#persone di valore
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ragazzoarcano · 2 years ago
“La vera miseria è un cuore opportunista che non sa riconoscere il valore profondo delle persone, se non nella loro utilità.”
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sisif-o · 1 year ago
essere intrappolati nei propri schemi mentali è bigottismo, anche quando siamo convinti che i nostri valori siano progressisti
nel momento in cui selezioniamo, dividiamo, etichettiamo, siamo bigotti, ristretti, chiusi
i vegani che frequentano solo vegani, i kinkster che frequentano solo kinkster, i queer che frequentano solo queer: esempi di persone che hanno perso la loro individualità, si sono sacrificati e immolati all'etichetta e si sono chiusi in una cricca sociale, una bolla, che li fa star bene, ma che preclude loro il mondo tutto, con i suoi orrori e le sue bellezze
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ticenchantedtoc · 8 months ago
Having the most insane Valor Duo thoughts today
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lumioluna · 2 months ago
Comunque fattelo dire sorè, ma con sta ricerca dell'amore della vita come escatologgia della tua vita ceh è ridicolo, sopratutto se la conduci qua sopra, sull'internet! Secondo me ti fai troppe pippe mentali
ahahah beh è un'opinione legittima e ho passato la vita a sentirmela riproposta in salse varie quindi non mi risulta nuova né mi disturba! se mi conoscessi dal vivo ti renderesti conto che il mio spirito contemplativo è un perno fondamentale della mia identità :) toglimelo e parlerai con qualcun altro (poi può piacere o no, ma tant'è)
giusto per chiarire un paio di punti però, perché magari non per tutti coloro che mi seguono (e scelgono scientemente di leggermi) sono chiari: 1) le relazioni romantiche non sono il fulcro della mia esistenza, sono solo un'esperienza di vita che mi manca e che in questa fase della mia vita sento sarebbe giusto esplorare. l'amore, d'altra parte invece, è il fulcro della mia esistenza. come motore di vita, come filosofia, come scelta quotidiana e come indole. l'amore mi muove e muove quasi tutto a questo mondo. un amore profondo per le parole e per la letteratura mi anima nella vita di tutti i giorni, altrimenti solo un susseguirsi di casualità. vorrei che la mia migliore amica fosse qui per raccontarti come ho impostato la nostra amicizia, che è una relazione d'amore platonico, e che io vivo in modo altrettanto intenso e viscerale. per me è l'unico senso, l'unico modo. altrimenti che si vive a fare...?? 2) su tumblr io ci sono per raccontarmi, per ispirarmi, per capirmi, per imparare, per confrontarmi e per vivermi. se ci sono persone che ne fanno un uso più blando, è ok. per me non ha senso usarlo e spenderci tempo se non ho la possibilità di farlo con questa crudezza, un po' come fosse il mio vecchio blog su blogger.com nel 2012, presente? la gente pubblicava di TUTTO ed era bello proprio perchè potevi toccare con mano delle prospettive che magari non avresti mai conosciuto altrimenti (perché la gente si apriva sui propri blog, sperimentava, proponeva narrazioni strampalate di sé, non stava a copia-incollare frasi fatte e impersonali senza mai esporsi). tutto questo per dire, io l'amore non lo cerco su internet, ma manco per nulla!! non lo cerco su tumblr, non lo cerco realmente su bumble (la delusione di cui parlavo nel post precedente è relativa e molto meme), lo cerco nelle persone che posso toccare e annusare e di cui posso sentire la voce e con cui posso commuovermi o fare a botte. voi siete praticamente nel mio cesto della biancheria da lavare, siete i testimoni inconsapevoli dei miei pensieri lordi che devo ancora ripulire. non molto lusinghiero ma vi incoraggio a non seguirmi in caso. e l'ho anche scritto più di una volta...3) sono perfettamente consapevole che il mio modo di essere non sia compatibile con tutti (anzi, con la gran parte), sono pesante, prolissa, lenta, richiedo un sacco di pazienza e di attenzione. e ho passato una vita a mangiarmi le parole per risultare più digeribile, più "alla mano" a chi si compiace di rimanere inespresso e posso dire di non volerlo più fare. chi vuole, chi reputa, mi legge, mi ascolta, mi dà spazio. chi non vuole, fa bene a non farlo. unico appunto, magari si astenga dal definire "ridicolo" ciò che non condivide o che sente di non avere spazio per accogliere.
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yourealpurpose · 7 months ago
Do not mistake personal power for pride. One solves, the another attacks. The first reveals the weight of your worth, the second the depth of your insecurities.
Non scambiare il potere personale con la superbia. L'uno risolve, l'altra attacca. Il primo rivela il peso del tuo valore, la seconda la profondità delle tue insicurezze.
________ Anna ▶︎ info: Linktr.ee
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girlactionfigure · 5 months ago
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Daniel Lewin and Mohammad Hamdani were two 9/11 heroes with very different stories.
Known as Danny by his friends, Lewin was the first person to die in the terrorist attacks, sixteen years ago today.
Danny was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11 and an Israeli-American veteran of an elite IDF combat unit. He was trained in counter-terrorism and spoke fluent Arabic.
Investigators pieced together that Danny heard the terrorists plotting in Arabic and tried to stop the hijacking. He was stabbed to death by Saudi law student Satam al-Suqami.
Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, Danny emigrated to Israel with his family as a teenager. As a newcomer, he could have skipped his military service, but chose instead to serve and work his way up to the toughest unit in the IDF. He later became a successful internet entrepreneur.
Only 31 when he died, Danny had already made his mark on the world.
Mohammad Hamdani was a first responder who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Mohammad immigrated with his family from Pakistan when he was a year old and grew up in Queens, NY. He played football for Bayside High. Hard-working and ambitious, Mohammad became an EMT and then a police cadet. He also applied to medical school, and in September 2001 he was waiting to hear if he’d been accepted. 
On the morning of 9/11, Mohammad was taking an elevated subway on his way to work when he saw smoke coming from the twin towers. He got off the train and rushed to the World Trade Center to help. Mohammad was never seen alive again. He was only 23 years old.
At first Mohammad was listed as missing. Because of his Muslim background and lack of connection to the World Trade Center, he came under suspicion of being involved in the attack. The cloud over his name did not lift until his remains were found at Ground Zero in October 2001, along with his medical bag and ID. 
Mohammad Hamdani was buried with full honors from the the New York Police Department, and proclaimed a hero by the city’s police commissioner. He is mentioned in the Patriot Act as an example of Muslim-American valor on 9/11. 
May the memories of these two righteous young men always be for a blessing.
Accidental Talmudist
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1l-ynn · 4 months ago
Want You So Bad
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
1.4k words // use of y/n // mutual pining-ish
a/n: this is very long and WILL HAVE a part 2. i realized that i kinda didnt focus on the romance of this like at all... EEK I am open to any feedback!! please tell me if there's anything i need to fix
part two
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"No ones asked you? For real?" Nobaras brows pinched in confusion as she stabbed at the peices of lettuce in her bowl. Homecoming was just around the corner, and although you didn't care to go, seeing all your friends get asked out left and right left a bad taste in your mouth.
It seemed like everyone and their moms were getting asked out. Of course the cutest couple, Kirara and Hakari were going together no questions asked. Maki had asked Yuta an hour before lunch. Toge and Panda were going just to cause chaos, and having no one else, Nobara and Yuji decided to go together.
"Yes for real. What did you expect?" You scrunched your face, huffing as you sipped on your strawberry milk. Your style was admittedly different from your group of friends, their light colors and fast fashion seemed to clash with your velvety style. Not even the school uniform could conceal your preference for darker clothes. Maybe thats what scared others off.
"Well you can always go with Yuji and I, I doubt Megumis coming." She drops her fork, wiping her mouth and dusting her hands off. The lunch period was coming to an end. And as she rises from the table, bringing her tray with her, she finishes her statement. "Not unless Yuji successfully forces him."
Megumi had the right idea. Who'd wanna go to an event where high school students get together in a stuffy gym room with their tacky decorations and overplayed pop music? Or better yet, where the girls are practically breaking their ankles from their heels and the guys are sweating bullets into the cheap fabric of their suits.
"Then what's the point of even going?" You say, trying to match her walking pace. You and Megumi weren't close, but that didn't stop the fuzziness you felt anytime he was near.
Though you're sure he doesn't look your way.
It was practically common sense that Megumi wouldn't be joining you guys, he was more of a home body. There's been countless times where you went to hang out with the group and he was no where to be seen. But that's okay, his isolation only made you wanna learn more about what was under those brooding expressions and the walls he kept up so high.
"You're fucking lucky." The dark haired boy grumbled, he looked rather sharp this evening. Too sharp. He was originally planning on pulling an all nighter. Playing valorant until his eyes bled or until Tsumiki had enough of the string of obscenities he would scream at the TV each time he died.
But no, here he was being Yuji and Nobaras personal driver. He's lucky for Gojo, without him Megumi would look a hot mess. He was dressed in a dark gray button up paired with black slacks. His hair was unruly and had no plan to tame itself, and his cologne had this trace of woody scent.
"C'mon Megs- it'll be fun!" Yuji said enthusiastically, though it didn't take a scientist to realize that was bullshit. Megumi knew that he was really there to drive them from homecoming to some after party. "Plus! Y/n's coming, aren't you excited?"
Thats what got him. It was the best manipulation tactic ever, and Yuji knew it. Although he would kill to go back home, get in some sweats and play Valorant, nothing beat the rush of excitement he got thinking about how nice you would look. Granted you always looked nice, your style was always something that interested him.
Your eerie color scheme appealed to others, but Megumi wanted to be the one to uncover those secrets you hid behind those drappy sleeves. Though its not like you guys were close, he was fine wondering why you were thinking behind those perfectly blended smoky eyes.
"Who knows maybe something'll happen tonight?"
"Yeah right, this is so dumb." Megumi ran a hand through his hair. "She's probably gonna latch onto Nobara."
"Okay yeah but- its worth a shot right?" Yuji gives Megumi a sheepish smile that he only rolls his eyes at. He huffs as he pulls out of the driveway and on to Nobaras.
"I don't know..." You stood in front of Nobaras full body mirror. Looking at the dress you guys rushed to buy a few days ago. It was complete luck you got such a beautiful dress, completely your style. The fabric was made of black lace, its corset was tight and form fitting, and the neckline hung a little lower against your chest.
Nobara and Maki give eachother a pointed look before looking back at you. Could you see yourself right now? "Girl what are you talking about? There's nothing wrong." Maki says as she touches up her lipstick. She looks up at you with an incredibly deep scowl. You silently cursed yourself for being the reason for Makis sour face.
Maki set down her red lipstick, it went perfectly with the green pattern of her dress. It was a simple style, the only thing about it was the cut in the skirt. Nonetheless she looked perfect. Yuta would think so aswell.
"Yeah, you look fine.." Nobara pauses before looking at you cheekily, a smirk painting its way onto her face. "You look fine."
She was in a satin red dress with an asymmetrical skirt. Her black heels were practically toothpicks, it was insane how she was keeping herself upright.
You roll your eyes, continuing to pick yourself apart. "Doesn't something look off?" Maybe it was because your hair pins were poking into your head and you were sure it was gonna give you a headache. Or maybe it was the fact that your makeup was a lot lighter than usual.
"Look, you look great. Those guys are gonna wish they were got their grabs, okay?" She hugs you from behind, pouting a bit before starts speaking. "Y'know-"
"KUGISAKI. The boys are down here." Her grandmother called from downstairs.
The boys..? Wasnt it just supposed to be Yuji?
"Finally." Maki grumbled, grabbing her hand purse and walking out the door.
"Wait, what does she mean boys-?" Your question goes unanswered as she unlatches from your back, grabbing her purse and making her way out the door.
Her head pops in for a second. "You look fucking hot, okay?" The brunette gives you one last smirk before saying "Megumi will think so, now let's go."
"Wait- what?!"
"They've been up there all evening. I don't even think they got any food..." Nobaras grandma says as she wraps up the last of her Onigiri. Placing them into a small bag before handing it to Yuji. His fat ass already digging in. "Take these so you guys don't starve."
Megumi's face immediately pulls into a scowl, as he raises a hand to smack Yuji with. Earning a yelp from the pink haired boy. "Thank you Ma'am. Thats very generous of you."
"Ehh..Don't mention it." She waves her hand, beginning to clean the kitchen. Just in time for the girls to start walking down. First Maki, then Nobara and lastly y/n..
"Oh would you c'mon already?!" Nobara throws her head back in exasperation. She looked up at the stairs with an expectant glance. "God so help me-"
Megumis adams apple bobbed in his throat, holding that same expecting glance. He was silently preparing himself for your arrival. His brain filling with possibilities of what you could be wearing.
"Get down here before we drag you down." Maki was already starting to stomp up the stairs.
"Okay- okay I'm coming.." You slowly walk down steps, Your hands clutching onto your long skirt so it wouldn't get caught under your heel.
Megumi's breath hitched- There you were in all your glory. Your dress was perfect. The corset fit snugly on your waist. Like it was tailored to your form, or better yet a second skin. It continued to hug you down to your knees showing off the cute divots where your hips were. Your sleeves went down in that same fashion, draping down your forearm. And to top it all off your neckline rested just a bit lower than your collarbones.
Megumi practically had hearts for eyes, watching you look around nervously. Your makeup was simpler than usual but that didn't take away from the look overall. He was stuck in that daze until you both locked eyes.
"Finally. Now let's go take pictures!"
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part two
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nusta · 1 year ago
Articolo interessante, mi ha ricordato un video visto qualche tempo fa sempre a "difesa" di Rothko, mi pare, o comunque dell'arte contemporanea e dell'arte astratta. A certi livelli si sfora nel mercato del lusso (e io non sono certo la persona giusta per difenderlo XD) ma in generale sono d'accordo che dire "potevo farlo anche io" è un'affermazione superficiale. Però mi viene da dire che anche la replica "no, altrimenti l'avresti fatto" è altrettanto superficiale: datemi una buona rendita e qualche colpo di fortuna e vediamo. Non sono d'accordo nemmeno rispetto all'idea che le opere debbano essere apprezzate senza spiegazione: non si arriverà mai ad esplicitare completamente il senso di un'opera d'arte, letteraria, musicale o visiva che sia, perché il senso va ben oltre le intenzioni di chi l'ha creata, ma raccontare il contesto, l'ispirazione e soprattutto la storia personale che ha alle spalle un'opera aiuta moltissimo a modellare la nostra impressione e comprensione. E trovo utilissimo anche accostare delle opere che nulla hanno a che fare tra di loro se non l'eco esistenziale che generano in chi le esperisce, secondo me non c'è bisogno di inventare o ingannare, anzi, apprezzerei di più la trasparenza di chi mi dicesse "prova a pensare a questo e quello insieme, non ti sembra che sia lo stesso messaggio in due lingue diverse? Cosa ti dice sulla natura umana e i suoi modi di concretizzarsi in tempi e mondi lontani?"
No, non potevi farlo anche tu «Se fai il cantante devi vendere tanti dischi, se scrivi tanti libri, mentre se fai l’artista visivo per farcela dovrai convincere pochissime persone, molto ricche, di valere il prezzo della tua opera. La spada di Damocle del lo potevo fare anch’io non è stata forgiata solo dalla diffidenza del pubblico, ma anche dall’atteggiamento insopportabile di noi addetti ai lavori. Il problema è che a farne le spese sono artisti immensi, come Mark Rothko»
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directdogman · 7 months ago
A large Milt post.
The funny thing about writing characters is that you often forget how little of them you've shown off. Milt's pretty detached from the plot (not even being explicitly mentioned in-game) so I guess it's fair to say that the audience doesn't really 'know' him well.
Given how much detail the audience knows about Crown's life during the war and immediately after it, it'd be interesting to mention a little bit about Milt's war history, especially since Crown's time during the war is pretty important to understanding a part of his character - why he was so dead-set on changing the world. Ironically, Milt's experiences were very different in a lot of ways, but wound up bringing him to the same place. This information would be obscure, but likely known to anyone who'd want to study him in DT's universe, so I guess there's no harm in mentioning some of it:
Milt was born into a more affluent family than Crown's and didn't face the same kind of nail-biting poverty that Crown did as a child. He was a Corporal (Acting Sgt) by the end of the war and had a distinguished record as a war hero. He was very well respected by those in his platoon, having a reputation for honesty, kindness and always following through on his word, no matter the circumstances. However, was also known to be someone you didn't wanna push around or back into a corner, as he was fiercely intelligent and very determined - not the sort of person you'd want to wrong.
He was a part of the DDay landings during the European campaign, an event he remembers as a terrifying and chaotic loss of life. Milt later rejected claims of his valor during the landing in the years following the war. After the fall of Berlin in mid 1945, Milt rejected the opportunity to remain in Europe as an occupying force (which was available to him because of his reputation/rank) in order to join the Pacific Theater. This was partially out of a sense of survivor's guilt (personally knowing many soldiers from his town who'd died in the campaign) and partly because he feared returning to relative peace and being alone with his thoughts again.
Milt's time in the Pacific Theater isn't nearly as well known due to how unwilling he was to talk about it to anyone, though he once opened up to Marla about it. Milt witnessed the destruction of Hiroshima from a distance, an event that's forever etched into his mind.
When Milt returned to the States, with a military scholarship, he decided to focus his efforts into trying to make the world a better place and began studying science. His dream was to develop a new form of irrigation that could terraform large swathes of land into farmland so the whole world could be fed. Due to his intelligence and determination in seeking his goal, he wound up taking to his work well. He took a keen interest in the new concept of the structure of DNA in particular, which was discovered in the early 1950's, believing that genetic modification could be used to create new forms of plant life that could feed vast amounts of people. Milt never ceased contact with his contacts from University, nor lost his love for science and the pursuit of a better world through the advancement of technology/science. But, most of all, he never abandoned his dream of making the world a better place, one where the horrors he'd witnessed as a younger man (such as mass human death, starvation and mass-chaos) could never happen again.
Shortly after graduating, he attended a political rally in Madison, Wisconsin and met a passionate public speaker/local business owner who'd change the course of his life forever. The rest is history.
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angelap3 · 3 months ago
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Prima di morire a 40 anni di cancro allo stomaco, la designer e autrice di fama mondiale "Crisda Rodríguez" ha scritto:
1. Avevo l'auto più costosa del mondo nel mio garage, ma ora devo usare la sedia a rotelle.
2. Nella mia casa ci sono vestiti di ogni tipo di marca, scarpe e oggetti di valore, ma ora il mio corpo è avvolto in un piccolo panno fornito dall'ospedale.
3. ho un sacco di soldi in banca ma ora non ne sto traendo vantaggio.
4. La mia casa era come un castello, ma ora dormo su due letti in ospedale.
5. Dall'hotel a cinque stelle ad ora trascorrere il tempo in ospedale passando da clinica a clinica
6. Ho fatto autografi a centinaia di persone ma questa volta le cartelle mediche sono la mia firma.
7. Sono stato da sette barbieri per farmi i capelli, ma ora - non ho un capello in testa.
8. Con un jet privato posso volare ovunque, ma ora ho bisogno di due assistenti per arrivare al cancello dell'ospedale.
9. Anche se ci sono molti cibi, ora la mia dieta è di due compresse al giorno e qualche goccia di acqua salata la sera.
10. Questa casa, questa macchina, quest'aereo, questi mobili, questa banca, la fama e la gloria, nessuno di questi mi è utile. Niente di tutto questo mi rilassa. "Non c'è niente di reale tranne la morte. "
In fin dei conti la cosa più importante è la salute
Sii felice di quanto poco o tanto hai mentre sei in salute, avere un piatto da mangiare, un posto dove dormire è avere tutto.
Vincent Giocoliere
Repost Dignità&Rispetto
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hetaherr · 1 year ago
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playing video games with them | anemo boys <3
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: kazuha, xiao, venti, wanderer
:mostly crack, a little suggestive but no warnings
well anyway this is another reupload!! added kuni’s part also got lazy to proof read its just a headcanon anyway!!! i play wayy to much video games and id love to share my hobbies with these sweet babies <3
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i think this baby is a really chill gamer, he enjoys the cozy aspect of video games. thats why i think games like minecraft, stardew valley, animal crossing and the sims!! cozy video game dates are a norm for you guys when its too hot outside or too rainy.
imagine playing stardew valley with him, curled up under the covers with your MATCHING SWITCH CONSOLES. you guys working through the first few years of the game as little farm people doing little farm things. he’d even find some helpful guides online so you guys can maximise your finances in the game. honestly i can see how he gets a little petty at the fact that you MARRIED some npc in the game and he had to watch the whole cutscene while you joked around that he hadn’t given you enough attention and this was all his fault. now kazuha hates that particular npc, and he’s definitely pouting the whole night. give him lots of smooches, tell him that no video game code can replace your pookie wookie baby boy <3
but there, of course are other ways you can make up for it, like asking him to marry you- in animal crossing duh!! he’d take this whole thing very seriously obviously, its a wedding silly. he’d prepare a little wedding venue in his world by the beach, even going as far to design a cute little tux. it’s adorable, also don’t think for a second that he wouldn’t give you a kiss (giggling after) when the wedding officiant says you may now kiss. i also can picture kazuha buying you a promise ring irl , with a maple leaf engraved onto it. yes it was a animal crossing wedding, but it was YOUR WEDDING non the less.
another thing i can imagine is while you were playing the sims kazuha would 100% ask to create a little family with you. he’d even help to go “shopping” online for CC that would fit your characters or homes. kazuha DIES A LITTLE inside as you carefully curate each of the characters, spending hours deciding on the perfect outfits, hairs and personalities. coming up with mini fantasy stories about the mini yous and giggling along with him when they get a little too absurd. your cute family consists of you, kazuha and a little white cat. kazuha likes watching you get a little flustered whenever his character flirts with yours, sending a romantic haiku your way. not to mention the first time your character’s woohoo’ed he teasingly said:
“its honestly a shame that they’re the only ones that get to woohoo you know?”
anyway kazuha is 100% down to try as many games as he can with you, playing games with him is 10 bells out of 10 bells hehe
gamer xiao… yea he kinda scares me. xiao plays shooter games for sure, like obviously he’s had an eboy valorant phase but lets skip past that for now. its definitely more than normal to hear him grumbling how “dogshit” some of his teammates are. he’s definitely muted from chat on several games, also banned from league most of the time from being toxic in the chats.
playing competitive games with xiao is definitely an experience, and it definitely does not feel like the stereotypical pocket sage and hyper-carry jett. so please proceed with caution. the first time you and him played together, he may have gotten a little TOO HEATED and may have cussed you out on accident forgetting it was his loving, doting and caring partner who just wanted to participate in one of his hobbies. xiao doesn’t mean to get angry at you, please bare with him when the words “how is this person so fucking bad, how are they SO USELESS JUST GET OFF THE GAME DUDE” slip out. and oh boy… xiao immediately regrets his words, he feels so bad. he was actually overjoyed when you asked to play with him, even if he doesn’t actually show it, now he definitely assumes that you won’t ever want to play games with him EVER, hell maybe you want to break up. he’s spiralling. he apologises so much and he’s so awkward and so fidgety. its hard to stay mad at him, when he’s like this you have to admit he’s a little cutie. the next few days he’s definitely cautious and on edge around you, he finds it weird that you let go of the situation so easily and just moved on. he cant believe he let such vulgar words be thrown towards you. so after a conversation about his behaviour, you both decide maybe its best you just be an observer. you’re more than happy to straddle him, chin on his shoulder when he plays at his pc. and xiao LOVES IT, there is honestly nothing more comforting than you give him a little kiss when he starts to get a little too tense. occasionally when you face the screen and watch his games, he gets so nervous to play well. and xiao absolutely DIES when you compliment his abilities. bro needs the praise please, in that moment he thinks you’re so sexy and you have such a caring soul and his ears are tinted so red. don’t tease him though, he won’t be able to play the game properly.
another thing xiao is so weirdly good at is arcade games. i can picture arcade dates and xiao is just godly at them, claw machines, those basketball ones, car racing- you name it sweetheart and he’s earning those tickets like he needs to feed his 20 kids as a single dad. xiao acts so nonchalant about it, shrugging his shoulders as if this talent of his isn’t a big deal, but inside he’s so proud that he’s managed to get you that plushie he knows you’d been eyeing the whole day. he loves the way you grip onto his biceps pulling him to another machine to test his abilities, he may grumble about you overreacting but he’s so happy just to see you smile. and having you cheer him on the side is such an added bonus, you’re such a cute cheerleader. anyway i rate xiao a “please dont scold me baby im trying my best” out of “FUCK YOU FUCKING SUCK”
horror games. literally venti HATES THEM but he cant get enough of it. playing phasmophobia would be so incredibly fun, but also a total shitshow. like im talking him making you do all the work while he intentionally provokes the ghost. at the same time he’s too scared to do anything so, he’s always really close to you. so if anything ever happens, you’d be a total idiot to think he’d try to help you, venti would be the first one out the door and running away. venti is also so horrendously LOUD, literally half the time instead of getting spooked by the game, your having a heart attack inducing jump scare from his random screaming. don’t even get me started on roblox horror games, every week there’s some new game he discovered on tiktok, and you are playing it with him, you have to.
another game venti loves to play is sims, but he’s about 100 times more chaotic compared to kazuha. he loves those ridiculous challenges and he wants to have like 10 babies with you, and then proceeds to cry when they are taken away from the sims version of cps. for some reason he has all the packs and likes to screw around with everything. he makes silly little bets with you in any game, for example in the sims he’d bet with you whether your 23rd child is going to be a boy or girl, most bets are harmless like a kiss or cuddles, unless he’s in the mood.
speaking of intimacy, venti needs to be holding you while playing games. arms linked, lying on your lap or you in his, honestly you just let him because he’s so cheeky about it anyway. venti also loves playing music related games with you, duh!! karaoke, guess the song, finish the lyric. ANYTHING!! whether you can sing or not, he just loves to hear your voice, definitely teases you if you cant though hehe. karaoke is so fun, if your shy he definitely eases you into letting lose and breaking out of your comfort zone, duetting with you is something he loves because music is his passion and honestly it hits so close to home for him. you’d often find him squeezing your hand as a form of encouragement.
im rating venti a solid 8 red bulls out of “i’ve already had 15”.
this little emo baby is 100% only ever playing single player games, things that are extremely grindy and super lore heavy (bro is on subreddits looking at game theories and conspiracies, he would love to talk to you about them if you ever asked)!! im talking about bloodborne, doom, assassin’s creed and dark souls. he hates online multiplayer games because he doesn’t want to interact with “idiots” as he’s mentioned numerous times. so unfortunately its not often that you have a chance to play any type of multiplayer games with him.
however when it comes to his gaming sessions, he’d subtly invite you to come watch him because you’re like his own little streaming audience, and he loves it. the way you comment about how cool his character looks, or ask questions about gameplay mechanics. he loves how you involve yourself in his hobbies, it turns him to mush. he also loves how you play with his hair while peeking over his shoulder to look at the tv screen as he taps away at the controller. sometimes when the game gets a little boring he notices how your breath bounces off his neck, needless to say, those nights end up a bit more differently than how you originally imagined.
also if your ever interested in the game, kuni would “hesitantly” offer you to play on a new save file. but he’s actually elated that you’re going to try his FAVOURITE video game ever. you take your place in his lap as he explains to you the basics, not many would notice but you can ever so slightly hear the excitement in his voice. kuni complains about you being so lost but he’s so careful with explaining certain things, he’s also so patient as you take hours designing your character, well he’s okay being patient since its you. kuni absolutely DISSOLVES when facing a difficult boss, puzzle or obstacle, you kinda go into a slump against his chest and beg him to help you get past it. he snickers that your so weak, but somehow he manages to get through so swiftly- i guess he needs to show off a little to you. he also may complain a lot but thats just how this baby boy is, dont get discouraged he actually thinks you’re so cute.
also if you ever find yourself playing overcooked, moving out, gang beasts or any of those party games with kuni… good luck, just because he doesn’t like competitive games like valorant, DOES NOT MEAN HE ISNT COMPETITIVE. he gets so worked up and its honestly a little cute if you can look past the crusty white dog behaviour. if you do end up getting into an argument over these games, dont be surprised. im lazy to give a rating so im giving him 10/10, again minus the crusty white dog.
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edit: if you saw “anyway wanderer is a straight” HAHA i apologise maybe thats why i should straight proof reading oops hehe
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der-papero · 2 months ago
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Tre sere fa, quando ho fatto questa foto, mi sono fermato un attimo a riflettere su come, lentamente, io stia ritrovando la mia vita, quella che avevo 10 anni fa, quella fatta delle mie passioni, dei miei spazi, dei miei tempi.
Nel 2014 non so cosa sia andato storto, ma iniziai a fare puttanate. Ogni volta, per correggere quella appena fatta, ne facevo una più grossa, per poi scappare in Germania, con la sicurezza che avrebbe messo a posto le cose, macché, ho continuato a farne qui, perché mi ero fondamentalmente perso e non riuscivo ad essere più quello di prima.
Ho provato a legarmi a tutti sperando di risolvere le cose, col risultato di fare peggio, le persone entravano nella mia vita, ci facevano quello che volevano e poi se ne andavano, lasciando un disastro. Il 2024 me ne ha portate via altre due, così, dopo anni insieme, senza motivo, dopo essersi prese un pezzo di cuore, sparite, senza una ragione, senza che io abbia torto un capello, nulla, ed è solo l'ultimo di tantissimi casi.
In tutto questo casino è nato il personaggio che ho costruito qui, che è un po' il risultato paradossale di tante cose, non sarebbe mai dovuto esistere, io qua non ce dovevo veni', diceva il saggio, e fortuna che poi mi ha donato due legami straordinari e al tempo stesso è diventato qualcosa di diverso e di allegro, ma il fatto rimane, non doveva esserci. Non rinnego quello che è oggi, ma se potessi premere un tasto e cancellare tutto, ma intendo tutto, forse sacrificherei anche questo, perché, almeno agli inizi, è stata l'ennesima puttanata fatta per non risolvere un problema.
Poi è arrivata Lilly nella mia vita, e qualcosa è cambiato profondamente. Lilly si è presa tutto, da ogni direzione, lasciandomi una porzione di tempo talmente limitata da iniziare a darle un valore immenso. Non procastino più, non cerco scuse o distrazioni, non esiste più "tanto c'è tempo", no, ogni secondo adesso ha un valore, e ho cominciato ad usarlo come 10 anni fa, con ciò che mi rendeva felice, con quei fogli e quella penna. La conseguenza di questo mio impegno costante, ogni sera, dedicato allo studio, oltre a ridarmi quello che ero prima, mi ha fatto permesso di vedere che da tempo ormai il vaso che doveva traboccare non c'era più, ma io mi illudevo che potesse ancora funzionare, e allora sì, ho iniziato a tagliare tutto quello che ho con gli altri, perché non sono più perso, e il mio tempo conta. Le persone che amo sono rimaste e non permetterò mai a nulla e a nessuno di portarmele via, ma il resto del mondo non mi interessa più, non mi sento più solo.
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raccontidialiantis · 1 month ago
Il fondo, in fondo…
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Si: te lo dicono tutti. Tutti quelli pieni di buonsenso. Ma intanto adesso senti un chiodo al costato. Però alla fine, quando pure questa sarà passata avrai avuto l'ennesima conferma che la vita non è altro che una serie lunghissima di dune: arrivato in cima alla prossima a costo di duri sacrifici, ti senti padrone del mondo. Quello è proprio il momento in cui tutto viene rimesso in discussione e inizi a precipitare. Nuovamente. A volte di colpo, altre lentamente. Sino a toccare il fondo.
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E lì il luogo comune direbbe che c'è ancora dinamica per… scavare. Non è così: toccare il fondo è ciò che ti fa riscoprire quello che vale davvero. Ciò che ti mantiene umile e discrimina le persone e i valori davvero importanti per te. Toccare il fondo vuol dire fare un bagno nell’umiltà e piegare le gambe per darti una bella spinta, in modo da tornare a galla. Non esiste nessuno che veramente viva quella che comunemente si definisce una bella vita. Esistono solo prove differenti per ciascuna anima.
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È un percorso di crescita diverso per ciascuno e tutti studiamo con impegno, all'Università della Terra. Non c'è una durata standard del piano di studi a cui fare riferimento, né una qualche garanzia di risultato. Non puoi comprarti un esame né scegliere l'appello. O le materie, i professori. Ti arriva la prossima prova davanti ai piedi come un pacco che devi scartare e ne sei sempre spiazzato.
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Te lo fanno apposta: per vedere come reagisci. Se fossi preparato infatti, significherebbe che già ci sei passato, già coosci il risultato del test e quindi avrebbe valore zero, per il punteggio dell'anima. A volte ti fanno arrivare un regalo: che serve a non farti scoraggiare, a vederti sorridere. A rilassare il tuo percorso per un po'.
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Ma non è così che cresci; non è così che provi sensazioni, emozioni. Odio, amore, paura, desiderio, passione, attrazione, disperazione, resurrezione. E poi lacrime, sorrisi, risate e grida di dolore soffocate o urlate: tutti veri e propri tesori, racchiusi nella dinamica e nei battiti del tuo cuore.
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Perché forse l'hai scordato, o forse nessuno qui te l'ha ancora detto: tu sei una fonte di luce. Un diamante inscalfibile, un pezzetto di un'energia senza tempo né spazio. Un umile fante dell'esercito della luce che qui sulla Terra cerca gli elementi utili per tornare a casa, prima o poi.
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L'avrai letto, da qualche parte: non sei un corpo che ha un'anima, ma un'anima a cui è dato un corpo per una breve gita su questo mondo. E poi ancora e ancora. Goditela. Sii presente a te stesso e compi le scelte che ti sembreranno più giuste, in buona fede. Nel bene e nel male. E soprattutto non dimenticarti dell'amore, che nei momenti bui ti salva.
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Amore dichiarato, amore contrastato, amore impossibile, amore segreto, amore indecente, amore per i figli, amore per la vita che infine ti sfugge di mano: non esiste amore che non valga la pena vivere. E rispettare. Facci caso: anche dopo una storia finita male, non esiste nessuno che comunque non ringrazi Iddio. Tu non farai certo eccezione, col tuo bellissimo sorriso amaro di oggi. Me lo fai un sorriso, si?
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lightningant · 3 months ago
Actually, a bit of Voldemort meta I wanted to shake out
So fairly uncontroversial take I think the belief horcruxes changed Voldemort and made him insane is not only explicitly non-canon but really cheapens his pretty straightforward character arc - he was winning and suddenly had experienced existential torture from which none of his """loyal""" followers saved him for 10 straight years, I would not come out of that situation smelling of roses I'll tell you that much.
But the horcruxes must have still affected him.
Canon says they don't touch soul or nature or anything, but it doesn't mention body. Tom was an incredibly sickly child and always had the air of a victorian orphan with tuberculosis about him. He posited as a child if his mother was simply more magic, it could save her. He is set up to believe magic = health, overcoming physical adversity.
So I do think making horcruxes did a number on his mental health, yes. But I think it was because crafting them made him more sick, a self-fulfilling prophesy of perpetual illness and disease [of the soul], and being sick is something that upsets him. He made these things to escape it, so obviously giving himself chronic illness is going to drastically affect his personality.
Depression, rage, lashing out, resentment, unexpected vulnerability, dependency, all of these are reactions that could spin out of his control when put under that kind of stress.
I do also think (so completely i forgot this wasn't explicitly canon) the ceremony of splintering is tortuously painful. If mending the soul with love and remorse is the greatest pain a human is capable of, I always thought it's because that line of fission itself is painful, that moment of understanding what you've done before you justify it to yourself, the moment you allow the anguish as you open yourself to remorse. He was willing to pass the first threshold, and unwilling to return through it; a sign love is not worth the struggle the way power is.
So of course Harrycrux would be a traumatic incident for him; he experienced torturous pain completely out of nowhere against his will, died for the first time, and then spent a decade struggling to maintain himself until he found caretakers, who he allowed to witness his indignity if only he could find some magic that could make him well. I do think it's significant that Quirrell mentioned that Voldemort 'kept a closer eye' on Quirrell after the failed bank robbery, implying he wasn't always in a parasitic relationship with him; that was a punishment! Quirrell was initially his caretaker just like those in GoF! He was sick and lashed out and made a parasite of himself to vent his resentment!
I push it a lot in Venom or Valor, where Tom initially thinks of horcrux creation as exhausting and needing some time to shake off, sort of like magic exhaustion, which makes sense and encourages him to continue without much issue. But it legitimately frightens him that the ring is even worse, and he picks at the concept, trying to make it feel good that he has to suffer to this extent, to force a sort of anxious masochism to carry him through the rest.
And wouldn't all this affect how he perceives the crucio curse later in life?
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ambrenoir · 5 months ago
In pieno possesso delle mie facoltà mentali, dichiaro:
1. di essere poco interessata all’opinione altrui.
2. di essere una persona matura da saper riconoscere il limite tra “intelligenza” e stupidità”.
3. di dare il giusto valore, tempo e peso a cose, parole e persone.
4. di aver imparato che di fronte alla merda non servono parole, l’unica cosa saggia da fare è tirare lo sciacquone.
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abr · 5 hours ago
1) L'OMS non serve A NULLA. Aveva un senso nel 1948 quando le informazioni sulle epidemie arrivavano con il telegrafo. Ora siamo in infodemia. Durante il covid l'OMS non ha fornito una singola informazione utile. Se non serve a quello evidentemente la sua reale funzione ora è un'altra.
2) L'OMS per pagare le sue ENORMI spese è in modo sostanziale finanziata da privati. Tra essi i principali contributori sono la Bill Gates Foundation, case farmaceutiche e associazioni pro diffusione vaccini, a loro volta pagate dai medesimi, come GAVI Alliance.
3) A Maggio l'OMS cercherà di forzare tutti gli stati membri a firmare il cosiddetto "Trattato pandemico", una specie di MES DELLA MALATTIA, che garantirà ampi poteri all'organizzazione.
4) Se non riuscirà a compiere la forzatura del trattato pandemico, l'OMS tenterà di introdurre le stesse cessioni di sovranità via cambiamenti del "Regolamento Sanitario Internazionale", introdotto anni fa e già in vigore.
5) Un terzo del bilancio dell'OMS, oltre un miliardo di dollari, va negli stipendi del personale OMS sparso in sedi faraoniche in tutto il mondo. Lo stipendio MEDIO di chi lavora all'OMS, compresi i fattorini, è 120mila euro COMPLETAMENTE ESENTASSE.
6) Un altro terzo abbondante del bilancio OMS va in consulenze, strumento del tutto opaco per pagare a discrezione persone e organizzazioni in tutto il mondo.
7) La spesa in viaggi in giro per il mondo a carico dell'OMS è 160 milioni. I benefit futuri del personale sono un valore non desumibile dal bilancio, però la semplice oscillazione attuariale indica una cifra enorme.
8) La spesa TOTALE OMS per medicine e apparecchiature mediche in Africa è di soli 45 milioni. Tutta questa organizzazione enorme per una cifra minore del bilancio del comune di Urbino? Meno dei semplici costi di viaggio allocati a OMS Africa (53 milioni).
9) Il direttore OMS, l'Etiope di un partito comunista nazionalista, Tedros Ghebreyesus, mentre era ministro della sanità in Etiopia ha intessuto relazioni con la fondazione Bill Gates venendo nominato nel board di GAVI, the vaccine alliance, finanziatori complessivamente dell'OMS per quasi un miliardo.
10) L'Italia contribuisce in modo diretto e indiretto allo stipendificio OMS per circa 100 milioni l'anno.
Le fonti di quanto sopra nel post: https://x.com/borghi_claudio/status/1756740629432860843
Nulla di specifico contro l'OMS. Quanto sopra vale per praticamente tutte le Organizzazioni Pubbliche Sovranazionali, a partire da Onu e a proseguire con EU. Sono STIPENDIFICI ESENTASSE.
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