#personal care packaging trends
aishavass · 10 months
Innovations in the cosmetic products sector such as aerosol sprays and lotion pumps has created ample opportunities in the packaging industry. Flexible...
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maryharrisk5 · 2 years
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evonnebaker · 2 years
Innovations in the cosmetic products sector such as aerosol sprays and lotion pumps has created ample opportunities in the packaging industry. Flexible type in the product segment holds the largest share in the market
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shashi2310 · 6 months
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pearlsmith25 · 1 year
Personal Care Packaging Market Expansion: Emerging Markets and Opportunities
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The global personal care industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by changing consumer preferences, increased awareness of personal hygiene, and the introduction of innovative products. One of the critical elements contributing to the success of personal care products is packaging. Personal care packaging plays a pivotal role in attracting consumers, ensuring product safety, and promoting sustainability. This article explores the Personal Care Packaging Market, its current trends, challenges, and opportunities.
Market Overview
The personal care packaging market is an integral part of the broader packaging industry. It encompasses a wide range of products, including bottles, jars, tubes, containers, and pouches designed to hold various personal care products such as skincare, haircare, cosmetics, and toiletries. The market's growth is closely tied to the personal care industry, which continues to expand globally.
Current Trends
Sustainable Packaging: The increasing global focus on sustainability has led to a surge in demand for eco-friendly packaging materials. Personal care brands are actively adopting recyclable, biodegradable, and reusable packaging options to reduce their environmental footprint.
Customization and Personalization: Personal care companies are utilizing packaging as a tool for enhancing customer engagement. Customized packaging, often with personalized labels or unique designs, allows brands to connect with consumers on a more personal level.
Minimalistic Design: Minimalistic packaging design is gaining popularity, driven by its clean and elegant appearance. Minimalistic packaging not only appeals to consumers seeking simplicity but also reduces waste through the use of fewer materials.
Smart Packaging: Incorporating technology into personal care packaging is becoming more common. Smart packaging can include QR codes for product information, temperature-sensitive labels, and even LED lights that indicate product usage or expiration.
Convenience Features: Consumers are increasingly looking for packaging that offers convenience, such as pumps, droppers, and easy-to-squeeze tubes. These features enhance the user experience and make product application more efficient.
Environmental Concerns: While there is a growing emphasis on sustainability, the personal care industry still faces challenges in finding eco-friendly alternatives for certain packaging materials, such as plastic. Balancing the need for product protection with environmental concerns remains a complex issue.
Regulatory Compliance: Personal care packaging must comply with various international regulations regarding safety, labeling, and materials. Navigating these regulations can be challenging for companies operating in multiple markets.
Cost Constraints: Developing and implementing sustainable packaging solutions often comes with a higher initial cost. Companies must find ways to balance sustainability with budgetary constraints.
Counterfeit Products: The personal care industry is vulnerable to counterfeit products, which can be harmful to consumers and damaging to brand reputation. Packaging that ensures product authenticity is crucial.
Innovative Materials: The search for alternative, sustainable packaging materials presents a significant opportunity for the industry. The development of bioplastics, paper-based packaging, and compostable materials holds promise for reducing environmental impact.
E-commerce Growth: With the rise of e-commerce, personal care packaging has an opportunity to evolve to meet the unique requirements of online sales. Packaging that is both secure and visually appealing can make a significant difference in consumer purchasing decisions.
Global Expansion: Personal care companies are increasingly targeting emerging markets where demand for personal care products is growing rapidly. This expansion presents opportunities for packaging manufacturers to enter new markets and adapt their products to local preferences.
Collaboration and Innovation: Collaboration between personal care brands and packaging manufacturers can lead to innovative solutions that address both environmental concerns and consumer demands for attractive, functional packaging.
The personal care packaging market demand is dynamic and continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of consumers and the industry's growing emphasis on sustainability. While challenges such as environmental concerns and regulatory compliance persist, they also present opportunities for innovation and growth. As the personal care industry continues to expand globally, packaging will remain a critical factor in product success, ensuring that it not only protects the product but also enhances the overall consumer experience. As consumers become increasingly conscious of their environmental impact, the personal care packaging market's future lies in sustainable, convenient, and attractive solutions that meet the demands of a changing world.
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
need more mr flavor im thorsty
"You want to buy my soda?" Danny asks again as the man in a suit across from him smiles sickly sweet. They are crammed in the left-corner booth of Anthony's Pasta, with a stack of paperwork on the table.
Danny had just been getting ready to open a shop when this man strolled in wearing the same waxy grin Vlad wore whenever he spoke to his Dad. Danny had been on his guard as the man introduced himself, and while his smile and mannerisms were pleasant, Danny could tell by his eyes that he could not trust the other.
There was no emotion in them.
"That's correct, Mr. Flavor. You see, your brand is starting to stir quite a ruckus. But it's unfortunately, on such a small scale, the trend's popularity will lead to your brand dying out. We at Zesti want to help you reach a bigger audience before that happens. I personally think you have so much potential and I wouldn't want to see it go to waste." The man, Oscar, tells him. He leans back, open body language to try to put Danny at ease.
Danny frowns "My soda is a trend?"
"A passing one unless we don't make the smart choices now. Zesti can help with that," Oscar hinted. He pushes the contract he brought along with him towards Danny. "We'll handle the marketing, distribution, and you will make sixty percent of all final sales. All you need to provide is the tasty beverage."
Danny quickly glances over the contract. At first glance, it seems to be in his favor. But it's dragged out in a package of twenty pages where the wording slowly takes away from his own benefits.
They would handle marketing, but the funds would come from his sixty percent of profits—not all, but a good twenty percent. This left him with forty percent of sales.
Then, Zesti would cover the distribution outside of Gotham. Within Gotham, they would use his money again. That left Danny with only twenty percent of the sales since the other twenty would be used for Gotham distribution.
Since Zesti was going to help him start up, they would ask for a ten percent deposit for the first five years. That way, the sodas could help build a customer base to fund the other two costs.
By page eighteen, Danny would only be making ten percent of the promised income. He thought it was unethical business practices, but the conditions and wording they added to the contract made it legally possible.
Danny just had to sign, and he would agree to the horrid conditions. Now, he didn't really care about the soda. It wasn't like he invented it; he merely brought it over from another world, but it was the fact that they were trying to trick him that upset him.
If he could spot this in a quick read-through, what would he find if he had someone professional look over the contract? Danny bets there would be wording that made him irreverent and legally made Zesti the owner of his work.
They also sent a company representative to discuss legal details in a restaurant. Danny doesn't know the laws of this place (He thinks a lot of Gotham's issues with the Rouges could be solved if they were to include the Death Penalty, but that's just him) He feels a minor shouldn't be making legal decisions without some kind of lawyer.
He knows Oscar is clicking his pen to pressure him to sign as he reads. Jazz would do it whenever she wanted him to sign on for whatever community service she needed.
It was laughable to think that this man was attempting to use the same business psychology that his sister had trained him to notice. Zesti must believe he was an easy target.
"It says here that I would give Zesti complete creative freedom over my soda. How would that stop you from changing a thing about the recipe and then claiming I have no right to the new recipe?" he asks, flipping to page twelve and watching Oscar's oily smile never slip.
"That's just about the bottling and design of the brand. The leaping boy is nice, but we want to clean it up and give it more attention-grabbing details." Oscars assures. He failed to address Danny's concern, which told him everything he needed to hear.
"I'm not interested in selling. Thank you for the offer, though," he tells Oscar, pushing back the contract.
The other man laughs as if Danny has said something amusing. There is a bit of condensation in the undertones of his laughter as if he were speaking to a toddler and finding their confusion entertaining. "I'm not sure you understand, Mr. Flavor. This is an amazing opportunity that others would kill for."
Danny shrugs. "Then offer it to them."
Oscar sighs loudly, shaking his head. "Mr. Flavor, I don't think you understand. This could be what makes you a millionaire, and it's your only chance to make that dream a reality."
"What makes you think being rich is my dream? What if my dream is to become a ghost?"
That finally made the other man lose his smile for only a second before Oscar leaned forward. "Please think carefully. This is the best for you and your brand. Gotham makes people like you disappear from the public eye when a new trend comes by."
"Disappear?" As in intangible? As in ghost? As in Phantom, what part of himself has he been searching for?
Oscar seems to think Danny's wide eyes were because he was frightened instead of excited. Oscar leans back with a smirk, his eyes still hellishly cold and emotionless. It is strange to now always glance into a person's eyes to learn of their true intentions.
No matter how well a ghost hides among humans, they can never disguise their otherworldliness if Danny watches their eyes. He read somewhere that the eyes were the doors to the soul, and after being Phantom, knowing his eyes actually flash with his emotions, he knows it's true.
Oscar may appear human, but whatever humanity there was in him is long gone.
"It would be safer to sign, young man." He says again, this time in a mocking tone.
Danny laughs. "If I was worried about my safety, I wouldn't be jumping off buildings, would I? Have a good day Oscar."
He stands up, leaving the contract on the table, ignoring the stuttering man. Danny has other things to worry about like the restaurant is open for an hour and a line forming at his foldable table.
It wasn't that his soda was that personally important to him, but it was his main source of income. Phantom was still well out of reach despite the amount of life-threatening activities he was getting up to.
Danny even tried to bother the more violent ghosts of the area by strutting into their space while carrying a stupid little tea cup set. He figured they would react to a perceived attack on their pride—instead, the ghosts were so touched that he thought of them.
He tried to get hit by five more cars. One notable incident had him flying into a light pole. He had mistaken the feeling of finally getting his flight back until the ache in his back started.
Danny had even thrown himself into the Gotham River after being told by multiple people that it was filled with chemicals from illegal dumping from some local faculties.
He was starting to think he would never get his ghost side back until a mugger stabbed him in the stomach. Danny had been counting his bills while walking away from a lovely ghost couple in an alley by the old movie theater when the man had jumped out of the shadows, stabbed him, and ran off with his cash.
Danny had fallen to the ground, aware of Martha's scream and Thomas' swear as he choked on his blood. The ghosts were bound to the alley, but they had walked to the edge of it to watch him and felt horrible that they could do nothing for him.
Thomas had looked up at the sky, screaming, while also trying to push against the barrier that keeps anchored ghosts to their death space. "Bruce! Bruce! Please come here! Bruce! He's dying! He's just a kid! Bruce!"
Not sure who Bruce was or how he could help didn't mean anything to Danny when he felt a sort of burst of power from deep inside his chest that suppressed the pain.
The ghost couple had been horrified when Danny's blood had turned green and his hysterical laugh as his wound closed the second he ripped out the blade.
Phantom had healed him, which meant Danny just had to find a way to get Phantom to come back from whatever lock he was behind.
"Are you okay, Danny?" Heather asks him once he walks past the waitress. She glances at the table where Oscar sits, a wide customer smile still firmly on her friendly, open face, but her eyes are guarded. "He said anything strange to you?"
"Nah, he just wanted to buy my soda before Gotham made me "disappear" and die from lack of trend," Danny laughs, swinging open his little cooler. He ignores how she stiffens, and the first customer in line throws a wild, horrified look in his direction.
He lines up his flavors with a bit of hum, ignoring the tension growing in the restaurant. Oscar makes a show of leaving as if Danny will call out to stop him before he slams the door on his way out. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when he vanishes, but Danny doesn't mind.
He continues on with his day. Let Oscar try the fear tactics- what is he going to do? Kill him? Ha.
Danny misses the long conversation Heather has with Anthony, who later asks Danny if he wants him to inform Red Hood of the threat. Danny laughs it away, packs up his things, and stores the table and cooler in Anthony's space closet.
Despite the warnings of the concerned staff- Danny had grown quite close with everyone there but not beyond occasional coworkers- he left for his motel. Danny attempted to get hit by a bus on the way home and nearly did had it not been for a driver's fast reflects.
The bus driver had been distracted by his phone- which is why Danny had targeted him- but he had waved away his horrified apologies. As Danny entered Crime Alley, he figured being loud and rumbustious like his Dad would hopefully get him shot.
Gotham had a limited amount of patience for loud people. He picked a silly gum commercial jingle popular in his home dimension and skipped down the sidewalks, yelling the lyrics at the top of his lungs.
Danny didn't even reach the end of the street before a van rolled up next to him. He had enough time to look at it curiously as the van door was flung open, and a group of masked men jumped out. They yanked him inside, throwing a gag over his mouth and slamming him onto the floor.
The wheels scream as the van speeds away, leaving Danny at the mercy of his kidnappers. He tries to wiggle up, but a hard thump against the back of his head- likely from the butt of one of their guns- causes him to crumble down.
"This isn't his usual mark." One commented, looking down at Danny with a cold indifference that he could make out from his eyeholes. "They're usually brown-haired, aren't they?"
"Who cares?" Another answer is, "Just as long as we get paid, who cares what they look like?"
Danny stares at him, wondering if anyone in the van knew this person cared very deeply. Their eyes showed concern, guilt, and the right amount of protective intent, and he felt he wasn't in danger.
He had regrets about what he was doing, to the point of betraying everyone here, or he was an undercover cop. Either option ruined his plan of being shot, though, so Danny wiggled about, ignoring the more hits it got him before he was able to have the gag fall down.
"Are you going to kill me?" He asks the group of four.
"No." One laughs. "But by the time the boss finishes with you, you will wish you were dead like all the others."
"Oh, so it's a waitlist kind of thing?" Danny asks, "Is the list by order of arrival, or did the others make appointments?"
There is a moment of stunned silence. Danny swings his head, looking between everyone, waiting for an answer, but when he receives nothing, he sighs, leaning back into a more comfortable position. They didn't tie him up or anything, so he easily crosses his legs under him and cracks his neck. "If we could kill me first, that would be ideal."
"You want to die?" The guilty one asks.
"Correction, I want to be a ghost."
"Damn, the kid is crazy." The last one- the driver- laughs. "No wonder the boss wanted him."
"By boss, you mean Oscar, don't you." Danny shakes his head. "No, wait, don't answer that. I already know it's him. He has the eyes for it. He's the reason the light-brown hair people are missing, huh? Cyrus mentioned it the last time we talked. Bet you he kidnapped that lady in the antique shop. He stared at us for a long time; Susan had to point him out; Susan is the ghost outside the shop. She taught me how to make the most delicious fudge from the rain of Gotham's downdraught youth- which reminds me of the nickname they gave Baja Blast."
No one speaks after his long-winded rant before Danny leans forward, locking gazes with the guilty one. "Have you ever had your Baja blasted?"
"Um, no?"
"You need to man."
"I can't listen to this shit anymore. Knock him out, but watch the face. The boss likes his merchandise clean."
Danny scoffs, twisting his head to snark at the one sitting in the passenger seat. "Just say, Oscar. We both know it's him."
He feels a hard thump on the back of his head, and the words turn dark. He prays that when he wakes up, he'll have snow-white hair and glowing green eyes.
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30% Off
Pairing: Hawks x reader
Summary: In the end of the world, death around every corner means you don’t exactly get much time to pleasure yourself. Thankfully, someone you’ve had your eye on is more than willing to help
Warnings: smuttttt; edging; language; apocalypse AU; the 'monster cocks' that I found in a Spencer's the other day.
(I originally wanted to write this for an AIB character, but it's been a while since I've touched on Hawks so I literally just did it again with him.)
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Your fingers flit through a small sea of heavy fabrics, each embroidered with some colorful design of whatever video game or anime character had been trending when the world stopped.
Apparently, it had been Gojo, the white outlines of his hair a stark difference to the black of the hoodies base framework.
The material was heavy and warm, hiding your fingers from the damp chill in the air as you slid them underneath to find the price tag.
The notion of one piece of clothing being nearly worth a young teens entire shift made your eyebrows tug upward.
Slipping the cloth off of its hanger, you gently ripped the price tag off, letting it fall to the floor as you snuck an arm into one of the sleeves.
Once upon a time, you would have cared about the littering, but it wasn’t as if rest of the mall didn’t look any different.
It was getting increasingly hard to care about things like that.
Instead, you focused on the comfort of your newfound treasure. Taking what you wanted was one of the few benefits you reaped in a place like this.
The mall doors had been hard to pry open, but a crowbar and a few minutes had done just fine. With a few days of peace before another game needing to be won, Mirko suggested some good old scavenging.
If anything, it was a lot better than sitting around and starving to death.
So you, her, and a few others had ended up here, each going their own way to cover the maximum amount of ground before darkness fell over this wasteland.
And while you didn’t exactly think Spencer’s would have the most survivalist-prone gear, it was one of the only stores in the North end of the mall that didn’t reek of rotting food.
You slipped through a wall of nose piercings, grabbing another thick hoody that sported a small drawing of Killua Zoldyck on the lower right corner.
Going towards the back of the store, you rummaged through the trays of snacks that could usually be found near the checkout desk. Even though they technically weren’t the most nutritious, sour gummies and sodas were known to have a better-than-average shelf life.
As you scoured over numerous packages and Best Buy dates, your gaze slipped a few feet to your left, eyes widening as a short chuckle bubbled up into your throat.
You walked over to a stand proudly boasting its abundance of ‘Creature Cocks’ and picked up a glow-in-the-dark Unicorn dildo.
It was nearly 9-inches.
Guess I could use that thing as a weapon if anything.
Snickering, you put the sparkly sex toy back and let your line of sight graze curiously over the smaller, more much conventional ones.
It had been a long time.
Which wasn’t surprising, since personal pleasure wasn’t exactly a priority during what many would define as the apocalypse.
Almost unconsciously, you reached out, fingers curling around a small toy that slightly resembled one you used to have.
“You know most of those don’t work anymore, right?”
“Shit!” You spun around in fear, locking eyes with the second male in your little group, Hawks. His lower lip was curled in amusement as you pressed a hand to your pounding chest. “You just gave me a heart attack, asshole!”
Regardless, nervous excitement brewed in your stomach. The feelings you harbored for the individual in front of you were dangerous and you knew that, but they were hard to ignore.
“Sorry, didn’t think I was interrupting anything,” his eyes flit down to the device in your hand, a feline-like smirk spreading across his features as he turned and began to leave. “But I’ll leave you to it.”
You dropped the toy, it’s clatter against the floor causing him to swivel his gaze back and you to internally cringe. “Batteries,” you swallowed, cheeks beginning to burn as you mentally fumbled for an excuse. “Some have batteries. I figured we’d run out at some point. For flashlights and stuff… ya know?”
Rambling. You’re rambling. Stop it.
Hawks cocked an eyebrow, stalking closer and quietly bending down to pick up the device. When he straightened, his body was a few centimeters from yours.
A contrasting scent of ashes and spice hit your senses as he lifted an arm to put the toy back, effectively caving you in on one side.
You wondered absentmindedly if he still would’ve smelt faintly of fire if he wasn’t stuck here, in a world surrounded by death and decay.
“If you really needed help that badly, you could’ve just asked,” he replied, wolfish grin doing nothing to quell the heat blooming into your face.
The meaning of his statement hit you like a train, the suggestion crawling below your abdomen to tease you with a flash of pleasure.
“I don’t… I wasn’t trying to-”
“But you want to,” you blinked, eyes wide in surprise as his arm snaked around your waist. “Besides, it might be dangerous to leave you all hot and bothered during an attack or something, don’t you think?”
“I’m not… I’m fine,” the reply definitely lacked the assertion you planned to give it, the idea of his skin against yours more than distracting.
He let out a raspy hum. “So it wouldn’t turn you on at all if I did something like this?”
The hand resting on your hip began moving downward, began toying with the top of your jeans.
Mindlessly, your hips lifted upwards, practically begging to meet his touch.
That smirk grew slightly, excitement flashing through brown irises. “Thought so.”
His hand slipped under the fabric, gently brushing against your clit. The contact made your body jerk in surprise, that soft heat slowly building as the touch moved in between your thighs.
“I-” One finger pushed between your folds, drawing a soft groan from you as he began to slowly thrust the digit in and out.
“I know, princess. Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you.”
His lips grazed over yours, gently stealing the sigh you gave in response to his movements. Blond hair tickled your face as he continued to whisper praises in your ear.
“So pretty,” his free arm linked under yours when your knees threatened to fall out from under you.“Do you know long I’ve wanted to do this? Wanted you?”
He watched as you continued to slip away in a pleasured haze, expression flashing for a mere second in adoration as his finger drew soft circles over your clit.
The feeling was overwhelming, the rest of the world melting away from the burning heat just begging to reach its climax.
Then it vanished, his touch slipping away as quickly as it came before he pressed his lips against yours, the moment lasting mere seconds but leaving you breathless.
“Why did you stop?” The desperation in your tone might have embarrassed you, if you cared.
“So needy,” he taunted. “I’ll fuck you properly when we have some more privacy.”
You almost reached out to stop him when he backed away, your pride saved as the rest of your group pushed through the isles.
“You guys okay? We’re gonna head back to the shelter soon.” Mirko stopped, eyes widening as she took in the area. “What are you doing back-“
“We thought there might be some batteries in here.” Hawks grabbed one of the toys. An effortless smile gracing his lips , he spun the package around so the label was visible. “30% percent off.”
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schrodinger-swriter · 8 months
I saw you were doing a fluff alphabet! Hmmm, how about C, E, I, J, M and F for Vox?
C, E, I, J, M, F for Vox
Another character that I am at the moment to grasp onto, in terms of understanding characteristics and writing them.. but nonetheless I am willing to take a crack at writing him! I hope you enjoy, Anon, and I personally give you permission to smite me if this is too OOC!/lh
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Cuddling him is... odd... I enjoy the idea that his body constantly has a faint buzz.. though most of the time when he's not experiencing high energy or emotion, it's hardly noticeable. He prefers being the big spoon, oftentimes pulling you close with your back to him. Sometimes the soft vibrations of his body is soothing, so be sure to take any moment you can to initiate a cuddle session!
Going off of how he reacts when hearing Alastor's return, he can be prone to losing control of himself every now and then. Though, I think that's more so in line with his annoyance and anger rather than all his emotions. He seems like the type to want to come off as.. casual.. in a relationship. He may be devoted to you, but rarely does he drop his walls and allow himself to be completely raw with you. Sometimes he may become irritable when he's been made to examine changing trends so he can best pin point how to promote himself and his tech, though... may become a little snappy.. but in terms of affection.. He wouldn't pour his heart out, but he wouldn't shut you out. Perfectly average in this regard.
Unfortunately, sinners cannot reproduce so having biological children is out of the question. He doesn't much care for children, anyway. He seems like the type to think about being a father, and idealizing it, but not going through with having the child because of work. It sounds sad when it's put like that, but is it exactly wrong? He's so caught up in maintaining the image of the Vees and keeping his own company afloat that outside of the fantasy here and there, he doesn't want children.
It's here he would exercise his status as an overlord and as one of the Vees, by putting an end to whoever had the nerve to injure you. Actually, if it's public knowledge that you and him are together most sinners would know better than to cross you, especially if they aren't an overlord themselves. When it comes to actually interacting with you, I think he would make sure you receive the very best care that money and power can provide, ensuring your recovery is smooth and swift. He may be a little emotionally distant, but that's only because he's beside himself with rage at the nerve of whoever harmed you.
If he's the one injured I think it would play out similarly. Assuming he doesn't deal with the person himself. Wouldn't play up his pain, or down play it either. He would not want to be babied, and he might try to get back to work as soon as possible. After all, trends are ever changing and fleeting. He can't bare the idea of falling behind and possibly being overtaken by a certain radio demon.
He gets jealous... a lot, and when he does things can get ugly. A lot of times it results in him trying to show off and prove why he's better than the other person, and why he's more worthwhile. His screen tends to bug out and buffer while trying to turn the situation into his favor. With Vox it's best not to 'test' him and make him jealous on purpose, unless you're comfortable with the fact that Vox is going to try to run the other person into the ground. Be it literally or with their reputation. Definitely the type to physically pull you away from someone and take you to his side.
Going off of the above and the Injured segment, I think he would make it clear to everyone in Hell that the two of you are an item. A package deal. A couple. If it means having to put a ring on you to put it through everyone's skulls that you're his and his alone, then he might just consider it. Sees it more as a power move of sorts rather than a commitment, whether that causes it's own set of issues is up to you!
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
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Jing Yuan is the kind who likes to customize you and him in the game world, and arranges you to marry him… 🫣💕
CW: yandere, non-con (in game), harassment, customizing your avatar without your consent and doing lewd things, forced marriage
Every era has some retro trends. The so-called trend is the waves on the beach, changing but repeating.
General Jing Yuan needs to pay attention to the business trends in Xianzhou, and found that many adults in Xianzhou have bought a game console. It was an electronic pet game console that was popular in various galaxies hundreds of years ago, and it has been packaged by capital and sold in a new form now. The game company uses new technology and beautiful pixel art compared to previous consoles, and targets adults. Virtual pets are fully customizable, and players can feed, care for, and even talk to them (of course, no voice, just text and options, but pets respond based on player-customizable personalities and stats). The selling point of this console is porn, with the ability to choose the level of sexual encounters and orgasms of pets in the simulated universe (lots of free and randomized sex events).
Jing Yuan immediately ordered his assistant to buy one. It was an exquisite game console with the cartoon designs of fluffy kittens and birds that the general wanted. He couldn't wait to customize… you, using technology to customize a virtual pet in the game that is exactly like you in reality. You stand on the grass in pixel art style, looking at him with a pout. He customizes your character and stats, and starts the game. He's obsessed with your little pixel figure sleeping and being fed by him in the game world. You are really adorable when you sleep in the clouds. Your little pixel avatar eating your favorite food at the restaurant. It's just that he can't accept you being groped by tentacles and other mysterious alien species in the virtual universe.
So, he customized a small avatar of Jing Yuan and lived in your home. The General watches with satisfaction as your virtual pixel avatar gets fucked by tiny Jing Yuan, rocking your waist back and forth and sobbing, with white seeds all over your face and private parts. You look exhausted and have a lot of orgasms… <3 Begging little Jing Yuan to stop doing this. In the restaurant, your avatar also can't enjoy the food because his avatar keeps groping you under the table. You even had a little wedding in the game! Your avatar keeps pleading with text messages not to get married, but gets rejected. How can you be so cute… <3
One night, you received a mysterious game video from a general who harassed you. You click and watch in bewilderment to see a tiny avatar very similar to you being fingered and nipple stimulated, and the one doing it is an avatar similar to Jing Yuan!! They are doing lewd things with the cutest art. You are flustered and crying, how can that person do such a thing in the game world without your consent. Jing Yuan even sent this for you to watch…?
"hey baby, they work so hard. let's get married as early as possible just like them<3"
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lillysilvermoon · 1 year
Qualities of your SP
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Hi everyone! Hope yall are doing great, as I promised the Tarot Reading who won was Qualities of your SP, but don't worry, tomorrow I'll post What June will bring to you? (College starts Monday so I'll do my very best to make 2 readings tomorrow and post What are your psychics abilities? In the middle of the week). NOW let's get into the reading!
Pile 1
The reading is about qualities but I feel someone need to kind know something about what its going on with them??? (This is totally NOT planned but it's what I'm feeling). See, this is for a VERY specific person, below y'all gonna see the characteristics but this message has to be given to someone about their SP so, if you don't feel it's for you just continue the reading to see their characteristics!!
Hum, okay. Right now they going through a very thought situation, there is something ending in their lives but they aren't accepting and this is just making everything awful - with ends comes new begins and opportunities, but since they aren't accepting they are stuck. The cards literally complete each other, 10 of swords talks about endings and the importance of them for new things, but they are so strongly holding on that they are turning down opportunities, and the sad is: they are regretting doing this.
They are a very gentle soul, with and because of the others cards, I fell like they are imbalanced with their feminine and masculine side.
They are kind, like arts in all forms, very creative too, they like to use all their senses. They like to enjoy the pleasures life has to offer.
4ofC is astrologically aassociated with the moon in cancer, this card carries a passive receptive energy (and since you got the Empress too they definitely have more of feminine energy).
They have very "Je ne sais quoi" that many envy, they mastered the art of looking effortless. They don't follow trends and honestly don't care about them, very laid back and chill and youthful energy. They eat what they want when they want and workout when they feel like it, they believe life is to short. Hmm okay wait, they have too a big masculine energy, but because of things they have gone through they can look careless is selfish, but they are actually very kind and gentle, you will feel safe with them.
This is a general reading so: for some of you this person can be extremely toxic, with victim mentality, prone to overreactions and drama. What I'm picking up is: they are is a bad place right now, but this isn't who they are. They are NOT bad, narcissistic is anything, but they have gone through a lot and aren't their best right now (I feel you SP has been very judged by others because I feel so protective over them it's crazy like, has this urgency to say how they aren't evil or bad they are just so... omg they don't even know they just feel miserable but they have a good, kind, gentle side and it's their true self).
(Sorry pile 1 but I feel this is what you were needing to see right now😞)
Signs: scorpio, pisces, libra, house number 2, Jupiter and venus placements.
Pile 2
Hi pile 2, let's get into your reading!
They have "the whole package". They are smart, funny, and physically attractive (whatever it is for you), very masculine energy (saturn) and this is a VERY major part of their identity because it's from a major Arcana (The World) - wow pile 2 you guys are so lucky 😍 -
They are definitely into self care and they take very good care not just of their body but of their souls too, they may be into meditation or yoga, tai chi chuan.
They can be in a career who have to travel a lot, very into teamwork and social friendly, practical and effective in communication, they like to share and talk about the things they do/products they use and recommend to theirs friends, they like team sports.
Definitely someone very kind and compassionate, great with children, can be a people pleaser sometimes (but since this is minor arcana I feel this isn't too much a part of their personality, but can happen!)
They doesn't have a big ego, it's the kind of person who make you feel like you are in this together, when romantically involved would make everything to make the relationship works.
This isn't for everyone but, for some here they can also be someone that makes you feel like they are hiding something or keeping a secret from you - for some this means that they are someone who likes to make surprises to you;
They can be someone obsessed over some part of they physical appearance and go to extremes to preserve it, like work out a lot, have a extreme diet or be obsessed with eat only healthy foods, very regimented skincare routine etc, may have trust issues, struggle with repressive emotions, be closed off, would benefit from therapy but probably aren't open to the idea
(At this point feel like this group is divided into a healthy person and someone who needs to do shadow work, talk to a professional and probably receive a HUGE hug)
Signs: moon, mercury, Mars (saints! definitely masculine energy), aries, aquarius and Taurus.
Pile 3
I got to say: you are my favorite pile, Gods your SP is just SO CUTE and wonderful. Honestly the healthiest one here (what's going on with people now day huh???). But let's get into your reading, shall we?
Omg I am SO EXCITED I'm sorry I just can, this SP is romantic and sensible and has a LOT of pieces energy; takes great care of the appearance and makes their health a priority, dress casually but you can tell they made some effort to look sharp, empathetic and compassionate, you probably won't see them judging others, emotionally balanced, unafraid of their masculine sides, they are daring and take risks - 100% would call you on a date without fear of a "no" - also they support their feminine side by embracing their emotions, will make you believe chivalry is still here, they make you feel charmed but not manipulated.
They are a very happy, zen and calmest person you will ever meet, they are very grateful and never takes anything for granted, their spirituality have a HUGE impact on their life, "big picture" thinkers, probably likes philosophy or have profound conversations and they may not reveal this in the beginning of the relationship, they may come off as very sophisticated or they can appear modest when in fact they are super wealthy, they tend to consume a very well-moderated diet, the like to enjoy the finer things in life but they don't tend to abuse substances or overuse. They are emotionally intelligent and know how to deal with their emotions in a very rational way, rarely loses their temper but definitely have healthy boundaries, have gratitude practices, they put a great deal of value in the amount of energy someone invests in their relationships and they are always nurturing quality relationships with others. May works in something family related, anything related to family including pet services. They are someone who makes you feel serenely content, you might make the happiest, most peaceful memories in your life with this person. Excellent parent and 100% spouse material.
Signs: cancer, scorpio, sagittarius, aries, moon, Neptune (pisces energy, Leo.
I am honestly very happy with this reading, took me more time but I loved - I study more about the tarot related to personality, was really fun and I loved put the theory in practice.
Hope y'all liked, see you in the next reading.
- Lia
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aishavass · 1 year
Innovations in the cosmetic products sector such as aerosol sprays and lotion pumps has created ample opportunities in the packaging industry. Flexible...
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maryharrisk5 · 2 years
Personal care packaging is provided for various products in the skincare and hair care industry such as body creams, shampoos, lotions, sprays, conditioners, etc.
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blackautmedia · 10 months
I'm sure plenty of people have seen that HBomb video now and one of the underlying things it indirectly touched on beneath a lot of it is also why I tend to be really picky with video essays.
Plot summary versus analysis. So many videos would benefit from this and be direct about what they are. Plot summary is still valuable when you know the audience you're courting is unlikely to know about the topic you're discussing.
Because there's a profit motive tied to most of them, particularly due to the amount of time and effort it takes to properly put one together, it creates a lot of situations where people are pumping out content to be as reactive and ride on trends as much as possible even if they're not well thought out. The algorithmic nature of YouTube also exacerbates this. You get a lot of videos that react to trends but don't necessarily have anything meaningful to say about it. Someone like HBomb can make a single video and reliably count on it being sufficient for even just a year, but most people aren't in a position to do content at that frequency.
A lot of more academic style video essays are almost always severely lacking in disability analysis and it displays a lot of harmful brands of leftism. That's not to erase the disabled voices we do have, but the focus on trying to apply so many academic norms to video essays also means that a lot of critical voices for oppressed identities that don't have easy access to those spaces (e.g. a lot of chronically disabled people) often don't get considered. Some of these groups you really have to be active in the communities to be able to know and listen to.
YouTubers also have to contend with the worse side of the algorithm in that you don't have enough control over what audience gets targeted in who views your video. How you frame and package your video is incredibly crucial to the audience you get and how they respond to it, but all it takes is your video hitting the wrong side for people to subject you to a great deal of harassment. I made a video where I just mention Chris Rock offhand in one sentence in a video not about him but people still get upset that I criticized him even though he's a rapist. White people get really uncomfortable at just the use of the word "white people" and stop listening and get angry in the comments. You can easily pick out moments where Youtube video essaysists will clearly have that "I don't really care about this, but I need to say this and spend half my video pre-emptively addressing really basic things in the hopes it'll reduce some of the harassment I get."
YouTube quite frankly is also just unsafe for a lot of creators. You run the risk of harassment and for many of the more marginalized voices (e.g. trans, non-white, disabled ppl, people of marginalized genders, etc) you're at higher risk for doxxing and other forms of danger. So there's always the lingering danger of being on some hate site or a part of a harassment situation.
Video essaysists that build enough of a following aren't just making videos, but they end up building a community and following. Because so many of the institutions around us deliberately withhold information about things like queer history and analysis, gender studies, race and disability analysis and so on, video essayists intentionally or not capitalize off that vacuum of information. A lot of the inaccessibility in how living spaces have become for people means that a lot of people don't have third spaces or communities they can turn to, which is a big part of what makes these personalities so appealing. Content creators should be very aware of that fact because if you make say LGBT content you're going to likely court a lot of younger LGBT people who don't have an ease of access to community. You're going to get a lot of undiagnosed neurodivergent people. I find a lot of attachment to individual creators can be rooted in a lot of the lack of community many of these people have, though certainly not always the case. I feel that leaving the conversation at just "parasocial relationships" also oversimplifies the nature of this part of the issue.
Academic so-called activist grifters position themselves as either activists, academics, or advocates but don't care to grow or do anything other than court bigotry out of their viewers under the guise of progressive ideology. Trying to make educational style video essays requires a great deal of humility, curiosity, and vulnerability in being able to constantly grow and challenge yourself in looking for videos, something a lot of people are not willing to do. A lot of bigotry just gets dressed up with progressive language. A Black youtuber talking about the ways white women perpetuate racism? Sure. A white "leftist" constantly injecting some attack against white girls and women in situations where it makes no sense though?
At the end of the day, I think it's good for both viewers and creators to be aware of these things and always treat essaysists with a bit of caution.
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russilton · 3 months
I understand (and respect and participate in) the boycotts against puma but do you have any tips/places for us newer fans looking to rep our drivers a bit? Either where to look for older second hand official merch or if you know any non puma produced merch?
(Genuine btw. I’m a new fan but i really want a way to have some of my favorite drivers merch with the boycott)
Hello and welcome! Thankfully there are some amazing sources of merch online, some of which come from our own little community, so there’s plenty of places to look
First of all: for official second hand merch there’s no place better to look than ebay or vinted in my experience! I managed to pick up my golden Lewis hat two seasons after it was released for the same price it sold at on eBay, still in packaging (this was early last year). If you’re getting no longer officially sold merch, there’s a good chance it was already paid for and no money is going back to puma. I’m super new to vinted but the prices are far lower! Just make sure you study the images you’re getting nice and careful (especially for hats, it’s easy to think a snap back is a baseball cap on the wrong light)
For non official- there’s fan artists all across places like Etsy and redbubble! I personally have bought both keychains and magnets from @souriadraws solo store I love dearly. I know @argentinagp @princemick and @helio-castroneves all sell print work you may be interested in!
And you can also just make your own! I still plan to (WITH HIS GIVEN BLESSING) Get two of prints of Kyle’s turned into shirts. It’s vastly more affordable than official merch, fits my style better, and has more inclusive sizes.
I think there’s plenty of edit makers who would jump to be commissioned for one off shirt designs for you to print for yourself. While I think my official hats were worth their cost bc of how sturdy they’ve been (my 2021 Lewis hat travels with me religiously and all it could use is a gentle wash), official shirts are a pain in the ass for bigger blokes and folks bc they tend to trend small and not go very large.
Hope that helps, and good on ya for sticking to the boycott!
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blazehedgehog · 11 months
Do you agree with Martin Scorsese about Superhero films?
Movies mean different things to different people. People focus on Scorsese's remarks as an attack on super hero movies, but it's more of an attack on the business that generates them.
He sees a manufactured, packaged, mass-produced product, focus tested and factory-fresh. Grown in a test tube laboratory to do one thing, and one thing alone: make money.
Scorsese wants more movies made by people who are making movies for personal reasons. Marvel, Disney, Warner Brothers -- these studios come up with the idea first, and then find somebody to write the script, direct the movie, and fill it with actors after the fact.
I mean, Disney was openly talking about this just a few weeks ago, that they were pitching an animated Tron movie to directors hoping somebody would make it for them. Directors should be pitching movies to Disney, not the other way around! The Disney brand used to be this ultimate seal of quality! Everybody wanted to work for them! If they're having to headhunt for random directors, that says a lot about the state of things and how roles have changed.
After all, why wait for a billion dollar franchise to fall into your lap by accident when you can just look at marketing analytics and cash in on popular trends? Promise a big enough paycheck and you're bound to hook someone eventually, even if, deep down, they do not actually care for your ideas. But money is money. They can always fix it in post with CGI.
Scorsese makes movies because he wants to tell that particular story. He wants it to stand as a piece of his artwork. Think of it as if he's a sculptor, hand-making something out of stone and clay. A Marvel movie or a Space Jam 2 or whatever is put together on an assembly line.
Now the thing to keep in mind is that even assembly line things have all this craft and talent and power behind them, but it's also the difference between "there's only one of these statues in the world" versus, like, a Funko Pop.
What is at the heart of Scorsese's complaint is that there are fewer and fewer spaces for his kind of artwork (or the art of his friends) to be displayed and appreciated. His work is being pushed out of the conversation by your David Zaslavs and Bob Igers, whose only goal is to keep growing at all costs, all the way up until the bubble finally bursts.
It's like the end of Akira, where Tetsuo becomes this ever-expanding mass of flesh that threatens to crush the entire city under its mass. Scorsese is feeling like he's getting smushed.
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oonyula · 1 month
Decided to condense what I have so far for my Grand Theft Auto/Crazy Taxi crossover AU... so here it is! go girls go! 🎀🐩🍨💕💐
Don't Talk To Me Unless I've had My Morning Cup of Big City Crime!
Gus owns a taxi depot in SA and hires a few guys (Gina Axel Joe). maybe sometimes he makes some side income taking 'hot' calls (he plays getaway-driver-for-hire and makes a little extra cash on the dl and makes a lot cos he drives crazy)
cos in Gus' lore or whatever in the og arcade game, he starts driving Crazy Taxis (haha) cos ppl tip him more when he drove fucked up and fast. Then he got more crazy ass drivers to join his gang/business.
According to Axel's background, he's been a fan of crazy taxi style driving since he was a kid. Like says he was born in a taxi, etc. I think it would just be so funny and cute if in this AU he always heard of the crazy cabbies who drove as getaway drivers for the right price... seeing some of the chases online and the odd sighting in person....
In game canon, Axel also claims to have been born in a cab, that's how much he loves being a cabbie. Take that for what you will??
Axel is the newest cabbie right. He doesn't show up for calls and doesn't seem to be at the depot much. He's straight up pulling small time jobs rather than work, like robbing gas stations and boosting cars.. until Gus one day gets a hot call at some pharmacy or store, and when he picks up his eh, Client....
IT'S AXEL!!! It'd be more of a Spiderman pointing moment if Gus wasn't so pissed at this fag twink for losing him fares ajskf. This legend is his oldfuck boss who hates him because Axel is a slacker LOL
After they barely get away w their lives, screaming down the Senora Fwy and all the way into the grand senora desert they get into a huge fucking argument over Axel's work ethic and maybe he'd almost be getting his severance package as a punch to the teeth...!! If he wasn't as excited as a kid meeting Batman about his boss maybe being THEE coolest cabbie there ever was to drive a shitbox for minimum wage.
Cabbie Info
Gena and Joe are like ok whatever dude. We don't care what our boss does in his free time. They're friends in and outside of work, despite their deoffefenr social circles. But both of them have the mentality of "I just wanna get paid and do my job to the minimum." But you knowwwww...
Gena is trans and mostly cares about tuning up her car for the underground LS car meets and is roommates w Cinnamon from Crazy Taxi 2 (somewhere in Murietta Heights/Mirror Park). She LIVES to work on her car and someday wants to own her own garage. All her paycheque that isn't sucked to rent or her medication goes to her ride. She could really use the money to fund her little dream...
Joe is an average guy who's a bit of a favourite with the few regulars Gus has. He's easy to talk to, rolls with the punches, and thinks of himself as being pretty funny. He lives in the Vespucci Beach area in an apartment by himself, and when he's not working, he's doing DJ sets at the clubs around LS. He's always on the pulse of what's hot in the club scene and has a few friends in interesting places, being a niche social media micro celebrity. Joe can often be seen in the VIP booth at the most elite clubs with his friends Bixbite (Crazy Taxi 3) and Iceman (Crazy Taxi 2). The thought of getting insane clout from this crazy side hustle and being the first on a new trend is really interesting to him...
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