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killed-by-choice · 1 year ago
Mrs. Chen (China 2015)
The victim’s entire name was not stated in the news. She was only referred to as Chen (her surname) or Mrs. Chen.
Chen was from Guangdong, China and had already given birth to 3 daughters. Her abusive mother-in-law demanded that she give her a grandson. When an ultrasound revealed that the next baby was a girl, the mother-in-law forced Chen to have an abortion.
The next time Chen was pregnant, an ultrasound once again showed a daughter and Chen was once again forced to have an abortion by her abusive mother-in-law. This continued until 2015, when after another ultrasound Chen was forced to undergo her NINTH sex-discriminatory abortion.
Amazingly, Chen had survived the first 8 abortions even though they had damaged her internally. The walls of her uterus had been severely damaged from the repeated abortions, making the next abortion even more dangerous. Chen was also suffering mentally from the death of her daughters and was noted to have considered suicide.
During the ninth forced abortion, the badly damaged walls of Chen’s uterus finally gave out. She died of internal bleeding along with her daughter.
Chen’s three surviving daughters were left to cope with the loss of their mother and nine sisters as well as the knowledge of what their grandmother had done to their family.
Chen and her daughters were victims of horrific abuse and sexism. Sex-discriminatory abortions are largely responsible for a massively skewed male-female ratio. Abortion has killed millions of girls and women worldwide.
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siennastewart2020 · 5 years ago
US President Donald Trump’s administration has announced that it is designating four more Chinese state-run media organizations that have operations in the United States as foreign missions.
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chaitanyabharatnews · 4 years ago
कहां हैं अलीबाबा के मालिक जैक मा? चीन के सरकारी अखबार ने बताया
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज ई-कॉमर्स कंपनी अलीबाबा और एंट ग्रुप के मालिक जैक मा पिछले दो महीने से लापता हैं। चीन की नीतियों की आलोचना करने के बाद से ही राष्ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग उनसे खासे नाराज़ बताए जा रहे हैं। वह करीब दो महीने से सार्वजनिक रूप से कहीं नजर नहीं आए हैं। चीन के सरकारी अखबार पीपुल्स डेली ने जैक मा की मौजूदगी को लेकर बड़ा संकेत दिया है। चीनी मीडिया में ऐसी खबरें आयी हैं कि जैक मा सरकारी एजेंसियों की 'निगरानी' में हैं। जैक मा देश छोड़कर न ले जाएं इसलिए उन्हें किसी अज्ञात जगह पर सरकारी निगरानी में रखा गया है। रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, चीन की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी के सदस्य जैक मा को सरकार ने सलाह दी है कि वह देश को नहीं छोड़ें। ऐसे अनुमान लगाए जा रहे हैं कि मा की इस दुर्दशा के पीछे चीनी राष्ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग के साथ उनका गहराया विवाद है। Alibaba founder Jack Ma has been out of public view ever since he blasted China’s regulatory system back in late October https://t.co/0UyO3tzzAA pic.twitter.com/6e2TMBgpks — Reuters (@Reuters) January 5, 2021 बता दें जैक मा चीन में अक्सर सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रमों में बतौर वक्ता मौजूद रहते हैं और अपने मोटिवेशनल भाषणों के लिए भी युवाओं में काफी लोकप्रिय हैं। उन्होंने पिछले साल अक्टूबर में शंघाई में एक कार्यक्रम के दौरान चीन के ब्याजखोर वित्तीय नियामकों और सरकारी बैंकों की तीखी आलोचना की थी। जैक मा ने सरकार से आह्वान किया था कि सिस्टम में बदलाव किया जाना चाहिए ताकि बिजनेस में नई चीजें शुरू करने के प्रयासों को दबाने नहीं जाए। उन्होंने वैश्विक बैंकिंग नियमों को 'बुजुर्गों लोगों का क्लब' करार दिया था। फाइनेंशियल टाइम्स की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, जैक मा करीब दो महीने से किसी सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम में नहीं देखे गए हैं। खुद के बनाए उनके टीवी शो 'अफ्रीका के बिजनेस हीरो' में भी जैक मा की जगह पर किसी और भेज दिया गया है। हालांकि, अलीबाबा कंपनी के एक प्रवक्ता ने कहा कि शेड्यूल कंफ्लिक्ट की वजह से जैक मा टीवी शो में शामिल नहीं हुए। कौन हैं जैक मा? जैक मा अरबपति कारोबारी हैं और दुनिया के 100 शीर्ष धनी लोगों में से हैं। वे चीन की अलीबाबा ग्रुप के फाउंडर हैं। गौरतलब है कि चीन में बड़ी हस्तियों की गिरफ्तारी के बारे में किसी तरह की जानकारी सार्वजनिक करने से सरकारें बचती रही हैं, इसलिए ऐसा लगता है कि 'निगरानी' के तहत रखने का मतलब जैक मा के जेल जाने से ही है। Read the full article
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netitharam · 5 years ago
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Chinese journalist jailed for 15 years for criticising Communist Party Chen Jieren has been detained since 2018 after he published two blog articles claiming corruption by Hunan party officials Anti-corruption blogger Chen Jieren has been accused of damaging the Chinese government’s credibility. #peoplesdailychina #peoplesdaily #chinese #communist #rmb #chinesecommunistparty #communistparty #china #hunanparty #hunan #chenjieren #chen #jieren #jinping #humanrights #uno #chinesemad #netitharamnews #netitharam #journalism (at China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_rMYZZnR6n/?igshid=a236x20pw2io
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giginegro · 7 years ago
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#peoplesdaily #headquarter #visit #propaganda #newsproduction #beijing #dial17 (presso People's Daily New Headquarters)
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allehsu · 7 years ago
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#inthemail #globalpeople #peoplesdaily #china #poet #xuzhimo #徐志摩 #人民日報 #specialedition #magazine (at Newport Beach, California)
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sailorshubsblog-blog · 8 years ago
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Construction to start at #china 's #5th expedition station at #antarctica #sailors_hub #peoplesdaily
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steelandcotton · 6 years ago
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hackernewsrobot · 7 years ago
Benz remotely controlled vehicle stuck in cruise control mode for 1h at 120km/h
https://www.facebook.com/PeoplesDaily/videos/1864757720242703/ Comments
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elenamalia · 5 years ago
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iombrastuff · 5 years ago
Jack Ma regala kit test Covid 19 agli USA
L’uomo più ricco della Cina Jack Ma venerdì ha offerto agli Stati Uniti 500,000 kit di test coronavirus e un milione di maschere, mentre il paese affronta una carenza di kit per la diagnosi COVID-19. https://www.facebook.com/PeoplesDaily/
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I costi negli Stati Uniti di un tampone per sapere se un paziente è a rischio di coronavirus sono molto variabili e ancora esorbitanti. Secondo MarketWatch…
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gustavocharif · 9 years ago
Fallen Chicken / Pollo caído
[Versión castellana al final del texto en inglés.]
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Everybody knows that snobbish people is always celebrating any kind of crap. This sort of giant chicken becomes viral in the last week. Whatever, if that is the fowl, you can imagine the slingshot…
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Todo el mundo sabe que los esnobs viven celebrando cualquier clase de porquería. Esta especie de pollo gigante se volvió viral en la última semana. Como sea, si este es el ave, imaginen ustedes la gomera…
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© Gustavo Charif 2015 (text)
Images: dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3173113 (link)
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anat82 · 5 years ago
Китайских легкоатлеток заподозрили в том, что они мужчины
Китайских легкоатлеток заподозрили в том, что они мужчины
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Фото: facebook.com/PeoplesDaily
Победители женского ежегодного чемпионата Китая по легкой атлетике
Ассоциация легкой атлетики Китая опровергла эту информацию, но болельщики все еще сомневаются.
Две китайские легкоатлетки Ляо Меньсюе и Тун Цзенхуань – победительница и серебряная медалистка в забеге на 400 метров среди женщин на чемпионате Китая – попали в центр внимания китайский соцсетей и…
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cliffspenger · 6 years ago
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Blind man and friend with no arms have planted 10,000 trees in rural China in 10 years By Sam Matthew for MailOnline 13 Mar 2015 Blind man and friend with no arms have planted 10,000 trees in rural China in 10 years By Sam Matthew for MailOnline 13 Mar 2015 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-2993691/amp/Are-world-s-inspiring-eco-warriors-Blind-man-sidekick-no-arms-planted-10-000-trees-rural-China-10-years.html https://www.instagram.com/p/BxztGvVgoCL/?igshid=8wvghyizoida
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english240 · 6 years ago
Parents -- They’re only one...tent away? ~Dani
The transition of leaving home and moving into college is admittedly difficult for the student—and their parents or caretakers. While many first-time college students may understandably have apprehensions, fears, and doubts about leaving home and moving into a new space, their parents caretakers are probably experiencing the same emotions too—but perhaps, to a much higher degree. Because of these apprehensions that both students and their parents face as they walk through another door of the unknown, many universities have devoted their efforts in easing this transition for the students, such as when the respective universities hold orientations and welcome events for them. However, it isn’t every day that we hear of universities making the same efforts for the students’ parents. Many universities have been known to hold one-day informative sessions for parents to learn about what their student will be going through for the next four years, which includes the current university that I’m attending. Even though my parents did not attend this informational session, I think that it helps distinguish how different certain countries are to one another. I think that parents in America, for the most part, value independence in their children, and the dynamic of some relationships may not be as close. Thus, parents’ involvement when their kids transition into college may not be as attached or long-lasting. However according to a recently published New York Times article, it seems as though Chinese universities are making even greater efforts to accommodate these transitioning parents.
Misleading Headline
However, while The New York Times article talks about China’s latest efforts in great detail regarding the issue of transitioning students and parents, the respective article introduces the issue with a rather misleading headline, which validates their immediate inclusion of headline bias into their article. According to the article, which was written by Javier C. Hernandez, Hernandez headlines the article with “Welcome to College. Your Parents are in the Tents Next Door.” Before even reading the article, Hernandez makes it seem as though all colleges are doing this because it’s so generalized. Hernandez doesn’t specify that the location of focus is China, making his title misleading.
Bias by Omission
Looking further into the article, Hernandez mentions that several universities, which includes Tianjin University which is located in China, are allowing transitioning parents of first-year college students to stay in tents in the university’s gymnasium while their children settle into their dorms. See the corresponding visual below, and visit the website to the corresponding photo, in which they talk about these news in a Daily Mail article. While the Daily Mail article also talks about China’s efforts in bringing in tents of love for parents, it also specifically mentions that the parents get to stay at the university for three days, which other sources, namely, The New York Times, didn’t mention. Again, as was my focus in my first blog, this exclusion of information from The New York Times demonstrates the presence of bias by omission on The New York Times’ end. You can check out my previous blog in which I specifically address The New York Times’ biases in their articles, and why I think they may be biased in the first place, here.
However, still referring to The New York Times, this unusual arrangement enables parents to be near their children temporarily, as many of the families traveled thousands of miles to their respective universities. Some of these families come from a low-economic status. For some other families, given that China had a strict “one child only” policy up until 2016, the child that they’re sending off to college is most likely their only child, making the transition just as difficult, in addition to their low economic status.
As I attempt to connect this story into my own personal life, I can say that I understand why the Chinese universities may have felt compelled to do this. For me, I grew up in a nurturing household and am raised by traditional Filipino parents. With that in mind, I was raised by parents who always go above and beyond when it comes to taking care of me and always try to make things easier for me whenever possible. I’m very attached to my parents, so when the time actually came for me to pick a university to attend, my family and I all agreed that it would be best to attend a local university. Attending a local, nearby university would enable me to not have to dorm, which, in turn, has saved my family a lot of money, but my decision to attend a university that is only fifteen minutes away from home was not solely made to financially accommodate us. Like I’ve said before—I’m pretty close with my parents and I knew that being far away from them would cause me to suffer from terrible homesickness. In the end, we chose what we thought was best for all of us, and I can confidently say that I’m very happy with my decision to attend CSUSB.
Therefore, even though having parents stay in tents for a few days in China while their kids move into their dorms may seem a little ridiculous at first, when one takes the time to dig deeper and realizes the sentimental purpose behind this arrangement, it makes me feel that other universities may benefit from this as well. This makes me realize that these parents who chose to stay in small tents just to be with their child during this major transition, is something definitely worth saluting.
1. Original NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/23/world/asia/china-university-tents-parents.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Feducation-learning
2. CSUSB parent orientation: https://www.csusb.edu/orientation/parent-family-orientation
3. China’s one-child-only policy: https://www.britannica.com/topic/one-child-policy
4. Picture taken from: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3774223/Incredible-pictures-hundreds-Chinese-parents-sleeping-tents-love-send-children-university.html 
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webofgoodnews · 8 years ago
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