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takamimami · 4 months ago
heeeey! 100 followers! nice! it was hard to choose just one prompt - so maybe i could request two in one? some fluff for kidd with prompt 6 and 8 ❤️ thanks and congrats again on your milestone!🎀
Hai anon!! thank you for your submission :3 this one took me a bit to find inspo for, but it's finally done! I hope you enjoy <3
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Kidd x F!Reader - SFW - “You give the best hugs.” & “Wait, we have a few more minutes.” - STORY UNDER THE CUT - MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI 🔞 CW: FLUFF; pregnancy - pregnant!reader, reader and kidd are parents, mentions of feeling baby move/kick, one almost suggestive comment from kidd but nothing nsfw, i just know this man would be the most doting husband to his pregnant wife byeeee ---word count 1.1k
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You groaned as the light came pouring into your room from the doorway, tugging the blanket up over your head as you heard heavy footsteps trudge into the room. Two loud thumps echo off the walls as Kidd kicks off his boots, and the mattress sinks behind you as he crawls in and wraps an arm around your middle.
“It’s almost noon, angel,” he croons, his hand drifting over your swollen stomach, stilling as he feels movement from within. “The boys will be up soon, and Killer just finished making lunch if either of you are hungry.”
As if to offer their affirmation, the baby kicks at Kidd’s hand resting on your stomach, to which he hums in amusement. “I’ll take that as a yes, little squirt,” he chuckles, sitting up to lay a kiss on the side of your swollen belly as you stretch out on the mattress next to him. You shift your eyes over to the clock on the wall, reaching for your husband before he can remove himself from the bed fully.
“Wait,” you plead, batting your eyelashes pitifully at him as he lets you pull him back down into the bed beside you. “We have a few more minutes.”
Kidd lets out a breathy laugh as you nuzzle your face into his chest, sighing contently as he wraps you tightly in his arms and rests his chin on your head. For a few heartbeats you both lay there in silence, his breathing causing your head to rise and fall along with his chest as he holds you tightly.
Your eyelids start to feel heavy as you teeter on the verge of sleep, the sound of little footsteps snapping your attention as you lean yourself up against your elbow to gaze over Kidd’s hulking form. The footsteps draw closer as you prepare for the intrusion, but to your surprise, they continue past your door and down the hallway – their shadows under the door disappearing as quickly as they appeared.
You giggle to yourself as you settle back into Kidd’s hold, his own smirk curling on his lips as he observes you getting comfortable once more.
“So much for a ‘few more minutes’,” he teases, still wrapping an arm back around you despite his disapproving tone.
“I can’t help it,” you croon, “You give the best hugs. I’ll never get tired of laying in bed with you.”
Kidd’s sigh turns into a laugh as he contemplates your words, reaching a hand down to rub at your swollen abdomen. 
“I think that’s how you ended up like this, for a third time,” he says huskily, nuzzling his face into your neck and peppering gentle kisses there. His hand makes to slide lower, but a nudge from the child in your womb has him flinching away as if he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t.
“Alright,” you sigh, pressing a kiss to Kidd’s temple before rolling to your opposite side and hoisting yourself into a sitting position on the end of the bed. Kidd is in front of you a breath later, arm wrapping around your waist to help you stand.
During your first pregnancy, you’d despised Kidd’s overbearingness, not appreciating the feeling of being treated as if you were incapable or fragile. But after the accident during your second pregnancy, you knew any resistance to his mother-hen behaviors was futile, and it offered you a sense of comfort you’d come to relish in.
Kidd’s hand remains at your back as you slip on your slippers, waddling over to the vanity near the washroom and slipping your robe on over your nightgown. Kidd reaches for your arm as you reach around to tie the drawstring, halting your movements as he spins you around and positions the two of you in front of the vanity mirror.
His massive hands encompass yours as they both rest on your swollen belly, Kidd’s breath tickling your neck as he presses a gentle, lingering kiss to your shoulder. 
“I think it’s a girl,” he murmurs, and as if to confirm his suspicions the baby presses against the wall of your womb, foot protruding into Kidd’s hand as his smile widens. “See, she says her daddys right.”
You roll your eyes and huff out a laugh, meeting his eyes in the mirror for a moment before the pitter patter of little footsteps approach again, and your bedroom door swings open a moment later.
“Momma, Dadda~!”
Your two-year-old’s voice pierces through the silence of the room as your four-year-old clamors onto your bed, immediately beginning to bounce on it. Your two-year-old finally reaches you and stretches his arms up to you, whining as Kidd lifts him into the air.
“I want Momma!!”
Kidd rolls his eyes as he hands the boy over, and you press gentle kisses to his cheek while cooing softly to him before cradling him into your arms.
“Couple of momma’s boys, these lot,” Kidd groans, shaking his head playfully as he crosses his arms. He shifts his attention back over to your four-year-old still bouncing on the bed before bending back over to your belly, “Definitely need you to be a daddy’s girl, squirt.”
A crash pulls both of your attention as your four-year-old manages to knock the bedside lamp over, sending both it and him crashing to the floor.
You sigh as Kidd rushes over to check on him, and he pops up unfazed and simply asks “What’s for lunch?!”
An audible laugh leaves your mouth as you start moving towards the door. 
“Yeah, I think you’re right. I don’t think the world could handle a fourth Eustass Kidd running around,” you tease, letting your two-year-old slide out of your grasp and run after his brother down the hall.
“The hell is that supposed to mean?!”
You smirk as Kidd whips his head around to glare at you, his brows furrowed as you reach out and wrap your arms around his waist.
“Just that I am perfectly content only having three raging redheads to run around after,” you croon, leaning up on your toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He grunts in response, his scowl shifting to a smile as the two of you saunter down the hall toward the kitchen, the sound of your two boys pestering Killer about what he made for lunch echoing down the halls.
100 Follower Event Masterlist ✨come say hai :3✨
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kquil · 1 year ago
🍪: cookie with james who surprises reader by coming over at their work to pick them up and he's very touchy and wants hugs and all the cute stuff but reader tries (and fails) to pry him off them bc they're sweaty and gross from working all day if that makes sense hehe tysm and congrats on 1k <3
A/N : this was super cute darling! thank you for the request and celebrating my 1k milestone with me, i'm sorry this took so long for me to write, nevertheless, i hope you enjoy how it turned out ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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“James?” you call with uncertainty, cautiously eyeing the familiar figure standing before you. His charming grin, complete with adorable dimples, greets you and you’re immediately assured of who’s standing before you. It was probably the setting around him that somehow warped his appearance enough to seem unfamiliar. It wasn’t common for James to come to your workplace as the two of you got off work at the same time and found it more efficient to make the journey home separately; it was to your complete surprise that he was standing before you, just in time as you got off work, “What are you doing here?” Despite the question, a happy grin couldn’t escape your features. 
“To pick you up, of course,” the curly haired brunette regards you with a fond stare but rolls his eyes playfully, his tone just as tongue-in-cheek. Your loving boyfriend quickly approaches you with arms outstretched and a mischievous sparkle in his pretty hazel eyes. 
“Uhhh…” it was then that you noticed his state of hard labour. Having worked all day, he was covered in sweat and grime and you’re sure he wasn’t the cleanest either, “James!” you squeal in protest when he shows no mercy and pulls you into his arms with an evil laugh. 
“What?~” he feigns innocence, having successfully captured you in a tight embrace before peppering your face with kisses and squeezing you in his strong, muscular and sweaty arms, “I’m just kissing you~” he teases, his attack of kisses unrelenting until he succumbs to nuzzling his face into your hair and taking a big breath in through his nose, “you smell soooooo pretty~” 
“James!” you protest again, struggling against his hold but can’t help the laugh that escapes you, the merriment shaking your limbs and weakening your grapple for freedom. 
“If you just keep calling my name, I won’t know what’s wrong so I won’t do anything~” he sings, maintaining his playful tone of voice. Now he’s kissing the crown of your head and slowly making his way back to your face again, eventually reaching your temple, where he proceeds to trail a sloppy path down to the pudge of your cheek.
“James?” you call once more, pulling your face away and meeting his eyes, his hazel pools reflecting so much love and tenderness in the mix of his shamelessness. 
“Yes, love?”
“Thank you for picking me up,” his eyes soften considerably and he leans down, loving words forming on his tongue but is caught completely off guard when you take the opportunity to push him away, laughing, “but stay away from me!” your playful words matches his earlier one in both pitch and tone, “you stink~” 
“Wha-?!” he makes a face of mock offence before coming at you like a game of prey and predator, “that’s just the smell of my abundant love for you!”
“Yeah right!” you roll your eyes as easily as the sarcastic comment rolls off your tongue and laugh when he begins to chase you, “Abundant in sweat and grime, more like!” 
“Why you-! Get back here!” you both laugh as he chases you to his car where you giggle with one another, share a kiss and settle in his car before he finally drives you both home for a much needed shower and rest.
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sollucets · 2 years ago
I warned you, should you open fic requests I’d be coming straight for your inbox with AkkAyan. I’m obsessed with on our way up/the sky full of stars and I wondered if you’d be willing to write something of it we didn’t get to see like their cooking date from chapter 4 or dinner at Akk’s house from chapter 3
tiis do you know i love you dearly
context from my fic on our way up:
The thing is, he and Akk had spent last night doing crimes against the culinary arts (jointly trying to make stir-fried basil pork in the tiny dorm room kitchen in a small disaster that ended in takeout) + The disaster at his dorm had been almost entirely Akk’s fault, and he’ll die on that hill.
so! as requested i took this briefly referenced incident and proceeded to project my personal (lack of) cooking skills on akk for about 1k(?? these things happen) of fluff. this ficlet brought to you by my best friend thaicookbooktv (and my milestone event. i guess)
"Can I trust you with that?"
Akk glances up from the two eggs he's just started frying to glare at his boyfriend. There's a smug look on Aye's face as he leans against a counter on the other side of the cramped dorm kitchen (and thus within potential grabbing reach) and uses a little bowl to crush up some garlic and peppers (making grabbing probably a bad idea). "I know how to make eggs, Ayan."
"If you say so," Aye tells him, singsong. "I've never once seen you cook."
"That doesn't mean anything." Returning his gaze to the pan, Akk startles to see them more cooked than they should be and hurriedly, awkwardly gets them flipped before Aye gets to pretend it's evidence.
If it'd been anyone else, Akk might have admitted to the truth, which is that he does (sort of) know how to make eggs, and he can grill meat if he's invited to barbecue, but much more is beyond him. He thinks he could be good at it, with time, but he’d never learned to cook much at home, and at school he’d had so much to do that it had always been faster and easier and cheaper to have cafeteria leftovers or something instant. 
But it isn’t anyone else, it’s Aye, and when he’d asked all earnest if they could cook together when he visited, Akk had gritted his teeth and then spent most of last night and the part of the bus ride over that he had decent data on looking up recipes. 
So it’s particularly infuriating that Aye seems to have figured him out right away anyway. Akk scowls down at his eggs. 
“All set over here,” Aye says, then snorts audibly. “What’s that look for? Did the egg insult your parents or something?” 
“Shut up.”
Aye brings his bowl over to Akk’s side of the kitchen and sets it next to the other ingredients on the counter to the right of the stove. He’d only been banished over there in the first place for being distracting; Akk probably should’ve known he’d manage it anyway. 
A moment later, there’s a light breeze against the back of his neck, and Akk jerks against the tickle, barely suppressing a yelp. He’s not actually holding the pan, just his spatula, so the worst that happens to the eggs is them getting slightly jostled, but he aims a blind elbow in the direction of Aye anyway, making contact with his ribs. “Jackass.” 
“Violent authoritarian,” Aye responds, cheerful if slightly strained. “Those look good."
Once the eggs are safely off the heat, Aye hands him a larger pan, shuffling some things around on the little counter once there’s enough space. “Turn the heat up a little higher and put a little oil in there, okay?” 
Akk glances over for the bottle of vegetable oil and grabs it. His recipe-searching had turned up the idea, but Aye isn’t using one, and Akk does not know how much ‘a little’ is. He sighs, sends a sideways look at Aye where he’s putting the egg pan in the sink, and tentatively pours some oil in. 
“More than that.”
Frowning, Akk does as told. When he checks Aye’s reaction, he finds his boyfriend leaning on his hip against the counter and holding the bowl of vegetables again. 
“Were you nervous about this?” Aye asks, tone a too-familiar combination of fond and condescending.
“Why would I be,” says Akk, too quickly. Always too quickly. That’s something Aye’s pointed out before, he should know better. 
“‘Cause you wanted to impress me? I understand.” 
Akk rolls his eyes, keeping his attention on the oil where it’s heating up. “You’re extra annoying today. Is it a special occasion?” 
“Of course it is,” says Aye, tone gone painfully sincere. “My boyfriend came to see me.”
When Akk reacts far too late to keep a smile off his face, Aye pokes his cheek. “I’m happy, too,” he coos. “Now scoot, please. This next part has to happen kind of fast.”
Akk shuffles out of the way, letting Aye move in front and pour his little bowl into the pan, and sends a baleful look at Aye’s back. He’s looking far too cool in this situation; it has to be fixed. 
Decided, Akk moves until he’s right behind his boyfriend, then hooks his chin over his shoulder, looping both arms around his waist, and glances down at the pan. With the bowl poured out, something looks a little suspicious in the garlic-to-chili pepper ratio. “Aye,” Akk says, trying to make sure his breath hits the skin of Aye’s neck over his t-shirt, “Did you put enough spice in?” 
Annoyingly, Aye takes this without much in the way of reaction, only leaning back into Akk’s hold, and doesn’t even flinch. He reaches out for the bowl of meat and says, amused, “The neck is your weakness, not mine, Bigfoot.”
“That’s not an answer."
“Hey, who's the one of us that actually knows how to make it?” 
“I could figure it out,” Akk says mutinously, dropping his face all the way to Aye’s shoulder in defeat and speaking into his skin. It’s not his fault Aye is apparently some kind of cooking expert who’s never needed a recipe in his life. 
Aye laughs, just audible over the suddenly-loud sizzling sound of what Akk assumes is him adding something else to the meat. “I’m sure you could, baby, you’re smart. You just haven’t had much practice.”
“I help at home,” Akk retorts, offended. 
“I know, I know.” Aye’s shoulder moves, presumably stirring, as he continues, “You don’t need to worry about it. I’ll cook for you, so long as you always do the dishes.” 
Squeezing Aye’s waist just that bit too hard in retribution, Akk scoffs. “As if. I’ll practice more. I’m not doing your dishes for the rest of our lives.”
The sizzling gets a little louder, and Aye doesn’t respond. Akk blinks, lifts his head, and sees Aye frozen over the stove, one hand out on a bottle of soy sauce and the other not moving a spatula at all. “What?” 
“You said—” Aye starts, sounding awed. “You said ‘the rest of our lives’.”
“Oh.” Akk swallows on the impulse to deny it and just— lets it sit. Hides his face in Aye’s shoulder again and leaves it there, feels his ears heating up. What can he say? They’ve made the joke before, about their pins and wedding rings. It’s stupid, they’re teenagers, they’ve gone too fast, and he meant it, or it wouldn’t’ve slipped out.
Gratifyingly, Aye seems just as unable to speak for a moment. Eventually, he stutters, “I— that— sounds good to me,” and then, “I love you,” and then, “Oh, shit, the pork.” 
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dailykoreanpop · 1 year ago
ATEEZ’s “BOUNCY” Becomes Their Fastest MV To Hit 100 Million Views
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ATEEZ has just smashed a personal record on YouTube!
On September 12 at approximately 11:50 p.m. KST, ATEEZ’s music video for their latest title track “BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS)” surpassed 100 million views on YouTube, making it their second music video to do so after “WONDERLAND.”
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ATEEZ first released the music video for “BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS)” on June 16 at 6 p.m. KST, meaning that it just took over 87 days (2 months and 26 days) to hit the 100 million mark.
“BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS)” is now ATEEZ’s fastest music video to reach the milestone, smashing their previous record of 827 days (2 years, 3 months, and 4 days) set by “WONDERLAND” last year.
Congratulations to ATEEZ!
Watch ATEEZ’s epic music video for “BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS)” again below:
Credit: Soompi
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shivlabs · 1 year ago
How to Hire Best Flutter Developers From India?
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Flutter is widely used because it enables developers to create aesthetically consistent, natively-compiled mobile apps with a single code base. Flutter has been embraced by businesses all around the globe because of its many benefits. 
Companies and startups would rather outsource to nations with a high population of Flutter app developers than construct in-house teams. When looking to expand their teams with talented Flutter app developers, several firms have looked to India. 
However, it's not as simple as it seems to Hire dedicated Flutter developers in India. If you're looking to hire Flutter app developers in India, you'll need to provide them with some guidance. In this piece, we will share strategies for finding and retaining top talent among India's app developers using the Flutter framework. 
Finding and Working with Top Flutter App Developers in India 
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The use of a map greatly facilitates getting from one place to another. The same is true while searching for talented programmers in India. With the appropriate approach, best hire dedicated Flutter developers in India shouldn't be tough, so let’s have a look at some of the tips below: 
1. Determine your requirements first
You should evaluate your needs carefully before contracting Flutter app developers in India. Having quicker access to your app's development team is a huge plus. 
How will using your app improve people's lives?
Who exactly are you targeting as your primary demographic?
Exactly what capabilities and features will your software boast? 
When do you plan to make your app available to the general public? 
Do you have an idea of who your main rivals are? 
Specifically, what does its user interface entail? 
2. Budget Allocation 
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Once you have an understanding of your requirements, you may decide how much money to save. The most crucial consideration is how much it will cost to create the app. Companies often make the fatal error of trying to create an app on the cheap. 
Quality often costs more, so save aside sufficient money in case of unforeseen expenses. Most professional programs are not cheap, but they are available to those who are ready to pay more. The average cost of creating an app should be included in your financial strategy. 
Also Read: Why Should You Develop An App Using Flutter? 3. Hire third-party Flutter app developers
When looking to hire Flutter app developers, it's important to narrow down the pool of potential candidates. You must find competent Flutter app developers to assist you in creating your mobile app. 
So, choose the top alternatives available to you. There are a large number of Flutter app developers scattered throughout numerous online groups. The caveat is that you can't choose the developer's skill level. 
The largest benefit is likely the accessibility of mobile app development specialists. Please get in touch with the firm if you have any problems or queries about the project's schedule or current progress. 
4. Interview the Developers  
After a shortlist has been formed, interviews with prospective Flutter app developers may commence. Put them through their paces by peppering them with technical questions, exploring their understanding of upcoming technologies, and questioning their experience working with customers. Test their mettle by interrogating them on topics such as teamwork, stress management, problem-solving, and imagination. 
5. Financial Plan 
When you have chosen an offshore app development business to work with and have formed your team of Flutter experts, it's time to discuss compensation. Payments in the mobile app development sector are often distributed in stages, coinciding with the reaching of major milestones. 
6. Finalizing paperwork and signing contracts 
Finalizing all documentation and contracts with the app development business is the next step in getting your Flutter app off the ground. A lawyer or other knowledgeable person can help you make sense of a legal contract if you're having trouble doing so. 
7. Consistent Reporting and Status Updates 
Once contracts have been signed, establish a reporting mechanism to get frequent information on the app development project's progress. This reporting system makes it simple to monitor the daily development of your project. 
Appropriate reporting formats allow for the monitoring of developmental milestones, the emergence of unanticipated difficulties, and other measures.  Your success depends on your ability to communicate effectively. The success of your project depends on your ability to keep in constant contact with the Flutter app developers assigned to it. 
If you're looking to employ a new Flutter app developer, you've come to the right place. Experts in the field of mobile app development employing cutting-edge technology, Flutter app developers are in high demand. They have created digital and mobile solutions for several sectors, including transportation, banking, healthcare, retail, and more. 
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audiofuzz · 2 years ago
HNAF (Hot New Album Fridays): Soulful Pop | Arlo Parks - ‘My Soft Machine’
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My Soft Machine is a brilliant soulful, pop, psych, tour de force. It’s easy to get lost in this melodic and beautifully produced album by Arlo Parks. A cohesive blend of psychedelia, soul, pop and stimulating synths. This is one of the few albums that has come out in the past 2 years where we can say every track is our favorite track. Parks has delivered a captivating album and we rate this a 10/10! READ More: Arlo Parks celebrates the release of her highly anticipated album, My Soft Machine, out today via Transgressive Records. This deeply personal body of work takes listeners on a captivating journey through Parks' experiences in her early 20s. The album features previously released singles "Blades," "Weightless," "Impurities," "Devotion," and "Pegasus," a delicate and beautiful ballad created in collaboration with her close friend and acclaimed musician Phoebe Bridgers. My Soft Machine marks a significant milestone in the twice Grammy-nominated, Mercury Prize, and BRIT Award-winning artists already illustrious career. The album is a testament to her growth as an artist, showcasing her unique storytelling ability and introspective lyricism. Recorded between London and Los Angeles, the album features an impressive roster of producers including Paul Epworth, Ariel Rechtshaid, Romil Hemnani (Brockhampton), Buddy Ross (known for collaborations with Frank Ocean), Carter Lang (known for working with SZA), and self-production from Arlo herself. Leading into the release Arlo has graced the covers of Paste Magazine, GQ Hype, The Guardian Film & Music, DORK, MusicWeek, DIY and Gay Times. Parks shares about how the new album and album title came to fruition in this beautiful performance video noting: "The world/our view of it is peppered by the biggest things we experience - our traumas, upbringing, vulnerabilities almost like visual snow. This record is life through my lens, through my body - the mid 20s anxiety, the substance abuse of friends around me, the viscera of being in love for the first time, navigating PTSD and grief and self sabotage and joy, moving through worlds with wonder and sensitivity- what it’s like to be trapped in this particular body. There is a quote from a Joanna Hogg film called The Souvenir, it’s an A24 semi-autobiographical film with Tilda Swinton - it recounts a young film student falling in love with an older, charismatic man then being drawn into his addiction - in an early scene he’s explaining why people watch films - 'we don’t want to see life as it is played out we want to see life as it is experienced in this soft machine.' So there we have it... My Soft Machine." My Soft Machine follows her highly-praised debut album Collapsed in Sunbeams, which received two Grammy nominations for Best New Artist and Best Alternative Music Album, won the BRIT Award for Best New Artist, received the Honda Mercury Prize, and won the BBC Introducing Artist Of The Year Award. Her debut album also reached the top 3 on the UK Album Charts and won the AIM Awards for Best Independent Album and UK Independent Breakthrough. On top of all this, Arlo was also nominated for Breakthrough International Act at the BET Awards. Arlo was named as the youngest ever high-profile supporter of UNICEF and an ambassador for UK mental health charity CALM. She has plans to continue her extensive work with both charities. Listen to My Soft Machine above and check out Arlo's upcoming live dates below. Upcoming Tour Dates: * = SOLD OUT 5/24 - Kingston, UK @ Pryzm w/ Banquet Records (intimate outstore performance, early show - 5pm) 5/24 - Kingston, UK @ Pryzm w/ Banquet Records (intimate outstore performance)* 5/29 - London, UK - Rough Trade East, Early Show (in-store performance + signing)* 5/29 - London, UK - Rough Trade East, Late Show (in-store performance + signing)* 6/14 - Leeds, UK – The Wardrobe w/ Crash Records (intimate outstore performance)* 6/14 - Leeds, UK – The Wardrobe w/ Crash Records (intimate outstore performance, late show – 9pm)* 7/5 – Tokyo, Japan @ Ebisu Garden Hall* 7/6 – Osaka, Japan @ Umeda Club Quattro 7/8 – Seoul, South Korea @ Musinsa Garage 7/14 - New Plymouth, New Zealand @ Night Light Festival 7/17 - Melbourne, Australia @ Forum 7/20 - Sydney, Australia @ Sydney Opera House 7/22 - Byron Bay, Australia @ Splendour In The Grass 7/23 - Adelaide, Australia @ The Gov 7/25 - Perth, Australia @ Astor Theatre 8/5 - Oxfordshire, UK @ Wilderness Festival 8/26 - Reading, UK @ Reading Festival 8/27 - Leeds, UK @ Leeds Festival 9/5 - Dublin, Ireland @ 3Olympia Theatre 9/13 - Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Paradiso 9/14 - Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Paradiso* 9/15 - Brussels, Belgium @ Ancienne Belgique 9/17 - Berlin, Germany @ Huxleys Neue Welt* 9/19 - Milan, Italy @ Alcatraz 9/21 - Paris, France @ L'Olympia 9/28 - London, UK @ Eventim Apollo 10/1 - Washington, DC @ All Things Go Festival Read the full article
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chrisryanspeaks · 2 years ago
HNAF (Hot New Album Fridays): Soulful Pop | Arlo Parks - ‘My Soft Machine’
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My Soft Machine is a brilliant soulful, pop, psych, tour de force. It’s easy to get lost in this melodic and beautifully produced album by Arlo Parks. A cohesive blend of psychedelia, soul, pop and stimulating synths. This is one of the few albums that has come out in the past 2 years where we can say every track is our favorite track. Parks has delivered a captivating album and we rate this a 10/10! READ More: Arlo Parks celebrates the release of her highly anticipated album, My Soft Machine, out today via Transgressive Records. This deeply personal body of work takes listeners on a captivating journey through Parks' experiences in her early 20s. The album features previously released singles "Blades," "Weightless," "Impurities," "Devotion," and "Pegasus," a delicate and beautiful ballad created in collaboration with her close friend and acclaimed musician Phoebe Bridgers. My Soft Machine marks a significant milestone in the twice Grammy-nominated, Mercury Prize, and BRIT Award-winning artists already illustrious career. The album is a testament to her growth as an artist, showcasing her unique storytelling ability and introspective lyricism. Recorded between London and Los Angeles, the album features an impressive roster of producers including Paul Epworth, Ariel Rechtshaid, Romil Hemnani (Brockhampton), Buddy Ross (known for collaborations with Frank Ocean), Carter Lang (known for working with SZA), and self-production from Arlo herself. Leading into the release Arlo has graced the covers of Paste Magazine, GQ Hype, The Guardian Film & Music, DORK, MusicWeek, DIY and Gay Times. Parks shares about how the new album and album title came to fruition in this beautiful performance video noting: "The world/our view of it is peppered by the biggest things we experience - our traumas, upbringing, vulnerabilities almost like visual snow. This record is life through my lens, through my body - the mid 20s anxiety, the substance abuse of friends around me, the viscera of being in love for the first time, navigating PTSD and grief and self sabotage and joy, moving through worlds with wonder and sensitivity- what it’s like to be trapped in this particular body. There is a quote from a Joanna Hogg film called The Souvenir, it’s an A24 semi-autobiographical film with Tilda Swinton - it recounts a young film student falling in love with an older, charismatic man then being drawn into his addiction - in an early scene he’s explaining why people watch films - 'we don’t want to see life as it is played out we want to see life as it is experienced in this soft machine.' So there we have it... My Soft Machine." My Soft Machine follows her highly-praised debut album Collapsed in Sunbeams, which received two Grammy nominations for Best New Artist and Best Alternative Music Album, won the BRIT Award for Best New Artist, received the Honda Mercury Prize, and won the BBC Introducing Artist Of The Year Award. Her debut album also reached the top 3 on the UK Album Charts and won the AIM Awards for Best Independent Album and UK Independent Breakthrough. On top of all this, Arlo was also nominated for Breakthrough International Act at the BET Awards. Arlo was named as the youngest ever high-profile supporter of UNICEF and an ambassador for UK mental health charity CALM. She has plans to continue her extensive work with both charities. Listen to My Soft Machine above and check out Arlo's upcoming live dates below. Upcoming Tour Dates: * = SOLD OUT 5/24 - Kingston, UK @ Pryzm w/ Banquet Records (intimate outstore performance, early show - 5pm) 5/24 - Kingston, UK @ Pryzm w/ Banquet Records (intimate outstore performance)* 5/29 - London, UK - Rough Trade East, Early Show (in-store performance + signing)* 5/29 - London, UK - Rough Trade East, Late Show (in-store performance + signing)* 6/14 - Leeds, UK – The Wardrobe w/ Crash Records (intimate outstore performance)* 6/14 - Leeds, UK – The Wardrobe w/ Crash Records (intimate outstore performance, late show – 9pm)* 7/5 – Tokyo, Japan @ Ebisu Garden Hall* 7/6 – Osaka, Japan @ Umeda Club Quattro 7/8 – Seoul, South Korea @ Musinsa Garage 7/14 - New Plymouth, New Zealand @ Night Light Festival 7/17 - Melbourne, Australia @ Forum 7/20 - Sydney, Australia @ Sydney Opera House 7/22 - Byron Bay, Australia @ Splendour In The Grass 7/23 - Adelaide, Australia @ The Gov 7/25 - Perth, Australia @ Astor Theatre 8/5 - Oxfordshire, UK @ Wilderness Festival 8/26 - Reading, UK @ Reading Festival 8/27 - Leeds, UK @ Leeds Festival 9/5 - Dublin, Ireland @ 3Olympia Theatre 9/13 - Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Paradiso 9/14 - Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Paradiso* 9/15 - Brussels, Belgium @ Ancienne Belgique 9/17 - Berlin, Germany @ Huxleys Neue Welt* 9/19 - Milan, Italy @ Alcatraz 9/21 - Paris, France @ L'Olympia 9/28 - London, UK @ Eventim Apollo 10/1 - Washington, DC @ All Things Go Festival Read the full article
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zayeaw · 3 years ago
hi pepper!! congrats on 123 followers🎉
wanted to see if i could jump in here early enough to snag a slot for your milestone event and get a ship with a male character from aot :) i apologize for the length of this but if it’s vivid you want it’s vivid you get i’m so sorry lmao feel free to skip this if it’s too long
physically speaking: i’m super short for my age (155cm at 22) and rather skinny, sort of an athletic/somewhat muscular build, with disproportionately large breasts. blonde hair, long, a bit layered. round face, round blue eyes, very high-set cheekbones and plump cheeks that sort of make me look a bit chipmunk-ish when i smile.
in terms of style/aesthetic, i’m definitely more of a dressed-down person, but i wouldn’t really assign myself to a “core,” if that makes sense, lol. i like sweats and hoodies, wearing my hair down, not a huge fan of fancy accessories or thick makeup. if i’m out in public, i’m usually in skinny jeans with a bit of a nicer sweatshirt (but it is always a sweatshirt, as i get cold really easily). i’m more of a basic sneaker person when it comes to shoes but a lot of the times you’ll just see me scurrying around in fuzzy slippers (or full fluffy pajama sets) when i’m roaming around the house. it’s cozycore. i made it up just now but that’s what it is.
as far as interests go, my music taste basically consists of hard rock, lofi, and soft ballads with pretty much no in-between. one second you’ll see me head-banging to a playlist and five minutes later i’ll be face down sobbing in my feels. i’m also very artistic, really into singing, writing, and general music production. i also shamelessly play video games on my switch every moment i’m not at work—been really into hollow knight lately.
and for tropes? relationships? i live for tooth-rotting fluff by day and kinky nasty time by night. i’m a sucker for those slow burn stories, people who fall for each other without really realizing it, people who push the boundaries of friends 24/7 because they’re just so comfortable with each other on a physical and emotional level. like friends to lovers but instead of friends becoming lovers they’ve just been lovers the whole time and are only now discovering what love really means. i’m here for the soft doms and service tops, the praises, the nights where every touch is filled with passion and just pure adoration. where the line between physical and emotional intimacy is blurred to the point that it’s indistinguishable.
three cheers if you made it to the end without taking a bathroom break😭 i don’t want to just end it here so in conclusion, congrats again on such a huge milestone in only a few weeks!! i adore your work and i really hope you get the chance to share that with even more people in the coming months. cheers💕
hello nonnie! thank youu for participating in my milestone event! Ahh you must be so pretty irl ! Thank you being patient with me and for supporting me<3
Dw ab the lenght i lovee reading long asks hehe, you gave me some entertainment during my integetrarion classes, oh and the way you described your favorite trope is so good! I loved it, you must be one heck of a writer yourself!
I ship you withh..
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Jean absolutely adores the fact that you're half his size, his heart beats out of his chest when he sees you struggling trying to get something out of the top shelf of your kitchen cabinet. He dosen't help you just yet though, he makes sure you turn around and give him puppy eyes before he lifts you up to get what you wanted.
He loves your long hair, whenever he's stressed he just has to cuddle in bed with you,running his fingers in your hair and feel your soft breath on him,there is no better heaven for him than you.
He wants your chest as a pillow at night. Its not a want its a need, whenever you both have a fight ,reason of fight: he ate the left over food you had been thinking of eating the entire dwy, you send him to the couch to sleep and about at 3 a.m when he knows your asleep he comes and cuddles with you. Not like u dont love it🥴
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you just wear his clothes lol. Like his closet his yours. Wanna go for grocery? Just grab his sweatshirt and pants. He acts annoyed but loves it when he sees you in his clothing. It makes him feel like you are actually his. however he enjoys watching you prancing around like a bunny in your short shorts and fluffy slippers, makes him wanna pin you down and fuck you into oblivion then and there. Smirk at him while you're wearing that? Yeah then he is going to do it.
Also he lovess going shoe shopping with you, you both even have matching pairs,its so adorable really.
You're play video games?hell yeah. What more could he ask for in a girlfriend. He always knew you played stuff but the first time he saw you getting mad when your teammate fucked up, you were ready to throw hands,spitting out all the cuss words you knew and he went "😍"
You both go for daily night drives, blasting the same music everyday, singing along with it, and thr drives usually more or less end with a hot makeout session in the backseat.
You both were always more than lovers,always more than friends,maybe that is what a soulmate is. You make him feel complete, you are the reason he wants to wake up everyday,you are the reason he wants to work hard so that you both can live a comfortable life.
You are the one who made him wanna have a family. You were always the reason for him, even when you were kids, you teasing him is what he lives for. You breaking eye contact and cheeks blushing when he leans in to kiss you is the reason he contempt with everything in life.
Holding your hand when you both walk in the cold,pushing you amongst his side so that you remain warm, watching you drool in your sleep,seeing you so concentrated when you arr working, yeah, he had nothing in life to complain about.
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peterthepark · 2 years ago
Reign, my queen, congrats on this incredible milestone and tysm for the tag. I don’t typically come with many requests, but I will make one (if you get time!)
Can I get 🍾 for tasm!peter?
Let’s try: you’ve had a really long week at work or school, you feel awful, and need your dom husband/bf peter to take care of you!
Or anything else if that idea sucks!
-Forever slutty and yours, @liz-allyn 🦌
anything for my dearest <3 filth below!!!
It started with a massage, Peter’s deft hands and dexterous fingers working against the knots in your shoulders and back while you sat upright on the bed. Sheets unmade. Comforter wrinkled and pillows mislaid from weeks of building exhaustion accompanied by an awful time at work. But the lower Peter’s fingers travelled, applying more pressure to the harder to reach areas, his soft voice a low hum against your neck, you’d be lying if you denied the heat that was pooling in your belly.
“Better?” Your husband whispers into your skin, sensually pressing his lips to the crook of your neck and gently dragging them across your jaw. “Can feel you relaxing, you want me to turn the light off?”
“Mmm, not yet.”
“Not sleepy?”
You chuckle, glancing back at him with glimmering eyes. You reach up and thumb at his lip, ghosting your mouth over his. “Far from sleepy, actually.”
“Oh? So it’s like that, huh?”
“Your hands are just nice.”
Peter inhales deeply, sitting up against the headboard and letting you lean back against his strong body as he runs his palms over your stomach, teasing and teasing until his rough fingertips dip past the waistband of your (technically his) boxers and circle over your clit. You rut against him immediately, placing your hand over the growing bulge in his sweatpants as Peter spreads your arousal over his digits before slipping them inside you.
“Is this relaxing you?”
“Maybe if I did this…” He curls them into you, a muted squelch filling the warm silence as the heel of his palm slowly brushes against your bundle of nerves while fingerfucking you. “Yeah, there you go. That’s the spot, pretty girl?”
“Oh, f-fuck… babe.”
“Babe.” He mimics your breathless tone playfully, nipping at your earlobe. “Love it when you sound like this. So desperate. So needy, fuck. I love that you need me. Wanna please you. Wanna hear that sound every fucking night.”
“Wanna please you, t-too.”
He tsks with a coo, pushing your hand away from his hardened cock and intertwining your fingers with his free ones.
“I’m all about you tonight, Y/N. You’ve been working so hard… it’s only right that a totally normal guy like me makes time for his perfect wife.” Peter smoothes your hair back, peppering kisses along your brow bone. “I wanna feel you cum around me.”
“Well, when you keep talking like that…”
“Rub your clit for me, angel.”
“Pete.” You nudge noses, gasping into his mouth.
“Rub it, come on. Gotta get you there somehow. Relax, mama.”
You grind your hips into his fingers, moaning unapologetically when his skin glistens with your creamy slick. “Fuck.”
Peter smiles to himself, groaning sinfully against your ear at the thought of you falling apart in his arms. He loves this. Loves making you feel good, because it makes him feel good.
“That’s it. I’ll take care of you.”
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alotofpockets · 2 years ago
2k follower celebration | Closed
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Thank you so much for this milestone! 2k followers is something I never thought I would reach. And an extra thank you for all your likes, comments and reblogs, your support on my fics in that way means the absolute world to me. To celebrate this milestone I'll be writing your request :)
I will be writing for:
⧗ Yelena Belova
⧗ Kate Bishop
⧗ Natasha Romanoff
⧗ Wanda Maximoff
⧗ Pepper Potts
⧗ Florence Pugh
⧗ Elizabeth Olsen
⧗ Hailee Steinfeld
To send in a request, please include the following information:
⧗ Which character/person
⧗ The prompt you want, from the list below (one per request!)
⧗ If you have a specific idea for the prompt, let me know and I will try to incorporate it :)
Please read my general request info before requesting!
Below the cut are the writing prompts
Behind the prompt it will say [Available] when it's still up for grabs and [Character name] with the characters name the prompt is taken for when the prompt is no longer available.
I look forward to writing your requests! :)
“You’re in love with her.” [Florence Pugh]
“When is the last time you ate?” [Yelena Belova]
“I’m going to fix you up, okay?” [Natasha Romanoff]
“I’m not going anywhere.” [Natasha Romanoff]
“Put the knife down, I’m not going to hurt you.” [Natasha Romanoff]
“They will have to go through me before they get to you.” [Kate Bishop]
“I can’t help it, you’re fun to mess with.” [Kate Bishop]
“Can you come with me? I don’t want to go alone.” [Wanda Maximoff]
“She’s hiding behind the couch.” [Hailee Steinfeld]
“Dance with me?” [Florence Pugh]
“Just play along, please?” [Florence Pugh]
“My date didn’t go very well. They said I should date you instead, since I only talk about you.” [Yelena Belova]
“It’s too cold, come back!” [Natasha Romanoff]
“Is that my sweater?” [Elizabeth Olsen]
“Star gazing was a good idea.” [Elizabeth Olsen]
“Apparently they all have a bet going that we’ll end up together.” [Florence Pugh]
“I keep seeing his face.” [Natasha Romanoff]
“You weren’t supposed to hear that.” [Natasha Romanoff]
“You wrote me a song?” [Elizabeth Olsen]
“You’re here way too often.” - "So what?” – “This is a hospital.” [Kate Bishop]
“It’s a surprise, you can’t just tell them.” [Florence Pugh]
“It’s only a small scratch, how can your pain level be a 9?” [Yelena Belova]
“Maybe tonight we don’t have to pretend?” [Yelena Belova]
“You’ll catch me right?” [Wanda Maximoff]
“Am I your lockscreen?” – "You weren’t supposed to see that.” [Elizabeth Olsen]
“I’ve got a surprise waiting for you outside.” [Hailee Steinfeld]
"I have a key, it's not breaking in." [Wanda Maximoff]
“Do you want to come to my mom’s birthday with me?” [Hailee Steinfeld]
“Please never stop smiling.” [Yelena Belova]
“You can’t scare me like that, okay?” [Florence Pugh]
“Are you warm enough?” [Elizabeth Olsen]
“Welcome home.” [Florence Pugh]
“I wish you could see yourself how I see you.” [Yelena Belova]
“You know it’s okay to show emotion, right?” [Natasha Romanoff]
“I saw that, you were checking me out.” [Florence Pugh]
“You know that your book is upside down, right?” [Kate Bishop]
“Just like we promised.” [Elizabeth Olsen]
“Quit going easy on me.” [Wanda Maximoff]
“You’re really close right now.” – "Yeah, why don’t you just kiss me while we’re at it.” [Yelena Belova]
“Did you really think I was going to let you do this alone?” [Natasha Romanoff]
And lastly a special thank you to everyone on my taglist. Thank you for always keeping up with my fics <3
Main taglist:
@yellowvxbes // @xxromanoffxx // @xxxtwilightaxelxxx // @danveration// @wandaswifeyforlifey // @marvelwomen-simp // @snooy245 // @peggycarter-steverogers // @wandas-slut-heart // @natashas-sunshine // @annephobic // @laaurrel // @catasha // @t00manyfand0ms // @multifandomlesbianic // @bandit2029 // @avengerswriter4eva // @gigistylestomlinson // @snowdrop1026 // @sylvies4ever // @youreatotalposer // @mellowladyangel // @milfloverslut // @natasha-danvers // @lyak12 // @smalls-words // @when-wolves-howl // @svftpetker // @la-reine-des-enfers // @official-chaotic-wandamaximoff // @b0r3d-s1mp1ng-b1tch // @bubblensqueak002 // @imabee-oralizard // @rafecameronswhore // @be-missed // @romaaa28 // @youresuchamom // @youralphawolf72 // @maia-lightwoood // @rootbeerfaygo // @elliesayshello869 // @vllowe // @princessprudy // @nightingalexx // @hallecarey1 // @wandsmxmff // @lissaaaa145 // @blackwidow-3 // @natashasapphic // @amessbian // @oh-thats-cute // @ratzyy // @strangegardentaco
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velvetcloxds · 3 years ago
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Hii loves, I am honestly so excited that we've reached another milestone together! I thought for 600, instead of doing a celebration, I could show some love to the writers who inspire me daily, so, this is a collection of all my favourite fics from both mutuals and non-mutuals. I'm thinking of doing more of these as this blog grows and I'll be doing them by fandom too, so if you're not on here yet, I've not forgotten you, promise! Thank you again for 600, my loves, and thank you to everyone on this list for creating lovely little worlds for me to escape into <33
*Please note that though all of the fics are sfw, please check the writer's blog boundaries before interacting with any of their content- that said, happy reading !!
Masterlist | Reading Blog
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A Classic Cliche by @akraziia
Armergency by @ladyvesuvia
Authenticity by @mirclealignr
Baismain by @pepper-up-potion
Beginnings by @saintlike78
Chaser at Heart by @messers-moony
Chemtrails and the country club by @/sarahisslytherin
Chocolate Chip by @peppers-analytics
Dancing with dbf James by @/saintlike78
Four Eyes by @sarahisslytherin
Have you seen a lady fairer by @spxllcxstxr
If This Was Love by @selenes-sun
Imitation by @randomoutsiders
Intimacy by @/randomoutsiders
Just Friends my Foot by @sheraayasher
Never Felt Like This Before by @isolemnlyswear
Painkiller by @mendesxruel
Perfect First Kiss by @yoooespinosa
Protective James when you get hurt by @shadesofvelma
Sunday Morning by @/sarahisslytherin
The 1 by @sereinegemini
What's Love Got To Do With It? by @destourtereaux
Winter and Freckles by @marauders-lupin
You're My Regret by @pogueslandia
A Pretty Colour For A Pretty Boy by @lonelyhe4rts
Bookshop Boy by @henqtic
Brother's Best Friend by @/lonelyhe4rts
Cherries by @moonlitmeeks
Finding out about Moony by @/sereinegemini
Gryffindor vs Slytherin by @/sarahisslytherin
I Wish You Could Watch Them With Me by @songofpolaris
Like a Married Couple by @pad-foots
Little Family by @/heloisedaphnebrightmore
Little Red and Her Big Bad Wolf by @piecesofem
Mafia Remus Coming Home Hurt by @/piecesofem
Melted Hearts by @cupids-crystals
Moony and Midnight by @/messers-moony
Nightmare by @/marauders-lupin
Pancakes by @iliveiloveiwrite
Prof!Remus helping you through a panic attack by @/saintlike78
Taking care of Remus by @v1oletvenus
The Poet by @/cupids-crystals
Tiny Dancer by @ messrsmoonee
Tomes and Scrolls by @peppermint-toads
Wouldn't it be nice by @/spxllcxstxr
Admiration by @/mirclealignr
A Haunted Night by @/heloisedaphnebrightmore
A Soft Place To Land by @leydileyla
Concert Tickets by @/sarahisslytherin
Groupie by @/sarahisslytherin
His Solace by @/lonelyhe4rts
Jumpers by @dracossweetprincess
Morning cuddles by @daisycinema
One Where You Gained Weight by @proserpina-magnus
Roommates by @/cupids-crystals
Solace by @earlgreydream [part 2, part 3, part 4]
Teacher's Pet by @/heloisedaphnebrightmore
To Play Away Your Trouble by @leahsficemporium
Two Weeks by @kirascottage
Walk Through Hell by @gxtitobxby
Warm Baths and Raspberry Teas by @morozovastarless
Well then, which law are we breaking first? by @yourlocalmaraudersbabe
What if? by @natashxromanovf
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HONOURABLE MENTIONS (other HP characters)
Love Always by @beloved-bucky
Scarred together by @/saintlike78
Moments alone by @/iliveiloveiwrite
Sunday Morning, Rain is Falling by @fortisfilia
Expression by @plus-size-reader
Gin, Ice and Everything Nice by @/fortisfilia
Flowers by @mellifluousart
Notes by @/mellifluousart
Perfect for him by @/mellifluousart
I hate you by @/saintlike78
My little star sweeper by @nancybycrs
Knitted sweaters and fuzzy socks by @/beloved-bucky
Strawberries and Kisses by @queen-asteria04
A Sweet Distraction by @/pad-foots
Crying Lightning by @/mendesxruel
Rings and Headstones by @scandalous-chaos
Selfless by @/mirclealignr
The Fire and the Rain by @/isolemnlyswear
Ballroom dancing by @/iliveiloveiwrite (slightly nsfw)
Waiting for you by @/heloisedaphnebrightmore
Alcohol and Cinnamon by @/leydileyla
Mr. Grumpy by @/heloisedaphnebrightmore
Whipped by @oliverwoodmarrymepls
Quidditch captains don't pout by @/iliveiloveiwrite
Thunder by@/earlgreydream
You'll be okay/I'll be okay by @/yoooespinosa
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comfortwriting · 4 years ago
Fic Recommendations 3!
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt Masterlist, 
To celebrate reaching my milestone, I decided another fit rec was long-awaited! Please check out these writers and their amazing work, they are incredibly talented and I love what they write! 
warnings: * = smut
Fred Weasley:
1. I don’t share * by @horrorxweasley
2. Never Again by @horrorxweasley
3. You alright, Freddie? by @lovegoodsgf
4. The brightest smile by @inglourious-imagines
George Weasley:
1. Please don’t leave me by @inglourious-imagines
2. I would be falling without you by @reeophidian
3. You’re a mess by @xmalfoyweasleyx
4. In this window of time by @eatingcloudsxx
Ron Weasley:
1. Good girl * by @fredshufflepuff 
2. Made to take me * by @fredshufflepuff 
3. Happier by @leviosa-moon
4. Starry skies by @lovegoodsgf
Draco Malfoy:
1. Comfort by @mmalfoyferret
2. Glasses by @fredshufflepuff 
3. The library kiss by @roonilwazlibimagines
4. Details by @leydileyla
Remus Lupin: 
1. Gently does it * by @fandom-puff 
2. A welcome visitor * by @fandom-puff 
3. The Conversation by @moonys-bae
4. Red Mugs by @lvlofpanic
Sirius Black:
1. Father, father by @leviosa-moon
2. I might have slipped a love potion in your pumpkin juice this morning by @roonilwazlibimagines 
3. Forever and always by @lvlofpanic
4. One page, one kiss by @pepper-up-potion
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thesightstoshowyou · 4 years ago
Re: milestone event, maybe a continuation of your Tommy fic where one night the reader wakes up all hot thinking of him and finally seeks him out in the middle of the night to take care of it seeing as unfortunately he has yet to bust into the room to take them? Your fic for Tommy and Jason are my FAV just *mwah* fantastic I didn't realize I was into Tommy until you
I like the way you think anon ;)
Sweet Dreams
Thomas Hewitt x F Reader (NSFW)
Part 3
Read Part 2 here
Summary: You wake in the night burning with need. You seek Tommy out, earn his trust, and he repays you in kind. RIP to other guys but Thomas Hewitt is different.
Warnings: FLUFF holy shit, so much fluff, oral, praise kink, squirting, creampie
             Hands, thick, strong hands caress your thighs, spreading you open as you cling to burly shoulders, sweat spilling from your brow until you taste salt on your lips—
             Your eyes pop open. Moonlight spills through the curtains, the only light illuminating your dark room. It’s starting to feel less like a prison cell with every day that passes, but this thought does not bring you comfort. Very little comforts you here, in this house, in this rotting town. Only one thing, one person, prevents you from actively trying to escape….
             You’d dreamt of him again. You grind your thighs together, trying to relieve the deep ache these excruciatingly vivid dreams bring. You have no idea how late it is, or how early. A sigh rushes past your lips. There’s no way anyone is up at this hour and you’re locked in your room until morning. God, you long to go to him.
             The stomp of heavy footfalls coming down the hall reaches your ears. You’d recognize those steps anywhere. Thomas….
             Ripping the covers off your sweaty form, you leap from the bed and cross the room in a flash. Gently, you knock on the door, not wishing to wake anyone else.
             “Tommy?” You ask quietly, praying he hears you. The footsteps abruptly pause just outside your door. You hold your breath as you hear rustling. The lock clicks.
             You step out of the way, letting the door swing open. Thomas fills your doorway, hair still damp from a shower, wearing nothing but a pair of slacks. And the damn mask, of course. It looks as though he’d just thrown it on so he could open your door, one of the straps half-clasped. He’s watching you closely, furrow in his brow, most likely worried something is wrong.
             “Hi,” you whisper with a small smile, “I’m okay. Just wanted to see you.” Thomas glances shyly away at your words and you take the opportunity to drag your gaze over his brawny shoulders, shoulders you’d just been dreaming about digging your nails into. You flush at the memory, suddenly nervous to ask for what you want.
             Instead you close the distance between you, hesitantly reaching up to run your fingers along the slit in Thomas’ mask, brushing the digits over his lips. He tenses, hands coming up to settle timidly on your hips Do you dare…?
             “Tommy,” you whisper, meeting his anxious stare. This is such a sensitive topic. How do you broach the subject without upsetting him? You swallow, “Tommy, I want to kiss you…without this.” You lay your hand against his cheek, thumb stroking the leather of his mask.
             As you’d guessed, his eyes widen and he immediately steps away from you, shaking his head and turning to leave. Anxiously, you bite your lip, slipping your hand into his to keep him from fleeing.
             “Tommy, you have no idea how bad I want you right now. All the time, actually,” you say quickly with a breathy laugh, “How bad I want all of you.” Thomas meets your gaze over his shoulder and you can see he’s frowning again, like he can’t believe you. Your heart breaks, chest constricting painfully.
             You move to him again, pushing up on your tip toes to press your lips to his shoulder before moving to his neck. Deeply, you inhale the sharp scent of his soap as you nuzzle your nose just under his ear. Your hands roam across his chest, fingers tracing all the scars littering his torso. Thomas shudders, arms wrapping around you and pulling you tight against him. He clings to you like a lifeline, just like he had that first day in the cellar.
             “You’re not gonna scare me away. I need you, Tommy, so, so bad. I love the way you make me feel. You…you don’t have to show me right now, but I hope that, someday, you will.”
             Thomas moves to cup your cheeks, cradling your face in his huge palms. He searches your expression, your eyes, looking for a lie, for any hint of teasing. You meet his gaze, willing him to feel your sincerity. Blue eyes drop to your lips and he frowns again. You can see him thinking, weighing the pros and cons.
             He must not find what he’s looking for because you see his eyes soften. Tommy lets out a tremulous breath and you give him a small, reassuring smile. Slowly, so slowly, as though his hands weigh a thousand pounds each, he reaches up to unbuckle the strap of his mask. You grip his shoulders to quiet his trembling.
             Finally, Thomas lowers the mask from his face. You are hyper-aware of your expression, knowing Tommy will miss nothing. You keep your face passive, blank as you examine the missing nose, the lesions and scar tissue along the side of his mouth, his cheek. You wonder what caused it; a deformity? A disease?
             Truthfully, you’d expected much worse. You’d been imagining the potential horrors under that mask from day one. It’s anticlimactic, really.
             Thomas isn’t looking at you. He’s so tense, shoulders bunched under your hands, his eyes fixed on a spot past your left shoulder. You tip your head to the side, cupping his cheek and gently forcing him to meet your gaze. You smile warmly, bringing your other hand up to trace his bottom lip with your thumb.
             “Can I kiss you now, Tommy?” you whisper. Thomas blinks, astonished. He lets out another huge breath and you realize he’d been holding it this hold time. You nod, assuring him you mean the truth, and pop up on your toes again to meet him halfway.
             Shaking, Thomas wraps his arms around you again and presses his lips to yours. You sigh into his mouth, glad to have the barrier gone. You sigh becomes a squeak and a giggle when Tommy lifts you off your feet. You wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips, clinging to him like he does you. The mask lays at his feet, forgotten.
             “Take me to your room?” you murmur, brushing his hair out of the way to kiss the shell of his ear. You don’t have to ask twice. Tommy carries you down the hall, moving as silently as he can so as not to alert anyone else in the house.
             Once safely inside his room, dark but for the moonlight bathing the room in soft light, Thomas gently sets you on the edge of his bed, hurrying across the room to close the door before promptly returning to you. You spread your thighs so he can kneel between them and you pull him flush against you, peppering his bare face with kisses, ending at his lips so you can slip your tongue in his mouth.
             He’s clumsy at first, but Tommy once again proves to be a fast learner, lips and tongue matching your earnest movements. You break away to catch your breath, grinning wide. Biting your lip, you tug your shirt over your head, slowly, so you can make a show of it.
           Reverently, Thomas smooths the palms of his hands up your abdomen, cupping your breasts and timidly leaning in to capture a nipple with his lips. He gives the hardening flesh an experimental suck and you release a hushed moan, fingers tangling in his hair to encourage him.
             He moves to the other side, repeating the action until you buck your hips into him, a whispered, “Oh fuck,” spilling from your parted lips. Eagerly, Thomas eases your shorts off your hips, tossing them away and scooping up handfuls of your ass to pull you to the very edge of the bed. He wastes no time before burying his face between your parted thighs.
             You must clap your hand over your mouth to stifle the surprised moan when Tommy drags his tongue through your folds. He remembers what you like from your teaching session that first day in the cellar. Shockingly fast, he finds your clit and teases it with his tongue. He sucks, licks with the tip and then the flat of his tongue, experiments with different techniques until he finds the ones that makes you squeal behind your hand.
             You cum like that, hand in his hair, Thomas’ fingers digging into your hips while you buck into his mouth. You shudder, legs quivering, toes tingling, cunt dripping onto the floor. Dazedly, you wonder how long he’d been waiting to do that, as enthusiastic as he was.
             “Oh my god, Tommy,” you gasp, sitting up and pulling him into another heated kiss. You taste yourself on his tongue, swallow his needy whine. Hastily, you urge him to stand, popping the button on his pants and shoving them off his hips.
             You scoot back on the bed, pulling him by the hand at the same time until he’s hovering over you. You’re worried you’re going to burn up, your skin ablaze everywhere he touches you. He lifts your hips off the mattress and begins the measured process of pushing his maddeningly thick cock past your soaked folds.
             Your hand returns to your mouth and you wrap your legs around his waist, arching your back when Thomas stuffs you completely full of him. You twitch, free hand fisting in the sheets when he rolls his hips, the incredible stretch now more addictive than painful. You meet his gaze as much as you can in the dark, nodding your head to urge him on.
             “Yes, Tommy, please, so g-good, oh god, just like that,” you whisper, quickly biting down on your lip to stifle a cry when Thomas’ grip tightens and he bucks his hips forward. The hand in the sheets flies to the headboard to keep you from sliding up the mattress as Tommy starts pummeling your insides, using his grip on your waist to pull you into each thrust.
             It’s so hard not to scream, not to wake everyone else in the house when every nerve in your body is alight with sensation, pleasure coiling so intensely in your gut you wonder if you’ll burst. Tommy groans at the feeling of your slippery muscles fluttering around him and that is enough to send you plummeting into ecstasy.
             You come undone, unravelling at the seams, back arching, cunt gushing around the cock that fills it so completely. You bite the palm of your hand to quiet the euphoric shriek that erupts from your throat. Thomas emits a strangled moan as his hips stutter before slamming forward, hilting himself as he fills you to the brim.
             Tommy lowers you back to the mattress before tipping forward, hands braced on either side of your head. You crane your neck, bringing your lips to his, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down so he rests between your trembling thighs. You chuckle quietly when he sets his forehead against yours, his panting breaths washing over your sweat slicked face.
             “You’re getting too good at that,” you murmur, giggling when he huffs out a laugh. Thomas rolls to the side, pulling you to his chest and resting his chin on top of your head. Gradually, his breathing slows, the deep, rhythmic inhales and exhales lulling you, making your eyelids droop.
             It’s easy to fall asleep in Tommy’s arms. You’ve never felt more secure. You let your eyes fall shut and, before long, you join him in sleep.
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semisgroupie · 4 years ago
Congratulations on your follower milestone ^^ Can I please request a Dabi (BNHA) smut with fem s/o? Age: 21. I hope anons are allowed? 3 kinks: mirror sex + dirty talk + creampie. Scenario: he celebrates/spends the day with her on her birthday (birthday sex). Thank you very much!
Yes anons are allowed. Thank you so much for requesting! NSFW UNDER THE CUT MINORS DNI
Warnings: dirty talk, soft dom Dabi, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy), creampie, multiple orgasms
Word Count: 813 words
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“Thank you so much for today Dabi, you really know how to make a girl feel special for her birthday.”
“Anything for you princess but the celebration isn’t over yet.”
Before you could question him he places his lips on yours, the kiss becomes more passionate and sloppier by the second. You’re thankful that the two of you are home. He strips layer after layer of clothing until you both are naked.
“Fuck Y/N, if only you could see how sexy you look—actually you can.”
He pulls you over to the side of your shared bed near the closet where a full sized mirror is. He sits you down and sits behind you.
“Look how fucking sexy you are baby, your curves and if I spread your legs like this—” he spread open your legs so you can see how wet you are, “mm so delicious.”
He slips one finger inside your wet cunt after a few thrusts he slips a second one in, scissoring to help you get ready to adjust to his size. Moans fall from your lips like a mantra as you get closer to your first orgasm of the night then he just stops.
“Dabi it’s my birth—”
“I know what day it is princess, I want all your orgasms to be on my cock.”
You make eye contact with him through the mirror as you watch him slip the two fingers covered in your arousal into his mouth cleaning them off.
“You taste so much better than that birthday cake I bought you. Now stand up a little so I could fuck you.”
Once you got up he adjusted himself and grabbed your hips as he aligned his cock with your sopping wet cunt. He slammed himself into you balls deep immediately making you cum all over his cock. He started thrusting at full speed and force making you lean forward on the closet.
“Look at yourself baby, watch yourself cum over and over again on my cock. You feel so fucking good baby, so fucking tight. Just for me baby.”
You kept your head down until you felt his hand wrap around your neck under your jaw forcing you to make eye contact with your reflection in the mirror. He tightened his grip on your hips using his quirk so you felt a little sting which helped bring you to your next orgasm. 
“D-Dabi cumming, m’cumming again!”
“Cum for me baby I love feeling your tight cunt clench around me.”
He brought one of his hands down to your clit and started toying with the little nub making you cum for the second time that night making you go limp in his hold. 
“Think you could give me one more baby, you know what they say third times the charm.”
You weakly nodded and he started thrusting into you again. His hips slamming against your ass over and over and you started hearing the slick sounds of his cock entering you over and over again. 
“Fuck baby, hear that? So fucking wet for me, so fucking messy I love it.”
He reaches down and pulls one of your legs up hitting deeper and hitting your g-spot making your mind go numb in pleasure. Your eyes roll and your jaw goes slack and he pounds into your spot over and over again.
“Fuck baby I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum so fucking deep inside you. M’gonna fill that pussy up baby, give you a nice creampie.”
You loll your head back to his shoulder, your moans filling his ears. He turns his head to you placing sloppy kisses on your cheeks and mouth. You clenched around him again signaling your third orgasm and Dabi brought his hand down to your clit again.
“Cum for me baby. Cum for me and I’ll fill you up so good.”
A loud moan left your lips as you came around him. A few more thrusts and his hips were stuttering.
“I’m gonna cum baby, gonna cum so deep inside you. Gonna cum so hard fuck.”
He slammed into you twice more before you felt him cum inside of you, a moan leaving your lips as he groaned your name. He put your leg down and allowed the both of you to catch your breath before pulling out of you, a hiss leaving his mouth. 
“Let’s lay down baby.”
You nodded dumbly as he helped you to the bed, covering you with the blanket. He placed a kiss on the crown of your head then turned to grab a towel for you until you grabbed his arm. 
“Yes birthday girl?”
“Wanna cuddle.”
“But the towel.”
“Cuddle with me please.”
He smiled at how cute you were and joined you in bed holding you close to his chest peppering kisses on your head.
“I love you baby, happy birthday.”
“Love you too Dabi.”
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aestheticvoyage2022 · 3 years ago
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Day 159: Wednesday June 8, 2022 - “This is 11 months”
Our 11 month old cruised through these last 30 days with ease despite some very big life moments including having Covid-19, getting baptized in the Colorado River, after his first 3 nights in a tent.  He reached that point where we have to start strapping him into the high chair, and watching to make sure he isn’t in looking for a red pepper before closing the fridge.  He got to spend some good time with cousins, friends, and visitors from afar, but his best friend, by far is his puppies, especially Huckleberry who loves every opportunity to nap next to his human.  He enjoyed the Stanley Cup playoffs this month, and eventually got used to sudden bursts of excitement in the Blue Room where he got goal treats along with the dogs, as long he wasn’t sleeping.  He still co-sleeps with us in the big bed, and takes two naps a day (mid morning and mid afternoon).  At current, he has 5 teeth going into his first birthday, his favorite word is “bow-wow,” loves all music, his favorite food is blueberry (Pirate Booty being a close second), though he prefers Mama over anything else - those two are inseparable, mostly I think because AC loves his sweet smile and babble, and he loves the milk.  Potty training continues along on the big potty, catching several poops in the toilet this month - Grandma Acton would be proud as we continue on our goal of having him trained before he can talk.  This past month we celebrated Mothers Day and Mama’s birthday and we’ve been telling him that soon he’ll turn 1 and get to taste cake for the first time.  That will be special for all of us, reaching that big 1 year milestone and starting to measure his growth in years instead of months from here on out.   I hope that everything that made him such a happy smiley baby in his first year continues to make him happy in his second year.
This was 10 months This was 9 months This was 8 months This was 7 months This was 6 months This was 5 months
Song: Renee & Jeremy - 59th Street Bridge Song ( Feelin Groovy)
Quote: “Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that.” ― Ally Condie
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imnotasuperhero · 4 years ago
I would lie and say you’re not in my mind.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Stark!Reader
Type: Angst.
Summary: Reader finds herself alone, with no explanation as to where Wanda went. And life without her was a true nightmare she could only scape with not-so-nice coping mechanisms.
Wordcount: 2644
Warnings: Drug abuse, one suicidal thought and depression.
A/N: This is my submission for @jbbarnesnnoble writing challenge! I’m so sorry for the delay. Life and work got in the middle, leaving me drained to get some actual writing done. You can search this and other works with the tag #JBBNNMHAMChallenge which deals with different types of mental healt, as to raise awarenes about it.
A/N 2: Since it’s inspired in real events, I decided to twist this and give it a happy ending. People need to know there is hope. No matter how hard life becomes, you’ve got this and you shouldn’t suffer alone. Fight your fear and seek for help. I promise, life is worth living.
A huge than you to @marvelfansince08love for enduring her patience with my rants and mini meltdown about this monster. I could never thank you enough for puting up with my dumb ass, boo. I owe you a lot! <3
If you guys want more, I might have a plot for some kind of spin-off for this story. Just let me know. Also, criticism is welcomed.
"Miss Stark," one of the executives called your attention. "Your nose is bleeding."
Automatically, your fingers found your nose and yup, it was happening. Fucking hell.
Excusing yourself, you left the conference room with rapid steps to the closest bathroom, dismissing whoever you crossed on your way. You weren't new to this, after all.
Once you got the bleeding under control, you inspected yourself in the mirror. The reflection staring back at you was nothing like your old self. The circles under the eyes needed much more concealing and your smiles were forced. But at least you picked a black blouse today, which it'll do until you got a chance to go back home and change.
"Are you sure you don't want to go home?" Julia asked sheepishly.
"No. I'm capable of handling the rest of the day," you mumbled as you finished the last touches to your make-up.
"Mr. Stark could find-"
"Mr. Stark will find out shit," you cut your assistant. "This is just a sneeze that caused a vein to pop. Understood?" You could see how the woman in front of you shivered slightly and you almost laugh at it. You've become so pity.
"Y-yes, Miss. Is there anything else I can do?"
"No." You inspected yourself in the mirror once again before walking out. "Go over the rest of my day and make sure you send the informs to Stewart."
Fortunately, the day progressed smoothly with very few bumps. And none of them were about you, so you took it as a victory.
Kicking your high heels after closing the door behind you, you started to strip while walking towards the bathroom. The weekend was finally here, which meant you could wind out and enjoy your own company. After the latest events on Beto's, you made sure to lay low for a while. You didn't need another clingy bitch hanging from you all the time. You were just a gal wanting to have some release. Nothing more, nothing less.
In the middle of your calming bath, the sharp razor you kept for emergencies caught your eyes. 'God, it'd be so easy.' You thought to yourself. Just a little line in the right place would do it. The consuming pain would disappear and you'd be free. Hell, maybe you'd find her again in the afterlife.
Before you could continue the line of thoughts, your phone rang with your dad's personalized ringtone. Something you made sure of for when you were doing not-so-nice activities.
"Hey, dad." You absentmindedly sank deeper in the tub. The bubbly water covering up to under your jaw.
"Hi, Peanut." Tony's voice soothed your damaged soul the littlest bit. "It's been a while. How are you?"
"I'm fine," you answered nonchalantly. Lying has become second nature by now. "Living the life. How are you guys?"
"That's what I called you about. Pepper and I want you to come to spend the weekend here. We barely see you outside work so we thought it'd be nice to take advantage of the long weekend. Pleeeeaaase? With a cherry on top?" He finished in a child's voice and you felt your heart squeeze itself.
Truth was, you were tired of lying all the time. You were tired of faking and saying you were okay when you weren't.
"Okay," you sighed. 
"Yay!" Yup, he was a child. "We'll get your room ready. We'll have your favorite."
You didn't know the exact moment you started crying, your dad going a mile a minute talking about his latest invention and how he'd love for you to help him figure out the last touches.
Hanging up, you finally let out the awaiting sobs. Memories of an easier -and happier- time plaguing your mind, making it harder and harder to breathe. Life without her sucked balls.
After drying yourself and throwing on a fresh pair of pajamas, you quickly fixed your bag for the weekend, knowing fully well you'll wake up with just the right spare time before you had to leave for your dad's.
The next morning, you woke up before your alarm went off, which would be fine if it weren't for Wanda appearing in your dreams. Promises of a better life and reaching milestones together, fanning the painful fire in your heart.
Walking to your stash, you retrieved the white powder, forming three consecutive lines on your nightstand. A small straw between your fingers ready to be used. You wouldn't be able to consume when you were at your dad's, so you better took your chance before it was too late. Odin knew you needed the boost.
Stopping at a random café a few blocks from your home, you quickly got yourself a black coffee and a muffin before hitting the pedal once again, changing the playlist to something more upbeat. 
Soon enough, your mind drifted to the impromptu road trips you'd do with Wanda. Sometimes even a week-long trip. Just the two of you apart from the chaos of your lives. 
Out on the road, it was only laughs, music, and fast food with the occasional make-out sessions. God, if you could, you'd live in the past forever. 
Stepping out of your car, you couldn't help the smile that broke your face. Working in the same place as your dad didn't mean you've got to see him every day. And being honest, you were happy he offered you scape from her curse.
"Hi, dad." You answered once you reached him, returning his hug. And boy, didn't you felt safe in those strong arms. They never failed to soothe you.
After what seemed like hours of walking around your dad's property, you and Pepper came back to the house ready for a refreshing iced tea. But any trace of a nice calming bath dissipated away when you say your dad standing in the middle of the living room, his face stoic.
"What's this?" The quietness of his voice freezing your blood.
"I'm waiting, Y/N." 
You cringed at your dad's voice. The disappointment showing in his eyes made you regret not checking before you grabbed a random bag for this trip.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me this is not what I think it is," he begged, showing you and Pepper the almost empty baggy between his fingers. And you ignored him. He already knew the truth, after all. "Say it," he growled.
"So the bleeding nose-"
"Screw you," you muttered, cutting Pepper mid-sentence.
"Hey! That's no way to talk to her,"
"You know what?" You walked to your dad, looking up to his eyes. "Yes, I'm an addict. Good job, Sherlock. Now you can get rid of me as you did with my mom. After all, you never wanted me in the first place, so why should it matter." You snapped with burning tears in your eyes. "There's no need to keep faking it anymore." You walked away, leaving them mouth agape, trying to process your words.
Plopping down on your bed, you couldn't help the feeling of failure igniting inside you. The tears in your eyes burning your eyes as they appeared, flowing down your cheeks as the sadness and emptiness became just too much to handle.
You didn't remember when was the last time you were genuinely happy. And it sucked that it depended on someone. It sucked and you despised it more than anything. But then again, Wanda was everything you'd need to live in this world. Always positive, with a smile so bright that could light up the darkest room. Her eyes? God, you loved losing yourself in those green orbs of hers in the afterglow. And now you had to live without all these little things that made you happy. All the little moments of joy were gone, tuning you into this sack of bones and flesh, with no expectations for life.
It wasn't till much later that night that you left your room, after ignoring your dad's callings.
Padding your way to the bar, you served yourself a whiskey. The burning on your troat a welcomed feeling. Your mind going back to her, as it was the normalcy since she dusted away, leaving you with thousands of questions and a hole in your heart that you knew well you could never fill again. How could you, when you knew she was it? how could you even try to patch it up, when you knew there was no one else like her?
One whiskey turned into 5 and you didn't know when you started to cry, considering you thought there were no tears left after all these years. But the strong hand on your shoulder made you snap from your pity party, hurriedly drying your tears. Crying was for the weak, and boy were you weak.
"I'm sorry," you drowned the last of your drink before looking up, mustering the best stoic face you could.
"You don't need to fake around me, Peanut. We're family," your dad poured you another drink as he got one himself. 
"Look, what happened with your mother has nothing to do with you." He continued once he sat beside you. "And I would never leave you alone, Y/N. No matter how many headaches you give me." He joked but composed himself when you didn't react to it. "I- Pepper is pregnant. And we really want you in the baby's life. But.. Look, if there was a way to bring her back, I would. In a heartbeat. But Y/N, you have to understand, she wouldn't like this version of you. If not for yourself, do it for us,"
You wanted to speak, you wanted to answer him. But the lump in your throat was too big to swallow and the knife in your heart twisted when you saw your dad's eyes tearing up. And fuck did it hurt. To see him cry -for the first time- pained you like hell. And knowing you were the cause of those tears made you feel like you were the worst person alive. 
"I-," you paused to gather your bearings, but your dad beat you to it.
"I know, Peanut," his arms surrounded you in that way that only him could.
"I promise you," he continued once you broke away. "One day, it will get easier. Those feelings will never fully go away, but it will get easier." He dried your tear-stained cheeks softly. "You are not alone. And she'll always be with you,"
 And despite the grief eating you from the inside, you knew you had to live. For them. For her.
The next few months had been a true rollercoaster. You didn't know the abstinence would affect you so badly. And while others would have it much worse, you couldn't help the change of moods and the few tears you caused to those around you. Not to mention, the significant drop in your moods. But you also knew better. You've kept your word, and you hadn't touched it again. 
Under Natasha's supervision, you got rid of every secret stash you had at both, your apartment and your office, and you deleted the number of your dealer. And even if sometimes it seemed like hell would manifest itself as Nat was your watcher, you couldn't be more glad because, admittedly, the woman had balls and she did knew how to bribe you, to the point that you'd even quit drinking even if it was more of a social addiction, in your case. That, mixed with Natasha's friendship and support -as well as those around you- and the birth of Morgan, your little sister had you believing once more, even if you knew you'd never get to be the same person you once were. 
The little bundle of joy had come to this world with a few rays of sunshine for you, finally opening your eyes and making you realize that there was hope. Even if you never saw her again, life was worth living and you'd live it for her at your best capacity. 
So when Pepper asked you to babysit Morgan for a few days, considering she couldn't bring a 2 months old baby with her, you accepted in a heartbeat.
But as you were awoken by a fussing Morgan, after an eventful night in which you barely slept, you realized this might've not been your brightest idea.
Inhaling deeply, you got up and walked to her room, picking her up from her crib and rocking her as you made your way to the kitchen. Babies were a fucking clock. Which only served to add to your decision of never having kids. 
If you were on the verge of tears most of the time, wishing deeply for her parents to come back so you could have time for yourself, you knew you'd be mental if you had to live through this for the rest of your life.
Your ears catching the front door opening made you stop mid singing, turning around as you walked to the hushed words as you feed a calmed down Morgan just to stop dead in your tracks when you saw her. The only reason you stood still, was the baby in your arms. 
Your eyes scanned the room, looking for a sign that this was just a dream. That the image of your girlfriend was just a projection of your mind, like so many other times before during these 5 years since she disappeared from your arms. But the silence surrounding you all and 8 pairs of eyes inspecting you made you realize that this wasn't a dream.
The cries of Morgan took you all from your reverie and soon, Pepper was by your side, taking the baby from your arms before kissing the top of your head, something she always did whenever you felt unsettled.
"Is she real?" You questioned as you scrutinized a fidgety Wanda, who stood by the door, ready to run away if needed.
Natasha could sense your turmoil growing with every single second that passed and soon enough you felt a strong pair of arms supporting you, ready to catch you if you fell.
"She's here, Maliska. We brought her back," she spoke quietly, making sure you understood her words.
The wild thoughts on your mind got you walking towards her. The need to touch her and prove yourself that she was back, got your fingers itching. You could feel the blood running in your ears and you shaking steps as you got closer to who you thought was gone forever, leaving you empty and moving through life like a zombie.
The choke that broke through you when your hand cupped her cheek got you smiling as tears rolled down with every erratic thump of your heart.
"You're here," you whispered, afraid of breaking the spell you've found yourself into. 
But you couldn't stay in that thought for long because an intimately familiar pair of arms surrounded you as Wanda threw yourself at you, hiding her face on the crook of your neck.
Feeling her hot breath against your skin was all you needed to finally give in and hold her with all you had, knowing that she was here; with you.
You didn't know how long you both stood there, holding each other and basking in the calmness that surrounded you. All your previous tormenting thoughts dissipated in that exact moment. Wanda was back and you found the hole in your heart start to fill itself.
"Hi, Printsessa," Wanda murmured against your neck, kissing her way up to your jaw, peppering your face with kisses before she finally kissed your lips. And boy, did your knees trembled.
After 5 long years, the lips you've got used to kissing whenever you pleased were once against yours, igniting all the love and hope and good things you got to feel once upon a time.
You can find the continuation, here (:
Taglist: @summergeezburr @wannabe-fic-reader @natasha-danvers @jumbojamba47 @rooskaya-yelena @sananabdliw @aaron-despair @username23345 @nate-the-dreamer @higherfurther-romanova
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