#personally i liked to think they genuinely did make it somewhere but i wante dto leave it up to the audience
the one thing i do genuinely miss about that "irregular client illegally eloping with a regular line" storyline that i had to cut is kryptos' part in it. the general idea is that andy just completely throws himself into this client's wedding, and bill and clem just do. not. get. why
they're pretty blunt and in bill's case, almost cruel about the fact that what this client and his girlfriend are doing is practically a suicide pact. they won't make it, they won't elope successfully, they'll get caught -- hey, we'll make them the dress, we'll make a tux that fits him, sure, money is money, but andy, you know that they're not actually gonna get a happy ending, right? like, we know you're not stupid, you know this isn't gonna work, you're more familiar with all the laws to stop this guy from getting married than we are. these two are gonna end up in a jail cell, at the very least
but andy just keeps pushing it and pushing it. it'll work. it'll be fine. they can get a happy ending, you guys just need to shut up and let me them have this! the circles won't find out about them and they'll have a ceremony and they'll sneak away to a less strict district or they'll hide out somewhere-- in the forest, maybe!-- and they'll be safe and happy and good and i'll help them pick the flowers for the reception :)
and idk if bill or clem ever really figure out why he's so desperate for this to work, why he's so bullheadedly insistent that this is gonna have a happy ending. admittedly, i hadn't quite decided whether they pick up on his feelings, or how much they really get what's going on, but throughout the chapter it becomes very clear to the audience with what he's saying and how he's acting and how angry he's getting at bill in particular for being such a jackass about all this that oh. oh andy is starting to realize he's gay. he's projecting
and like yeah, this isn't a gay couple, but this is a couple that the circles and even the average citizen of flatland would absolutely not want to be together, who have hidden their relationship for years. and andy is close to irregular anyway, and bill is irregular and he's the first crush andy has ever had, and he's figuring himself out and coming to the realization of what being gay means in a society like flatland and he's just... scared. he's scared! even if this couple isn't exactly like him, they're close enough, they understand enough, and he just... he needs this to work for them. he needs that reassurance that even if the circles fucking hate you and don't want you to be happy you can still manage it. you can make it work
for anyone curious... it was going to be open ended, how the elopement goes. the irregular young man, (eddie,) is lucky enough to have a mother who cares very deeply for him, (and a dad who cares enough about his mother to care about his well-being for her sake.) his class status, (he was a low polygon,) and his mother (and, a little more begrudgingly, his father,) have protected him for most of his life from being killed, and he trusts his mother well enough to let her know about his girlfriend, and she was trying to help with the planning and the actual elopement. they do end up disappearing with all their wedding garb, and with at least one family member on board, supportive, and trying to help them, they have better chances than most would. nobody ever hears from them again after they disappear, but maybe that's a good thing. they like to think it's a good thing
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shinvcho · 6 years
How long does it take Shinso to learn his binding cloth (HC-wide obvs)? Is he emotionally closed off from others and why? What is his home life like? What type of animals does he like? Is he the type of person to feed strays on his way home? How easy is it to embarrass him? How does he feel about personal space with people? Does he like soft and cuddly things ( and does he try to hide this from people )? WOULD HE BE THE LITTLE SPOON (important)? Add whatever else.
 Ydevelopment question || accepting || @b-nnyhero
How long does it take Shinso to learn his binding cloth (HC-wide obvs)?
Funny, I actually was thinking of a hc about this yesterday, so I will keep this short until I get around writing it -
He actually, already got the basics down in a matter of months - like otherwise, I doubt Aizawa would have even thought about him joining in the heroes training. However, he will first fully mastered it somewhere in the end of the second or beginning of the third year - perfection it with what time is left at UA.So, he took half the time Aizawa needed - not because he is more talented, no but because he had someone to teach him the basic while Aizawa didn't.
Is he emotionally closed off from others and why?
Did you saw this face?
Tumblr media
So yes...he is, but like he can show emotion. Genuinely if he feels like it ( heck, he smiled 4 times in his fight against Deku). But he usually has rather...nontelling expression. But what would you do if, for years, nobody expects anything from but being a villain, everybody telling him what nasty things he could do with...and he grows tired and sick of it. He didn't want that.
So, he closed himself emotional off, to save himself. And to keep his quirk under control (will go more in detail of this another time). He evne thaught himself to keep silent, not to speak. People are to cautios to have full conversation with him either way. Also, I hc him being neglected from his foster family so yeah...He just wanted to become a hero, he didn't care about anything else.
it wasn't until he was in U.A he was treated with kindness again, people believing his quirk is good for Hero work but there it was already to late. Shinso might never fully change but I think with time he is ready to open up at last to a few people.
might make a bigger hc on his emtotincal distant ahnohter time. 
What is his home life like?
What home life?No serious, what home life, in my HC, Shinso is a foster child. Put from one foster familie to another. His quirk to troublesome to deal with for most. So, Shinso doesn't even know what stable home life is supposed to be like anymore.
His current foster familie is more or less...neglanful, not paying the brainwasher much mind, sure the feed him and give a place to sleep and a bit pocket money (much less than most of the other children but eh) but other than that? Nobody really wants tot alk to him and the older foster children can be pretty...harsh when not even violent towards him. he was 'unwelcom' and the reason he was allowed to stay was that he was accepted in one of the best high schools out there and if it is just Generel Eds.
And in the past? It was similar, he often was put in foster homes who usual deal with troublesome children ( he never did anything to harm others - he wasn't troublesome) or even with 'handicap' children. he...ha dto learn taking care of himself because other simply wouldn't.
UA dorm system is the best thing that could happen - next to Aizawa takign him under his wing - even if his custody was pushed over to the school as well to an extent. So....starting living in the dorms for the general ed, he had no home to return to....and he...doesn't know how to feel about that. He is happy he can stay at UA, not having to worry about his foster familie anymore or to be moved again...but at the same time, where is he supposed to go when these three years are over?
What type of animals does he like?
Cats? He likes most fluffy anmals but cats are number 1, always. Even he never owned one himself...or well, his mother did but he can't remember.
Is he the type of person to feed strays on his way home?
Yes, defiantly. Actually, he always has some food with him to feed to strays on his way to the UA. When moving into the dorms he still tries to get out to feed them when he can or is allowed too. 
 How easy is it to embarrass him? 
Not easy....but also not hard? It depends, but given their not many who know a lot about him it isn’t easy I would say. Compare him to Aizawa, he won’t be embarrassed but a bit irritated, especially when those close to Aizawa point that out. However, point out their like father and son and you will see his face get red very quickly, not because he is embarrassed but more cause he already views Aizawa as somewhat of father figure secretly so this is just...a distressing situation for him.
How does he feel about personal space with people? 
Emotionally closed oof, of course, he isn't fond of people get into his personal bubble. While he is touch straving at the same time he doesn't like to be touched by does he does not know or are like strangers to him.
So, it is okay with does he likes and trust but not from strangers or the ones he bearly knows even if he can't always avoid it.
Does he like soft and cuddly things ( and does he try to hide this from people )?
Yes, and yes. He probably has several kisses (totally bought two cat shape one as he started living in the dorms) and likes to sleep under layers of blankets - well, except in the summer.Trust me, if he could he would on a big cat plush but oh well, pillows will have to do.
Depending on his lover honesty. But as Shinso has yet to experiment anything close to romantical in his life but in itself, he currently isn't intressed...hard to tell. He is rather tall but again - depends on who is his lover.
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