gayelectro · 5 months
Worm - Do either of them go through any significant lifestyle changes during their relationship? How do they deal with it?
Here's a link back to the ask game, if anyone's curious!
But yeah, holy crap, they're together a long time and I still haven't planned out everything. They both go through a ton of life changes.
Firstly, Bridge has just barely started taking HRT when they reunite. This means that Bull Armor basically gets to watch xir entire HRT timeline and see all those changes in real time. And Bridge is going through some awkward things, xe is desperately trying to quash this growing crush on xir friend while also having xir voice crack and wobble all over the place every time they hang out! Also xe is WAY hornier than xe was back when they were working together at the hospital, which makes smothering this crush even harder to do!
Secondly, at some point, they do buy a home and move in together. I don't know yet if they do that before or after they get married. Living together is always a big step, a big change, in both living and loving. You learn so many little minutia about people this way. Plus it changes routines quite a bit. What do dates look like after you start living with someone? And having a living space that you can do whatever you want with means sometimes you pick up new hobbies and habits. We'd probably have a little sanctuary room for our excessive Beanie Baby collection. And I think we'd get into planting flowers in our garden. Bull still has to take care of the grass by himself though.
Third, they do get legally married and have a wedding. A bigger deal than the wedding is the impact it would have, because I do think these two had to fight for the right to be wed. After all, mecha seem to clearly not have the same rights or be regarded as people the way that humans are. This would be huge and it also means there would be a lot of hurdles they have to go through, especially because a lot of forms and situations just aren't built for a couple like them. (I know how it is IRL, having an X gender marker in a world where all forms and situations still need M or F exclusively. It's a headache.)
Fourth, at some point, Bull does have to retire from his sports career. And unfortunately, a bit sooner than anyone anticipated. That injury he sustained and hid in "Run, Bull Armor" did permanent damage.
In stories where I've had Bull Armor and Top Joy be lifelong lovers, Bull and TJ decide that for his health, he needs to retire from playing all sports, but Bull goes on to be a coach for Iron League football teams. I think that's a really nice path for Bull, but I haven't figured out what they decide on in our love story. Part of me thinks that he'd still have to retire, but he'd make some money on the side by being a motivational speaker/convention guest. Bull Armor is a controversial figure for many reasons, and so people will pay a lot to bring him out to talk about stuff. Or sign things! Primarily though? I think he'd wanna be a house husband.
But like I said, still work shopping this part! The retirement is definitely going to happen, but what he does after is up in the air for now.
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volnixian · 2 years
// oh the torment of seeing people with hcs that contradict your own //
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howtozuzu · 4 months
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Drew @perytonpred's Sona because they looked fun <3 And ey were owo
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@perytonpred submitted: I found a gorgeous little lady in [removed] yesterday! I believe she's a female maevia inclemens and I love her so very much. Jumping spiders are so easily identifiable they're great (please remove location!!!)
I would agree it looks like a female dimorphic jumper! She is very cute. I hope she knows...
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flock-talk · 1 year
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@perytonpred it’s for veterinary handling!
You are correct, excessively handling the wings and back can sexually stimulate a bird. Key things to note are that my handling is short and that I’m not stroking or applying much pressure. I’m deliberately altering my touch to be as minimally stimulating as possible and keeping training sessions very short so we don’t cross over in to that part of the brain. A few short touches are unlikely to cause that problem in most birds.
It’s one of those controversial things you need to evaluate risk/reward for on an individual basis. Is the stress reduction and cooperation at the vet worth a potential hormone spike? How likely are the hormones to spike? Etc.
For me, I can see that my handling isn’t causing an increase in hormonal behaviour in Toto. Each session we evaluate, if we see him shift at all then we stop or reduce the training. The benefits of having a bird be calm and comfortable while being handled and restrained outweighs the hormonal risks for me.
When it comes to birds, stress and vet exams are all extremely risky, if he can’t remain calm and still while restrained then he would have to be sedated for blood draws and x rays which could kill him. Potentially causing a hormone spike is worth it to avoid those risks at the vet.
But again, we monitor closely and do everything possible to avoid stimulating him throughout the process.
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soupwave · 1 year
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Thank you @perytonpred for the crater image ily /p
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fighter-spirits · 10 months
get to know 9 people ask game
tagged by: no one but i stole from @heat--end
last song listened to: DeusPROmes from promare soundtrack
currently reading: nothing
sweet/spicy/savory: savory i love salt <3
current obsession(s): pokemon, promare
relationship status: taken but open.
last thing i googled: ko-fi. lol
currently working on: working up desire to write and then i will probably write some ocxcanon slash fic
tagging: ummm @matoimech @rosen-thorns @perytonpred @awn-moo @soupwave @ghostlyeris @goodeye-cyborg @eclipsedmoon87 (you all seem like you wouldnt mind being tagged) and people are free to say i tagged them if they want
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m0thisonfire · 1 year
Hello. This is a vent I had made around 12 am after seeing what frecklydork posted about my girlfriend. I have links to the post below, but perytonpred has good screenshots and is pretty much spot on in this.
Keri is an insecure child and a hypocrite. A hypocrite who has resorted to wanting to cause physical harm and wishing harm on someone. Someone dear to me.
I wrote this on a rage fueled whim with screenshots and questions. I’m only posting this now because I feel I need to fully express how angry she’s made me with threatening and dragging this out for as long as she has.
Day two of new unfathomable rage towards a certain fucked up human who is so much more concerned with f/os and someone getting commissions with her favorite character.
Warning, there is nothing but hate and hate and hate under the cut
This is about the same fucker who is still posting about my girlfriend. She has now resorted to apparently wanting to hurt my girlfriend over a FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
Once again, I started talking to my gf back in June. I talked to her through July and throughout autumn and winter to today, and I am still blistering with rage at the fact this bitch is still acting like she’s the victim. Did things happen between the two? Of course. Is it as bad as she’s making it out to be? Fuck no.
Because I would not be in the spot I am without my girlfriend. My confidence, these characters and s/is, my desire to reach out and interact with and support more people. Faux Pas and Devanii making more appearances. They would not have happened if she hadn’t encouraged me. If she hadn’t shown interest and delighted in these characters with me. Nearly a whole year talking and her reassuring me I was worthy of having my art seen.
This fucker is a liar. There is no fucking way. I want proof. I want proof of this so called abuse of my girlfriend apparently tormenting her and convincing her that these characters want to hurt her. You want proof? You want a real kicker to why this person is a fucking liar?
Exhibit A!
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Exhibit B!
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Two incidents. Two incidents my girlfriend has comforted me and reassured me. Over characters I love who hated me. This contradicts everything that this person has been saying. About her convincing her these characters want her dead or would hurt her. She’s fucking lying about it.
I want proof from this person. I want the screenshots, I want the comms she claims my girlfriend had that hurts her so fucking bad, the ones where her s/i was replaced. I want her to stop fucking targeting my girlfriend for liking the same character as her. I want her to fucking own up and show proof.
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Where is this comm? Why didn’t she mention it in her vent post? Show me the art of her s/i getting hurt and killed. Show me the image and artist. Show me WHERE.
And then we have this lovely post plus one that started this entire essay and a fucking half!!!
And her daring to say she wants to put hands on my girlfriend over this. Over what she claims makes me so fucking mad. You want to talk about rage and hate?
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I have been speaking to her the whole fucking time. I have been there throughout everything. And I can attest to certain moments that do not align with the story.
You want to talk about rage? Rage is watching a friend states away struggle and not being able to comfort them in person. Rage is watching them slowly decline over and over and hate themselves and apologize for things they shouldn’t have to apologize for. Rage is watching from afar while they have a fallout with a friend they thought was going to kill themself if they didn’t keep an eye on them. Rage is watching said ex ‘friend’ turn around and completely smear the image of the person concerned for them. Rage is watching from afar as they make vent after vent after vent bitching about fictional characters not loving her. Rage is getting to the point she says she wants to hurt your friend turned girlfriend. Over Fictional. Fucking. Characters and comms.
Rage is not “Oh my comfort characters and f/os have been ruined and I’m so mad and traumatized over someone else’s ides of them and seeing comms with them 🥺🥺”
Rage is the feeling of “If I ever fucking met you in public knowing what you want to do to someone I love, you better fucking pray you can back wanting to strangle someone, because you’re about to fucking test it out.”
I don’t even care about Tfp Starscream anymore. Watching this fucker talk about him and how she fucking obsesses over him makes me sick. Talk about ruined comfort characters, my fucking space dad is her fucking f/o and she says he’d hate my girlfriend.
That shits heartbreaking and disheartening. She can fucking have him, but she will not convince my girlfriend she is unworthy of love and respect. She complains about not getting it, but look at what she fucking posts! What she writes!! She has completely convinced my girlfriend Starscream wants to hurt her, the same shit she claims!!!
I’m so fucking mad. I hate this bitch. I want to confront her but I can’t. You want to talk about someone wanting someone dead? You have not met the rage of a sexually and religiously traumatized person who has nothing to lose but the person they love.
I have been abused too. I have suffered. I have been through the same, if not worse than this person. But I would actually kill myself if I said half of what she’s said. Just the thought makes me sick, I could never hurt anyone in such a way. But she has. She wants to be a victim and hurt. She’s a fucking hypocrite and I fucking hate her. She can lie all she wants, she’ll never be right in wishing harm on someone over this shit.
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ryu-blue · 2 years
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Looks cute
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perytonpred · 1 year
welcome to Tumblr blog perytonpred, where one second im doomscrolling and rocking back and forth in eternal pain at the reminder that terfs exist, and the next second im giggling and kicking my feet at the very existence of a fictional old man who would pretend to hate me.
a truly unique experience.
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toonformers · 1 year
Uh uh uh!
post 5 songs in your current song rotation and tag 10 mutuals!!
@shadowcat222 tagged me lol so here I go. Also hi Mub, I’m not dead! Hi, everyone else, I’m not dead!
1. Valhalla Calling - Miracle of Sound
2. We are Vikings - Peyton Parrish cover
3. Ragnarok - Peyton Parrish cover
4. Enemies - The Score
5. Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
I don’t think I have 10 mutuals
Can I tag you again Mub lol? @perytonpred @nova-blues @shadowcat222
Uh. That’s it qwp
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sztefa001 · 2 years
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I posted 41,917 times in 2022
That's 20,616 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (0%)
41,860 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,103 of my posts in 2022
#important - 539 posts
#yes - 500 posts
#:0!! - 192 posts
#xd - 189 posts
#amazing - 122 posts
#sztefu talks - 106 posts
#cool - 90 posts
#for later - 86 posts
#aww! - 74 posts
#!!! - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#for context: my parents were working their asses off all the time and didn't have time or strength to whip out a fancy dinner for 10 people
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My boi StarShade, star seeker frametype by @dimorphodon-x. He's the smaller assassin type.
Gave up on trying to draw him properly so just went straight for the colors. Had no idea how to choose them so just used this palette generator. Might dull/darken the blue later but for now that's it.
More info below (not all that much, it's the first time I have name+design before story and background), cursed meme for those who manage to get till the end:
For now his story is kinda backwards - I know that eventually he ends up in a dance group Neon Shadows (based on groups like MPLUSPLUS or Light Balance, more on NS hopefully later) but before that happens I need to marinate him in some good 'ol character developing angst.
Ghost, shadow, phantom, cryptid, camo... many terms for just one guy with one neat outlier ability - super stealth. Combine it with being a massive fraggin liar and you get Starshade.
Idk yet who found and onlined him, what they needed him for and how he was trained. But I do know he lies amazingly and casually so much that not even a lie detector can get him. Because of that he gets tied up in the war as a spy. Doesn't matter for which side 'cuz then he becomes a double spy. Then triple and quadruple and and and in the end you don't know who's side he's really on.
He doesn't know either, nor does he care. All he cares about is himself and to steer all trouble away, to confuse others and manipulate the situation in such way that he's never the suspect.
At first he doesn't care how much chaos he causes as long as the consequences don't reach him. But after some decisions that fucked over some peeps he didn't want to get fucked over he does some thinking and decides to de-escalate conflicts instead of escalating them. Basically he figures he just wants the war to end now more than ever.
Because of his job he's a loner, which is a shame 'cuz he's very sociable and loves hanging out with others. And dancing. He loves music and dance. Sadly he can never be completely honest with others and never feels like he truly belongs to any group.
Eventually I want him to have a stealth car bf and also get him adopted by a flock of stealth seekers. And then join the Neon Shadows. Surely they won't regret taking in an ex-spy-but-acc-just-a-liar-coward-traitor. What can possibly go wrong? You can't tell me those golden eyes can lie. Surely his past won't come to bite him in the aft.
Ahem anyway...
His super stealth includes:
engine and ventilation are very quiet
colors can go from mostly gold/magenta to dark mode (pic above) and he prefers it that way
hard to detect by both cameras and radars
can be taken for freshly deceased even by a medic as his spark is harder to detect as well
naturally moves very quietly without even trying, may spook others by accident by just walking into a room without announcement
For now that's all, have a meme now:
See the full post
20 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
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Abyss barely had his first flight lesson when his family had to run away and he got separated from them in the process. Luckilly Knight Strike found him and immediately adopted him.
Abby so tiny he still has some baby fuzz 🥺 Striker will protecc.
Ocs belong to @president-alpine, au idea to @dimorphodon-x (thank you!!). Progress pics and more info under the cut <3
See the full post
41 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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Giving this guy his own post because drawing him was the most yolo decision and it even turned out quite decent despite me not even trying much lol
The brush pens were super cheap and the blue one was dying from the start so yeah, idk why I decided to draw him xD First thought was to draw him in his alt, just a flat triangle with some extras. And before I knew it I was drawing this instead.
62 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Ok so regarding this post:
[click here for context]
(tagging @cirilee @im-a-mint and @curious-sootball, thank for insppiration <3)
I didn't draw people interrupting him 'cuz the doorframe was already too small and doing everything anew would be too much effort so yeah. But anyway:
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This is the best pic tbh, the further we go the less effort I put askdjfh
See the full post
87 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
149 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Whoa, what a ride xD
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peskyperyton · 6 months
welcome to hell
main blog @perytonpred
Decided to make a sideblog
My pinned over there applies.
0 notes
snitches-n-talkers · 10 months
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ig I'll do this!!
get to know 9 people ask game
tagged by: @perytonpred
last song listened to: Help Me Sleep - Midtown
currently reading: besides random autism/mental health books, The Heart Rate of a Mouse (2nd time reading it, do NOT yell at me for reading rpf I'm just re-reading it for fandom-culture's sake (I swear))
sweet/spicy/savory: savory simply because I need to consume more salt than most people due to POTS
current obsession(s): bands/music, bandom people (simplifying it to keep things short), pinterest, star wars on occasion
relationship status: taken :3
last thing i googled: "compacity vs capacity" 💀
currently working on: nothing really, I'm too blah from dealing with school stuff to be creative rn ;-; lol
tagging: no one, but if you somehow see this, then feel free to do this!! (I have no friends on here besides the person who tagged me, lmao)
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eclipsedmoon87 · 2 years
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I posted 54,520 times in 2022
That's 36,445 more posts than 2021!
194 posts created (0%)
54,326 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,269 of my posts in 2022
#earthspark spoilers - 71 posts
#long post - 49 posts
#unreality - 39 posts
#hazformers - 23 posts
#queen death - 21 posts
#fnaf sb - 20 posts
#tfa blitzwing - 18 posts
#ask to tag - 17 posts
#blitzbee - 15 posts
#period mention - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 64 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
I made a little gift for @frecklydork
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They stargazing
21 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
@thewiglesswonder 's version of the Starscream clones being siblings and Starscream's kids that hate him is the correct interpretation
22 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
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36 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
I just pictured Random juggling and all is right with the world in a chaotic sense
37 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There is an error here. Reblog when you find it with what it is
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44 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fighter-spirits · 2 years
sobbing. @perytonpred drew espurr-ified nix and i want him as plushie now
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