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sombrashe · 11 months ago
I want perv!Troy to touch himself beside me while I sleep
his grunts and whines soft as he gropes at my sleepy body
keeping my shirt raised as the cold air causes goosebumps to cover my skin
him cumming all over my stomach and leaving it there for me to find in the morning 🥴
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gascon-en-exil · 1 month ago
21, 30, 39
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in [insert fic], what would it be?
I come up with a bunch of these, and they often get reused in different contexts in future projects. Most notably the Lagniappe of To Make as Much of Vices as Virtues originated as a scene from Wooing That Drifting Imagery.
The big Papp/Roque fic itself spawned a ton of ideas for scenes I couldn't include, mostly on account of how I'd set their first sexual encounter as happening during Oresrush's early days back in What Burns Between Us. If I hadn't needed to adhere to that, some of those flashback sequences could have been quite different, such as:
At Starfall Spring, Papp actually does go in to kiss Roque and they have a fumbling encounter, though it doesn't stick because of internalized homophobia (and because Partitio still needs to be born).
Papp is at the scene when Roque is attacked and comes to his defense, leading into Roque painfully confessing both his sexuality and his crush. Could be sweet and fluffy...but Partitio still needs to happen.
Roque takes up the offer from Papp's wife leading to a domestic arrangement between the three of them where Papp splits his time between two beds. The bisexual ménage à trois idea might actually get reused for a different set of characters in a future fic, surprisingly.
After Roque is allowed back into Papp's bed, he wakes up one night to Papp jerking off next to him. This leads into Papp talking about how he hasn't been to the brothel since Roque left, and how they've both been celibate (minus Roque perving on his servants and factory workers) in the eight years they've been separated.
A much more speculative, divergent sequence that came to me after I wrote about Roque's dead first boyfriend. He'd meet Papp in Wellgrove when he's only 21-22 and not yet the snobbish cynic he is even at 30. They'd hit it off, with a teenaged Papp being more open-minded from the start about being with a guy and Roque being less down on Papp's semi-feral lifestyle. Where Partitio would come from in this scenario though, I have no idea.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
The last chapter of Children Believe What We Tell Them likely qualifies, because writing from a child's perspective is quite a bit different from anything I've done before. (Partitio might be a wide-eyed innocent half the time, but he still acts like an adult.) Elena's smarter than the average eleven-year-old, but even so...
Before that - the tiny number of action sequences I've done have been struggles to write. I don't know if they've really affected my other writing though.
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
I owe some of my own writing style to literary authors I've worked with a good bit, primarily Faulkner. There's a fair bit of him in Papp's brief PoV scene in To Make as Much of Vices as Virtues especially, as well as in Roque's jumbled inner monologue near the end of the Starfall Spring flashback later in that fic.
In Osvitio spaces specifically I'm following on the heels of BroomballKraken, who's written nearly half the ship's tag on AO3 by herself. I wouldn't really say I've been directly inspired by her works, but rather that I knew from the outset that I should try to make my writing as tonally distinct from hers as possible so it didn't feel too same-y. Fortunately she writes a lot of fluff...and I'm not very good at fluff, so there's not a ton of overlap even though we're writing for the same rarepair.
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laperditudedeschoses · 1 year ago
Pierrot mon poto, tu me tiens chaud
Pour se sentir bien, il est très important de prendre conscience de la chance qu’on a. Même quand beaucoup de choses ne vont pas et même si bien sûr le niveau de chance n’est pas le même pour tous. L’injustice existe, mais il y a toujours une manière de voir le monde, de voir son monde, comme un filtre coloré qui teinte et donne un air aux choses. Enfilez une paire de lunettes aux verres jaunes et votre rythme cardiaque ralentit. Mettez plein de contraste et un effet vignette sur une photo et vous vous croyez trente ans en arrière. Activez le filtre « jeunesse » sur Snapchat et comme par magie … bref.
Voir et dire qu’on a de la chance peut vraiment faire du bien. Les yogis appellent ça la gratitude.
Sur certains aspects et en particulier lorsque j’ai bien dormi, j’ai l’impression d’en avoir beaucoup. J’ai notamment le loisir, depuis que je suis enfant, d’aller passer mes vacances sur un petit caillou dans l’Atlantique d’où ma grand-mère était originaire. Dans cet endroit merveilleux dont je cacherai le nom parce qu’il est déjà beaucoup trop fréquenté, le prénom « Pierre » est partout. Beaucoup d’Antoine et de Nicolas bien sûr et peu de prénoms moins gaulois, on va pas se mentir. Des Pierre il y en a tellement qu’il n’y aurait pas assez de Jeanette à qui pouvoir chanter « ne pleure pas, tu auras ton Pierre ».
Mais d’ailleurs, qu’est-ce que ça signifie « avoir son Pierre » ? Eh bien moi, j’ai la chance de le savoir, parce que j’ai mon Pierre, j’ai même mon Pierrot. Avec Pierrot, c’est une histoire qui date. Je l’ai connu quand j’avais 12 ou 13 ans et j’ai été amoureuse de lui tout un été. A l’époque, je le suivais partout. Nous étions trop jeunes pour que puisse être évoqué ici le concept de « tension sexuelle » mais je me souviens que j’avais envie d’être avec lui le plus possible et que pour pouvoir l’approcher l’air de rien, je lui proposais sans cesse de le coiffer. « Pierre tu veux que je te coiffe ? ».
Il avait 18 mois de moins que moi – il prétend aujourd’hui que c’est ce qui a causé l’échec de notre idylle – et par docilité, ou par amour réciproque qui sait, il répondait oui. Notons que c’est la seule fois de ma vie que j’ai eu un tant soit peu d’autorité sur un homme pour qui mon cœur battait.
Cet amour est resté chaste et, par la magie de l’adolescence et des réinventions perpétuelles, s’est dissipé les étés suivants. Nous sommes devenus des amis d’enfance, qui se retrouvent chaque année, se voient grandir et passer les étapes clefs de la vie, de qui on se sent proche même si on se voit peu, parce qu’on s’est connus jeunes, un peu comme des cousins.
J’en ai d’autres des amis d’enfance, mais avec Pierrot s’est toutefois installé un rituel un peu étrange vers 18-19 ans. En toute fin de soirée, quand nos verres étaient vidés et nos esprits brouillés, on se mettait à s’embrasser pendant un long moment, pas toujours avec classe, puis chacun rentrait chez soi. Ce rituel, ou l’ambiguïté qu’il a créée, est resté au fil des années, uniquement quand lui et moi sommes célibataires, cela va sans dire.
Pierrot a une manière bien à lui de me manifester son amitié, qui varie selon son niveau d'alcoolémie. Trois verres de vin et sans demander il pose ses mains sur mes seins. Deux gorgées de bière et il me prend la main pour me dire "Quand je t'épouserai, je te ferai une bague" (je ne l'invente pas, c'est son métier). Certains de mes amis qui ont surtout vu la première version le prennent pour un perv’ et s’en méfient. Pour ma part je ne me pose pas trop de questions et je profite de cette sécurité affective et sensuelle vers laquelle je peux me tourner à l'envi, un peu comme un lieu de vacances qu'on retrouve chaque année, justement.
Le concept de « case pote » (ou friendzone), bien que très décrié aujourd’hui pour les représentations sexistes qu’il renvoie, a un vrai sens pour moi. C’est là que je range mes amitiés masculines asexuées, avec un gros cadenas et en balançant la clef par-dessus bord. Quand on y est, on y est pour toujours.
Le concept de Pierrot est plus flou, mais dans mon esprit, rien ne serait jamais consommé, on s’arrêterait toujours au bécotage habillé pas très élégant.
Mais v'la t'y pas qu'un été ça a pris une autre tournure ! Je ne sais qui de nous deux a mis un coup de canif dans le contrat, mais tout à coup ça n'était plus un p'tit bisou par-ci qui repassera par là mais des chopes bien franches au moins deux soirs de suite, avec un crescendo.
Et comme nous ne sommes plus des enfants, la potentialité d'aller plus loin s'est concrétisée dans mon esprit. La panique : coucher avec Pierre ? Le sortir de la case pote ? Le voir tout nu ? Malheur ! Un gouffre s'est ouvert devant moi. D’un coup j'étais tétanisée, à nouveau adolescente, curieuse mais coincée. Tout cela était-ce bien sérieux ? Que se passerait-t-il ensuite ? Serions-nous gênés ? La foire aux questions était lancée.
Le troisième soir et après mon troisième tipunch je décide de lui en parler. La litanie démarre : "Non mais tu comprends, est-ce que tu penses que c'est vraiment une bonne idée d'aller plus loin, parce que tu comprends (oui deux fois comprendre), on se connaît depuis longtemps, je ne veux pas que ça change quelque chose entre nous et puis moi je cherche le père de mes enfants et je ne crois pas qu'on veuille la même chose dans la vie toi et moi, bien sûr c'est rigolo mais y a pas que le rire dans la vie il faut bien considérer les choses et je crois que je me cherche encore un peu même si de plus en plus je sais ce que je veux et un jour peut-être tu en seras là." J'ai dû parler pendant au moins trois minutes sans interruption.
Pierrot ne s’attendait sans doute pas à cette attaque et son regard perdu me fait l’effet d’un miroir : qui est cette cinglée qui pose mille questions et parle de chercher le père de ses enfants entre deux verres et deux pelles ? Poli, il cherche tout de même une réponse à apporter à ce chaos : « Moi quand j’avais 10 ans j’étais amoureux de toi ». Ah bah voilà pourquoi il se laissait coiffer le bougre !
Cet échange ne donne pas lieu à grand-chose et deux jours plus tard Pierrot quitte l’île, me laissant avec mes interrogations. Au gré des baignades et de l’été qui passe, je m’apaise. Et Pierrot revient sur l’île finir son mois d’août ! Nous nous retrouvons comme si de rien n’était mais après trois verres de beaujolais, les allusions reprennent. On rit de nous, c’est léger, alors j’en profite pour lui partager mes états d’âme, lui dire que je ne sais pas si je me sentirais capable d’aller plus loin que nos fricottages, que je sais en rire mais que je ne suis pas si légère. Je lui demande ce qu’il en est de son côté et riant nerveusement il me répond « Je pense que je serais terrorisé ».
L’alignement des planètes le voilà ! Le vrai moment de complicité, la connexion intense qu’on recherche toute une vie, ce sentiment partagé qui nous lie Pierre et moi dans cet instant suspendu : LA TROUILLE.
C’est peut-être ça, avoir son Pierre : avoir quelqu’un qu’on n’arrive pas trop à ranger dans une case, sans que ce soit grave, avec qui un lien étrange persiste, qui reste au fil du temps mais qui au final nous fait plus de bien que de mal. Comme un gros rocher lisse chauffé par le soleil sur lequel on peut s’allonger sans s’écorcher et qui nous tient chaud.
Dans Chanson pour Pierrot, Renaud parle à son fils imaginaire, avec qui il se voit jouer au football et aller au bistrot. Mon Pierrot à moi est bien réel, avec sa veste en jean et ses Santiago. Entre nous c’est toujours un peu bizarre, mais je sais que j’ai de la chance de l’avoir.
Et vous, avez-vous votre Pierrot ?
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daemonsblackbird · 1 year ago
Aw man, Troi and I’d have been great buddies. And shes be totally cool with me perving on her man.
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onsunnyside · 4 years ago
𝘽.𝘽. – Smut
mostly PWP; one shots, drabbles and headcanons.
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Read the warnings for each fic.
Organized by author.
← 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘉𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘉𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵
@afriendlyblackhottie -
Losing Count
[Nosy] [Posey] - secret relationship
@angrythingstarlight -
A Job Well Done
A Party For Two - beefy!biker bucky
[Call in Sick] - bucky barnes x reader, boss!andy barber [Disciplinary Action] - bucky barnes x reader, andy barber x reader
Cool you down, Heat you up - fireman!bucky
Erase Every Trace - tfatws!bucky
Jiggle for Me
Lessons in Exercise - beefy!bucky
[What A Peach] [The Review]
Pick A Hand, Any Hand
Pierced Through and Through - mile high club, tfatws!bucky
Ride Me, Sweetheart
Take a seat
Three Whole Days - beefy biker!bucky
@avintagekiss24 -
belated - mob au
We Loved With a Love That Was More Than Love - main pairing steve x reader, andy barber x black!reader, sam wilson x black!reader, ransom drysdale x black!reader, bucky barnes x black!reader, gang bang/multiple sex partners m/m/m/m/m/f, cult-like gathering, cult rituals
@bucksfucks -
[clandestine] [harmony] - neighbours
ménage à trois - fuckboy!bucky, professor!steve, college au
someone like me - dadsbestfriend!bucky
stress relief - librarian!bucky x college!reader
sweet & salty - fuckboy!biker!bucky, past fuckboy!ransom x reader
tiny - beefy!bucky
when world's collide - roommate!bucky x reader x mickey henry
@buckycuddlebuddy - pour some sugar on me - rockstar!bucky, virgin!reader
@chrissquares -
Good Girl
New Obsession
@cockslut-padalecki - When Daddy's Not Around - dad's best friend!bucky
@feral-dumbass - Dream a Little Dream of Me
@kinanabinks -
brother’s best friend - brother's best friend!bucky
Sinners [1] [2]
@mrwinterr - Over & Over - pornstar au
@mypoisonedvine -
Double Take - bucky barnes x reader, charles blackwood x reader
hooking up with alt!bucky
@navegandoaciegas - Priest!Bucky Masterlist
@navybrat817 -
Overtime - jake jensen x reader, bucky barnes x reader
Sex on Legs
@nsfwsebbie - you better not shout, better not cry. - dark, dark!sebastian stan x reader, dark!bucky barnes x reader, dark!lee bodecker x reader, dark!charles blackwood x reader, dark!chris evans x reader, dark!steve rogers x reader, dark!ransom drysdale x reader, dark!andy barber x reader.
@ozarkthedog - Pre●dic●a●ment
@sagechanoafterdark - Spontaneous
@sweeterthanthis - [Something Old, Something New] [Beg For Daddy] [The Pure and The Poison] - stepdad!bucky
@the-iceni-bitch - Hard to Handle - avenger!reader, steve x reader x bucky
@world-of-aus - Stark Hub - pornstar au
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crosby-interesting · 2 years ago
Such a weird and gross thing that troy leeches onto his son like that tho tbf. Like why have you not got friends or a life of your own. Why are you going to strip clubs at 70? Gross old perv
I laugh at your post. This is actually a really sad situation. Troy's youth was poor and sad enough, probably his behavior is an attempt to compensate for failures in life
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galcake534 · 3 years ago
Midsomer Murders always somehow exposes the Detective Sergeants' sexual preferences and I don't know how..
Gavin Troy- bit of a perv for the first two seasons, later on it's just clear he's never actually been with a woman considering he doesn't know how to talk to women and yet falls in love with them more than half the time because he's so easily gullible. Would definitely end up helping a female murderer if she flirted with him.
Dan Scott- shameless flirt that only gets his heart broken when he decides to finally acknowledge he owns feelings. Upon further inspection, he could be displaying closeted feelings as he throws himself in women at times but that can just be him being a big 'ol stereotypical flirt.
Ben Jones- Desperate yet somehow respects women enough but still makes it blatant that he doesn't have a girlfriend to them when he's talking to them. He would surprisingly go out of his way to keep the women of Midsomer safe despite his blatant oogling over them previously and definitely after, probably expecting for them to kiss him in gratitude as he believes he's entitled. I can't tell if he's a charmer or simply flirts hoping someone might actually flirt back. Not that it's ever worked for him.
Charlie Nelson- probably the only decent man who definitely isn't looking for women unless it's Kam. Honestly I feel he's asexual and I love that soft energy unlike the rest of the chaotic sergeants. The only sergeant who doesn't rate the women of Midsomer on a scale of one to ten in his head.
Jamie Winter- a Bisexual mess... He's just, all over the place. One minute he's sneaking glances at girls, the next he's sneaking glances at guys including Ben Jones. He likes to make himself blatantly chaotic and probably didn't have a closet to come out from. Like I've never been so proud of someone for being chaotic but I don't regret a thing.
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sombrashe · 11 months ago
not edited
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"Just like that. Take me so well, daffodil. You like when I fuck you like this. Some creep in the basement watching you go stupid, huh? You're soaking my cock just thinking about it."
His suit jacket was starting to wrinkle the way he had it discarded on the floor. Your denim skirt pushed up and resting against your back. His thick cock massaging your walls as he fucked into you. None of his normal nicety on display as he scoffed at your lame excuse to try and defend yourself. But god was his cock making you drunk. Your babbling only building his ego as you weakly scratch at the wall your painted nails digging into the metal.
Fuck he felt so good like this. He wasn't even supposed to be here. A meeting happening for his father's newest book was supposed to be taking up his attention all morning and into the mid afternoon. Instead he dipped out for a lunch break, meeting up with you on your way back from a small shopping spree. Bags were quickly knocked over and the contents sit pretty on display. Now here you both were the constant hum of fluorescent lighting the only non lewd sound filling the small metal contraption.
He fixed his glasses just enough to get a better look at your bare backside, your shirt having been yanked up to show off your nipples. The cool metal was helping keep you on earth despite how hollow your head was right now. The snap of his hips made you smack your forehead off the wall, but despite the pain you knew it would bring later you couldn't even begin to care less. Who knew a simple up the skirt shot would have you making such a pretty white ring around his cock. And speaking about pretty thats all he sees as he pounds into you unable to make himself cum until you've reached your peak.
His cock nearly slipped out of you with every thrust and you let one hand rest tenderly on your lower stomach in case he did. Unable to fathom the thought of him slipping out of you and teasing you with some jackass response about getting you home instead of finishing.
"Maybe i should take some more photos. Show off how taking panty shots of unsuspecting people has a, fuck, has a nice reward attached to it."
Your face feels flushed and you cant bite back the moans that rip out of your throat at the prospect. Maybe he'd put them with all the others under his bed in the baseball card holder. Dozens of photos of your precious body in all different stages of your nights spent together. You wanted him to take photos and that embarrassment made you shiver your way into an orgasm. You just barely notice the small glinting metal he holds and arch your back to give him the perfect shot of you orgasming. With you taken care of he can finally allow himself completion and buries himself into your warmth shooting ropes of cum inside of your sore hole.
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taetaespeaches · 4 years ago
Just saying Mr. Jungkook has some competition when it comes to being Ms. Hollys #1 bestie 🤧❤ she is such a low-key perv and I love that for her and I xjdmdk idc wanna be emo Troy Bolton (literally this is a joke no one get mad I adore him and I would think Holly would totally giggle at this comparison + I LOVE EMO BOI JUNGKOOK) I wanna hold her hand and giggle about dumb stuff 🙄🌷🌷🌷🌷🤷‍♀️
Omg you’re so cute! I just think being besties with Holly would be a blast lmao. Absolutely a perv, she’s such a brat hahahaha wannabe emo Troy Bolton 💀 please Holly would be the queen of that meme catch her full on cackling at the comparisons right in Jungkook’s face. Step aside mr. emo yeehaw, you gotta share your lady! Lovely anon has a hand to hold and giggles to share!! 😤
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lenonizi-fics · 5 years ago
Prompt List #1 - N 12 with Kyle Danvers
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“You take the bed; you need it more than me.” Dick Grayson said dismissively.
“Hum, what you mean by that?” Kyle Danvers answered feeling offended. He wasn’t sure why he felt offended, but he did.
“You look like crap.”
“You look like crap!”
“You look worse.”
“Well, I was in a house that exploded a few hours ago. Your fault, by the way.” Kyle accused, sitting in the couch of the apartment he shared with the man for the last very exhausting eight months. “What are we gonna do about Troy?”
“Well, we let her stay in my room, you stay in yours, I stay in the couch.”
“You are rich, can you rent her an apartment?”
“Does she look like someone that would just accept that?”
Kyle frowned before throwing his head back. “God, I’m tired.” He sighed before continuing. “Okay, but this couch sucks, we need to find a better long term solution.”
“Well, we are adults…” Dick couldn’t hide the smirk forming in his face, which annoyed Kyle to no end. “We could share your bed.”
“I’m not sharing a bed with you, perv!”
“Why not? You really think I would do anything?”
“No! But I don’t wanna give you the chance. Besides, you are terrible with boundaries.”
“Dude, I saw your butt three times in the first two weeks of living together.”
“I was trying to get your attention.”
“Which is exactly why I didn’t give it to you.”
Dick stood up. “Okay, so you are really saying…” He started to get closer to Kyle. “That this butt…” He pointed to his behind. “This piece of art of a butt didn’t get your attention?” He was so close now Kyle could feel his breath.
He should stop that. It was a bad idea because one, Dick Grayson was a manwhore and, two, they were a team. A weirdly put, still trying to figure out their places in it, but still a team. But he was so close, so intense, so hot, maybe he could just this once…
“Oh my God, you guys are the most annoying people I have ever met.” He heard Donna Troy from the hallway that led to the bedrooms and quickly pushed Dick away. The man fell hard on the floor.
“Sorry…” He mouthed before the detective reach them.
“Grayson, keep your room, shut the hell up. Danvers, we share the bed. We both have super powers; we can punch each other if it’s necessary. Now, you already exploded my apartment, can you please let me sleep?”
Send a prompt and a OC
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hikaoru13 · 4 years ago
Apparently if you go on hemlock grove tags, you'd either get a ton of skasgard's gif or you get to see people rant on how much they hate S2/S3.
I'm halfway through S3 and I somewhat agree but this week I'm marathoning tv series and my brain's all scrambled. Post finals syndrome.
I mean tbh, Roman's character is only forgivable because of his face. If he wasn't pretty I doubt I'd watch this. I also enjoy his effed up relationship with Peter.
Imma summarise the bad and then probably talk about what I like about it. It's 4.30am and I had watch 12h of tv, I might not be coherent.
I was gonna categorise them but then they won't fix into boxes sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
-olivia was a shitty mum but i quite like the way she was written, she was in character throughout the season, suuuuuper controlling and selfish
- roman & peter's relationship (gotta reiterate because I dunno, i don't really care if they won't do the did together but their love for each other is unparalleled)
- who's the girl..blondie with nose piercings? Miranda? Well, her, I don't really get their menage á trois (sp?). After spending time with her they treated her like the baby's nanny slash food source. And a lot of insta love going on.
- pryce. Pryce is the daddy in this situation. I meant it as inironic as sincere as possible. Still don't get his motive since he works for both the dragon order & olivia & roman, but at the end of the day he works for himself. I do think that he loves Shelly and Roman like his own, Shelly's obviously the fav. If they just talk it out, they can all play house and Pryce and Roman could join forces and kill that 40yo creep. Shelly is still a teenager in this. Teen. A teenager. Oh lord.
- new chara perving on Shelly and just because someone isn't repulsed by her doesn't mean she should accept it. Who wrote this? And thinks it ok?
-S3 fucks Roman up so good that he forgot that he's a chara that doesn't support incest. About 30s ago he was crying over it and then fuck galore with Annie. The heck man. The heck.
-I stopped at the part where Destiny's trying to get revenge for her terrible cheating fiancé which she doesn't know about, obviously. Love truly blinds you.
The show is humorous, got a lot of great lines which I adore from the bottom of my heart. Not really a fan of the sex scenes, probably because I'm ace but Netflix reaaaaaaally love their nudity. Though the actual genitalia is never present. Is it considered not porn if it isn't so?
I forgot about Norman.....dang. eh. don't get why he dotes on shelly more than he cares about his own flesh, Roman.
Oooooooh and the werewolf transformation scene. That was hella gory + epic.
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years ago
Ohhh mayde a fic abouta the male nanbaka charter some how going to a genderden nanba prinson ( female musashi has it rough with the pretty boy treo) also how are you doing?
alrighty! and i guess doing good lol i can’t get my brain tho to get to any of my drafts lmao.
kenshirou groaned as he walked down the hallways of building thirteen. the one time during this accidental inmate shipping he just HAD to hear that hitoshi brought the inmate HERE of all places. and it’s not even like building four was as safe but least the underground cells were EMPTY for a reason.
hearing the sound of a crashing object further off his steps quickened as he got to the double doors of the game room, finding hitoshi looking to him and smiling. “hi supervisor!” he stated as kenshirou looked to the situation, seeing kiji’s perverted pheasant chicks and hajime’s idiotic gambler circling an inmate
red skinned to looking on the tan side, long orange and yellow hair cascading lightly over her shoulders as her muscular arms were over her strapless top covered chest and flowing red and black stripped skirt flowing a bit as the three surrounded her like wolves to a phoenix. despite her eyes being covered by a blindfold he could see how awkward she was in expression.
“eheeeehe so uh...i guess this is a guy’s prison.” she chuckled as the three chuckled fakely, giving the other a glare as honey pushed both away for a second.
“so then my dear as i was trying to say, ~what underwear color and percentage do you wear~? he asked trying to look handsomely with his aura as the blind female raised a brow.
“uhhhh...black briefs? i think? i mean i think i’m a large in the department but it’s been a while and can’t check my tags or color or anything ehehe.” she chuckled as honey seemed to lost the glimmer, easily being pushed away by trois. “well then, ~what percentage and color of bra’s do you usually wear~?” he asked putting on the same glimmer.
“uhhhhh...i mean, i’m not wearing any i thought it was obvious?”
“yes but usually what do you wear?~”
“...sports bras? i mean, i think their also a large?” similarly the frenchie lost his own glimmer as uno pushed him away. “alright ALRIGHT ya pervs let a REAL ladies man show ya up!” he stated as he looked excitedly to her. “so ya wanna date maybe? please?”
“uhhh...i mean i’m probably not even gonna be here for long.”
“just one pleeeaaaase it can happen right now!”
“i mean, i guess i don’t have a type but uh-”
“she’s GOING right now.” kenshirou stated as he slapped the handcuffs on her wrists and dragged her and hitoshi out, only to hear the frustrated whine of uno as they did.
“sugoroku hitoshi, what gave you this idea in the first place?” he asked as hitoshi hummed. “musashi-chan said she wanted to play darts!”
“yeah puppy, how am i gonna know if there’s darts at the girls prison?” said supervisor groaned as they left.
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nanbaka-confessions · 5 years ago
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I am thoroughly convinced Honey and Trois are a couple or at least gay for each other, and no amount of them perving on women can change my mind.
— submitted by anonymous
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liz-marcs · 5 years ago
Opinion:  Jeff and Annie Episode Guide (Season 1)
Someone asked this over on Milady/Milord, as there used to be an "Episode Guide to Jeff and Annie" floating around on Tumblr that somehow got nuked.
I decided to come up with a list for them. I'm so pleased with it, I'm going to post it here.
Obviously the commentary for these episodes are not the actual plots of the episodes, just justification for why they belong on the list.
Pilot If you listen to the DVD commentary for this episode, Annie was originally set up to be Jeff's primary antagonist who'd narc him out every chance she got. Think Tracey Flick with a chip on her shoulder and Jeff as a target in her unforgiving sight. This characterization never made it out of "Pilot," but you can see the intent is there.
Spanish 101 For the first ever Milady/Milord exchange at the beginning.
Football, Feminism, and You Funny thing about this episode. If you listen to the DVD commentaries, it was considered a Troy/Jeff episode, with Annie/Jeff being a distant subplot. Whoops!
Introduction to Statistics Per the DVD commentaries, the little dancing scene at the end is what convinced Dan Harmon to at least play with the idea of Jeff/Annie.
Home Economics Not a Jeff/Annie episode. But I think it's interesting in that it kind of highlights why the original pairings of Jeff/Britta and Troy/Annie aren't particularly healthy.
Debate 109 Duh.
Investigative Journalism Not going to lie. The journalism storyline irritates. And Annie's apology to Jeff at the end makes me want to pull my hair out. But it is undeniably a Jeff/Annie episode.
Romantic Expressionism First example of Jeff deciding to mess with Annie’s love life. That, and Britta knowing that the easiest way to manipulate Jeff is to play the “Annie is in danger” card.
Physical Education For Annie perving on naked Jeff.
Basic Geneaology Jeff repeatedly going to Annie for advice throughout the episode.
Beginner Pottery Lays the groundwork for Season 2′s “Asian Population Studies”
English as a Second Language Not strictly a Jeff/Annie storyline, but one that is important to the overall arc.
Pascal’s Triangle Revisited Dat cliffhanger, though.
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watercolourferns · 2 years ago
We're always the butt of a joke or another. My own ex before last told me I was a monster and incapable of commitment... I wonder what he'd say if he knew I'm still with my fiancee after 7 years, and currently started a QPR with my new partner and maybe want a boyfriend, too... But we're not even noticed in the LGBT+ community, we're told we're just pervs, or just want a menage-a-trois, unable to respect our partners, cheaters, etc...
i swear to god if polyamorous people become the new “cringe identity” i am killing someone. we need to stop doing this… there is absolutely nothing to be gained by labeling an entire group of people “annoying” based on their attraction to others. it’s genuinely so pathetic and it really just seems like some gay people want to live out their fantasy of being high school bullies, so they go after people they deem lesser than them (this was once bisexuals, and then it was nonbinary people, and then asexual, and now it’s going to be polyamorous people)
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sombrashe · 11 months ago
Perv!Troy who breaks into your home when he thinks you're at work. His frazzled mind at not having a piece of you for weeks causing him to make mistakes. Ending up staring into your gorgeous eyes now wide as you drip onto the linoleum of your bathroom. The way you clutch your towel barely covering you as you notice the man who was supposed to be at his father's ranch for the next month.
"How did you get in here, Troy?"
Him making an excuse about how you left your door unlocked only ending when you cut him off
"Don't fuck with me, Troy. How did you get in here?"
Him dropping to his knees appearing so unabashedly innocent. Begging for your forgiveness at his mistake as you stare down at his hands gripping the edge of your towel. Racking your mind as you stare down at the pathetic sounding man who just broke into your home.
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