#philanthropic streak
ultragamerz · 6 months
Dogecoin: The OG Meme Coin - Still The Most Relevant in the Evolving Cryptosphere
New Post has been published on https://www.ultragamerz.com/dogecoin-the-og-meme-coin-still-the-most-relevant-in-the-evolving-cryptosphere/
Dogecoin: The OG Meme Coin - Still The Most Relevant in the Evolving Cryptosphere
Dogecoin: The OG Meme Coin – Still The Most Relevant in the Evolving Cryptosphere
Dogecoin (DOGE), the undisputed granddaddy of meme coins, needs no introduction. Its iconic Shiba Inu mascot has become synonymous with the entire meme coin movement. Launched in 2013 as a lighthearted parody of Bitcoin, Dogecoin defied expectations by capturing the public imagination and experiencing explosive growth in 2021. But with the meme coin craze seemingly fading in 2024, a crucial question arises: Does Dogecoin still hold relevance in the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency?
From Humble Beginnings to Viral Sensation:
Dogecoin’s journey began as a playful jab at the seriousness of the early crypto scene. However, its lightheartedness resonated with a growing online community, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and humor. This unique social aspect propelled Dogecoin into mainstream consciousness, aided by celebrity endorsements from Elon Musk and others. By 2021, Dogecoin’s price skyrocketed, briefly surpassing even established altcoins in market cap.
Beyond the Hype: Exploring Dogecoin’s Evolution:
While the initial frenzy may have subsided, Dogecoin hasn’t simply faded into obscurity. The project continues to explore ways to enhance its utility and appeal. Here are some notable developments:
Focus on Developer Activity: The Dogecoin development team remains active, working on scalability improvements and network upgrades.
Integration with Businesses: Some merchants have begun accepting Dogecoin as a form of payment, demonstrating its potential for real-world use cases.
Charitable Endeavors: The Dogecoin community has a strong philanthropic streak, supporting various charitable causes throughout its history.
Dogecoin’s March Madness: A Potential 9x-13x Price Surge in 2024?
March 2024 could be a pivotal month for Dogecoin (DOGE), the meme coin that captured the world’s imagination. While the broader cryptocurrency market remains uncertain, several factors converge that might propel DOGE to a staggering 9x to 13x increase in price. Here’s why March might be the month for a Dogecoin “March Madness”:
1. The Dogefather’s Endorsement: Elon Musk, the self-proclaimed “Dogefather” and a major influencer in the crypto space, has a history of sending DOGE prices soaring with his tweets. With key developments happening at Tesla and SpaceX in March, a well-timed tweet mentioning Dogecoin could reignite investor interest and trigger a buying frenzy.
2. Retail Investor FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Retail investors, a major force in the crypto market, are known for their enthusiasm and responsiveness to trends. If Dogecoin experiences a significant price jump in March, a wave of FOMO could ensue, pushing the price even higher. Social media buzz and news coverage could further amplify this effect, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
3. Scheduled Doge-related Events: March might witness significant events within the Dogecoin community. Hackathons, meetups, or charitable initiatives could reignite the community spirit and attract new investors. Increased community engagement and positive news surrounding Dogecoin could lead to a renewed sense of purpose and value for the coin.
4. Integration with Payment Platforms: The growing adoption of Dogecoin by online merchants for payments could see a significant acceleration in March. If major retailers or service providers announce Dogecoin integration, it would signal real-world utility for the meme coin, potentially boosting its price.
5. Technical Chart Signals (Disclaimer): While technical analysis should never be the sole factor in investment decisions, some analysts see bullish signals in Dogecoin’s price chart for March. A potential breakout from key resistance levels could trigger a buying spree and propel the price upwards. However, it’s crucial to remember that technical analysis is not a foolproof science, and past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.
A Word of Caution:
Investing in cryptocurrency, especially meme coins known for volatility, carries inherent risks. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always conduct thorough research and consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
Dogecoin’s Position in the Crypto Market:
Despite these developments, Dogecoin faces significant challenges. Critics argue that its lack of a defined use case beyond speculation hinders its long-term viability. Additionally, the meme coin market itself has become saturated, with newer projects competing for attention.
The Future of Dogecoin:
Dogecoin’s future depends on its ability to adapt and innovate. Can it evolve from a pure meme coin into something more? The answer remains uncertain. However, Dogecoin’s engaged community, coupled with ongoing development efforts, suggests there’s still a fight in the old dog yet.
Investing in Dogecoin: A Word of Caution
Dogecoin’s past volatility makes it a high-risk investment. While its potential for future growth shouldn’t be entirely dismissed, thorough research and a cautious approach are essential before making any investment decisions.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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grapementos · 1 year
aged up bakugo x reader
pt. 3 to this
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numerous panic attacks had ensued since you were discharged from the hospital, but not all of them reached their final stages like the first had.
you’d grown better at grounding yourself and having some semblance of control over your anxiousness. slowly but surely, you felt the pain ebbing away.
it would never be gone completely, you knew, and every day you questioned the possibility of things being different.
what if katsuki hadn’t quit being a hero? what if he’d proposed just as he’d planned to? would your wedding have been beautiful? your marriage successful and healthy?
there were so many what ifs that hurt your heart just to think about.
yet, all you did was think about it—in the best, healthiest way.
you set aside your pride and fears and confided not only in your friends, but in a therapist. you had sessions weekly, and every time you walked out of the office, you felt a little lighter.
for the first time, you understood that it was okay to still love katsuki, to still want to be with him. in fact, they initially expressed how they wished the two of you had tried couples therapy before everything went south.
that was another what if that hurt.
you were always the more rational, levelheaded one. why hadn’t you thought of it, encouraged it? would it have made a difference? those thoughts kept you awake at night, haunting your mind and mocking you with images of a perfect life with katsuki. the life you could've had.
those thoughts were bumps in your path to recovery. it was only through those thoughts, however, that you learned that the road wasn't linear. you had amazing days when you felt strong and independent, days when you'd feel like you were in a colgate commercial. other days, you wanted to set your apartment on fire and disappear. you wanted to scream until your voice was gone, vocal chords torn to shreds. some days, you just wanted everything to stop.
through the good and the bad, you were able to persevere through the challenging navigation of a breakup. still, you granted yourself permission to still love him. to be in love with him. that love would never just vanish, you'd realized a few months into your journey. it dulled, flickered, and faded, but never vanished.
you'd found that implementing a routine in your daily life had greatly improved your overall mental health.
this morning, you turned on the news as you made yourself breakfast--a meal you forced yourself to consume, no matter how little it was.
as you grabbed what you needed from the cupboards, a name in the news had you pausing everything.
"...following his spontaneous philanthropic streak, former hero dynamight announces that he will be hosting a tell-all session at our local library. there, he intends to, quote, 'make amends with those i might have hurt with my words, actions, or lack thereof...' well, you heard it here. don't miss a valiant display of heroic vulnerability today at noon. in other news..."
you gaped at the tv, the glass bowl slipping from your suddenly clammy fingers.
philanthropic streak? where had you been?
the sound of the glass breaking reached your ears a whole minute after it hit the ground, snapping you out of your dumbfounded stupor.
"shit," you cursed, crouching down to pick up the pieces.
no, don't even think about it.
you looked at the clock, reading 8 as the time. plenty of time for you to get dressed and go.
you could easily make it in time and sit in the back, just to see him and hear what he had to say.
you'd wear something inconspicuous and hide in the back, just being silent. and then you'd leave, after ten minutes.
every no carried a little bit of yes at the end of it, forcefully dragging you out of the kitchen and into the bathroom for a shower. it was closure, you argued to yourself, closure that you desperately needed.
it's going to be excuses, nothing but lies.
dark clothes are the best choice, you decided, anxiously changing into something you deemed inconspicuous. just ten minutes, it was all you needed.
don't throw all your progress away for ten minutes.
you stared at the mirror, trying to find a single good reason to stay home. yet, every thought in your mind convinced you that this, this is what you needed. you needed to hear him express his regret, his remorse to other people. people who once trusted and supported him in his endeavors, only to be woefully let down by his bouts of anger.
this will just make you hurt more. don't do this.
you discarded every invasive voice in the back of your brain and found yourself at the library come noon, hidden behind a bookshelf. you browsed the shelves with unseeing eyes, thoughts drowned out by the low murmur of the large crowd seated in front of the small stage in the center.
the library was home to many plays around the city, which you found ironic. would this be another display of dramatism and lies?
just as you found a book with a flattering cover, the mic whined with a little feedback.
"sorry about that."
you knew the voice, but the genuineness was foreign to you. you peeked over the row of books, your blood running cold as you saw katsuki sitting meekly on a chair on the stage.
"hello, everyone. i'm, uh, i'm bakugo katsuki, but most of you might know me as dynamight," he began, scanning the crowd, "a lot of you might not be fond of me based, um, based on my time as a hero."
many voices mumbled in agreement at that, which made him laugh, just the slightest. it made your chest swell with pride he didn't deserve.
"and i really don't blame you. i carried a lot of my immaturity from high school into adulthood. my biggest problem was that i saw heroism as a means to an end, a," he motioned with his hands, trying to find the words, "a stepping stone to being 'the best'--whatever that means. and i got lost in my obsession with my image."
you listened intently, at least half sure that you were listening to a complete stranger talk. the katsuki you knew had nowhere near this much humility.
"with that being said, my first apology goes to you, the people of this beloved city. you deserved someone who had your best interest at heart, and i'm sorry that couldn't be me. but, rest assured, i am very familiar with the current top ten and can say with confidence that they are the heroes you deserve."
you found yourself tearing up at his words, so awestruck by the complete 360 in his persona.
the crowd cheered at his words, as pleasantly surprised with his chanage as you were.
"thank you," he chuckled when the crowd quieted down, "next, i'd like to apologize to my friends and family. they definitely got some of the worst of it. for years, they suggested therapy for the anger that i just couldn't seem to control. and for years, brushed them off, over and over again. i insisted that my anger was fuel for my quirk, when in reality, it was detrimental. dangerous. so, mom, dad, all my friends, i'm sorry it took me so long to take your advice. thank you for standing by me."
you werent sure if the session was being broadcasted, but you sure hope it was. kirishima, mina, sero, and denki deserved to hear it. more than that, you were shocked to discover that he'd also been in therapy. so he really meant it..
another round of applause.
"last, and most important," he sucked in a sharp breath, "i'd like to apologize to the love of my life."
you stilled, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over your head. no, no way.
"i spent three amazing years with the only person i could ever see myself loving. they were the most patient, the most kind person you could ever imagine. they stood by me during every slandering headline, every angry episode, every single ugly moment. they were there."
you covered your mouth and crouched down to the floor, squeezing you eyes shut. no, hell no, you refused to cry.
he exhaled shakily, rubbing a sweaty palm against his jeans, "they were devoted to me, to us. i'd be nothing without their impact on my life, and i've done the worst job at showing it. i," he stammered, scrunching his eyebrows together, "i ruined what we had, and i've never regret anything more. i know all the philanthropy and therapy and apologies in the world can never take back my insensitivity, but i will never stop being sorry, and i swear i'll grow every day."
you had to clamp your hand harder over your mouth to prevent any sniffles or sobs from escaping and alerting everyone to your presence. his words were so genuine, so wholehearted that you knew he truly had changed.
"i'll love them forever, regardless of if they hate me. with that love, i'll destroy any semblance of the douchebag-asshole-monster i used to be." he smiled out to the crowd as a final goodbye, "thank you, everyone. you don't owe me your forgiveness, but i hope you'll consider forgiving me one day."
people clapped, whistled, cheered for him as he turned off the mic.
meanwhile, your heart was racing. you didn't have a single coherent thought in your mind other than the fact that he loved you. he loves you.
he wasn't begging or crying this time, his acts weren't out of desperation. he was completely and totally vulnerable in front of a group of people that he didn't even know included you.
as people flooded out of the library, you shakily pushed yourself to your feet. what now? how could you possibly be expected to walk all the way to your car and drive home in this state of mind?
with a quick breathing technique your therapist taught you, you calmed down enough to get your hands to stop trembling.
katsuki had started helping the security guards pick up and stack the chairs, making small talk with them as they cleaned up the area.
you wiped at your cheeks, hoping they weren't too blotchy. with a quiet breath, you silently crept away from behind the bookshelf and toward the exit.
unfortunately, your far-from ninja-like skills couldn't get past the years of hero instincts engraved in every muscle fiber of katsuki's body.
you froze, shoulders tensing as you slowly turned around.
"hey, bakugo," you cleared your throat, averting your eyes, "that was, uh, that was nice of you. good job."
there was something undetectable in his face, something you couldn't put your finger on, "oh, thanks, i-" he stepped closer, but stopped when he sensed your hesitance, "i didn't expect to see you here."
"i didn't expect to be here." you said honestly, fidgeting with your fingers, "but i should, uh, probably get going."
he opened and shut his mouth a few times before he sighed and nodded, "okay. but i really meant it, you know? everything i said."
fuck, you were going to cry again. you didn't want to, not in front of him.
"i know." you nodded, "i don't.. hate you, you know? we both had issues that we chose to resolve separately."
"i just wish," he sighed, looking for the words, "i wish that was't the case."
you couldn't hold in your tears anymore, a few cascading down your cheek, but you quickly wiped them away.
"i know." you swallowed hard, trying to prevent your voice from doing that embarrassing, high-pitched crack, "i do too."
he opened his arms, offering a hug and you just couldn't say no. the space was so perfectly carved for you.
you hugged him tight, burying your face into his shoulder.
"i'm so sorry, y/n. i'm sorry for everything." he whispered into your hair, his voice wet with tears, "i never deserved you."
you just cried harder, knuckles white as you gripped onto the back of his shirt. you wanted to speak, to reassure him that it wasn't completely his fault, but you couldn't pause for a breath long enough to say a single word.
instead, the two of you dropped to the ground, arms wrapped around each other with a desperation that you only feel for each other. a once-in-a-lifetime desperation.
the two of you cried and held each other, and somehow you knew everything was going to be okay.
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and this concludes the triology! thank you for the overwhelming support on this series that wasn't even meant to be a series!
taglist: @blackout-ice-biohazard @survivorofmath @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @odessa-is-my-queen @firesmokeandashes @valentineshiftz @sil-ver-shadow @echosfadve
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odinsblog · 6 months
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Krystal Anderson, a former cheerleader for the Kansas City Chiefs, died of sepsis last week following a stillbirth, according to her family. She was 40 years old.
Anderson, known to her friends as “Krissy,” was hospitalized at five months pregnant and delivered her daughter, Charlotte Willow, after doctors were unable to locate a heartbeat, friends told FOX4 News. She developed a fever a day after the birth. Her condition worsened and she battled sepsis, which eventually led to organ failure. Despite being placed on life support and undergoing three surgeries, she died early Wednesday morning.
“I feel lost,” her husband, Clayton Anderson, told the station. “There’s a lot of people in this house and it feels empty.”
In her post-NFL career, Anderson taught yoga and worked as a software engineer at Oracle Health. She “fiercely advocated” for both Black women in STEM and women’s health, according to an obituary. She also had a philanthropic streak, and worked with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of KC, the perinatal bereavement nonprofit Gabriella’s Little Library, and the Oracle Health Foundation.
“She was an absolute force for good. She made every room just light up,” her husband said.
While overall maternal deaths in the U.S. have steadily ticked up over the past two decades, Black women remain two to three times more likely to die in childbirth than white women, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With the risks to Black mothers exacerbated by implicit bias and medical racism, they are also more likely to experience life-threatening complications like preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, and blood clots.
“It’s, you know, we say, the best country in the world, right?” Anderson’s husband told FOX4 News. “Not if you’re a Black pregnant woman, it’s not—and that needs to change.”
(continue reading)
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Birthday: January 29th
Age: 76
ENFP 7w6
Story: Interworld series - Book 5 The Save-the-World Club
An eccentric adventurer and inventor with a philanthropic streak. He is the founder and financial backer of the titular Save-the-World Club, a group of people who pitch in to create community efforts to repair any damages after Rift Entity attacks and lobby for the defence of affected civilians.
Though he is well-known in the City, he is often regarded as a fool or not taken seriously - it’s implied he intentionally plays up this image to obscure his true intelligence. Despite this, he often runs into money troubles due to his frivolous purchasing of random decor for the offices and spontaneous gifts for his workers.
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archivestarlyht · 9 months
sol’rys’ grudging respect for wyll because he is a very fine fighter, but can’t get over his philanthropic heroism. will flat out tell him it’s the sort of foolishness he’s only heard in stories. fox is bemused by wyll’s heroic streak and indulges it when he thinks he’ll get something out of it.
sol’rys. very enthusiastically. approves of lae’zel. and even karlach, even though karlach’s morality might align more closely with wyll’s. fox is a lot intimidated by lae’zel, and thinks karlach is a delight.
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kakairu-rocks · 1 year
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We are excited to introduce our next shining star for the Creator Spotlight... My_Private_Tsukuyomi!
This is an activity where we reach out to one of the talented people in our community each month to find out all about them and their kakairu creations, and then show them off to the world!
We hope you enjoy learning about My_Private_Tsukuyomi & her creations as much as we did. Please give her some love ❤️  
Pronouns: She/Her
Type of Creator: Writer
Where to find her:
Discord: My Private Tsukuyomi
Read the exciting interview below the cut, or on the forum!
If you would like a chance to be in the spotlight too, the only thing you have to do is be a member of the kakairu rocks forum or follow us, and be a kakairu creator; and we will contact you, ourselves!
1. How long have you been creating KakaIru fanworks?
Since January 2023
2. What are you working on right now?
I’m working on a Modern Day AU KakaIru Sugar daddy/baby fic with a twist. Iruka is the high-powered CEO type with a huge philanthropic streak but is trying to battle a hostile takeover that includes a marriage/business merger. Kakashi is a disgraced, down on his luck veteran. Kakashi needs a job and Iruka needs someone on his arm in public to stave off the marriage pressure but also someone capable of protecting him at events. But what neither expected is that the lines between the job and real feelings would get blurred so quickly!
3. What is your favourite trope to create for?
Angst with a happy ending seems to be my specialty. Kakashi and Iruka suffer a little, but that just makes the final resolution all that much sweeter.
4. Which of your creations is your favourite, and why?
Right now I’d have to say one of my latest creations, The Road of Life. It uses scrapbooking as an opportunity for Iruka to travel down memory lane to look at a life well-lived and well-loved with Kakashi. I tagged it MCD but it isn’t permanent - I could never permanently separate these two!
5. Do you have any WIPs you’re excited about?
Surprisingly enough I’ve only got the one WIP right now, which I described above. I have some half-formed ideas, but I haven’t started anything else yet. I think I’m waiting to see what the next theme will be on the kakairu discord server. I love meeting those monthly challenges!
6. Do you have any original characters? If so, tell us about them!
My first fic featured an OC female ANBU badass named Minako. I created her before I turned to writing KakaIru, realizing how perfect Kakashi and Iruka are together - they are canon, just mostly off screen. But yet they connect enough on screen to convince me that they are meant to be.
7. What was your hardest piece to create, and why?
I think I’m having the most trouble with my WIP because it’s completely different from anything else I’ve written. Plus I want it to be a bigger, multi-chapter thing with real world-building. That’s always a challenge.
8. Do you have any favorite scenes from something you’ve created?
I do! One of my favorite scenes is from my first KakaIru fic Of Romance and Holidays. Kakashi takes a candy conversation heart that says ‘be mine’ and carves a little question mark and the letter K into it before leaving it for Iruka to find.
My other favorite scene is from The Road of Life, when Iruka and Kakashi meet for the first time after the Pain attack. Iruka tries to tell Kakashi he wasn’t worth Kakashi’s sacrifice, that he’s nothing. Kakashi interrupts and tells Iruka that he is, in fact, everything.
9. Where does your inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes from many places. I often dream in KakaIru, so sometimes those dreams become fics. I also draw inspiration from songs. Three of my fics are based on song lyrics. Finally, I draw inspiration from the wonderful folks on the KakaIru discord server Forbidden Scrolls of KakaIru. The prompts and challenges posted there are phenomenal.
10. Which of your creations is the most meaningful to you, and why?
I don’t think I could choose just one. All of my creations are a piece of me. It’s both delightful and terrifying to share that piece in my fics, and it is humbling that people actually read and enjoy them. Thank you to all of my readers. You, like Iruka to Kakashi, are everything.
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snowfuls · 1 year
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          introducing cordelia "cora" snow .
𓂅 * ⋆ 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 .
name : cordelia livia snow. meaning : latin , " heart " & greek , " maiden ". nickname : cora ( to all ) , delia ( if you hate her ). age : twenty two. birthdate : year fifty three att. gender identity : cisgender woman , she / her. orientation : bisexual , biromantic. place of birth : the capitol , panem. current residence : the capitol , panem. occupation : socialite , student at the academy , rebel.
𓂅 * ⋆ 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 .
face claim : chase sui wonders. height : 5'4". hair : long , brunette in some lights , almost black in others with two faintly paler streaks in the front , alluding to her family's characteristic blonde. eyes : a warm brown , doe-like , incredibly emotive.
myers - briggs : tbc. zodiac sign : aquarius. temperament : sanguine melancholic. moral alignment : neutral good. traits : perceptive , philanthropic , reticent , sincere , stifled & wayward. song : bite the hand by boygenius. pinterest : here.
𓂅 * ⋆ 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 .
coriolanus snow i , grandfather. livia snow née cardew , grandmother. coriolanus snow ii , father. artemisia snow née dovecote , mother. caius snow , eldest brother. cyrillus snow , elder brother. cornelius snow (†) , uncle. constantinus snow , cousin.
tw : death, murder.
      snow does indeed fall when cordelia, known to most as simply "cora", is born to the president's golden son in the midst of a long winter. the flakes swirl in their steady descent, each as distinctive and delicate as the next and altogether indicative of the daughter panem's first family had just welcomed into their world. and make no mistake, it was theirs.
      not just the youngest member of the revered snow family but the only daughter belonging to coriolanus' line too, cora was doted upon by all who met her and provided a silver spoon upbringing unlike any other. she was simultaneously a chess piece key to a game much larger than she could comprehend at her young age but one they were all keen to safeguard and so, it was decided that she'd be kept as pure as her surname might suggest, for as long as the family could afford.
      channels were blocked, images blurred and the unbecoming reality of the games her beloved grandfather helped facilitate was to be concealed from her. the pomp and pageantry of it all cora was allowed to partake in but the blood and brutality, the children slaughtered for sport... that she was so graciously spared from. it was in this valiant quest to shield her from the unsavoury parts of life however, that her family had unknowingly sown a seed of discontent within the young girl that was certain to one day bloom.
      blossom she does, becoming something of a princess to the capitolites... and the comparison isn't entirely unfounded either. for her life reflected the lives of those fabled women far more closely than many realised. residing within the walls of a tall, ivory tower, reinforced by her unique position in the family, cora spent a great deal of time under her grandparents' wing whilst her family sustained their status'. often seeking refuge amongst the shelves of the presidential mansion's library, the young girl would listen in at doors and feel oh so victimised whenever the mansion grew occupied by the usual onslaught of extravagant partygoers — her free rein over the house rudely cut short. more often than not, she'd be spotted hanging over the bannisters on those nights, peering down at them all in wonder, dreaming up what it was they were discussing so feverishly. nothing could have quite prepared her for the reality.
      the snow's had wielded power as if it were limitless for over half a century but it ultimately proved futile against a girl's mind grown curious. cora had attended a tribute parade, only to be set upon by a tribute who felt they had nothing to lose and when they were blown sky high several days, mere moments after entering the arena, the vivid imagery of the incident became inescapable... leading to a questioning wherein the truth had no other option but to out. cora had lived in blissful ignorance all her life. it was a privilege no child of the districts had ever been afforded and it was that very fact that made the divulgence so much worse in cora's eyes. her heart thoroughly torn in two, she felt everything she had ever known or held dear begin to rot in her mouth yet the horror was silent.
      plastering a smile to her face, a skill she'd swiftly come to perfect, the president's granddaughter feigns interest in the deadly games from then on. looking at cora, she appeared every bit the pretty, little socialite her parents had groomed her to be and in resigning herself to that role, she played the part effortlessly. it was hereditary after all. looking inward was a very different story however. cora was committed to rectifying how complicit she'd been raised to be in any way she could. starting small but growing ever wary in the knowledge that she would never be viewed as her own person to those she sought to ally herself with, but rather the ideal weapon to hurt her grandfather the most with. flanked by peacekeepers at almost every turn, all in the name of "protection", the leash she'd previously thought of as short had grown even shorter still in the years following that initial incident. whilst the other members of her family fought amongst themselves, usually for coriolanus' approval, cora tried to take herself off the board entirely, choosing to dedicate herself to her academic pursuits instead.
      it was during this time at the academy that she made the acquaintance of plutarch heavensbee at a gala one evening and despite being astonished at just how he'd come to know of her innermost turmoil, hidden between the lines of his amusing colloquialisms, the man presented her with an opportunity to change the course of history, for the better.
      katniss everdeen had, unknowingly, sparked rebellion in the hearts of citizens all across their "united" nation, the capitol included and her win of the 74th games only emboldened cora. content in playing her growing adoration for "the girl on fire" off as some adolescent fascination with the enduring gossip surrounding her hair, her clothes, her love life... cora grew more acquainted with the idea of revolution than ever before. her elevated position afforded her access and insight into the very heart of the capitol itself: the presidential mansion and so, she began to set about changing the hearts and minds of her contemporaries. it was time to act.
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necromatador · 1 year
16 (especially the last parts), 24, 29, and 41 for Jaz and Alkimos!
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
Jaz is the owner and head enchanter of The Spell Counter, a major magical supply store that sells a variety of items such as enchanted tools, magical accessories and clothes, potions and charms, and ingredients for at-home witchery. He loves doing this, to be honest. Enchanting and doing so creatively is Enrichment to him. It gives him puzzles to pick at and problems to solve. He just hates that there are so many rules and laws to creating enchantments (though he understands why some exist). Jaz is also the head of the largest illegal enchantments and potions supply ring in Gallecross, the Hellebore Council. He sees it as a necessary evil but also takes a good deal of pleasure in working from the shadows like this and the power and influence it affords him. Alkimos is Jaz's second-in-command and bodyguard in their work running the Hellebore Council, and he is also the co-owner and head alchemist at The Spell Counter. He views potion-brewing similarly to the way Jaz views enchanting: puzzles and problems to work at and solve that keep his mind and hands busy in a productive and pleasant manner. He also, like Jaz, takes some pleasure in working on the Hellebore Council; it feels like a place he fits in more than general society does. He can be himself and he doesn't have to abide by rules he finds pointless.
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
Jaz likes to attend higher-class parties and Alkimos, as Jaz's bodyguard, usually attends as well. Jaz likes to socialize and enjoys networking at such things, as well as gossiping. Alkimos like to eat funny little snacks and have the occasional wine or champagne while making sure nobody tries to kill Jaz and that Jaz doesn't get too drunk and makes it home okay. Jaz belongs essentially to at least one country club as well (again, he mostly uses it as networking with Gullible Rich People or Politicians He Can Blackmail) where he plays the semi-truthful role of a self-made rich 'playboy' with a philanthropic streak. He plays the law-abiding and good-hearted merchant prince, a shining beacon for his kind. All the roles that he and Alkimos play to survive in Gallecross are at least partially based in truth. They are self-made business-folk. They do have philanthropic goals and initiatives in progress to pursue them. Jaz fucking loves gossip. Alkimos enjoys eating all of the snooty rich people's silly but tasty little snacks.
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
Jaz's weaknesses are: - his temper - his pride/hubris - his ego/vanity - his attachment to Alkimos - his desire for vengeance Alkimos' weaknesses are: - his pessimism/cynical nature - his stubbornness - his attachment to Jaz - his bluntness - his hubris (about different things than Jaz)
41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
They both have at least some self-awareness and use it, at times, to be self-deprecating to each other when they feel bad or when things go wrong. It's like that case where you know your flaws but cannot fix them alone so whenever they cause a problem you go quietly to your friends and go "hey hi i'm the worst" and they go "yeah that wasn't the best idea but you aren't the worst you're just a dumbass who we love". Jaz takes himself less seriously than Alkimos takes himself because he secretly feels like everything about him is fake (which is why he reacts so negatively to being told he's fake like to his face) and it gives him a certain ironic detachment sometimes.
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acharyaganesh123 · 1 year
Saturn in Satabhisha Nakshatra: Unveiling the Enigmatic Energy
In the intricate tapestry of Vedic astrology, Saturn, the stern and disciplined taskmaster, takes on a unique persona when placed in the enigmatic Shatabhisha Nakshatra. This celestial combination brings forth an intriguing blend of energies, offering both challenges and transformative opportunities.
Shatabhisha Nakshatra: The Hundred Healers
Before delving into the profound influence of Saturn in Satabhisha, it's essential to understand the nature of this Nakshatra. Shatabhisha, often referred to as "The Hundred Healers," resides in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, ruled by Saturn itself. This Nakshatra is symbolized by an empty circle, emphasizing the theme of emptiness and the void.
Saturn's Stoic Presence
Saturn, known as Shani in Vedic astrology, embodies discipline, responsibility, and karma. When placed in Shatabhisha, Saturn's influence becomes more pronounced and unique. This combination bestows a stoic and detached demeanor upon individuals. They tend to approach life's challenges with a sense of detachment, much like a healer who remains calm and impartial in the face of suffering.
The Altruistic Healer
Saturn in Satabhisha individuals often have a strong humanitarian streak. They possess the ability to see beyond the surface and recognize the suffering of others. This Nakshatra's healing energy awakens their desire to serve and uplift those in need. They may actively engage in philanthropic or social work, driven by a deep sense of responsibility towards society.
Unconventional Thinkers
Shatabhisha's unconventional and progressive nature merges with Saturn's structured approach. This results in individuals who are not afraid to challenge societal norms and conventions. They possess a unique ability to think outside the box, often coming up with groundbreaking solutions to complex problems.
The Detoxifying Influence
Shatabhisha is associated with healing and purification. When Saturn's disciplined energy is combined with this Nakshatra's attributes, it often signifies a period of inner cleansing and transformation. Individuals with Saturn in Satabhisha may undergo significant spiritual or psychological growth, shedding old beliefs and habits that no longer serve them.
Challenges and Growth
While Saturn in Satabhisha brings many positive attributes, it also presents its set of challenges. The strong Saturnine influence can make individuals prone to self-doubt and pessimism. They may struggle with inner conflicts, torn between their desire for independence and their sense of responsibility towards others.
Saturn's placement in Shatabhisha Nakshatra is a celestial invitation to embark on a journey of healing, transformation, and service. Individuals with this placement possess a unique blend of discipline, compassion, and unconventional thinking. While they may face internal struggles, their potential for personal growth and positive societal impact is immense. This combination reminds us that even in the emptiness of life, there exists the opportunity for profound healing and change.
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baglove · 2 years
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blossom conch orchid peach puff peony pepto bismal persian petunia pig cadillac champagne diamond grapefruit lemonade sherbet polka dot powder cotton candy cranberry cupcake eraser flamingo flesh fuchsia hibiscus jellyfish lavender plum lipstick, magenta misty mulberry petal quartz rosy red ruby sand seashell strawberry jam milkshake sunset tea thistle tongue tulip turnip worm neon black cat coffee licorice pearl pepper tar blackboard blackout blue bow tie carbon kohl mars mascara mica, midnight molasses night sky ninja obsidian onyx outer space chalkboard charcoal coal ebony eclipse eyelash fig gothic hearse ink jet jetty piano key pitch pupil raven sable spade spider tarmac kick ass woman man women girl girly tough fitness, run running sprint yoga pilates cooking blaze blazing accented achromatic ashen ashy atomic beaming bi color bleached bleak blended blotchy bold brash bright brilliant burnt checkered chromatic classic clean colored colorful colorless complementing, contrasting cool coordinating checker diagonal stripe striped crisp dappled dark dayglo deep delicate digital dim dirty matte medium mellow milky mingled mixed monochromatic motley mottled muddy multicolored multihued murky natural neutral, opalescent opaque pale pastel patchwork patchy patterned perfect picturesque plain primary prismatic psychedelic pure radiant reflective rich royal ruddy rustic satiny saturated secondary shaded dotted drab dreary dull dusty earth electric eye, catching faded faint festive fiery flashy flattering flecked florescent frosty full toned glistening glittering glowing harsh hazy hot hued icy illuminated incandescent intense interwoven iridescent kaleidoscopic lambent light loud luminous, lusterless lustrous majestic shining shiny shocking showy smoky soft solid somber soothing sooty sparkling speckled stained streaked streaky striking strong subtle sunny swirling tinged tinted tonal traditional translucent transparent two tone, brighten bring burn captivate catch the clash combine harmonize highlight illuminate infuse juxtapose lighten match merge mix morph overlap paint pair with radiate redden contrast coordinate darken embellish emit fade flash flatter fleck flow flush, glare glisten saturate smudge sparkle speckle spill stain stand streak swirl trace transform weave amaranth apricot ash rose baby cheeks pink bacon ballerina ballet slipper begonia blush bougainvillea bubblegum cameo carmine carnation cerise cherry, healthy accepting active adorable adventurous affectionate agreeable all american alluring amazing ambitious appreciated appreciative artistic artsy athletic attentive attractive beautiful beloved bewitching blessed brave breathtaking bubbly busty, buxom calm candid captivating careful caring charming cheeky cheerful classy clever committed compassionate complex confident considerate content courageous crafty creative cuddly cultured curious curvy cute dainty daring darling dazzling dear, dedicated delightful dependable detail oriented design determined devoted devout disciplined doting down to dramatic dreaming dreamy joyful kind hearted kissable knowing knowledgeable ladylike laid back leggy likable lovable loved lovely loving, loyal luscious magnetic matronly mature mesmerizing mischievous motivated musical mysterious nice nurturing observant offbeat open minded opinionated organized outgoing passionate patient perceptive persistent personable petite philanthropic, photogenic playful poetic polite popular positive powerful pragmatic precious pretty principled private proud provocative punctual quick witted quiet quirky ravishing rebellious refined remarkable reserved respectful responsible romantic, sacrificing sassy easy going elegant emotional empowered enchanting encouraging energetic engaging enigmatic entertaining etherial expressive extraordinary fabulous fair fashionable fearless feisty female feminine fit flawless flirtatious flirty, focused forgiving foxy fragile frail friendly fun funny generous gentle genuine giddy gifted giggly giving glamorous goal good natured gorgeous graceful grounded happy hard working heavenly helpful high energy hilarious honest huggable hypnotic, idolized impassioned impulsive independent innocent innovative inspirational inspiring intellectual intelligent intimate intoxicating intuitive selective self driven selfless sensical sensitive sensual serious sexual sexy sharp shrewd shy skinny, smart smiley smiling social spoken sophisticated special spirited spontaneous spunky willed successful sultry supple sweet sympathetic talented talkative tasteful tawny tender thankful thick skinned thin thorough thoughtful thriving trusting, trustworthy unafraid unconventional understanding unique unpretentious upbeat valued virtuous voluptuous vunerable well bred educated mannered read willing wily wise witty womanly wonderful young youthful abundant by aesthetic ancient aromatic, attention getting better tasting bigger blooming filled blossoming botanical budding choice climbing coordinated complementary container grown country decorative deer resistant distinctive divine dormant lush magical magnificent maintenance free, manageable medicinal native natures finest nestled old growth organic ornamental outdoor oversized pendulous preferred premium pristine prized professional looking pruned rare ready bloom regal reliable reminiscent salt tolerant screening select, dwarf easily controlled care for edible established ever exotic fascinating fast growing floral flowering fragrant fresh hardy healthier heavy highly impressive in indoor insect intensely jewel kid large larger advocate artist athlete aunt babe, beauty queen belle ball best friend bimbo bitch blond bookworm bride be broad brooder brunette busybody caregiver caretaker character cheater chick child comedian communicator companion confidante rebel dream dreamer dynamo enchantress enemy, enthusiast escort expert extrovert fashion plate fashionista feminist femme fatale fighter fireball flirt floozy fox gal gentlewoman next door girlfriend glamour go getter goddess looks grandmother great taste hag worker headstrong healer, heartbreaker heiress heroine hostess hottie huntress hypocrite idealist  inspiration introvert keeper kept kindred spirit knockout risk taker highness saint seductress sex symbol she devil showoff siren sister  snuggler butterfly, spinster sportswoman spouse squaw student stunner superstar superwoman supporter survivor sweetheart sweetie teacher teenager temptress therapist thinker tomboy tramp vamp vixen wealthy whore widow wife one winch witch about town her word means, accept admire adore advise agree appreciate assist assure befriend believe charm chat cheer on cherish comfort communicate confide connect hang help hug identify inspire jezebel juggle keep company promises secrets kiss know laugh lean learn lift, spirits listen loudmouth love lust marry count court dazzle depend develop dote enchant encourage enjoy entrust express feel forgive gab giggle give advice birth gossip nurture overcome play provide relate rely respect sacrifice satisfy seduce, share shop shoulder stick up support sympathize treasure trust understand uplift amusing animated awkward awesome authentic big cheery defiant delicious different distorted fantastic excited famous fuzzy marvelous intriguing naughty odd realistic
(via cute dragon with wonderful colors iPhone Skin by mohammed elhachimi)
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lady-of-the-lotus · 3 years
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory au, with Xue Yang as Charlie. Except instead of humbleness and joy winning the day, ragmuffin Xue Yang, having won a golden ticket by shoplifting a candy bar, systematically kills/sabotages all the other golden ticket winners (spoiled rich cultivatoresque spawn!) to win ownership of the candy factory. How do you think August Gloop really fell in the chocolate river? Not gravity alone.
Next gen of Oompa Loompas are fierce corpses, and Xue Yang is extremely happy using his demented creativity to develop new candy inventions. (Several can double as weapons but the FDA doesn’t have to know that do they.)
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 years
As a person who hasn’t read a lot of Batman comics from before he had Robin, how accurate is The Batman in it’s portrayal of Bruce? Did Bruce really not start pretending to be more of a socialite playboy till Year Two?
tl;dr "depends on the comics you read." Some people complaining about The Batman truly think that "Bruce Wayne the airheaded playboy" is the only public-facing persona Bruce has ever had and it shows, but Bruce as an affable socialite and playboy is a thing the comics have cultivated for decades. So Reeves' take, while somewhat based in comic canon as well, is definitely the minority interpretation.
The short answer is no, the "socialite playboy" persona is absolutely a core part of Bruce's early days as Batman, for a variety of reasons. Bruce doesn't always portray himself that way to the public, but he tends to adopt the playboy persona early on and (somewhat) shed it after being Batman for awhile rather than it being something he only adopts later on.
Stories like Year One and The Long Halloween are pretty careful to show Bruce cultivating that airheaded playboy persona, mostly because he thinks it's the best way to distract people from thinking he might be Batman. However, I will note that outside of some notable exceptions (Bruce does tend to seriously date women who are either wealthy socialites or morally ambiguous women who can kick his ass, after all), his "playboy persona" is largely a ruse even in his early days; most of his dating life is more along the lines of "take women out on a couple of dates, make sure they enjoy themselves, and then thank them for their time or pretend to run off with another woman."
But Bruce has been portrayed as a more serious, level-headed public figure before on several occasions. In fact, I'd say the majority of his modern public persona tends to be more along the lines of "not the absolute brightest bulb in the box, but a generally intelligent, well-meaning guy who happens to have an unfortunate playboy streak."
He is genuinely known for his philanthropy, generosity, and humanitarian work, and that's also something that Comics!Bruce is committed to since the very beginning (unlike Reeves' Bruce). However, I think the change to "recluse who really doesn't do much as Bruce Wayne" actually works really well in the movie because it's a change that's in conversation with decades of non-comics Batman media rather than the comics themselves. It's a plotpoint that is deliberately designed to explicitly address and ultimately subvert the tired Twitter hottake that Bruce should be "using his money to help clean up Gotham" instead of dressing up in a Bat suit and "beating up poor people."
Comic readers know Bruce is known for his philanthropy and unending fight against corruption as Bruce Wayne; we understand that he's committed himself to fighting crime both by day and by night. BTAS/DCAU fans generally know too. But for people who basically just interact with Batman through the big-budget movie space, the explicit conversation of "Bruce is rich, what's he doing for Gotham outside of Batman?" hasn't ever really been had outside of some charity galas and throwaway lines about funding community improvement initiatives.
Thus, I think if you're looking for a Bruce Wayne characterization that Rob's Bruce is patterned on and in conversation with, you should actually be looking at Michael Keaton's "secluded recluse" Bruce Wayne from Batman '89 rather than the comics. Keaton's Bruce is pretty clearly one of the bases for Pattinson's Bruce even if the two movies' perspectives on that type of characterization are radically different from each other (ie, Keaton!Bruce is a somewhat functional human being, he just generally chooses to not engage with the public).
Reeves' Bruce is a Bruce that is so wholly committed to Batman being the best way to live his life and achieve his goals that he's deliberately neglecting everything else: his father's philanthropic work, his status as Head of Wayne Enterprises, active oversight of the Gotham Renewal Fund, etc. He initially sees no use for the many mechanisms available to him to tackle the sources of crime rather than the symptoms of it, and it's a viewpoint that is directly challenged by the events of the film. It's pretty clear that by the end (especially after his realization that Falcone has only been able to use the Renewal Fund to fuel Gotham's corruption for the past 20+ years because of his refusal to oversee it and actively engage with the public), he's changed his mind and realized that it's the wrong way to approach things.
It's not particularly common for the comics to portray Bruce this way, but it does happen. Reeves took quite a bit of worldbuilding inspiration from Batman: Earth One, an AU modernization of Bruce's origins where Bruce is portrayed as a more serious figure who isn't particularly involved in public life; he's active as CEO of WE, but (to my knowledge, since I have yet to read it) the playboy persona isn't really a thing in that universe. So I would say that if you're looking for the answer to "is Reeves' Bruce actually based in comic canon?" the answer is technically yes, but you mainly have to look at AU/Elseworlds comics for that interpretation, not mainverse canon.
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anaxerneas · 3 years
But one also sees a powerful streak of misanthropy in modern culture quite independent of any real experience of trying to help, or to change the conditions of life. There is a kind of misanthropy in principle, as it were, which declares the worthlessness of human life; it sees itself as taking a heroic stance and finally declaring what both Christians and humanists try to hide from themselves and from us all. In a recent book, Nancy Huston studies the extraordinary phenomenon in twentieth century literature, that some of the most popular authors espoused the bleakest and most unconditional misanthropy, and were read and applauded by a wide public, most of whose members were never tempted to live by this outlook.
She cites, for instance, Samuel Beckett, Thomas Bernhard, Emil Cioran, Imre Kertesz, Milan Kundera. A common source for many of them was Schopenhauer, the great pessimist, who did indeed, make his own the famous line from Calderón's La vida es sueño: "pues el delito mayor del hombre es haber nacido" - the great crime of humans is to have been born. But in fact Schopenhauer identifies as a crime not so much being born--that is rather seen as a great misfortune; rather it is giving birth which is to be condemned. This kind of misanthropy utterly rejects and despises human generation, reproduction, the whole business of forming families and having children; which stance often carries with it a certain misogyny. Women are a danger to men, because they entrap them into continuing the whole process of generation, which Schopenhauer saw as the continued striving of the Will to multiply its carriers.
What can seem puzzling here is that this extreme pessimism continues to attract such attention, applause, literary prizes, media attention. Nancy Huston offers some interesting explanations of this. Plainly she is right that there is something heroic in this stance, even though one might condemn it on other grounds, and that this wins admiration. "Portant l'auréole de la douleur puissance x, ses adeptes sont nos Christs en croix, nos saints torturés, nos martyrs stoiques, magnifiques et magnifiés", in the disenchanted world of modernity. (Wearing the halo of pain to the nth power, its followers are our Christs on the cross, our tortured saints, our stoic martyrs, magnificent and glorified.) I would add another reason. Plainly many of us are ambivalent about the philanthropic solidarity we profess, and this for a host of reasons, including those discussed above. Ambivalence is increased by an unquiet conscience: we are not doing all that we ought to in the light of our ideals and aspirations. There is a certain pleasure in seeing these trashed so thoroughly, giving vent to the suppressed side of our ambivalence, expressing our resentment at the way we are all nudged into hypocrisy by the norms of political correctness--and all in a plausibly deniable way, since after all we are only "enjoying literature".
But supposing we wanted to liberate ourselves from this sneaking sympathy with misanthropy? Huston offers considerations which ought to achieve this. She points us to the experience of having children, bringing them up. "J'ai vu la lente émergence du langage, de la personnalité, l'hallucinate construction d'un être, sa façon d'ingurgiter le monde, de le faire sien, d'entrer en relation avec lui: … j'ai vu que c'était passionant." (I saw the slow emergence of language, or personality, the incredible construction of a being, its way of ingesting the world, of making it its own, of entering into relation with it: … I saw that it was profoundly moving.)
But this brings us back to our earlier question. This sense of awe, surprise, tenderness, which moves us so much when a new human being emerges, finds herself, what does it reflect? It's plain that people can refuse to see it, like the midwife, Arina Prokhorovna, in Dostoyevsky's The Possessed; when Shatov cries out in wonder at the new baby, "It's the mystery of the appearance of a new being, a great and inexplicable mystery. … There were two, and suddenly there is a third, a new spirit; … a new thought and a new love … so uncanny … there is nothing higher in the world," Arina Prokhorovna replies laughing, "What a fuss you're making… It's simply the further development of the organism, and nothing more, there is no mystery,... otherwise every fly would be a mystery. And let me tell you something. Superfluous human beings should not be born."
When you don't fend off this insight, what are you seeing? What way of articulating this insight really does it justice? What captures it at its most powerful? What can enable it to work most powerfully on us and direct our lives?
Charles Taylor, A Secular Age
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pheita · 2 years
Who are your main characters in your WIPS?
Optional: side/supporting characters? Villains?
Hi @helathorloki happy STS, and sorry for the late answer. Last week kicked me down with a stupid flare up.
So this is going to be long, since I am writing one story and edit another at the same time. Blood Night The main character is Sojan, a lust demon, who escaped his home realm and now lives disguised as human, working as a monster hunter. He is friendly, but tries to stick to himself because the death of his partners from the hand of his father still lays heavy on him. Most of his friends are fellow hunters or shamans. The whole story is told through his POV. Secondary characters: Lyran, the bard from the south-east kingdom of Welazaryth, with a tragic past, who hides behind flirty remarks and smiles. His urge to seek out danger made him join Sojan when they met by chance at Sojan's hometown by choice. The fact that Lyran was smitten by Sojan right away also played a role in his decision. Arritit, Sojan's younger sister, a shaman and mage with quite a temper and a love for fire. She is a caring person under her tough exterior, and she is as hurt as Sojan, sharing a similar fate of her fiancèe being killed by their father. She has a habit for drinking and gambling when bored, and often causes a scene by accident.
Important side characters Elaven, the elven monster hunter, who appears stern and stoic, but is actually just a pretty introvert man. He is a careful hunter, and knows basic healing. His naughty humor is something, that gets everyone unprepared.
Dessielle, Elaven's cousin, who is also a monster hunter. She is more hot headed and easier to pull her weapon on someone. Her stubborn crow Arbane is her loyal companion. Yunadeldi, the half-dwarven hunter candidate, who still tries to find her place in the world, but her moral codex guides her to do everything to protect people. She plays the lute in her spare time, which turned her and Lyran into instant friends. The villains Akamratit, Sojan's and Arritit's father, who is a megalomaniac with the idea that demons should have won the interdimensional war thousands of years ago, and tasked himself with bringing the great time of demons upon the other dimensions, basically enslaving every non-demon. Twice he tried it, and lost, the second time because Sojan, his older brother Akejiin, and his mother Ranhirin stood up against him, but payed the price for it. He is not above killing his own children to succeed. Ren and Ram, the twin sisters, sister's of Sojan and Arritit, who share the same vision as their father. Their violent streak showed early, Arritit can tell long stories how of crazy her older sisters are. Ren and Ram have almost the same magic power as Arritit, which is why their father picked them to indoctrinate and use them.
No Rest for the Wicked Main characters: Sam, the devil himself, but calmed down. His hedonistic years long behind him, he enjoys the simple things in life, such as running a hotel imperium. His biggest task is to keep his angelic siblings under control, while they stay on earth. Besides this, he tries to change things for the better, using the rich folks need to appear philanthropic once a year to direct money where it is needed. Feena, actually Josephina, is a human woman, who got a bad luck from early age on and made herself believe no one will miss her anyway. She meets Sam while she is checking out her bucket lists of things to do before she dies, since she wants to commit suicide. She states, it is because of her chronic pain and her wish to die on her terms, but this is the lie she tells herself to not admit how depressed she is. Alexandra, right hand of Sam, they met when Alex tried to survive on the streets as a teenager after running away from a bad foster home. Fighting herself up to a college degree, she doesn't only play the tough woman. She knows how to get you down on your back in seconds and is not afraid to do it. Her loyalty to Sam is big, but knows borders, and she will call him out on his bullshit, if she thinks it is necessary. Important side characters: Rebecca, one of Sam's sisters, gifted with the power to heal. She us bubbly, sometimes acts before she thinks, but has a good heart and only wants to protect everyone. Anna, the youngest sister of Sam, appears to be an older teenager much to her dismay. She loves music and to play with Sam. Despite her young age, even for an angel, she often is the one with the single braincell left. The villain: Malekay, one of the angelic brothers, who always showed more violent streaks than anyone else. He came to earth with Sam, and thinks Sam owns him for the hotel imperium. His obsession with Sam became more and more an issue over the centuries and finally lead to Sam having to take Malekay's wings and turn him into a human. Sadly, this didn't stop him, and his revenge against Sam just started.
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solivcgant · 2 years
@knifvd​ thank you for always providing the angst even in 2k22(ಡ‸ಡ)
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 IT’S  ONE  OF  THOSE  NIGHTS  ;  dressed  to  the  t  in  white  dress  ,  perfect  ,  not  a  stain  from  the  party  ,  her  father  having  been  so  prone  to  throwing  them  ,  to  show  off  ,  be  philanthropic  ,  show  what  a  perfect  princess  of  a  daughter  he  has  ,  scrubbing  her  of  all  personality  she  has  left  .  booze  dances  on  her  tongue  (  he’s  tried  to  scrub  you  of  everything  ;  wash  the  sins  and  everything  left  of  you  that  sparkles  ,  placated  until  you’re  nothing  more  than  another  piece  of  clay  for  him  to  mold  .  but  you  were  born  fighter  ;  crimson  dripping  from  teeth  ,  rotting  and  attempting  to  burn  the  streak  marks  of  the  scrubbing  solution he  tried  to  drench  you  in  :  some  kind  of  plain  girl  with  not  a  thought  in  her  head  ) as  she  approaches  the  other  .  hands  are  still  wrapped  ,  still  HEALING  from  the  incident  that  had  happened  just  a  week  ago  ,  and  they  tremble  around  the  bottle  of  water  she  had  so  graciously  brought  with  her  to  his  place  .                  eyes  water  ,  burn  with  anger  and  sadness  that  she’s  spent  years  pushing  back  over  and  over  again  ,  flushed  cheeks  and  sniffles  surrounding  in  the  hallway  of  his  place  ,  and  when  the  door  opens  ,  eyes  look  up  towards  him  ;  almost  worshipping  at  the  idea  of  safety  so  plainly  in  front  of  her  . bottom  lip  trembles  and  bandaged  hands  find  themselves  wrapping  around  his  waist  ,  head  so  neatly  tucked  into  the  crook  of  his  neck  ,  “  eiji  ...  “ whine  that  turns  into  sobs  of  relief  while  being  in  his  arms  ,  the  familiar  feeling  of  his  fingers  threading  towards  her  hair  gently  ;  it  all  comes  crashing  down  ,  tears  streaming  down  her  face  as  she  pulls  him  closer  ,  as  if  afraid  he  might  disappear  if  she’s  not  too  careful  .  “  i  don’t  ...  i  can’t  ---  “              mc  to  pull  away  ,  just  for  a  moment  ,  cupping  cheeks  in  her  bandaged  hands  ;  booze  still  strong  on  her  breath  .   “  run  away  with  me  .  please  . “  voice  cracks  as  she  begs  , eyes  watering  as  she  searches  his  eyes  for  something  .  “ please  ,  @solivcgant   .  “
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he always HATED whenever mc left for party nights alone. it wasn't because he didn't trust her while all the potential suitors hovered around to get a chance with the heiress. after all, he KNEW better than anyone that she was out of his league. ( and her father would gladly remind him of this every time they met ) instead, it was because he felt POWERLESS when she came back looking lost and defeated. a stark contrast from the lively girl he joked with in his apartment just hours before. and hearing her cry as he held her only made his heart shatter more. 
he KNOWS she goes alone to prove that she’s capable enough to inherit her position without her father erasing her personality. and that she can also protect him and their fragile relationship from her father’s constant meddling. but he hated knowing he couldn’t do anything to help her when he promised to protect her.
               another CHILDISH promise made by a silly boy thinking he could do more.
as he looked into her eyes he couldn’t help but wonder if she would regret running away with him the next morning. he had no name or funds to solidify her position in the business world. she’d bear the brunt of all the jokes for dating someone BELOW her status. but he was confident that he could still make her happy. and wasn’t that the most important--? carefully placing his hands over hers, he gave them a gentle squeeze to remind her that he would ALWAYS be on her side if she’d allow him. 
“if we leave now, we can probably catch the last train out of the station..” maybe he was being IRRATIONAL and caught up in the moment with her, but he’ll provide her with the escape that she desperately needed. giving her bandaged hands one last gentle squeeze, he reluctantly let go and reached for the door knob to swing his door open. “do you need to grab anything from inside before we go?” 
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Please share any head canons you may have about Princess Geneviveve of the 12 Dancing Princesses
Sure! I’ll try to cover things I haven’t talked about before, but I apologize if I do end up repeating myself.
Genevieve (12 Dancing Princesses) Headcanons
 Her favorite color was pink, but she also really liked orange.
She enjoyed watching sunsets.
She played chess frequently, as well as other games of skill.
Genevieve could be ambitious and strategic.
This is odd, but she was like... a cat person with a dog person’s personality?
Despite being otherwise musically-inclined, she didn’t have much of a desire to learn to play any instruments.
Her favorite season was summer.
She felt as if she didn’t belong with the other older sisters (which as I mentioned in a previous post, was probably self-imposed. I digress).
She struggled with feeling inferior when she was younger, then grew up to make up for it with an extreme sense of self confidence.
Though many expected her to be, she wasn’t horribly materialistic. Yes, she liked nice things; but she preferred experiences over physical belongings in general.
Genevieve existed in that weird middle ground princesses can fall into, where she wasn’t formal enough for court society, and not grounded enough to relate to the general populace.
Part of Derek’s appeal to her was how he made her feel “normal”.
Both of them had to learn to separate each other’s real selves from the version they constructed in their heads. 
Genevieve quickly established that they were going to have a crash course in learning to communicate properly. They sort of had to make up for lost time.
She knew when to assert boundaries, especially if something made her uncomfortable.
She had an intense sense of family loyalty in her youth.
This loyalty was often blind, and she would defend her parent’s honor in times that didn’t call for it.
She was obsessed with the concept of honor (as if the royal family wasn’t already known for being eccentric at best, and incapable and dangerous at worst).
Genevieve threw ideas of what a princess should be to the wind.
She didn’t abide by court manners. She thought they weren’t important to prioritize, and her habit of being late stuck.
She honestly didn’t care about criticism or gossip.
This could be beneficial because her decisions weren’t easily influenced.
It could also be harmful, because stubbornness is not a useful trait for leaders that need to work with others.
Yeah... not the ideal person to be partners with in a group project.
She was well-meaning most of the time, with a self-righteous streak.
Her need to be the one to fix everyone’s problems/ be right all the time put her at odds with several people in her life.
Although I don’t necessarily think this is what she wanted, she surrounded herself with yes-men: people who would rather make her feel supported and comfortable than challenge her.
She did find comfort in filling maternal roles as she aged, whether this was through raising children of her own, or less involved endeavors.
She was passionate about spreading the joy of dancing as a cultural pursuit.
Many of her portraits and tapestries featured her dancing.
She associated dance very directly with happier times in her life.
She was prone to nostalgia.
She rarely cared about current trends and artistic movements. Her fashion and other choices were often reminiscent of her youth.
Her philanthropic endeavors often revolved around children.
She worried that she’d disappointed her own mother before she passed away, which led her to want to make up for it somehow.
She struggled slightly socially. She was so used to interacting with just the people inside the palace, anyone outside of her normal circle tended to throw her off her rhythm. She tried her best to adapt.
She struggled with the conflict between wanting to change for the better and being stuck in the past.
She would occasionally be struck by a lightning bolt of self-awareness, have a crisis about it, then be back to her normal, unchanged self in two to five business days.
She liked tarts and other foods that combined sweet and savory flavors.
She INTENTIONALLY brewed tea the wrong way to annoy her older sisters. It was either Water With a Hint of Leaf or The Most Bitter Beverage Ever Known.
She thought this was peak comedy. Maybe it was.
She would switch from being shy to openly brave. She eventually settled into her more daring self.
She couldn’t bear to dispose of worn out dancing shoes. She kept every pair in her bedroom chest, until she had to move them to some sort of larger display. She loved her shoes for the memories they were connected to, as well as the man who made them.
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