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pjo-ship-polls · 2 months ago
Ethan Nakamura
These are only for romantic pairings, not platonic.
The ships in the polls are the twelve (12) most popular ships for each character based on the number of fics on AO3.
Ship List:
Luke/Ethan (lukethan) 
Percy/Ethan (perthan) 
Nico/Ethan (ethanico) 
Bianca/Ethan (ethanca) 
Ethan/Octavian (ethavian) 
Annabeth/Ethan (ethabeth)
Jason/Ethan (ethason) 
Ethan/Drew (drethan) 
Ethan/Travis (ethavis) 
Ethan/Chris (chrethan) 
Ethan/Leo (leothan) 
Ethan/Pollux (ethollux)
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Top 100 PJO ships (according to AO3)
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twospiritstooprideful · 8 months ago
Uhhhhhhh, okayokayokay
Ethan Nakamura x Percy Jackson fic
tagged by @nepobabyeurydice
tagging @bassguitarinablackt-shirt @genderfluidsgetguns @milo-sillyguy uhhh idrk who to do
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips
Lock and Key
Marlboro Nights
Fatal Attraction
Wildest Dreams
More Than a Friend
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gwyns · 1 year ago
hey i've become weirdly attached to ithan and perry so... what's their ship name? perthan? or maybe do a last name one like quinlar... ravenstrom??
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install-wizard-exe · 1 year ago
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This was a fun one! I was asked by some folks at Tamriel Rebuilt to take the design of the Spider Daedra (or Perthan) from An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire (pictured here!) and update it as if it were made for the world of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. See, it's a totally different style...! Morrowind's look is a bit more grounded, I think. I am quite fond of the original design, though, it's really got that cheesy-but-cool 90s adventure game look, haha.
I do wonder if Tamriel Rebuilt ever made anything from my design?
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devout-khajiit · 30 days ago
Now from the pop culture magic section since this isn't your usual thing.
What's your favorite PCM spell?
How often do you use PCM spells built by others compared to ones built by yourself? Have you noticed a difference in them?
If you work with multiple sources, which is easier to write spells for? Which is harder?
Is there a particular species of creature from your pop culture source that you find yourself drawn to or actually work with? If so, what is it? If not, what creature would you consider?
Well met, internet traveler Jasper!
What's your favorite PCM spell?
Just for the usefulness I got out of it, Reimu Hakurei's Extermination. It helped a lot with temporary banishings before I was able to proper banish the haunting.
How often do you use PCM spells built by others compared to ones built by yourself? Have you noticed a difference in them?
I haven't actually used a single PCM spell made by others. I usually craft all my own spells, because it's like... it's easier on me to make my own.
The differences I have noticed is that others tend to be a lot more broad about what they include, when most of my spells focus instead herbs, spices, simple items, etc. I lost the spell, but I saw one a while back based on a Pokémon move that used gray/silver nail polish. I would never think to do that, myself. It's really cool!
If you work with multiple sources, which is easier to write spells for? Which is harder?
Touhou is definitely the easiest, with Pokémon in the middle, and then Elder Scrolls the hardest. I mostly make spells based on Touhou Project for that reason, lol.
Is there a particular species of creature from your pop culture source that you find yourself drawn to or actually work with? If so, what is it? If not, what creature would you consider?
I currently work alongside quite a few Lesser Daedra. A Clannfear, a Dremora, a Winged Twilight, a Scamp, and a Perthan. All of them are precious to me, they're good to me and we get along well. They each do varied jobs - the Dremora and I are debating building a proper familiar relationship; but the rest are I just work with them.
The Clannfear helps with dreams as their main job, the others just do whatever it is they please to.
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devout-of-the-elder-scrolls · 3 months ago
Working with Lesser Daedra Masterpost
So, I mentioned on my pinned post that I utilize Lesser Daedra in my practice. So, let's run over how that actually works. This post utilizes UPG about my experience and knowledge from how to work with them on this world.
Before I begin: Remember that any spirit can be dangerous. In my experience, Lesser Daedra may be fine helping mortals or as familiars, but if slighted by you or you don't upkeep your end of the deal, they are possible to become a malicious entity that has it out for You specifically that might require an exorcism or other banishing work to get rid of them. Great care is to be taken with any random Daedra. If you want to work with a Daedra, I'd heavily suggest building relationships with your chosen Daedra and work mostly, if not entirely, with them for their given work/job/whatever. As well, working with Lesser Daedra is very different than deity work with a Daedric Prince, because there's no worship and anything. Though, you could theoretically worship a Lesser Daedra as well.
For the sake of this post, I will just be calling them Daedra instead of Lesser Daedra. I am not going over every single Daedra in this post, I've got another masterpost in the works for that.
Feel free to reblog and/or add your own thoughts onto this.
Future posts will be made detailing information about each Lesser Daedra.
What is a Lesser Daedra?
Essentially, they're a lower ranking Daedra. They're often aligned to a Prince of their own choice, but often an entire species can be aligned to one Daedra as a general idea though not always, as they make personal alignments to the Prince of their choice. As well, some aren't aligned to any Prince at all. Daedra Lords are of a higher status and while you can work with them, they're not considered Lesser Daedra. Same with a Demiprince.
Now let's discuss why you would want or need a Daedra.
Daedra can be utilized much like how someone might utilize a spirit in their area. Where you might use a Fire Spirit, you might instead ask upon a Fire Atronach. It's much of the same process - You make an offering, make a plea, and hope they feel so inclined to help you. You can also compare it to any general spirit work if your practice generally has spirits helping you.
In general and in my experience, Daedra are happy to help as long as you make an appropriate reason for them to help, like giving them an offering. They aren't at big risk for lashing out randomly, at least not more than any other spirit you might contact for work. However, that doesn't mean this is the case always. If you feel you're in danger, please take the necessary actions. Always be prepared for the worst case scenario with any spirit you summon, Daedra or not.
The main experience I have with Lesser Daedra is as "hired help". Summon, make offering, make plea, and let them do their work.
What are some examples of when you'd request upon? In general, you can look towards their Prince that they are found within the realm and service of for an idea of what they'd be willing to do.
If you want revenge, any of Mephala's, Molag Bal's, or Malacath's work great - The Perthan / Spider Daedra, for example. They're happy to engage in friendly conversation, though they get distracted easily; but just as much happy to perform tasks if given enough reason to.
Any of Sheogorath's would make good for aids to mental health and neurodivergency. The only way I can think to describe it is as a service animal situation, though that's not the only option.
Much like with Sheogorath's, you can call upon Peryite's for a similar work but for physical health and wellness.
Any Daedra that has put themself in the service of Vaermina, such as a Clannfear, can be "hired" as a dream guardian to protect you within your dreams for the price of food and other offerings. They're built for a certain level of defense and offense, and are generally happy to help.
An atronach is always a good choice when you need an element for a spell. Or, do you need to be concealed in shadows? You can turn to Lady Nocturnal, yes, or you can ask a shadow atronach.
You can also take one as a spirit familiar should they be willing. It's a lot of the same deal as any other familiar you take - You need to take care of them and support them, in order for them to want to stick with you and continue serving you and your craft.
How you choose to make them your familiar is up to you. It's general belief that a familiar approaches the witch first or otherwise comes to the witch on their own. But it's up to you how your choose to finalize your relationship as witch and familiar.
My step by step is usually
decide what Daedra I want to contact. sometimes this step has me asking a Prince "who do you have under you?" to narrow it down
obviously any prep steps about protection, warding against entities that would want to hurt me, inviting any Gods I feel I need to have around (usually their reigning Prince), etc.
summon them
make an offering, and make my plea
wait! they take time
You can also try asking the Prince who resides over them for help to provide for you a Daedra to work alongside.
If you're doing something more consistent, I very heavily suggest building and upkeeping a relationship with your Daedroth of choice. So, one of my Daedra I have hired is one I used for an example above, a Clannfear named Albex, who protects over my dreams. I turn only to Albex for my dream protection, instead of summoning a new Clannfear at any time. I've built a relationship with Albex and make consistent offerings - mostly my dinner every night - to upkeep my relationship with them. Albex is more likely to continue working with me, and should I come in danger from a Clannfear, I know it's probably Albex.
If you're doing something that's a one time deal like a single spell that needs use of a Shadow Atronach, then I'd suggest yes, doing a one time exchange.
But how do you build a relationship with them? Well... how you'd build a relationship with any spirit. Talk to them, invite them into your life, make offerings, perform acts for them, etc. Just exist with them. There's really not much special to it, it's just as simple as that.
If you're upkeeping a relationship with a specific Daedroth, I would also suggest making a space for them in your Book of Shadows, but that's more of an optional step especially if your practice doesn't include a BOS.
Daedra can be summoned in many forms. I'm going to go over a catch-all summoning ritual I built. It includes steps to protect and ward before summoning. Feel free to use your own, though.
Note: You can use a physical object to bind them to if you want, especially if you're planning on having them as a familiar. This object should either be destroyed once your relationship is done and over with or have a banishing ritual and cleansing spell performed on it afterwards. If you want to do this, I'd suggest things like paper origami for it's ease of creation and destruction (burning, ripping up, etc), and it can easily be kept safe by putting it in a container; or decoration items or even jewelry for Daedra you're holding closer to your heart. Within TES lore, Daedra cannot take place on our earth for very long without being bound to the mortal plane in some form or another. In lore, their whole bodies are bound here - This optional creation is meant to replace that. You can also bind them to an object much later on, if you should choose, or if you find a new object to bind them to.
Within TES lore, you can also summon Lesser Daedra as bound weapons. I've never done this so I can't speak upon it.
This is not the only possible way to summon a Daedra. It's just one I made and am offering. Please feel free to use your own.
Black candles (enough to make a "circle" shape, big or small)
Blood or blood substitute like fake blood, pomegranate juice, etc* (This one can be taken out, but it might not work as well)
A piece of paper with the name of the type of Daedra you're summoning in Daedric Script
An offering of your choosing
A small fire-safe container to hold ashes and blood/blood substitute
Optional: A physical item to bind them to
Begin by performing any of your own personal protection and warding for a summoning. Have a backup banishing spell prepared.
If you'd like, you can now call upon a spirit guide or guardian spirit to help you with this whole thing.
Place your salt anywhere you feel it's necessary.
Prepare your paper with the Daedra's name written on it.
Place your candles within salt piles to act as protection against summoning negative spirits. Do not use salt petre, it's highly flammable.
Optional, place your binding object in the center of your array.
Light your candles, saying the following: I now, in this moment, am performing this ritual to summon a [daedra]. This salt will ward away and keep out any who wish to harm me in any way.
Burn your paper, letting the ashes collect in your container.
Safely prick your finger or use the blood substitute on the ashes, saying, I summon now, [daedra], come to me in my space. You are not free to harm me, not free to affect me, only free to speak to me.
Introduce yourself and allow the Daedra to introduce themself.
Speak to the Daedra and work out the specifics of what you want them to do.
Make your offering now.
Wait for them to uphold their end of the deal.
This is a very important part of working with a Daedra. For two reasons: (A) It's just polite to be kind to the spirits you work with, and (B) A Daedra may lash out upon you should they be unhappy with you, your relationship, etc. Even if they don't lash, they will just leave, so a happy Daedra is a helpful Daedra.
In general, Daedra can be quite understanding but also quite demanding - While they understand you might not be able to give physical offerings, they're going to want some kind of offering. Daedra typically are given offerings of some form in payment for hired help. They can be physical, digital, visualized, whatever. All that matters is that you're making an offering in general. When a Daedra is a familiar, they might request less of you as part of your relationship.
You can also perform the following to keep your Daedra happy:
talk to them
invite them into your life and your activities
perform acts that honor them and your relationship
talk about them
engage with TES media, videos, etc
anything you feel like would work for them personally! they're still individuals with their own likes/dislikes, wants, and etc
Should you be at the end of your working relationship with your Daedra, you should take care to end the working relationship with care and doing it purposefully instead of hoping it will just end - You don't want to accidentally have a misunderstanding somewhere.
Call upon your Daedra and have an earnest conversation, and make a goodbye offering of some form. Many faiths and practices perform a libation, an offering of pouring liquid onto the ground (you can just do water if you have nothing else), but a libation is optional. Make sure both parties are agreeing to the end of the relationship, and professionally end the deal.
If the Daedroth refuses to leave, be prepared to perform a banishing. In my experience though, this is quite rare, as they're usually fine with leaving once they know they won't be getting anything out of the deal.
Should a Daedra be out for your blood, here's a banishing ritual for you. You can also utilize the Prince who resides over that Daedra to banish them by making offering to the Prince and asking them to handle their Daedra.
This is not the only possible way to banish a Daedra. It's just one I made and am offering. Please feel free to use your own.
A piece of paper with the Daedra's name or species written on it
Baking soda
A black candle
Mix up the salt and baking soda and set the candle within it.
Light the candle, saying: With this spell I banish you, [daedra], from my life and my space. You will not return upon me.
Burn the paper, saying: Begone with you, begone from my life.
I hope all of this helps you with your own work with Daedra! I heavily suggest it to any and all interested in working with them, because they make wonderful helper spirits when you treat them well.
I know this post spoke a lot about Daedra being dangerous, but I really don't think they're that dangerous. Yes, they're a bit more prone to negative stuff, but as long as you don't mistreat them (which should be a given?) and you don't make deals with ones that show they wanna hurt you, you'll be fine. And even then a good banishing will deter them. I've never once actually had one approach me that wanted to hurt me, which you can argue is because I use a lot of methods to keep those ones away, but. y'know.
Also please remember that each individual Daedra is an individual. I think that's a given, though. Just because they're a Daedra of some species doesn't mean they'll work the exact same as another of their species.
*I do not encourage or endorse self harm. Please research the proper way to offer blood safely. (Disinfect the area, prick, bandage. I think many do it like how you would for a diabetic test.) I want you all safe and sound, please. Please do not use blood if you can't do so safely.
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database-ff · 8 years ago
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uesp · 5 years ago
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"Why should we fight? Perhaps there is something you want… something I'd be happy to give you…"
"I enjoy a challenge, and a good workout… but more stimulating exertions might satisfy us both."
"Your form is pleasing, mortal. To mar such grace with weapons is a pity… I'd far prefer to wrestle."
--Perthan Vorn, Spider Daedra, attempting to seduce you so you lower your guard.
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avani-carrington · 5 years ago
Hey everyone! My name is Jade, and my muse is Avani. Her basic information is below, and her biography, if you’re interested in learning more about her. I’m so excited to join you guys!
Name: Avani Carrington 
Age: 19 
Pronouns: She/Her 
Hometown: New York City/Cottonwood Falls, Kansas 
Time lived in Atlanta: Three weeks 
Occupation: Bartender 
Character quote: “Normality is a paved road: it is comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow,” - Vincent van Gogh 
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Biography - Tw: mental illness
Avani was born to parents Royce Bush and Nina Carrington. Royce was a wealthy forty year old man when Avani was born, while Nina was only twenty, and was manipulated into being in a relationship with Royce. Avani’s father left shortly after she was born, so she was raised by her mother, a sweet and hardworking woman, though raising Avani by herself took a toll on her mental health. 
When Avani was six, they moved from New York City to Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, so Nina and Avani could be supported by Avani’s grandparents. As time went on, Avani’s mother began acting weirdly, her behavior becoming more and strange with each passing month. After a doctor’s appointment that was forced upon Nina by her parents, Avani’s mother was diagnosed with severe schizophrenia. She was admitted to a mental hospital in Wichita, Kansas, an hour and a half away from where they lived. 
Avani went to live with her grandparents, Susan and Jude, who were very traditional people and refused to accept Avani’s love of photography and journalism. They insisted she pursue a more traditional career in law or science. As Avani’s creative occupational ambitions grew, so did the rift between Avani and her grandparents. Susan and Jude were also unforgiving of Avani’s sense of style and classmates. Because of the hour and a half distance between Cottonwood Falls and Wichita, Avani was rarely able to visit her mother, who was making little to no improvement. And, because of how small their town was, Avani had to deal with the constant whispers about her “crazy mother,” and the expectation that she would turn out just as broken and psychotic as her mom.
Avani attempted to go to college in Cottonwood Falls under the watchful eyes of her grandparents and the entire town, but she got tired of the pressure and expectations. Around this time, her grandparents told her that her father, Royce Bush, was discovered dead in his home. He overdosed on an unknown but very hard drug. Shortly after she turned 19, she took all of her belongings and fled to Atlanta, Georgia, not knowing how to deal with her indirect pain and emotional turmoil. She started bartending at Perthan, a popular nightclub in Atlanta, to be able to pay the bills and support her continuing love of journalist and photography, and now lives in an apartment in Downtown Atlanta. 
She is creating her entire life here in Atlanta, including her friends, career, and love life. She loves and craves constant change and loves meeting new people. She is unintentionally very charming, and hopes to have an impact on the people of Atlanta.      
Personality -         
+ Hardworking
+ Ambitious 
+ Dependable
+ Fun
+ Loyal 
- Disorganized 
- Impulsive 
- Sarcastic 
- Unpredictable 
- Argumentative
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pjo-ship-polls · 2 months ago
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I did the Top 100 PJO Ships (according to AO3) and these ships were at the bottom of the list. I want to see the numbers. Don't forget that there are the Bottom 10 F/M and F/F polls to vote in too (they'll be linked in the reblog).
Fav of the top 10 f/f ships (poll closed)
Fav of the top 10 f/m ships (poll closed)
Fav of the top 10 m/m ships (poll closed)
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langler-air · 3 years ago
How Much Does an Air Conditioner Installation Cost in Perth for Residential and Commercial?
When you plan to buy air conditioner for your Perth home, one of the first thing you need to decide upon is your budget. It’s not just the cost of the split or ducted air conditioning unit but also installation.
Langler Air prides itself in being the best air conditioner installer in Perth. Our dedicated team has accomplished over 10,000 installations since 1995. If you are looking for the best brands of air conditioners with equally high customer service and installation, reach out to us here or call us at (08) 9228 3555.
Reverse Cycle Air Conditioners
The Reverse cycle air conditioning systems can come in a split AC design or ducted system. Reverse cycle air conditioners perform both heating and cooling functions.
At Langler Air, we offer both split and ducted reverse cycle air conditioning systems from reputed brands all across Australia with expert reverse cycle AC installation.
The installation charges of an air conditioner depend on the model you choose. Here are the two common types of air conditioners available in Western Australia.
1. Split System Air Conditioner
One of the most common air conditioning systems are split system air conditioners.  These typically are divided into two units. The outdoor unit consists of the condenser and compressor, and the indoor unit consists of the distribution channel where the cool (or hot) air flows out of.
Langler Air has an extensive range of split air conditioners for the best compact designs. Our advanced ACs can also be controlled through your smart phones and offer additional benefits, including air purification and de humidification.
2. Ducted Air Conditioner
Unlike split system air conditioners, ducted air conditioners distribute the cool air from a central cooling system across your house through ducts installed within the ceilings.
Ducted AC Installation requires high professional expertise. Our trained technicians are proficient in every type of ducted AC installation, regardless of the interior construction of your Perth home. With our ducted air conditioning systems and installation team, ducted AC installation is worry free for our home owners.
Our aircons are also compatible with Advantage Air, a user-friendly interface that enables remote temperature control for the entire house from one interface.
Installation Cost: Air Conditioner Pricing Perth
An air conditioner installation cost in Australia will depend on the model you choose and the service provider. Here is a cost guide on air conditioner installation costs to help you get an idea.
Based on Model
1. Split System AC Installation
The cost for installing a split AC reverse cycle system in Australia is approximately the same and can range from anywhere between $600 – $750 per unit. These air conditioners should be installed by a licensed technician only.
The hourly cost of the installer is approximately $60–$110 per hour, along with GST charges.
Our aircons are long-lasting, cost-effective and deliver outstanding performance consistently. If you are looking for efficient yet affordable air-cons, contact us for a free quote.
2. Ducted Reverse Cycle AC Installation
Since ducted AC installation requires setting up multiple vents and ducts throughout your house, the charges are comparatively higher. Along with the unit, it can cost anywhere between $6000 to $12,000 to get a ducted AC system installed.
At Langler Air, we offer premier conditioning service at an affordable price. You can visit our website to get a free quote on your ducted AC installation.
Based on Property Size – Ducted
1. Small Homes
If you are looking for an air conditioner for a small starter home, a 7kW or 10kW model will be enough. The cost will vary from $7,500 – $9,500, depending on the brand and outlets.
2. Mid Size Homes
Mid-size homes in Perth. Depending on the property area, you will probably need a 10kW or 12.5kW model ranging from $8,500 – $10,500.
3. Larger Family Homes
If you have a big family and a huge house, naturally, you will need a higher capacity aircon which can range from a 12.5kW – 14.0kW model to a 14.0kW – 17.0kW model. We suggest for this range; you keep a budget of $9500 to $14,000.
Options at Langler Air are never limited. Want a bigger air conditioner? Check our range of brands on our website.
For further information or any questions you may have, send us a messageor call us at (08) 9228 3555 to discuss your requirements better.
Based on Property Size – Split Systems
Commercial v/s Residential AC Installation
Air conditioning pricing Perth depends greatly on the purpose of use. If you are using the air conditioner for commercial purposes, we need to factor in a lot more.
Although the exact cost of installing commercial air conditioners will depend on the unit, the hourly cost can range from $80–$140 per hour, along with GST charges.
Since commercial units are designed to cool larger space, they are usually of higher capacity, making the unit costlier than residential ACs.
Final Thoughts
The installation of the air conditioning unit plays a major role in determining how well the unit will run. At Langler Air, we have been installing aircon of every type since 1995. Our knowledge, expertise and techniques ensure that you only get the best air conditioner installation in Perth.
Send us a message here, or shoot an email to [email protected] to book your brand new aircon today!
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indian-clothing · 4 years ago
Indian Traditional Clothing for Women
India's customary garments styles are famous the world over for their excellence, appeal and tastefulness. Ladies of any age have consistently wanted to wear conventional Indian attire. Indeed, they have never lost their charm even notwithstanding hardened rivalry from Western dresses.
Customary dresses reflect the extraordinary social legacy of the country. Today, Indian outfits are respected the most marvelous and extraordinary ones on the planet. Here are three most well known sorts of Indian dress for ladies.
Sarees - Saree has for quite some time been known to be perhaps the most lovely dresses on the planet. It is likewise the most generally utilized clothing by Indian ladies. There is an astounding assortment of sarees accessible in various pieces of the country. A portion of the famous kinds of sarees are creator cotton sarees, silk sarees, perthane, bandana, silk, handloom sarees, and so forth There are heap methods of hanging the saree also, every one of them remarkable and lovely in its own particular manner. Sarees complement the gentility of a lady. Sarees highlighting sensitive string work, lavish examples and weaving, and themes are incredible masterpieces. Wedding sarees are made of heavier textures and contain more craftsmanship.
Salwar Kameez - Salwar Kameezes are the smartest choice for the metropolitan ladies. It is quite possibly the most agreeable dresses. Involving a long tunic and free night robe, they are worn by ladies of all age gatherings. The tunic can either be till the knee or even reach out till the lower leg. There are various styles of the Salwar Kameez, like the Afghani style, kurtis, Patiala style, sharara, etc. Today you can discover a variety of salwar kameezes in various plans and examples. Accessible in various textures, they can be worn across all seasons.
Lehenga - This is one of the most loved wedding outfits worn by the Indian women. Lehengas are fine works of creation including broad weaving work that gives a lofty look.
The many-sided plans and imperial loftiness of the Indian clothing types have placed India in the worldwide design scene. Today, there is a wide scope of garments choices accessible for Indian ladies. Directly from in vogue western outfits to ethnic conventional wear, there are a lot of alternatives. With such innumerable alternatives accessible, the purchaser is spoilt for decision. There is an accessible thing for each size, shape and age bunch. You can peruse the broad assortment of garments at various stores and pick the one that suits you best.
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onelastpatrol-archived · 8 years ago
World-building: The Caledonii 92nd Reconnaissance Battalion, 'Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders’
The planet of Caledonii had been, so far in the war, one of the few planets that didn't have a regiment or division to call its own. This was rectified when the 92nd Reconnaissance Regiment was activated on 18 September, 2539. The regiment quickly picked up the nickname 'Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders', and as such will henceforth be referred to as the Highlanders. The regiment was usually attached to other divisions, serving as their reconnaissance. The troops were not supposed to 'hold the line', instead trained for infiltration and stealth. They shunned helmets, preferring boonies or berets to signify their semi-elite status. Unfortunately, they didn't usually see their original purpose.
The Highlanders only existed for three years. The rest of the first year was largely spent training for the various climates they would be fighting in. Jungle training, SERE, arctic, desert -- you name a climate and a scenario, and they tried to train for it. 
The battalions split off one at a time. The First Battalion went to the planet Abyssinia in 2540. They fought a long and protracted campaign while attached to the 16th Abyssinian Division, mostly fought over various islands Trapped around a single spaceport in the city Heraklion, the first battalion escaped by the skin of their teeth. They lost many a man both on the ground and in the freighters trying to escape. Regrouping with the Second Battalion back on Caledonii, they were given two weeks' rest and then sent to the planet of Alamein in 2541.
The fight for Alamein was the only victory they ever saw. Attached to the 161st Division, they fought across the vast deserts of the planet; meeting and defeating the Covenant at every corner. The campaign still took its toll. By the end of it, only three dozen men from both battalions could say they were unscathed. The Third Battalion was shipped in at the end of the campaign, and the reformed regiment was deployed to the planet of Atlas IV on November 7, 2541. Though attached to the 45th Division, they were mostly given R&R and time to train the new replacements. Or so it was hoped. Instead, not even a week later, the Covenant found the planet. They didn't bother to land, only glassing it. 
The UNSC Navy fought a three week long battle over the planet, allowing civilians and military personnel alike to escape; at the cost of three dozen vessels who held the line. The last of the Highlanders and the 45th were evacuated aboard UNSC Trench Café (FFG-219) on December 7, just as the planet began to be glassed. Only a tiny fraction of the planet's two billion population had escaped.
Café and the other vessels landed their military charges on the planet of New Malaya. Unbeknownst to them, the Covenant were following, but they had a month's time. Colonel Ian Stewart led the regiment into the jungle to give the harshest training he could think of, and as a result, the Highlanders were one of the most effective units in the coming campaign.
The Covenant made landfall on January 17, 2542. The Highlanders were nicknamed the 'Jungle Beasts' by the 45th division, but the Highlanders were used mostly in 'hold the line' missions. 
The battle for New Malaya was a disaster for the UNSC, being a near-constant rout, but the Highlanders inflicted frightening casualties on the Covenant. Every time the UNSC would withdraw, the Highlanders set up ambush positions in the jungle and held back the Covenant.
Eventually, they were so depleted they were ordered over the causeway to New Singapore, in order to be evacuated from the planet. Two days later, an Australian officer of the 22nd Perthan Brigade - the absolute rear guard of the UNSC army - and the 2200 men remaining of his force arrived at the causeway. He was amazed to find all 250 remaining Argylls camped on the wrong side of the causeway. They were all that remained of the entire regiment, who'd fought delaying actions for the past six weeks. When asked why they weren't in the relative comfort of New Singapore, the response from Col. Stewart was "You know the trouble with you Australians is that you have no sense of history. When the story of this campaign is written you will find that the Highlanders goes down as the last unit to cross this causeway what's more – piped across by their pipers."
Having lost 1750 men, they had taken near 90% casualties. When the Marathon-class cruiser UNSC Plymouth (C-87) went down, the surviving marines were attached to the Highlanders as some semblance of reinforcements. They changed their name to the 'Plymouth Argylls' to acknowledge this fact.
Once in Singapore, the Plymouth Argylls fought a dozen last actions. Still being deployed as the rearguard, they did everything they could to keep the Covenant back. The delaying tactics of the Argylls and their sheer bravery gave many the chance to escape from New Singapore -- including what remained of the division they were attached to. One Corporal Barclay was among these lucky few.
They forced the Covenant to fight for every inch of New Singapore. Eventually, they dug in along the Bukit Timah road; and there they stayed. Cut off, surrounded, nearly out of ammunition, with no medical supplies or foodstuffs remaining. 
Their last stand took three days, ending 15 February, drawing seven of the eight Covenant divisions attacking New Singapore to themselves. Their sacrifice allowed the 45th Division and other units to escape aboard the scant few remaining UNSC vessels.
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intuite · 8 years ago
Ca t bej qe t pastroj ftyren?help me please
Une kam bere analiza dhe doli qe ajo cfare me shkaktonte pucrrat ishte sheqeri, keshtu qe eleminova embelsirat, keshtu jane dhe shumica e njerzve te tjere sepse sheqeri eshte shume i prirur per te krijuar mbetje dhe keshtu dalin pucrra, ama njoh dhe disa veta qe kte ja shkakton bulmeti, pra thelbi eshte te hash sa me shendetshem. E dyta eshte qe te shkosh te vizitohesh ke ndonje dermatolog, te sugjeroj farmaci dajen, mbasdite eshte daja aty, nuk te jep as kokrra asigje sepse une ato kisha problem se me jepnin shume efekte anesore, thjesht mund te te japi ndonje lende qe ti perthan pjeset e infektuara dhe pune 2 javesh ke per te pasur nje permirsim rrenjesor. Po dhe nese nuk shkon tek daja, ndonje lloj kremi ose alkooli keshillohet patjeter, po varet nga tipi i pucrrave qe ke
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