#person: yeah i used to flirt w them n buy them coffee and take them out to boba places and book stores and wed walk arounf and hold hands
soft-spooks · 2 years
person i very much like: talking about ppl they used to have a crush on and and all the cute little ways they would hint at it and then bringing up the fact that theyll never do that again for another person ever because haha lol love isnt actually real
me, a person who has never been shown genuine wholesome romantic love, and repeats to myself every day that love is real love has to be real because if its not if it doesnt exist out there somewhere even if i cant have it then whats the point of anything, trying desperately not to become shitty and jealous: haha thats so cute :)
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
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You know that feeling when you know you’ve made a terrible mistake?
Yes. That feeling.
It’s a feeling that never really goes away. You had to learn that the hard way.
Irrevocable actions, stupid mistakes. You were heart-wrenchingly familiar with all of it.
To err was human apparently. You...weren’t human, though.
It seems like being superhuman was insignificant, after all. At the end of the day, nothing mattered. None of your powers did.
Despite it all, you still lost him.
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warnings: depressing shit (it gets better though dw) mentions of death, violence, sexual content, future smut
wc: 2.8k
moonstorm masterlist
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It felt like the world had lost all color.
It had happened so many months ago, and yet it still felt like it happened just yesterday. The memories of stumbling out of his lair, covered in his blood and your tears, still fresh in your mind.
The image of his face, betrayed and yet so calm as he uttered those last words to you...it haunted you constantly.
You found yourself looking at the moon every night, dreaming about what could have been. The nightmares endlessly plagued your sleep as well, causing you to fear even your own bed.
No...even after Hyunjin's effects on you wore off, your own brain took on the responsibility of torturing you by conjuring up more heartbreaking dreams. Dreams which made you long for something you knew you’d lost forever- never to be yours again.
You never truly realized how much you’d gotten used to having him around. Life was so glaringly empty and meaningless without him. It was a complicated relationship…and yet it still left a giant hole in you. An all-encompassing despair that threatened to swallow you up.
With him gone, it just didn’t feel right to be a superhero anymore. How could you be the strong role model for everyone in the city to rely on when you knew just how weak you’d become? Even when the newspapers were covered with your heroics, even as the mayor addressed the city and expressed his desire to give you a medal for stopping yet another supervillain from roaming the streets- you stubbornly refused to don that costume ever again.
You stayed hidden through it all. You just couldn’t bring yourself to go out in public anymore. Your vigilante costume lay forgotten in the back of your closet- crumpled and sad.
It just...felt wrong. At the moment you felt nothing but pathetic. You didn’t have time to waste saving a snotty kitten stuck on a tree or stop a petty criminal from robbing a bank- all you were fit to do was eat ice cream straight from the can, and watch a soulless movie. The same routine, day in and day out. You hadn’t left your apartment in nearly a month, not even to buy groceries. Every second was spent wrapped up in blankets, pondering what you’d done.
Was that selfish of you? Probably. You were discovering new flaws by the second.
Sighing, you sat up a little, your ass almost numb from how long you’d spent lying down. Glancing up, you saw your father’s portrait looking down at you. You swallowed and slowly stood up from your bed, groaning to yourself. Why did he suddenly seem so disappointed?
Maybe a little bit of fresh air is what you needed, considering you were starting to believe the paintings were changing expressions. After all, you had work to do anyway- might as well take advantage of the nearby café’s free WiFi.
Here at last.
You sat down in the corner of the café, so tired you could barely move a muscle. But you had to get a move on with your life- the recovery should have happened by now.
And yet here you were, months later. Nothing seemed to be able to fill the hole he left behind, and even now you wished you could go back home as soon as possible.
Had it...had it been a mistake?
Of course it had. Your misery was evidence, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could convince yourself that you’d done it for the good of the city.
The truth was... Hwang Hyunjin scared you.
He made you feel things, made you want to be someone else entirely. Every ounce of rigidity and austerity you’d imposed in yourself disappeared every time you were with him. He made you want to give everything up- give up all the responsibilities and burdens you carried on your shoulders to be with him. To be like him- free.
It wasn’t Hyunjin who was a threat to the city. No, not directly.
It was you- or rather the lack of you.
This city needed you to survive, and if Hyunjin managed to change you...it surely wouldn’t have lasted long without your help. Hyunjin had never really been the city’s biggest threat- there were far worse villains and it was them who you really fought against.
He was more of just an inconvenience, someone you had to deal with from time to time. And then he’d struck that deal- after which the nature of your relationship had turned into something entirely different.
Every time he acted up, it was usually just a ploy to get your attention. And attention was exactly what he got. You’d reinforced his behavior like an idiot.
You told yourself it was a chore, but it wasn’t all that convincing. You’d loved spending those nights in his bed, loved the way he was an expert at making you come undone with his body and his words.
It really had seemed like a good idea at the time. The right thing to do. However, it was quickly starting to seem like anything but.
You sighed as your mind tried its best not to travel back all those months. Dipping a teabag into the liquid, you mindlessly observed the customers in the cafe. Many of them were young, teenagers who were heading out before class.
You sighed as you recalled your own high school days, the times Hyunjin and you had hung out in a cafe much like this one.
“You don’t have to help me with this project, you know.”
“Ah, shush. It’s our final year. I’m not going to leave you alone.” He smiled as he flipped through his books, taking a sip of his coffee occasionally.
“You act like you’re not sticking to me like white on rice the rest of the year.” You roll your eyes, chuckling to yourself.
“Don’t get snippy with me, missy.” He smirked, still thumbing the pages nonchalantly. “Or I’ll have to punish you.”
“You- I- what?” You wouldn’t admit it, but the thought caused a fluttering sensation in more than one place. It was a little bit of a shock, considering the two of you had done nothing more than make out and flirt, until now.
“Chill. I’m kidding.” He shook his head, looking up at you. “Unless…” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Stop it! I’m supposed to be working right now.” You whined, swatting him with a rolled up paper.
“I don’t care.” He tapped his fingers on the table. “Hm...do you know what I’m thinking of right now, Y/n?”
“Thinking about how easy it would be to slip my fingers under your skirt and play with that pretty pussy of yours. I’m pretty sure it’s soaked your underwear through by now.”
Your cheeks flushed as you stared at your plate. You couldn’t find it in yourself to respond properly- his mere words had already turned you to a mess.
“S-shut up.” You mumbled, reading out formulas aloud as you tried to divert your attention from it. Hyunjin let out a teasing chuckle at your lame attempt to change the topic, shaking his head as he stared at his book again, unaware you were looking over your own at him, pressing your thighs together subtly.
God, he was so...so annoying.
You snapped out of it, sighing as you looked around at the much less crowded cafe. Had it always looked so dull? So lifeless?
The thought of him was hurtful- it felt like a dull knife, screwing itself into you. Reminding you what you’d done.
You’d killed the love of your life.
And now? There was no way to bring him back.
“Murder is never something a superhero should resort to. A good hero always stays true to themselves- they only kill if it’s absolutely necessary.”
A cough.
“But of course...villains are exempt from that rule. Killing one villain’s life could save countless others.”
Hm. You weren’t exactly sure if your father was right. Although you were just a child, you still had some knowledge of morality.
Was he? Killing just...seemed wrong. You didn’t know if you could bring yourself to do it, no matter how evil the person was.
“Surely there are other ways to neutralize someone evil, Father?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, before shaking his head coldly. “Untrue.”
“The truth is, some lives are expendable, my dear Y/n…” Another cough, before he cleared his throat and fixed his gaze back on you.
“You must always look for the greater good.”
You still remembered the day you first met Hyunjin.
He was 13, and you were just a little younger. Your families were good comrades and allies, so your eventual meeting had already been planned.
The two of you were in the living room with everyone else as they talked to each other, mingling and chattering like adults usually did. Hyunjin and you made an unanimous decision to sneak out to the rooftop, and get to know each other better.
“So...our parents are allies now, hm? This means we’re going to see each other a lot more.”
“Of course we are! We’re both prodigies, like my dad and your mom...we inherited their powers, so they’re obviously going to want to cultivate those.”
“You speak pretty fancy for a 12 year old.”
“Hey, so do you! Besides, we’re gifted, aren’t we?”
“Hm.” He sighed, swinging his legs and inhaling. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke up again.
“Do you actually like having these powers?”
“Oh? Well, yeah...I do...my father tells me stories of his days as a superhero. I want to help people, just like him.”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’d much rather live a normal life. Get a normal job, find someone to love, and have a normal marriage in a normal town.”
You pressed your lips together. “To each their own, I guess. Personally, I just want to get rid of all the evil in the world and make my father proud.”
“Evil…” He tapped his chin. “How does one even know the difference between good and evil?”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? I’m pretty sure it would be obvious in every situation.”
“I disagree. The distinction is blurry. No one knows for sure, and definitely not at first glance.” He sighed. “I would know.”
You brought your knees to your chest as you observed the city below. “Well, I guess you’re right…” you paused, your heart feeling a little heavy for some reason.
“Do you know?”
“The line between good and evil is thin, Y/n. I can’t say I know for sure. But do you know what will always help you remember?”
“Your heart.” He said softly, glancing at you and offering you a small smile.
“Just do whatever feels right...trust yourself.”
You sighed and shut your laptop.
Home. You needed to go home, cause your heart ached too much. You definitely weren’t ready to go back to work yet. You hadn’t done anything productive today really, just drink coffee and reflect on your actions. Regretting....regretting it all.
It’d been wrong. The wrong choice, the wrong decision.
You knew that, now. There could have been another way. You shouldn’t have rushed into it like that...how could you?
You felt a surge of hatred towards yourself engulf you. It was all your fault, this pain you were feeling. You didn’t have anyone to direct this immense anger towards except yourself. You realized this little fact in horror, your heart clenching as you wished things could have been different.
Finishing off your coffee, you placed a few bills on the table as you left the café, heading home. Ready to burrow under the blankets again, wallow in your self pity and pain. There wasn’t much else to do except succumb to acceptance.
You made your way down the street, humming the saddest song you knew under your breath.
All of a sudden, you felt eyes burning into your back. Your own eyes widening slightly, you turned around quickly-
But there was no one there.
Weird. Sighing, you decided to go back to going over your plans for tonight in your mind.
Maybe watch a movie in hopes of triggering some sort of emotion in you...or maybe take a bath, light some candles and listen to depressing music- shit.
It happened again. Someone was following you- you could feel it. Uncomfortable, your breathing slowly started getting heavier as you tried to formulate some kind of plan in your head-
The next thing that happened was so sudden you barely registered it for a second.
Your hand was gripped, so tightly you felt it would bruise. Aggressive, shocking and swift as lightning- it took several seconds before you realized someone was trying to kidnap you.
“Stop! Leave me alone!”
Struggling against the person holding you, you caught a glimpse of the masked man and decided to scream, hoping to gain some attention from somebody, anybody. There was no way this was happening, not right now. Your day had already been bad enough, why was the universe so intent on rubbing salt in your wounds?!
The urge to fight had never been stronger. Yet there was no strength left in your body. You couldn’t fight back against this man- he was taller than you and somehow even matched you in strength. Unless you exposed your powers, there was no way you would get yourself out of this predicament. Somehow you managed to smack him with your arm weakly, making him hiss.
“Let me go, please!”
The coffee cup fell out of your hand, brown liquid spilling all over the ground as you were pulled into the dark alley so quickly, no one would notice. Your eyes darted about in panic, trying to work out a possible escape route when the masked man caged you in, his arms on either side of you.
A horrible sense of déjà vu enveloped you. It’s all you can do to not scream, trying to keep yourself calm so that you could escape.
It’s ok, breathe in...and concentrate.
The heat within you started to crackle, your palms beginning to burn up gradually.
Your eyes blinked as you decided to try and take a good look at the person holding you. Their head was covered with a black mask, their finger held over their mouth as they ran their eyes over your distressed expression.
Inhale. Exhale.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You hissed, staying still and pretending to give up the struggle. “Unhand me now, or you’ll regret it, trust me-“
“Shh! Y/n, please…” He shushed you, his voice shaky.
You stopped in your tracks.
That voice…
“I’ll explain... but first we need to get out of here, fuck-” He looked from side to side quickly, scanning his surroundings.
Shit. Why does that voice sound so familiar?
“Who- who are you?!” You managed to get out, the heat fading away as deep, panicked confusion took over you instead.
There was a small sigh as your assailant stood up a little straighter, groaning. And then, his fingers deftly pulled the mask off, clutching it in his hands tightly.
Golden locks spilled out, a handsome visage coming into view. Plump lips and beautiful eyes, looking oh so familiar.
It couldn’t be. This wasn’t happening. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual fuck was going on?
It’s him.
But it can’t be.
How? It’s not possible-
You’re definitely losing your mind.
The man’s breathing got quicker as he watched your expression morph from fear into one of pure, electric shock.
“I know you’re shocked, Y/n, but please listen to-“
Your chest started heaving, quickly rising and falling as your heart pounded against your rib cage.
This...could not be happening. What was this? Was this a nightmare? Yet another sick, twisted dream? He couldn’t be standing right in front of you...it was impossible. No. No no no no no no no.
It was all too overwhelming, and your brain and body seemed to agree on that. Your mind swam, your thoughts all over the place as you felt yourself sway on your feet.
“This- I-“ You stumbled over your words, tears slipping past quickly as you tried to form words to express what you felt.
Pain. Searing pain, taking over, spreading from head to toe.
Your breathing slowed as the world suddenly went black, Hyunjin’s shouts in the background fading away...until there was nothing but silence.
Pure, unadulterated silence.
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tsuumu · 4 years
hq boys and their part time jobs.
yet another unseries headcanon post made by yours truly! unlike my last one which you can find here, i won’t be involving every single major hq character so that’s just a heads up!! i can’t always envision stuff fully with every single person...
kageyama tobio: this boy thought that applying to work part-time at a sports shop would be fitting ‘cause of his love for volleyball, completely unaware that this would involve way too much social interaction and tolerance???? like he thought he’d just have to look like someone who does sports and occasionally restock yoga mats but these loud ass kids are coming up to him asking for this that and the other for sports he’s never heard of. suddenly he regrets the entire thing. plus, he has no idea how to use the cash register and it’s his worse nightmare to ring up items without wanting to stomp a hole into it to get the customer’s change.
hinata shoyo: shoyo went straight for the pet shelter because he’s in love with playing with the little puppies. this boy will full on roll around with them, stuff them under his shirt so their heads poke out and just.. intergrate and become one of them... the doggies love him so much n always clamber to sit on his lap because hinata treats them with so much love and kindness!! customers looking for pets often joke about taking him home bc he’s just as excitable and friendly as the actual dogs. he’s also really good at convincing people on the fence to get a pet and explaining their individual personalities because he knows them so well :(
nishinoya yuu: he said: supermarket assistant so he could ride around on the carts, intimidates literally every customer with his ungodly enthusiasm but is determined to help EVERYONE, he’ll run around the store taking people where they need to go but only if he actually remembers where they’re situated. otherwise this boy is like “yeah they’re just... that way.” and bolts in the other direction. gets along with all his colleagues and tells them all about his tournaments with karasuno. he’s not the star employee but it wouldn’t be the same w out him.. often asks the manager if he can taste test the market’s pastry section to which he is rejected every single time.
tanaka ryuu: he’s convinced working in his local gym was him in his element, he wears that tag thing like a badge of honour and just walks around showing people he works there instead of actually doing his job??? he’s also overly enthusiastic and will sometimes cheer on the people working out as if he’s some kind of zealous personal trainer and everybody is like “literally how old is this guy??” he’s surprisingly awesome at reception duty because he’s always chatting to regulars about how they’re doing... the practical side like schedules and paperwork he leaves for someone else, everyone just puts up with him bc he’s a mood setter.
sugawara koushi: don’t get me started on this boy as a teacher’s assistant, like he helps little kids out with their work, tidies up the class during their break times and reads them stories?? he’s THAT senior boy who’s the biggest sweetheart and seeing him handle kids so well is like ... does he want some of his own ?? i’d like to offer my expertise he’s always got a smile on his face, gets along with all the staff much older than him, he’s like this perfect boy they all dote on and he gets super flustered saying he just really likes helping out the children and making them smile. often brings them little snacks too and they all call him big brother BYE.
tsukkishima kei: he does some low-key shit that’s kinda wholesome like working with the eldery or tutoring kids but prefers for literally nobody to know about it because anything he does outside of school is his business. he does it because it’s good pay, there’s not much else to it. if anybody found out he’d be super irritated tbh it’s just an invasion of privacy to him but eventually wouldn’t care because every kid is getting part-time jobs these days.
oikawa tooru: bye he’s THAT guy who got his job at a retail store because he’s pretty. like he has no real interest in clothes or anything but he takes the job as a place to validate himself when girls come up to him purposefully to flirt. he’s winking and laughing with them and also NOT actually doing his job but he brings in customers so at least he’s somewhat useful. doesn’t know how to fold clothes or hang stuff on hangers properly for shit and everyone lowkey wants to kick his ass but he’s actually very friendly and outgoing even if he has no clue what he’s doing. keeps asking if bra sizes come in small, medium and large and everyone just tells him to shut up.
iwaizumi hajime: when picking a job he was like “well what am i good at?” and went from there. he ended up as the local pool’s weekend lifeguard because he had the qualifications and time. again, everyone his age just tries to hit on him and he’s annoyed because it distracts him from the actual purpose of his job. he takes it seriously and impresses his colleagues with his swimming talent and knowledge on first aid. iwaizumi lowkey scares the little kids and they’re kind of afraid to ask him for help so he’s been working on looking a little more friendly.
kuroo tetsurou: kuroo as a tennis instructor assistant or just something sporty other than volleyball because he’s a multi-talented king?? like he’s not a professional by any means but he helps out the youth club and gets along with kids a few years younger than him. fills in for refs at tournaments, makes sure equipment is safe to use and is SUPER good at cheering club goers up when they lose or fail or can’t seem to do it correctly. he often refers to his experiences as nekoma’s captain to relate to them and they really admire his resilience and ask him to tell them more stories!!
kenma kozume: had to be dragged out to do a part-time job. was absolutely against the thought of it until hinata mentioned a friend of his who’d moved to the prefecture near kenma got a job at this new game shop. he was like fine and applied. he just kinda sat and people asked him questions about the games but he refused to do any further socialisation or actual grunt work like shelving, he quit pretty soon after, he just wanted the money to buy a game he ended up purchasing on his way out lmaoo
bokuto koutarou: he was dead set on having a volleyball related job, fukurodani have a club for junior players from all over the city to come and practice together. he was like?!? “and nobody told me??” he’s perfect for it as the captain and ends up as a secondary coach. he shows off A LOT and like kuroo, encourages the kids when they’re down. except kuroo is a more sit down, hand on shoulder, casual talk kind of guy. bokuto gets ridiculously sentimental and tells them dramatically about his lowest memories as captain when fukurodani lost and the kids are genuinely as emotional because of he way he tells it??? idk but they love him and he’s a ball of passion that keeps them going.
akaashi keiji: we are talking pretty waiter at a local gormet restaurant that gets tipped SO MUCH for his true professionalism. knows how to handle every situation with ease and is super calm, doesn’t care at all if someone from his school is there. he’s really just chasing that bag and he’s doing it well. bokuto often picks him up after his shifts so they can do stuff together but akaashi requests it be something calming since he’s tired after work... bokuto is like,, “so no to rock-climbing? alright i’ll reschedule..” the other waiters lowkey HATE the fact he gets tipped so well and they try and figure out his secrets. he has none. he’s just good at his job. i could see kiyoko working a similar job or somewhere lowkey like a flourist or bakery. she’s equally as professional and admired.
ushijima wakatoshi: ANY JOB. give this man any job and he’ll be able to carry it out like he’s been doing it since he popped out the womb. often mistaken for a grown adult so he gets jobs pretty easily? very very professional and aims to do everything perfectly. i think he’d also prefer a vb related job just like bokuto but something that could really get him somewhere big, smth to do with olympics like a paid internship for them .. can you even intern for the olympics lmao?? maybe something for the japanese team. it’s a lot of work to balance school & intern life but he’s very comitted and knows it’ll benefit him in the future. (kageyama was fuming when he found out he could have done that instead of his current gig).
tendou satori: has a job he’s very under-qualified for but somehow pulls off. he’s chilling at the hospital or law firm three times a week after classes or somewhere ridiculous but he’s doing just fine!! doesn’t actually do professional work n helps with small things but it impresses the hell out of everybody he tells, has no interest in persuing those careers but it’s fun for him, he gets paid VERY well for a boy his age and his personality creates a nice, talkative atmosphere in these seemingly tense environments.
miya atsumu / osamu: they both work at a café for novelty because they’re these handsome, athletic twins and it’s a thing that brings people in. they do a lot of fan service stuff and osamu is EXCELLENT like he was made for this job but atsumu is awful at keeping his cool. osamu will be chatting up customers, trying to persuade them to order more and atsumu is having a heated tustle with the coffee machine that’s broken down for the third time that day and it really ruins the magic osamu is trying to create. atsumu has probably sworn loudly. has probably almost been fired. he’s bad at playing along and flirting because he literally just wants them to leave so he can sit down lmao. osamu uses the pastries in the café as inspiration for his own at-home baking fiascos because it’s a stress-reliving hobby.
terushima yuji: he’s that boy in shoe shops that tries to sell you sneakers and he knows literally everything about them even when you really didn’t ask... looking to hit on girls that come in because shoe knowledge is obviously very sexy! alternatively you might catch him in a tattoo shop or sumn real appearance based and he definitely remembers all the regulars and greets them like they’re close friends, we’re talking inside jokes. always seems to know what tattoo people are looking to get purely based on their appearance and initial impression...
the list of unemployed:
yachi: too scared to do ANY job that requires interaction, she’s plagued by it.
hoshiumi: fired for picking too many fights with customers.
kyotani: EVEN WORSE THAN HOSHIUMI though he was strangely very efficient at paperwork.
suna: quit on the first day because it wasn’t what he expected and he doesn’t care about money that much.
lev: his family are like.... rich?? n nobody really expected it but he’s like yeah i really do not need one of those lmao.
yamaguchi: broke things, spilt things, smashed things. he really was trying his best..
aone: intimidated customers too much so they let him go (he was just STANDING THERE.. he deserved better).
sakusa: local venues are filthy, ushijima got the internship spot, no other job interests him enough to persue.
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sneezefiction · 4 years
Atsumu, Akaashi, and Iwaizumi w/ a Kindergarten Teacher S/O
Atsumu, Akaashi, and Iwaizumi x reader - headcanons
request: “i just read your fic ab the reader being a kindergarten teacher and i LOVED IT. do you think we can get another one but with atsumu, akaashi, and iwa? 🥺 I LOVE YOUU AND YOUR WRITING AHHH”
a/n: ahh my laptop has my asks jacked up rn, so sorry @parkersvibes !! but i had the exact request copied down! this is a part 2 to this post :)) really hope you like it and thank u for being so uber sweet, i love this hc💕💕
warnings: none!
wc: 1040
okay please don’t be surprised by this - Atsumu doesn’t exactly like kids
he’s currently dealing w/ an ongoing children’s volleyball introductory camp that his team was forced to run and he is horrified
ends up making several of them cry, which totally turned him off to the whole “kids” thing
however, he also had the chance to meet you at that camp
he noticed how gentle you were around them, helping them up when they fell, praising them for their “hard work”
he lacked that softness. the comforting, encouraging kind…
so before he even realizes it, he’s walked up to you and started flirting (it’s second nature for this boy at this point)
“What’s a cutie like you...” He’ll look you up and down, “doin’ round here?” He tilts his head, a smirk forming on his lips
“I dunno? Maybe I’m here to cheer up all the crying kids you keep sending to me?” You reply sassily
you’re just... annoyed? the stupid face he’s making after messing with these poor kids is pissing you off
Atsumu wasn’t expecting any sass from you, but since then he’s been pining after you at every break and scheming for new ways to catch your attention
it turns out, you’re the kindergarten teacher for a majority of the little one’s attending and you signed up to chaperone and support them over the next couple of weeks
like, he has no capacity for their complaints and misunderstandings of a sport since he’s been playing professionally for years now
you’re officially an angel in his eyes
not only are you drop-dead gorgeous, but you can also #1 understand what they’re saying?? And #2 you genuinely care about them, their feelings (trivial or not,) and their experience at the camp
he’ll definitely ask you out after the camp is over
you turn him down twice lmao
but the third time!! he doesn’t use any lines or sensual approaches, he’s just chill about it
he’ll ask if you want to go roller skating… so you’re finally just like
“What the hell, why not.”
i mean he is cute and funny, so what could go wrong?
he ended up acknowledging that he sucks at dealing with kids and that he’d try to be gentler around them…
like if he’s actually willing to work on being “okay” with kids, that really means something, bc wow they bother him sometimes
he just adores you, bby
i imagine that he’d also be a kindergarten teacher at your school
he was quiet for a long time, preferring to observe you and his new coworkers over time, but over the years y’all have gotten super close
there’s now a daily rhythm between you two:
you both meet up in the morning and put on a pot of coffee in the breakroom
he’ll meet your tired eyes with his own. the dark circles make it apparent that y’all are still waking up
you’ll send each other knowing, goofy smiles bc your sleep schedules are so wrecked right now, especially since it’s almost time for the holidays
the schools required art projects are getting out of hand and all the teachers are kinda pissed about it
but instead of complaining, Akaashi will suggest you both go shopping for materials and plan ideas together
it seems like a perfectly normal suggestion, bc you’re teachers and this would be more “efficient”, right? totally not an excuse to hangout w/ you
you’re in for such a treat
he comes to pick you up that Saturday, a coffee ready for you in his hand (he remembered the exact way you make it in the classroom)
also, he’s got this great scarf and jacket combination going on (like this: here)
sorry but not really, this totally turns into a date and you both completely forget about the supplies you were supposed to buy
like, yeah you’ll make it to the store, but he’ll ask you if you’re hungry (which you are) and suddenly he’s taking you to the ramen shop you mentioned weeks ago while on your lunch break
at some point, he’ll have you laughing about some story about a kid from class who keeps acting up
you’ll end up falling out of your chair from laughing so hard and he’ll start laughing at you
while you’re both still snickering, he crouches down to the ground and asks you to this with him again next Saturday
you’re so down (literally)
y’all are the cutest teacher couple. ever.
i see Iwa as being a young, single dad in this situation ✨✨✨
you first meet at the beginning of the school year for a parent-teacher conference and it actually goes so smoothly
he brings his adorable baby girl (your new student), her hair in pigtails, and she’s grabbing onto daddy Iwaizumi’s leg
you first introduce yourself to the girl and then give Iwa a bright smile
i mean, as a teacher, you do your best to be professional and polite, but you can’t help but ask him about himself and crack a few jokes
he and his daughter deem you precious, immediately.
Iwaizumi is so protective of his shy, little girl, but he finds himself very comfortable with letting you teach and watch over her
he definitely finds you on facebook when he gets home and realizes y’all have mutual friends
so instead of just adding you as a friend, like a normal person, he decides to message your mutuals and devise something to meet you in person
what can I say? the dude hasn’t been in the dating field for awhile, so he’s not sure what he’s doing right now
basically you get set up for a one sided blind date (oop)
you find yourself waiting at an ice cream shop for a guy with short, dark-brown hair, an athletic build, and gorgeous brown eyes
but what they didn’t tell you was that he would be bringing a little someone along with him
at first, you just see his little girl waving to you
you stand up, giving her a big hug when she runs up to you
then you look up
oh… OH
Iwaizumi matches that description to a T.
y’all spend the rest of the day skipping (mostly just Iwa’s daughter though) around town and holding hands
so yeah, you’re dating your kindergarten student’s father now
and he’s really sweet and really hot
tags: @cherryonigiri @parkersvibes @omgaspers
229 notes · View notes
moon-caramel · 4 years
Roses & Thorns | K.N.J | part.2
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                 ❣ Chapter 2: “here we start”
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→ Pairing: Kim Namjoon | ft. Kim Taehyung
→ Gendre: College au. / BTS as a frat house
→ Summary: a past history with Taehyun leave so broken you separated of any social interaction, Namjoon shows up he won’t leave, to heal your broken heart and put that beautiful smile back in your face
→ Warnings / ch.: slight anxiety, slight smut, y/n call Namjoon a bad writer (sorry, please wait for the story to development 😅)
→ Word count: 2.8 k
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❣ Now
The reception office was covered by the smell of coffee and paper, with the sound of keyboards pressed and small talk of strangers, you were waiting to register to this workshop your professor talk to you about, although you thought of the world for him, you hated the fact you had to take another class, but you couldn’t say no to him, he talked to you about this because he believes in you, and you don’t want to fail him.
Still waiting, where the hell was the person in charge here, it was past lunch hours, and your patience was getting shorter, you start to hit the wooden surface with your fingers, unil a young man with dark hair in blue shirt and glasses came to you
“alright you can stop that already, I’m here” he sit down and moving some papers to leave a space “what can I do for you?”
“I want to sign on to a new class workshop”
“do you have the name or number of it?”
You look to the paper where you write the information your professor gave you, name and number.
“How are you writing today?, B2910”
The guy laugh quietly, it was a silly name, but a cute one as well.
“and your name?”
“___, ___”
“okay all done, here is your schedule”
He give you a paper with your schedule, the same old classes plus one more, How are you writing today? tuesday from 9:00 to 10:30, seriously? tuesday morning ? as if your life was no more pitiful, you save the paper in your bag, craving for something to eat on your way to the dorms you pass by a convenience store, your basic buy cheetos, instant noodles, and some gummy bears.Your dorm is empty your roommate is probably with her boyfriend, it happens a lot since they became a couple, which you are happy about specialty because it give you the comfy cute espace you love.pouring the hot water in the noodle container you wait for the five minutes. You started to think about Jungkook, you couldn’t help, he was the first friend you made here, and he always has the best recipe for instant noodles, you always thought about him making noodles. you tried to change that, trying to avoid any hook that guide you to Tae— the one who should not be name, but it only break your heart to push away Jungkook, like if ignoring his calls and turning around every time you see him the hallways wasn’t enough, you won’t do it your thoughts.
❣ Then
You felt the pain in your head grow, trying to understand math problems that were according to your teacher basic, what a bitch, you felt someone hugging you, pulling his weight on you, you were ready to give this someone a piece of his mind when you turn around and saw Jungkook being this person.
“Of course is you” you laugh
“well of yea, no one is brave enough to come close to you”
“shut up, I’m surprised to see you here”
“here, in the library”
“hey i’m a good student”
Hard for you to say, the first time you say him was in a guidance course, he was sitting next to you, he had fall asleep half of the time and the other he whispered dumb jokes that made you giggle, being the start of your friendship.
“why are you here?”
“I’m trying to do this math problem”
“I hate math” he groans.
“so do I.. why are you here?”
“Nothing special, I saw you from the window and came to say hi” 
Time fly faster than you could imagine, weeks of classes parties hookups with Tae that you keep a secret from your friends, after you spend the nights with him you leave early before anyone could see you, he always complains about that but you need to remind him you both are nothing special “still we should be more loving between us” he said.
He was right, but being this your first time doing just a ‘hookup relationship’ you didn’t want to get to attach.
It was a another party night in the house, celebrating the guys entrance to the fraternity, Jungkook call you his guest of honor, and you could be more happy to go, you were in your third drink, the music loud enough you barely hear yourself, and you were crushing in it the dance floor with Jimin, you needed a break so you leave to find a quiet space.
Between the many people you crossed you catch the image of Tae dancing with a girl, gorgeous girl you couldn’t deny that, she has a red strapless dress that marked his curves, she was hot, no one is college is that stupidly hot, she was dancing in his back moving his hips against Tae’s pelvis, he had her firm by her thighs and waist, when resting his head in her shoulder he finds you looking, before he could think of this would turn into a jealousy scene he find you smiling at him, you wave at him and leave the two of them to go to the kitchen.
You were sitting in the counter drinking what could only be water, you see Taehyung coming to make a drink, you just smiled him, you didn’t want to make the hottie girl for him, but he didn’t mind apparently when he lean next to you.
“Why is it that I only can catch you in quiet spaces?”
“Uhmm.. maybe cuz is the only way” It was true, rather than get flirty in a crowded place where your friends can see you, you prefer flirt with him in private, a place where you feel like yourself.
“Is that water?” he pointed at your red cup.
“Yes, I already reach my alcohol limit” you excuse yourself
“that’s boring” 
“hey you said it was cute” you tap him on the shoulder
“No, I said you were cute” he paused to give a look, his dark eyes were like a trap, occasionally you found yourself looking at them for too much, and he enjoys seeing your eyes going deep on them, like if your trying to find something.
“And you need to break your rules a little”
“I don’t, and you know you can call me cute”
“Well you haven’t prove the contrary” he smirked and you tap his shoulder again, more like punch it making him whine dramatically.
“You should go take care of your hottie, before I rip your arm” 
“Hottie?, you mean the girl”
You nodded “yeah, she was gorgeous”
“Nah, I’m okay with you”
“Seriously?” He looked confused “If I was you I will be taken to upstair now” 
He laughed “please do”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t know what to do”
“I can join, I’ll teach you” He rub your thigh, smirking again, was he serious? who knows
You laughed nervously “Oh no, she’s all yours tiger”
“It will be more fun with you”
“It will make you less cute”
“No, you go have fun”
“____, I really want you, we could be just us” 
“Don’t worry about me, we’re friends right?”
“Yeah” he looked confused, turning his head to the front nodding “we are”
“Are you okay?”
“I just… think you’re going to miss a lot a fun” he straightened up and drink all what was left of his plastic cup, facing back at you “I really think you should break your rules a little” he said before he could leave
You snort “just because i don’t want to have a trheesome?”
“No, because I know why you follow them so much”
❣ Now
You had to set three different alarms to wake up, but you manage to get up early on tuesday morning with plenty of time to make you a coffee, in front of the white wooden door, you start to wonder if is worthed to wake up early for this, but then again you don’t want to disappoint your teacher, so after a heavy sigh you pull the door.
No more than five people were sitting waiting, you saw the teacher wasn’t here yet. 
Someone call you on your back, before you could turn around you’re hugged by someone, strong arms around your shoulder, and you recognise the smell of black vanilla, and soft flowers.
“Jungkook..” you were still under his arms, not giving a chance to move. “Jungkook, I can’t breathe”
He loose his hug a little but without free you, enough for you to look at him. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s being such a long time since I see you, and when I do you always turn around, so this time I won’t let you”
you could feel guilt, you spend so much time running away from everyone, you were sure they either forget you or resent you, but Jungkook didn’t seem neither of those, he look at you with the same warms eyes.
“Jungkook I…”
“If I let you go?, you promise you won’t escape”
words couldn’t get out of your mouth, if you could you wouldn’t know what to say, you wanted to ask him what was he doing here?, say that you were sorry for ignoring him all this time, you star to thinking if you could leave this place with an excuse that wouldn’t break Jungkook heart, you just nod.
Jungkook let you go, still in front of you smiling like a sweet child, like he always do, once he noted that you were still there and you did not escape, he was sure you wouldn’t leave, and if you were he won’t make it easy.
“Are you in this class too?” you nod again
“That great, we haven’t been together in a class a long time, let’s grab some seats”
He grabs you by the wrist moving to two free seat together, it takes you a time to finally seat, your heart it’s beating like crazy, and you still can’t manage to understand the situation, Jungkook looks so relaxed compared to you, it’s like nothing has changed, but it did.
“So what’s new” 
“w.. what?” 
“I haven’t see you in so long, your hair its longer, you look good”
“Thank you” your word manage to come out slow and dry, it’s not your intention but you’re still in shock.
He knows, he understand why you are actic like this, why you moved away from the guys, your friends and you avoided him, but  he figured that if he acted like things were like before it would be easy, and he knew you would run away if he bombard you with question.
“It’s okay ____” 
He place his hand on yours, trying to reduce any conflict there might be in your head, it felt like that for a moment, the warm of his hand and the comfort in his eyes were more than enough to give make you smile, you missed Jungkook so much, we was like a brother (a very energetic little brother) and you wished to throw your arms around him, say how much you missed him, but there was a reason, he became so close to Taehyung, you once thought that you can hang out with him like you always did, but Tae was always with him, they were close, so much that Tae came to your mind when you were with Jungkook.
It was so painful you avoid him, your best friend, you started to wonder why was he here, and if Tae… is he in this class too? no, no no no… you look around with fear, please don’t be here.
“____, hey!” 
Jungkook pressed your hand to focus on him, he saw your teary eyes, hard breathing and he could feel your heartbeat in your hand.
“It’s okay” he whisper to you “He’s not here”
It’s was a come back to reality, there was care in Jungkook eyes and you didn’t notice you were holding his hand back.
❣ Then
You could feel the sweat in your skin, you were on top of Tae moving your hips up and down while he handed some help with the grips on each side of yours waist, his growls had some effect that made you move faster, wanting him deeper inside of you.
You were feeling greed and no shame, you wanted all of him for you, maybe it’s the fact you were busy this days and you heard he’s being very attentive with others, after answer your text telling you to come over you didn’t waste time and make sure you’re still in his mind, after you both came, he got comfortable wearing just a sweatpants and gave you one of his t-shirt. 
“you can stay tonight” 
“don’t worry, it’s still early” you did stayed sometimes, but you didn’t feel the need of it this time.
“please ____” he sigh, at first he looked tired, maybe something annoyed.
“It’s okay, you look tired, so rest” 
“so do you, please ____ I want you to stay”
You can feel this heavy air around not sure how to describe it, there’s something you both need to say, but you’re not sure what is, Tae came to your back to hug you, hiding his face in your shoulder.
“why do you want me to stay”
“I just do, I know you want to too”
It was true, you had this need to be closer to him, your feelings were getting stronger, something you didn’t want to as this wasn’t that kind of relation.
“I should leave”
“I like you” He said faster than you could move “I really like you, and I know you like me too”
“Tae” this wasn’t in your plan
“tell me it’s not true”
“I do like you.. ”
“We could be together, I will be yours, and you mine” 
He whisper close to your ear you felt like melting inside, It could be, you weren’t planning this, this would be just a have fun relation, no compromise, but you did start to feel jealous in some point, and you wanted you call him yours and only yours, so why not ?
“okay” you turn around “I want that”
The slight smile in The had your heart running, he kiss you like many time before, but more intimate you could feel his tender lips better this time.
❣ Now
“I’m sorry Jungkook”
“You don’t need to say that” Jungkook hand was still on yours, he won’t let it go until he’s sure you are okay
You felt embarrassed, you can handle this better but the presence of Jungkook only bring back the thought of Taehyung and made it worse
“Is this the first time it happen?”
“Is this because of… him?” he didn’t know if it was save to say his name
You didn’t know what to say, at first it was, because of the fear you could see him, but then it turned a general fear, like you got used to a disease that spread to your mind.
“I don’t know”
“we don’t need to talk about it” he smile kind and you nodded
Seeing him was unexpected, you were so shocked and scared, but happy, happy you could see his bunny smile again, that he could hold your hand for comfort. The best you could do is show how happy you are to see him.
“tell me what are you doing here?” he ask
“Uhm.. My teacher told me about it, he thinks it could help me”
“Well you are a good writer, I’m just here because Namjoon said it will be fun"
“Namjoon?” as the same Namjoon I know?
“He’s gonna teach this class” 
You were the definition of dumb face in the moment.
“I still remember the time you got drunk and talk bad about his writing"
“I did what!?” you never got that drunk, did you? FUCK
“Hi everyone” a deep voice call your attention to the front of the class, Namjoon walking in a grey sweater “Sorry I’m late my alarm didn’t go on in the morning”
You never had a deep friendship with Namjoon, he was easy to talk and funny in child way, but he was also a berry occupied student so you didn’t saw him often, and finding out you talk bad about him as writer… you just wanted to die in a hole
“But I’m here now and…” He soon realized your in this class, thanks to Jungkook, he probably will be annoyed with your presence but when you see him he smile to you.
“now we can start”
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↤ previous // next ↦
→ a/n: so for next chapter we would know what Tae did ⊙_⊙’’ and it will be the last one to involve flashbacks //
as always please let me know what do thing of the chapter or the story in general, because it’s a mayor support thank you ♡!
And please keep yourself safe, inside your home and wash your hands 😘
 → Tag list: @krystle19990 @hodginss  
Ⓒ mooncaramel 2020 , all rights reserved , Do not copy , Do not translate , Do not repost
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bxcketbarnes · 6 years
Safety Pin
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 4342
Author’s Note: So, we all know the song Safety Pin is heartbreaking and I thought “why not make it into a fic!” That’s what I did! Here you go :))
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Listen to Safety Pin here
You’ve had your heart broken more times than you can count. Being the type of person who’s very sensitive to emotions and puts all they can into a relationship tends to easily be broken by assholes.
The last “boyfriend” you had ended it after a month for an unknown reason and it hurt a lot. After pinning him for almost a year and countless of flirting, him breaking up with you really took a toll on your heart.
You’ve sat in your apartment for weeks, not feeling like going out since your heart wasn’t fully healed yet. Your phone would go off every couple hours, your girlfriends texting you to make sure you were alright, but you never answered them.
You laid in bed, curled up in the comforter as you looked out the french doors that led to your balcony. The sun shining brightly as the sky was clear and blue. Your mind flashed with past memories of significant others you’ve had, tears brimming your waterline as you blinked rapidly, not wanting them to slide down your cheeks.
You and Dylan were sitting on the couch together, wrapped up in each other’s arms as the tv silently played. You laid your head in the crook of his neck, gently tracing shapes of any kind on his chest as Dylan was typing away on his phone.
“My friend wants me to go pick him up. I’ll be back later,” he muttered, pushing me off of him kind of roughly as your eyes widened a bit.
“O-Okay, I love you,” you whispered, feeling your heartbeat quickly in your chest as you had a bad feeling settle in your stomach.
“Yeah, whatever,” Dylan mumbled before grabbing his keys, walking out of my apartment. You cleared your throat, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you looked at the couch, noticing that he left his phone behind.
The phone lit up as a notification alerted, seeing someone had messaged him. You licked your lips, picking it up slowly as your eyes read over the message, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“Are you on your way yet? I need you so badly.”
Your vision blurred, gnawing on your bottom lip as you decided to snoop through his phone, finding a bunch of flirty messages between Dylan and this Chelsea chick.
“When are you leaving Y/N? I don’t want to share you anymore.”
“Soon, don’t worry. Plus, she’s too much of a fucking prude to let me fuck her.”
“Really? Wow, what is she a virgin? Lol.”
“Basically, it’s kind of annoying that she hasn’t put out yet. I’m tired of her.”
At this rate sobs were leaving your lips, throwing his phone onto the coffee table as you hugged your knees, rubbing circles on the side of your leg as you sat in silence, tears streaming down your cheeks at a rapid pace.
You remember when he came home drunk early that morning, his lips attached to someone else’s as you screamed at both of them to get out, telling Dylan to never contact you again which he had no problem with.
It’s been almost a year when the incident happened and you haven’t really trusted a guy ever since. Your head snapped up at the sound of someone knocking on your door, furrowing your eyebrows together in confusion. Who the hell could that be?
You threw the covers off your body, grabbing your lilac silk robe, tying it before making your way to the front door. You wiped the tears from your face, taking a deep breath before opening the door, seeing two of your best friends standing on the other side. “I should’ve known you guys would show up sooner or later,” you mumbled, stepping out of the way to let them in.
“Well, this was the only way we can make sure you’re still alive since you won’t answer our messages,” Hannah muttered as she and Julia walked into your apartment, closing the door behind them.
“I’m fine,” you whispered, shrugging your shoulders. Lie. You weren't fine whatsoever. You swallowed the lump in your throat as your two friends gave you a look. They knew you were lying and you sighed, sitting on the arm of your couch as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Okay, I’m not fine. H-Honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever be fine. How many times do I need my heartbroken just to be happy?” You asked quietly tears pooling in your eyes, glancing up at your friends through your lashes as they both wore frowns on their faces.
Calum moped around Ashton’s apartment, something he’s been doing for a couple months since a girl he really liked decided to publicly announce that she’d never be into him. It’s a good thing they were taking time off since he didn’t have the balls to show his face around LA.
The tall bassist was currently chilling on Ash’s couch, watching whatever was on television as the other boys were out and about. Luke had asked if Calum wanted to come along but the tanned boy just shook his head, coming up with some lie how he didn’t feel too well, but the boys knew.
Calum was writing lyrics in his notebook, basically anything that came to mind as memories about what happened with Lila still clouded most of his thoughts.
Lila and Cal were in downtown LA, doing a bit of walking around the mall since she needed some new jeans. Calum offered to come with her since he liked her… a lot and thought it’d be a good opportunity to talk about taking things to the next step in their relationship.
The pair were in Hollister and Cal was holding some of the clothes she was picking out, not minding the fact that he’s basically her clothes rack. “Did I tell you that you look beautiful today?” The brunette asked her and she turned around to look at him, a small smile on her lips as she just shook her head.
“No, you didn’t. Come on, I wanna try these on,” Lila muttered, taking his wrist before dragging him towards the dressing rooms.
After about half an hour trying on jeans, the platinum blonde finally decided to buy a couple that made her ass look good. The two were walking towards the food court when Calum decided to man up.
“So, we’ve been out a couple of times and I was wondering if maybe you’d wanna be my girlfriend?” Cal asked, chewing on his bottom lip as Lila just halted her movements, people walking around the two with confused looks on their faces.
“Oh my god. You’re joking right?” She asked, a smile on her lips as a laugh came out. Calum furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and her amused look dropped into a more shocked one. “Oh… you’re serious. Calum, look, you’re a nice guy and all, but you’re not my type. Honestly, it was all a bet to go out with you in the first place.”
Calum’s heart stopped at her words, feeling a little bit sweaty as people around them seemed to stop, listening and watching the scene unfolding. “W-What?”
Lila laughed dryly, placing one hand on her hip. “Yeah, a few friends dared me to ask you out for like a hundred bucks. C’mon, you wouldn’t do that?” The blonde rolled her eyes as she walked away from the Australian, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he looked at everyone around them, seeing looks of pity and others whispering towards each other before he sprinted out of the place.
Calum tapped his pencil against the paper, blinking a bunch to prevent any tears from hitting the paper as he just threw the stuff onto the coffee table in front of him. He laid back on the couch, staring up at the bare ceiling as he did everything to keep his mind off that day.
The door to Ashton’s apartment opened as his three best friends waltzed in, laughing at something Michael was saying when their eyes glanced towards Calum, seeing the heartbroken look on his face as their best friend noticed their arrival.
“Hey, Cal. Everything okay?” Luke asked quietly, placing his stuff on the floor before going to sit on the edge of the couch.
“Not really, but I’ll get over it… eventually,” Calum mumbled, combing his fingers through his dark hair.
“The boys and I planned to go out to the bar tonight. Have a couple drinks, maybe play some pool,” Ashton mumbled, sitting in the chair across from the couch as he clasped his hands together. “Why don’t you come out with us. Get your mind off the girl who was obviously not good enough for you.”
Calum sighed, sitting up on the couch. “I guess I can. Might as well get out of this apartment,” he muttered, playing with the ends of his shirt as his best friends cheered, the ends of Calum’s lips tugging into a small smile.
You stood in your room, looking over your outfit in the mirror in front of you as you sighed quietly. A pair of black skinny jeans clung to your legs as you wore a white flowy tank top with a light denim jacket. You gulped as your mind was flinging negative thoughts at you as you rake your fingers through your hair.
“Whatever that brain of yours is telling you, don’t listen to it,” Hannah mentioned and you looked at her in the mirror. She was leaning against your doorframe as you bit the inside of your cheek, nodding your head slightly before walking over to your desk, putting on some light makeup. “You look gorgeous.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You draped the strap of your purse across your chest, adjusting your denim jacket before you step towards your best friend.
“Ready?” She asked and you nodded your head. You followed her and Julie out of your apartment building, admiring the nightlife of LA as the two girls were chatting about something in front of you.
When you got to the bar, the three of you were carded for looking young. Which you guys were of course. Julia had just turned twenty-one a couple months ago, you and Hannah turn twenty-two in a few months. You followed your friends inside when the bouncer gave back your license, giving you a small smile as you returned it.
You looked around the packed place, seeing Julia and Hannah running up to two more of your friends as you made your way towards the bar, wanting a drink immediately. You moved the stool out for you to sit on, letting out a sigh as you waited for the bartender to make her way towards you. Looking at the other people sat at the bar your breath hitched in your throat, looking away immediately. Of course, he’d be here. The night I want to get out of the apartment and be able to have fun… he’d be here.
“Hey, darlin’ what can I get you?” The friendly bartender asked and you glanced back towards Dylan who seemed to be locking lips with some blonde.
“Shot of tequila, please,” you mumbled, looking back up at her as she nodded her head, going to gather the salt and lime. She laid down a napkin, placing a slice of lime onto it before setting the salt next to it. The bartender grabbed a shot glass, filling it to the brim with tequila, sliding it towards you slowly as you quietly thanked her.
You licked the back of your hand, shaking some salt onto the wet skin before taking a deep breath, picking up the shot glass. “Here’s to forgetting tonight,” you mumbled, licking the strip of salt, downing the shot of the awful tasting liquid before biting down on the lime. You scrunch your face up, appalled by the taste as you laid the glass onto the bartop.
“Another?” The bartender asked and you shook your head, regretting the decision to have tequila in the first place.
“Can I get a sex on the beach? Double please,” you mumbled, giving her a small smile as she nodded, going to make the drink. You laid a ten dollar bill out on the bar as you watched her top off your drink with cranberry juice before bringing it to you. “Keep the change,” you smiled, grabbing your drink before getting out of your seat.
You stood on your tippy toes, looking around for your friends as you saw Julia waving you over to them. You began to make your way over to them when someone was roughly pushed into you, making the drink in your hand spill all over your hands and your denim jacket. You gasped, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as others around you looked at you.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You heard an Australian accent call out and you looked up, seeing a tall handsome man your age standing in front of you. He had black hair, dark brown eyes, and thick pink lips. He’s actually kind of cute.
“Uhm, i-it’s okay,” you mumbled, walking away from them, weaving around the mass of people, making your way towards the ladies room to try and wipe the alcohol off of your jacket. You could feel tears brimming your eyes as something so embarrassing would happen to you. Placing your purse on the counter, you slipped your jacket off before grabbing a few paper towels. You wet the towels, wiping at the wet spot on your jacket, picking it up from the counter, placing the clothing underneath the hand dryer.
You sighed as there was a noticeable stain, running a hand through your hair before tying the denim jacket around your waist. You draped your purse over your shoulder, walking out of the restroom, seeing the same guy who spilled your drink on you standing in front of the women’s bathroom. “Is this how you pick up ladies?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows together, a little angry with the cute guy.
“N-No, of course not. My friends, uhm, they were just being stupid idiots and I didn’t mean to bump into you,” he explained and the angry look subsided. “I-I actually came to see if I could buy you a drink?”
“I don’t even know your name yet,” you mumbled, leaning against the wall in front of them.
“Calum, Calum Hood,” the cute Australian filled in, holding his hand out towards you. “What’s your name?” He asked.
“Calum? I’ve never heard that name before,” you grinned, taking his hand into yours, shaking it gently. “I’m Y/N, Y/N L/N.”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” Calum spoke and you blushed. His eyes widened at the realization of what he said, his lips parted a bit. “O-Oh that just slipped out. I-I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, Calum. It’s nice to hear a compliment for once,” you muttered, giving him a sad smile as his eyebrows furrowed together, clearly confused by your statement. “Come on, you can buy me that drink now.”
The two of us walked to the bar, sitting down in two of the seats that were free when you first walked over to the bar when you arrived. “Hi can I get a rum and coke,” Calum told the bartender before glancing over at you. “What did you have?” He asked.
“Sex on the beach,” you told the lady as she remembered what you had ordered, nodding her head before beginning to make the two drinks.
“So, uhm, are you okay?” Calum asked as your eyes were still on Dylan and his new toy. You swallowed the lump in your throat, tearing your eyes away from them as you looked over at the tanned boy.
“Uh, what? No, no, actually I’m not okay,” you muttered, your fingers wrapping around the glass that was put in front of you as Calum fished out a ten from his wallet, handing it to the bartender.
“What’s wrong? If you don’t mind telling me,” he offered and you gnawed on your bottom lip, tapping the glass as you contemplate on spilling everything to a stranger.
“Well, you see that guy over there with the blonde?” You asked, nodding your head in the direction of Dylan. Calum looked over towards your ex, nodding his head in answer before looking back at you. “That’s my ex-boyfriend if you could call him that. Uh, h-he basically broke my heart.”
Calum frowned, resting a hand on your wrist as you didn’t make eye contact with him, trying to blink away the tears as you brought the cup to your lips, taking a large gulp. “Aw, I’m sorry. He certainly doesn’t deserve you if he left such a beautiful girl like yourself,” Calum mumbled, taking a sip of his drink as you nodded, staring aimlessly at the bar top.
“It may seem like that, but it doesn’t help the fact that I loved him,” you whispered, looking towards Calum as he noticed the tears in your eyes. “Sorry, I don’t want to make your night anymore duller because of my sad love life.”
“No, don’t apologize. I have a similar story and it’s a reason why I’m out tonight. I thankfully haven’t run into the girl that messed me up,” he mentioned and you were intrigued, pressing my lips together into a thin line.
“Now,” you stated, scooting a bit closer to Calum, “I’m all ears for listening if you want to get it off your chest.” Calum let out a huff of breath, taking another sip of his rum and coke before rubbing his chin.
“Uhm, well, I was seeing this girl named Lila and we’ve gone out a few times. So, we had gone to the mall together because she needed some jeans and I was willing to go with her since I really liked to be with her. On our way towards the food court after she bought her jeans I asked her about being my girlfriend and she just laughed in my face, stating that I was just a bet and that she wanted nothing to do with me,” Calum explained and you frowned, feeling sorry for the cute Australian as you took his hand into yours, softly rubbing the back of it.
“I’m so sorry that happened to you. Now, I don’t know who this Lila is and from what I’ve seen of you so far she definitely didn’t deserve you. She actually sounds like a huge cunt,” you muttered, shrugging your shoulders as Calum laughed a bit.
“Yeah, now that I think about it she kind of is,” Calum smiled and your heart fluttered, feeling the smile tugging at your lips. He has such a cute smile. You were about to say something when two pairs of hands landed on your back and shoulders. You glanced behind you, seeing your two friends grinning at you.
“There you are! We’ve been wondering where you went. Who’s this cute guy you’re with?” A drunk Hannah asked and you blushed, looking back towards Calum who was also sporting reddened cheeks.
“This is Calum, he spilled my first drink all over me and offered to buy me one and now here we are,” you introduced as your two friends “oooo'd.” “Calum, these are two of my best friends, Hannah and Julia.”
“Hi, Calum! So, are you going to bring this beauty home? She’s been locked up in her apartment for like a month and I think it’s the first time I’ve actually seen her smile at a guy,” Hannah rambled, hanging off of Julia as your cheeks reddened even more, giving both of them a look.
“Alright, I think it’s time for someone to go home,” you muttered, pushing the two of them away from you before you walked back over to Calum. “I’m so sorry about them.” Your eyes were widened as you tangled your fingers together.
Calum nervously chuckled, sitting sideways in the chair as he smiled at me. “It’s alright. I know how drunk friends are, trust me,” he mumbled, grinning at his drink before taking a sip of it. “Although I don’t think I’ll take you home… I would like to see you again if that’s alright?” Calum asked and your lips parted slightly, feeling your heartbeat pick up.
“O-Oh, wait really?” You asked, picking up your drink from the bar, sipping from the straw as you finished your drink. Calum nodded his head, placing his glass on the table before standing up.
“Yeah, you seem like a lovely person and I want to get to know you better. Actually, can I walk you guys home? I know L.A. isn’t the safest place at night and I’d have a better conscience knowing you guys got home safely,” Cal offered, licking his lips a bit as yours moved like a fish out of water.
You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, looking beyond Calum’s shoulder to see Dylan looking right at you, feeling your heart rate picking up. “Y-Yeah, I-we’d like that a lot,” you smiled at him.
“Alright, let me go tell my friends that I’m leaving. I’ll meet you guys outside, okay?” He asked and you nodded, watching him sift through the sea of people. Your cheeks began to hurt from smiling so much, making your way outside to see Julia and Hannah leaning against the wall, Han almost falling over every few seconds.
“How much have you had to drink?” You asked the brunette and she just grinned up at your, shrugging her shoulders. You sighed, shivering a bit as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Wait a minute!” Hannah basically yelled, making me flinch back a bit as she held out a finger in front of her. “You’re supposed to be going home with Calum! What are you doing here?” She asked.
You rolled your eyes, about to tell her that you weren’t going home with someone you barely know when Calum himself stood beside me. “Hey, ready?” He asked, looking between the three of us.
“Oh, so you are going home with him!” She smirked and you shook your head.
“No, I’m not. H-He’s walking us home,” you informed them as Julie wrapped an arm around Hannah’s waist, steadying her as they started to walk in the direction of my apartment. “God, I’m never going bringing her out again,” you laughed nervously as you and Cal followed the two girls. You closed your eyes for a second, feeling the cold breeze brush your skin and you were about to pull off your denim jacket when Calum’s voice stopped your actions.
“Are you cold? You can have my jacket,” He offered, pulling off his leather jacket, handing it to you.
“N-No, I’m fine. I can use-.”
“Just take the damn jacket,” he playfully grinned, pushing it into your hands. You bit your lip, nodding your head slightly as you grabbed the leather jacket, slipping your arms into it.
“Thanks, Cal. Can I call you Cal?” You asked and he nodded his head, grinning down at you. “Okay, well, thank you, Cal. You’re too kind.” You smiled, nudging your shoulder with his as you got closer and closer to your apartment building. The four of you finally made it to the building, Julia and Hannah heading inside as you stood outside with Calum. “Well, this is us,” you spoke quietly, looking up at the building before looking back at Cal.
“One of my friends I’m staying with actually doesn’t live that far from here,” he mentioned and you nodded, lacing your fingers together in front of you.
“I wanna thank you for so much,” you started, playing with the ends of Calum’s jacket. “Thanks for offering to buy me a drink, talking to me, actually making me smile and laugh, and walking us home.”
“It’s no problem. Hopefully, I can do it again,” the dark-haired boy grinned, stuffing his hands into his pockets as you smiled, nodding your head.
“Give me your phone?” You asked and his brown eyes widened, quickly getting his phone out of his pocket before handing it to me. You typed in your contact information quickly before handing it back to him. “Just uh, shoot me a text when you wanna hang out.” You informed him before stepping closer to him, hesitating a bit as you gently pressed your lips to his cheek. “Goodnight, Calum.”
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he mumbled, licking his dry lips as you gave him a small wave, walking into your apartment building.
The three of you finally made your way into your apartment, tossing the keys into a small ceramic bowl as you felt your phone vibrate. You furrowed your eyebrows together, pulling the iPhone from your back pocket as you saw an unknown number had texted you.
We both seem to forget that you were wearing my jacket, so I guess that the universe wants us to see each other again :p x
You smiled down at your phone, your eyes trailing towards the leather jacket you were indeed wearing still. You bit your lip, adding Calum’s number to your contacts.
I guess we do. Happy accident? I think yes. Goodnight again, Cal. x
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Falling For You (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: Your clumsiness leads to the reveal of one or two of Peter’s secrets.
prompts by @book-loving--anime-chick : “You have...superpowers?” “Isn’t this amazing?” “You owe me.” <<totally forgot to put this in my bad
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 1200ish
A/N: hope this is alright...life is crazy...I’m tryin ya’ll :( I’m sorry
I’ll add tags later in a reblog.
Mobile Masterlist Ko-Fi (buy me a coffee to support me & my writing) Ask Box
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Peter had saved you from your clumsy self more times than you could count. Falling down stairs. Walking into doors. Tripping on carpet. Oh! And one time from falling off the subway platform and onto the train tracks. That one had been the scariest one. So far.
You’d bumped into someone and slipped on the edge of the platform. All you could do was gasp as you fell backwards. But with lightning fast reflexes, Peter reached out for your hand. Not only did he pull back onto the platform and into the crowd of people but you were also cocooned in his arms until you caught your breath. Your hands were pressed against his chest and he was holding you, safe and secure.
“I’ve got you,” he panted, sounding more startled than out of breath. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You had then looked up into his face, at those furrowed brows and lovely brown eyes. “Good thing I’ve got my own personal superhero for a best friend,” you grinned.
“Try not to make this a habit, eh?” Peter joked, releasing you from his surprisingly strong hold.
But habits are hard to break. Especially when they’re on accident.
You’re on the rooftop of Peter’s apartment building. It’s your favorite place to sit and sketch the skyline. Peter doesn’t even know you’re on the roof until he notices the window ajar and your hoodie on his bed.
Peter climbs up the building using the fire escape; the weather is perfect and the sun won’t be setting for a couple more minutes so there’s plenty of people walking on the street below. He finds you sketching in your favorite spot with an old, comfy but dirty blanket underneath you.
“Hey, Y/N, w-whaddaya doin up here? I didn’t know you were coming over,” he starts. You don’t even look up from your sketchbook.
“Yeah, May let me in. I just want to get some quick sketches in. I was thinking of trying a new paint medium this weekend so…” you trail off. You look up at Peter when you realize he’s just standing there, awkward and quiet. It’s not actually unusual, but you know when to speak up. “Is there a problem? Was I not allowed to drop by unannounced?” you smirk. It’s never been a problem before.
“W-hat? Ha, haha, n-no not at all. I love it when you come over...it’s just that um…I have my Stark Internship tonight so I can’t really hang out with you,” he explains and you frown.
“Oh yeah. I’m sorry Pete. You’ve been so busy with that thing...I should’ve known. I’ll get out of your hair.” You start to pack up your pens and pencils, leaving the blanket behind as you always do.
“Don’t worry about it. I mean...technically you could stay if you want. It’s not like it’s my rooftop. I can’t exactly forbid you.” You walk past Peter and head towards the fire escape. The door to the roof is usually locked.
“It’s all good, Peter.” You turn around to face Peter for a moment, still taking a few steps backwards. “Can we maybe go grab a bite to eat before your internship though?”
“Yeah! Absolutely, no problem.” Just as Peter is smiling and looking up to address you...you trip.
Except this time you’re too close to the edge of the building and there’s nothing to reach out for. Your pencil bag goes over the edge first as you gasp and prepare to scream.
“Y/N!” Peter calls out to you in alarm. You fall, but only for a second before a something sticky grabs your hand. Like a bungee cord, you bounce back up the side of the building and are suddenly in Peter’s arms. Except Peter isn’t on the rooftop anymore either. He’s on the side of the building. Sticking to it...like…
You finally register that the sticky substance on your hand is webbing.
“Oh my god,” you mutter as Peter climbs up the side of the building with the ease of...well...Spider-man. He lifts you over the edge and back onto the roof. No one on the street below is any wiser to the fact that you were almost splattered on the pavement. “You...have superpowers.”
“Um, yeah kinda...I mean yes, definitely.” Peter sets you down on the blanket, far away from the edge. He sighs with relief. “That’s what I use them for, I mean.”
“So...um...you’re Spider-man?” You take a wild guess without looking at Peter. You can always tell when he’s lying. By not looking at him, you’re allowing him the opportunity to lie. You’d understand if he did but you hope he doesn’t.
“...Maybe…” he mumbles. You keep your cool of course, because if you were Ned, you’d be freaking out. He’s excitable like that.
“Does Ned know?”
“Not yet.” You finally look at Peter and see the guilt on his face. He doesn’t like keeping secrets and in the past, he’s usually terrible at keeping them but this has changed everything.
“That’s what the stark internship is, huh?” You’re starting to get comfortable and brave enough to ask a few of the things racing through your head.
“...Um...yes...” Peter grins when he notices you’re not mad.
“Ok uh so...this is awesome!” You jump to your feet, pulling Peter with you and shaking his shoulders. “My best friend is Spider-man!”
“Shhhh!” Peter puts a finger to your lips and you freeze. “Not even Aunt May knows,” he confesses.
“Sorry. It’s just...it’s amazing, isn’t it? I mean...Peter...you saved my life…again,” you add that on at the last second, giving him his due for every time he’s looking out for you. “Isn’t this amazing?”
“Duh! Of course it is!” Peter beams at you. “I’m actually really glad you know now. It’s hard to keep secrets from you,” he admits. He takes ahold of your arm by your elbow and escorts you back towards the fire escape.
“Oh really?” you chuckle. “So...what other secrets do you have?” You’ve always enjoyed teasing your friend but never like this. Your body is close to his--for your safety of course but still--and you’re chewing on your lip while making eye contact with Peter. You’re usually terrible at flirting but perhaps another near-death experience has made you brave enough that your flirtatious stance comes naturally.
“Um…” Peter’s mouth is hanging open. It his clueless look which you see on him all the time. You love it. He closes it and swallows like his mouth is dry. He breaks your eye contact and looks down at your lips. You’re hoping he’s about to lean in and kiss you.
He flips...sideways...off the building and onto the fire escape with no regard for his safety. You flinch and freak out for maybe a second but Peter is suddenly giggling and breathless.
“How about we go to dinner first?” Peter repeats your earlier offer. “Maybe I’ll tell you then?” He extends a hand to you so that he can help you onto the fire escape and down to his apartment. You realize now that you’re holding your best friend’s hand and that you, in fact, have held it on several occasions when he’s coming to your rescue.
You’ve always been falling for him. When will you finally have the nerve to say it out loud?
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attractive-asshole · 7 years
i see in blue and you see everything in red
title: i see in blue and you see everything in red pairing: baeksoo length: oneshot (3K+ w) rating: pg-13 genre: angst  warnings: broken!baeksoo
Divorced Couple Shares Each Side Of Their Love Story
a/n: based on this video, this was word vomit written at like 1am so yeah please excuse any mistakes or whatever lol (sorry for the cliche ending but the whole thing’s kinda cliche so lolol)
aff / ao3 / lj or click keep reading
September 9, 2017
Divorced Couple Shares Each Side Of Their Love Story
“Can you guys start off by saying your name and age?”
“Do Kyungsoo, 34”
“Byun Baekhyun, 34”
What was your first impression?
Baekhyun’s side >>>>>
“We were in college, I worked at this one coffee shop near campus that everyone would go to and we’d have an open mic night every Friday. Kyungsoo was a friend of my coworker and he came in to sing something. I had seen him around campus once or twice, never really thought about him much since he was usually really quiet and kept to himself,” Baekhyun lightly laughed, “But when he started singing I was so shocked, he had such a beautiful and smooth voice and it completely swept me off my feet. I had been singing for a while too, but when I heard him that night I wished I had a voice like that.”
“I feel like he didn’t really like me when I first started talking to him, I’m not really subtle with my flirting so it probably scared him a little,” he chuckled, “but eventually, he gave into my charm and we really hit it off.”
Kyungsoo’s side <<<<<
“It was back in college. He worked in a coffee shop that my friend worked at and he had told me to come perform something for open mic night because I like to sing. I remember him coming up to be after the performance and I didn’t tell him this at the time, but I thought he was really cute. He looked so happy and excited to talk to me. The way his eyes lit up when he spoke about my singing was what attracted me to him, I think. He was so different from me, that’s what scared me I think. I knew I could fall for him easily, but I guess I didn’t really want to, cause I knew we were too different. He was really outgoing and made friends so easily, everyone loved him, I wasn’t like that. But I couldn’t say no to him and eventually we started going out.”
December 23, 2001
Baekhyun doesn’t know why he agreed to work today, he still has so much to do to prepare for Christmas. The shop is packed, he doesn’t know why everyone would want to spend the day before Christmas Eve at a small coffee shop, figures people would be hurrying to the stores to buy last minute gifts, but here they are. The bright side was that it’s extremely warm inside, despite the three feet of snow and the biting winter air outside. It’s  open mic night again and Chanyeol’s  been waiting for it all day, said he and his friend were suppose to perform something they had been practicing all week for, even brought his old guitar and everything.
Baekhyun recognizes Kyungsoo’s face from around campus. Those big eyes and thick lips were hard things to forget. They had never actually talked before, Kyungsoo was always alone whenever Baekhyun had seen him, always sitting under the shade of a tree with a book in his hand or sitting by himself at a table in the library. He’s the last person Baekhyun expected to walk through the doors of the shop that night.
“I didn’t know he could sing.”
Chanyeol pauses his ministrations of tuning his guitar to look up at the boy on the stage adjusting the mic.  “Kyungsoo? Oh yeah he’s amazing, we always jam out together on the weekends.”
Baekhyun hums in acknowledgement, watching the other as he stood awkwardly on stage waiting for Chanyeol to come up.
Kyungsoo’s voice is warm, thick but smooth honey, Baekhyun thinks, warming him up better than the hot chocolate he had in his mug. The entire shop is quiet, everyone’s attention on the two on stage and it was Kyungsoo that captivated them all. Chanyeol was right, he was amazing. There’s a fluttery feeling in pit of Baekhyun’s stomach that he can’t quite ignore as he listens to the singer, his voice tickling  it’s way down his spine, sending chills throughout his entire body. Maybe he’s being dramatic, Baekhyun thinks, but he was in love.
“Wow, Chanyeol was right, you’re amazing.” Baekhyun leans in closer so the other could hear him better over the chattering of everyone in the shop.
Baekhyun is all smiles and cute droopy eyes, Kyungsoo doesn’t think he’s ever seen him before, he was pretty sure he’d remember a face like that.
Kyungsoo smiles back, a light pink dusting at the apples of his cheeks. “Thanks.”
“Seriously, your voice is so nice. I’d marry it if I could,” Baekhyun chuckles, his eyes curving into little crescents and Kyungsoo thinks he wouldn’t mind waking up to those everyday.
Kyungsoo can’t stop the tingling feeling in the pit of the stomach as Baekhyun laughs. He forces himself to keep his eyes on the other’s eyes when he catches him glancing toward his pink lips, unconsciously smiling when noticing the little mole.
If it was for Baekhyun, Kyungsoo thinks maybe, he wouldn’t mind singing all night long.
Most embarrassing thing he’s done?
Kyungsoo’s side <<<<<
“Hmmm, there’s been a lot actually,” Kyungsoo gave the other a smile small, “The most memorable time I think is this one time when I visited him at work and I was just sitting there watching him make coffee and whatnot. He was chewing gum and trying to sing along to this song on the radio, he always does that he loves singing no matter where he’s at, and he accidentally swallowed his gum and started choking so of course I run to him trying to help him and then he finally spits it out and it lands into this customer’s coffee who was sitting at the bar in front of him.” He took a second to laugh to himself, earning him a curious smile from the other.
“It was so awkward and Baekhyun was so embarrassed but I couldn’t help but laugh. I would always tease about it, even now.”
What was the relationship like?
Baekhyun’s side >>>>>
“Well we’re really different from each other, I was more affectionate like physically. I’d always be the one to cling onto him while he was doing homework or something or wanting to kiss and hold hands in public and he was always more shy about it so when we first started dating I kinda thought like oh shit maybe he doesn’t like me as much as I like him, but then as time went on I just realized he wasn’t the kind of the person that showed love like that and I could still tell he loved me you know? He has something about him that made me feel safe and protected, even though he didn’t always say it, I could tell he loved me. Like whenever he called me from work to make sure I ate or the way he’d pull me closer whenever we walked on the sidewalk and cars were driving by fast. I just knew he really cared.”
Kyungsoo’s side <<<<<
“There’s never a dull moment with Baekhyun. He was something I didn’t know I needed in my life, he’s just this ball of energy that I never got tired of. My friends would always look at us and say ‘Wow Kyungsoo’s never gone out with someone like you before, you guys are like opposites’ We always thought it was funny, because it was true, but Baekhyun just a quality about him that made me feel different you know? In a good way, of course. He was just always there to remind me not to be so serious all the time and even though he loves to joke around he could tell when I was having a bad day even though I didn’t say it. He just always knew what to say and do. I’ve never had anyone like him before in my life.”
February 14, 2004
Kyungsoo comes home to a smoke filled apartment, he quickly dropped his belongings and runs inside to see what was going on. He finds his boyfriend running around the kitchen with a baking pan full of what looked to be burnt cookies, though he wasn’t sure.
“Baek, are you okay?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.
The other nearly drops the tray when he sees Kyungsoo, his eyes immediately welling up and before Kyungsoo could do anything, he drops the tray onto the counter and bursts into tears.
He quickly runs to his distressed boyfriend, taking him into his arms and holding in him tight. “Hey, hey what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I-I wanted to surprise you with dinner since it’s V-Valentine’s day,” Baekhyun hiccups through sobs, “But I ruined everything and everything is burnt and Valentine’s day is ruined! I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done anything, now our kitchen is a mess and we don’t have dinner or anything. It was suppose be a special night.”
Kyungsoo sighs, an endearing smile on his face as he wipes the flour off the other’s cheek with his thumb before pressing a soft kiss onto his lips.
“Hey come on, stop crying it’s okay. Thanks for trying to surprise me, I really appreciate it.”
The other wipes his tear stained cheeks with his sleeves, lips pulled into a pout as he looks at his boyfriend. “Y-You do?”
Kyungsoo helps wipes away the tears running down his face and pulls his head into his chest. “Of course you idiot, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
>>>>>Both sides<<<<<
“It’s been so long since I’ve sat down and thought about all the good times we’ve had,” Baekhyun said, a small smile on his face.
“Yeah, it’s definitely...nostalgic, remembering all the dumb stuff you’ve done.”
A playful pout pulled at the other’s lips as he lifted up a leg to gently kick Kyungsoo’s shin.
“Yah you better not be telling them my embarrassing stories.”
“Too late.”
How did the relationship progress?
Kyungsoo’s side <<<<<
“I think for the first four years, we were still in like the honeymoon stage. Everything was good. We ended getting married right after college and I think it was just too fast and we were still too young and that was when things started getting rough.”
Baekhyun’s side >>>>>
“It was really good at first, we were like the typical perfect couple in romance movies,” he chuckled, “But then after we got married was probably when things got more complicated.”
“We were just too young and dumb I think,” he said with a sad smile on his face.
>>>>>Both sides<<<<<
“We definitely…weren’t ready for marriage,” Kyungsoo said.
Baekhyun lightly laughed, nodding his head. “Yeah I think we just rushed into it too fast especially since we had just graduated and we barely knew what the real world was like and we didn’t realize how hard it would be.”
“Yeah we were probably a little too naive, thinking that marriage was going to be this perfect, easy thing like it was in movies.”
How did it end?
Baekhyun’s side >>>>>
“Well the first couple years were fine, we were still living in our tiny apartment. But then we wanted to move out, get an actual house and everything was just a mess. Work started getting in the way of everything, we never really saw each other anymore. I always told him he was working too much and he’d always just brush me off, I knew he was working hard to support us but it was hard you know? I felt  like we weren’t really in it together anymore.”
Kyungsoo’s side <<<<<
“Looking back it, I definitely think it was my fault. I was never really good at expressing my thoughts and feelings and when we hit the rough patch, the communication wasn’t there and now that I look back I put Baekhyun through a lot of pain that he didn’t deserve. Everyone always called us the perfect couple and we both knew we weren’t. I think the pressure to keep up this act being super in love and happy was just too much and I ended up working a lot to cope with it all and I was just never home anymore. Baekhyun had tried to talk to me so many times and I was just too stupid to make things work.”
>>>>>Both sides<<<<<
“It was really hard for me to get you to talk about what was going on,” Baekhyun explained, looking at the other in the eyes, “I felt like you never really wanted to acknowledge the problem I had to keep it in and deal with everything myself. I should’ve tried harder to fix things and I regret that the most.”
Kyungsoo slowly nodded as Baekhyun spoke, hands in his lap playing with the hem of his sweater.
October 13, 2009
“Maybe,” Baekhyun sighs, “Maybe this isn’t working anymore.”
The silence between them is almost suffocating.
It’s been a week since they’ve had dinner together, with every night ending with Baekhyun sitting alone at the dinner table waiting for Kyungsoo to come home so they could eat together and every night ending with him receiving a text informing him that husband wasn’t coming home that night. Things shouldn’t be like this, Baekhyun thinks, marriage shouldn’t be like this.
“Yeah,” Kyungsoo says quietly as he picks at his steak with his fork, “I know.”
How did you become friends again?
Baekhyun’s side <<<<<
“It was definitely awkward for a while,” he lightly laughed, “But we still had a lot of mutual friends and we started seeing each other more often and things slowly became better and we started talking more and actually became friends. We both liked music and singing so we bonded a lot over that.”
What’s it like now?
Kyungsoo’s side >>>>>
“It’s...good now, we’re definitely not the best of friends,” he joked, “But we talk normally when we see each other like old friends meeting up and it’s never awkward when we hang out with a group of friends.”
Is there something you’d like to tell him?
Baekhyun’s side <<<<<
“That I really value our friendship and I don’t ever regret marrying him even though things didn’t work out. He was the longest relationship I ever had and I’ll always cherish the memories we made together and that I’m glad he’s still in my life now.”
Kyungsoo’s side >>>>>
“That I should’ve treated him better. He the kindest person I’ve ever met and he didn’t deserve everything I put him through. I should’ve been there more, I should communicated better, I should’ve been the support he needed instead of being selfish and stupid and letting him deal with everything on his own. I should tried harder to fix things.”
May 24, 2015
“Hey isn’t that...?” Chanyeol points to the man wearing a blue sweater standing at the cash register waiting for his order to be taken.
Kyungsoo’s heart skips a beat at the sight of the other.
“Oh,” Kyungsoo breathes out, “Yeah.”
Baekhyun’s always loved that sweater, he would wear it all the time when they were still together. He forces himself to look away and turns his attention down at the mug in his hand. Chanyeol gives him an apologetic look, maybe he shouldn’t have pointed him out. “You gonna be okay?” Chanyeol asks, reaching across the table to give the other’s shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“It’s been years, of course I’m gonna be okay,” Kyungsoo lightly chuckles before taking a sip of his coffee.
“I know,” the other sighs, “But, maybe you should talk to him.”
“We do talk.”
“You know what I mean,” Chanyeol sighs, “You should tell him you still love him. It’s been years, both of have you grown and matured maybe it could work?”
Kyungsoo watches as Baekhyun takes his drinks from the barista with a smile and walks through the doors to meet up with a tall man waiting for him outside. He watches as Baekhyun smiles up at the man before stands up on his tippy toes to press a chaste kiss on the other’s lips. Kyungsoo tries his best to ignore the ache in his heart as he watches them walk away down the street, hand in hand, tries his best to keep a straight face even though he feels like throwing up.
“He’s happy now, Chanyeol. I don’t want to ruin that for him.”
Biggest regrets?
>>>>>Both sides<<<<<
“What I regret most...was probably not trying harder to get you to talk so we could work things out, I should’ve been better at vocalizing my thoughts,” Baekhyun said.
“For me, it was not treating you right, I should been a better husband. One that you deserved and needed.”
“Well damn, next time,” Baekhyun joked with a snap of his fingers.
They both laugh in their seats before giving each other a quick hug and thanking the interviewers  and going their separate ways.
December 10, 2017
The shops’s packed today. It’s been so long since Kyungsoo’s been back here, back to where they first met. A strong wave of nostalgia hits him as he stands in line, looking around their old hangout spot. Not much has changed, he notes, the same old floral couch is still there and by the look of the sign on the wall it seems like they still do open mic nights, except they’re on Saturdays now.
“Hey, Kyungsoo?”
He whips his head around to the familiar voice.
“Oh, hey.”
Baekhyun is still all smiles and cute droopy eyes, even after sixteen years.
“What are you doing here?” Kyungsoo asks, he catches himself looking at Baekhyun’s lips and mentally curses himself.
“Getting coffee duh.” Baekhyun playfully rolls his eyes. Kyungsoo forgot how much misses Baekhyun’s sass and obnoxious, but cute personality.
“I mean back in the city, you idiot,” the other scoffs, “Didn’t you move?”
“Yeah but me and Sehun are visiting my parents for the whole month, you know, for Christmas and whatnot.”
Kyungsoo slightly tenses up at the mention of Sehun. “Right, right. How’s it going between you two?”
He doesn’t know why he asked, he really doesn’t want to know.
“We’re good, my mom keeps asking when we’re getting married but I’m not even sure if he wants to get married, not sure if he can deal with all this,” he jokes.
“He’d be lucky to married to a guy like you,” Kyungsoo says, trying his hardest to give the other a sincere a smile.
Baekhyun doesn’t hesitate to return it with a big smile of his own, Kyungsoo can feel his heart racing in his chest.
“Thanks, Kyungsoo.”
“Well I better get going, Sehun’s waiting for his hot chocolate, I swear he’s a kid,” Baekhyun laughs, “I’ll uhm see you around?”
Kyungsoo doesn’t want him to leave just yet, he doesn’t want him to go back home to Sehun, he wants them to pick off where they left off.
“Yeah,” Kyungsoo says, “See you around.”
But he knows that can’t happen.
The other gives him one final wave before slipping out the door and disappearing into the crowd of people on the street.
Maybe in their next life, Kyungsoo thinks, they could have their happy ending.
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themoon-andvoid · 7 years
1-102 for the ask thing
1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood? doesn't remind me- audioslave
2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet? Ophelia!!! She was a beautiful and amazing cat
3.) have you ever been drunk? Ya
4.) have you ever tried drugs? U bet
5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said? Yep
6.) have you ever made someone cry? Yeah
7.) has someone ever made you cry? Yep!
8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. Yeah, the first time I fell in love I knew because she just gave me this feeling like I only wanted the best for her regardless of if she was with me or not (but it was awful to see her with anyone else)
9.) which came first the chicken or the egg? Chicken
10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them? I'm queer af
11.) how many siblings do you have? 4
12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love? This is gay culture/ yes
13.) are you a good cook? Eh
14.) what is your favorite tv show? the Gay and Wonderous Life of Caleb Gallo!
15.) what is the last movie you cried during? Tbh that one with Robert pattinson where he dies
16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any) Space Oddity- David Bowie
17.) do you have a middle name? Elaina Dorothy
18.) have you been out of your country? Yeah I've been to the US, France, and Spain!
19.) are you a chocolate fan or not? Yaaa
20.) how many people have you kissed? Not counting truth or dare kisses with friends- 11? At least
21.) what is your favorite album? Rn probably Digital Druglord or Nothing Above Nothing Below
22.) what is your dream car? Something old and aesthetic
23.) what is your lucky/favorite number? 9
24.) what is your favorite flower? Baby's breath?
25.) books or movies, why? Books bc they've always been there for me
26.) have you ever been on a blind date? No
27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you? High school in a nutshell
28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends? Probably
29.) what thing do you symbolize love with? Making people watch heathers
30.) do you have neat handwriting? Noooo
31.) do you have a friend with benefits? Sorta
32.) do you want a friend with benefits? Depends on the alternative 
33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? Not mentally ill
34.) have you ever been blackout drunk? Far too many times, far too often
35.) have you ever met someone famous? A couple musicians ?
36.) how many concerts have you been to? A bunch
37.) which concerts have you been to? I can't remember things rn
38.) do you have a hidden talent? ;)
39.) what do you do when you’re stressed? Masturbate/smoke/cry/run repeat
40.) do you think money can buy love? Not real love
41.) how old would you date? 20
42.) have you ever done something illegal? Shoplifting+ tresspassing
43.) what is your biggest fear? Being alone and unloved
44.) what is an unusual fear you have? Idk
45.) can you drive? Less can you, more should you
46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures? Sorta
47.) do you believe in karma? Yes
48.) what is one quality you need in your partner? Independence 
49.) do looks matter? Yes (not conventional beauty tho)
50.) does size matter? Nah
51.) who is the last person you forgave? I'm more of the one to be forgiven 
52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee or caramel or chocolate 
53.) what languages can you speak besides english? French-ish
54.) ever been on a plane? Ya
55.) ever been on a boat? Ya
56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? Yep
57.) are there any friendships you regret? Yes
58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make? Yeah
59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours? Yep
60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am? Yes it's my favourite thing
61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through? Yeah!
62.) are you scared of rollercoasters? Yes
63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually? 6
64.) do you have any plans this weekend? Take a bath, call Addison, see my friends! And work :-(
65.) do you miss anyone right now? Yeah
66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now? Jade or Simon or Addison or Avery I miss Avery sm tbh
67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be? Super good memory
68.) who is your favorite superhero? Spider-Man tbh
69.) are you dirty minded? Ya
70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s? Can't pick just one
71.) how many kids, if any, do you want? MAYBE one
72.) who is your biggest OTP? Me n mental stability 
73.) what is your favorite food? Is latte foam food 
74.) do you want to be married one day? Fuck that but also yes ya feel 
75.) dogs or cats? Both 
76.) do you drink enough water daily? So much
77.) have you ever seen a shooting star? I think
78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you? Nah
79.) how many best friends do you have? 1 soulmate, 4 best friends
80.) when was the last time you cried? Yesterday
81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself? I think so
82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed? Maybe?
83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go? California 
84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself? Gay, anxious, loser
85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person? Yep
86.) what is your favorite season and why? Fall! Perfect weather for my fav clothes+ halloween
87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it? All the time my dude
88.) do you know how to play any instruments? Yeah! Cello guitar bass uke and piano
89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not? Yep
90.) what are you allergic to? Healthy stable relationships
91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like? Yeah
92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be? I'd be Jon snow bc he pretty
93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why? He's not really a celebrity but I wanna hang out w Matt toka 
94.) are you outgoing? Trying 2 b
95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to? Story of my life
96.) are you a good flirt? Good? Debatable. Flirt? Yes.
97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down? Ya and ya!
98.) which planet is your favorite? This one
99.) are you superstitious? A bit
100.) are you a good listener? I think so
101.) are you a good kisser? Apparently! I've been told that quite a bit
102.) would you kiss any of your friends? I think I have kissed all my friends (who live within kissing distance)
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the-origin-story · 7 years
Origin Story Text Posts and Onion Headlines Part 9
Kira: one of these days i'm going to roll my eyes too hard and i'm going to go blind, i just walked into this room at a party and someone yelled "dibs!", I'm sorry you must be at least a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory, I'm developing all these feelings it's disgusting., how ones one turn their emotions off, idc (I do care), This Shit Again, i hope common sense is the next cool trend, no offense but i hate myself and i hope i die in my sleep, i need a tall boyfriend so he can get things for me off of tall places. i changed my mind boys are demons ill get a ladder, "your eyes hella red u been smokin??" no I been crying bitch leave me alone, why do ppl think its ok to waste my time, who let me adult I can't adult, japanese legend says that if you shut the fuck up you wouldn't be so annoying, "yall need to chill" says me, who isn't chill not even a little bit., here i am, cuter and more kissable than ever, and how many kisses am i receiving? zero, why doesn't anyone appreciate my sarcasm and bitterness as much as i do, what the hap is fuckening, current mood: angrily bisexual., buying clothes that aren't black is hard, are those feelings get them away from me, girlfriend: why don't you take off that battle armor and slip into something a bit more.....comfortable me: i am most comfortable when i am impervious to most forms of physical attack, "I need to you to totally straight with me-" *nervous bisexual laughter*, i can't stop laughing at the fact that i used to think that i was straight me a heterosexual, ever wonder how different your life would be if that one thing never happened, Youve heard of Best Buy, now get ready for... me (the best bi), ATTENTION! The rumors are true! i AM beautiful AND hilarious at the SAME TIME. yes it is a lot to take in take ur time my beauty is timeless, Fact: Bisexuals are open to everything. Coffee dates, crowded parties, underground robot fighting rings, secret witch covens. We're open minded., bi people are are wonderful and magical and their identity is so so valid pass it on, Your Safety Is Our Second Concern, anyway sorry I sound really gay and bitter, list of things i'm handling well currently 1., my life's resume: i tried, anyway *goes to push my glasses up my nose by the bridge and accidentally gets fingerprint on lens* fuck okay hold on, do you ever just look at someone and think "I'm glad your parents had sex", If I had a dollar every time someone called me ugly I'd have 0 dollars bitch you thought lmao, I may be short but you're still beneath me
Jean: me 300 times a day: im so done, that person you just called a nerd? they are a giant nerd. you made a good call on that one., "if u like someone just tell them!" yeah sure goodbye, why does life feel like i'm playing on expert difficulty, the robot apocalypse will be caused by people talking about the robot apocalypse so much that the robots will think that's what we want and they're just trying their best, i want to give him (Becket) things like blowjobs and self esteem, I am awake but at what price, me: *discussing w/ myself in my head* me: my thoughts exactly, I'm like four days past my bedtime, no offense but some of us *looks pointedly at self in mirror* need to fucking chill, reasons to date me: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: please lol, "its dark im scared" don't worry bae i got this *stomps foot* *sketchers light up*, me: *talks for 30 minutes straight on a subject no one cares about just because i love sharing information*, me:*lies down* things:*continue to happen* me: lieS DOWN HARDER*, friend: you look stressed me: haha yeah it's the stress, it's raining but it's not men so what's the point
Cypress: is it gay in here or is it just me?, im the seductive malicious forest spirit your parents warned you about, me: hangs out w/ little kids and tries to reach them self love and feminist ideas, I am a dream girl I already know, i'm a good person i don't deserve to be mistaken for a heterosexual, *me flirting* hey wanna suffer together, "sit up straight" how dare you i'll sit as gay as i please, Area Women Not Listened To Again, "women are weaklings!" i'm strong enough to carry your corpse to the woods, I'm in love with this girl. She's gorgeous, smart, talented, funny as hell, and totally badass. That girl is me. boy: says something sexual or flirtatious me: right...anyway, "you can't wear that!!!! people will get the wrong impression!!!" the impression that i am a hot babe with an ass that just won't quit??" honey that ain't wrong that's just a fact
Becket: am i a complex carbohydrate because i am slowly breaking down, I'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on, no offense but what the fuck am I doing, eyebrow game strong?, more like eyeBAG game strong. i'm fucking exhausted. haha lol, au where i'm not crying, i expect the minimum and am still disappointed, INCREDIBLY ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE who are simultaneously GIANT DORKS are my ULTIMATE WEAKNESS, me: knows exactly what i have to say me: stutters and fucks up a 5 word sentence, me, a sensitive and very emotional person who cries easily and can't take any criticism: i wanna fight someone
Liam: im fluent in talking shit, is it morally okay to pray that your crush's relationship doesn't work out, I walk this broken road on the boulevard of broken roads Don't know where it broke but it's only me and I broke the road, can you not date people that are not me? it's rude., i think i stole all of the wrong personality traits when when making my identity because no one fucking likes me??, hot people who know they're hot are the worst and can't be trusted, I thought you were in love? just with myself, *avoids even people i love w all heart*, I may look calm but in my head I've killed you three times, Child Development Experts Say Boys Not Fully Mature Until Avenging Father's Murder, i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, i try not to sound like an asshole but it's really hard because i am an asshole, why are 15 year olds so angry
Bean: wanna make a secret handshake it involves us touching our mouths together for three hours, don't look at me i'll fall in love with u, Do you ever look at a person and get the urge to just drop everything and yell I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU, here's a little song i like to call "i cherish our friendship so i won't tell you i would totally have sex with you if you asked"
Cyra: IF YOU SAY ONE MORE WORD I'M GOING TO GRAB YOUR FACE AND kiss it because you're cute , do you ever just want to hold someone in your arms for about 37 years, QUICK. PUT YOUR LIPS ON MINE IT'S AN EMERGENCY, @god thanks for making girls so pretty, they're just really cute and in love, my kink is a happy n fulfilling relationship, my seduction style is is genuinely caring about your life & wanting you to improve & be happy, otp: smol and tol, you can't be hot and just expect me to act normal
Jean and Kira: I'm Always Open To Feedback I Can Get Defensive About And Ultimately Ignore
The Squad: Group Of Good-Looking People All Headed Toward Same Place
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