#petz 5
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petz4 · 8 months ago
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galaxy oshie!
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zmpl · 5 months ago
i can play petz 5 on anything (sequel to this post)
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infaethible · 4 months ago
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i downloaded petz workshop and made a creature
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pixel-paws · 7 months ago
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shortbread-kc · 3 months ago
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happy new year hav a stamp and also have some visual representation for how i procrastinated uypdating this file for SEVEN YEARS
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nylarac · 7 months ago
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pov: we played the same pc games as kids (inspired by @amethystsoda's posts)
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seasidesprout · 11 months ago
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30 days of agere day 18 free day
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zunra2 · 2 years ago
i promised better pictures of them so here they are
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here are some other silly moments they got into
(fyi for everyone reblogging, I did end up uploading the downloads!!! https://www.tumblr.com/zunra2/716700042109566976/i-made-the-downloads)
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dailyswatch · 1 year ago
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these guys crazy. im just living my best life
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magnoliaroad · 1 year ago
4 Seasons Back Yard Remodel + Crystal Yard
My 4 seasons remodels of the Petz 5 Back Yard are now available for download! And because I went on a bit of a side-quest, I’ve also made a bonus version, a fantasy, crystal back yard!
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You can read my creator's notes below:
I somewhat wonder if it's fair to criticize the original Petz 5 playscenes too harshly. It's possible that the development team faced tight deadlines or budget constraints, factors that may not have been entirely within their control. However, regardless of the circumstances, the end result was a disappointingly sloppy product, and it's difficult to ignore some of the glaring flaws. While I can understand that the developers were working with dated software, there are certain flaws that can't be attributed to software limitations. Rather, they seem to reflect a clear lack of attention to detail. Here's what I mean.
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The more you look at it, the harder it is to decide which flaw is the worst. The blatant MS paint spray paint "touch-up" in the upper left, that there was no effort put into blending in the skybox, or that they neglected to add textures to the roof.
Alright, enough ranting there. None of this is to say my playscenes are perfect either, but they were a labor of love and I hope that this is evident in the final results.
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I smoothed out the grass texture to give it a more velvety, manicured lawn appearance. I brightened up the dingy looking fence to a more brighter white. The original playscene had a hole in the fence, and while it might add "character", I opted to cover over it for a more polished look. I added bushes behind the fence to cover up the skybox and to conceal the bottom of the houses.
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Speaking of houses. Wow these needed a big work-up. The texture work (or lack of) on these is just bad. I'm no expert in house construction, but even mostly-brick houses will have some accents like trims to break up the monotony of a fully-brick façade.
Because of how fuzzy the brick texture is in the original, I drew in the mortar lines of the bricks to enhance the texture. I added roof shingles, siding, and trim boards to the house to make it look more like a typical suburban house. Despite these edits, it's still not a "great" house - the way it looks through the windows, it looks like the house is one room lol. I wish I could put better houses in the backdrop but because Tinker doesn't allow me to edit the animated blinds, I'm constrained to keeping them the shape that they are. Oh well. We can use our imagination.
I added landscaping rocks to make the flower bed look nicer. I also added some landscaping details like bushes, garden lights, and string lights for ambiance.
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[ Enlarged picture of the garden light I made ]
I also worked to improve the skyboxes in all 4 seasons of the of the Back Yard playscenes. It would be lengthy to get into the details of all that but here's a before and after of the night skybox. You got to love them high-quality MS paint stars in the original.
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I had a hard time with the summer one because it was hard to come up with ways to make it look different from the spring version. I did make the grass, bushes, and tree leaves slightly more vibrant. Originally I had some flowers by the bushes but I just wasn't really happy with them. At the last minute, I made the decision to remove them entirely. This makes the playscene a little more "plain" but I think some people may want a more "plain", undecorated version so that they can dress it up how they want with toyz.
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Fall is my favorite season, so this was a joy to make. I toned down the color of the grass and added fall landscaping motifs. Recoloring the tree's leaves was done by using Photoshop's gradient map feature. If time permits, I may do a tutorial on this in the future.
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Gradient mapping is a powerful tool for recoloring almost anything. It can give way better results than methods such as hue/saturation, replace color, etc. And thanks to photoshop actions, applying this recolor to all the animation frames took just a couple of minutes.
Unfortunately, the fall leaves look "bright" in the nighttime version of the playscene. There does not seem to be a way to implement a darker version of these leaves for the nighttime playscene. If you look at the sprites in Tinker, you'll see that there are two sets of animations for Leaves A, B, and C and they're labeled "PropsAd" and "PropsAn", which would lead you to think that the developers originally intended for there to be a set of leaves for the day time, and a darker set for the night time. I guess the developers scrapped this idea because this does not work in the actual gameplay. When I experimented with this, the game appears to randomly display the nighttime sprite even during the day time, effectively ruining the intended affect. I'm not sure why the developers scrapped this. Either they had issues coding this properly or were just didn't want to put in the effort to make two sets of leaves.
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Instead of doing recolored leaves for this scene, I made all the leaves transparent and added holiday lighting to the tree. I know the lights aren't perfect - it was kind of hard to make out which direction a branch was going, so it has hard to maintain 'perfect' perspective.
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This is a bonus playscene that I made because I got a little side-tracked as I was working on the 4 seasons back yards. This is inspired by the Suramar zone from World of Warcraft, so it has a bit of that fantasy, night-elf feel and color scheme. It's been years since I've played WoW but I still appreciate the enchanting aesthetic of the elven zones.
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I used gradient mapping again to recolor the leaves to give it this lavender, shimmery, iridescent look. I did a little bit of gaussian blurring and layer effects to make them look a little more "glowy" than the originals.
As before, Tinker won't let me edit the blinds, so it limited what edits I could do to the houses. I would love it if I could have done curtains instead or something. I did my best to make these houses look a little less suburban and more elven. It's not perfect but it was rough working with what I had.
As far as I'm aware, there is no way to turn off the snow effect for seasons like summer where it wouldn't make sense. This probably involves some code-editing that is beyond my technical skillset.
The winter playscene still has the green grass footprint when your petz walk. The sprites for these are not housed within the .env itself but in the Petz 5 Rez.dll file. It would probably involve a bit of tweaking in the code to switch the sprites to something else.
The fall leaves are "bright" in the night time version because there is no way to implement a second, darker set of leaves.
I cannot edit the blinds animation. Tinker gives you an error when you try to edit this sprite. This unfortunately limits what edits I can make to the house and the fence because of where the sprite is positioned.
If anyone does know of solutions to these, do let me know as I'd love to enhance these scenes further!
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Making the icons for these was also a fun little project. For some odd reason though, the game puts a stray pixel over them when I import them through LnzPro. I did my best to disguise them but there does not seem to be a way to fix that.
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With all that rambling out of the way, visit my main page over at Magnolia Road > Resources > Playscenes to download the goodies!
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petz4 · 5 months ago
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rinja-espurr · 1 year ago
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felt so compelled to draw the fucked up little guys ive managed to get in petz5 when i was 12. my favorite little genetic anomalies
the fucked up lil guys in question
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infaethible · 4 months ago
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sooo, uh, anyone ever heard of the petz games? i've been naturally raising a group of catz and they hit age 33 today, which means the game considers them all adults. i made a little graphic to post on a petz forum i use sporadically...
some more pictures of them under the cut:
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^^ i think this one is the only time ive ever seen an oshie do angry eyes o_O
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NOTE: cecil and estelle are both basegame russian blues. mitzi is polygondwanaland's v2 bobtail and pearl is phantasmagoria's oshies plus!
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wooflesnoot · 1 year ago
Currently trying to install Catz 5, might just wait until i get an external disc drive over risking breaking my pc but im not letting go of "fun pack", a folder with a ton of little gifs and still images theyre so cute
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shortbread-kc · 5 months ago
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they dont know theyre halloween coloured
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hydrargyrykennelz · 6 months ago
Why the Petz community isn't fond of Petz 5
Petz 5 may be my childhood, but here's why it isn't everyone's cup of tea.
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