#percy saying aww i love you to grover in public while holding his hand or smth
happyk44 · 1 year
Lmao more about Grover aging at a rate of 0.4 instead of directly by half (12/28 = 0.4285). This is also assuming that Grover is only aging physically slower, but his mental/emotional capacity ages chronologically and with experience.
But anyway Grover has to get a fake ID to go to bars with Percy. When Percy turns 21, they realize ah shit Grover looks 16ish once they pull up to the club and immediately get turned away. Grover does have an official ID with his actual birthdate. In the past as a Keeper for Percy, Bianca and Nico, he also had a fake ID with an adjusted birthdate for whatever age he was supposed to be. He doesn't have either of those IDs anymore (he had to get a new one for B&N because Percy's would've put him at 14 and he needed to be put into 12 year old Bianca's class), so it's not like he handed over the fake one.
But the bouncer gives him a once-over and is just, "yeah no". They try to argue but the bouncer is like "if you wanna fight on this, I'm gonna keep your ID and call the police" so they give up (or rather Grover makes Percy give up because he got that look in his eyes and getting arrested on his birthday is not a birthday gift Grover wants to give).
In the end, they skulk around to some minimart and grab one of each alcoholic bottle with a weird name or label that they can find, are grateful the cashier doesn't seem to care that Grover looks 16 and barely even looks over his ID when he flashes it. Then they huff it back to Percy's apartment and taste test each drink on the floor of Percy's bedroom, because the whole point of going to the bar was to taste something that wasn't cheap beer stolen by the Hermes cabin.
Grover has a wildly fantastic tolerance for alcohol and Percy discovers that he is a lightweight.
The next time they try to go to a bar, Grover is sporting a temporary glamour from the Aphrodite cabin to make him look older. About half way through, they ring up Annabeth to make her do the math on how old Grover would have to be to actually look 21, and then the math on how long that would take because neither of them can subtract double digit numbers. Percy rediscovers he is a lightweight and, when the glamour finally starts to wear off, has to be carried back to his apartment by Grover, which makes for a ridiculous image of what appears to be a disabled 15 year old carrying around a grown man who won't stop talking about how much he loves his friends, including said disabled 15 year old.
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