chendve · 5 years
rep: 76,653
objective:   even though idol life is incredibly busy, personal obligations do not stop completely. below are a few questions you can answer in any way you see fit. in addition to the questions, write a short(or long) self para for an extra 16,000 rep about your muse doing errands. you can even write a v-live of them doing a grocery shopping trip for the dorm, a pharmacy store run for personal products, clothes shopping trip, visiting a hair or nail salon/barber/, or any other errand type setting you can think of. remember to include your muse’s thoughts as they go through the actions of completing their errands. for example, if they are grocery shopping include self talk about what foods their members requested or inner thoughts about which item to get, cheaper or more quality etc.
**NOTE: these questions are answered by mun based on information found through research or just my own personal thoughts.
what does your muse usually do?
ANSWER: jongdae’s hobbies usually include singing and playing the piano. though, through videos of friends being non celeb and celeb he tends to go out from time to time. he also have been seen singing at weddings as well.
does your muse usually enjoy staying inside or going outside?
ANSWER: from what i’ve seen he tends to go out with either friends or the group members. though i can’t really say for sure if he does either or most due to him not having a social media account.
when they go outside, are they usually always recognized?
ANSWER: considering exo’s popularity in korea and different parts of the world, he may or may not be recognized. i think if a fan was to spot him they would know it was him.
what is something your muse would usually wear if they go outside?
ANSWER: based on some videos i have seen, he would most likely wear something casual like jeans and a shirt. in a recent ig live he was seen in skinny jeans, a shirt, and a cap. he seems to like to dress comfortabally when he has leisure time.
how many times do they go grocery shopping, or do they leave that for someone else to do for them?
ANSWER: jongdae is pretty forgetful so, i don’t think he goes to the grocery store often unless he has it written down what he wants. though if someone wanted him to tag along i think he would probably go with them.
how many times does your muse visit the bank?
ANSWER: he would probably go to the bank to get some cash as he is seen with some spare bills in his wallet. he may visit so often or when he really needs to.
how many times has your muse visited the hospital?
ANSWER: i think that jongdae visits the hospital for like regular check ups or if he’s really sick. though, i don’t think he really goes frequently.
what is their favorite place to go to?
ANSWER: it isn’t said what his favorite places are, but in my thoughts he would probably just goes to different spots, maybe places where he can write or clear his mind.
do they usually like going out alone, or being with a group?
ANSWER: jongdae is known for spending time mostly alone as he feels its better because he can freely do what he wants.
can your muse drive?
ANSWER: there’s no report whether or not that jongdae has a license, but i would like to think so.
i enjoy doing SONGWRITING and PLAYING PIANO when i am free from work i SPEND TIME ALONE / WITH FRIENDS sometimes, i like to visit MY FAMILY AND CLOSE FRIENDS i wish i could go to MY HOMETOWN more often tomorrow i need to REST FOR NEW SCHEDULES
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chendve · 5 years
rep: 10,830
objective:  fans can either make, or break a group. no matter what fandom, there is always well behaved ones, and not so well behaved fans. with idols using social media more lately, fan behavior has been something that idols can see up close even if it’s while lurking. below we have created a few questions that surround this topic. feel free to answer them as you see fit.
**NOTE: these questions are answered by thoughts of what i think jongdae as a muse would say.
what do you see your fans as?
“ simply put, i see exo-l’s as my everything. it’s a cliche answer, and most would put it in those words, but they are the pillar that keeps me going. they give me the energy to keep me going through my schedules and if it wasn’t for them i wouldn’t be where i am today. they are like family to me that helps me through my hard days. my fans are mines. ”  he laughs.
are you thankful for them?
“ i am always thankful for my fans. every day, every second. the small things they do for the group and my solo activities. i’m thankful for it all. ”
do you lurk on your tags online much? ( if you do ) what is something you’ve seen your fans do while lurking on social?
“ sometimes, or when i can. i don’t really have social media besides youtube. so, i can’t really see what they would say about me unless i actually go looking. i am aware that they do a lot of donations under our names? isn’t there like another thing with er... shipping? i know that’s a thing as well. some times they are funny. our fans have vivid imaginations sometimes... ”
what do you think of fans that put down other artist to raise you up?
“ it makes me feel bad actually. those artist are up there in that certain spot in the charts for a reason. i understand that fans want to see their idols win awards, but that doesn’t mean make someone, who has worked as hard as they did, feel down or not good enough because i didn’t win or their favorite artist didn’t win. everyone deserves their moment. ”
what is something that annoys you that your fans do?
“ um, follow me around and invade personal space. i understand that you’re excited and i’m excited to see you too. though, it’s also great to stay at a respectable distance unless i give an okay for you to come closer. sometimes there are days when i don’t want to be bothered and i’m sure that there are times you feel that way too. there are other days when i don’t mind taking pictures and interacting for a breif moment. please do not follow me or the members it’s very uncomfortable. let’s be respectful to each other. ”
many companies do not allow their artist to engage in fan-wars between two fan-bases, if you had the chance to - what is something you wish you could say to them? especially if they are fighting your friends group, fan-base?
“ this is rather a tricky question as we are not allowed to get involved because it could lead too something like upsetting the other fandoms, making it worst, or getting ourselves in a scandal for trying to help, but making ourselves look like the bad guy in the process. though, if i had a chance too i would probably want to say not to fight because i don’t like when my friends fell upset due to something that my fans did and vis versa. it makes me feel bad, the other artist and the fans more upset. i hope that they would be able to get along with each other and support the other party as i would do with my fellow celebrity friends. ”
what is something memorable your fans have done for you?
“ something memorable... a more recent one i remember is the one that happened during the magical circus tour. our fans had put together a video that was very touching. i think that was quite memorable. ”
do you care much about how big your fan-base is, or could you care less?
“ no, i don’t care about the size of the fanbase. i’m grateful to have fans that support me and my group, it’s all i could ask for. ”
if you had something to tell your fans right now, without any restrictions, what would you say?
“ just to continue to send their love and support, and to continue to wait for us as well will be back soon. also, i hope to see you all at the upcoming concerts this year even if it’s new faces! thank you for being my strength and the amount of energy you pour out towards us is amazing. i’m extremely grateful and could not ask for any other fans. thank you once again. ”
are you the type to take gifts from fans? (if not) why not?
“ before i used to accept gifts from fans. as of 2016, i no longer take fan gifts. i expressed this on the official fanpage that as much as i am grateful to accept them i also feel bad for taking each person’s gift. i have recieved so much over the years and sometimes i feel like there would be times when a fan would think that i didn’t appreciate a gift as much as the other’s. for now, i’ll only accept exo-l’s endless amounts of love and support. ”
what is something you could do for your fans to thank them?
“ i think there is so much i could do for them. maybe like do a fanmeeting and just give back the amount of love they give me and the group. just like a moment with just me and the fans. i think it would be a special memory. ”
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chendve · 5 years
KR://insecurities & training
POINTS: 80,300 OBJECTIVE: no one ever said being an idol was easy, it might seem like such a good idea at the beginning - but when it comes to training, a lot of the times your spirit can be shut down as companies try to give you hard treatment so you can grow stronger to take criticism by the public. sometimes, even when your profile is released early to the public, the amount of criticism can be overwhelming for someone who just wants to reach their dreams. yet, many argue that training can go without it. has there ever been a moment in either your training, or debut that you have felt like you didn’t deserve to be an idol? give us a glimpse on your mindset during that time, please be in depth as possible.
**NOTE: these questions are answered by thoughts of what i think jongdae as a muse would say.
what kind of classes did you attend while training under your chosen company?
“ when i was a trainee in SME back in 2011, i didn’t train for that long. if anything i only trained for a short period, around 11 months, before i was put into the debut group for EXO. i do remember that there were classes for singing, rapping, dancing, and language. i did a few for singing and dancing as those were the two that i would have to do the most within the group. i did take lessons at a music academy so, i can say that’s where i did most of my training as well as the few classes i took during my short trainee period.  i think most of my practice came during the years i’ve been in the group. ”
was there someone during your training that made it difficult for you to believe yourself? additionally, was there someone who gave you more courage and emotional support to continue?
“ someone that made my training difficult? i don’t seem to recall anyone making my training difficult. though, sometimes the classes were a bit challenging because we were all trying to make it to debut. i can say that dance class was difficult because it’s not my strongest point, but it wasn’t enough for me to not believe in myself because singing and being on stage was something that i wanted to do. when i was a trainee, i was closer to the chinese members in which i volunteered to take part of the chinese sub-unit of EXO rather than the korean sub-unit. lay hyung was someone that i was close with when we were trainees, but also if it wasn’t for my vocal coach for telling me to audition i wouldn’t be where i was today. ”
what is one of the most important things you learned during your training time?
“ one of the most important things i learned during my training time was to appreciate the things that you’re taught in the long run because they will be valuable to you when you debut. the training is tough for a reason, though even before debut i was lucky enough to appear on a music show. i think i learned more for vocal training through my academy, but i do appreciate what was taught to me during the time i was a trainee. i feel like i learned more into idol life through the company as well as other things that i most likely wouldn’t have in the music academy i was attending. ”
do you wish that there was something someone had told you during your pre-debut days?
“ um, i don’t think there was anything that i didn’t already know what i was going into because we were told a lot to prepare for prior to debut? maybe just that after debut it was only going to get harder. i couldn’t even think that EXO would be the kind of group we are today. ”
did you ever feel like giving up during the hardest points in your training? what kept you going?
“ i think there was a point in everyone’s training period where they wanted to give up, no? trainee life is very hard due to all the stuff that you have to do during that time. everyone is competiting for the same goal and that’s to debut. sometimes people are lucky and don’t have to train long while other’s train for years before actually seeing debut. during the eleven months i’ve trained it was hard because i was transitioning to a group that would promote in china. therefore, i had to learn a whole new language in a short time. i think it was the people that trained with me that made me want to keep going. also the goals i set for myself prior to coming to my debut. ”
did your school friends and family know about your training? were they supportive, or did they further your insecurities to keep going?
“ i don’t believe they did, but then again i was still in high school when i got signed into SM so they could have known? it wouldn’t be a surprise as all i did was sing. ” he laughs a bit. “ uh, my vocal coach was actually the one that told me to audition to an agency and so i tried it out. he was really supportive, my parents at first wasn’t. they didn’t want me to pursue that life of an idol, but after seeing that i was serious about it they ended up supporting me in the end. ”
what is one healthy thing, and one un-healthy thing you learned during training?
“ one healthy thing i learn is to rest. rest is really important and eating healthy. i think if you don’t do those two things you can’t really give it all you got. unhealthy thing is straining yourself? i mean i know we all want to give over 100% even i did it at one point. it hurts you in the long run. remember to rest people. ”
do you tend to be confident or are you someone who easily doubts themselves? how has that tendency influenced your decision making?
“ i think it’s about what and what. i know what i’m most confident in and go through with it, and what i’m not i usually work harder at it. sometimes there are times when i second guess myself and take a step back, but i tend to regret the things that i didn’t opt on doing. i think those doubts effected my decision making by making me miss out of things that could’ve worked out well if i gave it a chance. ”
when the announcement of your debut came about, what were the reactions mostly like? or did you not feel the need to read them?
“ when the announcement came around about EXO’s debut, i think we got good reactions? before our debut i appeared on SBS gayo daejeon along with luhan, tao, and kai and from what i read it was a good reaction from those who had watched. even when the teasers came out the reactions were good though he had many to introduce all the members. so, i think the reactions were good. ”
are you usually the kind to go reading articles and their comments about you and/or your group?
“ i’m not one to do that, i’m not on the computer much nor on my phone often so i really don’t get the chance to read what people have to say about the group unless told to me. i mean everyone has their opinions to like or dislike a group. i’m thankful for the ones that have supported us, and are still supporting us as a group today. ”
have you ever read bad comments about yourself that made you feel bad?
“ as said before i don’t normally go online, but i may have come across a few. sure bad comments tend to make me feel bad whether its about myself or my other members. though, with this i don’t let it get me down too much. actually it only makes me want to work harder so, i don’t usually take it to heart unless it really affects me. ”
what would be something you would want to tell the anonymous writer?
“ something i would want to tell the anonymous writer? i suppose the ones sending in the mean comments and such. probably just to stop. i mean i know they get a kick out of making people upset, and maybe that makes them feel better but really it’s not worth making someone upset because you don’t know what they are going through behind the camera. idols are human too. maybe just go outside and walk around, do something better than typing behind a computer screen about what you hate about someone and putting them down. especially ones who are working hard. you may think it’s funny when it’s actually not. hopefully to those anons they will find something better to do, i hope for your success. ”
has there ever been a moment where you did something that brought bad criticism your way and you felt it was well deserved?
“ my more recent one was the one during a vlive? it gain a lot of mixed reactions due to something that happened. i, nor my members whom were with me at the time didn’t mean for it to go that route as it was a dare gone wrong i would say. after seeing the reactions from it i did feel extremely bad towards my actions and reflected on them for a period of time. i believe i grew from my mistakes and in the future i will be more careful about what i do from now on. ”
just like the question above, has there ever been something good that you have done, but many only took it the wrong way and criticized your the wrong way?
“ i don’t recall getting criticized from something that i’ve done good? honestly i can’t even think of a time when that would’ve happened? though, if there was a time that i did do something that i thought was for a good cause and it was taken the wrong way i apologize in advance. i have no intentions of doing anything wrong that would be considered ill-related.  ”
what is something you’d want to tell those training to be idols surrounding harsh criticism that might come their way once they debut? additionally, do you wish to give them words of strength?
“ for ones who are training still to become idols.. i would say be careful even during your trainee days because things comes back to light in the future. if you ever find yourself in a scandal, accept your mistake and learn from them. step back from a spotlight in order to think over what you’ve done, and learn from it. take your time in coming back, and when you feel like you’re ready to return make sure to be sincere about your change. a word of strength is just to stay strong because it will be rough. though, i’m sure you’ll pull through it. its okay to rely on someone during hard times, you don’t have to be alone during a time of need. ”
are you the type to feel hurt or understand where the criticism is coming from, even if unfair?
“ i’m the type to understand where the criticism would come from. after taking the time to think over my mistakes i could see why the fans or people following the situation would be upset. i think i’m the type to put myself in other’s shoes to see how they would feel if i was them. with that i find that i can learn from my own mistakes, and move on from them even if it’s sometimes unfair. ”
when you come across any bad articles of yourself, is your first instinct to ignore them or read them?
“ i usually scroll past them, but then i end up reading them. if i see them though, i don’t really see articles of myself too much. so, i guess when i do see it i would want to ignore it at first, but then curiosity wins over and i end up reading them. ”
what is something you do that makes all your insecurities go away, if only for a little while?
“ i tend to listen to a lot of music, basically me just listening to my favorite songs can make me feel at ease. writing songs, and singing as well just depends really on what i feeling up for during that time when i feel insecure about something. ”
has there been a time where your company spoke out towards comments that were meant to fuel your insecurities? if so, did you feel like that helped or made you feel worse?
“ um, i don’t think there was a time that i can recall where my company spoke about comments that fueled my insecurties with me just alone. usually, if there was negative comments it was based group wise, but it wasn’t anything that i was worried so much about. though they were negative, they weren’t enough to make me feel bad. ”
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chendve · 5 years
rep: 4,342,545 ( 100,000 BONUS )
objective: in a blink of an eye july over and in two august is over, too. sweltering heat dissipates into solemn dry cold. the heat of summer still lingers, the day time hot and the mornings cool. bushes of green have shifted to hues rich in yellow and crimson. autumn is here, are you prepared?
note: these questions are answer ic or how i feel jongdae would answer them. 
idols in general are expected to work all year round thus a formal vacation such as “summer vacation” is next to nonexistent. how does the scarcity in formal vacations make you feel? do you wish you were allotted more time to vacation?
i have said in a recent vlive, that i love to rest. i feel... typically since i don’t normally have a lot of schedules as my other members do i do get enough free time. as of right now, i have made a comeback with my second mini album so i will be doing more schedules now. therefore, as of right now i currently want to continue working, but the after effects of our tour is what makes me more tired these days. so, sometimes after a concert i do feel like ‘maybe i could use a break’, but as for now i am content with the time that i am allowed off. i just doesn’t feel right to not work for a long period of time. 
many people become depressed during the chilly months. with autumn right around the corner again, do you feel as though your emotion change based on the seasons? in what ways? if ‘no’ why do you think this is so?
i don’t think my mood really changes throughout the seasons. i feel content throughout any season. i can feel a range of emotions throughout any season so, it doesn’t make much of a difference to me. though, i do understand colder months really sets that kind of mood. shameless promotion, but i do want people to feel a sense of joy, and love throughout these colder seasons so, if you haven’t already feel free to listen to my latest single ‘shall we?’ as well as my album ‘dear my dear’ i hope the songs within the album can brighten your mood through these cold months. 
being productive is essential for those in the idol profession who wish to branch out. how successful have you been in promoting yourself aside from group activities?
as i mentioned in the previous question, i have made a comeback with my second mini album; ‘dear my dear’. so, i am currently promoting that as we speak. as for my group we do have a japanese single coming out in november called ‘bird’. it was mentioned that our group, exo are preparing for a comeback towards the end of this year as well and as for our tour we have been promoting a lot so far. please keep a look out for more updates!
sometimes group activities can be burdensome. one member may get more attention than the other and your paycheck at the end of promotion(when split between however members your group have and the company) can be unsatisfactory for all the work you put in.  have you ever felt as if you would be better off in a smaller group or as a soloist?(if a soloist, have you ever felt like you made the right choice to become/promote as soloist purely for the monetary advantages?)
oh, what a question haha. it’s true that there are more popular members amongst exo, correct? though, we have never had a problem with such things like someone getting the most attention or someone’s paycheck being more than the others. we usually have our own individual schedules as well now so, we don’t have to worry much about such things like that. i have never thought of like being in a smaller group. me and my members we are close so i don’t have any problems with them, nor have i ever thought of being in a smaller group. though at first it was a bit hard since me and baekhyun trained the least out of the members so we didn’t really know anyone. it was a bit overwhelming at first, but throughout the years it gotten better. i can say i am more content with being in exo as well as working with our subunits and me promoting solo as well. 
many concepts are rinse and repeated every few months. once of the few concepts that are anticipated and expected are “summer” concepts. ranging anywhere from june-july-august. do you look forward to seeing this concept or feel that even in its 3 month range that it is overdone?
i always think that summer concepts are fun. even when sistar sunbaenim was still actively promoting, they were well anticipated. i don’t think it’s overdone, but more of a tradition that people look forward too during the hot months. so, yes for the most part i do look forward to seeing what new the other groups can incorprate in their songs during that three month period. 
building from what was said in the latter question, the demand for summer concepts have also coincided with a demand for idols to be fit. is your summer diet different from your winter diet? in what ways do you manage your body?
summer bodies are a popular thing in both genders. if we have comebacks during that time period then yes, it was necessary for us to manage our bodies. lately, i haven’t been working out at all. i like my rest so i don’t really go to the gym these days, but i do tend to eat healthy as i possibly can. so, my summer diets depends on if exo as a group, or i am busy. same with my winter diets. other than that i’m pretty much just chilling.
what kind of summer concept would you do if you were given the freedom?
if i was given the freedom to do my own concept? i would probably do something like pop, something that can make people have fun during the hot days of summer. something that they can listen to when they want to go out or even stay in. when i write songs, or help with the process of making them i like to think of how each song would convey with the person that is listening to the song. so, summer would be fun something people can dance too, opposed to my latest comeback. 
additionally, what kind of autumn concept would you do if you were given the freedom?
thankfully, i was given the freedom to make my own autumn concept with my comeback ‘shall we?’ and my mini album ‘dear my dear’. ‘shall we?’ is more of a retro pop song, which is something i have never done before. at first i was pretty hesistant about making it because of the fact that i’d never done it. though, i took the chance, and studied the songs carefully in order to produce the song. the song is about love. i wanted the listener to feel the emotions if they were in love, and i truly hope that i did well in helping them. 
do you believe that there is more stress to put out an album during the second half of the year?
it is known that most of the big award shows happen at the end of the year. therefore, it’s easier to put out a album during the beginning of the year to let things grow and more people can listen to it. i feel like it’s stressful to put out an album during any time of the year because you never know if people are going to like it or absolutely hate it. you’re never sure how well it’s going to do. 
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chendve · 5 years
KR://  사생팬 STALKER PT.2
rep: 2,413,580 ( +100,000 BONUS  )
objective:  while being in the limelight holds an indisputable amount of perks, praise and prominence, there is a dark side to idol-dom when that attention becomes too much, obsessive, violent, an invasion of privacy or worse. the common perpetrators of these instance are 사생팬 , “fans” who are infamous for crossing  the line between idol and fan.  below is a short but comprehensive list of questions to survey your idol’s view of 사생팬 culture.
note: answers are based ic or how i think jongdae would answer to them. 
throughout your career, have you ever had to deal with sasaeng fans? if ‘yes’, please give us an account of your experience. if ‘no’, why do you think you have yet to have an encounter?
as a group my members and i had to experience encounters with sasaeng fans. so, yes i have had my encounters with them. i’ve had people follow me, contact me through my phone, and countless other things. the list is quite long, but through my career we have experienced a lot of saesangs pre and post debut.
besides being an idol, you also have your personal life to think about. have you ever felt as if certain affairs (dating, family, privacy, personal relationships) were at risk of sasaeng intervention because of  your status as an idol?
as a member of exo, and being in a standing of higher popularity there is always a risk of being stalked by sasaengs. your personal life doesn’t matter whether or not it is invaded by them or not. there were multiple accounts where my personal relationships ( ie. dating, friendships, etc ) were all dug up and put out into the public. we are always at risk, but we make sure to remind fans as well as sasaengs to not intervine with our personal lives.
many fans shun sasaengs and believe that they aren’t true fans due to their obsessive, sometimes violent nature. what about you? do you consider them to be true fans?
i believe there is a line between our fans; exo-ls and sasaengs. i believe our fans know how to follow instructions, and be respectful to us and the people around them. sasaengs, i see them more a obssessive beings, but i’m also not one to talk ill on someone. i believe they are fans, but obsessive fans who are more of a hazard in a way. i only hope that they can change their ways and become more civil as a normal fan. that way we won’t always have to be catious around them or take legal action towards them. 
arguments to sympathize with sasaengs often note that the way idols are promoted and portrayed is the reason why there are so many sasaengs. do you agree? if not, why do you think there have been so many sasaeng instances as of late?
i don’t think it’s because of how we are portrayed that we have so many sasaengs. till this day, i don’t entirely know why sasaengs are the way they are. even when exo was just starting it’s been like that. maybe it’s due to an obsession with that certain idol or the group in general. i suppose those people want to be close to us as possible, but in reality they can not. it’s more of them wanting the idols attention however they can get it. if you give them any kind of attention they keep coming back whether it is in a negative or positive light. 
many say that idol interaction is the reason why sasaeng culture is so prevalent. because many often prioritize their fans on tv,  saying that they love them, some people (ie sasaeng fans and regular fans alike.) misinterprets this and therefore feel angry when their idol is thought to be dating. are you guilty of being that kind of idol? if not, do you feel that it is the idol’s fault for selling a unattainable fantasy?
well, i can’t lie when it comes to fans they are really important to me as well as for the members of my group. i do tend to say that ‘exo-l’s are in my heart’ or ‘exo-ls are my love’ things like that. i don’t mean for it to go that far as to where if i start dating my fans would be angry, but it happens. not only to me but for a lot of idols out there whose have been either caught up in dating scandals or is rumored to be dating when they are not. i truly believe that if the person is a fan they would be happy that their idol is happy with someone that they love right? so, i guess i can say that i’m on the line of feeling that burden but at the same time, i don’t think it’s the idol’s fault. i do believe there should be some sort of sense where the fans should know that one day we are going to find someone that we like whether it’s another idol, or non-celebrity. 
some sasaeng fans just want to be noticed. can you offer a healthier form of expression for them to practice to get your attention in particular?
just be respectful to us, and surely that will get our attention. staying a safe distance makes us happy as well. we love our personal space, and if you ask nicely we will be more than happy to oblige with your request and answer you. normally i am not good at talking, but i do take in account to listen to my fans. usually, during fanmeetings or any fan-related event we take notice of our fans. there’s a lot of people that come so even though you may think we don’t notice you, we do. i promise. maybe saying something funny would get our attention as well. it may get mines, i love to laugh. 
first or worst experience you have had with a sasaeng. ( if not you, someone close to you? )
worst experience was being followed by sasaengs. having them sleeping outside of our dorms and even breaking into our dorms is the worst. as a group we were more sorry for baekhyun’s brother when the sasaeng’s crashed his wedding. that was probably the worst experience for all of us as we ( especially baekhyun ) felt that it was our fault that someone like that could happened. 
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chendve · 5 years
rep: 554,324 ( + 100,000 BONUS )
objective:  if there is something that idols crave for after having been overworked for months, sometimes years - is vacations. sometimes, it takes years before they get actual time off that can be considered this. below, we have complied a few questions that surround the concept, please let your muse answer them as honestly as possible.
how long has it been since your last vacation time?
i think a couple months ago? sometime around july through august i got to spend sometime to myself along with my friends and family. 
would you be the type to go on a vacation with your members, family, friends, or alone?
probably alone or with family. i feel like when i go with someone else you kind of have that restriction of having to do with the majority voted for. so, if i go alone i’m more free to do whatever i want to. though, with family i think it’s always important to spend time with your love ones. i don’t get to see them as often as i would like so, i think a vacation with my family would be something that would make me feel better, more happier. 
would you leave the city, state, country? 
country, definitely.
describe your ideal travel plan & destination: 
my ideal travel plans and destination would be going off to some place far away. maybe like an island, or somewhere serene? just to get away from like the eye of the public, and kind of relax without any interruptions. a place where i can clear my mind from things that have bothered me before. i think that would be most ideal for me. 
do you consider tour stops as vacations?
i consider that more of leisure time than vacation. sometimes we only can spend maybe a day or two at the most during those stops so it’s not much of a vacation. 
what is something you worry about when you go on vacation?
spending, and will anyone notice me while i’m out here? just those things i think to overthink about. 
what are a few things you would take with you?
my phone, music player, and notebook. those are the most important things.
what are the first three places you wish to visit the most?
hawaii, italy, and vietnam
would you create rules for your travels, or go with the flow?
go with the flow. i find it better to just go that way, you find yourself enjoying more rather than setting up all these rules to follow. 
what time of the year do you believe is the best time to go on vacation?
when it’s not too hot, and not too cold. when it’s nice to walk outside and enjoy the scenery without the temperature being so extreme that you either feel like you’re about to have a heatstroke or freeze to death. 
0 notes
chendve · 5 years
rep: 1,958,352 + 100,000 BONUS
objective:  below, we have complied questions devised to help you delve into your idol’s brain about an array of topics both sensitive and other wise within the south korean entertainment industry. as always, we encourage you to consider your muse’s personality and stance within the industry while they tackle the questionnaire. we hope that these can give you a better insight into your muses mind!
note: questions answered based on how i percieve him as my own character. 
all idols have an image determined for them by the company. how do you feel about your persona and how true is it to your true self? keeping this image in mind, do you ever feel that you were given said image because your real personality is too bland in comparison?
i know that there’s a number of artists that are given personas that the company deems fit, and there are other’s that are really how they are on camera and real life. the way i perceive myself on camera and the way i do in real life is similar in a way. though the only difference is that i talk less interview wise than i would do in normal conversation. maybe due to that some people may feel that i’m shy, but then when they see me in a different setting i’m more hyper and talkative. i think my true self would be that i’m hyper around the people i’m close with. i hear a lot of people say that i’m caring as well as i like to make others feel comfortable around me as i would with them. i did at one point have a phobia of talking in public but as i progressed in my career i can say that it has gotten better. i wouldn’t say that my personality is too bland, in fact i act normal in front of the camera. i have said many times on camera that i am the type of person that doesn’t fear what to say they think. though, for others that do have a persona that company’s want them to portray i think that sometimes it’s a good idea especially if they want them to fit the group, but that’s also taking away from what that person could be like in actuality. in other cases the person may actually like the persona they were given as well.
do you have any habits that your fans might find unfit for an idol? if ‘yes’, what are those habits and how did they come about?
i don’t recall having habits that fans would find unfit about me? i do tend to whine a lot according to my members i am the whiniest member of the group. to be honest, if that was a problem for any of the fans i think they would have spoken upon it or any other’s that i haven’t come across. i am who i am. if it’s a habit that would affect my career negatively by all means i would love for someone to point it out to me so that i can go back and change my ways, but if its just something i’m known for then i don’t find it a problem.
what is your relationship with your family like? when was the last time you’ve contacted them?
my relationship with my family is good. i have told about how there was a time when they didn’t agree to my dreams of becoming a singer and such, but when they found out how serious i was about it they had a change of heart. my parents are my biggest supporters and i love them dearly. i did go back to my hometown when i was busking towards the end of august so, i saw them then and during chuseok. so i do tend to contact them when i can.
after becoming a celebrity, have you noticed a difference in the way your friends perceive you? do you still communicate with old friends or have you cut ties?
truthfully, i still talk to my old friends and when i’m doing things work related they do congratulate me on my achievements. i figured since i was younger people knew where i would end up because i was always singing so, i don’t think they would have thought of me any different as i was going into a field where i would be singing even if i didn’t become an idol. i don’t get to see them as much as i used too because of promotions, schedules, and busy days – in which we are all adults now. but yes, i do still communicate with them and when i get the chance i do take time out to visit them!
fueds between companies is arguably what keeps the industry booming. even if idols from opposing companies may not dislike one another, many ceos make sure to keep their artists apart. what are your thoughts on the separation of idols by company? do you think it has become an epidemic particularly with the new generation of idols?
aha, i think exo could relate to this question right? it’s actually the companies decision, mostly to keep things from conflicting. especially due to lawsuits and such. it would probably cause conflictions as well or just the company is being well… petty. my thoughts, i mean i don’t neccessarily like being forced away from people that i’ve known for a long time because even though we don’t show it, it does tend to affect us. it can be hard being that that person could have played a huge role in the artist life. i think that sometimes it’s for the best while other times its just wrong to do so. though i am sure that the artist find ways to interact with these people whom the company forced away from each other or there will be a time when schedules cross and they could see each other then. i don’t think it’s become an epidemic because regardless the idols will probably still meet up with the other from the opposing company.
some might say being an idol is restrictive in terms of personal growth. do you agree?
in some ways i can see that, especially when a company tells them how to do such things or when they can do such things. basically that company is controlling your life, and when it comes time to do things on your own then you don’t really know what to do. idols sometimes get mistaken as machines in such a way, we a polished by a company to play a part and then pushed out into the public eye to entertain. i think that it can be restrictive cause it can affect the idol greatly if the company is not doing right. sometimes having one being too in control is not a good thing and things could end up turning down hill for that said idol. we don’t always get that sense of freedom that others have so, yes in ways i do agree on this.
do you ever feel disheartened when viewing photo shopped images of yourself?
when we do photoshoots, photoshop is usually opened correct? sometimes if the picture doesn’t come out good like doesn’t look like me i do. other times, i’m okay with it when it comes out fine. when it comes to fans though they are funny and sometimes hurtful as well even if they don’t mean to come across that way. this is really a 50/50 for me.
how many languages do you speak fluently or otherwise? have you ever been annoyed by your own voice or accent when communicating in another language?
i speak korean fluently. i also speak japanese, chinese, and english. those aren’t as fluent as my native language though i feel comfortable enough to converse with my fans in japanese and korean rather than in chinese and english. typically i don’t like my accents in either of the languages i speak that’s not korean though fans have said that my english pronounciation is good and that makes me happy to know that. i feel like i could work harder on the languages that i know so that i can better communicate with my fans more comfortably than relying on a translator.
in what areas do you think the industry has room for improvement?
remembering we are human and giving us breaks, remembering that our health is more important, letting us live a life too without restricting us from basic things that most adults should know how to do. there’s a wide range that the industry can learn from but i would be here all day.
if you could go back in time, would you still pursue your idol career under your current company or would you opt for another company?
yes, actually i would still pursue a career in the idol field. i love my job and i love singing. um, i think i would stay with the same company as well.  i don’t know what other company i would go for besides sm entertainment.
share an anecdote about a time  you were treated differently in school or otherwise by those around you after becoming an idol or trainee.
as i said before, i used to sing a lot in class during break period. i believe there might even be a video of me singing in class too. if i remember correctly it happened to surface. so, i’m sure that they knew that the day would come when i was able to become an idol, but just when. though, during my trainee days even if it was short you weren’t allowed to tell anyone that you were signed to a company, especially since exo was such a big project that the company was working on then. though, i remember after it was announced that i would be performing on television before debut i just got a load of phonecalls! mostly people like not believing that i actually made it. ( ` laughs softly ) it was nice though. 
what would you say to those who belittle idols on the web? additionally, many idols have began to take legal actions on negative comments left on the web. what do you think of their decision?
well, being in a group where that comes around often. we do take legal actions on those types of people as it is considered defamation. i think it’s a good idea that idols are starting to do that. if they were to ignore these kinds of actions i think the people who hide away behind their computer screens would continue to belittle these idols. so, with that i’ve seen a lot actually stop after the legal actions. i think it helps in a way. 
idol diet regimes are infamous for their severity. diets such as the paper cup diet and cucumber diet are industry favorites.  considering that many look upon idols as eye-candy and those idols who fail to fit into this criteria are reprimanded, do you think strict dieting is justifiable/ just another part of your job?
to be honest with you, it’s part of your job. you signed the contract, and if the company puts you on this diet where they say this is what you need to do to be this weight, by this set date then you have to do it. it’s how the industry works, but honestly i think that it’s extremely unhealthy to put on one such extreme dieting because it can affect your health. i think it would be better if they trained, and ate meals that were low in calories to help lose weight, rather than just eating things and starving themselves. 
often times managers go above and beyond to protect their artist. some even resorting to physical cruelty to keep fans in line. have you ever witnessed your manager doing so? do you feel their demeanor is vital for your protection or do you think managers of idol groups take security measures too far?
yes, i have witnessed it with my own eyes. i don’t like when my fans get hurt, i even feel bad if i accidentally throw a signed ball at a concert and hit a fan so, having a manager push/shove or even hit someone who has come to see either me or the group doesn’t set well with me. though, we make sure that fans stay at a respectable distance. if we do see that the manager has hit them, well for me i would actually go to see if they are okay. i can’t really do as much as i would like to, but i do think that sometimes they take it too far. also, i wish that they could find a better way to let fans know hey you need to step back -- though i also understand that they do get chaotic at times too when we arrive to certain places, especially at the airport. 
some fans believe that because they financially support the idol they own the idol. what would you say to these fans?
hm... well, i would thank them for their neverending support. actually in a way they are partically correct as they do financially support the group and the company when they purchase albums, or even merch. it’s how the business works if we look at in that sense. fans play a very important role in the idol world. they are our support system, they keep us strong especially when we are on stage doing our job. they are the core system that makes us want to do better. if we didn’t have fans where would we be? they give us recognition to parts of the world we wouldn’t even think would have been possible. business wise they do own us, but in a personal way, when it comes to our personal lives there is a line that shouldn’t be cross. when i’m not on stage, or if anyone for that matter the fans do not own me. i am my own person during that time. sure, i am the same off and on camera but during my times off camera i am kim jongdae, just a 28 year old male who is enjoying his down time. 
is rejection something you struggle to accept? have you ever been rejected? if ‘yes’ does it make you want to give up or try harder?
rejection is saddening yes. there are times when the company would reject something that you worked hard on, or like a schedule you really wanted to be apart of would reject you. these can be hard on some idols including myself. especially if you want to get your work out there, or show what you can do in an individual aspect. when i get rejected, i really just try harder. that’s all i can do, right? as the saying goes, ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try again.’.
how often do you rely on stimulants be it caffeine, pills or energy drinks to stay awake during  schedules? which of the three are your favorite?
i don’t really rely on them often, but if i do i would drink coffee. i’m not much of a energy drink person, nor do i use those pills so yeah. just coffee would do. 
after a few years, companies allow for their artists to move out of the dorms they were required to stay in during training. did you decide to stay, or are you now living elsewhere?
as of now, i am still living in the dorms. ( note: from the latest that i’ve found during research it is said that exo is still in dorms )
take a look at all of your hairstyles(comeback specific) thus far. show us your least favorite and tell us why you chose it as such. and lastly, do you forgive your stylist?
oh gosh, out of all of the comebacks we had starting from 2012. let me think for a moment... ah there was so many... but i guess monster era is one as well as tempo. i try to be a forgiving person at times, but stylist-nim why do you hate me so much at times? why do you think some hairstyles you give me work when they just look terrible? haven’t i gone through enough over these years? kidding! maybe..
name one factor that inspired you to become an idol. what is the pay, the fame or the passion?
just my love for singing and performing. wanting to have my voice heard by the people regardless of whether they were a fan or just a listener. i think that is what inspired me to pursue my goal of being a singer and an idol. i think it’s more of the passion that i put into it. i love my job, and i love what i do. i don’t think it has to do with anything that requires fame. i think the fame is what gets my name out more and i am thankful for that. it’s actually a blessing i believe, but even if i didn’t have that much fame just standing on the stage in front of someone willing to listen is enough for me. 
arguably the hardest part of idol life is the training period. many restrictions are put in place, some of which are even frowned upon by fans. which restriction was the most prominent and how does that restriction affect you to this day?
my training period was short, but during that time we couldn’t really go out and hang out with friends. it was training and dorm everyday. we couldn’t even have a cellphone or social media. now that years have past we don’t have as many restrictions as we did back then. i think one was having to report every time you left or just having to leave with a manager when you wanted to go to someplace simple like a convience store. those were hard, and i sometimes felt bad for the manager who had to stop what they were doing because i wanted to do something... 
outside of the industry, mental health in south korea continues to be a taboo. within the industry that taboo exacerbates. with more and more idols such as brown eyed girl’s ga in, big bang’s top, and aoa’s choa to name a few admitting to suffering from a mental illness, some might think the public may gradually sway to be more open to mental illnesses. do you agree with them? why or why not?
mental health is such an important issue that shouldn’t be looked over. just like any health issue it should be held to upmost importance. if someone is not doing well mentally it can lead to severity that i wouldn’t want any group to go through. i think the awareness that it is taking now is a great thing. i think people should be more open when they have these issues so they can get the help that they need in other to be better again. i think that the company should take into consideration more of these matters and provide their idols the help they need so that can continue to thrive and do well in their work. it shouldn’t be brushed aside or swept under the rug like it’s nothing either. i hope that this can get more recognition in the future than what it is getting now. 
do you feel that you fit into korea’s beauty standards? if ‘yes’ do you think this feat gives you advantage over those who aren’t? if ‘no’ do you think that being below the standard has  affected the way you perceive yourself?
my fans would say otherwise, but i don’t really think i fit korea’s beauty standards, but being below shouldn’t really matter. i don’t think it has affected how i percieve myself. i am very comfortable with how i am whether or not if i actually fit into that standard.
is being an idol a career choice your parents have always been supportive of? what was their initial reaction when you announced to them you wanted to become one? have they grown to support you?
absolutely not. they were actually against it for a while when i told them that i was going to be auditioning to become an idol. they did not want that lifestyle for me at the time, but after seeing how serious i was about pursuing this career path they became more supportive. now they are very happy with what i have achieved so far, and support me as much as possible.
0 notes
chendve · 5 years
rep: 363,231
objective:  bold all that apply to your muse. additionally, include pictures to showcase why you picked the options that you did, and give a visual aid of your muses appearance and fashion style.
long legs. short legs. average legs. slender thighs. thick thighs. muscular thighs. skinny arms. soft arms.muscular arms. toned stomach. flat stomach. flabby stomach. soft stomach.  six-pack. beer belly. lean frame. beefy/muscular frame. voluptuous frame. petite frame (5 ft 4 or shorter). lanky frame. short nails.long nails. manicured nails. dirty nails. flat ass. toned ass. bubble butt. thick ass. thighbrows. small waist. average waist. thick waist. narrow hips. average hips. wide hips. big feet. average feet. small feet. soft feet. slender feet. calloused hands. soft hands. big hands. average hands. small hand. long fingers. short fingers. average fingers. broad shoulder. underweight. average weight. overweight.
shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm-150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. taller than 2 m.
pale. rosy. olive. dark. tanned. blotchy. smooth. acne. dry. greasy. soft.
small. large. average. grey. brown. red. blue. green. gold. hazel. doe-eyed. almond. close-set. wide-set. squinty. monolid. heavy eyelids. upturned. downturned.
thin. thick. fine. normal. greasy. dry. soft. shiny. curly. frizzy. wild. unruly. straight. smooth. wavy. floppy. cropped. pixie-cut. shoulder length. back length. waist length. buzz cut. bald. jaw length. mohawk. white. platinum blonde. golden blonde. dirty blonde. blondette. ombre. light brown. mouse brown. chestnut brown. chocolate brown. dark brown. jet black. ginger. auburn. dyed red. dyed any “unnatural color”. thin eyebrows. average eyebrows. thick eyebrows.
full sleeve. thigh tattoo. neck tattoo. chest tattoo. one tattoo. a few here and there. multiple. no tattoo. monroe piercing. nose piercing. septum. nipple piercing(s). genital piercing(s). industrial piercing. prince albert piercing. eyebrow piercing(s). tongue piercing(s). lip piercing(s). tragus piercing. angelbites. labret. stretches out ears. navel piercing. inverse navel piercing. cheek piercing(s). smiley. nape piercing(s). other ( ___ )
eyeliner. light eyeliner. heavy eyeliner. cat eyes. mascara. fake eyelashes. matte lipstick. regular lipstick. lipgloss. red lips. pink lips. dark lips. bronzer. highlighter. eyeshadow. neutral eyeshadow. smoky eyes. colorful eyeshadow. blush. lipliner. light contouring. heavy contouring. powder. matte foundation. shiny foundation. concealer. wears make up regularly. wears it from time to time ( if concept calls for it ). never wears make up.      
floral. fruity. perfumes. aftershave. cocoa. moisturizer. shampoo. cigarettes. leather. sweat. food. incense. marijuana. cologne. whiskey. wine. fried food. blood.
jeans. tight pants. overknee socks. tights. leggings. yogapants. pencil skirt. tight skirt. loose skirt.tight/formfitting dress. cardigans. blouse. button up shirt. band tshirt. sports tshirt. sweatpants. tanktop. fur. faux fur. leather. designer. high street. online stores. thrift. lingerie. long skirt. miniskirt. maxidress. tie. tuxedo. cocktail dress. highslit dress/skit. tshirt. loose clothing. tight clothing. jeans shorts. sweater. sweater vest. khaki pants. suit (bespoke, made-to-measure, or not at all). hoodie. harlem pants. basketball shorts. boxers. briefs. thong. hotpants. hipster panties. bra. sportsbra. crop top. corset. ballerina skirt. leotard. polka dot. stripes. glitter. silk. lace. leather. velvet. chemise. patterns. florals. neon colors. pastels. black. dark colors.
sneakers. slip-ons. slippers. sandals. high heels. kitten heels. ankle boots. combat boots. knee-high boots. platforms. stripper heels. barefeet. loafers. oxfords. gladiator shoes. neon colors. pastels. black. dark colors.
0 notes
chendve · 5 years
rep : 2,000,000
objective:  have you completed the skills assessment we posted a while back? to be able to do this portion - please complete that one first. for this prompt, you are to write a self para of your muse improving their dancing. we have also included a few questions, but the main part of this is to write a self-para of your muse working on their dance practice. it will give them 1+ point for their skill assessment. if your muse has completed that one, it does not matter for there is no limit to the number of skill points they can gain for this. this is purely for fun. you can also include a dance video claim to show the ‘finished’ product. (ex: using 1million dance studio videos)
empty halls as the sounds of footsteps resonates within the corridor of entertainment building. how many times had he been here, how many practices could he count to show the number of visits with himself and his groupmates as well as his peers during his trainee days. he would need enough hands to count on each finger which he did not have enough of.
he assured himself that other’s had schedules and other promotions that they were attending so it didn’t come to a surprise to find the dance room empty. needless to say, this wasn’t the only dance room that was laid out in the building’s interior floor plan, but it was one of the infamous ones. today, jongdae felt that it was in his best interest to practice in a skill point that he’d been falling behind in. dancing.
dancing wasn’t something that came to him easily, but over the years he gotten better at it a little bit at a time. his main focus had always been on singing, using his vocals as an instrument to showcase his emotions, his performances. it was what made him shine on stage. his voice was his gift and he’d use it how he sought fit.
he was expecting a comeback at the beginning of next month. it was anticipated by the fans as he knows. after seeing many comments, and the busking event he done to showcase one of his new songs from the album as well as the older ones, he felt confident in his work so far but wanted to train more so he could give his fans and possibly newer ones 110 percent. without the knowledge of others, he’d been working with a trainer to help him better his skills. even debuted as an idol and worked his way up to where he is now, jongdae felt that sometimes you needed to go back down in order to continue pushing forward. there was nothing wrong with going back into training.
feet pattering against the wooden tiles, he goes to set up for the day. minutes are valuable to him within this time as he could just hog the dance room for a long time. he had to think of the other’s who needed to train as well and even though there were more than one room, some rooms tended to be bigger than others. he turned the music on a practice had begun. when it came to dancing, he was weaker in the skill unlike some of his other group members who ranged from being exceptional in dancing to fairly well. jongdae could say that he’d gotten better at it over the years he’d been an idol. dancing was still a challenge for him though.
minutes turned into hours as he continued onward with his practice. he found himself better at routined choreography than freestyle. his gift and strongest points were vocal so, just a dance that was taught to him proved to be a challenge that he needed to conquer. he would take the time going over each part of the dance as many times as needed. he wanted each bit to be perfected in how he thought would look good. each time he made a mistake he would restart and focus solely on that part until he thought it was to his liking. this lasted for more than a couple hours that he intended it to be. he’d lost track of time.
with the sweat drenching the front parts of his hair, sliding down to his neck, he could only breath heavily. finding himself now staring up at the ceiling, he stopped to catch his breath. stamina was just as important in dance, was it not? it had been a while since he trained for so long – movement wise. though, for now he felt as if he used up just about the majority of his energy putting in the work for a dance he would probably never perform – maybe.
a sense of accomplishment ran through him. he could say that today’s practice was worth it even though he’d went over his time that he’d gave himself. there was probably no one at the time that wanted to use the said dance room he wnow now occupying…
maybe he’d come back again tomorrow and practice again.
0 notes
chendve · 5 years
rep : 80,993
objective:  if you are well familiar with the sheets your muses company releases, then you are familiar with what this objective will be about. please fill out the needed parts and include about 15 facts about your muse. you can play off each fact as it not being known to the public.
stage name: chen nationality: south korean position: main vocalist zodiac sign: virgo height: 173cm ( 5′8 ) weight: blood type: b specialties: singing, piano, singing high notes
has a habit of sticking his tongue out when he laughs.
before joining sm entertainment, he was auditioning for a music conservatory. 
he would be a vocal trainer if he wasn’t in exo.
parents were against him being a singer, but after became very supportive. 
father is also a main vocalist.
though he seems quiet in interviews he is very hyper.
favorite color is pink.
is close friends with super junior’s kyuhyun.
can speak basic english. 
very forgetful so has to write everything down in his notebook. 
his favorite foods is lamb kebab, chinese food, hotpot, steamed buns, fried cakes, fried bread twists, anything cooked at the Korean dorms, but he says that most of all, he likes his parent’s cooking the best ( he misses it ).
likes listening to justin timberlake and maroon 5. 
looks up to the super junior hyungs, and would like to collab one day. 
he’s not a very romantic person, but does like to take care of people.
is very stubborn and likes to get what he wants. 
0 notes
chendve · 5 years
rep: 80,563
objective: having a great distinct voice, flexibility, great face, or great acting isn’t always enough when you want to become famous, let alone when you are one. if you don’t hold the right skill sets you could easily be surpassed by someone better or become too repetitive to where your fans lose interest. below we have included a few categories that we hope you answer honestly. be realistic and rate your skills properly - we aren’t looking for perfection. we aren’t all perfect and we all have things we don’t feel confident in, or things we know we need to improve on. take this chance to figure out which areas you find you need to improve on. this isn’t a test to impress someone else, but allowing yourself the chance to know what you need to work on.
additionally, make a list of your muses strengths and weaknesses. include 5 of each. make sure to elaborate with a sentence or two, and what your muse is doing to improve in the skill (if weakness).
five strengths and weakness determined by descriptions under the ratings.
determination: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 perseverance: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
when it comes to perseverance, jongdae is someone who will keep going even if something is difficult. he strives for the best in order to please the fans. i feel like if jongdae couldn’t give a good performance he would probably feel upset about it. he seems like someone who only strives for the best. 
EX: ( 1 )
self-discipline: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 self-reliance: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
i’m sure that outside of being an idol, jongdae can make his own choices in his life considering he’s a grown man. though company wise, and his job though he has solos and schedules i’m sure he would have to get permission or approval of the company to do what he wants to do. as well as in the group. not saying that jongdae is fully reliant on the group or the company, but these are just my thoughts especially with his youtube channel, and other events and music he puts out on his own. 
self-confidence: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
i’m rating this a seven as i mentioned in an earlier prompt that jongdae is confident in his singing, but there are times when he feels like there he’s always needing to improve. he’s not overly cofident, but he feels comfortable where he is now. 
creativity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
i would like to say he’s pretty creative. i mean you have to be creative while thinking of pranks to pull on your group members, but also he writes or has taken part in a number of works for not only him as a soloist but for exo as well. 
personality: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
if anything jongdae has one of the greatest personalities in exo, actually as a person. he is very caring, and kind to many people that he has come across. a lot of artist, fans, and even members have said that he is kind. though he can also be very trollish, loud, and super hyper at times. jongdae doesn’t really talk in interviews, but i feel like his personality can come off strong during variety show. 
EX: ( 1 ) 
style: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 flexibility:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
not sure if like flexible in movement or flexible in like the things he can do career wise. so far, jongdae is shining greatly in his singing as it’s something that he would rather focus on. if for dancing, i think he’s down there with the least flexible, but he’s not stiff either. i think he can improve this along with his dancing. 
dance: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
RATING: 5 ( +1 )
when it comes to dancing, jongdae is known as one of the least strongest dancers in exo. though, over the years of hard work he has gotten a lot better with his dancing. though, i think if he keeps working harder, jongdae will live up to his title fulling as chensing maching! 
teamwork: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 physical fitness:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 communication skills: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
i give this a rating of five because jongdae doesn’t normally talk when it comes to interviews and such. he’s actually really calm, though i feel when he’s around people he’s comfortable with he gets really loud and that’s where we see him hyper and such. 
professional attitude: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
for what i seen, jongdae shows great professionalism on stage when he’s performing. from falling onstage and getting back up continuing on to being sick but still wanting to sing live. jongdae really shines greatly when it comes to not letting things get in his way. after all, the show must go on.
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good people skills: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
giving jongdae a rating of eight. as it is said that he has good people skills when it comes to fans, there is always room to grow for being kind to people. jongdae is called fansign boyfriend, because he tends to take a lot of his time making good eye contact with the fans when it comes to fansigning, making them feel comfortable.
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patience: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 stamina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fitness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 good grooming: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 memorization:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
uhh being honest, jongdae forgets a lot of stuff so like yeah. thankfully his handy dandy note book helps him recall things he’s forgotten.
stage presence: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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