#personal trainers Highlands Ranch
mobiletrainersblog · 3 months
Get Fit at Home with Personal Trainers in Bellevue
Mobile Trainers in Bellevue are like having your own fitness coach. They listen to what you want to achieve, whether it's getting in shape for an event or just feeling better about yourself, and they make a plan just for you. It's like having a personal cheerleader supporting you all the way.
Plus, working out at home with Mobile Trainers means you don't have to worry about feeling self-conscious or dealing with people at the gym. You can focus on your workout without any distractions, making it easier to stay motivated. And since the trainers come to you, it's super convenient—no more rushing to make it to a class on time or dealing with crowded locker rooms. With personal trainers in Bellevue, getting in shape has never been easier or more enjoyable.
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mikeconphoto · 5 years
This is dedicated to Evan, all of the survivors and the victims of senseless gun violence.
I’ve been meaning to write this blog for a while about this phenomenal athlete, wife and mother named Allyson Franco. With current events in play, I figured that today’s that day. Before I share the interview with Allyson, let me tell you a bit about her.
Allyson and I met in 2016 at a gym in Castle Rock, Colorado. She was working there as a Personal Trainer, and I hired her to help me get back into better shape. As she trained me, we began to talk and get to know one another, and eventually became really great friends. Coincidentally, we’re both from Georgia, close in age, and appreciate family, food, and running. After some major convincing between myself and her husband we FINALLY got her to do a photo shoot with me. Allyson is a natural in front of the camera!! Not once did she ever tense up, or give up on the all day marathon shoot we did.
On May 7th 2019, the Highlands Ranch, Colorado community was forever changed when a shooting occurred at the Highlands Rance STEM School. There were 8 students hurt and 1 was killed. For me this hit pretty personal because Allyson’s one and only son is currently a student there. Living here in Germany, I rarely see the news going on in the U.S., however Allyson made this post on social media that she shared with me, and has allowed me to share with you all:
“I rarely post very personal things on Facebook, but what happened today is bigger than just my family unit. There was a shooting at Evan’s school today, STEM. He was in the classroom next door to where one of the shooters opened fired. At least 3 bullets came through the wall into his room and one grazed a boy in his class on the leg. His soccer coach was the teacher leading class at that time. One of his teammates was actually in the room where it happened (his teammate is physically ok). He knew the student that did not survive his injuries and, though not very well, he knew the 18 yr old shooter. This is a small school, everybody knows everybody on some level. Our son heard and saw things today that nobody should ever be exposed to, least of all someone his age whose biggest concern should be his upcoming game and what he’s going to do on Friday night. He heard all of the gunshots that happened in that room. He heard a student yell “He has a gun!” He heard the confrontation that happened between a shooter and an officer. He heard the confrontation stop after more gunfire. He helped gather his classmates into the area where they were supposed to be during a lockdown, including collecting two classmates who were hiding together in a deemed unsafe spot, which left him positioned on the floor in the middle of the room instead of up against the wall where, he was supposed to be because he was one of the last two people to take cover. He saw blood pools on the floor and blood on the wall as he was evacuated from the school by armed officers. To the depths of my soul I mourn what happened today. I mourn the loss of life, I mourn for those that suffered injuries, I mourn the lives of the shooters and I mourn for their parents, and I mourn for the rest of these kids that should never have been exposed to everything that happened today. I am immensely proud of how our son handled himself today. Yet I am devastated at his loss of innocence. I am an adult, yet I am unsure of how to deal with the feelings I have. How do we as parents help our kids through this who, at this age, struggle with simply processing their regular daily emotional load? 
I worry every time this boy gets in his car and leaves my sight. So much so that I make fun of myself in my head for being such a ‘mom’. Every fear came to life today when I got the text that said “don’t call me because my phone can’t ring...there is an active shooter...which is where I am...” I’m surely going to freak the eff out when he leaves home now. 
I’m not looking to be political. That’s not what this post is about. I’m heartbroken. So many children are hurting. I cannot thank God enough for the moment when I was able to hug my son after hours of  standing in a gymnasium with hundreds of other scared parents. Honestly, I don’t really know why I’m posting this other than I need a place to ‘put’ what I’m feeling (imagine how all of these students feel). And that feelings about what happened today should not be kept inside. 
Hug your kids for me. I love them all. “
As a Marine that has experience in combat zones I hate the fact that this happened to these kids, or anyone that has had to deal with this when they’re supposed to be safe on our own soil. I’m not here to politicize this, however I will bring awareness to this as the rest of the world has by wearing orange today to honor gun violence victims and survivors. Now, here’s more about Allyson. #wearorange
Describe your life before you started training. I grew up being uncomfortable in my skin. I was always the “skinny girl”. In fact, the mom of my best friend while I was growing up used to say I looked like a “refugee from Guam”. She didn’t mean any harm behind it, she loved me almost like a daughter, but it still stung and it definitely stuck. I spent some time trying out different types of dancing in my youth, and while I enjoyed it, it wasn’t my “thing” so I didn’t stay with it as I got older. I spent my high school years trying to come to terms with myself as a whole, just like everybody else did. I feel like I didn’t really start coming into my own until after I graduated. I’d have to say that the best I’ve ever felt about myself was in my early to mid twenties. Whether it’s related or not, that’s when I began to dabble in the gym. My then fiancée and I joined Lifetime Fitness and started working out to get ready for our wedding. I wasn’t nearly at the level physically that I’ve since become, and there have been many evolutions in my fitness journey since then, but after I started that one gym membership, I haven’t stopped.
How different do you feel now compared to then? Night and day. But sprinklings of that very insecure girl still show up more often than I’d like. There are moments when being a 45 year old, pre-menopausal mom and wife catch up with me. But my time that I spend training is what helps to keep those demons at bay. I’ve learned to appreciate my strength and the feats my body has been able to accomplish over the years.
Was there is pivotal moment that motivated you to start training? If so, what was it? Not really. At the time, John and I joined a gym in preparation for our upcoming wedding. It just seemed like the thing to do. We didn’t realize that we had begun what was to become one of the biggest parts of our daily lives.
Do you remember your first training session? How different is your training today? I remember when I first joined a gym after having my son. That was more significant to me than my first time ever training in a gym was. I was a new mom and needed to get out of the house and find a community. I found it when I came back to the gym. (I’d had to give up the gym during my pregnancy due to complications.)
What has been the most rewarding aspect of training for you? Why? By far, my sense of self. I feel more confident and secure in my station when I have my outlet. I am a better wife and mother when I’m able to get my training in. My personal fitness evolution also lead me to becoming a personal trainer, which became my career passion the minute I started.
What has continued to motivate you throughout your training? Why? Setting a good example for my son is a huge motivation. I want to show him that just because we have to age, it doesn’t mean we have to get old. And also to show him that taking care of yourself is a foundation to leading a good life. Training is also my outlet. I’m a better version of myself when my training is on point. My family and my clients deserve my best.
What are your qualifications - why did you set out to achieve these? Professionally, my personal training certifications are through NASM - National Academy of Sports Medicine. I have my Certified Personal Trainer certification, Corrective Exercise Specialist certification, Fitness Nutrition Specialist certification, Weight Loss Specialist certification, Women’s Fitness Specialist certification, and Youth Exercise Specialist certification. NASM is one of the most highly regarded institutions from which to become certified. I figured that I’d be wasting my time, and my clients’ time, if I didn’t set high standards for myself from the beginning. Each new certification I acquire makes me a more effective and  well rounded personal trainer. My clients deserve my best effort, and that includes not only my attitude, but also my knowledge. Beyond my professional certifications, I try to practice what I preach. I have tried to be accomplished both professionally and personally. I have finished multiple 30 hour adventure races, completed multiple marathons, completed a 50k ultramarathon, finished two 70.3 distance triathlons, and also crossed the finish line at the inaugural Chattanooga Ironman 140.6 triathlon.
What have you had to overcome to get to where you are today? Did that change you in any way? If so, describe how. I’ve been blessed that my road to becoming a personal trainer has been a fairly smooth one. My husband has supported me 100% since day 1, and he’s my biggest fan. He has trained along my side and in many of my personal endeavors too. We trained together and held hands as we both crossed the finish line in the Chattanooga Ironman. My son has also been consistently positive about everything I’ve done. My support system is strong.
What is the number one lesson you have learned about health and fitness through your training? Sustainability is key. Each person has to find a nutrition and training regimen that they can stick with long term. Health and fitness should be a lifelong endeavor.
What do you wish you had known when you were 16? That great things happen when I push myself outside of my comfort zone, both mentally and physically.
Describe how training makes you feel. Strong. Capable. Beautiful. Centered.
Do you have a quote that you live by? If so, why this one? “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” We all can become complacent in a blink if we aren’t paying attention. This applies to all areas of life - physical,  mental, social, professional....Nothing progresses if we are stagnant and comfortable.
What was your reason for taking health and fitness to the level you have? Why is it so important to you? It’s been an evolution for me. As I gained more confidence in what my body could do, I kept pushing my limits. Every time I completed a race, even though I was beat down and exhausted, I felt strong and accomplished. I also want to be strong and healthy for my family. I try to lead by example so they will be encouraged to be strong and healthy as well.
What advice would you give to women wanting to get into the best shape of their life? Don’t get discouraged. No one thing works for every person. Don’t be afraid to try different avenues of exercise.
What is the most important thing women need to remember when training? Why?   That it’s ok to take that time for yourself. We tend to feel that by doing something that seems like it is for us alone, we are taking away from the people that we love. That’s not the case. The truth is, this small amount of time that we take, makes us better for the people that count on us.
We all have days where motivation is low – how do you overcome these? Have you always been able to do this? I am a “doer.” I’m very task oriented. If something needs to be done, and I’m the one that is supposed to do it, I complete the task regardless of how I feel about doing it. The same principle applies for me with regard to my training. If it’s on the schedule for the day, I do it. That said, there are occasional days where I might be particularly low energy or run down. Perhaps those will turn into unscheduled rest days. I’m trying to listen to my body more. I was not very good at doing so a few years ago. My last line of defense, though, is my husband. If I’m really failing to get myself moving, he’s very good about stepping in. He’s been known to create a butt-kicking workout for me so that I don’t  have to think about it. I just show up.
Do you enjoy training alone or with a partner? Why? Really, it depends on the day and what I’m doing. There is something great about being in my fitness studio alone, my music turned up loud, and doing my thing. But I also have fun when my friend comes to join me and we help push each other. I love the times when my husband and I can get in the gym together too. My son will come workout with me sometimes as well, especially during summer vacation. Those are great opportunities for us to spend time together.
What would you like to see change in the health and fitness industry? I’d like to see some regulation on vitamins, proteins, and supplements. So many people think that all supplements are created equal. They’re under the impression that these products are all safe because they’re sold over the counter. That’s not true and it makes it difficult for the average person to make informed decisions about what they are putting in their bodies.
What would a perfect Sunday involve for you? A perfect Sunday would come at the end of a successful training week. There would be snow on the ground, I’d sleep in with my husband, stay in sweats all day, there would be a big pot of homemade spaghetti gravy on the stove, and I’d finish off my evening with a couple of glasses of red wine.
Contest history - do you have a highlight? Why? I’ve completed multiple 30-hour adventure races, several marathons, a 50k ultra marathon, two 70.3 distance Ironman Triathlons, and the Inaugural Chattanooga 140.6 Ironman Triathlon. The highlight would have to be the Chattanooga Ironman. My training had been sidelined by a few unexpected surgeries I’d had at the beginning of that year. I had come to terms with not being able to participate in this race that coming September as I hadn’t been able to train at all for the first 6 months of the year. But at the last minute, I decided to go for it. I trained hard for two months and, while my time wasn’t as good as it would have been if I’d been able to train properly, I crossed the finish line next to my husband. Running down that finisher’s chute was one of the highlights of my entire life.
Diet/Workout week:
[Please outline a typical day’s meals and your workout]
Breakfast - Isagenix IsaLean Strawberry shake, coffee
Snack - small handful of raw almonds and an apple
Later lunch/ post workout - 2 Mediterranean grilled chicken skewers, 2 tbsp hummus, cucumber slices
Dinner - roasted chicken, roasted red potatoes, and a salad
Breakfast - Isa shake, coffee
Snack - 2 slices sharp cheddar cheese and an apple
Later lunch / post workout - Just Shredded Chicken from Sprouts, 2 tbsp Frank’s Red Hot wing sauce, and baby carrots
Dinner - baked salmon, brown rice pilaf (made from scratch), steamed asparagus
Breakfast - Isa shake, coffee
Snack - beef jerky
Late lunch / post workout - one of the two lunches described above
Dinner - chicken stir fry with carrots, baby bok choy, and bell peppers, served over brown rice
Breakfast - same
Snack - same
Lunch / post workout - same
Dinner - baked chicken breasts, roasted potatoes, baked Parmesan squash and zucchini “chips” (dipped in Greek yogurt ranch dressing)
Brakfast - same
Snack - same
Lunch / post workout - same
Dinner - chicken tinga tacos from Yolanda’s
Breakfast - avocado toast on Ezekiel bread with 2 eggs and a sliced tomato, coffee
Lunch - 5 marinated mozzarella balls and a chopped tomato with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar
Snack - almonds or beef jerky and an apple
Dinner - sweet and spicy honey-sriracha chicken thighs with honey-soy glazed carrots served over brown rice
Breakfast - scrambled eggs (made by my husband), Ezekiel toast, coffee
Lunch - turkey and cheddar flat sandwich from Pot Belly with all the toppings except mayo and oil
Dinner - either some form of leftovers from previous dinners, or homemade spaghetti gravy over whole wheat pasta
Describe yourself in three words. Stubborn, dependable, feisty (Editor’s note: Allyson is half Italian and Puerto Rican, so those three words might make better sense!)
What is your favorite food to indulge on? How often do you treat yourself? I love cheese! I don’t think I’ve ever met a cheese that I didn’t like. I don’t eat it as often as I’d like. Maybe once a month I’ll put together a big tray of cheese and charcuterie and my husband and I will have that for dinner with a couple of glasses of wine.
What is your favorite non-cheat food? Tomatoes. I’ve had an obsession with them the last few months.
What is your favorite home-cooked meal? Who cooks it? Homemade spaghetti gravy with handmade ravioli. We make the ravioli by hand as a family, but I make the gravy. This is what we have for Christmas dinner every year.
What are the staples in your fridge? Just shredded chicken from Sprouts, sliced cucumbers, romaine letuce, we always have lots of veggies, Perfect Bars, Organic Valley 2% milk, Silk soy creamer, eggs.
What is your favorite body part to train? Why? Legs, because I’ve always felt that they require the most work for me. If I’m not training them hard, then they become too skinny.
What is your least favorite body part to train? Why? Chest, because I hate push-ups.
Do you prefer to train outdoors or indoors? Why? Indoors, but my training studio is in my garage so I love to have the big bay door open. I get the best of both worlds that way.
Describe the atmosphere in your favorite place to train – what can you see/feel/hear etc.? The lights are low and the rock music is loud. The vibe is strong and positive. I must have some personal space too, and be able to see outside.
Do you prefer cardio or weights? Why? I used to be a cardio junkie. I’m not like that now though, At this point, I’d have to say that I prefer weight training. I think I burned myself out running 10 miles a day, several days a week for such a long period of time. I just don’t have it in me to do that anymore. I also discovered that I prefer the way my body looks when I’m doing more lifting and HIIT training than the way it looked when I was running so much.
Do you have a favorite book? Why this one? ‘The Outlander’ series by Diana Gabaldon, because I’m a sucker for a good romance and strong lead characters.
What is your favorite feature? Why? My skin. I try very hard to take good care of it and keep it healthy and youthful looking. I was blessed with good genes. My mother and my grandmother both have beautiful skin. I have big shoes to fill in that regard.
Name five (5) things you can't live without. Other than my guys (John & Evan)? Blue jeans, boots, wine, my pets, and my workouts.
Name three (3) things most people don’t know about you. I don’t like crowds, I sang in the chorus in high school, and I love to cook.
What is on your bedside table? Water, hand lotion, Burt’s Bees lip treatment, 2 pictures of my son as a baby, and a lamp.
What is your best beauty secret? Eye cream! I’ve been using it since I was in my 20s. And serious sunscreen on my face.
Who inspires you? Why? My son. He exudes a quiet, but fierce confidence that I wish I’d had at his age. Or that I wish I had even now! The intelligence and maturity that he possesses is inspiring to watch grow.
Who is your fitness and body role model? Why? I can’t actually say that I have one. I just try to be the best version of myself that I can put out there. I spent too many years dangerously comparing myself to other people out there. I try not to do that anymore.
What do you have in store for the future? What do you want to improve on? Looking towards the future I’ll be focusing on expanding my business model and figuring out how to do that while not falling short on the daily running my household. I want to improve upon my ability to do both.
I'm currently preparing for: Nothing physical. I am working on building my brand professionally, while keeping my own training consistent.
Website? www.afitlifeforyou.com
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mahometchristian · 4 years
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Golda Rosalyn Lackey
Bertram High School Graduation-May 1956
Golda Rosalyn Lackey passed away on Thursday December 3, 2020 at the age of 83 years old.
Golda Rosalyn Williams (Rosalyn) was born to Murray W. and Geneva Alta (Brizendine) Williams on September 24, 1937 at 12:05 o’clock Friday morning, at home on the Williams’ homestead, Bertram, Texas. Rosalyn’s nurses at birth were Grandmother Williams, Aunt Gladys and Aunt Thelma. Golda Rosalyn was named after her aunt Golda Brizendine. Rosalyn’s first steps were taken between Geneva and Eldon, her brother, at one year of age. Not surprising to anyone, Rosalyn’s first word was NO and her tendency to be too loud in church started at a young age, when she cried for some of the communion loaf being served. Rosalyn’s second haircut was at 4 years of age. According to her mother Geneva, documented in her baby book, Rosalyn looked into the mirror at her haircut and said she looked like “a horse’s ass”.
Rosalyn was a strong student while attending Bertram area schools (Grammar-8yrs, High School-4 yrs), excelling in many areas: Student Council, Annual Staff Business Manager (3 years), School Newspaper Editor, Basketball Letterwoman (3 years), Basketball Captain, Volleyball Letterwoman (4 years), District First Place in Typing and Volleyball, English and Commercial Who’s Who, Pep Squad Drummer, Salutatorian and being awarded a college scholarship.
Rosalyn met the love of her life, Walter Lee Lackey, early. As a child, Rosalyn complained about having to share her Bertram birthday party on each September 24th with Walt, who was born on the same day, a year earlier. Evidently, by high school, Rosalyn had a change of heart about Walt. The couple began dating in 1950, started going steady on March 21, 1953 and became engaged while Rosalyn was a high school senior, on April 16, 1955. The couple ultimately married on Murray’s birthday December 27, 1955. By that time, Walt was already serving as an Airman, Third Class, with the U.S. Air Force stationed at Lackland Air Force Base; the newlywed couple settled into their first home at 326 Madison, Apartment 4, San Antonio.
Rosalyn decided against college, but instead welcomed the role as a stay at home mom (until 1976), birthing four high energy, Type A, very individual children: Randy 1957, Princess 1959, Terri 1961 and Walt Jr. 1966. Rosalyn and Walt lived the longest in Austin, Beaumont and Pasadena, Texas, while raising their children, supported by careers with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (SWBT). Rosalyn retired from SWBT in 1991 as a Supervisor.
Upon the passing of Rosalyn’s much-loved parents in 1993, Rosalyn and Walt moved to the Williams’ Ranch and there they built a homestead, living in close proximity to her sister Glynda (husband Robert) and her brother Eldon Williams. Both Walt and Rosalyn lived on the ranch until their deaths. Rosalyn attended Mahomet Christian Church (est. 1851), was a fabulous cook, a devoted spouse/parent/grandparent/great-grandparent, professional seamstress and Rose loved, loved her ranch. Everyone will miss Rosalyn’s strong, fiery personality and the fact she called the “shots” exactly as she saw them, no matter what anyone else thought. John Davenport, her Pastor, lovingly called Rosalyn “feisty and faithful”.
Rosalyn was a fierce pillar in her community. Rosalyn was a dedicated donor to the Bertram Library Thrift Shop, a Master Gardener/trainer and was very proud to have revived the Burnet County Fair in 2010. In nonpublic, private ways, Rosalyn often reached out to families in need, many of them immigrants, needing work, financial assistance, help with work permits/VISAS and being an advocate for their precious children in the school system. The family has enjoyed many years of connection with these hardworking families, who have been successful, in a large part, due to Rosalyn’s assistance.
The family would like to thank Neurologist Darshan Shah and his nurse Charee, R Bank, Cindy Pesina, Christa Noland, Dr. Burkhardt (including her office staff) and Seton/Compassus Hospice, specifically Tim Denton, Amy Clegg and Mo.
Rosalyn lived every single day of her life to the fullest and was loved. We are comforted knowing that Walt and Rosalyn will be reunited, and we look forward to seeing them again, in God’s timing.
Those wishing to celebrate Rosalyn’s life are invited to attend a Visitation at the Clements-Wilcox Funeral Home, 306 E Polk Street on Sunday, December 6, 2020 from 2pm until 4pm. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to either the 1) Burnet County Area Fair, P.O.Box 163, Bertram, Texas 78605; 2) Friends of the Bertram Library, 170 S Gabriel Street, Bertram, Texas 78605; 3) Highland Lakes Master Gardener Association, 607 N Vandeveer Street, Suite 100, Burnet, Texas 78611.
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samslater305 · 4 years
The Ultimate Scottsdale Relocation Guide
If you’re buying a luxury home for sale in Scottsdale, whether you’re moving to our beautiful city for work, to retire or to be closer to family, you’ll find that it’s a warm, friendly place – and there’s so much here that makes new residents fall in love. Check out our Scottsdale relocation guide to learn a little more about the area and find your favorite places.
The Ultimate Scottsdale Relocation Guide
This guide walks you through luxury accommodations and great places to stay while you’re finding your dream home, outlines some of the area’s best restaurants and things to do, shows you where the hottest spas are located, and even includes the area’s most notable gyms, golf clubs, and shopping centers.
Luxury Accommodations in Scottsdale
When you’re coming to Scottsdale to find your next home, there are several wonderful places to stay. Our favorites include:
The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa
Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North
Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort and Spa
The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa
The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa 6902 East Greenway Parkway 480-624-1000
The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa is centrally located for any home search. The resort offers spa services, an award-winning golf courses and a variety of dining options to make you feel more at home, as well.
Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North
Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North 10600 East Crescent Moon Drive 480-515-5700
The Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North is a luxury hotel tucked in the beautiful foothills of Pinnacle Peak. With beautiful native design, a spa, golf and fine dining with sweeping views of the surrounding desert, this may be the perfect place for you to stay while you’re in town.
Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort and Spa
Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort and Spa 5700 East McDonald Drive in Paradise Valley 855-421-3522
The beautiful Sanctuary Spa and the hotel’s fine dining experiences make Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort and Spa an excellent place to stay when you need a temporary base of operations. You’ll find its location just right when it comes to finding your dream home in Scottsdale.
Fine Dining in Scottsdale
No Scottsdale relocation guide would be complete without a list of the area’s best restaurants. This city is home to a wide range of dining options, from cozy cafés to five-star experiences. Some of the best-rated restaurants in the area include:
Café Monarch 6939 East 1st Avenue 480-970-7682 The Capital Grille 16489 North Scottsdale Road 480-348-1700 Deseo at The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa 6902 East Greenway Parkway 480-624-1202 Dominick’s Steakhouse 15169 North Scottsdale Road 480-272-7271 Elements at Sanctuary Camelback Mountain 5700 East McDonald Drive 755-421-3522 Franco’s Italian Caffé 4327 North Scottsdale Road 480-481-7614 Mastro’s City Hall Steakhouse 6991 East Camelback Road 480-941-4700 Roka Akor Scottsdale 7299 North Scottsdale Road 480-306-8800 Steak 44 5101 North 44th Street in Phoenix 602-271-4400 Talavera at the Four Seasons 10600 East Crescent Moon Drive 480-515-5700 Virtu Honest Craft 3701 North Marshall Way 480-946-3477
Entertainment in Scottsdale
Our Scottsdale relocation guide includes several places to go for entertainment while you’re in town, whether it’s a quick weekend or a longer stay.
The Phoenix Symphony Ballet Arizona The Phoenix Opera Harkins Theaters Scottsdale Galleries Scottsdale Arts
Scottsdale’s Finest Spas
Use our Scottsdale relocation guide to find the best spas in the area. From massage and facials to full-body treatments, you’ll find the perfect place to indulge (both while you’re looking for your new home and after you’ve settled in) in Scottsdale.
Well & Being Spa Fairmont Scottsdale Princess 7575 East Princess Drive 480-585-4848 The Spa at Camelback Inn Camelback Inn Resort & Spa 5402 East Lincoln Drive 480-596-7040 The Spa at Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North 10600 East Crescent Moon Drive 480-513-5145 Montelucia Spa 4949 East Lincoln Drive 480-627-3200 Phoenician Spa 6000 East Camelback Road 480-432-2452 Royal Palms Spa 5200 East Camelback Road 602-283-1234
Gyms in Scottsdale
You can use this Scottsdale relocation guide to find your next gym or fitness center – some of the best are listed below.
Independence Gym
Independence Gym 2980 North Hayden Road 480-305-6410
Personal trainers available
Off the Grid Fitness
Off the Grid Fitness 10050 North Scottsdale Road 480-483-0184
Group classes (TRX, Spin, Boot Camp, HIIT)
Personal trainers available
Anytime Fitness
Anytime Fitness 7704 East Doubletree Road 480-348-2348
Group classes
Personal trainers available
Camelback CrossFit
Camelback CrossFit 2950 North Hayden Road 602-303-6209
SNJ Fitness
SNJ Fitness 7419 East Helm Drive 480-540-0534
Personal trainers available
BODI 6820 East 5th Avenue 480-444-8062
Group classes (HIIT, Boxing and specialty workouts)
Personal trainers available
Country Clubs and Golf Clubs in Scottsdale
Some of the state’s most notable country clubs and golf clubs are located right here in Scottsdale, so you’ll find the best of the best in this Scottsdale relocation guide. Many are part of luxury communities, so if you’re searching for your dream home here, we can help you find one that’s close to the club you’d like to belong to.
The Country Club at DC Ranch
Ancala Country Club
Troon Country Club
Terravita Golf & Country Club
Pinnacle Peak Country Club
Mirabel Golf Club
Silverleaf Country Club
Arizona Country Club
Desert Mountain Country Club
Bonneville Country Club
Desert Highlands Golf Club
Estancia Club
Camelback Country Club
Tatum Ranch Golf Club
Are You Searching for the Perfect Home for Sale in Scottsdale?
While you can use this Scottsdale relocation guide as a springboard to learn more about the area, we’ll be happy to show you the homes that interest you most. While you’re here, explore all our Scottsdale real estate listings or look in specific communities:
Desert Highlands homes for sale
Hidden Hills homes for sale
Legend Trail homes for sale
Pinnacle Peak homes for sale
Sincuidados homes for sale
South Scottsdale homes for sale
SunRidge Canyon homes for sale
Winfield homes for sale
If you’re selling a luxury home in Scottsdale, we can help. You can use our home value calculator to get a ballpark idea on what your home may be worth – and you can call us at 480-351-5359 to talk to a REALTOR® about how we can market your home to all the right buyers.
Don Matheson REALTOR® | Founder The Matheson Team RE/MAX Fine Properties 21000 N. Pima Rd., #100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 480-351-5359 [email protected]
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Don Matheson 21000 N Pima Rd #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 602-694-3200 Map Location
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18946 N 97TH Place Scottsdale, AZ 85255
4 Beds
6 Baths
5,469 SqFt
      #6034721 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
14620 E Sierra Alegre Court Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
4 Beds
5 Baths
4,903 SqFt
      #6068746 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
6748 E Horseshoe Lane Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
5 Beds
7 Baths
6,282 SqFt
      #6062700 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
$1,300,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
17822 N 95TH Street Scottsdale, AZ 85255
5 Beds
3 | 1 Baths
4,212 SqFt
      #6048542 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
13429 E CANNON Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85259
5 Beds
3 | 1 Baths
3,793 SqFt
      #6023720 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
$900,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
20534 N 95TH Street Scottsdale, AZ 85255
4 Beds
3 | 1 Baths
2,806 SqFt
      #6062642 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
7868 E STAGECOACH PASS Road Carefree, AZ 85377
6 Beds
4 | 1 Baths
4,479 SqFt
      #6034180 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
26590 N WRANGLER Road Scottsdale, AZ 85255
5 Beds
3 Baths
3,328 SqFt
      #6059274 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
$525,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
30203 N 51ST Place Cave Creek, AZ 85331
3 Beds
2 | 1 Baths
2,214 SqFt
      #6062689 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
$399,999 (Under Contract-Backups)
7157 E RANCHO VISTA Drive #1002 Scottsdale, AZ 85251
2 Beds
2 Baths
1,319 SqFt
      #6038271 | Condo
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
$399,000 (Pending)
18911 E Quartz Way Rio Verde, AZ 85263
2 Beds
2 | 1 Baths
2,446 SqFt
      #6021725 | Condo
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
$339,900 (Under Contract-Backups)
4236 E Chaparosa Way Cave Creek, AZ 85331
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,713 SqFt
      #6062694 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
4949 W Mindy Lane Glendale, AZ 85308
3 Beds
2 | 1 Baths
1,556 SqFt
      #6081099 | Single Family Home
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
20400 W TOPAZ Boulevard Goodyear, AZ 85338
4.36 Lot Acres
      #5813681 | Lots / Land
Courtesy of RE/MAX Fine Properties
    The post The Ultimate Scottsdale Relocation Guide appeared first on Scottsdale Real Estate.
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Aspen Meadows Resort, USA (North America). The best of Aspen Meadows Resort in Aspen Hotel. Welcome to Aspen Meadows Resort, USA (North America). The best of Aspen Meadows Resort in Aspen. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The common services in the accommodation are wifi available in all areas. ski storage, , ski school, hiking, fishing, golf course (within 3 km), skiing, ski pass vendor, , tennis court, tennis equipment, and cycling. In the restaurants section we will be able to enjoy fruits, breakfast in the room, kid-friendly buffet, wine/champagne, restaurant, vending machine (snacks), bottle of water, bar, breakfast options, vending machine (drinks), special diet menus (on request) and room service. For your rest the accommodation has manicure, outdoor pool (all year), sun loungers or beach chairs, fitness/spa locker rooms, hair treatments, massage, pool with view, fitness, fitness centre, personal trainer, spa and wellness centre, pedicure, sun umbrellas, steam room, beauty services, hot tub/jacuzzi, body treatments, swimming pool, facial treatments, waxing services, hair styling, heated pool, make up services, spa facilities and pool/beach towels. With regard to the transfer we have shuttle service (free), airport shuttle, parking garage, accessible parking, airport shuttle (free), bikes available (free) and shuttle service. For the reception services we will be able to have safety deposit box, newspapers, express check-in/check-out, luggage storage, 24-hour front desk and concierge service. Within the common areas we can enjoy garden, outdoor furniture, sun terrace, shared lounge/tv area and terrace. For the enjoyment of the family we have at your disposal board games/puzzles and children television networks. The cleaning of the facilities have included ironing service, laundry, dry cleaning and daily maid service. If you stay for business reasons in the accommodation you will have meeting/banquet facilities, fax/photocopying and business centre. We will be able to highlight other possibilities as emergency cord in bathroom, non-smoking throughout, visual aids: tactile signs, lift, , higher level toilet, lower bathroom sink, toilet with grab rails, facilities for disabled guests, heating, non-smoking rooms, wheelchair accessible, family rooms, allergy-free room, and visual aids: braille [https://youtu.be/gGioheBe7Bg] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2Pabtfk You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2MIt8sX We hope you have a pleasant stay in Aspen Meadows Resort Other hotels in Aspen Hotel Jerome, An Auberge Resort https://youtu.be/Iy_wX5oulZ8 Bluegreen Vacations Innsbruck Aspen, Ascend Resort Collection https://youtu.be/q6IUcQzpPhc St. Regis Aspen Resort https://youtu.be/2AXGd0k6XCY The Residence Hotel https://youtu.be/hi3HAKBl--w Limelight Hotel Aspen https://youtu.be/1MA0TUfhBCY Other hotels in this channel The Langham, Shenzhen https://youtu.be/qFBduT0cXgc Le Pavillon de la Rotonde & Spa https://youtu.be/TQSsNBKbEZs Boutique-Hotel Don Quixote https://youtu.be/kHfXO1dGkpc Grand Hotel Mazzarò Sea Palace https://youtu.be/7luKV2_uMXc Hotel Indrani https://youtu.be/5qQeswvAuII The Perfect Get away https://youtu.be/1v03Hxd1LiY Hotel Dory https://youtu.be/QzlNmH7E2UQ Papagayo Beach Hotel https://youtu.be/YZIVGrMrS3g New Century Grand Hotel Siyang https://youtu.be/45VhWw0zPBk Masseria Cucuruzza Hotel https://youtu.be/WkGjsxK7LhM Le Renard https://youtu.be/qmQlpwouIc0 Majestic Grande Hotel https://youtu.be/xWTgSc0jM7s Barida Hotels https://youtu.be/Wbc-A7WKWNg Palazzo Parigi Hotel & Grand Spa Milano https://youtu.be/5Qe7JY3Qpik Hotel Monec https://youtu.be/oHIVAhRJiRE In Aspen we recommended to visit In the USA you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Snowmass, Paso Independence, Maroon Bells, Aspen Highlands, Buttermilk, Aspen Art Museum, John Denver Sanctuary, Wheeler-Stallard House and Aspen Mountain. We also recommend that you do not miss Aspen Highlands Ski Resort - Aspen Skiing Company, Ute Trail, Wagner Park, Rio Grande Parking, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Harvey Meadows Gallery, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Aspen Meadows Resort and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in USA based in Aspen Meadows Resort Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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We would certainly suggest this area to anybody seeking a remote and one-of-a-kind experience. It is likewise a great starting point in the Tatras, Gorce and Pieniny. General Pathways Program rules are codified in 5 CFR component 362 subpart A. The print variation is provided for cost-free to FIFA's confederations and also participant associations, while the on-line variation is offered to all football fans here on. SZWAJNOSÓWKA is our family ranch which lies in Witów in Podhale region- a town positioned at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains, by the road from Czarny Dunajec, about 100 km southern from Kraków as well as 12 km from Zakopane. Additionally, when several of restrictions are utilized the company should state the restriction in the Pathways job opportunity statements. Have a look inside CSU Sacramento's initial dancing concert of the year. . IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION - in partnership with bet365 supplies over 70,000 live streaming occasions each year. Za udział w agresji na Polskę Niemcy oficjalnie przekazali je Słowakom 21 listopada 1939 r. Do Słowacji włączono 770 km, zamieszkanych przez ponad 34,5 tys. Twenty kilometres north of Zakopane exists the old market community of Nowy Targ. Today's Playbill 5 (just there were too many to pick simply 5). Trening składa się z części technicznej i WOD, w którym czas banter już istotnym elementem wpływającym na intensywność. The most affordable tickets to Nowy Targ offered within the past 7 days were $265.94. Prices quoted are per person, round trip, through defined. Vince Gill discussed Troy Gentry at his funeral at the Grand Ole Opry House. Rotterdam police quit a van with a variety of gas containers near the venue of a concert that was terminated after a risk, mayor says. Conversion to an affordable solution positions is not a privilege. Utilize our filters and sorting functions to find the most inexpensive bus tickets or high-end buses. The name originates from the red color that plants handle in the autumn because of the peat land, developing a superb red rug. The short-term bridge on westbound Broward Boulevard will certainly be taken apart when the deal with the brand-new bridge is done in November. We additionally provide resources especially for the news media. Priebus was persistent on this option, inning accordance with 2 White Home authorities, and called a meeting at Trump's Mar-a-Lago hotel in February where the House's strategy was presented as the lone option to elderly advisors. Exactly how pleasant the team are as well as much more when guests remain at the home they examine out exactly how quiet the space is. The Recent Grads Program is administered mostly by each hiring firm. The MIDS program attracts smart, creative information experts who help leading firms in computer software, health and wellness, as well as finance treatment. is part of The Priceline Group, the globe leader in online travel & relevant solutions. MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ put on play in Polish Organization. Utilizing certain eligibility demands for entry into your agency's Pathways Programs. He got a ring from the man who claimed he was from Florida and shed every little thing in Hurricane Irma. The host family is terrific, solution minded and online for your solution 24/7. Anita Earls, executive supervisor of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, says 'it's entirely possible' to draw maps that deal with the gerrymandered areas. In the inmost snow, they arranged a bon fire for us simply outside the cabin for the evening as well as heated the water in the terrific exterior barrel bathroom - which we suggest you use! Would suggest this location for those that pertain to trek in Tatry hills! Zapisz się na zajęcia lub przyjdź do klubu, a my wprowadzimy Cię w świat CrossFitu. You can additionally have a look on previous matches of your preferred group and see suit statistics and a lot more. Fabulous place to stay, a perfect getaway from the busy life & good base to discover the region. Brows through to Nowy Targ have lately upturned purchase your ticket currently! Polish nationwide cuisine shares some similarities with various other Central European and Eastern European customs along with French and also Italian resemblances. These factors, which need to be videotaped, consist of reasons accordinged to the standards for clinical disqualification under 5 CFR Part 339, reasons accordinged to the standards for making suitability resolutions detailed at 5 CFR 731.202, or various other factors taken into consideration by the firm. Our pleasant customer support representatives are here to serve you 24 Hr day to give aid as well as address any questions that you might have concerning reserving your Nowy Targ trip. When the Intern is converted to a setting in the affordable solution, Time spent on a SCEP appointment will be praiseworthy to profession period. It was carried out by among the marked monks in the name of the abbot. Remembering ASME Past President Richard Rosenberg. Despite intensive thermal power temperature, stress as well as extraction drop are forecasted to nowy targ be at a really low degree. The freedom of Nowy Targ came somewhat as a shock as the Russian army stunned the German pressures by coming from the instructions of Gorce Hills getting in the town with no serious resistance, and the occupying pressures surrounded without battling. Uwielbiam te hale, te szyty, nawet turystów i tłok lubię:D. The choice eligible (or his or her agent) is entitled to a duplicate of the agency's factor( s) for the pass over, after request. Obtain updates with the most recent offers and also tourist testimonials every week. Must you schedule your journey final, nonetheless, you could need to pay a bit much more. My guests can prompt many fascinating routes relying on your rate of interests, eg. A trip on one of the most gorgeous picturesque areas with a breathtaking sight of the Tatras, seeing the local people musicians as well as historical route of wooden design. Agencies may detail candidates either in a ranked listing by score order or in an unranked listing by preference status. I first reviewed The Village Voice in print as a student in the 1970s-that was just how I initially experienced it as well as just how it ended up being as vital to me as it did. Bird's- eye sight of Nowy Targ, the funding of the area. Area climate, home magnificently embellished and also fragrant wood. Accordingly, non-competitive conversion suggests task to a position in the affordable solution. It's about time you take to the clouds, and step out in an unique place. The new Internship Program supplies trainees in secondary schools, colleges, profession colleges as well as various other certifying educational institutions with paid chances to work in firms and check out Federal professions while finishing their education. Along with the jail time, UNITED STATE District Court David Cercone punished Devonte L. Lucas, 22, to 10 years of supervised release. J'assumerai les conséquences", a écrit le Néo-Zélandais sur sa web page Facebook. In December 2009, the European Commission made a decision to honor the Erasmus Charter to the Podhale State Higher Vocational Institution (PPWSZ) qualifying PPWSZ's trainees to take advantage of both the educational opportunities offered by various other EU college organizations and to go after a teaching fellowship placement abroad. National security-related requests are not considered Tool Demands or Account Requests and are reported in a separate category. See the links listed below the weather report for other cities, communities and also villages near Nowy Targ. Powersports lovers raced their snowmobiles on the grass in various courses for a possibility to win prizes. A neighborhood auto dealership is aiding to increase cash for hurricane victims. . Where they will be satisfied by the Golden State Warriors. A suburban Detroit guy who spent 16 years in prison for killing his very first other half begged guilty Wednesday in the slayings of his two little girls and also 2 stepchildren and in the torment of his second better half. The sponges are also significant such that an X-ray can identify them, allowing cosmetic surgeons to more easily eliminate them later on. Job part-financed by the European Union within the Regional Developmend Fund. Nowy Targ experienced no much less compared to five huge fires, throughout which a minimum of fifty percent of the buildings were totally destroyed. Eric Schaeffer routes the Stephen Sondheim-Hugh Wheeler musical that consists of Holly Twyford, Bobby Smith, Will Gartshore, as well as Broadway vet Florence Lacey. We believe evaluation contributions and residential or commercial property reactions will certainly highlight a wide variety of experiences and point of views, which is important in helping guests make educated decisions regarding where to remain. Most of guides were written by survivors from the community, or people from the town who had actually arrived prior to the battle, as well as were mostly released in between 1945 and also 1975, and also generally written in Hebrew or Yiddish.
Right here's an additional referral: remember to take a look at taking a trip times. The effort instructs at-risk young people concerning the office as well as assists load entry-level jobs at UPMC Hamot. The Oceanside family was struck with strange events over a few months starting back in February. This could be used by an attacker to subject sensitive data from the Bluetooth processthat might likewise consist of encryption secrets of Bluetooth interactions. A 91-year-old woman was killed in an auto accident Friday early morning in Windermere, inning accordance with the Florida Freeway Patrol. The main church, with the late-Gothic figure of Our Girl of Ludzmierz wirth the Infant Jesus, likewise called the Queen of Podhale, was positioned in the brand-new holy place. The Recent Grads Program affords developmental experiences in the Federal Government intended to advertise feasible jobs in the public service to people who have lately finished from qualifying universities or programs. Below you could find extra technological information, photos, AIS data and also last 5 port calls of MV PODHALE found by AIS. Pathway work with Cherry Road in between 12th as well as 15th roads has limited web traffic to a solitary lane. Weather Nowy Targ - one of the most precise and stable forecast for today, tomorrow as well as for 2 weeks. This paper presents a brand-new approach for formal verification of technological systems with smartIflow (State Makers for Automation. We had a terrific time at Beata ´ s comfy cabin home. She ´ s an amazing host, she revealed us where to walk around the area and also told us where to buy fresh milk and also eggs from next-door neighbor farmers.
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hottytoddynews · 8 years
UM Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter, left, visits with Paige, Terry and Cindy Crawford to thank them for the Mitchell Crawford Eagle Scout Scholarship Endowment. The scholarship will assist business students with first preference going to Eagle Scouts. UM photo by Bill Dabney
Achieving the Eagle Scout rank – the highest accomplishment in Scouting – reflects a level of leadership and commitment reached only by about 5 percent of Boy Scouts. Mitchell Crawford was one those proud Eagle Scouts.
Crawford, 34, died in 2011 after a five-year battle with lymphoma. Terry Crawford and his wife, Cindy, of Ocala, Florida, have committed $500,000 to create a scholarship endowment in their son’s name at the University of Mississippi School of Business Administration, with first preference going to Eagle Scouts. Both father and son earned business degrees from Ole Miss.
“After Cub Scouts, Mitchell attended a Boy Scout meeting at First Baptist Church in Ocala, which had a really strong program – one meeting and he was sold,” said Terry Crawford, founder and president of Conimar Group. “He had a great Scouting experience and learned leadership skills and life lessons.
“I was a Scout leader and continue to help with fundraising, and Mitchell and I shared a wealth of outstanding experiences. It was a natural choice to direct the first preference for my son’s scholarship to Eagle Scouts.”
Mitchell Crawford was also a Vigil member of Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s honorary society, and among his trips were those to the World Scout Jamboree in Korea, the U.S. National Jamboree and the Philmont Scout Ranch, where he and his father made a 65-mile trek, ate freeze-dried food and collected priceless memories.
“I think everyone starts out in Boy Scouting wanting to be an Eagle Scout – that’s the ultimate rank,” Terry Crawford said. “Becoming an Eagle Scout, however, requires hard work, dedication, persistence, focus and time.
“When young men are around 14 to 15 years old, there are a lot of other things competing for their time. Only those very dedicated to the goal reach it, and then those qualities they’ve developed benefit them the rest of their lives.”
The Mitchell Crawford Eagle Scout Scholarship Endowment also pays tribute to the lives of Mitchell’s mother, Connie Mitchell Crawford – a dedicated elementary school teacher who lost her battle with ovarian cancer in 2001 – and to his great aunt, Mary Shashy Jones, for the roles they played in Mitchell’s life and the larger Crawford family, Terry Crawford said.
“I am inspired by the Crawfords’ story; what a remarkable way for a father to honor a son,” UM Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter said. “We are tremendously grateful to the Crawford family for their support of Ole Miss, our School of Business Administration and Eagle Scouts. This significant commitment will certainly play an important role in attracting and supporting students of Mitchell’s caliber.
“I continue to be amazed by the service, energy and contributions by our alumni and friends. They are such a vital part of our university’s sustained growth and success.”
Mitchell Crawford’s legacy will be extended through this scholarship and by his only child, 13-year-old daughter Paige, an enthusiastic Ole Miss fan who has participated in summer dance camp and enjoys visiting campus several times a year with her family. Her mom, Tara Knebel of Highland, Illinois, was a Rebelette, and Paige hopes to follow in her parents’ footsteps by making Ole Miss her college home.
“I think it’s incredible that this scholarship is named for my dad,” Paige Crawford said. “It’s good that it will help students who have worked really hard to reach their goals.”
Ken Cyree, UM dean of business administration, expressed appreciation to the Crawford family for making such significant investments in students’ lives.
“Terry Crawford obviously put a great deal of thought into how he would create a permanent tribute to the life of his son,” Cyree said. “We are extremely grateful and humbled that he chose to provide student scholarships at Ole Miss. Mitchell’s legacy will be expanded as this endowment assists many students, who will then graduate and make contributions to the business world and to their respective communities.
“I have much admiration and respect for Eagle Scouts, and the values they hold dear translate well into successful business graduates. Terry devotes a great deal of his time to serve on our Business Advisory Council, which also directly impacts students’ experiences.”
Brian Reithel, professor of management information systems, taught Mitchell Crawford in graduate-level courses and also appreciates that a scholarship bears his name.
“Mitchell and I connected quickly with each other during his time as one of my students in the MBA program at Ole Miss,” Reithel said. “Our similar backgrounds in Scouting made it easy for us to understand and respect each other right away.
“Mitchell’s outstanding character reflected his father’s exceptional strength of character and generous spirit. It is wonderful to see Mitchell remembered through this special gift to the university to help attract and retain more students who are cut from that same cloth: trustworthy, loyal, courteous, cheerful and reverent. I can’t wait to meet the future recipients of this distinctive new scholarship. We are so blessed to have Terry Crawford in the Ole Miss family.”
Mitchell Crawford had a great zest for the outdoors and was a fisherman and duck hunter, leading to his love of Labrador retrievers. During his college years, he worked as a dog trainer for former University Police Chief Mike Stewart at Wildrose Kennels in Oxford,and was very involved with training Drake, the first Ducks Unlimited mascot.
With his dog and best friend, Tucker, Crawford enjoyed countless hours of training and hunting.
Stewart remembers the first time he met the younger Crawford, who was seeking help training Tucker at Wildrose Kennels, which is nationally recognized.
“I was a one-man operation then, and Mitchell took one of my classes,” said Stewart, who tried to recruit him to a permanent role at Wildrose after his graduation and remained close friends with him until the end. “Then he started helping me with shows across the country and with the training of Drake for Ducks Unlimited. Mitchell figured out that Drake became easily bored and needed new things to capture his interest. Mitchell could read smart dogs better than anyone.
“Mitchell was this genuine, fun-loving, happy personality who was great to be around – always so positive. Mitchell loved being part of Ole Miss; he was entrenched in all things connected with his university. This is a great tribute to someone who definitely had a heart for Ole Miss.”
Mitchell Crawford was actually headed for the University of Florida, but one of his friends was awarded a golf scholarship at Ole Miss. After a long weekend accompanying his friend to Oxford, Mitchell altered his plans, recalled Terry Crawford, whose family were early pioneers in north central Florida but also visited Ole Miss with a friend and decided to make Mississippi his adopted state.
“Dad, I’ve changed my mind. I want to go to Ole Miss because of the people,” Mitchell said in a call home to Florida.
Following his graduation from Ole Miss, Crawford worked for Kraft Foods as a sales manager on the Wal-Mart sales team in Bentonville, Arkansas, where Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton was an Eagle Scout. At the time of his death, he had been with Kraft for 10 years, first serving as a regional sales representative in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Mitchell also was an avid sports fan who played on various intramural teams during his college years and then faithfully followed the Ole Miss and Kansas City football teams. During the last few years of his life, he participated in the annual Ole Miss fantasy football camp with his father.
He also was active in First Baptist Church of Bentonville and was survived by his wife, Shanna Crawford, and many other family members and friends.
“Mitchell never stopped believing he would overcome the beast of cancer and was such an inspiration to his family, friends, doctors, nurses and all those he met on his journey,” Terry Crawford said. “I hope there are students who will be impacted by this scholarship and will benefit from their degree and chosen profession in business.”
The Mitchell Crawford Eagle Scout Scholarship Endowment is open to receive gifts from individuals and organizations. Checks to the University of Mississippi Foundation, with the name of the scholarship noted in the memo line, can be mailed to the foundation at 406 University Ave., Oxford, MS 38655; or made online at http://ift.tt/2i0NqCo.
By Tina Hahn and the Ole Miss News Desk
The post New UM Scholarship Honors a Son, Father and Friend appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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samslater305 · 5 years
The 5 Best Gyms in Scottsdale
When you buy a luxury home for sale in Scottsdale, you need to know that you’re close to some of the area’s best gyms and fitness centers – and fortunately, this city is teeming with amazing places to lift, cycle, participate in group classes and practice yoga. Check out this list of the five best gyms in Scottsdale so you can find your new go-to spot.
5 Best Gyms in Scottsdale
Based on a blend of our own experience, reviews from other members and amenities that each gym offers, here’s a list of the five best gyms in Scottsdale:
DC Ranch Village Health Club & Spa
Gainey Village Health Club & Spa
Off the Grid Fitness
Mountainside Fitness Executive Club
Independence Gym
Here’s a closer look at each of these fabulous fitness centers.
DC Ranch Village Health Club & Spa
DC Ranch Village Health Club & Spa 18501 North Thompson Peak Parkway 480-502-8844
The DC Ranch Village Health Club & Spa facility spans more than 82,000 square feet and has several amenities for members, including:
A resort-style day spa
An on-site med spa
Group fitness classes
Yoga classes
Special studios for Pilates, yoga and more
Lap pool
Leisure pool
Basketball, squash and racquetball courts
Kids’ Club and children’s camps
Gainey Village Health Club & Spa
Gainey Village Health Club & Spa 7477 East Doubletree Ranch Road 480-609-6979
The Gainey Village Health Club & Spa is a spacious facility featuring cutting-edge equipment and a wide range of group fitness classes, personal training and much more. Its amenities include:
Pilates classes
Yoga classes
Group fitness
Village Kids Zone
Sports courts
Full-service spa and salon services
Off the Grid Fitness
Off the Grid Fitness 10050 North Scottsdale Road 480-483-0184
Off the Grid Fitness is Arizona’s first “green gym.” This eco-friendly fitness center offers a wide range of classes, including TRX, Spin, HIIT and a complete workout called Boot Camp. There are a number of personal trainers on-staff, as well, so whether you need half-hour or one-hour sessions, they’ll be able to accommodate you and create a plan that works for your body.
Browse Scottsdale Homes for Sale Here (Continue Reading Below)
6508 E BAR Z Lane Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
5 Beds
5 | 1 Baths
7,479 SqFt
      #5879501 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
19946 N 103RD Street #1102 Scottsdale, AZ 85255
4 Beds
4 | 1 Baths
6,964 SqFt
      #5949868 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
12163 E CASITAS DEL RIO Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85255
4 Beds
4 | 1 Baths
4,383 SqFt
      #5979105 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
20801 N 90TH Place #203 Scottsdale, AZ 85255
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,785 SqFt
      #5936286 | Condo
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
4218 E CREOSOTE Drive Cave Creek, AZ 85331
3 Beds
2 | 1 Baths
2,001 SqFt
      #5980534 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
45672 W TULIP Lane Maricopa, AZ 85139
4 Beds
2 Baths
1,927 SqFt
      #5968407 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
19 E WOODWARD Drive Phoenix, AZ 85004
0.28 Lot Acres
      #5903494 | Lots / Land
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
20400 W TOPAZ Boulevard Goodyear, AZ 85338
4.36 Lot Acres
      #5813681 | Lots / Land
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
4046 E DYNAMITE Boulevard Cave Creek, AZ 85331
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,457 SqFt
      #5947992 | Mobile Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$550,000 (Contract Contingent on Buyer Sale)
20704 N 90TH Place #1031 Scottsdale, AZ 85255
2 Beds
2 Baths
1,771 SqFt
      #5956446 | Condo
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$550,000 (Pending)
8515 E SAN BERNARDO Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85258
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,997 SqFt
      #5967957 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$380,000 (Pending)
3011 E DORAL Drive Chandler, AZ 85249
4 Beds
3 Baths
2,511 SqFt
      #5966351 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$287,900 (Pending)
7700 E GAINEY RANCH Road #203 Scottsdale, AZ 85258
2 Beds
2 Baths
1,104 SqFt
      #5925426 | Condo
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$375,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
701 W WILSHIRE Drive Phoenix, AZ 85007
2 Beds
2 Baths
1,848 SqFt
      #5945043 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$350,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
10617 E GREYTHORN Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85262
0.85 Lot Acres
      #5818656 | Lots / Land
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
Mountainside Fitness Executive Club
Mountainside Fitness Executive Club 7135 East Camelback Road 480-324-1200
The Mountainside Fitness Executive Club, open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. throughout the week and until 2 p.m. on weekends, is a spectacular place to exercise. With cutting-edge strength and cardio equipment featuring personal entertainment systems, full-service locker rooms with towel service and more, this club offers:
10,000 pounds of free weights
Complimentary fitness consultations
Functional training area with Rogue Fitness Racks
Outdoor functional training area
Independence Gym
Independence Gym 2980 North Hayden Road 480-305-6410
Independence Gym offers help from some of Scottsdale’s top trainers and nutrition specialists, as well as several amenities, including:
3 Olympic platforms
40-yard turf
A vertical leg press
Stairmaster Hitmill X
Pit Shark belt squat machine
Each of these five best gyms in Scottsdale has its own set of amenities, which is what makes each of them the most amazing in the area. You’ll definitely be able to find your home gym in Scottsdale!
Are You Selling a Luxury Home in Scottsdale?
If you’re selling a home in Scottsdale, your first step is to find out how much it’s worth. Call us at 602-899-5618 to talk to an experienced luxury real estate agent about how we can use cutting-edge marketing techniques to put your home in front of all the right buyers. If you’re also looking for a new home in Scottsdale, explore all our Scottsdale real estate listings or look in specific communities:
Bellasera homes for sale
Desert Highlands homes for sale
Gainey Ranch homes for sale
Hidden Hills homes for sale
Ironwood Village homes for sale
Legend Trail homes for sale
Pinnacle Peak homes for sale
Silverleaf homes for sale
Sincuidados homes for sale
South Scottsdale homes for sale
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The Boulders homes for sale
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Don Matheson REALTOR® | Founder The Matheson Team RE/MAX Fine Properties 21000 N. Pima Rd., #100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 480-351-5359 [email protected]
Address & Phone
Don Matheson 21000 N Pima Rd #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 602-694-3200 Map Location
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Explore Homes for Sale in North Scottsdale Now
6508 E BAR Z Lane Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
5 Beds
5 | 1 Baths
7,479 SqFt
      #5879501 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
19946 N 103RD Street #1102 Scottsdale, AZ 85255
4 Beds
4 | 1 Baths
6,964 SqFt
      #5949868 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
12163 E CASITAS DEL RIO Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85255
4 Beds
4 | 1 Baths
4,383 SqFt
      #5979105 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
19 E WOODWARD Drive Phoenix, AZ 85004
0.28 Lot Acres
      #5903494 | Lots / Land
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$550,000 (Contract Contingent on Buyer Sale)
20704 N 90TH Place #1031 Scottsdale, AZ 85255
2 Beds
2 Baths
1,771 SqFt
      #5956446 | Condo
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$550,000 (Pending)
8515 E SAN BERNARDO Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85258
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,997 SqFt
      #5967957 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
4046 E DYNAMITE Boulevard Cave Creek, AZ 85331
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,457 SqFt
      #5947992 | Mobile Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
20801 N 90TH Place #203 Scottsdale, AZ 85255
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,785 SqFt
      #5936286 | Condo
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$380,000 (Pending)
3011 E DORAL Drive Chandler, AZ 85249
4 Beds
3 Baths
2,511 SqFt
      #5966351 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$375,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
701 W WILSHIRE Drive Phoenix, AZ 85007
2 Beds
2 Baths
1,848 SqFt
      #5945043 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$350,000 (Under Contract-Backups)
10617 E GREYTHORN Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85262
0.85 Lot Acres
      #5818656 | Lots / Land
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
4218 E CREOSOTE Drive Cave Creek, AZ 85331
3 Beds
2 | 1 Baths
2,001 SqFt
      #5980534 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
$287,900 (Pending)
7700 E GAINEY RANCH Road #203 Scottsdale, AZ 85258
2 Beds
2 Baths
1,104 SqFt
      #5925426 | Condo
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
45672 W TULIP Lane Maricopa, AZ 85139
4 Beds
2 Baths
1,927 SqFt
      #5968407 | Single Family Home
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
20400 W TOPAZ Boulevard Goodyear, AZ 85338
4.36 Lot Acres
      #5813681 | Lots / Land
Seller's Rep: RE/MAX Fine Properties
        The post The 5 Best Gyms in Scottsdale appeared first on Scottsdale Real Estate.
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Progressing the cutting edge in IT in such applications as cyber safety and biometrics, NIST speeds up the development as well as implementation of systems that are reputable, useful, interoperable, as well as protect; advancements dimension scientific research with advancements in maths, stats, as well as computer technology; as well as performs research study to create the dimensions as well as criteria infrastructure for emerging infotech as well as applications. In a close range from the hut you could discover several crucial ski resorst like Białka Tatrzańska, Bukowina as well as Zakopane. Time invested under previous Teaching fellowship Program appointments might count to needed job experience hrs. En visite à Lisbonne, sa ville natale, le customer de PSA annonce un plan d'investissement massif dans le berceau historique de Peugeot. Click OK, after that freshen this Yelp web page as well as try your search once more. As part of its effort to supply international makers with the methods to enhance precise engineering drawing as well as documentation analysis throughout their supply chain, ASME increased its geometric dimensioning and also tolerancing (GDTP) personnel certification program this summer to align with its most recent 2009 Y14.5 Geometric Dimensioning as well as Tolerancing standard. I have actually never entirely overcome discovering red food colouring, cochineal, is made from Mexican bugs. In this expert-led tutorial, elderly DBA as well as technical trainer Basit Farooq provides a detailed overview for utilizing the SQL Server Import and also Export Wizard to move information in between SQL Web server databases and also Microsoft Excel worksheets. A wonderful location to acquire mementos and regional artworks made by regional artists is likewise a stop at Highland Road. I should say, it's one of the best area I've remained in between Nowy Targ and also Zakopane! It identified five obstacles impacted the caseworker's capability to do their works efficiently and conserve children from misuse. A vital action to take in identifying whether you could have been a sufferer of identification burglary is to check your credit scores report for unexpected activity. In this paper, we deal with highly raised programming for major part analysis, which recuperates a target matrix that is a superposition of low-complexity frameworks from a little set of direct dimensions. See all the theatre-related events arranged today at the intimate location. Obtain the best fare and also routine, book a round trip ticket or discover buses with WiFi and electric outlets. For the last few hours, Dave Davies, a founding participant of fabulous rock band the Kinks, has actually been engaged in a one-man battle with Instagram. Było cudownie PENSJONAT warty polecenia śniadanie znakomite jak i lokalizacja 10/10 Polecamy. We would certainly suggest this area to anybody seeking a remote and one-of-a-kind experience. It is likewise a great starting point in the Tatras, Gorce and Pieniny. General Pathways Program rules are codified in 5 CFR component 362 subpart A. The print variation is provided for cost-free to FIFA's confederations and also participant associations, while the on-line variation is offered to all football fans here on. SZWAJNOSÓWKA is our family ranch which lies in Witów in Podhale region- a town positioned at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains, by the road from Czarny Dunajec, about 100 km southern from Kraków as well as 12 km from Zakopane. Additionally, when several of restrictions are utilized the company should state the restriction in the Pathways job opportunity statements. Have a look inside CSU Sacramento's initial dancing concert of the year. . IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION - in partnership with bet365 supplies over 70,000 live streaming occasions each year. Za udział w agresji na Polskę Niemcy oficjalnie przekazali je Słowakom 21 listopada 1939 r. Do Słowacji włączono 770 km, zamieszkanych przez ponad 34,5 tys. Twenty kilometres north of Zakopane exists the old market community of Nowy Targ. Today's Playbill 5 (just there were too many to pick simply 5). Trening składa się z części technicznej i WOD, w którym czas banter już istotnym elementem wpływającym na intensywność. The most affordable tickets to Nowy Targ offered within the past 7 days were $265.94. Prices quoted are per person, round trip, through defined. Vince Gill discussed Troy Gentry at his funeral at the Grand Ole Opry House. Rotterdam police quit a van with a variety of gas containers near the venue of a concert that was terminated after a risk, mayor says. Conversion to an affordable solution positions is not a privilege. Utilize our filters and sorting functions to find the most inexpensive bus tickets or high-end buses. The name originates from the red color that plants handle in the autumn because of the peat land, developing a superb red rug. The short-term bridge on westbound Broward Boulevard will certainly be taken apart when the deal with the brand-new bridge is done in November. We additionally provide resources especially for the news media. Priebus was persistent on this option, inning accordance with 2 White Home authorities, and called a meeting at Trump's Mar-a-Lago hotel in February where the House's strategy was presented as the lone option to elderly advisors. Exactly how pleasant the team are as well as much more when guests remain at the home they examine out exactly how quiet the space is. The Recent Grads Program is administered mostly by each hiring firm. The MIDS program attracts smart, creative information experts who help leading firms in computer software, health and wellness, as well as finance treatment. is part of The Priceline Group, the globe leader in online travel & relevant solutions. MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ put on play in Polish Organization. Utilizing certain eligibility demands for entry into your agency's Pathways Programs. He got a ring from the man who claimed he was from Florida and shed every little thing in Hurricane Irma. The host family is terrific, solution minded and online for your solution 24/7. Anita Earls, executive supervisor of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, says 'it's entirely possible' to draw maps that deal with the gerrymandered areas. In the inmost snow, they arranged a bon fire for us simply outside the cabin for the evening as well as heated the water in the terrific exterior barrel bathroom - which we suggest you use! Would suggest this location for those that pertain to trek in Tatry hills! Zapisz się na zajęcia lub przyjdź do klubu, a my wprowadzimy Cię w świat CrossFitu. You can additionally have a look on previous matches of your preferred group and see suit statistics and a lot more. Fabulous place to stay, a perfect getaway from the busy life & good base to discover the region. Brows through to Nowy Targ have lately upturned purchase your ticket currently! Polish nationwide cuisine shares some similarities with various other Central European and Eastern European customs along with French and also Italian resemblances. These factors, which need to be videotaped, consist of reasons accordinged to the standards for clinical disqualification under 5 CFR Part 339, reasons accordinged to the standards for making suitability resolutions detailed at 5 CFR 731.202, or various other factors taken into consideration by the firm. Our pleasant customer support representatives are here to serve you 24 Hr day to give aid as well as address any questions that you might have concerning reserving your Nowy Targ trip. When the Intern is converted to a setting in the affordable solution, Time spent on a SCEP appointment will be praiseworthy to profession period. It was carried out by among the marked monks in the name of the abbot. Remembering ASME Past President Richard Rosenberg. Despite intensive thermal power temperature, stress as well as extraction drop are forecasted to nowy targ be at a really low degree. The freedom of Nowy Targ came somewhat as a shock as the Russian army stunned the German pressures by coming from the instructions of Gorce Hills getting in the town with no serious resistance, and the occupying pressures surrounded without battling. Uwielbiam te hale, te szyty, nawet turystów i tłok lubię:D. The choice eligible (or his or her agent) is entitled to a duplicate of the agency's factor( s) for the pass over, after request. Obtain updates with the most recent offers and also tourist testimonials every week. Must you schedule your journey final, nonetheless, you could need to pay a bit much more. My guests can prompt many fascinating routes relying on your rate of interests, eg. A trip on one of the most gorgeous picturesque areas with a breathtaking sight of the Tatras, seeing the local people musicians as well as historical route of wooden design. Agencies may detail candidates either in a ranked listing by score order or in an unranked listing by preference status. I first reviewed The Village Voice in print as a student in the 1970s-that was just how I initially experienced it as well as just how it ended up being as vital to me as it did. Bird's- eye sight of Nowy Targ, the funding of the area. Area climate, home magnificently embellished and also fragrant wood. Accordingly, non-competitive conversion suggests task to a position in the affordable solution. It's about time you take to the clouds, and step out in an unique place. The new Internship Program supplies trainees in secondary schools, colleges, profession colleges as well as various other certifying educational institutions with paid chances to work in firms and check out Federal professions while finishing their education. Along with the jail time, UNITED STATE District Court David Cercone punished Devonte L. Lucas, 22, to 10 years of supervised release. J'assumerai les conséquences", a écrit le Néo-Zélandais sur sa web page Facebook. In December 2009, the European Commission made a decision to honor the Erasmus Charter to the Podhale State Higher Vocational Institution (PPWSZ) qualifying PPWSZ's trainees to take advantage of both the educational opportunities offered by various other EU college organizations and to go after a teaching fellowship placement abroad. National security-related requests are not considered Tool Demands or Account Requests and are reported in a separate category. See the links listed below the weather report for other cities, communities and also villages near Nowy Targ. Powersports lovers raced their snowmobiles on the grass in various courses for a possibility to win prizes. A neighborhood auto dealership is aiding to increase cash for hurricane victims. . Where they will be satisfied by the Golden State Warriors. A suburban Detroit guy who spent 16 years in prison for killing his very first other half begged guilty Wednesday in the slayings of his two little girls and also 2 stepchildren and in the torment of his second better half. The sponges are also significant such that an X-ray can identify them, allowing cosmetic surgeons to more easily eliminate them later on. Job part-financed by the European Union within the Regional Developmend Fund. Nowy Targ experienced no much less compared to five huge fires, throughout which a minimum of fifty percent of the buildings were totally destroyed. Eric Schaeffer routes the Stephen Sondheim-Hugh Wheeler musical that consists of Holly Twyford, Bobby Smith, Will Gartshore, as well as Broadway vet Florence Lacey. We believe evaluation contributions and residential or commercial property reactions will certainly highlight a wide variety of experiences and point of views, which is important in helping guests make educated decisions regarding where to remain. Most of guides were written by survivors from the community, or people from the town who had actually arrived prior to the battle, as well as were mostly released in between 1945 and also 1975, and also generally written in Hebrew or Yiddish.
Right here's an additional referral: remember to take a look at taking a trip times. The effort instructs at-risk young people concerning the office as well as assists load entry-level jobs at UPMC Hamot. The Oceanside family was struck with strange events over a few months starting back in February. This could be used by an attacker to subject sensitive data from the Bluetooth processthat might likewise consist of encryption secrets of Bluetooth interactions. A 91-year-old woman was killed in an auto accident Friday early morning in Windermere, inning accordance with the Florida Freeway Patrol. The main church, with the late-Gothic figure of Our Girl of Ludzmierz wirth the Infant Jesus, likewise called the Queen of Podhale, was positioned in the brand-new holy place. The Recent Grads Program affords developmental experiences in the Federal Government intended to advertise feasible jobs in the public service to people who have lately finished from qualifying universities or programs. Below you could find extra technological information, photos, AIS data and also last 5 port calls of MV PODHALE found by AIS. Pathway work with Cherry Road in between 12th as well as 15th roads has limited web traffic to a solitary lane. Weather Nowy Targ - one of the most precise and stable forecast for today, tomorrow as well as for 2 weeks. This paper presents a brand-new approach for formal verification of technological systems with smartIflow (State Makers for Automation. We had a terrific time at Beata ´ s comfy cabin home. She ´ s an amazing host, she revealed us where to walk around the area and also told us where to buy fresh milk and also eggs from next-door neighbor farmers.
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