#pest control in Melbourne CBD
7spestlink · 4 months
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For unparalleled pest control in Melbourne CBD, trust our renowned services. We specialize in eradicating pests swiftly and effectively, ensuring your peace of mind. With a reputation for excellence, we're the top choice for the best pest control in Melbourne. Don't let pests take over your space – contact us today or visit for more detail https://7statespestcontrol.com.au/
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spestcontrolau · 8 months
A CBD pest control company offers environmentally-friendly solutions to manage and eliminate pests, using CBD-infused products for safe and effective pest management. For more information read the blog.
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CBD Pest Control Melbourne is a well-known name for providing Best Pest Control Melbourne services. We are in this service for 26 years and giving our customers better services because we have Professional Pest Control Melbourne.
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theramseyloft · 4 years
i read your long pigeon poop post, and after some poking around online i saw that a loft in melbourne australia failed. do you have any idea why that is?
Oh... my fucking God. I am so furious.
Look at this thing!
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$70,000 went into this monstrosity?
It looks like they converted a fucking water tower by punching holes in it and welding on entryways shaped like the stereotypical toddler’s first house drawing!
Who fucking researched this?!
Was it designed by a committee purely by aesthetic?!
Here is an article I found on it’s decomission and removal.
According to the pigeon expert quoted in this article: 
“Frank Hayes is the president of the Australian National Pigeon Association. While his group is mostly interested in show pigeons, a different breed to the city pests, he says it was fairly predictable the coop idea was never going to work.”
“ "The nature of the pigeon is that they find a home and they stick with it. So finding them somewhere else to go is a bit of a dream," said Mr Hayes.”
“ "Trying to shift them is one big headache. It's a worldwide problem and no one has ever figured out how to deal with it." ” 
LOOK at this structure!!!
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It’s made of fucking METAL!!!
In the fucking OPEN!!!!
From this charming article:
“The loft is painted with light coloured corrosion resistant to reflect the heat and minimise internal over-heating. It houses two hundred nesting boxes for pigeon breeding. Eggs laid will be replaced with artificial eggs intended as a humane way to control and reduce pigeon numbers.”
That is a metal structure in the Melbourne sun...
No amount of Paint is gonna make that less an oven.
And I can’t imagine you can add anything to paint to make it corrosion resistant that isn’t noxious in a small space when the metal under it heats up.
“Bird feeding around the loft base is permitted to attract birds out of the CBD to this area. Bird feeding is not permitted in any other area around the CBD.”
But the city council is not actually providing the birds with good quality fed...
“... and no one has ever figured out how to deal with it."
No one, you ignorant twit?
NO ONE?!?!
Here is the site of a successful branch of the German Stadttauben Projekt, translated:
“The Stuttgart pigeon project
Dear prospective customers,
nice that you found our homepage. We would like to introduce our project to you on the following pages:
The Stuttgart City Pigeon Project is an animal welfare-friendly concept for regulating and reducing city pigeons for the benefit of people and animals. We operate several supervised pigeon shots in the Stuttgart city area, in which the pigeons are cared for and their eggs are exchanged for dummies so that no offspring hatch. By the end of 2019, there had been well over 45,000 eggs. By feeding grain mixtures in our shots, the animals are no longer forced to look for food on the streets and squares in the area. They spend 80% of the day and the entire night in the dovecote. Ergo - your droppings also stay there and no longer land on roofs or balconies.
We were awarded the Baden-Württemberg State Animal Protection Award 2015 for our commitment .
The city pigeon is one of the most successful residents of the urban living space and today populates all major cities worldwide. It is the free-living descendant of the wild rock pigeons from the coastal and mountain areas in Africa and Eurasia. Long ago, the rock pigeons were domesticated by humans primarily for the purpose of meat production and thus also carried to our latitudes and cities. In modern times, the stock of the archetypal rock pigeon increasingly mixed with breeding, racing and sports pigeons that either escaped, were abandoned or, exhausted by exhausting competitive flights, ran aground in the cities. Today's city pigeons are the overgrown children and children's children of these rock, breeding and sports pigeons.
In cooperation with the state capital of Stuttgart, the Tierschutzverein Stuttgart und Umgebung eV launched the pigeon project in 2008. The cooperation was formed with the aim of bringing about a permanent and humane solution to the city pigeon problem.
The concept of the Federal Working Group for City Pigeons or the so-called * Augsburg Model * was helpful. It is based on scientific publications, practical experience and has already been successfully recommended by several federal states such as Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg. Today it is implemented in more than 80 German cities and towns. For example, there are pigeon houses looked after in Aachen, Augsburg, Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Saarbrücken and Wuppertal.
We aim for a small, supervised and healthy pigeon population in Stuttgart. Then the image of the city pigeon may rise again. Because healthy animals, which have a permanent home and receive animal feed, do not bother anyone!”
“Care instead of fighting: our chronicle
2008:The first step was a dovecote at platform 1 in Stuttgart main station
2009:The second blow was made in the roof of the Leonhardskirche
2009:The third pigeon house was on the Mühlgrün parking garage in Bad-Cannstatt, which has since been demolished and replaced by the pigeon tower in the rope
2010:The fourth facility was the pigeon tower in the city garden on Max-Kade-Weg
2011:The fifth pigeon house stood on the roof of the town hall garage until February 2016. Reconstruction on the roof of the city comb in April 2016.
2011:The sixth dovecote was a second stroke on the roof of the Leonhardskirche (other roof side)
2013:The seventh dovecote was built in the roof of the Fairkauf building in Stuttgart-Feuerbach
2014:The eighth pigeon loft was built (as a replacement for the location at the main station) on a flat roof in the Kriegsbergstrasse
2016:Dovecote number 9 was inaugurated in July 2016 at the Marienplatz in Stuttgart in the roof structure of the imperial building
On Landhausstrasse in the east of Stuttgart, we were able to set up dovecote No. 10 in the attic of a residential building. It was opened in June 2017
2018:In summer, an indoor pigeon tower was opened at Seilerwasen in Bad Cannstatt as a replacement for the Mühlgrün pigeon house
2019In autumn a new pigeon facility was inaugurated at the station in Zuffenhausen and the first egg was laid in December.    
In addition, a dovecote (trailer) on the grounds of the shelter Stuttgart and Nistwand for about 30 pigeons on the will of the ASPCA Stuttgart  House  Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn in Stuttgart Zuffenhausen care.
... more dovecotes are to follow!
Health hazard facts
A health hazard due to pigeons flying around, running and sitting can be largely excluded. New scientific studies have shown (again) that pathogens that may be contained in the pigeon droppings are usually bird-specific and are therefore not transmitted to humans. This was confirmed in 1995 by the Federal Ministry of Health.
The general classification of the pigeon as a pest was withdrawn by the Federal Institute for Consumer Health Protection back in 1989 on the basis of research results at the time and the opinion from 2001.
Feed facts about pigeons
Feeding pigeons in Stuttgart is prohibited on public land. Well-meaning pigeon friends increase the population density of the city pigeons by regular feeding in the same place, without offering the additionally attracted animals sleeping and nesting places where they are tolerated or the clutch can be exchanged. This creates people who work there or often live more pigeon hate and more pigeon misery.
Above all, too many food scraps are thrown away on the streets and squares of the city! This waste is mostly not compatible with pigeons. They lead to illnesses, shortages and thus, among other things, to the unsightly liquid starvation. Nevertheless, due to the scarcity of bird-friendly feed in cities, these human foods are usually the main basis for the feeding of city pigeons, but their organism is designed for pure hard grain feed. So this means sick pigeon populations that nonetheless reproduce disproportionately due to their (pet) genes raised by humans.
If you would like to help sustainably, please contact us. Only other supervised dovecotes in the city area (including food and egg exchange) start at the root of the "problem". We welcome any support!”
From their gallery:
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Here is a loft.
Small, wooden, well insulated from heat and cold.
Those openings are not the nests. They are just doorways with a landing ledge designed around the comfort of pigeons, which are social birds.
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Here is the inside.
Lots of comfortable nest boxes, perches in the back, food, water, comfortable socialization space...
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Here is an entry into another loft currently in use.
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Here is the inside.
Water and feed are provided by the care takers. You can see feed and drinking stations all over the floor.
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And this is the inside of a huge new loft in Frankfurt.
These German Taubbenhauses are designed around meeting the birds’ needs for food, comfort, safety from the elements, and socialization with their flock mates.
None of these birds had to be coerced or forcibly relocated.
Because their needs were better met, they came on their own.
Look at the $70,000 Melbourne monstronsity again!
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More specifically, look at the bridge behind it.
And tell me where you would rather me.
Compact metal tower designed exclusively around convenient human access, metal nest boxes, 0 landing platforms, no socialization space, no protection from the elements, still no choice but to forage for what ever garbage people toss you...
or the comfortably Cool space under a concrete bridge with a convenient water source.
Three guesses what’s more comfortable for the pigeons.
Now, would you rather live under a bridge with constant noise from traffic, open to predators, 
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A well insulated apartment building with comfortable suites, a spacious common area, and a nutritious free meal plan with clean water included by default.
"It's a worldwide problem and no one has ever figured out how to deal with it."
My ass, Mr. Hayes!
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bluemoon21-blog · 7 years
Melbourne hit with massive mouse plague  
Mice have taken over the suburbs and CBD of Melbourne in plague-like proportions with residents contacting pest control services reporting they have been inundated by the rodents.
Mice are running rampant in the homes of Melbourne residents.
The rodents have taken over the city in plague-like proportions with residents contacting pest control services reporting they have been inundated by mice.
Adam Pest Control’s Peter Taylor said the mice have moved in from the country and agreed the city was in the grip of a mouse plague, in an interview with 3AW.
Mice have been seen in growing numbers in the suburbs and CBD of Melbourne, having moved in from country Victoria (stock image)
 The mice population in Melbourne has grown substantially as the rodents seek protection from the cooler weather, a pest control manager said (stock image)
‘Spring was very conducive to the breeding of mice. The population’s quite large, and because we’re now getting colder weather they’re all coming inside,’ Mr Taylor said.
‘We’ve been pretty busy since March with a lot of staff doing overtime.
‘It started in the country and now it’s moving into the city, first to the outer suburbs and now even into the CBD.’
Mr Taylor said the mice were looking for protection from the weather and suggested the best way to prevent mice from coming inside was ‘to fix every hole you could see’ around the house.
A caller to the radio station’s Ross and John program, who lives in the Malle region in the north-western part of Victoria, had previously said they had trapped 62 mice in just one day.
Another caller from Traralgon, in eastern Victoria, said the town had sold out of mouse traps.
Source: Melbourne hit with massive mouse plague   | Daily Mail Online
from Melbourne hit with massive mouse plague  
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