#perfect mix of green flag and toxic
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a-lilyofthevalley · 4 days ago
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Secret Relationships (Kim Jun Seo x Cha Sun Hyung x Kim Ho Young x Cha Jung Woo) for DAZED Korea 2025 (Girl Edition)
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outofthemouthsof · 1 year ago
15-Day BL Challenge in 1 Night!
I'm more of a lurker than a poster but Tumblr's my fave place to wallow in BLness. My 2nd favorite place is the spreadsheet where I track the shows I've watched (172 completed in just over a year), so @negrowhat 's challenge was irresistible. I'm gonna cram my answers in one post. Here goes!
Fave OG Actor Pairing: Some of the ones I think of as OG are only like 4 years old, so this was tough. And the 18 shows that have gotten my top score aren't very old. But I went through those 18 and picked the oldest, and it was the 2018 Korean microfilm Some More. Because it's so short it's super rewatchable, but even if I wasn't able to watch the whole thing a half dozen times (which I have), I'd still have gone back & watched the sweet moments and sex scene about 25 times (which I have). So I guess my fave OG actor pairing is Park Chan Ung and Kim Joon Bum! How they got me so deeply invested in their love in mere minutes is beyond me, but they did!
Fave Rookie Actor Pairing: Does Japan do the CP thing that Thailand does? I don't think so, but one couple I wish had about a dozen more BL series together lined up are Kouhei Higuchi and Atsuki Mashiko of My Personal Weatherman! Their chemistry was visceral and they're too pretty to be believed.
Side Dish That Should've Been the Main Course: While I enjoyed the main pairing a lot, they were nothing compared to the crazy rollercoaster side plot (how'd it go from so funny to SO dark to so sexy to so sweet and wholesome like that??) of Vegas/Pete from KinnPorsche!
Fave Ship Dynamic: Obvs from answers 2 & 3 I am not against D/s ships at ALL. Also a sucker for tough-but-submissive-bodyguard with mafia-brat-prince. Honestly I like tons of different dynamics from innocent to toxic, but one that gives me major butterflies is a guy who thinks he's straight but when confronted with the idea of liking another guy, doesn't have a macho freakout or run away, just kind of straightforwardly & sincerely searches his feelings until he figures it out. And then takes care of his baby. Why's that so HOT and sweet? Some of my fave examples: Pete/Ae in Love By Chance, Le Jian/Amber from DNA Says Love You, and Ida/Aoki from My Love Mix-Up!
Biggest Flop: This is expectations vs. execution, right? There's loads of shows I've abandoned, some I've stuck with for no good reason, etc., that are way worse than what I consider my personal biggest let-down. I was so enamored of Perth from LBC that I assumed he could do no wrong, and the bully-to-lover, rich/poor pairings often do it for me. So I guess I just assumed Dangerous Romance would be amazing, and it was REALLY good for a couple episodes. It wasn't the worst thing I ever saw, but so much of it just ... felt ... flat. Very surprising.
Fave Line From Your Fave Series: Well I know my fave series--Cherry Magic Thailand was the most perfect, entrancing, heartwarming series EVER, OMG, it was staggeringly good and stuck the landing in a way few shows have managed. I can't really think of one standout line--the script was so on point & there were HUNDREDS of sweet tingly moments. There were some epic ones in ep11 tho: When Achi says "The voice inside your head is so loud" and Karan (the boldest he's ever been) replies "Don't worry; soon you won't be able to read my mind anymore." (But then clearly uses that power one more time to gain the sweetest nonverbal consent EVER.) Then, Karan: "Do you regret losing your power?" Achi: "I'd regret not loving you." (OMG how I squealed.)
Fave Villain: This was so tough. An over-the-top villain I loved to hate (and an actor I loved from his sweetie-pie green-flag role in SCOY) was obvs Heng Asavarid as Chalothon in The Sign. But an actor who was so excellent at being loathsome and malicious toward the main couple, with just enough of a redemption arc that I didn't totally despise the character by the end (but did hate most of the way through): Park Hae In as Eun Ji (Jae Won's ex) in The Eighth Sense. It was a typical "faen fatale" role but so well done. So a tie between 2 totally different takes on the destructive ex.
The Trope You Hate Except When It's "This Series": OK, "hate" is a strong word for how I feel about the drop-of-rain-makes-you-ill so love-interest-takes-care-of-you trope. It's OK. But holy SHIT is it overused. Holy shit. I sigh resignedly when I realize we're going there. EXCEPT. When P'Phayu goes to visit Rain in Love in the Air when he's sick, and his version of caregiving? Forcibly applying medicine in the form of a rectal suppository. It is so funny, weirdly sexy, very in line with their dynamic (doesn't get in the way of their romance moments later at all), & it shoves a big middle finger up the overoveroverused sick-bed trope.
Most Visually Pleasing Love Scene: Okay, THE scene in The Sign is the clear winner in my & many people's books. But there are so many runners-up: the post-race one in Love in the Air. Just about every one in Pit Babe (both couples) & My Personal Weatherman. (A lot of other faves don't quite qualify as visually or emotionally pleasing--lustfully pleasing should be a 3rd category in this challenge!)
Most Emotionally Pleasing Love Scene: Again, I have a clear winner: Cherry Magic Thailand. So full of emotion, so well deserved, so everything. Sigh. But lots of runners-up: same scene in The Sign, both kissing scenes in DNA Says Love You (tame but soo emotionally satisfying), Ray & Sand's camper reunion in Only Friends, the post-prison love scenes for both couples in Kiseki: Dear to Me, the 1st time in I Feel You Linger in the Air ...
Breakup That Should've Stayed Broken Up: Maybe it's because I try to be choosy in what I watch all the way thru or maybe I'm a big softy who tends to root for every couple no matter how lame. In all my completed shows, I could only think of 2 breakups where I wasn't at all invested in them getting back together (and maybe against it): Tian/Poon, What Zabb Man and Top/Mew, Only Friends.
Wedding You Wish You Had an Invite To: If we're talking weddings that actually appeared in the show, Achi and Karan's in Cherry Magic Thailand, obvs! If it's hypothetical weddings, I'd be desperate to go to one of ANY of the characters in Playboyy! I'd wear a bulletproof vest & bring my own flask of booze, but it would be the trashy chaos-filled social event of a lifetime.
Give 5 Good Boys a Gold Star: Just 5? OK, some I haven't mentioned yet. 1. Shin Woo, Light on Me, 2. Palm, Never Let Me Go, 3. Mohk, Last Twilight, 4. Thun, He's Coming to Me, 5. Neua, Secret Crush on You. Best boys!
The Top 5 Most Sad Boys: I'll limit it to ones where the suffering was kinda pretty, not just painful. 1. Way, Pit Babe, 2. Akk, The Eclipse, 3. Kaipa/Gaipa, Moonlight Chicken, 4. Hae Bom, Cherry Blossoms After Winter, 5. Kiyoi, My Beautiful Man
Bestest Besties: Just one? Gah! Fine, Pearl & Gavreel in Gameboys. She got those boys together in quarantine!
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irrelevantwriter · 4 years ago
White Flag
Pairing: Rio (Good Girls) x Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings: Language, public sex, unprotected vaginal sex, mention of bodily fluids, slightly vulnerable Rio, declaration of feelings (sorta?)
Word Count: 4.3K
Summary: Part 5. Two months without seeing or speaking to Rio has left a significant mark and feelings finally decide to show themselves. Kinda.
A/N: I hope everyone had a good holiday or at least a chill Friday. I come bearing gifts with the next part of our favorite toxic saga. More smut for my lovely readers. But first, some plot. We jump right into it and just like our favorite non-couple, we gloss over a lot of bullshit and get right to the filth. But as a Virgo I love communication so I have to make these two stubborn assholes talk about their issues a little. At least in a vague way. Also, Rio has his read receipts on bc he is a petty king. There’s one more part after this and it's all naughty fun from here. I hope you guys like it. Feedback is that good shit. 💗
A/N dos: I’m thinking about making the next part strictly from Rio’s POV. I feel like it’ll give us a peek into what he’s thinking and a new take on the series thus far. I’m excited to explore that so let me know what you guys think!
*Read Part 1 here
*Read Part 2 here
*Read Part 3 here
*Read Part 4 here
*Read Part 6 here
*Give and Take series masterlist
*Masterlist in bio.
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“So you’re just gonna eye fuck the hot stranger at the bar all night?”
Your friend’s teasing cut through the haze, jolting you back to the dimly lit bar. The music boomed around you while people drank and danced, enjoying the Saturday night out in the same way you and your girlfriends were.
“I was not.” You insisted, though the coy smile you wore said otherwise.
The group of women scoffed and rolled their eyes, seeing right through your faux innocence.
“Besides,” You started, taking a sip of your drink as the song changed into a bass heavy melody. “He’s not even my type.”
“Oh, bullshit!” Kara interjected with a raised brow, shaking her head.
You opened your mouth in surprise, but bit back your response when the other women chimed in.
“She’s right.” Evelyn agreed, throwing her dark hair over one shoulder.
“We knew you in high school and college, remember?” Nikki threw in, pursing her lips knowingly in your direction.
“Okay, so?” You said with a poor attempt at nonchalance.
“You were all over guys like that when we were kids. Paul ended up being the black sheep of the bunch.” Kara reminded you with a laugh, Evelyn and Nikki joining in with their own drunken giggles.
“Yeah, we were convinced you’d marry a felon with tattoos and not a real estate broker who wore khakis.” Nikki quipped, causing another round of laughter and snorts.
“Okay, okay...I get it. So I had a type. I think I’ve grown out of it.” You cut in, sounding as if you were trying to convince them as much as yourself.
“Not if the hottie at the bar has anything to say about it.” Evelyn joked with a wink.
You shook your head as you took another sip of your drink, unwilling to let them see you flustered. Or that they were in fact correct. You definitely still had a thing for bad boys...bad men to be more specific.
The evening had been going smoothly so far. It was a rare girl’s night out. An event that happened only once every five years when kids were shuttled off to babysitters or their fathers, and the women were able to enjoy an adult meal with adult beverages. Schedules between four busy women didn’t often align so when they did, you all jumped at the chance to indulge in the nightlife you’d left behind in your younger years.
You’d been the one to suggest the bar. It was a swanky, sophisticated space with an air of youth. The perfect mix for your outing. You’d been here only one other time.
With Rio.
Thinking of the man made heat pool low in your stomach, despite your lingering frustrations. It’d been two months since that shit show of a night at your house. You hadn’t seen or spoken to him since. After that debacle, you blocked his number. As childish as it may have been, you were angry. Still were. And rightfully so. He’d been a complete dick. He’d chosen the most inopportune moment to make adjustments to your arrangement. He’d been careless in his deliverance, harsh even. The entire exchange had you questioning everything. And instead of analyzing the situation and communicating like adults, you’d decided to stop all interactions with him. You’d wanted to send a message. Just as he had with you.
After the argument, you’d been an anxious mess in the days leading up to the next drop. But it was all for nothing because Rio wasn’t there. And neither was the new contact he’d told you about. Instead, Mick was waiting for you and offering up no other information. And it’d been that way for two long months.
In the days since, your mind wandered to Rio often. Your body lingered on his phantom presence constantly. You replayed the conversation you’d had a million times over and each time it made deep fury spill over and mix with the lust still raging like white water rapids through your veins. You missed his touch. Missed his desire for you. Missed the way he made you feel, so supremely sexual and wanton. All things you’d been lacking in your marriage. And now they were suddenly hitting you square in the face and begging you to pay attention. Begging you to not lose the source of your sudden awakening.
You missed the toxicity of your interactions. You were two twisted souls fighting for control over a situation that belonged to neither of you. And in truth, the basis of your relationship with Rio was denial and attraction. It would continue to thrive on that as long as you both refused the obvious.
So maybe, just maybe you’d come to the bar in hopes of seeing him in order to test that theory. It was a slim chance he’d even be here, but you were just buzzed enough that you were willing to roll the dice and find out. Plus, your desire for him felt like an extension of your body at this point. You had to satiate it. Had to feed the raw passion that grew stronger each day without him. It demanded it. And it wasn’t for lack of trying. But your own hand didn’t ignite your body the same way his did, asshole or not.
“I’ll be back.” You called over the music, gesturing to the darkened hallway that predictably led to the bathrooms. Your friends nodded and went back to flirting with the handsome blue-eyed waiter.
You shot a meaningful glance in the direction of the bar. To the “hot stranger”. Whether or not he’d take the hint was on him.
You made it to the single-use bathroom easily. It wasn’t late enough for it to be crowded with the surge of a Saturday night crowd, but the place was still busy. You set your purse down on the sleek surface of the sink counter, admiring the emerald green tiles that paved the walls. The fixtures were brass and gleamed in the light of the vanity bulbs. It was a beautiful space. Carefully crafted for a magazine like Architectural Digest.
Your eyes swept over your reflection in the large mirror that sat over the sink. You made sure not a lash was out of place as you surveyed your appearance. You adjusted the low neckline of your yellow dress, the hue radiating more gold than you’d initially noticed. The silk material felt cool against your heated skin, the slit in the skirt offering some relief. The long sleeves of the garment added a sleekness to the otherwise risqué ensemble. You’d never worn the dress. But tonight seemed as good a time as any to debut it.
The sound of the bathroom door creaking open made you pause, eyes watching in the mirror for who entered. You wondered if it’d be him. Wondered if he ended up following you like you’d hoped.
Your stomach knotted when Rio stepped in, closing the door and locking it with a resounding click. He was stoic. Shrouded in black and looking every bit as menacing as he truly was. A sight for your sore eyes.
You turned to face him, your chest both tightening and expanding at seeing him in the flesh. He made your heart stutter and your spine tingle, yet irritation slowly seeped into your pores, reminding you of the last interaction you’d had with him. It was a clash of sensations and feelings. It was utter chaos. And it's what you’d been missing.
Silence hung in the air as his gaze roamed your figure, appraising you hungrily. You shivered, careful to hide the gesture from his intense stare. You schooled your features and angled your chin up in confidence that you weren’t entirely sure you felt. But you weren’t going to budge. You were going to make him come to you.
He was leaning up against the door, a barely there smirk adorning his lips. His scent began to eclipse the smell of vanilla soap that permeated the air. Your eyes wanted to roll back at the familiarity of it. It was soothing. A comfort to your deprived senses.
“You miss me, mama?”
That deep rasp made your panties soak immediately. It was a question he’d asked you many times in the past, but you’d never felt it as much as you did now. Because yeah, you did fucking miss him.
You stayed silent.
He chucked at your refusal to answer. “Still mad at me?”
Again you said nothing.
He licked his lips, eyeing yours as he did. “I tried calling.”
“I blocked your number.” You finally responded, voice icy and detached.
“Damn, that’s cold.” He said with an amused shake of his head and a laugh, the sound making your nipples harden in traitorous lust.
“Why? Did you need something?” You questioned coolly, crossing your arms over your chest to hide your mounting arousal. Your thighs rubbed together, beginning to slid against each other as your arousal made itself known.
He stepped forward, heading in your direction with intent. You straightened your back, unwilling to let him get the upper hand on you. You knew what was going to happen. Knew where this was headed. So why not use it to your advantage? Why not toy with him for a change? He deserved it. 
You used the added height of your heels and eased yourself onto the countertop, parting your thighs slightly so that your dress fell between them. You leaned back on your hands, the chill of the marble countertop beneath you reminding you so much of that day in your kitchen.
Rio’s steps halted momentarily as he watched you, eyes zeroed in on the juncture between your thighs that was hidden behind the silk. Your pussy practically begged for his attention. Dared him to see your need through the fabric that shielded you.
You were still upset with him. Still displeased with the way he’d chosen to handle the situation and you. But more than anything you wanted him to succumb to you. You wanted to feel that thrill of having him at your mercy. So powerful, yet so fragile in the midst of his bliss. You wanted...no, needed him to wave his white flag first.
“Tell me then,” You began, slowly easing the hem of your dress up as you spoke. “Business or personal?” You questioned, wanting to know if he’d be truthful about why he’d tried to contact you.
He resumed his path towards you with a dangerous lick of his lips, but his gaze never faltered as it took in every new stretch of skin that was revealed. He tried to reach out and touch you, but you raised a heeled foot to his abdomen and stopped him, keeping him at a distance.
“Answer me.” You breathily demanded.
His face registered your words while his eyes took in the stretch of leg that kept him away. You eased the limb back down and waited for him to comply.
He decided to play along.
He continued walking when you didn’t stop him, standing between your legs and trailing his fingertips along the inside of them. His movements shifted your dress up even higher onto your thighs. The sensation would’ve tickled if you weren’t already deliriously turned on.
“Liar.” You accused, already feeling his warmth radiate onto you as he edged closer. His breath mingled with yours, mint and whiskey assaulting your nose.
“So are you.” He retorted, eyes planted firmly on your parted lips. He moved in until you were sure he could do nothing else but touch his mouth to yours. And yet you still weren’t going to meet him.
“So we’re both liars?” You asked, arching a brow up at him.
“Yeah.” He nodded and swallowed, the tattoo splashed across his throat pulling your focus. You fell captive to his spell as you got lost in memories of licking and sucking the inked flesh, remembering the way he tasted on your tongue. The recollection caused your legs to widen and your back to arch into him, pushing your chest against his. God, you wanted him. You wanted him so badly that your pussy clenched around nothing, as if feeling him already deep inside you. It was a silent call to a lover. One he would never hear. But he’d feel it soon enough.
Your clit throbbed against your lace panties, aching to be assaulted by his talented fingers. With him so close you could feel just how badly you needed him inside you. It felt wrong for him not to be. Felt wrong to not have him share a pulse with you when he was this near. You were going to remedy that.
“Well then,” You whispered, leaning forward to hover over his lips. “I don’t want you to fuck me in this bathroom.”
His hands glided up your thighs while his nose skimmed along your cheek. His breath was hot against your ear as he maneuvered himself so that barely a sliver of air was left between you.
“So I won’t.” He lied in return, the words coating you like his cum had done numerous times before.
In an instant your lips were being pulled to his. His hands were suddenly everywhere and all at once, seeking out your flesh in desperation. It pleased you to know just how badly he needed you. How badly he craved you.
He slid you closer to him, letting your lace-covered lower half come into contact with his crotch. Ragged breaths and low hums filtered through the air as your bodies grinded against each other, seeking firm hands. You could feel him pressed against the zipper of his dark pants. He was hard. The notion made you moan into his mouth, scraping your nails over his scalp.
It was just like riding a bike. Except there was an added layer of intensity this time that hadn’t been there before. His touch burned hotter than usual. Your grew cunt wetter with every pass of his tongue along yours. They weren’t new sensations, but they felt different. Indescribable. Perhaps it was the public sex. Perhaps it was the underlying tension. Either way, it was remarkably explosive.
You pulled away from his insistent lips to take in air. He continued on, mouth moving over your neck and across your exposed cleavage. He nipped at the flesh, his lips sensuously soothing the area as he explored. You pushed into him in invitation, widening your legs so that he could press harder into you.
You waited for him to take the next step. Waited for him to escalate the moment into more than just heavy-petting and sloppy kisses. His hands, as if reading your mind, traveled up the skirt of your dress and found the edge of your panties. There was no hesitation or teasing in his movements as he roughly pulled them off, the elastic popping against your skin and making you cry out.
Rio licked at your neck in apology, his own hands now moving to his belt. You shifted closer to the ledge of the counter and followed the trail of heat that led to his pulsing cock. His flesh bumped against you, the feel of him hot and heavy along your soaked slit making you whimper.
Your nails dug into the fabric of his shirt as he pushed forward and sheathed himself inside of you in one hard thrust. You gasped and tightened your legs around him, your right hand in search of something solid. It landed on the mirror behind you, your palm sticking to its cool surface as you braced yourself for the inevitable.
His facial hair scratched at your skin as he buried himself into your neck. He held your hips steady as he retreated and then plunged back into your welcoming walls, stretching you with a burn that made you hiss. Your pussy massaged his length with fervor, seducing him further inside and begging him to claim you once again.
You reached for anything you could to stabilize yourself as he fucked you into the reflective glass at your back. Moans and groans intertwined as your bodies rocked against each other. The soap dispenser fell into the sink with a loud clatter as you accidentally made contact with it. The stack of towels folded neatly near the faucet became disheveled as your ass knocked them out of place with the momentum from Rio’s cock. The entire vanity shook with each intensely thorough thrust of his hips into your womb. It was animalistic. The very epitome of what bathroom  sex in a bar should be.
No words were said. None were needed. Your actions led the conversation.
You squeezed your inner muscles around him, daring him to surrender before you. He twitched, his hips stuttering at the feel of you so tight and wet around him. He growled into your ear, a sure sign that he loved the gesture a little too much.
So you did it again.
“Stop that shit.” He grunted, hips picking up their pace.
“Cum.” You whispered in response, the demand disguised as a request.
“Fuck…” He groaned when you held him to you and clenched around him once more. You trapped him, giving him no choice but to experience your deliberate enticement. His fingers dug into your thighs almost painfully so, forcing you to wince.
He was close.
You reached between your bodies and massaged your clit, feeling your pussy react immediately. Sporadic tremors vibrated your walls and his cock, making both of you moan. Rio’s palm slammed into the mirror at your back as he rutted his hips harder into yours. He was rough and unforgiving, the aggression heightened by your disobedience. It had never quite been like this. There had always been a touch of softness, a soothing placation or word of encouragement. Not tonight. Not as he fucked you so hard you were sure the mirror was going to crack and rain down luminescent crystals of glass over you both.
You showed no mercy as you forced him to submit to you and your body. The precipice was there. It was within reach. You could feel that tightly wound coil ready to unravel. It felt like too much and not enough at the same time. Your mind was a prisoner to your pleasure. You thought of nothing but the sweet release that you knew was waiting for you. And it was. It was waiting for you with open arms as Rio finally came, triggering your own climax as he filled you so deliciously full of himself. His entire body tensed within you as he held you firm and painted your shuttering walls.
The familiar sensation only added to your high as your limbs tensed and loosened with each wave of euphoria that washed over you. You squeezed your eyes shut and catapulted through space as your body struggled to ground itself once again. Rio had gone rigid, letting you ride out your orgasm in peace as you suffocated his cock. His cum was already leaking from your walls before you’d even finished, a trail of him decorating your swollen pussy.
Your eyes fluttered open to see him staring back at you, his lips pulled into a lazy smirk. You mirrored his expression, releasing a breathless chuckle. Your body still hummed in excitement, but this time it was punctuated by the deep satisfaction that radiated from between your thighs.
“You good?” You teased, hands resting on his chest and feeling the rapid beats of his heart beginning to slow.
He laughed, the sound low and tinged with fatigue. “Yeah.”
He licked his lips and took in your disheveled state, gaze catching a glimpse of the lace bra you wore underneath.
��Let me drive you home.” He said suddenly, his arrogance alive and well.
It was on the tip of your tongue to deny him, but you chose not to.
The car ride was silent.
After your impromptu coupling in the bathroom, you’d made up an excuse about not feeling well to your friends and explained you’d already called an Uber. They were hesitant to let you leave alone, but somehow you’d persuaded them to stay and not follow you. You were sure the alcohol they’d consumed had something to do with it.
With hugs and promises of texts that everyone made it home safe at the end of the night, you departed from the bar with Rio in his Mercedes. He’d been driving for about ten minutes, the air not as tense as it’d once been. He seemed content to let the quiet linger, but you weren’t.
“What happened to the new guy?” You asked, glimpsing his face to gauge his reaction. It was dark in the vehicle, but you could still make out his silhouette amongst the various street lights.
He furrowed his brow and pouted his lips, confusion reading easily across his features.
“What new guy?”
“My new contact. The one I was supposed to have.”
“Didn’t work out. Mick has it handled.” He replied simply, gaze still trained on the road in front of him.
“Okay.” You said with a nod, the dryness in your tone letting him know you didn’t quite believe him.
He wordlessly turned onto your street and came to a stop alongside your driveway, putting the SUV in park. He angled his body to face you, trapping you in his stare.
“It was never about you.”
The question must’ve shown on your face because he continued.
“The switch. It wasn’t about you.”
“Wasn’t very convincing.” You deadpanned, scoffing as you played with the zipper of your clutch.
He didn’t react right away. Instead, he watched you. Watched you in that way that let you know his thoughts were as impure as the counterfeit money he produced.
“You look good in that dress.” He complimented, chin jutting out and gesturing to the fabric that adorned your body.
His praise made warmth bloom in your chest. The kind of warmth that was usually accompanied by butterflies in your stomach.
“Thanks.” You replied evenly, not letting him see just what his words did to you. Though you had a feeling he did, despite not bearing witness to it outright.
“Better without it.” He added with a slide of his wicked tongue across his bottom lip, his teeth following. The action was purposeful. Erotic. Blatant. It was all Rio.
You didn’t respond to his flirting. You only sighed, mirroring his position as you resigned yourself to have an honest conversation with the man.
“So,” You started, forcing your fingers to still. “What is it that you want?”
He eyed you for a long moment. Long enough that you started to feel self-conscious.
You nodded, disappointed but not shocked by his reply. The word wasn’t new. Though it was lacking the hollow cockiness that usually accompanied it.
You opened your mouth to respond, but he spoke up before you could.
“In whatever way you’ll let me have you.” He admitted.
The statement caught you off guard. He wasn’t trying to be cute or charming. He wasn’t being placating or condescending. He was being serious, the hardened intensity in his dark orbs softening to a tender resignation that you were sure matched yours.
“What about you? What do you want?” He repeated back to you, eyes narrowing as he waited.
You took a moment to observe him. Your eyes followed the arch of his brows and the sharp jut of his cheekbones. You studied the pout of his lower lip and his Adam's apple as it bobbed with his throat muscles. He was so many things to you. None of which you could put into words. You didn’t think a word had even been invented yet. It didn’t matter. You were both making your own rules. And it seemed, for once, that the both of you were on the same page and playing by the same rules.
“I want you to have me.” You confessed, meeting his gaze.
And there it was. He was resigned to having you in limited capacity. You were resigned to finally letting him have you. Two conclusions coming together at the same moment. You weren’t quite sure what that meant for you both, but it was a start. 
“Goodnight.” You whispered into the darkened cab, a small smile pulling at your lips.
You didn’t wait for him to react. You turned and opened the door, exiting the vehicle. He didn’t try to stop you. You rounded the front of the car, hearing the driver’s side window slide down.
“So I’ll see you next week?” Rio asked out the open window, chin resting in his hand.
“At the drop?”
He nodded.
You shook your head and laughed, though there was no real humor behind it.
“You wanna tell me again it wasn’t about me?” You challenged, a wide grin decorating your face.
He could deny it. He would probably try. But you knew the truth. And that was enough.
For now.
“Night.” He called, an amused upturn of his lips showing in the light of the full moon.
He turned to the street, starting the car as you walked up your driveway. His eyes followed you the whole way, ensuring you made it in safely.
You heard him drive away once you shut and locked the front door, your lungs releasing a long breath. You pulled out your cell phone and went to your blocked caller list. You selected Rio’s number and unblocked the listing, adrenaline releasing into your bloodstream as you did.
Almost immediately your screen lit up with a text.
Same time and place tomorrow?
You bit your lip, feelings akin to teenage infatuation bubbling to the surface. You hastily typed a response.
See you there.
The message was read immediately. 
Rio Tags:
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younganarchist · 2 years ago
I daydream a lot, but refuse to write them, because I get mad it's not perfect.
ANYWHO, here's this twisted wonderland world I have.
So far I have seven female oc's, one being a staff member. In this world Yuu is still present, but not as the mc of the world. Each character have their own story / love Intrests. These girls were saved from dire situations by a woman called Mistress Nadia, and in turn, she made a coven. (These are witches by the way, they aren't overly different was wizards in this world, but like, they also are? idk) Eventually, she sends them off to NRC in order to help the headmaster start a coed program. Here's our lovely girls. Also as an FYI, I'm so bad at last names, so no one has one lol.
(siren mer thing)
Unique Magic :
Shockwave -
Can feel soundwaves and manipulate them, works best when she's singing
Also specializes in volcal magic
Year : 2
Age : 18
Height : 5'8
Looks : medium light brown hair, piercing blue eyes, fangs, sharp features, scars
Siren Form : hair has blue throughout it, scales, muted blue tail with some green, pointed ears, fangs get sharper
Dress : grungy ish, can dress well if she feels like it, doesn't really give a shit though
Love Intrest(s) : Jade and Flyod Leech (They share her, nothing between the two) Azul Ashengrotto (enemies to lovers? bullies to lovers? rivals to lovers? idk theyre all just toxic and red flags)
Unique Magic :
Medusa's Gift -
Can turn someone into stone or make them freeze in place.
Fangs have venom
Year : 2
Age : 18
Height : 5 ' 6
Looks : tight curly hair, green at tips, fangs, mixed skin, scars, tattoos, green eyes, scars
Dress : pretty fashionable unless she's tried, then she just throws on whatever, sticks to darker and muted color pallets
Love Intrest(s) : Doesn't need a man when she has herself. Has Intrest in Kalim but definitely won't say anything for a VERY long time
(ram hybrid beast men thingy) (I have so many ram oc's why did I do this again)
Unique Magic :
Clouds -
Like Aries for Fairy Tail, can produce a Fluffy cloud
Specializes in Celestial Magic
Year : 3
Age : 19
Height : 5 ' 3
Looks : shoulder length hair, light ginger, curly, ram horns, ram tail, plus size, nice hips, stretch marks, freckles, chestnut eyes, bottom and top fang things (crocodile ones?)
Dress : a mix between lighter and darker aesthetics, really can't choose, pretty artsy / natural
Love Intrest(s) : Leona Kingscholar (Guy falls first, kinda slow burn)
(Vampire, will bite you bc she can)
Unique Magic :
Slowdown -
Time slows down when someone goes to attack, giving her time to evade
Specializes in Blood Magic
Year : 3
Age : Ancient
Height : 5'1
Looks : blonde hair, long, keeps it in pony tails a lot, red eyes, VERY sharp fangs
Dress : goth.
Love Intrest(s) : Lilia (Second Chance)
Unique Magic :
Year : 2
Age : 17
Height : 5'9
(uses She / They)
Looks : very pristine, long legs, afro, dark skin, heterochromia (green, brown)
Dress : should be in fashion school, drop dead gorgeous
Love Intrest(s) : None, they're ace
Unique Magic :
Flower Power -
Can grow flowers where she pleases, some even only exist with her magic, specializes in making one choke on them, like that one thing
Year : 2
Age : 17
Height : 5'5
Looks : wavy medium hair, hazel eyes, freckles (light) hip tattoo of flowers. definition of small but deadly
Dress : wears flower crowns a lot, sundresses, soft girl aesthetic
Love Intrest(s) : Cater Diamond / Trey Clover (Friends to Lovers)
Unique Magic :
Healers Delight - Can heal someone with the cost of her own energy.
Age : 30
Height : 5'2
Looks : flat dark hair, thin eyes, brown
Dress :
Likes : her culture
Dislikes :
Love Intrest(s) : None (Kinda)
I mainly focus on Nerissa, Celeste, and Clove at the moment, because it's all my brain wants to focus on, if anyone wants to know more about any of those three lmk.
Nerissa ? Red flag, just like her lovers
Celeste ? So sweet, "innocent" ig
Clove ? Looks like a sweet doll, would argue for hours
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rivasremedies · 3 years ago
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Should Your Cat Eat Vegetables?
Posted by Darla Cameron on 2021 Sep 17th
Cats Are Carnivores
It’s true; cats thrive on a high protein lifestyle. They are defined as obligate or hyper carnivores which means that many of the nutrients that they require are found only in animal flesh. The vitamin and mineral content they require from meat is specialized and without it they will not meet the basic requirements to live.
While obligate carnivores might be able to ingest small amounts of plant matter, they lack the necessary physiology required to fully digest it. We can see that this basic tenant holds true when looking at a cat's digestive system; they have the shortest digestive tract compared to body size then almost any other land mammal adapted to digest meat. Unlike omnivores and herbivores, they do not need a long hindgut for the fermentation process to take place and to break down the tough cellular wall of plant fibre.
So, why should I add vegetables to my cats diet?
There are 3 primary reasons:
1. Let’s first consider the cat-mouse relationship. If you have an outdoor or mixed indoor/outdoor cat you can almost see the ear-to-ear grin when they catch a mouse! This is an ancient biological predator/prey relationship that is accepted among the mice and the cats no matter how brutal it may look to us. Every cat is entitled to their opinion but generally speaking cats find mice absolutely delicious. And each one of the cat’s organs works together to digest these little rodents with very little stress on the cats’ digestive system.
In addition, mouse fur is an insoluble fiber which aids the cat’s digestive process. And it also provides minerals because of the dust and dirt that is on the fur collected from their environment. The fur also acts as an anti-parasitic by scraping the intestinal wall. So, you can see that the entire mouse is in perfect harmony for a cat’s meal.
But how many mice or other prey species does your cat actually eat? Perhaps some or none at all. Needless to say, most of our domestic cats do not eat mice or other small prey animals as their primary diet. The fibre and minerals from the fur and the plant matter from the mouse’s stomach that is consumed fresh, is replaced with highly processed commercial food that may or may not take into consideration the need for moisture, fibre, and minerals.
2. The second important point is that the modern diet for cats lacks living food. The majority of cats are eating dry kibble and canned food. Both are shelf stable for our convenience and the animal meat now in a bag or a can is de-natured by high-heat processing and chemical preservatives. The addition of sugar, salt and artificial odors are used to attract and hook your cat into wanting more. These packaged foods may have added minerals, vitamins, fibre, and protein but it is not living. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that your cat will assimilate the minimum requirement from these added vitamins and minerals.
The most common health conditions that arise from a de-natured diet are feline urinary issues such as bladder stones, crystals in the urine, and urinary tract infections, along with diarrhea, constipation, parasites, poor skin and coat conditions, and obesity.
3. Our cats are also exposed to increasing toxicity from domesticated practices including the chemicals we have around us in our homes and yards. These environmental toxins also require more nutrition, moisture and especially fibre, to offset their negative impact; fibre is an excellent detoxifier. Environmental toxins are implicated in allergies, respiratory issues, nervous system dysfunction and liver and kidney failure.
Back to the Vegetables...
So, without further delay, we can see how important it is to introduce vegetables as a food-based supplement to compensate for what your cat is not able to get any other way because they are in a domesticated setting.
Benefits of feeding vegetables include:
Provides an extra source of water to a cats diet which is often lacking because of the dehydrating effects and higher salt levels in dry foods and kibble.
Provides more potassium to balance the high salt levels in dry food and meat.
Safely and effectively detoxifies the elimination organs, such as the kidneys, liver, and colon.
Vegetables are high in essential vitamins, including Vitamin A, C, and E and minerals such as Magnesium and Calcium.
The plant kingdom is here for us all, including cats, to heal, restore and feel nourished. Vegetables have powerful healing properties, and they deserve a lot of praise. No wonder cats enjoy nibbling on leafy greens, even zucchini and seaweed!
What types of vegetables do you feed cats?
There are many healthy vegetables to choose from including winter squash, zucchini, carrots, peas, steamed broccoli, spinach, steamed asparagus, green beans, sweet potato, yam, and potato. Fruits such as melons, bananas and blueberries are beneficial in small portions.
Is my cat going to like vegetables?
The question of how to get your cat to eat vegetables inevitably comes up. Cats do not like surprises. A cat's survival and happiness depends on being able to predict what is going to happen with a stable and consistent environment. Sameness equals safety and comfort. This also applies to their food and more specifically the texture. If the texture changes that can be a red flag to them indicating something has happened to their meal to make it unsafe. They may turn up their nose and look at you with wide eyes while questioning what happened to their meal? This is then followed by a demand to know why you served them this foreign, potentially dangerous substance.
How to Prepare Cat-Friendly Vegetables
Start by steaming and pureeing the vegetables to mimic the look and texture of what they are used to. They typically expect food to be smooth like pate or chunky like the stews you find in canned foods. The brassica family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale) may be more difficult to introduce because it has a strong smell. But cats are as unique as the next and yours may love them.
For cats who have never had vegetables before, introduce them slowly in very small amounts and gradually increase. The easy road to success is to start them early by introducing your kittens to all cat friendly fruits and vegetables. They will be lifelong foodies! And remember, keep an open mind because if you feel resistance they will too.
Overall Health
To improve their overall health and to ensure they are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need for a shiny coat, healthy skin and nails, and an optimum immune system consider adding Happy Pets or Happy Pets Senior. It is a high quality, all-natural plant based herbal supplement. These blends are an excellent source of added nutrition that can be mixed in with their current food.
 Happy feeding and exploring new food groups with your feline family members!
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thornstocutyouwith · 8 years ago
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Courtney Branwen Information
Full name: Courtney Branwen
Nickname(s) or Alias:  Agent C, CB, Lexi
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age:  ??
Birthday: October 7, Libra
Sexuality: Up for debate
Nationality: French
Religion: This
City or town of birth: Nîmes
Currently lives: Unknown
Languages spoken: English, French, Russian, Spanish
Native language: French
Relationship Status: Married
Height: 5'11
Weight: 132
Figure/build: Athletic/Slender
Hair colour: Black
Hairstyle: Unkempt
Facial Hairstyle: None
Eye colour: Light Blue
Skin/fur/etc colour: Pale White
Tattoos:  Crescent Moons the palms of his hands ( His dominant hand having a star at the top, between ends), between his shoulder blades, A crescent moon on the back of his neck, scarification on the entire right side of his body.
Piercings:  Face Piercings
Scars/distinguishing marks: Scarification on his left side. A scar over one eyebrow and  the side of his neck from ritual fight. Bullet wound scars. Scars from being cut.
Preferred style of clothing: Suits or grungy
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: Piercings, his wedding jewelry and ring.  Concealed weapons, pens, pencils, phone, laptop.
Smoker? Yes
Drinker? Yes
Recreational Drug User? Which? Yes,….
Addictions: No
Allergies: Dilantin
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Unknown
   Symptoms: seizures, bleeding from nose/mouth, uncontrollable bleeding, diminished senses, oozing sores, burning rashes,    Cause: inhaling toxic fumes    Course: goes away after several weeks if untreated, but some symptoms become permanent    Treatment: Unknown
Any medication regularly taken:
Personality:  ESTJ
Likes: Testing out new gadgets, reading, fiction, movies, technology
Dislikes: Getting over emotional, being told what to do by strangers
Fears/phobias: Thalassophobia, failing, heights,  being held captive
Favourite colour: Dodger blue
   Puzzles    Flag Football    Computer Programming    Card Collecting    Playing Video Games    Cryptography    DIY ( Do it yourself)    Tai Chi    Yo-Yoing    Collecting Action figures    Swimming    LARPing    Paintball    Skateboarding    Comic Book Collecting    Hiking    Collecting video games
Taste in music: Techno/ Punk / Soca / Old School Rap / Chicano/ Blues / Industrial / J-Rock /   R&B / Soul /  Disney / Outlaw Country / Horrorcore / K-Pop / High Classical / Grunge/ Psychedelic
Talents/skills: Computer Literacy / Sharpshooting / Trouble Shooter /Physicist / Psychometry /  Making connections / Hot wiring a car / Networking / Lipreading / Calligrapher/ Problem Solving / Basic First Aid / Negotiating Skills / Humor / Knife Throwing
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?  Fairly good, all around
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Omnivore
Favourite food(s):  French Fries / Cake / Anything with Chicken / Sausage / Bacon / Peas / Green Beans / Dragon Fruit / Oranges
Favourite drink(s): Tea / Coffee / Flavored Water
Disliked food(s): Oat Meal / Deer Meat
Disliked drink(s): Veggie drinks
Describe the character’s house/home: It is a perfect mess. He knows where everything is exactly. But for outsiders it looks like an unsorted mess.
Do they share their home with anyone? Who? No.
Significant/special belongings: The jewelry he was given the day he was married.
Level of education: College
Qualifications: Unknown
Current job title and description: Spy, he helps out others in his assigned team of spies. Courtney is their techno guy. But he can also provide sharpshooting and combat help if need be.
Name of employer: Unknown ( Works on a team with a Mentor)
Peaceful or aggressive attitude? A mix of both
Fighting skills/techniques: Tai Chi/ Jiu Jitsu/ Krav Maga
Special skills/magical powers/etc:  Magical Gem ( Born with it), Unknown
Weapon of choice (if any):  Hand gun
Weaknesses in combat: His back, where his gem formed
Strengths in combat: Finding opponents weak points
Parents names: Clara and Logan Branwen
Are parents alive or dead? Alive
Is the character still in contact with their parents? Not really.
Siblings? Relationship with siblings? 2 siblings. They do not talk.
Other Important Relatives: 2 Uncles ( on on his mothers side and one on his fathers.)  And an aunt ( His fathers side.)
Partner/Spouse:  Unknown, they are not assigned the to same team so he doesn’t keep in contact with them.
Children: None
Best Friend: The Teams Mentor, Agent K
Other Important Friends: The Rest of his Team
Acquaintances: The rest of the Spy Agency
Pets: No
Enemies? Why are they enemies? None so far
Gainsus is a solemn historical holiday celebrated on the spring equinox. It commemorates an escape. It is associated with fate and grief. Celebrations last eighteen days from dawn till dusk. Traditions include public and private swearing of oaths, feasting and signing of documents.
Dema is a joyful religious holiday celebrated just before the third new moon of autumn. It is associated with mercy and a loss. It is also associated with storks, the color gold, storms and mules. Celebrations last seventeen days. Traditions include public truces, chanting, expressions of forgiveness and nudity. Almost no families celebrate it differently.
Nilerra is a joyful holiday celebrated just after the first full moon of summer. It is associated with a recovery, a dire deed, a takeover and vanity. It is also associated with sparrows, falcons and elm trees. Celebrations last four days. Most regions celebrate it differently.
Craes is a historical holiday celebrated on the winter solstice. It commemorates a contest. It is associated with fire, nobility, a case of mistaken identity and a thwarted plan. Celebrations last three days from dawn till dawn again. Traditions include public and private airing of grievances, marriage proposals and dancing. Some traditions celebrate it differently.
Enoazuala is a holiday celebrated just before the first crescent moon of summer. It is associated with terror and a change of direction. Celebrations last three days from dusk till dawn. Some traditions celebrate it differently.
Freem is a religious holiday celebrated just after the spring equinox. It commemorates a fall. It is associated with a certain profession and dexterity. It is also associated with sapphires, the color white, horses and porcupines. Celebrations last  from dawn till dawn again. Traditions include public nudity, decorations and acts of daring.
Scondao is a holiday celebrated on the first crescent moon of summer. It commemorates a journey. It is associated with success and joy. A few faiths celebrate it differently.
Juf is a religious holiday celebrated on the summer solstice. It is associated with temperance and justice. Traditions include private arranging of alliances, contests of strength and awarding of honors. No traditions celebrate it differently.
Krudom is a solemn holiday celebrated just before the first new moon of spring. It is associated with freedom, death and strength. It is also associated with agates, turquoises, hawks and spruce trees. Celebrations last fifteen days. Many faiths celebrate it differently.
Niz is a joyful religious holiday celebrated on the third new moon of spring. It is associated with darkness and a dire deed. Some families celebrate it differently.
Raekaver is a holiday celebrated on the third full moon of autumn. It is associated with a loss, ruin and confidence. Celebrations last twenty days. Traditions include private signing of contracts, annuling of contracts and sacrifices. Some faiths celebrate it differently.
Thaivan is a civic holiday celebrated on the second full moon of summer. It is associated with inspiration and grief. Celebrations last  from dusk till dawn. Traditions include public and private theatrical productions and truces. Most sects celebrate it differently.
Froukr is a religious holiday celebrated just before the first crescent moon of winter. It is associated with a misstep, a certain animal and a promise. It is also associated with vultures, goblins, mockingbirds and coyotes. Traditions include public and private duels and signing of documents. A few faiths celebrate it differently.
Toz is a joyful religious holiday celebrated on the summer solstice. It is associated with vanity, a natural disaster, nobility and decay. Celebrations last eleven days. Almost no individuals celebrate it differently.
Drenc is a joyful holiday celebrated on the winter solstice. It commemorates a loss. It is associated with healing, a disappointment and a promise. Celebrations last four days from dawn till dusk. Traditions include private airing of grievances and fasting. Nearly all groups celebrate it differently.
Arassy is a solemn holiday celebrated just after the third new moon of winter. It is associated with a change of direction, destruction and vanity. It is also associated with foxs and quartzes. Celebrations last from dawn till dawn again. Many traditions celebrate it differently.
Alam is a joyful holiday celebrated on the summer solstice. It is associated with wind, despair, a death and memory. Celebrations last nineteen days. Traditions include private intoxication and signing of documents. Some faiths celebrate it differently.
Bal is a joyful religious holiday celebrated on the first full moon of autumn. It is associated with royalty, harmony and violence. Celebrations last two days from dusk till dawn.
Aeraeth is a solemn civic holiday celebrated on the first crescent moon of spring. It commemorates a revelation. It is associated with discord, a contest, eternity and a betrayal. Traditions include public and private dancing, chanting, theatrical productions and singing. Most faiths celebrate it differently.
Poyl is a joyful civic holiday celebrated on the third new moon of winter. It is associated with vice, feminity and a revelation. Celebrations last  from dawn till dawn again. Traditions include private atonement, expressions of forgiveness, telling of stories and fasting.
Vuzav is a joyful civic holiday celebrated just before the third crescent moon of autumn. It is associated with earth, truth and might. It is also associated with parrots, elm trees, cheetahs and foxs. Celebrations last thirteen days. Traditions include private playing of instruments and annuling of contracts. Some groups celebrate it differently.
Elevanom is a joyful civic holiday celebrated just before the first crescent moon of spring. It is associated with wind, air and earth. It is also associated with foxs and hyenas. Celebrations last fifteen days. Traditions include private arranging of alliances, nudity, contests of cleverness and parties. Very few regions celebrate it differently.
Lollum is a joyful historical holiday celebrated on the summer solstice. It commemorates a relationship beginning. It is associated with physical strength, entropy, suffering and detachment. It is also associated with voles, sapphires and sparrows. Celebrations last twelve days from dusk till dusk again. Traditions include public and private playing of instruments, acts of daring, nudity and airing of grievances. No sects celebrate it differently.
Lafev is a holiday celebrated on the winter solstice. It is associated with vice, psychic healing and virtue. Celebrations last nineteen days. Traditions include public sacrifices and atonement. Many groups celebrate it differently.
Isean is a religious holiday celebrated on the first full moon of autumn. It is associated with empathy, avarice, a relationship ending and intoxication. Many regions celebrate it differently.
Eron is a joyful historical holiday celebrated on the fall equinox. It is associated with patience and a dire deed. Many sects celebrate it differently.
Bouf is a joyful civic holiday celebrated on the third full moon of autumn. It commemorates a reconciliation. It is associated with a malfunction and lust. It is also associated with magpies, the color yellow and pigeons. Celebrations last sixteen days. Traditions include public forgiveness from debt and athletics competitions. Several regions celebrate it differently.
Paer is a solemn cultural holiday celebrated just before the summer solstice. It is associated with warding, detachment, communication and purity. It is also associated with sapphires and wolves.
Fleed is a joyful religious holiday celebrated on the first full moon of summer. It commemorates a bet. It is associated with romance and pessimism. Traditions include public and private truces and dancing. Many groups celebrate it differently.
Jatrol is a joyful religious holiday celebrated just before the second crescent moon of spring. It commemorates a romance. It is associated with preservation and purity. Celebrations last eleven days from dawn till dusk. Traditions include public and private games of chance, contests of cleverness, intoxication and signing of documents. Almost no groups celebrate it differently.
These ten bright stars form the shape of a phoenix. The constellation represents a tale about the power of good. It is most significant during spring, when it appears setting towards the Eastern horizon. It is counterbalanced by the constellations representing a mare, a crossbow and an arrow. Those born under it have an affinity for the element of water.
These ten  stars form the shape of a net. The constellation represents a villain foretold in prophecy. It is most significant on the winter solstice, when it appears just over the Southeastern horizon. It is opposed by the constellations representing a winged woman, a fountain and a crown. Those born under it are very mercurial.
These ten dim stars form the shape of a raven. The constellation represents a deity. It is most significant on the winter solstice, when it appears low on the Northeastern horizon. It is close in the sky to the constellations representing a flower, an owl and a scepter. Those born under it are highly independent.
These fourteen dim stars form the shape of a hand. The constellation represents a tale of greed. It is most significant during autumn, when it appears just over the Western horizon. It is usually interpreted together with the constellations representing a weeping man and a dagger. Those born under it have an affinity for the element of water.
These ten dim stars form the shape of a lyre. The constellation represents the power of a certain god. It is most significant on the autumn equinox, when it appears just over the Southern horizon. Its story involves the constellations representing a cat and a deer. Those born under it are known for stability.
These nine  stars form the shape of a spider. The constellation represents an ancient enemy. It is most significant during spring, when it appears low on the Southwestern horizon. It is counterbalanced by the constellations representing a man, a hammer and a throne. Those born under it are said to be hopeless romantics.
These four bright stars form the shape of a dragon. The constellation represents the remnants of a folktale from a lost culture. It is most significant on the winter solstice, when it appears just over the Northeastern horizon. It is counterbalanced by the constellations representing a face and a flute. Those born under it often become teachers.
These fourteen bright stars form the shape of a trumpet. The constellation represents a figure foretold in prophecy. It is most significant on the spring equinox, when it appears halfway towards the Southern horizon. Its meaning is intertwined with the constellations representing a helmet and a boy. Those born under it have fiery tempers.
These seven bright stars form the shape of a candle. The constellation represents a demi-god. It is most significant on the summer solstice, when it appears setting towards the Western horizon. It has a similar meaning to the constellations representing a chair, a shield and a cart. Those born under it tend to be intellectuals.
These fifteen bright stars form the shape of a longbow. The constellation represents a prophesied messiah. It is most significant on the winter solstice, when it appears rising from the Northwestern horizon. Its story involves the constellations representing a crossroads, a dragon and a pair of dice. Those born under it are rumored to be good with money.
These fourteen dim stars form the shape of a howling wolf. The constellation represents a mortal who crossed the gods. It is most significant during spring, when it appears setting towards the Southeastern horizon. It is counterbalanced by the constellations representing a coyote and a tiger. Those born under it are renowned for honesty.
These six dim stars form the shape of a pair of serpents. The constellation represents a tale of betrayal. It is most significant during summer, when it appears halfway towards the Western horizon. Its story involves the constellations representing a sorcerer, a wolf and a boar. Those born under it are known for generosity.
These five dim stars form the shape of a bear. The constellation represents a figure from legend. It is most significant on the autumn equinox, when it appears high in the sky. It is usually interpreted together with the constellations representing a winged man, a river and a snake. Those born under it are highly independent.
These five bright stars form the shape of a cup. The constellation represents a tale of greed. It is most significant during winter, when it appears high in the sky. It appears near the constellations representing a bow and quiver, a flute and an axe. Those born under it often suffer from jealousy.
These eight  stars form the shape of a stream. The constellation represents a past ruler. It is most significant during autumn, when it appears setting towards the Eastern horizon. It is close in the sky to the constellations representing a road, a bat and a spear. Those born under it tend to be pragmatists.
These seven bright stars form the shape of a gate. The constellation represents a mortal who crossed the gods. It is most significant on the spring equinox, when it appears halfway towards the Southern horizon. It is related to the constellations representing an arrow and a hound. Those born under it are highly independent.
These six  stars form the shape of a farmer. The constellation represents a hero foretold in prophecy. It is most significant on the autumn equinox, when it appears just over the Eastern horizon. It is usually interpreted together with the constellations representing a lamb, an apple and a fish. Those born under it have fiery tempers.
These nine bright stars form the shape of a hare. The constellation represents a tale about the power of hope. It is most significant during summer, when it appears rising from the Southeastern horizon. It has special power in combination with the constellations representing a raven, an old man and a gryphon. Those born under it have an affinity for the element of earth.
Time Period: Near Future Shaping Force: Magic Population: Fairly even mix of races
Politics Political Structure: oligarchy - family Strong Influence: merchants/corporations Popular Issue: religion Stability: stable
Personal Freedoms: extremely good Scandals: infrequent Foreign Relations: good
Economy Main Export: machine-related Main Import: technology-related Technology Focus: military Trade: major deficit
Strength: stable and improving Wealth: fairly even, but with a wealth gap
Ecology Main Climate: temperate - plains Ocean: on two sides Mountains: a few Frequent Trouble: droughts
Wilderness: 37% Wild Animals: uncommon Natural Resources: good amount
Culture Highly Values: bravery Known For: architecture Popular Entertainment: art shows / museums Respected Profession: scientist
Discrimination: class-based Major Taboo: strong emotions Major Social Ill: drugs
Military Strength: weak Focus: sea Main Unit: large, armored ships
Soldiers: mix of draftees, volunteers Main Use: foreign peacekeeping Rank: purchased
Magic Occurrence: common Source: learned skill, but requires aptitude Major Use: travel
Viewed: with respect Enchanted Items: very rare
Associated Artform: tile murals Prevalence: believed by many Holidays: very few
Population Urban: 78% Rural: 22% Literacy Rate: 75%
Gender Ratio: 0.49 male(s)/female Fertility Rate: 2 children/family Life Expectancy: 72.4 years Religion
Type: monotheism (moderately patriarchal) Direction: outwards Focus: helping others
Deity: The God of Music Titles: Patron of Instruments, The First
Divine Interaction: never occurs
Involves: one major holy site Afterlife: is a peaceful place for all and cannot be reached while alive Supernatural: unrelated to religion
Worship: joyous individual daily prayers at home Holidays: fairly often Holidays Celebrate: prophets, heroes, the equinoxes, new moons Major Holiday(s): include many other ceremonies (marriages, ordinations, etc)
Clergy: males only Function: spiritual advisors, direct connection to divine, soothsayers, maintain temples/shrines Lifestyle: above average Family: rare (chastity encouraged) Chosen: raised from birth to be clergy Distinguished By: symbolic tattoos/scars
Cultural Aspects
Symbol: a crescent moon and a tree Holy Color: blue
Passed Down: via several versions of one holy book Creation Myth Type: order from void/chaos Mortals’ Origin: mud Major Myth/Symbol(s): the rainbow
Deadly Sins: self-injury, cowardice, blasphemy and sloth High Virtues: charity, responsibility, humility and diligence
Associated Artform: instrumental music
Coming of Age: 9 years old Coming of Age Rite: involves a declaration of intended profession, a ritual fight, tattooing, and takes place in a public ceremony, completed by a journey for several years (Which takes place after marriage).
Marriage: happens shortly after coming of age and is for life, no exceptions, is initiated by females Marriage Rites: begin with several days of separation, include an exchange of symbolic jewelry, ritual tattooing/scarification, are performed by clergy
Death Rites: are a private affair
Major Taboo: strong emotions, displays of affection,
Prevalence: a few hundred people Outsiders: are tolerated, barely
At birth, along with the others in his social circle, he was taken from his parents and moved to  their holy land, where he lived for the first month of his life. During this time rituals are done, to bring health and happiness to the infants in their lives. In the world Courtney was born in there are some who were born with Gems morphed into their bodies. Which so far have not been found to do anything significant for those born with them.  Courtney  happened to be one of those who were born with a gem. This gem was located near his spine on his lower back. After the month-long stay at the sacred site the babies are branded with the sign of the moon on their left hip.
After that nothing else really happened outside of being raised in a very strict home. Courtney spent this time learning things he’d need in adulthood and how to work in a unit.  In the ‘normal’ schools where he lived with others who did not practice the same religion as him and others like him he did  exceptionally well. School seemed to come easily to him. He even seemed to make friends easy and catch onto things from the outsider’s perspective. Things went on like this for the next few years. Courtney had made many connections during this time.
It wasn’t until he was eight years old that things drastically changed. As with many in his religion he was removed from regular schooling. Over the next year of his life he was taken back to the sacred site were he and others in his age group were held for the next year and began learning lessons that would help them later in their lives. Their religion was more than just worship. It was an agency that raised agents to do the bidding of those that would hire them. Courtney was able to learn things in this new setting just as quickly as he had in the normal school.  This year is one of the toughest his people have to go through. They have to be taught how to control their emotions and learn the beginnings of combat. Which despite Courtney’s quickness to learn, he was not the most physically strong in his age group.
This lifestyle was harsh, the was no tolerance if a student should fail to get a satisfactory grade on their performances.  The set of skills that Courtney and his age group were given and graded on where skills not commonly taught with ease to the outside world. At the age of nine after learning the basics of what they needed to learn they were given a few weeks to practice and build up on these basics, and to figure out what they wanted to be for the rest of their lives. Courtney did not waste any time obeying this and spent almost every day practicing till he could barely move any move.  When the age right ceremony began and he was called up to declare what career he’d wished to have outside of the agency Courtney requested something that involved being able to work with computers. Feeling at the time that this would help him and his team later on in life.
He had noticed before that not many others would choose such a career path, because it was not as psychical as others had hoped. They viewed those who had chosen career paths like it as weak and practically useless when things hit the fan. Courtney welcomed the challenge to prove them all otherwise. After everyone chose their careers the group was made to fight each other  in a ritual fight.
Courtney had disliked the idea of having to fight one of his group mates, but understood that there had been no other options. Wanting to continue to make his family proud Courtney went through with his ritual fight with one of the strongest in his age group, a girl who had been almost as equally cruel and vicious the entire time Courtney had known her. When the fight began, Courtney and  his opponent spent the first few minutes circling, trying to read each others movements and find their weak points. When the real fighting began she toyed with him by throwing punches and managed to surprise Courtney with a kick to the head. From that point on Courtney was impaired. The rest of the fight was dizzying for him and his focus blurred in and out throughout.
Being tossed to the ground after more fighting, the girl was about to deliver a finishing blow. Courtney’s instincts had finally managed to kick itself into high gear and kicked her feet out from under her. The fight was dragged out for a few more minutes after this. Unfortunately ending in Courtney’s having to snap the others neck.  The ritual fights were not typically set up to be ones where you fight to the death. But there were no restrictions on doing so. After the fight was over and Courtney was removed and taken to get his injuries checked out. While he was being held,  he was told they would be keeping him in confinement over the following days and have his mentality monitored.
Once he was released from holding he was sent back to his age group to complete the rites left for him. This included being chosen by one of the girls available for him to marry.  When standing in the last line of boys left over from the days before. Courtney was rejected time and time again because of his frail looking appearance.  That wasn’t until a girl from the age group of the tens came in. She had been left over for a year from her groups odd number of males. At first she didn’t show interest in Courtney, but not wanting to be left even farther behind from her group she settled on him, in the end.
After everyone was paired off they were then separated again. Courtney was taken to receive the tattoos for completing the rites. These tattoos were placed on the palms of his hands and the back of his neck. After the separation  Courtney met the girl again and they exchanged the jewelry and have to decide which marriage tattoos they want on the others body. This usually is an oath. After they decide where they would like their tattoos placed on the others body, they are separated again to prepare to be officially married.
Once Courtney was married he was given a few days of rest and to get to know his new wife before having to get his marriage tattoos done. As he had still been healing from the rites tattoos. Courtney learned a few things about his new wife, but had not really felt like he’d gotten to know her well enough. They were only nine years old and he had felt she had a very wicked wide of her that she had obviously been trying to keep him from noticing this. And Courtney wasn’t concerned about this till years later.
The tattooing for marriage did not often involve scaring, but for Courtney’s wife, she insisted. This is where he got the massive scaring on the right side of his body.  After receiving the final scaring and tattooing ( The words on his shoulder blades) Courtney was sent to be assigned to his spy team. This team would become his new family from the time of his choosing onward.
Only one or two from the same groups could be assigned to a team. Courtney and another boy from his group had eventually been chosen by his mentor to join their team. After this assignment had been placed Courtney and the boy were ordered to pack their things and board a train to where their mentor and the rest of the team had been based.  The two nine-year old set out to begin the rest of their training with their mentor a few days later. Upon arriving at their new home and base of operations their mentor. Where they would spend vast majorities of their next few years training within the team structure.
At eleven years old Courtney and the other from his age group had been assigned their spots within their team. Courtney of course was given the position of the assisting the main hacker of the group at the time. After this the main hacker of the team would teach him the guidelines of his position within the team. Nothing outside of this really had been any different for Courtney, as he was allowed to pick up having a normal life after this.  The only thing that changed was that they would often move from place to place to complete missions assigned to them.  Which wouldn’t be anything too important for Courtney due to his young age.
Life went on with this new ‘normal’ for him, for the next several years to come.  He began to become a very stable and useful member of the team as the years went on. His trainer eventually become just another partner instead of a teacher.  But of course, as all things seem to go, not everything remains pleasant for too long. At fifteen years old, the team had been assigned to a dangerous mission.  Of course it wasn’t the first the team had been on since Courtney had been assigned to it. But it was the first one that went wrong.
Things had begun just like normal, with the mission. The field agents had gotten into position inside the building where their ‘mark’ had been. His mentor was set to assassinate the mark, who appeared to be the owner of the building and the man working a shady business that was happening within it.  They were most of the way through the mission when they noticed something out of the ordinary, their mark hadn’t been in the office at the top of the building, like planned. Agent K ordered Courtney and his partner to go ahead and hack into the mark’s computer and steal the data on it.
It hadn’t been until later when The Mark came out of where they had been hiding.  A gas began to fill the room Courtney and Agent R ( Courtney’s Partner) had been left in. By the time the two of them had noticed the gas it had already been working to affect the both of them. Agent R shouted at Courtney to get out, but it had been far too late for either of them to escape.Fortunately Agent K and the rest of the team had, at around this time, noticed what was going on. A secret door within The Marks office opened up and  a man stepped out and fired at Courtney and Agent R. A bullet managed to hit Courtney in the hip, sending him to the ground. Several more men stepped through the secret door inside he office and aimed their weapons at the two agents.
The Mark stepped over to Agent R, and from behind the gas mask  he was wearing (Along with the others)  he shouted at Agent R to get down and then shouted the same to Courtney. Sitting on the ground as orders were shouted at the other men in the room by The Mark, Courtney figured that if the rest of the team didn’t get their in time he and his partner would end up dead. The Mark walked toward Agent R a moment later, placing the gun in their hand to R’s head. Shouting for information then. Courtney watched as the moments ticked by, his partner beginning to crack under the pressure they were under, as well as from the gas that was filling both their lungs.
Or perhaps it could have had more to do with the gas, as Courtney could feel himself also feeling strange after a few minutes of breathing it in. With a laugh, The Mark teased them the two agents, momentarily speaking of the gas and then asking how they both were feeling. Things started to become hazy at this time, Courtney’s mind grew unfocused and he started to black out.  He didn’t know how much longer it took then, but through his haziness he’d seen The Mark shoot Agent R in the head, sending splatter of the other Agents blood speckling onto his face, before the gun was aimed at him.
In the next few moments he dropped back onto the floor, everything seemed to slow down for him for a few moments before hitting the floor and coughing up blood. He could hear voices, shouting all around him as his vision blurred until he could see nothing but darkness. For what seemed like forever after that he could hear himself choking on his own blood and noises that were harder to make out, do to how far away they seemed and because he could not see what was causing them. Then someone grabbed him and lifted him up into their arms and started to whisper to him until finally Courtney could no longer hear anything.
Years after this incident, and many successful missions later, Courtney became a very talented and valuable Agent to his people. He lives with side effects from that day many years ago, but he usually hides this very well from others, especially outsiders. Courtney became the lead coder for his team and has not taken on any one to train after him, from lack of others wanting to become a hacker, and do to the fact that the rest of the teams youth and skill has made them have to reject potential new members.  Lately missions have not been very common, so most of the group have grown accustomed to living their daily lives like most other citizens of the town(s) they live in. Courtney spends most of his days working at a cafe and being the typical dork type.
(Work in Progress)
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a1000waystoburrito · 5 years ago
Here I am, it only been almost 365 days. I still dream about what I'd done differently... if I’d had the chance. In a mix of emotions I always find you with her, shiny blonde hair and green-eyed girl, remember the times when we were one for another? Almost 365 days since you decide for me what wasn’t going to continue, almost got over you after 60 days of begging you to reconsider, what a dumb fool I was for the person I thought loved me. I thought I was unlovable and incapable of love, I found out that that was a lie. I’m capable and lovable, loved by so many yet not by the ones I want. Is it because I crave the love of the unloved, sheltered in their own doubt and self-pitying that they forget to live? Do I shelter the idea of being loved by those around me that seem to be incapable because somehow I find worth and sincerity in it? I thought I’d found loyalty when I meet you... It’s something I’d never tasted before. I didn’t know what the true flavor of “Loyal” was so I went with the shit flavored you gave. The love that was so empty that I filled the void of your love with books and drugs to numb the self-pitying love I received because you weren’t strong enough to see that love comes from within and we’d need to water it every single day. I pity the self-pity I brought to myself after I’d meet you.....
 Don’t be fooled by what I’ve just said, it was wonderful when I was blinded by the “what could be?”. When we started I was between someone I loved dearly but could not commit to due to a long history of toxic behavior and then came you. The light shined on you, as if we were the only ones at that bar, as if we were the only ones anywhere we’d go. You were hurt by so many before me, I saw myself in you through that pain. I searched for you after we’d first meet, we didn’t meet until 3 months later. That should’ve been my first red flag, the fact that you ghosted me right after we’d started talking. You said you were loyal to someone else and that explained the “why”. It never lingered on me that the “why” was always going to be the red flag. 
But when were you good enough for me?
I dreamt about you last night, every time I close my eyes, I see you. I see you choosing everything else but me, I see you ignoring the love I gave and what I was trying to build alongside you. I became distant and gave you options so I’d have my own. Polyamory, open relationship, casual threesomes, counseling and breaking up. I did so when I was fed up with not being loved, you cried and balled for me to come back to you. You met her, you shouted in the car “ She’s adorable! I can’t with her!” knowing well that you’d shatter me. We’d just moved in our new townhome, only 3 days in and I was bed sick. I was calling for you until 3am when you finally came home. You were with her all night. You talked with her for 2 months before YOU decided I wasn’t good enough for you. You secured your place with her before dumping me on the road like “somebody you used to know”. You already were taking her to weekly events we’d attend with our friends that ended up being yours after they’d chosen a side. None checked up on me. I gave you the option to leave the relationship many times so it would be a mutual decision, you begged and cried every time until you had security somewhere else. That fake cry and fake smile. I can’t stop thinking about how I need to let go of this anger I’ve built inside because I wanted to leave and you selfishly wouldn’t let me until you wanted me to go. While dumping me you were planning on meeting with her the same day. You’re the person that derailed me from my dreams. While I was pushing you to become great, who was pushing me? I hate that I ever loved you. I hate that I ever had feelings for you knowing in my subconscious you weren’t the guy for me. I feel blessed by what I’ve learned but I knew I could’ve done better for myself. 
I now know myself better than before. I’m the plum fruit at the top of the tree. I’m not coming down, you come up and search for the perfect plum. I will not give up on myself over love. I will set myself higher standards and uphold them. I will not lose myself in someone else's dreams. I AM THE DEFINITION OF PERSEVERANCE. FUCK 2019 and 2020 get ready because IM COMING FOR YOU.
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ecofriendlycrafts-blog · 7 years ago
Fourth of July Crafts
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Independence Day is the best time for fireworks, cookouts and poolside gatherings, so why not enhance the experience with star-spangled decorations and patriotic crafts to truly get in the spirit of our nation’s birthday?
These DIY Fourth-of-July crafts and projects are eco-friendly, fun and simple to create, giving you a chance to bond with the kids and let them show off their creativity and patriotism at your Fourth-of-July party.
Tin Can Windsocks
These tin can windsocks are the perfect patriotic addition to your front porch or backyard, and as an added bonus, they can be created using recycled items from your home. Some large tin cans, ribbon and string are all you need, but be sure to substitute the metallic spray paint with an eco-friendly alternative.
Instructions credit: Craft E Maggee
“Uncle Sam” Centerpiece
Few centerpieces are bursting with patriotism more than this one, and the best part is it’s ridiculously inexpensive to create. In fact, you likely have a lot of the supplies lying around. To keep it eco-friendly, swap out the plastic hat for a similar version in felt and be sure to use non-toxic paint.
Instructions credit: 11 Magnolia Lane
Scrap Wood American Flag
If you’re looking for a way to reuse some old scrap wood, this American Flag craft is super easy and makes a beautiful, rustic addition to your patio or deck décor. The design is flexible as well, so you can put use your creativity to put a spin on the design and really make it your own.
Instructions credit: My Love 2 Create
DIY American Mason Jar Planters
For an understated backyard decoration, these adorable DIY mason jar planters add just enough red, white and blue with the practical purpose of planting succulents or other low-maintenance plants. Just swap the spray paint for a green alternative and you’re good to go. Bonus — these can also be used as utensil holders for your party!
Instructions credit: Grace and Good Eats
Recycled Soup Can Mobile
This patriotic mobile is made from entirely recycled materials and is a classy way to decorate your outdoor space for the Fourth of July. Add some ribbon, fabric or beads to customize it, and use your imagination to create designs that are unique to you.
Instructions credit: Crafts for All Seasons
Fourth-of-July Bean Bag Toss
No backyard party is complete without a few games, so have a little carnival fun with this Fourth-of-July bean bag toss. To make it a little more fun, consider decorating your board with a fireworks design and use felt squares to complete the fireworks theme. Be sure to keep it all green with non-toxic paint and glue.
Instructions credit: Lifehacker
Patriotic Rag Wreath
If you have old denim, white burlap or fabric and a red gingham or plaid print, this rag wreath is a simple, gorgeous way to recycle the material and give your home some rustic flair. If you prefer, you can also use colored wool or felt for a different look. Other than the fabric, all you need is a wire hanger.
Instructions credit: Not Just Brides
Fourth-of-July Paper Lanterns
Paper lanterns are a fun craft for kids, but this version puts a star-spangled spin on the classic. These are simple, cheap and quick to make, so you’ll have no trouble making a bunch to decorate your outdoor space.
Instructions credit: The Crafting Chicks
Scrap Fabric Patriotic Pennants
These pennants are the perfect way to reuse your old denim and scrap fabric for a country-inspired decoration that can be used for years to come. Use your own creativity to come up with cute, patriotic designs for each one to keep them unique and feel free to add any other adornments you wish.
Instructions credit: Duct Tape and Denim
Recycled Fireworks Craft
No collection of Fourth-of-July crafts is complete without fireworks. These cute “USA” letters allow kids to show their patriotic spirit with recycled materials, such as paper plates and toilet paper rolls, without the loud noises or hazardous sparks.
Instructions credit: Momtastic
Recycled Bottle Ring Toss Game
Ring toss is a classic backyard game and you can make your own patriotic-themed ring toss with a few recycled bottles and paint. Stick with red, white and blue, or paint some fun fireworks or stars on the bottles to make them more interesting. Old party bracelets or the metal rings from mason jar lids make perfect rings as well.
Instructions credit: Fantastic Fun and Learning
Fourth-of-July Pinwheel Hair Clips
Help your girls join in the festivities with these adorable red, white and blue pinwheel hair clips made from colored felt. These are easy and inexpensive to make and are the perfect addition to their patriotic outfit.
Instructions credit: Eighteen25
Patriotic Tic-Tac-Toe
This Fourth-of-July craft project has a mix of outdoor fun, recycled/found objects and crafting, which makes it an excellent choice for young children. Instead of using a stump as your tic-tac-toe board, use a piece of old wood and let the kids go to town painting their stars-and-stripes rocks.
Instructions credit: 1915House
American Flag Tee Shirt
If you need a last-minute Fourth-of-July outfit for the kids, this painted tee shirt is the ideal choice. This versatile craft not only uses your child’s handprint, which will help them get a little messy and involved in the craft, but it also makes for a cute outfit.
Instructions credit: PureJoyHome
With all these awesome Fourth-of-July crafts, you should have no problem showing your patriotic spirit and decking out your home in red, white and blue. Try out some of these ideas or let them inspire you to create something all your own, and don’t forget to check out our full collection of eco-friendly craft supplies to get ready for the upcoming holiday!
Which of these crafts are you using to show off your spirit? Tag us on Instagram @ecofriendlycrafting so we can see!
The post Fourth of July Crafts appeared first on Eco-Friendly Crafts.
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mwriters4 · 7 years ago
Interior House Painting Tips
- Buy a quart first rather than a large quantity in case you're not dedicated to the color. Paint a piece of foam board and move it across the area to see how the colour is affected by the light at different times of the day.
- Know the square footage of the room you are painting before you head into the shop. The pros recommend 1 gallon for each 400 square feet. More may be required by Covering unprimed, coarse or textured surfaces.
- Don't apply latex onto an oil end and vice versa without first trimming the walls (make sure to wear a mask) and wiping off the dust particles using a tack cloth. Employ a primer of the identical composition (latex or oil) of the planned topcoat. To tell if your current wall color is water- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with rubbing alcohol and then rub it on the wall (in an out-of-the-way spot). If the paint dries and starts to move onto the cloth, it's water based. If the alcohol does not remove any color, it is oil-based.
- Don't underestimate how much time it'll take you to get the job done. Allow at least 24 hours to dry before bringing everything back. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before draining or washing.
- Paints have volatile organic chemicals (VOCs ) that can release toxic gas to the atmosphere for years after a room has been painted. Paint with zero-VOCs or low-VOCs. -Paints using a green seal have a VOC of less than 50 grams/liter for apartment and less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat.
- Paint doesn't stick very well to filthy walls, so wash them with water and soap (or TSP) and wash with water once done. Let dry overnight.
- sterile ceilings before painting. There will be dust and cobwebs that you don't see. Overlap the tape seams by at least an inch to avoid seepage between pieces, and after that seal the tape.
- Do not cover the floors with plastic as it can be quite slippery. Use drop cloths or sheets to protect them from drips and splatters.
- The colour mixer in the paint store can create slight variations from can to can. The last thing you want is to have two shades of a color on the same wall. This may be remedied by mixing the paint cans all together before you begin painting to make certain you will have consistent color.
- Fill holes with spackle with a five-in-one tool or broad blade and caulk where necessary. Sand dry spackle every spot.
- Don't underestimate how long it'll take you to get the task done. Allow 2 weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing.
- Removing socket covers makes for a much neater paint job. Tape tape over the light or socket switch , and the screws to the cover to keep paint.
- Scaffolding comes in parts called "dollars" and "cross dollars". To get a high ceiling, 4 bucks should suffice. Each buck costs about $12 a day to lease. You need: walk planks or boards to place along the bucks, these rent for about $10 each per day. -for scaffolding Wheels rent. They are significant because they allow the scaffolding to move . Four wheels rent for about $25 a day.
- When painting a textured ceiling, then make certain to use a thick-nap roller to ensure that you get full coverage over the lumps and irregularities in the textured surface. For a drywall ceiling that is smooth, you may use a roller with a shorter or smooth nap.
Time-Saving Options:
- Use an edger rather than painter's tape. Purchase a good quality edger (they are fairly inexpensive) and take your time at the corners so that you don't spend all of the excess time taping everything off.
- If you take a rest while painting, cover rollers in plastic wrap and refrigerate so that you don't have to clean them every time you stop.
- Consider skipping the paint trays and utilizing a five-gallon bucket with a roller screen inside. This saves time on re-filling and filling the bucket.
- Use a hammer and nail to poke holes in the rim of the paint can. It enables the paint.
- Use a nylon-bristle brush for water-based paint and natural bristles to get oil-based paint. Don't use bristlesbased paint, the water may make the limp. Foam brushes are good for intricate work such as window casings or painting molding. These brushes usually last for only 1 use because they're hard to clean and easy to tear.
- If your job requires oil-based paint, natural bristles such as ox or hog hair are perfect because they hold paint better than synthetic bristles.
- If you are using latex paint, then polyester and nylon brushes are a lot better because they do not absorb water like natural fibers.
- Good all-purpose brushes have been flagged, meaning that the bristles change in length slowly coming to a peak in the center of the brush. Flagged brushes provide a smooth, even exact coating of paint.
- Utilize the ideal roller for the job. For surfaces like wood and wallboard, use a roller with a 3/8-inch or less rest. For surfaces with texture, bigger sticks can lessen the amount of coatings -- and the amount of time spent painting.
- Use soap and water to clean latex paint off the brush immediately after painting. If the paint dries on the brush, you'll need solvents to remove it. If your residence is on a public sewer system, you can clean the brushes but be careful not to dispose of paint in a region where it might seep into the groundwater. painters Dublin
- For oil-based paints, so you'll need a solvent such as paint thinner or mineral spirits. Pour about two inches of thinner into a metal container and swirl the brush in it until the paint comes off.
- Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and sealed with a rubber ring or aluminum foil. Hang brushes down to keep their shape.
- Maintain a stash of paint for touch-ups in a little plastic cup or glass jar, like margarine containers or baby food jars (totally cleaned, of course). Be sure to label each container with the colour and manufacturer name.
- A common issue known as "hatbanding" occurs when painters use a paintbrush for clipping in and a roller to use the rest of the paint, so producing a different feel across the ceiling and trim. To prevent hatbanding, roll the paint as close to the cut-in regions as possible.
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vipcarpetcleaning · 7 years ago
Interior Home Painting Tricks
– Purchase a quart first instead of a massive quantity in case you’re not dedicated to the colour. Paint a sheet of foam board and move it across the room to see how the colour is affected by the light at different times of the day.
– Know the square footage of the area you are painting before you head to the store. The experts recommend 1 gallon for each 400 square feet. More may be required by Covering unprimed, rough or textured surfaces.
– Don’t apply latex onto an oil end and vice versa without first sanding the walls (remember to put on a mask) and wiping away the dust particles using a tack cloth. Employ a primer of the identical composition (oil or latex) of the planned topcoat. To tell whether your current wall color is water- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with rubbing alcohol and then rub it on the wall (within a out-of-the-way spot). If the paint dries and begins to move onto the cloth, it’s water based. If the alcohol does not get rid of any shade, it is oil-based.
– Don’t underestimate how long it’ll take you to find the task done. Allow at least 24 hours to dry before bringing everything back into the room. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing. continue reading this
– Paints have volatile organic chemicals (VOCs ) that can release toxic gas into the atmosphere for years after an area has been painted. Paint with low-VOCs or zero-VOCs. -Paints using a green seal possess a VOC of less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat and less than 50 grams/liter for flat.
– Paint does not stick very well to dirty walls, so clean them with soap and water (or TSP) and wash with water once done. Let dry.
– Clean ceilings before painting. There’ll be cobwebs and dust which you don’t see. Overlap the tape seams by at least an inch to avoid seepage between pieces, and after that seal the tape.
– Don’t cover the floors with plastic as it can be quite slippery. Use drop cloths or old sheets to protect them from drips and splatters.
– The colour mixer in the paint shop can create small variations from can to can. The last thing you want is to have two shades of a color on the same wall. This can be remedied by mixing each of the paint cans together before you start painting to make certain you will have consistent colour.
– Fill holes with spackle with a five-in-one tool or wide blade and caulk where necessary. Sand dry spackle smooth, and prime every spot.
– Don’t underestimate how long it’ll take you to find the job done. Allow at least 24 hours to dry before bringing everything back. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing.
– Removing outlet covers makes for a much neater paint job. Tape the screws into the cover, and tape over the outlet or light switch to keep paint from getting on them.
– Scaffolding comes in components called “dollars” and “cross dollars”. To get a high ceiling, 4 bucks should suffice.
Each buck costs about $12 a day to lease. You need: walk planks or boards to place along the bucks, these rent for about $10 each per day. -Wheels rent individually. They are important because they enable the scaffolding to move with ease. Four wheels rent for about $25 a day.
– If painting a textured ceiling, then make certain to use a thick-nap roller to make certain you get full coverage over the lumps and irregularities in the textured surface. You can use a roller having a shorter or smooth rest.
Time-Saving Options: Purchase a good quality edger (they’re fairly inexpensive) and take your time at the corners so that you don’t spend all the extra time taping everything off.
– A 2-inch angled-sash brush may also be used for cutting into corners.-Hold it like a pencil and paint a continuous line.
– If you take a break while painting, cover rollers in plastic wrap and refrigerate so that you don’t have to clean them each time you stop.
– Consider skipping the paint trays and utilizing a five-gallon bucket using a roller screen inside. This saves time on filling and re-filling the bucket. It enables the paint.
Tools: Don’t use bristles with water–based paint, the water may make the limp. Foam brushes are good for intricate work such as painting molding or window casings. These brushes last for only 1 use because they’re hard to clean and easy to tear.
– If your project demands oil-based paint, natural bristles like ox or hog hair are perfect since they hold paint better than synthetic bristles.
– If you are using latex paint, then polyester and nylon brushes are a lot better since they don’t absorb water like natural fibers.
– Great all-purpose brushes have been flagged, meaning the bristles change in length gradually coming to a peak in the center of the brush. Flagged brushes provide a smooth, even, more precise layer of paint.
– Use the ideal roller for your job. For smooth surfaces like wallboard and wood, use a roller with a nap that is less or 3/8-inch. For surfaces with heavy texture, bigger sticks can lessen the number of coatings — and the amount of time spent painting.
– Use water and soap to wash latex paint off the brush immediately after painting. If the paint dries on the brush, you are going to want solvents to remove it. If your residence is on a sewer system that is public, you can clean the brushes on your sink, but you should be cautious to not eliminate paint in a region where it may seep into the groundwater.
– To oil-based paints, you’ll require a solvent like paint thinner or mineral spirits. Pour about 2 inches of thinner into a metal container until the paint comes off, and swirl the brush that is filthy in it.
– Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and coated with a rubber ring or aluminum foil. Hang brushes down to keep their shape. Be sure to label every container with the brand and colour name.
– A common problem known as “hatbanding” takes place when painters use a paintbrush for cutting in and a roller to use the remaining portion of the paint, thus producing a different texture across the ceiling and trim. To prevent hatbanding, roll the paint as close to the cut-in areas as possible.
source http://ift.tt/2xTboG4
0 notes
dynolock · 7 years ago
Interior Home Painting Tricks
– Purchase a quart first instead of a massive quantity in case you’re not dedicated to the colour. Paint a sheet of foam board and move it across the room to see how the colour is affected by the light at different times of the day.
– Know the square footage of the area you are painting before you head to the store. The experts recommend 1 gallon for each 400 square feet. More may be required by Covering unprimed, rough or textured surfaces.
– Don’t apply latex onto an oil end and vice versa without first sanding the walls (remember to put on a mask) and wiping away the dust particles using a tack cloth. Employ a primer of the identical composition (oil or latex) of the planned topcoat. To tell whether your current wall color is water- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with rubbing alcohol and then rub it on the wall (within a out-of-the-way spot). If the paint dries and begins to move onto the cloth, it’s water based. If the alcohol does not get rid of any shade, it is oil-based.
– Don’t underestimate how long it’ll take you to find the task done. Allow at least 24 hours to dry before bringing everything back into the room. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing. continue reading this
– Paints have volatile organic chemicals (VOCs ) that can release toxic gas into the atmosphere for years after an area has been painted. Paint with low-VOCs or zero-VOCs. -Paints using a green seal possess a VOC of less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat and less than 50 grams/liter for flat.
– Paint does not stick very well to dirty walls, so clean them with soap and water (or TSP) and wash with water once done. Let dry.
– Clean ceilings before painting. There’ll be cobwebs and dust which you don’t see. Overlap the tape seams by at least an inch to avoid seepage between pieces, and after that seal the tape.
– Don’t cover the floors with plastic as it can be quite slippery. Use drop cloths or old sheets to protect them from drips and splatters.
– The colour mixer in the paint shop can create small variations from can to can. The last thing you want is to have two shades of a color on the same wall. This can be remedied by mixing each of the paint cans together before you start painting to make certain you will have consistent colour.
– Fill holes with spackle with a five-in-one tool or wide blade and caulk where necessary. Sand dry spackle smooth, and prime every spot.
– Don’t underestimate how long it’ll take you to find the job done. Allow at least 24 hours to dry before bringing everything back. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing.
– Removing outlet covers makes for a much neater paint job. Tape the screws into the cover, and tape over the outlet or light switch to keep paint from getting on them.
– Scaffolding comes in components called “dollars” and “cross dollars”. To get a high ceiling, 4 bucks should suffice.
Each buck costs about $12 a day to lease. You need: walk planks or boards to place along the bucks, these rent for about $10 each per day. -Wheels rent individually. They are important because they enable the scaffolding to move with ease. Four wheels rent for about $25 a day.
– If painting a textured ceiling, then make certain to use a thick-nap roller to make certain you get full coverage over the lumps and irregularities in the textured surface. You can use a roller having a shorter or smooth rest.
Time-Saving Options: Purchase a good quality edger (they’re fairly inexpensive) and take your time at the corners so that you don’t spend all the extra time taping everything off.
– A 2-inch angled-sash brush may also be used for cutting into corners.-Hold it like a pencil and paint a continuous line.
– If you take a break while painting, cover rollers in plastic wrap and refrigerate so that you don’t have to clean them each time you stop.
– Consider skipping the paint trays and utilizing a five-gallon bucket using a roller screen inside. This saves time on filling and re-filling the bucket. It enables the paint.
Tools: Don’t use bristles with water–based paint, the water may make the limp. Foam brushes are good for intricate work such as painting molding or window casings. These brushes last for only 1 use because they’re hard to clean and easy to tear.
– If your project demands oil-based paint, natural bristles like ox or hog hair are perfect since they hold paint better than synthetic bristles.
– If you are using latex paint, then polyester and nylon brushes are a lot better since they don’t absorb water like natural fibers.
– Great all-purpose brushes have been flagged, meaning the bristles change in length gradually coming to a peak in the center of the brush. Flagged brushes provide a smooth, even, more precise layer of paint.
– Use the ideal roller for your job. For smooth surfaces like wallboard and wood, use a roller with a nap that is less or 3/8-inch. For surfaces with heavy texture, bigger sticks can lessen the number of coatings — and the amount of time spent painting.
– Use water and soap to wash latex paint off the brush immediately after painting. If the paint dries on the brush, you are going to want solvents to remove it. If your residence is on a sewer system that is public, you can clean the brushes on your sink, but you should be cautious to not eliminate paint in a region where it may seep into the groundwater.
– To oil-based paints, you’ll require a solvent like paint thinner or mineral spirits. Pour about 2 inches of thinner into a metal container until the paint comes off, and swirl the brush that is filthy in it.
– Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and coated with a rubber ring or aluminum foil. Hang brushes down to keep their shape. Be sure to label every container with the brand and colour name.
– A common problem known as “hatbanding” takes place when painters use a paintbrush for cutting in and a roller to use the remaining portion of the paint, thus producing a different texture across the ceiling and trim. To prevent hatbanding, roll the paint as close to the cut-in areas as possible.
source http://ift.tt/2xTboG4
0 notes
josieericka · 7 years ago
Interior Home Painting Tricks
– Purchase a quart first instead of a massive quantity in case you’re not dedicated to the colour. Paint a sheet of foam board and move it across the room to see how the colour is affected by the light at different times of the day.
– Know the square footage of the area you are painting before you head to the store. The experts recommend 1 gallon for each 400 square feet. More may be required by Covering unprimed, rough or textured surfaces.
– Don’t apply latex onto an oil end and vice versa without first sanding the walls (remember to put on a mask) and wiping away the dust particles using a tack cloth. Employ a primer of the identical composition (oil or latex) of the planned topcoat. To tell whether your current wall color is water- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with rubbing alcohol and then rub it on the wall (within a out-of-the-way spot). If the paint dries and begins to move onto the cloth, it’s water based. If the alcohol does not get rid of any shade, it is oil-based.
– Don’t underestimate how long it’ll take you to find the task done. Allow at least 24 hours to dry before bringing everything back into the room. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing. continue reading this
– Paints have volatile organic chemicals (VOCs ) that can release toxic gas into the atmosphere for years after an area has been painted. Paint with low-VOCs or zero-VOCs. -Paints using a green seal possess a VOC of less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat and less than 50 grams/liter for flat.
– Paint does not stick very well to dirty walls, so clean them with soap and water (or TSP) and wash with water once done. Let dry.
– Clean ceilings before painting. There’ll be cobwebs and dust which you don’t see. Overlap the tape seams by at least an inch to avoid seepage between pieces, and after that seal the tape.
– Don’t cover the floors with plastic as it can be quite slippery. Use drop cloths or old sheets to protect them from drips and splatters.
– The colour mixer in the paint shop can create small variations from can to can. The last thing you want is to have two shades of a color on the same wall. This can be remedied by mixing each of the paint cans together before you start painting to make certain you will have consistent colour.
– Fill holes with spackle with a five-in-one tool or wide blade and caulk where necessary. Sand dry spackle smooth, and prime every spot.
– Don’t underestimate how long it’ll take you to find the job done. Allow at least 24 hours to dry before bringing everything back. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing.
– Removing outlet covers makes for a much neater paint job. Tape the screws into the cover, and tape over the outlet or light switch to keep paint from getting on them.
– Scaffolding comes in components called “dollars” and “cross dollars”. To get a high ceiling, 4 bucks should suffice.
Each buck costs about $12 a day to lease. You need: walk planks or boards to place along the bucks, these rent for about $10 each per day. -Wheels rent individually. They are important because they enable the scaffolding to move with ease. Four wheels rent for about $25 a day.
– If painting a textured ceiling, then make certain to use a thick-nap roller to make certain you get full coverage over the lumps and irregularities in the textured surface. You can use a roller having a shorter or smooth rest.
Time-Saving Options: Purchase a good quality edger (they’re fairly inexpensive) and take your time at the corners so that you don’t spend all the extra time taping everything off.
– A 2-inch angled-sash brush may also be used for cutting into corners.-Hold it like a pencil and paint a continuous line.
– If you take a break while painting, cover rollers in plastic wrap and refrigerate so that you don’t have to clean them each time you stop.
– Consider skipping the paint trays and utilizing a five-gallon bucket using a roller screen inside. This saves time on filling and re-filling the bucket. It enables the paint.
Tools: Don’t use bristles with water–based paint, the water may make the limp. Foam brushes are good for intricate work such as painting molding or window casings. These brushes last for only 1 use because they’re hard to clean and easy to tear.
– If your project demands oil-based paint, natural bristles like ox or hog hair are perfect since they hold paint better than synthetic bristles.
– If you are using latex paint, then polyester and nylon brushes are a lot better since they don’t absorb water like natural fibers.
– Great all-purpose brushes have been flagged, meaning the bristles change in length gradually coming to a peak in the center of the brush. Flagged brushes provide a smooth, even, more precise layer of paint.
– Use the ideal roller for your job. For smooth surfaces like wallboard and wood, use a roller with a nap that is less or 3/8-inch. For surfaces with heavy texture, bigger sticks can lessen the number of coatings — and the amount of time spent painting.
– Use water and soap to wash latex paint off the brush immediately after painting. If the paint dries on the brush, you are going to want solvents to remove it. If your residence is on a sewer system that is public, you can clean the brushes on your sink, but you should be cautious to not eliminate paint in a region where it may seep into the groundwater.
– To oil-based paints, you’ll require a solvent like paint thinner or mineral spirits. Pour about 2 inches of thinner into a metal container until the paint comes off, and swirl the brush that is filthy in it.
– Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and coated with a rubber ring or aluminum foil. Hang brushes down to keep their shape. Be sure to label every container with the brand and colour name.
– A common problem known as “hatbanding” takes place when painters use a paintbrush for cutting in and a roller to use the remaining portion of the paint, thus producing a different texture across the ceiling and trim. To prevent hatbanding, roll the paint as close to the cut-in areas as possible.
from https://papapainting.wordpress.com/2017/10/02/interior-home-painting-tricks/
0 notes
bethestaryouareradio · 8 years ago
From Outside In
“I went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” John Muir
As summer draws to a close, it’s natural to want to grab the last rays of outdoor living. With temperatures in the three digits, however, unless we are splashing in a pool, many people are staying indoors with the air conditioner turned on high. I tend to march to a different drum, preferring to sweat through the heat to enjoy the hazy, hot days of the season al fresco.
Since harvest time is quickly approaching, I tromped through the hills with Andrea Wood, a former financial broker turned entrepreneur who in 2010 purchased twenty-two acres above Campolindo High School with the dream of planting a vineyard, olive orchard, and building a local winery. A few years ago, she planted 125 olive trees but, alas, in June, a fire blazed to the top of her property burning many of her young trees. As we hiked her hills, we were surprised to witness the resiliency of the olive as new shoots sprouted from the trunks of the scorched trees. Three cheers for Mother Nature’s ability to rebound from devastation. Trees that were untouched are filled with fruit which will ripen and be harvested in November by her family. From the top of the drive, olive trees sway in the wind with views of Mt. Diablo in the background. In May of 2018, she will plant her southern facing hillside with Cabernet Sauvignon in a manner reminiscent of Tuscan vineyards. Plans for her winery are forthcoming. In the meantime, deer and turkeys call her hillsides home.
With this hot and dry weather, there is a high danger of fire. Be proactive and remove flammable objects, debris, brush, and wood from around the perimeter of your dwelling. The National Weather Service has been issuing red flag and heat wave warnings projected to continue through the month of September. Stay hydrated, wear a hat when outdoors, provide plenty of water to your pets, and watch your plants for signs of stress.
It’s been extremely enjoyable watching the colorful sunsets from the comfort of my patio chairs.  Although I maintain my distance, observing the plethora of wildlife that prance and glide through my own landscape is mesmerizing. Deer, turkeys, skunks, raccoons, lizards, snakes, hawks, hummingbirds, and even coyotes and foxes are constant visitors, not all welcome.
Striped skunks have been increasingly bold, coming right up to my back door. These nocturnal mammals, although adorably cute from afar, should not be approached as they can spray as a defense mechanism their strong musk several times with an accuracy of twelve feet. In addition, skunks are carriers of rabies. As much as their smell is disgusting, skunks are beneficial for reducing rodents and pesky insects. However, once they take up residence in your yard, garage, shed, or deck, they are problematic. Do your best to secure entry holes in and under buildings and decks. Skunks can burrow as they forage to go from outside to in. If skunks are bothering you, call Vector Control at 925-771-6190 to request a skunk inspection.
In case your pet is sprayed, try this homemade neutralizer recipe:
STINK REMOVER RECIPE 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide ¼ cup baking soda 1 teaspoon dishwashing detergent
Mix together and wash your pet keeping the concoction out of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Rinse with water. If necessary, wash again. Do not bottle or store this solution as a chemical reaction could cause an explosion.
Blue tailed lizards, also known as skinks, have provided hours of entertainment as the sprint from rock to rock. Some veterinarians state that skinks may be poisonous to pets, specifically cats, although there are no concrete published studies. Having bright coloring on the skin often indicates that an animal is venomous or unpalatable but in the case of the blue tailed skink this quality is a useful decoy inviting birds to attack the tail and not its vital organs. Lizard tails regenerate. Lizards are excellent garden protectors eating many of the bothersome insects that plaque our landscapes. Welcome them.
Grapes are ripening on the vine as the sun kisses the clusters. Bunches resemble still life paintings with their colors of blue, purple, absinthe, and rose. (Next month be on the look out for my article on our Lamorinda grape harvest!) Hydrangeas that were originally a deep vermillion are showing florets of lime green mottled with pink. Green is the most prevalent color in nature.  It’s enlightening to take time to truly immerse your senses in the multitude of shades and hues before the leaves turn amber, gold, crimson, and red.
When the weather allows, get outside to enjoy the call of the wild. Bring the breath of the earth into our souls by soaking in nature outside. Out is in. Inhale deeply.
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide Tips for September
FEED Monarchs with enriching nectar for both the caterpillars and butterflies by planting Swamp Milkweed, Pink Common Milkweed, Asters, and Liatris.
EAT ugly and imperfect fruits and vegetables. About one-third of all food produced worldwide, worth around $1 trillion, gets lost or wasted in food production and consumption systems. Deformed produce tastes the same and is as nutritionally viable as perfect pieces. For bruised fruit or vegetables, cut off the bad bits, make a sauce, or a soup.
WATER deeply when your garden is thirsty in the early morning or evening. Do not water during the heat of the day or you’ll be wasting H20 and may burn your plants.
TAKE 20% off new season vegetable seeds from Renee’s Garden. Enter code 18INTRO at checkout. Offer ends 9/15/17. Receive 50% off 2017 seeds.  www.reneesgarden.com
USE vegetable stems and trimmings for sauces, sautés, and soups. Broccoli stalks can be shaved for a salad, potato peels baked for chips, carrot and cilantro tops made into a pesto. Get creative and don’t waste any part of an edible vegetable. Note, do not eat the leaves of rhubarb as they are toxic.
AVOID aches and pains while gardening by stretching before and after your work.
CHOOSE plants for color, shape, size, visual texture, and foliage when planning your garden.
VISIT the Pear and Wine Festival on September 23 at the Moraga Commons. Make sure to stop by the Be the Star You Are!® booth for fun activities for the kids. Thanks to Michael VerBrugge Construction, The Lamorinda Weekly, and MB Jessee painting for making the booth possible. Consider making a donation to Operation Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief to help the displaced in Texas. http://www.bethestaryouare.org/events
DIVIDE crowded perennials once they have finished blooming. This includes Naked Ladies.
FERTILIZE your acid loving plants including roses, rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, fuchsias, ferns, and begonias.
PICK Asian pears and apples that are ripe.
The best way to get in contact with me is via email at [email protected]. As much as I appreciate your questions and concerns, I am unable to respond to the numerous phone calls. Thanks for understanding!
Happy Gardening and Happy Growing! Read More: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1114/Digging-Deep-with-Cynthia-Brian-Outside-in.html
Photos and Info at Press Pass: http://vapresspass.com/2017/09/12/outside-inside/
Cynthia Brian
Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is a New York Times best selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are1® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show and order her books at www.StarStyleRadio.com Available for hire for any project.   [email protected] www.GoddessGardener.com
0 notes
goddessgardener · 8 years ago
Outside In
“I went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” John Muir
As summer draws to a close, it’s natural to want to grab the last rays of outdoor living. With temperatures in the three digits, however, unless we are splashing in a pool, many people are staying indoors with the air conditioner turned on high. I tend to march to a different drum, preferring to sweat through the heat to enjoy the hazy, hot days of the season al fresco.
Since harvest time is quickly approaching, I tromped through the hills with Andrea Wood, a former financial broker turned entrepreneur who in 2010 purchased twenty-two acres above Campolindo High School with the dream of planting a vineyard, olive orchard, and building a local winery. A few years ago, she planted 125 olive trees but, alas, in June, a fire blazed to the top of her property burning many of her young trees. As we hiked her hills, we were surprised to witness the resiliency of the olive as new shoots sprouted from the trunks of the scorched trees. Three cheers for Mother Nature’s ability to rebound from devastation. Trees that were untouched are filled with fruit which will ripen and be harvested in November by her family. From the top of the drive, olive trees sway in the wind with views of Mt. Diablo in the background. In May of 2018, she will plant her southern facing hillside with Cabernet Sauvignon in a manner reminiscent of Tuscan vineyards. Plans for her winery are forthcoming. In the meantime, deer and turkeys call her hillsides home.
With this hot and dry weather, there is a high danger of fire. Be proactive and remove flammable objects, debris, brush, and wood from around the perimeter of your dwelling. The National Weather Service has been issuing red flag and heat wave warnings projected to continue through the month of September. Stay hydrated, wear a hat when outdoors, provide plenty of water to your pets, and watch your plants for signs of stress.
It’s been extremely enjoyable watching the colorful sunsets from the comfort of my patio chairs.  Although I maintain my distance, observing the plethora of wildlife that prance and glide through my own landscape is mesmerizing. Deer, turkeys, skunks, raccoons, lizards, snakes, hawks, hummingbirds, and even coyotes and foxes are constant visitors, not all welcome.
Striped skunks have been increasingly bold, coming right up to my back door. These nocturnal mammals, although adorably cute from afar, should not be approached as they can spray as a defense mechanism their strong musk several times with an accuracy of twelve feet. In addition, skunks are carriers of rabies. As much as their smell is disgusting, skunks are beneficial for reducing rodents and pesky insects. However, once they take up residence in your yard, garage, shed, or deck, they are problematic. Do your best to secure entry holes in and under buildings and decks. Skunks can burrow as they forage to go from outside to in. If skunks are bothering you, call Vector Control at 925-771-6190 to request a skunk inspection.
In case your pet is sprayed, try this homemade neutralizer recipe:
STINK REMOVER RECIPE 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide ¼ cup baking soda 1 teaspoon dishwashing detergent
Mix together and wash your pet keeping the concoction out of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Rinse with water. If necessary, wash again. Do not bottle or store this solution as a chemical reaction could cause an explosion.
Blue tailed lizards, also known as skinks, have provided hours of entertainment as the sprint from rock to rock. Some veterinarians state that skinks may be poisonous to pets, specifically cats, although there are no concrete published studies. Having bright coloring on the skin often indicates that an animal is venomous or unpalatable but in the case of the blue tailed skink this quality is a useful decoy inviting birds to attack the tail and not its vital organs. Lizard tails regenerate. Lizards are excellent garden protectors eating many of the bothersome insects that plaque our landscapes. Welcome them.
Grapes are ripening on the vine as the sun kisses the clusters. Bunches resemble still life paintings with their colors of blue, purple, absinthe, and rose. (Next month be on the look out for my article on our Lamorinda grape harvest!) Hydrangeas that were originally a deep vermillion are showing florets of lime green mottled with pink. Green is the most prevalent color in nature.  It’s enlightening to take time to truly immerse your senses in the multitude of shades and hues before the leaves turn amber, gold, crimson, and red.
When the weather allows, get outside to enjoy the call of the wild. Bring the breath of the earth into our souls by soaking in nature outside. Out is in. Inhale deeply.
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide Tips for September
FEED Monarchs with enriching nectar for both the caterpillars and butterflies by planting Swamp Milkweed, Pink Common Milkweed, Asters, and Liatris.
EAT ugly and imperfect fruits and vegetables. About one-third of all food produced worldwide, worth around $1 trillion, gets lost or wasted in food production and consumption systems. Deformed produce tastes the same and is as nutritionally viable as perfect pieces. For bruised fruit or vegetables, cut off the bad bits, make a sauce, or a soup.
WATER deeply when your garden is thirsty in the early morning or evening. Do not water during the heat of the day or you’ll be wasting H20 and may burn your plants.
TAKE 20% off new season vegetable seeds from Renee’s Garden. Enter code 18INTRO at checkout. Offer ends 9/15/17. Receive 50% off 2017 seeds.  www.reneesgarden.com
USE vegetable stems and trimmings for sauces, sautés, and soups. Broccoli stalks can be shaved for a salad, potato peels baked for chips, carrot and cilantro tops made into a pesto. Get creative and don’t waste any part of an edible vegetable. Note, do not eat the leaves of rhubarb as they are toxic.
AVOID aches and pains while gardening by stretching before and after your work.
CHOOSE plants for color, shape, size, visual texture, and foliage when planning your garden.
VISIT the Pear and Wine Festival on September 23 at the Moraga Commons. Make sure to stop by the Be the Star You Are!® booth for fun activities for the kids. Thanks to Michael VerBrugge Construction, The Lamorinda Weekly, and MB Jessee painting for making the booth possible. Consider making a donation to Operation Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief to help the displaced in Texas. http://www.bethestaryouare.org/events
DIVIDE crowded perennials once they have finished blooming. This includes Naked Ladies.
FERTILIZE your acid loving plants including roses, rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, fuchsias, ferns, and begonias.
PICK Asian pears and apples that are ripe.
The best way to get in contact with me is via email at [email protected]. As much as I appreciate your questions and concerns, I am unable to respond to the numerous phone calls. Thanks for understanding!
Happy Gardening and Happy Growing! Read More: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1114/Digging-Deep-with-Cynthia-Brian-Outside-in.html
Cynthia Brian
Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is a New York Times best selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are1® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show and order her books at www.StarStyleRadio.com Available for hire for any project.   [email protected] www.GoddessGardener.com
0 notes
itsiotrecords-blog · 8 years ago
Britney Spears was the hottest thing in the world for a long, long time. If you’d like us to be more specific, Britney Spears was the hottest thing in the world from 1999 – 2006. Her debut album …Baby One More Time became the best selling album from any teenager ever. Have you seen her music videos? Girlfriend may not have the best voice, but her music videos are legendary. Britney in a schoolgirl outfit? Britney in a red latex catsuit? Yep, we’re sold. Her world tours were crushin’ it. She performed during the Super Bowl Halftime show. She was on magazine covers. She earned Grammy nominations. She dated Justin Timberlake. She kissed Madonna at the VMAs. She was It. Then, 2007 happened. If you Google “Britney Spears 2007,” you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about. It was a year that included Bald Britney and her trusty umbrella. Many people didn’t think there was any coming back from that, but Britney came back. She now has a wildly popular residency in Las Vegas that is reportedly earning her $475,000 a show. She managed to not shave her head, get arrested, or get married in the past few years. It seems that Britney is back. However, she can never truly be back. Her breakdown is something that taints her image, no matter how much effort she puts into rehabbing it. Yes, she looks great and performs with the same fire she once had, but we can all still recall Bald Brit with her umbrella. Prior to 2007, Britney was on top of the world and there were no bat-shit crazy photos to blemish her image. She was truly perfect. That was when Britney was in her prime. Here are 18 photos to remind you just how on top of the world ol’ Britney was at such a young age.
#1 Wearing A Very Practical Metal Shirt This shirt is not practical in any regard. In fact, we’re betting that a chain mail shirt is pretty uncomfortable and quite chilly. Also, the fact that it’s only being held together by two delicate chains means Britney can’t do much in it. A slight breeze passes and Brit could be showing much more than she wanted. Practicality aside, this photo is vintage Britney. Between the purple eye shadow and glossy lips, she is reminding us just ridiculous some of her looks were… but she still looked perfect. She actually thrives in these early 2000s styles. Oh, and her body is amazing. We’re pretty sure that belly piercings surged 200% from Brit flaunting her always-taut stomach, and belly button ring. Unfortunately, getting a belly button ring doesn’t automatically make you as hot as Britney. There is only one Britney.
#2 As A Gladiator With A Belly Ring Back in 2001, Britney struck an endorsement deal with Pepsi for a whooping $8 million. Considering how iconic the Britney/Pepsi advertisements were, $8 million was actually a steal. While they worked several different marketing spins, the most memorable is Gladiator Britney. How could you forget this commercial? Some people (totally me) would watch TV just hoping this commercial came on. In it, Britney, Beyonce, and Pink come into a gladiator dome and sing “We Will Rock You.” This is all while drinking Pepsi, of course. A mandate for casting must have been something like, “Singer with abs of steel.” All of these ladies have washboard stomachs. While Britney rocked her sexy-Gladiator look, our favorite part is that she’s still wearing her belly button ring. You can take Brit out of 2001, but you can’t take the belly ring out of Brit.
#3 Britney Spears, Sweet As Pie When Britney Spears first hit the scene, she really milked the wholesome thing. In fact, the “…Baby One More Time” music video was originally supposed to be cartoonish to appeal to a young audience, but Britney had a better idea. She pitched her own concept of it being at a school with lots of dancing. They obviously went for this idea, since it is now what we know as the iconic video. Hold on, Britney is even more genius. Upon looking at the wardrobe, which was a t-shirt and jeans, she then pitched the schoolgirl idea. Again, they went for it. It gets better. She thought the uniforms were too dorky and suggested everyone tie up their shirts. Basically, Britney was the mastermind behind the whole music video, which launched her entire career and brand. People often underestimate Britney, but girlfriend is in tune with what to give the public. This photo is from a shoot with Timothy White in 1999. She’s obviously still milking the sweet as apple pie thing, which was always part of her appeal. Britney was always both the girl next door and, uh, the type of girl who dances with a snake around her neck.
#4 That Rolling Stone Cover In 1999, Britney graced the cover of Rolling Stone for the first time. It would become an iconic photoshoot, both for her and Rolling Stone. This particular photoshoot really encapsulated what was so interesting about Britney. She was 18 years old and somewhere between being a girl and a woman – y’know, as she would sing about later. The cover photo (above) showed the teenage Britney in her underwear while holding both a telephone and a Teletubby. It is rubbing both her sexuality and innocence in your face. It was about this time that the American Family Association condemned Britney. They said that the photoshoot was disturbing because of the way it mixed young innocence and adult sexuality. Uh, that was kind of the point, guys. The AFA urged people to boycott Queen Brit. Obviously, the AFA didn’t make that much of a dent on her career.
#5 That Other Rolling Stones Cover Britney Spears went on to grace the cover of Rolling Stone several times. She’s worn a t-shirt and jeans on the cover, a bra and jeans, an American flag shirt and red leather pants. She also wore just underwear and what seemed like a bed sheet. In 2003, she graced the cover in the above photo, which really, really showed off the curves of her body. 2003 was way past the days of her youth. She had already publicly broken up with Justin, supposedly for cheating on him with a back-up dancer. Britney was no longer the girl in a school uniform. She was a woman. That year also saw the release of her 4th studio album, In The Zone. This album would produce four singles: “Me Against the Music,” “Toxic,” “Everytime,” and “Outrageous.” While everyone remembers Britney’s “Toxic” video (how could you not?), it was her “Everytime” video that really had critics talking. In it, Britney plays a star, who suffers under the stress of the media, dies, and is resurrected into a baby who was born at the hospital. It was oddly prolific considering how Britney would soon struggle under the weight of stardom.
#6 No One Has Ever Looked As Good In A Green Bikini You don’t see many green bikinis. Green can be a difficult color to pull off, especially in bikini form. Britney’s always-tanned bod and honey blonde hair makes it easy for her to look good in just about any color. Seriously, she can wear anything from a red latex catsuit to this green bikini. It also helps that her body is perfectly sculpted. This picture is included because it is, again, vintage Britney. While she is flaunting her amazing body, her face is anything but sultry. She is wearing minimum makeup and has the wind blowing through her hair. Her mega-watt smile isn’t seducing anyone. It more looks like a carefree smile of someone about to jump into a lake. Yet, she’s still seducing anyone who looks at this photo. It’s this duality that made Britney a star. Oh, also she’s rocking her belly ring because duh.
#7 Classic Britney With Crimped Hair Britney with the crimped hair was everything. She somehow pulled off crimped hair, even though no one pulls off crimped hair. This resulted in a ton of people copying her style – think of her herds of young girls who crimped their hair in the early 2000s. Little did those young girls know that Britney with crimped hair is much different than the rest of the world with crimped hair. She rocked crimped hair at awards shows, photoshoots, and in music videos. This photo is a great example of Brit rocking something that would look good on no one else. If you ever saw a girl in real life with half-curled and half-crimped hair, you’d just think she looks… well, she wouldn’t look like Britney. That’s for sure. For whatever reason, Britney looks hot. It also helps that she’s wearing a tiny jean skirt and midriff-bearing tank. Also, I spy a belly ring.
#8 No Biggie, Just Chillin’ In A Field Of Flowers This photo may be the height of Britney doing the wholesome thing. She’s just chillin’ in a field of flowers. She looks just about as youthful and innocent as anyone can possibly look. See? This was her appeal. You’d see this photoshoot, but then you’d also see Britney shimmying in a schoolgirl outfit. It was all so confusing, and all so hot. The issue with this specific appeal is that it’s difficult for someone to keep up long-term. Britney Spears is now 35 years old. She can’t do that sweet, small town girl thing anymore. We all know Britney has been through some shit. In a genius way, Britney does dip into a mature wholesome angle through her social media posts. On her Instagram, she posts photos of her family, photos of goofy selfies, motivational quotes. Britney will even post pictures of goddamn kittens on Instagram just ’cause she thinks they’re cute. It’s a new version of her wholesomeness, as she can’t play the wide-eyed young thing anymore.
#9 That Performance With A Snake We couldn’t not include this photo for several reasons. First of all, look at her. The “I’m a Slave 4 U” period was when Britney’s abs were at the top of their game. We know, we know. Girlfriend always had abs. That’s true, but at this point in her career, she was cut. There is barely any fat on her entire body. This particular performance was at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards. We could focus on how hot she is, because duh. Instead, let’s talk about what a performer she is. Girlfriend went on live television with an albino python on her shoulders. I probably wouldn’t put an albino python on my shoulders… like ever, especially not on live television. Britney is a badass, who is willing to do anything to give fans a show. This is why she has endured as one of the most successful singers of all time.
#10 The “I’m A Slave 4 U” Music Video Britney’s performance with the snake outshined the “I’m a Slave 4 U” music video. I mean, she was carrying a snake around on live TV. There was obviously a ton of buzz around that. However, the music video is not to be overlooked. Britney pumped out several iconic music videos in her time, but this may be the sexiest of all her videos. First, there’s her body. Like we said, this was the top of her ab game. There is also the fact that everyone is dripping in sweat in the video. It looks like a hot yoga studio. If you think about it too much, it’s not actually very sexy with all the sweat, but at face value it’s hot. The sweat was apparently tasty too, since someone straight up licks Britney’s face in the video. Lastly, sweaty Brit was wearing her underwear outside of her pants. That may not have been all that practical, but she was sex on a stick. If you had to show an alien one music video to describe what “sexy” is, it would be this video.
#11 Can We Talk About Her Necklace? This picture has so much Britney going on, it’s amazing. First of all, her half-crimped hair again – YES! We don’t know who kept telling her to rock this hairstyle, but we’re so happy about it. Also, we have no idea what her shirt is doing. It’s pink and see-through. In fact, you can see her bra though it. We’re not even sure why she’s wearing a shirt. Half the time, she’d be in bikini top, so what’s up with the see-through shirt? We don’t know. Okay, moving on. We’re super into whatever denim she’s rocking below. It looks like it’s folded down, so it may be shorts, a skirt, or jeans. We have no idea. Does it matter? Nah, not really. She still looks hot. Finally, we have her famous belly ring. It may be the most famous belly ring in all of history. No, seriously. Has anyone ever rocked a belly ring more? We don’t think so. Oh, and the lips necklace! What is that! It’s so bad and so Britney. We love it.
#12 Covered In Toilet Paper… And Still Hot What is this picture? We don’t know. There are the two things making Britney almost unrecognizable – her head is turned. We know it’s Brit (in 2016), but we are only getting the side profile. The second thing is the lack of the belly ring. Where is her famous belly ring? Was she like, ‘Oh, I’m mature now. I better take my belly ring out, even though I’ve been photographed with it in for, like, a decade’? We don’t know her thought process and we’re slightly disappointed that she doesn’t have her belly ring in. It’s the hottest stomach piercing in history. Moving beyond that, her body still looks phenomenal. Like, absolutely amazing. As good as in her prime. However, who the hell styled her? Why is she wearing a bunch of fabric wrapped around her body? She looks like a girl who wrapped toilet paper around herself so she could be a mummy for Halloween. She’s so hot that she still looks good with fabric dripping off of her body.
#13 A Very Cropped Crop Top Alright, this might be the hottest Brit. This was after she shed her good girl image. She didn’t go full-on X-Tina, aka Christina Aguilera circa Dirrty. Also, have we ever uncovered the mystery as to why X-Tina spelled “dirty” as “dirrty”? Why the extra R? The X-Tina era was a drastic change. What was so fascinating about Britney was that she shifted into womanhood all while still being Britney. Much of her brand was still the same, but she has just shaken free of the schoolgirl we were introduced to in 1999. If any picture shows Britney fully indulging in her sultry, southern side, it’s this photo. She’s wearing the most cropped crop top of all time. She’s still sporting her signature tanned skin, blonde hair, and tight stomach. Oh, and of course – her belly ring! Yas, queen of belly piercings. We love it. Her denim shorts are super short and unbuttoned. We get it, Brit. You’re sexy. Your necklace is longer than your shirt. You’re a woman now.
#14 When Britney Won The Super Bowl There was nothing better than Britney in 2001. Between her Pepsi deal, her hit albums, and the fact that she was the hottest thing in the world, Britney had it all in 2001. All included the Super Bowl Halftime Show. Of course, Aerosmith and N Sync were the headline performers. But, for the finale, Britney, Mary J. Blige, and Nelly joined them to perform “Walk This Way”. Some of the performers she shared the stage with are legendary, but look at her abs! This was 100% Britney. She had random braids in her hair, a cut up shirt and shiny NFL pants on. OH, and she also rocked a random sock on her one forearm. It was weird, but Brit pulled it off. The best part was that this was while Britney and Justin were dating. If you watch the performance, she even smiles every time he sings. Was there ever a cuter couple? Also, belly ring!
#15 The Most Epic Jumpsuit Of All Time We’d love to post the entire “Oops!… I Did It Again” video, because it was epic. Britney. In a red latex catsuit. Say no more. She also rocked a white, cropped turtleneck outfit too, which was totally hot. No one remembers the white turtleneck number, though, because the red catsuit was everything. Apparently, the catsuit was Britney’s idea. See? We told you that she had a sixth sense about what would hit. Per Brit’s orders, the costume designer had to stay up all night to make her catsuit. Uh, thank heavens they did, because it will go down in pop culture history. This video was also at the edge of her wholesome image. With lyrics in this song like “Oops! You think I’m in love/That I’m sent from above/I’m not that innocent” Britney was both indulging her audience in sweetness but easing us into her sexy transition.
#16 Whoopsies, Forgot To Button Her Sweater Here is Britney Spears looking hot as hell. Slightly past her wide-eyed, innocent phase, she was embracing the sultry side, all while wearing a cardigan. Of course, she forgot to button her cardigan, whoopsies! Her shorts (or skirt?) was the shortest thing in the world. She could have been wearing underwear. Her body was flawless. And, you know what we’re totally going to point out right now, right? Her belly button ring! Always and forever. Forget The Beatles. The best group in history is Britney, her abs, and her belly ring. Also, here is a prime example of how Brit mixes the sweet and sexy today. She posted this photo on her Instagram recently, with a caption that read: “My friends sent me this picture today… and it’s weird because I just realized it’s one of the only pictures I’ve ever taken upside down!” The photo is hot, but the caption said something about how goofy it is because it’s upside down. That’s Britney – she posts something smokin’ hot but is like, ‘Golly gee, y’all, I’m upside down!’
#17 When She Was Like, “Hey World, I’m A Woman!” While this picture gives you the gist of the performance, if you haven’t seen it, check it out. Britney comes out wearing a suit and singing “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction.” She then removes her suit to reveal a nude, sparkly outfit and sing “Oops!…I Did It Again.” Her performance is flawless. Does she have the pipes that some of the other greatest pop stars have had? No, not by a long shot. But try, just try, to take your eyes off the screen as Britney performs. She is entertainment at it’s finest. Also, can we talk about how genius Britney was? She used this performance to rebrand herself. Before this, she was the schoolgirl from “…Baby One More Time.” She was bubble gum. She was southern sweetness. She was apple pie with a belly ring. This was her saying, “I’m a woman and I’m sexy.” She was done with being seen as the good, little girl. Using a VMA performance to rebrand would be a move that Miley Cyrus stole from Brit. Why did Miley follow in Brit’s footsteps? Because it friggin’ worked. No one thought Britney was a sweet, young girl after watching this performance. She was powerful, sexy, commanded the stage, and owned everything she touched.
#18 Sugar And Spice, Naughty And Nice We’ll finish with this photo, taken before her 2000 VMA performance. It’s the most perfect example of the Britney paradox. It’s both innocent and remarkably sexy. She is wearing a pink tee shirt that’s tied up. With the addition of her black, leather pants and tight stomach, she’s walking sex. However, her face is fresh and happy. She isn’t batting her eyes at the camera. She’s smiling like it’s the goddamn prom. This is what Britney Spears tapped into in a way that no one will ever be able to tap into again. It was a different America. It was an America that was reeling from the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair. Sex was not being served up in such a blunt way, especially by a teenage girl. Then came Britney Spears. Since Britney, we’ve had different versions of pop stars. Taylor Swift taps into the wholesome aspect, but fails to be even a teardrop as sexy. Lady Gaga can do theatrics like Britney, but nothing about Gaga is ever wholesome. Katy Perry is sexy and rocks bubblegum pop tunes, but taps into a pin-up vibe instead of innocence. This mixture of sexy and sweet is what made Britney so desirable and entertaining in her prime. While we still love Britney, nothing will ever top Britney in her prime. It was truly lightning in a bottle.
Source: TheRichest
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