#period oneshot
simplexfool · 1 year
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soft-boi-eli · 1 year
Ginji x GN!Reader x Ranmaru
Summary: Periods… You were suffering a heavy and painful one.
*Crawls out from the grave* i swear im alive. I'm just working. And it give little time to type or write.
Anyways, I have changed, yes. As you have noticed, I don't write for mcyt anymore. I just fell out of it and dont feel comfortable writing them anymore. So i have fallen back into my anime and game loving self. Here, I also have a one shot if two boys comforting a GN! Reader. No spoilers, nothing from this anime, just fluff of my two favorite characters.
Tw: reader had uterus, female anatomy us mention a few times, blood, crying, liw key periods suck so badly.
You didn't know what to do. You were at orio-ya currently due to it being ranmaru’s turn to have you. Humans are different than ayakashi. Especially with their so-called cycles. They didn't bleed. They didn't get the cramps. The only thing they got was the mood swings and the easier to mangage symptoms. It didn't help that you were stuck in ranmaru’s bed. Waiting for the cramps that had assulted your utrus to die down enough to move.
“You're being lazy.” The tone was stern, but there was concern lacing it. He knew that something was up. The scent was what threw him off. You were bleeding. He was now tearing the blanket off of you to find where the blood was coming from the pure fear that had washed through him as he couldn't find where you were hurt. Where you were bleeding. “you’re bleeding. Where.” It wasn't a question it was more of a command. Curling up tighter, you cradled your lower stomach. “it’s normal.” You mumble as another painful wave came through you. It nearly made you throw up from the amount of agony it put you through.
“It’s not normal if you are hurting and bleeding. Where. Are. You. Bleeding.” he was growling now. It was clear that the anger was from the fear. A response you knew he had. “My vagina! Okay. Im bleeding from my vagina! It’s a bitch and hurts. But I will live so stop fucking asking!” you had snapped at him. Something that you never had done. Not in your whole time with him. If you were hurting so much to snap at him, something was wrong.
“What the hell do you mean?! Bleeding from your vagina?! What can I do.” his voice quited down from the shouting at the end. Soft as he asked. “hug me. And put your hand right here. Please.” he lifted you up gently and placed you onto his lap. His head on your shoulder as he replaced your hand. “what is this bleeding? And how will you live?” The heat that came off his body made you relax.
“It’s called a period. It lasts 4 days or up to a week, maybe longer. So bascically, my body isn't happy that I am not pregnant and it’s sheding the lining in my uturs.” You tensed as another cramp went through you. “it’s definantly a bitch though.” you mumbled. Ranmaru growled lowly. It wasnt scary to you anymore. This man wouldn't hurt you in any way, and you knew it. You saw that he was looking somewhere. Thus, meaning someone was standing there.
Looking over to the door, you saw Ginji. The way that he stood there, you could tell he was quite confused. Especially when Ranmaru was normally out there and taking care of people and guests. “you didnt tell me of this period?” ranmaru wasn't questioning you. No, you could tell he was questioning Ginji. “I didn't tell him either. Dont get on him. I went to Aoi you dumbass.” Ginji looked slightly confused. “you get periods?” Your eye twitched slightly.
You liked that they couldn't tell, but it was annoying that he sounded so sad. “Yes. But this one is worse than the others. it’s never like this.” Ginji looked over to ranmaru and then you. Getting closer to you so he could give you some kind of comfort. “you should have told us anyways. We could have helped with the pain even if it wasn't that bad.” You swore internally. Ginji looked like a kicked puppy. Opening your arms, you let him press up against you his hands were now on your lower back, gently rubbing it.
Ranmaru nuzzled his nose into your neck. “Stupid human. Could of helped you sooner if you told me. Let me go get some painkillers and tea.” he shuffled out from under you and left. You whined lightly, missing the contact that he had given.
Ginji chuckled at the sound, “i dont think ranmaru is letting you leave.” You pouted slightly, wanting to be with Aoi so that she could make each one of your comfort foods. “wanna be at Tenjin-Ya. Aoi makes my comfort food.” The way you spoke made ginji’s heartbreak. His hands gently rubbed up and down your back. Hoping that the gentle strokes would calm you slightly. “maybe I can convince him to come with us to Tenjin-Ya.” he was always the one to try and come up with some kind of solution. But you had doubts that ranmaru would leave.
“what about Aoi visiting here? I know that they miss her here.” you mumbled quitely to him, enjoying the small circles he kept close to your back.
But before there was any answer, you felt it. Your heart dropping as you quickly stood up and rushed to the built-in bathroom in Ranmaru’s room. Praying and hoping that the damage to your clothes were minimal. No. Both your underwear and pants were ruined. “(y/n)! are you okay? there’s blood on the floor.” Ginji was full of fear. The way you bolted had already put him on edge, and then the blood made him worse. “i bleed through my clothes.” You were near tears. The sound of ranmaru had joined him. “you said you were going to be fine! Why is there blood on the floor?” opening the door slightly, you were now crying.
They both were frozen at the sight. “i’m sorry. I didn't mean too.” They didn't know what to do. The way you were crying and apologising for something that you couldn't control. Ranmaru got to you first tightly, hugging you to his chest. “you cant control it. Get in the bath, relax. we’ll make some adjustments.” he spoke softly in your hair, a soft, comforting tone. “but I did it. I should clean it.” Ginji’s hand gently stroked your head, “you couldn't control it. And from what we can tell you aren't having the best time. I promise that we’ve got it okay?” You could feel the tears fill your eyes again. Why were they so sweet?
Burrying your head into Ranmaru’s chest, you gripped onto his clothes. “I don't deserve you guys. Both of you are too sweet.” You just wanted to stay between them now. To just feel this safe and protected.
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springtyme · 20 days
𝐏𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚 ♡
Spencer Reid x afab!reader || Masterlist || Spencer playlist
Started my period today and cramps are kicking my butt. So, nataurally, I wrote some Spencer fluff to self sooth.
word count: 1.3k
warning/tags: Reader is on her period. Mention of cramps and cravings. Spencer is a sweetheart. Roommate au. Mutual pining. Fluff and comfort. This hasn't been proofread, so apoligies for any potential mistakes <3
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You groan slightly as you clutch a cushion to your chest, trying to settle on the couch while a wave of discomfort washes over you, the familiar twinge in your lower abdomen, an annoying reminder that your period has arrived. You wish you could curl up under a blanket and disappear for a few days, which life doesn’t usually allow for, but it is Friday, and there is at least that little sense of relief that the weekend is here.   
You take a deep breath, feeling the cushion’s softness against you, and allow yourself to sink a little deeper into the couch, squeezing your eyes shut for a brief moment as another cramp ebbs and flows. Just as you’re about to let yourself wallow in self-pity, you hear the gentle sound of keys jingling and the front door creaking open. 
The slight shuffle of footsteps makes your heart flutter. You can almost picture him as he hangs up his jacket next to yours. It’s not as if you officially have designated places on the coat hanger, but you both seem to instinctively know where your things go: your coats to the right, his jackets to the left, closest to the door. It’s a tiny ritual, an unspoken symmetry: your shoes on the top shelf of the shoe rack, Spencer’s on the bottom. It’s comforting, a bit like the hot fudge brownie you’re currently craving—soft, warm, and reassuring. 
Spencer’s voice calls out your name, breaking the quietness.  It’s soft, laced with a gentle curiosity that always makes you smile, even when you’re feeling less than great. “Are you home?”
“Yeah, I’m on the couch,” you reply, trying to keep your voice upbeat, even though your abdomen protests with another cramp.
“Hey,” Spencer’s voice is warm, as he peaks around the corner, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern as he takes in your curled-up form. The way he looks at you—soft brown eyes wide with worry as his gaze lands on you makes your heart swell, even amid the discomfort. 
“Hey,” you reply, forcing a smile. You could use some comfort right about now, but you’re not sure how to express it.
He tilts his head, his brow furrowing slightly as he takes you in. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” you reply, sitting up a little straighter and attempting to brush off your discomfort. 
Spencer’s brow still knit with concern as though your discomfort is a puzzle he wants to solve. “Are you sure? You seem... a bit off.”
You hesitate for a moment, debating whether to open up. But there’s something in his eyes, a soft understanding that makes you feel safe. “It’s just— you know, girl stuff,” you mumble, biting your lip. His expression softens, instantly changing from concern to something gentler—perhaps empathy, or just the simple desire to help.
“Do you need anything?” he asks, lingering by the doorway, his hands fidgeting with his messenger bag. The sight of him, warm and slightly disheveled from his day at work, makes your heart swell. He looks so sincere, and it’s hard not to smile.
Falling in love with your roommate was the furthest thing from your mind when you moved to D.C. a year ago and desperately looked far and wide for a place to live. But here you are, head over heels for the man who has a penchant for collecting obscure facts, making the best cup of coffee you’ve ever tasted, and hanging his coat on the left side of the coat hanger while yours resides on the right. 
He hates how the water makes his hands pruny and how the leftover food on the plates turns mushy when doing the dishes, which you have never really minded, but he loves vacuuming, which you on the other hand have never been a big fan of, and he tolerates the tedious routine of folding laundry just about as much as you do. So you wash the dishes and he dries off the plates and silverware you hand him, and on Sundays you fold your laundry together and every time you do so, you fall a little harder.
“Maybe some chocolate?” you admit, a hint of shyness lacing your words. It’s a little embarrassing, even though it shouldn’t be, but it feels good to be honest with him.
“Chocolate it is,” he replies, a bright smile breaking through his initial concern. You can see the shift in his mood, and it warms you to know your simple request has lifted some of the weight on his shoulders.
He disappears into the kitchen, and you hear the soft clattering of cabinets opening and closing as he rummages for something sweet for you as well as the familiar clinking of cups and the sound of water hitting the bottom of the kettle. The comforting rhythm of those sounds gives you a moment of solace, allowing you to let your body sink back into the couch, still cradling the cushion against your chest.
You close your eyes again, letting your mind wander as you anticipate the moment Spencer returns. You feel a little guilty for making him work for your comfort the second he comes back home from work, the drive from Quantico is long, but he was the one who asked. And the thought of him moving around the kitchen, searching for that little bit of happiness on your behalf, brings a flicker of warmth to your heart and you have every intention of sharing your chocolate with him.
A few minutes later, you hear his footsteps returning and he appears with your chocolate and a big cup of tea, the steam rising in delicate tendrils and the pleasant minty scent wafting through the air. “I read that peppermint tea can help with cramps. It’s supposed to be soothing.” He hands you the mug with delicate care, his fingers lingering on yours for just a moment longer than necessary. “Here you go,” he says, his tone casual, but you notice the way his eyes linger a little longer on you, taking in the moment. 
You take the cup from him, the warmth radiating through the ceramic and into your hands. You can’t help but feel a little bit like the luckiest person in the world as you settle back against the cushions. There’s something about the way he takes care of you—whether it’s tea for cramps or the endless supply of random trivia that somehow always manages to make you smile—that makes your heart ache in the most beautiful way.
“Thank you,” you whisper, feeling the tension in your shoulders begin to ease. He smiles back at you, the slight curve of his lips lighting up his face and making your heart race just a little faster.
“Of course,” he replies, settling down on the couch beside you, the cushions shifting slightly under his weight. He reaches for the remote, flicking through the options before finally deciding on an old classic—something light-hearted to distract you both.
You take a sip of the tea, letting the comforting warmth seep into your bones. As you do, Spencer settles on the couch next to you, his presence a comforting weight of safety and familiarity as you take the chocolate bar Spencer had brought from the kitchen, breaking it in two and handing the slightly bigger piece to Spencer. A little smile gracing your lips as you watch him take the piece from your hand, and even amid your discomfort, the gesture feels like a tiny moment of victory. The simple act of sharing, of being taken care of, fills your heart with a warmth that competes with the soothing tea in your hands.
“Thank you,” he murmurs. You steal a glance at him, the way his curls fall slightly over his forehead, the way he occasionally glances and smiles just for you—moments that seem small, yet mean everything.
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ericshoney · 6 days
Mini Matt in a grump ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Mini Matt gets her period resulting in her being grumpy to the guys.
Warnings: possible swearing, nicknames, period, mention of bleeding, crying, fluff
You had woken up in your own bed with major cramps. You went to your bathroom and realised it was that time of the month. You sighed and jumped in the shower, the hot water helping you relax, before getting dressed for the day. You weren't sure what the guys had planned, but a pair of sweatpants were your best friend at this time. You also slipped on a hoodie, which you think belongs to Matt.
You then grabbed your phone and saw it was two in the afternoon. As you walked into the living room, you saw the triplets awake and chatting.
"Morning Mini Matt!" Chris shouted from his seat on the sofa.
"Hmm." You just grumbled as you rummaged through the cupboards for some food.
Chris just laughed, as that was your usual morning response. Much like your male counterpart, neither of you had a way of words after waking up first thing.
After grabbing something you wanted to eat, you went and sat down on the end of the sofa, closest to where Nick was sat. It was all calm and chill, making you feel a bit better.
"Let's make a TikTok." Nick suddenly blurted out.
"I'm good." You muttered, scrolling through your phone.
"Oh come on grumpy pants! Have some fun!" Chris joked.
"Fuck off." You growled.
You then got up, heading to the bathroom to take care of your business. As you were gone, the three brothers shared a look.
"Okay she's grumpier than usual." Matt mentioned.
"Really? I thought that was regular Mini Mattitude." Chris responded sarcastically.
"I'm sure it's just a morning thing." Nick said.
You then came out and returned to your spot on the sofa. You curled up, feeling some cramps but didn't want to bother the guys with your monthly problem.
"Bub, we were thinking of going to the mall later, you down?" Chris asked.
"Not really." You answered honestly.
"What's wrong? You love to shop." Nick said.
"Just not in the mood, kay?" You snapped.
"Alright, miss moody." He sassed.
"Can you fucking stop with the moody comments! If I'm not in the mood can you fucking respect that!" You shouted, before storming off to your room.
The three shared a look as your bedroom door slammed shut with a bang. They each looked concerned.
"That's new." Chris mumbled.
Matt silently stood up from his seat and walked to your room. As he got to the door and heard you crying, he walked in without knocking.
"Hey sweetheart, talk to me, what's going on?" He asked softly.
"You'll laugh." You grumbled.
Matt came and sat next to you as you laid on your bed, he rubbed your back.
"I won't laugh, kid." He replied.
"My period." You answered.
"Oooh, is that why you're a little bit grumpy." He responded.
"I don't mean to! I'm just cramping, it fucking hurts and I feel like I'm bleeding a river. I started this morning." You cried.
"Shh, it's okay, petal. You can't help it happening, it's part of being a girl. But talk to us okay, we're not going to freak out. You want a hot water bottle?" He asked.
You nodded as he grabbed one from your side and walked into the kitchen, where Nick and Chris were. Matt put the hot water bottle in the microwave.
"Period." Was all Matt said, making the other two realise.
They both nodded as Nick opened the cupboard and grabbed some chocolates. Chris grabbed a couple blankets as the microwaved pinged.
The three then entered your room, making you smile as they started to make you feel more comfortable.
"Sorry for snapping." You apologised.
"Don't be sorry sweetheart, it's okay. Let's watch some movies and eat chocolate." Nick said.
You smiled as the four of you laid in your bed, watching Disney movies and easing your mind from the cramps you were having.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann @mrvlxgrl @melaniesturniolo @cl1tlover3000 @lottieluhvs @lovesturni0l0s @blahbel668  @emely9274 @nicksloverrr @emely9274 @nicksloverrr @pancjfrjb @sturniolosweetheart33 @luvr4miya @artloo123 @n0aa @sturn-rose @ivysturnss
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fineprintedsunsets · 9 months
Кролик; Bunny
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ೃ⁀➷ It's the dreaded time of month and all you want to do is curl up in bed. Your soldat has other plans. ೃ⁀➷ p in v sex. dirty talk. soldat!bucky. mentions of blood. period sex. (soldat not giving a fuck). breeding kink. mentions of pads/pain. fingering. possible typos. ೃ⁀➷ 1.2k
i hate my period so much, writing about this brute helps me cope🧸
seb masterlist
Oh no. No. No. Not today. Not now.
Fuck, You hate mother nature.
The sheets of your bed are stained a red hue. Little spots and specks paint the white fabric and your thighs are sticky with blood.
Your fucking period. If you had enough energy you could just slam a fist into the wall, broken bones be damned.
You whimpered and whined all the way to the shower, stomach aching, legs weak. You made sure to tear off the sheets and add them to the heaping pile of laundry in your room.
As soon as you stripped yourself of your clothes and felt the steaming water hit your skin, all was forgiven. The sound of water hitting the cheap chipped tile was so relaxing you would give everything you had to be in this state forever.
Unfortunately, a girl has a water bill.
You changed your clothes, put on low-cut shorts, and bought a shit ton of pads. It was only the first day and your flow was already heavy.
The cramps were bearable, but you could tell they were going to get a whole lot worse. Which led to your current state, in bed, lights turned off, head against a cold pillow, and blinds drawn.
An unbreakable fortress of cold pillows and snakes you managed to hoard in anticipation for this day's arrival.
You couldn’t turn on the tv, the light was harsh and irritating. So you just sat in darkness, eating Resses and groaning in pain.
Your only thought was “when would he arrive"?
“Кролик” (Bunny) a heavy voice woke you from your sleep. A familiar musk of gunpowder and him filled your head.
“You're bleeding.” He says from the shadows. You find your fingers gripping your blankets in both anticipation and fear. Your breath hitches.
He smells it, smells you.
“You need to be bred.”
The Winter Soldier, soldat, in his six-foot-tall frame, rounds the side of your bed. The harsh fabric of his suit, made to withstand all kinds of obstacles was now in front of your vision.
The soldat didn’t bother to take his combat boots off before sliding into bed with you. He kneeled on the mattress, denting it.
You waited in anticipation, legs slightly parted, breath coming in slow gasps as heat filled your entire body.
“Remove your shorts. Or is it too painful?” In a way, he’s mocking you, a way of saying you will always need his help. If you weren’t drunk off him right now, you’d recoil. Sober you would not have heat pooling in her core right now.
“Hurts- Soldat. Please take them off.” You wiggled your hips to emphasize. The soldats mask covers his face, muffling the groan he made when sliding the fabric off your legs.
Your body jolted when cold metal fingers met your clothed core. You tried your best to hold in the moan you held in your throat.
“Shh…quiet, кролик” You know there’s blood on your panties, you know the soldat does too.
Except, he doesn't seem to give a shit. His fingers prod at your entrance before removing your panties entirely, along with the pad stuck to them.
The soldat looks at your cunt, the mask hiding any real facial expression. You shiver from the cold air hitting your exposed folds.
He takes two metal fingers and slides them through your folds, gathering both blood and slick. The soldat purrs as you whine. “Relax -Going to hurt, stay still.”
You do as you are told, unable to stop the soldat as he places a flesh hand against your stomach, while two metal digits slide into your cunt.
"Beautiful, sweetheart.” The Soldat hums, pushing down just a little on your tummy as the digits slowly slide in and out of you. The pain eases at whatever he’s doing to you, and pleasure becomes more prominent.
You can hear the sound of your slick as he fingers you, your back arching off the bed as he picks up the pace, adding more pressure to your stomach. “Good, кролик. Right there.”
“Doing so well for your soldat. -think you can cum for him? Hmm?”
Fuck. The edge is so fucking close and your itching to barrel over it. The soldier can feel your cunt squeezing his fingers and can see the look in your eyes as you're about to come.
His metal digits speed up, going at a pace that is sure to push you over the edge. He releases his flesh hand from your stomach to pinch your aching clit.
It’s over from there. “Soldat! Soldat- fuck ” you cry out, heart pumping and legs shaking as he works you through it, pumping his fingers in and out of you.
“So good for your soldat. Look so pretty when you come for him, so beautiful.” The soldat slides his fingers out of you, wiping your juices on his pant leg.
The soldier undoes his belt buckle, sliding off the weapon-studded pants and throwing them into the darkness of the bedroom. His cock is throbbing, angry, and red.
“Ready to be bred, Кролик? Take all you're given?” His boxers are next, his metal hand wraps around the waistband. The fabric is torn from his body in one snap.
Your legs shake and your hips squirm as he lines his cock up with your entrance, his body crowding over you, balancing himself with a hand on the headboard. “You're so wet. I bet I’d just…”
His cock nudges your fold, “-Slide right in.” The pain hits you immediately as the soldat bottoms out. You can hear him curse in Russian under the mask, as he rests his head on your shoulder.
Skin meets skin as he gives time for you to adjust to his size. You’ve taken him many times before, but it’s different on your cycle.
It’s like your womb opens up a little more for him.
“So good, sweetheart.” He moans, sliding out to just half of his length before snapping his hips to you. You can feel everything. Every throbbing vein on his cock, every breath he groans through his mask.
The Soldat always has a primal urge when you're bleeding, he needs to come inside you, needs to breed your cunt.
He wants to mark you as his.
“Soldat-" you moan, feeling his cock slide out another couple of inches, until he’s balls deep again, kissing your cervix with the tip of his cock.
The entire bed shakes with the force of the soldat fucking you, and he fucks you hard. He’s so needy, desperate to fill you up with his seed. His moans and groans do not go unheard as his flesh hand presses on your stomach.
“Watch me fuck you, Кролик. See me sliding in and out?” All you can do is nod your head, words do not come easily.
Winter Soldier presses that hand on your tummy, pushing down as he stills, balls pressed to your skin as his cock twitches inside of you. “Feel me in your guts."
A few more thrusts has you clamping down on his cock, and when the soldier feels it, he goes fucking feral.
“Milk your Soldat's cock while he fills up your pretty pussy.” The soldier does exactly as he promises, shooting rope after rope of cum inside you.
Later, he flips you on your back so your pressed to his muscled chest, cock stuffing you full, keeping his load inside you. The Soldat mutters something like, “helps with the pain.”
And damn him, he’s right.
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imtryingbuck · 5 months
That time of the month.
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x gn!Reader
Summary: Bucky supports his partner when it’s their time of the month
Word count: 413
Warnings: fluff. angst. period pains. Super short sorry.
A/N: thank you for request 🤍
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Bucky frowned when he walked in the bedroom he shared with his partner of two years, on the bed laid the love of his life tossing and turning clutching their stomach for dear life.
“Love? Y/n what’s wrong?” He asked kneeling gently on the bed.
“Oh love, would you like some pain killers?”
“P-please” Bucky being the perfect gentleman that he is jumped up and rushed out of the bedroom and into the bathroom to search for the pain killers. When he returns he had two capsules in his hand and in the other a nice cold glass of water.
“Take these love”
“Thank you Buck” Not even five minutes later with the help of him running his fingers through your hair you fell asleep.
Bucky knew how bad your periods were each month and each month he wished he could take that pain away from you. Sending Wanda a text message asking if she could come in to watch over you as you slept. He had a solo mission he needed to go on.
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When you woke up you was shocked to see the huge bouquet of flowers neatly placed on the bedside table. “Buck?”
“Hi my pretty love, how are you feeling?”
“It doesn’t hurt as much now”
“Here, sit up so I can put these on you” doing as he says, you shuffle up against the headboard he places a heating pad on your back and your hot water bottle that was snuggly covered in a soft panda cover. “I’ve been busy whilst you’ve been in dreamland” he informs you.
“Yeah? Doing what?”
“Well I went and got you some flowers, then I went and got you all your favourite snacks, and yes I got you some cookie dough ice cream too.”
“Buck, you didn’t have to”
“Of course I do, I can’t let my favourite person in the world suffer. I also got you some more pads as you was running out”
“I love you”
“I love you too smelly bum, come on we’re going to have a lazy day and have some snuggles” he says taking his shoes off and getting into the bed next to you - making sure to bring the very large bag of snacks.
Though he couldn’t take your pain away, he could hopefully make the experience more pleasant even by doing the most simplest of things. And after all Bucky would move mountains for his partner if they asked him to.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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delicatebarness · 3 months
winters widow | chapter iii
Summary: During the month-long journey to your sister's wedding, you challenge Lord James' authority and gain a small glimpse of vulnerability. Settling under the full moon, you find quiet satisfaction.
Warning: Arranged Marriage. Emotional Distress. PTSD and War Trauma.
Word Count: 1468
Spotify Playlist | Pinterest Board | Support: Ko-FI
Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
A/N: Oh Lady Romanoff. How we love you. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Winter’s Widow: @lanabuckybarnes | @sapphirebarnes | @sebastians-love | @mrsnikstan | @learisa | @railmesebstan | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @barnesxstan
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick
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The warmth and the chatter of the kitchen staff provided a stark contrast to the crisp morning and icy atmosphere of the Reach. You smiled as you worked alongside them, determined to make yourself useful and lend a hand where you could. The staff initially hesitated about your presence in the kitchen, but they gradually accepted your help.
The head cook, a stout woman was instructing a young scullery maid, her voice gentle but firm as she explained how to chop vegetables, as you knead dough properly. 
“You’re quite the natural in the kitchen, my lady,” the head cook remarked, offering a warm smile as her hands deftly worked.
“I’ve always found comfort in cooking,” you admitted, sparkling more flour into your dough. “It reminds me of my home.” 
Sharing fleeting smiles, the other servants nodded in agreement. A comfortable, almost familial atmosphere began to cherish the cold, unyielding walls as activity hummed around you. 
The kitchen door swung open with a loud creak, and the room instantly fell silent. Turning with your dough in hand, you saw Lord James standing in the doorway, a dark expression of displeasure. The blue in his eyes deepened as they locked onto you, and the room's tension almost suffocated. 
“What are you doing in here?” he demanded, his voice cutting through the silence like the blade of his sword. 
Wiping your flour-cover hands on your apron, you straightened your posture. “I’m helping with the preparations for dinner, my lord.” 
A muscle ticked in his jaw, eye narrowing. “You are a lady, not a servant. This is not your place.” 
“I wanted to be useful,” you refused to be intimidated as you met his gaze. “Contribute in any way I can.” 
“You are the future Lady of Winter’s Reach,” he snapped. “This is not how you should be contributing. Your place is not among the servants.” 
Uneasy glances were exchanged around you, as the staff retreated into the background. The head cook, who had been friendly toward you moments ago, now avoided your eyes, a worried expression clouded her features. 
The lord stepped closer, his voice lowering yet it did not lose intensity. “You will leave the kitchen, immediately. We depart for the Prince’s wedding to your sister in three days and begin your preparation for our journey. It will be a month-long ride, and I expect you to be ready.” 
The reality of his words sunk in as you swallowed hard. “Yes, my lord,” you replied quietly, offering him a small nod. 
You felt the weight of the staff’s sympathetic gazes on your back as you turned on your heel and left the kitchen. The sense of belonging the kitchen brought had begun to slip away, replaced by the reminder of your status and the expectations that came with it. 
As you made your way to your quarters to prepare, your mind raced with the thoughts of traveling with Lord James. A month of enduring his harsh demeanor, you were determined to use the journey as another opportunity to break through his defenses. 
The courtyard was abuzz with activity, three mornings later. Preparations for the journey were finalizing as horses were being saddled and supplied were loaded. Dressed in travel attire, you approached Honeybreeze, a mixture of excitement and apprehension as you stroked her mane. 
Standing by the Reach’s entrance, Lord James oversaw the final preparations. He watched as you approached your horse, his expression unreadable as his eyes flickered with a hint of something softer. 
“You are to ride in the carriage,” he stated firmly, snapping your attention to him as his tone left little room for argument. 
“I prefer to ride Honeybreeze,” your voice was calm but resolute as you replied. 
His gaze hardened as his brow furrowed. “The journey will be long and treacherous. It would be safer for you in the carriage.” 
“I appreciate your concern, my lord, but I’m more comfortable on my horse,” you insisted, with practiced ease, you mounted Honeybreeze. 
Unaccustomed to having his orders challenged, his jaw tightened. “The terrain is unpredictable, there are other threats along the way. You do not understand the dangers.” 
You met his gaze steadily, looking down at him from your horse. “I’ve ridden through difficult terrain, we can handle it.” You smiled as memories of riding Honeybreeze around Belova flooded your mind. 
“This isn’t a leisurely ride, Lady Romanoff,” his frustration evident in his voice. “It’s a month-long journey, and I don’t need any additional complications.” 
“I’m capable,” your voice firm as you countered. “I won’t be a complication.” 
The tension between you both grew as he stared at you for a long moment. Finally, the rigidity in his posture softened and he sighed. “Very well,” he conceded reluctantly. “Stay close to the carriage and follow my lead.” 
“I will,” you said, a smile tugged at your lips. “Thank you, my lord.” 
As the procession moved along the roads, Lord James glanced at you with a mixture of irritation and resignation on his expression. You had positioned yourself alongside him, Honeybreeze keeping pace with Alpine, his snowy white horse. 
“I told you to stay by the carriage,” he snapped with a sharp tone. 
Undeterred, you met his gaze. “I believe it’s important for us to ride side by side, my lord. It will show a united front.” 
“This isn’t about appearances,” his eyes narrowed. “It’s about your safety.” 
“And, I feel safer riding Honeybreeze,” you calmly countered. “Besides, my lord, the people need to see us not together as just a lord and lady, but as partners.” 
“You’re too stubborn for your own good.” He sighed, clearly frustrated. 
“Maybe so,” you offered him a small, hopeful smile. “But, it’s because I believe in this union, despite it’s duty.” 
Rolling his eyes, Lord James had a hint of a reluctant smile at the corner of his lips. “Stay close, and don’t wonder off.” 
“Of course, my lord,” relief washed over you as you replied. 
The rhythm of the horses’ hooves against the dirt road created a steady and comforting beat as you rode south, the landscape of Winter’s Reach slowly giving way to rolling hills and forests surrounding the countryside. 
Silence marked the first few days of the journey, with only the sounds of nature and commands toward the Reach’s soldiers to break the quiet. You allowed yourself to bask in the beauty of the land, taking in the change of scenery. 
Your nights were spent in makeshift camps, Lord James and his men stood watch as you retired to a tent. 
The full moon cast as silver glow over the campsite, as the fire crackled one evening. Seated beside Lord James, you found yourself sharing a rare quiet moment with him. The moonlight bathed you in an ethereal light, a fitting ambiance. Your future husband was known throughout the realm as the White Wolf, and help anyone who dared to enrage him. 
Staring into the flames, he was lost in thought, and you wondered what haunted his mind. 
Breaking the silence, your voice asked softly. “Do you ever miss it?”
His gaze met yours, his eyes reflecting the firelight. “Miss what?” 
You lost your train of though as you marveled at the newfound warmth within his eyes before you managed to find your voice again. “The life you had before the war,” you clarified. “Before all of this.” 
Lord James’ expression hardened, a flicker of pain danced over the warmth. “There’s nothing to miss. The past is gone.” 
“But, it’s shaped who you are,” you persisted gently. “Just as my past has me,” 
He sighed, evident in the lines of his face, the weight of his past lay heavy. “The war took many things from me,” you noticed how his left, vibranium hand clenched as he spoke of loss. “It’s not something I like to dwell on.” 
“I understand,” you said softly, placing your hand gently over the top of his fist. “But, I believe there’s still more to you than the soldier.” 
He seemed to soften for a moment, the walls around his heart crumbling ever so slightly. “Maybe,” he conceded, his fist slackened under your touch. “If so, it’s buried deep.” 
You offered him a small smile as you met his gaze once again. 
His gaze lingered on you before he looked away, pulling his hand away from your touch, his mask of stoicism slipped back into place. “Get some rest,” he said quietly. “We have a long journey ahead in the morrow.” 
Nodding, you obeyed his wishes. You understood that you had received as much as the Lord could give you, and you were satisfied with his openness. As you made your way to your tent, you looked up at the moon one last time, praying to the old gods for a safe journey.
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nanarrrily · 4 months
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Period comfort w/ Choso !!
Contains: fluff, fem!reader, oneshot, period comfort, and idk
The rain tapped against the windowpane, a soothing rhythm that matched the ache in your abdomen. You curled up on the couch, clutching a hot water bottle to your stomach. Period cramps had a way of turning even the strongest sorcerers into vulnerable beings.
Choso sat across from you, his expression unreadable. As one of the Death Painting Wombs, he was familiar with pain both physical and emotional. But this was different. This was plain suffering—the kind that couldn’t be exorcised with curses or jujutsu.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft.
You managed a weak smile. “Yeah, just… cramps.”
He tilted his head, studying you. “Cramps?”
You nodded. “It’s a monthly thing. Women go through it.”
Choso’s eyes widened. “Women bleed?”
You laughed a bit. “Yeah, we do. It’s a natural process.”
He shifted closer, his hand hovering uncertainly. “Is there anything I can do?”
You hesitated, then nodded. “Actually, warmth helps. Can you… hold the hot water bottle against my stomach?”
Choso blinked, then reached for the bottle. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he pressed it to your abdomen. The warmth seeped through the fabric, easing the cramps.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
He sat there, watching you—the rain outside, the flickering candle on the coffee table. It was an intimate moment—the kind that transcended curses and bloodlines.
“You’re strong,” Choso said. “To endure this every month.”
You shrugged. “We adapt. It’s part of being human.”
He leaned closer, his breath warm against your cheek. “I wish I could take your pain away.”
And in that moment, as Choso held the hot water bottle to your stomach, you realized—he already had. Not with jujutsu or magic, but with empathy and kindness.
As the rain continued to fall, you closed your eyes, grateful for this unexpected comfort. And Choso—the half-human, half-cursed spirit became your comfort person in this living hell that is called periods. Authors Note: AAAAAAA REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! ONESHOTS, FF, IMAGINES, DRABBLES, (SMUT BUT NOTHING TOO TOO KINKY) THIS ALSO TOOK SO LONG.. ^.^
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tkwrites · 6 months
Let the Cleaners Deal With It - Quinn Hughes x Sarah (ofc)
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: Let the Cleaners Deal With It
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah Roberts (OFC) 
Warnings: Periods, Menstruation, talks of blood, and embarrassment. If I missed something, please let me know.
Summary: When Quinn wakes to Sarah frantically cleaning after unexpectedly getting her period, he insists she let the cleaners deal with it.
Word Count: 750
Comments: Thank you to the Lovely Anon who requested this. Your request came in, and my mind immediately started whirring. 
I saw you like fancfic ideas. for the Quinn and Sarah series: Maybe Sarah gets her period at an inconvenient place and Quinn helps her deal with it. Or maybe she bleeds through while she’s sleeping and he’s super sweet about it. Major fluff
Let the Cleaners Deal with it 
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
It was too early for either of them to be up. The city lights were still visible through the windows, the inky night sky spilling out behind their artificial glow. Even still, Sarah was up and rustling around. From her movement, she sounded almost frantic. 
“What are you doing?” Quinn asked. His voice was groggier than he expected and he cleared his throat. 
“I'm just - cleaning up.”
“What?” he asked, sitting up.
She blew a harsh breath out of her nose, “I got my period.” 
With an ice cube in one hand and paper towels in the other, she was trying to work the blood out of his soft, expensive sheets. 
Now that his eyes had adjusted to the dim Quinn could see the small spot on the gray-blue material. Scooting closer, he reached for her hand, stopping the frenzied way she was attacking it with the ice.  “You don't need to do that. The cleaners can get it out.”
She made a noise in her throat, pulled her wrist out of his grasp, and continued on. “Quinn I got blood on your sheets. It's better to get it out now while it's fresh so it won't stain,” she said, pressing the paper towel down to soak up the blood and water.
This time, he reached out and took the ice cube from her hand. He regretted it immediately. Even though it forced her to stop, he didn’t have anywhere to put it. Now it was melting, cold water trickling between his fingers
She finally looked up and met his eyes, embarrassment all over her pretty face. 
He knew he was still partially asleep, but he didn’t know why she was making such a big deal of this. It’s not like she could help it. “Why are you so worried?” 
“I'm twenty seven years old. I've been getting a period for thirteen fucking years. I should have a handle on this by now,” she said, arms crossing over her chest as her shoulders shrugged almost to her ears as if she were trying to hide.
Quinn rubbed his eyes, willing his mind to wake. “Didn’t you tell me last week that your IUD makes it so your cycle is hard to predict?”
“So how would you know it was coming?”
“I don't know,” she said, exasperated, throwing her hands up. 
“Do you need anything? Tampons or whatever?”
“No, I had a disc in my bag.”
“Do you have cramps? Do you need me to get you some Tylenol or get you off?” 
She arched an eyebrow. 
“What? Isn't having an orgasm supposed to help with period cramps?”
“Yeah, but why do you know that?”
“I've had other girlfriends, Sar,” he reminded gently. “I know because they told me.”
She wrinkled her nose, not liking to think about his past girlfriends. 
“So no cramps? Or yes, cramps?”
“No. I don't really get them anymore with the IUD. I'm just really fucking embarrassed,” she said, her free hand covering her eyes. 
“This is just your body doing what it does, except it didn't give you any warning,” Quinn said. “I promise the cleaners can get it out. They’ve gotten all kinds of stains out of my clothes before.” 
Her shoulders dropped, almost defeated. 
“Come back to bed,” he said, scooting back to his side, and wiping his hand on the duvet cover.
“The sheets are all wet now,” she said, pressing the paper towels in again, attempting to soak up the moisture. 
He tsked. “Guess you’ll have to sleep on top of me then,” he said, waggling his eyebrows. 
She laughed and threw the paper towels in the trash can. 
Slipping under the covers, she didn’t get on top of him, but she did crowd into his half of the bed. 
“Thank you for being so understanding about this,” she said, her voice quiet and chagrined.
“It’s not like you can help it,” he said, rolling onto his side so he could pull her against him and tuck his nose into her hair. 
She tried to fall back to sleep, but it didn’t come. She couldn’t get his casual invitation to get her off out of her mind. 
“Quinn,” she whispered a little later, trailing her fingers up his arm. 
“Hmm?” His voice was low and sleepy. 
“Does that offer to get me off still stand?” 
He huffed a laugh into her hair, even as his hand inched down her stomach. “Did those cramps set in?” 
“Something like that.” 
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out my Fanfiction Masterlist
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can you do an Aaron hotchner x teen!daughter reader where the reader is about 16 or so and she gets her period at school and has nothing and she’s anxious to call Aaron (this is a few years after Hayley’s death so reader has no mom) but being the great dad he is he helps her out and pampers her for the rest of the day.
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Aaron Hotchner x Teen Daughter Reader
can you do an Aaron hotchner x teen!daughter reader where the reader is about 14 or so and she gets her period at school and has nothing and she’s anxious to call Aaron (this is a few years after Hayley’s death so reader has no mom) but being the great dad he is he helps her out and pampers her for the rest of the day.
Third person pov...
It was just like any other day at school for 14-year-old Y/N Hotchner. She sat in her math class, trying her best to pay attention to the lesson, but her mind kept wandering off.
She couldn't shake off the sudden discomfort she was feeling in her lower abdomen. It was a new feeling for her and she was starting to feel anxious.
Then she rememberd this morning, Y/N Hotchner woke up feeling shitty, the 14 year old jsut wanted to lay in bed all day and not move, but eventually her Dad forced her to go to school.
The teenager knew exactly what was going on - she was getting her period. She had been dreading this day for a while now, knowing that she would have to face it alone without her mother.
It had been a few years since her mother, Hayley, had passed away, and Y/N still missed her terribly. She wished her mother was here to guide her through this new experience.
As the class finally ended, Y/N made a quick escape to the bathroom, hoping to find some relief. She rummaged through her backpack, hoping to find a pad or tampon.
But to her horror, she realized she had nothing. No pads, no tampons, not even a spare piece of paper.
Panic set in as Y/N mind raced with thoughts of how she was going to make it through the rest of the day.
She couldn't focus on her classes, and she was afraid to ask a teacher or a friend for help. She felt completely alone and helpless.
She couldn't believe she had forgotten to pack them in her bag. She didn't know who to turn to. She couldn't call her father, Aaron, at work and she didn't have any close friends at school.
Feeling embarrassed and alone, Y/N decided to call her father anyway. She took a deep breath and dialed his number. As the phone rang, her heart raced, and she prayed that he would answer.
"Hey, N/N" Aaron's voice came through, the young girl forced herself not to cry as she spoke, she knew he could sense the concern in his tone.
"Dad, it's me" the H/C teen said, trying to keep her voice steady.
"Is everything okay?" Aaron asked, sensing the worry in his daughter's voice.
It was just a normal morning once his children left home he was at work, The team was busy working on their latest case and wrting uo whay happend
Aaron was absorbed in reviewing the evidence, when his phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was his daughter.
Who he had complete custody of after his wife her mother, Haley, had passed away a few years ago.
Aaron's heart skipped a beat, as he immediately answered the call, worried that something had happened to his daughter.
'Hey, sweetheart, is everything alright?' he asked, his voice filled with concern.
'Dad, I- I have a problem,' his daughter, who was now 14, said nervously.
Aaron's mind immediately went into overdrive, thinking of the worst possible scenarios. 'What is it? Are you hurt? Do I need to come pick you up?'
'I got my period at school, and I don't have anything with me. Can you please pick me up" his daughter explained, her voice shaking with embarrassment.
Aaron was momentarily taken aback by his daughter's confession. He had never expected to be having this conversation with her at such a young age, but he knew he had to be there for her.
"Okay swetie, dont worry im on my way, see you soon" He quickly reassured her and told her that he would be there to pick her up from school.
Aaron let out a sigh of relief, knowing that it was just a natural and normal part of growing up.
'Thank you, Dad,' his daughter said, the relief evident in her voice.
Aaron quickly wrapped things up at work and rushed to his daughter's school.
When he arrived at the school, his daughter was waiting for him at the entrance. She was relieved to see her father's familiar face, and she could feel the tension dissipating.
As soon as she saw him walking into the school, Y/N couldn't hold back her tears. She ran into his arms, feeling safe and loved. Aaron held her close, soothing her with his familiar embrace.
"Dad, I'm so sorry. I didn't know who else to turn to" Y/N apologized as they walked to the car.
"Don't apologize, sweetheart. I am always here for you, no matter what" Aaron said, placing a comforting arm around his daughter.
As they drove back home, Aaron could sense how uncomfortable Y/N was feeling.
He tried to lighten the mood by joking about awkward first period stories from his own teenage years, thought Y/N still felt awkward.
Once they got home Aaron handed his daughter a plastic bag filled with products for her, Thanking him she ran upstairs to change and finally be comfortable.
When she came back down she found her dad sitting in the sofa. "Thanks dad" she tells the man crawling into the sofa next to him.
Aaron smiles at his daughter and hugs her tightly. "It was no problem Sweetie ill always be there if you need me" he tells the teen making her smile.
The awkwardness of the situation finally over. Aaron made his daughter a cup of hot chocolate and let her relax in the living room. He could see how tired and drained she was from the day's events, and he wanted to make sure she felt pampered and taken care of.
He brought her a warm blanket and put on her favorite movie, letting her lay on the couch and rest. Throughout the day, he made sure to check on her and bring her anything she needed. He even surprised her with her favorite takeout for dinner, knowing that she probably didn't feel like cooking.
Despite the embarrassment and discomfort, Aaron's daughter felt grateful for her dad's presence and care. She knew that she could count on him no matter what, and that made all the difference in the world.
As she lay in bed that night, she smiled to herself, feeling lucky to have a dad who not only supported her but also knew exactly how to take care of her. From that day on, she knew that she could always count on him, no matter what life threw her way.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot! 4th one today wow I'm on a roll, sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1200
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Blood: A Radioapple one-shot.
This is my first time sharing my writing be nice.
Warning: Contains Blood, Period bleeding.
@oneofwaytoomanyfandoms please leave feedback on what to improve.
The night was chilly, the freezing air choking and rough.
The birds were silent. The earth was cold. Lucifer was cold.
Hell, he was freezing! In Hell!
He shivered clutching his stomach in pain. The cramps were killing him, digging their claws into his stomach and ripping his insides out. The cold didn't do much to make it better either.
He stole a glance at his alarm clock, it's baby blue and pink hands gently transitioning from 7:45 to 7:46.
'I'm gonna have to help Charlie at 8:00' He thought as another sharp stabbing sensation pierced his stomach. He gasped, shrinking in too a ball on his bed when he noticed that it felt off. Slightly uncomfortably sticky. And it smelled.
Like blood.
"Shit" he yelped to himself, leaping from bed and looking at himself in the mirror. His bottom half was practically drowned in blood.
He stared at the golden liquid, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him, suffocating, sad, stupid. He felt stupid. How could he do this to Charlie's hotel bed? How could he do this to the clothes she supplied him with?
Should he ask Charlie for help? Would it be too awkward? Would she bother helping?
He quickly reached into a small white and brown box on his bedside table, reaching for a pad, only to realise there were none there. He frantically swiped through a few more drawers. He grabbed a change of clothes and stared hopelessly at his blood-covered legs.
He then started staring at the bed sheets, and after a while he grabbed their base, slowly starting to rip them from the bed.
He pulled and pulled, releasing his wings to help but it wouldn't budge. The stupid-ass stubborn bed refused to release the cover.
He sighed, feeling tears burn the back of his eyes. Guilt returned, eating away at his heart. 'I'm sorry Charlie' He muttered to himself through tears as he slumped onto the wooden floor.
Alastor walked through the halls of the hotel. It was quite peaceful in the mornings, especially on the right half.
He didn't normally walk along this half of the hotel. Mostly because he preferred to avoid it. And by 'it' he means Lucifer. Unfortunately Charlie was busy this morning, so of course it was turned to Alastor. Of course they'd pick him to go pick up the parcels from the delivery center. She said he could take as long as he wanted, so he didn't bother trying to rush.
He strolled around, glaring at an approaching door.
It was nicely carved, he'd give it that. Beautiful in fact. It was extremely detailed, with texture to please the eyes and hands.
He stopped at the door, gently reaching at it and tracing the duck that sat in the middle. It was soft and beautiful.
He stood there for a while, when he heard a sniffle.
He knew who it was.
Was Lucifer sick? Crying?
Alastor sighed, smile twitching. He tried to move his legs. Tried to walk away.
He failed.
He couldn't move. He just stood there, listening to Lucifer's suffering. It was...
Sad? Depressing? Eww, no. It was amusing.
But he didn't take any enjoyment out of it. Instead he opened the door.
There was Lucifer, his small body curled in a ball and his wings curved elegantly around him, occasionally twitching as though to tell him he was here.
He stood there for what felt like hours, the longer he watched the angel and looked around the room, the more he observed.
The angel was crying, probably for about 10 minutes. He was scared, or nervous, maybe even guilty. He and his bed were covered in gold.
Angel blood.
Alastor felt his smile fade slightly. Just slightly. He approached, gently tapping Lucifer on the shoulder.
"Your Majesty?"
Lucifer jumped at the sudden contact, his tail flying wild and his wings flapping dangerously.
Lucifer narrowed his eyes, quickly wiping his face and muttering "When did you come in? Ever heard of knocking?".
Alastor glared at Lucifer. "What happened? Did you get hurt? Want me to get Char-"
"No!" Lucifer rushed, and Alastor felt Lucifer's tail grab his leg. In a more gentle tone he added "Charlie doesn't need to know. I'm fine."
Alastor stared at Lucifer for a moment, trying to reach his eyes but missing his gaze.
"Then why are you covered in blood?"
Lucifer's face turned gold, his expression embarrassed and annoyed but relieved at the same time. He gently released his tail from Alastors leg.
Alastor didn't like that, but he kept his mouth shut.
Lucifer awkwardly opened his mouth, and closed it. And opened it again, and closed it again before coming up with the right words to say.
"I uh. It's uh. Well, um, you had a mother? It's uhm, when a woman... Once a month they bleed."
His words were muddled are awkward, mixed and merged but Alastor knew exactly what Lucifer was saying. But he didn't get why. Eventually he opened his mouth and murmured "but you're a guy." Immediately after he said it, he regretted it. That was a very personal question.
Lucifer just looked embarrassed. Not angry or upset, just embarrassed. "I uh, I kind of am a guy but I also have female... 'Parts?'.only a few though"
He watched as Lucifer dissolved into a blob of golden blush, and Alastor just sighed. "So what do you need? Normally when mother got hers, she would need certain things like extra food and maybe an extra set of clothes".
Alastor scanned Lucifer's face, half expecting him to burst out laughing and tell him it was all a joke, but Lucifer just stared at Alastor, his eyes growing glossier by the moment. Eventually Lucifer had tears falling down his face, he was crying "You're so nice! Thank you!"and Alastor had no idea of what the fuck he should do.
He awkwardly grabbed the blonde by the armpits, lifting him in the air so he could see his face. Alastor was not cut out for babysitting.
"Shhh shh it's okay!" He rushed, panic setting in "D-do you want to pet my ears? That'll cheer you up!"
As though Alastor had offered to give the world, Lucifer stopped crying but still had the annoying 'happy face' on. He stared him in the eyes. "Really Bambi?"
Alastor looked away and felt his face burn and he rolled his eyes. "Just for a minute" He gently placed the angel on the ground and lowered his head.
Lucifer immediately started to touch them, gently massaging their bases and scratching their sides. It was nice actually.
After a while Alastor stood up and looked Lucifer up and down. " Should we get his majesty cleaned up? "
Lucifer looked confused for a moment, before turning gold. He curled his wings around himself, as if to hide. "Probably..."
Lucifer sat in the bathtub awkwardly while Alastor sat on a stool and preened his wings, his fingers sliding gently through the wet feathers and freeing the loose ones.
"When was the last time you cleaned your wings? Even Husks aren't this bad!" Alastor said as he plucked out a damaged, long white feather.
Lucifer self-consciously crossed his arms, digging his nails deep in his elbows "Just a few years. It stopped hurting after a while"
The silence that followed for a moment said it all.
"Youre highest, You need to work on your hygiene" Alastor said after a while, he moved on to the last wing.
Lucifer thought about that. He used to be terrible at hygiene, after Lilith left, only taking a shower once every few days and only brushing his teeth and hair when he was bored. "I guess so" he managed to say after a moment.
Lucifer felt Alastor stop preening his wings. He gently pulled them away and waited. awkwardly wondering what to do, he turned to look at the deer.
Alastor sat outside the bathtub, watching Lucifer from the stool. His eyes were watching Lucifer's every move, examining what he was doing as though curious if Lucifer would randomly become a dog.
Lucifer stared back at Alastor and their eyes met. Lucifer felt a pounding in his chest. Felt it rushing, getting faster and faster.
And Alastor opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He was just silent.
Lucifer self consciously touched his face, feeling it slowly begin to burn before glancing away and back.
Alastor had stood from his stool, he stole one last glance at Lucifer before stepping outside.
Lucifer watched him leave, before slowly standing up and grabbing the clothes. They were wine red, a similar shade to what Alastor usually wore. He slid on the shirt before he remembered he had no pads. He growled, glancing around the room and noticing a pad on the sink. Unopened. It wasn't there before.
He gratefully took it, putting it on with the rest of his clothes and stepping out of the bathroom and back into his room.
First thing he noticed was Alastor, who was grabbing the sheets of the bed and changing them.
Lucifer stared at him for a moment, unsure of what to say before muttering "You don't have to do that".
Alastor glanced at Lucifer, his rolling his eyes as he said "but I am already doing it".
Lucifer watched Alastor eyes, glittering reds and oranges. He shrugged. "Okay then." He watched Alastor skillfully swap it and grab the sheets, quickly disappearing into shadow.
Alastor teleported back in front of Lucifer, who was clearly expecting him to return. The little shit.
He stared at Lucifer, his hair was a mess.
Lucifer stared back and Alastor suddenly felt nervous. Why was he nervous? He had always felt slightly intimidated around him but never nervous.
Alastor glanced around, fiddling with his hands and looking at Lucifer. What was he doing? Why did he come back? Why was he nervous? WHY WHERE THERE STUPID FUCKING BUTTERFLIES IN HIS STUPID FUCKING STOMACH?!
Alastor watched as Lucifer's eyes started to water and he whispered "Thank you".
Alastor looked away. He had to otherwise Lucifer would see his face go slightly pink. That would be weird. He turned back to Lucifer and got on one knee, looking at Lucifer's face.
"You look very gold" he said, stifling a giggle at Lucifer's yellow face that was glowing more by the minute. He gently reached up at the blonde, tucking a few stray hairs behind his ear. "Don't cry. You look better with a smile"
"But, Bambi, I'm smiling as well! " Lucifer said, confusing Alastor. Why was he crying if he was happy?
Alastor watched as Lucifer's grin widened at his confusion, the line stretching across his face. Suddenly, Lucifer jumped at Alastor, wrapping his arms around his waist.
Alastor stood there for a moment, frozen and stiff, unsure of what to do. After a moment he wrapped his arms around Lucifer, gently patting his golden head.
That's all. I might continue later or something. Probably not. Should I make fluffier? Idk maybe? I proofread many times but there could still be mistakes please tell me if there are.
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ramsayxme · 9 months
The Bloody Bastard
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TW: per!od sex, blood kink!
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You tossed and turned in bed, your lower back aching and your stomach cramping. You had been serving the Bastard of the Dreadfort for 3 weeks now and time passed painfully slow. You had barely had time to mourn your previous life before Ramsay Snow began forcing you to do every minuscule duty for him. You drew his baths, folded his clothes, cleaned his leathers, washed his sheets, made his bed, and served him meals. Ramsay didn't care enough about you to even ever make eye contact with you while you served him. He had never spoke more to you than a demand. You were exhausted to say the least, but you didn't dare push back with your duties. You witnessed another servant girl try to argue with Ramsay in your first week. She was flayed and displayed outside your window; a reminder to obey your master.
You rolled over in your bed, trying desperately to get comfortable in the time you had left before you had to rise. It was very early and the sun was starting to peel back the fog; a threat in the form of another passing day. The sun never quite shone brightly though, it only lit up a grey sky full of clouds. Your stomach cramped as you sat up. When you sat up, you realized the reason for your pains. You felt the familiar sensation that you had completely forgotten that was bound to happen. You felt the warmth of blood trickle out of you and immediately stain your nightgown. You felt your heart race as you began to panic.
The thought hadn't even crossed your mind in the time you'd spent at the Dreadfort, but it was inevitable. You had started your period. You cursed at your body under your breath as you stood up and attempted to avoid staining your sheets. You felt the blood trickle down your thigh as you walked over to the door. You weren't allowed outside the main walls of the Dreadfort, but you had free roam inside. You had to have the ability to fetch things for Ramsay, so you were quite familiar with the hallways and rooms scattered about.
You creaked the door open and stuck your head out to look down the hallways. The only things you could see were the flickers from the torches casting dancing shadows on the stone floors and walls. You ducked out of your room and scurried to the largest washroom that Ramsay frequently used. You had drawn him many baths in this room. You knew there were a lot of extra cloths, blankets, and fabrics in the wooden chests stored in the corner. You rushed over and opened one of the chests, digging around for some loose fabric you could somehow tie around your waist.. Something. Anything. You were crouched on the floor as you dug elbows deep through the loose cloths desperately. Suddenly, you heard the door scrape shut behind you.
You craned your neck over your shoulder to see Ramsay standing in front of the door that he closed. "I thought I heard someone in here." He groaned, clearly having just woken up. His voice was raspy and tired, his eyes had a slight bag underneath them. His hair was messy and overgrown, gently curling underneath his ears to meet with his slight stubble. He wore a dusty grey long sleeve, knitted loosely and clearly worn frequently as the neck was stretched out and the sleeves were a bit too long. "What do you think you're doing, hm?" He asked in a cooing tone.
"I...I..." You stuttered over your thoughts. Ramsay's glare was so intense. He had never looked at you before, and you felt yourself shrinking under his gaze. "Speak up!" His voice boomed through the quiet room as you shifted your weight, still crouched by the chest. "I'm looking for something." It was all you could squeak out. His eyes were wide as he stared deep into you, almost beckoning you to say more. He stepped forward and you felt yourself shrink even more. "Perhaps I can help you. What are you looking for?" He crouched down on the ground next to you. You felt yourself hold your breath as his body was next to you. You had never been this close to Ramsay before. You quickly studied him.
His hair was tousled but not tangled. His facial hair was stubbly but not harsh. His eyes darted over at you, and he watched you study his face. His pale eyes widened when you looked into them, a grin slowly spreading across his closed lips. "Now, what can I help you find?" You looked down at your nightgown, it was wrapped under your legs so Ramsay couldn't see the stain. "I can find it myself, My Lord..." You whispered as you looked back inside the chest. You were embarrassed and didn't want him to notice the blood that was trickling down your thighs. You heard him snicker as he exhaled. "I think I know what you're looking for."
You felt your stomach twist with anxiety as he leaned backwards. You watched him lean and reach behind you, his index finger wiping against the stone a few inches behind your body. When he pulled his finger up, there was a drop of blood smeared across the tip of his finger. He held it up to show you and your face immediately grew hot. "Something to help with this?" You realized you had dripped before you crouched down. How did he see it?? He kept his finger held in the air before his thumb met his pointer finger, rubbing the blood between his fingers. You knew your face was red and flushed as you turned your attention back to the chest and shuffled your hands through the cloths inside.
"I'm right, aren't I?" Ramsay whispered, leaning in closer to you, his hands reached out and grabbed your shoulders. He turned you to face him. You balanced on your feet, your knees under your chin as you pivoted to face him. You hid your body with your nightgown, the stains were too obvious to hide at this angle. His eyes slowly moved down your crouched body and he saw the stains. "I was right." He reached out to touch your nightgown, gently pulling at the fabric. "Sit down on the floor." He pushed your shoulders slightly and caused you to fall backwards on your ass. You still held your knees close to your chest.
Ramsay sat on the floor directly across from you. His sat criss cross and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. He placed his chin in his hands as he hunched forwards. "Let me see." He cocked his head to the side, gently coaxing you with his gaze. You were frozen, unable and unwilling to lift your nightgown. Ramsay sighed and rolled his eyes before staring at you again. "This is a demand, you know." He lifted his chin and reached his arms out. His hands pried your knees apart, spreading your legs slightly. "Now, hike your dress up and show me." His words hung in the air as you hesitated, but you knew you had to listen to him. You had no choice.
You gently pulled your nightgown up and over your knees, allowing it to fall down your thighs and rest at your hips. You felt the cool air on your thighs as you exposed yourself to him. He reached out to your hips and pulled them closer to him, forcing you to slide down further into the floor. Your hips now turned upwards and facing him, he spread your legs apart with his hands on your knees. You stared at his face as he took in the sight of your bloody center and slick thighs. His eyes widened slightly as they skimmed over your flesh. His lips parted and he exhaled gently as he stared into your core. "I knew it." He breathed, his hands grabbing and kneading at the soft flesh of your thighs. The man who wouldn't even glance at you the past few weeks was now fixating on your bleeding cunt with hungry eyes. It made you squirm with discomfort.
You clamped your legs shut once more, the humiliation making your skin hot. "No, no." Ramsay scolded you, quickly yanking your legs open for him. His hands were forceful, but you knew he was being gentle with you. He was capable of much more than what he was doing. His hands wandered up your thighs and made contact with the slick inners of your thighs, nearly brushing against your folds. You exhaled a moan of concern as his fingers began swirling circles in against the bloody slick of your upper thighs. His fingers teased at your folds by gently stroking up and down, collecting the wetness and the blood. You had never been touched like this.
Without warning, Ramsay slid two fingers inside your slit. The blood made it easy for him and you let out a whimper. Ramsay's eyes lifted again to look at your face. He clenched his jaw as he stared intensively at you. "You're a virgin, aren't you?" He asked through his gritted teeth. You gently nodded, the feeling of his fingers slowly sliding in and out of you made you feel a warmth in your core that you didn't recognize. You didn't want to speak. You were afraid if you opened your mouth, you would beg for more. "I can tell you are..." Ramsay whispered. He leaned forward on his knees and pressed his lips against yours into a needy kiss.
You felt his warm tongue slide into your mouth, his lips moving slowly on yours. You leaned back even further, allowing your body to rest on your elbows. Ramsay leaned over you, one hand still working at your bloody core and the other hand on the floor holding himself steady. He fluttered his fingers inside your swollen walls, causing you to inhale sharply. He grinned into the kiss as his mouth pushed onto yours even harder than before. Ramsay pulled away from the kiss and slid his fingers out of you, leaving you trickling blood and arousal. You arched your back softly, a gentle beg for him to not go. You didn't even mean to, but your body was aching for more. He grinned when he realized your body making attempts to keep his fingers inside you. "You quite liked that, didn't you?" He chuckled softly.
He sat back, pulling himself up to a standing position. Your blood was still covering his glistening fingers as he brought his hand to his own trousers. You could see that he was aroused, the trousers grew tight around his crotch. "Look what you're doing to me." He grinned as he pulled his trouser waistband down just barely, releasing his hard cock. He peered down at you, you felt like a pile of arousal, flesh, and blood crumpled on the floor. He took his hand that was still wet from your cunt and wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. He squeezed it gently and wiped your blood off of his fingers and onto his veiny shaft. You watched as he stroked himself, gently exhaling a strong breath as he stared at you. "You can't leave me like this, you know." He gestured to his hard cock. "And I can't let you go to waste like that... bleeding and warm. I'll have to figure out what to do about this, won't I?" He teased, still stroking himself.
You were nervous and unsure of what his next move would be. He grinned as he yanked you to your feet by your arms. "Follow me." He demanded, tucking his hardness back into his trousers. You slunk behind him, ashamed and dripping. He led you out into the main hallway that was still empty and crawling with the early dawn. He grabbed your hand and pulled you down the hall to your chambers. "This one's yours?" He asked before shoving the door open. He pulled you inside and shut the door behind him. When he turned around, he had a grin spread across his face. His eyes flickered with a dark obsession as he faced you and spat out a demand. "Take off your clothes."
You slowly pulled your nightgown off of yourself. You wanted to resist him, you really did... but your body was excited for this. You hated yourself for it, but you were interested in seeing what was going to happen next. You let the nightgown fall to the floor and allowed yourself to stand naked in front of Ramsay. He inhaled deeply as he scanned you with his eyes. You felt the blood dripping from you still, well it was a mixture of blood and your own wetness. It was trickling down your thighs, nearly to your knees. Ramsay didn't stop staring at you as he pulled his shirt over his head. His hair lifted and fell as he tore it over himself and threw it on the floor, stepping closer to you. He pulled his trousers down and kicked them off so he could stand naked with you.
He was within arms reach, his pale and muscular chest rising and falling with his deep breaths as he admired your body. His eyes slid up and down your nakedness before he stepped closer, closing the gap between your bodies. His hands cupped your breasts. He harshly caressed them and squeezed them, causing you to let out a whine. They were quite sore, a symptom of your period. "Does that hurt?" Ramsay whispered, squeezing harder. You nodded softly and mumbled a response. "Yes, My Lord." He smiled, kneading and squeezing before he pinched your nipples between his fingers. You inhaled sharply, gasping at the feeling. "Good." He assured you, squeezing your nipples even harder. Your mouth opened with the pain and he nearly growled.
He spun you around and sank his face into your neck, biting and kissing your soft skin. His hands found your hips and he began pressing his erection against your ass. His hands were kneading at your hips and waist eagerly. "I cant believe I never paid any attention to you before." He whispered into your ear before biting your neck once more. "Now that I know what a whore you can be for me... you don't have to worry anymore, I'll have plenty of time for you." You whimpered as you gave in to the feeling, knowing that you were about to entirely belong to Ramsay Snow. His teeth grazed your ear as he sighed a moan, his cock pressing against your bare ass. He pushed on his cock with his hand, allowing it to slip between your legs. He wasn't fucking you yet, but he was sliding his cock between your legs and against your bloody cunt.
He rhythmically pressed his hips forward and back, allowing his cock to slide against your folds and your clit, making you crazy for him. You wanted him badly. You started moaning and it made Ramsay chuckle. "You're whining! You want me that bad, don't you?" He reached his hand up and wrapped it around your throat. He wasn't using much force, but your breathing was slightly altered. "Say you want it." He growled into your neck. You swallowed before you opened your soft lips. "I want you..." He tightened his grip on your throat, gently shaking you. "Louder." He groaned.
"I want you." You said a bit louder, your body arching and pressing against him, matching his rhythmic humping. "Louder!" He barked into your neck before biting down. "I want you!!" You cried out, reaching your own hand between your legs and feeling his cock, slick and coated in your blood. He pulled away from you and turned you around to face him. You couldn't resist as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Your tongue entered his mouth and your lips locked in a desperate kiss. You were floating with desire as you ran your fingers through his hair and down his shoulders. "Please..." You begged between kisses.
Ramsay shoved you backwards, forcing you to fall onto your clean bedsheets. You knew they would be stained and ruined but you didn't care. You only cared about what it would feel like when he pushed his cock inside you. He opened your legs and lowered himself, kneeling at the edge of the bed. He pulled your body closer, your ass hanging off the bed. Before you had any idea what was happening, you felt his tongue sliding between your dripping folds. You gasped as he began kissing your cunt, slowly sucking on your clit and kneading at your hips. He hummed with pleasure as you reacted, arching your back and digging your fingers into his shoulders. You looked down at him to see his eyes shut softly and his face buried in your thighs.
Ramsay swirled his tongue around your clit as he slid those same fingers inside you again. You felt electricity jolt up your body when he licked your clit, slowly sucking on the nub. His fingers swirled inside you, the slurping noises coming from your core were loud and would likely be embarrassing if you weren't so desperate for him. You stared at him with bliss as your lips parted and allowed for each and every whimper and moan to escape easily. His eyes flickered open and they stared up at you. His eyes were full of obsession. He was loving every moment of this, perhaps even more than you were. You pushed his head into your core as you gently began rocking your hips against his face.
You were feeling an overflowing need, a deep desire for more pressure inside you. You wanted to be filled by him. You gently tugged at his hair, trying to signal him to fuck you. He kept nuzzling his face into you, sucking and licking you perfectly. You groaned loudly, "Ramsay please..."
He pulled his face from between your thighs, his face covered in slick arousal and blood. He exhaled loudly and grinned at you before wiping his face on the bedsheets. "You filthy girl..." He groaned as he admired you lying on the bed, legs spread open and begging for his cock. He stood up and grabbed your hair, yanking you up the bed further. You squealed in pain as he did so, making him chuckle. He climbed on top of you and pressed his lips against yours. You could taste the metallic lingering on his tongue. You groaned into his mouth, pressing your hips up against his body. Ramsay's hands were exploring every inch of you. He was grabbing and pulling at your skin and his tongue was desperately swirling in your mouth. He couldn't get enough of you to satiate him.
He reached one of his hands down and grabbed his cock. He held it firmly as he pressed the head against your entrance. You moaned, steadying your hips for him. He grinned as he teased you, rubbing the head of his cock up and down your soaked cunt. He would push against your hole just to torture you. He wouldn't enter you yet. "I want you to really beg for me." He breathed as he slowly began stroking his cock, resting the tip at your entrance. "Make me need you."
You whined, your fingertips digging into his shoulders. "Please, Ramsay, I want you to fuck me." You were desperate. The only thing that mattered in the world was getting his cock to plunge inside you. "Mm..." He hummed with pleasure as he listened to you mewl. He stroked himself at your entrance. "More." He demanded. "I need you inside me... I want you to fuck me... please." His eyes widened for a moment as he listened to your pleading. "That's right. You need me." Ramsay smiled as he allowed his hips to finally give in, pushing his cock deep inside you.
He filled you snuggly, your walls stretching to fit him. You whined as he entered you, his eyes fluttered softly before flashing open again. "Does that feel good?" He asked as he began thrusting in and out of you with force. The way his hips moved made you crazy, the way his cock dipped in and out of your soaking cunt made you want to scream. "Fuck, yes!" You groaned as you allowed your body to fully swim in the pleasure that he was bringing you. "Do you love it when I fuck your bloody cunt?" Ramsay whispered as he bit your neck. "Yes, yes, I love it, please..." Your brain was floating. He kept his pace steady as he lifted himself with his arms. You watched him fuck you, his hair slightly bouncing with his thrusts, his eyes obsessed and focused on you, his muscular arms on either side of you.
Ramsay looked down at his cock, he was enjoying watching it pump in and out, disappearing in your soaking core. He growled as he watched, the sight making him even harder than he already was. "You feel so good, you tight virgin whore." He groaned, his eyes making their way back to your face. He could sense your pleasure as he studied your facial expressions. His eyes were glued to your face as he thrust hard, watching your eyes roll back into your head. He was breathing heavy out of his mouth and pulled his lips into a grin as he flashed his teeth. He was truly enjoying this.
You sensed a warmth rising in your center as he continued to fuck you at a constant pace. He must've noticed your face changing, as he exhaled between breaths. "You're going to come on my cock soon, aren't you?" He bit your bottom lip before you could answer, twisting the flesh between his teeth. You groaned as you felt the warmth rising higher and higher. "Do it." He whispered as he let go of your lower lip, your mouth filling with your blood from the open wound he just created. You were allowing your body to teeter over the edge. He took your bottom lip in his mouth again and sucked hard. The pain was mixed with complete ecstasy as you fell into the pool of pleasure, the waves crashing across your midsection as you orgasmed.
Ramsay didn't slow his pace while you came, he fucked you through it. Your lower lip still in his mouth, he started bucking his hips a little harder and a little broken in pattern. He let go of your lip as he groaned, blood trickling down his chin. He grit his teeth together and stared into your eyes as he bucked his hips for the final few strokes. You watched his face as his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes fluttered. You watched Ramsay cum, his mouth slightly open and blood dripping from his chin onto your breast and face. He was breathing heavy as he moaned, allowing a guttural release from his throat.
You felt his cock twitch inside you, filling you with warmth. His breath caught in his throat as he finished, gasping for air as he slowed himself. He quickly rolled over, his cock sliding out of you. You realized what a bloody mess you both had made. Ramsay caught his breath, his chest quickly heaving as he wiped his chin off with the back of his hand. He looked over at you. You were in orgasmic bliss, in pure awe of the creature beside you. You felt your body slowly sink into itself once more, back to reality. The room smelled of sweat and metallic. Ramsay reached over and kissed your forehead before standing up. "Well. That was lovely." He helped you stand up, your knees buckling underneath you. "Yes, you'll likely be shaky and sore." He nodded at your realization.
He handed you a dress and motioned at you to put it on. "You still have to draw me a bath this morning." He grinned. "Just because I fucked you doesn't mean you stop being my servant, pretty thing." He laughed as he pushed your hair behind your ears. "And don't think this will be a daily occurrence. I am a busy man, you know... But perhaps when you're bleeding, you can let me know so I can come and pleasure myself." He laughed as he walked towards the door, throwing cloth across his hips to hide his body. "Wipe yourself off and come draw my bath!" He left the room. You stood there, stunned. Ramsay only wanted to fuck you when you were on your period. You chuckled to yourself at the realization that you were now not only his servant, but his fuck toy that he would use when it pleased the dark creature that lived inside him... and somehow, you were okay with it.
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twilghtkoo · 2 years
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show time
— pairings. huh yunjin x (f) reader
— genre. smut with no plot, established relationship
— warnings. 18+, lesbian sex, dom!yunjin, sub!reader, bedroom sex, scissoring, cum eating, face sitting, pussy eating, squirting, sex toys!! vibrator and strap-on, use of the word ‘mommy’, exhibitionism, yunjin holding your thighs while she eats u out, piss kink experimenting?? sorry not sorry, both of them are so so so in love :( nipple play, pussy spanking
— series masterlist
“yunjin, fuck!”
she had you pinned against your bed, hands intertwined with yours, legs on her shoulders, now would be a time to be thankful for the gymnastic lessons you were in when you were in high school. yunjin rubbing herself hard on your wet, throbbing clit. your tits glistening from her spit when she was sucking on them earlier, sticking to your breasts and coating your hard, abused nipples.
she let go of one of your wrists, her hips not stopping, as she reaches over and grabs the vibrator wand, she turns it on and presses it to your nipple. grinning when she watches your face scrunch up from the stimulation. she moves the vibrator to be in the middle of both your pussy’s.
“fuck...” she hisses. “make a mess baby.”
you grabbed a fistful of your sheets and whined, your lower half prickling with the relentless vibrations of the highest setting. you can feel your body heat radiate off of you from the previous orgasm she gave you from a bit ago. 
“it feels so good mommy!” holding the vibrator while thrusting against your pussy was a lot of work so she turned it off and tossed it aside, going back to fucking you. “yunjin!”
each time yunjin rubbed her pussy over yours, squirts of your juices spurted out of you making your back arch. the loud sound of wet skin slapping against each other as chae chases her high. she rolls her hips against you several more times, moaning out your name.
she drops your legs before diving back down and greedily slurping all of you up. 
you kept your thighs against your chest as you tangled your fingers into her hair, pinning her face down there. 
“oh f-fuck. baby yes, that feels so good...” you cried out literal tears, the pleasure becoming overstimulating. 
you push her head away, your legs plopping back down on the bed shaking. 
she smiles at you full of pride, as she licks her lips and wipes her chin. “your pussy smells so fucking good baby.” she leans down, kissing you hard, your scent filling up your nose and the taste of you on her lips. she murmurs your name, teasing your lower lip with her teeth, the room smelling strongly like sex.
sliding your hands down her bare back, your hands cupping her ass and squeezing it. you slid your hands down her ass, reaching her wet folds as you plunge two fingers in her. 
she moans into your mouth, grinding herself into your touch.
she shudders above you, as your non busy hand holds her closer gripping her waist. 
she gasps as your fingers slid in and out, burying them all the way to your knuckles before pulling them almost all the way out, coating your digits in her slickness, the sour-sweet scent staining the air and your skin.
“oh fuck...”
she grabs your chin, kissing you fiercely, as you drive your fingers into her over and over. capturing her whimpers in your mouth and your exhales in her throat.  she grinds her hips to follow your movements, matching your pace.
you pump your fingers faster and harder, the squelching sound getting louder and clearer. 
“fuck, baby, we left the curtains open...” she breathes out.
it was around evening, the night sky a dark blue, and the building next to you is probably getting a good view of you both fucking each other. it only made you wetter though. and it sounds like chae too. so good, so wrong.
“sounds like you like the idea of someone watching us right now,” you snickered. “a moaning mess as i fuck your pretty hole with my fingers huh?” emphasizing your words with powerful thrusts, stretching her out and making her gasp for air. 
she tilts her head back, letting out a sharp cry as you add another finger, your mouth attaching to the side of her neck and biting down. 
“baby, yes, fuck, yes...ahhh!”
your teeth marking her as you pushed her over the edge, your name tumbling from her lips as she fell limp onto you. you roughly pull your fingers out and shove them in your mouth and groaning, sucking off her juices and taste.
you grab her chin, her eyes droopy and mind hazy as you crash your lips onto hers, smothering her with the taste of her own orgasm.
you smile, she jerks her head up to your loving eyes. “i want you to ride mommy’s cock. can you be a good girl and do that for me?” you hungrily nod your head, obeying her orders as you run off the bed to grab the strap on in your closet and handing it to her.
yunjin could make you do anything when her voice became like that. 
“feels...so...fucking...good...fucking..mommy!” you gasped out, punctuating each word with a wet slap of your pussy down onto chaeyoung’s cock. listening to her moan and her long acrylic nails scrape across your back and ass. your name drifting out of her lips, soft and sweet compared to how hard you were fucking yourself on this strap on. 
you cried out when she reached and pinched your nipples, rolling them between the pad of her fingers, your violent riding on her cock causing your nipples to be tugged and pulled, your boobs bouncing in her face. 
pretty sure you saw chae drooling but your eyes kept closing shut each time your ass reached the end of her dick.
she watches you come undone, you leaking more and more on yunjin’s crotch, eyelids fluttering as you sneak your fingers to rub circles on your throbbing clit. 
“what do you think you’re doing?” yunjin notices you playing with yourself as your ride out your high, slapping away your hand from your clit.
you whimper.
you try to lift yourself off and pull out but chae holds you in place by your waist. your body squirming as chaeyoung fiercely rubbed the sensitive bud, one of your nipples still being pinched, sparks of pain and intense ecstasy, cumming once and then twice, gasping for air.
“baby, ah, fuck, fuck, p-please, one more!”
your whole body shuddering and flinching, a third orgasm crashing down on you, still on yunjin’s cock.
“mmm, so fucking pretty making a mess on me.” 
you pitched forward but chae catches you, your trembling, tortured body wrapped in her arms as you exhale on her collarbone. overstimulated clit slightly glazed against the strap on making you flinch and giggle. 
“you did good baby, shh, you did good.” 
you breathe, “i have to pee.” you try to lift yourself up from her hold to waddle to the bathroom but she pushes you back to the bed. 
she grips your thighs as she towers over you, your abused, glistening pussy out in the open. 
you wiggle her legs to get out of her hold but she tightens her grip. “no, i’m gonna pee myself.” you whine.
she smirks. “so?” she spreads your thighs apart as she situates herself onto your pussy, the feeling of her sitting on you makes you cry out. “baby, i’m seriously gonna pee myself, get off!” 
chae lifts herself back off, raising her hand to slap your pussy. making you flinch and curl.
“i don’t care.” she growls, scissoring your tortured pussy for her pleasure as you moan and cry out her name.
“fuck, fuck, yunjin, i can’t hold it in!” you whimpered, and that makes chae eager as she viciously rubs her own pussy on yours.
“let go.”you gasped, feeling you wet yourself and the bed while your fourth orgasm takes over. your walls shook, shudders of pleasure and embarrassment shooting up your spine and heating up your cheeks. 
she lets out a deep sigh, “feel better baby?”
“yunjin i just peed myself...” you whimpered, you don’t fail to notice her pussy dripping wet from you urinating. 
her hand gently comes up to caress your face. “it’s okay, it’s just me baby. i didn’t mind, i kind of liked it. but if you didn’t like it then i won’t make you do that again, i’m sorry baby.” she softly apologizes and assures you there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. 
your silent, still shuddering from the fourth orgasm of the night. 
“words baby, did you like it or no? don’t be afraid to tell me.”
you silently nod, “i kinda liked it? but i don’t think i want to do it again.” you shyly admit.
she leans down and kisses your lips. “okay, we won’t do it again.” 
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ericshoney · 29 days
First Period ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Your in LA with Nick, Matt and Chris, only to have your first period.
Warnings: possible swearing, nicknames, period talk, mentions of pads, tampons, underwear, blood, crying, cramps, fluff
Readers age: 12
You were on summer break from school and allowed to be in LA with Nick, Matt and Chris as long as you weren't too much trouble for them.
The four of you had planned to go shopping for the day. It would be simple and relaxed, however you had woken up with a slight stomach ache and cramps. You did your usual bathroom routine, not experiencing anything unusual.
After showering and getting dressed for the day, you joined your brothers in the kitchen. Nick greeted you first and noticed you rubbing your stomach.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He asked.
"Yeah, just a small stomach ache and some cramps." You answered.
Nick nodded and looked to Matt and Chris who both looked slightly worried. Your mum had warned them about your periods, saying they should be coming soon.
"Bub don't get mad when we ask you this." Chris began.
"When you go to the bathroom, is there any blood?" Matt continued.
"Blood? Like my period?" You asked.
"Yeah, look mum told us you're at the age where you might start." Nick replied.
"No not yet." You answered.
"Okay but if you do, let us know." Chris said.
You nodded and had some breakfast before you all went out for the day.
It was a warm day in LA, as you walked around the mall, drifting in and out of stores. Your cramps still hadn't gone away, but started to get worse as you headed home.
When you made it home, you ran to the nearest bathroom and saw your underwear was now red. Your period had started. Literally a few hours after you had a talk with the guys.
You whined a bit, feeling another painful cramp. As it was your first period, you weren't sure what you were more comfortable with and with how long you were taking, your brothers started to worry.
"Hey petal, you okay?" Matt asked, knocking on the door.
"It happened." You mumbled.
"What did bub, your period?" Nick called.
"Uh huh. What do I use?" You asked.
"Just hang on a minute, sweetheart." Nick said.
Chris and Matt looked at the eldest, seeing him run upstairs to his room. Nick ran to his bathroom and opened a drawer to pull out a pack of pads and a pack of tampons, before coming back downstairs to you.
"Can you open the door a bit, babe?" He asked.
You mumbled and unlocked the door, letting Nick open the door a bit, passing you both packs. You re-locked the door as he closed it.
"Okay sweetheart, one is pads, one is tampons. Just try which one is more comfortable for you and we'll be right here if you need anything." He said softly.
"Okay." You mumbled.
You looked at both packs and tried which one was more comfortable for you. Once you were comfy, you washed up and opened the door to see the trio sat on the floor by the door.
"Hey kid, come here." Chris said, opening his arms.
You hugged him tightly, crying as another cramp caused you pain. He rubbed your back.
"I just messaged mum so she's aware, let's get you a hot water bottle, some comfier clothes and a movie, sound good petal?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, sorry this happened." You said.
"Don't be sorry, darling, it's part of being a girl." Nick said.
"Don't feel embarrassed, we're your brothers, we're here to help." Chris added.
You nodded and smiled, hugging your brothers, happy they weren't grossed out and happy to help you.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann
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sumaneun-stars · 1 year
'No Kissing'
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pairing. jay x fem!reader
genre. fluff, smut(lil bit)
warnings. mentions of sex, hickeys(sorta), periods
synopsis. Jay has been way too busy after he inherited his fathers company, and you've started to get some negative vibes of your relationship with him. Your thoughts vanish once you see his warm smile once again.
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You wake up to an empty bed without Jay, your fiancée. You grab your phone from the bedside table to check the time. You groan as you get out of the bed to get dressed. You miss him- a lot. Ever since he had inherited his fathers company, he's been extremely busy. He'd always leave early in the morning and come home late at night. You often wait for Jay to arrive from work, but the next morning you'd find yourself in bed regretting why you fell asleep on the couch.  
You sigh, thinking of how the both of you used to make love back in college. You needed to feel him so badly. His breath on your core, the stretch and his lips. You missed very part of him. You heard the doorbell of the apartment ring, excited that it might be Jay. You run to the door, only to see Ben and Jay’s sister, Jiwoo, at the door.
“Hey y/n! Long time no see!” Jiwoo greeted you, pulling you in for a hug.
“Hey! What brings you here?” you asked politely.
“Oh- Jay said he'd babysit Ben while I’m away for my business trip"
“Really-?" you said, confused.
“Yeah,  didn't he tell you?" She asked back.
“Of course he did!" You lied.
You took Ben’s stuff upstairs to the spare room in your apartment. You loved having Ben around, but deep down you were a little upset about Jay not informing you about Ben’s stay. 
“Where’s Uncle Jay?” Ben asked, looking up at you.
“He’s at work Ben, but he’ll come back don’t worry” you say, smiling softly. "Wanna play Lego?”
“Yes!” Ben cheers.
You flop on the bed, tired after having a meal with Ben and visiting the park. You open your chat with Jay, and as usual- there was no new message from him. You felt hurt, and- ignored. It almost felt like Jay had someone else with him- that you were a burden to him. You had been too patient with him, so it was about time you were getting negative thoughts of your relationship with Jay. You looked at the beautiful silver ring wrapped around your ring finger, pondering. What if he was cheating on you? Or planning to break up with you? 
You muted the voice in your head, making your way to the kitchen to start on dinner. You watch as Ben played with his toy train. Looking at him playing made you wonder if you’d ever have a kid with Jay. You set the pan on the stove. Just as you were about to light the fire, the doorbell rings.
“Ben, can you get the door for me please?” you called out to Ben.
“Okay!” you hear him running to the door.
“Uncle Jay!!” Ben screams from where he was standing.
You almost spilled the oil that you were about to pour on the pan.
“Hey buddy I forgot you were coming over!" Jay carried Ben and made his way to the kitchen.
You looked at Jay and instantly all those negative thoughts melted away. You watch as he swung Ben from one arm to another, laughing while doing so.
Jay spotted you, his smile fading away in guilt. He felt guilty for not telling you about Ben’s stay, and for constantly coming home late. He hated coming home to see you asleep on the couch waiting for him. You wore a simple t-shirt with shorts that didn’t cover your thighs well. Your hair was tied into a messy bun, strands falling from the sides of your head. You looked gorgeous in his eyes. Even with all the trouble he caused, you still smiled at him warmly. Jay made his way towards you, Ben still in his arms.
“Hey baby” Jay pecked your cheek, wrapping one arm around your waist while the other holding Ben.
All you wanted to do was just cuddle with him. You feel Jay’s hand stroking your hair.
“Missed me?” Jay asked, returning the warm smile.
You nodded your head without hesitation, not wanting to play his game.
Jay notices your lack of response, and kisses your head feeling guilty once again for playing you.
“Eww” Ben says as he pushes Jay’s face from yours.
You giggle as you walk back to where you were. You start the fire and Jay instantly turns it off. You look at him confused as to why he did so.
“Let’s go out for dinner” Jay leaned on the counter, looking at you with loving eyes.
“I don’t know Jay, I’m not sure Ben will like it” 
“Hey Ben! You wanna go out for dinner or eat burnt food?” 
“Hey!” you punch his shoulder playfully.
“Let's go out!” Ben cheers from the living room.
Jay smiles in victory. You chuckle at his childish behavior.
During the whole car ride to the restaurant, Ben was sitting on the passenger seat with Jay. You would be lying if you said it didn’t bother you that Ben was constantly with Jay, but then again you remembered that Ben lost his father and that Jay was like a Dad to him. At the restaurant, Ben went straight to the play area, which finally left you alone with Jay. 
“He’s a handful isn’t he?” Jay said, chuckling.
“He’s cute though,” you replied.
“Thank you” Jay smiled at you.
“I know I've become more distant from you- and I’m sorry if I'm making you feel lonely” 
You look down at your plate of food.
“You deserve so much more y/n, this is not the life I promised you- and I’m sorry for not being there for you, love” he continued. Jay could feel his eyes water, he looked down and a tear fell on the side of his plate. Jay felt a hand cupping his cheek.
“It’s okay” you say as you wipe his tears.
 Jay leans his head on your hand, kissing your palm.
“I’ll make it up to you tonight, I promise” He said.
“Not tonight baby, you look tired and don’t deny it” you run your fingers through his scalp in a comforting manner.
“You really are the best wife” Jay chuckles 
“Oh my god stop” You laugh along.
Jay stopped in  front of the apartment, caressing Ben’s shoulder as he was upset that the ride was over. Jay looked behind, only to find you sound asleep. He looked at your peaceful figure, your head leaning on the window, and your hair a beautiful mess. Jay carefully opened your side of the door and carried you bridal style, Ben following behind. He laid you on the bed like most nights when he came back from work. After he made sure that Ben was tucked in, Jay came back to the room to see you still in the same position he left you in. 
Jay gently removed your makeup, admiring your face, he loved your small pimples that were scattered across your face. Slowly he started undressing you, he carefully removed the strap of your dress and pulled it down. He couldn’t believe his eyes. You were in lingerie- his favorite one. Jay watched your body in awe, the lace sat beautifully on your body. He found himself getting hard- almost painfully hard. He missed making love to you so much, and if you wore lingerie of that sort tonight, it meant you were expecting sex- you wanted to make love tonight. Jay felt guilty, and a part of him wondered why you were still with him. You deserve so much more, you deserve to be loved and cared for. Jay removed the cloth of sin from your body without waking you up, he brought a damp cloth and started wiping your body. After changing you into his t-shirt and shorts, he got into bed and made you rest your head on his chest. Jay wondered how tired you were to not get up when he cleaned you up. He was going to make it up to you.
The next morning Jay woke up to make breakfast, he was going to surprise you. Jay took a day off today to be with you and hopefully make love to you. The thought of spending the day with you made him excited.
“Hey” you enter the kitchen in awe.
“Hey love, I took a day off today! We can spend the entire day together!" Jay hugged you and made you sit on the counter.
“Today is entirely about you alright?” Jay looked at you as you giggled.
Jay loved it when you laughed, it was like music to his ears. The both of you admired each other's faces until Jay leaned in to kiss you. The kiss was full of emotion. It also felt like an apology. Jay runs his tongue over your lips for permission to enter, you smile in to kiss and let him in. From passionate, it went to sloppy and hungry. Suddenly oxygen was important- but not for Jay. He made his way to your neck and started sucking on your skin, your moans were turning on Jay so much he wanted to fuck you on this very counter. Jay made his way down to your (his) shorts and hooked his fingers over them to remove it but Jay felt your hand restricting him.
You took his hand away, signaling him not to.
“Baby are you okay? Is there something wrong?” Jay started to panic. This was the first time you had done anything of this sort.
“No jay, you didn’t do anything wrong. It's just..” you looked down, ashamed.
“What is it then? Tell me” he caressed your hands.
“I- I got my periods” 
Jay chuckles softly at your embarrassed expression.
“Baby there’s nothing wrong with that, thank you for stopping me, love” Jay cups your cheek and kisses your nose and forehead in a comforting manner. You smile gratefully at him, but also sad that you won’t be able to have sex with him, then it clicked you-
“Oh my god” You said, thinking of last night.
“What?” Jay asked.
“Did you..” you look up at him.
“Oh the lingerie! Yeah that was a naughty thing you pulled there y/n” he said  teasingly.
“Jayy” you whine.
The both of you laugh and lean in to kiss once more until,
“NO!” Ben runs in between the both of you.
“No kissing!” 
Jay and you laugh at Ben and look at each other lovingly, waiting for the day to start.
a/n: sorry guys for teasing ya'll. smut coming soon though!
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laylajeffany · 6 months
Llama, Llama Baby Drama | Wenclair One-Shot for @based7100
Summary: Enid gets an emergency call to babysit on a date night. When Wednesday shows up with intentions of having it anyway, they have a much-needed conversation about their future. (separate from my established Wenclair universe in CftF or Black Menagerie) WC: 4,979 (STILL UNDER 5K OKAY) Rated: All Ages
trigger warning: a baby
Prompted by @based7100, "Wednesday and Enid having the do you want kids talk" as part of my >5k writing (post-taxes) challenge
“Why is it sticky?” Wednesday asked with a grimace as Enid tickled the baby that was perched on her hip. The infant gave a loud squeal of laughter that drew a deeper cringe from Wednesday at the sudden pitch.
“She is sticky because she just ate, and I didn’t want you breaking and entering and setting off the home alarm! You’re lucky I have werewolf hearing, otherwise I would have made you be the one to settle her down.” Enid said with a smile of exasperation, opening the door wider, allowing Wednesday entry to a townhouse. Enid pressed buttons on a keypad when Wednesday came into the doorway of the space with some agitated trepidation. Monsters, serial killers – entering the lair of either would’ve brought her glee, but entering the space of an eight-month-old was like being dropped into a hostile landscape without adequate preparation.
She noted Enid in her stocking feet and untied her boots, staring up at Enid and the little she with unblinking eyes, attempting to assert her dominance in the small person’s home. Enid just rolled her own and gave Wednesday a peck on the cheek as she stood tall again, clutching her backpack strap. Enid looked at the entryway clock and added, “I’m going to get her cleaned up – it’s close enough to time – I’m going to get her in the bath if you wanna just make yourself comfortable! You’re like, forty minutes early, so don’t blame me that you’re bored!” The baby stuck her entire fist into her mouth, gurgling while a trail of saliva slipped her all the way down to her elbow. Again, Wednesday was sure she made a face, unable to help her disgust.
Make yourself comfortable was quite a loaded statement, as Wednesday didn’t have a portable bed of nails handy. She and Enid had their third Saturday night date cancelled in a row; the last minute “emergency” babysitting request coming through from a Normie family she’d made friends with in Jericho (really, Wednesday considered grandma falling down the stairs more of a coming of age event than an emergency) dampening a makeup date from a makeup date. Unable to tolerate three weeks in a row of a Saturday night without her girlfriend, Wednesday had cautiously accepted the invitation to come over after the baby was in bed. The child’s mother had said that was acceptable – and though she feared becoming a 80s movie babysitter cliché of making out on the couch while there was a killer outside, she’d taken the chance as the next week was supposed to be just as busy for the seniors at the end of their school year as they’d all been. (It was unlikely the house had a landline for anyone to ask if Enid had checked on the baby, anyway.)
Enid disappeared with her down the hall, using a different tone in her voice than usual to talk to the baby, who obviously couldn’t comprehend what she was saying regardless of her cadance. Staring after them for a long minute, Wednesday gave a tiny blink and took a look around – finding a stereotypical portrait of a family sitting in a field of leaves with their infant from the fall. The picture-perfect matchy-matchy white, suburban American aesthetic completely draining her before she even properly entered the home.
Exiting the foyer into the living area, she recoiled a touch at the explosion of color and plastic toys. Wishing she’d brought Thing to put him to work, she thought about perching herself on the edge of the wooden rocker in the room, not touching anything when she realized – if she didn’t pick up the toys while Enid was picking up the baby, it would just be that much longer before they’d be able to sit together on the plush loveseat under the window.
Wednesday let out a silent sigh, dropping her shoulders, taking a sharp glance around trying to figure out the organizational method when she realized – there wasn’t one. Unable to tolerate such a disaster, she began sorting the toys into piles, little rubbery blocks with forever chemicals laced into them together, tiny plastic people that probably had lead in the paint, and stuffed animals that had polyurethane filling which would outlive them all.
She found a few collapsible baskets that had never been put together near a stack of unopened mail on a bench, keeping everything separate as she got it off the floor. She rolled up the blankets, then went so far as to wipe down the tabletop when she couldn’t identify the crusty material that was gathered on top, using a deplorable smelling baby wipe.
It seemed like Enid at least hadn’t been forced to make anything for the baby, as there was just a spoon and a little plate in the sink and cleaning off the high chair tray. (Wednesday could handle blood spatter, entrails, and digging through bones, but honestly – the mush and droll were going to push her over the edge.) After putting everything that seemed dirty in the dishwasher, Wednesday followed the sounds of splashing and giggles to the bathroom down the hall.
Enid was on her knees in front of a tub, where the baby was in some sort of special seat. Not sure if she needed to avert her gaze for privacy, Wednesday almost disappeared but Enid shook her head, “You can come in! It’ll be a few minutes. Bailey loves to play in the water!”
Bailey. That was surely, the name of a dog, not a human child. Certainly – not an adult someday who needed to enter the workforce someday.
Avoiding yet another dramatic sigh out her nose, Wednesday hovered, her arms crossed as she stared the child down, who dropped her silly little face full of joy at the leer. Bailey frowned severely, suddenly – and Wednesday took the cue to leave, wandering into the baby’s nursery.
The room was surprisingly neutral, which Wednesday did appreciate with the lack of stereotypical pink. The baby’s crib was simple, and though Wednesday might’ve joked about smothering Enid in her sleep the first day they’d met, she knew that it was important to just keep a fitted sheet on so the baby didn’t manage to do so to themselves. There was a second rocking chair – a glider, in the corner, a small bookshelf, overflowing with titles, a dresser that seemed to be doubling as a changing table, based on the diapering supplies, and a few unopened boxes of toys that she probably wasn’t developmentally prepared to play with stacked in the corner. The walls had simple wooden, cut-out letters that read the girl’s name, and three photos above the dresser of her with the family, a few peel-and-stick bunnies at her eye-level beneath them.
Wednesday squatted down to examine the child’s literature selection, shaking her head in disapproval. How did they expect to raise a well-rounded child if she lacked the classics? There wasn’t a Homer, Miguel de Cervantes, Shakespeare, Stephen King, or even a single Orwellian novel on display. Her own father had been sure to get through all of the works of Poe and War and Peace before Wednesday had even left the womb!
Pulling out a few titles that didn’t sound horrendous, Wednesday shook her head at the modern children’s literature; thinking it was a damn shame that some of the best sellers clearly had no concept of rhythm. What a chore some of the books would be to have to read aloud, a near burden and waste of a tree’s time on earth.
She sat in the glider with a stack, ready to provide Enid with what she hoped would be interpreted as a humorous, critical review of some of the books, when her girlfriend came in with the baby all wrapped up in a towel, cheeks rosy – but significantly cleaner. “Forgive me, baby Bailey – I was so rude not to properly introduce you. This is Wednesday. Don’t mind the glare, that’s her friendly one.”
Wednesday was about to start her joke reception of Brown Bear, Brown Bear but Enid kept talking. She took out a yellow onsie with ducks on it, placing Bailey on her back on the changing pad, giving that same high, fake voice that was just so grating, even from someone she loved. “Okay, sweet baby – let’s get all dry…yeah, we’ll dry your little feet-feet-feet,” The baby kicked and laughed while Enid kept going, rubbing the towel along her. “And your legs-legs-legs,” She shifted into sing-song, “And your belly-belly-belly, and your arms-arms-arms…”
It went on for so long. Wednesday just continued to watch the spectacle, as she started with a disposable diaper and then worked her into the front-zipper pair of baby pajamas. “All done!” She waved her hands in a way that Wednesday knew was sign-language, and the baby copied it. Enid kissed her all over her face, making Baily whirl in happy sounds and Wednesday was sure, she was glowering, unable to help her jealousy – even if it was a baby she was being paid to watch getting Enid’s physical and emotional attention.
Finally, Enid completed the scene, looking at Wednesday with a seriously sort of expression. “We’re almost done. Can you hang in there?” She asked, using nearly the same voice that she had for the baby. Practically growling, she was about to stand up, when Enid developed an evil sort of twinkle in her eye and came forward, depositing Bailey suddenly onto Wednesday’s lap. Thankfully – she had some sort of protective instinct, and her reflexes kicked in before she could let the baby fall backwards. She went to make a snide, argumentative comment, but Enid just wasn’t having it. “Start reading to her, I’ll make her bottle, and we can be done in half the time.”
“Enid – I can’t –!?”
“Read?” She teased sassily, putting her hands on her hips, perching a brow. “Nice try. Here, she loves this one,” She reached down to a paperback (the very feeling of the thin cardboard cover making Wednesday’s skin crawl) with a worried looking farm animal on top.
Before she could protest again, Enid adjusted Bailey more in Wednesday’s lap, putting her back closer to her chest. Bailey looked at Wednesday with as much certainty as she returned, looking like she was about to cry. “Start reading and she’ll totes be fine.”
“Enid, I swear –”
At the empty threat, Enid dashed out of the room and down the hall. Wednesday let out a breath, grumbling, “Llama, Llama, Red Pajama…creative. Endlessly, creative.”
With a sigh, she started to read and Bailey settled at the familiar rhyme. Wednesday followed through, managing to go for the first few pages until she read, “Llama, Llama, red pajama feels alone without his mama. Baby Llama wants a drink…oh, no. No, no, no. This Llama is playing games with his caregiver and she needs to ignore him before she develops horrific behavior cycles that take years to break. Next thing she knows, she’s going to have nine-year-old llama walking in on mama and dada llama fornicating and traumatizing him like Pugsley because they never put an end to his bedtime drama. Oh, llama, drama – I suppose that’s nearly clever.”
Sighing, she flipped through the pages to find that indeed, the mother gave into the child’s tantrum and Wednesday snapped the book shut. Reaching into a stack, she pulled out another title. “Fine, Corduroy. At least Lisa understands that the value of something doesn’t lay necessarily in the perceived perfection of it, but in what it means to the individual. This is a better message for you to internalize.”
With that, she found herself actually gliding the chair back and forth, starting and finishing the story. Bailey yawned and gave a clap at the end, looking up at Wednesday, squeezing her hands open and shut.
Enid gave an amused chuckle from the doorway, shaking a bottle. “It’s right here, sweet girl.” Bailey kicked her little feet and reached her hands for it. Enid gave her the bottle and she held it with one hand, using the other to twirl at her own, light-brown hair as her eyes instinctively went half shut, but turned back to the book. Wednesday tried to hand her over, but Enid winked. “I think you’ve got this. Look, she’s relaxing on you!”
“I don’t like this,” Wednesday grumbled, but didn’t fight it too hard, not wanting to make the baby choke. In general, she wasn’t about to be the good Samaritan to help somebody experiencing that in public, as it seemed like a solid natural consequence, but she didn’t want to be the reason that Enid lost her babysitting gig. (She stubbornly refused to always allow Wednesday to pay for things and insisted on odd jobs around town to make her own money.)
“You’re doing great,” Enid promised, kneeling at her side, putting a hand on Wednesday’s knee. “It’s good to challenge yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable.”
She flickered her gaze down to the hand on her knee, wishing it were elsewhere on her body… “Give me another book,” She demanded as the baby was practically guzzling her bedtime bottle.
With two more selections (far better choices for her interest level of reading aloud to an infant – though she swore, if she ever ended up coming again, she’d bring some proper literature), Wednesday closed the third story up and looked at Enid, who was looking at her with…
…fondness? Desire? She couldn’t quite read the emotion. As the baby finished, Wednesday passed her over to Enid, where she curled instinctively into her neck, holding onto her shoulder with a contented sigh. Watching the sight herself for a long moment, she started to feel a strange discomfort and took the empty bottle, excusing herself as Enid started to pat her back and rock her to sleep.
With simple deduction in the kitchen that the bottle required to be hand-washed, Wednesday completed the task, then found Enid’s phone on counter. Unlocking it and logging into her own account for a food delivery application, she placed an order for a local favorite that was still open at the evening hour, and wrote threatening instructions not to knock or ring the bell. If that baby woke once it was placed in the crib, so help her…
It was hardly ten minutes later that Enid stepped out of the room with a little monitor in her hand, placing it on the end table that had little rubber bumpers on the corners, giving a stretch and a yawn before looking at the stiff-sitting Wednesday fondly.
“Hey,” She greeted, plopping herself down on the loveseat, turning right into her.
“Howdy,” Wednesday spoke in reply. “Is the small gremlin asleep?”
Rolling her eyes again, Enid put a hand on Wednesday’s cheek, turning it towards her to press a long, sweet kiss on her lips. “She’s out. Thanks to your help. I appreciate it.”
“I have been told I have a soothing reading voice,” Wednesday spoke of herself, squaring her shoulders a little bit. “I would still prefer to have been at the steakhouse and then stargazing in the cemetery with you, though.”
“I know,” Enid wrinkled her nose. “I’m sorry. I’d usually say no to a same day request – but nana in the E.R. is a pretty valid reason. Imagine poor Bailey stuck there with them all night? She’d have been miserable.”
“You seem to do a good job at keeping her happy. I claim she’s still sticky, though.”
“Wednesday, she’s a baby,” Enid gave a tired chuckle, leaning back on the couch, intertwining their hands. “Thank you for being willing to even come over. I thought you might give me the silent treatment tonight.”
“I considered it,” She said honestly. “But…with time fleeting from us so quickly these days, only a month left until graduation – it seems prudent to spend as much time together as we possibly can, even if it includes minors.”
“Hopefully it’s a one-time thing. I told Bailey’s mama when I got here, I think that emergencies-pending, I’m tapping out for the rest of the year. There’s way too much fun left to be had and I don’t want to regret missing out for cash.”
“As I have repeatedly insisted, it is unnecessary. But I understand the desire to be productive and contribute to capitalism in your own way. I do hope you told her, she’s not allowed to have any emergencies next weekend.”
Giving almost a purr of a sound, Enid traced Wednesday’s jaw. “Not when I’ve convinced you to be my date to the Dark Prom.”
“As if I’d let you go alone,” Wednesday let out a little breath through her nose. “I’ve ordered dinner, so we can still have a touch of our date tonight as well.”
“Thank you,” Enid said quietly, kissing her again. “Hey…while we wait for that…let’s chat, since the topic is indirectly here, anyway.”
At the sound of sincere need for a challenging conversation, Wednesday’s defenses immediately went up. “Or I could pull you onto my lap and have you put your tongue in my mouth.”
“Well, I’m going to do that, anyway,” Enid giggled, straddling her to prove the point, giving her a long kiss. Thinking she was off the hook, Wednesday went to slide her hands along her back, just above her hot-pink pants, when Enid caught them and brought them together near her chest, pushing a kiss to her fingers. “We should talk.”
“We should keep doing that.”
“I’m serious,” Enid said quietly. “Look, I love you, so much. But – you’ve been very clever and used incredible evasive tactics each time we’ve tried to have a chat on any sort of serious front like the one that we really need to.”
Feeling trapped, Wednesday’s heartrate doubled in speed and she had to exercise every molecule of self-restraint she had not to shove her girlfriend to escape the situation. “I know, you’re not afraid of anything, but the future…it’s nerve wracking to think about. And, unfortunately – it’s really only a month away. I love you. I know that I love you, and I know that you love me, too. But we do need to start talking about what we want in life beyond just that we love each other. For your mom and dad, it was so easy – as they graduated Nevermore, they just ran off on trips and quests and got married and had more fun than they knew what to do with. We already know that our lives are going to be different than that. So…I just want to talk about that, a little bit – before we makeout anymore, okay?”
“Enid…” Wednesday tried to avoid her gaze. “I didn’t come over her to make things difficult, I thought since you would put the baby to sleep by seven-thirty, we could just spend time together-”
“We are. We will. But…Wednesday – do you want to have babies with me someday?”
Feeling like the springs in the couch cushions had just given out, popped her off and through the roof – Wednesday knew the color drained right out of her face, her eyes glazed over and when no words could form in her throat –
“Hey, hey…” Enid put her hands on her cheeks, snapping her awareness back. She pushed a sweet kiss to Wednesday’s lips and tilted her head. “Stay with me. I think that I’ve got my answer.”
“I didn’t say anything!” Wednesday responded with far more hostility than she needed to.
“Okay, okay…” Enid lifted her hands up in defense and sighed. “I’m sorry. That was so not a good way to lay that out there. But I’ve been trying to ask you more direct questions for months and you always avoid them, Wednesday. It’s frustrating! I want to plan for the future, and I want a future with you. I just want to know what that means.”
Wednesday swallowed thickly, trying not to feel overwhelmed and guilty. Her pulse was throbbing in her ears, her palms were sweaty –
“I told my mother that I would never be like her. I would never be a housewife, or a mother.”
There was a flicker on Enid’s face. Barely there, but obvious to the girl who knew her the most, who knew her the best, who loved her more than she’d ever thought possible.
“I mean, we’d be working, no doubt,” Enid said through a bubble of barely concealed emotion. “I can’t see you ever just wanting to sit about at home, and even if you were, you’d be writing or composing music or solving contracted murder cases, for sure…”
Cutting off her ramble as guilt was the next emotion that she started to experience, Wednesday hated how her harsh could snap out Enid’s light so quickly, even when she tried to hide it. “I…didn’t mean…Enid, when you just throw these things at me, I’m bound not to have an eloquent speech planned.”
“Well,” Enid shrugged, biting her lip. “We’ve talked about being married. That it might be possible for us. Just know – I’m open to having a family with you. Whether that’s us and a disembodied hand and a one-eyed cat, or us and a little…human-person, you know, I’m open to it. Just so you know.”
Getting a little lost in her comment, Wednesday popped a questioning brow. “Why would the cat only have one eye?”
Enid recoiled a little. “You seriously think you’d have a normal pet? Be real, Wednesday. The one-eyed cat would be a sign that he’s a street fighter. That’s way more your style than a cuddly, perfect Persian.”  
Wanting to acknowledge the other part of Enid’s sentence, she found words locked in her throat again. She gave a shrug and balled her hands into fists at either side of Enid’s ankles on the couch.
“We know we have the next four years together, so like – this isn’t a convo that has to happen right now, I guess. I’ve just…read, that the longer a couple takes to talk about their wants and desires for the future, the more challenging it is if those things are different from one another. I don’t want things to be challenging with you. I love you. And I want to know – your wants, so that…I can prepare myself for making them happen.”
She leaned forward and initiated a kiss and Wednesday immediately felt her heart rate drop. After letting it go on long enough that her hair was a little messy in the back from Wednesday’s wandering hands, Enid pulled away with a wink, wanting to check the baby monitor. “Oh, she’s out. I had her outside until just before she needed dinner. The fresh air always does that.”
Just as Wednesday was about to try and tug her in for more affection, an alert on Enid’s phone indicated that the food had arrived. She deactivated and reset the alarm after securing it in her hands. “It’s no steak, but carne asada will totally do instead of whatever frozen post-partum diet food Bailey’s mama has in the freezer. Ick.”
Wednesday rolled her eyes. “A mother feeling pressure to return to her pre-pregnancy size is such a horrific societal pressure that needs to be popped.”
Enid brought them plates and forks, giving an approving sigh. “I know, right? Like – you just grew a whole-ass human! Give yourself a minute, mama – you just performed a miracle, and you should appreciate your body.”
Biting back a comment befitting her father of appreciating Enid’s body, Wednesday thanked her for the dinnerware and served them, listening to Enid blather about how excited she was for the following weekend and all the songs she hoped the DJ would play, singing a few dramatically to remind Wednesday of how they went (as if she could forget the earworms).
After taking care of the dishes and putting the leftovers in the fridge, Wednesday knelt in front of Enid as she flipped through a streaming app, knowing it would be some time before she landed on something for them to watch.
When she put her hands on Enid’s knees, the same way that Enid had done when she was rocking the baby, Wednesday locked eyes on hers. Enid dropped the remote. “You okay?” She asked in a serious, worried way, rubbing her shoulder.
Nodding, Wednesday let out a breath through her nose and shrugged. “I’m open…to whatever feels right for us.”
Enid lowered her hand from her shoulder to take Wednesday’s both in hers. “You don’t have to say that just because I said it first,” She promised. “I meant it as in, there’s no pressure, like - one way or the other. I’m serious. I just want a life with you.”
“What if we found a two eyed cat…and a one-eyed child at the same time?”
Blinking, Enid smirked. “I’m not sure what circumstances would lead to that, but of course. I don’t care how many eyes a kid has. If it feels like they’re part of our family, of course they should join it!”
Wednesday gave a curt nod, finding the words that had been locked away. “I don’t know that I’d ever want to carry a child. Physically, I mean – in utero. It seems like a distressing invasion of my personal space that I’m not sure I would ever recover from, and not due to societal standards of looking a certain, outward way afterwards.”
Enid’s eyes grew a watery sheen to them. “Of course, Wednesday. We’d never put you through something that made you uncomfortable that way. I’m, ugh,” She groaned. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by practically forcing you to hold baby Bailey earlier. That was wrong, I’m s-”
“That was an okay sort of discomfort,” Wednesday promised. She’d very much survived that moment. “It’s good to prove to myself that I can be gentle sometimes. But…maybe – if we don’t happen upon any orphans with limb differences who need space in our home, and you feel that you would like to carry a child and technology advances in such a way that it is possible for them to share our genetic makeup and we have space and have open hearts and we decide it’s what’s best for us and our family in our situation -”
Enid cut off her near-breathless ramble with a very sweet kiss. “I love you. I love this. Keeping our hearts open. That’s all I wanted to know, Wednesday.” She beamed at her. “You did a great job with Bailey, tonight.”
“You’re the natural. I would likely have a large learning curve.”
Enid raised a brow. “I’m not so sure. I think if it was a child of your own, not one already on a firm schedule and routine, you’d be quite instinctive. What aren’t you good at Wednesday?”
“Engaging in conversations and expressing my feelings,” She muttered as she proved that very point that night.
“Well, it’s not your strength, but both are totally mine, so – that’s where you lean on me, because I’m your partner, who loves you. And,” She kissed her again. “I appreciate you, coming out here tonight, just to spend this time with me like we’d planned. And having this tough talk. I love you. Come put your butt on this couch so I can sit on you and kiss you again.”
Not needing to be told twice, Wednesday took that direction very well, enjoying about twenty minutes of heated kisses, heavy petting and almost a little bit more when a fussing sound came from the monitor.
Enid groaned as she pulled away. “Right now, my heart is so not open to this,” She giggled.
Wednesday smirked, following her, having an idea as they moved to the nursery. Bailey was crying, mostly asleep, but wanting…something.
“I’ll change her real quick,” Enid whispered, nodding, “That bedtime bottle will run right through a baby.”
As Bailey whined and grumbled when Enid made to lay her back down in the crib, letting out a loud cry that made Wednesday wince, she shook her head, reaching her arms out. “I’ll talk to her.”
With an amused smirk, Enid passed her over and Wednesday sat back in the gliding chair, holding her awkwardly in front of her, explaining to the baby, who stopped, staring at her with exhausted eyes, “You’re fine. You’re safe. You’re warm. You’re full. You’re dry. You have everything you need, except about ten more hours of sleep. So, I’m going to rock you, and in five minutes, I’m putting you back in the crib, and you’re going to sleep. Do you understand?”
It was as if the baby said ‘yes’ when she gave a coo, reaching forward. Wednesday gave a curt nod. “That’s the rule. Five minutes of rocking, then back to bed.”
With the firm expectation set, she brought Bailey up to her shoulder the way she’d seen Enid do earlier. She snuggled right in, surprisingly – and thankfully – she wasn’t overtly sticky or snotty, as Enid had wiped her face pretty well after changing her. Gliding back and forth and patting her back, Wednesday thought that perhaps – if she had a beautifully haunting Russian composition playing softly in the background, it would help her stay asleep – adding that to her mental toolbox of notes in case the situation ever arose for her to develop a routine with a baby…
As she expected, once she’d put her foot down with the rule, Bailey knocked out on her shoulder. Enid whispered and motioned for how to transfer her into the crib, and as she did so, onto her back, Wednesday almost smiled at their tag-team success.
Back in the hallway, Enid winked and gave her a kiss. “You are a natural, Wednesday. You just do things in your own way. Now come here,” She gripped her collar, making Wednesday flush. “I’m about to have my own way with you.”
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