gofixxx2 · 2 years
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box-dwelling · 11 months
I'm in a head canon mood so ace attorney characters and their caffeinated beverages of choice
Phoenix: coffee if he's at work. Energy drinks of he's not.
Miles: tea, obviously, and he's obnoxious about it. I do think he will submit to coffee if he's really really tired though.
Maya: she'd say herbal tea. In reality it's a lot of soda.
Gumshoe: a coffee man of ever I saw one. He puts milk and sugar in though because he doesn't like the taste otherwise
Franziska: she had an insane order with a million specifications and she gets mad if it's wrong in any way at all
Pearl: fancy Starbucks coffee of the season. She has coffee mornings there with Maya and they try them out. That's the only time she's allowed caffeine because she gets hyper
Mia: coffee but she's not picky. Milk no sugar
Godot: do I even have to say?
Apollo: coffee but absolutely no preference beyond that
Trucy: teas, I think Miles taught her how to be snobby about it as well
Ema: that woman shot guns those cold espresso shots and redbull back to back daily
Klavier: frapaccinos. But if he's prepping for a gig it's herbal tea.
Kristoph: takes caffeine pills instead because hes paranoid about his drink being spiked because that's what he would do.
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justmuscle4u · 21 days
Antonio Peral Sánchez 🇲🇽
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wakandama2 · 5 months
I yeah I support women's rights and all but mostly importantly . . . I support Black women's wrongs 😌😌😌
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sthenollagniabull · 9 months
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Antonio Peral Sánchez
IG: antonio_blueshark
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kafkasapartment · 1 year
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Stone Gossard & Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam, A Drop IN the Park, Magnuson Park, Seattle, 9/20/92. Charles Peterson. Pigment print on Baryta Photographique Fine Art paper.
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floweroflaurelin · 1 year
is the art gallery piece meant to be in an art gallery in s2, or is it meant to be a later era w/ reincarnation/immortal hermes/something? i think it's probably meant to be s2, but the phrasing of the caption is messing with me a little, so i'm not sure. also that piece is so good and the caption hits the heart, i really like the way the light is implied to be shining on hermes' face
Aw yeah!! Okay so my idea with the painting is that it’s up in a gallery in Sanctuary, and it’s one of the paintings made by my sona—when Pixlriffs put that blue painting of mine up in the Museum he said it was “on loan from the Mythical Sausage collection” and was painted by me. And since my sona is a canon character in Sanctuary, I decided in my own head that they’re a resident artist in Sanctuary and they have a studio where they obsessively paint Santa Perla over and over because, y’know, that’s what I’ve been doing irl 😆
The painting is of Saint Pearl cradling a dying old man and giving him peace. Since Saint Pearl was a religious figure in Sausage’s old kingdom— Sausage said they called her the Sunflower Goddess—I figured that all the lore he dropped about her bringing an old man to the Afterlife (smp) herself would’ve been one of the myths of the old kingdom, something my sona would be familiar with. What they and the other residents of Sanctuary don’t know is that the old man in the myth was, in canon, Sausage in a past life! So in the narrative here, that painting exists because my sona painted a myth about Saint Pearl and ended up painting e1!Sausage without even realizing it.
Hermes, though, is the son of a god, and so he’s connected to the divine already. So when he sees the painting in the gallery he’s taken with it—some part of him recognizes the spark of truth in the myth. The blanket draped on old man Sausage is blue—and so is the sleeve on the arm taking Hermes through the gallery, connecting them. Current Sausage is the one walking with him. Hermes can’t put their finger on it, but the old man in the painting is familiar to him. Cause it’s his papa! :D That’s why the light is shining on him like that—it’s their epiphany, their connection with the divine and their father’s past.
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Another fun fact about my sona: they’re older than Sausage by nearly a decade! Someday I will draw them in their studio, hair greying, surrounded by canvases covered in sunflowers.
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birdinabowl · 21 days
I love aus where pearl is evil/a villain
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2ducks-agoose · 8 months
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Some Splatoon Medieval time period art. This all started because I thought Callie’s original outfit looked like a jester a bit.
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majortom84 · 4 months
Y los muchachos del barrio
la llamaban loca
Y unos hombres vestidos de blanco
Le dijeron ven
Y ella grito no señor ya lo ve
Yo no estoy loca
Estuve loca ayer
Pero fue por amor
Le da un trago a su café y le pone más Pinol a su cubeta.
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sugarsquirrelcookie · 6 months
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rottonfishie · 1 year
Copper Goblem - Pearlscentmoon!
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intersexdabi · 11 months
dabitwice where rei's family (fuck 'em) has a little tradition where the eldest son's wife or the eldest daughter inherits a string of pearls and pearl earrings. but touya doesn't have a wife, obviously, he has jin. and rei still gives them to jin, insisting that they would look good on him. she's right, of course. they suit him well. and for whatever reason, seeing jin wear them flips a switch in touya's head and he thinks maybe they'd look even better flush against his skin
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nakamorijuan · 6 months
吉成香 - はにかみ天使 Kaori Yoshinari - Hanikami Tenshi Cover Japonés de "Porque te vas" de Jeanette
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malecelebinfemdom · 1 year
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Álex Peral, spanish actor, a promising boy for femdom
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He's a young Craig Horner and would look at his finest on similar scenes to this one from Legend of The Seeker
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maintitle · 4 months
I feel like I never see anyone talk about how great surprise trades are as a concept. Sure, a lot of it is trash but as someone who always trades eggs out onto Wonder Trade and occasionally trades important 'mons to me, I've gotten some of my favorite little pets from it.
I've got a box dedicated to people who brought a 'mon over from a previous game because I feel they've earned the respect they have. I've randomly got a Hariyama that came from Kalos that was caught during the release week, and I plan to use it a bit in my first playthrough of Arceus (yes, I know I'm behind thank you.) One of my favorite Pokemon I own is a Charmander that was traded to me in Violet through surprise trade named Left Shoe, and that name tickled me so much I made sure to get as many Switch ribbons on it as I could, and used it a bunch in Gigantamax in Sword.
So thank you, surprise traders. And thank you specifically, Mrs. Moose, for Left Shoe.
But fuck you, hackers. Folks, please remember to euthanize hacked shinies, it's the only way to protect our fragile ecosystem.
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