stpansy · 5 months
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pete saying the gay graphic novel mc’s fav fob song would be side effect. oh. ok
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fortheturnstiles · 11 months
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hum--hallelujah · 6 months
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decaydanceredacted · 1 year
It’s ok if you keep me off anon I would say this proudly on my main. Adding to the Pete sub bottom propaganda….
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thekidsare-not-alright · 11 months
I focus on studying for one damn hour and pete brings back clandestine what the hell
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bonecomentiroso · 5 months
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with: @jackgelado e @peterpvn
where: Perto do Endlos Motel
Depois de muito convencimento Pinóquio conseguiu arrastar Jack Frost e Peter Pan para a lateral do Endlos Motel. "Eu juro, pelo meu pai, eu tenho certeza que eu vi o Merlin entrando ali e não era com o marido dele. Vocês acham que ele está tendo um caso? Ou fazendo alguma coisa escondido? Nós poderiamos entrar e descobrir. Imagina, aposto que Merlin faria tudo que nós quisessemos se soubessemos algum segredo sujo dele." Pinóquio era um pouco desaforado e com a cabeça extremamente sem razão nenhuma, mas ele tinha certeza que no caminho que havia feito para encontrar os outros dois amigos havia visto o famoso feiticeiro entrando naquele local, e agora a curiosidade estava levando o melhor dele.
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torkison · 5 months
literally its too square in connecticut so i go to school its too square at school so i go to new york its too goddamn square in new york so i come to california where i spend every day sitting in a goddamn office listening to guys with suits and crew cuts tell us how we’re supposed to make music that we dig trying to say that we can do what we gotta do and still have their money be the bottom line but im telling you that don’t make it!
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tiredeyes1975 · 2 years
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brucequeensteen · 6 months
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sewingshadowsx · 10 months
closed starter @seccndstar location: neverland
hook was right. there was a karaoke bar called neverland. wendy couldn't believe that she hadn't seen this place already. then again, she hadn't been around this part of evermore much. her desire to keep things simple as she tried to find her way around was biting her in the butt. if peter or one of the lost boys or even her brothers had ended up in here then it was her own fault for not looking before hook had found her. now she was bound by her word to tell him what she found. why he hasn't been in here himself, she didn't know and she wasn't going to ask him. she just wanted to find her family.
taking a deep breath, she took a step inside, immediately being hit by the loud music and off-key singing. the inside was colorful and looked like it came out of a storybook; complete neverland vibes. as she made her way further into the club, she did her best to avoid people bumping into her. she wasn't sure if she was going to find anyone she knew here with the amount of people in it. she was starting to feel a little overwhelmed, but luckily the stars were aligned in her favor tonight. she did finally bump into someone, but that someone was a person she thought she knew well.
"i'm sorry...wait....peter?" her eyes widened. were the lights playing tricks on her? was he actually here? "is that really you?"
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himbovillains · 8 months
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Random question time! If Peter Parker could spend a day with one (1) Star Wars actor, who would he pick? @qapsiel — sent from this meme (x) still accepting!
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‘ oh, that's easy! it's gotta be mark hamill! ’ he shifts on the couch, pulling his legs up underneath him to sit cross-legged. ‘ like, yeah, he's luke skywalker. that's awesome on it's own. but then also he's the joker? not just in video games, but he was the joker in a scooby doo episode. i don't know anyone that doesn't wanna be in a scooby doo episode. and he was in futurama, and what we do in the shadows, and — ’ he stops to catch his breath, realises that he'd fully gone on a ramble, and smiles a little sheepishly. ‘ ...i just think it'd be really cool. ’
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mortalfortaxpurposes · 11 months
two at the same time
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sosaysdean · 2 years
nowhere left for us to go but heaven
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frightesa · 1 year
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PETER HAD ALWAYS LIKED HEIGHTS. growing up in brooklyn he had gotten used to the city sounds. when he did fall asleep he could sleep through car alarms, honking, and the general buzz. up here though things were quieter. granted normally when he visited it wasn't on a tour and he would be sitting on their roof - but this was the beast he could do without blowing his cover. " there's a place if you're feeling down. "
it takes a moment to open the door. it's not exactly the top floor but it is about two thirds of the way up of the oscorp building. he leads the other through and makes sure it latches behind him. hands shove into his pockets as he leans back on his heels. while his eyes could be trained on the sky, it finds himself monitoring their reactions. " just come when you feel rotten. fix you up and fix your problems. " @m0tives / s.c
everyone's a guru by saint motel
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timehascomeagain · 1 year
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warriorsatthedisco · 1 year
Listen I liked Kintsugi Kid from first listen but I think it really improves over several listens.
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