#phew this was long but really fun to answer actually
fatuismooches · 8 months
And... that's it! Kabukimono's "The Puppet's Lessons" series is over! Phew, that was a long journey. A total of 20.7k words and 49 pages on my Google Docs. June 6 to November 3rd... wow i am a slow writer 😍 He's very thankful for all the things you've taught him! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, it was a pleasure to write. Seeing all of your comments and reblogs made me incredibly happy, i am overjoyed you all loved it that much, it was all worth it ❤️ (Also is this a sign for me to start writing angst more?? I'm genuinely blown away by how much comments the last few lessons got, like shit y'all want me to make you sad?? 😭)
Though, I hope I didn't focus too much on other characters outside of Scara and you. I just find writing about how other characters view you a very interesting and fun thing to do. Specifically Traveler lol. And Nahida, with Scara’s and Dottore’s partner. Scara because you’re dating her nephew… she gotta know you! Dottore because even though she wouldn’t like either of you, she can’t help but want to study you since it’s fascinating to her that someone has the capacity to love Dottore and that Dottore has the capacity to genuinely love. Ei and Yae's thoughts on you would also be interesting. And i hope it didn't get too lore-ish? I'm not sure if people find incorporating lore boring but yea lmao.
And now that the Kabukimono series is over, I kind of want to start a new one. Initially I was thinking of a single drabble thingy regarding the message of “Dottore knows he’s a monster but when he’s with you, he feels more human than he wants to admit” and I was like, that can apply to all of them, so maybe I can make the series of them realizing you’re the reason why they have some ounces of humanity left. I don't actually know what I would write but it's something 😅
I've also contemplated doing a series with Akademiya Zandik but i have no new ideas and I've talked about him way too much lmao. He's in time out for a bit. If you have potential series ideas for one character or all the harbingers I’d love to hear them 😊 (please give me ideas. 😛😛)
Now, I return back to my Dottore fic (which is now 16k+ words, with no end in sight <3) (Also, if you thought the Kabukimono series was sad, wait until you read the ending of this fic, hahahahahaha- the urge to drop the snippet is so much but i can't spoil this. nope. I also will have to end up splitting the fic into parts though because i know no one is gonna sit here and read through all of that.)
Also i sincerely apologize for not answering asks for a while, I'm just trying to make time for my college assignments, my job, personal life, and also finding time to write actual fics too sooo I'm really sorry 😭(This got way too long.)
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izumi-fanclub · 1 year
A3! Translation: Chikage Utsuki SSR Card “Wizard of Death” [ The Western, Northern Wizards and the Ruler of Darkness ]
Citron and Itaru are up to something again and they pull in Chikage to join in their antics.
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Part 1
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Izumi Chikage-san, should I prepare dinner for you tonight? Chikage Sure, I’m headed out after this but I’ll be back by evening. I’ll be here for dinner. Itaru Then, that means you’ll be back pretty early today, huh… Citron It looks like everyone is here! Izumi Huh? Citron-kun, isn’t that the script for “The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz”? Citron That it is! Itaru “The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz” well, isn’t that just nostalgic. Chikage It hasn’t been that long since I last starred in a play. Izumi But, why do you have the script on you? Citron I have felt like reading up on our past scripts just now. Then I recalled how fun it was to play the role of the Wizard of the North in the play. So, I was itching to play the role again and convincing people to join me! Chikage That explains it. Itaru Can’t deny that it was pretty fun being a wizard. Citron Reading the script now, I think about how I could have moved differently during this line. Chikage I get it, I did what I could back then, but now that I got more experience, I’m sure I can execute it better. Izumi I also have stuff I wish I’ve done better, like the staging. Itaru Now that we’re talking about it, I kinda wanna play the Wizard of the West… Citron Oh! I have finally dragged someone to act with! Itaru, do an etude with me! Itaru No problemo. Citron Chikage as well!? Chikage Sorry to disappoint, I was just on my way out. Citron Oh, how unfortunate! Then, it will be Itaru and I against the world! Let us make haste! Chikage I’ll take that as my cue to leave too. Izumi Take care, everyone!
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Itaru …Phew, that’s enough etudes outta me. Citron, let’s take a break. Citron Gotcha, a break it is! Itaru Still though, it’s fun playing the villain-like Wizard of the West. Citron I as well, I like the kind and worrywart Wizard of the North that believed in Oz. It is fun to play them! Kazunari Otsupiko! Itaroon, you got a sec~? Ronron, you’re here too! Itaru What’s up? Kazunari You good with helping me out with some art paper for uni? Citron Fart vapor! Kazunari So close! It is a paper☆ Itaru Art paper… That’s perfect, actually. Kazunari Perfect how? Citron You just gave us an idea! Itaru Exactly.
Part 2
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Itaru Director-san, do we have any red pens or paint? Izumi Red coloring materials…? Probably in the storage room. But, doesn’t Kazunari-kun have any paints? Itaru Oh right, I’ll go ask him about it. By the way, can you give me the go to use some pens from the storage room? Izumi All good. Citron Also, please let us use the light and smoke machine as well. Izumi Huh, smoke machine? Sure, but what for? Citron It is a secret! Itaru If Citron says so, then it’s a secret. Citron Itaru, let us go to the storage room right away! Itaru Omw. Izumi (What in the world are those two up to?)
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Chikage … (I’m already in front of our room, but I have a feeling that something bad is gonna happen if I open it.) (Now, what to do…) (For now, I’ll have dinner first. Director-san must be preparing it right now.) Citron Chikage, what is up? Chikage Nah, nothing much really. Citron Just now, you have tried to run away! Chikage No way, I would never. Citron My eyes do not deceive me! *Citron grabs Chikage, to his surprise* Citron Chikage, you have nowhere to run! I got you now! Chikage Wait… *Chikage gets dragged by Citron*
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Chikage This is… (A magic circle and smoke machine…? …My hunch was pretty much right on the nose.) Itaru “‘O infamous one who eats away at nations, answer my call of resurrection and come forth before me.” Citron “Halt, Wizard of the West!” Itaru “I summon you… Grosser Zatan!” Citron Stand over here, Chikage. Chikage You mean on this magic circle…? Itaru “The summoning is a success! Now the land will bow before me.” Chikage (I feel Chigasaki’s line of sight on me…) (I see… I’ve been summoned by the Wizard of the West as the one to take over the nation.) (Looks like I’ll have to go along with this…)
Part 3
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Citron “Aah… It is too late… The Wizard of the West has manifested upon us a being of undeniable evil.” Itaru “Grosser Zatan, from here on out, you will assist me in ruling this land for the taking.” Chikage No can do. Citron “Wizard of the West, and Grosser Zatan, you shall not torment this land and its people any longer!” Chikage (The illusion of free will. I got no choice.) (Guess I’ll just go with these two’s etude and get it over with.) Sigh… “That is correct. I am who they call Grosser Zatan. Who dares summon me?” Itaru “It is I, yes. Lend me your strength, and we shall be the rulers of this nation.” Citron “Not as long as I am around! Grosser Zatan, return to the magic circle!” Chikage “I decide what I am to do with my power. I will not let mere wizards dictate my actions.” “Wizard of the West, for my power, what do you offer me in return?” Itaru “Fuu… It appears that you won’t help out for free.” “How interesting, that’s the Great Lord of Darkness Grosser Zatan for you.” “Very well. In exchange for your power, I offer up my soul!” Citron “You’ll not only destroy the country, but yourself if you continue on with this!” Itaru “Would love nothing more.” Citron “Wizard of the West!” Chikage “Your soul, huh… not bad at all. I might consider this deal…” Itaru Ah… Chikage …? Citron Director!? Chikage Ahh, in the flesh. How long have you been here, Director-san? Izumi Umm, I’m sorry for interrupting! I thought you heard me knock. Itaru I didn’t notice at all… Chikage Don’t worry about it. I’m glad you came actually. Izumi Eh, how come? Chikage If Director-san hadn’t come, I probably would have stayed as a summoned entity for a while.
[ Option 1: Summoned…? ]
Izumi Summoned…? Chikage Yup, I’m talking about this over here. Director-san really is a savior, if it weren’t for you I would have destroyed the nation. Izumi I… I see…?
[ Option 2: I would have wanted to see more ]
Izumi I would’ve wanted to see more. Chikage In the middle of this full-blown etude? Izumi I’m kind of edged to see whether Grosser Zatan will destroy the land or not. Chikage … Director-san, since what point were you watching from? Izumi Hehe, it’s a secret. Chikage A secret… Sigh.
Izumi The etude looked like a lotta fun though! Citron It was a lot of fun! Izumi So this is what the red pens and smoke machine were for. Itaru Sets the mood, doesn’t it? Izumi The atmosphere is perfect! I was shocked when I opened the door. I thought I just opened a portal a magical world… Chikage You’re not that far off. Izumi You know, Chikage-san pulls off such villainous roles so well. I should try talking Tsuzuru-kun into getting you in a role like that next time. Itaru He doesn’t even need to act. Chikage In exchange for giving you power, shall I wipe your face off this land? Itaru I’ll pass. Citron Join in on us, Director! Itaru Come on, let’s do it Director-san. Izumi Huh, me too!? Chikage Wait a second, you came here for something, right, Director-san? Izumi Ah, that’s right! I finished preparing Chikage-san’s meal and I wondered what was up since you weren’t in sight. That’s why I came to check up on you. Chikage Oh yeah, I asked you to warm it up. I’ll go and have dinner then. Izumi But aren’t you in the middle of an etude? Chikage The food will get cold so that’s it for the etude for now. I can just have another etude with Chigasaki and Citron any other time, so it’ll be fine. Itaru Eh, weren’t we just getting started though? Citron Are we already finished with the etude!? It is too soon~!
Story Clear!
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lolitaa-17 · 1 year
“The other women…”
This is my first blog so please don’t make fun of me I’m begging lol. Also I’m a die hard fan for Angsty shit so here’s a Jean angst!
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You and Jean have been friends for as long as you can remember. He was always there for you and you were always there for him. It all started changing though after he met her. The distance between you and him was starting to get noticeable, so you decided to invite him over for a movie night and catch up on life.
You constantly kept checking your phone every phew 10 minutes just in case some emergency had occurred. But nothing. Soon 2 hours passed, it was now 11pm. You dial his number to make sure he’s alright.
“Hello?” You hear his soft deep voice on the other line.
“Jean are you alright?” You question.
“Um yeah why?” He blankly answered.
“Oh nothing. Where are you?”
“I just left the get together at Mikasa’s” you could hear his car door shut on the other line.
“Jean you forgot?” You started getting sensitive after you heard her name once again.
“Shit. That was today?”
You scoffed “You knew damn well it was today!” Slightly raising your voice.
“Can you stop this already?” He asked.
“Stop what?”
“Stop acting like you’re my girlfriend, as if I have to move everything aside just to go watch some fucking movies with you. I’m literally over here trying to get the girl I’m in love with and it’s like you’re cockblocking!” He confesses.
Thank god he couldn’t see you right now. You were a crying mess. You really did love him…a little too much. Yes, you managed to gain feelings and the thought of Jean giving the attention you wanted to another girl broke you.
“I’m sorry-“ before you could utter another word the call ended. He ended the call.
You accepted it. You accepted the fact that you were the other women and that he would never give you the attention you silently yearned for.
A couple months passed by.
You got over the fact that you and Jean were no longer the inseparable best friends you used to be. You knew you had to move on eventually.
You admire the beautiful nature around you as your sundress flowed with the wind.
“Here put this flower in your hair it’ll make you look ever prettier”
Reiner…he was perfect. You genuinely thought that what happened with you and Jean was for the best. It helped you open your eyes and realize there are more fish in the sea. But Reiner was a special one. He was like you, he yearned for love and affection and you both helped each other with filling that void. Although you two aren’t official yet, it pretty much felt like you guys were.
“Would it?” You ask him.
“Of course it would. Look at you” he says grabbing your hand and signaling you to do a little twirl for him.
You two continued walking around the park when suddenly you heard a familiar voice call out.
“Y/n? Is that you?”
You turn around and see him…Jean. He looked pretty shitty. His hair was unkept, his tie wasn’t even tied. He looked as if he was running late to work.
“Jean?” Reiner tensed up hearing the familiar name.
Jean looked over at Reiner and sent a small smile “Mind if I talk to her for a second?”
“Be my guest.” Reiner said.
“Jean I-“
“I’m sorry. I fucked up our friendship over some girl that never even liked me back and I was so fucking blinded I didn’t even realize you..you were the one for me. He says placing both his hands on each side of your cheeks.
“Jean please get off me.” You say softly pushing his hand away.
“Connie told me everything y/n, he told me how you really felt for me! Why didn’t you fucking tell me!” He says tearing up.
“Because nothing would’ve changed Jean.”
“Please we can start over…I’ll come over every night. We can watch our favorite movies together. Like the old times. Remember?” He was basically begging at this point.
“Jean…I don’t love you anymore” you knew it broke him by the look of his face.
“Jean I have someone who actually cares and puts his time and effort into seeing me. I’m not just gonna leave what I have with this amazing man just because you’re sad of something that you did months ago.”
“So can you stop?” You ask him the same way he did to you.
“Stop what y/n”
“Stop acting as if you ever even loved me. It was all one sided. I was just the other women.”
“So get over it already.”
Reiner noticed that you were getting pretty furious so he makes his way towards you guys.
“You okay babe?” He asked.
you smiled. He did that to show Jean you were no longer available.
“I’m fine. Let’s go”
Jean just sat there with regret and guilt flooding through his body. If only he never distanced himself from you or break up the friendship that was worth everything to you. He admired you once more. The way your dress flowed with the wind and how you were infatuated with your new lover and he thought to himself how that could’ve been him. But no, not anymore and probably not ever.
The end
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sorry if I made any mistakes again this is my first blog and shit so don’t judge. I really do hope you guys enjoyed it!
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla Maniac [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Carla: ーー I believe we should rest up here for the night. 
Kino. Tell everyone to set up their camps. 
Kino: Okay!
Got it, guys? We’ll be spending the night in this forest. 
*Clap clap* 
Kino: Let’s have dinner first. Come on, get everything ready.
Female Ghoul A: Okay! Wah~ This is kind of exciting!
It’s our time ever eating out! And it’s with everyone together too!
Female Ghoul B: Exactly. I would have never dreamt we’d get to all leave Rotigenberg together one day.
Female Ghoul C: I’m still a little worried as well...
Female Ghoul A: But you know, it feels incredibly liberating, doesn’t it? 
Yui: ( The Ghouls are quite worked up, it seems. )
( They appear to have some concerns left, but I can tell they’re all having fun as well. )
( Carla-san’s suggestion might actually turn out to be a really good thing for them as well... )
Male Ghoul A: Excuse me, Founder King. There’s something I’d like to ask, may I?
Male Ghoul B: Oi, lay it off! It’d be rude for one of us Ghouls to try and talk to a King, no? 
Carla: No, I do no mind. Ask me anything you want. 
I shall give you all the answers I know.
Male Ghoul A: Oi, did you hear that just now? 
Male Ghoul B: Yeah, I did! The Founder King must be a pretty generous man!
Male Ghoul A: For real. I really am glad that we decided to come with him...
Carla: So, what is your question? 
Male Ghoul A: Ah, my bad! It’s actually about this place called Banmaden...
Yui: ( ...Carla-san is being very kind to the Ghouls. )
( Seems like they’re slowly but surely warming up to him as well. )
Female Ghoul A: I think I’ll go talk with the Founder King as well. 
Female Ghoul B: I thought he was a little scary at first, but then I felt very much relieved when I found out how broad-minded he truly is. 
Female Ghoul C: I agree. I doubt it is easy to forgive someone for stabbing you. He is truly an example for us all.
Yui: ( Fufu. Yes, Carla-san truly is a formidable King. )
Kino: ( ...Carla, that guy. He’s totally acting like their King already. )
( The Ghouls work for me, remember? Yet he’s treating them like they’re his people... )
ー He observes Carla from afar
Kino: ( ...Just you watch, Mr. Founder. I won’t let your plans succeed. )
Yui: ( Huh? Kino-kun...He’s watching Carla-san intently? )
ー Kino walks away
Yui: ( He left. )
Carla: ...Good grief. 
Yui: ...? Carla-san, what’s wrong? 
Carla: ーー No.
Yui: Don’t tell me, are you feeling sick from walking so much...?
Carla: Hah. You are worried about that again, aren’t you?
That is not the case. ...Oh how easy it’d be if it was simply thatーー
Yui: Yes?
Carla: Either way, I feel physically fine. Do not worry about that. 
Yui: Yes, I understand.
( Oh no. If I worry too much, I’ll put extra pressure on him. I have to be careful. )
Yui: Phew...
( I’ve gotten a little sleepy after having my fill of dinner... )
Carla: ...Heh. Seems like you are more exhausted than I am.
Yui: Ah...I-I’m sorry!
Carla: No, it is nothing to apologize for. You are not the only one.
The Ghouls must be rather worn out as well, since they are not used to making long trips.
Oi, where is Kino?
ー Kino walks up to them
Kino: I’m right here. Is something wrong? 
Carla: I believe it would be best if the Ghouls go to bed early tonight. I believe they must be tired. 
Kino: I guess you’re right. It’s their first ever trip, so we can’t blame them.
Carla: I believe it would be best to go to bed early and then continue our journey early in the morning. 
Kino: Yeah, gotcha. I’ll let them know. 
Carla: I am counting on you. 
ー Kino walks away again
Carla: Shin.
Shin: Yes, Nii-san?
Carla: I told the Ghouls to hit the hay early. You should help them set everything up.
Shin: Roger.
Yui: I’ll help out Shin-kun as well!
Carla: No need.
Yui: Eh...? But...
Carla: You go get us a blanket for two.
Once you’re ready, rest up. I’ll let you borrow my shoulder.
Yui: ...Y-Yes!
( To think I get to sleep outside next to Carla-san. Fufu...I’m kind of happy. )
Kino: Hey, Yuuri. Come here.
Yuuri: Yes?
ー They move somewhere else
Kino: ...There’s nobody here. But lend me your ear, just in case? 
Yuuri: ...Yes.
Kino: The Vibora’s territory in this forest.
You know how they’re really protective of their own territory, right? So it’s incredibly easy to upset them.
If we launch a surprise attack...They might just retaliate and get rid of those Founders for us?
Yuuri: I see. That is an excellent plan. In that case, I shall go. 
Kino: Fufu, I’m counting on you, Yuuri. 
*Caw caw caw* 
Kino: If we set the Vibora after them, we won’t need to get blood on our hands ourselves. Fufu, a genius idea if I may so myself.
Yui: Zz, zz...
Carla: ...
Carla: ...!
...This is... ...!!
Carla: Oi, Yui! Wake up! You have to wake up!
Yui: ...Eh? Carla-san...?
Carla: Hurry up and go wake up the Ghouls. We must have the women and children evacuate at once.
Yui: ...!? Evacuate? What on earthーー
Carla: This place will be attacked. By the Vibora, most likely. I can sense their presence. 
Yui: Ugh...
( Why would the Vibora...!? )
Carla: Extinguish the fire so it will be harder for them to locate us. 
I also remember we passed by a cave shortly before arriving here.
Yui: Ah, yes.
Carla: You head towards that cave. Escort the Ghoul women and children over there. ーー Can you do that?
Yui: ...Yes!
Carla: Make haste! ーー Oi, Shin! Shin, wake up!!
Yui: This way, everyone! We have to hurry to the cave!!
Just as Carla-san had told me,
I extinguished all of the fires,
using only a small candle in my hand,
to take the Ghoul women and children,
to the cave. 
I would have loved,
to get Kino-san and Yuuri-san to help me,
but I could not spot them anywhereーー
Carla: ...So it is the Vibora Clan after all. Sure, their territory might be in this forest, but still...
Shin: So we accidentally invaded their territory? In that case, this could get incredibly sticky...
Carla: No. I led the way to Banmaden. I would never make such a big blunder.
However, I doubt they would come to attack us recklessly if it was not for their territory being invadedーー
...Whatever. For now, we should focus on dispelling them. Let us go, Shin!
Shin: Roger!
Vibora A: Uaaaah...!!
Carla: That was the last one. However, the Vibora are known for being highly persistent. I can only imagine they will send their next troop momentarily...
Male Ghoul A: The Founder King...He’s so strong...
Male Ghoul B: You’re right. He defeated those Vibora in the blink of an eye...
Carla: Shin. Go and get everyone from the cave. We should hurry up and get a move on.
Shin: Gotcha!
Shin: Nii-san, I brought them with me!
Yui: Carla-san!
Carla: Yui, you were safe. 
Yui: Yes. Everyone is unharmed.
Carla: Heh. Well done. ...However, this is where things get serious.
They will not give up after one attack. 
While we prepare for the next assault, I want you to continue being in charge of the women and children. 
We shall reach Banmaden without anyone getting injured. ーー Understood? 
Yui: ...Yes!
Just as Carla-san predicted,
the Vibora’s assaults continued. 
With the help of the Familiars,
Carla-san and Shin-kun continued to fend them off,
as we made our way forward. 
Even though the Ghouls were terribly scared at first,
but perhaps it was through witnessing Carla-san and the others’ strength,
by seeing them in action,
but they would calmly walk forward. 
ーー And so we succeeded,
at getting away from the Vibora’s troops,
and somehow safely reached Banmaden. 
Kino: Che. What’s going on? How come he evaded the ambush with little effort!? 
Yuuri: Either way, I think we have to admit that Carla-san is truly fit to be a King. That was an excellent performance on his part.
I believe he will be a tricky opponent if we were to make him our enemy. 
Kino: Hah! No kidding! But even so, he’s not untouchable. 
It all depends on how we go about it, right? I just have to outsmart him. 
Just watch, Yuuri. I’ll turn the tables on him. 
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Banmaden
Yui: Haah, we made it...
( I truly feel relieved to see Banmaden... )
Carla: Well done reaching this place unscathed, Ghouls.
This is Banmaden. Your safety is secured. 
My younger brother Shin will shortly escort you to your own rooms. Get some rest first.
Female Founder C: Founder King, thank you so much...!
Male Founder C: We are truly grateful to you for protecting us!
ー The Ghouls cheer
Yui: Wow...The Ghouls are praising him one after the other.
Shin: Well, if they finally understand just how amazing Nii-san truly is, I guess that’s all what matters? 
Okay guys! We’re gonna go to you guys to your dormitory (1) now! Follow me!
ー Shin escorts the Ghouls away
Yui: Ah, I’ll help out as well!
ー Yui follows them
ー The scene shifts to the saloon
*Cling cling* 
Yui: ( We can finally sit back and have a relaxing meal...Just that is enough to put me at ease. )
Carla: Anyway, great work, both of you. 
Shin. How are the Ghouls doing? 
Shin: They’re fine. I made it so they can sustain themselves, just like you asked.
Carla: I see. Yui, How about the women and children? 
Yui: They were calmer than I would have expected and even seemed to be enjoying themselves. I don’t think we have anything to worry about.
Carla: I understand. Which means there aren’t any pressing issues for the moment. 
Shin: Anyway, Kino and...Yuuri, was it?
They arrived to the dormitory a little late. Apparently they got separated from us, but managed to make it here unscathed or something like that.
Carla: Hm. ...I see.
Shin: But this means step one has been cleared, right? Hahー I feel relaxed to be back at my own Castle. 
By the way, Nii-san, what are you going to do next?
Carla: First we make it so the Ghouls can be used as fighting force. 
Shin, I would like to leave you in charge of training the men to become soldiers. 
Shin: Hmー I mean, I’m pretty good at that sorta stuff, so I don’t mind. 
Carla: However, we will need Kino’s cooperation if we wish to use the Ghouls. Keep that in mind.
Shin: ...Kino, huh? But you know, I just don’t think that guy can be trusted, you see? 
Even this whole story about getting separated from us earlier, it smells fishy, don’t you think? 
Carla: I agree that he most likely has some kind of ulterior motive. 
However, we must not underestimate his power. While the Ghouls have started to trust us quite a bit.
They were originally under Kino’s command. I believe that it will play in our advantage if we side with him. 
Shin: You might not be wrong but...Why do we have to work together with some Vampire?
Yui: ( I’ve been feeling relieved ever since we made it back to Banmaden. But things have only just begun, haven’t they...? )
ー The scene shifts to Carla’s room
Yui: Today was tiring, wasn’t it? You should probably head to bed earーー
Carla: Yui, come here. 
Yui: Yes...?
ー She steps closer
Carla: ーー Lend me your lap for a bit.
Yui: ...Sure.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“When we’re like this, I feel relaxed inside. I suppose it’s because of you. ...Heh. I have changed quite a bit.”
“I can only rest for a short while. That is why is greatly value these moments we spend together.”
Carla: ...Hmph. Laying in your lap is more relaxing than I thought.
Yui: Fufu. I’m happy if that’s the case.
Carla: Are you not tired as well? 
Yui: No, I’m fine. Although I’m a little surprised by everything which went down. 
Carla: Well, I can imagine. However, now that the ball has started rolling, we can no longer go back. 
Yui: ...
Carla: Either way, we must make sure that the Ghouls quickly get used to their new life here.
Yui: Right. But I feel like they trust you quite a bit already.
I hope they can truly become our allies...
Carla: Yes. ...To be honest, I was a little unsure at first.
However, surely but slowly, they are starting to understand us. I believe this plan will go well.
Yui: ...
Carla: What’s wrong?
Yui: Nothing...I was just surprised to hear that you also have worries sometimes.
Because to me, you always seemed to acting full of confidence. 
Carla: Heh. ...Keep what I said just now to yourself. 
Yui: ...Yes. I understand.
( A small secret...But I’m really happy about that. )
Carla: What are you laughing for? 
Yui: Nothing...
Carla: Heh...Do you truly think you can keep secrets from me? 
Yui: Ahーー
ー He pins her down
Yui: ( Even though he was resting his head on my lap just now. )
( Right now he’s bent over me, staring at me intently. )
Carla: Well then, I suppose I shall take my sweet time to make you spill the beans.
ー The scene shifts to the garden of Banmaden
Kino: Hah. So this is Banmaden, huh? It really is an impressive place, no matter how many times I look at it. 
...I really should claim it as mine sooner rather than later.
Even these flowers which are blooming beautifully right now...
ー He crushes one of them in the palm of his hand
Kino: ...are fated to eventually wither, you see.
Well then. How to go about this...?
Translation notes
(1) The game refers to the place as 居住区 or ‘kyojuu-ku’ which can be translated as ‘residential area’. However, since they’re inside a castle, I can’t imagine it’s as big as an actual residential area, so I will be referring to it as a dormitory for now.
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sciderman · 1 year
Do you have any pointers/tips or resources for someone who's looking to make an ask blog like ask-spiderpool? I'm considering doing one for a different fandom and am having a hard time finding, like, tips and advice.
oh bless you anon! you'll have your work cut out for you! phew... i... honestly, i'd say keep your expectations kind of low, and your scope kind of small. think about if the ask-blog format is right for you - if you're planning a big storyline, consider that it might work better as a fanfiction or webcomic.
the ask-blog economy is kind of in shambles - it's a bit of a miracle that ask-spiderpool is still kicking. so - manage your expectations. asks might be a little slow-going.
i'd kind of always wanted to create an ask-blog, and i actually had a couple of false-starts with other fandoms and characters that i didn't stick with because... i wasn't excited enough about the character, maybe? or maybe the asks didn't come in (you'll find that'll happen a lot) - but i think ask-spiderpool just - tickled the itch. i think the thing that makes it fun to write is that wade and peter don't only have the asks to bounce off of - they have each other to bounce off of, too. it helps that their dialogue is so fun to write, all the time. it helps that i love them as characters, and want to open them up and see how they tick. and - huge motivational factor - it helps that they constantly have to grow and evolve. they're not static, and they're not perfect. that's kind of all the factors i needed for ask-spiderpool to be so long-running, and eat up so much of my brain.
i hope it goes well for you anon! there's no other advice i can think of, really, but if you have any more specific questions i might be able to answer about the process, shoot them my way!
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[Note]: The call and moments accompany Victor’s Trend Date. Do remember to read the date first! ♡
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
✧ [CALL] ✧
Victor: Just saw the message you sent, why did you get off work early today?
MC: Because I was mainly busy with the HR department today, working on the new activities. So, called it a day when it was done.
MC: By the way, Victor, I’m going to ask you a question, and you have to answer it seriously.
Victor: What test did you see on the internet again?
MC: Not an online test. It’s a serious question!
MC: I just want to ask you, what’s your impression of me? If you had to use a few words to describe me…
MC: You have 30 seconds to contemplate it.
Victor: Sometimes slow, sometimes surprisingly smart, although silly most of the time, yet always brings surprises.
Victor: Mm… the cute kind of dummy.
MC: Phew, I can relax then…
Victor: What were you worried about?
MC: Wasn’t I saying the company was doing an induction session for new employees today? During the ice-breaking session, HR asked them to describe their impressions of me.
MC: Guess what they wrote? “Doesn’t love to smile,” “a little stern,” “very serious,” “fast-moving.”
Victor: Sounds a little familiar.
MC: That’s you! And when I reflected back on it, they were actually right.
MC: It turns out that without even realizing it, I’ve changed so much…
MC: Sob, sob, why aren’t you answering?
Victor: Nothing. I was pondering what I should say in reply.
Victor: So, are you now afraid of becoming much like me, a capitalist?
MC: It’s not that… I just feel that people really do become more and more alike when they are together for a long time.
Victor: According to what you said… how come I don’t feel that I’ve become a dummy?
MC: How come? You forgot to feed Pudding its raw diet this morning. It was meowing in anger, and I found it when I was leaving home~
Victor: …that’s called forgetting, not being a dummy.
MC: That is being a dummy!
MC: If I were Pudding, this is what I’d be meowing: “Dummy Victor! You clean forgot to give me something delicious, humph!”
Victor: Owh, so that’s how a certain someone scolds me in her mind when I forget to give her “something delicious”?
MC: Ahem, I do not. I always say so many good things about Victor in my heart, praying that he will prepare a great feast for me soon!
Victor: I don’t believe it.
Victor: How about you try saying something nice to me in person tonight and see if you truly can get a great feast out of it.
✧ [Moments] ✧
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Victor’s Post: Is a certain someone actually changing her style of dressing, or is she role-playing?
MC: I promise that the rest of the clothes are normal. I bought that maid outfit simply by accident!
Victor: So the butler outfit in my dresser was by accident too?
MC: It can’t be helped. I just can’t refrain myself from “meowing” when there are cat ears on the hood of my sweatshirt...
Victor: Going through the express deliveries at the doorstep–– it appears our home is going to turn into a “zoo” for quite some time.
MC: This is how life should be, adding a little romance and fun every now and then!
Victor: The mere presence of a certain dummy by my side is already enough to make life romantic and fun.
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queen-vv · 26 days
do the ones with an M in them
Oh lots!
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
Answered already but thank you! :3 To be brief, nope, unless I got too hot out and need to change to cool down!
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
Hmmm that's a tough question... I find inspiration is just about everything but I guess I'll be cliche and say seeing cool looking things lol. I'll tend to research a bunch around any cool topic and then either doodle or talk about it or (most often) just think about it a lot but never say anything lol
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
Oh I've changed a whole lot but I can't remember specifics at all lol. I have found recently that going back to things I liked when I was younger has been fun though, like paleontology/archeaology and heavy machinery lol
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
Hmmm not really, I'm all about rewathing/reading/etc the same stuff over and again! I'll say I thought for a long time I'd never be able to reread Berserk because I was a desensitised youth and then much more sensitive for a while but I think I'd be able to again nowadays.
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
I'm really bad at gifts lol, I never know what I want or what to give people. Thinking about it though, if someone got me a new artbook for my collection I'd be very happy! I'd love to have a physical copy of the Armored Core fourth gen artbook, I have a pdf but I want a physical one too...
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
Hmm none are coming to mind right now... The many interpretations of the phrase '[a] villain you shouldn't like but love regardless' also makes it hard lol. I guess I liked Zenos in ffxiv even though most people I've seen thought he was too flat mostly. I liked that he was sort of engaging with the gameworld in much the same way I was, looking for challenges and enjoying combat most of all, which really changed how my story conception of Asuka went.
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
I'm actually sort of in the middle of moving things around so it's very cluttered and incomplete lol. Just got a newer desk today, and am looking for a display cabinet to put my gunpla and other model kits up in!
Phew thanks! Hehe lots of questions is fun!
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lostinalem · 1 month
I’m too shy to dm but I Am asking you about your fallout OCs, as your bio said ^__^
HELLO I AM GOIGN TO KISE YOU THABK U FOR ASKING ‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry it took me so long to respond (I had to figure out how to draw them all... phew) and there are sooooo many more BUT these are the ones I actually care about rn (cause all I've been playing is fnv) ok now buckle up because it's a lot 💀
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Andy (she/her) is my favvvvvv fallout oc. she's one of four player characters from the fallout dnd campaign I'm in !! I've posted about her like once maybe twice before but she's the loml cringefail rodeo girl and I would do ANYTHING for her. she cannot do social interactions to save her life and I swear all the odds are rigged against her it's so funny. the coolest thing though is she made her own GIANT Giddyup Buttercup to ride!! she grew up in a little rodeo-centered town in Oregon so that was kind of her thing to like. fit in. cause she never really had any friends, so she's like "well, if i can't be liked, then I'll make myself useful" but it didn't really work so when she was old enough she left to hopefully be helpful in other places instead :3 (which is where the campaign comes in in Washington but I can yap about that some other time)
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I also lovvveeee Sal (any pronouns) he's an ichthyologist who grew up in southeastern Alaska. while he was out fishing though, he came across a seemingly abandoned cruise ship and decided to board, only to find there were quite a few inhabitants (ghouls, humans, ferals) already! they end up staying and making their home there for a few years, expanding their fish research and setting up trade with their hometown, but everything changed when they found the platinum chip in an old boot they fished up :0 at first, nobody really knew what it was, but this wasn't Sal's first time dealing with pre-war tech and word spread pretty quickly, so soon enough she had her answer LOL and that's what brought her to the Mojave as "the courier" !
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Suzette (they/them) is a vault dweller, chronic overthinker, easy to anger, polyglot that doesn't actually like to talk that much, and also "the courier." something in me makes it impossible to make a normal oc they just have to be quirky as hell man 😭😭 not that I'm gonna stop of course. anyway I'm not a religious guy so I'm not the best when it comes to the Bible, but I based their vault off of the Tower of Babel. basically every level of the vault houses a different culture and language! they're all strictly separated though, and Vault-Tec manipulates from the shadows like always, distorting communication, fabricating languages, subliminal messages too or something idk but the point is that they don't work together. the little polyglot over here tho wanted to change that, but they were ostracized for their efforts, eventually leading to them getting kicked out :( out in the wasteland, they then started courier work because they saw it as an opportunity to use their linguistic skills for good, travelling the wasteland, connecting different cultures, learning more languages, yadda yadda they've got terrible fashion btw 2000's inspiration just for the fun of it :)
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okkkk soooo Esme (she/her) is Benny's bride :3 she grew up in Goodsprings (idk her relationship to the others specifically) but she always had dreams for a bigger life, something more exciting and glamorous, so she moved closer to the Strip in her mid 20's. she spent a few years on there, getting a job somewhere idk I really haven't thought her through all that much but the point is that she bumps into Benny and falls madly in love. to win his affection, she gets her hands on the platinum chip somehow and uses it as leverage to get him to marry her. they're promptly married in Goodsprings, but while the newlyweds are alone, he kills her and flees the scene with the chip. when she recovers, she's still confusingly in love with Benny, leading her to return to the Strip and find Benny again and get caught up in all the politics idk I think it's fun
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... they r supposed to be identical twins except I cannot draw the same person twice for the LIFE of me so just imagine ok hehe Red (right, he/him) is technically the courier, BUT he was disabled in the Divide, so now Beck (left, also he/him) usually carries out his deliveries for him. most people wouldn't be able to really tell them apart, so it's not a problem—until Benny shoots Beck in the head. now, Red is usually very friendly and outgoing, but when the "death" of his brother reaches him, he changes. the need for revenge consumes him. Beck, on the other hand, wakes up with NO memory of his past. in fact, due to the delivery note on him, he thinks *he's* Red. unfortunately, everyone else also thinks they're the same person and it gets really confusing and really silly. and also really sad.
If u read all this, hi :3 which one do u think is the coolest?
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burglarhobbit · 10 months
Hey! Hope this isn’t a weird question, but I was curious about the co-writing process on “after the storm (are you leaving)”. What is it like to write with someone else? And how do you split up who writes what bits/editing before posting?Just kind of interested in the creative processes of other fic writers 😅
hi! not a weird question at all, don't worry.
so i see @silk-scarlet-ribbons already answered the question; I don't know how much of a different answer I can give you, but I'll try my best. so they already mentioned that it really helps that we didn't go into this as co-writers, I guess, but that we're really close. more than that, even, I think what helped us co-write this fic (and anything else we've written) is that we both view characters very similarly and that we enjoy the same kind of plots (and, perhaps, more important, dislike the same kind of things lmao). we both have a similar view of what we like to see, not just story-wise, but writing-wise, and I'm not sure if writing together would've gone as smoothly if one of us wanted a very romantic story while the other one doesn't vibe with that.
scar already said that we usually were in a room with each other when we were writing. this really helped us shape the story we wanted to write together because we got to talk about it as we were writing, asking for input, thinking about where to go with it next. the number of times one of us was like "wait!! yeah say that, because then I can--" is probably in the hundreds. it's just a lot of fun to be able to write that way with someone you trust. when we were reading back our stories together, we'd usually go like "oh I love how I wrote x and you took it and did y" because that's just... how it went?
i'll actually talk about the process a bit because phew this is already getting long. so what we did for "after the storm" is a little different from how we did other fics (but similarly to how we did "how I could love you" iirc). we started out nearly snaking into each other's sentences. when scar says that we don't remember who wrote what, it most notably refers to "a tale of ivory table cloth and ruined weddings" in which we were nearly lying on top of each other laughing at the other's writing and neatly stopping them after 2-3 paragraphs to continue on. that might have been the purest co-writing we've done in that sense, because then we were just switching mid-sentence at times when we were thinking of something funny. our merlin fics were mostly written together but we weren't always in the same room for that, so what we did is this: one of us wrote one scene (we usually kind of debated what we wanted to say with that scene, but unless it was one of the "important" scenes, we usually let the other person pick the setting) and then would write the start of the next scene. obviously depending a little bit on if we knew how we wanted to continue or if someone else had an idea. the nice thing about co-writing is that sometimes I would tell scar or text them that I didn't know where to go next, and they'd be like "oh what about this? I'll pick up with that" and the other way around. one of us always had an idea. when we did both know where to go, we had a rare couple of occasions both of us wanted to write something, but there's always a couple of different scenes we really vibed with so then we'd just compromise or divide up the scene. we always love what the other one comes up with, so in the end it doesn't even really matter who writes what. I'm the one who usually ended up writing the more romantic bits, I think, but that's as far as our "preferences" went.
(oh and I'll say this: scar and I both tend to write pretty fast. this is fortunate, because then we ended up writing very, very fast together because we were egging each other on (probably mostly me. I'm impatient). it definitely helped while we were writing together though because we could write a scene pretty fast and have the other person continue on without having to sit there for hours without anything to do.)
even if we both had a different idea of where to go, we tended to talk it out and quickly end up agreeing on an idea, so I don't think we ever really had any issues in this direction. as I said, I really think it's most important that you co-write with someone who shares your view of what a story is about and what the characters are like, and you'll never run into too much trouble. scar and I live anywhere between 6-11 hours of a time difference at any given time these days so co-writing has been a hassle to figure out, but I really miss it, because when you have a good co-writer, it's the most fun thing in the world.
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jennyandvastraflint · 10 months
Hi!! I am so sorry I still haven't read the story with tiny lizard Vastra. I am still very much planning to and hoping I will be in the right mindset soon (haven't been reading much at all lately somehow). So I feel kinda bad sending you questions from another ask game when I haven't really followed up on the last one. I hope it's okay anyway?
So IF you feel like it, would you answer these, please?
🍛 Have any comments, tags or reactions to one of your fics every made you laugh or cry or both?
🍡 Which of your fics was the most emotionally difficult to write?
🍘 Is there a fic or idea for a fic that you've abandoned?
Heya! No worries, I completely understand that. I'm the same with both writing and reading XD
🍛Have any comments, tags or reactions to one of your fics ever made you laugh or cry or both?
I unfortunately don't really get many comments, but I treasure each nice one I get. I have laughed at a good few, don't think I've cried at one (yet).
Hint hint. Comment and make me cry, people.
🍡Which of your fics was the most emotionally difficult to write?
Phew, my Songs of Love and Death fic has some TOUGH stuff to get through. Might give the cake to chapter uhhh... 100 of that fic. There are a number of hard ones, but with that one I just sobbed the entire time... 😂
🍘 Is there a fic or idea for a fic that you've abandoned?
Yeaaah, a bunch. Doctor Who LOTR-verse because it's sooo big and I don't think I ever actually will write such a long project. A Halloween fic for some reason, even though it was a quite fun setup. I know I abandoned a storyline in Songs of Love and Death for Jenny in favour of a a lot less traumatising one... It was teased a bit, but Jenny basically runs away before *that* can happen. I have multiple Kyalin prompts, but I've abandoned writing them, at least for the time being. I kinda abandoned the Unsent Letters after Kate going undercover... Oops
Most of the stuff I have lying around is Prompts I'll write eventually. XD
Thank you so much for your ask, they're always great fun!!
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phew gotta write out some quick feelings under the cut and then I’m fine!
I’m actually having a really great time on this trip with my mom. we are seeing tons of stuff and getting along quite well and it’s so fun to travel with her best friend, who is very kind and very funny. but I do think the source of literally all of our travel friction is the fact that my mom is a profoundly anxious traveler and I am just not. not because I am a better traveler or whatever but because it just doesn’t help anything! like why worry in advance, worry in the moment, and worry after about whether you made the right choice when you could just save all that energy by waiting to see what happens & reacting to it in whatever way is needed? my mom will start worrying two days in advance about whether we’ll miss a random bus because what if we aren’t able to find it or what if we wrote down the schedule wrong or what if we get delayed on a previous leg of the journey. and I’m just like I can’t do this! I cannot expend energy on worrying about this multiple times over! we have literally no reason to believe any of those things will come to pass and even if all three come to pass we will just adjust! there is always a person you can ask or another bus you can take or some place you can stay if you get stranded unexpectedly. it’s not like we are traveling in a super remote area—we’re in big cities that are major tourist destinations and we’re traveling with a native speaker. and I also just feel like worrying about it will change literally nothing about what happens.
aaaaaaaaaaa okay I know the whole thing about anxiety is that it’s pretty free-floating and it doesn’t make a lot of sense and you can’t really control it but also I just think I have a hard time empathizing with this particular manifestation of it because I feel like every five to ten minutes I’m being dragged out of whatever in-the-moment travel experience I’m having so I can answer anxious questions about some hypothetical travel situation two days in the future and that is not my ideal way to experience a new place lol. and then I sometimes get a bit brusque or snappish if I’m tired/have answered the question a thousand times already and then I feel bad immediately because this is just her mode of being and I’m sure it’s way more stressful to live in her head than it is for me to listen to whatever heavily filtered version of her anxiety she vocalizes. aaaaaa I just think at the end of a long travel day I’m often running on fumes and am not able to achieve the level of patience and understanding I wish I could. but I’m doing ok! we’re doing fine! and I do love her an awful lot.
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fervency-if · 9 months
Phew, I'm glad you think so. I feel a bit shy sending Asks because I'm not the best at conversations and I'm mostly unsure on how I should voice things. Maybe that's why I like Elan so much, we're quite similar in that aspect😄.
I'm trying to show support for the writers I like from the IF community, the way ya'll put so much effort into writing and coding while also aswering a buch of questions on daily basis? Ya'll are too beautiful😔.
And thank you, I'm feeling the love rn 🫂 🌻
That's so interesting! I've looked up what both of the Physician's names means, the L name being "Light" and the C name "from the Heavens" or simply "Heavenly", so your choices compliment each other very well. It also relates to her character since the people dying from the plague may seem her as a Heaven's sent.(though drinking blood or consuming flesh is far from heavenly😷).
Thank you for sharing your thought process for the names of our beloved main cast 🌹.
It's incredible to see what you turned Fervency into after knowing its origins, seems like writing it came to you naturally. Oh, something that has been on my mind; what defines someone's cravings? There's a way to know whether they'll consume blood or flesh? I don't remember if it has has mentioned in the game so I apologize in advance😅 My memory isn't that great
Oh, but absolutely! Easier said than done, of course, but there is no need to be shy when it comes to sending me asks, I'm always glad to receive them, and I genuinely think that you word things very well! Elan would like hearing that - he would feel that 'oh, if they feel similar, perhaps I seem less awkward to them,' haha.
Oh, that is really nice and kind of you. I can probably speak for a lot of authors - and definitely myself - when I say that the support is highly appreciated and more. It sincerely means a lot, and is wonderful for the motivation! To have supportive readers is extremely valuable and rewarding!
Aw, that is sweet! 🌸🫶
I'm glad that you found it interesting, and so is your reply to this. They do complement one another, and I didn't even think about that when I decided the combination, that much I remember. It's always so much fun when there are these fitting little coincidences I think. I like how you mentioned the Heaven's sent - it really is double-edged there, haha, the entire 'getting saved, but.'
My pleasure! 🍀
It definitely came naturally to me, yes - very organically. I only had some hour to come up with the short story when I got the 'write a vampire story'-prompt, so it just popped up in my head. I didn't expect to actually make a big thing of it back then, though, but I'm very happy that I did. I'm having a lot of fun with it!
Your question hasn't been answered in the game, no - and even if it had... well, the game is 400 000 words long, I would never expect anyone to remember everything, so even if it had been answered, I wouldn't have minded answering it again - so no need to apologise, if you're curious about something, don't hesitate to ask, it's all good!
As far as I'm aware, it's quite random, what becomes of one's cravings, what one's body needs. I think there are things that nudges a person in a certain direction; namely, what happened as one got fed upon might increase the chance for a certain craving. If the main character is a cannibal, the Physician mentions their flesh as she talks about their disease with them, but if they are a vampire, she mentions their blood instead. This isn't fool-proof, though, since Roswhen, who's cause for almost-death was decidedly bloody, became a cannibal, and I would say that Elan's disorder affected his flesh more than his blood, even though he had been bleeding a rather vast amount.
As a little bonus, I once noticed that when it comes to the current love interests, more phlegmatic and melancholic people are vampires, and more sanguine and choleric people are cannibals. Nothing I thought about as I wrote them, there were other reasons for me to pick their cravings, but it was a fun little find, even though it means nothing in the long run since every main character is different.
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munchabunch · 2 years
Burnin’ for You (7/?)
Formerly known as The Promise
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A/n: hi this is chapter 7 finally. I’m sorry it’s been so long. Work has been crazy hectic and I haven’t had time for anything other than reading lately. But it’s finally done. It has a severe lack of Eddie but it moves the story forward and I really want to give you guys a rounded image of Penny’s full life. I hope you’ll still read and enjoy it!
Pairings: Eddie Munson x OFC!Penny Castillo,
Platonic!Steve Harrington x OFC!Penny Castillo,
Platonic!Robin Buckley x OFC!Penny Castillo
Warnings: cursing, crying, grief, drug use, violence, animal death, corpse handling, weapons
Word count: 4.3k (phew)
Taglist: @portaltothevoid @chaoticmunson @madaboutmunson @riffcrusader
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Friday, November 2nd, 1984
Penny got home late Friday afternoon after a successful day of avoiding Eddie Munson, mainly because he hadn’t been at school that day. She walked into her foyer to the trilling of the phone on the wall in the kitchen. Throwing her bag and keys down to the floor she ran to pick it up.
“Hello? Castillo residence. Penny speaking.” She picked up, politely.
“Hi Penny! It’s Joyce” answered the voice on the other end of the line.
“Oh hi Joyce, I was just getting in. I can be there in a little bit if you need me tonight!” She knew that Jonathan usually went out Fridays to take pictures around town and Joyce sometimes went out on dates with Mr. Newby.
“Oh that’s actually why I’m calling, Pen. I’m staying in tonight so you’re off the hook,” she laughed wryly. “But uhhh I wanted to ask you a question? About… about Halloween. I saw on the video Will took that you were there with the boys. And I saw what happened. I wanted to thank you for defending my boy. Though it was unconventional, I expect nothing but unconventional from you, in the best way possible! But I- do you know who those boys were?” It seemed like Joyce had said it all in one breath with the way she inhaled at the end of her sentence.
“Oh it was some junior Jason Carver and his friends. He’s a little menace to society but he’s nothing I can’t handle. And Joyce. Please. You know I’d do anything for that kid, he’s one of mine. How’s he doing?” Penny said genuinely. She truly would do anything for Will Byers. For any of her kids.
“I love how much those kids mean to you. And Jason? Stupid name. Will- He’s - oh god. I don’t even know Penny. He’s having t-these episodes,” Joyce's voice cracked, her breath catching in her throat. “That’s what that was. On Wednesday. A-and he drew this picture and it was there, Penny. I saw it there, on the videotape. In the same shape as what he drew. And then it happened yesterday at school. I-I-I don’t know what to do,” she whispered, her voice laced with small sobs. Penny’s heart fell, her entire body turned to ice.
“Oh god. When did these start? I bet Dr. Owens just tried to push it aside as nothing. Oh god. It’s happening again.” Her voice escaped her as her last thought came out in barely a whisper. Penny could feel tears pricking her eyes, she felt like all she had done in the last two days was cry.
“Oh god Penny I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so open about it.” Joyce felt horrible that she’d brought Penny’s mood down.
“NO,” she responded abruptly. “No, please I- I would like to know these things. I- I need to know. I can’t be a good babysitter if I don’t,” she chuckled trying to ease Joyce’s mind.
“Listen, I’m sure everything’s gonna be fine, Penny. I gotta go check on Will. Please go do something fun tonight okay?”
“Yes, Joyce. And please. Update me when you can.”
“Of course, Penny. I will. Goodnight”
“Goodnight, Joyce”
She took a deep, rattling breath, put the phone back on the receiver, and grabbed her stuff from by the front door. She ran up the flight of stairs to her cozy room. She tossed her belongings on the bed and launched herself onto the comfortable surface. Clinging her legs to her chest, her body was wracked with sobs escaping in wails. Everything accumulated. She was crying about Eddie and Will. But most of all, she just missed her dad. He would be the person she went to when she felt so hopeless. She cried until she was overwhelmed with exhaustion.
When her eyes flitted open, the sun was setting as hues of oranges, pinks, and purples danced across the sky.
She stretched her muscles and groaned, sitting up with bleary, swollen eyes. Her sea-green orbs scanned the room, landing on the landline next to her bed. Deciding she didn’t want to be alone that night, she picked it up and dialed out.
“Hey Robs, it’s Pen. Do you wanna have a sleepover? I really just- I’m having a hard time today” Penny knew that Robin would understand, out of everyone, how she was feeling right now.
“Yeah sure thing! Come over whenever. Door’s unlocked!”
“Okay see you soon!”
Penny hung up the phone and ran to take a shower, planning on just wearing her pjs over to Robin's house.
She closed her eyes as the scalding water cascaded down around her and her thoughts drifted to the color brown. Deep pools of chocolate that she could find herself drowning in, hickory ringlets whirling down, calling for her fingers to entangle themselves in them. Her heart collided in her chest, as her eyes sprang open.
“Stop. Stop thinking about him, Pen. He doesn’t feel the same. You’re just friends. And that’s…. That’s fine. You’re fine.” She breathed deeply, and ran her fingers through her carob-colored hair making sure it was drenched enough to work the shampoo into her locks.
She finished in the shower after some time, and ran back to her room, rapidly putting on a pair of comfortable sleep shorts and a band tee shirt that was enormous on her. She snatched a stuffed stegosaurus off her bed and put on some fuzzy slippers she grabbed from her closet.
Palming her keychain, she went down the stairs and out the front door, locking it behind her. As she stepped out of the house, she noticed that the day had already been swallowed by the pitch dark night. She ran across the street and into Robin’s front door, then trekked to Robin’s room and slid in.
“Hey, doofus” Penny called to her, attempting to conceal the sadness she felt. It didn’t work.
Robin looked at her from where she sat at her desk, immediately filled with concern at the state of Penny’s stained cheeks. Red and splotchy.
“Oh my god. Pen. What’s going on?” Robin rushed over to the girl, enveloping her in the biggest hug she could.
The second Robin’s arms were wrapped around her, Penny broke.
“God, I feel like all I do now is cry. I’m so done with crying, Robs.”
“Penny, honey, what happened?”
“It’s just too much. With Eddie and whoever was with him in the back of his van, and what happened to Will. And- I miss my dad. I miss my dad so much it hurts.”
“Eddie and what, where?”
Robin moved with Penny over to sit on the edge of her bed.
“Well he gave me that mixtape and I decided to cut the rest of the day to listen to it and I heard him in his van with someone. I think. I only heard him but it was very very clear what was happening. I just thought- I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t matter anymore what I thought.”
“Penny I’m sorry I really do think he likes you. Maybe he just- UGH I don’t know. Men are so weird.”
Penny held her stuffed stegosaurus to her chest, and rested her chin on it.
“They really are. But I will not cry anymore. I refuse. My face fuckin’ hurts.” She choked out a laugh.
“Well I have popcorn. And movies. And something you left here last time.” Robin stood up and ran over to her desk, opening the drawer and producing a sizable joint.
“Robin! You just had that in there?” Robin shrugged nonchalantly.
“What? My desk drawers are a fuckin’ mess, you think Thing 1 and Thing 2 would see this in here?” Penny cackled at Robin’s description of her parents.
She eyed the joint hungrily, not having smoked since the last time she hung out with Eddie.
The girls both ran across the street to Penny’s car and hopped in. Penny drove over to the playground they’d always go to when they smoked. When they got there, Penny beelined to the swing set and sat down. With the lighter from her car, she lit the joint Robin had handed to her on their way there. The night air was brisk and she immediately regretted not wearing something warmer, but as she took her first hit, she felt warmth course through her.
After a number of hits between the both of them, Penny finally ashed the joint and threw the filter into the abyss of night surrounding them.
Robin stood behind Penny, and grabbed the chains on either side of the swing and pulled back before she let go. Penny squealed with delight as she held on and swung her legs with the swing. Giggling as Robin pushed her on the swing, she thought back to when they were little, swinging on the same swing set.
“Alright my arms hurt. I’m done.” Robin collapsed dramatically onto the ground and laid there. Penny hopped off the swing and laid next to her.
“Do you ever think about how if there were aliens they probably just want nothing to do with us? Like…I barely want anything to do with other people, why would aliens be interested?” Robin giggled at her own question. Penny turned her head over to look at her, a loud chortle escaping her lips.
“So, in this scenario, aliens are real and also introverted?” They were descending into a fit of giggles.
“Oh Pen, aliens are real in every scenario. Okay, just cause the Weekly Watcher calls it a UFO, doesn’t mean I can’t identify it.”
Penny’s response was cut off by a rustling in the woods behind them followed by a deep, menacing growl and chittering. They both sat up and looked at each other, eyes the size of dinner plates. They scrambled to their feet and booked it into Penny's car. As soon as Robin’s door was closed, Penny peeled out with a screech of her tires.
They pulled into Robin’s driveway and hurtled themselves into the home, deadbolting the door quickly. As soon as they got into Robin’s room, they looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“Oh my god. What was that running Robin? You looked like a cat who can’t get any traction.”
“Hey! I was running for my life and you’re making fun of me? What about how big your eyes got? I swear they were the size of the moon!”
Penny and Robin were folded over, wheezes leaving both their mouths.
They both calmed down soon and put a movie on, after eating some dinner.
By the third movie, neither of them had an easy time focusing and eventually they both drifted off.
Saturday, November 3rd, 1984
The light shining through Robin’s window woke Penny the next morning. She looked over at the clock on Robin’s dresser and saw that it was nearing 11 o’clock. She looked over at Robin who was still sleeping and decided to wake her. Robin awoke to someone poking her forehead.
“You keep poking me with that finger I’m gonna bite it off, Pen.” She grumbled sleepily.
Penny giggled.
“We need to get up, Robs. It’s almost 11. We need to eat something”
Robin glanced over at the clock.
“Penny. 10:30 is not almost 11.”
“What? Yes it is! I’m gonna tickle your feet if you don’t get up!” Penny moved to the bottom edge of the bed and grabbed one of Robin’s ankles in preparation.
“OK I’M UP! No tickling please!”
“Mhmm, that’s what I thought,” she said, releasing Robin’s foot from her grip.
The two girls ate breakfast together before Penny headed back to her own home.
For the second time in 24 hours, Penny walked into her home to the telephone ringing off the hook.
“Hello? Castillo residence. Penny s-,” she was cut off by a frantic voice on the other end.
“Penny! It’s Dustin. Code red!! I need your help. Please!”
He spluttered the words out in a single breath.
“Are you at home?!”
“I need to change out of my pajamas. I’ll be there in ten!”
“Hurry!! No one else is picking up. And it’s bad. It’s- It’s really really bad.”
“Okay, hang on!”
Penny rushed up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. She barged into her room and got to work changing her clothes. She wore a pair of lightwash jeans she could move easily in and a mustard yellow pullover sweatshirt, along with her white chucks.
Worried about what the code red could be, she opened a drawer in her dresser and took out a knife along with a holster and attached it to her right leg, just around her thigh. Sheathing the knife safely, she proceeded to run back down the stairs and out the front door. She locked it and practically sprinted to her car, squealing out of the driveway. She got to Dustin’s house in record time. She knocked on the front door and Dustin swung it open, revealing himself wearing a baseball catcher’s uniform.
“What the fuck? Dustin, what are you wearing?”
“I, uhhh, I may have fucked up.”
“What did you do?” He pushed through the door, closing it abruptly behind him.
“I thought it was a new species. But! It’s- ughhh…”
“I found something. And I kept it when I probably shouldn’t have and now there’s a demo-something in my house. He ate my cat. And I gotta get him into the basement. Like. Right now.”
Penny’s heart dropped, but something new took place in it, instead of fear. A newfound feeling of determination.
“Shit. Yeah. Okay. How are we gonna do this?”
After explaining his plan to Penny, Dustin led her into the house.
“You gotta put some protective gear on Pen.”
“I’ll be fine, Dust. Let’s just… Do this.” He looked at her warily, face pursed into a grimace.
“Alright then, get ready.” He moved to the door of his bedroom as Penny unsheathed the knife from its holster.
“Alright Dart. Breakfast time.” He slid open the door and they both moved quickly out of the house.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.” They both shuffled down the steps towards the shed in the backyard. Penny flung open the door and they both got inside, she shut the door once they were both safely tucked into the dilapidated building. As soon as they were in, they peered out of the opening in the slats of wood. They watched as Dart followed the trail of bologna that Dustin had laid out for him. She froze immediately upon seeing him. The glimpse she got of him called forward the memory of the nightmare she’d had recently. This thing she’d never seen before was, without a doubt, the very creature that had chased her in her dream. Her breath caught in her throat and the taste of bile rose. She forced herself to calm down and swallow her terror.
“Yes yes yes yes,” muttered Dustin, seeing that his plan was working. Penny could hear the chittering that the dog-like demo-whatever was making. The sound was eerily similar to the growl she and Robin had heard last night. Shivers ran down her spine as she realized just how close her best friend was to certain danger and guilt wracked her when she thought about how she’d been the one to bring her to it. Dart made his way down the steps snatching up each piece of bologna, until he made his way to the cellar doors.
“Yes yes yes yes yes,” Dustin was saying still. As if the creature heard him, it turned its head suddenly to where they were both hiding. Breathing heavily, they both backed up to the farthest wall.
“Dustin, give me the hockey stick. Now.” He didn’t question her as he wordlessly handed it to her. She sheathed the knife she was still holding back into her thigh holster. Looking out through the space again, she saw that Dart was closer. She gathered her bearings and took a deep breath before shouting and barreling through the door with Dustin following behind her closely. Dart scampered back slightly in fear of the loud noise the girl was emitting. She reared back with the stick and brought it forward, colliding with Dart. He flew into the basement and tumbled down the steps with a harrowing screech. He was just about to climb back up the steps when Dustin launched into action, slamming the doors shut and laying on them as Penny locked them.
“I’m sorry. You ate my cat.” Dustin said apologetically. Penny tried to feel bad for the creature, but simply couldn’t.
She and Dustin got to work immediately. They both ran inside still following Dustin’s plan. After removing his protective equipment, Dustin grabbed a shovel and sauntered back outside to dig. Penny got a towel before heading into Dustin’s room. She carefully picked up Mews’ body as a tear ran down her face. She wrapped her up as best she could in the towel. Holding the poor feline in her hands, she headed back outside where Dustin had made quick work of digging a hole. When he was finished, she carefully placed the cat into the hole, and Dustin began filling the earth back up.
“Guys this is Dustin. AGAIN. Does anyone copy? This is a code red. I repeat, A CODE RED!”
Receiving no response, he continued to fill the hole with dirt.
“Dusty, do you want to say anything for Mews?” Penny looked at him sadly, after the grave was full.
“Umm yeah. Mews you were a good cat. A great cat. And I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. You didn’t deserve this.” A tear traveled down his face and Penny pulled him into a hug that he quickly returned.
“Dusty, you didn’t know what Dart was. It’s not your fault.” He nodded.
“We should get to cleaning. Come on.” Penny and Dustin walked back into the house towards the kitchen. Dustin opened the cupboard under the sink and began collecting cleaning supplies.
“I really need someone to pick up here. Hopper’s MIA and I’ve got Penny here, but we need backup. I’ve got a code red. CODE RED.”
Again with no response, they continued their work. Penny got the carpet cleaner and doused the blood stain. She took a scrubbing brush and got on the ground. Really putting her muscles to work, she scrubbed until she couldn’t scrub anymore. Once she stopped, Dustin took over.
“Alright it’s Dustin. Again. Seriously, I have a code red.”
The walkie crackled before a voice came through.
“Could you puh-lease shut up?!” Erica?
“Erica??” Dustin voiced Penny’s thoughts. “Erica, is Lucas there? Where is he?”
“Don’t know. Don’t care.”
“Is he- is he with mike?”
“Like I said. I don’t know and I don’t care.” Penny rolled her eyes at the attitude the little girl was throwing their way, the girl was prickly, but in the best way possible. Though, now was maybe not the best time possible.
“Please tell him that it’s super important. Please tell him that I have a-“
“Code red?” Erica questioned, cutting Dustin off.
“Yep. Code red. Exactly.”
“Mmmhmmm. I got a code for you instead. It’s called code shut-your-mouth.” With a click, Erica was gone and static fed through the speaker.
“E-Erica?” Dustin questioned.
“I think she shut it off.” Penny stated, though it was clear what Erica had done.
“Son of a bitch.”
They finished cleaning quickly, muscles aching from how hard they’d been working.
“Have you tried calling Mike’s house?” Penny asked.
“Yeah I called earlier, but I could try again.”
The pair tried calling everyone they could for the next two hours before deciding they needed to actually find someone and fast.
They piled into Penny’s car and made their way over to the Wheeler house. Pulling up, Dustin flew out of the sedan before Penny even put it into park. Dustin rang the doorbell. When nobody came to the door immediately, he rang the doorbell again. And then again. Penny walked up and removed his hand from the doorbell with a look that only Penny could give.
Mr. Wheeler opened the door to find an impatient pre-teen and an even less patient teenage girl standing on the other side.
“Your line has been busy for over two hours, Mr. Wheeler. Do you realize this?”
“I do realize.” Replied a very bored looking Ted Wheeler. Though, Penny supposed, that was just the way his face was.
“Is Mike home?”
“No? Well, where the hell is he?”
“KAREN. Where’s our son?”
“WILL’S!” Mrs. Wheeler’s voice rang through the house.
“Will’s.” Mr. Wheeler repeated.
“Ugh. No one’s picking up there. Nancy, what about Nancy?” Penny asked the walking wet blanket of a man.
“Karen. Where’s Nancy?”
“Ally’s. Our children don’t live here anymore. You didn’t know that?”
“Seriously?” Dustin asked, incredulously.
“Am I done here?” Penny could’ve sworn she saw her brain with how hard her eyes rolled at Mr. Wheeler.
“Son of a bitch. You know, you’re really no help at all, you know that?” Dustin began walking off as Mr. Wheeler leaned out of the doorway.
“Hey! Language.” He shut the door as Penny lifted a choice finger to the closed entryway.
She followed Dustin towards her car, but paused when she saw a burgundy BMW pull up to the front of the home.
Steve Harrington stepped out holding a bouquet of roses and muttering to himself. Dustin walked over to catch him.
“Steve! Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?”
“No?” Steve looked at him, confusion clouding his features.
“Good.” Dustin said, snatching the roses from him and walking towards Steve’s car.
“Hey. What the hell? Hey!” Steve followed after him.
“Nancy isn’t home.” Penny informed the jock.
“Where is she?” He looked at her, stopping dead in his tracks.
“Doesn’t matter!” Dustin called out. “We have bigger problems than your love life. Do you still have that bat?” Dustin asked, opening Steve’s passenger door.
“No, no little boy. If we’re not taking my car then I get shotgun!” Steve looked at her, even more confused, if that were possible.
“Bat? What bat?”
“The one with the nails?” Dustin said, holding the roses up and shaking them as if it would jog Steve’s memory somehow.
“And my axe?” Penny questioned him.
“We’ll explain it on the way.” Dustin said, getting into the backseat.
“NOW!” Dustin replied, shutting the door forcefully.
Steve and Penny shared a look before running to the car and getting in.
They drove back to Dustin’s house as the sky began getting darker. By the time they explained everything to Steve, the day had ended and night began.
“Wait a sec, how big?”
“First it was like that,” Dustin replied, holding his fingers close together in between the front seats.
“Now he’s like this,” Penny finished, holding both her hands apart, depicting the size of a small dog.
“I swear to god, man, it’s just some little lizard, okay?”
“Steve, it’s not a lizard.” Penny glanced at him, disbelievingly. The man had seen a demogorgon last year and he had trouble believing them about a demodog.
“How do you know?”
“How do we know if it’s not a lizard?” Dustin’s voice called from the backseat.
“Yeah, how do you know if it’s not just a lizard?” Steve’s voice raised, Penny noticed he tensed up. Fear.
“Because his face opened up and he ate my cat.” Dustin replied, effectively ending the conversation and Steve’s lizard suspicion.
They pulled up behind the driveway of Dustin’s house and parked. They all got out and made their way to the trunk. Steve opened it and threw the keys towards Dustin, who caught them easily. He pulled out Penny’s beloved axe first and handed it to her gingerly, before pulling out his bat. Steve shut the trunk and Dustin led the group over to the cellar doors.
“I don’t hear shit.” Steve said, voice betraying a little bit of the terror he was feeling. He shined a flashlight onto the doors.
“He’s in there,” Penny assured him.
Steve tapped the doors with his bat and then smacked it a bit harder. He turned to Dustin, shining the light in his eyes.
“Alright kid, listen, I swear, if this is some Halloween prank. You’re dead. Alright?”
“Steve. I’m here too. You think I’d prank you with something like this?” Penny looked at him, quickly losing patience for The Hair. Steve deflated. He knew very well that Penny would never joke about something this grave.
“It’s not a prank. Get it out of my face.” Dustin said, annoyed.
“You got a key for this thing?” Penny took out the key she’d pocketed earlier and undid the padlock.
Steve handed Dustin the flashlight and opened the metal doors, peering down into the darkness. Penny stood over his shoulder, looking down with him.
“Let me see that,” Steve said, grabbing the flashlight from Dustin and lighting the darkness a bit.
“He must be further down there. I’ll stay up here in case he tries to… Escape.” Dustin’s voice shuddered.
Steve made his way down the steps, flashlight in hand, as Penny followed after him brandishing the axe. He found the hanging light fixture and pulled the string to turn it on. The room illuminated and something on the floor caught Steve’s attention. He picked it up with his bat, and held it up toward the light. Bits of skin and goo dripped off whatever it was. Steve and Penny locked eyes before they turned and noticed something else.
“Guys. Guys, what’s going on down there.”
“Get down here.” Steve called up to Dustin.
As Dustin made his way down the stairs, Steve held up the shed skin.
“Oh, shit.” Dustin cried.
Steve pointed with the bat to the wall.
“Oh. SHIT.”
The three of them moved toward it and crouched down toward the hole in the wall.
“No way. No. Way.” Dustin said as Steve shone the light into what looked like a tunnel.
Whatever happened, Dart wasn’t there anymore.
He had already escaped.
Thank you so much for reading! I’ll try to post my chapters closer together. If you have any requests for blurbs, my ask box is open! :)
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thenativetank · 2 years
VA Native Fish Hunts - 17
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What a beautiful day to go out and fish! Dad purchased a small boat a while back that was a little beat up and finally got it in working shape. I figured - why not celebrate the occasion with a little fishing session. Want to see what we caught? Check out the below.
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We stayed out for a few hours in this moderate/strongly brackish area (about 1.008) with some rods and reels. With a warm sunny climate, a pleasant breeze, and not a care in the world, you know what we were able to catch?
Not a darn thing.
At least by rod and reel. I brought some of my minnow traps along and placed them next to some reedy areas like these to see what I could catch. I didn’t see any mosquitofish here (super weird for the area!) so I was interested in what actually might live around here.
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Turns out the answer was: Mummichogs. Across my multiple traps, I captured 4 ‘chogs, the biggest two of which were about 3.5-4 inches long - behemoths! But it was a lucky find for me as I’ve been thinking about beefing up my Mummichog school in my saltwater tank. I love their activity level and peacefulness.
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These were the two largest ones. I’m not really sure of much sexual dimorphism in the species, but the righthand guy was much more colorful than the one on the left. The only real reason I can think that the two specimens, of the same species, same size, and same location, might vary so much in coloration is that one is a male. Normally I use “chunkiness” to identify the female ‘chogs but both were pretty slim here.
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So I took them home, acclimated them to full strength seawater over about half a day, then looked them over for parasites. With the whole leech debacle last time, I wanted to avoid going through all that again. Luckily I didn’t see any leeches at all (phew!) but I did see this little scale-looking thing on the side of the fish. I did eventually notice it was moving, so I took steps to remove it. Not a fun time for myself or the fish, but eventually got it off.
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Here’s the little guy before I disposed of him. Definitely a crustacean of some sort, and I’m reasonably certain it is a species of Lice (some kind of Argulus spp?) but there’s always the chance it’s an isopod that I’m unfamiliar with. I’m not going to say I’m an expert on parasitic crustacea anyways. Cute little guy in its own way, but reallyyyy don’t need parasites in my tank.
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A little ragged from the day’s events, the big Mummichog eventually settled in. Beautiful coloration for sure! I think Fundulus gets overlooked when it comes to the genera of native fish we think of as attractive. Certainly Lepomis sunfish, Poecilia livebearers, and Etheostoma darters are well-loved (and they should be) but don’t overlook your local killifish!
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burning-sol · 2 years
The Recurring Call
Gillion has a dream he doesn't quite understand with only a particularly troublesome, morally grey Tiefling to keep him company. (2079 words)
The next installment is here.
.·:*¨༺ ──────────────────── ༻¨*:·.
“Oh Gillion, is this really what you dream about?”
Gillion jolted in his seat like he’d just been resuscitated, his eyes wide with terror as he came to. His gaze swiftly worked to take in his surroundings, his heart pounding so loud it may as well have been a drum. Gradually the distorted, panoramic blur of his nightmare ebbed away, the abstract shapes becoming fully realised renditions. Perhaps too perfect, too pristine; comparable to a hyperrealist painting. It was meticulously adorned; gold and wood coming together with the fine decorations, all in a style befitting of only one individual. His shallow breathing eased, anxiety waning upon registering where he was; at least enough for him to hone in on the one sitting across from him.
He swallowed, giving himself a moment to collect his thoughts before he spoke, “…a-are you real??”
His voice was teasing, a smirk playing on his lips, “I think you know that better than I do…” Niklaus’ tail flicked in amusement when Gillion went to inspect his wrist, a blank canvas with so many possibilities to spare. “That’s a first actually, how interesting... I believe you’re starting to get used to this.”
Gillion curled up on himself, staring off into space. He was adjusting to having control (to a certain degree) again, the sudden lucidity jarring but an improvement for sure. That horrible dream was gone… But he didn’t feel wholly comfortable, his body still tense. This was more like purgatory. The waiting room before he woke up. Being arrested for an undisclosed amount of time. The air was stagnant and uncertainty was everywhere. When he was ready he finally made his second query, “Why are you here, fiend?”
Niklaus tilted his head, his expression almost smitten. “What, you don’t like to see me~?”
“I- Okay, you’re being weird again,” Gillion stated in an accusatory tone.
 “I think that’s a matter of perspective~”
Gillion cringed, the disgust somehow bolstering him enough to climb to his usual cadence, “Nicolas Hendrix- Can I call you Nick?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Okay then..” Gillion awkwardly scooted his seat further into Niklaus’ vicinity, the noise of it scraping across the floor silently irking Niklaus. “Nicolas Hendrix, tell me the truth; why have you brought me here?”
“Hmm… Well, unfortunately I can’t answer that for you. I’m just a figment of your imagination.”
 “A very Nicolas thing to say…” Niklaus sputtered before breaking out into laughter, never having heard something so humorous from the Triton. Gillion did not reciprocate, his expression solemn and his posture straightening to appear more assertive. “Nicolas, I’m trying to have an honest conversation with you here-“
“Hahahah, no, no, no… Oh, I’m so sorry Gillion. Just… Phew, I don’t even know why I found that funny to be honest… I think it’s just you. I find something about you very endearing…” Niklaus calmed himself, covering his mouth to hide his grin.
Gillion brushed this aside, reasserting himself, “If you’re done playing, Nicolas, I demand you give me the answers I want.”
“Gillion, you know I don’t give away things for free… Hmm, maybe if I was real I’d try to take advantage of you right about now? I’d say ‘I’ll give you the answers you seek if that’s what you desire~’, and then we’d be on our merry way... That’s the difference between me and him I suppose… Then again, it’s no fun when you’re like this. I prefer when you’re rowdy and boisterous; it’s not much of a game otherwise~”
Gillion was offended: he thought he was already quite rowdy and boisterous- Niklaus didn’t even need to hear him retort before raising an eyebrow, daring Gillion to dispute it. For once (just as an exception), Gillion swallowed his pride, resisting the urge to argue. “How long will it be this time?”
“Mmm… Who can tell really, dreams work in funny ways… Past, present and future don’t mean much here… Intriguing, isn’t it? Pondering the fabric of dreams?” Niklaus paused to let Gillion reply, disgruntled when he didn’t get the response he’d anticipated. “Don’t you have something on your mind? Why are you here if you’re just going to be moody?”
“Why does this feel so… Real? What’s the porpoise behind it? I haven’t stopped having these visions since-“
“Yes, yes, I know. It’s all very mysterious and you have so many questions and you’re going to keep asking me then and I’m going to say ‘I’m not going to tell you’-- Say, why don’t you ever think for yourself Gillion? Why do you just wait for people to point you in any given direction? Are you just a lap dog?”
“A what? What’s a lap dog? Is it like an up do-?“
Niklaus dismissed the question with a wave, “Never mind, not important… I suppose I’ll answer your questions with another question: have you considered that your conscious is trying to tell you something?”
“My conscious? Telling me something?”
“Deary me, do you always just repeat the last thing a person says?”
“The last thing a person-?“ Gillion caught himself, shaking his head. “I don’t think there’s anything my ‘conscious’ is trying to say! Nothing other than, ‘I think that you’re evil and I should hit you with my sword until you preferably die’!”
“Because you’re evil!”
“And bad!”
“Except not really because I mean you kind of give off this weird morally grey vibe-“
“-and honestly I don’t know how to process that!”
“. . . . .”
“…and you make me deeply uncomfortable,” Gillion mumbled.
“Are you done?”
Gillion looked down at the floor, shrugging, “I mean… I guess… I dunno… Can I fight you now?”
The disappointment was setting in, the sour atmosphere making Gillion shrink in on himself. “Honestly, I’m being more than generous already, darling. As much as I love to spoil you, I love just as much to watch your brain tick. I want you to think, I want to see the gears turn.” Niklaus drummed his nails on the table, waiting expectantly. “I mean, we have all the time in the world but…”
Gillion furrowed his brows, contemplating Niklaus’ words. He tried to remember what had occurred in this dream before now but those memories were faint, another lifetime ago. He was getting frustrated as there seemed to be no way to connect anything to anything, Gillion baffled by the Tiefling. What was he missing?? Why didn’t he just tell him?? He tried to think like Jay; what would Jay do? He studied his surroundings, trying to look for some hidden runes or strange symbols; something to form a groundwork, the border to a jigsaw puzzle… But there was nothing. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing to decipher. Was this a trick? If it was a trick then he already knew who to fall back on; trying to think like Chip would in this situation.
He decided to scrutinize Niklaus, hoping that something about his expression would-
Niklaus gave Gillion a patient smile: Gillion scowling as he recognised that look.
“…you treat me like a guppy.”
Niklaus was taken aback, the development making his eyes sparkle in delight, “Like a guppy?”
“Like I’m a guppy learning to swim.”
“I mean… You act like a child in an adult’s body, how else should I treat you?” Niklaus leaned in closer towards Gillion. “If you didn’t have someone acting as your carer you’d just- Well… I’d hate to get into spoilers… Let’s face it, you’re not all you’re cracked up to be; far from being ‘Chosen One’ material. There’s a reason Edyn had to look after you all those years.”
That seemed to press a button. Gillion rose to his feet in an instant, the chair tipping over onto its side. “Do you think that this is some kind of joke? You would challenge my honour in such a way? My duties are not something to mock! You know nothing about the Undersea nor what it means to be the Chosen One!”
“My, my, so angry… Why is that? Are you ashamed? Here of all places? I’ve seen your dreams, I’ve seen your anxieties, all the things you hide from others- What’s the point in getting upset? Do you really think me saying this is any worse than-?“
Gillion pulled his sword from his side, pointing the tip at Niklaus, “If you wish to finish that sentence, I’ll have no quandaries smiting your morally ambiguous ass to the gods and back.”
Niklaus wasn’t fazed, even when the sword started to pulsate with magic. “Very funny, Gillion. You’ve tried this before; it’s not going to work..” Whether Niklaus was referring to their first meeting or one of the many iterations of this dream was unclear. “I’m just a passing fabrication anyways, soon to be replaced with another. What good would it do? It definitely wouldn’t stop this... Don’t you want to end this recurring reverie?”
Gillion lowered his weapon, the magic retreating like a tide. “I’ve heard enough from you, Nicolas… And I don’t have to stay here and entertain your sly words.” He turned on his heel to leave. Gillion, the oblivious conductor he was, changing the trajectory of the dream to its natural conclusion in his supposed defiance. He’d unknowingly conformed; setting the same course as his predecessors.
Niklaus sighed, “Oh Gillion… I didn’t think we’d end this so soon…” Gillion had reached the door when his muscles seized up; like a ragdoll as he slid back to the table, spun to face the Tiefling again. Gritting his teeth, he glared at Niklaus eye to green eye: Niklaus having grown despondent. “I guess there’s a reason you needed those extra lessons… Some things just don’t ever click for you like they should.”
Gillion didn’t hold back, his hostility like venom on his tongue, “What do you have to gain from this?? Are you going to hurt Chip and Jay???”
“When are you going to start asking the right questions?”
Niklaus roughly pulled Gillion’s wrist across the table; all his past, present and future selves remembering and experiencing this moment in sync. It was unlike any pain he’d ever experienced, a nail etching into his skin akin to marking his soul. It set his whole body on fire - trembling as his blood pooled and dripped from the carving onto the table - and it didn’t stop until Niklaus had made an identical copy of Gillion’s tattoo. Gillion suspected it had only been laying dormant for the duration of their discussion; a ruse to lower his guard and offer only the impression of free will. If only he has realised sooner…
The lights went out.
It was pitch black.
All Gillion could see was the crescent moon in the distance.
It was blinding.
.·:*¨༺ ──────────────────── ༻¨*:·.
Gillion awoke, groggy as he pulled himself up to peer over the edge of his barrel. His pupils constricted to adjust to the sunlight worming its way into the ship, illuminating the space. Nobody else was sleeping, the only sounds of life coming from above deck. He must have slept in for a while since not even Pretzel was here, Gillion guessing one of the others was looking after her. He let himself sink under the water again, allowing himself time to mull over his sleep. Details were already escaping him, getting upset at himself for forgetting yet again. He didn’t know what had happened in his dream but he had the feeling it was important in some capacity, something that could change everything. And yet, it had slipped his mind…
He glanced at his wrist; the tattoo still as emboldened as ever. He wasn’t sure why but he felt like it might have something to do with his odd sleeping patterns – even if he didn’t have any definitive proof. He admitted it might be easier if he just talked to Chip and Jay about it, yet he was anxious at the thought. Would they even believe him? Would they dismiss it? It’s not like he had an ounce of evidence to show for it. The idea of them finding it negligible somehow made his worries worse, worked up enough that he was going to lose sleep if he had to think about this anymore.
He clutched at his pendant, making sure it was still there. He eyed his sword and armour, going through a mental checklist of his belongings and ticking them off. Things were the same… On some level, he preferred it that way.
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ggthydrangea · 2 years
i looove kbands!! i also like day6, and the rose has some good music too (i liked their recent album a lot). i'm actually seeing n.flying in concert in jan so now i need to learn their names before then haha though they only have 5 members i think (lol the way i think anything less than 8 or 9 members is "not that much" anymore 😂)
i had the same issue with hxh, though it was really good when i finally got around to watching it! i prefer the shorter shows (which is kinda why i like kdramas now, cuz they usually end around 16 episodes as opposed to american shows where they sometimes go on for years and years lol), sometimes it just feels overwhelming to have so many episodes to watch all at once. and i loved fullmetal alchemist brotherhood!! it made me cry haha
sorry that chan question i asked last time is a big one to answer hahaha 😆 instead, here is a video made for me and you LOL (alright mainly me, but chan looks SO GOOD in that outfit phew)
and some random questions...1) what are your 3 favorite colors if you had to choose, and 2) what are 3 things you're looking forward to in the next week? :D hope your day/night is going well <3
Kbands are so fun!!! I listen to a little bit of a lot of them, Day6 is definitely up there for me, as is the The Rose though I'm behind on their music, and N.flying is very fun! My favorite kband right now is Xdinary Heroes, they're so good!!! Haha I feel that... To me 5 members isn't bad at all, it's a pretty easy number. That's really cool that you get to see them live!!! I hope you have a great time!
Yeah I feel that, sometimes even if it's really good, a really long show can be a lot! FMA is so good but also so dark. I really appreciate the balance, but getting through the beginning is hard when it's so sad! 😭
No it's okay! It's a good question, things just got a little crazy for me so I didn't quite have it in me, but I can definitely make a list of some of my favorites!!! Haha yes their Waiting for Us outfits were so nice, I'm such a sucker for a button up shirt. 😔
I'm putting the rest under a read more so this doesn't get too long!
Okay here are some moments in no particular order:
This whole vlive is so funny!!!
Chan singing Bubblegum K.K. 🥺
This dance cover??? Hello???
This song is so pretty I love his voice!!!
This is so funny!!!
Puppy interview!!!!!!!!!!!
His trip back to Australia, I got so emotional seeing him back there, it was everything! 😭
Any time he smiles, I love his smile so much it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!
Ooo I really like blues, navy blue and sky blue especially! I also like a nice soft purple, and a gentle green can be nice! But blue is my top favorite. 💙 Next week...? Haha welllllllll. Oof that's kind of a hard one. I work the 13th through the 24th with no days off so uh. Yeah. But it is nice that Christmas is getting closer, I'll get to see family! I'm also taking myself out for boba at some point next week so that will be nice! How about you? And I hope your day/night is going well as well!
Too many vlive clips to list them all but I love his dad jokes and cute moments! Also when he makes references to stuff that I grew up with (like Sesame Street or The Wiggles I get very mushy 🥺, I'm a nostalgia sap)
The way Chan growls his lines in Charmer live feels like a personal attack to me
Everything about KCON LA 22... His looks (all of them!!!), being a cute MC, the way he performed, of my gosh that KCON will live rent free in my head forever
The rest of these are fancams
Vampire Thunderous - I'm generally neutral on vampires but he looks so good oh my goodness he looks so good... And the way he keeps smiling is so cute. 🥺
Maniac - I just think this is a really nice look for him, and I like how he sounds a little more growly in this performance (I may perhaps have a weakness for the way he's growlier performing live...)
All In 1 - I like this look on him a lot 👉👈
All In 2 - another fun outfit
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