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Advent Challenge 5/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
This poem is very relatable because it speaks about the entangled feelings that are involved in most romantic relationships. I also like the insinuation at the end, in that vague Japanese way.
14番 (Poem 14)
Michinoku no shinobu mojizuri tare yue ni midare someishi ware naranaku ni
みちのくの しのぶもぢずり 誰故に 乱れそめにし 我ならなくに
Whose fault is it that my feelings have begun to tangle like the tangle-patterned prints of Shinobu from the far north? Since it is not my fault, it must be...
Minamoto no Toru (822 - 895)
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❄️1st of December ❄️
Ein Gleiches - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Über allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh,
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde,
Warte nur, balde
Ruhest du auch.
English translation:
An Equal - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Above all summits
There is calm
In all treetops
You feel
Barely a breeze;
The birds in the forest hush
Just wait and soon
You will rest too
If you take part at this challenge, tag it with #phcadventchallenge or #studyblradventchallenge!
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Consejos para la mujer fuerte - Gioconda Belli Si eres una mujer fuerte protégete de las alimañas que querrán almorzar tu corazón. Ellas usan todos los disfraces de los carnavales de la tierra: se visten como culpas, como oportunidades, como precios que hay que pagar. Te hurgan el alma; meten el barreno de sus miradas o sus llantos hasta lo más profundo del magma de tu esencia no para alumbrarse con tu fuego sino para apagar la pasión la erudición de tus fantasías. Si eres una mujer fuerte tienes que saber que el aire que te nutre acarrea también parásitos, moscardones, menudos insectos que buscarán alojarse en tu sangre y nutrirse de cuanto es sólido y grande en ti. No pierdas la compasión, pero témele a cuanto conduzca a negarte la palabra, a esconder quién eres, lo que te obligue a ablandarte y te prometa un reino terrestre a cambio de la sonrisa complaciente. Si eres una mujer fuerte prepárate para la batalla: aprende a estar sola a dormir en la más absoluta oscuridad sin miedo a que nadie te tire sogas cuando ruja la tormenta a nadar contra corriente. Entrénate en los oficios de la reflexión y el intelecto Lee, hazte el amor a ti misma, construye tu castillo rodéalo de pozos profundos pero hazle anchas puertas y ventanas. Es menester que cultives enormes amistades que quienes te rodean y quieran sepan lo que eres que te hagas un círculo de hogueras y enciendas en el centro de tu habitación una estufa siempre ardiente donde se mantenga el hervor de tus sueños. Si eres una mujer fuerte protégete con palabras y árboles e invoca la memoria de mujeres antiguas. Haz de saber que eres un campo magnético hacia el que viajarán aullando los clavos herrumbrados y el óxido mortal de todos los naufragios. Ampara, pero ampárate primero Guarda las distancias Constrúyete. Cuídate Atesora tu poder Defiéndelo Hazlo por ti Te lo pido en nombre de todas nosotras.
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Advent Challenge 04.12.
For today’s poem I chose “Nad wodą wielką i czystą” by Adam Mickiewicz from 1838. The author is easily one of the most important Polish poets, however, this poem is not among the best known. Hope you’ll enjoy!
Nad wodą wielką i czystą Stały rzędami opoki, I woda tonią przejrzystą Odbiła twarze ich czarne;
(Over the water vast and clear Stood rocks in rows And water, with its clear surface Reflected their black faces.)
Nad wodą wielką i czystą Przebiegły czarne obłoki, I woda tonią przejrzystą Odbiła kształty ich marne;
(Over the water vast and clear Black clouds ran by And water, with its clear surface Reflected their meagre shapes.)
Nad wodą wielką i czystą Błysnęło wzdłuż i grom ryknął, I woda tonią przejrzystą Odbiła światło, głos zniknął. A woda, jak dawniej czysta, Stoi wielka i przejrzysta.
(Over the water vast and clear A lightning appeared and a thunder roared And water, with its clear surface Reflected the light, the rumble disappeared. And the water, as it was, it is clear And stands vast and lucid.)
Tę wodę widzę dokoła I wszystko wiernie odbijam, I dumne opoki czoła, I błyskawice - pomijam.
(I see this water around me And I reflect everything faithfully, And the stately faces of rocks, And the lightnings - I pass by.)
Skałom trzeba stać i grozić, Obłokom deszcze przewozić, Błyskawicom grzmieć i ginąć, Mnie płynąć, płynąć i płynąć -
(Rocks shall stand and look menacing Clouds shall carry the rains Lightnings shall thunder and die away I shall flow, flow and flow - )
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Tatiana Khmelnik - Title Unknown
Ты слишком уверен в своих руках, Ты думаешь, хватит сил Нажатьем ладони бросать меня в прах Гостеприимных могил.
И ты уверен в своих правах Увенчивать и свергать. Ты хочешь быть богом хотя бы в словах, Огнем заливая снега.
Но, знаешь, твоя рука не сильней Той, что хранит меня. И я, повинуясь одной лишь ей, Стою, не боясь огня.
И я, лишь ей покоряясь одной, Спокойно встречу твой взгляд. Мне жизнь возвратят за той стеной, Где вечный сияет сад.
As the call-back to yesterday’s poem, this one is mainly known because together they are combined in the song lyrics by band “Surganova and the Orchestra”. They work together surprisingly well. Tatiana Khmelnik is contemporary poet from Saint-Petersburg, but I couldn’t find her works with a quick search, so I’ve did a quick translation myself, though it certainly lacks in style:
Your hands are too sure, You think that you can Push me with your palm To the welcoming ashes of the grave.
And you are sure about your rights To crown or overthrow, You want to be called a god And rain the fire on the snow.
But, you know, your arm isn't stronger Then the one that protects me. I am obeying only it, So I stand and don't fear the fire.
I submit just for it, So I am calm before your eyes. I will be gifted a life behind that wall Where the eternal garden shines.
A little late in the day, but here it is.
Advent challenge, 02.12 @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee
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Advent Challenge: Day 1 ❄️✨
Risk - Anaïs Nin
And then the day came,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to blossom.
Spanish Translation:
Y entonces llegó el día
cuando el riesgo
para permanecer apretado
en un brote de flores
era más doloroso
qu el riesgo
que tomó
Hopefully I translated correctly. Feel free to add corrections. Make sure to participate in this lovely challenge by @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee
#i don’t feel confident enough to attempt to translate this into german right now :/#phcadventchallenge#poetry
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Advent Challenge 19/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
That situation when your brain just won’t shut off, and you overthink things, and you just can’t sleep and the night just won’t end. Even in ancient Japan this was a thing. I am sure the poet here is thinking of a lover (because when weren’t they thinking of a lover in ancient Japan?) but it’s fitting for those of us who stress out over trivial things in the middle of the night.
85番 (Poem 85)
Yomosugara mono-omufu koro ha akeyarade neya no hima sahe tsurenakarikeri
���もすがら もの思ふ頃は 明けやらで ねやのひまさへ つれなかりけり
All through the night recently, as I dwell on things, even the gap between the doors of my bedroom, which does not lighten, seems cruel and heartless to me.
Shun’e Hoshi (1113 - ?)
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Advent Challenge 3/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
Today’s poem is a wintry one, which I thought apt for December. Although most modern interpretations suggest that this is a Tanabata-related poem, current interpretations suggest that this might be referring instead to the imperial palace, and actual frost.
6番 (Poem 6)
Kasasagi no wataseru hashi ni oku shimo no shiroki wo mireba yo zo fukenikeru
かささぎの 渡せる橋に 置く霜の 白きを見れば 夜ぞふけにける
When I see the whiteness of the frost that lies on the bridge of the magpies, then I know, indeed, that the night has deepened.
Otomo no Yakamochi (718 - 785)
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Advent Challenge 10/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
I’m pretty sure that this is about love, but I picked this poem because of the frost reference and it being December! This year I welcome the cold weather!
29番 (Poem 29)
Kokoro-ate ni woraba ya woramu hatsu-shimo no oki-madohaseru shira-giku no hana
心あてに 折らばや折らむ 初霜の おきまどはせる 白菊の花
Must it be by chance, if I am to pluck one, that I pluck it?ー white chrysanthemums on which the first frost lies bewilderingly.
Oshikochi no Mitsune (d. 925)
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Advent Challenge 8/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
This poem has wordplay about pining or waiting for someone, which I feel is appropriate given the winter season and the fact that I am longing to be with family and friends this year...
22番 (Poem 22)
Fuku kara ni aki no kusaki no shiorureba mube yama kaze o arashi to iuran
吹くからに 秋の草木の しをるれば むべ山風を あらしといふらむ
As soon as it blows, autumn grasses and trees wither - this must indeed be why the mountain wind is called "the ravager."
Fun'ya no Yasuhide (d. 885)
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🌲3rd of December🌲
Im Nebel - Hermann Hesse
Seltsam, im Nebel zu wandern! Einsam ist jeder Busch und Stein, Kein Baum sieht den anderen, Jeder ist allein.
Voll von Freunden war mir die Welt, Als noch mein Leben licht war; Nun, da der Nebel fällt, Ist keiner mehr sichtbar.
Wahrlich, keiner ist weise, Der nicht das Dunkel kennt, Das unentrinnbar und leise Von allem ihn trennt.
Seltsam, im Nebel zu wandern! Leben ist Einsamsein. Kein Mensch kennt den andern, Jeder ist allein.
English translation:
In the mist - Hermann Hesse
Strange to wander the mists
Lonely every bush and stone
No tree sees the other
everyone´s alone
Full of joys was my world
When my life still was bright
Now that the mist is falling
noone´s to be seen anymore
truly, noone is wise
who doesn´t know the dark
which divides, indivicible and quiet.
from everthing
Strange to wander the mists
Living is being lonely
no human knows the other
everyone is
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Advent Challenge 9/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
This poem has wordplay about pining or waiting for someone, which I feel is appropriate given the winter season and the fact that I am longing to be with family and friends this year...
28番 (Poem 28)
Yamazato wa fuyu zo sabishisa masarikeru hitome mo kusa mo karenu to omoeba
山里は 冬ぞさびしさ まさりける 人めも草も かれぬとおもへば
In the mountain village, in winter, my loneliness deepens, when I think how both grasses and visitors have withered.
Minamoto no Muneyuki (d. 939)
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Advent Challenge 4/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
This poem speaks on the ephemerality of life, and speaks of flowers fading and rains falling, likely eluding to the ephemerality of the cherry blossom. Slightly melancholy, this poem makes me think of the end of the year.
9番 (Poem 9)
Hana no iro wa utsurinikeri na itazura ni waga mi yo ni furu nagame seshi ma ni
花の色は うつりにけりな いたづらに わが身世にふる ながめせしまに
As the color of the flowers has faded in vain so I have passed through the world gazing at the falling rains.
Ono no Komachi (ca. 850)
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⛷️4th of December⛷️
Die Stadt - Georg Heym
Sehr weit ist diese Nacht. Und Wolkenschein Zerreißet vor des Mondes Untergang. Und tausend Fenster stehn die Nacht entlang Und blinzeln mit den Lidern, rot und klein. Wie Aderwerk gehn Straßen durch die Stadt, Unzählig Menschen schwemmen aus und ein. Und ewig stumpfer Ton von stumpfem Sein Eintönig kommt heraus in Stille matt. Gebären, Tod, gewirktes Einerlei, Lallen der Wehen, langer Sterbeschrei, Im blinden Wechsel geht es dumpf vorbei. Und Schein und Feuer, Fackeln rot und Brand, Die drohn im Weiten mit gezückter Hand Und scheinen hoch von dunkler Wolkenwand.
English translation
The City - Georg Heym
So vast this tinght. And the glow of clouds
tears against moons downfall
And thousand windows stand in the night
blinking with their lids, red and small.
Streets run like veins through the city
Uncountable people washing in and out
And eternal hollow tone of dull stones
Pours out dreary in dimm silence
Birthing, death, operated monotony
The babbling of labour,
long cry of death
In blind transitions everything passes by
And shine and fire, beakons red and blaze
that threaten in the distance with risen hand
and glowing high from dark walls of clouds.
If you take part in this challenge, tag it with #phcadventchallenge or #studyblradventchallenge !
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Advent Challenge 13/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
The loneliness here seems fitting for the season this year, but it is likely an allusion to the fact that lover has not been visiting recently, as many of the poems in this collection are related to lovers.
47番 (Poem 47)
Yahe mugura shigereru yado no sabishiki ni hito koso miene aki ha kinikeri
八重葎 しげれる宿の さびしきに 人こそ見えぬ 秋は来にけり
To the lonely house where the goosegrass weeds, have overgrown, not a soul can be seenー but autumn, at least, has come.
Egyo Hoshi (Dates?)
#advent challenge#pastelsandhazelnutcoffee#japanese langblr#百人一首#ogura hyakunin isshu#tokidokitokyo#phcadventchallenge
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Advent Challenge 20/24
From @pastelsandhazelnutcoffee‘s Advent Challenge
My Advent Challenge: Every day from the 1st of December until the 24th of December, post a poem from the 百人一首 (Hyakunin Isshu - One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each) in Japanese, translated into English.
This poem is the lament of a resentful lover, but since we spend so much time in the dark in the winter, with the moon more present than in other seasons, I tend to feel more melancholy than in the bright summer evenings.
86番 (Poem 86)
Nageke tote tsuki ya ha mono wo omohasuru kakochi-gaho naru wa ga namida kana
嘆けとて 月やはものを 思はする かこち顔なる わが涙かな
“Lament!” does it say? Is it the moon that makes me dwell on things?ーNo, and yet, look at the tears flowing down my reproachful face!
Saigyo Hoshi (1118 - 1190)
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