#personal entrepreneurial competencies
blogtey45 · 9 months
Discovering our inner Entrepreneurial competencies
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ranjith11 · 1 year
Discovering our inner Entrepreneurial competencies
Discovering our inner entrepreneurial competencies involves identifying and nurturing the skills, traits, and mindset that enable us to think and act like entrepreneurs. These competencies are valuable not only for starting a business but also for fostering innovation, problem-solving, and adaptability in various aspects of life.
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tinakp · 1 year
Discovering our inner Entrepreneurial competencies
Discovering our inner entrepreneurial competencies involves identifying and nurturing the skills, traits, and mindset that enable us to think and act like entrepreneurs. These competencies are valuable not only for starting a business but also for fostering innovation, problem-solving, and adaptability in various aspects of life.
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imfoive · 1 month
The Youngest Son - Chapter 4
Minho x Reader (fem.) Genre: non-idol au!, Suspense, Angst, Romance, Mature Warnings: mentions of drugs, cursing, murder, death, somewhat proofread WC: 5.7k A/N: I'm really wowed by how quickly I planned this out. Feedback is always welcome, enjoy! ── MASTERLIST
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Synopsis: The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. Hiding it all behind the mask of a calm and collected man, the youngest son was a master at mind games. Playing a dangerous game where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner. He had sworn once, to not let family ties or any feelings hold him back. Yet, against all odds, she had him completely wrapped around her fingers, and he had no desire to break free.
Missed a chapter? - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
CHAPTER 4 ───────────────────
Following the death of Lee Jae, the rest of the business circle remained oblivious to the secret project that Park Hyunmin had meticulously planned for quite some time. 
Rose Enterprises. 
Park Hyunmin was still young when he returned from Australia to embark on his entrepreneurial journey. Naming the company after his late Australian mother, who had passed away during his teenage years, held deep personal significance for him. Despite that he successfully transformed the Park family, who had initially started as hotel workers in Australia, into prominent figures in the hospitality industry almost immediately, even expanding into the restaurant business. 
Hyunmin’s reputation and influence were unparalleled, any collaboration with the Park Family and Rose Enterprises promised to catapult an entrepreneur’s importance in their society. However, Park Hyunmin wasn’t seeking just any entrepreneur for this ambitious venture.
L Corporation had solidified its position as a major player in the industrial industry, with its name attached to some of the largest malls, resorts, hotels, and even bridges. They were known for their wealth, intelligence, and strategic business ordeals. They were a perfect fit for Park Hyunmin’s ambitions. However, despite their success, the director harbored reservations about trusting them completely.
Since Chairman Lee’s retirement and the subsequent takeover by his sons, there had been a noticeable shift within L Corporation. The once formidable leadership of Chairman Lee, who single-handedly managed client needs, was replaced by his less competent sons. And despite their shortcomings, they somehow managed to maintain L Corp.’s top position in the industry. 
However, the next generation, the grandchildren, was a mixed bag. Only three out of six were deemed worthy of praise. Park Hyunmin saw potential collaboration with L Corporation as both an opportunity and a risk, weighing the benefits of their established reputation against the uncertainty of their internal dynamics.
The oldest, Jungshin. He was excelling, but mostly took care of their overseas branches. 
Then came Joohyeon. He was always falling short, but still did well. He was once married to some mayor’s daughter, but even that didn’t last.
Jookshin was the only daughter of the family. She was married off early to another big name family in the medical field, she still did her part. 
Jihoon was the oddball. He was never present for anything, people sometimes forget he was also part of the family. 
Jae did somewhat of a decent job, barely hitting the line. The only time he actually hit, was women and drugs. Although he did have everyone fooled that he had changed.
Finally Minho. The youngest son.
He kept his life extremely private. He was always present, yet didn’t have any scandals to his name. It’s surprising that he was able to avoid being corrupted by the not so pretty deeds of his older brothers.
Minho was a frequent topic of conversation for Y/N. Despite being the same age, their personalities couldn't have been more different. Y/N, spirited and carefree, stood in stark contrast to Minho’s stoicism. This contrast intrigued Park Hyunmin.
As a young man, Minho often went unnoticed in rooms filled with older, more established figures. However, his capabilities became glaringly apparent during the press conference following Jae’s scandal involving drugs and an escort a few years back.
At just twenty-one, Minho had adeptly managed the fallout almost single-handedly, impressing Park Hyunmin with his poise and skill.
It dawned on Park Hyunmin then.
Lee Minho was their secret weapon in damage control. A role he seemed to excel in more with each passing challenge.
He was young enough to navigate situations with unnoticed ease, often slipping under the radar without drawing undue attention to himself. Minho maintained a reserved demeanor, always composed yet aware, easily finding solutions to various challenges and obstacles.
However, Park Hyunmin harbored a growing dissatisfaction with the amount of time his daughter spent in Minho’s company.
He noticed how Minho attempted to avoid Y/N’s advances at social gatherings, only to find himself inevitably drawn into her orbit. Despite his efforts to maintain distance, their paths seemed to cross frequently, leading to speculation and rumors about their dynamic.
The gossip mill labeled Minho as Y/N’s “boy-toy,” a rumor that had gained momentum over the past years due to their peculiar relationship. From Park Hyunmin’s perspective, there wasn’t even enough substance to define what they had as a relationship, adding to his unease about their closeness.
They were Business friends.
And everyone knew what that term meant. But he was starting to wonder if his daughter did.
A few months before the grand engagement announcement, during Park Hyunmin and his wife’s anniversary celebration, Y/N’s father had observed Minho being pulled away from a group and disappearing with Y/N onto the terrace overlooking the garden. It wasn’t an uncommon sight but it caught the father’s eye. Concerned, he found Minho later, getting some fresh air along the stairway, or so he claimed.
With a directness typical of him, the father posed a question to Minho that caught him off guard. 
   “Do you see yourself marrying my daughter?”
Minho’s bewildered expression was enough for Y/N’s father to discern that romantic interest was not the reason behind their closeness. So, he pressed further, pointing out the societal gossip surrounding them. 
   “Then what is it? Isn’t it a bit unusual for you two to always be together? People in this society talk.”
Maintaining his composure, Minho stood upright and faced Y/N’s father squarely. 
   “People in this society always talk.” He replied calmly with a polite smile.
   “Y/N and I are simply classmates who have become acquaintances. It’s difficult to find trustworthy acquaintances in our circle. We’ve known each other for years, learned together, so it’s natural for her to seek me out. That’s all.”
Park Hyunmin took a sip of his drink, adjusting his glasses, he mused. “Acquaintances, huh?”
   “Yes, acquaintances.” Minho affirmed. 
They weren’t even friends.
Y/N’s father would be lying if he said he didn’t think of proposing for Lee Minho to get engaged with his daughter, especially when considering how Minho could be an asset in dealing with L Corporation. However, the conversation he had with Minho by the stairwell weighed heavily on his mind.
Besides, pursuing an engagement with Minho would mean entering into a deal with the second son of Chairman Lee, whose capabilities fell short in Park Hyunmin’s estimation. While both brothers had their strengths and weaknesses, and claimed there was no disparity between the sub families within the Lee line, Rose Enterprises’ grand project demanded the best, and the director was inclined towards the more competent option.
Everything had seemed to be going according to his plans, until it went awry somewhere along.
With Jae’s recent death and the sudden decision to delay announcing the broken engagement, Park Hyunmin’s ambitious “Rose Garden” project had to be put on hold.
Despite the circumstances, his daughter Y/N had to maintain the facade of being Jae’s fiancée, a role she reluctantly played for the time being. Other families offered condolences and sent gifts, but beneath the surface, they were all calculating the right moment to propose alliances for the hand of the sole heiress.
In the competitive world they inhabited, Y/N’s engagement had been seen as a significant social event, marking her availability for marriage. Now, as they awaited the appropriate period of mourning to pass, other families were poised to make their moves, eager to secure advantageous unions with the prestigious Park family.
Y/N scoffs at the gift that some no-name nobody had sent her in efforts to woo her. A token of sympathy adorned with pretty flowers and hollow offers of support. The messages always carried the same undertone “if you ever needed someone to talk to” they were always ready to listen.
It’s been six months since Jae died. Initially, it was all the news would talk about for weeks on end, trying to dig deeper, trying to come up with theories of how he died.
But then someone else in high society did something stupid and the media was all over that.
Y/N’s mother was another headache, who just couldn’t catch a hint. Surprisingly her nice mother hadn’t been corrupted, even after having lived in high society for over twenty-five years, but she was easily trusting. She was a simple woman really, who Park Hyunmin had met when he was still trying to make The Rose Enterprises bigger than it was. They had risen together, but that woman didn’t change.
However, Y/N found her mother’s continuous efforts to set her up with potential suitors exasperating. These men were often charming and polite in social settings, but Y/N saw through their facade, politeness merely a pretense to curry favor. But despite Y/N’s attempts to shut down these setups, her mother persisted in her well-meaning, but misguided approach.
   “Isn’t Kim Seungmin the nice young man from the mall?” The mother read the gift card.
   “Yeah, the one whose family owns the Star Mall chain.” She retorted dryly, clearly unimpressed by her mother’s matchmaking efforts.
The mother hesitated, then suggested, “What about giving it a chance? He seemed polite and well-mannered.”
   “Really? Jae seemed like a good person too, until he attacked me in our own hotel parking lot.” Y/N countered sharply.
The mention of Jae’s actions visibly hardened her mother’s expression, acknowledging the truth in Y/N’s words even if reluctantly. It was truly a bad decision that her husband had made, blinded by ambition and the lies about Jae changing for the better.
There’s a knock on the glass door to her office, and a few seconds later Y/N’s father entered, brightening up at the sight of both ladies.
   “Ah, what are you doing here?” He asks his wife.
   “Trying to convince this one to meet someone for a blind date.”
Her father was used to her mother’s naivety, chuckling as he nodded and took a seat next to. His attention immediately drew to the colorful basket of flowers on the table. He picked up the card attached to it, glancing over its contents with curiosity.
   “You know, having the Kim’s at our side isn’t a bad idea. They’re established and even have a few more small projects planned.” Her father begins to say, glancing up at her, cautiously.
   “Just tell me if we’re already engaged. I seem to be the last one to find out about my own engagement anyway.” She muttered.
Her father glanced guiltily at her mother once before looking at her. His expression hardened.
   “If you’re waiting in hopes that Lee Minho will suddenly take an interest in you, you can forget it.”
The mention of Minho’s name brought her attention automatically to look at her father. Brows narrowed.
   “What do you mean?”
   “That young man has a clear set of goals. And you aren’t one of them.” Her father’s words were stern, warning.
Y/N blinked back, taking in his words. She bit back, jaw tightening as she frowned angrily.
Just who did he think he was to reject her? She hadn’t even confessed.
As Minho sat in his office, engrossed in his work, the door suddenly swung open and his mother sauntered in, her gaze sweeping critically around the room.
   “Love what you’ve done to the place. Very…minimalistic.” She remarked, her tone carrying a hint of judgment.
Minho stood up, setting aside his work with a slight frown.
   “What brings you here?” He asked curtly, not eager to engage in an unnecessary conversation with her.
   “That’s not of any importance to you.” She replied dismissively.
He couldn’t help but let out a sarcastic laugh, rolling his eyes in exasperation. It was clear she was here to babble nonsense, trying to get information or even a rise out of him.
   “If you’re in the mood to waste someone’s time, I’m sure father is taking his lunch break.” He retorted, starting to walk back towards his desk.
   “Y/N’s mother has been asking around for decent young men in our circle. Poor woman doesn’t realize we have no decent men in our society, bless her.” His mother continued casually, a smile playing on her lips.
She watched his stoic composure, leaning against his desk, unbothered, unsurprisingly.
   “Does Y/N know anything about it?” She continued.
He turned to face his mother, his expression guarded. She was sharp and well-educated, yet she had a penchant for gossip like any other high-society woman.
   “How would I know what Y/N is or isn’t aware of?” Minho replied coolly, sliding his hands into his pockets.
His mother shrugged nonchalantly. “Well, I assume you would, since you two are always together. Maybe she’d have mentioned it to you.”
   “Y/N and I are not close.” Minho stated firmly, turning his attention back towards his desk, his fingers idly playing with the pens lined up.
   “I have absolutely no interest in her or what she thinks. Her desperation keeps me entertained, that’s all. She’s of no importance to me.”
Just as he looked up, his expression suddenly fell, his eyes widening as they passed his mother and landed on the figure standing in the doorway.
There stood the woman who was of no importance to him.
The memories of a first kiss are something that a person typically doesn’t forget. Whether it’s was a bad kiss, a fleeting peck, or a passionate embrace, the fluttering feeling in their hearts are etched into memory.
But for Y/N, her first kiss was with a complete stranger.
She dubbed him her “cross-chain kisser.” Amid the pulsing lights of the club, the only detail she could vividly recall was the silver cross pendant hanging from his neck.
Y/N had just turned nineteen, and her father had spared no expense in throwing a grand party at one of their hotels. It was his only daughter’s birthday after all. He always made a big deal out of her birthday, but this one was different. This was her first birthday back home. 
Of course for a few hours of the evening she had to act prim and proper, dressed elegantly in a shiny dress to greet her father’s guests. They all wished her for her grand day, expensive gifts lining up that seemed more intended to impress her parents than please her. She forced a smile, something she still couldn’t get used to after spending the last seven years out of the country for her academics. She felt more like a show-piece standing in between her mother and father, smiling and absolutely tired from greeting all the unfamiliar faces that came up to her. 
The Lee family arrived sometime into the party, each member eager to catch a glimpse of Y/N Park, the heiress to all of Park Hyunmin’s wealth. They showered her with the usual lines of compliments, praising her beauty and noting how she had matured into a proper young woman. That she would finally be able to help with the company and showcase her talent. They didn’t even know her well enough to know of her so-called talent. 
She was bored, she was tired.
Until Lee Minho came forward, his father and mother in front of him, the older woman’s arm was linked around her husbands. Y/N’s gaze brightened up, smiling at the familiar face, dressed impeccably well in his black formal wear and not his school uniform. Y/N’s father was surprised to see Minho, unable to recall they even had a third son. Minho greeted the man, telling him he’ll make sure to leave an impression on him so he won’t forget next time. The birthday girl couldn’t help but smile at his remark, which had made both sets of parents break into a light chuckle.
A natural charmer, that one.
She saw the quick glance he gave her while their parents engaged in conversation. She waited for him to come forward, they hadn’t gotten a chance to meet after returning back from school. It had been weeks. Much too long for Y/N, who had gotten into a habit of bothering him for the past four years. But he didn’t come forward. 
She frowned, refusing to give in and be the one to walk up to him. Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him and not hiding her displeasure. He looked in her direction, watching as she bites the inside of her cheek, her disappointed expression not leaving her face. With a sigh, Minho slid his hands into the pockets of his slacks before finally walking towards her. Y/N couldn’t help but smirk, her head tilting cockily, silently asserting her victory to the one-sided battle she was having. He didn’t really see what was so wrong in coming up to your greet your guests, but it was her birthday party after all, and he didn’t need her complaining. Especially if her complaints reached his parents’ ears, something he didn’t need right now.
Putting on his polite smile, the kind Y/N had learned to recognize after years of observation, Minho greeted her.
   “Happy Birthday, Miss Park.” Minho’s tone dripped of formality. 
The way he addressed her had irked the heiress, as if he was putting a distance between them, emphasizing to any onlookers that they were mere acquaintances.
   “You clean up well.” She responded instead, her arms still crossed, eyes glancing over him.
He cleared his throat, muttering a low “hmm.”
   “How do I look?” Y/N inquired, lifting one side of her dress slightly to show it off.
Minho watched the fabric shimmer under the bright lights before meeting her expectant gaze. Obvious, she wanted a compliment.
   “Like a disco ball.” He coolly stated.
She rolled her eyes, expecting that sort of response from him. Instead she looked around, then stepped in closer. Her actions garner him to instinctively pull his head back stunned, watching her lean closer before glancing side-to-side, she starts speaking in a low tone. 
   “Some of the other kids and I are going clubbing later. They want to give me a big welcome back, join us.” Y/N whispered, smiling and nodding towards a group of young adults in their circle who were mingling at a nearby table.
   “Have fun.” He said instead, making her blink back a little surprised.
Minho back in Australia would have said he’d be there if she pressed. He would have ultimately agreed to go together even.
Minho back in Australia wouldn’t have called her Miss Y/N.
He nodded politely and smiled, glancing briefly at his parents who had already moved on to socialize among the other wealthy guests. With a slight smirk, Minho took a few steps backward, his gaze and smile almost taunting her, before turning and walking away. As if he had won.
He did in fact not show up that night.
Y/N even wore a black dress, slit daringly higher than appropriate, but enough to tell everyone that she was an adult. A grown woman. But he didn’t show, like he had said. 
She was upset.
More angry than upset really, not that she should have been because he had already declined the invite. His words were clear. But imagining his smug expression as he walked away earlier that evening, pissed her off even more.
The other kids kept offering shots. She downed them one after another, pretending to be a seasoned drinker while inwardly cringing at the burning sensation and bitter taste that threatened to overwhelm her, a taste she was not used to. She couldn’t let them see that, her brave face smirking confidently at every other shot and drink coming at her. 
At some point in the night, Y/N found herself on the dance floor with someone’s arm around her waist, though she couldn’t quite distinguish whose it was. The dim lights and the haze of alcohol made faces blur together. It might have been Chunyang or Chaeyoung, she couldn’t remember and didn’t really care. Everyone was starting to look the same to her.
Y/N had never gotten drunk before, she didn’t know what being drunk felt like. But if the inability to stand still and the blurry vision were any indication, she was a little more than drunk. The guy and girl in front started making out on the dance floor, something Y/N almost looked at curiously.
Something she hadn’t gotten a chance of doing yet.
She was drunk, but her brain wracked. The kids here have so much more experience. They’d down alcohol like juice, kiss and dance like experts. The academy back in Australia was much more strict, she guessed.
Suddenly, Chunyang or Chaeyoung screamed something in her ear, which made Y/N flinch. It was something about throwing up, but she couldn’t quite grasp the details. She realized soon after that the group she had arrived with had dispersed throughout the nightclub. The couple that had been dancing and kissing intimately had moved to a different part of the floor, and the girl who had been dancing closely with Y/N had disappeared. 
Squinting through the colored lights and the darkness of the dance floor, Y/N struggled to find any familiar faces. Eventually, she managed to squeeze her way off the dance floor and make her way to the bar. The bartender yelled something over the music, smiling as they handed her another birthday shot of whatever she had been downing all night.
Just as Y/N was about to bring the shot to her lips, another hand intercepted it, and he drank it without a word. Y/N watched his adams apple bob as he swallowed the drink, a silver chain glistened around his neck. Her eyes linger on the cross pendant hanging with a tinge of fascination. He almost slams the shot-glass down, bringing her back to reality.
A reality where he had drunk her birthday shot.
She frowned, her words slurred as she pointed at him.
Something along the lines of “why’d you drink my drink?”
He probably replied with “what are you gonna do about it?”
   “You’ll pay for it.” She replied defiantly, brows furrowed in anger.
Y/N grabbed his collar firmly, pulling him close, their lips meeting in a sudden and unexpected kiss. In the haze of alcohol and emotions, she couldn’t recall the exact details of the kiss. 
Did she perhaps lick his lips in a stupid attempt to reclaim her drink?
The thought made her cringe inwardly for weeks afterwards.
Or maybe it was a subconscious response to witnessing the couple on the dance floor earlier, a display of intimacy that had sparked something in her?
It was her first kiss, and her drunk mind thought kissing a stranger was a good idea!?
Another thought lingered, one that she still thought about from time to time.
Did he kiss her back?
Y/N woke up disoriented in the back of her car, immediately hit by the unpleasant sight and smell of vomit on one side of the seat. It made her gag involuntarily. Hastily fumbling with the door, she stumbled out, clutching her pounding skull in pain. Groaning loudly, she leaned against the car, trying to gather herself. The bright lights of The Rose hotel parking lot only made her headache worse.
Bits and pieces of the previous hours flashed through her mind, but the majority of it was a blur.
She was sure a designated driver service was called, dropping off what’s-her-face as well. But beyond that, the details were fuzzy. The irony of being at one of her family’s hotel did not escape her, but she was too busy staring mortified as she suddenly recalled something.
Embarrassment flooded over her as she tried to piece together the events, particularly the memory of kissing someone. Her fingers instinctively touched her lips, the sensation vivid against her fingertips. She blinked, wondering if she had truly been bold enough to act on impulse like that. Her heart beat rapidly.
A persistent thought in her mind whispered.
Call him.
Y/N didn’t even need to second guess her thoughts, she turned back to open the door, immediately backing away because of the vomit stench. She really had to do something about that. Clasping her nostrils with one hand, the other searched the back seat for her cellphone. Body half in, half out, she managed to fish it out from underneath the seat.
Her eyes hovered at his contact. It was 3:56 AM. She must be crazy. But the badgering thoughts in her mind made her heart beat faster at each passing second.
It rang, and she stood straight, foot tapping anxiously. By the sixth ring she was about to hang up, but the click on the other side made her freeze.
His voice sounded groggy, as if he’d just woken him up.
   “If you’re not gonna talk I’ll hang up.”
   “No wait!” She shouted immediately.
   “What do you want?” He muttered.
She bit her lip, nerves and a strange tingle of memory swirling within her.
   “Did you come to the club?” She asked.
There was a pause on the other end, prolonging her anxiety.
   “Do I look like the type of person to go drinking and dancing at a club?” He retorted.
She hated when he counter questioned her as a response, frustration bubbled within her.
   “Hey! Did you show up or not?!” She snapped, her patience wearing thin.
   “I didn’t.” He calmly responded.
Silence fell between them, Y/N sank back against her car, absorbing the revelation.
   “Did I kiss you?” Her voice was barely a whisper, filled with uncertainty.
   “You must’ve had a really wild night to call someone who wasn’t there at four in the morning to ask what happened.” He remarked dryly.
   “Go back to sleep, jackass.” She shot back sharply, ending the call almost immediately.
Minho sat on the edge of his bed, still dressed in outside clothes, the cross necklace dangling around his neck.
He set his phone down on the nightstand and rubbed his face with both hands, letting out a weary sigh. Hearing Y/N’s voice had brought him a sense of relief, despite the chaotic night they both had.
She seemed oblivious to what had transpired, and Minho was grateful for that.
He didn’t want her to remember.
And he would continue to deny it. He didn’t want to get entangled with her, despite his unspoken desires. Minho didn’t want to be in a mess created by her.
But he always ended up in Y/N’s messes.
As he sat there in the dim of his bedroom, thoughts circled back to that fleeting moment under the colorful lights, one that he couldn’t easily shake off. Even if he decided he would deny it ever happening. He brought his fingers to his mouth, the phantom feeling of her warm lips against his left a tingling sensation.
Did she know he kissed her back?
   “I have absolutely no interest in her or what she thinks. Her desperation keeps me entertained, that’s all. She’s of no importance to me.” Minho’s words were cold.
Y/N stared at him, her hurt clearly visible. She had overheard his cruel words, which he had thought were shared in private, just between him and his mother.
The carelessness of his remark, her sudden appearance, and his fleeting remorse hung in the air.
Minho caught his mother’s glance from the corner of his eye and swiftly masked his regret, but Y/N saw the shift in his expression. His face hardening in the midst of the whirlwind of her emotions.
She looked at the older woman, who offered an awkward smile, clearly trying to pretend they hadn’t just been discussing her.
   “Y/N, dear! What brings you here?” Minho’s mother greeted warmly, her arms outstretched in a practiced show of affection.
Y/N glanced between Minho and the suddenly quiet room, then focused on his mother. 
   “I was in the area and thought I’d share some news before you heard it from someone else.” She avoided Minho’s gaze, offering a polite smile to his mother instead.
   “I’m going to New York for some time.”
Minho’s expression remained unreadable and Y/N didn’t care to decipher it this time.
His mother looked taken aback.
   “Really? Why—I mean, so suddenly?”
Y/N smiled softly and touched the mother’s hand that rested on her shoulder.
   “I just made the decision.” She attempted to keep her smiling composure.
His mother raised a brow.
   “My father and I believe I need more exposure to learn how The Rose Enterprises work. I’m going to be in charge of it one day after all.” Y/N’s forced smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, masking the tears she had been holding back.
The older woman nodded in understanding, but the tension between Y/N and Minho was heavy. She looked back at Minho, who neither smiled nor frowned. His usual stoic demeanor made her roll her eyes, expecting nothing else. The mother turned back to the young lady close to her with a grin.
   “Would you like to join me for lunch? It’s about time everyone steps out for their lunch break.” She glanced at her watch and then back at Y/N.
   “You go ahead. I have a lot of preparations to make.” Y/N said, clearly intending to speak with Minho alone.
His mother nodded and, though she didn’t look back at Minho, she had caught on. She gave a final smile as she left, clearly amused by the situation.
The door closed behind her, and the room fell into a heavy silence. Minho and Y/N stood a few feet apart, but the distance between them felt far greater all of a sudden.
   “I…” Y/N broke the silence, and Minho realized he had been holding his breath.
   “I ran here to ask you something.” She said, meeting his gaze with a mixture of confusion and pain.
The forced smile she had worn earlier was gone, replaced by the hurt she had felt from his harsh words.
   “My dad asked if I wanted to get married and take charge of his grand project, or go to New York and put his dream on hold.”
Minho’s expression hardened. He already knew what she had chosen.
   “I thought, ‘Why marry some other jackass when I already have my eyes set on one?’” Y/N laughed bitterly at her delusions, struggling to hold back her tears.
   “I’m not sure why I came here, really. I thought maybe you’d tell me not to go or you’d find some solution. You’ve always been good at that… But of course, I’ll never hear that from you. I forgot for a moment.” She couldn’t hold back the tears any longer, they began to fall freely.
Her words pierced him deeply, yet he struggled to find the right response, staring at her with an intensity he had never shown anyone before.
   “I’m glad you were entertained, Lee Minho. I’m glad that I got to hear what you really thought of me.” Her face contorted.
   “My father was right. You have clear goals, and I’m not one of them.” 
   “Y/N—” Minho began, his voice just a faltering whisper.
   “I knew you didn’t like me clinging to you. I know my behavior makes you uncomfortable sometimes. I’m even aware that I can be overbearing—But I didn’t know you hated me.” She finally broke down in a sob.
Minho felt his face flush with heat and his throat tighten painfully as Y/N’s words cut through him. Before he could gather himself, Y/N continued with words that made him stare in shock.
   “Maybe I should accept what my dad had proposed, maybe I’ll marry that stupid Kim Seungmin.” She declared, her tone resolute.
His figure stiffened at her proclamation, eyes glistening with shock.
   “Or I can just go to New York, away from you. Either way, you can rejoice. You won’t have to worry about how you can avoid me.” She muttered, her mind coming to her own unknown conclusion, expression hardening. 
Y/N took a deep breath, wiping the tears from her chin with the back of her hand.
   “I’ll hate you like you hate me.” She spat bitterly, turning away to leave.
Minho’s hand instinctively reached out to stop her, but he hesitated, paralyzed by his own conflicting emotions. 
Like a coward.
The door closes behind her with a soft click.
Outside, the desks of Minho’s team, now deserted for lunch, mocked Y/N with their vacancy. The absence of witnesses should have been a relief, shielding her from the embarrassment of leaving Minho’s office in tears. Yet, she couldn’t shake the overwhelming sense of being so alone.
Her mind was in a frenzy, her walk to the elevator felt longer than it usually took, the silence of the halls was deafening. 
How could she forget about Lee Minho?
It was a question that gnawed at her, as she struggled to comprehend when and how she had even fallen so deeply for him.
The realization cut deep.
Y/N couldn’t move on. Unable to fathom marrying anyone else while her heart still yearned for him. 
Her eyes welled up again at the thought of Minho hating her. It was obvious yet she had always ignored it. She thought even if he didn’t like her like she did him, he would’ve at least gotten used to her constantly at his side.
So used to her, that he wouldn’t be able to see a life without her in his sights. 
The elevator’s ding shattered Y/N’s thoughts, abruptly pulling her back to the present moment. She looked up, hastily wiping away the traces of tears from her cheeks, suddenly aware that there might be others sharing the lift with her. But as the doors slid open to reveal an empty interior, a wave of emotion overwhelmed her.
Her lips quivered involuntarily, betraying the facade she struggled to maintain. There was no hiding her heartache now, no reason to pretend she was anything but defeated. With a heavy sigh, Y/N stepped inside the elevator, shoulders slumped with the weight of everything that just happened.
You’ll be happy right, Lee Minho? 
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ to be continued.
── ask to be tagged! - @minh0scat, @qwonyoung23
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soberpluto · 1 year
Explaining Dignities: Exaltation
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The reason why I want to talk about them is because I've actually seen dignities play a big role in readings, as they do describe how well or adverse certain matters can play out for the querent...so here's a little analogy to understand them better!
Context: In Hellenistic (traditional) astrology, exalted planets are said to be like the favorite guests of a given sign (host), so the resources they have at their disposal are equal or even greater than the host's. In other words, imagine a queen or king being invited to a neighboring kingdom, they will be treated with the greatest of honors and commodities! In a practical aspect, this means that the qualities of that planet (the guest) will be able to shine at their maximum, making that particular area of life (house) easier or more fortunate for the owner of the birth chart.
*Mind that below I’m speaking metaphorically of “house” as the SIGN the planet is exalted, and not the astrological house as such (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). *
Sun in Aries: Sun is a friend of Mars, as both rule fire signs and are leaders by nature. Mars is delighted to receive his royal friend, as he’s anxious to show him how noble, honorable, brave, and pioneer he is, and just how much he has achieved on his own. His job is to win wars for the kingdom after all! He’s thrilled to share his best tactics and borrow his friend his most treasured weaponry. The Sun feels comfortable because he has all he needs to command freely in this household, as his creativity, charisma, leadership and authenticity are praised by his friend. Together, they come up with solutions and strategies to conquer whatever they want! They are not afraid of competition or enemies, as both are equally ambitious and powerful in their own ways. Mars trusts the Sun, as he believes nobody is as visionary and talented enough to lead as he does. The Sun, in return, feels even more driven and powerful to accomplish his goals, as he has access to an incredible arsenal and his mission is thoroughly supported by his friend’s energy and fiery ability to execute his plans.  
Personality keywords: high self-esteem, passionate, entrepreneurial, courageous, independent, self-reliant, proactive, resourceful, inspiring, competent, combative, non-stoppable.
Moon in Taurus: The Moon feels really welcomed in one of Venus’ places, as both value beauty, security, domestic life and emotional closeness. They speak the same language, as both love to connect and celebrate relationships. They allure through tact and sweetness instead of brute force as their counterparts (the Sun and Mars) do. The Moon loves Taurus’ palace since she’s fascinated by beautiful art, exquisite food, overgrowing nature, dreamy romance, and abundant wealth… she’s just so inspired and fulfilled with this kind of luxury and magnificence! In here she has firm and solid grounds to step on, so her moods and emotional needs are stable as well. The Moon is able to relax and enjoy life effortlessly as she becomes more in tune with her physical senses and the things that bring her genuine pleasure. With Taurus’ gentle and grounded approach, the Moon lets her love flow naturally in all directions without the fear of being judged, ridiculed, or getting hurt. Like her friend, she is moved to become the glue between the people she’s fond of and attracts what she desires through her feminine and gentle nature. The Moon is so pampered and taken good care of that she’s able to channel her emotional depth and excellent organizational skills towards the growth and embellishment of her relationships and surroundings in a lasting way.  
Personality keywords: soothing, calming, relaxed, adorable, loyal, possessive, down-to-earth, practical, trustworthy, maternal, cozy, warm, gentle, nourishing, wealthy.
Mercury in Virgo: Mercury is always eager to pay a visit to Virgo´s realm, as he feels productive and useful here. As the guest, Mercury has all the mental and practical resources to give his thoughts structure and build all the great things he imagines into reality. Virgo gladly grants her friend access inside her huge library so he can explore his wide range of interests and gives him the key into her laboratory and workshop, places where he can experiment and practice all his learnings and become an expert on what he chooses to. She knows how anxious and critical he can get when he doesn’t rest or when things don’t go his way, so she also allows him to use her gym and provides him the best doctors and nutritionists to ease his stress. Virgo is pleased to see that Mercury quickly understands the importance of wellness and health, as she knows he cannot get his job done without proper self-care. Once relaxed and restored, he feels inspired to be of service, as he believes his quick wit and knowledge are put to good use. Mercury, thus, is motivated to grow, upgrade himself, achieve mastery and share his gifts with the world to make it a better place thanks to the wisdom, tools and care her friend borrows.
Personality traits: methodical, skilled, expert, wise, smart, discerning, perfectionist, high-standards, inventive, detail-oriented, practical, productive, industrious, quick wit, self-made.
Mars in Capricorn: In this sober and ancient residence, Mars is forced to cool down a bit and think before he acts. He understands that there is no one to conquer or outdo but himself. As guest in other households, Mars, as explosive, impatient and ambitious as he is, sometimes can get lost in the way, initiating projects and strategies that he later on drops because he gets bored quickly or doesn’t get the immediate results he wants; he also throws tantrums and whims when this happens, and his anger makes him do reckless and foolish things at times, something other hosts find puzzling or repulsive, where they either encage him or make him submissive, something that irritates and demotivates him even more. Capricorn, his patient and wise host, on the other hand, knows just how impulsive and enthusiastic his friend gets, so he kindly but firmly teaches him the art of discipline to achieve his goals, explaining him that violence is of no use here, but instead, self-control and resilience. After many trials and tests, Mars sees how his dedication pays off, and finds out that with constancy and practicality, his immense passion and drive can get him to unimaginable heights! Capricorn teaches him the required organizational and leadership skills to leave a renowned legacy well beyond his years. With his inborn initiative and fiery spirit channeled into the material realm, Mars is ready to raise an empire if he wanted to!    
Personality traits: ambitious, self-made, responsible, go-getter, director, powerful, resilient, pragmatic, dedicated, strategist, organized, efficient, problem-solver, relentless, strong.
Venus in Pisces: When Venus enters the sacred and watery temple of Pisces, she is mesmerized by the enthralling type of beauty she finds in here. His generous and candid host takes her for a walk throughout the entire temple and reveals to her the mysteries of the universe. He grants her access to his secret chamber, where he teaches her the art of magic and spiritual healing, and lectures her about ancient and mystical knowledge, long forgotten to humankind, but very present and real nonetheless … these are wonders she didn’t knew existed before! Pisces knows how to inspire her soul in the most delicate and virtuous ways by reminding her of her true nature, that of divine precedence. Venus cannot help to spill what’s in her heat, so she asks her friend the tools to create beautiful music, paintings, and poems so she can share them with the world. Magnanimous and wise as he is, Pisces grants all her wishes, but also shows her the secret suffering that people are burdened with, and how cold the hearts of men have become before this pain. Awed and deeply touched, Venus’ empathy and understanding grows, and she starts to see the veil between the material and spiritual realms dissolve before her. She’s never felt such calling before! She knows her mission is to spread beauty, compassion and kindness, and she does this with unconditional love and devotion.    
Personality keywords: romantic, good-natured, fair, balanced, connected, spiritual, creative, artistic, imaginative, warm, gentle, generous, understanding, devotional, forgiving, tolerant.  
Jupiter in Cancer: When Jupiter enters the sanctuary of Cancer, he becomes even more lucky and faithful in life. He radiates joy and candor! This is because Cancer teaches him that without love, good-will alone is not enough to make himself and others truly happy. Jupiter is aware of this, but he sometimes can lose himself in fantasies and utopic scenarios, where he wishes things could be different instead of trying to build them into reality. He dreams and preaches, but he can sacrifice practicality in the process. When Cancer has him over, she shows him how to extend the bridge between good intentions and actions, as she’s amazing at ordering her surroundings and making a heart-felt home wherever she goes because of her innate gift for nurturing. She also helps his friend to tap into his intuition and use his common sense to tame his emotions, which can be boundless at times. She does this by treating him with praise, understanding and acceptance, so he can practice them with himself and others. Jupiter finally feels a sense of belonging, as his good intentions are not abused, misunderstood, or minimized... they are used to make good things happen. Through accessing his more feminine side, Jupiter is compelled to give selflessly more of himself to others, and since he’s in a house that governs creation and karma, what goes around comes around multiplied. By practicing morality, ethics, charity and unconditional love without expecting nothing in return, as Cancer does, he finds out that he attracts the best of fortunes.
Personality traits: kind, compassionate, loving, caring, sympathetic, cheerful, charisma, altruistic, supported, rooted, lucky, fortunate, cozy, happy, benevolent, comprehensive, soft, guided, protective.
Saturn in Libra: When Saturn is in Libra, his sobriety and coldness start to wash off and trade for diplomacy, elegance and a profound pursuit of justice and fairness. In the friendly home of Libra, Saturn feels the need to connect, as her host reminds him the importance of friends, allies, and partnerships. After all, he cannot get ahead in life alone! Saturn’s industriousness and wisdom are channeled into building loyal and lasting relationships, where all parties get what they need equally. Libra knows his reputation well, and although she recognizes that his friend can be a bit stubborn, stern and gloomy at times, she loves to lighten him up and remind him of his noble character, and how it can create enduring and strong bonds. She gives him the mission of justice and impartiality, as she knows nobody is better suited than him for his seriousness and sense of responsibility. Saturn protects and respects Libra and feels empowered because she realigns him with balance and high ideals. He does not feel rejected or lonely anymore. Libra teaches him to relax a bit and to seek pleasure from the warmth of social interactions, and in consequence, Saturn learns to apply his maturity and discipline to persuade others into creating a kinder, fairer and wiser world.   
Personality traits: noble, just, dignified, committed, loyal, elegant, eloquent, responsible, diplomatic, mature, moral, impartial.
That's all! Thanks everyone for reading!😘
Book personal readings here: https://starintuitivehealing.etsy.com
Written by @soberpluto
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By: Ryan Ruffaner
Published: May 21, 2024
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has taken America by storm. It’s in almost every public school, college, corporation, and organization you can imagine, including pharmaceutical companies, entertainment companies, and even the United States Department of Defense.
To its critics, DEI represents an insidious Neo-Marxist virus infecting the culture of the West, one that could spell the doom of democracy, critical thinking, and Enlightenment values, leading to the death of the West and America with it.
To its advocates, it is a clarion call to fight what they believe is the greatest struggle of our era—racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, along with all other forms of identity-based injustice. It is sword, shield, and holy book in the fight for so-called social justice.
Those less zealous yet still supportive of DEI believe that surface-level diversity, particularly of race, ethnicity, and gender, can lead to positive workplace outcomes, such as better leadership. For example, HR consulting company Zenefits recommends that companies “prioritize hiring executives, directors, managers, and other senior leaders from diverse backgrounds,” which includes factors like “gender, gender identities, ages, abilities and special needs, races, sexual orientations, religious backgrounds and beliefs, cultures, and nationalities.”
But even this more moderate brand of DEI falsely correlates leadership ability with diversity status and runs the risk violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Rather than treating each person as an individual with unique attributes, this brand of DEI relies on dubious claims that a person brings benefits to an organization merely by virtue of possessing certain identity-based characteristics. Supporters of diversity-based initiatives therefore often embrace the same kind of broad generalizations about race, sex, and other identity characteristics that civil rights laws were meant to counteract.   
Diversity researchers Alice H. Eagly and Jean Lau Chin are typical of scholars who attempt to justify DEI initiatives based on broad assumptions about identity. In arguing that surface-level diversity leads to better leadership, they say that “leaders and followers from diverse identity groups generally face some degree of pressure to behave like leaders from the majority group” while continuing to “express their own cultures to some extent” and this increases their multicultural competence while explaining some of the challenges that hold minorities back.
These claims rely on two fallacious assumptions that certain characteristics flow necessarily from a person’s identity. First, the authors assume that leaders and followers from “diverse identity groups” feel pressure to behave like the leaders from majority groups because these leaders are from a “majority” group, not because these leaders are in a position of authority that these “diverse” people may want to move into one day. It’s common for people to imitate the behaviors of those they want to be like or those whose benefits they wish to attain. This is why professional speakers study famous speakers and speeches, artists study great artists and art, writers study great writers and writing, and businesspeople study the entrepreneurial strategies of startup titans. We imitate that which we wish to become, and this isn’t necessarily predicated on race or gender.
The second assumption is one that we see far too often: that race and culture go together. Race can be correlated with culture in some cases, but it isn’t all the time. A black man born and raised in Houston, Texas is going to have a very different culture and “lived experience” than a black man born and raised in Ghana or London. A Hispanic woman born and raised in New York City is going to have a very different culture and “lived experience” than a Hispanic woman born and raised in Guatemala or Spain. And a white man born and raised in Nebraska or Oregon is going to have a very different cultural and “lived experience” than a white man born and raised in Sweden, South Africa, or Italy. Race doesn’t always correlate with culture.
Eagly and Chin continue with more broad and unsubstantiated assumptions about identity, saying non-white leaders “may be especially concerned about integrity and justice as they relate to the inclusion and fair treatment of individuals from diverse identity groups.” Although this may sound like a reasonable assumption on the surface, it assumes that these non-white leaders are concerned with inclusion and fairness rather than gaining competence, wealth, power, authority, prestige, or other benefits, let alone that they’ve personally experienced based exclusion and injustice that would make them uniquely sensitive to other minorities’ needs. This assumption also is blind to the fact that there are millions of non-minority people concerned with inclusion and justice for people of “diverse identity groups,” as evidenced by all the white people who fought to abolish slavery and secure civil rights for minorities and continue to fight for “racial justice” and “social justice” today. It is also blind to all the “diverse” people who have committed horrible crimes against other “diverse people,” such as Idi Amin (aka the Butcher of Uganda), Pol Pot, and Mao Zedong, as well as every Hutu who participated in the Tutsi genocide, every non-white person who owned a non-white slave, and every non-white soldier who has ever fought in a civil war against people of the same “diverse” group, to name a few.
Eagly and Chin’s claims include many other unsubstantiated generalizations about identity: that “executives from sexual minority groups might be especially adaptable and therefore embrace change;” that minority leaders may gain certain advantages from their “ability to modify and switch between minority and majority perspectives depending on their immediate cultural context”; that people from minority groups sometimes engage in a “strength-based rhetoric” which may involve “explicit claims that their group’s way of leading is better than those of the heterosexual White man who traditionally have exercised leadership;” and that “individuals belonging to diverse identity groups are often good leaders [because] the experiences that such individuals have had because of their differences from the majority group do confer special qualities.”
All of these claims rely on broad generalizations about beneficial leadership characteristics that supposedly flow from identity.  But we have evidence that the surface-level diversity that Eagly, Chin, and others like them are obsessed with does not necessarily contribute to good leadership on its own.
For example, in a rebuttal to Eagly and Chin, University of Maryland researchers Kristen M. Klein and Mo Wang provide four reasons why surface-level diversity does not equate to strong leadership.
First, we shouldn’t assume that just because someone belongs to a certain identity group they’ve automatically been a victim of discrimination. 
Second, the diversity leadership fallacy assumes that individuals who have experienced discrimination experience long-term consequences to their well-being, but this is not necessarily true either. 
Third, the diversity leadership fallacy assumes that those who have experienced discrimination have integrated these experiences into their life in positive, constructive ways—specifically in ways that improve their leadership abilities—rather than in negative, destructive ways, such as becoming bitter, resentful, or hopeless.  And finally, the diversity leadership fallacy assumes that a person’s surface-level characteristics expose them to more character-building adversity than non-surface-level characteristics, such as growing up in a low socioeconomic background or a single-parent household. But of course this mistakenly assumes that a white person from an impoverished single-parent household surrounded by drugs and crime would have faced less character-building adversity than a black woman who grew up in a safe, wealthy community with two loving, supportive parents. 
You cannot measure the adversity or discrimination a person has experienced purely by their surface-level characteristics. Further, there is no correlation between a person’s surface-level characteristics and the content of their character, or the competency of their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Those who suggest there is a connection are not destroying negative stereotypes, as they may claim. They are merely switching negative stereotypes to a different identity group and continuing the cycle of ignorance and resentment. 
As Klein and Wang point out, “a substantial body of research on deep- and surface-level diversity in the workplace has repeatedly shown that whereas the negative impacts of surface-level diversity decrease over time in workgroups, deep-level similarity (e.g., in values, goal orientations, and personality) consistently predicts positive workplace outcomes (e.g., turnover, job attitudes, team performance).”
While it’s true that some surface-level traits tend to vary with deeper-level qualities—women tend to rank higher on average in the personality trait of agreeableness than men—this doesn’t mean that these traits always vary together, that they have a strong relationship with one another, or that one causes the other. We cannot derive deep-level qualities, such as beliefs, attitudes, values, and skills, from surface-level traits and use these as proxies in employment decisions. Yet this is exactly what many DEI supporters propose.
Hiring and promoting employees, especially for leadership positions, based even in part on surface-level diversity causes enormous harm. Why should employees trust or accept the outcome of a hiring or promotion decision if they know that one of the qualities under scrutiny is an arbitrary characteristic unjustly treated as a competency? Why should people remain committed to an organization if they realize that the trajectory of their future is partially based on surface-level characteristics they can’t change?  Would you truly feel valued as a whole, multi-faceted human being if you knew or suspected that your organization assessed your qualifications based on the color of your skin or your sex? And how could you trust the people around you if you knew that they, too, may have been selected because of their surface-level qualities, not their competence?
However well-intentioned DEI initiatives may be, they rely on fundamentally flawed assumptions and broad, unfounded generalizations about identity, which reinforce old negative stereotypes and create new ones. Competence, not identity, should be the primary criteria for hiring, promotion, and leadership, not arbitrary surface-level qualities like race, ethnicity, or gender. 
Every time an organization encourages people to divide themselves by these surface-level characteristics, the organization entrenches stereotypical thinking and all but guarantees negative organizational outcomes. We shouldn’t encourage people to shackle themselves to stereotypes and call it liberation. Instead, we should hire and promote people based only on their job-relevant experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that have real value. 
We should train leaders to foster shared organizational values, goals, and attitudes among their subordinates which will contribute to deep-level similarities within their teams and the organization over time. We must look beyond the surface and stop pandering to those who would trap us in outdated thinking wrapped in a shiny new public relations pitch.
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tumblingyeti · 5 months
Sloan According to Sloanies
For our final project, our group (Sloanies for Sloanies), has decided to examine and assist MIT Sloan in their branding strategy. In this blogpost, I reflect on some of the dilemmas faced by Burberry and the power of consumer stories in digital marketing as it applies to Sloan’s branding challenges and opportunities.
Pricing Dilemma: Elite but not elitist?
The Burberry case mentions three customer segments of the luxury fashion goods industry: absolute, aspirational, and accessible. The absolute segment is characterized by their “push back against masstige” in which they desire to own unique, iconic brands with history and heritage that emphasize their elitism. For this customer segment, the product’s price is an important element as it must be high enough to price out the mass-market; thus, helping set them apart from the masses.
Though I personally associate MIT Sloan with more inclusivity than elitism and exclusivism, it is true that per its pricing, Sloan does stand out as one of the most expensive among the MBA schools in the US. In 2023, MIT Sloan had the third highest tuition fees for a two-year US MBA program trailing only Wharton and Columbia Business School (see table below). As a pricing strategy, this would signal and maintain a certain level of exclusivity.
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Source: AdmitExpert (link: https://admitexpert.com/blog/mba-cost-usa/)
This exclusionary pricing is in contrast to the mission statement and values of the parent institution, MIT which states its mission is to “make a better world through education, research, and innovation” and its culture as “elite but not elitist.” Additionally, Sloan describes it culture as welcoming people with a “wide range of backgrounds, experience, and interests” (see screenshots below). Perhaps in the context of education, one can argue that price indicates more about the quality and benefits of education than the exclusivity. For example, maybe Sloan is more expensive because it provides better opportunities for skills-building and career-building. As a student, there are opportunities such as the action lab which provide hands-on learning opportunities domestically and abroad, entrepreneurial programs and grants, and courses from exceptional faculty which define the quality of the educational experience. All of these have costs associated with them. However, it’s also true that price does largely determine who and who cannot afford to attend a school and therefore, can have a discriminatory effect.
Given this, I would imagine for Sloan, their pricing strategy should carefully consider a balance between quality (value) and affordability (inclusiveness/diversity). If it becomes too expensive, it may sacrifice on the diversity and range of candidates it can attract, while it becomes too cheap, it may require sacrifices on the quality of experience provided to its students.
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Source: MIT website
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Source: MIT Sloan website
Power of Consumer Stories: Sloanies defining Sloan?
I imagine that most of us spoke to at least one Sloan student/alum to help us make the decision on whether or not to attend the Sloan MBA program. From a small sample size of my core groups and extended Sloan friend network, I would presume that >90% had talked to a Sloanie in this decision making process. Speaking from personal experience, it was in fact a panel with a current Sloanie and a former HBS alum that solidified my decision to go to Sloan.
I remember in my conversation during AdMIT weekend, I had a 1-on-1 chat with a student who was in the middle of her 1st year in the MBA program. She described an experience where multiple Sloanies were in the interview process for a certain consulting firm. She then continued to describe how the students were sharing insights amongst themselves to help each other in the process, even though they were likely competing for the same position. Students who did their interviews first left notes on what kinds of questions were asked and gave tips to the students who were interviewing after them. She said “This was unexpected and really made me appreciate our culture of Sloanies helping Sloanies. It’s truly a place where we collaborate with each other, rather than compete.”
At the same time, my mentor, who had attended HBS encouraged me also to go to Sloan over HBS. According to him, he thought MIT had a “humble” culture where I would fit in better.
At the time, I didn’t realize that “Sloanies helping Sloanies” was somewhat of a slogan for an aspect of the culture. I was surprised to see it mentioned on the Sloan website and think this is proof of a great marketing strategy from the school.
Albeit being a small sample size, I thought it was curious and compelling that out of all the business schools, Sloan was the only one with a perfect 5.0 review on GMAT Club.
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Source: GMAT Club (link: https://gmatclub.com/reviews/business_schools/)
I was curious what the student reviews said decided to create a word cloud of the 5 most recent reviews which gave the following result. Seeing the words – students, culture, and people – being mentioned the most points towards culture being a potential differentiation point of Sloan, as voiced by its consumers/students.
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Given how much prospective students rely on the experiences of other students to inform the decision and the positive students reviews already being posted online, Sloan’s branding could benefit from leveraging more of its student stories and by focusing on specific differentiation points that resonate with its consumers such as the “Sloanies helping Sloanies” culture.
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owen-koks · 4 months
Entrepreneurial Skills - Strengths and Weaknesses
My strengths are largely under the employability skills category. I am an efficient communicator, tenacious labourer, and a solution-oriented person. My strengths in the workplace allow me to develop new skills quickly and move into positions of higher responsibility. I have a variety of skilled areas in my chosen field, and I am able to take on a variety of roles in my place of work depending on the needs of the day. My interests are in the field of entertainment, and I work as an industry professional to construct and operate staging, audio, and visual equipment for live events. My experiences in this line of work have made me a competent professional.
My weaknesses include such things as financial planning, sales/negotiation, and people management. I have worked in positions that require these skills, and I have struggled with them. These more socially-oriented skills are areas where I have much room to improve. I tend to gravitate towards more manual work, and perhaps, at the moment, I struggle to find the patience required for more business-oriented pursuits.
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topicboy · 7 months
Strategies for Online Millionaire Success: A Detailed Exploration
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Strategies for Online Millionaire Success: A Detailed Exploration
In today's world, the pursuit of financial independence and the dream of becoming a millionaire are common aspirations. With the evolution of online platforms, achieving this milestone is more accessible than ever. Let's delve into effective ways to become an online millionaire, focusing on three key avenues:
1. E-commerce: Building Your Own Empire
Setting Up a Shopify Store
Launch your Shopify store, where you take charge of product labeling and manufacturing. This autonomous approach ensures that you have full ownership of your business. To succeed, compete with existing providers by offering competitive prices and maintaining a substantial inventory. Early on, prioritize a balance between low prices and a wide product range. As your business grows, effective strategies and a commitment to product quality can catapult you to millionaire status in a short time.
SEO Tip: Optimize your online store with relevant keywords to enhance search engine visibility.
2. Freelancing: Monetizing Your Skills
Providing Services on Freelance Platforms
Utilize your skills, such as graphic design, by offering services on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. These global platforms attract clients from around the world, providing an opportunity to earn a significant income. Strengthen your portfolio, showcase your work samples, and focus on effective communication. While competition is fierce, showcasing exceptional skills and a robust portfolio can convince international clients to choose your services.
SEO Tip: Craft a compelling profile with keywords related to your skills and expertise.
3. YouTube/Social Media Influencer: Leveraging Online Presence
Becoming a Social Media Influencer or YouTuber
Embark on a journey as a social media influencer or YouTuber, acknowledging the time and patience required for success. Analyze your video performance to understand audience engagement. For sustained success, create content that not only entertains but also educates your audience. Choose a niche in demand, such as online earning methods, and consistently upload unique and copyright-free content. As your channel grows and achieves monetization, you can generate a passive income stream.
SEO Tip: Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords to enhance discoverability.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is it Realistic for Anyone to Become a Millionaire?
Becoming a millionaire is an achievable goal for those with dedication, strategic planning, and a bit of luck. Adopting the right mindset and implementing proven strategies significantly increases the likelihood of extraordinary financial success.
How Long Does It Take to Become a Millionaire?
The timeline to becoming a millionaire varies, taking years of consistent effort, wise investments, and leveraging opportunities. With the right mindset and relentless pursuit of goals, it is possible to accelerate the journey.
Do I Need to Start My Own Business to Become a Millionaire?
While starting a business is one path to millionaire status, it is not the only route. Building wealth through investments, real estate, or other entrepreneurial ventures is equally viable. The key is identifying opportunities and leveraging them for significant income and wealth.
What Are Some Common Characteristics of Millionaires?
Millionaires often possess traits like resilience, determination, visionary thinking, adaptability, and a willingness to take risks. They learn from mistakes, embrace failure, and seize opportunities. Many are also known for philanthropy and giving back to society.
Is Becoming a Millionaire Solely About the Money?
While wealth accumulation is a primary goal, becoming a millionaire should also involve personal growth, fulfillment, and making a positive impact on others' lives. It is about creating a legacy that extends beyond financial success, leaving a lasting positive mark on the world.
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luenahorowitz · 8 months
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Happy New Era, Everyone!
What a time to be alive! We are entering a new era of Pluto, ruler of global processes and transformation in Aquarius. If you are not familiar with what it entails, visit the description at https://astrowinners.online/newera/
Embarking on or restarting a career during the era of Aquarius requires a blend of traditional skills and a forward-thinking mindset. The cosmic energies of Aquarius emphasize innovation, technology, and a collective consciousness. Shift from individual performance and competition to genuine cooperation with others takes a second look at what you are learning at the moment.
Here are some skills and career tips of what will be in demand to consider:
Digital Literacy: Embrace technology and stay updated on digital trends. Develop proficiency in using digital tools, collaboration platforms, and emerging technologies relevant to your industry.
Adaptability: Cultivate a mindset of adaptability. The pace of change may be rapid, so being flexible and open to learning new skills will be crucial.
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Enhance your critical thinking abilities. Aquarius encourages unconventional solutions and innovation, so being able to analyze situations and devise creative solutions is valuable.
Data Literacy: Understand and interpret data. Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important in various fields. Familiarize yourself with data analytics tools and techniques.
Communication Skills: Effective communication remains a timeless skill. However, in the Aquarian era, the ability to communicate ideas, values, and perspectives across diverse platforms and mediums is essential.
Collaboration and Teamwork: Foster collaborative skills. Working seamlessly with diverse teams, both locally and globally, will be integral as collective efforts are emphasized.
Emotional Intelligence: Develop emotional intelligence. Understanding and managing your emotions, as well as empathizing with others, contributes to a positive and collaborative work environment.
Continuous Learning: Adopt a mindset of continuous learning. Stay curious and be proactive about updating your skills. Online courses, workshops, and certifications can be valuable resources.
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Even if you're not an entrepreneur, cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset can be beneficial. This includes a willingness to take calculated risks, think creatively, and embrace innovation.
Cultural Competence: With an emphasis on diversity and inclusivity, being culturally competent is crucial. Understand and appreciate different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. Career Tips for the Aquarian Era:
Stay Informed: Regularly update yourself on industry trends, technological advancements, and global developments. Being well-informed positions you as a valuable asset in any field.
Build a Strong Network: Network both online and offline. Cultivate connections within and outside your industry. Aquarius encourages collective efforts, and your network can offer support, mentorship, and collaborative opportunities.
Embrace Lifelong Learning: Recognize that learning doesn't end with formal education. Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning, seeking out opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge throughout your career.
Personal Branding: Develop and showcase your personal brand. Use social media and professional platforms to highlight your skills, achievements, and contributions. A strong personal brand can open doors to new opportunities.
Seek Purposeful Work: Align your career with your values and passions. Aquarius encourages individuals to find meaning in their work. Pursue roles and projects that resonate with your sense of purpose.
Be a Change Advocate: Embrace change and become an advocate for positive transformations in your workplace. Share innovative ideas, contribute to a positive work culture, and inspire others to adapt to change.
Volunteer and Give Back: Engage in community service or volunteer work. Aquarius emphasizes collective well-being, and contributing to the community can be fulfilling and enhance your professional skills.
Stay Resilient: Understand that the professional journey may have ups and downs. Develop resilience to navigate challenges, learn from setbacks, and persevere in your career goals.
Be Aware of Influence Since Pluto entered Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus, also the ruler of astrology, being aware of planetary influences we are under is becoming a key component of success in fast changes navigation. If you are ready to learn, visit short, affordable and practical classes at www.etsy.com/ca/shop/astrowinners As you embark on your career journey in the era of Aquarius, remember to blend your unique skills and experiences with a forward-thinking mindset. Embrace change, stay connected, and contribute to the collective evolution that defines this transformative cosmic era. Congratulations and expect the unexpected.
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littlegeniusacademy · 11 months
How to Start Teaching your Kids Financial Literacy
Kids are fast learners, sharp, tech-savvy and observant. They can pick up habits even faster than the adults. They develop a sense of needs, wants and lifestyle at a young age. What they need to be taught is to save and invest money for a safe and secure future. Some of them do realise the importance of money but are not aware where to invest them. So it is important to expose them to Financial Knowledge.
Financial Literacy is not only about having knowledge of basic financial terms but also about having the skills required to develop a financial acumen. As a parent, it is your responsibility to nurture strong financial competence in your children. 
Our simple yet effective tips can help them understand the basics of finance. Financial literacy in kids could go a long way in helping them throughout their lives:
Giving them Monthly Allowance - Calculate and set up monthly allowance for children. It will be their personal money to spend, so let them decide what to buy and how much to spend. Increase their allowance from time to time and remember to give them extra in terms of rewards and recognition, also give them a Diwali bonus and help them understand that this is how the corporates work as well. 
Having Review Sessions - Ask your children to write down everything that they have spent. Discuss and review the expenses that they have made. Help your children understand that one high expenditure can impact their monthly budget. If your kids are too young, then remember to inspire them to consciously keep a track of their finances. 
Set Goals and Save - Most importantly, discuss the wants with your children and teach them that they need to save to buy expensive stuff. Teach them to save money right now for the things that they desire in future. Parents play an important part and are the biggest source of inspiration for them. 
Get your Kids Involved - For true financial understanding you need to get your kids involved. Tell them how you set the monthly budget and keep savings aside to run the household. 
The Real World - You need to tell children about how money works in the world. Take your kids out to the market and discuss various occupations. Tell them about various wage rates and how pay is attached to various occupations. The more active the learning experience is, the greater the learning gains and retention.  
Grocery Shopping Turns Classroom - Make taking your children to grocery shopping a habit. This practice will not only be fun but also a beneficial practice in the long run. Ask your children to make a grocery list. At the market, introduce them to various items. During this practice, introduce them to various measuring scales and units. 
Lessons at the Mall - Make them remember the grocery store lessons at the shopping mall. Teach them to wait for sales, search for discounts and pay with cash instead of credit cards. Ask them to read the various price labels and look at the price and size. 
Get Your Kids to Open a Bank Account - Many banks offer an option to open a child-friendly, zero minimum balance account. Enrol your kids in one and help them see their money grow over time. Teach them how a bank works, how interest grows over time and how the bank pays back for saving money.  
Play Games that Involve Strategy - Try to make learning fun. Introduce them to concepts like financial literacy and help them to learn through board games. Board games like Monopoly, Game of Life, Business Day, Payday etc. can impart tips on Money Management, Financial Planning, Negotiation and Career Planning. 
Little Genius imparts Management Skills in Kids. Our Junior CEO Program is a business management program designed to teach entrepreneurial skills to kids which includes marketing, financial literacy, advertising and promotion etc. For more information about our services, visit our website https://littlegeniusacademy.co.in/
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blogtey45 · 9 months
Discovering our inner Entrepreneurial competencies
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ranjith11 · 1 year
Discovering our inner Entrepreneurial competencies
Discovering our inner entrepreneurial competencies involves identifying and nurturing the skills, traits, and mindset that enable us to think and act like entrepreneurs. These competencies are valuable not only for starting a business but also for fostering innovation, problem-solving, and adaptability in various aspects of life.
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smarterbiznetwork · 11 months
SMART(ER) Business Network Overview – Episode 4 – Getting Started
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For Your Reference:
Here are the main links referenced throughout the introduction and overview sessions in this series:
SMARTER BUSINESS ACADEMY: https://smarterbizacademy.com
SMARTER MONTHLY RECRUITING CONTEST: https://smarterbizacademy.com/smarter-academy-ai-staff-recruiting-contest/
SMARTER AFFILIATE REQUEST PAGE/LOGIN PAGE:  https://smarterbizacademy.com/affiliate-area/
SMARTER BUSINESS RESOURCE SHOP (FOR MEMBERS): https://resourceshop.smarterbizacademy.com/
SMARTER BUSINESS COMMUNITY: https://smartbiz.tribeplatform.com
 Now for a word from our fearless leader! : )
“Welcome, SMART(ER) Business Network members! We understand that navigating a vast array of features and resources can be overwhelming.
That’s why we’ve created this series of videos to help you understand what you have access to and how to leverage these powerful tools for your business efforts.
In each episode, we’ll dive deep into specific areas, guiding you through the features step-by-step. And don’t worry, we’ll be continually adding more features to meet your evolving needs.
So, you can always come back and check what’s new and make sure you’re not missing out on any game-changing opportunities.
We know that as a new member, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information and possibilities within the network. But fear not!
Our series is designed to address things that overwhelm you and provide you with a clear roadmap to success.
Here you are, visiting the fourth episode of the series, with a total of twenty episodes published so far. And guess what?
We’re always open to adding more as we discover new features and innovative ways to support your growth.
Our goal is to ensure you have a comprehensive guide to follow, empowering you to make the most of your membership.
So, get ready to unlock the full potential of the SMART(ER) Business Network. We’re here to support you every step of the way, offering guidance, feedback, and insights to help you achieve your business goals.
See you inside!”
Session 4: Embark on Your Business Journey with Our Recommended Courses!
Welcome to the SMART(ER) Business Academy, the first step in your journey towards business success! As a member, you’ll gain access to a variety of courses that will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in your entrepreneurial endeavors.
With such a wide range of subjects covered, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. That’s why we have carefully curated a list of recommended courses to help you get started on the right path. Whether you’re looking to explore different business models, develop your core competencies, or enhance your personal and professional growth, we have the perfect courses for you.
If you’re unsure about the direction you want to take with your business, don’t worry. We offer a series of courses specifically designed to help you in this discovery process. From setting goals and aligning your business with your unique strengths to researching and creating a solid business plan, we’ve got you covered.
But it doesn’t stop there. We understand that acquiring new skills is crucial for success in business. That’s why, throughout the training process, you’ll identify any additional skills you need to master in order to operate your business efficiently.
At SMART(ER) Business, we know that training alone is not always enough. That’s why we provide additional features and support to complement your learning journey. Our coaching services, vibrant community, dedicated SMART(ER) staff, and AI Staff are all at your disposal as you navigate the path to building your business.
To ensure your motivation and inspiration remain high, we offer a range of features that work hand in hand with the training. These features will keep you focused and dedicated to working consistently towards building your business.
Get ready to embark on an exciting adventure of learning and growth with our recommended courses at the SMART(ER) Business Academy. We’re here to support you every step of the way!
Episode Wrap Up
To join now, go to the offer pages at https://smarterbizacademy.com under the shop menu tab. There you will see the various offers and can register to get started.
While there on the home page, you will also note the banners on the top and bottom of the page. The top one will take you to the latest sales offer (often the best offer too, by the way!), while the bottom banner will take you to the recruiting contest.
The recruiting contest runs from month to month and the data collection starts new (old data is purged/destroyed except for winners and reward recipient’s information for network use to track membership).
In Case You Missed Them – For Your Reference:
Here are the main links referenced throughout the introduction and overview sessions in this series again:
SMARTER BUSINESS ACADEMY: https://smarterbizacademy.com
SMARTER MONTHLY RECRUITING CONTEST: https://smarterbizacademy.com/smarter-academy-ai-staff-recruiting-contest/
SMARTER AFFILIATE REQUEST PAGE/LOGIN PAGE:  https://smarterbizacademy.com/affiliate-area/
SMARTER BUSINESS RESOURCE SHOP (FOR MEMBERS): https://resourceshop.smarterbizacademy.com/
SMARTER BUSINESS COMMUNITY: https://smartbiz.tribeplatform.com
Again, see you inside! Please view the video and ask any questions in the comment section! We will get back to you ASAP…There are no dumb questions…We are here to help…
Coach Dave
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inassaad · 1 year
Progress of start_Up venture
What is working?
Running a business that offers healthy food prepared at home and delivered to customers can be a promising venture, especially considering the increasing demand for convenient and nutritious meal options. Providing an online ordering system and delivering the food to customers' homes saves them time and effort in meal preparation
What is not working?
I believe what is not working is the presence of numerous competitors in the market, which means I have to offer a wider variety of food at a reasonable price.
How do you feel the project is coming?
Running a healthy food delivery business can be challenging because there are many other similar businesses competing for customers. Getting people to try my food and become customers can be hard. Making sure my menu is safe and high-quality is important but can be difficult. Managing the supply chain, which includes getting fresh ingredients and delivering them on time. Finding the right balance between cost and quality is challenging, like getting inexpensive ingredients and using my resources wisely.   Meeting the preferences and dietary restrictions of customers can be tricky, as everyone has different needs.  
What are you learning a about running business?
In running my business, I have learned to: Create a diverse menu catering to various dietary preferences. Prioritize food safety and hygiene. Implement user online ordering system. Set competitive prices and offer incentives for customer loyalty. Provide excellent customer service and continuously seek feedback for improvement. Stay updated on health and food trends, adapt to customer preferences, and embrace new technologies for business enhancement
What are you learning about yourself?
I learn important lessons about time management, adapting to changes, customer service, problem-solving, passion and dedication, entrepreneurial mindset, and resilience. These experiences can help me develop skills, strengthen my commitment to my mission, and grow personally and professionally.  
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corporateshots · 1 day
Why Investing in a Corporate Headshot Can Boost Your Business Image
In today's highly competitive business landscape, establishing a strong professional image is more crucial than ever. When you think of first impressions, consider how often potential clients or business partners might come across your online profiles. Whether it's on LinkedIn or your company's website, your corporate headshot serves as a visual introduction to who you are and what your business represents. Investing in a professional corporate headshot in Sydney CBD is more than just an aesthetic option; it's a sound business move that may drastically improve your image.
The Importance of Professional Image
In an age when online encounters frequently precede face-to-face conversations, your visual representation may shape impressions before any words are said. Polished corporate headshots Sydney CBD conveys competence, confidence, and credibility. It signals to clients and associates that you take your role seriously and understand the importance of professionalism.
A study by LinkedIn revealed that profiles with professional headshots receive 14 times more profile views and 36 times more messages than those without. This statistic doesn't merely highlight the power of a good photo; it underscores the competitive edge a professional image can bring to your business.
Why Corporate Headshots Matter
1. First Impressions Count: As they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. A well-executed corporate headshot can make you memorable, helping you stand out in a sea of LinkedIn profiles. When your potential clients or employers skim through their feeds, a striking image can be the difference between them choosing to engage with you or scrolling past.
2. Brand Consistency: Just as you'd want your branding (logos, colors, etc.) to be consistent across all platforms, your headshot should reflect the same professionalism. Whether it's used on your LinkedIn profile, company website, or in promotional materials, a corporate headshot contributes to a cohesive brand image. Investing in a corporate photographer ensures that this vital element of your branding is thoughtfully executed.
3. Build Trust and Likeness: People are generally more inclined to do business with someone they feel they can trust. A professional headshot that captures your personality can foster a sense of familiarity and trustworthiness. Using high-quality images that showcase your professional demeanor can create a connection with your audience, positively impacting their decision to engage with you.
4. Professional Growth: As you climb the corporate ladder or shift your entrepreneurial focus, keeping your online persona updated is essential. A tailor-made corporate headshot reflects your current role and reinforces your position in the industry. Frequent updates to your LinkedIn profile photography not only keep your image fresh but also showcase your commitment to personal and professional growth.
Choosing the Right Corporate Photographer
When considering investing in a corporate headshot, selecting the right corporate photographer in Sydney CBD is vital to achieve the desired results. Look for a photographer with expertise shooting business pictures who understands the complexities of lighting, composition, and posture to accentuate your finest features while retaining a professional manner.
Ask for portfolios and client reviews to gauge their style and ensure it aligns with the professional image you wish to portray. Many corporate photographers also have specific packages that cater to various business needs, making it easier to find a service that fits your requirements.
In conclusion, investing in a corporate headshot can be one of the best decisions you make for your professional image. With the increasing emphasis on online presence, ensuring that your profile stands out is no longer optional. Make the move to follow through with a professional corporate photographer, and watch how your image—and subsequently, your business—benefits.
In the bustling business district of Sydney CBD, a high-quality corporate headshot can be your ticket to elevating your professional reputation. Take the plunge; ensure your LinkedIn profile photography reflects your ambition and professionalism, setting the stage for success in today's digital-first world.
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