#phaya is going to make it his life's mission to be right next to tharn come what may
pickletrip · 9 months
The plot is plotting.
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But your parents gave you to the Abbot to extend your life & try to change your destiny. That is why you're still alive today. But young man, I warn you. You must look out for those whom you've wronged in the past life. They are very near. They are coming to take your life.
Totally not ominous. His personal life and professional life are all about dying.
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Believe me. Phaya doesn't want to be anywhere but with Tharn. So, rest assured, he'll do his best to be a nuisance to Tharn.
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Well well well. That old granny is whoever this is. I have no idea who this is supposed to be, but at least she is on Tharn's side. MDL says she is a mysterious woman. Yes, I agree. Mysterious indeed.
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djeterg19 · 9 months
Ok chapter 11 is the last one about the first case so let's go!
The team is getting ready to interrogate the two forensic officers they caught. They aren't able to find the last victim so they suspect they are too late. They think it's odd that Narong only took three days off for his sister's funeral. I'm not entirely sure how long it takes in Thailand but yeah that's a very short leave. Hell even my job gives 5 days bereavement. Singh is nervous about something. He knows something isn't right. They've been searching the suspect and victims homes but have found nothing. Singh tells them the crime scene is somewhere else.
Everyone starts rushing off. Tharn goes off alone and doesn't answer Phaya's calls. Phaya jumps in front of Yai's car to get him to stop and jumps in. Tharn has had one of his visions apparently. Khem wants to know why he rushed off and Yai and Phaya share a look knowing why. They take off following Tharn.
They arrive at a burning farmhouse. Tharn has already run off towards the house and Phaya chases after. There are a bunch of young kids in the backyard burning the house. Tharn grabs the torch and Phaya finds a tap and a bucket to put out the fire. The kids look nervous so Tharn tries to reassure them he's there to help but one girl starts crying. They don't want to go to jail. Tharn says he's there to help but they wanted to finish the mission. What mission? Apparently their friend is trapped in the house next door who would be released if they burned the house by a certain time. Tharn guesses the kids are more than 5 or 6 years old. They were playing a game called hero where they did missions and the last one was burning the house to save their friend. Tharn can't believe Narong would use such small children for his evil plans.
Khem and Yai are helping Phaya with the fire when they hear the sirens from fire trucks. Tharn asks Khem to watch the children as he goes to the house next door. It's chained and padlocked. Tharn shoots the lock and finds the last child asleep on the couch. There's a fan to keep him cool and crumbs from snacks on the table. The little boy doesn't wake up so Tharn checks his pulse. He's alive but has been drugged. Tharn takes him to the ambulance. Parents start arriving to check on their children.
Khem asks Tharn how he knew and Tharn makes excuses about presuming. The team is called back to the office. Tharn tries to talk to Phaya but he walks off and goes back with Khem and Yai instead. Tharn is frustrated that Phaya won't tell him what's wrong.
Back at the office, they are interrogating Narong. Vit has confessed everything about helping Narong with the kidnapping and torture. Narong goes from not being worried to upset and crying as they explain that they stopped the fire before the last body could be burnt. He asks what about his sister. The department ruined everything for him. Narong thinks back on happier days with his sister. How she was going to a job interview the day she was attacked but he couldn't pick her up. That he heard the call of the assault and realized it was his sister. How she blamed him for not being there when she needed him. Being upset that the perpetrator was only given 10 years and that he couldn't do any more to make sure he never hurt anyone else.
Narong confesses he forced Vit to help him. The little boy in the house is Vit's little brother. So Vit went along to make sure that Narong wouldn't hurt him. Narong gives a similar speech to the show but asking Singh if he thinks this job makes him a hero. That they all know why the rapist got his sentence reduced. They start leaving everyone knowing that Narong is right but not wanting to talk about it.
Tharn goes to see Narong at his cell. He wants to tell him what he heard from the voice. That she wished him to live a good life. Narong chuckles and says he sounds like he's talked to his sister. Tharn continues telling Narong that she got her first class honor for her brother. That she didn't really blame him for what happened that day. That he was always her hero. Phaya had been listening and smiled and left before Tharn knew he was there.
Tharn finishes and turns to leave. He asks the voice he's been hearing if they were satisfied. He didn't get a response other than a soft breeze by his ear before it faded away.
We cut to Phaya's house. He's exhausted and takes a shower. He throws himself on the bed ready to sleep. But he hears a voice calling Mr. Phaya and he asks who is calling can't they see he's sleeping. The voice says I am in your thoughts. How could I not know what you are thinking?
Phaya opens his eyes and sees a woman. He sits upright realizing it's Vanvisa. He asks why she's there. She says did you forget what I promised you. She says she's there to walk him through his past life memories. She taps his forehead and sinks into a meditative state knowing she must hurry because "he" has started to realize she's sneaking out to visit Phaya.
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