to kill, but to be accepted. Since this isn't as deep as other parts of the Expanse, a little more action needs to be taken to properly eliminate a Shadow, having to drag down their human self down to accept it... or wait for them to solve everything on their own. There's still time. The only being to be known to have resided here is Teddie (whom I believe to have actually been part of another Shadow's Dungeon as a minor shadow before wandering off, thus explaining the thematic appearance).
A little bit deeper in the TV World you will find the Palaces. This is what happens when you let a specific Sin rule your way of life. The "Rulers" are Shadows with a bit more personal conscience and way more power than the ones living in Dungeons. No longer acting on primitive instincts, these Shadows want to live, and will eliminate anyone who gets in their way (possibly skipping over their human self, since this would spell their destruction). Rulers can even create cognitive versions of real people. Their twisted desire powers them. This deep in the Expanse is enough for smaller things to influence events in the physical level, so a chat post-battle with a Shadow can rework entire personalities.
Sub-Level Three has the DEPHTS OF MEMENTOS. Most of the World of Sloth is located here. This is also where the general Palace for all of humanity can be found. Anything done here has an effect on the entire population of Earth with varying degrees. Those with a Persona or with a bond to a Persona User are less susceptible to the machinations that take place in this sub-level. Since a Persona means you have a tight grip on your sense of self and aren't just following the crowd, I guess it makes sense. However if you're a being with enough power influencing this sub-level, even you can overpower the willpower of Persona Users. Power. Looking at you, Azathoth. Yaldy wishes he was you. Hey, at least Yaldy managed to chain the Velvet Room to this sub-level during his takeover.
The final Sub-Level, and the most dangerous one for the average human, is the one where XIBALBA / THE AMENO TORIFUNE ship is located. Like the TV World, it also doesn't have a proper name. Why is it dangerous? This sub-level is so close to the Sea of Souls, that just thinking about something makes it real in the moment it takes you to blink. Nyarly thinned the walls between this sub-level and Sumaru City to create the rumor system/curse. Xibalba is a nightmare for anyone with ADHD.
Overlaping with Xibalba and the Sea, is the KADATH MANDALA. In older times, it used to be referred to as the Dreamlands by Persona Users. Why? This is where sleeping would-be Wildcards meet Philemon! You could say this is his personal meeting room, except worse because everyone has to stand up. Only those with the potential for a Persona can recall their name in the Kadath Mandala. An easier way to reach it is by playing the Persona Game and getting knocked out by supernatural forces. Then its up to you to prove yourself to Philemon by recalling who you are this deep in the Expanse. If you can, then boom! You get a Persona for life with Wildcard abilities no contract required. Congrats. It's implied all Wildcards (yeah, even those post-P2) have visited Kadath Mandala in their dreams once before, since they still need to get the whole "remember my name" thing right to be offered a contract. However, even for the Wildcards in the old games its impossible to remember what happened in your dream unless Philemon specifically wants you to for reasons. Aside from Phil, only Igor and Nyarly have been known to be able to enter this place umprompted and summon humans there. Each star-point of Kadath Mandala points to a distant tower.
And so, we can finally advance to a deeper level: the SEA OF SOULS, babeyy. Every single living being (human, animal, plant, demon, god, etc) came from the Sea, and to the Sea they will one day return. Mix and match and a new soul is created to form new life. Chronos, one of the oldest beings in the Persona Universe, is in charge of overseeing that everything is running as it should in the Sea. He accompanies souls back and forth (and according to me, created the Reaper). Philemon and Nyarlathotep live here... somewhere. The only known entrances in the Physical World to the Sea is through an Alaya Shrine, which will lead to the metaphysical Alaya Cavern (possibly in the Expanse), and directly to the Sea. There might or not be a whale which might or not have white feathers, and you might or not be able to fuse with it, which might or not be a bad thing.
In the deepest part of the Sea one can find the GREAT SEAL, created from Minato/Minako to prevent Erebus from ever reaching Nyx' psyche / Nyx Avatar, like an eternal guardian of sorts. This is the deepest level a Velvet Room attendant can reach on their own. Nyx' psyche is still able to influence up to the physical world with "You crave death" vibes, but as long as you don't actually crave death, the Great Seal will remain strong.
That's all we know for now. Thanks for the ask!
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trungles · 2 years
esteemed trungles, i come with an important question. What is the best romcom to watch in winter?
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ESTEEMED omg incredible. I don't think I've ever been esteemed before, so I'll do my best to live up to it.
SO I'm a little late on this question for Holiday rom-coms, but it's still winter here right now, and I love rom-coms. In no particular order:
The Holiday (2006) - Kate Winslet! Jack Black! Cameron Diaz! Jude Law! John Krasinski for some reason (he shows up for like three minutes)! Kathryn Hahn (also in the same scene as John Krasinski)! Also there's a little, itty-bitty A Knight's Tale reunion because Rufus Sewell shows up and so does Shannyn Sossamon, which I find to be very sweet. Jack Black is cute as Christmas and hot as breakfast in this movie, and he somehow did this straightforwardly sweet rom-com AND Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny in the same year. The man has RANGE. You get two romances in this movie, and I think the Kate Winslet one is much more of a high-budget Silver Screen romance while the Cameron Diaz one is much more a Hallmark Channel romance, which I think is great because I love both kinds of romances.
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When Harry Met Sally (1989) - This movie is iconic, and I love it to bits. I always have it saved to my phone so I can watch it on literally every plane ride just in case I get stressed out. Meg Ryan is incredible in it as a neurotic and incredibly self-assured woman who develops a friendship with Billy Crystal's character over the course of about a dozen years. Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fisher play some hilarious supporting characters. This movie is also lovely in that the most dramatic character arc belongs to the male love interest. Like, yes, Meg Ryan's character also grows, but there's no change to her world view or her wants and desires because she's not hurting anyone with the way she navigates those things, and Billy Crystal's character grows into someone you could imagine having lunch with, a far cry from when we first meet him. It's also very well-written. I downloaded the script just so I could pick it apart and learn from it.
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Single All the Way (2021) - KATHY NAJIMY AND JENNIFER COOLIDGE ARE BOTH IN THIS MOVIE. I don't know what I was expecting, but this holiday rom-com charmed the thermal socks off me. Michael Urie and Philemon Chambers play best friends who fake a relationship so Michael's family will stop badgering him about there being no romance in his life. It's a fake dating movie, and it is also a delightful subversion of the Hallmark romance. Michael Urie escapes his big city life back to his small hometown where he meets an extremely hunky local spinning instructor (lol) played by Luke McFarlane, who is a literal mainstay of many actual, literal Hallmark romance movies. It's great. I enjoyed it immensely.
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Moonstruck (1987) - Cher and Nicolas Cage star in this movie, and it's sort of difficult to describe. It's very funny, and it's heightened by how every single actor plays their character with the seriousness of a prestige drama. Olympia Dukakis and John Mahoney are also in this, and they're both delightful. I still occasionally yell, "I lost my hand! I lost my bride!!!" out loud at random intervals in the year. Keeps my loved ones on their toes.
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While You Were Sleeping (1995) - This movie is a charmer and a half! Sandra Bullock stars as a lonely woman who works at the L in Chicago who falls in love with one of the passengers. One day, he falls victim to an attempted mugging and falls onto the tracks. Our heroine saves his life, but he winds up in a coma. A series of misunderstandings leads his entire family to believe that she's his fiancée, and polite shenanigans ensue (except in the case of one testicle-inspection, which might be regarded as pretty impolite, but it's very sweet in context). I also find Bill Pullman extremely blandsome and regular-looking to the point of being sincerely erotic. I don't know how this happened.
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And I think that covers my wintry rom-coms! I watch all of them year-round, but these ones all vaguely take place in the winter-time and sometimes have a little bit to do with the holidays season.
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dootznbootz · 8 months
I absolutely love your head canons about Water Wife™️, but I’m curious about what head canons you have for Odysseus (aka. #1 Water Wife™️ simp) 🤔
I have so manyyyyyyyy!!! :D
For both, of course, and I'm not even done with Penelope never will be There's some I probably have mentioned before but bleh :D I'll put it out anyways.
Odysseus is a "pretty boy" and he's able to balance "masculine" and "feminine" beauty perfectly and he knows it and uses it. (When you're aspec, you tend to "study" what makes people "pretty". To understand it as, "What's the big deal?". That's what he does) I knew someone in theatre who when playing different characters for acting, the more "sweet and goofy" one (Seymour, Little Shop of Horrors) and the "rugged, handsome" one (Prince from Into the Woods) and he looked like different people and realized it was because he was able to really shift his jaw around and also just really expressive and Odysseus USES this. ALL the time. Paris is a more feminine pretty boy while Menelaus is a more masculine pretty boy but Odysseus is a perfect in-between. (Paris and Menelaus are definitely prettier than him in a way but yeah >:D Homer doesn't stfu about Odysseus and he had multiple people wanting him. When he didn't want anyone but Penelope)
What "mars" his beauty is that Odysseus bites at his lips a lot. Usually chapped and ripped up.
I kind of plan for it to be kind of unknown whether Sisyphus or Laertes is his dad. He REALLY takes after his mom in so many ways. He's a lil jealous of Ctimene as while both take after Mom, she has Dad's nose and eye color. It's something that means a lot to him that his dad loves him regardless. And it REALLY bothers him when people try and bring up Sisyphus being his dad. It makes him sincerely happy seeing Tyndarius loving all his kids even though there's a CLEAR difference on who's whose. (Omfg imagine if he could talk to his mom about Calypso and Circe as what she went through with Sisyphus 😭Maybe Penelope trying to get advice from Laertes!!!)
He actually couldn't really grow a beard until after the war for whatever reason :D he was just kind of pretty smooth-shaven (not shaven but just no beard til later). Penelope teases him about it and when she does he rubs his face against hers.
He tries to say his favorite poems/epics/myths are the ones of Heracles but it's actually Psyche's myth. Not giving up because you're so devoted? That you want to see your person/people again?? RINGING ANY BELLS. (Also Baucis and Philemon, because Xenia is very important to him and to grow old with his love to then get turned into olive trees together?? That's his LIFE GOAL.)
I really love the thought of him and Eumeaus being super close. Like he actually wasn't that close to Polites and Eurylochus until mid-teens but Eumeaus was raised beside him and Ctimene.
Demisexual/demiromantic/aspec: Like he didn't really get it until Penelope, at least not fully. And then he's just hit by a truck. They were in the garden when they first met (no details yet! But she just knocks him on his ass) and there were beehives and beekeepers around and he turns so red and is so gobsmacked that Penelope freaked out thinking he was stung by a bee and was dying. (being Naiad she's dealt with this before) I wouldn't say "love at first sight" as he didn't really think anything until she called him out.
Mentioned before, but the Boar scar caused fertility issues. He's...very ripped up. He blames his asexuality/demisexuality on it and it's a surprise that he can run so well (Hermes' descendant and Athena saved him...just not "all of him".) Penelope had some fertility issues too (she has a lot of siblings so she's really sad about it) but he always took the blame and always made a point of "I won't take a concubine. I don't want one and I'm the reason why we can't have children. It wouldn't change anything." Though his leg does get stiffer in joints and the skin is tight when he's older. Water Wife™ helps with that. :D
Since it took a while before they had Telemachus, he had... a lot of toys made in preparation even though it took awhile. Crib too but wasn't used for a while. Telemachus luckily has many keepsakes and gifts from his dad :') and yes he carried them everywhere. (There was a branch off their "nest" that Telemachus messed around on too much when he was around 8 and it broke :'). When Odysseus comes back, Telemachus is ashamed and says sorry and Odysseus is just happy he wasn't hurt. (OUCHIE)
He actually had the Trojan horse idea for YEARS (like year 5) but everyone thought it was "dishonorable" and he was SO MAD. (also yeah, he remembered all the toys he made his son and that's how he got the idea) It is a "TOLD YOU SO!" moment when they win.
One thing I love about him is that he really is "all or nothing" in many ways. or a "0 to 100 very quickly". He does NOT let even minor insults slide. He goes all out and over the top for the people he loves and the people he hates. like, he DOES care. He loves as much as he hates. Like he's an asshole but there's always a reason (honestly I think he does have his rules. and they ARE consistent I think. probably will write an essay on it soon)
Honestly, I know a lot of people think "oh familiar stranger" when they get back and yeah, they look so different but they still think the same in many ways. Homer ends with them still being like-minded. I think Penelope and Odysseus had the feeling of "feels like there was almost no years of separation" as they can be in-sync and "are like they were before". They're older, wiser, but he still does the funny voice that makes her laugh. She's still ticklish on her neck. So much is the same. It'll be fun to learn what's different.
Except the PTSD.
And Odysseus is basically just trying to force himself to be "normal". He's bottling things up but not pushing away. Some war stuff he's shared as there were games and some fun stories (also not as recent) But he doesn't share Circe or Calypso with Penelope at first. And he definitely doesn't want Telemachus to know. But he's not pushing away. If anything he wants them even closer than ever. And doesn't really like them being away from him.
He usually has to be the one to make "first contact" or "first touch" (don't go up behind him...ever) but he is very physically affectionate so...kind of works.
Though it saddens Penelope, as this is all Telemachus knew, he's not too affected. As to him, Odysseus is already so loving and wonderful to him and so he just sees his moments of war flashbacks and fear and his violent outbursts against others are just... Dad. He knows it's strange but no one's perfect. He's fine most of the time otherwise. He kisses his and his mother's cheeks and is trying to learn pottery from him. But Penelope knows this is not normal. Plus he's sharing some things with her that he would rather keep hidden from Telemachus forever.
Before she could always just hold him and basically do whatever and he melts. She now needs to go slow and always give some sort of warning. He usually meets her halfway, so that helps. Something he did before but...There is so much lost and that needs time.
Slowly reaching her hand out to his face? He grabs it and leans into it. She didn't need to go slow before. She opens her arms? He flops into it. Before, she could've grabbed his hand and basically pulled him into her.
He always has to be in control now and he's mad at himself for it.
"That's your son. Why did your son's joyful shouts make you think of the screams of the young men in war. Your son is fine. There's no war here. You made sure of that. That's your wife. Your wife that you've longed for 20 fucking years and you still wake up weeping and think you're with the goddesses again. Hold her. Let her hold you. Stop crying. Let her hold you. That's what you want."
He's like a cat who digs their claws into you to keep you to them. He's angry at himself for getting scared/upset and...in a way HAS to let it be known that even though he's a mess, he NEEDS them. Always has.
He can't be the little spoon anymore. He can't have her sleep/rest on top of him anymore. He can lay on her and be the big spoon but as he was basically a "doll" for Calypso and manipulated and tricked by Circe, there are certain things he can't have done to him. If he gets in his funks, he sometimes has to have it where he holds her and she's completely still before he gives her the go-ahead to hold/touch him in return. Sometimes he has to quiz her questions only she would know. And then he just cries. He won't talk about it for a while. :')
As he and Laertes shared some of the same "adventures" with the same beings, they bond over that :D Also, with his older cousin Jason? "I don't like him. >:( He always would fuck up my hair by messing with it."
In their Early marriage, they tried each other's "hobbies". Aka Odysseus tried weaving and Penelope tried woodcarving. Two of their most prized possessions is a fucking ugly wooden duck and a little blanket that is uneven and has some holes in it. When he doesn't see his blanket next to her duck when he returns, he's worried and a bit sad but then Penelope reveals that she sleeps with it :') the dye is faded and some parts are clearly rewoven so it won't fall apart.
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ottpopfic · 16 days
It's been two and a half weeks since Leo died last
Jason is positive he's not handling it well. He's never handled any of them well, but the fact that he heard Leo die this time makes it different
Every other death there had been no sign of the other, just Piper and whatever bullshit they have gotten themselves into. But the last time, standing at the exit of the Sphinx's maze listening to Leo get crushed to death just out of his sight line had been horrible . Piper had had to hold him back from running in after him
So Jason taking off right after he had his sob fest might have been an asshole move to Piper on his part, but he couldn't stay there. They are getting closer, he can feel it. The spacing of the deaths is getting shorter, and that little window where they are both alive at the same time allows them to get closer to each other each time. Jason can feel that they are in the last push, that it's any day now and he might actually see Leo
Can he handle that, he doesn't know. It doesn't matter anyway, he's still going to keep trying
Currently, Jason is trying to reverse tree the other man. Zuse has turned so many people into plants that Jason is pretty sure it can be done in reverse. He spent over a week in research and flying about, finding the original trees people have been turned into and taking cuttings. He's hoping that he can draw energy from them and have Leo detreed back to life somehow
He's made a home base at the Baucis and Philemon shrine to his father. The place is set in a lovely grove of Oak and Linden, with the two lovers' trees twinned together behind the temple. The temple is guarded by what feels like half a million Canadian Geese, and Jason once again hates that he speaks bird
Like there's nothing wrong with birds per se, but they are loud, and opinionated, and rude. And also most of what they talk about is food and fucking, at great length and volume, which is not the most fun to listen too
Jason is down in the wildflower patch under the temple, a big clearing made by a long-ago flood. He's carefully flatted down the Jewelweed and Forget-me-nots like that one documentary on crop circles he watched with Will forever ago, bending the plants but not breaking the stems, it's a holy site after all 
Around him are the cuttings of the people plants he's been arranging into piles. Hyathsenth, Fig, Apple, Myrtle, Olive, Fir, Weeping Myrrh, Cypress, Walnut, Laurel, Popular, and of course Oak and Linden
“Godling, that bad place for nest,” a goose says as it toddles up to Jason through the wildflowers “Gramcracker can show you water if you need. Gramcracker built good nest with Cheerio by water, hatch many eggs”
“It's not a nest,” Jason tells the waterfowl
“Look like nest” Gramcracker observes, tilting his head “Sticks in circle. Not good nest, need better structure, try layering sticks not in piles”
“It's not a nest,” Jason explains “I'm trying to bring someone back”
“Back from where?”
“The dead”
“That fool errand”
“I've done it before” Jason sighs “I just gotta try something new this time”
“Ah” the goose nods “Lucky mate then”
“He's not my mate”
“Don’t, understand “ Gramcracker questions “Why build nest if not for mate?”
“It's not about him being my mate,” he sighs again “He can go have a life with someone else if he wants to, I just want him by my side”
“As mate?”
“Yeah,” Jason looks over at the goose “But he doesn’t have to be if he doesn’t want to”
“Make no sense then,” Gramcracker questions “Why build nest not for mate, no do dance yet?”
“Yeah, we haven't done a dance yet,” Jason snorts out a chuckle “But I'm making this so maybe he can come back and we can do the dance”
“Nest first then dance smart move,” the goose complements, sitting down next to him and tucking his little bird legs away “Did same with Cheerio worked very well”
“Are you happy with your Cheerio?” Jason asks him
“Very much!” Gramcracker flufflels himself out in contentedness “She's good mate, we hatch many eggs”
The goose sits with Jason as he works, simply watching his apparently atrocious nest-building 
“Why this one as mate” Gramcracker eventually asks “Many other birds on lake, less crazy godling work”
“Because he's, everything at this point,” Jason says back “We have been doing this for so long, I don't think I can stop now”
“Sunk fowllacy” 
“It's not just that, it's that he does it back. We haven't known each other for so long , but every time I go he calls me back again. He doesn't have to, but he does. It makes me want to do the same in return”
“Because love him?”
“Yeah” Jason smiles to himself “Because I love him”
“how long since been with mate”
“Three years”
“Three years ” Gramcracker squawks “That too long”
“You don't get it, you're just a bird” Jason twirls the cutting of Apple in his fingers “I heard him the last time, in the maze as it collapsed. He was there ”
“Gramcracker may be just bird,” the waterfowl ruffles himself in discontent at his answer “But Gramcracker know how to be good mate. If mate is in there you go to them”
“This is me going to him,” Jason tells the bird “If my ‘nest’ works I'll be closer this time. This time maybe I can actually see him”
“All this just to see ?!“
“We get closer each time,” Jason says, looking down at an intertwined twig of Oak and Linden “And the deaths are getting sooner. If we keep at it we might make it”
Gramcracker gives a contemplative honk “Strange curse on your mate godling”
“Yeah” Jason checks his notes again “but we'll break it eventually, we have to”
“Here idea,” the goose tells him ”Gramcracker know where good berries are, good roots. When break curse, come to Gramcracker. You two hatch many eggs then”
“Thank you friend,” Jason says laying out the last of the twigs “I might take you up on that”
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Some things about my p2 tma au
Jun doesn't always look so.. spiraley, he normally looks similar to canon, just, a little off
Akinari isn't an avatar of the stranger per-se. He got not-them'd
Baofu is the head archivist of the magnus institute.
I originally said that katsuya would be an avatar of the eye.. but I wasn't really thinking with that, something tells me he fits the lonely a bit more
Junko was the only one to notice her husband was replaced.... But the corruption got to her before the stranger did
Maya okumura was the previous archivist, but instead of a bonkers conspiracy theorist, she actually knew what she was doing
Philemon is the head of the magnus institute. And when I design him I'll have to switch out the butterfly theming for spiders
"joker" in this au is similar to the eternal punishment version
Ulala got marked by the slaughter after the joker thing,
Tatsuya sudou may be an avatar of the desolation, but he is STRONGLY marked by the extinction (nyarly)
Eikichi is still very sixteen years old, despite having seen the deaths of everyone he knows, it doesn't really bother him anymore
Maya has definitely killed someone. She uses her avatar powers for completely normal things! Like sending hanya into an endless freefall
Lisa is a hunt avatar because I think she should bite people
Maya still can't drive and her apartment is still a mess. SHAME, well, there's other vast avatars
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parasitoidism · 6 months
for the ask game, getting the obvious out of the way ^_^ - tatsuya ?
favorite thing about them
I really just love how much of a human being he is man like god I think i've mentioned it before but the choice to punch Philemon at the end of insin is just so fucking good. It's so good. Like.. it's not necessarily philemon's fault that things turned out like this he just. lost. he lost his little chess game with nyarlathotep and the only solution left is this horribly cruel one and it's like yeah he's technically giving Tatsuya a way to save the world here but it's just impossible for him to be grateful or even accept it and forget at all and it's just like. Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh urghh
least favorite thing about them
favorite line
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him and lisa and eikichi and jun and maya like theyre just THEYRE FRIEEANNNDDSS WAAHH
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Tatsujun. what do you want me to say here. its insane. like are you fucking kidding me.
Just don't be fucking weird about tatsuya i think ive ranted about this before (looking into sunset)
random headcanon
he would main soldier in tf2
unpopular opinion
ummmm idk if I have any really like.. unpopular opinions tbh. I can't think of anything
song i associate with them
I don't really have one ...
favorite picture of them
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Just one day after The CW cancelled the Walker prequel spinoff, Jared Padalecki — who serves as an executive producer on both shows — tells TVLine that efforts are underway to find the Western drama a new home for Season 2.
“We are aggressively looking for a place that Walker Independence can land,” Padalecki says. He describes the show’s axing after just one season as “unfortunate,” but remains hopeful that it will live on at another outlet. “I think cancelled is maybe the most common word used, but I think a better way to look at it is that Walker Independence will not be on The CW next year.”
“I’m so proud of Walker Independence. It’s such a great show. I think it’s a show that’s needed,” Padalecki adds. “We absolutely are thrilled about the show, proud of the show, and we all feel like it belongs somewhere people can see it. We love the cast. We love the writing. We love the setting. We love the storylines that it’s telling. It’s storylines unlike any other ‘Western’ show on TV or streaming right now.”
I do find it odd that no one from the WIndy cast had really spoken out yet since the cancellation yesterday. I know that it just happened but cast usually has at least a little heads up so they could have planned posts to make. The only one I can recall seeing was a tweet from Philemon thanking people. I don't believe anyone else has posted? Hopefully this is something that is being communicated with them and hopefully WIndy finds a new place to land!
I found that curious as well and had been watching the producer's IG accounts to see if they would post. Since they hadn't, I had guessed that WIndy was being shopped around. I'm glad that Jared's working on it. If anyone can move mountains, he can!
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arcsin27 · 2 years
until atlus and/or perfect games corrects me im holding onto the theory that p5x is about akechi wishing he could go back in time to undo everything hes done and have another chance at a normal life (with ren maybe? "if only wed met a few years earlier").
maybe as a disguise, a desire for a completely fresh start, or thats just what he looked like back then, akechi appears as a second year with shorter red hair.
akechi is wonder. they have a few minor visual similarities (black outfit with a high collar and red lenses over the eyes of the mask, and both their actual eyes are reddish). also, we know that wonder was responsible for some big "choice" that caught luffys attention. in this theory that choice was to either create or enter this new reality. this would also explain that rumor a while back that we're getting an akechi spinoff game
but the time travel (er i suppose dimension hopping, whichd explain the altered signs and landmarks around tokyo shown in the trailers) was unstable or it fucked up or something, and now time is all outta whack. a la spiderverse, the various times and universes are converging, and people from across existence are appearing in p5x's tokyo.
this is your gacha system. whos gonna pop outta the wormhole? buy currency and maybe the next arrival will be yosuke hanamura! or maki sonomura! or akihiko sanada as a sees member! or akihiko sanada as a shadow ops member! i mean, the universe is falling apart anyways, might as well take advantage of the cracks in reality and enlist some help from fellow experienced persona users if you can pull them from the lootbox.
im not sure about every detail of this headcanon though. would akechi remember the past year? was it a conscious choice or an accident? who sent him here? maruki? philemon? and why is his outfit so different from both forms we saw in p5?
also DISCLAIMER: i know this wont happen. wonder really doesnt look that much like akechi the longer i look at him. thisd be really dumb and out of left field (hell, as much as i love persona 2 innocent sin, that games universe hopping time travel shit was lowkey infuriating), and it relies heavily on the ending of another game that it clearly has very little to do with. im also not great with characterization and symbolism so its very possible and even highly likely that this plot would undermine a lot of akechi's personality and development in royal. like yknow not wanting to leave his true reality even if the other one can give him everything he wanted. so if this is the actual plot thatd kinda be terrible, this is more of a crack theory or really just a fun fanfic au idea :)
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wholehear-ts · 3 months
Organized Free Thoughts on Forgiveness
Forgiveness is an intentional action. Sometimes people are just hot headed at the time and when the dust settles, they realize that there wasn’t much of a reason to be angry. Imagine this as a scratch wound. Sometimes someone did something to someone else that causes a wound in the other person which pains them deeply when it is remembered. This can be more like a bullet wound. It doesn’t heal by just leaving the issue alone. You have to apply yourself to forgive the other person. In both cases you forgive so YOU can get better. In the case of the scratch you put a bandaid on it and give it time. You don’t keep poking at the issue or else what was once a little thing could turn into an infection and then blood poisoning all because you didn’t leave it alone.
Bullet wounds are different. You need immediate attention to make sure you don’t let this issue bleed into other areas of your life and harm those. Imagine, you’re being bullied at school. If you don’t address it right away, you might start to believe you deserve the bullying because you are the things they say. You could start self harming or doing things you characteristically wouldn’t. You need to isolate the issue.
Start by praying about the issue. Sometimes things are out of your hands but it is good to remember things are in good hands.
Start by comforting yourself.
Think back on the situation and be there for yourself in the most loving way possible.
See your attacker as a hurting human instead of some animal of emotionless, hardened enemy. It will help you let go of some of the anger when you can have compassion for someone who is hurting rather than someone who did x to you.
You can work at this by imagining a hypothetical world where you can pity the other rather than be angry.
Detach yourself from the incident. What people do has more to do with what’s going on in their inner world than what it actually has to do with you. They raped because they are a rapist and they had the opportunity to rape. You happened to be their victim. Depersonalizing it will help get rid of emotions like betrayal, shame or fear that will keep you wrapped up with them forever frozen in that incident.
-Create a nice wish for the other person. Seeing them as someone you can still be kind to elevates your character as someone who is kind in the face of whatever injustice. The wish could start out as little as “I hope you have a quick death instead of being tortured to death.” Make your wishes something you actually agree with instead of something that you just say. If you can say honestly say that you don’t hope for severe torture towards the other offender with all your heart, then it is a good day. And you can try to better your wish for them some other time.
-I say this for minor to medium situations, but always assume ignorance instead of malice. Although it merits punishment as well, most people don’t hurt others because they are psychopaths wanting to watch the world burn. Most people are just in their own bubbles swayed by whatever emotion or distraction and hurt others because they aren’t conscious of how they affect others. This is another way of seeing them as human as you are.
-Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the offense wasn’t an injustice but it means that you aren’t going to let it trap you into negative emotions every time you’re reminded of the incident. You can get to the point where you forget about it and carry on with life as the person you’re becoming.
-Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to allow them back in your life if they are committed to toxic behaviour. If someone is genuinely focused on bettering themselves and that incident has very little change of repeating, then you should reevaluate the depth of your forgiveness. Philemon had a real reason to be vengeful, but both were really trying to walk towards Christ and that’s why he was asked to forgive.
Having compassion for yourself looks like:
Keeping your body healthy
Taking time to heal when you’re sick
Removing things that are toxic out of your life
Following your passions
Talking to yourself encouragingly, kindly, realistically
Following through with the things that are important to you
Maintaining healthy relationships
Keeping your conscience clear
Having compassion for humans looks like:
Believing they can love you back in a way that is sweet
Believing that you’ll have a happy life together
Stripping away the hurt to give him/ her another fresh slate
Respect and duty is given whether he gives love or not 
Give the other person hope 
Help them grow in faith 
Love them adoringly anyways 
Having compassion for animals looks like:
See the ways they are in pain and alleviate that
Not eating them unless there’s a dire necessity
Give them places and time to live without fear (Sabbath)
Treating them right if they are in your care
Not killing them
Having compassion for the earth looks like:
Living no to low waste
Walking and biking more than driving
Not wasting the things you have
No polluting through gmo seeds
Creating ecosystems that are good for the earth
Letting the earth rest on her Sabbaths
Using less plastics
Finding creative uses for junk
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narrators-journal · 1 year
mm, you can have some more freedom with this, yuma with either ryuji, yusuke, or ryoji. ur given kinks r 7, 11, and 13 (:
I! Don’t know if this quite counts as Voyeurism? Or semi-public sex? But I think it does at least VAGUELY. Sadly, I don’t have the mental energy tonight to go back and strengthen those vibes. Not my strongest, but I hope it’s fun nonetheless!
Kinktober prompt list: Here
Kinktober masterlist: Here
CW: Use of toys, they go out to a cafe, so I’m counting that as public, and the waitress is vaguely aware of their shit at least, so lil bit of voyuerism/exhibitionism too!
Yuma Fujioka had ended up with a hilarious contrast with his two partners. Where he was a confident, sexually creative, flirt, Ryuji Sakamoto and Yusuke Kitagawa were both far more skittish with trying more adventurous acts. So, when Yuma finally got the two to agree to a lewd outing, it already had him semi-hard. “Are you two sure you wanna try this? You remember the rules?” He asked, watching the artist and runner he proudly called his boyfriends. Both with pink dusting their cheeks as they straightened their clothes and shifted on their feet. “Yeah, I- um, just, yeah.” Ryuji assured, giving the shorter man a smile as Yusuke just nodded, fiddling with the buttons of his white shirt. “Though...i-if we aren’t into it?” He asked quietly as Yuma made sure each of their remotes had batteries in them. “You just have to say ‘red light’, real easy. If you do, I’ll stop and you can go to the bathroom to take the toy out, okay?” When the men nodded, he smiled. “Now! Let’s go get some lunch, hm?”
With that, the three set off for a fun, themed cafe to try. The color never left Ryuji nor Yusuke’s cheeks, in fact, only growing worse after Yuma stuck his hands into his coat’s pockets to flick the vibrators onto their lowest setting. Grinning and snickering when Yusuke froze and Ryuji yelped a bit. “Do you really need to turn them on while we’re walking?!” Ryuji hissed, his face as red as an apple, and his voice shakey with stifled mewls or moans. Which did little but encourage the tiger with a zip of pleasure through his blood. “Don’t worry, ‘yuji. I’ll keep them on the lowest settings. Promise.” he offered with his sweetest smile to cover up the lustful spark of mischief in him. Returning the embarrassed, conflicted glares with sugary innocence while his boyfriends looked between one another, then back at him before cracking. “Fine,” Yusuke sighed, “I suppose this is the point of this lewd game. Might as well play.” “Exactly! Now come on!” Was Yuma’s chirp, grabbing them both by the hand to pull them into the nearest cutesy, pink maid’s cafe. Not for any particular reason, as he fully intended to torment them more once they were sat at one of the tables.
After all, watching Yusuke squirm in his chair as the toy vibrated inside of him, the copper-haired tiger couldn’t help but turn the controls on the remote a setting higher. Watching as the dark-haired artist tried to keep his face from turning four different shades of red or noise from slipping out while Ryuji seemed to be praying to Philemon, Nyarlethotep, or even Yaldaeboth for the strength to not give himself away. “Are you two okay, so far?” Yuma hummed sweetly, getting glared at again by the pair from across the cafe’s table. “You’re the devil,” Yusuke whispered, hiding his face in his hands as he spoke, “I love you, Yuma, but he’s kinda right…You’re an effin’ succubus.” Ryuji agreed, a moan cracking his voice despite his best attempts. All the while, the redhead beamed proudly at them. Only responding to their humiliated anger with turning up Ryuji’s toy to draw out another moan from him to feed the personal fire of desire in his belly before the waitress came over to their table. “Hello! How may I be of service to you, today?” She chirped to the new customers, so Yuma hummed and looked over their menu as his dates did the same. Trying their best to not give away their lewd positions. However, a glance at them from across the table still showed them fighting down the pink hues on their cheeks, much to the thrill of the redhead. “Mmmm. I think I’ll have the pancakes. What about you two?” he asked, smiling at his companions as they faked pouring over the menu for a lengthy moment. Until, finally, Yusuke got up the courage to speak, “U-um...same as him.” clearing his throat after his voice cracked, Ryuji just muttering out, “Coffee, please.” All while the maid kept her smile, but did give the pair an odd look before she left to put their orders in.
With her gone, the red-haired boy smiled back at his boyfriends. Getting another small thrill out of watching them squirm in the cafe chairs in awkward silence. The silence not helped when Yuma briefly turned the toys inside them up to the highest speed, earning hisses and gasps from them before he returned the vibrators to the lowest setting to keep them from orgasming so soon. “Yuma Fujioka.” Yusuke hissed, his face as red as a ripe strawberry as his light grey eyes narrowed at the redhead, “You are going to make me...y’know.” “I’m gonna what?” The man prompted coyly, smirking at the artist as he watched him try to find a covert way to word his impending orgasm. An attempt he failed at, judging from his defeated and annoyed huff before turning his attention to twisting up and ripping apart a napkin. “Don’t you think this is a little too risky? You’re gonna get us caught.” Ryui warned, the shake of his voice making the tiger chuff. “You won’t get caught, no one can hear the toys. Besides, it’s not fun if it’s not a challenge~” Yuma reminded, admittedly just to be a little extra evil on top of turning the toys up another setting until the waitress returned with their orders.
However, while Yuma’s pancakes were perfectly fine, with the average amount of whipped cream and syrup, and Ryuji’s coffee seemed untouched by the curse of cutesy clumsiness, Yusuke’s order was little more than a mountain of sugary cream and thick syrup that had the waitress scuffing her foot shamefully into the tile floor. “I...am sorry sir. I suppose I messed up your order a bit. Please don’t be mad.” The woman said, Yuma watching as the artist debated what to do. To ask for it to be fixed, or to tolerate the mistake was a hard decision to make while Yuma was slowly increasing the speed of his toy more and more. “U-um…” Yusuke squeaked out, turning redder as he pushed himself to continue through the shake of his words, “It’s fine.” He decided, Ryuji focusing on his coffee as the artist panted, trying to keep his composure the more Yuma messed with his remote to alternate the speed of the vibrator ruthlessly feeding the lust Yuma could see in the artist’s eyes.
However, his feeble attempts to hide his crumbling composure didn’t seem to entirely fool the suspicious waitress. “Are you sure, sir? I can fix it if you’d prefer.” “Y-yes.” He tried in a steadier voice, digging out a pancake to cut a bite free and show her he was, in fact, willing to eat the sugary mess of a breakfast dish. So, with no further reason to question him, she left again to tend to her other tables. Leaving Yuma to turn his emerald eyes to Ryuji.
The athletic blonde had been left well enough alone for a while now, keeping his complaints to himself and keeping his mind on other things to suppress the lewd noises threatening to come out with each movement or shift. But it would be unfair of the tiger to ignore one of his partners for the other. So, with his hands still in his pockets, he increased the speed of Ryuji’s toy just slightly to watch him jolt and wriggle in his chair. “Remember, don’t cum in public. That’d be humiliating.” The tiger reminded quietly, finally turning the toys completely off again so he could eat without the temptation and his partners could get control of themselves before the waitress called the authorities. “Honestly, I’ve got to commend you two for lasting this long. Kinda expected you two to cum by now.” He hummed, eating his pancakes as Yusuke scraped the whipped cream off of his. “I’ll be happier to hear that when you aren’t tormenting us.” Ryuji huffed, making the redhead giggle evilly. “You agreed to it, you can’t blame me for enjoying it.” He argued, making both of his boyfriends roll their eyes. Yet, Yusuke had gotten enough attention, so he kept his complaints to himself. The thriving copper-haired persona user leaning forward with another coy smirk, “Besides, admit it. You two are enjoying my ‘torment’. Otherwise, you’d use the safeword already~”
That point got the pair to bashfully avoid his eyes, Ryuji muttering into his coffee cup while Yusuke just jabbed at the syrup-soaked mush of pancakes on his plate, making Yuma chuckle. But, taking a bit of mercy on the pair, he left his teasing there for the time being. Letting them eat and recollect themselves with only the odd buzz from the toys to keep himself, and them, at least slightly riled up as they enjoyed their outing. Always making sure that, despite the constant simmer of lust, their climaxes were kept away. Until they got home, at least.
I’m never gonna be able to do this again.
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