#phil lester stamp
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hi! dan and phil stamps/blinkies? ^_^ thank you!
hi 😊 here you go and for the blinkies, you can check with these accts (as long as their reqs are open)
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bestagons · 10 months ago
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What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 4 + Familect (article)
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demonqueenart · 10 months ago
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Guyyys he noticed meeeeee 😭😭😭
I just woke up and got a dan like. Wtf .
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anne20055 · 10 months ago
sorry this took so long but here’s phil
less quotes than dan
dan yaps phil disassociates
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redbusters · 1 year ago
those crazy bastards did it. they brought back dan and phil crafts
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astradyke · 8 months ago
Phil Lester, the romantic you are. (or, some of my favorite "Phil loving Dan" moments in the last few years ft. actual timestamps, since i'm not artsy enough for web-weaves yet)
❧ "Thanks Dan-" "Thank you... for tolerating my presence." "-for treating us with your presence." (What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 2, 20:50)
❧ The cooing at Dan's outfit at The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences Award event, including putting a hand over his heart. (ROASTING DAN'S 'FASHION', 11:11)
❧ The edited segment at the end of this video in which Phil does an additional promotion of Dan's book; "I've just seen how happy he's been since he's found all this stuff out..." (I TRY TO GIVE DAN A HAIRCUT!!, 19:10)
❧ "Oh look, we're together!" (Dan and Phil Chained Together, 12:40) -- volume warning for this one.
❧ Every time during this video in which Phil expresses excitement that his character is with Dan's again, or stress that him and Dan will be separated (Dan and Phil are Getting Divorced - It Takes Two #1, non-exhaustive list of timestamps 17:50, 22:20)
❧ “Here’s where that’s fine. I would shape-shift into you, you would shape-shift into me… no, we know each other so well, it wouldn’t be that different." (Phil Pushes Dan's Button for 18 Minutes, 10:47)
"op you forgot-" a lot of these are just recent clips i've mentioned in the past since i was asked to give time-stamps, but please add more in notes! i know most folks know these but in case anyone doesn't :3 (honorary mention both mukbangs & every baking video)
BONUS: my personal "roman empire", AKA a selection of pictures Phil's taken of Dan that I think are particularly loud -- warning in advance these do not have IDs but when i get a chance i can add them into an RB! all under cut <3
EXTRA BONUS: i made a post compiling some of my favorite pictures of Phil wearing the "We're All Doomed" merch hat because this is something i think about a lot too. these have IDs! my actual post isn't important i just didn't want to recopy over the pictures.
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phil lester loving via photography in a very non-exhaustive list because it's not like this has been his birthday tradition or anything... i hate romance. <3
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pjsforestkid · 5 years ago
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Phil quotes that send me to another dimension (18/?)
cushion stack
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proxyflare · 8 years ago
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bertie-renard · 8 years ago
That wasn't how I thought I'd see Phil Lester shirtless but boy was it wild
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bestagons · 10 months ago
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What do I do??
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callusteamphan · 8 years ago
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Screenshots from the DanandPhilCrafts “Potato Stamps” video
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east-of-novel · 8 years ago
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||DanandPhilCrafts Quotes ||
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sleepyblxr · 8 years ago
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this was way too fun to draw @amazingphil @danisnotonfire
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majimedan-blog · 8 years ago
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ahappydnp · 6 years ago
Q&A thoughts
I typed as I watched so they are incoherent at best :)
Lots of yelling *am old*
OH SHIT THERE HE IS. Ripped jeans. Am dead. he PRETTY
Already a British/American joke
He’s so charming ;__;
Tony discourse 4 minutes in. Bingo stamp
Of COURSE he bought an expensive ass feeder
Merch #spon Bingo stamp
Vase talk
YouTube Dinosaur. Bingo stamp
Favorite video? Literally no answer… Phil…
Coming out (did not expect that)- didn’t want to share too much of private life. Now is the right time <3
-So much screaming-
Best Vidcon- first one. An actual real answer? Interesting!
Oh god, of course he’s into Anthony 🙄 You’ve already got the original
He’s so cute I’m gonna die
Sayfiya <3333 YESS
Instagram feed- slime and soap carving. Getting into the AP safe zone
Most fun video- Tour of my brain. :)) yes! Such a good video!Creative phil!
Coming out ;__; he’s proud <3
Dan mention #1
How did it feel after?- He appreciated the reactions and it made him happy :)
England question -___- cmon.
He somehow made it charming? How?
Advice for future Youtuber question that literally everyone’s heard. Generic answer. It’s fine. I appreciate him talking about creativity. Making a difference to one human :)) we get it, the youths ™️ want to be famous
Something that he hopes never changes- He does not give a SHIT about this question
Balancing- not uploading as much as everyone. Not worrying if somethings not on your channel. There’s always something going on 👀
New projects!! BEECH!!! EXCUSE ME?!?! A script?!?! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK YES!!
Dream project- Did Phil fucking Lester just make a robot phil joke?!?!? My fourth wall!
Big Movie ;__; creations from my brain made from other people :))
Looking at community content-Please no.
He likes phan art (shout out to all the lovely artist<3).
He GETS it! Oh god, yes. Yes, its not for him. Thank you. I love him
Dogbaiting- corgi. Bingo
He’s fully dogbaiting right now.
Did anyone add breeding talk? Cause that should have been a bingo card.
He wants to give the usernames a shout out ;__; he specifically asked because he knew people cared
Sock content- waffles Bingo stamp
“Phils waffles” (I’d buy it)
Awkward interactions (bingo stamp) - sitting on the train. Lady rubbing his leg is asleep. Boyfriend wanted to FITE (he hates the hets)
He’s got back sweat. Hot.
Stranger Things (bingo card #7). He’s only on episode 3?? WOT?? They don’t binge?
Candy (bingo stamp)
Did he almost mention his age? Did he almost acknowledge he was an adult?
Creative Block- talk to someone. Going for a walk.
Dan mention #2
Tour (bingo stamp)- warm fuzzy feeling :) he genuinely liked the tour
DVD spon
Wanted to quit?- the car insurance advert. Don’t shame bb phil!
This was actually a genuine answer? I’m surprised! Go phil!
Have I mentioned how charming he is?
Social Anxiety- He doesnt wanna give unqualified advice. He’s keeping it safe and saying the same thing he did in ii and the AP videos. I can respect that. He doesnt want to pretend he has the answers, and I like that he’s not pretending to be a professional
Gaming Channel??? Hiatus- dan wanted to take a break. Have a pause and think about the future. “We haven’t sat down and thought about it.”
“people like watching me and dan doing things together” Bitch.
It might come back as something else?? We haven’t properly sat down to talk about it.
Try new things with Dan
He doesn't know
He saw a pig
Tie Die Frappuccino mention! (Keelin Bingo stamp). Stop stalking me Phil
Generic life advice. He’s trying.
Very shy teenager. Saying really weird things that came to his head
Guilty pleasure- cooking videos. (Me too phil!)
Brownies! (We have that recipe in our cookbook! My bf is obsessed)
Favorite merch?- candle (where’s mine beech?!?! Still waiting!)
“Perfect Phil smell”- thinking pure thoughts… mhmmm
Essence of me- Phil bath water coming soon! (I’d buy it)
Favorite tour moments- New Zealand! Rolling hills! He wants to go back :)
Living on the bus- living with 20 people. He misses the crew and genuinely liked them :)
Vegas trip (Bingo stamp). He doesnt wanna talk about going to Vegas hahah he shut that down real quick
What inspires you- other people and what they’re creating. Consuming creative people :) PJ! Yes!
JENNAAA!!!! YES BEEECCHH!!!! FUCK!!! I’m so happy!!!!
House decorating shows ( 👀 🤔 )
He watched it with his parents (Kath <333)
Mental Health and Social Media- every time he says “that’s a thing”, hes not into the topic.
He’s not trying to see beautiful people (bitch have you seen a mirror??)
Not into political stuff/ negative space
He likes twitter
He says no one calls him when we know he has weekly calls with Kath- smh we know you’re a mamas boy
Airport fails- phil austrialian accent (precious). Wash bag on the wing. Hahah omg! “Did someone yeet their toothbrush?”
Delayed for 2 hours.
They found it funny (dorks)
He’s legit funny and I love him <3
Hike (bingo stamp)
Dan mention #3
He’s pale (bingo stamp)
Tiny dogs (bingo stamp)
(Y’all are on it today. Called it!)
He’s most proud of the tours :) the DVD.
Kath cried :’))
He likes his fans (bingo stamp)
How much money is in your wallet? $42 (you know damn well what we meant)
He’s rating dogs
TikTok? Am old.
Bryony made him download it
RIP Vine
That was enough for her. :( no more Kath
She would make a great youtuber (yes, she would)
Collab he wants to do- Safiya, JENNA!!!!!!
Ever filmed a video but not uploaded?-Personality test
Im going to shit. He didn’t upload the MBTI because it was “boring”
He’s an INFP. People don’t know shit about shit. I wanna hear more!
*cries in psychology degrees*
Benedict Cumberbatch would play him in a movie
Cheekbones. Thank you for acknowledging your own hotness
“There is never too much candy” (you really made me type that huh?)
Dancing- he’s not gonna dance
TATINOF dance was enough (poor uncoordinated bb)
He submitted a pitch and it got rejected :( give me their address, I just wanna talk.
In conclusion, he pretty and charming and kind and thoughtful and wonderful and amazing
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1010meha · 8 years ago
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I'm suing Dan and Phil bc I cut my finger making this. fuck those guys
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