#people who usually like when the ai is mean/sadistic
yanderes-galore · 2 years
How would a yandere south dakota work?
Think of Tex, but worse. Not strength-wise, behavior-wise. Thank you for more RvB ^^
Yandere! Agent South Dakota Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Bullying, Teasing, Possessive behavior, Sadism, Torture, Murder implied, Selfish behavior, Demanding behavior, Threats, Stalking implied, Forced relationship, Swearing.
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- Oh, South would be such a brat to you.
- South is the type of person to tease, bully, and push you around because she adores you so much.
- She'd also be jealous easily and incredibly upset if she doesn't have your attention on her.
- Luckily, since her armor ability is just a drop shield, she will not use her power against you like other Freelancers.
- While she isn't as physical as other Freelancers, she would screw with your mind.
- South may even have a superiority/inferiority complex with you.
- She's tired of feeling inferior to others, including her fellow Freelancers.
- So she develops a superiority complex over you to try and mask such feelings.
- South would be a pain emotionally more than physically.
- She wants to have your attention all the time and is willing to manipulate things in her favor to get it.
- She's selfish and can be quite sadistic, quite different from North.
- South would be Manipulative, Possessive/Selfish, Demanding, Aggressive, Playful, Sadistic, and Competitive.
- She'd be so manipulative towards you.
- She'd try to get you around her all the time, 24/7.
- Sure, maybe she isn't as stealthy as the others.
- Sure, maybe her brother got an AI and she didn't.
- Yet she has you, someone she isn't willing to let anyone else have.
- She's also manipulative in the sense that she teases you about pretty much everything.
- She claims she does it out of affection but it's hard to tell.
- You can bet South would be so pissed if you liked somone else other than her.
- She hates being the least favored choice.
- She hates it even more if it involves you.
- If you are close to anyone else, Freelancer or not, she's going to be ruthless.
- She's always been competitive and isn't above ruining other's lives if it means she'll benefit from it.
- If she has to sabotage another Freelancer to get you to like her, it's done.
- She could care less about how others feel about it.
- She's a brat who's impatient and rude most of the time towards others.
- After everything she's been through with Project Freelancer, she deserves one good thing in life, right?
- She doesn't even care if others get hurt in her pursuit of you.
- Sucks to be them!
- South is also incredibly demanding towards you.
- She always wants to talk, she always wants to train, she always needs you.
- You'll barely have time to yourself without South scouting you out with a new goal in mind.
- Doesn't matter how she gets your attention, she just feels she deserves it more than everyone else.
- South can be aggressive towards others around you.
- Sometimes even you when her teasing gets too intense.
- She can be so harsh towards people.
- If you liked someone other than her then she's quick to threaten.
- That person will be hounded by her.
- You will also end up facing her complaints at some point.
- She is already upset enough at her position.
- She isn't going to lose her chance with you without a fight.
- Despite her normally competitive and selfish nature, she is shown to also be playful.
- Along with compassionate and sympathetic at times.
- Most of the time she's hellish to be around.
- But there's times she'll pull you aside and truly be... sweet.
- She may be a huge bully yet she truly adores you and is very defensive about you due to that.
- None of this excuses her behavior, however.
- Especially if others get hurt or killed because of it.
- South even has sadism.
- She likes her enemies to suffer slowly.
- Which means, yes, the person(s) you like more than her will be tortured and she'll enjoy it-
- She isn't usually one to kill but she will if she feels it benefits her.
- She'll be somewhat sympathetic towards you when you find out about it.
- Although, all that matters to her is the fact she moved up in your ranks.
- You can't love them more than her if they're dead, can you?
- She is willing to work hard for your attention.
- She doesn't play fair, she'll use underhand tactics to be sure she gets her way.
- South never got anything nice in the Freelancer project.
- No fancy AI, no high ranking, she was always compared to her brother.
- With you? She knows things will be different.
- She'll be with you no matter what must be done. With you, she knows she'll have at least one good thing in her life.
39 notes · View notes
seimeinotaka · 3 years
A beautiful gift for a beautiful flower: the Legendary Sword (Vil X MC fic)
It is still the 9th, so I’m still on time to upload a fic to celebrate Vil’s birthday. I wanted to give something he would love, so here it is, given and made with him and Ann in mind. Maybe one day I’ll upload Ann giving him also his so-wanted list hehe. But for now, I hope this will do!
Thanks to polyphenols@AO3 for beta-reading this!
This is a story from a young prince who lived in a faraway land.
~ ° ~
Vil had just returned from his afternoon walk as he crossed the now empty lounge, devoid of any of the birthday tables and balloons for his own celebration, as expected for it was the day after. Well, it was empty except for the lone presence of Ramshackle dorm’s prefect, Ann Hawthorne, and Vil’s almost professional headache.
“Vil-senpai, here!” the young girl said as she handed Vil a thick-looking envelope, with a purple ribbon on top.
The unexpected gift made him raise an eyebrow. “Potato, my birthday was yesterday and you were here, with your usual birthday interviews for the School’s News Section. You even took a picture of me. Did you somehow not know it was my birthday yesterday and made a last-minute gift to excuse yourself?”
Ann rolled her eyes and made a mocking grin. “Haha, how funny, there is no way in hell I can make this in one night. I had actually brought it with me, but well, I wanted you to read it, and I didn’t want to take up your time at your birthday party. I mean, you didn’t read Rook-senpai’s poems either, so it was fair that I handed you this now.”
Vague curiosity in his eyes, because he wasn’t really interested, just a little, Vil opened the envelope and took out a large stack of papers bound together with a purple thread. The words “Legendary Sword” could be read on the first page, and with a quick glance, Vil realized it was a script with some pictures in between.
~ ° ~ 
Long ago in the hidden remains of the Araceae Kingdom lived a beautiful young man, with brilliant cold amethyst eyes and delicate flawless skin. His hair was silky golden and he blinded everyone with his appearance. Every day, he devoted himself to his studies, from arts to economics, languages and science. In the afternoon he would train his body, fencing, wrestling, running, horse riding. He worked harder than anyone, never complaining, as he pushed himself day after day.
However, he was feared and scorned, for he was the scion of the wretched Zantedeschia household, Schwartz Zantedeschia. His family had ruled the kingdom with an iron fist, and had seized control of every other kingdom under the sun.
Shedding blood, many fought the Zantedeschia until one day a brave hero, wielding a mythical sword, was able to dethrone the cursed family and their household vanished from history. The hero, coming from the Leiron family, the rulers of the Lilium Kingdom that everyone had dismissed as negligible, was of pure heart and as the chosen hero, he was able to vanquish the evil.
However, the Zantedeschia weren’t completely destroyed and each heir was carefully trained in hopes of achieving their dream.
Before Schwartz, no one had been as successful nor had anyone worked as hard, and he was the only one to cast off from the shadows to fulfill his mission, leaving his homeland in shambles behind him.
To regain their former glory, and extract revenge, that was the reason for his journey.
~ ° ~ 
“A villain protagonist, really? This is your gift to me?” Vil took his eyes off the script for a moment to give Ann a dismissive and insulted glare.
Unamused, the girl rolled her eyes as she pushed the script closer to his face. “Keep reading, Vil-senpai.”
Vil kept his penetrating and heavy stare on her, though the young girl didn’t even flinch, probably used to his flair for the dramatic. However, the actor kept on reading.
~ ° ~ 
To fulfill his quest for revenge, he would need to seize the mythical sword Durendal, which had been the fall of his family. The next chosen holder would be Weiss Leiron, the heir of the Lilium Kingdom, adored by everyone for his purity. As soon as he turned of age, he would become the legitimate owner of Durendal.
Prince Schwartz had known of Weiss, meeting him long ago when he hid his identity to get to know the faces of his enemies. Even now, he was painfully aware, Weiss was beloved by every creature in the land, his affable nature charming everyone in spite of his failings. During that time, Schwartz came to learn that his own nature scared others, finding himself pushed away even if his true name hadn’t been revealed. His beauty alienated everyone he had met and his stoic personality was found distrustful by many, no matter what he did or said.
Thus for years, he couldn’t help but to grow deep resentment in his heart, jealousy taking root like a bloody, poisonous flower. So for Schwartz, this quest meant also his own reassurance of his worth to the world that had shunned him.
~ ° ~
“Do you enjoy making me upset?” Vil squinted as he kept on re-reading the last line, his frown growing deeper and deeper with every word.
“Do I look like I’m enjoying this?” Ann replied with a not so concealed smarmy smile.
“Your suspicious gaze makes me wonder if you are secretly a sadist. You’re not even trying to flatter me in the slightest, and of all people, you had to put him as the hero again. Really, you have a morbid sense of humor.”
“Who says Neige is the hero?”
“I am obviously Schwartz, as the narration clearly describes me. That would mean Neige can only be Weiss. Stop playing around, you aren’t fooling me.” Vil let out a long sigh. “At this rate, I’m going to have you list 200 beautiful things about me instead.”
“Please finish reading the thing, Vil-senpai? Do you judge books on the first page?”
Vil sighed again, gently shaking his head as his eyes went back to the papers in his hands.
~ ° ~ 
To aid him on his quest, Prince Schwartz had been sent with two trusted knights serving the Zantedeschia, the bow master Vert and the young knight Violett. Vert was a self-proclaimed defender of beauty and followed Schwartz wherever he would go. Violett had a tense relationship with Schwartz, feeling constricted by Schwartz’s rules and strictness, and with a promise of freedom after this journey. Whatever their goals were, they would protect him with their lives, as his travel would grow more dangerous the further he went. Prince Weiss had seven renowned knights and no matter Prince Schwartz’s prowess in combat and magic, it would be safer for him to be accompanied. The Araceae Kingdom was also on the northern end of the continent, hidden behind a harsh tundra and treacherous mountains, and Schwartz’s safety was to be prioritized.
As the prince and his knights traveled south, to reach the center of the continent where Durendal was enshrined, they met a group of four travelers in peril, surrounded by foul beasts. Even if it was dangerous, as it could blow his cover, Schwartz and his knights went to their rescue. In gratitude, the brawler Azure, the thief Vermillion, the young lost researcher Ai and her magical talking cat Hai joined Schwartz on his travels south.
~ ° ~
“Why do I get vague videogame allusions from this?” Vil arched an eyebrow at the recent development.
“Well,” Ann replied with a shrug. “They are classes you find in RPGs. It would make sense for Schwartz to gather several comrades that can cover any weakness he might have.”
“Then? What is your class, Ann?” Vil turned to the girl, a mocking smirk dawning on his beautiful face. “I don’t think you’d be able to be a Healer here.”
Ann pursed her lips before reluctantly answering, “I am the very important NPC tagging along. You all can fight to protect me.”
“Fufufu, bold of Ai to wander alone with her talking cat who can barely manage a spell. I wonder if they will be of help.” With a dark chuckle, Vil resumed reading.
~ ° ~ 
Vermillion and Azure hailed from the Rosaceae Kingdom, a land not far away from Lilium and the shrine for Durendal. Originally a couple of bandits, they had initially attempted to trick Ai and her cat, lost travelers who had just survived a shipwreck and were looking for a way back to their homeland, the Asteraceae Empire on the other side of the world. However, after being saved by the same girl they wanted to rob, they decided to reform and help them reach a port. Being told of their quest to reach Lilium, the group tagged along unaware of Schwartz’s true intentions. They all believed he was a young man kidnapped and sent to Araceae who was trying to go back to his own land, Vermillion and Hai hoping they could snag a reward for their efforts.
To reach Lilium and the shrine, the group would need to cross a perilous desert, where the rays of the sun would be so merciless that the unprepared would easily die. Unaccustomed to such warm weather, Schwartz and Violett struggled with the inclemency of the climate, growing weaker with every step. However, Schwartz was not willing to abandon his mission, even at his own health’s peril, and he continued his trip until he grew gravely ill.
~ ° ~
“You’re not writing this right now, but one could think you were expecting me to question your abilities and you kindly decided to get some petty revenge on Schwartz,” Vil said flatly, as his eyes dangerously narrowed, throwing daggers at Ann.
“Excuse me, I would be incapable of doing that, Vil-senpai.”
“Have you forgotten the time your hand slipped and your fist casually connected with Rook’s jaw? Or the time you-”
“That was a legit reason to punch him, okay?” Ann pouted as she folded her arms in front of her. “And we don’t need to talk about other things, go on and keep reading.”
~ ° ~ 
Taking a detour, the group reached the land of Oleaceae in hopes of finding a doctor to treat Schwartz and Violett. In their search, they found a pair of young men running away from a large group of pursuers. Ill and weakened, Schwartz still led the party to defend and protect the men in need of help, learning that the people running away, a dancer by the name of Asfar and his servant Burtiqali had been wrongly accused of murdering Asfar’s father. Even if Asfar had chosen to distance himself from his father’s business, one of the largest spice traders in Oleaceae and the land, he was the heir to the family and people within the clan wanted to get rid of the father and son to claim the business for themselves.
After a narrow escape from Oleaceae, the group learned that Burtiqali was a proficient chemist, and he provided relief to Schwartz and Violett, in gratitude for helping them escape. With no place to go, Asfar and Burtiqali decided to travel with Schwartz, hoping to find a way to clear Asfar’s name if they reached Lilium and found the hero Weiss.
Meanwhile in the Lilium Kingdom, word of Schwartz’s quest reached the ears of Weiss.
“Someone sullied is not fit to be a hero, only those pure can be one. Envy, jealousy, those emotions are unbecoming. A hero is a beacon of hope, a model to follow, a paragon of virtue. Someone who is envious of the natural course of things is not fit to be a hero.”
Those were the words of the beloved hero, the next in line to inherit Durendal. He looked at the eyes of his loyal knights, seven brave men who would follow Weiss wherever he went, taking his word almost as if it came from the heavens. Anyone wishing to follow the right path would look closely at the Prince of Lilium, with his bright and kind features and no darkness in his eyes. For his sake, they would even shut their hearts, to do what was right.
If Schwartz was willing to attack the hero, they would prevent him from even touching a single strand of the hero’s hair. A villain must never win, and good will always defeat, vanquish evil. In these times of crisis, with the kingdom’s growing unrest year after year caused by the Zantedeschia, the populace was suffering. Inequality, famine, disease, they had been slowly creeping in Lilium, and Schwartz’s arrival would be the key to opening the forbidden box.
Thus, they needed to bring swift judgement to the villain trying to usurp power once more.
~ ° ~ 
“A paragon of virtue, the meaning of a hero,” Vil uttered those words, almost wounded.
“In my world, the origin of the word ‘Hero’ was one meaning Defender.”
“It’s the same as this world. Color me surprised, though, I wouldn’t put you as a reader.”
“How rude, senpai, even after all this time you still think the worst of me.” Ann pretended to sigh dramatically, though Vil just rolled his eyes. “You probably think I spend my time thinking of how to annoy you and picking my nose.”
He let out a chuckle, his now trademark sardonic smile aimed at her. “Given how much you neglect your appearance, would you blame me for believing it?”
~ ° ~ 
As they traveled, the burden of his secret mission weighed heavily on Schwartz’s shoulders, as he found himself growing attached to his companions. Keeping an aloof distance and not hiding his critical tongue and stoic and strict nature, he had assumed they would be simply people he would be using to achieve his goals. Schwartz had always been alone and feared by everyone, so he hadn’t expected anything else. The kind interaction of these people made him at times believe they could be friends, something he had once thought impossible.
After all, no one knew better than him that he was sullied with jealousy and anger, stains perhaps too deep in his soul to be the hero recognized by Durendal. After all, the legendary sword would only choose someone who was a hero and the more Schwartz looked at himself in the mirror, the further he traveled in his journey, the more he believed himself to be the villain, just as his ancestors before him.
~ ° ~ 
This time, Vil had no snappy retort or effusive reaction. Instead, he solemnly stared at the words in front of him, his lips pressed together into a thin line. He wouldn’t admit aloud that Schwartz’s feelings were hitting too close to home, the traces of his Overblot still lingering in his thoughts. His own failings caused his heart to be tainted with ink and even to his day, he struggled with his wish to be cast once as a hero, to prove he wasn’t the villain everyone appointed and believed he was.
His eyes briefly met Ann’s, before he diverted his gaze. He recalled the times she had called him several things, such as kind, that he, to this day, did not believe he was, and he wondered if there were some of those feelings portrayed in the script in his hands.
She didn’t say anything, as she quietly looked at him with a warm soft smile, in hopes that he kept on reading to find the answer he was suddenly seeking for.
~ ° ~
Just as the travelers arrived at the shrine where Durendal rested, Schwartz came to face his sworn enemy, Prince Weiss, the paragon of goodness and the hero of the land. He almost laughed maniacally, as the seven holy knights came to protect him. It would truly be a fight of good and evil, and for once he decided to unveil his ugly mask to the oblivious people who wrongly decided to accompany him.
~ ° ~ 
“Did you honestly write ‘Fighting scene goes here’?” Vil arched an eyebrow, with a dismissive and almost stunned glare at Ann, who simply blinked in return.
“Do I look like I know how those kind of fighting scenes normally go in a script?”
“Shouldn’t you know it? You ARE writing this after all.”
“You can make it up as you want.” Ann waved her hand nonchalantly, and Vil let out a groan. The nerve of the girl to leave out the most important part of the scene, and he thought of thousand ways to express his utter shock and frustration. Ann huffed. “If you really want it, you can pretend I wrote you kick Neige in the balls…Ah, but be careful with your heels, you might break his baby-making machine and that might give you trouble.”
“Baby. Making. Machine.”
“His dick, senpai. You break his dick.”
Vil’s blank expression was on her for a couple of seconds, before his line of sight was interrupted by her gently shoving the script toward his face.
~ ° ~ 
The knights defeated and Weiss wounded, Schwartz would lift his sword, deep in anger to decapitate his nemesis, at the protest of his friends. The anger of knowing that his family had been shunned for years for crimes they never committed, Schwartz finding himself damned for the only reason of being born under the Zantedeschia name fueled his fatal blow. As the sword fell like a guillotine, an arrow threw it away from its trajectory, his friends deciding to oppose him in a battle they knew they might lose. But they would face him because they knew what kind of person Schwartz truly was, cold and aloof, but secretly caring, and they didn’t want him to commit a heinous crime.
Somehow, his words reached Schwartz, horrified at the monster he had become. Falling on his knees, he threw away his magic tome and his sword, realizing he was no hero, he was the villain awaiting his execution. He would no longer be capable of wielding Durendal, no, the idea of wielding it was ridiculous from the very beginning. And to wound him further, his close knight Vert had picked up the Legendary Sword, handing it to a wounded Weiss, as he protected him from any harm on their escape.
“I was hoping you would recognize your own worth without needing external validation. You do not need Durendal. The wielder of Durendal is the one who shines like the sun, the most beautiful at heart. One day, you will surely be recognized, farewell, Schwartz, but my heart truly lies with Weiss, who is unclouded by sin and is as radiant as any star.”
Vert’s betrayal caused everyone to fall back, taking everyone by surprise. While Asfar, Burtiqali and Ai had caught grasp of Schwartz’s true intentions, they never realized Vert had sent a warning to Lilium. Tending their wounds, Schwartz finally explained the truth he had concealed.
Long ago, as a great war emerged, the Zantedeschia were one of many houses caught in the strife. Fighting to protect their territory and lending a hand to nearby lands, they grew in power, and lords of other lands deemed them too dangerous. While they hadn’t invaded other kingdoms, they were plagued by fear, and decided to vanquish them before they could do anything. And thus, they imparted their judgement and executed most of the royal family except for one who managed to escape, keeping the bloodline alive and hiding at the ends of the world.
They gave the honor to a random lowborn house, the Lilium, as they would make the better heroes for a loving fairytale. A chivalrous story of the good and weak defeating the evil and strong. Pinning all of their internal problems on the Zantedeschia, they decided it was for the best to brand them as the evil of the world, and thus it would be allowed to destroy them. Because Durendal happened to choose the prince of Lilium, they could embellish their tale which was no more than political machinations to benefit just a small few, while giving crumbs of justice to the unknowing folk.
And thus, with the passage of time, the world would know of the story of the evil Zantedeschia and the good Lilium and it became the truth for everyone. Except for the surviving bloodline of the Zantedeschia who relayed their truth to their successors, hoping that one day, they would finally be acquitted of something they never committed. And if Durendal chose any of them, then it would finally be proof that they weren’t the evil they were always thought to be.
“Did you want to wield Durendal for yourself or for your bloodline and your people?” Ai had posed this question to Schwartz, who had tried everything and had failed.
“For them, but also for myself, though it no longer matters. Someone like me isn’t meant to be a hero. Which Legendary Sword would choose a murderer driven by jealousy? Which kind of people would follow a hero tainted by anger, envy, and resentment? Weiss is as radiant as the sun, I am the cold moon doomed to die at every dawn.”
“I don’t believe you are the villain you have convinced yourself to be, nor is that one born a hero. If you still wish to try, there is still time for you to see if Durendal has rejected you.”
“Even if it doesn’t choose me, I want my clan’s name to be cleared for sins pinned on us.”
Because of Schwartz coming to Lilium, the official ceremony for Weiss to become the next wielder was rushed and would be before he was of age. It was also to quell people’s anger, as their issues in their land had become unbearable to wear and a hero would bring peace to the people, as Weiss truly believed with all of his heart. To bring light to cast away the shadows, he would take his place as the hero.
Apologizing for what he had done, Schwartz asked his friends if they would accompany in a final quest. If he were to be fought and executed, so be it, and if he was never to become Durendal’s wielder, so be it, but at least, he would want to denounce the infamy his family had been accused of. He would accept his death if it at least meant the truth was finally known, and with it the Zantedeschia would be no more. He was surprised when everyone decided to go on with the journey, everyone knowing what kind of man he was, and wishing to support him one last time.  Thus, Schwartz and his friends traveled to Lilium to set right what was wrong.
“I am Prince Schwartz Zantedeschia from the Araceae Kingdom and I have come to reclaim the innocence of my people, unjustly accused in the past of crimes they did not commit. If I have to fight the hero chosen by Durendal, so be it! But on this day, the truth shall be known!”
“I will not let you, Prince Schwartz,” Prince Weiss proclaimed. “The Zantedeschia have become the evil of this land, and will be purged once more. You even wanted to steal this holy blade, someone like you is unfit to be Durendal’s wielder.”
Prince Weiss fought Prince Schwartz, not letting him say anything else. And deeply wounded after so many battles, Prince Schwartz fell on his knee, the sign of his loss and imminent execution. With a heavy movement, Prince Weiss swung Durendal, only to find that it wouldn’t even touch one strand of Schwartz’s hair, falling to the ground and staying there unmoving no matter how hard Weiss tried to lift it.
For Durendal would never harm the wielder it had chosen.
Surprising everyone, Schwartz included, he found himself picking up the sword, glowing as beautifully as the sun, a sign it had picked his newfound hero. However, before anyone could rejoice, the flames of revolution stormed into place, as Schwartz and his friends had to flee Lilium.
~ ° ~ 
“And that’s when the first movie ends,” Ann chirped happily as Vil closed the script having finished reading it, “setting up the second one where Weiss goes batshit evil because he wasn’t the chosen hero as his land falls into shambles because of a revolution unfolding because the government was trash. Schwartz and his friends had to flee and embark on a journey to unfold a thousand year conspiracy and reveal the people behind the scenes of every tragedy. Burtiqali might or might not have to face the fact he kinda murdered Asfar’s dad and tried to set Asfar up but it blew up on him. Ai and Hai try to go back home, Violet has to reevaluate his relationship with Schwartz, tension between Vert and Scwhartz for the treason he committed, and Azure and Vermillion try to redeem themselves from their petty felonies while working as comic relief.”
Vil blinked for a moment before bursting out laughing for a couple of minutes. “A sequel, really? You even thought that far?”
“There are too many developments to fit in one movie. This isn’t a cash-grab sequel, it’s because the plot is too heavy to work in only one.”
“Pffft!” Vil couldn’t even stop himself from making that grin, between condescending and touched. “I didn’t know you had quite the imagination, I know you make a comic and you made your friends cry with it, but I didn’t expect a conspiracy for Legendary Sword. You truly never watched any of the films, the sword’s name is Excalibur by the way.”
“I knew the name, but Durendal fits better, duh. The meaning of Durendal’s name has been debated actually, but a common point is how it resists and endures. It was a sturdy sword, so of course it would endure, that is why it had to be the Legendary sword here.”
“I’m afraid I don’t follow your obtuse logic, Ann.”
“If you’ve read as much as you claim to have, you will concede that former heroes weren’t good-natured people. It was a term given to those humans who defied all odds to achieve something impossible. In fact, many of them were terrible people struggling with vices. It was with time, especially modern times, that the word hero morphed into what we see, the pure-hearted paragon of goodness.”
“I almost poisoned Neige. How many heroes kill their rival in a fit of jealousy?”
“I like reading, and I realized the most valuable heroes weren’t the ones who never did wrong, but the ones who faced their own weaknesses and demons, and at their lowest, they could go on. You aren’t born a hero, you become one. Durendal chose Schwartz because he was willing to live on with his resentment and envy and help others. Durendal recognized Schwartz’s struggles and the time and effort he had spent all his life, trying to live up to his own morals. He saved people he encountered because it was the right thing to do, even if it was at odds with his goals. Would you call a villain someone who helps others out of the wishes of their heart?”
Vil opened his mouth to refute everything she had said, but Ann lifted a hand, a sign she wasn’t even done.
“You didn’t harm Neige in the end, and you overblotted because you regretted what you were going to do. You had a moment of weakness because you bottled it all in and because you are human. But your weakness doesn’t define your worth, it’s how you deal with your failures and faults what does. I told you, didn’t I? You are a hero, Vil. And I thought of making a story for the hero you deserved to represent.”
“…You depicted what happened during the VDC. That is no original story,” he mumbled, though he wasn’t mocking her. In fact, he was saying it to try to confront his own mixed feelings, at how she had turned his own struggles in a story of him being the hero. To be seen at his worst, yet being given this…
“It stops being based on that at the end, and there’s still the sequel, don’t forget. I haven’t finished it, but it can be a future birthday gift, right? I am a no-name person, but I’m giving it to you so you can give it to a director or a producer or a big shot and tell him ‘Hey, I got this great idea for a movie’. Obviously, you are Schwartz, the description was there so no one would get funny ideas of casting Neige.”
“You have no idea how these things work. No one will take me seriously if I hand them this.”
“Then arrange for someone to hand it to them then, duh.”
Vil chuckled. “Of course, I might follow your whims, if you behave well. Though I can’t say I hated this gift, you’d better improve your written action scenes next time.” There was no way he was giving this to Adella.
With a bright smile, not knowing that her gift would never reach the light of any studio, Ann excused herself, not before waving at him as she disappeared from the corridor. Vil himself reached his own room, carefully closed the door and threw himself on his bed. The script was carefully held between his arms, as he sighed.
“What a naïve girl, no one would make this film,” he said to no one, disappointed.
Vil knew how the industry worked. Such a story as the one depicted in this tale deviated too much from the norm to become a mainstream film and the budget needed was too large for an independent studio. Thus, only Vil would know of this story, the story of Schwartz Zantedeschia.
Even so, he held the script tightly against his heart, as he closed his eyelids to hide the tears forming in his eyes.
This has a lot of Author’s notes to make things more understandable.
Every character’s name is, as you might have guessed, based on a particular color. The color designation was depending on the origin of the fairy tale. Schwartz (Vil), Weiss (Neige) and Violett (Epel) got the German names for the colors black, white and violet, respectively. Vert (Rook) is the only exception, his name coming from French for green, this is to highlight that in the end he is a traitor of sorts to Schwartz.
Azure (Deuce) and Vermillion (Ace)’s original story hails from England, so they got variants of blue and red. Aladdin was written by a Syrian author, so Asfur (Kalim) and Burtiqali (Jamil) are the Arabic words for yellow and orange. I don’t know Arabic, so I am not sure if that’s the proper way you’d spell those words in the English alphabet, so if you find any mistakes, please let me know. Finally, while Ann comes originally from England, her character Ai and Hai (Grim) are in a way from Japan, so they are the Japanese words for indigo and gray.
Every character’s last name comes from a particular flower. Schwartz’s comes from Zantedeschia, or the calla lily. The calla lily can be found in a purple color so deep it might even look black. In spite of its name, it is not a true lily, hence it comes from the Zantedeschia genus and from the Araceae family. In the language of flowers, it represents beauty (hence ‘calla’, beautiful in Greek), purity, holiness, faithfulness, rebirth and resurrection. Funny though, the flower IS poisonous because of course Vil gets a poisonous flower.  :^)
Meanwhile, Weiss’s Leiron is the Greek word people believe referred to the white Madonna lily, and his Kingdom’s name is Lilium, the Genus for the lily flowers. Lilies have different meanings, depending on the color. White ones represent virginity, purity and modesty, while yellow ones represent falsehood and gaiety and orange means hatred. It is used in funerals in the west and are actually poisonous as well.
The other kingdoms come from the family of the Roses (Heartslabyul people), Chrysanthemums (Ann and Grim), and Jasmine (Kalim and Jamil). Because the author of the story of Aladdin is from Syria, I picked the national flower from that country.
Also, it’s ok Vil, you can make it an anime, or you can blackmail Crowley for $$$ and make it your club’s pet project :^)  Ehehehe
It was longer than expected, but I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading!
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just-a-simple-otaku · 4 years
Alina Gray analysis
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Well then, Alina Gray sure is a piece of work. The problematic fav of the MagiReco fandom, fondly referred to as psycho artist or JoJo reference. But Alina is more than a reference and more than just a psycho. In fact, is she even a psycho? In that case, psycho meaning either psychotic or psychopath (or I guess here psycho as in crazy murderous bitch). So let’s have a meaningful analysis of this character and undercover what might be a tragic tale of objectification.
We are introduced to Alina in the game in chapter 5 and in the anime in episode 9. In both media she arrives to stop the protagonists from destroying Ai, an uwasa. In the game, Madoka and Homura (Moemura) were there but not in the anime version. In the game, in her first appearance Alina appeared at first as serious, cold and irritable, before she revealed her mad and sadistic antics. In the anime, she showed up laughing maniacally, acting all eccentric and borderline insane, even strangling herself. It seems that the anime went overboard with the Alina acting crazy part. Not that I disliked it, but given that the game is the original source, I’ll keep this analysis mainly game-only.
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We should start by the beginning, which is Alina’s backstory as shown in her magical girl story. It’s implied that Alina’s fascination with life and death in her art started when her grandparents and dog died when she was a child. Given that this event was what drove Alina’s art, I’d say their death must have left a pretty big impact on her (especially since she was 8 years old and might not have been fully able to grasp the concept of death). Alina mentioned how her parents often got mad at her for spending too much time painting, which led her to make her wish to have a space when she can be alone and nobody can disturb her there. Alina was treated as an artist genius from a young age and gathered a lot of attention and big expectations and ended up having no privacy and being used for her talents by people around her, including her parents and teachers. Alina wasn’t valued as a person but only for her art and adults didn’t respect her privacy or free-will as they often shared personal information about her to the public or submit her arts without her authorization.
Despite being a famous artist, Alina shows no interest in popularity, admiration or love from people and simply wants to create more art. She doesn’t seem to enjoy attention or even the company of others and prefer to be left alone. No ones seem interested in how she feels, only in her art and how they can use it for their own benefit (like her teacher who submitted her art against her will and tried to force her to participate in other contests for the sake of the school’s reputation), and when she refuses she’s been called selfish. The only person who genuinely cares for Alina as a person is her kouhai Karin, but I’ll get back to their relationship later.
Her magical girl story shows Alina as someone pretty antisocial with mood swings and impulsivity issues where she can snap and result in material destruction. She seems relatively unhappy with her life and on the verge of depression. The breaking point was when she refused an award for a contest she didn’t agree to participate in in the first place, she received a letter from one of the judges: “It seems you are capable of creating a work that is so beautiful and arcane that viewers will think about it until their deaths. However, your work, which has no external theme, is a powerful drug that might drive people insane. That's why I want to tell you this. If you don't want to change the world, stop creating. You are only fifteen years old; if you haven't realized this, your brilliance will probably run out.”
I just want to mention first that the English translation doesn’t mention she’s 15 years old at that time (she’s 16 in the main story). At first, this letter may seem insignificant and harmless, until you realize how fucked up it is for an adult to say that to a teen. This judge said that Alina’s art is hollow and hurt people and that if she doesn’t intend to change the world with it, she should stop creating, and that her light will burn out. It basically implied that Alina creating art for herself is wrong and harmful and that if she isn’t creating for others, then her art is just worthless and so is her life. Again, implying Alina is a selfish person who is basically useless because she doesn’t want to meet people’s expectations and shaming her for that. Can we talk about how inappropriate, irresponsible and cruel it is for an adult to say that to a child? To crush their passion and treat its worth only by how others appreciate it? And the fact Alina was already feeling depressive before sure didn’t help.
Some people might think Alina is selfish, but let me tell you this: Alina doesn’t owe the world anything. Her art is hers and only hers, yet people kept trying to appropriate her art for their own goal, with no concern for how Alina felt, her desires, and basically treated her as a tool and used her. Now remembers, Alina started to show interest in art at 8 and in her magical story she was 15, meaning she went through 7 years of being used, guilt-tripped, having her privacy violated and having no free-will over her own creations. No wonder why she’s tired of people and just wants to be left alone, and is overall hostile to others.
After she received this letter, Alina became full of doubt and questioned the meaning of her art and life as well as her own worth, and came to the conclusion that just like her art, she’s worthless and is basically a poison and toxic to everyone. After leaving on a vacation to find some inspiration and a meaning to her art, in vain, Alina then decided that she would be better off ending all her art, as well as herself. She went on a rampage to destroy all her art before planning to commit suicide by jumping from a rooftop. She wanted her death to be her final work, concluding her art of life and death, so people can witness her last moment before her light fade away (she put a camera to record her suicide). A last desperate attempt to give some meaning to her life through death.
Kyubey did try to convince her to make a wish, twice, and the second time, Alina agreed, and wished for a space where she cannot be bothered by others. But she had no intent to play her role as a magical girl, she just wanted to add her wish in her life so it can be lost as well in her death.
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Of course, as a magical girl, Alina survived the fall and encountered a witch, and, amazed by its beauty, found what the theme of her art was, what she wanted to convert to the world: Alina’s Beauty. She found a reason to live through that and a meaning to her art. She wants people to witness what she considers to be beautiful. And this is how she started to breed witches together and create even more powerful witches (again, let’s talk about that later). Interesting thing, Alina’s doppel is highly based on virus and poison that can drive people insane, which is a clear reference to her thinking her art is poison that drive people insane because of the judge.
So, what I got from her backstory is a subtle tragedy. Alina was basically objectified in a way since she’s a child, used for her talent and treated as a mere tool. Almost no one has any consideration for her feelings, desires and privacy and is, yeah, treated more like an object than a human, and put an insane amount of pressure by all the expectation and guilt-tripping people kept putting on her shoulders. Alina ended up with a disturbed sense of her own identity and what was the purpose of her life, splitting tendencies (incapacity how seeing both positive and negative, lack of nuance), impulsivity and recklessness, unstable and chaotic relationships, self-damaging behaviors, detachment from reality, as well as depression, anger and rage.
I might have sounded really precise here, right? Well, those descriptors I used for Alina are almost all the criteria for a specific disorder: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
Yep, I’m basically saying that I think Alina might suffer from BPD. At first I thought she might be bipolar because of her mood swing between depression and almost manic behaviors, but bipolarity is mainly genetic and the mood switch is usually not that fast, unlike BPD. BPD is also a personality disorder, it’s not genetic and is caused by the environment, which makes more sense for Alina.
People with BPD also tend to be extremely sensitive to any form of criticism and alternating between idealization and devalorization and emotionally unstable and erratic. That sounds pretty much like what happened to Alina in her magical girl story if you think about it. BPD can also lead to psychotic episodes in more serious cases.
Now, I wouldn’t say that Alina perfectly fit the diagnosis or that it was the creator’s intention, but I feel like she’s a pretty good example of someone who suffers from untreated BPD and to me, it helps me understand the character on a more psychological basis and empathize with her.
There’s also more input on Alina’s psyche in the Holy Alina magical girl story. Again, after one critic that might look trivial from Karin (implying that Alina’s work isn’t art but breeding), Alina became overwhelmed with doubt regarding her art and extremely moody. Having her art compared to breeding and raising a pet deeply upset Alina, who’s forced to admit it’s true. She is indeed breeding witches, and she came to doubt that it’s real art.
Alina feels conflicted feelings. She’s mad that her art may not be art, but at the same time, feels excited at the idea of breeding witches, which only frustrated her even more. Surprisigly, it’s Karin who managed to make her feel better by making her read her favorite manga, bing worried that Alina might attempt suicide again. Alina understood through the manga that even if the plot is redundant, there’s a recurring theme that draws people to it. As a thanks, Alina bought a strawberry milk to Karin (while she usually stole it from her whenever she’s disappointed by her). Alina knows her art is more than just breeding and that she just need to find the core of her theme beyond life and death.
Alina decides to seek advice from her fellow Magius, Touka and Nemu. Nemu did notice how irritable Alina was these days. They make Alina realize that people tend to share a collective unconsciousness, like different civilizations worshipping the sun even though they had no contact with one another. So Alina needs to find something all humanity shares collectively, something she also shares with them. Touka suggested destruction: a death drive, a self-destructive urge. So the core of Alina’s art would be a craving towards death. After reading more about it, Alina became obsessed with the idea of self-destruction and, unable to fully grasp it, threw a tantrum and destroyed her atelier and aggressively asked Touka and Nemu for more explanation. Both explain how humans is one of the only species who kill one another even if it’s unnecessary, especially through wars. Mifuyu then arrives and complained that by destroying stuff, Alina is damaging the environment. This comment brought Touka and Nemu to find the perfect example of humans’ self-destruction: them destroying the environment. Not only are humans killing one another, they are also destroying their own planet.
Alina concluded that humans unconsciously crave death and destruction, leading them to their own destruction. She thinks this is why everyone is so fascinated by her art, because humans do seek their own death. Alina decides that she’ll indeed change the world with her art and that the core of her theme is “changing the world for the good of humanity”. Even if it sounds good, there’s something sinister behind this. For her, the “good of humanity” is granting what she thinks humans want: Their own destruction.
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This is how she decided to become Holy Alina by wearing an Uwasa supposed to grant people their desires. And this is how Alina came to the conclusion she has to cause destruction, for the “sake” of humanity.
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We might think that Alina’s actions actually came from a misguided good intention, but let’s not forget Alina is far from being a good person. She enjoys making people suffer and causing misery all around her, she doesn’t show any empathy for others and is remorseless. She’s sadistic, cruel and callous. And that lead to another diagnosis:
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD).
In case you don’t know, ASPD is often referred to as sociopathy or psychopathy, even if both are technically incorrect, but let’s not dwell on that. Alina does exhibit a lot of antisocial behaviors, even before she became a magical girl, such as: Failure to obey laws and norms by engaging in behavior which results in criminal arrest, or would warrant criminal arrest, impulsive behaviors, irritability and aggression, disregard for her own safety and irresponsibility. She laters shows a blatant lack of remorse for her actions and a lack of empathy. The only traits she doesn’t seem to have is lying, deceiving and manipulating for her own profit or amusement. Alina is someone who is brutally honest and has no issue with speaking her mind and herself said that she doesn’t lie. I don’t recall any incident where Alina lies, but she can be deceiving and manipulative, like when she purposefully misled Madoka and Homura about Mami’s fate to hurt them, making it look like Mami met a gruesome death simply to make them suffer. But, ASPD can only be diagnosed when you’re 18 and alas, Alina is 16. But, there exists a precursor to ASPD for kids and teens, which is required to be diagnosed with ASPD: Conduct Disorder.
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Alina almost fit the textbook criteria of conduct disorder. She’s a bully, aggressive, cruel towards others (and potentially animals), vandalism, deceptiveness and serious rules violation. And most of those were even before she became a magical girl. She often mistreats Karin and shows no respect for authority, she’s cruel towards others and I feel like it’s implied that Alina might have killed animals (and there’s also her reaction to Kyubey, who she thought was an animal and ended up kicking) and causes a lot of vandalism. Those were rather mild thoughts before she became a magical girl, where she’s downright dangerous and craving destruction.
BPD and ASPD both belong to the same cluster of personality disorder, cluster b, and are often comorbid. ASPD is often referred to as sociopathy, and given her borderline behaviors, Alina is pretty low-functioning. She’s impulsive, erratic and doesn’t bother to hide her true nature.
So, am I saying Alina is an irredeemable evil person who only seeks death and destruction? Yes, but no. There’s more to her. I won’t deny Alina’s cruelty and sadism and lack of concern for others well-being. After all, she doesn’t shy away from tormenting people, torture and attempted murder. But Alina isn’t born that way, she was driven to become a monster by the people around her. Alina wasn’t allowed to be a human, her feelings, desires and freedom were always disregarded, everything that makes someone human. Instead, she was treated like an object, an an object doesn’t have feelings and only serves a purpose. And the big tragedy in that is that Alina herself ended up objectifying herself. She decided to accomplish what she thinks humanity wants by causing destruction, but she’s also projecting her own self-destruction craving unto humanity as a whole. In the end, she tried to become the tool who will change the world for the good of humanity.
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Being treated like an object made Alina unable to relate to others or understand their feelings, treating others just like she was treated: as objects. Alina seems to care for Mifuyu, but not as a person. Alina only values Mifuyu for her body, which she considers to be a work of art. Let’s not forget that magical girls’ true bodies are their soul gems and their human’s body is pretty much an empty shell, so Alina only caring for Mifuyu’s human body and not her as a person does show that she views Mifuyu as an object, not a person.
She also doesn’t understand humans’ bonds. When she proposed to spare their lives in exchange for Felicia (who she was angry at for destroying her witch), she didn’t understand why Tsuruno was so upset. Tsuruno even said “people aren’t objects!” which confused Alina even more. For Alina, everyone, including herself, are objects, and she herself can’t understand why others value people’s lives.
There’s also the way she’s treating witches. At first she seems to care about the witches she raised, considering like like pets and art and throwing a tantrum when Felicia destroyed one of them. But later in the story she shows no remorse to sacrifice the witches she raised, which shows that Alina doesn’t actually care for them, but given that they are hers, she can’t bear people other than her destroying them (or destroying them against her will). Alina did say that only an artist can destroy their own art. Given that she views the witches she raised and breed as her art, she doesn’t actually view them as actual pets but again, as objects. Alina’s objectification extend to witches too.
In one of the Christmas Events where she turned into Holy Alina, she ended up causing a lot of good actions while trying to do bad actions, which made people love her. But it didn’t please Alina at all. She doesn’t care about being loved or hated, she doesn’t care about what people think of her, good or bad actions. At some point, she noticed someone about to blow off a bomb and didn’t care nor show any interest in stopping him until she realized the bomb could damage Mifuyu’s body (again, she wasn’t worried for Mifuyu’s well-being, just her body). Alina seems to not feel shame for her behaviors, neither find it rewarding to be loved and praised.
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Another thing regarding Mifuyu. At some point, the Magius (so Alina too) decided to sacrifice Mifuyu and feed her soul gem to Eve. I found it strange that Alina seemed to agree, until I realized something: A magical true body is their soul gem and they only need to feed that to Eve. There’s no need to feed Eve with their empty shell of an organic body. So I came to the conclusion that Alina didn’t mind sacrificing Mifuyu’s soul gem as long as she can keep her body. It just shows how much Alina doesn’t care about Mifuyu as a person and only valued her as a piece of art. An object. (And God knows what she would have done with her corpse).
Well, I’m not making a case about Alina not being an unredeemable piece of shit huh? Well, I decided to keep the best for the end: Her relationship with Karin.
It’s undeniable that Karin holds a special place in Alina’s heart (or whatever Alina has instead of a heart). Alina is cruel and mean towards Karin, true, but unlike other people, Alina never hurts Karin for her own pleasure or by sadism. Most of the time, she ended up mistreating Karin out of anger, mostly when she deemed that Karin made her lose her time or disappointed her, or when Karin is being dishonest with herself and doesn’t improve. Alina insults her and belittles her, as well as stealing her strawberry milk, not with the intention of hurting her, but as a form of punishment. Like a parent disciplining their child. But Alina does sincerely want Karin to improve and the fact that she takes the time to teach her, spend time with her and even rewards her proves that, in a way, Alina does care about Karin. In a really shitty and abusive way. But I don’t recall any instances where Alina physically harm Karin or show to enjoy hurting her. Still shitty and abusive, don’t get me wrong. But I feel like Alina is being abusive towards Karin because she’s unconsciously repeating how her parents may have treated her as a child. We know her parents often got angry at her and perhaps they acted in a way that is similar to how Alina treats Karin. The cycle of abuse sure is a tragic thing.
But why Karin? Well, I got a couple of theories. First, Karin is the only one who seems to care about Alina as a person and not an object. Karin greatly values Alina and is concerned about her feelings, something Alina isn’t used to, being only values for her talents. Karin often notices Alina’s change of mood and shows rejoice whenever Alina is in a good mood. She also worries greatly about Alina when she’s in a bad mood and even fear that she might try to commit suicide again. Karin is also someone who respects art and thrives to improve even if she seems to lack the talent. But she is still optimistic and never gives up, and she knows why she’s doing art. She wants to make people happy with her stories. Almost the opposite of Alina, who’s rather pessimistic, she oftens despaired regarding her art, she has the talent but lacks substance and doesn’t exactly know why she does art. Alina even admitted that Karin might be a bigger genius than her because of her passion, which Alina feels like she lacks, feeling empty inside. Even if Karin has expectations towards Alina, it doesn’t seem to put pressure on Alina, as Karin shows interest in how to make her own art and not Alina’s art itself. In a way, perhaps Alina can relate to Karin in a certain way, with her desire to make art, as well as being envious of how Karin can just be carefree about her art and be able to enjoy it without having people trying to use her. Perhaps this is why Alina is able to care about her, because in a way, she can relate to Karin. Still, Alina is abusive towards Karin and her intention doesn’t change how poorly she treats Karin.
Funny thing, Alina herself doesn’t seem to know exactly why she makes art, and ends up needing others' opinions to figure it out. She ended up deducing that her core theme is self-destruction because of Touka and Nemu, which seems to make sense with Alina’s fascination with life and death. People focus on the death aspect, but Karin thinks that Alina’s works are actually full of life. Perhaps Karin is the one who’s right, maybe Alina's actual core is more towards life, but given how twisted Alina became, she doesn’t even realize it herself. Maybe Karin is the only one who can see the good Alina might have deep down inside of her, or may even bring the good inside of her. Who knows, Karin might be the key for Alina potential redemption.
Also, it may not look like it, but I think Alina is constantly hurting inside, due to depression, but she’s so disconnected from her own feelings that she doesn’t realize it and unconsciously hurts others because she’s hurting. Alina is full of unhealthy coping. Her own fascination for life and death started by the death of her grandparents and dog when she was a kid, and might actually have traumatized her and her way to cope is her art. That would explain why Alina herself is uncertain about her theme, because often, understanding our own trauma can be quite hard, or even realize that we experience trauma in the first place. Perhaps death traumatized Alina and her art is her way to understand death better and accept it as a part of life itself. Maybe she actually wants to value life by understand death, because without death, life loses its core value.
So, did I answer the question? Is Alina a psycho crazy jojo villain? Yes, but no. Alina isn’t a psychopath and not downright psychotic either (even though she might experience psychotic episodes). Crazy? Well, I do think she suffers from personality disorders, but it doesn’t make her insane. A sociopath? Maaaybbeee. But to be honest, I mainly think Alina is someone broken who is the result of her environment, someone constantly hurting inside with deep self-destructive urges. The objectification made her feel disconnected from her feelings and humanity and turned her into a monster. But it doesn’t excuse her villainous actions, it only made them understandable and Alina more sympathetic.
Well that was longer than I expected. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading!
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choccos-aaart · 4 years
Antag interview!
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Feat. the five major antagonists of the story of April and friends: Mr Skatra, Dr Sarlife Aufel, Wyra, Eyn, and Farqua
*NOTE: Definitely got spoilers for the story I’m writing, if you’re interested :P*
**NOTE: I better’ve not written anything wrong here...**
Greetings, and welcome to the "Villians Interview Meme". Whether you like it or not, you've been brought here to answer some questions about yourself. This is a recording, pausing and starting controlled by your author, so you cannot attack me.  If you begin to fight with one another, you WILL be sedated/strait-jacketed. Alright now, let's start.
Would you show the viewers a shred of kindness by allowing us to know your name(s)?
Skatra: Oh…? I’m first? Alright, then… Hello, my name is Abarran. ...Known by most as Mr Skatra.
Doc: Evening! I’m Sarlife. Others call me Doc. And, I am not sharing my surname. Who’s next?
Wyra: It’s me. Hi, hello, my name’s Wyra. I’m Sarlife’s action partner. I keep a look out for her, too.
Eyn: I’m Eyn, and I’m Abarran’s kid.
Farqua: Suppose they left the best for last, huh! Hi! The name’s Farqua Pells!
Are you male or female?
Skatra: I’m male.
Doc: I don’t conform. Next,
Wyra: I am female!
Eyn: Usually people get me all wrong, but I’m a girl. Don’t blame ‘em though…
Farqua: And I’m a man, haha!
 How old are you in human years?
Skatra: Forty-nine. Almost fifty... *sigh*
Doc: I’ve existed for 77 years, but my AI depicts me as, I dunno, somewhere in my 30s? 40s? Either way, I’m a working adult.
Farqua: So ya let us know your age but y’ain’t givin’ off your last name? For real?
Doc: It’s embarrassing. Wyra, it’s your turn.
Wyra: My AI depicts me as about the same as Doc! But I could be younger. I was built in year X701 which was about 65 years ago.
Eyn: I’m 16. Well, at least I’m programmed to be 16. I was actually built six years ago. What about you, Farqua? Gonna bet you’re like programmed to be 10, haha.
Farqua: Shut up. Uhh, I’m in my 30s... In my programmin’, of course. Almost reachin’ my 50 years milestone in real time, though!
 What exactly are you?
Skatra: Excuse me… what? If you’re asking whether I’m human or not, I’m human. 
Doc; Yeah, a pathetic one.
Skatra: Would you shut up?! …By the way, the rest of them are androids.
Doc: You really had to answer for us, didn’t you?
Skatra: It saves time.
 Do you have any powers?
Skatra: No… Doctor?
Doc: Well, a lot of medical tools can be transformed out of my arm. And I’ve built myself a little machine that can automatically mix different medicines and whatnot.
Wyra: Well, I’ve learned to use my power source abilities for things that aren’t just powering things. Something I can do is produce power from both my star-panels and my natural gas source, which I think is cool. 
Eyn: Alright. Uh… My arm’s literally a toolbox. No, literally, it can like, shoot a bunch of tools out of it. Well, those tools really are just these cool things that unfold from these tiny boxes. Weird science stuff I don’t wanna explain. Also, my arm used to be for weapons n’ stuff. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I was originally built to commit some revenge robbery or something, so I’m packed with a whole bunch of stealth n’ robbery stuff like, y’know. Too lazy to list it all down, though…
Farqua: Damnit Eyn, now you’re makin’ me feel pathetic!
Eyn: Well, boo-hoo.
Farqua: So, uhh… ‘s just my arm can transform into just a whole buncha garden n’ landscapin’ tools. That’s it, really.
Skatra: If it makes you happy, that’s every slasher film writer’s dream.
Farqua: Well, ain’t that nice!
 Who is your archrival, and what do you hate about them? Do they have powers?
Skatra: It’s you, Doctor, Wyra, and all your affiliates!
Wyra: Yeah, whatever.
Doc: Ah yes, I greatly apologise for ruining your life to KEEP THE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT SAFE!
Farqua: Well Doc, y’ain’t gonna deny that almost everyone hates your way of doin’ it, are ya? And April fights for ‘em, too. 
Farqua: Shiieeeet… Calm ya farm. ...Wait, that doesn’t work in my accent.
Skatra: And also, that blasted April! I hate that child! She has and is still playing a big part of tearing my life to pieces, as if it wasn’t unbearable enough!
Farqua: Goddamn! Now everyone’s bein’ real overdramatic!
Eyn: So, uh, April’s pretty much my rival, too. And we always keep running into each other. It’s almost like some stupid rival logic you see in comics and TV and stuff.
Farqua: Ha! Imagine havin’ that happen to ya? Haha!
Eyn: … And who’s your rival, Farqua? Aren’t you just the henchman-turned-hostage?
Farqua: Shut up.
Eyn: Thought so.
Farqua: But as hostage I kept bickerin’ with Matro. Does that count?
Eyn: That’s fair. …Wait. I forgot to mention, April doesn’t really have powers. When we thought we were gonna be friends when we met the first time, I sorta turned her old stick into a weapon. Yeah. Things really backfired on me.
 Do you rule over any sort of land, country, county?
Skatra: I could never rule something like that…
Doc: Oh no; I’ve got no knowledge or interest in being a ruler. I’m just a doctor.
Wyra: I can’t either, since I once accidentally caused a power outage in my old city!
Doc: And though the answer’s pretty obvious already, what about you, Eyn? Do you rule a population of some sort?
Eyn: Nah. It doesn’t even seem cool.
Farqua: Me neither. Huh! Weird that none of us are that typa antagonist?
Skatra: Now that you say it… I agree.
 Why are you considered "the bad guy"?
Skatra: Well… I’ll admit, my goal is to take probably the most important thing that the building’s got, and yes, many robots were taken advantage of in the process.
Doc: And people were hurt. And you’ve committed murder before – oho, blood’s on your hands.
Skatra: DOCTOR! I thought our therapy session was meant to be confidential!
Doc: Oops, my bad.
Skatra: And it looks like we’ve got a reason why Doctor’s a part of this interview. Any more you want to say about yourself?
Doc: Ah… Uh… I forced a lot of innocents into getting involved and even fight in this mess of a situation. And yes, without their consent. Or their families’ consent. And by doing that, their lives were all at stake. Yeah, I regret it. Fly me to skuelk. 
Wyra: I’m Doc’s action partner and out of the two of us, I think I’ve actively hurt April the most. And April’s still a little kid! That’s definitely given me a bad look!
Eyn: Eh, I just help Dad with stuff. And it really looks like I don’t care much about hurting people. That’s it, really. And I guess I also run into April the most, and a lot of the story’s from her perspective, so I guess I’m really put under a bad light.
 Do you consider yourself purely evil?
Skatra: No! Who would?!
Wyra: Not me! I’ve just been called sadistic!
Doc: Let’s be completely real. Nobody really considers themselves evil. All of us just want to do what we feel like is right.
Eyn: Yeah, I don’t think I’m doing anything evil. I guess it’s sometimes I’m not knowing the difference between not giving a shit what everyone thinks about me versus doing what everyone agrees is morally wrong.
Farqua: Whoa! Ya got a lot of wisdom for a kid!
Skatra: And where do you think she got that from, hm?
Farqua: Stop lyin’ to yourself, she ain’t your biological daughter.
Skatra: Shut up.
 What do you think of the others in the quiz room?
Skatra: Well first off, Eyn’s my daughter, the only family member I’m happy talking to, and I love her a lot. Doctor’s a bit… I don’t know. From my experience, they’ve been a very caring and genuine person at first.  Wyra’s a bit of an oddball. I still think she’s a bit scary to approach. Those two are definitely people  you wouldn’t want as an enemy, but then again, here I am. And that leaves Farqua, who’s probably just as competent as he is annoying. What about you, Doctor?
Farqua: WHA-
Doc: Ehrm, thanks for acknowledging that about me. Anyways, as much as I hate what you’re doing, Abarran, and mind me, I’m being as honest as I can, you’re just someone who needs help. It honestly hurts to watch you and what you’re doing. Wyra is a close friend of mine! We’re completely different, but it’s as if she completely understands me. And Farqua, you’re… You’re alright, I guess. Also, I’ve been hoping for you to just stop trying to be my “rival” ever since you read that aphorism, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” And Eyn, I can tell you’re hiding behind a façade; just reveal that you dress and act the way you do because you’re a fan of the Axel Duiti series. To me, you’re as easy to read as a children’s book.
Eyn:  Hey! I mean… Never mind. Uh… My dad’s like the only guy that’s got my back. He’s cool. Dr Sarlife’s like, I dunno, a bit scary to talk to. Also, what’s up with the bunny ears?
Doc: That’s none of your… Alright, to tell you the truth, I worked at a children’s hospital. Let’s not get off topic, now. What are your thoughts on Wyra and Farqua?
Eyn: Oh. Uh… Wyra’s so hyper, it’s exhausting. But, I think we can get along? I dunno… I hope we do. And Farqua’s pretty cool. We get along pretty well. But cut off the “howdy” unless you’re gonna say that to everyone. That’s all.
Wyra: From what I know so far, I know I get along with Sarlife the best! Skatra’s, I dunno. All I know about him is through what Sarlife told me, and I think he’s a bit of a prick that could do with some fixing up. Maybe. I think Eyn’s cool! I think I’ve seen the Axel Duiti series on telly before, and I think that’s a good way to start talking! And now, Farqua. Um… Definitely a bit weird. But I find that endearing!
Farqua: That’s… That’s it? ‘Right, guess it’s my turn, then! First off, Doc, Wyra n’ Skatra, you’re all assholes for doin’ all the stuff you’re doin’ and for all the stuff ya said ‘bout me. And Eyn, you can still look like a badass and be open ‘bout all your apparently “less cool” self. Look at me? I look all cute n’ cuddly n’ sweet, but I’m pretty open ‘bout my reckless n’ aggressive nature n’ stuff, ya get?
Eyn: Wow… Didn’t expect a pep-talk but okay, I’ll take that.
Farqua: No prob, kiddo!
 On a rate of one to ten, how powerful do you think the villain next to you is?
Skatra: Oh God, I hate rating like this. Uh… Doctor’s probably a 7.
Doc: …That’s fair; I’ll take it. I was going to say 7 for you. Wyra’s close to an 8.
Wyra: No offence Sarlife, but I reckon you’re a 6, for me. 
Doc: None taken.
Wyra: Eyn’s a 9 for me. I’ve seen her with April and it’s not pretty.
Eyn: Wyra’s probably a, I dunno, 7…? Farqua’s 1.
Farqua: WHAT?!
Eyn: But with your limbs, you’re, I dunno, 8. You’re pretty strong and got a bunch of tools and stuff.
Farqua: Well, Eyn, I’m givin’ you an 8! Remember, this’s all ‘bout perspective. 
 Now, how powerful do you consider yourself to be?
Skatra: 4… 5…? I can’t get over it.
Doc: 6 or a 7. I don’t think I can give myself anything else after that last question.
Wyra: Tough. Probably 7? Or 8.
Eyn: 8.
Farqua: God, some of y’all don’t think that high of yourselves, huh! I’m givin’ myself a 9!
  Do you have an evil laugh?
Skatra: No, that’s stupid.
Doc: Can we all agree on this and move on?
Eyn: Yeah.
Wyra: Done and done!
Farqua: You guys are borin’ as hell y’know. I sorta do have one actually! But I guess tha’s ‘cause Matro keeps tellin’ me I’m just mean-spirited. And sadistic too, but it ain’t like that!
 Do ya fear death?
Skatra: Er… I’ll pass on this one…
Doc: Alright. No, I don’t, honestly.
Wyra: I agree! I don’t really care. I’ve kind of experienced it, before. 
Eyn: Well, I do. I’ve still got things I wanna get outta the way and I don’t wanna miss ‘em.
Farqua: Do I fear death? Well, I guess I do! I’ve seen it countless times ‘cause I’ve been to every burial held at the buildin’ and I see everybody all heartbroken n’ stuff. Makes me worry, y’know, ‘bout all the people who care ‘bout me n’ all.
Docc: Well, to be fair, we do all have the choice to live for as long as we want, as long as we’re not seriously damaged to the point beyond repair. Well, except for Abarran, here. He’s human and we’re all bound to outlive him.
Skatra: That’s not very nice.
 What's your goal, exactly? Or are you just evil for the heck of it?
Skatra: It’s quite basic, really. So, to put it simply, nearly fifty years of hard work’s gone down the drain. And to make up for all of it, I felt the need to do something big. So, my goal is to take the proclo machine and reveal it to the world as something of mine. Yes, I know I’ll be living a lie, but I just want to make an impact of some sort that’ll change the world, whether it be for the better or for the worse, and once the whole world hates me, I’ll just end it all there.
Doc: Alright… Well, I just want to keep this building, you know, ALIVE. I care about everyone and everything that has to do with this building, and I’ll do anything if it means this building lives on. And that’s it! I mean it literally! 
Wyra: Everything I know about this situation is through Sarlife, really. She told me everything, and when I say “anything,” I mean it. I care about this building, a lot, too! ...Eyn? What about you? Let me guess: you just want to make your dad proud of you, right?
Eyn: That’s one of them. But also, there was this one guy that commissioned me, he gave me a mission, and I failed it. Big time. Then I got left on the shelf for years, he commissioned another robot n’ stuff, and once that was done, I was sold somewhere to do some more stuff that I didn’t do so well at either, and then I was sold again. I didn’t really feel like I had anything good to do in this world, so that sucked. And then Dad picked me up from the markets and now I’m making sure I don’t fail at anything, anymore.
Farqua: … This is awkward… I ain’t got much of a motive… I just, I dunno, work for the guy- I mean Skatra…
Farqua: Goddamn! Ya gotta calm down! And I thought I was aggressive!
 Do you have henchmen/a henchman?
Skatra: A lot of robots, yes, I do.
Wyra: They were my friends, too, you know!
Skatra: You know, you’ll both eventually end up working for me, sooner or later.
Doc: I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. 
Wyra: We’ve gathered a lot of the non-robotic inhabitants of the building, anyway, to help get rid of you! And Eyn, too!
Skatra: Ooh, I’m soo scared.
Eyn: … Okay so, I work with my dad, so all those robots- I mean Dr Sarlife and Wyra’s friends are sorta my henchmen, too. Wow, that makes me sound really villainous, haha…
Farqua: So! It’s my turn, now, ain’t it? WELL, JOKES ON Y’ALL, I AM A HENCHMAN!
  What do you drive?
Skatra: My little car, with a trailer attached. How do you think I got to the building? 
Doc: I drive a scooter. It’s very easy to get around which is great!
Wyra: I’m not very good at driving. But, I have had a go on the hover bikes which are fun!
Eyn: I sorta know how to drive Dad’s car, but I know the anatomy n’ whatnot better than I can drive.
Farqua: Goddamnit, EYN can drive, too?! Well…! Matro said he’d teach me to drive the train later on.
Doc: What? 
Wyra: You and Matro are all buddy-buddy, now?
Farqua: Sorta!
Doc: Well…. That’s surprising…
Wyra: Since when?
Farqua: Huh. You’re getting’ a little jealous now I’m spedin’ a lot of my time with your ol’ pal, ain’t ya?
 What do you do when you aren't trying to do whatever you're trying to achieve?
Skatra: What do I do… Well, aside from moping in my apartment all day, I like to build machines and do some arthropod photography.
Doc: For me, you’d find me obviously doing my work. During my breaks, I take walks all around the building, and occasionally, I’d draw over my papers. I’m not a very skilled artist, though…
Wyra: I like to watch some telly! And just travel around the building while I’m not doing my work, of course!
Eyn: So, as Dr Sarlife said, you probably already know I’m a huge fan of the Axel Duiti series, so I re-watch the show, re-read the comics, and all that stuff. I also like playing bass guitar and helping Dad with building and stuff. That’s it, really.
Farqua: First off, I’m a gardener and a landscaper, so catch me up on the rooftop gardens doin’ my thing. When I ain’t doin’ all that, you’ll find me in the library reading some books about, I dunno, random stuff.
 Were you ever a double-crosser (pretended to be on the opposite team, then stabbed them in the back)?
Skatra: Well, I—
Skatra: Doctor, there is no need to yell! Good God!
Doc: You can’t deny that it’s true, though. For me, I would never do that.
Wyra: Never done it! If anything, I like being honest.
Eyn: Well, I’ve tried doing that. It didn’t go very well… Farqua, your turn.
Farqua: Oh yeah. Mine’s damn interestin’, alright. ‘Cause if April and friends DIDN’T get to me first, I woulda done exactly that!
Skatra: I’m pretty sure I heard them say they thought you were up to something beforehand, so…
Farqua: Wh… How do you even hear this stuff?
Skatra: Your point of view was connected to my computers, why?
  On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you lie? *gives them truth serum*
Skatra: Oh God… 8
Doc: 3. Lying isn’t that big a thing for both robots and doctors, and then there’s me.
Wyra: 4. Like I said, I like to be truthful. Just saying.
Eyn: 5. I’m pretty honest.
Farqua: 6-ish.
Skatra: … You’re joking! I lie the most out of all of us?
Farqua: Well, y’gotta face it. You’re the only human here.
 What color is your: hair?
Skatra: Dark green. ...For some reason.
Doc: It’s some sort of brown.
Wyra: A bit reddish-brown. Think of Sarlife’s favourite pants.
Doc: ...
Eyn: I wish I had hair…
Farqua: Ain’t that also why you wear a hat?
Eyn: I guess…
Farqua: Anyways, I ain’t got no hair too, ‘cause my design’s just like that, y’know! Gotta admit, I still pull off a cute look, huh!
Skatra: Dark, dark brown.
Doc: My irises are generally jet black and my sclerae are white. When I’m under the influence of an energy chip, my sclerae turn a blueish colour.
Farqua: “SCELRAE, SCELRAE,” look, ya don’t gotta go all textbook talk mode on us.
Doc: ...You could’ve at least been a little bit nicer...
Eyn: Uh… My eyes are black. Dad says I’m not allowed to have effect chips yet, so my whites are always white.
Farqua: For most of the story, I’m not on anything so you’d see my eyes are just like Eyn’s. But a lot of the time, when I’m not working, you’d catch the white bits of my eyes turned bright yellow! Forgot which chip it was but I set up a whole stash months ago!
Wyra: Um… I’ve got no irises!
Skatra: Some sort of darkish beige.
Doc: I don’t really have skin, but I’m painted grey.
Wyra: Also painted grey.
Eyn: My paints are a bit weird. A lot of my body’s green, some areas are painted cream, my forearms and below the knees are painted brown, and my face is grey. Sorry if it’s a lot.
Farqua: I’m painted mostly red with some super light yellow in some places. I’ve got some small bits that’re this dark purply brown, too. And my upper arms, whatcha call it, are—
Doc: Your brac-
Farqua: WOULD YA— Doc, don’t do that. …Anyways, my whatchamacallits ain’t really painted at all.
 Whats your uniform/favorite outfit?
Skatra: Since it’s winter, I’ve been wearing my favourite turtleneck at lot, recently. I like to pair it with my long coat.
Doc: My only outfit is my doctors’ uniform. It’d be kind of strange to see me wear anything else.
Wyra: I’ve got my work uniform. That’s it, really.
Eyn: Right now, I’m wearing an outfit based off Axel Duiti. He’s an outlaw in the old Earthian west.
Farqua: I AIN’T WEARIN’ NO CLOTHES, HAHA! And that’s ‘cause my designers made sure I was too good for ‘em.
 Have you ever gone mad?
Skatra: Mad…? As in angry or…
Doc: I think they mean gone totally mental. As in you’ve lost your mind.
Skatra: Oh. Yes, I did. When, I’m not going to mention any names here, an ex-friend of mine put my years-worth of effort down the drain back in… X761, I think? What about you, Doctor?
Doc: Ah, I remember that one time… That one time Eyn nearly got me to fall under your control... And then, after that, you took all the little nurses and doctors that worked with me as prisoners... Hm, and it was a threat, too! All so I wouldn’t publicise your dastardly plan!
Skatra: Good God, you didn’t need to go into that much detail!
Doc: Anywho, what about you, Wyra? Anything similar?
Wyra: I don’t recall, really. Eyn?
Eyn: Nope.
Doc: Really? Even after everything that’s happened to you?
Eyn: Nope. And I hope it doesn’t happen to me. That’d be embarrassing.
Farqua: I ain’t had that happen to me, either! Guess that’s just a side effect of being old, huh!
Wyra: Haha!
Skatra: Excuse me?!
Doc: Farqua, you, Wyra and I were ALL programmed to behave the same age– WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN SAY THAT TO ME?!
Farqua: Well, just like I said to Matro, “Stress. It ages ya.”
Doc: It doesn’t. …Alright, it does! But that doesn’t mean you can say what you just said!
Wyra: Wait... I’m stressed...?
 If so, did you enjoy it?
Skatra: No! Of course, not!
Doc: If anyone had half a brain, even they’d know not to enjoy something like that!
Skatra: You don’t even have an organic brain and you, too, know not to enjoy something like that.
Doc: … Your daughter is right here.
Skatra: OH MY GOD, I’m so sorry!
Eyn: It’s okay, Dad.
  Have any family?
Skatra: I do, back at the city. I haven’t spoken with them in almost thirty years. Eyn is the only closest family I’ve got.
Eyn: Yeah, I’ve just got him, too.
Doc: Uh, me? I can’t say. I guess if you count my model’s predecessors and successors. It makes sense.
Farqua: Same story as Doc, I guess.
Wyra: Same’s too!
  Have you ever been in love? If you have, do they love you back?
Skatra: A few times I thought I did, actually. Once in high school, twice in university, and after, I realised love wasn’t anything of my interest. I’m not complaining, though.
Wyra: Definitely! I been in love before!
Skatra: Robots can… Do that...?
Wyra: Um, yeah?
Doc: I haven’t, really. Also, this might be related, but I’ve done so a few times ever since I created the lust chip, and experimented with myself.
Eyn: Lust chip…? The heck?
Farqua: Woo-hoo, Doc, who were they?
Doc: In my first trial, it was my human anatomy model, and eventually my human skeleton model.
Farqua: … What – ya didn’t go head-over-heels with anyone alive?
Doc: Of course not! Why would I experiment with those chips around people?!
Farqua: Oh. Well, I ain’t fallen in love yet. Maybe ‘cause I’ve yet to get the hots for anyone ‘round here. Even with the lust chip! Surprisin, huh! …Y’know, since I gotta admit, I do like to look a lil cuter, don’t I?
Eyn:  Uh… Well, there’s this uvra girl...
Farqua: …
Doc: …
Wyra: ...
Skatra: Eyn, you’ve fallen in love?!
 Can you cook?
Skatra: Well, yes! I have to eat to survive. It’s a human thing.
Doc: I’ve tried teaching myself to. It’s not that difficult, actually.
Wyra: I can, a bit! I’m not very skilled though, and people have just told me to just stick to working the gas, rather than actually working with the gas.
Eyn: Dad’s been teaching me some. He says I’m a natural, haha.
Farqua: Well, I sorta do. I ain’t that great at it, though. Shucks, I gotta up my cookin’ game!
 Do you despise the Earth?
Skatra: Not really. Earth is history after all, so why should I care so much?
Farqua: Some people hate stuff from the past, y’know,
Skatra: That’s fair.
Doc: Well, despite everything, I’m pretty indifferent.
Wyra: Earth’s pretty cool if you ask me. Shame I can’t actually see it for myself, though.
Eyn: I don’t know much about Earth. But Axel lives in that place, so that’s cool.
Farqua: I’m all about Earth! There ain’t nothin else I’ve been readin’ about lately!
 What's your pet peeve?
Skatra: When anyone leaves anything personal unlocked. Imagine seeing a bag or a house’s door left open. How do people even do that? I remember back in high school nobody would lock their lockers unless they actually had to. It bothered me so much to the point where I locked one of my classmates’. That was also the time I made my first enemy. Well, not really; the person barely knew me! But they swore they’d kill me.
Doc: The fact that engineers aren’t being as creative with android antennae anymore! Are they not accepting creatives into the industry anymore or something? ...No offence, Farqua.
Farqua: Yeah, fine. Whatever.
Wyra: I think my pet peeve is when people are super nitpicky and pick out really small and meaningless details, as if they’re gonna do something big. Like, what’s the point?
Eyn: When people talk over TV shows and movies and stuff. Why would you even do that?
Farqua: Hm… I think I hate when people run over plants. Y’know, like the ones that ain’t grass n’ all that. They’re alive, too, y’know! And they especially don’t get stepped on like that!
 What kind of music to you like?
 Skatra: I’ve enjoyed all forms of jazz. I think big band’s my favourite.
Doc: This might be surprising, but I actually prefer genres like breakbeat. Or, if I want to relax, I’ll listen to space ambiance.
Wyra: Happy hardcore, hardstyle, handsup - anything that’s energising, really!
Eyn: Rock n’ roll and blues are my favourites. Maybe some ska-punk, too. I feel like a total badass when listening to them.
Farqua: I love some good punk rock, or maybe even add somethin’ like some folkier flavour to songs like those! 
 What's your favorite food?
 Skatra: Tiramisu. I don’t have it often, but I guess that’s why it’s my favourite.
Doc: ...I’m a robot. But I’ve always wanted to try dark chocolate.
Wyra: Me too! I don’t know what they taste like, but maybe cheese and nachos will do it for me!
Eyn: Dad’s always told me about different foods, but I think he’s described ramen noodles the best.
Farqua: I been told that honey-lemon chicken tastes great! I really wanna taste that!
 Are you bored, want to kill me, satisfied with this quiz, etc.?
Skatra: I’ve been enjoying it a bit, actually.
Doc: Me too. I was afraid I’d get bored. ...Sorry.
Wyra: I enjoyed it! It was a lot of questions to get through though, but I’m still here!
Eyn: Eh, it was cool, I guess…
Farqua: I ain’t gonna kill ya, I promise! ...I mean, it was good! 
 Who's your favorite villain other than yourself?
Skatra: I don’t know. Why would I have a favourite villain? Or if you’re talking about the people in this group, I guess, it’s Eyn. She’s my daughter, after all.
Doc: Wyra’s one of my closest friends. Of course, I’d pick her.
Wyra: Right back at you, Sarlife!
Eyn: I guess, I’ve just got my dad. Or, if you meant it that way, I really like one named Taft Grater. He’s one of the villains of the Axel Duiti series. He’s really well written.
Farqua: Huh! This is a tough one! I dunno, maybe Wyra.
 Do you think you're gonna die in your story?
Skatra: I don’t know. Like everyone else, I hope not, but I’ll just take what’s thrown at me.
Doc: Let’s hope I don’t!
Wyra: I don’t think I’ll die!
Eyn: I hope not, too.
 Well, I have to go, and I'm sure you have a lot of evil scheming to do. Peace out! (Or should I say "destruction out!" in your cases?) For your creators, go tag someone! Please, it won't take long!
 Me lol: (Sorry! :’D)
Anything to add now that I'm done rambling?
Me lol: Not really, actually! but it was fun :D
Look! Please do it if you have villains, and credit me!
Please spread the word! 
(I don't have much time, I have a timed session, as I'm using some random wifi server, so I'll add more later!)
(c) me
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momothegeckho · 4 years
arranged. |04
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Summary: Chiara was living out her days normally, when against her will, she is betrothed to Seto Kaiba for a business deal. She does not approve, and expects Kaiba not to either... until she hears he is the one who facilitated this deal.
The OC is Chiara Fuyu, daughter to one of the best holotech labs internationally, named Fuyu Corp. Her father agrees to have her married to Seto on grounds of uniting Fuyu Corp under Kaiba Corp.
“Sunny? Kaiba was about to touch me at dinner when I was crying, but he just stopped. Why does he do that?”
There was silence, before Sunny began to speak.
“From the contract I have on file, it states that he is not allowed to touch you until you are 18 and give consent, or unless your father approves. Other than that, touching you directly is forbidden and punishable by annulment of the contract.”
… huh.
I wanted to hate this place, but that was the best sleep I’ve had in awhile. Although, I was too proud to admit that out loud. Still, I had no will to leave my bed and explore. Not today. I was still emotionally exhausted from last night. I wondered if Kaiba was, too, but that thought quickly left my head, because there was no damn way he was worried about me. 
“Ms. Chiara, it is currently 9 in the morning! You have no plans for the day, but it is still important to move about and keep your morale high!”
Sunny started up automatically, and started reporting the weather, recent news, and even a horoscope. Though I barely listened.
“Sunny, please cancel morning protocol for today. I don’t feel very well. I’ll be laying here for a little longer.”
It was silent before the AI spoke up again, apologizing and going silent after a short “get-better-soon” message.
It took awhile for me to get out of bed and stand properly. I cringed at the cold floor before walking to one of the windows in my room, moving the curtain a small bit to look outside and being actively blinded by the bright sky. Out in the front of the house I saw Kaiba talking with a man dressed in a suit, carrying a box with him. He handed it off to Kaiba and left quickly, which looked really shady, though I wouldn’t be surprised if Seto was involved with shady business, either.
Kaiba turned to come back into the house, but looked up and caught me looking out of the window. I was locked in a staring contest with him before he resumed walking inside, and then I felt silly, allowing myself to look at him for so long after such a bad night. I stepped away from the window, and decided to freshen up and work at my desk. I resigned myself to not leaving my room in protest, and yes, that is very childish, but after the scenes from yesterday, I’m too embarrassed and sensitive to deal with interaction today.
After a long shower to cry a bit more and think about my life for the 100th time in two days, I sat down at my desk and began to write. Blueprints for new inventions, strategies for duel monsters, things that I could care less about became a distraction from my feelings. I managed to distract myself until noon, ignoring Sunny’s requests for me to leave my room to at least eat. I could care less. I didn’t want to see anyone, let alone talk. I wasn’t in the mood.
I went a good half hour more working on whatever I saw fit, until I heard a knock on my door. I didn’t bother to ask who it was, assuming it was a staff member checking to see if I was alive. My guess was wrong, however, because the voice I heard was none other than the sociopathic and sadistic Seto Kaiba.
“I’m coming in.”
So much for invitations.
I heard the door open behind me and close as well, meaning Kaiba had placed us in a room together behind a closed door. Perfect.
“I thought you were supposed to wait for an invitation before entering someone’s room.” I spoke without turning, not wanting to face him just yet.
“You didn’t answer me, so I let myself in.”
I heard him stepping closer to where I was, and it took everything in me not to visibly panic with every step I heard.
“Why haven’t you come out of your room? Do you plan to starve yourself to death?”
“And why do you care? I’m just fine. I won’t starve from one day of no food.”
It was silent for a bit. Maybe I shouldn’t have sounded so harsh in my statement, but I think I got my point across.
“Fine then. Do what you wish. I won’t force you to take care of yourself if you aren’t willing to cooperate.”
His tone was harsh, I could feel them stabbing me as he said them, but I was too proud to let him know that. Whatever he wanted to say about me, fine! Like I cared.
“Here. This is for you. When you are ready to cooperate, I will be waiting. We will be going out for lunch. You are free to join if you wish.”
Kaiba set the box down gently on my desk, the same one I saw him collect outside. He walked away and left my room without a word before I could say ‘thank you’. I spent a few minutes just looking at the box. Asking myself why Kaiba would get something for me if he hated me. A peace offering? Maybe there was a bomb in this box… Maybe I was just trying to find a reason to hate him… I guess that was pretty mean of me.
I went to open up the box with a pair of scissors, and the first thing I saw was a framed photo of my family. Back when my mother and siblings were around. I picked up the picture slowly, afraid it would disappear if I was too rough. The framing was beautiful, and the picture was beautiful. Had Kaiba really done this for me? I hadn’t seen this picture since my mom was around. My father had hidden them all. Under the framed photo, There was a beautiful sundress that matched my childhood photo down to the last detail, including my favorite hat and shoes. This only surprised me because they had stopped making these items when I was a child. Which means, Kaiba had gotten them custom-made for me. There was a note under the clothes, and I couldn’t help but smile as I opened it.
“Chiara. As my betrothed, I aim to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Your father had these photos encrypted, so it was hard to find them, but nonetheless, I wouldn’t settle for less. We will be going out for lunch, and I know you are hungry, so get changed and meet us in front by noon, otherwise I will assume you are not interested in settling things maturely with me.”
The note was laced with so much sarcasm and sass, but I couldn’t help but smile. Maybe Kaiba wasn’t as bad as I thought he was, and maybe I owed it to him to make this work, otherwise our lives would be a neverending hell. I got dressed as fast as I could, smiling at my reflection. 
‘Okay… I’ll try out the fiance thing. At least then I could say I tried.’
I opened my door cautiously and made my way to the entrance, trying to shake off the nervous jitters and push down my pride. He had gone through so much trouble. I owed him this much. I opened the door and was greeted with the warm sun and a gentle breeze in the air. As my eyes adjusted, I saw Seto waiting by his car, stone-faced as usual. I smiled a little, a bit nervous as to what the afternoon would hold for us.
“So you decided to stop being so stubborn and come out. It took you long enough.”
I rolled my eyes and stood in front of him. I couldn’t help the small smile on my face.
“You know, I realized that if I came along, I could waste more of your money, so I just couldn’t refuse.”
He smirked as he opened the passenger door. “Fine then. Hurry and get in. We have a reservation to keep.”
A reservation? Could it be that he knew I would come out anyway? Maybe he would have dragged me out instead if I was really adamant in not going. That seemed more his speed.
“Thank you. I hope that we will be able to talk during this outing, as well.”
Instead of an answer, he closed the door gently and went to the driver’s side to start the car.
“We’ll have all the time to talk. Since you are so adamant in talking about things you already know.”
If I could just smack him right now… If only… 
Kaiba wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was relieved to see Chiara out of her room. What he couldn’t say in words, he put into that box, and clearly, it had paid off, because here she was, willing to communicate with him.
That morning when he woke up, he had hoped to see her at breakfast, but was disappointed when she hadn’t come. Mokuba had even felt bad for Chiara, and he didn’t feel bad for many people. SInce he couldn’t just walk in and apologize, he had hoped his sincere feelings would come through if he gifted Chiara something she hadn’t seen or had since childhood. Hopefully, she would see how much he cared.
Needless to say, he was glad to see Chiara smile. She was prettier that way.
I think it may be a bit shorter than I thought, but balancing this and school work has been really hard lately.. 
Part 5 is up but I’m not at my computer to link it so please look through my page for 5
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the-stray-liger · 5 years
Honestly i really really love the bloodborne story & characters & lore but it feels like they're completely seperate interests to the game itself lmao. Games that're hard for the sake of being hard just make me mad & i can't get into them properly without a podcast so then i just miss all the lore & story?? Save me from this purgatory saint liger
Saint Liger ghserojgeirgjergierg0hergser
Honestly? I feel that WAY too hard. I can’t play a lot of videogames anymore bc I’m prone to migraines and motion sickness; I am very slow and depression has not helped my brain activity so things that are instinctive and that other gamers take for granted really don’t stick with me. I was sure I was never going to progress in Bloodborne bc I’d heard it was SUPER fucking difficult and I was even annoyed for a while thinking I would never play it.
Thing is, I fell so in love with the lore and the aesthetics I had to play it, and it turned out to be just as hard as I thought. The thing is also that it’s been a while since failure was treated as part of a process and a learning experience rather than a punishment for me. 
Strap in bc this is gonna get long because I’m a fucking ANIMAL and Bloodborne has been an ExperienceTM. Imma free you from this purgatory by telling you that there’s no wrong way to enjoy Bloodborne and here’s why:
I’ve said it a lot of times-Bloodborne is probably the first game that has made me care for gameplay and in-game mechanics, because rather than punish you for dying, it gives you chances to lern new things. When you die, you keep the items you picked up. You learn new shortcuts, you find new lore items, you can learn about the world around you, you generally get rewarded for trying again with experience that actually means something rather than punished for failing. This said, I don’t think Bloodborne is hard for the sake of being hard. It’s challenging and borderline sadistic in how hard the bosses are and how easily you can die. But here’s the thing:
You never really lose at Bloodborne. I thought the idea of not having a pause button was awful at first, andit’s true that it sucks ass how easily you can die if you’re not careful, but honestly? it’s worth it because of how much you can do anyway. It’s super stimulating, and it’s something that I needed urgently because my ADHD has started to cause me irl problems since I don’t find that sort of positive stimulation irl anymore. You’re not just repeating the same thing again and again to be fucked over by a shitty AI. You’re being challenged and encouraged to keep trying new things. 
It’s something I really noticed during my fight with Gascoigne: the fact that I lost literally almost 1000 times to him, and that I still didn’t want to give up. I wanted to keep trying. I was frustrated, yes, but I was so excited to fight him again. It’d been forever since I felt like a failure in a videogame didn’t feel like a personal insult! I felt like the game was just telling me “it’s hard, but you’re doing great anyway. here’s some blood vials and an upgrade for your weapon. there’s optional bosses, if you don’t want to burn out, why don’t you give them a try? go explore the city, look at the architecture, what does it look like? talk to Gilbert and the nasty old lady and Eileen, imagine what they’ll say when you do move on” and giving me reasons to stay engaged. It was rewarding and actually healing if it makes sense. And when I finally defeated the Cleric Beast and then Gascoigne I was so excited I had to sit on the floor bc my whole body was shaking and I thoguht I was gonna fall off my chair.
Then again I HARDLY did this on my own. Like I’ve mentioned I’ve always been bad at videogames, bad enough that wheenver I played with others it usually ended up with people mad at me (whcih is one of the big reasons why I don’t play co-op in anything). I went to look for guides. Vaatividya literally was the one who got me through Central Yharnam, through the Cleric Beast and Gascoigne. It’s like art. Using guides and references isn’t cheating, it’s not bad to have help. I had no idea you could just. Run. I thought I had to fight everything and that had me stuck for a while. Learning you could speedrun got me to some super good items and upgrades and lore items and stuff. Of course you do need to get Blood Echoes to level up but there’s a ton of resources you can access before you start fighting!
And speaking of Vaatividya-if you really do love the lore, and the aesthetics, his lore videos are wonderful and what ultimately convinced me to play Bloodborne. He includes reccomendations of other channels that give wonderful insight and analysis on the story of the game and tours around cool locations in which you can take your time pausing and enjoying the aesthetics. I’m of the honest opinion that you don’t need to even watch or play the source material if you want to enjoy the parts of it that catch your eye, I did it for years with Overwatch until they let me down (bang bang) and you can do the same with Bloodborne because the community has had four years to dig around its every nook and cranny to find every secret and every layer of meaning it hides. 
I’d say to give it another try with a different mindset if you can and really want to. But I know it’s hard for ppl with certain kind of disabilities to get into certain games, from firsthand expereince (first person shooters for example trigger instant migraines and nausea for me)-and most people play games for fun and dont want everything to be a challenge, so if you don’t want to have your ass eaten by every beast in Yharnam every 30 seconds that’s also fine? But if you truly want to enjoy Bloodborne, there’s really no wrong way to do it. Like I said, the Bloodborne content in youtube is rich and varied and there’s comics and art and fic you can enjoy regardless. I can tell you that once you find the one that tickles your fancy, you won’t feel like you’re missing anything.
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EOR SE.RA.PH Singularity: Prologue~Act 1
Welcome to SE.RA.PH Singularity aka EOR Singularity 1.5 since this is between Shinjuku and Agartha timeline. Just a quick and good warning, there’s lot of ranting so you’ve been warned... Time to go through this shit round 2 again
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In Gudas' room, both Tamamo and Nero are hanging out in plans of the supposedly coming Summer event. What a way to skip out Spring break... Isn't that why there's no Sakura Blossom related events?! And yep, a huge foreshadowing dropped courtesy of her Majesty Nero of her Summer Version coming after this hell
Well, let's not compete with Mordred on who's going to suntan aka boiled themselves hot in that steel tin can. Let's not forget while we stranded on that island first half Tamamo... Second half we got stupid writer in need to show waifu and fanservice, decided to half-ass their work to shove out all the men away.
Mama Emiya as usual, decided to drop in to make sure no one bother his kid/Master too much! Nagging Mom activated his skill: Nagging/Worrying from overthinking! Watch it, Tamamo. Mama Emiya is still my best Mama/waifu among all you people as he now crowns as Ruler of Chaldea Kitchen!
And Mash called in on us? Or rather this Seraphinx department...? Oh hey! It turns out we can finally contact other people aside from Chaldea's office! Looks like we got one of our resource back to supply Chaldea better. Turns out it belongs to Animuspere huh... Been a while their name turned up ever since Solomon Singularity
Mama Emiya doesn't have good impression on them since that's a place prone for terrorist target. While we postpone on studying magecraft with Mama Emiya, we head to the Command Room to find out Seraphinx
Arriving there, Mash and Da Vinci greeted us with the latter skeptical on attempting contact with an oil rig place. Da Vinci, you must understand... While Nero and Tamamo came for interest, Mama Emiya is merely concerned of his children.
Learning more about Seraphinx from Mash, and... Turns out excluding the ones we saved somehow... The rest aka most of the original staff died from Lev's explosion. One of Chaldea staff talked to us while discussing. And... DAMN IT, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! ARE YOU TRYING TO HURT ME AGAIN BY BRINGING UP ROMANI?! TT__TT
As Romani is really well loved even by Seraphix staff... And... Something wrong with Sheba? We're not getting any video on Chaldea's end? What the... An SOS?! WHAT?! People are turning data and the one in message...?!
Seraphix disappeared from 2019?!?!??! What's happening?! And... What the fuck?! NOW WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! A random weird cheerful voice, casually threatens to kill everyone... Called herself BB... After hacking into Chaldea's system... Her livestream begin. For an AI that's probably recently made, she speaks as though she's already an old woman.
Now aside from the fake pity, Chaldea got the warning signal of BB messing further with the system. Less of a wizard, more of a random idol self-proclaimed girl from that random hacking video. AI is one thing, but Ruler of the Moon? Someone been too much of Chunnibyou here. Been taking up classes with Jeanne Alter how to be one? But yeah, I know what she mean considering this is a crossover
No need to be humble and admit for an AI who make fun of humans, you upgraded yourselves to be superior in everything. Blame DW instead, Gudas. That's where our money went and gone from gacha hell. And nah personally, I could care less if you even have a voiceover.
So your point is while you claimed to not really care... Okay what the hell?! Marina Trench that's all the way bottom in the sea.... WHY THE HELL IS IT DOING THERE IN 2030?!?!??! And got a full clear that's a Singularity we need to head over and fix
What a way to throw us a job, BB. And yeah, whatever, be our kouhai for your fans that care. If I'm disappointing, you're even a bigger disappointment and more boring than I thought, kouhai. I've seen bigger egos like Gilgamesh that makes fun 24/7 at us mongrels. So nice try in your attempts to be sadistic, gotta give you effort of A+ in doing so. And who needs AI when you got Enkidu? That's what I called more impressive of a clay gaining soul and learning how to be a human
Ignoring the competition of two kouhais fighting over that self-proclamation... And technically we're not your replacement for Hakunos too.
Well said, your majesty! Now it's time for us to go and fix this Singularity! We're saving time here BB, so get your useless ass working instead of running that mouth of yours!
Mama Emiya despite not trusting BB's words... He agree that she should let us help her, having a fragment feelings of their past meetings in CCC. Da Vinci given us her order to go ahead too! With Mama Emiya, Tamamo and Nero with us... Lastly Da Vinci's warning about the future... Let the rayshift to the future begins!
And of course... This is why Mama Emiya never showed up... Haish, oh well, at least in alternate headcanon and stories, we can always put it ways they can sneak back in to join us
Act 1 (1/6)
Arriving alone... We've reached the SE.RA.PH singularity. And a whole bloodfest to survive alone in this hell begins to kill the rest of 127 Masters.
BB once again starts her feed. Other than her boring crap and well fooling us.... And boring attempts for sadism, for a front gate, you want Gudas to start a fucking rape session to go through all over your body.
And great, looks a strange fox girl going to kill us after BB's talk. You've got hundreds of blood-thirsty Servants at Chaldea, if you can't dodge their shit while trying to calm their shit, then I got some pressing issues for you.
Also just in time... Someone looks like BB but not really saves us! While talking to her... Looks like the one killing us is Suzuka aka Suzuka Gozen! Like there's any choice for this hell, so a contract shall be made, Meltryllis!
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For 6 turns, both Suzuka and Melt are on par at each other! While Suzuka rants her own goal to get the grail, Melt is totally bored with her from the fight. High school girl peppy much? At least she leave us alone... And don't even try call me maybe by carly rae to! I'm not giving you the number anytime!
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Well, thanks for saving us, Melt? Well now you just admit yourself, you're probably eavesdropping on us didn't you?! Are you really a Servant?! First time hearing a class called Alter Ego you know! Like we got any choice to end the contract, we got an oil rig  to save, finding Mama Emiya and everyone, and getting back home safely afterwards!
Uh, Melt? You want to try being summoned and see how many jackass Servants we got at Chaldea? Excluding her Tsundere attempts... Melt suggest in which direction to go next from this Holy Grail War. Good to know BB isn't trustworthy even from Melt with BB look-a-like face too. 10 days aka 21/2 hours before Seraphix sinks...
We definitely got ourself one heck of an ally here in this hell hole! Gee, are we going to start how no one fucking is kind to me like shake hands and you're special to me?! Okay, skip that crap, let's move!
After revealing about Chaldea up to now... Well aren't we lucky Gudas happened to be your type of puppet to protect? Melt then reveal more of MoonCell's end of where they originally came from, and their own kind of Holy Grail War. And also, learning what an Alter Ego is with Melt revealing her origins.
Oh did we say you were nice? I mean yeah, like you saving us, taking care of us like an escort is TOTALLY not doing nice at all. Riiight, I heard lines before so don't bother.
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Well so much directing our way around, if you actually decided to go out for an all out attack. Yes, whatever you say, ma'am... Let's fight... WITH STYLE!
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Despite an "okay" battle against a Saber... Gee, Gawain, how rude! Have you not met other lady that can be Heroic Spirits?! And... WAIT, YOU'RE OUR GAWAIN?! Uh... Did BB just fucking reshuffle who's supposed to be coming with us?
Well whatever, thanks for coming to our rescue Gawain! Why the hell are you angry when your face say so! Blushing will not excuse your way out of this!
And so one long explanation later... We got both Gawain and Melt to help us around. Once again, BB arrived with the boring entrance... Someone got pissy just because things don't go her way
We can take the whole damn time we want since you throw our Servants away. One moment you'd like us rot to death, another you want to save us, someone got a bad mood swing here. And duh, how the hell does it look like we want your jealousy? Not me! So move on, you want to kill us right?
Poor Robin... Must suck getting thrown around by BB's whims... Robin is technically popular if writer need to stop shoveling waifu at every chance needed. So if you want a fight, then it's a pain in the ass fight you want!
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With only requirement BB's first boss is to break her first HP bar... Good to know she's totally unbeatable. And the whole bribing scheme comes from Sakura Chips and so forth... Well, one way to be Pay 2 Win player in a Holy Grail War
Act 1 (2/6)
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Gudas’s definition of normal is a bit warped thanks to the amount of Servant in Chaldea. Both Gawain and Melt began arguing about Servant’s going back to their true base instinct... Huh?! Wait?! All the masters died? So we’re fighting that same thing in Fuyuki all over again?!!!
Picking up the object looking like a Holy Grail, while cutting short... Oh god!
Okay wait... This is like CasGil’s Babylonia trip in seeing memories or sort... A man talking about working in the oil rig... One of the staff perhaps? It was showing what happened before Chaldea’s arrival in Seraphix. And killing their own current director, the heck?! Damn it... The final thoughts and memories turning the whole place in a killing festival to survive...
Act 1 (3/6)
Arriving a path that splits into two, Chest for Command Room, Thighs for Helicopter area, and Hair for submarine cable and pump with power plant. Aside from the unneeded comment on Chest, Tristan shows up! At least this isn’t our Tristan back n Chaldea but...
Ok, wait, I hope you don’t mistake her for BB but... You may be right and totally wrong at the same time! It’s hell but Melt is definitely our ally so far! Play Despacito if needed, but I’m not letting you harm Melt. Gee Melt, you want guillotine session, find Sanson and Carmilla! And do it later after you got what you need from this place!
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Thankfully he doesn’t have pain in the ass gimmick for his boss fight, story wise both Melt and Gawain are facing off against Tristan. With Tristan pinned down, we got a choice to either let Melt end his life or... Melt withdraw herself since he noticed her condition. Thanks to Melt’s tsundere act, we manage to get Tristan to become our ally!
But unfortuantely we got a cat fight between Melt and Tristan... All’s well ends well still! While walking to the next destination, Gudas explained to Tristan everything so far... And while Tristan does the same, please don’t start poetry session like Shakespeare too
Heading towards Breast Valley aka Command Room where another particular Alter Ego lies... Aka Passionlip, an Alter Ego like Melt born from BB made of love and hatred. Good to know for someone in horrible condition, your pervert “sadistic” side is still working with that mouth
And woah! That’s a staff from Seraphix coming to us! We finally did found a survivor in Command Room! While Gawain already has Mable charmed by his looks, Gudas got to explain on their end while Melt is with them.... But first... That loud stomping sound behind Mable is a giant claw?! And... It’s Passionlip that Melt mentioned!! Here’s come the first round attempt in fighting her!
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Surviving 6 turns is good to know in story, she’s definitely unbeatable with that Trash & Crush skill. Despite bound in restrainment on her sense of self, Passionlip destroyed the route to the Command Room. Getting out of this area ASAP, we take along with Mable in two while Lip continues to compress the area.
Act 1 (4/6)
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Fleeing all the way to the Thigh area... We’re safe. And a long explanation later to Mable, it pretty much confirms how much Seraphix is cut off from the world. There’s confirmed of other survivors inside the Command Room beside her. Finding another time to get back to Command Room, Gudas still remain firm in taking Mable to find a safe place.
Melt mentioned a chapel where they could rest, though Tristan remembered Vlad Extra being there as a guard... Nevertheless, we still need to get there to recover from fatigue
Act 1 (5/6)
Reaching the Chapel, safe to say the newly found bloodied spear shows Vlad is still lurking around. Also pretty much confirmed there’s no point explaining to Vlad, since he definitely wants Gudas dead.
Good for you, Tristan. At least you’re repenting your mistake of attacking us out of madness. And... What did Vlad say again?!
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Gawain’s fatal blow killed Vlad once and for all... Vlad told us hurry to the chapel where Archer is waiting for us! But why? What’s wrong with Archer? Isn’t it our Mama Emiya?! No time to waste, Emiya is waiting for us!
And inside the Chapel.... Emiya--Wait.... Isn’t that... EMIYA ALTER?! So BB up to her no good tricks in switching around the Servant again... And a brief explanation later...
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Emiya Alter is still our Mama Emiya in ways to make sure we’re okay. The Chapel becomes our newfound base as Emiya Alter delivers more information. Melt ended up sleeping outside since Mable still doesn’t trust any Alter Ego by her experience. But before we could sleep, looks like one of the wall is in a weirdly haphazard problem?
At least we got a good night sleep... Melt on the other hand outside, laments about Lip she saw earlier.
Act 1 (6/6)
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300 Sakura Money paid to that BB just cause she want suffering in exchange... At least we got the key to unlock whatever that’s hidden in the church! And Mable, never question that AI who wants to be superior at every humane thing because of how inferior she probably feels
But with restrainment of who will get the data... Gudas ended up taking the information since Mable decided to let us know it. The record starts with a person working as a mental health specialist in Seraphix joined in 2016. Revealing the inner workings and different staff available to harvest oil and magical energy... There’s also a conflict between them, as they described the amount patients they received
Eventually pondering the reason of Seraphix’s creation... 3 years later, they lost contact with the outside world and chaos happened within them internaly. Monsters he encountered that attacked human minds? They even noted the change in themselves now they can longer trust people a month later, describing blood fest that’s probably Vlad and other Servants attacking around the church
On his final memory, they got attacked and losing their left eye in the process. The Director and assistant director went mad as confirmed by record keeper themselves. But... The planetarium? Experiment?
It ended there as Gudas now explained what they just learned. Melt revealed about the Planetarium being the power source of this singularity. Tristan offered to stay behind with Mable while we continue exploring this Singularity. Emiya Alter goes off on his own to deal with the remaining Servants...
Melt later reveals her true feelings to the sleeping Gudas how Gudas should be able to be in contact with Chaldea once they reached the Command Room. And her own feelings so far and about Gudas after becoming their Servant...
Act 1 done, 3 more to go! I’ll stop here and get back to grinding to clear some of the relevant missions...
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yoosungiib · 7 years
Your blog just turned into my favorite! Your writing is beautiful!
Wow!!! I’m so glad my bog is one of your favorites and that you enjoy my headcanons that much. It’s totally ok to ask anonymously. I understand being shy - I can be shy myself too~ :) I hope you enjoy this! It was a fun request!
RFA + Minor Trio jealous w/ an MC’s obsession over a character from a dating game
★ Yoosung ★
This boy is a yandere so of course he absolutely hates that you play dating games.
He knows that they’re fake but god, he’s jealous.
He wants you to giggle from his jokes the way you giggle at that game. He wants you to stop dropping everything that you’re doing just to play the next chapter of the game.
He hates that game, and he especially hates that character with the blonde hair and blueish eyes.
Poor boy wants to snap the AI’s neck he can’t stand hearing you talk about it.
Yoosung usually just smiles and pretends it doesn’t bother him until he opens a package to find a fucking body pillow and he f r e A K S.
He feels really bad afterwards because he yelled at you, but you’re not upset. You found it amusing how jealous he got.
You promise him you’ll control your obsession a little and you assure your yandereish husband that you love him and only him.
Boy blushes and gives you tons of kisses before whispering into your ear, “I’ll show you just how much better I am than that AI.”
Pillow goes flying out the fucking window.
♪ Zen ♪
“All men are beasts, even in games.”
“You’re not as bad as Yoosung, are you, Jagi?”
Really doesn’t mind at first because they’re not real people.
In fact, he finds it cute how excited you get playing the game. He loves how red your face get and the little dimples that appear around your smile.
All is good.
Until this one new damn character was introduced to the game.
And you were obsessed. And I mean obsessed.
You talked about him all the time, had him as your phone background it used to be you and Zen!!! had figurines, clothing…
Zen couldn’t handle it anymore and finally took your phone while you were in the shower and deleted the app.
You kinda played him by saving the game and being able to redownload it with all your data. So Zen, sucking up his pride, admitted to be a little annoyed and jealous, wishing you would direct all that love and obsession back towards him.
Those puppy eyes Zen gave you had you apologizing immediately and promising to not talk about the guy again. You were smacked by reality that you had the real thing right in front of you!
❀ Jaehee ❀
Doesn’t understand the appeal, but ok, that’s your thing.
Thinks you could be spending your time more productively, but again, ok, that’s your thing.
She really doesn’t have a problem with it until she finds out that your phone is filled with pictures of a specific character you like.
Jaehee never thought of this before… but pictures of her used to fill your phone.
Tries not to let it get to her because she knows the woman/man in the game is not real, but still, she can’t help but feel a little jealous.
Jealousy gets a little worse; she finds herself growing bitter towards the game and your constant talk of it, hates seeing the screencaps in the RFA chatroom, and bloody hell she had a dream where she found you cheating on her with one of the characters.
Jaehee doesn’t want to ask you to delete the game or even admit that she is jealous of an AI, but she feels like she should say something.
“H-hey, what if we play a game together?”
When you guys play a few rounds of Clue, and winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser~, Jaehee realizes just how silly her jealousy is.
Because you are all over her and there is no mention one of the damn AI while you two are together.
She decides to mentioning the fact she was ever jealous is pointless.
Because. Overall. You. Are. Hers.
☂ Jumin ☂
Bruh, how do you even have the game?
He loves you, ok, but privacy is not his specialty.
He knows everything about you, what’s on your phone,
And he disapproves gravely of the dating games on your phone. In fact, he got so envious that he nearly made a deal with Seven to get the apps deleted and blocked from your phone.
Because he has to remain cool and collected, you have no idea that he hates the games so much. He knows you have them, so you presume it’s ok. I mean, not like he’d have a say in the matter whether you had them or not.
But god, he is livid. He hates those damn games. 
Why are you playing them?
Straight up asks you one day if you love them more than him.
“W-what? Jumin, they’re not even real. You’re my husband! Of course I love you more.”
“Than why are you playing games where you date people?”
Explaining the appeal is hard to do, but in the end, internally he tells himself it was pretty silly of hi to get jealous over fake people.
☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
Pretty sure he has a whole bunch on his phone too, because hey, this is Seven we are talking about. He lives for this shit.
But god forbid you have them.
He watches from afar, aka CCTV, as you obsesses over the characters in the game.
His sadistic side comes to light a little bit as he forcefully pulls the phone from your hands and has you pinned to the bed.
Oh boy.
Knows deleting the app isn’t enough. He isn’t dumb. You can redownload it.
So he puts a virus on your phone, and all your information gets wiped from the face of the planet.
You can not go on your games, get any of your data back.
Can’t talk to the hot AI’s!!!
“Don’t be sad, MC! You can play with me~”
❆ V ❆
For a while, he doesn’t even know what otome/dating games are,
So he has no idea you even play such a thing. And when he finds out? Not really bothered at first.
It’s just a game, and nothing that.
But then there was this  one character who you were absolutely obsessed with. You started dressing like the guy, hanging up pictures of the guy V cringes and you always smile at your phone when he ‘appears’ in the game.
What’s this feeling I’m feeling…?
V’s never been jealous usually people are jealous over him so this is a completely new concept to him.
And of course he happens to be jealous over a video game characters.
Wants to be the diplomatic and good husband and just talk about it with you.
He brings it up and you feel really bad. 
It was never your intention to make him feel jealous!
“Gah, Jihyun! I’m so sorry, honey. I’ll never play the game again!”
“Oh no, MC, please, I’m sorry. Play it as much as you want! Just don’t do that characters… what is it called? Route? Can you just reset it or something?”
☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
Hates it.
Absolutely hates it.
And his jealousy is transparent to everyone,
So of course you try to minimize your obsession, but it can be really hard. So you’ll never play the game in front of him, or you’ll tell him you’ve stopped playing all together.
But he walked in on you playing it on the toilet one day and while your pants were half way down your legs you were chasing him trying to get your phone back.
A g g r e s s i o n is his initial response towards the game half the time.
Will yell at you to stop, can be a little harsh at time; “Do you realize how pathetic it looks that you’re talking to fake guys?”
Begrudgingly apologizes and defends his actions by saying you shouldn’t play those games when he’s your boyfriend.
He gets a little annoyed with himself for being jealous over an AI, which triggers a bit of his anxiety. 
When you realize that is happening you feel absolutely terrible. And then he feels terrible because as much as he hates the games, he doesn’t want you basing decision around how he feels. 
After a heart to heart discussion on your feelings and a whole bunch of kisses and cuddles, you guys make a deal; You’ll not play the game as often if he doesn’t get so worked up about it.
Really, it’s just a game. There should be no stress over it. 
“Hm, ok,” Saeran says before a smirk crosses his face. “Come here then. We’ll play a game of sorts together.”
✌ Vanderwood ✌
“That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.”
Really thinks you’re wasting your time playing all those otome games. Those games and some pictures of you two are what practically take up all the space on your phone.
He says you could be doing something much more productive, like cleaning, for example.
Vanderwood will get a little annoyed when he gets home from work and he sees you lounging on the couch talking with AI’s.
But he’s the last one to ever admit he is jealous.
So he does the obvious thing to get you away from the phone and more attentive towards him.
Really, he seduces you a little bit, gets you hot and bothered and then shows you just how awesome the real thing is~
And then he tazers your phone.
Check out my masterlist page to see rules for requests!
*** Until Christmas 2017, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED
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submitted by: alien-rabbit
Dr. Skirtl van Igengurm was propped up on his desk while having his ‘breakfast’. It wasn’t much, it was just a regular ‘pancake’ and a cup of steaming hot ‘coffee’. He was perusing through the pages of his manuscripts while listening to the early evening news. He was mostly active at night, contrary to popular belief that the Ralkoxen were diurnal and that they were weak at nightfall. He was searching for possible holes in his manuscript when the news segment caught his attention.
“The 405th Galactic Bastion research team finally found the home world, ‘Earth’.”
‘Damn it! I certainly remember telling the minister not to publicize the info but-‘
“Fuck this.” Skirtl swore.
The actions of the minister didn’t really surprised him. Their dynasty was losing the public’s confidence and would soon be deposed if they don’t do anything. They need to continue; this was not for greed, yes, if given the chance, they would be more than happy to hand the throne to somebody else. It’s just that… they just have to continue.
“At exactly 42:15 today, the minister of information and communication released the most startling news in all of xenoarcheology. After spending almost 700 kohans, one of the research teams finally found the home world of ‘humanity’. That’s right folks, ‘Earth’ has be-”
“Please turn it off and call my brother.”
To an ignorant outsider, Skirtl would look like he was mad and was talking to thin air but this was not the case. He wasn’t addressing some imaginary friend nor was he talking to a ghost or a poltergeist or any non-material being. He gave the command to his AI program which was his butler of sorts. It operated all of the electronic devices in his house and was also the main security that guarded his sanctuary for a couple of years now. The ‘TV’ was immediately turned off and became as lifeless as a rock. Skirtl then heard a ringing sound in his ear. Seconds later, he heard a beeping sound. He hanged up at this point and tried to manually contact his brother.
“Hello, this is the Ministry of Information and Communication. In what manner would we be of assistance?”
Skirtl heard a monotonous voice respond.
‘That’s weird, usually his secretary answers the calls. Who was that? Oh well, it was probably an AI,’ the Ralkoxen thought.
“Is Minister Ardsath van Igengrum occupied at the moment? If not, please tell him the head of the Kohath Sveglio Yandish wants to have a word with him as soon as possible.”
He put down his mini-pad on the table and finished his ‘breakfast’. Moments later, he received a voicemail from his older brother. He groaned and clicked his mandibles in frustration as their talk went on. By the end of the call, his right foot was now stumping in an annoyed and mildly violent manner. After the call, he scratched the back of his head while gently massaging his four eyelids. He slammed all four of his fists to express his anger and annoyance. He was really frustrated at the fact that the Ministry released all of the research team’s preliminary findings. He turned on the ‘TV’ to watch the special documentary one of the media companies conjured from the raw evidence and the somewhat obscure findings of their team. The ancient race of humans were such a mystery, even the top scientists of the time can’t wrap their heads around the subject.
‘The look on their faces would be priceless once we finished figuring out ‘humanity’. How frustrated would they get once we started debunking the myths they spread through mass media?’
He clicked his mandibles in sadistic joy, knowing that these bumbling idiots would be humiliated soon. For all the gossips and false accusations the pressmen made against the royal family, his family, he would pay them back three-fold.
“As we all know, the ancient species known as ‘humans’ have had a great impact on the development and progress of our race. During the dawn of our civilization, some 66 million kohans ago, an unmanned drone containing a fraction of the wisdom of ‘humans’ landed on Athar-bavel, our home. Though obscure, throughout the history, some of the greatest of our people extracted wisdom and knowledge from this thing and used it to guide and teach their fellow, us. One then wonders, ‘how old was the human race must have been if they were even older than our first civilization?’ Let’s interview some experts and ask them about their thoughts.
‘As much as I’m fascinated with the science they brought, I can’t deny the fact that I’m curious about the culture of the human pioneers. I mean, we have confirmed that the universe is indeed 264 million kohans old but we don’t even have a speck of knowledge on the culture and beliefs of the pioneers. They have been great instructors sure but I can’t really say that they make good role models’ -Dr Sanming Juzefywn; sociologist, Kohath Sveglio Yandish
‘Their drone came 66 million kohans ago, for all we know they might have been extinct by now. There’re even rumours in the central facility about the so called ‘Last Will of Humanity’. ’ -Dr Hervolt Arjaq du Ammetash; archaeologist, Kohath Sveglio Yandish”
Skirtl’s body tensed. How could they have possibly known of the Will? Did his brother really released all of the info on humans? How dare he? He essentially betrayed his kin. His train of thought was disrupted by the unintelligible yet familiar garbling. It was a human’s ‘voice’.
“Hi there folks. Whoever is listening to this message right now, I assume you are not human. Sorry, I mean, you are not a member of my species. Now, before my main message, I would like to thank you for listening to my rants and ramblings later on. This vessel I have created contains the valuable jewels of knowledge of the human race. This very vessel is in essence, the crystallization of all of humanity’s blood, sweat and tears in the pursuit of wisdom. I only ask that you may use the knowledge we will impart to improve the lives of your planetary and intergalactic neighbour/s should you ever find one. If you did, then you’re very lucky. In all of our five billion years of existence, we never found intelligent life outside our home planet, not even one. We desperately searched, even developed technologies that allows us to warp all 11 dimensions of reality but it was of no use. We didn’t find even a hunter-gatherer civilization. All we found were microbes. Perhaps the universe was too young, perhaps the conditions weren’t just right but in any case, we got tired of waiting for life like ours to develop. After our home planet was half swallowed by the star in our home system, we suddenly started getting weird ideas. We realized that maybe, we aren’t suited for you. Maybe, because we are warriors and barbarians through and through, we will just wipe out every sapient race. This got us thinking, ‘what if we are the ones hindering the formation of sapient life? What if our presence was hindering the universe?’ it was a bit scary if you think that way, yes, but when you are alone, things like this would surely pop up. To sum it up, all of us humans, all 758 nonillion of us, decided to die. It wasn’t weird for us, the youngest member of our race was at least 32 million years old. All of us lived our lives to the fullest and our only regret was that we haven’t met any sapient race. We lived long enough and was now tired of our own existence. And so we pass our hopes to you. We hope that whatever species may get hold of this drone, they will be compassionate and understanding, cool-headed yet full of empathy, calculating yet self-less, always willing to help and also open to assistance. We hope that you will carry the will of humanity. Our will to make the galaxy, and possibly the universe, more pleasant and habitable to all species. We just hope that you are not alone. We don’t want you to suffer from loneliness like us. ”
————– 1 kohan -> 76 Earth years
Kohath Sveglio Yandish -> Finding Our Teachers Project
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Candid Complex (Chapter Five)
Title: Candid Complex Author: randomwriter57 Rating: G+ Pairing/s: sormik Summary: It’s been a while since Sorey has awoken feeling this excited.
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It's been a while since Sorey has awoken feeling this excited.
And it's no wonder, really. Anyone would be excited to spend a weekend exploring ruins with their (pretend) boyfriend, right?
Sure, they aren't leaving until tomorrow. Today is only for getting everything they need together. But even the prospect of planning, of moving toward an objective, makes it feel tangible, and that's exciting.
Perhaps it's his excitement which wakes him an hour before his alarm. All he knows is that one minute he's drifting in the world of dreams, and the next his brain is whirring with possibilities. He dreams of ancient stone murals and the musky scent that comes with being underground, and awakens to thoughts of ancient eras and crafting techniques and theories he can't wait to share.
When it becomes clear that he's not getting any more sleep before his alarm rings, Sorey turns it off and gets up. He barely notices time passing as he showers and changes clothes, eats breakfast without much regard to what he's eating. Instead he focuses on scrawling ideas in his weary notebook, lists of supplies and groceries and travel plans he'll discuss with Mikleo later on.
(Well, except for the grocery list. He ends up picking the food up from the shop himself, during his hours of waiting. After all, they'll only have so much time later in the day to get everything together, including preparing the food.)
Considering how occupied he’s kept himself, it's no wonder he finds himself restless when there is nothing left for him to do but wait. With the tent unearthed and the lists written, he sits down on the sofa with a book, hoping to relax for a while.
His eyes skip over the same passage several times before he gives up.
Standing, he paces around his flat for five minutes, impatience fuelling his muscles. Then he sits down and picks his book up again.
A minute passes before he's back on his feet.
Okay, so maybe being this excited isn't necessarily a good thing.
All he wants is for Mikleo's classes to end so he can come here to help with the planning and preparation. As much fun as it is on his own, generating ideas is always way more interesting with a companion. Especially with Mikleo; his thoughts often contrast with Sorey's, giving them a range of possibilities. Sometimes Mikleo thinks of things which Sorey would never come up with himself. Other times, Sorey manages to change Mikleo’s mind about theories they’ve debated for hours. Thinking of having more discussions like that fills him with even more energy.
He lets out a long, harsh breath. He doesn't want to wait.
(But he will. Mikleo is worth it.)
Someone knocks at the door.
Jumping at the sudden sound, Sorey rushes to the door, not bothering to check the peephole before opening the door to-
"Hey Sorey," says Rose.
He deflates a little. "Oh, hi Rose. What's up?"
Rose raises an eyebrow. "I feel like I should be asking you that. Aren't you happy to see me?" She punches his arm lightly, showing that she's just teasing him.
"Of course I am," Sorey says through a laugh. He can't believe he's being so ridiculous and impatient. Mikleo doesn't even finish his classes for another hour. "I just expected someone else."
"Nerd boy?" Rose pushes past Sorey into the flat, collapsing on his second-hand couch with her bare feet on the coffee table. He doesn’t take much notice of it; this kind of behaviour is normal for Rose, even her lack of footwear.
"Yeah, he's coming over later so we can prep for tomorrow." Sorey closes the front door and takes a seat on the living room floor, across from Rose. "What are you doing here?"
"I was gonna ask you something, but it doesn't matter." Rose pulls out her phone, tapping on it in quick succession. "What time does nerd boy get here?"
"In an hour. And will you stop calling him that?"
Rose doesn't answer, instead tapping at her phone a few more times before tossing it onto the sofa beside her. She then leans forward, lips pulling into a mischievous grin. “I’ll be hanging out here for a while, if you don’t mind. I’m sick of looking at my apartment.”
Sorey blinks at her. He’s used to her spontaneously deciding to hang out with him, but her deciding to stay here even knowing that Mikleo’s coming round is surprising. Not that he minds her staying, of course.
“That’s fine,” he tells her.
“Don’t look so disappointed! You have all weekend to be alone with him. Besides, I want to get to know the guy who finally got you to be interested in romance.”
“You say that like not being interested is a bad thing.”
“You know that’s not what I mean! But you seem way more interested in Mikleo than you have in anyone else before.”
Her use of his real name, combined with the fading of her smile, strikes Sorey, and he realises that Rose is being totally serious.
Looking down at his hands, Sorey thinks of Mikleo - of his slender fingers twined between his, of the weight of his head leaning on Sorey’s - and feels his lips tug into a soft smile. “I guess you’re right.”
“You’re really serious about him, aren’t you?”
That’s the question which weighs on Sorey’s mind. He’s known from the beginning that some part of him finds Mikleo attractive, and his developing crush is no small secret. On Wednesday, it could have been something he could get over easily. He and Mikleo could have gone back to their regular friendship with no awkwardness or pining.
But now, after yesterday, he knows that is no longer the case. Bringing a hand to his lips, he remembers the smooth skin of Mikleo’s cheek underneath them, present only for a moment before he pulled away. Kissing his cheek had been an action done completely on impulse, but he can’t say he doesn’t want to do it again.
When he looks up, Rose’s gaze has not faltered.
“I am,” he admits.
Rose lets out a long breath, her eyes finally falling to her phone, abandoned at her side. “I thought so.”
Neither of them speak for a few minutes, waiting for the heavy atmosphere to dissolve, or maybe just too caught up in their own thoughts to have a conversation. In the end, though, Rose is the one to break the tension, as usual.
“You’ve still got like an hour, right?” she says, hopping off the couch. “Let’s play Mario Kart.”
Sorey smiles. “Yeah, sure.”
And that’s what they do.
When playing Mario Kart, hours pass with the same suddenness as getting hit by a blue shell does. Even if you hear the whirring behind you, it’s always a shock when your kart suddenly gets upturned, to the soundtrack of sadistic snickering.
This means that when, on their final lap of the Lightning Cup, someone knocks at the door, it’s no surprise that Sorey’s controlled character goes flying off the edge, whilst Rose’s soars through the finish line.
“I win again!” Standing, Rose stretches with her arms over her head. “I’ll grab the door while you catch up.”
Before Sorey can protest, she’s gone, and all he can do is direct his kart towards the finish, following the onslaught of AIs who overtook him in his pause.
Through the hall, he hears the muffled sound of Rose talking, followed by the quieter tone of Mikleo’s voice. Sorey puts his controller aside and makes his way to the front door.
“Nuh-uh, you have to say the password if you want in,” Rose says, leaning so her arms bar Mikleo from entry.
Seeing the mixture of exasperation and agitation forming on Mikleo’s face, Sorey says, “Stop teasing him, Rose. You don’t even live here.”
Rose sticks her tongue out at him, but retreats to the living room anyway, allowing Mikleo to come into the flat rather than standing out on the doorstep.
“Sorry about her,” Sorey says, smiling sheepishly. “She insisted on hanging out here for a while.”
“It’s fine,” Mikleo says, his smile as warm and gentle as ever. He slips off his shoes and jacket, the latter of which Sorey takes and hangs on the coat rack by the door.
“Are you excited for tomorrow?” Sorey asks as they walk through to the living area.
“Of course,” Mikleo says. “We’ll be exploring ruins used by Hyland royalty. If that’s not something to be excited about, I don’t know what is.”
“I don’t know how either of you can get so excited over some musty old rocks,” Rose says, sitting cross-legged on the couch once again. She doesn’t look over to them as she navigates the Mario Kart menu to the ‘online mode’ screen.
“They’re not just musty old rocks,” Mikleo says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Centuries’ worth of history are recorded within them.”
Rose shoots Sorey a deadpan look. “Congrats, you finally found someone as nerdy as you are.”
Sorey laughs a little, though not at Mikleo’s expense.
“Here, let me show you the food I got,” Sorey says, leading Mikleo into the kitchen and out of that conversation.
His kitchen is a little small for two people, though it’s much more spacious than most one-bedroom flat kitchens. Still, he doesn’t mind the closeness of Mikleo to him as he goes through his bags of groceries. It seems that Mikleo doesn’t mind either; he leans towards Sorey more often than not. Each brush of their arms injects Sorey’s heart with a burst of warmth.
(He doesn’t mind Rose being here, sure. But the image in his mind of curling up with Mikleo on the too-small sofa, sides pressed against each other, their arms around each other’s waists, legs tangled together, a mass of warmth and veins and beating hearts-
It’s too much to be thinking about right now.)
Once he finishes going over all the food he bought, he and Mikleo start preparing the food. Most of it is pre-cooked, and so doesn’t require much thought; tiny sausage rolls and fancy hors d’oeuvre he found on sale, jerky and pre-made kebabs, and a whole mountain of sweets of varying types. All they have to prepare are the sushi and rice balls, and maybe a couple of other snacks, if they feel like it. Whilst Sorey keeps an eye on the rice cooker, Mikleo prepares the sushi fillings and lays out the nori. Sorey can’t help but watch Mikleo’s deft hands as they wrap around the knife, chopping cucumber into long strips. Those hands, which Sorey knows to be soft and gentle, fingers which leave the lightest touch.
(They’d look good with nail varnish. Maybe a light blue, to match the tips of his hair. Oh, and don’t get Sorey started on Mikleo’s hair-)
Mikleo looks up from his work, raising an eyebrow. “What are you staring at?”
“Your hands,” Sorey answers automatically.
He rolls his violet eyes, and Sorey even finds that attractive, somehow. “I got that much. What’s so interesting about them?”
“They’re nice. Your hands.”
Taken aback, Mikleo blinks before looking down at his hands. He lays the knife down on the chopping board, fiddling with his fingers. “They’re just hands.”
Sorey reaches over and lifts one of Mikleo’s hands into both of his own. “You might think that, but they’re really nice. See, look.” He turns Mikleo’s hand so his palm faces up, then presses the tips of his fingers. “They’re so soft.”
“Well, it’s not like I do heavy-duty work that often.”
Humming, Sorey presses his palm against Mikleo’s measuring the size of their hands. Even though Sorey’s palm is larger, his fingers are dwarfed by the slender ones of Mikleo, the tips peeking over Sorey’s with no trouble.
“Your fingers are so long.”
“I’ve been told I have pianists’ fingers,” Mikleo says.
“I can see you playing piano. You have the right vibe for it.” He pulls his palm away, only to go back to examining Mikleo’s hands.
“Yeah, you know, all sophisticated and elegant.” He lets his fingers trail the length of Mikleo’s.
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“But you are.”
Mikleo opens his mouth to speak, but instead closes it abruptly, lips pressed tight together. His eyes are wide, focused on Sorey’s hand on his own.
For a moment, Sorey looks at him in confusion, before lightly running the tip of his finger over Mikleo’s palm. Mikleo makes a muffled sound.
So what else is Sorey supposed to do?
He does it again.
This time, Mikleo’s snort of laughter comes out more clearly, too strong to be stifled. Sorey grins.
“You never told me you’re ticklish, Mikleo.”
“That’s because I’m not!” says Mikleo, turning his face away stubbornly.
Sorey does it again.
Mikleo’s hand tenses in his, his face contorted in repressed laughter.
“I beg to differ.”
Sorey lets go of Mikleo’s hand, only to aim for his stomach. With unexpected reflexes, Mikleo blocks the attack. That doesn’t stop Sorey, though - he tries again, and again, until all-out tickle warfare ensues in the kitchen. Their laughter soars through the air, and soon Sorey finds himself too distracted by the sound of Mikleo - his laughter which bursts in balloons of song - and then Mikleo has him cornered, has the upper hand, is tickling him without mercy. Sorey doesn’t try to block Mikleo’s attacks anymore, instead gripping the counter to keep himself from falling, even though he’s already falling so hard, the constant velocity dragging him to a place he can’t imagine leaving. His chest aches, but he thinks it might be from something more than the quickness of his breaths and the huffs of his laughter.
Suddenly, a voice pierces their bubble of joy.
“Hey, Sorey, where did you- Oh, am I interrupting something?”
The boys spring apart, cheeks flushed from laughter and embarrassment. In their moment of happiness, they’d forgotten the presence of Rose in the apartment.
“It’s nothing, what is it you need?” Sorey asks, trying not to let his voice sound too breathless, no matter how Mikleo makes him feel.
“I just wanted to know where you left your laptop,” Rose says, smiling wryly. “I need to check something.”
“Your flat is literally next door.”
She shrugs. “I’m too lazy. Is it still in the study?”
The study isn’t much of a study - more of a storage room which Sorey converted to a quasi-study when he moved in here. He’s lucky to have the room at all - most student apartments have only a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living area.
“Yeah, go ahead. Password’s the same as last time.”
“Thanks!” For a moment, she glances over to Mikleo, eyes filled with something Sorey can’t identify, before she leaves the room with the same haste that she entered it.
In any case, Sorey doesn’t let himself dwell on it. Instead he leans back against the counter, opening his mouth to say something to Mikleo until the rice cooker chimes from behind him, causing him to jump for the second time.
“I think the rice is ready,” Mikleo points out, now smiling behind his hand. “By the way, where’s your bathroom?”
“Last room down the hall, you can’t miss it.”
“Thanks. I’ll be back in a minute.” With that, Mikleo disappears, leaving Sorey alone with the cooked rice.
‘Might as well start rolling the sushi,’ Sorey thinks, turning his attention to the food on the counter.
Rolling sushi has always been fun, for him, since it doesn’t require too much thought. All he needs to do is mould each sheet into a roll, a perfect encasement of deliciousness. This means that his brain is free to run wild as he does this.
And of course he can’t stop thinking about Mikleo.
He can’t help himself. His laughter was too cute, and the way his face opened up was amazing. The expressions on his face - the wide eyes, later narrowed in mischievousness, combined with a smile bright enough to blind the sun, and yet still more radiant than the moon - they were too beautiful for him not to obsess over.
(This crush is really getting out of hand.)
A few sushi rolls later, Sorey notices that Mikleo still hasn’t returned from the bathroom. Curious, he wipes his hands on a paper towel before making his way down the hall, intent on seeing if he is alright.
What he doesn’t expect is to hear Mikleo’s voice from inside the study.
“A fake relationship can’t last forever.”
Eavesdropping is something he finds distrustful and rude, and hence something he avoids doing at all costs. Still, he can’t help but pause, hearing those words.
“Speak plainly.” Rose sounds annoyed with the conversation, as though Mikleo has been skirting the topic for too long. It’s a tone Sorey knows well, as someone who avoids conflict as much as possible.
“One week is long enough.”
Sorey shrinks back from the door as Rose’s voice grows in volume. “What, so you’re going to dump him at the end of the week? Like he’s some project to you? Don’t you have any idea how much that will hurt him?”
A bitter feeling dances on Sorey’s tongue, slipping to the back of his throat. This time, there is no sweetness to mask the taste.
“I know.” Mikleo’s voice is impossibly calm, almost to a point where his emotions don’t shine through. “But our feelings are not the same.”
He can’t listen to this anymore.
Moving away from the door, Sorey returns to the kitchen. Hearing the rest of the conversation is something he thinks would be unbearable, especially considering what he has heard of it.
Of course this was too good to be real; all the hand-holding, the lack of space between them, and even today. Part of him has known all along that this will end, that none of what they’ve done is important to Mikleo. Now, his lack of reciprocation is becoming all too clear. It’s not like he initiated any of their couple-like behaviour; Sorey was the first to offer a hand, to invite him on a date, to kiss his cheek. What has Mikleo done, except go along with it?
Part of him, a stubborn cockeyed optimist, wants to believe that there’s still a chance for them. But at this rate, he’ll have to accept the opposite as true.
He should have expected this. But it still hurts.
It hurts because he can’t stop caring.
Leaning against the kitchen counter, Sorey brings a hand to his heart, clenching his fist in the fabric of his t-shirt. For the first time, he lets himself have the forbidden thought which has been growing stronger all week.
He loves Mikleo.
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ko2vo · 7 years
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THIS BLOG IS THREE YEARS OLD TODAY HOLY SHIT (edit: i started this post months ago and forgot about it, this blog was 3 years old on Sept. 7 pffffff-)
Anyway, its been a long time since i last did this, here are a bunch of OCs of mine and, below the read more, is some context for each of them. Probably gonna get long and rambly ‘cause i love them all. You dont have to read about them but please read about them i love them.
Guess the first thing to know is that these aren’t my only OCs. These are kinda the ones that I’ve had around the longest and kept coming back to. Plus, I have some for specific projects that I don’t really elaborate on cuz they exist in a game/writing/something self contained and to say anything would be to say too much, I guess? 
Yeah. Overall, I guess these guys are either so developed or underdeveloped that it wouldn’t be spoiling for me to say things about their personalities/relationships! And some of the stories have changed so drastically over the years, I don’t even know what kinda canon will be canon when i get around to making it.
SO they’re categorized by their different worlds/purposes. ALSO if you want to see more pictures of a particular OC, I made their name clickable and it will bring up their tag (some.... won’t have a lot of drawings tho criesss).
CANDY HERO has been my dream comic project since I was 14 oh man. It’s a superhero story, about homeless kids that have to save the world. The reason for saving the world has changed a lot, from alien invasion to robot uprising to super virus subtly ruining everything. But the plan has always been like a grungy futuristic city setting and long term ideas where each chapter would be a self contained episode.
Soda is one of the main characters and the only person that has superpowers. However, his super powers are candy-based and wicked unstable. He could intend to create crystal rock candy to make a barrier of some kind but accidentally whip up a cotton candy tornado. His superhero origin story has changed a lot, but I usually stick to the idea that he swallowed some nuclear experimental bubblegum and it unexpectedly manifested inside him in a way that gave him these capabilities.
Why would he eat questionable chewing gum?? Well, he’s pretty young when he does so most likely he didn’t realize gum wasn’t for eating at that point. He’s also homeless and isn’t picky about what he eats. He probably ends up on the street when he’s around 7 or 8 and his story takes place when he’s 14 or 15. So, somewhere between there is when he acquires his powers. 
His personality is basically relentless positivity and optimism. Always looks on the bright side and can be counted on as a morale booster. Super loyal and supportive of his friends. Believes in ideals and hopes to make the world a better place, believes the world can be changed for the better. It’s very difficult to upset him. However, his outlook often jars when he has to deal with an emotionally sensitive situation. His general response is “everything will be okay and I believe in you and support you” and, for a lot of people, it doesn’t work like that and it just makes them more upset, especially living among the homeless. Even though he can relate to suffering, his way of dealing things has always been to repress or move on since it couldn’t be helped and that’s usually what he subconsciously advocates.Depending on the person, it can be reassuring or it can feel like a rehearsed script.
All in all, he has a lot of issues he’s left unresolved and ignores in favour of smiling and focusing on the positive and he doesn’t really understand why people will fixate on the negative. So he’s not really good at handling any kinda negative emotions. ALSO his trusting nature makes him a victim in gullibility too. Even with someone that’s been a complete dick to him twenty times over, he’ll always give the benefit of a doubt and allow them second, third, fourth chances.
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT SODA - His real name is Felix but he’s only ever gone by Soda. Rafter was the one that gave him the nickname cuz he’s bubbly and too sweet. - When he’s actually sad and can’t force himself to be happy, he isolates himself. - He’s always wanted to be a super hero! His earliest memory is running around with goggles on and a blanket tied around his shoulders like a cape, playing pretend. - He has an evil doppelganger named Seltzer; they look exactly alike, except Seltzer’s eyes are orange instead of blue. - He smells like a carnival’s trash can.
Rafter is Soda’s best friend. Both of them have been on the street for a similar amount of time, but Rafter’s circumstances for getting there are a lot more harsh. Soda ends up there almost by choice, but Rafter is forced onto the streets. He’s really mature as a result and pretty cautious. Generally, he prefers to be a lone wolf but Soda persisted in helping him cuz they were both kids and logically he understood that it was safer to have someone around. Most of the time, he appreciates Soda for his overabundant friendliness but it also makes him super nervous because jeezuz Soda, don’t talk to that shady dude behind the dumpster what if he harvests your kidneys or something plz exercise some self preservation.
Rafter is relatively quiet, thoughtful, and skeptical. He doesn’t trust people very easily and he tends to keep his circle of friends small. But when he does trust someone, he’s very dependable. Even though he doesn’t have superpowers, he’s got a keen eye for details and analysis. If he were older, he’d probably be a detective. More defensive than offensive, and a strategist. 
He ends up in contention with Soda sometimes, because of Soda’s instinct to jump into things indiscriminately (where Rafter likes to plan and evaluate) and also because of his inability to deal with emotions. Rafter is pretty stable emotionally, but when he does feel upset he goes to Noyal or TOI for support rather than Soda. Rafter needs to work through his feelings with someone else and understand why he reacts the way he did in order to feel better.
Overall, Rafter is very level headed. He thinks realistically and practically. But his caution borders on paranoia sometimes and prevents him from making many meaningful connections for fear of being hurt. And, when in contrast with Soda’s positive outlooks, he worries that he comes off as less realistic and more negative and jaded by comparison. It’s a thought that eats away at him sometimes.
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT RAFTER - He plays piano and its the best way for him to relax. - Rafter isn’t his real name but no one knows it. - His dream career is to be a psychologist and help kids like him when he gets older, in order to help them avoid being homeless. - Dogs make him nervous. Especially big dogs.  - Even though he lives on the street, he’s very careful to stay as clean and hygienic as he can. Can’t stand feeling grimy or dirty.
TOI is an illegal android. She was a young boy as a human who was dying and her father was a scientist that transferred her consciousness to a robot. There is a law that states that any person under the age of consent cannot have their consciousness transferred because androids are not subject to the same laws as humans. It is completely legal for an adult to choose to become an android but there are really fucked up, blurred moral lines with the production of androids. Even if they have a living consciousness and not an AI installed, the only real law they’re required to follow is to be registered and have an owner.
Short of that, anything that happens to androids is damage against the owner, not the android. Because android parts are replaceable and, even if a consciousness is human or a highly developed AI, they are subject to selective memory wipes and can be transferred to other vessels. So androids are kind of resented by some people, able to forget their traumas with the push of a button and recover from damage that would be irreparable for something organic. There have been a lot of attempts at acquiring self ownership and more protection for robots in general, but overall it comes down to “if you can choose to forget, why are you remembering.” It’s a system that kind of works, but only for robots that have owners and owners who care about their well being (which logically they should, because an android costs about as much as a new car would and, if they are spending that much and the consciousness is someone they know, the assumption is that it’s an act of love).
ANYWAYS I could ramble about the messed up robot-human relations of this world all day, but essentially TOI is illegal for many reasons. For one, she was about nine when her consciousness was extracted. Though her mind does continue to age, it’s still morally grey because the public assumption is that all robots are considered consenting adults, even when they have a body that appears younger. It’s a means of avoiding fucked up shit that developers know would happen anyways by at least making it fucked up shit that only happens to adults??? If that makes sense??? im avoiding specific words, cuz its too dark for how PG i want the story to be and its not something i would really explore in canon, its just something i think about when considering TOI’s choices.
She’s also very illegal because, when she turned 15 her father died and her father was her ‘technical’ owner. She wasn’t registered but she had some protection with him around as his ‘scientific property’ but with him gone, no one faces any consequences for damaging her. It leaves her in a very vulnerable position should anyone find out she’s an android and unregistered. And she can’t advocate for robot rights because without an owner, she can just get wiped and no one could do anything about it.
Personality wise, TOI is very snarky. She likes to sass and tease and outsmart people. In canon, she’s about 32 years old, so she also takes a sadistic pleasure in making adults think they’ve been outwitted by a child. She is highly intelligent but operates under the radar because of her situation, usually relying on her human connections (Noyal) in order to save money or sign important documents.
In Candy Hero, she currently isn’t planned to appear for a handful of chapters. Soda and Rafter have a few adventures themselves, then they meet her when she is visiting Noyal. She trusts them as Noyal’s friends and sticks around, their antics amusing her. Plus, since they all look around the same age, TOI feels more secure moving around in public with them.
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT TOI - TOI doesn’t need to eat or sleep as a robot, but she does need to recharge every other week depending on her exertion, and she needs regular maintenance. - She was a trans girl even before her consciousness was put into her robot body but socially closeted, except to her father and Noyal. - She loves cats and her favourite clothing items are cat themed. - Whenever she’s able to, she attends art galleries and musical events. - SHES GONE THROUGH THE MOST DESIGN CHANGES like, she used to be a super sexualized animu lady with big boobs and no pants (i want to fight 15 yr old me when i think about it honestly) then she was skinny dude with a gas mask and hood, then lost the mask but became purely a program, then a virus trapped inside a phone Soda had, and now she’s where she is and I’m happiest with her newest design
Noyal is a quiet guy that lives on a boat. He doesn’t say much but he’s empathetic toward Soda and Rafter as street kids. I haven’t really thought about how they meet but my guess is that Soda and Rafter are jumping around different places for food and shelter during the winter and Noyal notices them since he jumps around to the different places for his work. He doesn’t approach them though, it’s Soda that approaches him offering to help him with something (much to Rafter’s horror cuz holy shit Noyal is scary looking) and they all eventually begin to talk. Well, Noyal mostly listens but he talks more with them than he does almost anyone else (TOI being the exception).
Eventually, he offers them a place to stay for the worst nights. They can’t stay with him all the time cuz his boat’s pretty cramped as it is and Noyal likes his solitude. He can’t handle the idea of being a father figure to Soda and Rafter so he makes sure they understand that he views them as friends, not as children he needs to be responsible for. Even though Rafter was nervous about him at first, it turns out that he and Noyal have very compatible personalities and the equal ground he offers in defining that “I’m not an authority over you just because I’ve lived longer” ironically makes Rafter really look up to and respect him. 
I’ve not really thought out Noyal’s history to the same extent I’ve thought out TOI’s. He’s always been quiet, somewhat mysterious, but willing to help a friend in need. I imagine he’s been helped through a lot of things when he was young and that’s what makes him willing to extend altruism and sanctuary when he encounters someone that needs help. However, unlike Soda, he doesn’t go out of his way or beyond what he’s comfortable with. If he wants to help and is capable of doing so, he will.
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT NOYAL - He owns a dog; an elderly and blind Schnauzer affectionately called Old Russ, who sleeps on his bed with him. - I’ve always imagined him with a Newfoundlander accent. - He’s actually a year younger than TOI and she’ll never let him forget it. - He has a twin sister that he doesn’t like to talk about; she sends him a care package every few months. - He works at a million different jobs. One of the running gags I’ve established in my writing is that he’s just everywhere; Soda and Rafter go to a circus, he’s running the ticket booth; they go to a theatre, he’s a janitor; they head to the mall, he’s working security. HE IS A BUSY MAN. - Covered in scars not because he gets into fights but because he loves animals, regularly works at places with big animals, and would willingly get mangled by a bear if it meant he was able to help it.
PURE FLUFF isn’t the name of anything but I just have no other designation for these two OCs (I used to call their story Day by Day but I’ve abandoned that name). I made them with the intent of doing a really fluffy gay webcomic and I still want to! But it probably won’t be a linear storyline like i originally intended, more like random snippets of their time together. I also specifically wanted to focus not on falling in love, but staying in love. Like, usually the plot and conflict of romance ends with people becoming a couple. Yet, there are so many fun and ridiculous issues that pop up while being a couple??? LIKE COME ON?? 
Also, it’s a super pure and wholesome story overall so the issues aren’t anything really terrible (at least, between Evan and Love). Usually its like “i dont care how in the zone you are, you havent slept in over 72 hours and im forcing you to sleep” and “dude i know you wouldn’t cheat on me but your hot tutor is making me wicked jealous and possessive and i need attention plz” and “oh nooooo looks like they accidentally put pineapple on both sides of the pizza, guess you’re gonna have to eat pineapple too.” Y’know. Small issues.
Evan is the epitome of lethargy. He’s tired 24/7 and monotone in his speech patterns. Emotions are difficult for him. He experiences them but numbly and has trouble dealing with other’s displays of emotions, particularly in the extreme. He doesn’t really understand people with strong passions or hatreds but he tries to be supportive in his own way. And he really does try but when people don’t know him, they assume his muted reactions are out of disinterest. He can’t force himself to react the way people want so he struggles in a lot of social situations. A lot of the time, he ends up overwhelmed and exhausted if he spends too much time with a crowd.
He doesn’t have the best relationship with his parents and moved out the moment he turned 18 but he has younger siblings that love and adore him so he tries to keep in touch with them at least. Evan is in post secondary and is majoring in computer science and programming. Again, not exactly because it’s his passion but he understands it and it’s an independent activity that he can work on. He also is minoring in ancient history because he enjoys the mythology and guesswork of studying ancient civilizations. 
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT EVAN - He is probably trans. Honestly, for a lot of my characters, I tend to keep things flexible unless it’s important to their story or I’m being self indulgent so most of them are like ‘maby they are maby they aren’t it doesnt matter’ if i dont say anything. I mention it for Evan cuz its been something I’ve considered as the reason his relationships with his parents being tense. - He is about 23-24, which is two years older than Love. They met in high school because Evan had to take a lower level art class to complete his diploma. Often, people think he is younger than Love because of his baby face and being so much shorter. The assumption tends to annoy him. - Evan is colourblind! Protanopia, or red-green colourblindness.  - He has a history of self harm that only Love knows about and he’s since found healthier coping mechanisms. - His favourite thing is spending a lazy afternoon at home, reading a book while Love draws beside him
Love is an artist and an asshole. He likes to tease and press buttons, but generally doesn’t overstep boundaries (and feels terrible when he accidentally does). He is a positive person, looks on the bright side but he has a lot of feelings and not all of them are happy. He’s sensitive, gets disheartened at the slightest off tone. Conversely, he’s extremely easy to please too, the slightest praise sending him buzzing. His mood jumps around a lot depending on where he is, but Evan tends to keep him balanced because he understands and appreciates Evan’s tranquillity. 
As an artist, Love focuses on painting and sketching. He loves to use a lot of colour and tends to lean toward impressionism and abstraction in his work. He likes deep thinking but he tends to lean toward making work that’s pretty and aesthetically pleasing to look at (which he gets shit for as an art student). However, a lot of the worst of his habits are associated with painting. He’ll go for days without sleep and eating if he’s in a good painting mood, usually much to Evan’s concern. In high school before dating Evan, he experimented with some hallucinogenics for the sake of artistic venture. He also used to smoke somewhat heavily. Evan helped him ease away from those habits, just as he helped Evan ease away from his.
Also, Love is absolutely enamoured with Evan. Evan loves him back of course, he wouldn’t be with him if he didn’t feel anything, but Love is way more deeply attached. He hovers and will do his best to accommodate Evan, he worries about Evan and tends to talk about him as a common subject in conversation, and he’s happiest when spending his time with Evan. Evan is a lot more independent in the sense that he doesn’t fixate on Love like Love does him, but Love is still the most important person in his life. Love doesn’t really try to tone down his affection either, he’d probably yell in a public space “GOD MY BOYFRIEND IS WONDERFUL??? IM SO LUCKY???” and get kicked out. But it’d so be worth it. He loves making Evan embarrassed.
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT LOVE - His name, Love Jaakola, is pronounced Low-vay Yak-oh-law. His father was Swedish and his mother is Chinese (she’s the only one he’s still in contact with). He is an only child. - His hair is naturally dark brown but he regularly dyes it blonde. The ‘streak’ in his hair is actually dried acrylic paint from pushing his hair out his face, the only way he’s able to get rid of it is to cut it off (but it comes back cuz he’s in the habit of running his paint coated hand through his hair at this point). - Love is Evan’s first date person, but Love has dated about 4 people before Evan. Two were girls, one was a boy, and one was nonbinary. However, most of those relationships only lasted a few months, he has been with Evan for about 4-5 years (they’ve known each other about 6-7 yrs). - Ironically, he’s a bit of a technophobe. Evan keeps telling him he should post his artwork online or that he should network with people more to expand his art career, but Love’s like ‘maby.... one day... not today.......’ - His favourite thing is to draw/paint on Evan’s skin. Nothing really planned or meant to impress, just lazing around in their underwear and doodling thoughtlessly.
BAD SEEDS oh god. this is... my sin comic. Sort of. Last year around this time, I was fucking ITCHING to make a webcomic. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and like, in the time frame of Aug-Nov, my urge to make gore art goes through the roof (like, most people dont get how gross i am cuz i only draw it around this time, i tend to quietly absorb other’s gore during the rest of the year). So the plans for this comic came around. Psychological horror, gore, plants and flowers, bones, I threw a lot of self indulgent shit into this comic.
Bad Seeds is about two terrible high school kids that cause one another to do awful things by encouraging each other’s violent impulses (i say “kids”, they’re both 17 and would experience their 18th birthdays in canon, i literally just wanted a high school setting cuz bullies weeeeps). I did a lot of sketched out comics in my small travel sketchbook of really climactic, messed up scenes, then I tried to do an actual story line so I could do a comic. I made the first 14 ish pages and they’re still floating around but.... wow i hate the beginning. And need to rewrite it. Cuz I still like a lot of the scenes I made for the middle of the story and the messed up dynamics please me but, unfortunately, the main characters need to meet somehow. 
Daniel is a nervous, paranoid boy. He’s very jumpy and always feels like he’s going to be yelled at for doing something wrong. He feels like an outcast and kind of makes himself out to be one by thinking that way. Doesn’t go out of his way to make friends, isn’t interested by sports or clubs, and his grades in school are average or below average. However, people that do know him would say he was polite, quiet, and accommodating. Even though he looks awkward, they’d insist he was just shy and warms up to you.
In reality, he behaves that way because he’s almost been conditioned and guilted into being selfless by his dad (his only family). He takes up extra shifts at work if someone asks him, he’ll lend someone he doesn’t know money if they ask, and he will help with cleaning/organizing after school if he’s asked. He doesn’t volunteer and generally doesn’t want to do a lot of things he agrees to but he just can’t say no unless it clashes with other things he’s agreed to do (usually, his job). 
Other than that though, a lot of his internalized guilt stems from his fascination with the morbid and a fear of people finding out. In my old draft of Bad Seeds, he became fascinated after being exposed to guro on the internet, but I want the time setting to be late 90s-early 2000s, so I’m compiling a lot of texts and paintings that would feed that interest and be more time appropriate. I’m also trying to figure out if that would make him more interested in art history and specific classical literature but honestly, I don’t think it would; he’d probably fixate only on the most gruesome things and skim over all else haaah.
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT DANIEL - He is a masochist. Whenever he gets injured, it tends to take three times as long to heal as it should because he picks and scratches and makes things worse. He also self harms on his upper arms for this reason, to watch it bleed and heal (though, I’m certain a warped idea of atonement for his guilt also plays into the action). - Before meeting Poet, he’d been watching him from a far for two years. Not exactly stalking, he doesn’t go out of his way, but they’re in the same small town school; he stares at him from across the cafeteria at lunch and glances at him when they have classes together and listens extra hard when he hears people talk about Poet.  - He works at a small cafe that doesn’t get a lot of traffic. - He sleepwalks and has really vivid dreams. Sometimes he self-induces insomnia to avoid them but that tends to have bad side effects. - He really enjoys his hair being played with/petted/pulled. 
Poet is seemingly perfect. He’s one of the top students, with exceptional grades in all of his classes. He’s the president of the student council and he’s well liked by most of the student body because he’s humble and, though hard working and busy, he tries to treat everyone kindly and make good impressions. The only thing he could be considered average in is sports, but he stays active by gardening and hiking. He takes to positions of leadership well, he’s good at improvising, and speaks eloquently. All of his hard work is contributing to his career goal of becoming a medical doctor or surgeon.
However, he has the same morbid fascinations as Daniel. Though, while Daniel is exposed to creative sources like fiction and paintings depicting violence or gore, Poet is more grounded in reality. He uses medical textbooks and pays a lot of attention to real life surgery photos. There was a point where, with the mental excuse that he would need to be comfortable with the grotesque, that he would look for dead things in order to do mock autopsies. He’s killed animals before but always with his version of a justification; to end something’s suffering or in self defence. He rarely kills animals because of this need for a proper explanation. In the old draft of Bad Seeds, his and Daniel’s meeting is him trying to explain that he killed a wild dog that had backed him into an alley and struggling to come up with a reason for why Daniel found him elbow deep in its guts.
HE’S SUCH  A BAD DUDE HONESTLY i hate him. Especially with Daniel, after they acknowledge one another’s fucked up impulses, Poet becomes really attached to Daniel but in a messed up abusive and jealous way. He begins to manipulate and gaslight Daniel, whose already isolated, to become even more isolated and only trust Poet and lets himself get talked into a lot by Poet. Well, they talk each other into things. Poet, at the beginning of their relationship, is still extremely preoccupied with appearances and knows what they’re doing is wrong as tempting as it is to have a willing participant and gives Daniel a lot of chances to say no to things. But the more Daniel says yes, the more of a power trip Poet goes on and god, they just make each other so much worse over time and it’s awful and unhealthy and i hate that I’m absolutely into this kinda psychological shit (ONLY FICTIONALLY THO i hate that i need to specify that; if this happened in real life, id fucking call the cops in a heartbeat).
But yea, if he and Daniel never met, they’d both be way better off in the long run honestly haha.
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT POET - Probably goes without saying, but he is a sadist. Like, he likes to think he is clinically scientific about everything he does, but when he gets the chance to act out fantasies with Daniel, he starts paying a lot of attention to expression and reaction when he does things. - I mentioned he enjoys gardening but he really likes gardening! He does all the gardening and maintenance of his parent’s home during the warm months, and keeps a lot of plants inside too. - I usually draw him with black hair, but at some point he dies his hair silver/white.  - He has a fluffy medium sized dog named Styx, not sure about the breed. Probably a mutt but lots of collie. - Poet existed before Bad Seeds, as a character in Love and Evan’s story! He was still kind of awful but more harmless. He wound up having a crush on Evan while tutoring him in English, but Evan wasn’t interested and also is dating Love. Love had a small crush on Poet cuz he’s lowkey poly and super into intellect/glasses/charisma, which he talked over with Evan. Evan accepts it as part of him but personally wouldn’t be comfortable dating him if he were dating others, so Love compromises because hot damn he loves Evan. ANYWAYS Poet is still awful because, even after Evan says no, he pines and obsesses and tries to monopolize his time as a “””friend”””” (thankfully tho, Evan is not susceptible to his bullshit - which sadly makes Poet like him that much more criesssss)
Ray is a bit of an enigma. He’s technically in his senior year with both Daniel and Poet, but he’s actually two years older and is only back at the school to complete his high school diploma. But no one really remembers him as attending their school? Despite this though, he settles into the school atmosphere well. Even though he’s 19, he’s generally mistaken for younger. He has classes he does well in and classes he skips, but his passion is for music. He’s a skilled, adaptable guitarist who gets called into a few bars and clubs when a band is short and was practically adopted by the school band the moment they found out his skill level. Thing is, he’s also very lazy and wants to avoid things that feel like work, usually causing them to send the drummer to kidnap him in order to get him to attend practice.
He gives off an air of being laid back and aloof, but he’s rather observant. Ray is probably the closest thing to a friend that Daniel has, because Ray noticed he was a bit of a black sheep and decided to keep him company. At first, out of concern that he was being bullied, but after some time it was a little more personal because he realized that Daniel had a crush on another boy (since this story is set in a small town during late 90s early 2000s, repression and institutionalized homophobia are a concern but not really the focus). Personal because he is actually gay and trans and he becomes a little protective over Daniel, having figured this out. Though, his protectiveness doesn’t stop him from teasing Daniel (about having a crush, not about being gay of course).
Ray is also a little eccentric. He refuses to sit in seats properly, he wanders around the streets at like 3am and during rainstorms, and always packs a lunch but never eats it, usually giving it away to Daniel or some first year. He comes off pretty confident and he’s decent at improvising but overall he has no shame and no idea what he’s doing.
SOME EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT RAY - He has an ex who I haven’t developed but he’s also important, he’s a coworker of Daniel’s. Ray’s ex is actually a decent and understanding dude, but Ray broke up with him because he wanted to get rid of things that reminded him about being “Rachel” (his deadname). - He shares a basement apartment with like, five other lgbt people, but he doesn’t spend much time there and has a tendency to fall asleep where ever. - He’s an orphan. Dad died when he was young, and his mom was a police officer who died in the line of duty during the time he had disappeared. He has an older sister who’s moved a fair distance away. - Daniel thinks of him as a weird mom. Ray considers himself something of a big brother, since he can be a bit of an asshole. - Ray is driven by spite. His hair at the beginning of Bad Seeds is the fluffy mullet he has, influenced by other guitarists cuz he’s a nerd, but when he meets his ex again and his ex tells him his hair looks cute, he gets an undercut immediately after. 
STAINED is a project I used to be passionate about but honestly, it’s kind of abandoned. It had something to do with tattoos and corrupt hierarchical systems and someone unknowingly supporting the status quo before learning how fucked up and inhumane it is and trying to change the way the world works. I think I was reading a lot of dystopian things that influenced my ideas. Some of the characters from this project will probably be redesigned and put somewhere else but this project itself is kinda dead to me.
ALSO, ITS GONNA BE JARRING HOW SHORT THINGS GET FROM HERE ON like, the rest of these characters are not as developed/ I don’t care about them enough anymore to try to adapt their personalities elsewhere criessss
Marz was what I considered one of the most complex characters at one point. Bare bones, he goes from being sheltered but curious to really vindictive and dark following his best friend/lover being martyred. At the moment though, he’s very much a blank slate and, even though he was the main character, a lot of the initiative and plot was driven by his lover. I... literally have very little to say about Marz anymore IM SORRY MARZ, I LOVED YOU ONCE MABY ILL LOVE YOU AGAIN.
Stone is a happy dude. He was in the same universe as Marz, working on the outskirts of the city palace town, dealing black market potions and magic in a shop he inherited from Iris (who is dead in that universe - probably another reason i don’t like Marz’s story anymore). In his current canon, he still works at a shop dealing in occult things, but alongside Iris. Prior to their meeting, Stone was a very proper, uptight man, overly concerned with etiquette and very polite. However, he was also really tired of denying what he enjoys (he is bisexual and more feminine than his posh family find acceptable). One day, he decides to explore the grimier parts of the city and ends up cornered in an alley cuz pretty boy doesn’t think ahead that walking around looking clean and expensive in a sketchy part of town will get him into trouble.
Thankfully though, he’s saved by Iris and, to repay her, he works at her shop. Stone is a quick learner and finds his niche in the dark arts that Iris teaches him. He’s happiest when he can sneak over and help and, eventually, stops going home. He and Iris are in a relationship but they’re not exactly monogamous; Iris loves him but also knows that he’s bi and has been sheltered his entire life. She wants him to be able to explore his interests and not feel restricted by his attachment to her, especially since she’s had so much more time to love and be loved. So essentially, an open relationship.
Stone is laboured with a lot of learned prejudice and a concept of tradition that Iris helps him identify, understand, and either overcome or work on in the means of becoming less toxic. He finds Iris fascinating and loves to learn from her, both about the occult and about himself (because most of the time, he feels like she knows him more than he does himself).
EXTRA RANDOM FACTS ABOUT STONE - After a few years of working with and knowing Iris, Stone accidentally blinds himself trying to make a difficult potion. This is the version of him I draw the most. Before the accident, his eye colour was hazel. - Eventually, he and Iris get married. - Following the accident, he’s immortal. Nowadays, I focus on him during his days with Iris, but in the past I focused on his life after her death as he becomes slightly deranged. She grows quite old and dies of natural causes and he tends to pretend that she didn’t, keeping her skeleton around and lovingly talking about his wife with his customers.
Iris is a very ambitious woman. She doesn’t have much of a history at this moment, but she runs her own business, fends for herself, and has developed some very powerful connections. People that know about her but don’t know her personally tend to call her a witch and a sorceress and sometimes she plays it up to scare kids away from the dangerous area that she’s located. She’s intelligent and very down to earth, growing an indoor garden with plenty of plants that have magical properties. 
She can be brash and spontaneous sometimes though. She’s had some close calls with death by picking the wrong fights and mixing the wrong ingredients while experimenting. She mellows out a bit when she has Stone to focus on, but she can disappear for weeks on end with only a last minute notice for him to take care of the shop while she runs her errand. There are a couple of times that she lets him tag along but he’s really not in his element with fast action and near death stunts so he stops asking and just wishes for her safety.
MISC is OCs that I’ve always had but have never really settled into their own world. I honestly have tons like this oh man. But these three are ones that show up a lot.
Cinnamon and Chowder are two gay gals I started drawing way back. They’re both alien pop stars who came to earth and no one knows they’re actually aliens. Cinnamon is much shyer than Chowder, self conscious of her height and general... everything, but Chowder is super supportive and smitten and protective. Cinnamon is an alien from a planet where her entire species “identifies” as male; its a toxic, hyper masculine planet and, when she met Chowder, her entire world kind of expanded and she decided to escape with her somewhere that they wouldn’t be found. They found earth and made their place in the fashion and music industry. 
I drew a comic for class once, where Cinnamon tells Chowder that she feels ugly, but like, she knows she doesn’t look ugly, but she feels the anxiety like an itch and can’t get over it. And Chowder’s like “Oh! Like a Kiwi right? See, they’re all fuzzy and brown and probably feel ugly? But look at how nice and bright and lovely they are inside!” and then they eat a kiwi together PFFF yea that’s the extent of how much development I’ve put into them.
Liko is my baby. He is a chinchilla hybrid human and was created purely for self indulgent things. His personality for the most part is mischievous and absolutely hates clothing. For how much I draw him, he is embarrassingly underdeveloped as a character. I began to think of him as a splicing experiment that escapes from a lab somewhere but not super deeply... Honestly, his purpose is art trades, requests, and commissions. He’s the only oc I usually ask for art of because I like his design haaah
AND YEA THOSE ARE MY BELOVED OCS i honestly love you if you read through all this or even a little, please talk to me about your own ocs !!! I’m more than happy to do OC art trades and bounce world talks anytime !!
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epicmeetsfail · 5 years
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Unknown Pleasures: The most august https://ift.tt/2NbjYb9
A friend from the midlands once lamented that she’d always lived there. How absurd it was to live on an island, but directly in the middle of it. I can now say, having lived in two coastal cities, that living on the edge of it is very much the same, except that there are much better chip shops and the rain is more … oceany.
It is currently hacking it down out there and I don’t want to go home in it. Join me once more than, readers, for our regular round up of the best new games on Steam that you’ll never see on a billboard. It’s Unknown Pleasures.
Gazing wistfully into the deep this week: algorithmic therapy, Scandinavian body horror, and the ol’ rotate and thrust.
Apsulov: End of Gods £15.49 / €16.79 / $20
First person horror games are usually terrible, and in all the same ways. This is great news for me because I hate them anyway so it makes very little difference, but someone’s only gone and made one I like. Apsulov is gruesome. Its very first scene is horrible, with you (an Alice, it turns out, which explains the latent magic powers) operated on by some robotic apparatus at the whim of an unseen, intensely threatening entity that’s very quick to anger. Something’s wrong with your throat, so you’re all gurgly and choking and it’s horrible, but for once it doesn’t feel sadistic (obviously the villain is sadistic, but the game doesn’t feel so. It’s meant to be horrible, not pornographic).
You escape, of course, and flee a facility, dodging muttering, screaming shamblemen, pursued by your tormentor’s evil beast, and piecing together where and who you are. Scientists have opened a sinister gate or screaming obsidian hellcube or some other thing that only a colossal fool would open, and apparently the Norse gods are involved somehow. Creeping, rapidly growing tentacles are poking through, gigantic valkyrie shields line one lab, and since your captor drilled something into your head, you have the power to see magical sigils. You’re important somehow, but how it all ties together is a mystery. This is all excellently done, and I’m genuinely intrigued to find out more. Even the occasional jump scares didn’t feel cheap, nor the pillar of the horror – that’s the dread and revulsion, and secondary to that, the wider horror of what this event means for earth in general.
I’m impressed. Oh, but the bloody keypads are a joke. You have to ‘use’ them and then take your hand off the mouse and use the arrow keys to type the numbers in. Deus Ex let us use the number pad nineteen years ago, damn it. Come on.
Exception £11.39 / €12.49 / $15
This wasn’t the game that sparked it, but I’ve had a right moan about “the 80s aesthetic” in games this week. Did you know it’s possible to style your game after something that isn’t synthwave and neon? It’s true, I saw a game do it once.
Exception is enthralling, though, and its presentation is a large part of that. It’s a simple action platformer, with a plot about emptying a woman’s computer from a load of viruses that I skipped entirely thanks to built-in options that I respect mightily. You’re a wee robot who dashes about obstacle courses, wall jumping, slashing up hostile robots, and generally dashing to the exit. Several times each level, you’ll touch a waypoint that reorients the whole level, zooming out and rotating and setting you back along the same course but upside down or along a different axis. It’s very cool and the movement flows freely and comfortably, including your attacks.
The vast majority of enemies are easily done in without altering your path, and you’re periodically given new attacks and powers that I didn’t bother with at all (frankly they seemed more trouble than they were worth). Occasional bosses take half a dozen hits and attack in simple enough patterns that they don’t disrupt things too much either. Everything’s bright and fast and spectacular, and even now, at synthwave saturation point, the soundtrack is a perfect accompaniment that drives you on when the wrong beats would undermine the action.
Phantom Rose £11.39 / €12.49 / $15
It’s another one. It’s another bloody deckbuilding roguelike. You’re doing it on purpose aren’t you?
Phantom Rose does things a little bit differently to the many others in its class. Typically in a deckbuilder you’ll draw a handful of cards and choose which to play. Here, there’s some kind of initiative system going on behind the scenes too. In each round of a fight, you and your opponent will line up cards (5 altogether, giving an advantage to one or the other of you). Yours are randomly chosen from your hand, but you can replace some or all of them from another hand drawn at the bottom of the screen. When you’re satisfied, you start the turn and cards play out from left to right.
There’s a big focus on status effects and buffs like Vampiric Whatever, which gives a chance of restoring health when you attack, or focus, which helps you break through defences. It may get complicated later but was easy to grasp for at least the first two floors. Your path goes along a grid from top left to top right, always (until you reach a map edge) offering two options. I didn’t get the sense that these make a drastic difference in terms of risk or reward, with the exception of occasional “maid” rooms, where you fight a powerful monster to free an amine maid (fairly mild on the tacky anime bullshit meter) who’ll reward you with a special item.
I like that one of the attacks lets you hit a monster with their own attack rating instead of yours. That’s a fun trick. It moves at a brisk pace too, and I even appreciate the artwork. All that red and white and black makes for a bold style.
It feels a bit too easy to run out of good attacking cards. But that might come down to practicing more.
Rashlander £2.89 / €3.29 / $4
Rashlander is a modern form of one of those old 2D rotate and thrust gravity games, whose names, aside from Thrust and Gravity Power, escape me. You pilot a wee ship about a sometimes absurdly hazardous area, aiming to land it on a warp pad to move on to the next level. Gravity and inertia are important tools and potential threats, as there’s a basic Newtonian physics system, making navigation tricky and rewarding. Your default ship (more are unlockable, although they’re balanced so that each presents its own challenge) is fragile and lives are limited. In case that wasn’t cruel enough for you, fuel is also highly limited, and when you run out you explode.
It’s bloody hard. I’m a bit rubbish at it. Each warp pad also offers an upgrade, although some have a downside (one increases fuel capacity but scrambles in-game text, an inventive and somewhat maddening invention), and some are a mixed blessing as they change the way the ship handles, which means re-learning on the fly, potentially under dangerous circumstances. While it’s not a cruel game, it’s somewhat antagonistic, although more for comic effect than anything. Levels have hidden collectables and bonus landing pads if you fancy a challenge, but it’ll likely be a while before you’re good enough to risk those as a matter of course.
Eliza £11.39 / €12.49 / $15
The cult of the algorithm is one of the biggest and most insidious disasters of our already disaster-laden era. Eliza is an exploration of this, and of the mental health crisis, and of tech startup ‘culture’, and of counselling. It’s a visual novel in which you play as Evelyn, a new recruit for the eponymous business, which is a counselling service in which all the counselling is done by an AI. The humans like Evelyn are just there to put a face on it, to the extent that they’re not allowed to say anything but whatever script the algorithms produce, based on a vast bank of heuristic data and the patient’s verbal analysis, biological data like heart rate, perspiration and so on. They can’t even interpret.
I did a bit of basic counselling training a long time ago. It’s something I’ve long been interested in, and have experienced and contemplated from many angles. I was all set to loathe Eliza simply for suggesting the idea, fearing the HIGNFY effect, that some absolute piece will get wind of it and not realise what a godawful idea this is.
And yet.
Within the very first session I was haughtily telling the system off for being an atrocious counsellor – outright lying to a patient, for one – but then the next chapter (they’re comfortably short) kicked in. Evelyn meets with an old, estranged friend for lunch, and their shared past is hinted at. She goes to a conference in which a key speaker is a former colleague, who announces that he wants to go further than Eliza, and roll out technology that will directly interface with a patient’s brain. It’s a hybrid of electroconvulsive therapy, VR therapy, and everything else Eliza already does. He also openly criticises the incredible and shameful ignorance the tech people have of psychological research that isn’t jazzed up with some faddy nerd bullshit (I paraphrased). And I’m hooked.
Much as I see the obvious downsides of this system (and not even addressing the issue of putting this in the hands of a private business, let alone a heap of silicon valley jebs)… is it actually worse than what we have now? If not this, then what are we gonna do, magically summon the hundred thousand competent and willing and experienced counsellors and doctors and therapists we need to deal with the absolutely appalling state of mental health treatment in, let’s face it, most countries?
Eliza is obviously the pick of the week.
I tangent. Eliza touched on all of the issues in under an hour. The personal story of Evelyn, the problems she had in her hold job, her own mental health, the troubles faced by her patients, their concerns with the system, its sinister dystopian possibilities, and, despite my distaste, its potential benefits. That’s not just a good idea, that’s a good idea someone really cares about and understands, and has the talent to write.
August 16, 2019 at 12:29PM
0 notes
illumynare · 8 years
Red vs Blue Fic: Gift of the Magi (1/12)
Summary: Wash has already gone through too much, been broken too often. So when they get captured by Hargrove together, Tucker figures he has one job: until the cavalry shows up, keep Wash alive and (relatively) sane. No matter the cost.
Unfortunately, Wash is just as determined to protect him.
Parings: None. Warnings: Canon-typical language, aftermath of canonical character death, psychological torture, hallucinations, hallucinated child harm, fake-out character death.
Notes: Also available on AO3!
This was going to be my Big Bang fic, except I couldn't get the draft done in time. Ironically, this means I get to start posting first! ...no promises about how soon it will be done, though.
Huge, huge thanks to @a-taller-tale  for the beta.
"On your feet, Private Tucker!"
Tucker's learned to hate Wash's soldier voice. That smug, cheerfully brutal, I-am-so-proud-I-remembered-something-from-Basic voice.
When he wakes up to it this time, though, what he feels isn't hatred so much as dread. Because there are only two times that Wash uses that voice. One is when he's about to put Tucker through another sadistic training routine.
The other is when they are totally fucked.
Tucker hurts all over, and his head hurts most of all. When he opens his eyes, the first thing he sees are like six warnings flashing in his HUD. The next is Wash—
And a row of Charon mercenaries behind him.
They're in a cell, Tucker realizes, a really high-tech holding cell with a viewscreen on the wall. And a fuck lot of guns pointed at them.
Yeah. Even Wash wouldn't make this a part of his training plans.
Tucker tries to sit up, but his hands are snapped into cuffs, and he can only manage an awkward lurch that sets his head spinning. Wash is right there, grabbing at his shoulders, helping him up.
"That was an order, Private," he says, but his voice has gone softer now, like when he's talking to Caboose on one of his bad days. "How are you feeling?"
"Gonna be sick," Tucker mumbles, and Wash manages to pop the seals and pull off Tucker's helmet just in time.
Wash holds on to Tucker's shoulder while he's barfing. He keeps holding on even after Tucker's stopped gagging, and oh shit, that's also a really bad sign. The last time Wash put a comforting hand on his shoulder was a month ago, when Tucker was being carried off the Staff of Charon with two bullets in his leg and static in his head where Church used to be.
Tucker tries to pull himself together and be cool about this. "Dude," he says, "I'm totally a captain now, remember?"
"Only in the Army of Chorus," says Wash. "UNSC regulations clearly state—"
Tucker groans. He would bang his head against the wall, but it's hurting too much already.
That's when the viewscreen flickers to life, and Malcom Hargrove is staring at them with beady little eyes.
"This is all very touching," he says, "but now that you've seen your companion is alive, we have some business to finish."
Totally. Completely. Fucked.
"He's got a head injury," says Wash. "He's needs medical attention."
"I told you," says Hargrove condescendingly, "he gets what he needs if you cooperate."
"Right," says Wash. "Tucker. I need you to stay calm."
Tucker's stomach is still churning. The memories are starting to come back now—a patrol out to yet another of those stupid alien temples. Caboose rambling about he can't wait to bring all his best friends out here and have a picnic, and Wash pointing his gun at every shadow and demanding that Freckles run another scan, and fucking Palomo pretending he knows about girls just because Jensen is willing to hold hands with him now.
Then they split up, and guns. Flash-bangs. Caboose—
"He's fine," says Wash, and Tucker didn't realize that he'd said anything out loud, but okay. That's good. He fucking hates Caboose, but he doesn't want to explain to Delta why he isn't coming back.
He doesn't want to talk to any of Church's fragments, if he can help it.
"They all got away," says Wash. "It's just us."
"You're my prisoners aboard the Staff of Charon," says Hargrove. "And I assure you that we are now far, far beyond the reach of your little friends."
Tucker ignores Hargrove and focuses on Wash. "What's the plan?"
That's, like, the one redeeming thing about soldier-voice-Wash. He always has plan. It usually involves Tucker doing a million squats, but right now, Tucker will take anything he can get.
"They're taking you to medical," says Wash, way too soothingly.
"Uh . . . that's not a plan, dude."
Tucker knows he isn't 100% right now, but he can notice that much.
"The plan is stay calm and wait for the others to come for us," says Wash. "Everything's going to be fine," which is such an obvious lie that Tucker wants to call him on it, except Wash is already turning away and marching toward the guards. Stoically.
Tucker decides that Wash has a point, that it's not worth trying to start a fight now while his head is pounding and he (probably) can't walk in a straight line.
And okay, maybe part of his brain has started gibbering because they're back on the Staff of Charon, and Wash walking away from him looks like—he didn't even see Church leaving, that's the thing, he was staring at the back of that asshole's glowing head one moment and he was gone the next and fuck fuck fuck Tucker is not having a breakdown over this right now. Seriously. He doesn't even miss Church.
Tucker tries to think about the hot nurses waiting for him in the med bay. Maybe he can seduce their way out of this.
The nurse is fifty years old and a dude and hates him. Tucker's never had blood drawn that angrily before, and who even does that for head injuries, anyway?
They also take his armor away, and sure, it's not like it would do him much good with all the guns they have trained on him, but being stripped down to his kevlar undersuit leaves him feeling naked. The really, really not fun kind of naked.
On the bright side, there are painkillers, and a machine that glows like Wash's healing unit. Stolen Freelancer tech, or stolen alien tech? It's awesome either way. When they throw him back in the cell, he's already feeling a lot better.
And hey, maybe things aren't so bad. Wash is right, the others are going to come for them. And Tucker isn't ready to give up on a daring escape yet, either. He's already beaten the odds to make it off the Staff of Charon once.
Of course, that time, the ship was right on top of the Communications Temple. It was easy for Wash and Carolina to get up there with reinforcements.
But the Staff of Charon vanished after the battle. Nobody on Chorus has gotten a glimpse of it in the month since, either in orbit or landed on the ground. They were actually starting to hope that Hargrove had just booked, but apparently he's still hiding somewhere that allows him to send troops to a temple and kidnap people.
And the fucking UNSC still hasn't shown up yet.
Whatever. They escaped once, they can totally do it again. As soon as Wash comes back, they can start planning.
Except Wash doesn't come back.
Tucker has no idea how long he's been waiting when his brain finally starts working and he remembers: Hargrove had said to Wash, If you cooperate.
Yeah, no.
"Hey!" he shouts, because he knows this cell is bugged. "Take me to your bald and sexually impotent leader!"
It takes him another five minutes of shouting, but finally the viewscreen flickers to life, and there is Malcom Hargrove, glaring at him just like he did before that battle where Tucker was epically awesome and Church decided to fuck off like a loser.
"Do you think that this tantrum will accomplish anything?" Hargrove demands.
Well, it got him Hargrove on the line, but Tucker is actually smart enough not to say that.
"What are you doing with Wash?" he demands. "You have some kind of deal with him, right?"
Hargrove looks smug. "Agent Washington has agreed to cooperate, because he realizes what kind of situation you are in."
"And that means . . ."
And Hargrove smiles. It's honestly the most horrible expression Tucker has ever seen on a human face.
"My researchers have developed a new virtual reality training interface. It connects directly to the brain and has almost AI level complexity in the scenarios it can create. I think that Agent Washington would be an excellent test subject, don't you?"
Wow. Fuck no. Fuck that. Fuck everything.
"Dude. When you were putting together that creepy-ass trophy collection, did you even read any of the reports on Project Freelancer? The last time somebody hooked a computer into Wash's head, he went catatonic and wet the bed."
Tucker wasn't supposed to know that stuff, but he might have gotten Simmons to hack the video records from Project Freelancer. And he might have gotten really drunk afterward.
"Unfortunately," says Hargrove, "I don't have a lot of test subjects on hand with neural implants from Project Freelancer."
And for just a second, Tucker freezes.
But he knows what he has to to.
It's not that Tucker has any interest in that martyrdom shit. It's just. Wash has already been crazy once, and to be honest, most days his sanity is still a bit more held together with bits of linty old tape than Tucker is comfortable with. Like when he wakes up from nightmares, and maybe he's not screaming, but he's not there. He just shivers and looks at Tucker and Caboose with this blank, glassy stare and kind of mutters to himself, and sometimes in the morning he's still not there, lost in his world of This Is Your Brain On Epsilon; Don't Do Epsilon, Kids (until Caboose sets something on fire, which wakes him up, usually).
Tucker hates those days. They don't happen as often since they joined the Army of Chorus—bossing around a squad of terrified recruits seems to be good for Wash—but they still happen.
So what it all comes down to is, it doesn't matter what kind of ridiculously badass training they had in Project Freelancer. Captain Lavernius Tucker of the UNSC is still a lot more prepared to survive anything Hargrove can dish out.
"Look," he says confidently, "you can try to do this stuff with Wash, but it's not going to work. I've got implants from Project Freelancer too, and I'm going to give you much better test results."
"But are you going to cooperate?" Hargrove asks.
It's just until they come for us.
The others are going to come for us.
"Sure," says Tucker. "Just don't tell Wash."
Wash hopes that Hargrove kept his promise, and hasn't told Tucker about what Wash is going to do.
He knows what Tucker would say: this is fucking bullshit. Worse than that, he'd probably be disappointed. He was the first of them who had wanted to stay on Chorus and help. If he knew that Wash had agreed to work for Hargrove—to fight for him—
But Wash doesn't have a choice. He really does believe the others will come for them, but they aren't here right now. They can't protect Tucker right now.
That's why Wash said yes. That's why he's forcing himself to walk down this corridor, toward the med bay in the Staff of Charon, no matter how terrified he is.
When he steps through the door and sees the operating table, for a second he can't move, can't breathe, because every synapse in his head that was torn and burnt by Epsilon is screaming at him to run, run, run.
But Hargrove wants one of them to work for him. Hargrove wants to ensure that one’s obedience.
Wash tries to tell himself that it will be okay. This isn't like Project Freelancer. There's no Alpha screaming at the heart of the ship—
that's what he remembers from Freelancer, static and screaming and Director, I just need more time, because Epsilon woke up knowing and wanting to know, and in 0.08 seconds he processed all of Wash's memories, compared them to Alpha's and timestamped them with simulation_00010 I'm sorry to tell you Agent Texas is dead simulation_01010 Agent Washington is simulation_101111 dead is dead is
—there's no Epsilon. The thing that Hargrove is putting in his head is just a dumb AI like FILSS or Freckles. Dumber, even. It's the Mark IV Targeting-Lock Interface, and even if Wash has a lot of questions about who tested the Marks I-III, he knows he can survive it.
He has to.
Because Hargrove won't let him out in the field unless he's got this thing in his head to control him.
And Hargrove looked at Wash and said, I am prepared to guarantee the safety of your friend if and only if you can prove yourself a valuable asset.
Wash knows that Hargrove won't kill Tucker. The man pulling the strings of the civil war on Chorus isn't stupid enough to throw away his only leverage on a Freelancer who's shown himself more than willing to die taking down someone he hates.
But there are too many other ways that Hargrove could make Tucker pay.
Tucker isn't the same person he was back in Blood Gulch (and even when he was the worse soldier, he was the better man). He's brave and he's smart and Wash truly has total faith that he can survive anything Hargrove throws at him.
It's just . . . Wash knows how much surviving doesn't mean.
(he can't remember what color Connie's hair was, he just remembers simulation_00110 and the color of her brains smeared across the cargo bay I'm sorry to tell you Agent Connecticut is dead DIRECTOR PLEASE—)
Wash is already broken. But Tucker doesn't have to be.
That's how he's able to swallow his nausea and walk forward. He can do this, because he has to do this, because he can't let another team die. He can't.
There's a surgeon waiting beside the operating table: a tall, pale woman who looks at him with exactly the same dispassionate analysis that he remembers from the doctors and the technicians at Project Freelancer.
"Remove the subject's armor," she says to his escort, not even looking at Wash. "Hurry up, I don't have all day."
Wash is stripping off his armor before he even realizes what he's doing. Because he knows this: the gleam of the instruments, the sour, flat sterility of the air, the eyes watching him like a distantly interesting experiment.
He lived with this for years. He didn't notice it at first—too desperately grateful for his second chance, his teammates, the Director's kindness—but when he was Recovery One, he knew what those looks meant. Knew he was just a failed experiment, marginally useful for sweeping up the pieces of other failures.
Knew he would find a way to destroy them all.
The cold feeling settles back into his spine like it never left, and it steadies him. Because Wash has done this before: working for somebody he hates and doesn't trust, waiting for a chance to tear them apart. He can do it again.
He doesn't flinch when they strap him to the operating table. When the surgeon drones into her recorder, and the needles bite into his skin.
He knows this.
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