#phantom middle eastern tour
cantikdaae · 1 year
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So i guess the first cast members for the middle eastern tour are (unofficially) confirmed
Also I see quite a few former london cast members in Dubai 👀
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phantomchristinesuk · 2 months
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European tour Christines
The Christines for the next stops of the tour have been revealed this week.
Georgia Wilkinson & Bridget Costello will share the role of Christine.
Maria Conneely will be 1st cover Christine, performing in the ensemble as part of the chorus and as a Confidante.
Freya Eliza Perrins will be 2nd cover Christine, performing in the ensemble as part of the chorus and also being 1st cover Confidante.
The next stops for the tour are Sofia - Bulgaria, Lisbon - Portugal, Basel - Switzerland, Antwerp - Belgium & Prague - Czechia. Dates listed below.
София, България - 29 август - 5 септември
Lisboa, Portugal - 15 a 27 de outubro
Basel (Bâle/Basilea) , Schweiz (Suisse/Svizzera) - 6. November - 22. Dezember (6 novembre - 22 décembre/6 novembre - 22 dicembre)
Antwerpen (Anvers), België (Belgique) - 6 februari - 2 maart (6 février - 2 mars)
Praha, Česko - 19. až 27. března
Pictures: Georgia Wilkinson (Katesyourmate), Bridget Costello (michaelshelford), Maria Conneely (kimhardyphotography), Freya Eliza Perrins (andybrown.photography) & Daniel George-Wright instagrams
Headshot credits in brackets
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Confirmed cast members for the Middle East tour:
Rachel Bird
David Burilin
Ester Cameron
Grace Chapman
Maria Conneely
Paul Erbs
Daniel Jagusz-Holley
Michael Kirby
Ebony Jayne Kitts
Rhidian Marc
Rebecca Ridout
Nikki Skinner
These people have been confirmed to be part of the tour by their agents or Spotlight cvs.
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glassprism · 5 months
I love the music of the night, but I cannot stand the mannequin part towards the end. Which versions of MOTN do not have that part?
How about I just describe the scene for each production and you can decide if you like it or not!
Original and modified productions: There is a Mirror Bride. She is revealed by the Phantom and when Christine approaches her, she pops out / drops forward, frightening Christine and causing her to faint.
Budapest non-replica: There is not only a Mirror Bride but a Mirror Groom dressed as the Phantom! Mirror Bride and Groom are revealed and then kiss, causing Christine to faint for the second time in that scene (the first was after hitting the high note at the end of the title song - girl's having quite a night).
2004 movie: There is a Mirror Bride. Despite just standing there, Christine nevertheless faints and is carried off by the Phantom.
Warsaw/Bialystok non-replica: There is a Mirror Bride here. It does not move but just spins into view (and quite quickly too), at which Christine faints (very gracefully) and is lowered to the floor.
25th anniversary concert: No Mirror Bride, but Christine still faints when the pressure of the Phantom's hand on her arm cuts off the blood supply to her brain, apparently.
Restaged tours: No Mirror Bride, but there is a blindfold that fans take just as much umbrage with. Anyway, Christine does not even faint in this version, but is carried off to bed by the Phantom before quite trustingly going to sleep.
Prague non-replica: A Mirror Bride is revealed at the end of the song. It does the Robot which then causes Christine to faint.
Tartu/Tallin non-replica: No Mirror Bride here as far as I can see (despite being one of the few non-replicas to have an actual wedding dress for Christine), and from what I saw, Christine just waltzes off to the Phantom's bed for a nap on her own initiative.
Helsinki/Gothenburg non-replica: No Mirror Bride, the Phantom walks Christine over to his bed for a nap.
Original Bucharest/Oslo/Greece/Middle East and Eastern European tour non-replica: No Mirror Bride; instead the scene ends with Christine trying to unmask the Phantom and failing, then going to sleep on the hard rock floor.
Belgrade non-replica: No idea.
Sofia non-replica: No idea.
Kristianstad non-replica: The Mirror Bride not only moves, she has been fully upgraded to do a whole dance with Christine, after which Christine collapses, either from the shock or from sheer exertion.
Sydney Harbour non-replica: I wish I knew; Christine seems to get shocked by something in the mirror, but I couldn't see what.
Italian Tour/Madrid non-replica: No Mirror Bride, Christine just faints in the Phantom's arms.
Bucharest revival non-replica: No idea.
Love Never Dies: Not present in the Australian version that has become the basis for most other productions. However, the original London production did feature a Christine doll in the opening scene. I can only presume it is an upgrade of the original Mirror Bride, hauled all the way from Paris to Coney Island so that the Phantom can play with her before locking her in his penis cage so that he can plot how to woo Christine atop a vagina balcony after she disembarks from Pier 69.
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filthybonnet · 3 years
So we can't celebrate a major West End show finally getting a POC Christine AND be annoyed at the changes they have made? Have you heard of multitasking? I'm happy because imagine the people who will realise that their dreams are attainable and that no you don't have to be white to have this career, so I hope they keep up the castings. I'm very sorry that a POC Christine has made you bitter x
It hasn’t made me bitter and yes I’ve heard of multitasking. However, what I can’t stand is virtue signaling and this is what this is at its finest. If they had completely recast the show I would have been cool with it. But instead they brought back the rest of the UK tour for all the other roles, except demoting that Christine to alternate. They’ve had 35 years to cast minorities on The West End and so far the only ones they’ve cast are Middle Easterns who are white passing. Why did they wait until the current environment that’s demanding diversity only to give into it just as it’s making major changes to a much loved production?
The US Production isn’t any better. Norm Lewis only got the role because he talked about how he’d love to play it but he’d never get it. And the only place you saw several other POC in Phantom was the restaged US Tour. It was like “Here we’re trying something different, let’s mix it up and put some diversity in it while we’re at it.” And how many times did Ali Ewoldt audition before she got Christine? And the US just released that cattle call audition for future Christine’s and listed she can be all these different minorities and then tagged white on at the end. Again that was virtue signaling at its finest. I have a feeling once Meghan’s contract is up the US’s next Christine will be a POC. And not because she’s the best for the role. But because she was the best POC out of all the other POC for the role because they wanted to cave to the current political environment of Black Live Matter and theatre needs more diversity.
Yes theatre and the arts in general need more diversity, but putting POC into established roles isn’t the end all answer. We need to give POC the chance to tell their own stories, to create roles that are for them, roles that are initially colorblind. Us allies need to lift up their stories instead of virtue signal and then pat ourselves on the back for it.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Wonder Twins #7
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I didn't realize the Wonder Twins were Gen X.
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Oh yeah! Zan had just saved the world by stopping a plot that was going to save the world.
I just realized I hadn't scanned the cover yet and as I did, I noticed the Wonder Twins fist/star emblem marks a striking resemblance to a goat.se riff. Zan and Jayna get taken off of monitor duty at the Hall of Justice now that they've stopped the League of Annoyance. You'd think that doing a good job would get you a promotion but those of use who have always done spectacularly good jobs know better. While everybody else works down to the lowest common denominator (because who wants to do more work than the next guy?! A fool, that's who!), good workers just put on blinders and do the job they were hired for until the time they're being paid for is up. Sure, that sounds like I'm describing a sucker who's been completely manipulated by the man! But I'm also describing a person who fulfills their end of whatever bargain they've agreed to! So when I say Zan and Jayna wind up giving tours at the Hall of Justice because they were too good at catching criminals, you'll understand why I went into the previous digression. Maybe? I don't know. Have you seen what state the U.S. is in?! Why are you picking apart my writing style?! Mark Russell takes a few pages to shit all over hockey fans and now I hate Mark Russell with a burning passion. Even though I'd hardly call myself a hockey fan. I mean, I loved NHL '93 (unless it was '92 (or maybe '94?)) and I loved going to San Jose Sharks games when I was still living in the Bay Area (plus my friend worked equipment for the Sharks and would get us free tickets). But it's not like I follow it much anymore. I just like the feeling of being angry at somebody for writing a satirical critique of sports fans rioting because they're so happy that their team won. Although why would I be angry when I've never done that nor think Russell's wrong in his pointed and humorous critique?! Oh, who cares why! Being angry is just more fun! Oh shit! I finally understand people's attraction to Fox News! I just watched a YouTube clip of somebody's Jeremy Roenick highlights from NHL '94 set to the song "More Than a Feeling" and it was pretty awesome. Also, that was definitely the one we played nonstop back in 1993 and 94 and maybe even into 95. Roenick unstoppable down with the puck while Sharks players lay splayed out on their back all across the ice. To stop the riot, Superman calls in Repulso! He's a guy whose super power is super stink and he's kept in a locked room with a bare table and a microwave and nobody wants to be his friend because he smells like a garbage dumb that vomited on top of the diarrhea it shit out while standing on its head so the stanky muck ran down his body absorbing all of his body odor and then somebody cut up a durian and tossed it in the mix.
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Superman is a dick. Get this guy some friends with no sense of smell. Or at the very least, an Xbox Gold account.
After the hockey riots, some "the end of the world" riots take place because Zan and Jayna screw up something or other. Basically what that means is that Repulso gets to be let out of his airtight containment unit again! He's a pretty optimistic guy for being sealed away by Superman (which is just Superman's way! Is somebody a problem? No problem! Put them in the Phantom Zone!). He's so happy and not bitter about his living arrangements that I feel like Zan and Jayna had better figure out a way to give him a better life before this issue ends. Because if Mark Russell fails this character he created before this issue is over and I have to face reality after snot crying about a fictional person, I'm going to be pretty upset when I continue to buy Mark Russell comic books because what other choice do I have? Am I going to stop reading DC's best written comic books because Mark Russell betrayed poor Repulso? Of course not! What am I? A person with integrity?! Repulso winds up getting his ass beat by rioters as Repulso's handlers flee the chaotic "end of the world" downtown riot scene. Luckily the Wonder Twins are headed downtown to save his life and maybe become his friend or something? Please? After Zan and Jayna save Repulso, Jayna goes to Superman to tell him everything sucks. He gives her a big speech about how being a hero is lonely work because you don't always get to fuck the hot chick at your secret identity's workplace and also fuck an Amazon warrior while also getting to fuck anybody at all whose initials are "L.L." and also have a best friend who is the coolest guy in the world with a butler who makes the best pancakes. Sometimes you're a fat jerk who smells who even Superman won't fucking give the time of day because Superman has this speech about how being a hero is lonely and that's a good thing so you should embrace your loneliness because who wants to put up with your super stink, fatty?
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Jayna is a way better hero than Superman. At least in this comic book that's all about her and not Superman so of course she's going to outshine him!
Oh yeah, the ant in the above picture is Jayna. It can't smell. Wonder Twins #7 Rating: A+. I should probably be less cynical when reading Mark Russell comic books because he's as earnest and serious as he can be while also providing lots of jokes. He takes writing seriously because what else is there? If your message isn't going to matter, why bother? (is his philosophy. I think. It's not my philosophy! I don't think? Maybe it is! I just write things that matter in a much different way than Mark Russell writes things that matter.) I should probably read Superman's speech and be inspired by the idea that you don't do good because you want adulation; you do good because it's the right thing to do, even if the entire world thinks you're an asshole for doing it. Even if all of the other superheroes think you're a stinky fuck and only keep you around to use as a tool to oppress and manipulate the masses without having to use logic and reason on them (because, let's face it, the people doing terrible things don't understand logic and reason. Or they're do but they're just selfish and greedy so nothing is going to reach them anyway (which maybe is part of Superman's message?)), you're still a hero at the end of the day. You can still be proud of your stinky self. And even if the life is lonely, you should remain positive and upbeat because Superman really doesn't want to be reminded that you exist every time you complain about the lack of reasonable living conditions. Being a hero is a state of mind, says the guy who also looks great and is invulnerable and has the best wife and a cool son and doesn't have to fear death! So inspiring!
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cantikdaae · 7 months
The Middle Eastern/European/Greek/International tour is coming to Basel, Switzerland in November/December 2024!
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phantomchristinesuk · 6 months
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Grace Chapman made her Christine debut in Sofia, Bulgaria tonight (12/4/24)
(Pictures smiller777, conwayjackjack & jessicahackett_soprano instagrams)
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ballerinadellamusica · 7 months
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Phantom productions announced to run this year:
Daegu, South Korea - closed 4th February
Madrid, Spain - closed 26th May
London, UK - currently booking until 2025
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Eastern Europe & Middle Eastern Tour) - closed 10th March
Vienna, Austria - currently booking until 31st December
Sofia, Bulgaria (EE&MET) - closed 21st April
Yokohama, Japan - booking until 11th August
Budapest, Hungary - last show 13th May
Shenzen, China (World Tour) - opening 2nd July, booking until 4th August
Xi’an, China (WT) - opening 13th August, booking until 18th August
Helsinki, Finland - opening 24th August, booking until 23rd October
Sofia, Bulgaria (EE&MET) -
Shanghai, China (WT) - opening 27th August, booking until 13th October
Suzhou, China (WT) - opening 22nd October, booking until 3rd November
Lisbon, Portugal (EE&MET) -
Basel, Switzerland (EE&MET) - opening 6th November, booking until 22nd December
Chengdu, China (WT) - opening 12th November, booking until 24th November
Beijing, China (WT) - opening 3rd December, booking until 29th December
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Love Never Dies productions announced to run this year:
Shenzen, China (Tour) - closed 7th January
Quingdao, China (T) - closed 21st January
Nanjing, China (T) - closed 4th February
Harbin, China (T) - closed 3rd March
Tianjin, China (T) - closed 10th March
Taiyuan, China (T) - closed 17th March
Xi’an, China (T) - closed 31st March
Changsha, China (T) - closed 14th April
Zhuhai, China (T) - closed 21st April
Xiamen, China (T) - closed 28th April
Wenzhou, China (T) - closed 5th May
Hangzhou, China (T) - closed 12th May
Zhengzhou, China (T) - closed 19th May
Beijing, China (T) - booking until 9th June
Magdeburg, Germany - opening 14th June, booking until 7th July
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perksofwifi · 5 years
Inside Look: How the Toyota Century Rivals Rolls-Royce
“We sold 27.” Toyota chief engineer Masato Tanabe is curt with his answer. I had asked if Toyota had plans to sell its recently redesigned Century—the chauffeur-driven, ultra-luxury sedan that’s been in production since 1967—in markets outside Japan. He first, quickly, answered, “No.” Then I ask why not. Because, Tanabe-san explains (through a translator), they tried to do so with the previous generation. And it flopped.
The second-gen Century launched in 1997 with a 5.0-liter V-12. Yes, a Japanese V-12. For a single car model. Not even Lexus could borrow it. Toyota offered that Century for sale in Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Australia, and a few Middle Eastern countries. One hundred left-hand-drive examples were built, with some winding up in the U.S. to shuttle Toyota’s local executives.
But selling even 100 units was a bridge too far. Even through the cheery-voiced translator, I can sense Tanabe’s bitterness at the rest of the world’s miscomprehension of his baby. Yes, sure, he also rued the loss of what had to be a medium-sized fortune. But really, the rest of the world simply doesn’t understand the sheer genius and excellence of the Toyota Century.
The V-8-powered first-gen Century was in production from 1967 to 1997. The V-12 second-gen version spanned two decades, from 1997 to 2017. The third-generation Century bowed last year. It sports the 5.0-liter V-8 and hybrid system out of the previous-generation Lexus LS 600h L. If you’d like to buy one, the price is $180,000.
The Century isn’t very nice to drive. It’s torquey and nearly silent but tuned to be smooth above all else. It’s proudly, defiantly, most certainly not a driver’s car. Not for nothing, less than 10 percent of Century owners will ever slide in behind the steering wheel. Know thy customer.
No, the third-generation limo is a car to be driven in, and with great precedent. The Japanese royal family owns five heavily customized V-12 Century Royals—special super-customized limos with top-secret features, akin to the American presidential limo. One is even a hearse.
In describing the Century customer, Tanabe says that a man seated in the rear seat should be able to read a newspaper without interruption. Pressed further, he says he and his team “focused on the Emperor,” who prefers a newspaper over a phone or tablet for his daily news. Moreover, a woman wearing a kimono (the Empress, obviously) should be able to “look beautiful” entering the back seat without any unbecoming issues. That’s why the rear sill and scuff plate are completely flat.
Obviously, then, the Century is something of an anachronism. Are you even allowed to have gender-specific design considerations in 2019? Or are we perhaps shoving our notions of right and wrong down Japan’s throat? Maybe we Americans could learn something from a car?
You see, the Century is dripping with Japanese cultural symbolism. For instance, there’s an unspoken rule that if you sell a luxury car, it needs to be stuffed with leather. Bentley and Rolls-Royce routinely get into pissing matches about which slaughters more cows per car.
The Bentley Mulsanne bears the skin of 17 Scottish cattle—all bulls because the skin won’t stretch during a pregnancy that can’t take place—none of which have ever known the sting of a mosquito or the graze of barbed wire. The new Phantom is probably even more gussied up. (At the Rolls-Royce factory, I was once told that they prefer “McDonald’s cows” because they’re grown so fat and the skin is extra soft, but I’m not familiar with their anti-PETA details.) The Century? Wool. Yes, wool. Like a fine suit. Leather is noisy and obnoxious (read: rude), whereas wool is much more dignified.
Should you demand leather seats, however, Toyota offers them as an option. But you should get the wool. Along with exterior color choice (black, burgundy, navy blue, or silver), the interior material is the only choice you get with the Century. During the factory tour, I asked if any customization was available, noting that I once drove a Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe that had a humidor in the glove box. “No.”
Then there’s the paint. I’ll try not to get into the weeds about the Century’s paint, but I could write a short book about it. It’s the finest paint ever applied to a car. Emphasis on ever. I’ve been lucky enough to drive more Rolls-Royces, Bentleys, Maybachs, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and McLarens than I can count. Not one of them has paint that even comes close to this Toyota’s.
I’ve visited dozens of car factories in my decade and a half of doing the car-writing thing. The plant tour is the mandatory salutation to the guys who grind out their days on the factory floor. But this tour is special.
I am one of two American journalists to ever see the inside of the Century plant, located in Ohira, Miyagi, about 450 miles north of Toyota’s Nagoya HQ. Most of Toyota’s elite plant tours are of the Lexus Tahara factory, which cranks out LS sedans by the thousands. But the Higashi-Fuji plant is not that. And although most plant tours are idolatries to our new robot overlords, here, only seven robots are used to build the Century. The rest is hand-assembled.
The longest I’d ever spent in a paint shop was about 20 minutes at the McLaren Technology Center in Woking because they had dozens of spaceship/sex toy–looking paint samples for us to look at. On our tour of the Century factory? I would guess that fully 75 percent of our time in building F201 was concerned with the paint.
The cars are even hand painted. They’re actually wet sanded by hand, then hand polished to a true mirror finish.
A total of four people in the world are skilled enough to paint a Century, though they’ve taken on two apprentices. A Lexus has four layers of material (including primer and clear coat) in its paint job. The Century has seven. I’m not saying seven layers of paint, as the Century has many more than that. Rather, there are seven materials used to complete the mirrorlike paint job. The four craftsmen were sent off to learn lacquering techniques from a high-end lacquerware workshop for six months. The Japanese have been lacquering objects for 7,000 years. As a culture, they take the process and the products very seriously.
Ready for some weeds? The Imperial Regalia of Japan consists of three celestial objects (supposedly) brought to earth by Ninigi-no-Mikoto, the great-grandfather of Japan’s first emperor, Jimmu, and grandson of Amatersau, goddess of the sun and the universe in the Shinto religion. The objects are the sword Kusanagi, representing valor; the jewel Yasakani no Magatama, representing benevolence; and the mirror Yata no Kagami, representing wisdom.
Lacquering is therefore related to this celestial mirror, and the Toyota Century’s paint is a direct result of this tradition. More practically, let’s say the businessman or head of state in the emperor’s seat (a nickname I’ve given to the left-rear seat, as Japan is a right-seat-pilot country) has been ensnarled in Tokyo traffic and won’t be able to visit the washroom to adjust his tie before an important meeting. No worries! All he need do is stare into the Century’s C-pillar, for it is as reflective as a mirror, just like Yata no Kagami. That level of detail might mean nothing to you and me beyond novelty, but it’s a literal connection to the divine for the Japanese.
The die for the hood ornament (a celestial rooster called ho-o and representative of the Japanese Imperial House) takes 45 days to carve. The doors are hung by hand. The interior wood panels are hand-cut and hand-sanded, with each car needing 15 hours of woodworking. The body panels are hand-adjusted. Most critically, the body panels are hand-finished.
“Deru kugi wa utareru,” a Japanese proverb, translates to “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” It’s a tribute to conformity. So even though the Century is meant to transport emperors, lions of industry, and heads of state, it carries a deeply conservative appearance.
However, the Century has a character line that is meant to scream “dignity.” Not kidding. This line runs the length of the car on each side. Three craftsmen perfect each panel’s dignity line—by hand, of course. One gentleman is in his 60s and has been working on the Century since the car’s first generation. He has trained two other guys who are in their 40s. They are considering taking on an apprentice but haven’t found the right candidate yet. The kicker? To ensure complete accuracy, the tools these three sheetmetal sculptors use are custom-built to fit their individual hands. I’ve never seen a car built like this.
I could go on. The intricate patterns on the headliner have tremendous significance to the Japanese, as do the patterns on the lace doilies that slip over the wool headrests and seat backs. You don’t use doilies on leather, gaijin. The significance will fly over our collective western heads, and let’s be honest—you’re still struggling to get past the idea that Toyota sells a sedan that costs $180,000.
I blame William Crapo Durant, the man behind General Motors. He was the guy who said, if you make X number of dollars, you buy a Chevrolet, and once you start earning more money, Mr. Chevy Man, why don’t you move up to an Oakland, or, heck, even a Buick? Maybe, just maybe, if your ship comes in, one day that big, fat Cadillac could be yours. GM got so nuts with slicing and reslicing the pricing pie that it launched four “companion make” brands—Pontiac, Viking, Marquette, and LaSalle—to fill in the gaps between the original four. Curiously, upstart Pontiac survived while the other three plus Oakland didn’t. Until Pontiac didn’t, either.
I blame William Crapo Durant, the man behind General Motors. He was the guy who said, if you make X amount of dollars, you buy a Chevrolet, and once you start earning more money, Mr. Chevy Man, why don’t you move up to an Oakland, or, heck, even a Buick? Maybe, just maybe, if your ship comes in, one day that big, fat Cadillac could be yours. GM got so nuts with slicing and reslicing the pricing pie that they launched four “companion makes” brands—Pontiac, Viking, Marquette, and LaSalle—to fill in the gaps between the original four. Curiously, upstart Pontiac survived while the other three plus Oakland didn’t. Until Pontiac didn’t, either.
Meanwhile, Mercedes-Benz makes the bulk of Germany’s garbage trucks and taxi cabs, and not a single S-Class owner in Europe cares. The Volkswagen Phaeton was an outright failure in America, lasting only three model years with less than 3,000 cars sold. In Europe, Phaeton production ran for 15 years, with about 80,000 sales, and VW is considering bringing it back as an all-electric model. Americans just don’t seem to understand stealth wealth.
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As for the Century, Japan’s recently enthroned Emperor Naruhito is getting a custom one-off open-top Century limousine for his coronation this fall—replacing his father’s Rolls-Royce Corniche for parade duties. Why the switch, and why go with a Century?
The car used in the Emperor’s inauguration ceremony has to meet multiple criteria, among them: It has to be available domestically and be larger than any vehicles it would travel with; it must be environmentally friendly; it must have high safety scores; the Emperor and Empress must be easily visible in the back seat; and it must be suitable for daily use post-parade.
After looking around, The Emperor’s Inauguration Ceremony Office concluded, “Therefore, we will use the Toyota Century Motor Co., Ltd.’s ‘Century’ as the vehicle used in the Celebration Row Ceremony.”
The post Inside Look: How the Toyota Century Rivals Rolls-Royce appeared first on MotorTrend.
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flashinglights-rp · 7 years
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Thank you for your audition, NOEL. We are thrilled to welcome you into the group as the First Hudson who you have chosen to name SUNHWA JOELLE, with the faceclaim of Arden Cho, and we truly cannot wait to meet them. Please send in your account in the next 24 hours, and read over the new members checklist before sending in your link.
NAME/PRONOUNS: Noel, She/Her AGE (18+): 25 TIMEZONE: Eastern ACTIVITY LEVEL: 7/10, currently on summer break and just working. TRIGGERS: Removed. ANYTHING ELSE?: Removed.
CHARACTER NAME: Sunhwa Joelle Sinclair-Hudson FACE CLAIM: Arden Cho GENDER/PRONOUNS: She/Her AGE/BIRTHDAY: 28 BIRTH ORDER: First, solo adopted. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Panromantic JOB ROLE: Dancer/Broadway Actress
On a cold morning in the middle of November, a flower bloomed in New Orleans. Sunhwa Joelle was welcomed into the world by Lena and Xavier Sinclair, an interracial couple who always believed it was best to put others before one’s own self. And as their oldest, Sunny made sure to follow through with that philosophy. Even at a young age, she was always trying to make sure the ones around her were cared for, happy when others were happy. Despite being born with a silver spoon in her mouth, the Sinclair made sure their daughter wasn’t one to become spoiled. It was the tragedy of their plane crashing on the way home from a business trip that pushed the idea that she should keep working hard ever more. Sunny was placed into the system for a few years before she was taken in by Carole Hudson.
Driven and creative, she always had this passion for dance. From her first dance class forward, Sunny was all about the art of movement. No matter where she was or what she was doing, Sunny was constantly moving to whatever beat was in her head. It almost seemed like she was lost in the clouds, dancing on air with a grin on her face. Even so, it seemed all that hard work paid off in the end, when Sunny was offered a spot as a soloist in the American Ballet Theatre when she was 17 years of age. For three years, she traveled with the company, though anytime she was back in New York, she was taking on minor roles in Broadway productions. .
Sunny started to overwork herself around the 10 year anniversary of her parents’ death, ending up passing out on stage during a performance after going so long without taking care of herself. She decided taking a hiatus from the company was her best bet, taking time to travel for while in hopes of finding herself again. A few years later, she ended up back at the ABT, a chance to be a prima calling her name and she loved it. She stayed with the company up until she turned 25 before she found something else calling to her.
Taking a turn for the performing arts on a different stage, Sunny found her way back to singing, taking on the role of an alternate for Christine in The Phantom of the Opera. It was during her time doing a few rehearsals for that musical that she caught the eye of the producer for Hamilton. She was offered a chance to audition for the role of Eliza and she was shocked when she was chosen for the first tour around the states. After her run in the show, Sunny found herself in LA, working on opening her own studio as well as making a name for herself choreographing for singers/groups around the world.
Sunny tends to keep her hair long. She has a few scars from dance scattered along her back and the back of her legs. She tends to keep her hair black though she has been known to dye different colors. She has a tattooed outline of Mickey Mouse’s head on her wrist as well as watercolored wings on her back. Her tongue is pierced as well as her belly button. She tends to wear shorts a lot along with long shirts (button-downs and sweater dresses) as well as converses or heels depending on where she’s going.
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Disneyland Paris: 29- 30 March 2017
March 29 Today we checked out of the hostel at about 10am and headed to the train station. The underground station we had to stop at (King’s Cross) has the Harry Potted platform 9 ¾ so we stopped there to take a picture. After that, we went to the St. Pancras International train station and boarded a train for Disneyland Paris. We arrived there in the late afternoon and we’re having trouble finding the free shuttle to our hotel. We almost gave up and took a taxi, but luckily we found an information desk at Disneyland and asked a woman there. The hotel was very nice, and it was a little sad it would be the nicest hotel our whole trip. We headed back to the Disney Village for dinner and did a bit of shopping.
March 30 Today was a wonderful, exciting day at both of the Disney parks! First we went to Disney Studio Park since it closed super early (6pm??!) and there wasn’t much there that we needed to do. We went on three attractions total: Crush’s Coaster, Ratatouille, and Studio Tour. I wasn’t a huge fan of Crush’s Coaster because I wasn’t getting much of a theme out of it. The ride itself was pretty fun like a Space Mountain dark roller coaster. Ratatouille was really fun and probably one of my favorites out of both of the parks. You ride around in this trackless mouse mobile like it’s a mouse running through Paris. The theme is like the scene in the movie when Remy tries to run away from the head chef guy. The French area surrounding the attraction was amazing as well. The Studio Tours sucked. The rest of the park was pretty neat I guess. It reminded me a bit of California Adventures. However, the real star was the Disneyland park. There is a beautiful hotel right at the entrance to the park, which you walk under. It was just beautiful architecture and fountains all around. The Main Street area was similar to the one at Disneyland California but there were just so many more architectural details and everything was fancier. That was by far my favorite area. The rest of the park had similar lands to California: Adventureland, Frontierland, Fantasyland, and Discoveryland (Tomorrowland equivalent). We headed to Adventureland first. It was neat because it had sort of different themed areas like Africa, an Aladdin Middle Eastern area, and a pirates area. Now, that brings me to one of my complaints about the park. The food was pretty horrible. Or, at least I guess the affordable options were bad. All that was available were hotdogs, hamburgers, pizza or lasagna. There were some more exotic things like Middle Eastern dishes, but that restaurant was closed. We ended up having pizza and lasagna for lunch. My pizza was star-shaped which was cute. Also, earlier in the day I purchased some 25th anniversary Disneyland Paris mouse ears. I forgot to mention that. Anyways, we waited forever in line for food and it wasn’t all that great. Next was Indiana Jones which was an actual rollercoaster, but it didn’t have much of a theme so it was basically a plain wooden coaster. The park has a lot of caves, climbing things, etc. that you walk through and explore, so we did that for a couple of caves in Adventureland. The Pirates ride was closed for refurbishment. Next was Fantastland where we went on It’s a Small World, Peter Pan, and Casey Jr. We also walked through the bottom of the Sleeping Beauty Castle where they have a giant animatronic dragon. Pretty cool! The castle itself was super beautiful and intricate as well. Fantasyland wasn’t very different here than in California, in my opinion. Next was Frontierland where we went on Phantom Manor (Haunted Mansion) which was cool because it was a very different take on the same concept. The story revolved around a bride that was murdered, or murdered her husband or something like that. The ride had a lot more skeletons and different types of spooky things than California. After that, the parade was eh. I just watched it because I was tired of walking and wanted to sit. Finally, Discoveryland had a pretty cool steampunk theme. It was funny because we went on Star Tours and it was completely in French. It was the same exact thing as in California. Most of the attractions had some portions in French and some in English. After that, we had dinner in the Disney Village area, watched the fireworks, and headed back because we were exhausted. The “fireworks” show didn’t have very many actual fireworks, but the laser show effects on the castle and the music were really nice. It was probably my favorite day of the trip so far!
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Current Music Obsessions: January 1 - 15, 2017
The first CMO of the year has now made its way onto my blog! For those of you who don’t know, the CMO series started out as a video series on my YouTube channel, but have now decided to make it a blog thing instead. I’m also am going to be doing it bi-monthly instead of doing it monthly like I did on my channel, just so these posts won’t get SUPER long.
So let’s get onto listing the honorable mentions first:
Invocation Array - Revelation Paulo J. Mendes - The Halls of Fire Edenbridge - Shiantara Stonelight - The Fear Interria - Les Corps Impatients Pagliacci - Wise Men & Lunatics Involvers - Swan Song Sepultura - Phantom Self The World Over - Swervewolf Seth - One Ear to the Earth Dark the Suns - Unbroken Silence Firewind - Ode to Leonidas Meridian - Virocon Elina Laivera - Wonderland Impending Doom - Murderer
Now for the REAL obsessions!
1) Dust in Mind - Spreading Disease 
Dust in Mind are a female fronted melodic metal band that I discovered about a year or so ago, and Spreading Disease is a new single of theirs. This song is absolutely epic and has a pretty catchy chorus, but not annoyingly catchy.
2) Berserker - Wolf 
Berserker is another female fronted melodic metal band that I discovered about a year or so ago. I randomly came across this song in my recommended videos while listening to music one day and decided to give it a listen and fell in love with it. It has a slight doomy atmosphere to it, which is ultimately what drew me in. 
3) Ignea - Halves Rupture 
Ignea are a female fronted progressive/symphonic oriental metal band that I discovered last year and quickly fell in love with. They have a very interesting and dramatic sound, and this song is just that. This is the first song Ignea have released in which Helle unleashes her growls for more than just one word and it is truly epic! I can’t wait to listen to their debut album, The Sign of Faith.
4) Cretura - Funeral Roses
This is the first song that I’ve heard from these guys, and they’ve definitely peeked my interest. This song has such a beautiful doomy atmosphere to it. I definitely want to listen to more from these guys, because this song alone is wonderful.
5) Epica - Fight Your Demons
If you’re not new to me, you know that Epica is my FAVORITE band of all time. So you can expect that I was shocked when I found out that they gave an exclusive single to the people who went to their meet n greets during the North American Principle tour at the end of 2016 and just randomly found it. This song is beyond epic and if you are obsessed with symphonic metal as much as I am, you HAVE to listen to this song!
6) Temperance - A Thousand Places
Got another female fronted melodic metal band for you! Who knew that early January was going to be a time for melodic metal bands for me? Anyways, I’ve known of Temperance for a few years now and they’re a really cool band. The Earth Embraces Us All was the first album of theirs I completely listened to, and this song is definitely my favorite. It’s powerful, dramatic and so very interesting and different for them. Most of their videos are for songs that are a bit more upbeat and on the power metal side, but this one goes in a more oriental/symphonic direction and I absolutely love it.
7) Witch Mountain - Shelter
Witch Mountain is a female fronted doom metal band that I decided to listen to after finding out their front woman is Helion Prime’s new lead singer, just so I could get a feel for her voice. This song is so good and is very reminiscent of something of the likes of Avatarium. If you’re wanting a new doom metal band to listen to, I highly encourage you to check these guys out!
8) Ashbury Heights - Spiders
Ashbury Heights is a new wave that I discovered a while back through their record label (Out of Line Records), but I only knew of their song Glow. But one day when I was hanging out with my friend Astrid, she told me to look up this song and I fell in love. It’s such a fun and lovely song. If you’re into new wave and possibly even industrial, you definitely need to check these guys out.
9) Jonathan Young - Hellfire (Hunchback of Notre Dame cover)
I can’t remember how exactly I came across this guy’s cover of this classic Disney song, but I did and I fell head over heels for it. This is such an epic cover! Who ever thought that dark Disney songs would make EPIC metal covers? And Jonathan has a really great voice. I wonder if he has any original material?
10) Arkan - Nour 
Arkan is melodic death metal band with middle eastern influences that I learned about over the summer thanks to their record label (Season of Mist). I still haven’t gotten around to listening to Kelem, but I definitely need to. If you thought Beyond the Wall was too soft, this song is a bit of a ball buster. Florent’s growls behind Manuel’s gorgeous voice just adds to the amazing experience that is this song.
11) Graveshadow - Namesake
Graveshadow is a female fronted symphonic metal band reigning from the US that I discovered after checking to see if Helion Prime’s former front woman, Heather, was in any other projects, and she indeed is. Just after hearing this song, I’m convinced that these guys can definitely make symphonic metal more well known here in the States. Also, can we talk about how Heather growls in this band? Definitely check these guys out!
12) Chocobo Band - One-Winged Angel 
Chocobo Band is a Final Fantasy metal tribute band that I discovered through Facebook a while back. When they posted a live video of them performing the coveted One-Winged Angel from FFVII: Advent Children, I knew I needed to give it a listen. It’s so epic. It stays very true to the original version, while still having their own spin on it, which makes it very enjoyable to both fans of the band’s sound and the original sound of One-Winged Angel.
13) Purple Nail - Red Sky
Purple Nail is a female fronted gothic metal band that I discovered a few years ago and this is the first song that they’ve released featuring their new front woman. I will definitely miss Lady Crow and her gorgeous and unique voice, but this new singer will definitely bring new dimensions to their sound, just as this song definitely has done. It has a slightly more symphonic sound compared to how it used to be. I just hope that they don’t go too far away from their original dark/gothic metal sound.
14) Xiphea - Star Talers
Xiphea describe themselves to be a “fairytale metal band” and that description really suits them. I came across these guys while just randomly browsing through music on YouTube one day a while back. When I saw that they released a new video, I decided to give it a listen and I fell in love. This song is just so pretty and lovely. I don’t know how they did, but they made symphonic power metal sound so gentle in this song and I absolutely love it.
Those are all my obsessions for the first two weeks of January of 2016! Hope you guys enjoy these songs as much as I did and possibly discovered some new bands to check out!
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Dubai's best luxury hotels for a 'seven-star' stay, from beach butlers to lavish designer spas
Sail-shaped landmark Burl Al Arab was dubbed the world’s first seven-star property. With so many contenders in Dubai’s luxury market, those able to rise to the top set global benchmarks in hospitality. Helipads and grand tourer transfers aren’t enough to stand out – the little details decide things. Cashmere blankets at Bulgari Dubai and Natura Bissé bath products at Mandarin Oriental Jumeira are just some the assets that furnish the rooms that so many wish they could call home.  Burj Al Arab Jumeirah Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Regularly touted as the world’s most luxurious hotel – it's Dubai's only seven-star property – with an eye-catching aesthetic and fleet of Rolls-Royce Phantoms, Burj Al Arab has always delivered on decadence. Seamlessly stretching more than 300ft out into the sea, the sleek outdoor terrace features two pools – including a saltwater one that seems to melt into the horizon – flanked by 32 butler-serviced cabanas and 120 luxurious day sunbeds. The hotel’s interiors, meanwhile, scream opulence with a soaring atrium flanked by golden columns, vibrant colours, lashings of gold leaf and more than 30 different types of marble. Read expert review From £706 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • An insider guide to Dubai The Bulgari Resort & Residences Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Inspired by an upscale Mediterranean village, this private island retreat just off the Dubai coast is the work of renowned Milan-based architectural firm Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and has been created with the same level of craftsmanship and precision as a Bulgari jewellery piece. Rare raw materials like green onyx from Iran and Mongolian black granite are complemented by displays of heritage Bulgari pieces. Facilities include a serene outdoor pool, beach club with Burj Khalifa views, and a sumptuous spa. A highlight is the is the sleek Il Ristorante by three Michelin-starred chef Niko Romito overlooking the glittering marina. Read expert review From £262 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best spa hotels in Dubai Mandarin Oriental Jumeira, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Mandarin Oriental has outdone itself with its first foray into the UAE, with five stunning pools, a private beach, deluxe spa and impeccable service throughout the hotel. The fitness centre offers beach-based classes and the region’s first Outrace frame. Rooms come with marble bathrooms, rain showers, bronze lampstands and sumptuous orange or teal upholstery popping against a pearl-hued backdrop. Most of them have balconies or terraces, aimed at either the Arabian Gulf or Dubai’s city skyline. Don’t miss acclaimed chef Jose Avillez’s menus at Tasca which feature dishes from his Michelin-starred Portuguese restaurants. Read expert review From £176 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best restaurants in Dubai Jumeirah Al Naseem Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating This fashionable resort offers a fresh interpretation of Arabian style in a luxurious palette of cream and gold, with pale drapes ruffling in the breeze of colonial-style wooden fans and giant potted palms flourishing in corners. Glass walls present a picture-perfect view of Burj Al Arab, and the low-rise resort unfolds beneath it, dotted with azure pools, turquoise parasols and landscaping by Bill Bensley. On arrival, staff present guests with rolls of frosty jasmine-infused flannels and iced tea. A wide range of pools include one concealed within an Ibiza-worthy Summersalt Beach Club. Most impressively, Jumeirah Al Naseem has its own turtle rehabilitation lagoon. Read expert review From £245 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best family-friendly hotels in Dubai Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating If first impressions are everything then the bright lobby at this elegant beachfront hotel – filled with freshly cut flowers in Murano crystal vases and a giant two-floor picture window framing views across the manicured lawns to the ocean – certainly leaves a lasting one. The property melds classic Four Seasons style with opulent Middle Eastern touches like gold-leaf ceilings, shimmering mosaics and marble floors. Stylish beach and pool attendants waft by hourly with complimentary refreshments like blueberry muffins, melon bowls and citrus shooters – unless you have pressed the ‘do not disturb’ button by your sun lounger. Read expert review From £169 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • Where to go shopping in Dubai Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Helicopter tours from the hotel’s helipad and water bed recliners in the spa hint at the opulence in this palatial pile, which proudly faces the sail-shaped silhouette of Burj Al Arab across the Arabian Gulf. A clock tower in the reception area adds old-world charm to a glossy grey marble atrium, and Peacock Alley is a catwalk of afternoon teas with a pianist setting the tone. The facilities are beyond expectation with a tennis court, a water sports centre, three temperature-controlled pools and a spa par excellence. All rooms have balconies and almost all have sea views. Bathrooms come with twin sinks and sublime Salvatore Ferragamo toiletries. Read expert review From £117 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best Dubai beach hotels Taj Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating It may be in the business district, but this bastion of modern luxury is all about pleasure. Little touches reinforce that sense of being looked after; leg cushions to elevate the knees for added comfort on four-poster cabanas are a prime example. Indoors, there's a designer gym and Jiva Spa offering authentic Ayurvedic therapies. More than 3,000 Indian sculptures and artworks adorn rooms, restaurants and public spaces in this glossy skyscraper. Other than the magnificent Maharaja Suite, Taj Dubai's rooms are without balconies but Downtown views and elegant décor with Indian accents compensate for the absence of private outdoor space. Read expert review From £80 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best things to do in Dubai Palazzo Versace Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 8Telegraph expert rating In Dubai, where too much is never enough, this sprawling, blingy, behemoth is gloriously OTT, but top-notch dining and first-rate staff manage to make the whole experience enjoyable. If you’re a fan of the “Medusa Madness” style of Versace Home Collection you’ll be in absolute heaven as you revel in your inner Donatella. If not, you might think you’ve ended up in a posh south Florida condo complex, circa 1987. There’s a large infinity “lagoon” pool that looks out over the Creek and a Versace spa, plus good fine dining options including Enigma which hosts rolling three-month stays for visiting Michelin-starred chefs. Read expert review From £142 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The world's most expensive hotel suites Four Seasons Hotel Dubai International Finance Centre Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Far smaller than the region’s standard five-star hotel receptions, this 106-key conversion is almost 'boutique’ – a rarity in Dubai. Every inch is suitably polished and gilded, and crowd-pulling restaurants and bars have dazzling Dubai skyline views. There’s a glass-sided rooftop pool that garners a lot of likes on Instagram and the spa offers world-class products and treatments: Neom’s warm wax candle massages are superb and the Platinum Hydrafacial rehydrates airplane-dried complexions in 60 minutes. Some therapies can also be enjoyed alongside the rooftop pool. Read expert review From £149 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • An insider guide to Dubai Armani Hotel Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating The design is so cohesively Armani, it’s easy to picture yourself at one of Giorgio’s stylish house parties – and that’s the intention. Sculptural flower arrangements inject rare shocks of colour in an otherwise uniformly sable and taupe palette, and with muted lighting it’s easy to get lost in the almost identical maze-like corridors. Armani/Spa, on the third floor, offers elegant domed treatment suites and thermal therapies in the form of a dry-heat laconium, steam room and sauna. Out on the terrace, there’s a pool, bar and sun loungers. Charming Lifestyle Managers take the role of both butler and concierge, and can arrange everything from delivery of irons to massage appointments. Read expert review From £209 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com Contributions by Lara Brunt, Sarah Hedley Hymers, Will Hide and Jenny Johnson
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Sail-shaped landmark Burl Al Arab was dubbed the world’s first seven-star property. With so many contenders in Dubai’s luxury market, those able to rise to the top set global benchmarks in hospitality. Helipads and grand tourer transfers aren’t enough to stand out – the little details decide things. Cashmere blankets at Bulgari Dubai and Natura Bissé bath products at Mandarin Oriental Jumeira are just some the assets that furnish the rooms that so many wish they could call home.  Burj Al Arab Jumeirah Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Regularly touted as the world’s most luxurious hotel – it's Dubai's only seven-star property – with an eye-catching aesthetic and fleet of Rolls-Royce Phantoms, Burj Al Arab has always delivered on decadence. Seamlessly stretching more than 300ft out into the sea, the sleek outdoor terrace features two pools – including a saltwater one that seems to melt into the horizon – flanked by 32 butler-serviced cabanas and 120 luxurious day sunbeds. The hotel’s interiors, meanwhile, scream opulence with a soaring atrium flanked by golden columns, vibrant colours, lashings of gold leaf and more than 30 different types of marble. Read expert review From £706 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • An insider guide to Dubai The Bulgari Resort & Residences Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Inspired by an upscale Mediterranean village, this private island retreat just off the Dubai coast is the work of renowned Milan-based architectural firm Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and has been created with the same level of craftsmanship and precision as a Bulgari jewellery piece. Rare raw materials like green onyx from Iran and Mongolian black granite are complemented by displays of heritage Bulgari pieces. Facilities include a serene outdoor pool, beach club with Burj Khalifa views, and a sumptuous spa. A highlight is the is the sleek Il Ristorante by three Michelin-starred chef Niko Romito overlooking the glittering marina. Read expert review From £262 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best spa hotels in Dubai Mandarin Oriental Jumeira, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Mandarin Oriental has outdone itself with its first foray into the UAE, with five stunning pools, a private beach, deluxe spa and impeccable service throughout the hotel. The fitness centre offers beach-based classes and the region’s first Outrace frame. Rooms come with marble bathrooms, rain showers, bronze lampstands and sumptuous orange or teal upholstery popping against a pearl-hued backdrop. Most of them have balconies or terraces, aimed at either the Arabian Gulf or Dubai’s city skyline. Don’t miss acclaimed chef Jose Avillez’s menus at Tasca which feature dishes from his Michelin-starred Portuguese restaurants. Read expert review From £176 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best restaurants in Dubai Jumeirah Al Naseem Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating This fashionable resort offers a fresh interpretation of Arabian style in a luxurious palette of cream and gold, with pale drapes ruffling in the breeze of colonial-style wooden fans and giant potted palms flourishing in corners. Glass walls present a picture-perfect view of Burj Al Arab, and the low-rise resort unfolds beneath it, dotted with azure pools, turquoise parasols and landscaping by Bill Bensley. On arrival, staff present guests with rolls of frosty jasmine-infused flannels and iced tea. A wide range of pools include one concealed within an Ibiza-worthy Summersalt Beach Club. Most impressively, Jumeirah Al Naseem has its own turtle rehabilitation lagoon. Read expert review From £245 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best family-friendly hotels in Dubai Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating If first impressions are everything then the bright lobby at this elegant beachfront hotel – filled with freshly cut flowers in Murano crystal vases and a giant two-floor picture window framing views across the manicured lawns to the ocean – certainly leaves a lasting one. The property melds classic Four Seasons style with opulent Middle Eastern touches like gold-leaf ceilings, shimmering mosaics and marble floors. Stylish beach and pool attendants waft by hourly with complimentary refreshments like blueberry muffins, melon bowls and citrus shooters – unless you have pressed the ‘do not disturb’ button by your sun lounger. Read expert review From £169 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • Where to go shopping in Dubai Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Helicopter tours from the hotel’s helipad and water bed recliners in the spa hint at the opulence in this palatial pile, which proudly faces the sail-shaped silhouette of Burj Al Arab across the Arabian Gulf. A clock tower in the reception area adds old-world charm to a glossy grey marble atrium, and Peacock Alley is a catwalk of afternoon teas with a pianist setting the tone. The facilities are beyond expectation with a tennis court, a water sports centre, three temperature-controlled pools and a spa par excellence. All rooms have balconies and almost all have sea views. Bathrooms come with twin sinks and sublime Salvatore Ferragamo toiletries. Read expert review From £117 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best Dubai beach hotels Taj Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating It may be in the business district, but this bastion of modern luxury is all about pleasure. Little touches reinforce that sense of being looked after; leg cushions to elevate the knees for added comfort on four-poster cabanas are a prime example. Indoors, there's a designer gym and Jiva Spa offering authentic Ayurvedic therapies. More than 3,000 Indian sculptures and artworks adorn rooms, restaurants and public spaces in this glossy skyscraper. Other than the magnificent Maharaja Suite, Taj Dubai's rooms are without balconies but Downtown views and elegant décor with Indian accents compensate for the absence of private outdoor space. Read expert review From £80 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The best things to do in Dubai Palazzo Versace Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 8Telegraph expert rating In Dubai, where too much is never enough, this sprawling, blingy, behemoth is gloriously OTT, but top-notch dining and first-rate staff manage to make the whole experience enjoyable. If you’re a fan of the “Medusa Madness” style of Versace Home Collection you’ll be in absolute heaven as you revel in your inner Donatella. If not, you might think you’ve ended up in a posh south Florida condo complex, circa 1987. There’s a large infinity “lagoon” pool that looks out over the Creek and a Versace spa, plus good fine dining options including Enigma which hosts rolling three-month stays for visiting Michelin-starred chefs. Read expert review From £142 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • The world's most expensive hotel suites Four Seasons Hotel Dubai International Finance Centre Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating Far smaller than the region’s standard five-star hotel receptions, this 106-key conversion is almost 'boutique’ – a rarity in Dubai. Every inch is suitably polished and gilded, and crowd-pulling restaurants and bars have dazzling Dubai skyline views. There’s a glass-sided rooftop pool that garners a lot of likes on Instagram and the spa offers world-class products and treatments: Neom’s warm wax candle massages are superb and the Platinum Hydrafacial rehydrates airplane-dried complexions in 60 minutes. Some therapies can also be enjoyed alongside the rooftop pool. Read expert review From £149 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com • An insider guide to Dubai Armani Hotel Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates 9Telegraph expert rating The design is so cohesively Armani, it’s easy to picture yourself at one of Giorgio’s stylish house parties – and that’s the intention. Sculptural flower arrangements inject rare shocks of colour in an otherwise uniformly sable and taupe palette, and with muted lighting it’s easy to get lost in the almost identical maze-like corridors. Armani/Spa, on the third floor, offers elegant domed treatment suites and thermal therapies in the form of a dry-heat laconium, steam room and sauna. Out on the terrace, there’s a pool, bar and sun loungers. Charming Lifestyle Managers take the role of both butler and concierge, and can arrange everything from delivery of irons to massage appointments. Read expert review From £209 per night Check availability Rates provided by Booking.com Contributions by Lara Brunt, Sarah Hedley Hymers, Will Hide and Jenny Johnson
July 09, 2019 at 04:15PM via IFTTT
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Scott #Storch #Biography #Photos #Wallpapers #modeling #blog #canon #cream #dancers #eyepencil #fashionkids #hair #shopping #yearsold
Scott Spencer Storch (born December 16, 1973) is a Canadian entertainment mogul, hip hop, pop, R&B and Reggeaton listing producer of Jewish descent. He has his own record label, Storch Music Company and Tuff Jew Productions and he has developed for a variety of artists including Christina Aguilera and Chris Brown, to name a few. He plans to release a debut album called Piano Man.
Scott was born on 1973 in his hometown of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Storch is the son of a Fahad court reporter and a singer, both of Jewish heritage. He eventually moved to Cherry Hill, New Jersey where he grew up middle class, and dropped out of school in ninth grade to pursue a career in music. When he was 16 he joined the band The Roots and was the pianst of the band. The band got a record deal and things were moving up. Scott quit the band because he says he “essential to take a step backward to take a step forwards”. He eventually moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and then Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is now a music producer.
He has an interest in Middle Eastern and Indian music, which comes across in some of his songs, most notably “Let’s Ride” by The Game,”Candy Shop” and “Just a Lil’ Bit” by 50 Cent, “Poppin’ Them Thangs” by G-Unit, “Let Me Love You” by Mario, “Playa’s Only” by R. Kelly (featuring The Game), Lock U Down by Mya, as well as “Naughty Girl” and “Baby Boy”, both by BeyoncĂ© (the latter featuring dancehall artist, Sean Paul).
Despite his flashy appearance wearing substantial stages of diamond jewelry , he prefers privacy, and is relatively shy compared to Pharrell Williams or Kanye West, both of whom have become musical stars themselves — after becoming successful producers.[citation needed] His car collection includes 4 Rolls-Royce Phantoms , a Bentley Continental GT, a 2007 Bentley Azure, an Aston Martin Vanquish S, a Maybach 62, a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, an Enzo Ferrari, a Ferrari F430, a Ferrari Superamerica, a Lamborghini MurciĂ©lago roadster and a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 , Bentley GTC, and a Ferrari 612. He lives in a $10.5m home in Miami with a $25m yacht called Tiffany docked behind it. In mid-2006, Rolling Stone magazine reported Storch’s fortune to be worth somewhere near $70 million dollars. He charges around $100,000 a track. April 16, 2006, Scott and his on-and-off girlfriend of four years, Dae Daniel Esquire, welcomed his first son, Jalen Storch. Dae Daniel filed a paternity suit against Storch, verifying that he is the father of the baby, and claiming that her only assets are valued at $21,000. She wants custody and child support. Storch did not respond to the suit and was judged to be the baby’s biological father. Further judgment on money and such is yet to be determined.
Storch’s own production company is called Tuff Jew Productions. Storch also has his own record label, called Storch Music Company, which is distributed under Dr. Dre’s Aftermath Entertainment. For a short while in 2005, Storch worked with fellow mega-producer Lil’ Jon to produce hits for Lil’ Flip, Angel Doze and Tony Sunshine among others. However, the relationship before long turned sour and ended with Lil’ Jon criticizing Storch for being a “biter”.
Storch made an appearance in Chamillionare’s Turn It Up video, as well as DJ Khaled’s Holla At Me Baby music video. Another appearance was at the end of Fat Joe’s music video titled Make It Rain. He has also appeared in various home videos, some of which have surfaced on YouTube. He also made an appearance in DMX’s Video for “Give Em What They Want”, however the video was never released. Storch seems to be at the end of Fat Joe’s music video titled Make It Rain (Remix) and is in Birdman & Lil’ Waynes video You Ain’t Know playing the piano.
Storch has been criticized by a lot of industry artists such as Lil’ Jon, Christina Aguilera, and Timbaland.
Model “Skye” who was known to be a close friend of Scott’s. She toured with him in previous years as his personal assistant but had a falling out due to money problems. He mentions her on a diss track “The Skye is Black”.
Hip-hop producer Timbaland refers to Storch in his clean single “Give It To Me,” singing: I get a half a mil’ for my beats, you get a couple grand-d-d-d-d/Never gon’ see the working day that I ain’t got the upper hand/I’m respected from Californ I.A. way down to Japan/I’m a real producer & you just the piano man/Your songs don’t top the charts, I heard ’em, I’m not a fan-n-n.” Timbaland confirmed that he was talking about Storch in an interview with MTV personality Sway. He said that he would go after the trashtalkers on his new album Timbaland Presents Shock Value.
Storch responded with the track “Built Like That” on February 26, 2007 co-produced by Nu Jerzey Devil, which features Philadelphia rapper NOX and will be on his debut album Piano Man). On the track, Storch claims to have been solely responsible for the production of the 2002 Justin Timberlake hit “Cry Me a River,” for which he received credit as a co-writer and pianist, but production was solely credited to Timbaland. He also claims that Timbaland’s production partner Danja has been responsible for his recent string of hits with Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake, and mocks the commercial failure of Timbaland’s former Beat Club label.
Rapper Artist D.O.E. aka John Doe (An affiliate of the Mosley Music Group) took it upon himself to respond with the song Piano Man, produced apparently by Timbaland. He mocks Storch for producing such artists as MC Hammer. Ms. Jade also released a diss track, “Beam You Up,” in response to Scott’s lines about Beat Club being wack and Timbo being incapable of signing talent. NOX has also released another diss track titled “1st Degree Murder.”
Storch also had a rivalry with former friend Christina Aguilera. Having produced almost 60% of her second album, Stripped, their friendship ended before the production of her third album, Back To Basics. According to Aguilera, she refused Scott’s services because of unreasonable demands such as private jets in addition to his already enormous salary. Christina wrote “F.U.S.S” (Fuck You Scott Storch) which can be heard on Back To Basics. Spinner is also supported by Aguilera. There is currently a lawsuit in progress between Spinner and AAA(Aguilera and Associates.
Name Scott Storch Height 5'6 Naionality American Date of Birth 16-Dec-1973 Place of Birth America Famous for
The post Scott Storch Biography Photos Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/scott-storch-biography-photos-wallpapers/
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Kerala – A land of lush green abundance and beautiful labyrinthine roads, mountains of splendour and awe-inspiring beaches, captivating fauna and intriguing forests…
It is certainly a land for the perfect honeymoon with luxurious hotels, ever so friendly folk and sights, sounds and souvenirs at every glance. Regarded as one amongst the best honeymoon places in India, Kerala or God’s Own Country as she is affectionately called, has been serving visitors with pride and picturesque destinations for many decades. Any Kerala honeymoon package would comprise Munnar, Kumarakom, Bekal and a myriad other places that invoke the wonderful feeling of calm and quiet. These are scenes that are perceptible by vision, but, at the same time, numb your senses into a daydream, breathing life into love and togetherness. Houseboat trips in Alleppey, wildlife treks in Thekkady and other exciting locations like Kovalam, Vagamon and Wayanad have become the choice of many couples aspiring for a weekend or more of repose and rejuvenation. The Travel Planners has been leading the race for accolades in travel and tourism in India. Recognised as the best inbound tour operator by the Department of Tourism, the organisation has come a long way in delivering outstanding services, competent rates and unparalleled honeymoon packages for all travel enthusiasts. With exceptional understanding of the state’s treasures and our clients’ interests, our Kerala honeymoon packages are the way forward to an experience with nature in its ethereal glory.
Best Honeymoon Places in Kerala, India.
Cochin International Airport is well connected within India as well as with the world. The beautiful part of town called Fort Kochi, oldest town with influence of Portuguese, Dutch and British. This sleepy suburb is brimming with sights such as the St. Francis Church, the oldest church in India, Old Portuguese houses, local fishermen and their Chinese fishing nets, a 16th century Jewish synagogue and the Mattancherry Palace, built by the Portuguese and containing elegant murals. The Villa Romantica in Cochin is an exclusive resort for Honeymoon couples.
Why Munnar is so popular among Honeymooners?
Munnar is a hill station located 4 hours drive from Cochin it is the hot spot for honeymoon to witness the sprawling tea gardens and little hills along the western Ghats. The drive would cover 130 Kms over 4 hours and will also include a stop at Cheeyappara waterfalls. Sparsely populated Munnar is primarily covered by extensive Tata tea plantations. Sightseeing starts in the morning with trips to Eravikulam National Park, Mattupetty, Echo Point, Tea Museum and Pothamedu, together with the option of an enjoyable boat ride in the lake. Don’t forget to take pictures smack in the middle of the tea gardens and share it on social media and buy best tea from Munnar. Spice Tree Resort with Jacuzzi at all rooms or private pool villa is good choice for private honeymoon in Munnar.
Thekkady – Nature lover’s paradise
A morning drive through the Cardamom hills to Thekkady, covering 110 kms/3.5 hours is the best way to explore the beautiful nature of Kerala. This drive includes spice plantations of cardamom and pepper as well as tea and coffee estates. You could also shop for exotic and fragrant spices on the journey to Thekkady. Don’t forget to buy some spices from the local spice market to give away as gifts to near and dear ones.
Houseboat – Best Romantic experience.
A Kerala Houseboat offers rooms on board a Kettuvallam, a traditional Kerala house boat. Exploring the backwaters of Alleppey and Kumarakom, the boat provides full board Kerala traditional meals for all guests through its dining area in the boat. A chef on board prepares traditional Kerala cuisine with local spices, organic food and fresh seafood. Barbeque facilities are available in the lounge area. Rooms on individual house boats are equipped with air-condition. All come with a cable TV and mosquito repellent. Bathrooms have shower facilities. It is 5 km from Alappuzha Railway Station and 85 km from Kochi Airport.
Guests can enjoy the scenery and lively village life on the great backwaters of Kerala.
Kovalam Beach
One of the popular beach destinations in India with three adjacent beaches and bays. One can get a magnificent view of Kovalam beach from the light house which allows travellers to get on top of the light house. There are many sea front restaurants serve fresh catches from the sea. Popular sea food restaurants are Bait by Vivanta by Taj, sea face hotel has sea front restaurant serves beer and wine. The Ayur Villa is a Private boutique villa with 5 rooms and pool is good choice for your private stay at Kovalam.
Wayanad – Place of interest to have honeymoon from Bangalore.
The name Wayanad is derived from Vayal Nadu which means the land of paddy fields. It is a picturesque plateau situated at a height between 700 meters and 2100 meters above the mean sea level nested among the mountains of the Western Ghats on the Eastern portion of North Kerala and on the sides of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka States. Honeymoon trips to Banasura Sagar Dam, the largest earth dam in India and the second largest in Asia, Pazhassi Raja Tomb and Pazhassi Raja Museum at Mananthavady. Another interesting part of your visit will be Kuruvadweep, which is a series of tiny islands on the Kabini River. This adventure site is open from 09:30 am to 03:30 pm with restricted entry on some days due to animal sightings. The islands are completely off limits during monsoon.
Wayanad tour packages will be starting with an early morning or post- breakfast trip to Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary. The reserve opens at 06:30 am, which is an ideal time to see the wildlife. Later visits will include the Jain Temple, Edakkal Caves, Wayanad Heritage Museum and the Phantom Rock site.
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