#phandom gift exchange 2023
archenemiesdnp · 9 months
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Dan and Phil and pets 😺🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶
a very late gift for @altsasuke as a part of @phandomgiftexchange
I hope you like it 😊
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 9 months
I come bearing Gif(t)s (and Fic!)
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For @japhan2023 for the Phandom Gift Exchange 2023!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
(Thank you @husbants and @ttlmt for organising this!)
These gifs are related to the fic (first fic I've ever written woo):
Title: Knight of Wands
Rating: Teens and Up (light swearing)
Summary: Dan does not believe in fate and destiny and fortune-telling. Dan finds the idea of fortune-telling at the same time exciting and terrifying. He definitely doesn’t believe in it though. But he’s starting to have doubts.
Dan watches Phil do tarot readings and learns something about fate.
Read it on ao3
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unicornosaur · 1 year
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If you don’t have any Dan and Phil at Pride, making your own is fine 🌈🏳️‍🌈👬👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
A present for @anironsidh for the @phandomgiftexchange ✨
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caff3inated-art · 9 months
Here is what I've created for the Phandom Gift Exchange 2023 @phandomgiftexchange. This gift is for @.HyperPhix on Twitter!
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phandomgiftexchange · 11 months
It's time for...
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Hello everyone! Today we have something very exciting to announce: the sign-ups for the Holiday 2023 Phandom Gift Exchange are open!
This event is a gift exchange where people create a phanwork for who they are assigned; you don’t know who will be creating your gift, but you can be assured that their talents will match up to your requests!
How to Sign Up
The grand majority of people participating will be gifting a phandom work to another, therefore, you all will be gifters. The person you will be gifting for will (probably) not also be the person gifting for you. On the form, you’ll choose what kind of gifts you'd like and genres/tropes/themes/etc. you enjoy. You’re also free to provide some more specific prompts. If you're just on tumblr, choose the tumblr group. If you're on twitter or on both platforms, choose the twitter or either option! Sign-ups to be a gifter will close Thursday, November 23rd at 11:59 PM.
The gifter sign-up form is here!
"But wait," you say, "what about the betas?" Or maybe you didn't say that, but some may be wondering. Since the beginning of this event, we've been getting fewer and fewer beta sign-ups, and most gifters participating have not been choosing a beta from our directory, anyway. Therefore, this round, if you'd like to be a beta, let an admin know. We'll put you on our email list and invite you to the Discord server so that you can chat (and perhaps find beta work there), but there will not be an official sign-up.
Wednesday, November 8th: Announcement post and sign-ups go out
Thursday, November 23rd: Sign-up form closes at end of day
November 24th-26th: Gifters are contacted with who they are gifting for. (And shhh! It's like a Secret Santa!)
Monday, December 11th: Check-in goes out
Friday, December 15th: Check-in closes, any pinch-hitters contacted soon after
Friday, December 29th: Posting day!
More Details
The gifting assignments will not be random. The admins (@husbants and @ttlmt) will be matching up each gifter with a partner based on the gifter’s self-identified skills and the partner’s likes and prompts.
There will be separate under-18 and 18-and-older groups. A gifter will only be considered to gift for people within their age group. A gifter will also only be considered to gift for people within whichever platform group they choose.
We will be communicating through Tumblr/Twitter DMs and email. There will also be a Discord (the link will be sent through email when assignments go out) and we’ll post updates and announcements there, too. Make sure your DMs are open, you’re checking this blog/the Twitter account, and you’re checking your email during the event!
When the gifters post their gifts on December 29th, they should tag both this account/the Twitter account and their partner on the post. This blog will reblog everyone in the Tumblr group’s posts. Our Twitter will retweet everyone in the Twitter group’s posts.
We’re really hoping this doesn’t happen, but if you are assigned to someone you have blocked or have any sort of issue with, contact one of the admins and we can switch around our own assignments or talk to someone signed up as a pinch-hitter and deal with it. If you know you definitely couldn’t gift for someone, you can also specify this on your sign-up form.
In Conclusion
We hope this event will spread some joy throughout the phandom! Thank you so much for your interest and it would be great if you could reblog and spread the word. If you have any questions, feel free to DM one of the admins or send an ask!
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possumdnp · 9 months
cat calendar (t, 1.8k)
Summary: Dan and Phil take a break during their cat calendar photoshoot. Written for the Phandom Gift Exchange: Holiday 2023 (@phandomgiftexchange) for @obv10usly! I hope you enjoy! <3 Read on Ao3!
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philsmeatylegss · 1 year
This is my submission for the Phandom Summer 2023 Gift Exchange shoutout to @phandomgiftexchange for running it
This is for the lovely @sn0k0plasm
(for some reason mobile won’t let me tag them because thanks so I hope they see this feel free to tag them)
Chips (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan struggling with the concept that all healthy couples should fight.
This definitely isn’t inspired by my own issues and I have no clue why you would suspect such a thing
Have a lovely day!
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natigail · 2 years
December 2022 - natigail recap
A month where was sick for almost a week and then had lots of family time in the holidays but I still manged to write and post! Yay!
Two chapters of Rest in the Belly of the Wolf (skz poly wolfpack AU)
Welcome home! (never leave that long again) (phan one shot, domestic fluff, Dan coming home from tour, written for the phandom holiday gift exchange)
Wrote five spilled thoughts posts (one about how adorable DnP were in Viewers Pick Dan’s Outfits), (one about respecting a no is not to be praised, it should be the norm), (one about writing and the fear of the blank page), (one about singing along to music loudly in your car) and (one reflecting on my 2022)
This month I worked on a bunch of different fics, I kept up with the skz wolfpack AU, and its prologue in the works, and my svt mafia AU too. I wrote a cute phan one shot and I wrote on the skz ace/sex worker AU wip I stated last month. I also started another wip this month, about BTS with dragons, which has been a very fun universe to play around in. And then as always some tumblr posts and my journalling.
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I had put the goal for 2k this month as well, and I just made it over! Hit the goal a couple of days before the month ran out, which was good because I didn’t write much those two final days. Still proud of how I managed to keep on top of everything while dealing with headaches and having Christmas.
Now we start both a new year and a new month and I’m excited but it’s also a little daunting. A whole new year. I’m carrying over three very long active (published) wips with me from last year (well, two are from 2021), and the goal is that phan Stardew AU and the svt mafia AU need to be finished in 2023. Wish me luck with that! And we’re going to stick with the 2k a day goal. Happy New Year!
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archenemiesdnp · 1 year
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Lazy sunny evening for @unicornosaur I hope you like it ☺️
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Hello everyone! Today we have something very exciting to announce: the sign-ups for the Summer 2023 Phandom Gift Exchange are open!
This event is a gift exchange where people create a phanwork for who they are assigned; you don’t know who will be creating your gift, but you can be assured that their talents will match up to your requests!
An Update
This edition, we're letting Twitter join the fun! There will be two gifting groups: a Tumblr group and a Twitter group. When signing up, there is an option for you to choose which group you'd like to be in. You must have a public profile on that platform to participate in the group.
Of course, if you have both, you can choose either one or click "either" and we'll just match you with whoever fits you best. Obviously, cross-posting between platforms is also okay.
And make sure to check us out on Twitter! This account is where we'll update participants and retweet gifts on posting day.
There are two roles you can sign up to be in the event.
Gifter: The majority of people participating will be gifting a phandom work to another, therefore, you all will be gifters. The person you will be gifting for will (probably) not also be the person gifting for you. On the form, you’ll choose genres/tropes/themes you enjoy and then you’re also free to provide some more specific prompts if you’d like. Sign-ups to be a gifter will close Sunday, May 28th at 11:59 PM. The gifter sign-up form is here!
Beta: The betas in this event will not be receiving a personalized gift but will be assisting the gifters. Most likely, you will be beta-reading for people who are gifting fic, but someone can also sign up as a beta to just help with brainstorming, motivation, etc.! You are free to sign up as both a gifter and a beta if you feel you have the time! Betas will not be assigned to a team, but will be available in our beta directory so that gifters can contact you based on the skills you have listed. Sign-ups to be a beta will close Sunday, May 28th at 11:59 PM. The beta sign-up form is here!
Monday, May 8th: Announcement post and sign-ups go out
Sunday, May 28th: Sign-up forms close
Monday, May 29th - Wednesday, May 31st: Gifters are contacted with who they are gifting for. (And shhh! Don’t let them know!)
Friday, June 23rd: Check-in goes out
Tuesday, June 27th: Check-in closes, any pinch-hitters contacted soon after
Saturday, July 8th: Posting day!
More Details
The gifting assignments will not be random. The admins (@husbants and @ttlmt) will be matching up each gifter with a partner based on the gifter’s self-identified skills and the partner’s likes and prompts.
There will be separate under-18 and 18-and-older groups. A gifter will only be considered to gift for people within their age group. A gifter will also only be considered to gift for people within whichever platform group they choose.
We will be communicating through Tumblr/Twitter DMs and email. There will also be a Discord (the link will be sent through email when assignments go out) and we’ll post updates and announcements there, too. Make sure your dms are open, you’re checking this blog/the Twitter account, and you’re checking your email during the event!
When the gifters post their gifts on July 8th, they should tag both this account/the Twitter account and their partner on the post. This blog will reblog everyone in the Tumblr group's posts. Our Twitter will retweet everyone in the Twitter group's posts.
We’re really hoping this doesn’t happen, but if you are assigned to someone you have blocked, contact one of the admins and we can switch around our own assignments or talk to someone signed up as a pinch-hitter and deal with it. If you know you definitely couldn’t work with or gift for someone, you can also specify this on your sign-up form.
In Conclusion
We hope this event will spread some joy throughout the phandom! Thank you so much for your interest and it would be great if you could reblog and spread the word. If you have any questions, feel free to dm one of the admins or send an ask!
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phandomgiftexchange · 9 months
Thank you to everyone for participating in the Holiday 2023 edition of the Phandom Gift Exchange! We hope that everyone had a lovely holiday season and is enjoying all of the gifts!
Happy new year and see you next round!
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