#perhaps next week will be another Monkey Monday
hey-scully-itsme · 4 months
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it's been one of those weeks
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
Fool’s Rush In
Part 10
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I’m participating in @wackydrabbles​ prompt 71 “Dont be stubborn. Try it.”
Word Count: 1890
Pairing: Liam and Riley
Thanks @burnsoslow​ for beta reading and pretty much having to drag me across the finish line, as well as all the weeks and weeks of listening to me whine and pity myself.  And @emkay512​ for pre-reading and your encouraging words late Monday that made my whole night.
a/n: this is crack, plain and simple. I haven’t written since mid-october; just been paralyzed with fear over my own writing and this is my practice run and basically the best I could come up with. I’m going to try so so hard to finish this series
The new royal couple, fresh off their Vegas flight, stepped up to a makeshift podium the press had created on the tarmac. It was packed tightly with news station microphones crammed in every nook and cranny, one on top of the other. Voice recorders were spread across its surface, and the crown's private jet served as the backdrop. A bevy of frenzied reporters -- domestic and international -- pushed and elbowed their way into one another in hopes of getting the closest shot of the newlyweds and a chance to have their questions answered first.
“King Liam! Is the marriage binding?”
“How long have you known, Miss Brooks?”
“Were you trying to make a political statement by having a hooker at the ceremony?”
“Your Majesty! Will the monkey be joining your court soon?”
So many questions, most followed by laughter and snickers directed at the King and his bride.
Liam frowned as his eyes dashed side to side in a diligent effort to understand the literally thousands of questions that were lobbed at him all at once. He blinked rapidly as one flash of a camera after the next blinded and bleached his vision. Just as it would return to normal, another successive set of flashes would set him back again.
He had been a part of news conferences since he was a child, when he would watch his late father speak from different parts of the world, near and far, about this policy or that deal. Yet this was different. This was not only the biggest breaking story in Cordonia -- or even Europe -- but one that had swept the world. 
His drunken actions two nights ago, no doubt, would have created a stir; however, it was Maxwell's post on Instagram of the ceremony that now made him tabloid fodder. Everyone knew about the king who was married by his own brother and an Elvis impersonator, the leg-humping monkey that served as a ring bearer, and the chain-smoking, tube-top-wearing prostitute who was the maid of honor. As confident as Liam had been that he could handle this, as he'd dealt with so many other stories of intrigue regarding the monarchy, he couldn't dispel the twisting feeling that burrowed deep into the pit of his stomach.
Maybe Madeleine was right: he had become a laughingstock. A failure. Just one big fuck up.
As much as he hated to hear the things said about him, he could deal with it. In the morning, he would call Prince Harry to swap stories, survival tips, and perhaps share a good laugh about it.
It was just ...
Liam felt Riley's tiny hand grip his a little tighter. He wouldn't blame her one bit if his little pussycat turned around and headed back up the steps to the jet and returned to Las Vegas. The only thing Liam wanted to do was keep her shielded from the hurtful comments and insensitive questions. But to his astonishment, she stood there with all the feigned confidence in the world, flashing a big, beaming smile that lit his heart on fire, while staring back at him affectionately. She was handling the situation better than she was before they stepped off the plane. He knew she was doing it for him. God, she just makes everything better. 
Feeling a little more grounded and in control, Liam returned her smile. A touch of radiance sparkled between his eyes and hers, as if it were some sort of unspoken conversation only they understood. Riley knew exactly what he needed at that moment to rise above this scandal they were both being raked over the coals for: He needed her to be okay.
Raising his free hand to calm the crowd so that he might address their concerns, he noticed the press' attention and cameras suddenly shift away from him and into the distance. Murmurs and chatter soon erupted. Naturally, Liam's gaze followed suit -- towards a group of heavily-armed soldiers heading their way. They wore white hazmat uniforms and had self-contained breathing apparatus and personal protective equipment. Leading the charge was a well-dressed gentleman in a three-piece suit with a shiny bald head that glistened with heavy perspiration. 
He walked like he hadn't shit in weeks.
Liam squinted and lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight. “The hell is that?”
Riley inched closer to Liam and clasped his suit jacket. "What's happening right now? Who are all those people, Liam?"
Liam's forehead creased in puzzlement; he didn't know. Wrapping his arms protectively around Riley, he pulled her even closer but never answered the question. It wasn't until the uniformed men stopped briefly and pointed to Drake, who was standing with his arms crossed at the bottom of the stairs, that it suddenly became clear who they were looking for.
Reporters and onlookers had been so focused on Liam’s return with the American woman, they hadn’t noticed that the brooding Walker had exited the jet last among their posse. Just as everyone had watched replays and snippets of Maxwell’s Instagram video, they were also fully aware the King’s best friend wasn’t exactly returning to Cordonia … healthy … thanks to Maxwell’s Tik Tok sing-along. 
A video Drake Walker had no clue existed. 
 The crowd began to disperse in fear and panic. If men in hazmat suits were needed, they could only assume this went well beyond your casual, run-of-the-mill STD.
Still in no mood to play around, Drake started yelling obscenities and gradually backing away from the hazmat brigade that was closing in on him like a cheetah at a water buffalo hole. 
"Mr. Walker," a heavily echoed voice called out, sounding oddly reminiscent of Darth Vader through their breathing contraption, "we need you to come with us."
"The fuck I do." Drake shook his head emphatically while continuing to slide away from them. "I'll beat the shit out of all of ya if you so much as touch me."
"Now, Mr. Walker, don't be stubborn. Try it, and you'll find yourself with a nice little tranquilizer to the ass. Are you going to come with us willingly, or do we have to make this more difficult than it needs to be?"
Drake stood motionless in disbelief. "I don't even know what you guys want or what you think I did," he squawked with a hint of desperation in his tone.
"Tough titties. SEIZE HIM!"
With that order, Drake twisted on the heels of his boots and took off, dodging and weaving away from a bunch of men he had no clue why were even after him. 
He had a pretty good hunch, though, who set this chain of events in motion.
The bald guy in a three-piece suit walked up to Liam and flipped his badge open. "Your Majesty?"
Liam nodded, not bothering to acknowledge the man's credentials. "I am. What is the meaning of all this? What the hell are you doing with Drake?"
"Sir, if you will, it has come to our attention that Mr. Walker is a public health risk and highly contagious. We will have to secure him into our custody at once."
Liam scrunched up his face in utter confusion and stared back at the official before responding, “He just has case of crabs, syphilis, herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. You’re treating him like he’s about to start some damn worldwide pandemic. Without sexual contact and with heavy doses of medications and creams, Drake should be able to live a normal life like anyone else. So, as the ruler of this country, I am ordering your men to stand down at once.”
“My apologies, King Liam, but my orders come from the World Health Organization and the United Nations. You'll need to take this up with them. Dr. Wolfschitz was clear on the protocol."
"Dr. Wolfschitz?" Liam questioned as realization quickly set in. He twisted around to face Leo, who had this enormous shit-eating grin, the likes he'd never seen on him before. "You? You did this?"
“Walker messed with the wrong bull, little bro.” Leo stuck up his pointer fingers on both sides of his head with a menacing scowl and smugness in his tone. “Now he gets the horns.”
Liam swatted away one of Leo's finger horns. “This is serious, Leo. Not everything is a joke! You're going to fix this, NOW!"
Leo placed a comforting hand on his younger brother’s shoulder, patting it a few times before speaking softly to him. “Look, I know you’re upset right now. You two were very close. But the Drakester is going to a far better place. There’s a big open field and everything where he can run and play all day with others just like him. And all the meaty bones he can eat too … lucky bastard.”
Riley had to bury her face in Liam’s chest to prevent the laugh that threatened to escape, but the bobbing of her shoulders was something she couldn’t hide. 
“NOW, Leo!” 
Leo tried to hold his ground but was too weak to resist the impatient glare Liam was burning into his soul. After a brief moment, he rolled his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "Why ya gotta be such a dillhole, Liam? Do you realize you get rattled faster than a two-tit turtle on a tightrope? It's really not your best quality, little brother, but we can work on that." Annoyed, Liam rubbed a hand over his eyes and groaned as his brother continued, "Either way, Father always said, ‘if you can't help your fellow man out, you might as well become one of the Walkers.’ Truer words were never spoken so eloquently.”  Leo raised his eyes to the heavens thoughtfully before thinking better of it and lowered them toward the ground. "May you rest in peace, Father," he shouted.
As Leo trotted off to speak with Bald Dude to confess his false claim, Bastien helped guide Liam and Riley through the rambunctious swarm of reporters and spectators. Once they reached the limo, Liam helped Riley inside as Maxwell rounded the vehicle and climbed in on the other side. Pausing for a moment before sliding in, the King placed his hands on top of the open door of the limo and turned one last time to check on his friend. He swallowed hard over the guilt of leaving him behind. As His Majesty watched in horror, Drake took a tranquilizer dart to the back of the thigh and Bastien insisted the area was a security threat, shoving him inside. They would send another car to transport Drake and Leo back to the palace. 
Bastien stomped on the gas pedal and sped off, kicking up dirt and smoke as the tires peeled and squealed against the fiery Cordonian asphalt.
When they passed through the airport's security gate, a small motorcade following closely behind, Liam finally lifted his head, his eyes growing wide when he realized what just happened: Bastien's shove had sent Liam flying across the seat to land face-first into a lap — her lap. 
He stayed frozen in place, unable to look anywhere but the two slender, bronzed legs peeking out below the hem of his new wife's dress. 
Riley lifted an eyebrow, a slight grin dangling from her plush pink lips. "Something you wanna say, Your Majesty?"
Everything that had just happened in the 15 minutes since they landed was long forgotten. Drake who? Liam glanced up with a devilish smirk. "Welcome to Cordonia, Pussycat."
@burnsoslow @dcbbw @ao719 @hopefulmoonobject @texaskitten30 @janezillow @merridithsmiscellany-blog @mskaneko @loveellamae @queenjilian @sirbeepsalot @drakexwillow @caroldxnvxrs @jovialyouthmusic @forthebrokenheartedthings @bebepac @kingliam2019 @lovablegranny @cordoniaqueensworld @amandablink
@liamxs-world @choiceskatie @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @charlotteg234 @annekebbphotography
@txemrn @ofpixelsandscribbles @alyssalauren @cordonianroyalty @monsoonblooms12 @mom2000aggie @theroyalheirshadowhunter @princessleac1 @kimmiedoo5 @graceful-leah @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @thegreentwin @gkittylove99 @cinnamonspongecake @lifeaskim @neotericthemis @pink-diamond13 @walker7519 @natureblooms24 @yourmajesty09
Liam x MC only: Cordonia-gothqueen
Anything with Drake: @tinkie1973
FRI Series Tags:  @sanchita012 ​  @narrytheworld ​  @queenwalton   @gabesmommie1130 @cordonianprincess   @liamandneca @emkay512 @waywardromancefantasygirl @nomadics-stuff @queendianaofcordonia @zaffrenotes @zilch3 @kat-tia801 @drrookie @sfb123
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salthaven · 5 years
A Lady’s Scout (and the Salt within her Soul)
A Lady’s Scout (and the Salt within her Soul)
   Marinette doesn’t know how the rumors started. Oh scratch that, of course she knows how the rumors started. Hell, she encouraged them herself!
   She was pissed, and rightfully so. Her friends had all left her, betraying her, forgetting her, leaving her behind for Lila. A single incident turned into multiples, and Marinette ended that same week in the back once more, now a permanent resident of the back row. All it took was a few crocodile tears from Lila to Miss Bustier, complaining about sight problems. But of course, she just needed to be a little closer to the board. Like Marinette’s spot kind of close. But it’s fine, because Marinette can sit with Nathaniel, and aren’t they such good friends?
   Marinette didn’t even try to complain, already knowing that she’d lose. And so she ended the week in the back, silently fuming as Alya didn’t even bat an eye at the change.
   And it only continued. Days turned into weeks, and the weeks never ended. Suddenly Marinette was being forgotten, abandoned on an island, watching in vain as her classmates were left in awe of Lila’s latest ‘travels’. Sure, she had Nathaniel, but he was wrapped up in his comic most of the time.
   So Marinette became wrapped up in her own little world of designs. Without her friends by her side, Marinette found herself with more free time than she’d had in months! (It looks like Lila can bring some good into her life!)
   The first creation was a fox themed shirt, styled after Rena Rouge’s costume. Bold orange merged seamlessly with a creamy white, little embroidery creating a picture in the corner for searching eyes to find. A little fox, prancing among the flowers. A little fox, searching for something.
   A little fox, searching for the Miraculous she’d never get again. Because why would she? Why would she, when she was no longer dependable? When she was no longer trustworthy, no longer loyal? When she’d forget Marinette for the next best thing?
   So maybe Marinette was a little bitter, but who could blame her? And besides, why would she want to keep a fox that betrays her when she could have a friend who would silently stand by her side, or rather sit there, and come up with his own little illusions each and every day?
   Fennec debuted three weeks after Marinette is exiled to the back, on a sunny day that does little to represent Alya’s mood.
   Marinette presented the shirt on that following Monday.
   “Th- thank you, Marinette,” Alya said, eyes widening as she gazed at the shirt. “But why is it fox themed?”
   “Oh, you reminded me of Rena,” Marinette said with a wink, but there was no smile on her face. There wasn’t one on Alya’s, either, but only teary eyes.
   Later, Marinette would look down at Alya and be met with skeptical, questioning eyes. But the eyes turned away quickly, downcast.
   Marinette watched on from her spot in the back, eyes searching for flaws. She found them in her partners, and she created.
   Next came a hoodie. A soft green, with a hexagonal pattern stitched in with darker thread. A hood, large enough for an old friend to hide his head in, even with a hat on.
   He was protective, but not of Ladybug. Only Rena Rouge, only ever Rena Rouge. But Rena was gone, and so he would be, too.
   Luka swapped teal for green, becoming Protecteur. Her protector. Because he’d never harmed her, he’d never betrayed her. He’d always been there, a silent support, and now he could be the same for Ladybug.
   When Marinette gave Nino the hoodie, his eyes locked with hers, an unusual trait.
   “Hey, what’s up with the Carapace theme, dudette?”
   “He was just like you, wasn’t he?” She asked, and then she was gone, hidden in the back.
   It’d be hard to miss how he tensed from so high up. Perhaps it was good, being forced to the back.
   A bee themed skirt was made quickly. Light and simple, the white skirt had little yellow bees buzzing along the hem. Cute, yet impractical. Focusing more on looks than on functionality.
   Yes, that was the way Marinette worked out her stress from Queen Bee, from the hero who never was, and never would be forevermore.
   She presented it before she chose a replacement, and was met with weariness.
   “You never give me gifts, Dupain-Cheng,” Chloé pointed out bluntly, eyes challenging. “What’s with the skirt?”
   “Oh, I just thought you’d like a little keepsake,” Marinette responded, already turning away.
   Three days later, a new bee was chosen. Monarch rose up, a force to be reckoned with.
   Kagami was all too happy to take up the mantle, to take out her stress on the poor Akuma victims. She was honored to be chosen, and Marinette was happy.
   Her team was chosen, fixed to her liking. She was protected, she was safe, no longer relying on classmates who would only let her down.
   And the rumors spread. From Alya and Nino, whispering to one another about what the gifts could mean. To an accidental comment near Lila, who used it as fuel to spread her fire. Because if Marinette knew...who’s to say she isn’t acting as some sort of scout?
   “Ladybug and I had a falling out,” Lila explained with a flip of her hair. “I didn’t approve of the idea, so she and I had a spat.” She smiled at Alya, all sugar and sweetness. “I’d never replace someone like you...but Marinette would encourage it.”
   Alya had glared at Marinette the rest of the week, and the whisperings picked up.
   Chloé learned from Lila, and came marching up to Marinette immediately.
   “Lila says you’re some kind of hero scout, huh?” Chloé said, shoving her face into Marinette’s. “What, are you some kind of goody two-shoes who talks to Ladybug, crying when someone upsets you?”
   Marinette raised an eyebrow. “Me? Why, I do nothing of the sort! I’d never complain to Ladybug like that.” She smiled, fully aware of the searching eyes. Aware of the awe stricken gaze Nathaniel sent her way, of the shock in Nino’s eyes and pure hatred in Alya’s. “I wouldn’t complain, but if she does come by for advice...who am I to lie?”
   She saw how Lila glared, teeth grinding. She saw how her classmates reacted, some with excitement, others with worry. Unsure how to feel, unsure how to act.
   Fennec, by then permanent much like her Bee and Turtle, questioned her during patrol, right in front of Chat Noir, Protecteur, and Monarch.
   “Hey, Ladybug?” Fennec asked, eyes full of nerves.
   “Yes, Fennec?”
   “Is Marinette some sort of hero scout for you?”
   With those words, Ladybug saw how her three teammates paused. Protecteur and Monarch seemed shocked by the words, Chat Noir just leaned in closer, waiting with baited breath for her answer.
   “She is,” Ladybug replied easily, knowing the rumors would spread, knowing the rumors would lead to hatred and excitement and an alibi. (Because how could Ladybug’s scout be a hero, especially Ladybug herself? It just wouldn’t be possible!) “I tried giving her the Fox Miraculous back during Sapotis, but she suggested a friend of hers. They were good, so I asked her for a Turtle recommendation. Carapace worked well. She thought Queen Bee could redeem herself, so we gave Chloé a shot.”
   “Why did you replace them?” Chat Noir asked. “If Marinette suggested them, why would you change your mind?”
   “They stopped being reliable.” Ladybug shrugged, twirling her yoyo. “They left Marinette alone to be isolated. They let their friend be threatened by a liar, and when Marinette finally admitted it to me? I can’t have people who act like that.”
   “Did she recommend us?” Protecteur asked, and Ladybug smiled.
   “You three were the first people she could think of, and she had shining recommendations for all three.”    She saw the way they reacted. Monarch smiled, Protecteur beamed, Fennec looked ready to have a stroke...and Chat Noir seemed pensive, eyes searching for something.
   Marinette went to class the next day, and things had changed. For some reason, Max, Kim, and Alix were being extra nice to her. For some reason, Adrien spoke directly to her, despite having shied away the moment Alya got mad. For some reason, she felt like she was being watched. It was more than usual, more than when Lila first spread the rumor that Marinette was a hero scout.
   But it didn’t click on why until Kagami spelled it out during lunch.
   “They want to be heroes, too,” Kagami muttered, inching closing to the bluenette. Luka dropped into the spot beside her, and Nathaniel quickly sat across from them, setting his bag in the last remaining spot.
   “So they think I can help with that?” Marinette questioned, an eyebrow raising.
   “You are a hero scout,” Nathaniel pointed out, cheeks tinted red with embarrassment. “If you deem someone worthy, Ladybug will give them the Miraculous.”
   Marinette glanced around, saw the way Kim eyed her, expression eager as he waved excitedly.
   Of course. Her one time Roi Singe...and the Pegasus and Bunnix to follow. They knew she had a say, and so they were sucking up to her.
   Marinette turned her gaze away, focusing on her true friends. “I only tell Ladybug about the real heroes,” she muttered, missing the way her three friends blushed.
   That night, she was itching to create, and so she did. A monkey inspired sweatband, with a tiny, comical version of Xuppu stitched on the inside. It only took a few hours, and Marinette was happy with it.
   Kim jogged up to her as she walked into the classroom, still beaming. “Hey, Marinette!” He said happily, as if he hadn’t ignored her, too. “Want to hangout soon? I have a track competition, you should come see it!”
“I can’t,” Marinette replied dismissively, “but here’s a good luck gift.” She pressed the sweatband into his palm, and watched him stumble as he realized what it meant.
“Oh...okay,” he said with a frown, deflated and hurt. He moped over to his seat, allowing Max to console him.
By lunchtime, Max seemed nervous, glancing at Marinette with panicked eyes. He seemed to be calculating, consulting Markov. Whatever he realized, it was enough to set him on edge.
   Two days later, he was sure of his results. Marinette came up to him, and she smiled coldly.
   “I made you these,” she said, and set a pair of sunglasses in his hands. “I thought you’d like them.” She turned, ignoring the way his eyes dropped, and then paused. “And don’t worry, they’ll protect your eyes from dangerous napkins.”
   Later that day, Marinette would sit at home and laugh at her comment, then continue on to start one of her final gifts.
   Her class was chaotic. Half of them followed her around like she was Lila, trying to do favors for her, trying to get into her good graces, trying to be someone special in her eyes. Many of them stayed far away, however, hiding from her sight, unsure if they should hate her or hate themselves, unsure what went wrong, unsure of what to do.
   And then she had her actual friends. Nathaniel, Luka, Kagami…
   And, according to the school, Ladybug.
   Alix became pushier. The young girl practically bounced like a rabbit as she’d follow Marinette around, trying to prove herself. She thought she was in the clear, that the future was set in stone. She owned the watch, after all, so it was rightfully hers, right?
   Marinette presented her with a hat, light blue with a little white pom pom on top, and Alix froze.
   Later that day, Ladybug made a trip to Alix’s house, and she left a perfect replica of the watch behind. Perfect, of course, except for the lack of a certain bunny-themed Kwami.
   Alix didn’t show up for school the next day, and Marinette didn’t bat an eye.
   Just like that, her team was complete, and justice had been served.
   But Marinette wasn’t done.
   No, because there was one last thing to do. One little thing.
   Marinette donned the Mouse, one last time. She split herself up, until a dozen little Multimice were running through the school. She snuck into each class, gathering information. Looking for future options.
   And playing her final card in the game she’d been playing for months.
   Her class was silent as Miss Bustier took attendance, eyes on their teacher as Multimouse slipped underneath the door.
   “Marinette?” Miss Bustier asked, eyes curious, and Multimouse raised her hand, as if on autopilot.
   “Here!” Her little voice squeaked out, and then she gasped, covering her mouth.
   But it was too late, she’d been ‘found’. Miss Bustier stared, wide-eyed, crouching down to see her student on the floor.
   “M- Marinette?” Miss Bustier asked, and Multimouse shook her head.
   “No, no, of course not!” But it was too late, wasn’t it? Marinette was never a good liar, was she?
   “You’re Multimouse?!” Alya shouted the question, hands slamming onto her desk. Lila, beside her, stared, but the stare quickly turned into a dangerous glare.
   “I, uh,” Multimouse sighed, curling in on herself. “Fuck.” She turned to face Miss Bustier. “I...I guess I’ll explain, but just wait a second. I’d rather do this at full height.”
   “Okay?” Miss Bustier nodded, still baffled. “What do you need?”
   “Oh, just my other me’s. They should be here right about now.” As if on cue (oh they were definitely on cue), the other Multimice came darting under the door, making their way to Multimouse. They went up to her, quickly combining into one normal-sized Multimouse.
   “Woah,” Nathaniel whispered, eyes shining with excitement. The rest of the class seemed to feel the same, any negative feelings forgotten (well, except for one certain girl) in the moment.
   “Why were there so many?” Rose asked, eyes searching for any others that may have stayed small. “What were they- you- doing?”
   Multimouse laughed. “Wasn’t it obvious? I’ve heard the rumors, guys, I know what you think.”
   She watched how they paused, how their mouths dropped and their eyes widened.
   “You were looking for new heroes?” Adrien asked, speaking up for once in his life, and Multimouse shrugged.
   “Ladybug wanted new blood. Sent me out to search. She’s done it a few times, dropping the Miraculous off so I could get stuff done.” She looked to Miss Bustier with the sweetest, most innocent smile she could ever give, and said, “I hope you understand why I’m late so often. I couldn’t exactly tell you the truth, it’s supposed to be a secret after all.”
   “Of course,” Miss Bustier said, and Multimouse smiled wider.
   (So maybe it’s a partial lie, but Marinette was sick of getting detention for saving the goddamn city every day.)
   “How long has this been going on?” Alya asked, hands shaking as she held onto her desk, as she struggled to not grab her phone.
   Multimouse made a show of pausing, of tapping her finger to her chin before smiling. “I’ve been sneaking around since Carapace’s debut. After that, Ladybug wanted me to search more often. It helped her get a grasp of what goes on in the world. She can’t have eyes everywhere, but I can.” She giggled, then frowned. “It’s been tough, having to hide this for so long. I had to hide from Chat Noir, too, in the beginning, in case he got possessed. If he only focused on Ladybug, he couldn’t go after me during my secret missions. I nearly lost the ability to use the Miraculous when I revealed my identity to him...oh no.”
   “What?” Adrien asked. “What’s wrong?”
   “I suppose Ladybug won’t use me any longer.” Multimouse hugged herself, looking out the window. “She can’t, not anymore.”
   “Why not?” Nathaniel asked, looking hurt.
   “You all know my identity. I can’t be a hero, it isn’t safe. Especially when Ladybug’s stalker- shit.”
   Like a conductor of an orchestra, Multimouse played them once more. She struggled to hold back her smirk as the class went berserk once more.
   “She has a stalker?” Adrien asked, slamming his hands on the desk. “Who is it?”
   Multimouse shrunk back. “It- it’s not my place to say. Ladybug said to be nice, that she can fight her own battles.”
   “Is someone hurting her?” Nino asked, and Multimouse just took another step back. “Who?”
   “I really shouldn’t-” but the class is wild now, and they want the truth. So Multimouse sighed and pulled on her jump rope, opening up a hidden phone. “Alright, I’ll call her.” She hit a few buttons, then nodded. “She’ll be here soon. I should go...Ladybug will want the Miraculous back.” One last sad look to her class, and then she leaped out of the window, sneaking up to the roof.
   One quick change later, Ladybug hopped into the classroom, eyes narrowed.
   This time, Alya pulled out the phone, finally unable to control her desire for footage. “Ladybug! Ma-”
   “Multimouse,” Ladybug cut off quickly.
   “Multimouse told us that you have a stalker?” Alya asked. “Who is it?”
   Ladybug raised an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t you know? You put her on your blog every single week, after all.”
   Alya froze, and so did Lila.
   “I- I’m not-” Lila tried to start, but Ladybug was ready.
   “Lila Rossi has been claiming many things since she got to Paris. I’ve heard claims of her being Volpina, a superhero. I’ve heard her claim that she was a better hero than me, and that she and I are best friends. She’s been Akumatized multiple times, and I’m not quite so sure whether or not it’s just to get close to me. She has tormented my scout, ostracizing her and claiming that I would support her, that I would listen to her. Lila Rossi has created an illusion in her mind that I owe her my friendship, and that my scout has done her wrong, and I would never trust someone like her.” She glared at the girl, at the camera. “There is one good thing Lila Rossi has done. She has been a wonderful test for my previous temporaries in order to see where their loyalties are. Other than that, she has been stalking me, creating up stories, and ruining lives.” She glared at Alya. “Now, if that’s all you want, I must go find my scout. She seemed rather upset, and I’d rather not fight my favorite civilian.”
   Then she left the room, and she didn’t come back for the rest of the day. Instead she stayed home, claiming she felt sick, and let herself relax.
   She created her final design.
   When Marinette came into class the next day, she wore a beautiful pink dress, embroidered with little gray mice. The message was clear, and Nathaniel seemed disappointed. Adrien did, too, but Marinette wasn’t sure why.
   She was greeted with apologies, with promises to be better. With questions, wondering how she’d managed to be Multimouse for so long without raising suspicion. With admiration, as their friends realized who the true friend of Ladybug was.
   And Marinette just turned away, turned to her true chosen heroes.
   Later that day, rumors of a heroine in a dragon’s red were heard, and if Ladybug was suspiciously absent…
   Well, the other heroes enjoyed patrolling with their scout, and the world was right for one more day.  ----- And with that, I have finally written this fic! Thank you to @liamnl for letting me use this idea, it was really fun! (To be honest, I wasn’t sure how to end it, so I figured Marinette could get her last revenge and call out Lila once and for all.) I hope you all enjoyed it! <3
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nocturnegyser · 4 years
Feral Angel
Warren x reader (Racc)
this is my real first time writing anything like this at all so its going to be really crappy and flawed... so please be mean
TW: Mentions death
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(y/n) has always been kinda feral growing up, having her fathers raccoon mutation giving her raccoon ears and tail and ability to hear and smell things like a raccoon and even the signature raccoon black mask you see every raccoon born with, her mother being human no one knows where her reality manipulation comes from, perhaps she accidentally grew another mutation?
After an accident with some boys she got in a fight with causing her to discover her reality manipulation power, her brother hesitantly sent her to Xaviers School for the Gifted, with a heavy heart and bag packed, (y/n) bid her brother adieu.
Her first step in, (y/n) is immediately greeted by Hank McCoy
“Hello, you must be (y/n) (y/l/n), I’m Hank McCoy, I am a teacher here and will be giving you your orientation tomorrow but for today I hope you have a relatively easy time settling in-“
(y/n) is immediately mesmerized by his fluffy blue furry face, in the middle of him explaining everything she immediately just pets his face and immediately Hank grabs (y/n)’s hands
“Please don’t do that.. ever again..”
“Oh ok sorry ._.”
“Well anyways for now I will hand you over to another one of our members here, Ororo, she will be showing you your way to your room”
Hank then passed (y/n) along to Ororo to show her to her room.
“This your first time living away from home?” asked Ororo trying to be friendly with (y/n)
“Oh! Uh, yea.. kinda.. I would travel with my brother a lot when I was younger so I lived in a van for a little bit but that was fun”
“You ever live apart from your brother?”
“No...” answered (y/n) a little nervously
“Well this place can be as homely as you make it to be” Ororo assures her
Finally coming up on (y/n)’s new room for the next 3 years or so Ororo opens the door to reveal her new room, her boxes she had sent a week earlier were sitting in the corner ready for her to unpack
“I know it can be intimidating here at first but you’ll soon come to adjust to life here.” Ororo reassured (y/n)... again
Ororo left (y/n) to unpack and settle in for her first night, she noticed she wasn’t sharing her room with anyone
Great, away from home and alone, this is already shaping to be a great new life...
Not even touching one of her packed boxes a baseball crashes through her window
“WHAT THE F*CK!!” (y/n) immediately exclaimed
She ran up to the window dodging the broken glass on the floor even though she was barefoot, looking for who threw the baseball
She immediately saw him, tall, broad, intimidating, and metal wings. He was the only one with a bat and the only one looking in her direction, he immediately ran inside, presumably heading to her room. 7 minutes later the tall metal winged angel shows up at her door
“Aww jeez.. sorry ‘bout that, here, I’ll take my ball back... and I’ll tell someone u need a new window..”
“Dude! I said I was sorry! Just give me back my ball ok?”
“UGH, fine take your stupid ball and watch where you’re aiming next time, GOD!”
Angrily, (y/n) slammed her door in the angel boys face.
“Man who the hell- UGH!”
Not even a full hour here and my window is shattered and there’s glass all over my floor! This is ALREADY shapping up to be a GREAT TIME
Meanwhile on the other side of the door
“Ugh! I said sorry!” angel boy grumbled walking away
(y/n) sweeps up the broken glass on the floor and throws a blanket over her broken window
Having unpacked 3 of her 5 boxes, (y/n) decides to call it a night and decided to finish tomorrow considering her classes start on tuesday and it was saturday
“Whew! Well the glass is cleaned up, window is... handled.. for now, 60% of my stuff is unpacked-”
A loud growl emitted from (y/n)’s small raccoon stomach
“well... guess i should go eat something then.. what time is it?.. 9:30??!? Jeez where does all my time go??”
Realizing how tired she is, she slowly makes her way to the dorm kitchen and hears someone already in there
Who is in here at 9:37 at night?.... besides me
She turns the corner and see’s who exactly is in the kitchen at 9:37 at night, angel boy
He turns around the second (y/n) enters the kitchen and both lock eyes immediately and both go “Ugh.”Neither saying anything, (y/n) begins making herself a pb and j and chips
“You mind passing me a knife?” (y/n) hesitantly asked noticing he was standing in front of the silverware drawer
Both staring each other dead in the eyes, angel boy slowly moved from in front of the silverware drawer not passing her a knife. Ugh, still maintaining eye contacts and squinting both giving each other death stares (y/n) slowly grabs a knife from the drawer
“Thanks.. a lot”
“Don’t mention it”
Continuing making her sandwich neither still talking
“So... I told the repair guy you needed a new window and he said he’ll be able to put a new one in on Monday”
“That’s the earliest??”
“No, the earliest was tomorrow but you were being a dick”
“God, you know, for an angel you’re an asshole you know that”
“I’m not an angel”
“Explains the wings and attitude”
Both still at each other’s throats, (y/n) realized she was not making anything better so she decided to try and de-escalate the situation
“Well anyways... I’m (y/n) (y/l/n)” (y/n) said holding out her hand for a handshake
“Warren Worthington” shaking her hand
“So... can you talk to raccoons? or find cool shit in dumpsters?”
“No and dumpster diving isn’t my mutation, I can hear and smell things like a raccoon can and just recently discovered I also have reality manipulation.”
“Reality manipulating raccoon girl huh? that must be a combo everyone’s surprised to hear”
“I don’t tell everyone, unlike you, I can hide my mutation”
“Why do you want to hide your mutation, and how do you hide your eye mask?”
“To avoid problems with people, and i use concealer”
“What kind of problems?”
“The bad kind”
“Why don’t you just fight them?”
Jesus who is this guy, an investigator??
“For an angel boy you sure ask a lot of questions”
“Not an angel”
“You’re right.. for a pigeon you ask a lot of questions”
“And for a trash panda you have a lot of snide remarks”
Again at each other’s throats, both finish their food and go to bed
“Jesus what a first day away from home, I’ll have to ask that repair guy if he can still give me a new window tomorrow” (y/n) said to herself in the comfort of her own room... alone..
One day down... countless more to go...
After her orientation with Hank, (y/n) decided to take a stroll through the mansion to familiarize herself even more with the mansion more
(y/n) glossed through the library, sped through the classrooms, peeked in the chemistry lab, she had already been at the kitchen and her hallway, she didn’t feel the need to check out the other hallways. She did however want to checkout the attic since the basement was essentially off limits to students.
Finally making it to the attic, she took a liking to the relaxing atmosphere. I could get used to the atmosphere up here, she thought to herself
(y/n) staring the window, taking a moment to herself to think. The hatch on the floor then opening up “Oh.. I’m sorry I didn’t realize anyone would be up here..,” (y/n) looked over to see Warren
“Oh, no it’s fine, I’ll leave if you wanna be up here... alone” (y/n) offered, “No no I’ll just find some place else to-“
“Well it’s not like I own the attic”(y/n) joked trying to let Warren stay upstairs
“Uh.. yeah ok, I guess” Warren slowly making his way back up the ladder “I just come up here to read sometimes”
“What do you read?” (y/n) asked trying to spark some small talk
“Mostly Cult of Raven or Stephen King”
“Stephen Kings that guy who wrote that one story about that hotel right with those twins in the hallways saying ‘Come play with us,’ right?”
“The shining?”
“Is that what it’s called?”
“Then yes”
“You don’t read Stephen?” Warren asked engaging in the small talk
“I don’t read a whole lot in general” (y/n) admitted “Got any recommendations?”
Warren pulling out ‘Monkeys Paw’, handing it to (y/n)
“What’s this about” she asked curiosly
“Basically the term ‘you get what you wish for’ taken to the extreme”
“Ah, okay” (y/n) the. beginning to read along with Warren
Not even a full 3 minutes passed before Peter came running up to the attic hiding from someone
(y/n) and Warren both looking at him confused, “What the bell? Peter? What’re-“ Peter cutting him off
“Ok ok ok promise not to say anything to Jean?” Peter begged
“What?”(y/n) asked “Well let’s just say I accidentally ticked Jean off,” then hearing Jean yelling from under the attic
“WHERE ARE YOU PETER, I KNOW YOU BROKE MY VASE OF LILY’S!!” Peter scared then sneaking out the nook window onto the roof as a quick escape
Jean then making her way up to the attic, “Where is he,” her eyes practically red, both pointing at the window, Warren trying to open it realizing Peter jammed it unable to open it “Welp.. guess I should go get him off the roof... again” Warren then making his way down the latter to outside
Jean still standing there, her hand in her hip her other on her forehead, noticing (y/n) just awkwardly sitting there, “Sorry about that, the boys here can be a bit much...”
“Warren, he got here not long before you did, he’s still trying to adjust himself, it’s nice to see you two being nice to each other”
“Well it’s not like it’s that hard to get along with him, I realized that once I took a step back to not argue with him, his nice guy act could use a little work though” (y/n) sheepishly admitted
“You’d be surprised who all he does the ‘nice guy’ act for around here”
“Lemme guess, half the girls here, right?”
“Like I said, you’d be surprised”
Jean then left (y/n) to go find Peter and ultimately reprimand him
You’d be surprised? Who all? What’s that supposed to mean? (y/n) thought to herself in her room
Hearing a knocking at her door, (y/n) goes to answer it, she opens the door to see Jubilee
“Oh ok, so you’re (y/n) (y/l/n), right?”
“Uh.. yes, and you are?...”
“Jubilation Lee, but you can just call me Jubilee or just Jube’s”
“Right, and what exactly can I do for you?”
“Oh right, Peter asked me to ask you if you wanted to go to the movies with us later seeing as how you’re the newest addition to the crew”
“The crew?”
“Yea! I mean you’re new here and we figured you’d maybe want some friends”
The concept of friendship was not entirely new to (y/n) but it definitely wasn’t familiar
“Uh, well yea sure, I guess, I’m not exactly busy until Tuesday so..”
“Perfect! I’ll text you the details and add you to our group chat if you want”
“Uh, yeah sure ok” (y/n) shrugged and exchanged numbers
“Great! well we were thinking about seeing- *GASP* You have an electric guitar??!” Jubilee instantly distracted
“Yea, her name is bender, because it’s a fender so it’s a fender.. bender” (y/n) joked letting Jubilee come in
“Oh that is perfect, are you in a band?”
“No, I dreamt about it but it never happened hehe”
“I might know a few people who wouldn’t mind joining a rock, more on that later, but we were thinking about seeing that new horror flick that’s in theaters right now at around 6-ish”
it was 4:37
“It’s going to be me and my friends Jean, Scott, and Warren”
“Yea, you meet him?”
Meeting Warren was a bit of an understatement at this point
“Yes, we met” (y/n) as exhausted as she sounded of him
“Great! Well I hope you two got along because we were thinking of seating arrangements and now that you’re on board, you’re gonna be next to Warren”
“Does it have to be next to warren?”
“What’s wrong? you don’t like him?”
“Well...” (y/n) paused to think that maybe actually getting to know Warren some more wouldn’t kill either of them
“Ok, yea, next to Warren it is” (y/n) said with a determined look
“Ok great, if I’m being honest, asking you to the movies was actually Warrens idea, he just wanted me to say it was Peter, not sure why”
Warren wanted her to ask me? Why not ask me himself?
“You’d be surprised who all he does the ‘nice guy’ act for around here”
Could that be what Jean meant?
“Well I’ll see you around 6 at the garage, see you then! Oh and nice meeting you”
“Yeah you too” closing her door puzzling what it all meant together
Eventually 6 was drawing close so (y/n) rushed getting ready and got to the garage super early and decided just to wait there for everyone
Warren then came walking through the door
“Oh, you’re here early”
“You too” she replied playfully trying to be friendly
“So...” (y/n) began “You watch the trailer for this movie yet?”
“No not yet, supposedly it’s good though from what I’ve heard so far”
“Nice, I didn’t watch a whole lot of horror growing up”
“Too scary for you?”
“No, my brother who raised me didn’t think of them as a proficient use of time, so we didn’t watch them a lot”
“Oh wow, I used to watch them all the time with my mom”
“Aww, I never knew either of my parents” (y/n) immediately regretted just blurting that out nonchalantly
“Oh...” Warren said a little shocked that she admitted something so personal
“Yea.. Well.. I’m sorry that probably sounded problematic but I swear it’s not what all it sounds like but...” (y/n) explained almost stammering
The rest of the group finally walking in
“I call shotgun!” Jean exclaimed as she rushed to the front seat
(y/n), Warren and Jubilee all sat in the back, (y/n) never have been in a car with friends she stayed quiet ‘cause she didn’t know what to talk about but was listening to the other’s conversations, she looked up at Warren who was sitting in the middle and (y/n) on his left, she noticed he was just looking dead ahead with stone cold eyes
Dang, he must not be all that interested in anything I guess...
Jean overheard what both were thinking and took more interest as to what Warren was thinking about, wonder what that could be?
The group finally arrived at the movies and all hop out and start making their way to front doors, this being the first time (y/n) was out in public not hiding her ears, tail or eyes, she was understandabley nervous and a little fidgety, she felt a million eyes on her and immediately wanted to run into the forested area behind the movie theater
It’s ok you know, people around here are not more accepting of mutants considering they live right next to a whole mansion full of them
Do you always talk to people in their own heads???
It’s better to think of just people taking amazement in your mutation then them just judging you
Yea well easy for you, you can hide your mutation, I mean... I can too but i didn’t wear my hat it didn’t go with my outfit
Jean giving (y/n) a motherly smile trying reassure everything’s fine
“Ahh fudge!!” Jubilee exclamed at the sight of the theater not showing the movie they wanted to see
“Mann! what’re we supposed to do now? This took a lot of convincing Charles!” Jubilee explained
The group went silent thinking about something to do
“I kinda wanna check out the music shop” (y/n) suggested
“I wanna go to forever 21,” said Jubilee
“Me and Scott’ll be at the party” Jean dragging Scott along and the rest of the group all going their own ways too
Waking in the music shop, (y/n) couldn’t figure one thing
So... why exactly did Warren decide to tag along with me?
“What exactly were you thinking on getting here?” Warren asked
“I was thinking about investing in some new strings, and maybe that new blink 182 album..”
“You play?”
“You in a band?”
“No... I wanted to but no one wanted to start one with a reality manipulating raccoon girl I guess” (y/n) said jokingly
“Heh, any cool inspirations?”
“My dad for starters”
“He played?”
“Yea, I watched old videos of him on stage and he could shred” a little bashfulness rosiness in (y/n)’s cheeks
“I take it you want to carry on the legacy?”
“Something like that, I mostly picked it up ‘cause I thought it looked cool and I didn’t have to spend money buying a new guitar”
“You’re using your dads”
“Yea, he named it Bender”
“Like from Futurama?”
“Maybe, but the main reason being is because it’s a Fender, so it’s a Fender BENDER” she joked nudging Warren seeing if he got the joke
“Clever, think you’re going to start a band?”
“If I can find any players here”
“I know my way around a drum kit, if that helps”
“No way! Do you have a kit?”
“No, I’m sure the music program at the school has one though”
“What kinda music do you like?”
“Mostly punk and alternative, you?”
“Metallica and Queen”
“Oh nice, I don’t necessarily hate classic rock, but I definitely prefer punk”
“It definitely suits you”
“Haha and what’s that supposed to mean?” (y/n) poking fun at Warrens statement, almost flirting
“Uh- well I mean it’s just very chaotic and from the time I’ve known you, you give off that controlled chaos kinda vibe”
“Controlled chaos ay? Well your vibe... I definitely gotta say is very Controlled rage”
“Must be why we go together” Warren immediately regretting spurting that out
“You think we go together?”
“Well- I meant like- I guess- I-“ Warren now blushing
He’s so cute flustered, to think he blushes so easily
(y/n) immediately realizing something
Wait.. I’ve never seen him blush but neither has anyone else... ahh I’m sure that doesn’t mean anything... right?...
“Yea well.. I’m gonna go buy these strings then” (y/n) said blushing a little bit
Both got a text from the rest of the group saying they’re ready to go home now that it’s 8:35
“Well guess we should meet up with everyone..” Warren pointing out the obvious and dodging eye contact
“Yea...”(y/n) agreeing also dodging eye contact both blushing
Finally getting back to the mansion (y/n), Jean, and Jubilee all make their way back to their rooms
Scott noticing Warren watching (y/n) walk away “You two have fun at the music shop?”
“Yea, didn’t know she played guitar” Warren said a little cheerfully.
“Someones sounding a little less murdery than usual”
“Shut up...”
A/N: I’m sorry if this sucked but it’s my first fanfic...
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gaiapaia · 4 years
Kermit and Friends: Alan the Hypnotist
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Be careful what you wish for? More like be careful what you pray for!
Elisa admitted that after last week’s show, she prayed for more on-screen participation from the audience, and boy... did she ever get her prayers answered this week.
The show kicked off with the return of Douche of all people... or should I say of all monkeys? That was a pleasant surprise to begin the broadcast.
Elisa then said a lovely prayer, mostly asking the Lord that she sets a good example for everyone viewing the program and that she’s forgiven for any sins she may commit. It was a very beautiful way to start the show this week.
The first guest of the show was Elisa’s sister, Allyson. Allyson is joining us to promote Arbonne, a Vegan make-up and nutrition company. You can view the products available or become a consultant for the company yourself by clicking this link. There are lots of Cyber Monday deals right now if you’re into that sort of stuff so please check it out if you’re interested.
One thing I’d like to note about Allyson’s Arbonne presentation was her interaction with Kevin Cao. It seriously made me smile... I loved how Allyson was listening to him, taking his advice. It was a sweet segment. Later on, Allyson and Elisa’s friend Maggie also visited the show to promote Arbonne and she too did a terrific job. I especially liked her background full of Christmas cheer, perhaps the most impressive backdrop I’ve seen someone have on Kermit and Friends.
Anyways, this week’s big guest was Alan the Hypnotist. I think more than a hypnotist, Alan presents himself as a spiritual therapist, helping those who struggle with mental disorders to find peace through meditation. Alan’s first means of business in fact was to have a meditative segment where he encouraged viewers to close their eyes and follow his instructions. I’d be lying if I said I went through the process, but it was fascinating to see Alan do his thing. Apparently his methods have worked for a lot of people, so God bless him.
Another familiar handsome KAF face showed up this week in Ham Hands Bill. He gave a wonderful little testimony about how he remains positive despite the struggles he goes through daily with certain physical disabilities he has. Bill’s positivity was inspiring.
We met a new pharmacist friend of Kermit named Darron next. Darron’s gone through some rough stuff in his life and he was kind enough to share his story with the KAF community. Alan was touched by Darron’s story and is determined to help him. It’s nice to see Elisa bring people together like this, and I hope Darron gets a lot out of his new friendship with Alan.
Another new friend of Kermit’s named DJ Smooth made his KAF debut. He was wearing sunglasses and a bandana on his face, and man let me tell you... Alan did NOT like it! Alan demanded Smooth, or Frenchie Steven as his friends called him, to show his face or leave. After getting kicked off for a bit, Frenchie came back with the get-up gone, but he was obviously there just to troll. Elisa and Alan tolerated very little of his nonsense.
This led to yet another new friend of Kermit named Matt to join up. Matt is an 18-year-old British kid that has an infatuation with DJ Smooth. Matt was also there to troll but I think down the line he may be more open to actually participating to the discussion and not being completely defined by his trolling. Maybe not. Hopefully he continues to come back though so Elisa can operate on him and turn him into a good person like she’s done to Honest Frank, among many other trolls/people ;)
Speaking of Honest Frank... Frank’s BFF Corey made his Kermit and Friends return! Corey looked great and seemed to be in good spirits. It was nice seeing him again.
One of Elisa’s old friends, William Quigley, also made his Kermit and Friends debut on Sunday. Quigley is an artist who is famous for a Trump portrait he painted that was supposedly hung up in the White House and led to some media controversy (article about it here). I’ve seen Elisa interview him on Instagram (you can watch that here)... he’s a very interesting guy, hopefully he becomes a regular on the show.
Alexander Octopus Cortez popped on for a couple of minutes to give Elisa some encouragement. AOC is an animated octopus that is a big fan of Elisa’s and wanted to support her against the trolls. It was a fun little segment.
The rest of the show was just a back-and-forth between DJ Smooth/Matt vs. Elisa/Alan/Quigley/Corey. It was classic KAF bickering and trolling, except this time Eliza, I mean Elisa, is trying her best to keep it civil and help everyone come to an understanding of one another. The show ended hilariously with Matt flipping off the camera while having a goofy smile on his face.
It was a crazy, entertaining show this week. Perhaps the best yet. It was so jam packed that Elisa wasn’t even able to get certain guests on, and she didn’t even have time to talk about Celexa or Psalm 69. Maybe next week! I will be tuned in, that’s for sure. Hopefully you are too :)
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praphit · 4 years
“Black Is King” - nuff said, but I’ll ramble anyway.
"Black is King" is of course Beyonce's new joint, based somewhat on "The Lion King", with an array of African cultures and symbolism at its core. 
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Now, I am no different than the rest of you. I am obligated to love all things Beyonce. I have an extra obligation as a black man; not that I don't love everything that she does. I don't want "The Hive" or the Illuminati after me. I'm just saying that even if I didn't care for something that she did or had a slight bit of criticism, I'd be obligated to love it anyway. But, like I said... I love everything that she does anyway, so... we'll just go ahead and give this musical film a Grade: A+ Ok? cool.
Beyonce did everything in this film. Normally, when someone tells me that they wrote, starred in, directed, produced, idk filmed... catered, was the whole I.T. team, etc, I think to myself "This is either going to be awesome or a huge pile of apeshit." But, we all know that The Queen overflows with awesome sauce. I mean look at all of the adulation from the critics.
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But, this is an artsy project, so some of you might not understand what's going on. You don't want to be disrespectful, and shine light on your ignorance, so allow me to help you understand some of it, by taking you through it, so you can pay your proper respects.
The film starts off with a baby in the river. I don't know if it's some type of Moses thing going on (who once was a baby floating down a river), but Beyonce ends up with the baby. I don't know if it's Beyonce's child or not. I suppose that Beyonce could have stolen this child. But, you know... it’s Bey. If Beyonce ever kidnaps your child, consider yourself blessed.
And so, The Queen starts singing to the kid as she walks around some gorgeous island.
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I'm thinking that this is just a typical morning for Beyonce. While we're all at work on a Monday morning hoping that the next sip of coffee will get our minds ready for another week, Beyonce will be walking on some dream island, singing and dancing, as her servants prep her royal breakfast.
Oh, and there's some blue guy who keeps appearing as well. I'm still not really sure what's going on with him.
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THEN, all of a sudden, we're in space. 
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Beyonce is there too (kinda in spirit form and glowing), and some old black man talks to us about destiny.
THEN, we're back on earth with some sort of star (possibly) falling quickly from the sky. Superman maybe? Satan (you bible nerds will get that)? Beyonce? Some sort of “Beyonce is God's gift from Heaven” imagery there? Idk. All of a sudden, I didn't care, because... hips.
Lots of hips start shaking in front of us.
I’d show you a pic or gif, but I’m afraid that some of you don’t know not to stare into Beyonce and her dancers hips - it’s like the ark of the covenant, if you don’t take breaks.
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But, let me tell you... MY GOD.
A true goddess! As I think more about it, her godly powers throughout this visual album/film were spot-on dance choreography and unlimited stimulating outfits.
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And of course... eternal hips.
Like all stories, we at some point must get to the villain. I guess you could follow along and say that Beyonce's possibly stolen child grew up a bit, left home, and found his way to some dude who looked like young Bobby Brown. 
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Imagine Bobby Brown wearing an awkward amount of gold chains and holding a yellow snake.
Some of you probably don't remember the "king of R&B". Well, it's debatable whether he was or not; he certainly believed that he was, but I wonder who would call themselves the king or queen of R&B today? 
There's this guy, who is self-proclaimed... 
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I affectionately refer to him as “J-Squeezy”. 
I think that I was half asleep when I first tried to pronounce his name, and that's what came out. He'll always be "J-Squeezy" to me.
Maybe Jhene Aiko (one of my wives). 
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Though some might say Justin Bieber. Can you imagine all of the R&B legends look up from bended knee, and are forced to give high praise to their “king” 
- The Biebs? 
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That's just plain sad.
So, Bobby Brown, some sexy woman in a red dress, a yellow snake, and a monkey scratching its butt all tempted Beyonce's probably stolen child. Now, the kid... idk what happened to him... he's a drug dealer or something now. ... idk.
BOOM! And like that, Jessie Reyez (whom I love!) is on the scene.
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Her and a dancing motorcycle gang are in the woods doing God knows what, until some dude, who thinks he's a lion ends the scene (Scar from "The Lion King"? Idk).
We are then transported to a funeral. Everything is white. Beyonce is there, and in all white. But, things take an artsy, dark turn, and now it looks like Beyonce is dead. BUT, Jay-Z finally shows up to the rescue. I don't know where he has been; probably hanging out with his new buddy.
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All of a sudden, we're back to their house/mansion on the island and Jay-Z is picking Beyonce up to go to some club. Then, they enter the club in slow motion. Which again, I feel like they probably do that sort of thing all of the time. Jay and Bey just walking in slo-mo to make an entrance.
It's a wild party with synchronized swimmers (yep), human chess pieces (yep), and Jay and Bey eating soul food. 
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Just another night.
Jay-Z must have went to bed early or something, because immediately Beyonce is transported to some other club in the inner city. There are a lot of sexy dudes around. Idk if maybe Jay and Bey have got some sort of Will and Jada sitch going on.
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Oh, and these designs at this No-Jay-Z’s-Allowed-Club were dope... weird, but dope! Unfortunately, I couldn’t find pics of them online, but they kinda gave me a “Silent Hill” vibe - 
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Pretty much the same :) (Illuminati)
But, the scenes of this "flick" never stay dark, they always go back to vibrant colors with the African cultures vibe. All of a sudden, the colors are back and the kids (lots of kids out of nowhere... possibly ALL stolen) are with Beyonce, and they're all playing patty cake.
Wait, was "patty cake" appropriated from Africa? Dammit, white people.
Then, things got a lil confusing (THEN:) with what appeared to be random stories of random peoples lives. It was as if cameras were set-up at random events such as weddings, parties, etc. Is Beyonce "big brother"? When I "people watch", I'm just at a park or looking out of my window. Apparently, when Beyonce "people watches", she spies on us all.
Someone quoted something about "Remember who you are." Something else about how “We're all kings (except for Beyonce's servants)”, and you need to go get what is yours... or something. And someone else said "Child of dust return to the river" I think we all know what that means.
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Annnnd more blue guy. 
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I’m starting think that the blue guy was just in Bey’s head the whole time. 
At one point, there was a bunch of blue guys, and they were all dancing.
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I could go on, but that's enough; it's just more of that.
I will say this - I loved the fashion, the locations, the dances, and the music... WOW! I love everything culturally about "Black Is King", as well as the overall statement (artistically) that its making..
However... now, I'm not saying that I’M saying this, but some might say that throughout this 1hr and 25min long medley of music videos that they found themselves saying often "What the hell am I watching?" I repeat, I AM NOT SAYING THAT. Perhaps some just might not get it. Perhaps, not unlike this year (2020), there's no real meaning. Now, it could be divine retribution. Maybe all of the worlds doctors and scientists are conspiring against us (and themselves). Or maybe the world wasn't well prepared for this pandemic. Maybe the arrogance in SOME parts of the world
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 are making their sitch worse, and MAYBE there's no meaning to give it. Maybe we simply need to start finally listening to one another and quit being assholes. Maybe 2020 is a year merely to be suffered through, and hopefully you'll make it to the end. Not that "Black is King" is something to be suffered through. I gave it an A+ remember? And I certainly, definitely, unequivocally finished it. I'm just... rambling like I do.
Do you remember any of the imagery from the movie "The Ring" - allow me to refresh you memory:
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(Adele? How did you get in there?)
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You know, just a lot of confusing shit (though I love that movie btw).
I'm reminded of this, because the images in this movie had no dialogue to them; we all had to join the main character in figuring it all out.
Now, picture that, but instead of the creepy girl, we're blessed with Beyonce, and it's in color... and smear Africa on it. BOOM! That's art! Who wouldn't want 1hr and 25mins of that??!
All hail The Queen.
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4 notes · View notes
Wednesday 27 May 1829
7 55/60
11 1/2
The coach maker come about the injury done to the rumble behind the carriage, on Monday – the iron work too light – not strong enough – broken and the seat let down on the off side – just put on my dressing gown and had the man in – could build a britzka even for 2000 francs but would not recommend such workmanship – the misfortune was, people would not pay for good workmanship – could make a britzka for 3000/. or 4000/. but would make a capital one, boxes and everything fit for travelling, and very handsome for town use, the best that could be made for 4500 francs in 5 months – asked him about a remise – recommended D’agart rue neuve des Mathurins – a remise at 18/. per day or 350/ per month and give the coachman 2/. but he ought to clean the carriage and best to pay him handsomely – 2/50 or 3/. would be very handsome – some people only gave 1/. but then they thought that like nothing and never minded to be careful of the carriage – they are paid by the master of the remise 3/. a day – asked about the keep of horses – everything now so dear a horse would cost 4/. a day – could get a good strong pair for travelling for from 1800 to 2000/. D’agart would sell me them, and though he would charge perhaps 100 francs more, yet he was a man of character, and would take them back again, if, after a fortnights trial, I did not like them – 
Then M. Séné sent to know if I could see him – no time to dress – received him as I was, and he sat about 1/2 hour – said a few civil things about having his apartment, and on what terms he would let us have that in the rue neuve Saint Augustin – he praised it much – at last I offered him 4000/. he paying all taxes, the porter and [every] etc. and letting us have all the furniture we have here, which would do very well, except for the drawing room – he seemed to hesitate – at last he said the entresol was let for 400/. a year – then said I the thing is over; for I hope to have a friend with me and the apartment would be too small – on which he said the lady had not a lease, and if the apartment would suit us, and I would pay the additional 400/. of rent, he would la congedier, and as he considered her much would give her another apartment! – I made no objection to this if the apartment suited us – he very civil – it was not to be let till his return – we might try it for any length of time we liked apparently at the same price for the time of trial that we have this apartment? 
Then reading from page 21 to 35 volume 1 Hallam and at 9 55/60 dressed – breakfast at 10 3/4 – at 11 1/4 took George to drive in 1/2 hour (per fiacre) to the jardin des plantes – saw M Royer – asked him about attending M Geoffroy - Saint-Hilairés lectures (which began at 12 on Monday) on the histoire naturelle des mammifères – took George into the room with me at the cabinet de l’histoire naturelle and there he sat all the while – just before the lecture began the livery servant in waiting shewed me to a seat near the table with 2 ladies – the lecture began at 12 and last just an hour – M Geoffroy Saint Hillarés a shortish fattish person – with an affected rhetorical manner of speaking? and provincial though I am not French enough to make out from what province – spoke rather low at 1st – could all those behind us hear him? has lost a tooth or 2 – rather indistinct or speaks rather thick at times – one must be accustomed to him – a stuffed specimen of a small duck and a hare on the table and a skeleton of a monkey – he argued on the apparent differences between the 2 first then proceeded to explain the analogies between them as being of the vertebral order of animals – je trouve les organes du même rang etc. etc. et une repetit[io]n des mêmes organes – semblables, non – analogues, oui – then produced the skull of a monkey – une tête – qu’est ce qua c’est un tête – une chose bien compliquée - ….. toutes les chambres …. chaque chambre propre à chaque sens – then he went to the poitrine separée dans les mammifères de l’abdomen par la diaphragme – formerly said birds had no diaphragme – but they have it en débris i.e. in partridge – a little bit being to be found on each side – in birds it does not confine the lungs – this a good character of birds – birds have a bag, besides the lungs, containing air, communicating with the lungs where the air can dilate and swell out the body – thus the air breathed by birds is more elaborated and they breathe an air more [concentrate] than that breathed by the mammifères – and their circulation is quicker and their blood warmer – mammifères have 7 vertebra at least (with one exception to be mentioned hereafter) and birds have 9 vertebra at least – Les organes sexuels des oiseaux agissent avec une rapidité extrême and with much more intensely than in the mammifères – just beginning to point out the analogy between feathers and hair, the former the result of a greater quantity and more accelerated circulation of the blood? 
When the hour was expended and the lecture closed – went again to M Royer to ask if there was any book published that could be any guide to me for M. Geoffroy Saint Hillarés’s lectures – no! none – he used to lecture according to an established rule, but now he was all for a philosophical system his head was a head for system – he had all his own way – there was no guide – he talked as if by inspiration, and said what ever came uppermost – I had observed that he had no notes – neither, in fact, has Laugier, but M. Desfontaines has – Mr Royer seems to regret that the Institution is not made as useful as it ought to be – gave me 12 billets to admit any of my friends at any time – Friday a public day – better not bring my friends on that day – Cuvier could not possibly attend any day but Sunday – Desfontaines the present Directeur général, and he therefore worth vant tous les professeurs – a director chosen from among the professors every 2 years – Cuvier will probably be chosen next – 
Got to Mrs Barlow’s in 56 minutes (walked leisurely) at 2 10/60 – sat talking to her and Jane – all went out at 3 3/4 to see an apartment au premier rue d’aguesseau corner of rue [Suresne], opposite the [embassy] – funished maybe had for 4000/. per annum though the woman (an English widow of a Frenchman) asks 500 francs a month with each house and stable – in bad condition – carriage could not turn in the court – did not seem to think much of it – said it was too dear though Mrs Barlow thought it cheap – declined seeing the widow herself – then saw a furnished apartment in the rue neuve de Luxembourg, then 2 or 3 in the rue Mont Thabor, not worth attention – 
Then went to take an outside peep at M. Sénés apartment rue neuve Saint Augustin – met him – said Mrs Barlow be on your guard – perhaps he has not let the entresol – only says so – you will have trouble with him – he will furnish to you en marchand – when you were away, I was only afraid of your frightening your aunt into taking the apartment where you are for another year by telling her that if she did not they must give her notice and quit etc. etc. – then looked at a very nice [court]-looking [into] premier at what used to be the hotel de Windsor rue neuve Saint Augustin nearly opposite Monsieur Sénés apartment – the 2nd let at 3500/. coach house and stable might perhaps get it for 4000/. per annum unfurnished –
Said to Mrs Barlow I might after all decide to stay where we were – I had been musing of this all the way from the lecture this morning – pleased with the lecture, and with my attendance altogether at the Jardin des plantes – this will occupy and amuse me – je renonce à la société pour le présent – je peux m’en bien dispenser jusqu’au [mom[en]t] d’avoir quelqu’une chez moi qui me plait et qui peut m’accompagner partout dans le monde – 
Home at 6 – dressed – the message from Esme Tridon 15, rue du Rocher, au bout de la rue Saint Lazare – un cabriolet 14/. per jour, et 1/. per jour au cocher = 15 francs per jour! ou 400 francs par mois! eh! bien, je disais à George, the man dreams – 
Found on my desk a note from Miss Hobart 2pp. of 1/2 sheet thanks for my ‘little note of inquiry and information’ – not the worse ‘except a little gruff in my throat – and maugré the vile weather, I am delighted to have seen Mortfontaine, and in your company’ – the whole party ‘going tomorrow juncketting to Versailles’ – so must put off going to the jardin du roi – goes chiefly for the children – would rather put it off to next week – ‘and she will like to have M. de Noé very much and M. Desfontaines with you, but more of this anon and I am desolée to put off Madame Galvani tomorrow, and pray tell her so with all mes complimens les plus distingués…..your affectionate V. Hobart’ dated ‘Wednesday’ – 
The most friendly note I have had from her – 
Dinner at 6 1/4 – came to my room at 8 1/4 – wrote out journal of Monday to bottom of page 53. Coffee at 9 1/4 came to my room at 10 – very fine day – M. Royer told me M. Andoin’s lectures on geology to begin 4 June – no book to help me on this subject – the subject quite new – geology quite new, only known within these 30 years – M. Royer n’est pas tout à fait au courant de tout -
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spiders-n · 5 years
Tease Shirt
A headcannon struck when Z so graciously gifted us this image so I followed it straight to hell. 
Now on AO3
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Peter has been studying for his last final for what feels like years when his phone buzzes against the hard surface of the university library table.
MJ: Hey dork. I need a small favor.
Peter’s brow furrows.
Peter: Shoot.
MJ: I have been sexiled yet again
MJ: and while I would normally just kill time around campus for the next couple of hours I just finished my last final and I feel like if I don’t take a shower in the next 10 minutes I might not ever smell clean again. Would you mind if I came over and used your shower?
Peter couldn’t help the frown that slips onto his face. This is the 6th time MJ's been unable to get into her dorm since January because her roommate is having sex. She normally doesn't complain because she loves her roommate and is generally a huge supporter of any woman who actively claims their sexuality but she had let it slip to him once that she was beginning to feel like she spent more time avoiding her dorm than actually living in it. He doesn’t even need to think about it when he types out his response.
Peter: Of course, Em. You don’t have to ask, I made the extra key fob for a reason. I’m still studying for my Orgo Lab final but it’s all yours for as long as you need it. 🤓
Even though he was technically not allowed to, he’d taken his key fob apart in Mr. Stark’s shop and made duplicates for Ned and MJ to get into his building when it had become clear to them that his living arrangement in a newer dorm that gave each resident a private room and bathroom was, by far, the most agreeable place for the three of them to hang out.
MJ had used her’s a hundred times over the course of the last 9 months, Peter is sure, but there is something oddly intimate about letting her be there while he isn’t. When he'd typed his message, the only thing in his mind had been his memory of MJ during last semester's final season, exhausted and worn, and even Peter had to admit, looking a little worse for the wear. Now that he's paused long enough to push past that mental image and the immediate urge to fix it anyway he can, he thinks that perhaps saying "you don't have to ask" may have been a bit too much. He panics for a long moment, trying to remember what state he’d left his room in but eventually resigns his worries to the back burner when he remembers that MJ once saw him blow his nose with a sock and then proceed to leave the snot crusted sock on his bedside table for a week and has since managed to voluntarily and enthusiastically kiss him 59 times since (yes he’s counted). Either she was just as gone for him as he was for her or she had a serious lack of regard for the hygiene of others. 
He can't help the surge of excitement he always got when he and MJ crossed into any new territory in their relationship. He'd given her the key to his dorm as a friend and now she'd using it as his girlfriend and that felt very significant to him in a way he knew would make her fondly roll her eyes at him if he shared with her.  
MJ: omg I’m definitely taking a nap in ur bed and you can’t stop me!
MJ: also thank you
Peter squirms as he reads the first message and tries desperately not to think about MJ freshly out of the shower and in his bed.
He’s seen her just out of the shower twice in his life, and would be lying if he said they were anything less than moments that defined his teenage sexuality. The first time was when she accidentally got snowed in at May’s apartment one weekend in their junior year of high school. She'd stopped by the bring him his homework and decathlon flash cards after he'd missed school due spider-manning a little too hard the night before, and didn't get the chance to go home until Monday evening. That was the weekend she'd found out about him and also the weekend that he'd first realized that he was probably in love with her, a realization that came about largely because of how incredible she looked after her shower. He remembers the very confusing combination of feelings he’d felt when he’d seen May’s green stripped pajamas sticking to MJ’s still wet skin as she stumbled into Peter’s room from the steam-filled bathroom and shook out her hair from it’s bun. He’s still convinced that the whole scene happened in slow motion.
The second time was during their summer abroad after graduation. They were staying in a bunk bed laden Airbnb in south France with Ned and Betty and a couple other Midtown Tech graduates. Peter had been talking himself in and out of just finally asking her out all summer. They were practically already dating in that they spent most of their time together, wholeheartedly supported each other's hopes and dreams, and very routinely accompanied each other to various events that society required people to bring dates to. His only hang up was the unyielding fear that making things romantic would ruin the best friendship he'd ever had outside of Ned. That hang up was mostly stomped out when he saw her next that night. She’d stepped into the room in blue silk shorts and a matching tank top wearing, and Peter remembers this very clearly, absolutely no bra. She had water droplets sitting on her shoulders and arms as she wrestled her hair into a towel and she finally moved her body upright he could see the faintest sliver of exposed stomach resting just above the band of her shorts. It was, in Peter’s opinion, one of the most under appreciated Michelle Jones looks of all time. And Peter had very thoroughly appreciated it at least 4 times.
He glances back down at his Organic Chemistry text book from the screen of his phone, the page half hidden by the notes he’d been going over, and groans at the reality that he’s at least an hour away from an A on his final and more realistically two if he wants to walk in feeling really confident.
Peter takes a second to gather his will and silently reminds himself that even if he was with MJ in his room at that moment the most that was likely to happen would be some making out and co-napping since they hadn’t actually done anything more than that yet. His monkey brain then counters back at him that literally nothing in the world actually sounds as good to him in that moment than making out with MJ and then taking a nap and he’s back to grumpily looking down at his textbook.
It only takes a couple minutes of begrudging reading for him to actually gets caught up in the material and loose track of time for while. It's an hour after their original conversation that his phone buzzes and snaps him back into the real world.
MJ: How much longer do you think you’ll be studying? You should come nap with me.
And then the temptation to say fuck it and just chance getting a slightly less awesome grade in Orgo was back in full force. He takes a deep breath and pries himself away from the alluring thought of a warm bed and an even warmer MJ. 
Peter: The thought did cross my mind. I am probably another 45 minutes away from feeling very confident for this exam, though. Will you wait for me?
Peter hits send and forces his attention back to the material. Whatever the answer, the sooner he finishes studying the sooner he’ll be able to see her.
Five minutes later his phone buzzes and he flips it over to see that he has a Snapchat from MJ.
When he opens it his barely suppressed moan is caught in his throat. MJ is laying on his bed, hair twisted up into a towel, glasses on instead of her normal contacts, lips covered in his f a v o r i t e shimmery chapstick that tastes like mint, all of which would make Peter want to jump her bones even more than he normally does, but on top of all that she is very clearly wearing one of his shirts. One of his Stark Industries shirts.
He’s so overcome by the image that it disappears and he has to replay it again to read the text she’d left in small print over her shoulder.
“I’ll be here all night….” It read. At that Peter actually does moan at that. Out loud, and it turns a couple heads from near by tables. He doesn’t care though because this picture of a very cuddly and soft MJ in his fucking shirt literally waiting for him to get home is too suggestive for his over crowded brain to take. He closes his textbook with more force than is sticky necessary and shoves it into his backpack, scrambling to do the same to the highlighters and notebooks he’d spread around the table as well.
When he’s packed up he grabs his phone and texts MJ.
Peter: I’m coming home now
MJ’s response is almost instantaneous.
MJ: what happened to feeling really confidant for your Orgo exam?
Peter rolls his eyes and then grins. If she wants to play coy he can too.
Peter: it got really hard
He sends and then waits for her to open the message before typing again
Peter: to focus, I mean
MJ’s response lives in the gray dot dot dot at the bottom of Peter’s screen for what feels like ten years before she finally send it.
MJ: Maybe I can help you work it out…
And it’s the ellipsis at the end that forces him into action. Suddenly, before he can bully his brain into keeping up with his body, he’s out of the library and making his way steadily across campus to his dorm with the kind of speed that he normally only employs when he’s patrolling but he’s loathe to find a time that more desperately calls for such measures.
In the end, he learns two very important lessons.
The first is that there is nothing hotter than coming home to find your girlfriend spraying canned whipped cream directly into her mouth clad not only in your T-shirt but also in your boxers. And as he later finds out, absolutely nothing else.
The second is that you tend to test better when you take an exam after a post orgasm induced sleep. Who knew?
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locke-writes · 5 years
Some Kind Of Feeling
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Author: locke-writes
Title: Some Kind Of Feeling
Song Fic: Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys. John Bender. For: Anon
Rating: T
Word Count: 1223
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse (Canonical)
You never understood how Bender could constantly get detention week in and week out. Half the time you knew it was just because most of the teachers had it out for him. He was a difficult student to deal with, you knew from the few classes that you'd had together. Bender could be a loudmouth if he wanted to and he certainly knew how to pick fights that would leave anyone frustrated beyond all belief. 
The only reason you knew that Bender had detention all too frequently was because while the two of you ran in different social circles, somehow you'd become friends. Sometimes you hated the fact that that's all you were, just friends. There were times you wondered if there was potentially more there than just friendship. Could it be possible at all that the great John Bender felt the same way about you as you did about him?
It was the cigarette burn on his arm that first made you talk to him. It was all to easily recognizable and while he tried to cover it up for the most part he didn't always have a sleeve rolled down far enough. He was defensive when you first brought it up, defensive about the fact that you were giving him advice on how to treat burns, but the next time it happened he tried your advice and to his surprise it worked. After that he made himself more open around you. 
While you didn't have the best relationship with your own parents it wasn't anywhere near the relationship Bender had with his. After only a few weeks of knowing one another it was regularly understood that if he showed up at your house in the middle of the night unannounced then he might be staying a few days. He didn't want any help leaving the situation, he had a job and he was saving money and when he had enough he was leaving without looking back. Sometimes he thought about asking you to come with him but he was worried that would put you in an awkward position.
To everyone around you it was fairly obvious how the two of you felt about one another. It wasn't puppy love, it wasn't simply a crush, the two of you were deeply in love. The only problem was that none of you would admit it. So here you were on a Saturday stuck in detention with four other people trying to make it through the rest of the afternoon without dying of boredom.
Sitting at the table opposite of Allison you watched the clock tick by and grabbed a book off the shelves to read. You didn't bother looking up while everyone else was talking, you could hear what Bender was saying and you knew what actions were going along with it. Those who were stuck in detention with you were unknown to you. Some you'd seen around school, in hallways or the cafeteria, but you didn't have any classes with. They were all their own people and while you were all stuck in one place together you knew there was nothing in common.
Of course by the end of the day you'd learn you were wrong. 
And of course by the end of the day you'd have an answer to your unasked question.
Perhaps it was the pining that had clued everyone in on the non-existent but should have been existent relationship between you and Bender. Perhaps it was the stolen glances and the fact that he could make you laugh or smile at any moment. Perhaps it was the way that you calmed him down after his demonstration of his own family life. You didn't know, you didn't particularly care. There was only one thing you did care about and that was your friendship with Bender.
You wondered, did you truly want to know the truth in regards to how he felt about you?
It was something that had always lingered in the back of your mind. The thought was there that you should confess but then that other little voice in your head told you not to, told you that it would be a bad idea. That little voice seemed to tell you that a lot of things were bad to do. Anxiety, you supposed, was like that to everyone. 
Yet while you and Bender both failed to notice, failed to act, everyone else in the room didn't. It was a roundtable discussion, one you were glad to have had albeit uncomfortable with in the beginning. Allison was a pathological liar, Claire was tired of being seen as popular and thus perfect, Bender was Bender, Brian was cracking under pressure, and Andrew was the most relatable of them all when it came to not wanting to fall into the pattern of his parents.
Confessions. Thoughts and fears and feelings spoken aloud.
What came over you, you didn't know. Couldn't explain even if asked. It wasn't a confession about how you felt about Bender but more about what stopped you from comprehending how you felt about Bender.
"Sometimes I think there's never going to be anyone out there who loves me."
Harsh words, harsher truths. It hit like a brick and the brick was thrown right in Bender's lap to do with as he so pleased. There was nothing said, no names called or feelings truly spoken. It wasn't even a hint or a secret whispered in the dark of the night it was only something that had been building up inside you and for whatever reason had decided to reveal itself during detention.
Maybe that was why though. Maybe detention was where it needed to happen. How hurt could you be in a room of five strangers rather than in a building full of hundreds. Maybe one day far down in the depths of your life someone would know you better than the five other members of the Breakfast Club as one had deemed you all, or maybe it was only ever going to be these five people.
As you stepped out from the dim fluorescent lights of the school you were lost in thought, wondering what exactly it was that would happen on Monday. Each of you had bared their soul to the group and in one day it could become a whirlwind of regret as you may be tossed back to where you were at the start of the day, total and complete strangers.
"Can I walk you home?" Bender asked, breaking your concentration. 
You knew he was asking mainly because he didn't want to go to his own home. You didn't blame him.
"I figured you would be" you responded stopping briefly at the light before crossing.
It was silent for most of the walk before Bender spoke again.
"You're wrong you know."
"About what."
"No one ever loving you. That's wrong"
"How is that wrong Bender, I figure my parents don't count in this because they're my parents, so who does that leave."
"Me. I love you, in the not like the just a friend way."
You processed what had said before giving your own confession, "I love you too Bender. Also in the not just a as a friend way."
The two of you continued walking and slowly your hand found itself in his.
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (gocha!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Howdy dandy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone is doing well. Spring is near, and cherry blossoms are blossoming like darling dears. Be sure to be safe from those awful pollen. Getting the sniffles is no fun. Well, with that said, let’s this show on the road, we got loads to tell so you know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter is getting intense. We first meet another Kaido’s goons who’s a head jailer name Solitaire that ate some monkey type zoan fruit. Anyway, she’s all getting upset after the guards are failing to capture an intruder that stole the keys to the cuffs. It was none other than Raizo who is on the mission. Meanwhile, Luffy took out another head jailer name Daifugo who is some type of scorpion zoan type. Everyone is in shocked to see that Luffy broke the iron rule of attacking any of Kaido’s goons. The prisoners can’t help but stay away from the situation. Old man Hyou gives gratitude to Luffy for sticking up for him. Hearing the commotion made another head jailer name Babanuki who ate some elephant type zoan fruit that turns his stomach into a canon. He got angry for Luffy’s defiance and shot him straight on. Poor Luffy took a hit. Suddenly, the All-Star Beast member, Queen, shows up doing his dance show and settle the situation. Seems he has crush on Komurasaki, and wasn’t aware of the news of her death. Anyway, he asked Babanuki to rank the terrible situations. So he ranks no.3: Eustass Kid escaped, no.2: keys to the cuffs are gone, and no.1: Luffy is on the run. All three situations made him go nuts about it and demanded them to get the situation fixed. Back at Ebisu town, Law, Ussop, and Franky are hiding out at Tonoyasu’s humble home as he welcomed them with a kind smile knowing that they are friends with Zoro. Apparently Zoro was chasing someone and ran off far who knows where. Sanji is elsewhere looking for the bathhouse to check out the girls. Meanwhile, Nami, Shinobu, and Robin are enjoying a relaxing time at a unisex bathhouse with men giving the old perverted look. Anyway, Shinobu explains that it will be difficult to gather 5000 members for the rebellion looks at a possibility of gather only 500 members. She goes one further saying that gathering more members would be easy if they had help from Hyogoro of the flowers. Apparently, she says that 20 years ago, Hyogoro was a big time yakuza gangster that ran the underworld of Wano and influence many yakuza leaders and villagers. People admired his chivalry attitude that even Lord Oden admired him as well. However, when Orochi took over Wano, he refused to serve him and disappeared. The leader of the Oniwaban, Fukurokujuu, was loyal to the Kozuki clan, but decided to serve Orochi instead. A traitor that Shinobu could not forgive and left the Oniwaban group. Now these days, Hyogoro is now a myth. At the end, back in prison, old man Hyou and Luffy are face to face with Queen. He makes a deal with Luffy that he would ask Kaido forgiveness and to join his crew, but good ol’ stubborn Luffy refused. Queen then tells old man Hyou that it’s a shame that back then Kaido and Orochi tried many times to convinced him to join their cause due to his reputation back. Old man Hyou is none other than the legendary Hyougoro of the flowers. Poor old man Hyou begs to forgive Luffy and instead punish him. Queen says came up with an idea to settle the situation. While Raizo is in a pinch to try to help Luffy, a voice from behind the cage calls out to him claiming to be a man name Kawamatsu. An old friend perhaps? Who is this Kawamatsu? What has Queen decide to punish both Luffy and Hyougoro? SO MUCH INTENSE! Don’t miss this week’s chapter! Episode will resume this week so don’t miss it. Now on with the goods. First, Tongari-san is a bit busy cuz this week is the anniversary so we’ll do the announcing in his place. First, on March 31st, it’s free entry day. You must some accompany of a friend, or group, or family. Single is not allowed to enter the park free if you don’t have a buddy to join you. Next, the tower are giving out free anniversary stickers. Sanji’s restaurant and Cafe Muigwara are giving stickers of Sanji and Robin if you dine there. Ticket and Tongari store are giving out stickers of Luffy and Nami. On the 4th floor, the Tongari carnival are giving out sticker of Zoro, the original medal coin maker will give out sticker of Ussop, Chopper’s Sunny tour will give Chopper’s sticker, if you dine at Franky’s cola bar, you’ll get Franky’s sticker, and if you play another mini game, you will receive Brook’s sticker. If you collect all the stickers, take your sticker to the ticket counter, you’ll get a sticker of Tongari-san himself. Speaking of Tongari-san, his birthday is this Wednesday. To celebrate, if you follow his Twitter page and leave a bday message, you’ll get a special anniversary bromide card. This is only on Wed. Also, these two medal coins are the new anniversary coins that has Luffy and Tongari-san. It’s 600 yen to have it customized. Next, all arcades will stock the new World Figure Colosseum of Sanji in Diable Jamble attack. It will be in color and b&w version. Wanna this prize? You have the power in your hands. Beat that devilish crane. Moving on, here are the new bday goods of Franky and Sabo. For Franky, stores are selling his artboard, letter cup, and bromide card set. For Sabo, stores will be selling his birthday button, art board, yummy sweet treat, and a wanted poster folder. Next, starting this Friday, Jump Shop will be holding a stamp rally. If you collect stamps from Straw Hat stores and Jump Shop, you’ll get a free prize. If you visit 3 or 12 Jump Stores, apparently, you’ll get an even more amazing prize. Details will be explained more. You can follow their Twitter page. Event will go on until Sept.30th. Next, Animate stores will be holding a special Jump event. From March 15th to April 4th, if you shop for goods, you’ll receive a free random bromide card of any anime. For OP, they’ll give out bromide cards of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji from Wano chapter. Next, check out the cover of vol.20 of WCI that has the awesome Carrot in sulong mode. It will be released on April 3rd. Next, this summer, Log Collection will released new DVD package of Zou. On July 26th, Zou will be released. ON Aug.30th, Mink will be released. And on Sept.27th, will be released. Last, but not least, here are more designs of the Straw Hats in the upcoming movie, STAMPEDE. Phew! I think that’s everything. Also, we’ll leave upcoming episode titles. That’s all we got! Tune in next week for more news and goods. All righty, boys, let’s call it a night.
 Episode titles:
Ep.876: “The Man of Humanity and Justice! Jimbei, a Desperate Massive Ocean Current”-March 17th.
Ep.877: “Time for Farewell! Pudding’s One Last Request!”-March 24th.
Ep.878: “The World in Shock! The Fifth Emperor of the Sea Arrives!”-March 31st.
Ep.879: “To the Reverie! Gathering of the Straw Hat Allies!”-April 7th.
 Stamp rally event: https://twitter.com/OP_stamp_rally
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dipulb3 · 4 years
Dr. Sanjay Gupta: The slow road back to normal starts with a first step
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/dr-sanjay-gupta-the-slow-road-back-to-normal-starts-with-a-first-step/
Dr. Sanjay Gupta: The slow road back to normal starts with a first step
One of the biggest sources of stress — other than the very real fear of having someone we love get sick with Covid-19, or coming down with it ourselves — is keeping our distance from friends and loved ones. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the isolation we have all endured has taken a remarkable toll.
It’s a theme I hear from Appradab readers, viewers and listeners all the time: When am I going to be able to see my grandchildren, my elderly father, my sister and her family? Most everybody has somebody they long to hug, to hold close and see in person.
My family, too, counts itself in that category: We haven’t seen my parents — my children’s grandparents — for more than a year. And, like so many other families around the country, we can’t wait to have a family reunion. So, as I have done so many times this past year, I pulled out pencil and paper and started to map out the possibilities.
I had first begun to think about when it would be safe to see my parents a short while ago, after my parents and I, separately, got vaccinated. One of the sticking points was that my wife and daughters weren’t vaccinated. Even after talking to the brightest epidemiologists, virologists, infectious disease experts all over the world, I wasn’t 100% sure on where the line in the sand for acceptable level of risk was drawn. And so we held off — but still, I daydreamed of the day.
I wasn’t alone in wondering when that time would come. With an increasing number of Americans getting vaccinated, the question of “When can I visit with fill-in-the-blank?” was growing louder and more insistent.
And on Monday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention brought that moment into clearer focus. The agency came out with its first set of guidance about what fully vaccinated people can now do.
My parents had a significant emotional burden lifted after they were vaccinated, because they are now approximately 95% protected against getting severely ill from Covid-19. But like the rest of the country, they are restless and want to do something with their newly vaccinated status. That is why they called me right after they saw the news report about new recommendations from the CDC to ask me what it all meant. I laid out the good news for them, and the caveats as well.
In a major step, the CDC said people who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 can safely visit with other fully vaccinated people in private settings without masks, without social distancing and without having to be outdoors. The CDC defines people who are “fully vaccinated” as those who are two weeks past their second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine or two weeks past the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. I think this recommendation was an obvious one, and probably should’ve happened when the vaccines first started rolling out.
Additionally, however, the CDC guidance now allows for fully vaccinated people to visit indoors with unvaccinated people from a single household without masks or physical distancing, if the unvaccinated people are at low risk for severe disease. That last part is important.
“This means that none of the unvaccinated people or any unvaccinated members of their households, for example, are an adult over age 65 or have an underlying condition such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes that could increase their risk of Covid-19 related hospitalization or death,” explained Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, at a virtual White House briefing, Monday, announcing the new guidance.
This was starting to sound like it was going to work, and that my parents should be able to safely visit, even though my kids or wife haven’t been vaccinated. They meet the age requirements and would be considered low risk, both in terms of health and their very limited exposures.
It’s important to remember that the risk to my parents isn’t the primary issue. They are well protected by the vaccine. The concern is for anyone else my parents might encounter after visiting with us. Remember, there is a risk, albeit a small one, that vaccinated people could become infected with mild or asymptomatic disease and potentially transmit the virus to others who are not vaccinated.
No free pass
As I kept digging into the guidelines and speaking with members of the Biden administration’s Covid-19 task force, it became increasingly clear that a visit was looking possible, but with a few strings attached. For starters people like my parents, who are fully vaccinated, still need to take precautions in other situations, including wearing masks and physically distancing when visiting with unvaccinated people who are from multiple households. That means, for example, my parents should not have a reunion with my family and my brother’s family (who are unvaccinated) at the same time.
And, perhaps most notably, fully vaccinated people are also still being discouraged from traveling, something that throws a monkey wrench into my fantasy of an imminent family reunion. Non-essential travel is still not recommended for anyone, vaccinated or not. The concern is that you are likely to encounter someone in the airport who may be vulnerable and at risk of being infected. Remember, while it is remarkable that nearly 10% of the country is now fully vaccinated, that also means about 90% is not.
As Walensky explained, “Importantly, our guidance… must balance the risk to people who have been fully vaccinated, the risks to those who have not yet received the vaccine and the impact on the larger community transmission of Covid-19 with … what we all recognize to be the overall benefits of resuming everyday activities and getting back to something to some of the things we love in life.”
It’s a fine line, and an extremely cautious one, between encouraging vaccination and over-relaxing restrictions.
Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert and a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, thinks the new guidance is a “great” first step.
“These are excellent, thoughtful guidelines. And people are going to try to apply them to their specific circumstances,” he said. “They have been eagerly awaited by many people who, having been vaccinated, would like to expand what it is that they’ve been doing.”
Schaffner however adds that he would encourage people “to think about who the unvaccinated people are and what’s been their behavior, day in and day out, before they visit the grandparents.” He is concerned that even though the vaccines are very effective, older people who often have comorbidities may still be vulnerable to infection by a particularly social relative.
Tara Kirk Sell, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said the guidance strikes the right note.
“I think the guidelines are in a good middle ground,” she said. “We’re starting to go back to normal now, but it’s not going to be flipping a switch… We will make that journey towards normalcy, or at least a new normal, as more people get vaccinated.”
Expect changes
Walensky said this guidance isn’t set in stone. “It’s important to note that this is initial guidance. The science of Covid-19 is complex and our understanding of the virus continues to rapidly evolve. The recommendations issued today are just a first step as more people get vaccinated and the science and evidence expands. And as the disease dynamics of this country change, we will continue to update this guidance,” she said.
Andy Slavitt, a senior adviser on the Biden administration’s Covid-19 team, told me that the guidance on what vaccinated people can and cannot do is tied directly to vaccination rates. “The rate at which new guidance will develop is directly related to how quickly we vaccinate the country. This is the key point. At 10% vaccinations we have this guidance. At 20-30%, we will have new guidance,” he said, noting that there’s going to be a distinct shift in the messaging of what people can and cannot do — moving away from more binary messaging to one that describes activities as a range of low, medium and high risk.
Dark clouds on the horizon?
Even as Walensky delivered the hopeful new guidance, she also noted the country still stands at a seven-day average of about 59,000 new cases of Covid-19 per day — a rate that has leveled off somewhat, instead of continuing to steadily decline. And there are close to 2,000 deaths per day. So, she and other experts warn, any easing of restrictions is going to have to be gradual.
During a virtual speech at the National League of Cities Conference — an event that immediately followed the White House briefing to announce the new CDC guidance — Walensky warned, “There is so much that’s critical riding on the next two months; how quickly we will vaccinate, versus whether we will have another surge, really relies on what happens in March and April.”
She said she hopes local leaders will do what they can to encourage people to wear masks and keep good physical distance from each other, as well as encourage people to get vaccinated.
But Walensky’s remarks came at a time when several states are expanding business capacity and lifting or preparing to lift mandates for people to wear masks, including Texas and Mississippi this week.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, added that the country urgently needs to get ahead of the variants, some of which are more easily transmissible and encouraged people “not to pull back on public health measures prematurely.”
“In other words, listen to the recommendations of the CDC regarding mitigation methods, wearing of masks, physical distancing,” Fauci said, during the same National League of Cities event Walensky spoke at. “Listen to what their recommendations are.”
Schaffner also thinks the country is at a “dicey point” now. “While we’re vaccinating … there is a desire to immediately throw off [restrictions], but we are not at ‘mission accomplished’ yet. So we have to hang in there a little longer,” he said.
Despite the potential of dark clouds gathering on the horizon, I can’t help but feel hopeful about the new CDC guidance and the direction our country is moving in with our vaccination efforts. I believe we can get to a place of “back to normal” sooner rather than later, especially if we can stay the course and make sure we’re all as safe as can be — not just those who’ve gotten their shots.
So where does that leave my family reunion plan? Unless my parents make the long drive to see us, we are going to hold off on a visit for now. With more than 2 million people getting vaccinated a day, however, another 20% of the country could be vaccinated by the end of the month. And, that will probably lead to a further relaxing of CDC guidelines and maybe allow my parents a plane ride instead, which means a possible visit to celebrate their wedding anniversary this spring!
Appradab Health’s Andrea Kane contributed to this report.
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A Once And Future Thing (2/7)
Notes: Sorry this took so long! I struggled a bit. It’s been a trying week, ladies and gents. Anyway, it’s up and the next chapter might not be until Monday unfortunately. Anyway, thanks to @welllpthisishappening, @peglegsjones and @cynmoon for being awesome and looking this over! Cheers! Summary: Beth’s quest for vengeance against her boyfriend’s killer goes a bit haywire when she and her former best friend Jim Hawkins are sent into thirty years into the past. Now, they must figure out how to find a way back to the future without wrecking the first meeting between Beth’s parents, Emma Swan and Killian Jones.  Rating: T+ Chapters: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Epilogue  Word Count: 5,700+
“So those are your parents?” Jim whispered to her quietly as they trekked behind Mulan.
“Yes,” Beth answered tersely, not wanting to discuss the matter more than she had to.
“That’s your mother in the red? The blonde?”
Jim didn’t seem to understand that she wasn’t in the mood to have this conversation nor how dangerous it was. She didn’t want to think of what would happen if they were overheard. If Beth had felt like losing her balance, she would have attempted to kick him.
“Yes,” Beth bit out.
“And that’s Captain Hook? Your father?”
“I think this has already been established, Jim,” Beth replied through gritted teeth.
“And those two actually get married?” Jim continued as if he hadn’t heard her.
“In three and a half years’ time, yes.”
“And they’re true love?”
If her hands hadn’t been bound, she would have thrown them up in defeat. She honestly didn’t understand why he felt the need to reiterate all of this.
“Yes,” Beth sighed in defeat. “Confirmed multiple times over the course of the thirty years, some in grizzly and disgusting ways. Or else I wouldn’t be magical or some shit.”
“And they actually produced four children? Really? Them?”
“Seriously what is the point of this line of questioning? You already know all of this!” Beth hissed.
“Huh.” After all of his questioning, his grunt was a bit anticlimactic.
Beth gave him a sour look.
“Huh? That’s all you can say? Huh?”
“Well, yeah, it’s kinda hard to believe, but I can see it. I mean you look startlingly like your mother but with your father’s coloring and a bit thinner and a bit taller. I mean, the hair difference kinda throws it off and perhaps the cosmetics too, but I’m surprised they aren’t at least somewhat suspicious. The name that you threw up there doesn’t help matters. Emma Swan? Elizabeth Swann? Not your finest hour, love.”
“Fuck you, Jim,” Beth replied, but it sounded more tired than pissed off.
Jim chuckled ruefully and this time they were overheard by Mulan who looked back at them to give them a dirty look.
“What’s so funny?” She asked, narrowing her eyes at them.
“Nothing,” Jim replied smoothly. “Just passing the time with a few light jokes, which my partner here doesn’t seem to appreciate.”
“That’s because you can’t tell a joke to save your life,” Beth replied dryly.
“Let’s keep the jokes to a minimum then,” Mulan replied unimpressed.
A silence fell between them as they kept hiking through the woods. It was a hassle to walk with her hands tied in front of her and Beth was almost embarrassed by the amount of times she nearly fell. She was used to walking across decks during the rockiest of seas and during harsh squalls, yet being pulled by her hands had her veering every which way like a drunk monkey.
She glanced over at Jim to see how he was faring and she was surprised to see that his shoulders were shaking in silent laughter. He looked horribly amused more than anything. Beth stared at him in disbelief.
“What the fuck is so funny?” she hissed quietly, not wanting to catch Mulan’s attention again.
“I’ve imagined meeting your parents a thousand ways, love, but this…I never could have foreseen this.”
Beth blinked.
“You imagined meeting my parents?” she asked in disbelief.
Jim’s amusement immediately faded away and was replaced by an expression that Beth could only describe as extremely hurt.
“We’ve been friends for nearly three years, Kid, I would assume that would warrant at least meeting your parents at some point. I mean, you’ve met mine,” he replied with a small shrug.
“I’ve met Long John Silver,” Beth corrected, eyes cutting to his.
“And he’s the closest thing I have to a parent,” Jim responded automatically. “I certainly don’t remember Leland Hawkins, he died before I left the cradle. My mother died when I was at sea the first time with Silver when I was thirteen, so yeah, you’ve met my only living parent. I figured you would do the same courtesy since Will met them and all. I’ve known you longer than Will did.”
“Will was different though,” Beth said quietly.
“As in you were planning on settling down and having 2.5 kids with Will,” Jim concluded. “I didn’t realize that you had your sights set on being a queen. I never pegged you as one for domesticity.”
Beth stopped in her tracks, completely shocked by his words. They cut through her as sharp as any knife and they hurt more than she ever imagined, especially coming from Jim who had always been her pillar even when she never asked him to be. Her halt in movement was ill conceived however because she was almost immediately dragged forward by Mulan and sent crashing face first into the dirt. Beth coughed as she unwillingly ate grass, glaring up at Jim.
“What is your problem?” Mulan hissed, turning around.
“I tripped on a root,” Beth lied smoothly. “It’s hard to balance when your hands are in front of you.”
Mulan picked her up roughly, but made no move to help her aside from that. She merely gave Beth a cold look before she turned back to keep up pace with Aurora, Emma and Snow White.
“Next time, watch where you’re stepping,” she called over her shoulder.
“Beth…” Jim looked at her in concern.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now,” Beth replied, not looking at him. “You had no right to say that.”
“That doesn’t make it any less true,” Jim muttered under his breath and Beth was almost certain he hadn’t intended for her to hear that.
Silence fell between them and Beth took this time to study the man and woman ahead them who would someday be her parents. It was strange seeing them so young and so distant from one another. Beth knew logically that the Emma Swan and the Killian Jones of this timeframe were nothing more than strangers, but her heart ached. They were always a united front all of her life; there wasn’t a damn thing that they didn’t tackle together even if they disagreed. And if they weren’t united in action, more often than not, they were always in each other’s space. Beth couldn’t picture her parents without them touching each other in some shape or form; her mother had a habit of running her fingers against the shorthairs on his neck or rubbing her thumbs against his collarbone. Her father, on the other hand, had always favored tangling his wife’s hair between his fingers or playing with her hands. Even when they sat together, they touched; Beth’s mother enjoyed placing her feet in her father’s lap on the couch or hooking her leg around his at the dinner table. This Emma of this era was not nearly so tactile, trying to keep a large distance between her and Hook.
These people weren’t her parents. They would be someday, but right now, they were little more than strangers wearing their faces. The more Beth realized this, the more she wanted to leave.
“I don’t understand this…” she murmured aloud without thinking.
“What don’t you understand?” Jim asked quietly.
“Why would she send us here? To this time period? I don’t get it. It’s not like she’s a fucking Weeping Angel or something,” Beth muttered as a piece of rebellious hair fell in her face. She glared at it and wished nothing more than to be able to tuck it behind her ear but with her hands tied up, she had to resort to blowing at it like a toddler.
Jim was silent for a moment and Beth was almost surprised by it. Normally he liked to have an answer for everything, which was sometimes good and sometimes bad. It was almost fun to pick his brain because it seemed to work on a different wavelength than hers, but at the same time, he could be a horrible know-it-all.
“I have no bleeding idea what a Weeping Angel is, but I think her plan is self-annihilation…or at least that’s my best guess,” Jim said after a few minutes passed.
“Self-annihilation. I’m assuming she sent you here because she knows you’re a goddamn bull in a tea shop and she expects you to wipe out your own existence, which is still a high possibility. One wrong move and that epic ass love story between your parents goes up in smoke. You die by your own hand, wipe yourself from existence and Ardeas lives.”
Beth closed her eyes, sighing heavily. Ardeas was the entire reason she was in the mess she was in. He had tried to assault her in order to get her cache of magic beans and she had responded by chaining him to a rock and dropping him at the bottom of the ocean while he screamed that he was immortal and she would regret this decision. Ardeas was not immortal, but she did come to regret the decision when his mother Circe had taken issue with her son’s death and had made it her mission to make Beth miserable. Considering that Will was dead and she was stuck thirty years in the past, it was fair to say that Circe was succeeding.
“It’s always what it comes down to isn’t it? That I killed him,” Beth responded, licking her chapped lips.
“Pretty much,” Jim said bluntly.
“I suppose that you think I was wrong to do that…” It wouldn’t surprise her if Jim had disagreed with the decision, though he had never made his opinion on it plain before.
“Out of all the idiotic decisions you’ve made in your life, it’s the one I judge the least. He got what he deserved. What you did was justice,” Jim murmured softly.
“And what I’m doing now isn’t?” Beth asked in clarification, raising an eyebrow.
“Nope,” Jim responded simply.
“Nope? That’s all you’re going to say? Just nope? No grand lecture on how you’re right and I’m wrong?” Beth questioned.
“It’s not my job to teach you ethics, Elizabeth,” Jim said impatiently. There was a lot of frustration in his tone and it made Beth bristle. He made her feel like a naughty school child sometimes.
“No, it’s not,” she agreed with some of her own frustration. “You’re not my fucking father.”
Jim made a strangled noise.
“The day that sentence ever comes true in any proverbial or literal form, I would kill myself.”
Beth tried to not to be offended by that.
“Better to kill yourself than to have a daughter like me?”
Jim blinked rapidly and shook his head in disbelief.
“Something like that.”
Another silence fell between them, this one more uncomfortable than the last. Every part of Beth wanted to scream, yell and cry a bit, but she could not. Such an outburst would do nothing for her. She needed to stay calm. She needed to be like Jim; calm, cool, collected and planning each move like she was playing mental chess. Beth hated chess. She had no patience for it. Maybe that was the problem.
“You said that we are at the beanstalk, what did you mean by that?” Jim said quietly, breaking the silence once more.
“Like I said this is my parents’ first meeting,” Beth replied tersely. “Their first adventure was them climbing the beanstalk to get a golden compass.”
“Beth, I need to know more than that. We need to know more than that. We need to keep the original events as intact as possible if we’re going to survive this. You know that, right?”
Beth made a low noise in the back of her throat.
“Of course, I know that. I’m not a fucking moron, so stop treating me like one,” she snapped.
“I know you’re not a moron. Stop getting so offended all the time,” Jim replied tiredly. “In fact, you’re clever as hell when you want to be, but you’re impulsive and this is emotional for you. You’re thinking with your heart and not with your head. We need your head right now. So, what do you know about the beanstalk?”
“All I know is that Mom and Grandma Snow were trying to go back to Storybrooke because they landed here by accident, much like I did three years ago. Anyway, Dad met Mom, Mom didn’t trust Dad but he knew how to get to them back home with a golden compass at the top of a bean stalk. So, despite their differences, they climbed the beanstalk together and got the compass then Mom and Grandma Snow were able to go home. Dad ended up in Storybrooke somehow, but not with them. I don’t really remember. It was their go-to story whenever I had to do a school project with someone I didn’t like.”
“That’s…not entirely helpful,” Jim sighed.
“Well, that’s all I got for you. Sorry,” Beth muttered under her breath.
“I know, I know, it’s just…” Jim let out a small huff.
Beth knew just by the look on his face that if his hands hadn’t been tied in front of him that they would be running through his sandy brown hair. He had a tendency to do that when he was anxious and right now, Jim Hawkins was more than a little anxious.
“It’s just we’re screwed,” Beth finished for him with a sigh of her own.
“You said it, not me,” Jim replied quickly.
“You didn’t have to say it, you were practically telegraphing it. I know your faces, J. I know that you’re privately thinking we’re fucked whenever you scrunch your eyebrows together like that,” Beth sighed.
“Scrunch my eyebrows together?” Jim asked, looking bewildered. “I didn’t realize I did that.”
“Well, you do,” Beth replied. “Like this.”
She furrowed her brows together purposely and set her lips into a deep frown, copying his expression. Jim’s eyebrows rose as he studied her and his mouth opened, making him look like a gaping fish.
“I do not look like that,” he said with a shake of his head.
“You totally do,” Beth responded, trying to keep from snickering.
“If you two don’t shut up soon, we’re going to separate you,” Mulan called from in front of them, rearing back to glare at them.
“I feel like I’m in grade school again,” Beth muttered under her breath.
“They bound you and dragged you in grade school?” Jim asked in disbelief.
“No, but me and my friend Sylvie were constantly being yelled at to shut up,” Beth replied with a small chuckle.
“Ah. That I can believe,” Jim grinned. “You are a bit on the loquacious side, love.”
“Are you calling me a Chatty Kathy, Hawkins?” Beth asked in amusement.
“A chatty what?” He looked confused.
“That’s it!” Mulan fumed, stopping and turning around. She jerked the rope, causing both Beth and Jim to stumble a bit. “Emma! Snow! Stop, we’re doing a prisoner switch because these two can’t stop plotting together.”
“We weren’t plotting,” Beth responded with a roll of her eyes. “Believe me, neither of us can plot to save our lives. Our battle plans last like two seconds. We’re more the make-it-up-as-we-go-along type.”
“I honestly don’t care, you’re just annoying me,” Mulan responded with her own eye roll. “You’re definitely going up front. You’ve got a mouth on you and I don’t appreciate it.”
“Really?” Beth smirked. “Most people do.”
Jim groaned beside her.
“You really couldn’t keep that one to yourself, could you?” he asked with a shake of his head.
“You know me too well,” Beth replied cheekily.
“I’m so not dealing with this anymore,” Mulan growls before shoving her rope at Emma. “You deal with her.”
“You’re seriously making me deal with Captain Flirt and Little Miss Flirt as a collective?” Emma groaned. “They’re just going to be flirting the entire time and it’s going to be gross.”
“Trust me, you don’t have to worry about that with him,” Beth muttered under her breath.
“You wound me, Black Swan,” Hook grinned, leering at her.
“Black Swan? Where the fuck did you get Black Swan?” Beth asked with a raise of her eyebrows.
“Well, you’re a Swan and she’s a Swan,” Hook said, tilting his head towards Emma. “She’s the Gold Swan because of her gorgeous blonde locks and you’re the Black Swan because of your own beautiful black hair. Being between the two of you lovelies…well, that’s just every man’s fantasy.”
Beth pulled a face and looked to Jim for support, but found her companion was biting his lip to keep from busting a gut. She glared at him. Nothing about this situation was funny. It was gross; so gross that not even Game of Thrones would touch it. Or maybe they would. The jury was still out on that one.
“If you let me out of this bind, I will beat him for you,” Beth remarked to Emma with pursed lips.
“Tempting, but no,” Emma remarked. “We need him. You, on the other hand, are expendable so I would be on my best behavior.”
Beth sighed. She had the strong urge to scream again.
“Don’t worry, love, I’ll wear you down, both you and the other gorgeous Swan,” Hook smirked.
“Keep dreaming,” Beth bit with a roll of her eyes.
“Now that’s something you don’t have worry about,” Hook winked.
Beth blanched, but said nothing. She didn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire. She couldn’t help but wonder how her father would react to see his younger self acting so aggressively flirtatious with his own daughter; knowing him, he would probably be mortified and run himself through with his sword.
They moved forward again, this time with Beth walking next to Hook instead of Jim. She tried not to look at him, but she couldn’t help herself. It was so strange to see him look so young. Her father had always been a handsome man, but as long as Beth could remember her father had silver hair, noticeable laugh lines and crow’s feet. Her father was a man that smiled with both his lips and his eyes and was full of warmth.
This man smirked but his eyes had a hardness to them that Beth had never experienced before. It made her feel cold. On top of that, she felt more like she was staring at shorter and skinnier version of her brother than her father. She always knew that Harrison had an eerie resemblance to him, but she never really saw it until now. Though Harrison was not one for leather nor did he swagger, not like Hook. It was just a strange experience.
“You said you were a pirate,” Hook said after a moment.
“I am,” Beth confirmed, trying to keep her answers short.
He snorted in disbelief. Beth nearly gaped at the sound.
“You don’t believe me?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
Hook smirked at him, his eyes slowly taking in her form. It made her skin crawl. No father should look at their daughter like that. Ever.
“Well, you look the part, but there’s more to it than that,” Hook replied, licking his lips. “I think you believe you’re a pirate, but you strike me as more as some rich noble’s spoiled daughter who is rebelling against Daddy in hopes he’ll pay attention to you.”
Beth’s nostrils flared.
“Is that what you think?” she asked tightly.
“You’re too well-bred and too demanding to be anything else, love,” he smirked.
“You think I’m well-bred? My mother would heartily disagree with you,” Beth replied tersely. “And too demanding? You wouldn’t say that if I was a man.”
“If you were a man, I would say you’re an ass,” Hook replied. “Take it as a compliment, love. I like demanding women. They know what they want and they don’t keep you guessing.”
“If my hands weren’t bound, I would run you through,” Beth responded. “You know nothing.”
“No,” he agreed. “Not yet, but I’ll learn. You wear your emotions on your sleeve. Makes you a bit of an open book.”
Beth nearly stopped at his words.
“Fuck you,” she spat.
“I’m delighted with the offer, love, but a man likes to be wooed,” Hook responded easily.
She made a noise of frustration. Beth honestly couldn’t believe how much of an asshole he was. She couldn’t believe this infuriating man would someday be her father; the man who was patient and taught her how to fight, tucked her in at night with a gentle kiss and sometimes even braided her hair. She saw nothing of that man in this one. It made her heart sink more into her chest.
“Given up already, love?” Hook taunted. “That doesn’t seem like you.”
“You don’t know me,” Beth replied snappishly.
“I’m starting to. Like I said, open book,” Hook replied easily. “Shall I prove it?”
“Something tells me that you’re going to anyway,” she replied dryly.
“Quite right,” he grinned. “Like I said, you’re wealthy. Lived well. Well-bred and used to people following your orders. You like being in charge, but you also crave danger. Hence the interest in piracy and your current…risky business. Though you’ve got some steel to you. You’re not a fragile flower or you would be complaining about the rope burns by now.”
Beth couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.
“What’s so funny?” Hook asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Steel,” she mused aloud without much thinking. “Dad says that too. He says that I was born with stars in my eyes, steel in my bones and the sea in my veins.”
“I’m guessing dear sweet Daddy is a merchant sailor?”
Beth couldn’t help it; she laughed heartily at that, amusement dancing in her eyes. Merchant sailor? Beth couldn’t imagine the man in front of her nor her father being happy with that descriptor.
“No. Not at all,” Beth snickered. “My old man was a pirate. My mother could be considered noble though, I guess. But my old man would be insulted to be called that.”
Her own mother would have been insulted by the descriptor as well, but regardless of how she felt about, Emma Swan was technically a noble considering she was born a princess.
“Hence the desire for piracy, then. I was right, a Daddy’s Girl. A pirate absconding himself a noble lady. He must be the quite the legend,” Hook mused.
“He is in his own mind,” Beth snorted.
“Your father suffers from delusions of grandeur?”
“Some would say so…” she snickered, licking her own chapped lips as she smirked.
“As entertaining as this conversation has been,” Emma said dryly, turning back to look at him. “I need Hook.”
“I knew you would warm up to me, love,” Hook smirked, arching a rakish eyebrow. “How do you want me?”
Beth was used to her father flirting with her mother. Normally she gave as good as she got and her younger brother Neddy would pretend to gag, causing them all to laugh. However, this Emma Swan was unmoved and unimpressed. She didn’t smile, just huffed in impatience.
“Cut the crap,” Emma said shortly. “Are we going in the right direction or not? How far are we from the compass?”
“We’re going in the right direction, so don’t you worry, love,” Hook replied easily. “We are just a few hours walk.”
“A few hours walk,” Emma repeats. “How much are we talking?”
“Judging by our pace, another five or six hours, give or take,” he said with a small frown.
“Five or six hours? How the hell do you know where we’re going then!” Emma demanded, looking more and more irritated.
“Don’t insult me, Swan,” Hook replied with a scoff. “I’m a seafaring man. I know my sense of direction. The compass is north. And north is that way!”
Hook pointed in the direction in front of them with his bound hands.
“And how do you know that?” Emma hissed. “It’s not like you have a GPS.”
“GPS?” Hook looked bewildered.
“He knows because every moron knows that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,” Beth replied with a roll of her eyes. She gestured towards the sky with her head. “It’s late and the sun is in that direction. That’s west. He’s right, we’re going north.”
“I didn’t ask you,” Emma snapped.
“No, but that’s the answer nonetheless,” Beth replied with a snort.
“We should make camp here for the night…” Snow White said, breaking the tension between the three of them. “Sun is setting in maybe an hour or so. Walking in the dark is a bad idea. Best to continue this tomorrow.”
“Here? Really?” Emma asked, raising her eyebrow at her mother.
“Why not?” Snow White replied with a shrug. “I mean, it’s not the best place to camp but it’s also not the worst.”
Emma let out a heavy sigh before handing the ropes off to Snow White and pulling out her sword. She paused only to give Hook and Beth a dirty look.
“Watch them, I’ll make sure the area is secure and we haven’t been followed,” Emma commanded, scanning their surroundings and pressing her sword through the bushes.
“You think Cora’s following us?” Snow White questioned.
“Possibly. Probably not, but you never know, maybe Will Turner is,” Emma replied almost jokingly.
Beth stiffened at her words; her heart aching in her chest. She was a fucking idiot. She should have chosen a different name. She hadn’t been thinking about the Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner romance when she had made the Keira Knightly character her chosen alias. It had been in oversight of epic proportions.  
Emma immediately noticed her reaction and her joking demeanor grew more serious.
“So there’s a Will Turner then.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement.
At one point in Beth’s life, she had an excellent poker face. However, it appeared that was no longer the case. Another unwelcome change in her life since Will’s passing.
“Will Turner?” Snow White questioned, brows furrowed.
“Will Turner,” Emma repeated, and it felt like another knife to Beth’s gut. “The epic trio slash love triangle of Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner in the movies. I wasn’t certain there was one, but her face says it all.”
Beth closed her eyes. She didn’t them open to know that Emma was gesturing to her. She swallowed sharply. If her skin felt like it had been crawling when Hook had looked at her, it now felt like it was running off her bones.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” Emma asked, nudging Beth’s shoulder with her blade.
“He’s not here,” Beth said roughly.
“I find that hard to believe,” Emma snorted. “If your relationship is anything like the movies, he wouldn’t let you out of his sight.”
“That was true once upon a time,” Beth replied, biting her lip and opening her eyes. She stared her would-be mother in the eye. “But that’s no longer possible.”
“Why?” Emma asked, her voice demanding.
“Because he’s dead,” Beth snapped. Despite trying to keep her composure, all the anger and all the pain came out.
The eye contact between them was long and uncomfortable especially when Beth wanted nothing more than to scream. Whatever Emma saw in her, Beth didn’t know, but she gave her a quiet stiff nod. She put her sword back in its sheath.
Out of the corner of her eye, Beth could see Hook looking at her strangely. She straightened her back, making a point not to look at him or anyone. She couldn’t handle it right now. She felt like a livewire, vulnerable and raw.
“If we’re going to stay here tonight, we’re going to need to secure them,” Emma said, gesturing to Hook, Beth and Jim. “Tie them to the tree or something.”
“I’ll take care of them,” Mulan said, jerking Jim forward with his rope. “I’ll secure him. Then the girl and then Hook, if Snow will assist.”
“I have no problem with that,” Snow White replied, looking at Beth and Hook out of the corner of her eye distastefully.
Beth was used to her grandmother looking at her in disappointment or exasperation. They never really clicked. Snow’s idea of bonding was shopping for frilly dresses, having heartfelt conversations and talking about how to style Beth’s hair. Beth preferred talking about sword techniques, trying to climb up trees one-handed and out drinking her “cousins.” They loved each other, they just weren’t close. In all of Beth’s years, her grandmother had never looked at her like she was something distasteful like she was right now. It made her feel even more hollow.
“What can I do?” Aurora asked.
“Sit and be quiet,” Emma replied with little patience.
“But I want to help!” Aurora insisted and the whiny tone in her voice gritted on Beth’s nerves.
“Then collect firewood,” Snow White said in a cool and patient tone.
“Just collect firewood?” Aurora asked, slightly offended with being given such a menial task.
“Aurora, just do it,” Emma snapped.
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Mulan hissed at Emma, eyes flashing.
“We don’t have time to coddle her. We need to get settled so we get moving quicker. I want that compass and to get back to my son. Nothing else. I’m not here to play nice,” Emma replied, narrowing her eyes at Mulan.
“How much do you want to bet that we could take the lot of them, love?” Hook’s voice murmured in Beth’s ear.
Beth nearly jumped out of her skin. She didn’t realize he was that close to her. It was unnerving that he had managed to get this far into her personal space without her notice. For the time during this entire insane experience, she felt genuinely wary of him.
“It’s three trained swords against one trained sword, a bowman and two unskilled women is good odds,” she muttered back. “But I’m not staging a break away. That’s not my game here.”
“We don’t need the navy man, love,” Hook whispered. “Just you and me. The princess is more of a burden than help to them. The brunette seems feisty but soft. The other Swan, while gorgeous, isn’t familiar with a sword as you cleverly pointed out earlier. The warrior is the tricky one, but we could manage.”
“In a hypothetical situation, sure,” she responded. “I’m not leaving him. I can’t leave him. He wouldn’t leave me. Not now. Not ever. Even though he should. And I’m not doing this. So, forget it.”
“What if I told you I could bring you to a treasure unlike your wildest dreams? A true giant’s horde, we’re talking. I think we could make quite the team, love. I think you’d find me a better and more exciting companion that big, tall and boring back there. What do you say?” he replied, stepping closer into her space.
Beth took a step back, glaring at him.
“I would say that you have no idea just how big my wildest dreams are,” she said firmly. “And no. It’s not happening, Hook. Besides, I thought you didn’t think I was a real pirate. What did you call me? A rich noble’s daughter rebelling against her father in hopes he would look at her?”
“I misjudged you,” Hook admitted.
“You could be misjudging me now,” she responded, turning away to watch Mulan tie up Jim. He wasn’t focused on his captor at all, but watching Beth and Hook warily.
“No…I don’t think so. Just answer me this…How did he die? Your Will?”
Beth sucked on her teeth at the question. If her hands hadn’t been tied, she would have punched him.
“Swann? How did he die?” Hook asked again, more insisted.
Beth let in a heavy breath, debating in her head whether or not she should answer him. His bound hands nudged at her side. He wouldn’t let himself be ignored. She hated him for it, but it was typical of her father. He refused to let her be if he knew she was upset. This man wasn’t her father though, not yet.
“He was killed. A spell meant for me killed him,” she monotonously.
“His killer?”
“She breathes…for now,” she whispered.
“You don’t want treasure. You want revenge,” Hook said softly, looking at her with sudden understanding. She wanted to hit him even more for it.
“I want justice,” she said firmly.
“Sometimes they’re the same thing, love.”
Beth didn’t get a chance to respond as Mulan somehow materialized at her side and jerked her towards a tree adjacent from where Jim was situated. She winced slightly as she was pushed roughly against the tree.
“You think you would be a bit more thoughtful considering that we willingly surrendered,” Beth muttered under her breath.
“Maybe, but I don’t like you,” Mulan responded easily.
Beth rolled her eyes, but said nothing. She watched as Aurora carelessly tossed sticks into the middle of the camp. She nearly snorted. It reminded her of the time they went camping and Neddy pouted constantly at being handed small tasks because he wasn’t as “big” as the rest of them. The thought of Neddy made her heart yearn for home, her real home. She wanted her mother to run her fingers through her hair and unknot the tangles. She wanted her father to cuddle her and whisper a story that she had heard a million times before. She wanted Harrison playing his guitar and singing to her something off a Jimi Hendrix album and Wes to crack a snarky joke while Neddy placed a whoopee cushion under someone’s chair.
Most of all she wanted Will and his radiant smile; the one that took up his entire face and made the corners of his eyes crinkle. She wanted to hear the laugh of pure joy he made that one time after they swam in the ocean naked during a warm afternoon on his family’s private beach. She wanted his kisses that were like a rip tide; taking you by surprise and pulling you in before you even had the chance to comprehend how it happened. But Will was gone and he wasn’t coming back.
And if she didn’t think fast, she wouldn’t get back to her family. Her real family. Not these people who were, but weren’t because those events hadn’t happened to them yet.
“Beth…” Jim called softly. “Are you okay?”
And for the first time in six months, Beth answered that question honestly. Whether it was because it was Jim, who had always been her rock and seen her at her lowest, asked or if she answered without truly thinking about it for once, she didn’t know. However, there something both liberating and almost physically painful about it.
“No. I’m not.”
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otc-dramaturgy · 7 years
Miranda Monday
This might be the best blog post I make this year, because it highlights the work of one of the hardest working people at Olney Theatre Center, Kate Brittingham, our Props Master, as well as the incredible work of Props Apprentice Grisele Gonzales (G-money, as she is known around these parts) and scenic artist Fred Via. Today, on our second design feature, we’re talking all about props.
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Now, I don’t know if you all know this, but there are a lot of props in In the Heights, which Kate and Grisele were working on simultaneously to all three National Players shows. I don’t think either of these women slept for the first few weeks I was here. I had the opportunity to walk the set with Kate and Grisele and hear them talk about the hard work that went into things, as well as some Easter Eggs you might miss. (I’ve broken down the next bit into sections with hopefully clever titles for ease of reading)
"When You’re Home:” A Look at the Apartments
Our set, as featured on last week’s Miranda Monday post, has a second story, in which several apartments and fire escapes are fully functional. At the first rehearsal onstage, Kate and the other designers realized that, from our mezzanine, you can see inside the windows of said apartments, even with curtains. So Kate decided to fully furnish both of these two living rooms. 
The stage right apartment is described as being for a “mid-century young artist.” This person is traveled, as seen by the Chinese dragon on their wall, as well as the books inside their table (see below). Their artistic style is Cubism, as seen by the reproduction of a Picasso painting on their easel. 
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The stage left apartment belongs to “an old Brazilian man.” He has a Brazilian flag hanging on the wall, next to a picture of Jesus, because he likes to “keep God and country close.” There are cigarettes in his ash tray and the photo on the table is of his family on the beach. My personal favorite touch is the monkey with cymbals who lives underneath the ash tray. (I’m led to believe, by this description, that the Cosmo on the coffee table belongs to the actress who uses this fire escape, rather than the fictional character Kate created, but maybe he has a penchant for sex quizzes, I don’t know, I don’t judge him)
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More seen by the audience is the apartment of the Rosario family, featured in the party scene. This apartment, which coincidentally is right above Rosario’s Car Service (they have the same curtains), shows off the pride Kevin and Camila have for Nina: her Stanford acceptance letter and high school diploma hang on the wall, prominently displayed. Also on the wall are pictures of their extended family (these pictures are in fact of Grisele’s own family) and a lighthouse from the city they lived in before they moved to the United States (I didn’t get a picture of this, but you can see the frame on the edge of the first picture). 
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Another small nugget that is hard to see from the audience are the mailboxes in Abuela Claudia’s building. Of course, Abuela lives there, but so do the five members of the creative team, Robin de Jesús, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Kate Brittingham, her sister, and Josiane Jones, our Associate Production Manager/ Company Manager. Unfortunately, these people are all living without air conditioning; a box fan is placed in a window. Perhaps this is why Abuela starts her song by saying, “Calor! Calor! Calor!” (translation: “Hot! Hot! Hot!”). 
Several of the apartments onstage are also for rent, as shown by the “Se renta” signs in the window; these buildings are owned by Latinx landlords, rather than Uptown Investments, who is buying up the block, as seen by the influx of their flyers across the block. 
Stage Business: Working in the Barrio
There are three businesses onstage: Usnavi’s bodega, Daniela’s salon, and Kevin’s car service. Each of these is filled with Easter eggs of their own.
The bodega, for instance, is fully stocked with products, both empty and full, that were provided by the cast, crew, apprentices, etc. The cigarettes on the shelves, for instance, are empty cartons from three different employees, who were having a competition to see who could provide more. One of those same packs of cigarettes is actually full, but sealed shut, because it was accidentally left onstage. Ironically enough, there is an advertisement for Newports on the wall, but there are no Newports available in the store. The baked goods on the top shelf were provided by our finance office, who always have snacks available. Kate, upon watching the invited dress rehearsal, realized that Usnavi talks about Abuela Claudia loving glass Coke bottles, so she bought some to make sure the bodega was stocked with them.
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The fridge in the corner of the bodega is the old concessions fridge from our Lab Theatre. The cash register, which is fully functional, was borrowed from Signature Theatre. The Slushie Machine and the Pepsi Machine, due to space limitations, couldn’t be fully realized; instead, there are simply wall decals. 
The salon has a sign that says “Cash only,” with a sign directly underneath that says “American Express.” The mirrors inside had to be frosted because of the lights (and because the actresses in the salon kept looking at themselves during scenes). Daniela’s is closed on Wednesdays because the 4th of July, when the salon officially closes, would have been a Wednesday in 2005 (when we had initially discussed setting this show, though we’ve since updated it to 2008). 
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Rosario’s Car Service has similar hidden gems. The mail, for instance, is printed and addressed to the Rosarios. The mic, which was bought for $9 on eBay, is actually fully functional, much to Kate’s surprise; this is highlighted in “Benny’s Dispatch.” There are papers on the board detailing shift schedules, as well as notes, etc. 
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Paciencia y Fur: A Story in Animals
There are three birds on the set of In the Heights, one of which migrates during intermission. The first of these birds lives on top of the lamp post near upstage center. The second of these birds lives in a “New York” bird’s nest (a bird’s nest made of trash and all sorts of things that don’t belong in a bird’s nest) on a stage left fire escape. The final of these birds, nicknamed Sketch, was backstage when I visited him; he lives on the trashcan near upstage center, but flies away during the riots at the end of the first act. Scenic artist Fred Via really brought these birds to life by adding bird poop on the fire escapes. 
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(Yep, that’s me and Sketch hanging out in front of an Uptown Investments flyer)
There is a cat in the bodega, named Fe (as in Paciencia y Fe), who similarly flees during the riot. Fe is electronic and therefore moves at several points during the show. There was a Paciencia, but Marcos Santana, our director, decided that she was “too clean,” saying that she was “an upper East Side Cat.” (Ironically enough, Kate didn’t buy Fe. She was looking at electronic cats on eBay, but didn’t purchase it. Then, several days later, Fe showed up at her door.)
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There are also four rats in the sewer. The sewer is in no visible from the audience; there is a grate onstage where subway lights and steam emerge from, but there is no direct line into it. However, if you come to the edge of the stage, you can look in and see one rat sitting atop the hazer, with three rats near him. Kate says, “They are having a meeting to conspire against us all.” 
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Also featured on the set are two dogs. No, not real dogs, that’s happening in Annie, don’t get ahead of yourselves now. There are lost dog posters hanging throughout the set: one of these features Kate’s dog, Penny Lane, and the other features the recently-deceased dog of Marcos Santana and Nova Bergeron, our assistant director. 
“She sang the praises of things we ignore:” Other Odds and Ends
There are plenty of other things to note about Kate’s amazing prop work:
- In New York, it is illegal to put plants on fire escapes. Marcos asked Kate for “illegal” plants and she said, “Like marijuana?” Four of these plants can be seen in the show.
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- The payphone, which is owned by Olney Theatre Center and has been borrowed by many of the local theatres, is the only push button payphone prop that Kate knows of in the D.C. theatre scene. There is a quarter in this payphone during the show, but it gets stolen by an ensemble member. 
- There are posters onstage for a Dia De Los Muertos event; in the club scene, the eyes on these posters glow.
- The garbage cans onstage normally live outside, in the Bank of America Plaza at Olney Theatre Center
- We set this in 2008, which allows us to use smartphones; the first iPhone came out in 2007.
- The fire hydrant, which is from Traverse City, Michigan, was originally yellow, but Kate painted it black, per Milagros Ponce de Leon’s research; the rusting effect was added by Fred. 
- There are a huge number of flags used in the show: three from the Dominican Republic, one from Puerto Rico, one from Mexico, one from Brazilian, and one from Cuba. Kate provided stage management a “How to fold this flag” guide, to ensure that we are being respectful. The Puerto Rican flag was the hardest to find, because the flag commonly sold in the United States is the wrong shade of blue. These “wrong” flags use the same shade of blue as the American flag, but it’s actually much lighter. The Puerto Rican flag painted on the Piragua cart is the correct shade of blue as well. 
- Speaking of the Piragua cart, there’s a rumor that Marcos said it’s better than the one used in the Broadway production. 
- Two Baby Ruth bars have disappeared from the shelves in the bodega... 
- Fred Via deserves another shout out; his attention to detail is massive. For instance, he painted all the graffiti seen onstage, as well as the “Yo <3 Mi Barrio” on the back wall. His work on dirtying the set, adding dirt to ledges and such and the aforementioned bird poop, shows just how much focus went into this set. 
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Alright, I know that was a long post, but I’m so happy I get to highlight these amazing artists. Come see In the Heights to see everything they and the other designers have done! 
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newstyletours · 6 years
Exploring India on a Royal Enfield motorcycle- part 3
Day ten:
Ooty to Masinagudi.
Today was a bimbling day amongst the mountains. A circular route ending up not too far from Ooty after the mornings ride. We rode down to the plain then back up in to the mountains with plenty of curves and superb scenery over the plains below. Again, as we rose so the temperature dropped a little - at least. The afternoon was completed by visiting the highest mountain viewpoint in the Ghats and riding a route containing thirty six hairpin bends before dropping down in to the Mudmalai wildlife sanctuary, which boasts one of the largest populations of elephants and tigers. Unfortunately we didn't see any elephants or tigers but as usual there were the usual monkeys.
Our hotel for the night was eventually found it being a little way off the beaten track. Small cottages located in a forest clearing overlooking the splendour of the nearby mountains rounded off another good days biking and savouring the delights of India.
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There was plenty of activity in the area with wildlife wardens and police being deployed along the roadside but the parade of honour wasn't for us, it was for the festival taking place at the local temple. Apparently they were walking on hot coals this evening with festivities going on for most of the night. The festival lasts a week and despite our host suggesting it would be worth a visit due to the colourfulness of it all, after a hard day's riding none of us really wanted to jump back on the bikes, so we choice the easy option of sitting and watching the sunset over the mountains.
The evening was rounded off with an authentic meal cooked by locals. Probably one of the best meals of the trip due to its authenticity and aided by mine host giving us a commentary of the contents of the nine or ten dishes. All vegetarian which is a feature of these parts of India but nonetheless delicious.
Day eleven:
Masinagudi to Kozhikode.
There's no wi if here but after a warm nights sleep it was up early to watch the sun rising over the mountains. Just splendid. Another authentic meal for breakfast so we had to try a bit of everything. It was then back on the bikes and we continued our journey through the Mudmalai Wildlife park. After seeing some domesticated working elephants we were able to catch the back end of a wild one amongst the bush. We also spotted some deer, peacocks and Rhesus monkeys. A great ride through some lovely countryside again before dropping in to Kozhikode and back to the hectic traffic before arriving at our hotel for the night.
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Day twelve:
Kozhikode to Kochi.
This was a one hundred mile journey along primarily the main road between two cities. There was nothing glamorous about this ride with temperatures in the high thirties and the usual hustle of the traffic. Stopping off at a town in the main thoroughfare for a drink we caused some attention from the locals. We caught a group looking out of the upstairs window of a shop. Obviously white Europeans aren't a familiar sight in these parts and especially a white European lady riding as pillion on the back of the motorcycle. All in all they're a friendly bunch and several stopped and asked us where we were from and how are we enjoying Kerala. The only excitement about this ride was Paul on the motorcycle in front of us clipping another motorcycle that decided just to turn across his path of travel. He had an escape route by using the rough path to the side of the roadway so we just carried on and no damage done to anyone or anything . He did have a moment a few days earlier in the trip when an overtaking car pulled so close that it clipped his foot as it went past. Despite these incidents taking place we all arrived back at the hotel where we started our trip safe and sound. A well earned beer after a hard day's riding.
Despite the chaotic driving during the course of the trip we have not seen any collisions ourselves but we did pass a Mahindra truck this morning that was parked by the side of the road and had obviously been in a ‘head on’ prior to it being bent quite so badly. Perhaps there is some method after all to driving the Indian way!! We must get one of their Highway Codes but I think we'll be hard pressed to find one. We have passed a number of learner drivers though on our journey. Rather them than me learn to drive in India.
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Resting for a few days back at Kochi what do we think of this part of India. As a country with a billion people it is very hectic wherever you go. There are some quiet parts but there are always people. With the United Kingdom trying to reduce pollution, recycle waste, etc. our efforts are minuscule compared to what is required for India to be anywhere near punching their weight as far as this worldwide issue. There is a lot of education required. Rubbish is just dumped anywhere and everywhere. Plastic imparticularly is a problem. Some beautiful viewpoints out in the countryside are spoilt by just looking down at the pile of plastic and rubbish below. Efforts are being made in the National Parks with signs to take your littler home but it will need a lot more than this.
Accommodation and living standards, especially in the remote country areas, is basic to say the least and sanitation is non existent in these parts. Survival must be an every day challenge and daily chores are obviously collecting water from the nearby water source and collecting wood for fuel. Everyone needs to scratch a living to survive.
Fuel emissions are such that people can be seen riding around with scarves over their faces to reduce the intake of polluted air and policemen directing traffic on street corners have masks over their faces to reduce intake of noxious fumes. Even newish cars belch out black smoke because they are not serviced as they should be and the owners just keep them going until they need some attention.
The people were found to be a friendly bunch wherever we went and white Europeans do cause some attraction but I suppose that is to be expected with not too many travellers to these parts. The locals were always keen to ask where we had come from and wanted to know our names. Why I'm not quite sure!!
We have stayed in generally good quality accommodation but service isn't quite there yet as compared to European standards, albeit that the hotels were generally very comfortable and staff were only too eager to please. A simple task of just paying for our drinks whilst the room was being paid for by our tour leader created some consternation at times, but we eventually got there with a little more explaining.
As a nuclear nation and expected to be the fifth largest economy in the world we'll wait and see on that. A great deal of education and investment in basic services is still required.
As a motorcycling experience we have thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing and visited some great parts of the country. Riding in India is not for the faint hearted and needs some confidence to join the mayhem of the Indian roads. I hope I've captured some video of this during the trip.
Would I come back? Well India is a vast continent and having wanted to visit this particular part my next area to visit would have to be the Himalayan area. We'll see what the future holds.
I hope that you have enjoyed our record of this trip. We await the next adventure. Thanks for reading.
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Sunday ,17th March, 2019.
Whilst spending a couple of days relaxing at our hotel we woke up this morning (Sunday 170319) to this little beauty parked (or should it be moored) across the bay. The Sapphire Princess set off from Singapore on the 10th March and is due in to Southampton on Tuesday 16th April after a thirty eight day cruise. I think that we shall beat it home. It set sail for Dubai last evening.
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Making our way for breakfast we then bumped in to the India Minister for Tourism - Alphons Kannanthanam. It surprising who you bump in to in a lift but if the hotel is good enough for him to stay in then it'll be good enough for us!!
A Sunday morning walk around the streets opposite provided a colourful display of what the vendors had to offer.
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Backwaters in Kerala is a network of 1500 km of canals both manmade and natural, 38 rivers and 5 big lakes extending from one end of Kerala to the other.
Backwaters is one of the major tourism product of Kerala, being unique to the state. Traditionally used as one of the main transportation alleys, today backwaters offer a rejuvenating experience for tourists visiting Kerala. We hired a boat and set off on a day's adventure exploring this beautiful area. Along with the boat came the captain and the cook and as part of the package lunch was provided. A lovely way to spend a day relaxing and enjoying this unique area.
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worldcakecakecake · 7 years
Throwing Cellphones
                            Feliciano gets himself a sugar daddy
          Next update will be available for Monday, May 1st and since I finished the draft page and these next two updates are the last, I can officially say: Last update will be available for Friday, May 5th
                              Warning: This chapter has NSFW
                                                    Chapter 14
The Belmond Copacabana Palace, with a deluxe ocean view room in white prestige and shine that made Feliciano feel like he was entering the room of a high King or Queen. He did well in fitting himself for the trip, in an expensive shirt, pants, shoes and even a jacket, in blues that Ludwig had told him fitted him very nicely and got him smirks and blushes, suitable to the large bed, the separated walls that made this more like a large apartment instead of a hotel room. The couches, the tables, the sculpted walls, all inched to the beautiful balcony windows, the expanse of the ocean for them, of the famous beach, to go down there whenever they wished.
While Ludwig dropped their things on the floor, checking some things on his cellphone and on the room, Feliciano inched to that blue, opening those doors and letting a calming breeze come inside. He headed out, the balcony large, some lounge chairs, an incredible view, active, alive and abundant, tempting him to jump down and join.
After Ludwig was done with some messages concerning his arrival to the Brazilian base, he inched as well, taken by the view as Feliciano, breathing in this new air, the liveliness seeping into him, tempting to join them both into whatever dance these streets would surely offer them. Their gazes met, glowing, beautiful, alone, smiles and laughs that reminded them of the freedom they had here. Yes, here they could come close, wrap their arms around each other and bring their bodies however close they wanted to kiss and sway. Ludwig could let his hands fall and grab on Feliciano however he wanted, and with that realization, he took an instant grasp of his ass. Feliciano jolted, but he giggled in acceptance. Sadly, as much as they would have loved to rid of all their branded clothing, throw them carelessly in whatever available spots of the room, to let themselves fall into whatever surface that could take the intensity of their love making, hunger and curiosity won over and so they headed into the city to take their own helping.
Majestic views, fine dining, great drinks, even dancing that the locals helped them to grasp. The trip started out wonderfully.
  The next morning Ludwig held a large suitcase with all reports and samples tucked inside safely, as ordered and classified as the company had packed it back in Munich. He was to bring this to the Brazilian base and speak with the head leaders, talk about comments and observations in a planned meeting that will surely last hours. Ludwig had warned Feliciano that he would arrive late, but gave him the promise of a dinner in the city once he returned.
He was presented and ready before the mirror, making sure that his collar fitted well and that the suit jacket dropped on him as it should. At one side of the mirror he spotted Feliciano, smirking with fingers upon his lips, eyes tracing his lover and knowing he would never get over Ludwig’s form in a business suit. Ludwig smirked, he couldn’t lie about liking this, but he couldn’t let it temp him.
He turned to Feliciano, who was cladded in only but a bathrobe, opened and exposing the skin he had kissed the night before and that very morning. He eased for a kiss, only a kiss, only a kiss, but Feliciano was biting his lips, laying down, spreading his legs and Ludwig was a fool to fall between them, that supposed ‘simple’ kiss turning into a long and passionate one that even had them moving against the bed, surely ruffling out the pristine of Ludwig’s suit.
“Mmm, no, no, no, no,” Ludwig tried to stop, wanting to stand, move away from that delicious grip of Feliciano’s legs wrapped around his waist. Feliciano only continued to smirk, releasing a giggle, making it harder for Ludwig to slip.
“Daddyyyy,” he whined, trying to thrust himself upon Ludwig’s center, hoping for the prize of an erection.
Ludwig sometimes hated how easily he had basically handed Feliciano all his weaknesses.
One last kiss, one last embrace, and he pried himself off in one push, straitening everything, making sure no erection grew and trying to maintain his mind elsewhere, not in Feliciano laying upon their shared hotel bed, stretching to showcase his body only for him, awaiting for all the heights of pleasure he had there for him to take. Nope, he was leaving, he was definitely leaving before he arrived to the base a mess.
That day Feliciano was alone, he headed off to the beach and stayed there. He lay by a lounge chair, ate, drank, swam of course, took his selfies and pictures, even joined in some football a group was playing. By the late afternoon he decided to return, wanting to wash away sand and any other crustiness from his body. As he tried to rub what he could out from his curls, his eyes spotted a jewelry store, more specifically a Swarovski one, a rain of enchanting jewelry taking its entrance, especially a full one that seemed like a dress of raining cream jewels, a set that consisted of a crown for one’s hair and some to rest on one’s shoulder, arms and chest. He imagined himself in it and didn’t notice as he practically stuck himself to the glass hoping to reach and take it for himself. Then he noticed the price and ran away.
Definitely not, there surely had to be a limit to what Ludwig was willing to waste for jewelry and that was going way over it.
As he took his bath, as Ludwig arrived, succeeded and proud for the finalization of a project, as they went for dinner and drinks, the jewels continued their calling and Feliciano’s eyes met them with longing every time they passed by…and Ludwig noticed it.
  The next three days they went on hikes to watch the best views of the famous peaks of the bay. They also visited beaches, lakes, botanical gardens, parks with monkeys that Feliciano wasted no time to interact with, neighborhoods, a cable-car ride, churches, and of course, going up to meet Christ the redeemer.
A wonderful album came out from this trip and through it Feliciano felt desire to visit more of the American continent.
As he lay with Ludwig that last night, tracing his hair, looking into the promise of his eyes, he really hoped for more trips like this, to cities he never thought he would step on, exploring on and seeing the different ways their love could be presented no matter the countries they visited. He really had to enjoy this night, for the next day it meant a return to Europe, then to Italy without him, more weeks unknowing to their next meeting, to the loneliness of their beds and no adventures of love.
They both woke up the next morning to find out that their flight had been cancelled, instead of groaning, they laughed and giggled together into their holds, excited to be given at least an extra day to remain in their heaven.
“How about we just stay in the balcony?” Feliciano suggested. It was a nice clear day and to be honest he was too exhausted to venture off into the city and leave the comforting luxury of their room.
“All right, how about I go out and get us something for lunch then?” Ludwig decided to offer, laying a kiss on Feliciano’s head.
“Mmm, I want barbecue,” Feliciano sighed, laying himself on Ludwig’s chest, with his charm convincing him to get it. He liked the type they cooked in Rio and he couldn’t get enough of it. “Oh, and Moqueca! And Brigadeiros!” Ludwig chuckled, keeping it to mind, promising with another kiss before he took his wallet and headed out.
While Feliciano waited for his return, he prepared the balcony, setting the chairs and the little table in just the right way, with pillows, blankets, even placing a couple of books for Ludwig to read. He ordered some wine through room service, one from the very country that he had heard his grandfather and Lovino talk about. He used his own money for this one, from his savings combined of what Ludwig gave him monthly as well as what he got from his exhibitions at Munich and Paris.
Yes, he had prepared everything to the romantic scene he wanted, a real final detail to the ending of their getaway. Now all he needed was Ludwig to arrive.
About an hour later, a little too long Feliciano thought since it was meant to only buy lunch, Ludwig finally came in, one hand holding the bag with the food, the other…a Swarovski bag.
He didn’t…he didn’t…he didn’t.
Feliciano was hesitant to near him, still not wanting to believe it…that he even knew. Maybe it was just a small bracelet, perhaps a ring…it couldn’t be that set he hadn’t stopped staring at every time they passed by the store.
Ludwig placed the bag with the food in a near table, the white pristine one with the silver swan and brand name he held it frontal, waiting for Feliciano to reach and take it.
“Um…what is this?” Feliciano finally neared, taking a peek inside and finding a large box…oh no.
“I know you wanted this Feliciano, it was hard to miss when I had to continue pulling you away whenever we passed.”
Maybe he had been so distracted by it he never notice that hold, thinking it was just Ludwig ushering them quicker to their hotel.
“Ludwig…it was almost a thousand reals. I couldn’t have possibly made you buy me jewelry that cost that much.”
“I know, which is why I went out and got it for you anyways.”
Oh god he actually did, Feliciano almost wanted to cry, a shaking that Ludwig came near to, placing a strong hold on his shoulders, nearing to kiss his cheek, let his hands rub on his hips and side.
“I wanted you to have it, I knew it would make you look regal,” he admitted, eyes lost, clearly imagining how those jewels would look upon him.
Feliciano took out the box, slid out the lid, and there it was, the entire set of cream, pink and red jewels, the crown, the sleeve and the necklaces. He almost fainted, but for now he settled with a deep breath, one that raised him to a flutter, that Ludwig felt as he maintained his hold on him. Feliciano reached a hand, feeling the hardened and cold texture, beautiful, real…and for him.
“Can I…can I wear it right now?” Feliciano wondered, wanting to see immediately.
“It’s yours, you can do whatever you want.” Ludwig lay another kiss on his head, moving away to give him the chance to change, heading off to the balcony, liking how Feliciano had prepared it, taking a book and a seat while he waited for his lover to come out from the bathroom.
Feliciano took his long while, wanting everything to be set perfectly, something that would surely impress Ludwig in the ways he wanted.
Ludwig was going through the fifth chapter of his book when Feliciano finally headed out, shy, his arms wrapped around himself and taking scared steps on the tiled floors.
“Um…” Feliciano hoped to get his attention with and Ludwig instantly raised his eyes, the book unimportant, his drink, even the nice breeze that blew.
Feliciano came out with nothing, absolutely nothing but the jewels he just bought him. Ludwig headed inside, closing the curtains behind him, afraid that someone would spot this treasure, this angel, this opportune moment that Ludwig selfishly only wanted for himself.
The colors fitted him perfectly, like they sprouted from him as if it was natural, as if it was meant to. The crown blended well on his hair, and the ones that fell down to the side of his face or even frontal did so in align without causing discomfort. It made it look like the amber of his eyes was another jewel, making the form of his face immaculate, to fit along with his slender and full form where the rest of the jewels rested. The ones on his chest and on his arms fitted like sleeves, seeming to be attached with splendor like he was the main diamond in a hidden cave. Ludwig could only stare and Feliciano reddened, not knowing that the way his hands rubbed nervously on himself only enticed Ludwig more.
“Do you…like it?” He wondered only to be answered with silence, for Ludwig was still hypnotized, not daring to look at anything else afraid that he would lose another sensual movement. “Um…Ludwig?”
The mentioning of his name was the only thing that awakened him, that made him aware, nervous just as the first day they had met. “Oh…I don’t think I have a true word…beautiful is too mundane, right now you look more than that.”
The pink Feliciano grew only added to the ethereal, his laugh, the way he tried to hide it with any kind of raise of his arms…it was a surprise Ludwig hadn’t brought him into a kiss, to claim this rarity for himself in the strongest of embraces and remind him that no other would love him like he did. Yet frozen he still was, he hadn’t been able to move from his place, it was Feliciano who ended up doing so, coming close, enough to lay his hands on his shoulders and trace his fingers on his chest. He smirked, liking it, and to tell the truth, he wanted more of it.
“Are you sure you don’t have more words to describe how I look?” Feliciano still wondered, quite cheeky Ludwig admitted, it made him chuckle.
“I think I’ve told you enough that you look like entities that I supposedly don’t believe in.”
Feliciano laughed, placing a kiss on the edge of his lips, teasing of course, before he moved away, with that sway of his hips that had Ludwig instantly following to do whatever command this angel would lay on him.
Feliciano stepped before a drawer, to the camera that lay at the top, picking it up, turning and handing it to Ludwig. “I feel like a photo shoot and also, I want you to have something to keep, mind helping me?” Feliciano teasingly let his fingers caress at his jaw, with that charming smile that Ludwig knew could convince him to commit murder. He already turned on the camera, placing the setting he knew Feliciano liked, stepping away to give him the freedom to make his stage as he wanted.
The hotel room was just the magnificence to match, to mend well as a good background, Feliciano knowing and using everything well to his advantage. Ludwig took of him laying upon a wall, arm stretched over him, voluptuous eyes and a sensual bite of his lips and fingers, ones sitting upon tables and chairs, legs stretched, on looking eyes and just the right single light to shine upon him, others by the balcony doors, some of his favorite, to the edge, letting the wind blow the curtains along with reigning light, or Feliciano right in the center, grasping both the folds in his hold, extending and letting the light shine behind him, making the jewels shine along to exalt his silhouette. Then there were the ones on the bed, sitting with the blankets piling over his intimates provocatively, hands aligning on the fine sheets, moving along as if asking for welcome, for closeness. He outstretched as he lay down, eyes lost as if he didn’t know he was being captured. He would turn, backside reveal, legs swaying, head resting with a sweet innocent look upon the softness of a pillow, or raised, with sensual callings and begging to get Ludwig lost in those sheets under him. It reminded Ludwig of the first time they had gotten intimate, back in that hotel in Berlin, also being the first time he had dressed himself in stockings and panties for him, and still he was here, realizing him as the man he loved, in a hotel room in Rio by Copacabana beach, those fabrics replaced then by the most expensive jewels his money could buy. Still he looked at him with the same desires and wishes, the same he was sure he would still show him for the continuation of their relationship for as long as he was sure he could make it last. He would want more, just as he did that moment, not being able to take this constraint any longer.
He placed the camera on a near table, still facing Feliciano, while he began to unbuckle his belt, remove his pants and shirt. Feliciano smiled knowing what was coming, clearly prepared with a stretch of a leg, a raise of another, licking his lips, making his body the most welcoming he could.
Ludwig was just as bear as himself now, his erection standing up proudly along with the muscled body that was deserving of the god-like beauty emanating from the smaller. Before he moved any closer, he clicked one last thing on the camera, a red glow pulsing that made Feliciano falter for a moment recognizing what he did.
“Are you…recording?” He asked, sitting up, sudden nervousness in his expression.
“Yes, is there a problem?” There was no minding as he neared, as he took his place on the bed, coming close to Feliciano’s form slowly like a predator.
“Just…we’ve never done something like this before, it’s new and I’m suddenly…self-conscious, what if I don’t look-”
“Feliciano, you’re so gorgeous right now you’re making me have doubts about this even being real.” His body was now upon his, laying, Feliciano quickly rising to wrap his arms around his shoulders, legs caressing his own, gazing into their eyes to mix with the shine of the jewels. “But…if you’re feeling uncomfortable I could go and turn it off.” He didn’t mind at all if it meant peace while they did this.
“No…don’t.” Sudden determination, the earlier allure, the call in his eyes, in his lips that neared to Ludwig’s own. “I did say I wanted something for you to keep, and besides, with words like that, you make it hard to refuse,” Feliciano smiled as he pressed it to his lips and the passion began, settling them together, already beginning in movements, in harshened caresses, yet careful not to break any of the jewels that Ludwig was determined Feliciano left on him.
The video ended up being hours long and Feliciano was grateful that he had placed a large memory card to hold it. It captured all kinds of intensity to their kissing, the spread of Feliciano’s legs as Ludwig made his place, as he prepared him, with shouts and moans and the widened gleam in their eyes as the penetration started. There were slow ones, where they focused on union, on kisses, on necks, on the softness their grasps held, from their arms to their legs, bites created with harsh sucking leaving the clearest marks of proof and owning. Then there were the harshened ones, coated with pure wild ecstasy, had the bed rocking, had every muscle in their body in usage to push them harder and harder to the movements that had the camera capturing perfectly Feliciano’s screams of Ludwig’s name.
It wasn’t always innocent and sweet, Ludwig took him by the side, had Feliciano kneeled on the bed while he took a harsh grasp of his hips, pulling him back in a strong rhythm of onslaughts, a clear expression of pleasure and dominance on his face while Feliciano’s was lost in ultimate delight, mouth always widened to give a shout, a loud moan, words of request for more, for it to turned hardened, dirty things that was enough of a command to get Ludwig to move in just the strengths he wanted.
Feliciano at some point rode him, his hips moving in rapid motions, either forward and backward, spins that had Ludwig’s head giving up to the depths of the pillow and shouting his own moans to the ceiling, with his name, with what he felt, with even his devotion and love. Feliciano also rode him in reverse, for Ludwig to slap his ass how many times he wanted, not caring for the reddened, for the harsh grips on his wrists as he pulled him down for more. Feliciano also kneeled down, sucked Ludwig, rubbing his hands on his stomach, his chest, his thighs as he continued to dry him to thrill. Ludwig also returned the favor, having Feliciano arch and spread himself to show how the sparks really moved him to see stars in the ceiling, in Ludwig’s eyes as he reached up to meet them.
Other than the bed, Ludwig thrust into him on the surface of one of the tables, moving all the items aside uncaring, messed on the floor as this passion was more important. Against the wall, against the glass of the window, luckily covered well in white thick curtains to not let anything be seen to the outside.
Ludwig wanted this all for himself, only for him.
The finalizing release was on the bed, the day now darkened into night, Ludwig on him, thrusting relentlessly with goal in mind for their last of the trip, for the length they were not going to see each other now, to remember and to really be something that could end the video well.
In the highest of shouts they revealed, elongated as they took every substance, every drip, staining Feliciano’s bottom in the white that showed he was sated, sated perfectly and like no other could bring him into. Defeated they lay together, rubbing in sweetness, in words of apology for if it was too harshened, for if it was forgetting their love. In that moment they made it clear that they loved each other, to not forget, to not distract, sealed in kisses and gazes that showed potently that very meaning.
The camera had shut off that moment after losing battery, but the video was saved.
  In Ludwig’s line of work, he had to deal with many devices, including memory boxes to save all kinds of files, projects, contracts, keys and programs. It was in one of those many that he hid all the pictures Feliciano had sent him, of him in the most extravagant of lingerie or simple ones fully clothed, smiling and gleaming with that show of love in his eyes, of their times together, from Cinque Terre all the way to those of Rio de Janeiro. In it were also all the necessary documents that had to with the routing to his bank account, the contract to the house he had gotten him, receipts from the various places they had stayed and even the profile information of when he first found him in that site. It was his most private item as well as his most dear, and he made sure that it never left his home, guarded well in a secret compartment in his wardrobe along with his gun and a couple of extra euros. Just things that Yekaterina shouldn’t know about. Whenever he missed Feliciano and he couldn’t message or call because he was dealing with his paintings or his brother, he would take that memory box, connect it to his laptop and let himself reminisce, from the pictures, to the videos, to smile upon or to grow red with want and lust.
One night he had forgotten to place it back in its compartment, to awaken in exhaustion, packing everything in his suitcase in his fast pace wanting to get to his office on time. He didn’t notice that he took it. It reached his company building, his office, along with several other memory boxes that were identical. He didn’t notice as he placed it along with the rest, all prepared for the handing he was supposed to do for some of the interns concerning their chances of being given a higher up position if they passed some of the tests and experiments inside these memory boxes. Some interns were extremely excited about this, others, like Garret Donoghue, were not.
You see, Garret signed himself for this internship simply because his university was asking for it as a credit course. During his time there, Ludwig showed how strict, demanding, resolute and scolding he could be if newcomers and interns did not fulfill what they needed to stay in the company and earn their credits. Garret, who was very layback, uncaring and dismissive, was finding it hard to adjust to this and instantly harbored dislike to his boss. He especially grew vengeful after Ludwig scolded him for not paying attention to some mixing of chemical concoctions while he was trying to impress some girls. When he went to pick his own memory box, Ludwig handed one to him, without looking, without noticing, simply marking in a clipboard that he gave what he thought was any random one. Garret went home to connect it to find something completely different, leaving him in deep impression, exploring everything, making it sure, until he knew he had the dirt to give his boss a good payback.
  The day it exploded started like any other, an autumn day of sunshine, one that Feliciano enjoyed with windows opened and letting a nice air in the house as he worked on the fifth painting to his new series. He had just finished adding some details to the crowns of the figures he drew when he received a call from his grandfather. He took it happily, expecting only new stories and concerns about his wellbeing.
“Nonno!” He greeted as excitedly as ever.
“Feli, caro, I’m sorry to mention this so suddenly, but would you care to explain why your face and name is appearing in the German media?”
Silence reigned for the longest moment as Feliciano tried to understand what he meant. “Huh?” He simply answered.
“A fellow German college of mine is explaining that you apparently have to do with a big scandal concerning a married German CEO, it’s everywhere, look, I just found something in Italian, wait, let me check it out.”
Feliciano let his paintbrush fall to the ground, not caring if it stained tiles, frozen, not wanting to believe what he just heard, that it was just wrong. No, no, no, it couldn’t be, they hid this well, they were not that known, it just couldn’t be in the papers like that. There was then a sudden knocking on his door, harsh and Feliciano knew this person was using their fist.
“You’re letting me in right now and you’re going to explain!” His brother, angry and demanding, continuing his hits until finally Feliciano opened the door, having hung up his call not wanting to hear his grandfather’s reaction once he finished reading whatever article it was that he found.
Lovino held a magazine before him, the first thing Feliciano met, the cover showing two known pictures he himself took…of him and Ludwig kissing by the beach, the other in one of their romantic dinners, showcasing more the fact that it was one of the most expensive restaurants in Italy. The tittle read ‘All about the Duonyx CEO affair with Instagram and Facebook sensation’. Feliciano was sure he would faint, he breathed heavily, the panic in his eyes piercing, and Lovino knew that instant that whatever these things were saying were true.
Wait, no, Feliciano could pull something off, he could excuse, surely…Lovino turned the pages, finding four full ones dedicating to the whole story, where many of the pictures were published and presented, his face, Ludwig’s, clear and with no doubt. The tittle with which the article began read, ‘What this Sugar Daddy did’.
Nope, he was dead, there was no way to escape from this. He lowered in his cowardice, thinking about just slamming the door on his face, hide and ignore.
Lovino kept a tight hold on the door before it could happen. “We’re going in right now and I am not leaving this house until I hear from you exactly, and I mean exactly, what this is all about," he threatened, neared with fire in his eyes that Feliciano knew he had to obey.
In that very moment his cellphone began to vibrate, his grandfather again, and it was like he could feel the anger he would surely explode with once he answered.
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Joe’s Weather World: More storms likely then more heat coming (SAT-9/28)
Good Saturday to you…another rainy/stormy night in many areas with drenching rains for some…over 4″ worth as a matter of fact and some pretty large hailstones, upwards of tennis ball sized, in parts of the northern Metro area. Others had some blinding rains and some localized flooding. The storms last night will play a role in what happens later today and tonight as a boundary has been pushed south of the Metro and has essentially stalled. This will gradually come northwards later today.
There are still questions about how unstable we get this afternoon…we have a low gray overcast as I type this…and temperatures around 60°…there is a another wave coming up from the southwest though…we’ll see if we can get clearing south of here to strengthen that boundary and help it shove farther north into the Metro this afternoon.
Regardless there will be a large spread in temperatures from the northern parts of MO to the south of US 50 down towards the Lakes region this afternoon.
After tonight and perhaps some morning activity tomorrow…we should go into a more summer air mass for a few days before a stronger cold front comes in later Tuesday into Wednesday AM…bringing in a real fall air mass.
Today: Cloudy and cooler. Highs near 70° later this afternoon but steady tonight. Storms may reform after 3-4PM or so. Those storms potentially could be severe especially towards the south of the Metro.
Tonight: Additional storms are likely with some locally heavy rains. Lows near 70°
Tomorrow: Any morning showers/storms fade then variable clouds and warmer with highs 80-85° and breezy and muggy
Monday: Warm and humid with highs in the mid 80s
Interesting night last night…1st the severe storms that rapidly developed around 6PM or so. Really interesting because I made sure that I looked out the garage window at the station just before the 6PM newscast and noticed the 1st strong updrafts developing into thunderstorms…within 15 minutes those updrafts were towering to 50,000 feet or so and creating soon to be hail storms on the northside.
Here are the hail reports that came into the database…
The largest hail was up towards the Smithville>Kearney area around 7PM or so.
There was also some ominous lowering of the clouds too up there…especially around the Liberty area. I had noticed that lowering on the towercam…
View towards Downtown KC…tons of lightning with some hail #kcwx #fox4kc pic.twitter.com/m5BBe215KD
— Fox 4 Weather KC (@fox4wx) September 27, 2019
I received this video from Jessica Fowler up in the Liberty area…
This was a wall cloud that formed…nice updrafts happening to the right with rain/hail to the left it appears. I sped up the video to see if I could make out the rotation to the wall cloud itself and it was tough to see. There were a couple of interesting looks to the radar last night.
Then there was the southern Douglas county storm…that prompted a tornado warning. That was a rogue warning…I hate those because while ready for anything you have to go from 0>60 in less than a minute or so and get on the air as quickly as possible. It was night…it was doppler indicated and it wasn’t all that organized. So after talking on the air for 10 minutes or so and not getting any confirmation of anything…there isn’t a lot more to say really that hasn’t been repeated already 5 times…
It may have produced a funnel cloud…if you look at the next video…you can see something perhaps in the lightning flashes right at 2 secs. The video was sent in from Mark Hinderliter out towards Vinland…which is about where we were tracking this thing
That was a monkey wrench in the evening for sure. I hate those types of warnings. I sort of get the issuance part…but I still hate them.
The other issue was the rain…so much of it in parts of the area…with lighter totals for some as well.
Some ground truth…
  KCI with another 1.81″ officially…46.35″ for the year.
More may be coming.
There is a wave down towards OK moving NEwards…
Clouds are starting to thin out on the south side of the area and south of KC on the satellite pictures…
Instability will start to build to the south of KC especially and new storms may form after 2-3PM. These storms will be in the unstable air and move NEwards…we’ll see how far north the unstable air makes it into the Metro.
The storms may contain winds and hail again…and I always get a bit nervous about a spin up with a warm front on the back door…we are under a slight risk of severe weather.
again flooding could be an issue, especially tonight.
Here once again is the HRRR model.
I do think it will rain again…the severe weather aspect for KC proper though isn’t a slam dunk.
By the way for timing purposes…18Z is 1PM…21Z is 4PM…0Z is 7PM and 3Z is 10PM.
You can see the morning HRRR model tries to depict the convective rain totals but in reality those bulls-eye areas could be anywhere.
I wouldn’t be shocked with another 1-3″ in parts of the area though…especially favoring KC and southwards.
Then we lurch back into a warm/windy and humid air mass tonight through Tuesday with perhaps some scattered showers around at any time…but nothing widespread tomorrow>Tuesday.
The bigger change comes Wednesday as a stronger front moves in (more storms/rain) and then a decent fall shot of cooler weather.
Here is a rough idea off the EURO ensembles what will happen later in the week.
GFS ensembles more or less agree…
It sort of appears that the building heat tomorrow into Tuesday may be our last really hot days for awhile (maybe till next spring?)
  from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/09/28/joes-weather-world-more-storms-likely-then-more-heat-coming-sat-9-28/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/09/28/joes-weather-world-more-storms-likely-then-more-heat-coming-sat-9-28/
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