#pharma commercialization
pharmasolutions · 2 years
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aunti-christ-ine · 8 months
I remember so clearly how we NEVER saw television commercials for prescription medicine. Unheard of!
Then, in the late 1980's, direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising became completely legal — but in only New Zealand and the United States — nowhere else on Earth.
Now Big Pharma spends more on marketing than they do on research, mainly because most of the basic research has already been funded by federal grants — i.e., taxpayers (you and me).
So next time you see a prescription drug commercial on TV, remember that YOU are paying (through our taxes) for the ad's creation and airing.
Then, on top of that, we are personally shelling out ridiculous bankruptcy-causing dollars for the medicine itself — many, many times the cost of the actual drugs — to pay for their commercials.
Thanks to Bush, Reagan, and Republicans! 🤬
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( sickening. )
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 9 months
I work in (gestures vaguely) American healthcare and one of our new clients lets us see patient balances. Today doing data entry, I entered a baby who has been in the hospital since its birth over the summer and racked up a $7.8 million balance so far. Imagine bringing that into the world with you. It's like a fairytale curse.
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kinkykinard · 6 months
it's not a 911 night if I don't see commercials for at least 3 new drugs I've never heard of before
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branmer · 1 year
anyway i don't think it's scottish exceptionalism to say that scotland actually is quite a nice place. of course it has its problems and many of them, like any country, but i genuinely like living here and prefer it over other places i've lived
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natecoumbe31 · 2 years
There are no good pharmaceutical ads
There are no good pharmaceutical ads
I saw a commercial for a new drug the other day… And I gotta say it was one of the worst attempts at advertising/marketing a product I think I’ve ever seen. But then I realized: they’re all the same. There are no good commercials for medications.  Setting aside the fact that I genuinely believe Pharma companies should not be allowed to market products to the public—(isn’t that a doctor’s job to…
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novadreii · 14 days
what i find harmful about the ozempic/weight loss drugs craze is that while it's helpful for those with real deficits in impulse control so they don't eat themselves into a diabetic coma, the majority of people who take it are just putting a bandaid on their bad relationship with food without looking at the root cause.
i see a lot of people saying they're so grateful it's quieted the constant "food noise" in their brains (always looking forward to your next meal/snack, thinking about and preoccupied with food and when/how they'll eat it, etc). And I sympathize as someone who has only started to make progress in the last year in quieting my own food noise by working on the root causes of it (in my case, emotional stressors, low self-worth and weed use).
when i work on my root causes by creating a healthy emotional environment for myself, eating well-balanced and nutrient-dense meals, SLEEPING ENOUGH (influences blood sugar and hunger hormones), and moderate exercise, my food noise is virtually zero. sometimes you're hungry because you are lacking key nutrients!! and your body is shooting out the wrong cocktail of hunger hormones as a result of a poor lifestyle or too many stressors.
i worry how ozempic is going to cause hella nutrient deficiencies in people (including children who need nutrients to grow!) who can only choke down 500 calories a day. again, i can see this being useful for people who have tried everything else, who have cognitive deficiencies that prevent them from moderating food intake. but i really believe that the average person can heal their relationship with food at the source without potentially paying the price elsewhere from their own health.
the popularity of the ketogenic diet is another offshoot of this, in the sense that while it's helpful for people with diabetes/seizure disorders, the average person does not need to cut out carbs for weight loss and in fact needs them to function!!!! reducing refined sugar intake and processed white carbs is a great choice, but healthy fibrous carbs such as legumes and potatoes are nutrient-dense and sooooooo good for your energy, gut health and overall health!!! i never felt as tired, lethargic, and carb craving as i did on keto. i lost weight but felt like shit the entire time, and persisted because i bought into the community insisting i would soon feel this glorious burst of insane mental clarity and energy that never came despite being on the diet for close to a year and wrecking my health in that time. i think most of them are deluding themselves honestly, and health/weight loss fads that trend on social media are the devil incarnate being pushed on us by some corporate agenda somewhere.
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sheilamurrey · 28 days
August 27th - Don't drink the babysittin' money
It’s August 27th, 2024; We have an original traditional country song that’s a story about a high-livin’ couple on a low budget! Pro vocals on this tune produced by Steven Cooper, Nashville, TN. Don’t drink the babysittin’ money, honey! LOL Take care of your kiddos. Here’s the two-hundred-thirty-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently present all genres of new music for everyone’s…
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frontropharma · 2 months
Expert Regulatory and Scientific Writing Services by FrontroPharma
Navigating the complex world of regulatory requirements is made simple with FrontroPharma. Our experts specialize in preparing and reviewing regulatory documentation, including narratives, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and grant writing. We provide clear and effective articulation of your scientific endeavors, ensuring compliance and facilitating smooth regulatory approvals. Partner with us for seamless and successful regulatory navigation.
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jerlrd · 2 months
Key Challenges in the Pharmaceutical Commercialization Process and How to Overcome Them 
Making the complex journey from groundbreaking pharmaceutical discovery to market introduction is no easy task. For startups in particular, the journey can be fraught with challenges, ranging from limited capital to stringent regulatory requirements and intense market conditions. There’s a lot that can happen between phase zero and launch, and that’s why having a solid pharmaceutical commercialization process is so important. It’s the playbook that shows investors and other stakeholders how your novel discovery can become a viable product that will make a real impact on patient lives. 
Understanding the Pharmaceutical Commercialization Process 
Simply stated, the pharmaceutical commercialization process is the pathway through which a new drug, biological product, or device moves from the bench to the bedside. It marks the transition from rigorous scientific research to strategic business operations. For businesses in the pharmaceutical industry, successful commercialization is not just about achieving FDA approval; it’s about ensuring the new product achieves commercial viability. This involves navigating multiple stages, each playing a crucial role in determining the product’s ultimate success. 
Key Steps in the Pharma Commercialization Process 
Discovery and Preclinical Research 
The pharmaceutical commercialization process begins in the laboratory with the discovery of a novel therapeutic or diagnostic compound. Preclinical research involves extensive laboratory and animal studies to assess the compound’s efficacy and safety. This stage is critical for establishing a solid scientific foundation for the drug. Pharmaceutical startups must generate sufficient data to support a drug’s potential safety and efficacy, setting the stage for human testing. 
Regulatory Approval 
Before initiating clinical trials in humans, a pharmaceutical company must submit an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the FDA. The IND application includes information on the drug's composition, manufacturing process, and plans for human clinical trials. Clinical trials are conducted in three phases to evaluate the drug's safety, efficacy, and optimal dosage in humans. Upon successful completion of clinical trials, the pharmaceutical company submits a New Drug Application (NDA) to the FDA for review, formally requesting FDA approval to market the new drug. 
Production Scaling 
Once regulatory approval is secured, the next step in the pharma commercialization process is to scale up production. This involves transitioning from small-scale laboratory production to large-scale manufacturing. Pharmaceutical startups without manufacturing capabilities should consider partnering with an established contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) to leverage their expertise and infrastructure. 
Marketing and Distribution 
With production underway, the focus shifts to marketing and distribution. The goal is to create awareness and demand for your product while ensuring it reaches the intended customers efficiently. Conducting thorough market research will help identify target demographics, market opportunities, and competitive threats, informing the development of a comprehensive marketing strategy. 
Financial Planning 
Effective financial planning is crucial for the successful commercialization of pharmaceutical products. Startups often face significant financial challenges, including securing funding and managing cash flow. Exploring various funding options, including venture capital, grants, and strategic partnerships, is essential. 
Building a Strong Team 
The pharmaceutical commercialization process requires a diverse set of skills and expertise. Pharmaceutical startups should start hiring for key roles as soon as possible, including regulatory experts, manufacturing specialists, marketing professionals, and financial analysts. 
Leveraging Innovative New Technologies 
Leveraging the right technologies can streamline the pharmaceutical commercialization process, reduce costs, and accelerate time to market. For example, AI and ML are revolutionizing drug discovery and development, enhancing clinical trials, and providing actionable insights through advanced data analytics. 
Case Studies: Success Stories 
Moderna: Moderna's pioneering work in mRNA technology and strategic partnerships, such as with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), expedited the development and distribution of its COVID-19 vaccine. 
BioNTech: BioNTech's partnership with Pfizer combined innovative research with robust manufacturing and distribution capabilities, accelerating the market introduction of their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. 
Final Thoughts 
Pharmaceutical startups must understand that the pharma commercialization process is a multifaceted pathway that goes beyond scientific discovery. It requires meticulous planning, strategic execution, and collaboration across various functions. By focusing on each stage of the pharmaceutical commercialization process and leveraging available resources, startups can transform groundbreaking discoveries into impactful, market-ready products. Are you ready to take your pharmaceutical discovery to the next level? Connect with us today to see how Swittons, ZING, and BirdzAI can significantly enhance your ability to bring your products to market successfully. The commercialization of pharmaceutical products is challenging but essential for making a real impact on patient lives. 
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zisurru-main · 2 months
is the “low T” fad like…bullshit. because i can remember that like 6 or 7 years ago every other youngish guy with nonspecific fatigue/sexual issues/depression wasn’t convinced that he has a hormone imbalance his gp is lying to him about
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questionphings · 11 months
Why do we have so many damn prescription medication commercials, yet the meds the push are so damn expensive?
Why not cut the advertising/ media budget and put it towards patient assistance or idk lower the drug price.
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brujaporfavor · 1 year
Pharmaceutical commercial: Got watery eyes? Ask your doctor about Ocularstasis eye drops™!
Do not take if you wear glasses, have watery eyes, or eyes in general.
Serious reactions include: Death, dismemberment, torture by an eldritch god, and spontaneous combustion.
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Data Science for Commercial Success: How Pharmaceutical Companies are Leveraging Data to Stay Ahead
Pharmaceutical companies are facing growing competition in an ever-changing market. To stay ahead of the curve, many companies are turning to data science for commercial intelligence. By leveraging data science techniques, companies can gain valuable insights into the performance of their products, the behavior of their customers, and the activities of their competitors.
Read Full Blog Here: https://www.anervea.com/data-science-for-commercial-success-how-pharmaceutical-companies-are-leveraging-data-to-stay-ahead/
One way that companies are using data science is through data mining and analysis. By analyzing large sets of data, companies can identify patterns and trends that can inform their product development, marketing, and sales strategies. For example, a company may use data mining to identify which patients are most likely to respond to a specific medication, or to understand why certain products are more popular in certain regions.
Another way that companies are using data science is through machine learning. Machine learning algorithms can be used to predict future outcomes, such as which customers are most likely to switch to a competitor's product or which drugs are most likely to be successful in clinical trials. This information can help companies make more informed decisions about product development, marketing, and sales.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is also becoming an important tool for pharmaceutical companies. NLP can be used to extract insights from unstructured data such as customer reviews, social media comments, or news articles. This can help companies understand how their products are being perceived by customers and identify potential issues before they become major problems.
Data science is also being used to improve salesforce performance. By analyzing data from salesforce, companies can identify patterns that indicate which sales strategies are most effective and which are not. This can help companies optimize their sales efforts and reach their target audiences more effectively.
Overall, data science is playing an increasingly important role in the pharmaceutical industry. By leveraging data science techniques such as data mining, machine learning, and NLP, companies can gain valuable insights into the performance of their products, the behavior of their customers, and the activities of their competitors. This information can help companies make better decisions about product development, marketing, and sales and drive their commercial intelligence.
Visit our website now: https://www.anervea.com/
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deaths-accountant · 1 year
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wwwquickpakinccom · 1 year
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Commercial Pharmaceutical Packaging
In the world of pharmaceuticals, packaging plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and convenience of medicines. Beyond its functional purpose, packaging also serves as a powerful tool for patient engagement, providing essential information and enhancing the overall user experience.
Commercial pharmaceutical packaging is carefully designed to safeguard medicines from a wide range of external factors that have the potential to compromise their quality, potency, or safety. These key considerations ensure that medications reach patients in optimal condition, maintaining their efficacy and integrity throughout their shelf life. These considerations include:
Environmental Factors:
a) Moisture and Humidity: Exposure to moisture can lead to chemical degradation, loss of potency, or microbial growth in medications. Pharmaceutical packaging materials with moisture barrier properties, such as blister packs or moisture-resistant containers, help protect against moisture intrusion.
b) Light: Certain medications are sensitive to light and can undergo photochemical reactions, resulting in degradation. Light-protective packaging, such as amber-colored bottles or opaque blister packs, shield drugs from harmful UV rays, preserving their stability for safe consumption.
c) Temperature Control: Temperature fluctuations can negatively impact the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals. Packaging solutions may incorporate insulation or temperature-resistant materials to prevent exposure to extreme heat or cold during storage and transportation.
d) Oxygen Permeability: Oxygen can cause oxidation reactions, leading to the degradation of drugs. Packaging materials with low oxygen permeability, such as aluminum foil or specialized films, help minimize exposure to oxygen, maintaining the product’s stability.
Physical Protection:
a) Impact Resistance: Pharmaceuticals can be vulnerable to damage during handling, shipping, or accidental drops. Packaging should be designed to withstand such impact and provide cushioning or shock-absorbing properties to protect the integrity of the medication. Impact labels can be used alongside a protective packaging solution to not only deter rough handling, but record and monitor damage to hold responsible parties accountable.
b) Vibration and Compression: Excessive vibration or compression can result in physical changes or formulation issues in medications. Commercial pharmaceutical packaging should minimize the transmission of these external forces to maintain the integrity of the product.
c) Tamper Evidence: Tamper-evident packaging helps identify whether a product has been compromised, ensuring the integrity of the medication. Primary pharmaceutical packaging features like induction seals, breakable caps, or shrink bands offer visible evidence of tampering.
Tamper-evident packaging solutions can also be integrated into the outer (secondary and tertiary) packaging. With the likes of tamper-evident adhesive tape, as well as custom made boxes that show damage upon opening, there are many ways to help deter and detect the tampering of commercial pharmaceuticals.
Quick Pak Inc offers industry-leading packaging solutions. Using over 30 years of experience, we have the knowledge and expertise needed to recommend the absolute best solution for your product (and business). So, if you’re in need of a commercial pharmaceutical packaging solution, call us at  813 242 6995 or email our  team at [email protected] today and find out how we can take your packaging to the next level.
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