#peyt speaks!
Wrestling With Lust In Mind (Chapter Seven) (Ryu x Luke) (Luke x Jamie)
After a night of steamy passion, Luke wakes up alone without Ryu on the other side of the bed.
Luke looked at the other side and felt the cold spot on that side of the mattress.
He started to reminisce about the night he had with Ryu, seeing him smiling and feeling his lips press to his, and feeling the velvety touch on his lips.
Feeling Ryu's body covering his, being in his loving embrace.
*Yawns and stretching out of his arms*
"Damn, he left... However, I still have those memories of him
When he smiled, I couldn't help but be smitten
When he looked at me, I couldn't help but feel like I was the only individual he sees
When he kisses me, his lips are velvety smooth like I'm being melted
When he held me, I felt like I was cherished and protected by him
I can't stop thinking about Ryu..."
As he lies on the mattress, contemplates what to do until he is interrupted by his cell phone ringing.
At first, he didn't answer right the way
Instead, he let it ring again and again until he saw Jamie's number on the screen.
"🎶All my memories link to the stars
Every time I look at them
They remind me of you 🎶"
"Hmm, Jamie"
"I thought I would be Ryu"
"🎶All my memories link to the stars
Every time I look at them
They remind me of you 🎶"
He answered the number anyway, and when he answered it.
Jamie asked him about his night with Ryu, At first Luke was taken aback by that particular question but he answered Jamie's inquiry about Ryu.
Luke pressed the end of the call and turned it off, he got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom to get himself ready for the day.
"Hey Meathead, How is your night with Ryu?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You know, your night with the legendary Ryu?"
"Well, It was magical"
"Yeah really"
"Are you going to hang out with Ryu again?"
"Well I have to call him first"
"I have to go, bye Meathead I'm going to be at your place"
"Bye, Pretty boy, I see you later"
Several hours later, at noon the sun shines through the slightly dimed terrace of the outside cafe.
Luke and Jamie and Ryu have a lively dialogue with one another, enjoying their meals and enjoying each other's company.
They started to chat about Peyton's Starry Wonderland tour, Luke commented on the topic, and he always goes there and wants to experience it.
*Indistinctly Background Noises*
*Indistinctly Background Conversations*
"Hey, Jamie"
"Yes, Luke"
"Do you want to go to Peyton's Starry Wonderland tour?"
"Of course, I do want to go"
"Hey I have unused four backpasses"
"Really Ryu?"
"Yeah, I'm not much of hers but I got a lot of perks from being her friend"
"Wow, Ryu are you pretty lucky to have her in your circle of friends"
"How are you and Peyton become friends?"
"Yeah, Are you two became friends"
"Well, I met her at one of Ken's extravagant parties that he has in the principality of Monaco"
"Wait, you mean Ken has a mansion in Monaco where he throws a party at?"
"Peyton was quiet and shy, the first time I met her. At first, she was reluctant to speak to me because I was just a stranger to her but slowly but surely she started a conversation with me, ever since she and I became friends"
"Wow, that's amazing"
"Wow, I can't believe it all started at Ken's parties in Monaco?"
"Yeah, That's how it was started"
The atmosphere began its transition from day to night, The vast skies transitioned from sky-blue to a medium cerulean blue to navy blue. The sun is slowly setting itself for the moon's arrival and even the arrival of the stars as well.
Inside the metro city auditorium
The sounds of cheering spectators echoed throughout the stadium, the excited fans were anticipating a spectacular performance and waving around illuminating white glowsticks, brightening the whole auditorium with snow-white glint.
"I can't believe it, I'm going to hear her sing live"
"Me too"
Amid the roaring cheers of the spectators around the auditorium.
As the atmosphere of the arena is booming with excitement and anticipation, outside of the lively and boisterous arena.
Luke was at the VIP lounge with Ryu and Jamie, conversing with the others.
Jamie softly whispered in Luke's ear and flirted with him, Luke softly squeezed Jamie's buttocks and also softly whispered in Jamie's ear.
*Indistinctly Background Conversations*
"Hey, Luke you know I like you so much I could eat you right now?"
*Luke softly squeezes Jamie's buttocks*
"Jamie, babe I know I want to eat you too"
"Luke and Jamie stop it, there are kids here"
"Sorry Guile"
"Yeah, Meathead stop it"
"Hey, Pretty boy you're the one who started it"
The awaiting arrival of Peyton, the cheers and chants are getting louder and louder than ever before.
She happily greeted the populace with a thunderous opening of her overture, causing the crowd to chant her name over and over again throughout the auditorium.
She commenced the show with her first number titled "Wish Upon A Star", and the music began to play in the background.
Causing the crowd to get louder and louder than ever before.
Inside the VIP lounge, through the speakers.
Luke asks Jamie to dance with him, at first Jamie hesitates a bit but he eventually acquiesces.
The pair began to dance to the song and its melody.
"Hello there my precious starbrites, and Welcome to the wonderland of the brightly lit stars!
I'm Peyton and I'm here to take all of you on a starry adventure that you can't never forget!"
*Musical Instruments Playing*
*Music Ends*
"Are you excited to hear your favorites from yours truly!"
"Alrighty then! Hit it!"
*Musical Instruments Playing*
"🎶Sparkling, Dazzling, Glimmering
It's a sparkly starlit night
The resident stargazers come out to look at the shimmering stars above
Couldn't believe that the stars are magnificently dazzling
So dazzling and So sparkling
That couldn't be unseen
Closing my eyes
Underneath the starlight glimmer
Falling into a starry dream
As I fall farther and farther
Feeling the warmness from the brightly lit stars
I slowly opened up my eyes
Waking up in a parallel universe
The world that unfolded before my eyes
Is unbelievable
Wait, Did I see it?
A shimmering silk curtain of stardust
Has opened up
Dispel the darkness with a brilliant shimmer
Seeing stars shimmer in the bright lights
Blinding me in the process
But I couldn't turn away from it
Even if I tried
Put my heart and soul into a wish
I begin to tell my wishes to the stars
They attentively listened to me
Even the smallest details
It's quite impressive
After telling my wishes
The stars begin to light up
Implying that they consider my wishes
Even if it results in some of them
Will come true
*Inside the VIP lounge*
"Hey Jamie, do you want to dance with me?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, Am I"
"Of course, I would love to dance with you"
"Shall we dance then?"
"Let's dance"
Ryu looked at the two young men dancing and holding each other in a loving embrace, he took a sip of a cold glass of cola.
He reminisces about his relationship with Ken Masters, still longing for Ken's soft caresses.
"They look so good together"
*Sad Sighs*
"It kind of reminds me and Ken when we were younger"
*Sipping on his cola*
"I miss Ken so much, it hurts me to think about it"
"Ken.... I need your touch, I need your lips on mine, I need your soft caresses, Ken... I want you so dearly"
Ryu observed Luke and Jamie dancing intimately until they noticed that he was watching them dance.
Luke asks the older Japanese man what's wrong, Ryu doesn't want to respond to Luke's question but he does reluctantly answer it.
When Ryu answered his question, Luke began to comfort the older man.
Ryu began to cry for the first time in his life, having Luke as a literal shoulder to cry on.
"Hey Luke we're being watched by Ryu"
"Ryu is watching us"
"Maybe he truly misses his boyfriend"
"How did you know that?"
"Well, I got a hunch"
"Hey Ryu, What's wrong?"
"It's nothing"
"Do you miss Ken so much?"
"Yes, I do"
*Softly Weeping*
*Hugging Ryu and comforting him*
"Ryu... It's going to be alright"
"Ken...I...Miss... You...."
*Softly Weeping*
"Ryu... It's alright"
"Luke, Just hold me for a little bit longer"
"Trust me, I'll"
The atmosphere between Luke and Ryu is slowly getting blurry and blurry than ever before, Jamie starts to notice as well and the others begin to notice that.
Guile and Chun-Li and even Kimberly are getting uncomfortable with the situation, and even the outspoken Juri is completely speechless.
"Are you serious? Ryu should know better"
"I don't feel comfortable seeing this"
"Me too"
"If Ken sees this he would be furious"
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I’ll write a letter from my muse to yours
Yo, Peyt,
Robin wrote, and then chewed on the end of his pen. For weeks now he and Peyton hadn’t been talking properly. He didn’t get it, didn’t know what had shifted between them, or how to fix it. Letter writing had been an odd little suggestion, but he was willing to try anything. He missed the ease they used to speak with; missed the feeling of his twin constantly having his back.
Scoring two neat lines through his initial opening, Robin tried again.
Hey Petyon,
Letters are funny things, aren’t they? Nobody really writes them anymore; it’s a kind of dying art and it sucks because there’s something oddly magical about them, don’t you think?
Anyway, I digress. I thought this might make it easier, that getting everything down on paper for you to read at your leisure might actually help. You can put it down if I get too insufferable (and yes, I am going to try littering this with as many good words as I can. Maybe we could write a poem of interesting words from it… moving swiftly on). You could even bin it or burn it or whatever if you get sick of the letter - things you can’t do to me no matter how hard you might try.
Peyton, I just want you to know that I’m here. We might not talk like we used to; I might spend half my life in the theater trying to get this musical right, but I need you to know that. I don’t care what you want to talk to me about; if you want to blubber about whatever. I miss when we sat up in the middle of the night and Dad had to turn the lights off because it was the only way we’d even contemplate sleep. I missed when Mom gave us hot cocoa because she knew there was no way we were sleeping and we all needed someone. Even if we were silent, it felt better than this.
I love you Peyton. Don’t you forget it - or I’ll have to use our as of yet unexplored twin powers to irritate the living hell out of you.
Remember, I’m always here.
All my love,
Robin put the pen down on the desk and rubbed his eyes. He took a breath before rereading what he’d written. It was oddly rambling, more a stream of consciousness than a letter, but he’d never done this before. At least, in his eyes the letters to his pen pal in Belgium didn’t really count because that had been for school.
Before he could talk himself out of it, Robin folded the paper neatly in half and tucked it inside an envelope that he’d found. He stood up, tucked the letter neatly under Peyton’s door, and went back to his room. He really hoped it would help, that the sources he’d found online were right. But a part of him couldn’t help feeling that it might just have been a terrible idea.
Perhaps a song would have been better.
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sukikirai02 · 7 years
Dear Rin and Len,
Please continue to share you love and light with the world for 1,000 years more! I made a lil’ video with my favorite memories with you two and the places you’ve taken me over the years. I and so many others love you,
Peyt ♥
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stcrgczing · 4 years
why can’t i just be adored for existing man i see everyone else do it DFVKDNV
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goodlesson · 4 years
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i got tagged by @springlullaby and @softbrobarnes to make an avatar of myself on this website!! how cute 💛 thank you friends!
idk who hasn’t been tagged already so if you wanna do this, go for it!
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parviocula · 7 years
I could very well reading too deep in this but I’m gonna list my thoughts about Zaan and Dragon Priest Mask/Names.
Feel free to shoot over Asks if anything is confusing or you want to know more. This is just my thoughts/canons etc, I’ve read the books and notes but I could have missed more.
According to the Lore each Dragon Priest is granted a magical mask that reflects who they are, just like how their names are changed. You can argue that the MASK is the name that they wear. Their can be speculations on if Children who were born inside the Cult have Dovahzul names but I doubt it as it seems to be more of a title given to you, we also know the Dragon Language is very rarely spoken outside of the Priest rank. 
I’ll list same names I think you could maybe use if you decided your Priest/Priestess had a child. Note these are more like nicknames. I went more by less entitled names (like Wolf or Raven) since they sound more like a working job title than a petty name. But you do what you want!
Dun - Grace
Faad  - Warmth
Mal - Little
Paaz  - Fair
Peyt  - Rose
Now that I am typing this Malpaazpeyt is a cute ass name
Thurvokun and Zaan
We all know the unfortunate circumstance that happened to Zaan, the worst fear in all Dragon Priest and their followers; when their Dragon Lord abandons them. Thurvokun and Zaan had a bond so close it was considered a great fortune to serve them, to be seen by them was a blessing. Why he chose her could have any meanings but I won’t be getting into that right now.
Zaan was gifted a mask that looked very similar to Konahrik (Warlord) this made me speculate a little bit, I believe Zaan was once the wearer of that mask and is in some way still the Warlord. “She commanded no great battles, conquered no powerful enemies” but it does not say she didn’t interfere with these battles in some way, with Zaans great bond and her youth and incredible battle skills, she very well may have been chosen to shut down riots and misguided Priests. Her whole armour and mask still resembles Konahrik, she was Thurvokuns greatest champion and Warlord, he left the Dragon War and took her with him, she was his.
As for why he left it’s not really known. Zaan could of shown weakness after the Dragon War, she may have even been slightly angry they were not there to help Alduin. Or maybe Thurvokun DID leave the temple to return to the war and came back only to find everyone dead and gone and slowly rotted away without his connection. I don’t believe Thurvokun left with malicious response, I believe he was between two battles of his own and made the wrong choices. Either way Zaan’s mentality became unstable after he left and she was severely accused by her followers, but she made no protest to stop them. She was beginning to fade away, she could not speak. The loss of the link between her Dragon was spiritually destroying and her followers saw this and so they slaughtered her.
Zaan’s Mask
We know after her followers slaughtered her one of them regretted it, and her name is Ruelde,  Ruelde‘s brother repeatedly told her to have faith in Zaan but she could not see any left in their Priestess. As she watched the snow turn red in Zaan’s blood her mind drifted into a power hungry being, she desired the mask. she desired dominance and power over all. Just like a Dragon.
One of my theories is the Masks the Dragons create can speak to their wearer, this is how they become themselves.
As Ruelde came over and gripped Zaan’s mask she realized it wouldn't let go, it REFUSED to leave its master, it WAS Zaan. The mask is what makes the Priest, it was created specifically for them and it will never truly leave its wearer until they turn to dust.
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sukikirai02 · 7 years
Peyt might try to cosplay!
Hello everyone! So ever since I got into Rin and Len I’ve wanted to cosplay them! But, I always felt I couldn’t do them justice and I’ve been putting it off for about 2 ½ years now…. buT NOT ANYMORE.
This January I’ll be going to SACAnine, and I want to try cosplaying rin! The problem is, which module, PV, or outfit should I choose? My little brother wants to be my matching Len, so something matching would be fun! So my question for all of you guys is, any suggestions? What is something I should look into? Feel free to send me an ask or a message for any suggestions!
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sukikirai02 · 9 years
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sukikirai02 · 9 years
I finally have a twitter now so if you want, you can watch me struggle how to use it!
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sukikirai02 · 9 years
*points at nothing for 20 minutes* tetteyterettey
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sukikirai02 · 9 years
I’m honestly terrified by how much a PS vita console costs... I think I’ll just wait till pre-orders start for Project Diva X on PS4.
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sukikirai02 · 9 years
I realized I have no idea how I would say my username out loud… Is it just “suki kirai?” Or spaced out like “s u k i k i r a i”? I’ve never had to say it out before so I have no clue.
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sukikirai02 · 9 years
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I finally got to hang up some new posters and turn the lights on, and I’m really happy with how it looks!^o^
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sukikirai02 · 9 years
I find it funny how the old template I used to ask for artist’s permission with maybe had 3 responses, but when I started using my current one I’ve gotten a response every time…
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sukikirai02 · 9 years
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