#people who send stuff like this are angels I swear
martianbugsbunny · 8 months
Hello! List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last ten people that reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :D
Thank you anon! I was having kind of a rough day but this made it so much better! <3
Writing! it's my favorite thing to do with my free time, and it makes me feel so creative and talented when I do a good job
friends. my few irl friends and my friends on here, they all make my life more interesting and they're wonderful people, I'm happy whenever I get to talk to them
stuffed friends!!!! I love collecting them, especially bunnies and dragons, because they're all squishy and huggable and adorable
Once Upon A Time. that show got me into making my own posts on Tumblr and gave me endless hours of intrigue, joy, and ofc ugly crying lol. plus it has so much for me to turn into fics!
boba drinks. I visit boba places with my mom and my brother when we hang out and it's fun to have a special thing with them, especially one that's so tasty
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krypticcafe · 1 year
Can please get fic where young reader almost gets r-word.. like! What happened to ellie on 'the last of us' like make it into that situation, reader kills the rapist and flees away and runs into the 141 team, and their like in this state of like panic, but they calm them down and they explain what happened they are beyond livid so they just reck hell on the people who was with the man who tried to r-word reader.
(this a platonic relationship between reader and the team)
Me and the Devil
rating: mature
pairing(s): platonic 141 x gn!reader
warning(s): no use of y/n, dead dove do not eat, non-explicit attempted r*pe, emotional and physical trauma, sexual physical and mental violence, canon-typical graphic violence, comfort
wordcount: ~3.8k
a/n: i'm not exactly sure what anon meant by young, but for context, reader is probably 20-22, I'm just not comfortable writing this kinda stuff for teen or child reader, I hope you don't mind. also, huge, HUGE emphasis on the warnings. though nothing is explicit and there are no sexual graphic terms, the descriptions and actions alone are still very disturbing and uncomfortable! and the violence is a little uncomfy for those not used to it, too. title is from 'Me and the Devil' - Soap&Skin
synopsis: You can see it. The devil. It laughs, and laughs, and laughs, mocks you for your childish stupidity and naivete. To think the angels would come marching in, that you'd make it out with any semblance of sanity. You can't fight it, you can't even hide from it. All you can do is lie in your grave.
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Just hours ago, you were alongside the 141, cleaning up and wiping out an enemy base, a typical Tuesday on a summer afternoon. You should've known things would go downhill with how smoothly it was all going. Even Price commented on it with an air of wariness and suspicion. After all, it was a saying that if the fight starts getting too easy, then it's an ambush. And an ambush it was. You want to tell yourself that it was nothing, easy as pie compared to what you've been through. You wanted to say that it was a success and you turned the tables on your enemies. You wanted to say that it ended within a matter of minutes and that you were on your way back to base with your boys, ready for a night of banter at the pub. You'd join Ghost in watching Soap and Gaz try their hand at poker, taking a shot each time Soap's dogshit luck lost him another couple of euros while Price would pry Roach from having another cocktail and piss himself ('it was one time!' he slurs).
But instead, you're here. Locked in a room, bag over your head, tied to a chair, a stereotypical hostage situation but that didn't make it any less tolerable. Though having a potato sack over your head was nowhere near as embarrassing as the reason why you were captured. You tried your best to hold onto the jeep, honestly, you did. Until some ankle-biter decided to latch onto you and sink his teeth into your flesh, causing your grip to loosen and send you tumbling into the dirt. Your bodies slammed into the ground, kicking up dust and your opponent taking most of the fall damage for you. How thoughtful.
Seething at the audacity he had to chomp on your leg like some feral mutt, you gave him a piece of your mind and made sure he'd never bite another ankle again. His friends caught up the moment you were done. They dragged you back down to the coarse dirt and sand of the earth, making you taste and choke on dust. You looked at the lifeless figure in the sand, briefly wondering if you'd be wishing you were him before a bag was slipped over your head and tied like a collar. It didn't help that the sand on the roof of your mouth combined with your ineffective attempts to ration your breathing made for a burn worse than any hard liquor down your throat. Thrashing and shouting like a madman, you cursed them like some teenager who discovered swearing as they tossed you into the back of a truck, rolling you forth with the heels of their boots. Not your finest moment.
Once you were loaded and the rest of them climbed on, the truck shot forward without slowing down for a second, taking you to your own personal hell for the next few days. Knowing the 141, they were probably at the safehouse, planning their next move to retrieve you. In the time between interrogations and routine attempts to break you, you could imagine Soap and Roach pacing around the room, Ghost brandishing a knife with a dark look in his eyes, and Price looming over a map and pulling up contacts with Gaz at his side. While you hated to burden them with your own mistakes, thinking about them all gnawing their teeth in comical anger at your expense brought you momentary comfort, eliciting a small chuckle.
"Something funny?" Much to your ire, all your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of several people shuffling into the room. You could only expect so much privacy in a place like this. The man who spoke up seemed to carry himself like a leader, considering how he spoke above all others and you could hear him carrying out demands every now and then, checking up on you as if he actually gave a shit. And currently, he was on the top of your "to kill" list, along with every other cunt in this prison.
"What'll it be today, more screaming or more silence? You know, you can only stay quiet for so long." He sighed. Judging by the sound of metal screeching on concrete, he pulled up a front-row seat. With a single yank, you were again temporarily freed of the confines of the bag on your face, glaring at the man with a look of ferocity that seemed as if it were etched on your face permanently. His clothes were disturbingly clean-cut and polished despite the blood he spilled for the past few days. Your blood he spilled. "Come now... you know you'll only make things more difficult. Face it, kid, they're not coming, it's been days."
When you felt gloved fingers touch your jaw you snapped, pulling away like an animal restrained by a leash. Your captor let out a taunting "Oooh", and your skin crawled at how he heckled and laughed like some adolescent boy poking a rabid animal with a stick through its cage. "So it bites."
"Fuck you." You rasped.
"And it talks." The humiliation of their nonchalant attitudes made you seethe, you knew it was a tactic to get under your skin and you just wouldn't have it, turning your head away from the men.
"Uh-uh, eyes on me. How is such a fresh thing like you out fighting wars with men like them?" He hummed, gripping your jaw with a strength that took you by surprise and had you wincing. Even though his hands were gloved, it felt as if he were trying to dig into your skin. With no other choice, you were forced to look into his eyes, the pyres of unimaginable anger burning in yours.
However, it was then that you felt it. Something was off. Something was horribly off about him. The several times he'd come in here to either coax you with gentle words or have his men beat you within an inch of your life, he either had some faux kindness or gleeful malice painted across his face. But this time, his eyes were alight with slimy delight. You hated it, Hated how it made you feel small, cornered, pulling on your leash so that you couldn't be yanked from the one place that made you feel safe. You hated how it didn't feel like he was trying to get under your skin, or sink into your bones but instead your mind as if to violate it. You hated how it seemed like he had something more in mind, something that you couldn't predict like a kick to the ribs or a carefully worded reassurance that you'd be in "good hands". It was the one thing you felt like you had control over, knowing what was next, and now you didn't.
With a wave of his hand, his men all filed out of the room, leaving just him and you alone. One came back with a bowl in their hands and you felt yourself doubt your worries. Were you already beginning to lose it in here? "Hungry?" He smiled, taking the bowl and dismissing the soldier. It looked and smelled like a stew, potatoes, and beef, not scraps of stale bread or lukewarm, half-empty beer cans.
"I asked them to make something special today for you, isn't that nice? I suppose even someone like you has a taste for the finer things in life and wouldn't say yes to leftovers." No answer came but it was to be expected as he mixed the stew with a spoon. Your eyes were trained on his face instead, expecting some kind of strings attached. He entertained that expectation by—to your disgust—spitting into the stew, mixing it more, and bringing up a spoonful to your face. "Consider that the cost of being so picky. Open wide, soldier. Surely you won't make a fuss again, now will you?"
There was a pause, you leaned forward, lips ghosting the tip of the spoon before you roughly shoved his chair away from you with your boot. The bowl fell from his hands onto the ground, pooling between the two of you. He could go to hell with his stupid fucking soup.
He let out a scowl of disapproval, his self-satisfied smirk replaced with disgust and irritation like a parent to their troublemaking child. Fine with you, you didn't need that asshole's approval. He stood, grabbing a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiping his hands and the small splatters on his uniform. "Should've known better that the government's pets would act like such animals. I gave you a chance, I tried to make this easy for you." He snarled, tossing his handkerchief aside and grabbing you by the collar, "But no, you just had to be a fucking brat, huh? Fine, be one. I can work with that. Either way, you'll be put in your place soon enough."
Before you could comprehend what he was implying, he slashed the ropes that binded you to your chair with a combat knife and shoved you to the floor, your head throbbing as it hit concrete, along with the rest of your aching muscles. Vision blurred, you sat up and tried to make out what he was doing, falling back when he roughly grabbed your hair and shoved your head back down into the ground. Like an alarm, every single flight or fight response went off in your body and yet you couldn't figure out what he was trying, you just knew that this was something worse and that you were a fool to let your guard down for a single second.
A twisted smile broke across his lips, "You know, you have a very lovely voice. You sing the loveliest songs."
Your brows furrowed, confusion flashing across your face until you let out a yelp of pain when he pressed into your stomach, already bruised from previous matters. He let out a sigh that made you shudder and you felt bile creep up your throat, moving your face to the side in fear that you'd choke on it.
"Eyes. On. Me." He snapped, his voice sounding so much louder than it actually was, his hand twisting your jaw back to look up at him while his fingers proceeded to dig themselves into whatever spots got you hissing and squirming away. That's all it took for your resolve to break, the blaze in your eyes fizzling out and replace with genuine fear and utter shock as you watched him straddle you and stare with a piercing gaze that trapped you. It forced your attention to stay on him, daring you to look anywhere else but him when that was all you could focus on. Him.
You couldn't even scream, paralyzed when you heard the sound of metal clinking against metal and the brushing of fabric, raw horror setting itself alight in your bones at how he loomed over you. At that moment, you swore you could see the devil itself laughing, cackling, mocking you in his eyes.
It was like you were seven again.
Scared, cornered in your room because you swore, you swore and sobbed and cried that you saw it, a monster in your closet. A dark, shadowy figure that'd taunt you merely with its existence and prayed on your downfall, drinking the fat tears you spilled and listening to your high-pitched cries as if they were music, eyes that you couldn't see but they could see you.
Others tried to convince you that it wasn't real, opened the doors, and closed them again, showing that there was nothing but cleanly folded clothes and hung-up jackets lined neatly along a rack. Every time, you'd feel a little more silly about your fears but anxious that they'd come back for more.
At some point, you nearly forgot about the monster altogether. It ceased to exist in your closet, but never your mind.
"Damn it, what now?!"
Pulled back into the present, you heard muffled speech with loud, obtrusive noises and more screaming and cursing from the man above you. He was faced with the still-closed door, talking to a soldier behind it. Instead of trying to catch up with what happened, your mind raced to its defensive instincts. Finding the spoon dropped from earlier, you reached for it with a strained grunt which caught his attention. Yet with a swift grab and thrust of your hand, you jammed the blunt handle of the spoon into his throat and screamed at him, your vocal cords ripping in deliriously satisfying pain.
Barely giving him a second to let out a final gasp for air, you flipped him over underneath you and yanked the spoon out, blood erupting out of the gash. Fire ignited in your veins and you balled your fists, giving him a taste of the rage of a caged beast with nothing left to lose, just the desperation to survive for more. It was a symphony of grotesque crunches of bone and ligament, and you yelled, screamed, and cursed with each impact at him, at the entire organization, at a godless world for making you live through hell. A pitiful yet gruesomely satisfying attempt to reclaim what sanity and control you lost in that room.
Blood and flesh coated your fingers like warm syrup, and you were sure your knuckles were split. Crimson red was a good look on a sterile uniform, you thought to yourself. The sight of your work made you realize it wasn't the devil in his eyes was laughing at you, but rather its reflection from over your shoulder, still gleefully singing and squealing with delight as it watched you indulge in pure, unadulterated wrath. Its tail wrapped around your neck, strangling you with delirium and bloodthirst, guiding you in your ear as you beat an already dead man to a pulp.
Taking a stand, its whispers remained in your ear, praising you and yet you felt sick looking at what was left of what you had done, of what was left of the man's face. His blood pooled around his shoulders, mixing with the stew into an unholy concoction, evidence that was a testimony to your suffering and to your sin. Using his combat knife, you cut through the ropes around your wrists, skin scratched raw and bleeding. Without a second glance, you took his gun and left the room.
To this day, you tell yourself that you crawled out of hell that day.
"Any signs of the hostage?" Gaz shouted over comms, holding off a room of enemies alongside Price.
The moment they had all seen your fingers slip from the jeep and saw you tumble away that afternoon was the moment they knew they wouldn't be coming back to base for a long time. Roach had watched in despair as he was so damn close to grabbing your hand, swearing that had he'd been a little quicker, you wouldn't be here. Soap had yelled for Price to go back but Gaz and Ghost both knew his hand wasn't going to turn that wheel anytime soon. All of them knew. They couldn't turn back, and you wouldn't have wanted them to either, not unless the entire team and mission were to be jeopardized. However, that didn't stop them from doing whatever it takes to get you back safe again.
"Negative." Ghost answered over the line, standing with Soap in a hallway painted with the blood of the opposition, bodies scattered like lifeless bags of flesh with no greater purpose than to rot.
"I have eyes on them, they escaped from captivity. Currently pursuing them!" Roach responded. He'd seen your figure run down a hall at an alarming speed, and when he followed you, he had a glimpse of the room and the spectacle you left behind, "The leader is terminated, too. Jesus, can someone get over here?! They're gunning it for the west exit and I can barely keep up!"
You were in fact, bolting for the exits, panicking the more you got lost and running so fast that you probably could've broken a record on base. Distant gunfire and blasts snapped at your heels like a pack of dogs, reminding you that if you didn't keep running, you'd be dead, you'd be torn apart and beaten just like their leader and fed to the wolves. Boots trampled the ground behind you like drums of death, the yelling of men ringing in your ears, a requiem to the inevitable. Run, just run, it's all you could do in this frenzied state. If you didn't you'd be helpless, you'd be put down like a rabid fucking animal. Run, even if your bones shook from the pain, even if flames licked at your torn muscles, even if it meant dying of exhaustion because anything was better than dying at the hands of those animals.
At last, you found the light of an exit, finally an escape from this asylum. Your heart felt lighter when sunlight kissed your skin only to be weighed down by getting slammed into, grabbed into a relentless hold. You screeched, shrieked, snapped, and sneered while the voices seemed relieved, almost happy at your capture.
"Don't fucking touch me-!" You screamed with animosity, practically frothing at the mouth, "Don't fucking touch me I'll fucking kill you! I'll fucking—"
"Friendly, friendly!"
Still growling under your breath, confusion flickered over your eyes. Why did it sound like... like...
"You're safe kid," Price panted, as if he'd been running to chase you. He was chasing you. In all your hysteria, you hadn't realized that the group had been running after you for past minute or so, trying to call for you, get you to slow down. The only thing that worked was to just grab to and hopefully knock some sense into you or knock you out. "It's just us, see?"
Your gaze softened, taking in the features of the man before you. Despite the crossfire and fighting, somehow he still had such a kind look on him, puppy eyes that pitied you and kept you grounded. Turning your head, you saw the rest of the men watching you in concern, all tired but overjoyed nonetheless that you were finally back.
You were safe.
It was like a weight finally lifted off your chest, a pile of restrained misery and relief washing over you, and you wept without a thought to pride. Price whispered your name in a way that felt so comfortingly familiar, tucking your head into his shoulder and letting you muffle your sobs into his uniform. It was painful to hear your wails, the relief and the instability shaking off of you in waves. A part of you expected to be scolded, to be teased for messing up so badly with a simple mistake as letting go of the jeep but they didn't.
"You're in good hands,"
"We've got them covered,"
"They can't hurt you anymore, love."
"Do you have any major injuries?" Gaz asked, but you couldn't say a thing, clinging onto Price's jacket and crying like you were four years old and found by your parents after getting lost. Slowly and gently, Price pulled you from him to examine you, and that's when he saw it. It didn't take long for the others to notice as well. Your clothes were torn and belt undone. While no physical harm was visible, knowing what happened was enough to make Price tick.
"Roach, get them to the car and give them some spares ASAP. Everyone else with me, we're cleaning out the place." Everyone else had the same dark look in their eyes, one that sent shivers down your spine but encouraged you once more you were secure now. While Roach escorted you away, you peeked back to see them disappear back into the building. After you changed in the car, you could hear the distant gunfire and screams, shutting your eyes closed tight, making an effort to drown out the thoughts.
"You okay?" Roach frowned. he had apologized to you a dozen times over on your way to the car and explained all that happened after you were taken, which you appreciated him for and insisted it wasn't his fault. But he was sweet and stubborn, bandaging your wounds and telling you he'd make it up by giving you his dessert for the next month, a gesture that made you smile for once in a while.
"Yeah, yeah just... hope they're safe." You breathed, sinking into your seat with the rest of your thoughts. Though you cried once more, quietly this time and on Roach's shoulder. He was cautious not to initiate too much physical contact, holding your hand only when you asked for it.
The building was silent, not a single soul left to be reaped by the 141. They all regrouped around a body that was beaten beyond belief, to the point where the face was unrecognizable. Regardless, they knew who it was.
Gaz broke the silence, "You think they did this?" They all looked at each other, not wanting to imagine what happened to lead to this point.
Ghost nodded, a confirmation of something they already knew but wanted to mutually agree on. "No one else could've made this much of a bloody mess. HQ's going to have a field day with this. Can't say that he didn't have it coming for him, though."
"And well deserved, too." Soap spat. Price continued to look down on the figure on the floor without any thought to it. Not anger, disappointment, or spite, just disregard. Headquarters would be interested to hear what happened, but he could care less about the report. All that mattered was that loose ends were tied.
Minutes later, the men all piled up in the car again, setting for the road back. You woke from your half-asleep state, rubbing your eyes. You were met with a soft smile from Soap, who ruffled your hair. "You alright there, sleepin' beauty?"
Humming in acknowledgment, you nodded and glanced out the window to see the road whizzing by, the building growing smaller and smaller in the distance. Some dingy warehouse. So that was the hellhole you were stuck in for a near week.
"Dinnae think 'bout it too much," He followed your gaze and nudged your boot with his, "When we said they can't hurt ye anymore, we meant it."
"Yeah," You quietly mumbled, leaning back on Roach, who had fallen asleep and leaned on Gaz for support. "Can smell it on you guys."
That got a rumbling laugh out of Soap and even a little headshake from Ghost who sat in the passenger seat. Looking at the rearview mirror, Price was looking right back at you, eyes flickering to the road occasionally, "Get some rest. It'll be a long ride home."
You nodded like a little kid with a mumbled "yessir" and drifted off once more. For the first time in forever, you feel like you can breathe and ground yourself, no punishment, no torture, nothing to haunt in this rare bit of calm. You didn't feel the pain of your sore muscles, you didn't feel that your body was filthy, you didn't feel small and scared, not anymore. Just surrounded by nothing but a familiar feeling of safety and lulled to sleep by the sound of the engine that took you home.
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a/n pt.2: had a tough time writing this one but hey, I think I managed! to be honest, though, I'm not super confident about the ending and proofread this while half-asleep, but I'd love to hear some thoughts about it. shoutout to the people who noticed any reoccurring themes.
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The Amazing Digital Circus: Guardian AU
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My TADC AU is now up and running! I will be making a poster, character cards, general art, and possibly comics based around the storyline. Here’s the information!:
Caine is the ringmaster and ruler of The Amazing Digital Circus, but there are some things that even he can’t control. NPCs go rogue all the time, often acting out and trying to genuinely hurt the circus members as they go on adventures. Because of this, Caine has always appointed two circus members he deems the most worthy to protect him and others from danger. They have been different over the years (mainly due to abstractions), but currently Jax and Ragatha are his Guardians. The two of them are more privileged than the regular circus members: they are allowed to wield weapons, swear, indulge in vices, and the like as long as they do so in private, do their jobs well, and don’t disrupt the "family-friendly" atmosphere of the circus. Caine trusts them…or so he says. And to make matters worse, it looks like NPCs are forming an uprising to overthrow Caine, led by none other than a revived Gummigoo! Travel through the colorful world of TADC, but covered in a grimy layer of violence, corruption, and deception.
Who will the story focus on:
Kinger and Queenie
Princess Loo, Gummigoo, and other/more NPCs as the canon Digital Circus web series progresses
Religious and psychological horror
Content Warning - Anything produced for this AU may have any of the following elements:
Religious themes
Implied/referenced torture 
Blood (No gore, but this may change in the future)
Mental health issues 
War themes
Alcohol and Drugs
Foul Language
This AU is recommended for ages 16+
…Wait, there’s more?!
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Can I make fanart?
Yes, fanart is encouraged and always appreciated! Just make sure to credit me as the creator when needed. Do not use my creations if you are hateful/racist/sexist/anti-LGBTQ or just problematic in any other way. I don’t want what I make to be associated with these things. As for NSFW stuff…I would prefer if you didn’t. (Okay, well…now that I think about it, sure, go ahead, go crazy. But please don’t send it to me, I don’t really wanna see it. And tag it appropriately! Be mindful of others!) Ocs are allowed!! Ships (Canon x Canon, Canon x OC, OC x OC, whatever) are allowed! Tag me in anything as long as it’s SFW. Seriously, do whatever you want!
What are the religious themes?
Christianity. I am a Christian myself, but I also really enjoy religious horror and researching different religions. Does Pomni represent Jesus in this story? Not really. But, I will be using themes/images of Christianity (like angels, for example) to enhance the horror. I also like studying Japanese and Chinese mythological figures, purely out of interest. I will never try to push my beliefs onto the audience in any way. People can believe in whatever they want!
Are there any ships?
Bunnydoll (Jax x Ragatha) is the main ship. It is mostly implied/referenced and nothing overly romantic happens. The story focuses on their emotional bond since they are both Caine’s guardians. If you don’t like the ship, please don’t be rude to people who do. And if you do like the ship, don’t be rude to people who don’t! There’s enough hate on the internet already. Just be mindful that we all like different things, and have fun!
How will the story be told?
Through comics, probably. It’s easier for me to write things in a document (as a script) and then draw, so it will take time. I will also make art on the side that may or may not have canon information or events. It depends.
What inspired you?
The 70s (lots of yellow, orange and brown colors), Skinnamarink, religious horror, vintage Las Vegas, vintage snacks, and other random stuff. I have specific inspirations for different characters. But my inspiration to even start this project is definitely @/burrotello and The Amazing Digital Fight Club AU. It’s awesome!
Can I ask questions about characters, the story, etc?
Yes, but if it’s an answer I don’t want to reveal yet…well, we’ll see what happens. Sometimes, I will make drawings where a character reacts or responds!
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papil0nglegs · 6 months
Fallen angel!Adam x Moth healer!Reader
Chapter 2: Consolation
(Ch.1) (Ch.2)
Warnings: Swearing, nightmares, more angst, mentions of genitalia, a bit of body dysmorphia
A/n: Tysm for the support on the first fic <33 again I’m new to this writing stuff so pls send feedback if you have any 🫶🏽 Also for this fic I added a bit more focus on Adam as a character because i absolutely HATED how 2 demential they made him in the show 😭
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Adam’s dream pov:
Im back..
Back at the garden.
Lillith ran away a few days ago because of what I proposed to her.
When I found her she was with someone else.. the fucking clown
Why him?
Why not me?
Why not me?
What’s wrong with me-?!
3rd pov:
While Adam’s nightmare, about the fateful day he saw Lilith with Lucifer, he hears distant humming in the background. Beautiful humming, mixed with the sound of running water too.
He begins to open his eyes, however it was a challenge for him to do so, because of the hardened crust that formed due to his unwiped tears from last night. He turns his head towards the humming, causing him to groan.
You then stop humming, hearing his groans from afar. “Oh! You’re awake” you say in a happy tone, grabbing a bowl and filling it up with water, along with a cloth. You then walk towards him, sitting on an armchair that was next to the couch that he had been resting on.
Adam tries to get a better look at you by raising his head a bit towards you, but is barely able to do so because of the crust around his eyes blurring his vision. “Are you.. Am I..?” He asks in a low voice, interrupted by a cough.
That’s when it hit you, he’s a new soul. Your warm smile then fades into a worried frown. “Sigh, I’m sorry. But, you’ve passed, you’re in hell now.” You then grab the wash cloth, dipping it in the cold water and placing it on his head. “Just relax, please”
Adam sighs after them, then sitting up on the couch while holding the cloth against his head. “Whyd you take me?” He asks. “You want some dick or something..”
Your eyes slightly widen, out of all the assumptions he could’ve made you didn’t expect it to be that. “What? No I helped you because you looked like you needed help, and you didn’t seem to want to aggressively assault me. That can be difficult to find down here.”
He snarls at you, then standing up from the chair weakly. “Where’s the bathroom? I need to take a wicked hot piss right now” He yawns stretching.
“Down the hall to the left” You say pointing to the hallway. “I can show you if you’d like” You suggest standing from your chair.
“Fuck you, you think I can’t find the shit room by myself?” He snaps, getting defensive because of his fever.
“It’s possible” you admit, as well as intending to messing with him. “But go ahead, I’ll make you something to eat while you’re at it, you must be starving.”
As he stomps to the bathroom he mutters insults under his breath. “Hippie bitch, I can go piss by myself, you wanna hold my dick up for me too motherfucking whore-?”
As he enters the bathroom. He gasps quietly, noticing that big parts of his appearance have changed. He now has big horns, that look exactly like the ones that were on his extermination mask, except one was missing its pointy part entirely. His skin now a reddish grey, as well as his hair but much darker. He spreads his wings a bit, expecting to see his normally feathery wings, but they’ve now turned into dragon like wings.
He sneers at the sight of it, he’s now turned into the thing that he’s hated most. A sinner. An embodiment of the wicked and cruelest parts of humanity.
Y/n’s pov:
I continue to make the stranger something to eat, I don’t have much since I haven’t gotten groceries yet, so I’m just serving him some left overs. It always hurts seeing someone get hurt from the extermination, especially when I know I can do much, most people who I want to help after an extermination simply lash out on me, worst than what the stranger had just done now. So I’m getting a little hope.
Sure he’s being quite rude right now, but who wouldn’t be after what he’s been through. He’s probably a new soul, who just fell into an extermination. I can only imagine the relief he’s gonna feel when he finds out hell isn’t always like how he first saw it.
I hear the toilet flush, along with the door opening indicating that he finished his little trip. He goes to sit at the small dinner table next to the kitchen, and I notice that his hands are dry, too dry.
“You’re not gonna wash your hands?” I ask kinda weirded out.
“Umm, and why would I need to wash my hands? My dick is clean enough.” I roll my eyes at his response. “Anyways what’s your name babe?” He asks.
I then become surprised on how much pride he has, to call a stranger who had showed them great kindness and belittle them with such a name “Im sorry, but I am not your ‘babe’” I respond in air quotes. “Secondly my name is y/n, so there is no need for these immature nicknames.”
Adam takes notice of the name, “y/n? Oof, I dated a y/n before. She was so bitchy, maybe all y/ns are” he says in a cocky voice.
“Huh, well I’d love to hear about her sometime I guess.” I then place the plate of pasta to him. “It’s not much but it’s all I have, apologies” I say sitting on the dinner table with him. He then starts to absolutely devour it as if he hadn’t eaten for a month.
I laugh in slight amusement. “what happened? Did you die of hunger or something?” I ask jokingly, unaware of what my gesture of humor would to do him.
He pauses, looking down at the plate of food, his face seems saddened but not wanting to show it. I immediately begin to regret asking such a question.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned it. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it” I say in a worried tone. “I was born here so I wouldn’t know how bad it would feel, to die then enter a place like this. Please, forgive me.” I then place my hand on top of his free one, attempting to comfort him in a way. “So, what’s your name? I’ve been wondering what it is since I brought you here.” I ask trying to distract him from his sadness.
“My name? shit uhh,,, itss Adam.” He seemed a bit scared to ask me, not sure why. Adam seems like a pretty normal name for someone like him.
“It must’ve been scary huh? Falling into an extermination like that, angels come here every once a year to kill us,, it’s horrible.” I explain. “It’s okay, this place isn’t all bad, every now and then you find some nice people. Although they are hard to find.”
Adam stares as I explain a few aspects of hell, I’m glad he’s open to trying to find out how things work around here instead of immediately going on a killing spree like some sinners.
I really do wish that he’ll open up to me soon, and that I can open up to him. I’m not sure where this will go, I just hope that it’ll go well enough.
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skeelly · 11 months
"trust that you betrayed, confusion that still lingers"
i see you've decided to suffer by checking my blog so-
hi! welcome to my blog! :)
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉
: ̗̀➛ i usually post about: taylor swift, sometimes one direction, books i haven't actually finished, rarely rants, sometimes harry potter/other shows I've watched and honesty just anything i see on my feed.
: ̗̀➛ i love/enjoy: taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, claire rosinkranz, conan gray, one direction and all it's members, harry potter, HORSES, writing//reading, money, poetry, football//soccer (sports in general), memes or anything funny, painting my nails, that one guy in my sister's class, being annoying and most importantly the sturniolo triplets.
this is a safe place for everyone!
@crysten is my second acc that i has no value and use. if you know me irl, i suggest you just stop looking at my blog :)
: ̗̀➛ things about me: my name is kristen. i go by she/her. im from the philippines. im a capricorn. intp-t. its hard for me not to make typos cause i send messages without thinking twice. i hate school. if we don't count online friends then im practically friendless. im in a science curriculum but can't understand physics. i love writing. i can fluently speak 3 languages but i want to speak more. i look like an absolute mess no matter the time. im 100000% ambivert. i don't like people who can't work the same pace as me (i know that's toxic, i swear im trying to fix it). my birthday is after christmas. i embarrass myself in ways not even god thought would be possible. im a confusing little biatch so im sorry. OBVIOUSLY, i live off of pinterest and i guess tumblr. proper grammar = non existent. i will give you anything you want, just give me a horse and grayson hawthorne. i love making friends so please don't feel shy to interact with me and i am a minor so please don't be weird <3
i reblog my posts to my other acc because im funny and yes, i keep adding to this intro because i find this thing fun and im kinda bad at keeping up with posts im mentioned in, so im sorry if i dont reply. oh and this intro is heavily inspired by @svnflowermoon & @stvrlighhttt <3
: ̗̀➛ some special people:
@mqstermindswift @stvrlighhttt @remingtonreputation13 @what-about-wendy @dumbass-lesbian @themidnightarcher @astraeasparrow @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @lucinda-008 @niallermybabe @coco6420 @atwtmvftvtvsgavralpss @swiftieannah @reminiscentreader @hathorneheiress @xyzinthearea-1 @glitterfuturisticmortally @blocked-zombieartist @philomenacunkstan1 @real-human-shana-nicole @newromanticslut @holdmyteaplease @my-mind-is-frozen @zuzanna-jadw1ga @starchasers-stuff @chilipowder9 @iwanttomarrynoahshaw @evermore-4-life @lovliestars @urbanflorals @sl33py-angel @antlerbullets @rohza-is-a-bit-gay @mickeywheeler @reyna-obsessed @13callisto @nqds @maketheshadowsfearyou @crowgenius @in-a-state-of-crisis @cc-horan @bookishswiftie1989 @ava-taylors-version @pranav03 @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @mickeywheeler @waiting-down-the-hall-for-me (apparently i reached the max ments on a post)
: ̗̀➛ dni: racists//homophobes//proshippers//does not stand with palestine//over 30 (respectfully)
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folkloresthings · 1 year
happy 1k my angel, you totally deserve it sm!!💗
for NORTHANGER ABBEY, can i please get a mick schumacher + fake dating? perhaps after years without having partner/girlfriend, he pays for a fake girlfriend for his social life and eventually he fell for her? thanks
— schumacheer
thank u dearie!!! i loved this sm it’s so long i didn’t mean to write so much hahahahaha
NAPKIN CONTRACTS. ❨ mick schumacher x reader ❩
all of his life, mick schumacher had been in the spotlight. always next to his father, followed around from a young age with a camera. then, after michael’s accident, it was like every pair of eyes in the world were watching him. he knew it would only get worse when he joined formula one, for his mother couldn’t protect him from the lens’ there.
the older he got, the more the narrative focused on one thing: his love life. any girl that was spotted standing in a ten metre radius of him was penned as the next mrs schumacher. and people were only disappointed when they found out he was, in fact, still single.
it didn’t help his popularity, especially on the grid. and when he was lined up to be signed for mercedes next season, he needed all the popularity he could get.
“find yourself a girlfriend,” toto had suggested, so simply. but he’d dated before and girls only ever seemed to want him for his money and name. so why not use that to his advantage?
he found the app from lewis, who had only used it for short term flings when he was a bit younger. the world champion had winked and laughed, swearing not to say a word. you had downloaded the app in a moment of desperation, after hearing about it from a friend of a friend.
you were a university student and keeping up with your tuition fees was difficult, not to mention your rent and pocket money. desperate times called for desperate measures. mick had found you after a few swipes, your photos much different to the other girls on there. you weren’t half naked or showing off your boobs. it was just a photo of you, at a bar, smiling.
he swiped up hesitantly, sending a simple “hello”. you had responded not long after, and an hour passed until you decided to meet in person.
the café was small and quiet, tucked away from anyone that you might bump into. he’d been the one to find you, recognising you from your picture.
“hi. y/n?” he asked, hovering at the table you sat at. you looked up, brows furrowing.
he nods and sighs in relief, sitting across from you. any photos he’d put on his profile were fairly subtle, not wanting the wrong person to find him. so you were pleasantly surprised to find that he was, well, gorgeous.
“sorry about having to keep it low-key. i didn’t want to chance any pictures being taken,” he explains, turning only to order a drink from the waitress.
“pictures?” you ask, wincing from how you’ve only spoke to him in one worded questions so far.
“yeah,” he nods, squinting a little. “i’m, uh, i drive for formula one. mick schumacher.”
he could have fallen over with happiness when no sign of recognition crossed your eyes. you didn’t know who he was? it was perfect.
“oh, the cars? sorry, my brother’s really into those but it’s not really my thing…” you admit, a little embarrassed. mick smiles at the pink that rises to your cheeks, shaking his head.
“no, it’s okay,” mick insists, hoping he doesn’t seem too happy about it. you fall quiet, sipping on the coffee you had ordered prior to his arrival. his arrives along with it, a similar order, that makes you smile.
“so… what’s the deal?” you eventually ask, the anxiety of it all nipping away at you. “i mean, if you’re as famous as you say you are, don’t you have girls falling at your feet?”
mick chuckles, leaning back in his chair. “well, yeah. i need someone for my publicity… basically to make me look more appealing. business and stuff like that.”
it seems a strange concept to you. but you didn’t know the man, or his situation. and you weren’t exactly in the most normal position either.
“and i’ll give you whatever you need — money, i mean. for your university funds, right?” mick queries and you nod. “and i only need you to pose as my girlfriend. i’m not expecting anything… physical, from you.”
it was a question that had been lingering in your mind for days. most of the men you’d come across online were only willing to pay for sex. and as desperate as you were, you didn’t think you could go that far.
“okay,” you speak, after a moment of contemplating. mick perks up, and smiles.
“why not?” you shrug, sighing heavily. “but we should write out some terms and conditions, just in case.”
“alright,” mick laughs, grabbing a napkin and borrowing a pen from the waitress. “go on, then.”
an hour later, the list of terms were scribbled on the napkin and signed by you both at the bottom. a number, a rather large number, of how much he’d give you per week. an instagram post per week. holding hands in public, but no kissing. family dinner, once a month. and no one, not a single person, could know the truth.
he debuted you at the british grand prix that weekend. your brother had sent you a string of jealous text messages when he’d found out, but you only responded with a picture of your outfit, needing a second opinion. meeting mick by the mercedes garage, he showed you around and introduced you to everyone. toto, lewis, george… it was incredibly overwhelming, but you trusted mick now. maybe, you could even be friends.
by the hungarian grand prix, your face was plastered over every twitter fan page and german newspaper. mick schumacher’s goes public with new girlfriend. maybe you’d underestimated mick’s popularity, unprepared for the nasty comments directed towards you. you’d never been so glad to have your instagram on private.
before you knew it, it was the summer break, and mick was whisking you away to italy with some of the other drivers and their girlfriends. you felt ghastly out of place, knowing your secret. mick noticed it, of course it did, finding you one day at the bottom of the villa’s large garden.
“hey,” he greets, sitting down next to you on the grass. you smile over at him, tucking your knees up to your chest, white dress draped over your bare legs. “you okay?”
“yeah,” you insist, tucking your hair behind your ears. “just felt a little… weird. they’re all so loved up.”
you both chuckle, glancing back to the villa. george and carmen, charles and alex, alex and lily. and then there was you and mick — you were shocked none of them had caught onto your little agreement. not that, being affectionate with mick came easily. an arm over your shoulder, taking your hand every other minute.
“i know,” mick murmurs, gazing out at the scenery of the italian countryside. “you’re doing really well, though. and we’re having fun, right?”
you have to admit it, you really were. mick and you got along like a house on fire, and he’d paid as much attention to you as any real boyfriend would. it took a while to get used to the sharing a bed thing, but when he brought you coffee in bed every morning — how could you complain?
“yeah,” you smile, resting your head on his shoulder. “it’s been a dream.”
he doesn’t really know why, but the second your cheek meets his strong shoulder, he feels his heart jump. he glances down at you. your peaceful expression gazing out at the scenery, the sun kissed freckles on your nose, your lips a little burnt from the heat…
somewhere between scribbled napkins and posing for pictures and bathing in the italian sun, mick schumacher had actually gone and fallen for you — the girl he’d paid to be close to him.
“look at me,” mick whispers, waiting for your head to raise, a quizzical look painted on your face. his hand raises to your chin, thumb rubbing against your bottom lip. “can i kiss you?”
your eyes go a little wide, staring up at mick, trying to figure out what the catch was. you inhale shaking, trying not to get distracted by how pretty his lips look. “that wasn’t in the agreement.”
mick smirks, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at your apprehension. “yeah, i’m going to need to request some amendments.”
your lips twitch upward, cheeks warming, and you nod. “fine. but you’ll have to write them down for me.”
“in a while. i’m a little busy right now,” he whispers, lips ghosting over yours with every word, your cheeky response swallowed up as he finally kisses you. soft lips, warm tongues, noses nudging. you’re intoxicating, but he makes sure to not seem too eager. he wants to be careful, to do everything just right.
this was real now, and not even a list of conditions on a napkin could predict the future.
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mrghostrat · 10 months
OK IM ANSWERING ASKS!! open for some delightful streamer au headcanons
Anonymous asked:
ohh y'all mentioned how crowley / aziraphale would react to edits and ... oh god the chaos of a media share stream crowley would ABSOLUTELY be swarmed with simping clips, no matter how good he thinks he is at copyright striking oh and song requests after singing reveal oh ANDDD things in French that are just. vile (complementary) he would probably not do media shares for a looooooong while after that lmao
this has such chat jukebox energy oh my god. i love media streams, they're insanity, which makes them perfect for crowley.
and poor sod, when he finally thinks he's escaped the last of the simp clips, chat starts sending him seemingly "innocuous" songs to play. good old fashioned lover boy. pale blue eyes. a nightingale sang. HMMM there seems to be a theme here........
@genderlessjacky asked:
okay okay "How Long Can We Protect Aziraphale From Dying game" is amazing , love it , no criticisms at all . but what if we go the other way Aziraphale is a GOD at COD or Halo or whatnot lets just say before he became a cozy streamer , he used to play like a crapton of shooter games when he was younger or when they came out and played them for YEARS in his younger ages until he got bored and started baking and reading and stuff , discovered it was his passion and continues doing it , streams it ectect and when this happens everyone expects like "Omg he is gonna get killed in the first 5 seconds but ends up carrying the entire team to victory and everyone is like "WHAT." so confused that this innocent , plump old angelic man who cooks and reads and barates anyone who swears , got 20 kills in a row in COD?? while not swearing and barating anyone in chat who does?? is my life a lie???????? Bonus : Crowley , Anathama and Newton had no knowledge of this. at all. like he just assumed that they already knew he was really good at this and when they ask him ab it he goes like "hm? i thought you already knew?" and the others going "WELL CLEARLY NOT."
aziraphale is a man of many talents 😂 i personally can't picture him enjoying games that revolve around killing and hurting people, but i love when he can constantly surprise everyone and crowley with out of pocket talents and hobbies ehehehe
Anonymous asked:
I would like to suggest the Western Hognose as a most patient and cuddly snake to be delivered during snake delivery, they are funky little tubes with no neck and cute upturned snoots
UGH THEY'RE SO CUTE I WANNA KISS EM. i drew crowley's snake as a big black python but now i can't stop imagining him with a little guy that hides up his sleeve while he games and is small enough that people might not notice it immediately......... aziraphale's hand reaching into frame with a guy wrapped around it, and they just kind of sit there half holding hands while they wait for the snake to slither from one wrist to another.
Anonymous asked:
Your art inspires a hc…. Someone (Crowley, probably) gets Aziraphale a pair of purple round glasses and when the do streams together they match
omg aziraphale with blue light glasses that look like his little reading glasses from the show 🥺
@samsteacup asked:
So Streamer AU won't leave my mind. So I gotta share this. I understand if you don't put it into your ff, it's your story but your followers might enjoy it. :D 1. Aziraphale collaborates in Crowley's stream where they wanna play a game. (some shooter) and they set up Aziraphale character together but Aziraphale spends way too long to perfect him. Crowley is all patient and all and then when they start playing Aziraphale just can't handle the controls for the love of god. So Crowley helps him and it's a fucking disaster, he's furiously protecting Aziraphale in game while simultaneously trying to explain to him what to do. But Crowley is incredibly patient, even when they lose because Aziraphale accidentally shoots someone from their own team. The chat loses it because he usually is so short tempered in streams. Aziraphale is still a bit overwhelmed and frustrated that he completely ignores the chat. Which is good because people are shipping them to death and writing the wildest (naughtiest) theories of what already happened to make Crowley so gentle and patient. So Crowley just bans them all. 2. Another collaboration but this time on Aziraphale's channel. They are baking Christmas cookies together while talking about the holidays, gift buying, songs and other cute traditions/Christmas memories. While preparing the dough Crowley is a bit too aggressive while kneeding the wet with the dry ingredients and he gets a cloud of flour into his face. Aziraphale chuckles and cleans his face with some wash cloth. They continue baking and having a great time. Though Crowley constantly steals the leftover dough from Aziraphale, after he punches out the forms with the cutter. While waiting for the cookies to bake and cool, they start making the icing and drink wine. Crowley kinda overdoes it with the wine and gets a bit tipsy. So at some point he just dips his finger in icing and holds it to Aziraphale's face, who gets all flustered but eventually eats the icing of Crowley's finger. (Which will definitely not end up a GIF that forever haunts both of them in their streams) When they finally start icing the cookies, Crowley is not just tipsy anymore but properly drunk. So half of the Santa cookies get penises or boobs or both. And Aziraphale just rolls his eyes, says "You're being silly" (yes, exactly in that voice!) and takes away the wine from Crowley.
what the fuck im so FED
crowley switching on his patience to help aziraphale in a new situation like 😭 "i won't leave you on your own"
IT SOUNDS LIKE CROWLEY JUST STRAIGHT UP FORGETS THEY'RE LIVE and gets caught up just havin a fun time oh my lord!! 😭😭😭
@squirrellegion26 asked:
hiiiiii hi hi SIR IM ADDRESSING UR STREAMER AU. im in love with itttttt buttt what if what if what if crowley’s head pops up in one of azi’s streams like a frickin cat over the counter and chat is like “ohhh myyy goodness he’s adorable!!!” and azi’s like “oh, hello, my dear” and then crowley’s like “see ya peace” and then slinks back to whatever dark hole he slithered out of anyway SO MUCH LOVE TO UR AU I LOVE IT I CANT WAIT UNTIL UR FIC COMES OUT I LOVE U OKAY BYR
thpfht it's giving
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Anonymous asked:
I just found your good omens streamer au and I'm instantly obsessed, I love the concept and ideas so much. This scenario instantly came into my head aswell and I wanted to share!! Like Crowley just did a really long stream and wants to go sleep and doesn't end up fully stopping the stream by accident, so the viewers see him after he thinks he ended stream and he just calls out "Angel, I need hugs now" and just walks off without knowing the stream is still going. And everyone in chat goes crazy trying to let anyone know the stream is still going but also with the fact they saw Crowley switch to his soft side so quickly!! And either Anathema calls Crowley to tell him it's still going and he runs back cursing to turn it off... OR...Aziraphale goes into the room to maybe collect the mug of coffee he made for Crowley and finds the stream still going and the chat going MAD over it trying to get his attention but also freaking out that it's Aziraphale.
oh lord have mercy on m for all this second hand anxiety but
you GOT ME with the mask switching from streamer mode to soft tired angel hugs mode, i'm punching myself in the face
i imagine that footage of aziraphale walking onto crowley's room for mug collection is like cryptid footage that occasionally circulates the gossip subreddits even after crowley has deleted the vod
Anonymous asked:
i literally just found your streamer AU and i have read EVERY MORSEL YOU HAVE ABOUT IT. i am so excited to read the fic when you’re finished with it! all i can think about is Aziraphale sliding things under Crowleys door if its locked while he’s streaming. and its the most random things every time, and of course it gets turned into a compilation posted somewhere. i just think that idea is silly. AGAIN I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS AND EVERYTHING YOU SHARE ABOUT IT!! 💕
hthfph THANK YOU FOR SHARING HEADCANONS i mean it, it's so fun and silly and i love that everyone is getting into this together ✨
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writersundersiege · 8 months
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New Girl in Town Part 3
Rafe Cameron x F! Reader
a/n: Hello, everybody, so this is my first time making an authors' note. I want to place one on this one since I’m new to posting, and also, this chapter took me two days to write, considering I did try to go in and add more depth to my characters. I want my reader (aka you) to have a broader sense of the world. As you can tell, she knows a lot about stuff most people don’t learn, has been to places many of us haven’t had the opportunity to visit and has experienced things I can only hope as a writer is not something you have experienced. But for the margin of you who have experienced any of these warnings below, If you need any resources, please reach out. I will work on putting resources on my account later on or anyone to talk to; my messages are always open to you all as readers of my work. Feel free to ask me questions, give me criticism, or suggest things to the story. I want to continue this for as long as you enjoy it. Thank you for supporting my work, and I hope you enjoy the new chapter
To read any other parts of this series, click here:
The New Girl In Town - Masterlist
Summary: Rafe accepts the request from your father to fill your place at the clothes drive. When he gets there, he bumps into an unlikely but friendly face, your brother Jason. During the setup for the event, Rafe gets the chance to talk to your brother and find out more about you. What if he finds out your story goes deeper than he thought? Also, what will he do when he discovers more information about your friend who mysteriously pops into town
Warning: Grief of losing family and loved ones, fears of self-harm, peer pressure, allowing someone to binge drink, mentions of potential assault, swearing, self-doubt
As Rafe pulls up to the front of the country club, he parks and throws his bike helmet off immediately. He hurriedly starts walking, hand ghosting over his pockets, double checking for his wallet, keys, and phone and that they’re all still with him. As Rafe walks to the front, his palms are getting sweaty. Rafe never gets nervous. Usually, he’s the one controlling the situation, but with you, your family, it is so different it’s like you will slip out of his fingers the moment you make contact, like handfuls of sand slipping through every time you pick it up.
Rafe stops looking into the country club one last time, taking a deep breath. Rafe has never felt as though he deserves good things. Ward has always rewarded Sarah; the town continuously believes he’s either causing trouble or breaking someone’s daughter's heart; he’s aggressive, psychotic, and a loose cannon when it comes to you, you’re like a ghost to him; no matter where he goes, the image of you haunts him. He wants one thing to go well, one thing to go his way this time, and that’s the things with you.
Straighten up, he clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair as he begins the walk back into the country club; his phone pings with a message. He quickly pulls out his phone while still making his way inside
Unknown number: Thank you so much again, Rafe! I don’t know what I’d do without you, and I owe you one! 🫡💕
Rafe: you can always count on me, angel, always. Also, I’ll never turn down a good favor 😉
He watches as three bubbles appear like you’re about to answer when he runs smack into someone, sending him flying back and stumbling a bit; this has Rafe looking up, starting to say, “Watch where—“ and he cuts himself off because standing in front of him smiling from ear to ear is Jason holding a box of clothes while some still laid on the ground from the collision.
“Rafe, right? he says, smiling with a chuckle. “Seems like I can’t escape you, man if I’m hearing about you or seeing you, I'm nearly trying to knock you on your ass,” he leans down, picking up a shirt from the ground. “Are you here to help with the clothes drive?” Your brother turns to look at him, eyes big and bright like yours are but also kind in a way that makes Rafe want to spill his guts to the guy and tell him his life story; your brother has a soft smirk on his face, not one that is intimidating or meant to be mischievous but one that shows humility like he knows it’s not how Rafe would prefer to spend a random Thursday in June.
They were finally coming to full height, looking at each other. Jason looked to Rafe like an old friend waiting for him to tell them all the things they’d missed in the years past. Smile lines prominently shown on his cheeks, and his eyes creased on the corner just like your whole family has; it made Rafe wonder how often you all smiled to have such prominent and similar facial marks that show happiness and this aura that looks like the dude is being basked in the sun in the middle of a June evening in Kilandre.
Rafe, who at this point has bent down to pick up the last shirt to return to the box, having tucked his phone in his pocket, long forgotten is your response left unread and unanswered.
Rafe decides it’s now or never; he has to play some moves right for a bit, with no snarky attitude or outbursts; he must get this right with your family and you. Show them just how much of a lovely gentleman he can be.
Smiling back and placing the shirt in the box, he looks up to meet your brother's eye, channeling the irritation and pent-up anger from earlier into charm and charisma; both aren’t so far from each other; all depends on lines and delivery.
“ I am here to help. I was not expecting it, but I’m happy to be here. Also, don’t worry about bumping into me. I should have watched where I was going.” Smiling and shaking his head, he motioned with his head inside. “Well, get in there, man. Moms about to give out-groups.” walking down the steps and to your blue Jeep of all things, he turns back to Rafe, calling out, “Also, you’ll have to try and nab us a spot with some of the girls, few in there are our age and they are pretty girls,” you brother says with an awarding smile on his face and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, spinning on heels jogging over to the back of your Jeep.
Rafe shakes his head, looking down, knowing there isn’t a single girl in the whole country club, hell, on the entire island, perhaps even this planet that compares to you. All the more, he’ll help your brother out. What better way to get close than becoming your brother's best friend? A smirk evolves on his face now that right there is a plan and a good one.
Rafe walks through the entrance down the hall to the ballroom area where they usually hold parties and events; there are tons of different Kooks from Figure 8 here to help; he sees a few of the women Rose gossips with after pilates on Wednesdays, a few of the single kook dads who you can tell their sole purpose of helping was your mother who they are ogling, as well as a few of the islands Kook kids Sarah and Topper stand near Ally and Kayla two girls they all went to school with and a boy who he can’t see with his back to Rafe.
Scanning the room more, Kiara is sitting crisscross on the ground, folding baby clothes and watching as your mom describes the night Kiara’s parents are seated at a table behind your mom, quietly talking and writing on papers. Suddenly, Rafes broke from his search of the crowd as your mom's voice rang in his ears, making a beeline for him. “Rafe, you came?” she said this with so much joy, not like she expected him to fail or disappoint her; then, before he knew it, she was wrapping her arms around Rafe's large frame, his arms limp at his sides, patting her back where he could reach but smiling and laying his head on your moms saying “Of course, I’m here Andy, where do you need me I’m ready to help however I can.”
Your mom pulls back, showing her glittering smile, stilling, holding Rafe by the shoulders and gently reaching up to pat his cheek. “You are a good boy, Rafe.” she moves her hand, turning him to look at the crowd. “your sister, I believe she is here. You can stand with her. I’ll put you in a good group, don’t you worry,” she gives Rafe a wink and chuckles, walking off back to the table where Kiara’s parents sit and kneeling in front of the table, looking at the papers they were writing on.
Once again, he eyes the crowd, scoffing when he watches a few of the single dads congregating and staring at your mom's behind, kneeling until one the guy he believes to be Mr. Chusing, who owns a law firm here in Kilandre. he watches as Mr.Chusing kneels right next to your mom and put his hand on her lower back. Your mom stands immediately and politely puts her ring finger on her chest, prominently showing the man her ring. Rafe smiles, shaking his head, knowing your family is a good set of people.
Rafe looks around again at the group standing with his sister; Sarah and Topper are focused on a guy who looks his age; he notices the guy talking animatedly, which makes everyone laugh. Sarah was laughing so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes. He walks toward the group when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns to find your brother; he looks at him, and he shakes his head as if saying “No” and then shakes his head to the other side, where Kiara sits folding, and he follows him.
“Trust me, you do not even want to go over there, no matter how much fun they look like they are having; that kid is a rat,” Rafe frowns, looking over at the group again as he sits next to Jason, not too far from Kiara folding sock’s together.
He looks at the group, inspecting the boy; he is pretty tall around Rafe's height but not much muscle in his upper body, a thinner build, his hair is a sandy blonde color and curly, kind of like he just got a perm, he turns and sees the guys face he’s pretty tan with a set of perfect white teeth just like your family and even from here Rafe sits he sees the green of his eyes were like sea algae growing on his iris.
Rafe looks at your brother, who is already scowling in the boy's direction. “What did he do?” Jason harshly folds a pair of jeans, looking down on them, not meeting Rafe's eyes once. “He has no respect, loyalty, grace, love, compassion, empathy. I don’t know humanity,” shrugging his shoulders and slamming the pants in the box sitting next to him
Kiara looks up from the baby clothes she sits with, eyebrows arching at Jason. “You good?” she asks like she’s confused. Jason shakes his head, looking down at his hand, shaking and flexing his fingers a few times. Rafe and Kiara look at each other, and she stands to move closer and kneel by your brother. They look back down on the newly bright boy, who seems to be slowly withering in front of them.
“What’s up, bro?” Rafe reaches his hand over to your brother's shoulder with uncertainty; when he makes contact, Jason’s head drops down, hands coming to his face. “You know I was supposed to be with him- them. When they went out there, I was supposed to go with Luca and Cameron on that fishing trip, and I wasn’t because of a damn Stats test. I couldn’t break my honor roll; I couldn’t stop..” Jason’s words are muffled and broken off at the end because he’s looking down with his hands over his eyes, the energy to finally let go of what he’s been holding in dwindling before it’s even sparked.
Rafe knows immediately where this is going for them. He saw it on your face when he asked, and he’s seeing it all over again: a family that seems so picture perfect having a moment where it looks like the world shatters, but for just a moment, you’ll never let them see it too long, but why? Maybe it’s the same reason Rafe is known as the aggressor because of the sentiment he thinks of repeatedly when he’s alone; if people knew the truth, would they still like you? or would they hate it just as much as you do?
What broke Rafes thought was your brother looking up, eyes tinged pink with the welled tears created from the silence, and him looking at the boy across the room leaning into Sarah’s ear to whisper something that made Topper look like he was about to pop his lid. “I may hate myself every day for not being there with them. But I thank god every day for keeping me here and sending me home when Luca was pronounced dead every day to catch that sick son of a bitch over there” Rafe and Kiara both turn to look at Jason with a questioning look he can already feel anger bubbling within him knowing something happened.
“When my sister found out Luca was gone, she was a mess for weeks. Honestly, it would have been months if it weren’t for Luca’s best man, best mate since birth, Ethan; he spent every day with (F/N) and took her to the beach to be near Luca, the aquarium where they had their first date, it was great for months he was the only one who could get her to sleep and eat, but it all went downhill on the six month anniversary and a certain area that struck me as strange one not but basically there is this hiking trail in the neighborhood we lived in back in Malibu that goes up to the cliffs it’s gorgeous and super secluded it was only a place Luca knew and took (F/N)” Jason paused looking down grabbing more clothes to fold
“Cameron told me that that was Luca and (F/N)’s spot..” He trails off, not waiting to discuss this part, but it’s intentional for the story. On the other hand, Kiara gets it immediately, knowing this must be hard for him to talk about on a typical day, but more so for two boys; he called his family and is now gone. Rafe completely misses the hint and frowns at Kiara, giving her eyes like, ‘wtf.’ She looks at him and says, “Sorry for this, Jason, Rafe; it was the first place she was intimate with someone. Get it now.” Rafe's eyes go wide, and he feels his heart drop to the pit of his stomach, but the story can’t wait for him to recover
Jason looks up with the tiniest chuckle. “Don’t worry, dude, it took Cam a while to tell me, too. I played dumb. I didn’t want to know what it was my baby sister was up to in that way anyway; on the six-month anniversary of Luca and Cam's death (F/N), she was distraught; she still had hope he was coming home, but by nearly half a year without him, the light for her simmered out. Everyone was over at our house here and there all day, and nothing. None of her friends, our extended family, or even Luca’s mother could get her out to accept a plate. Eventually, we let her be; we didn’t want to overwhelm the hurt she felt already because none of us knew exactly what she felt.” he looked down, shaking his head. Rafe brings his hand back to his shoulder, squeezing it. At the same time, Kiara says, “ Jason, you don’t have to tell us if it’s something that makes you uncomfortable.” this makes the older boy in front of them shake his head more. “ no, I’ve kept this on my chest too long, and every time I bring it up, everybody else shuts it down cause he’s family in their eyes if he said nothing happened they believe him. I need somebody else to listen and hear me out.”
Kiara looks around to see if anyone has moved since the start of this conversation, and Rafe settles back, one eye on Jason, the other on this new kid he doesn’t like in his peripheral. Kiara turns to Jason, letting him know no one’s listening and he’s good, indicating they haven’t moved a muscle or a manicured nail yet. Jason clears his throat and says, “That night, by ten thirty, I had enough. I hadn’t seen my sister in over 24 hours at that point, and I was scared. They were special to me; I mean, Cameron was my best friend since I was born. I didn’t care if she wanted to scream at me or have me hold her and cry with her. I just wanted to see my sister was okay, so I snuck to her room and knocked slightly, opening the door to check on her, and when I opened the door, she was gone.” he looked down at his hand, ringing them together back and forth like a wet rag eventually he looks up like he saw a ghost in front of him “I’ve never been more scared in my life than running to her bed and feeling that her sheets were cold she hadn't been there for at least an hour.”
Kiara put her hands on his to stop him from rubbing his skin raw. “ immediately, I went to find my friends to see if there was anything; when I checked her location, she was at her spot, but what I couldn’t understand was why she would go someplace so desolate, so lonely by herself first I was screaming waking up my parents I thought she was doing something horrible until I thought a little deeper and the only person we didn’t see all day long who didn’t come to help the family as well as Ethan.”
At this point in the story, Rafe is already seething with anger thinking about you being taken somewhere so dangerous at such a late hour; Rafe turns to laughter looking at the boy, staring at the boy across the room with a vicious look, and Jason, scowling at the boy, for whom he feels so much anger as well. Kiara, in some act of comfort, holds Jason’s hand, rubbing her hand over his knuckles, trying to calm him down. Jason clears his throat once more. “When I got there, she was so drunk she couldn’t even tell me her name; she doesn’t remember that night. He swears up and down nothing happened, but it seems like ever since that day, he will not leave her alone. It’s like he believes what belonged to Luca now belongs to him, and I can’t take it; every time I see him, I want to kill him.”
Rafe turns for a moment to look at your brother's face for the first time since he met your family; he sees the slightest glimmer of darkness behind his eye, the same kind Rafe has; the same one so many people in this town warn others about with Rafe, and then just like the sun on a rainy day it’s there and gone before you believe you saw it. His eyes only showed the cloud of grief and hurt.
Rafe pats his back again and says, “You’re in the Outerbanks now, bro, and your sister is safe; the people out here, our people, we’ll have her back.” Kiara gives Rafe a look like you can’t be serious about telling this boy he can trust any kook; the only trustworthy people on this island were the pogues and, more specifically, her group of friends.
Like always, though, with rich boys, they band together, not even acknowledging the look on Kiara's face. Jason looks up and says, “Thank you, Rafe. I appreciate you hearing me out, and my sister was right about you, that’s for sure.” Rafe's eyes blow out, and his neck turns red as he shakes his head and says, “Your sister is something else.”
To further this thread of thoughts in Rafe's mind, he feels his phone ping twice and pulls it from his back pocket
(F/N)🌊💕: Angel huh? I like that one, and yes, Rafe, I now owe you A favor that means only one. Don’t think I’m out here doing favors for anyone!
sent at 6:15 pm
(F/N)🌊💕: We should hang out sometime, maybe catch some waves tomorrow??
sent at 7:00 pm
(F/N)🌊💕: I’m heading to bed; let me know :) Thank you again, and see you around Reef 🪸🐠
sent at 7:30
Scanning these messages, Rafe starts to type a response before he’s even finished reading but immediately deletes it, thinking it better to let you sleep since something made you sick. Turning to your brother and pondering just what did make you head out? He asks, “Hey, what ma—“ but before he could finish, your mom was calling groups
“Okay, everyone, we will split into groups to make distributions easy. Take a little of each kind of clothing, men to babies, with you. The spot I give you is where you will be sitting at a distribution table, which my wonderful daughter (F/N) and her friend Ethan helped set up.” Ethan smiled and waved around at the people who were looking for you “ (F/N) who is unfortunately very sick and has to raincheck on being here was the mind of this event, and she was overwhelmed and overjoyed of the community outreach here; it shouldn’t take us more than 45 minutes to get rid of these items and help some families in need.” Everyone starts to clap. Jason stands and lends a hand out to Kiara and helps her stand as Rafe stands and moves to make sure he has a good line of sight on the pretty boy with no manners.
Everything is muffled as he stands examining the boy who’s most likely 20 feet across the ballroom from him, trying to catch a slip of any kind and the fun demeanor he’s been portraying all evening. Still, he seems respectful and well-mannered. Rafe watches, knowing under the stone image of a nice guy is a monster clawing its way back out.
Rafe hearing his name is what diverts his attention. “Rafe, would you mind leading the last group?” he looks to your mother, smiling; he shakes his head, dying inside but smiling, saying, “Would be happy to Andy.” This being out, Rafe sees for the first time in the evening; the boys' eyes snap, and it is immediately like the pin pulled from a grenade getting ready to blow.
Rafe sees Ethan’s eye lock with his; you would think Rafe has lit his house on fire and spit in his face with the disgusting face he throws his way. Rafe stares back, the usual dark look in his eye, a smirk on his face, knowing now this kid knows the monster has met its match. Looking at Ethan but saying to your mother, “Where would you like us?”
Rafe is walking outside to your jeep with your brother in hot pursuit, with no emotions, as he carries boxes to be loaded in the back. His group comprises Jason, Kiara, Sarah, Topper, the girls, and the goon. They all agreed to take separate cars, Kayla and Ally with Kiara in her vehicle; Topper and Sarah were so kind as to offer to take Ethan, leaving Jason to drive Rafe in your jeep. As they loaded the back with their few boxes, Jason turned to Rafe with an almost incredulous look. “I know what I told you is a lot to believe—“ Rafe stops him by simply saying, “I see it; in his eyes, he’s done something, and he doesn’t like me 'cause she does.” They had an entire moment of understanding between the young men he had done something that night, and now they both knew, and they will know what happened eventually.
This has both boys rounding the car and hopping in. Jason turns on the car, but before turning off the country club driveway with his hand on the wheel, he turns to Rafe again. “Just don’t let him provoke you, bro; he can be complicated. I told you the kid likes to be a bit of—“ Rafe looks at him with literally no emotion on his face saying, “a bitch.”
Jason laughs, throwing his head back against the headrest for the first time since he greeted him; he sees brightness return to Jason’s face; he lays his head there a moment, laughter dying back slowly. He shakes his head, bringing it forward. “Ethan is a crude bastard, and he’s not afraid to say what he thinks even if it's stupid, but he also likes to pick a good fight.” This has Jason looking at Rafe dead in the eyes, more serious than he’s seen or heard anyone in your family this far.
He says, “Don’t let him provoke you.” Rafe frowns, but Jason looks at him like a kid whose parents picked him up during a fight at school, and they’re waiting for him to say what he knows and won’t. Rafe starts to get a little pissed. “What makes you think he’ll—“Jason eyes him again, turning to drive as Rafe sits back silently for a moment. “I won’t. I’m here for her, and she wouldn’t, so I won’t,” Jason chuckles. “She’s got you wrapped around her finger already, huh? Yeah, she has that effect.”
Jason smiles, looking forward to driving them to the Heywards Shop to set up a pickup for clothes. Rafe stares out the window, watching the yellow streetlights mix with the blue-green hue of the evening sky and looking out at the hint of the stars he can see shining in the night sky. He thinks of you and how fast his heart beats when you smile and how warm he feels when you are next to him. You make him feel and think so differently in a way that makes him want to explore and experience things as you do; he wants to see things from a positive and enthusiastic perspective.
Against his better judgment, he pulls his phone from his pocket and pulls up the contact he’s already saved for you and the messages you’ve already shared.
Rafe: I'd take any favors you’d give, and also, I’d love for you to tell me where, and I’ll be there; sweet dreams, angel. ❤️
All rights belong to the owners of Netflix and the Outer Banks. I do not own any characters except OC characters. The fiction is simply for fun. All copyrights belong to the original owners.
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masivechaos · 1 year
ast dance - send me a trope (enemies to lovers,...) + a type of reader (shy! reader, rockstar! reader...) + a character from the list above -> i'll write a short blurb!
friends to lovers + popular!reader + regulus black (guess who my fav character is 💀)
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NICER THAN YOU - regulus black x gn! reader [0.481k] .ೃ࿐
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summary: regulus' friends try to convince him you like him back
warnings: swearing
navigation / masterlist / taglist 
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People were so surprised when you and Regulus started to be friends and the discussions were filled with both of your names when you were around. You both were so different. You were a little ray of sunshine while him… well he was Regulus Black, the typical Slytherin that would only smile if it was before throwing a snarky comment. But somehow it worked.
You sat down at the Slytherin table, your tie unmatching the rest of the students. “Good morning, Reggie,” you smiled and you could hear his friends snickering at the nickname, but mostly they were impressed he didn’t kill you for calling him such a name.
“Hi,” he murmured as he discreetly slipped your favourite food into your plate.
“Thank you.”
Barty shared a look with Evan as he mocked you “Thank you,” he said imitating your voice. Regulus shot him a glare and you stopped him from saying or doing anything to his friend by placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
The group started to talk but you and Regulus were having a side conversation. “I love the book you gifted me!”
“Yes! The characters are so good! And the plot twist? The plot twist- don’t let me start on that one.” He smiled warmly at you, he could listen to you talking for hours.
“Y/n!” someone called for you from the Ravenclaw table. It happened a lot, everybody knew you and everybody liked you. Regulus couldn’t think of one person who didn’t like you, how could they?
You excused yourself before getting up. Leaving the Slytherins alone, the group started to talk. “This is honestly painful,” Barty complained.
“I agree,” Dorcas added.
“Shut up,” Regulus answered.
“They are right though,” Evan said. “You should tell them you love them.”
“No,” Regulus simply replied before adding “They don’t like me back.”
Barty looked at him, exasperated “Out of all of their friends, they spend most of the time with you. And– I really like you man but– they have some courage to bear you all day long when some people could be nicer than you. So yeah, they like you for sure.”
“One, fuck you. Two… are you sure?”
“Yes!” his three friends answered. Regulus looked at you from afar as you laughed and without meaning to, he started to smile. A small and discreet smile, but still. 
“So what are you going to do?”
Regulus took a sip of his drink, ignoring his friends, before getting up and searching for something in his bag. He pulled out a letter. He wrote it some time ago, when he let the idea of dating you cross his mind but he quickly decided not to give it to you. But maybe now it was the right time. He wasn’t planning on watching you as you read it, but he could discreetly slip it in your bag...
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⋆ ★ regulus black taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @inkluvs @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @rhydianissuperior  @loveeharrington @meredarling @jackys-stuff-blog @elenatries2write @juneberrie @f4iry-blush  @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @songs4themoon @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @unadulterated-syd @garfieldsladybird @starconfettii @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @kieracassette @whennyxfallsinlove @venussflytraps @oncasette @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @widowbf @starlit-epiphany @rosalyn-s @etanordiesbullsh!t @sageskisses444 @luvmarsbars @jsjcue @mellozhi
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zhoras-bitch · 11 months
Choices Spread Kindness Day 1
A bit late, but I really want to use the opportunity of @choicesfandomappreciation event to say a few words to the cool people in this fandom. Real life stuff and my own awkwardness sometimes gets in the way, but I just want everyone I've interacted on here to know that you are what make this fandom such a fun and enjoyable place. There are so many of you I could never list everyone, but that doesn't mean I won't try!
To start off, heyyy drought era mutuals and non-mutuals! The fandom was so barren when I joined, it felt like there were maybe 5 people here. But these were the 5 people who made me want to stay even through the books like [redacted] so that's how cool you are @yourqueenb @zoeywades-spouse @griffinsboyfriend @masked-alien-lesbian @choices-binglebonkus @becca-davenqueer!
Next, @gaiuskamilah love your long fandom rants, greatly appreciate your gothic romance propaganda and villain apologia. You never fail to bring up something interesting about the stories and characters you talk about, and your love for the books you talk about is contagious.
@livelaughlovecassie you are a loud supporter of women’s rights and women’s wrongs and I respect that! You’re also a sweetheart and a joy to interact with. I feel like we have similar taste in tropes and character we like, you know? You get me. 
@choicesfrog you’re a ray of sunshine. I look forward to when you come back from your hiatus so I can see your playthroughs and your OCs on my dash again. 
@princepotatosack your posts are some of the funniest in this entire fandom, I swear! I love your librarian rants, and I’m a big fan of your MCs profiles, which inspired me to make mine too.
@what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil I love our interactions, you just get me, you know? Fantastic vibes altogether.
@aallotarenunelma ayeee lovestruck days mutual! Little ace solidarity moment, I love how you explore acexuality through your characters and stories. Always so cool to see you on my dash, and our conversations always leave me smiling. 
@starlight-starfury you are so sweet and insightful! I always enjoy our interactions. Still waiting you to be 100% right on all of your Blades 2 theories.
@peonyblossom thanks for the trans Aerin hc, it lives rent free in my head, and for being an altogether joy to interact with.
@sazanes you're so supportive of every single creator in the fandom! Thank you for always making everyone here feel warm and welcome.
@itlovesinthewoods I love seeing your walkthroughs and your reactions on my dash, they make me experience the books I’ve already read all over again. You are so precious and a sweetheart to interact with! 
More people who I’ve had very sweet interactions with, I just want you to know that I think you're cool. Sending you the warmest virtual hugs @aces-and-angels @lawrencebarkley @lancelotsimp @trystanxthorne @secret-fungi @watatsumi-island
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paradoxcase · 8 months
Chapter 18 of Nona the Ninth
After 18 chapters, something genuinely exciting is finally happening. You know, it's funny, I got pulled in by Gideon the Ninth because starting with Act 2 there were interesting and exciting things and weird mysteries happening like every chapter. Harrow the Ninth wasn't exactly action-packed, but there were like, interesting reveals and general world information coming out in most chapters, and it was also building towards something because there was the upcoming fight with Number Seven looming in the background at all times. This isn't a bad book or anything like that, but so far it's been: Nona goes to school and there are kid antics, everything sucks, it's hot, Nona refuses to eat food, it's dangerous to go anywhere because of the high concentration of people with guns, necromancy witch hunts, dead body burning, here's John monologuing about climate change and streaming necromancy on twitch. We get a little bit of Corona and brief glimpse of Judith, maybe we'll get to see Gideon/Gideon's body and Ianthe at some point, but so far it's just been the broadcast, and the most interesting stuff was all stuff that Nona didn't understand. I was ready for something to happen
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I was promised I would find out what animal Nona drew, but I still don't know what animal Nona drew. Her saying that it started out living in a river and then got "cold" so it had to get large must mean it's a reptile of some kind, but I can't think of any reptile that has visible ears and a mouth that you might not draw at all. What does she mean by "large" here? Did she draw a dinosaur? The Angel mentions archaeology talks, but archaeology is the wrong field for studying dinosaurs, or any animals at all, really, it's the study of physical evidence of humans. (I mean, unless the "animal" that Nona drew was a human and it's now being revealed that everyone is actually a strange-looking alien...) It's also really hard to study Earth via archaeology when you are not actually on Earth, if you can't actually go dig up and date real artifacts it's just regular anthropology at that point. Or are BOE secretly sending teams of archaeologists to Earth now? That doesn't seem like it would be a high priority for them, but who knows, they did immortalize Eminem lyrics in their commanders' names, and we know they've been to Earth on unauthorized missions before, namely to abduct all of the non-Lyctor survivors of the first book
Presumably "cradle creature" means that it lived on Earth before John's apocalypse
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Ok, so, I thought "Aim" must be like a nickname for Amy or some spelling thereof, but I see now that it's actually the first word of a BOE name. So, this bit requires that there is a word which means "Angel" in some language which sounds like "Aim" in (presumably) English, which also means something to the kids. But I guess we're meant to assume that "Angel" here is also in modern English, which again, doesn't make sense, since modern English should be long gone at this point. But maybe it's a translation convention thing
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I'm curious what the implant is, why Palamedes is in a big hurry to find out what it is, and why the Angel doesn't want Nona to hear about it? Of course, she doesn't know who Nona is yet at this point. I'm guessing it's some kind of anti-necromancy device, given that "my dead body is designed to deny you answers"
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It's true, he can't really swear on his own life, since that ended two books ago now
So I gather once the Angel accepted that Palamedes was not a Lyctor, she somehow gave whatever order to Merv Wing to kill Camilla and Nona, since she knows that regular necromancers can be killed like normal people? BOE's MO for necromancers is a sniper headshot per the last book. But I don't know how Palamedes survived this, I feel like we're about to find out that he and Camilla are a Lyctor now, or possibly some new and "improved" version of a Lyctor
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Was this something that happened on screen that I should remember?
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Is that what Nona's building is? I'm not sure exactly what that means, or if that tells me anything more about the building that I didn't already know. It didn't seem like it was specifically a BOE building, since there were cops and militia living there, too
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Well, there's something important about that implant
This seems like a counter-productive rule to have if they want Pash to be her bodyguard, though. At some later point there is a mention of "electrics" and implication that Merv Wing is not going to fire any guns as long as Aim/the Angel is in the room, so possibly some other types of weapons are involved here. Nona misses the entire battle, but there were gunfire sounds, so I guess someone disregarded whatever rules there are about not shooting guns around the Angel
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I guess Pash subscribes to the theory that Hot Sauce mentioned that necromancers have to be killed in a very particular way to stay dead?
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For the first part of this I was like, that sounds a lot like Pash, but hasn't Nona heard her voice before? But then I remembered that Nona has only heard her speak through the voice modulator
It's also hilarious how Nona thinks Pash is just so cool throughout this chapter
Are we then to understand that Pash was driving the car the previous day when the Angel rescued Nona and Hot Sauce?
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They again. Still unknown if this is a gender thing or a plural thing, because who knows what is going on with the implant
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This is honestly straining my suspension of disbelief here, that someone actually read Nona's lips from the top of a building a block away. If they thought it was a radio call, there are easy ways of intercepting those if you can guess what frequencies might be being used, you don't have to guess what someone is saying by reading their lips
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Pash gets all the best lines
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Oh, this is a fun one!
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There's a weird thing here where we first get this:
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But then in the next paragraph it says:
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So it's not actually clear exactly how munted Nona thinks the classroom is?
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Yeah, this was obviously going to happen at some point from the point where Hot Sauce was introduced in the first place. Honestly, I feel so bad for Hot Sauce, she's 14 and she's already been traumatized several times over before this book even began, I think, and then she saw Nona die in front of her and actually got successfully gaslighted into thinking she didn't for about five minutes and from her perspective Nona is definitely some kind of evil eldritch creature. But how many time does Nona have to get shot today? This would also be a lot more of a cliffhanger if Nona wasn't immortal
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platadesangre · 9 months
we NEED to talk about jcs 1975 madrid cast!
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i have come to make camilo sesto justice
(i finally finished this post yay!)
i may be a bit biased, since this was my first jcs.
short story on how i discovered it
my dad used to be an apostle for a bootleg staged playback jcs in peru during the 70s! they used this version.
he had the cd. he also had the mp3 files. i used his computer, so that was how 13 year old me found it.
those were tough times, bc later i started doing catechesis and i kind of got depressed and started questioning my faith lol. judas' character really resonated with me
since this is a recording, i didn't have any footage to reference, so i made up everything in my mind. (this is why it was a bit weird for me to see the english productions, bc they looked nothing like in my head lol)
now, a bit of historical context for spain in the 70's
camilo sesto was a popular spanish singer and actor who went to see the jcs 1971 broadway production in london. he loved it so much that he did everything he could do financially to bring the show to spain.
spain was in a fascist dictatorship at the time
they fought with censorship for years, that's why the lyrics are a bit different (i'll make a post about that too)
they had to remodel the alcalá-palace theater stage entirely
franco (our dictator) died two days after the premiere (about time lol)
the "ultras" (conservatists) didn't like the show so they did lots of crazy stuff (for example, praying for the cast outside the theater or sending BOMB THREATHS?)
anyways, this was the first official translation for jcs!
on the main cast we have
camilo sesto as jesus christ (he wanted the role from the beggining)
teddy bautista as judas iscariot
ángela carrasco as mary magdalene
here's an old pic of them (and some apostles)
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(now that i look at it closely, it kind of looks like a bootleg jcs 1973 lol)
on the recording
it's a stereo recording, so use both headphones or you'll miss out on half of it
musically speaking, it's similar to the og concept album (songs ending on fade-outs and shorter trial before pilate) but it has some interesting choices (teddy, the producer and the voice of judas, took a lot of... artistic liberties)
some things this version has
it adds lots of synth. it's very psychodelic. i understand this can be a turn off for some people
they kinda change the key to many songs. maybe to fit vocal ranges idk
teddy just loves to make up new melodies (please give this man some water)
EPIC GUITAR SOLO in what's the buzz
what's the buzz and strange thing mystifying are separated tracks for some reason
camilo sings so good
cute synth in everything's alright ángela has such an angelic voice she makes such a good mary
the drums and guitars during this jesus must die are so danceable
the BEST simon zealotes i've heard. shit goes HARD. he goes CRAY
i really love this pilate, in my rating he would be the best one
camilo's "¡SALVAOS VOSOTROS!" during the temple is really pathetic lol
damned for all time interlude replaced by synths. the SAX SOLO is also replaced by synth (questionable choice)
cool thing happens during the end of this song that i'll talk about in another post
judas' occasional nervous laughter really adds to his character
also he cries a lot
"you sad pathetic man" part during last supper is... fairly different! (i'm looking at you teddy...)
camilo's gethsemane is epic. he's a baladist singer but MAN he can ROCK
cool harmonica during the arrest
i'll never shut up about our pilate (he nervous laughs too)
herod is so fruity
judas' death really hits different when you were depressed and questioning faith (this version is BRUTAL) also lyrics change (i'll talk about it i swear)
teddy's one of the few judas who sing the i don't know how to love him reprise in the higher scale!! it sounds so painful and anguished
the album continues acceptably
other cool things it has
jesus and judas have this interesting accent difference. since camilo is from valencia, he has this pristine and traditional spanish accent. and teddy is from canarias (also lived in the usa) so his accent is rougher and more, crusty? idk how to explain it but it's neat and stablishes their dynamic a bit. (ángela is from dominican republic! but her accent is barely noticeable)
on the footage aspect, we only have old vhs videos and live audios uploaded on youtube. also some old photos
there is a book about this version. it has some anecdotes (only available in spanish)
now we have a 4 episode mini-series about the odyssey that it was to produce this. it's called "camilo superstar" (i won't be watching it bc it's a bit fan-ficy from what i've seen)
the posts i'll make about this production will be tagged as #jcs 1975 madrid
you can listen to it on spotify!
or on youtube (playlist made by me)
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diamondstripe1 · 10 months
Ways To Be The >:3 Thing Personified
okayokay i LOVE those aesthetic pink posts, the ones with the "tips for being an angel/princess/whatever", the ones with the life improvement stuff,,, but also like. they're all so calm. where's the chaos. the rabidness of femininity. we need it. i need it
SO i decided to make my own!! as of now im calling this 'chaotic pink tips', but if you have a better name please share sjjsjd
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-incorporate some cryptid ass things into your outfit. the one with the frilly white skirt and tank top? wear a necklace of teeth with it. those stockings looking a bit too plain? splatter some fake blood. got a duplicate of a long skirt you ordered? rip it up, see what you can do with it. bonus points if your outfit's a bit vintage-ish, though that's not a requirement!! ^^
-you know those plushies with two heads and a bunch of eyes? learn to make those. i haven't done this yet, but it looks really fun!! OR if you don't wanna make a whole new plushie and have some money to spare, go on etsy and support some plushie artists. :D
-incorporate it into your personality. really LEARN what it means to be a batshit insane doll. still be a sweetheart- be sickly sweet, even- if you ain't nice, you're not >:3, you're just >:). but have that unnerviness about you that just sorta draws people in. are you interested in various torture methods? learn those, and share them to anyone who's interested!! found something funky on the side of the road? collect it, incorporate it into your life!! of course, do whatever makes you happy- those are just examples <3 oh also, swear when people least expect it, that shit's hilarious ueueu
-scrolling through various pink tips, i noticed quite a few of them include poetry- read poetry, write poetry, share it with the moon... SO how about we put our own spin on that? do all that, but with horror!! specifically, horror with overly cutesy characters. be as creative as you want with the characters, the storyline, whatever. if we're going with the whole "share it with the moon" thing, well, do it!! it's gonna send a shiver down its cold spine. >:D
-create a nest. get a bunch of floral blankets, satin pillows, various plushies, and whatever cozy thing you can think of, and just sort of mix it however would be most comfortable for you. go against the whole 'neat bed' thing- it's called a nest for a reason!!
-indulge yourself!! sometimes, self care doesn't feel like face masks and picture-perfect diets and walks at the ass crack of dawn. sometimes, self care feels like aggressive snoozing in silk pajamas with a chili dog stain, and waking up twelve hours later to rummage through an ice cream tub. and there's no shame!! live your life in the way that's most comfortable to you. ^^
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AAAAND that's all i got jsjsjdj if you have any, feel free to tag me!! <3
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maoisarap · 16 days
fellow cringy self shipper here, pls tell me about Mao
Hi fellow!! :D
I shall, thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak of Mao actually too!
Okay, so— I wasn't sure if you meant what he's exactly like in canon or how I see him as, so I'm mixing both in! (I think it's mostly canon? I just wasn't sure what you meant... oops). And also rambles because... uh ye. I'm dumb sorry.
This boy. This boy right here:
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— He's such a hardworking guy to the point that he exhausts himself to falling unconscious sometimes, and I really wish he learned to take breaks every now and then — actually more than every now and then, my guy needs a fifty years worth of a holiday with what he does! (He never learns his lesson when it comes to working... sigh.)
— Nicest and purest guy you can meet! He's so kind to quite a lot of others around him, even those who don't deserve it (*ahem* staring at a few certain people that I shall not mention publicly...) he's the definition of an angel, honestly. Although some say otherwise because oftentimes, he can be either blunt or straightforward with saying some stuff.
— Mao can breakdance and I hecking love it. It's so cool. HE is so cool! Nobody else can do it like him. They can try, go ahead, but nobody truly can get on his level. I love watching him do it, to be honest.
— Also, I swear to whoever that he is autistic or something with the way he is about work and a few of his hobbies (especially manga. He collects so much manga and hyperfixates... I wanna steal some from him. Brb, gonna do so-) plus with the way he acts too.
— He's a manga lover, basketball player/leader, student council president, a part of a few circles, and of course a Trickstar member... so much yet so loveable...
Ahh, I just love him so much...! He's just so pretty and definitely huggable. He's the best to exist, and... okay, my mind has fried itself because I can't come up with enough words about how much I love him.
Wait, no! Can we talk about his voice? He's got such a pretty voice. It is so comforting and warm and sweet and beautiful. People say that his voice is "plain" but like?? I don't know how?? Most of the other idols voice I can't stand to be fair... honestly, the number of times I've fallen asleep to his version of Walk With Your Smile because his voice is THAT calming when he makes it to be!
Speaking of prettiness, he himself is a very pretty boy with the way he looks! (I've seen someone call him ugly, and it honestly made me upset because - look at stuff he's in - and say that to me again? You call that face ugly? Nuh-uh.)
Mao Isara is very much an underrated guy, and I wish people loved him more (and I mean that by just for HIMSELF and not because he's friends with somebody he knew from his childhood. There's so much more to Mao than what others think.) But at the same time, I kind of like that he's underrated because it makes my love for him feel more personal than it already is? It gives me a free pass to send him further endless love than I already do~!
I just really love him... that is all. He's my guy, he makes me happy and- ye. <3
Please let me know if you want to know more facts about Mao, whether it is canon or my own headcanons for him (or selfishly, Maoru... Imeanwhat-)! I have and know plenty! I'm making this shorter than I wanted because I'd hate to be annoying, and I feel like we'd be here for a million years anyway.
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He's my squishy bubba boy <3
My Sweet Singer <3
A boy who deserves all the positivity in the world because unlike most, at least he isn't a creep.
Anyways yeah, I'm definitely hushing up now-
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nyxfleuret · 11 months
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Vincent x F! Reader
Warnings: swearing, smut, unprotected sex, virgin! reader.
(Sorry if I mispelled a word or phrase, english is not my first language lol)
Word count: 2100
After driving your cab for several hours through the big city of Los Angeles, taking Vincent to the addresses where he needed to go to complete his work, your mother calls wanting to know where you were because you hadn't come to visit her in the hospital that day.
You tried to make some excuses, seeing that Vincent was keeping an eye on you and if anything you said implied that you were in danger, he would put a bullet in your head without hesitation.
It turned out that your mother told you to go visit her in the hospital or else she would call the police.
"Let's visit her or she'll be suspicious..." Vincent looks coldly at you, not wanting you to disagree with the idea.
"I'm not going, everything it's going to be alrig-" You gasp in surprise, seeing that Vincent put his hand on your chest and pushed you, pinning you to the door, outside the cab.
"If you don't go, you'll break the routine... People will start looking for you, for the cab... That's not good!" Vincent speaks in a cold, serious tone, looking straight into your eyes.
"I'm not going to take you to see my mother!" You speak in a trembling voice, worried about the situation.
"Since when is this negotiable?" He takes a quick glance at your lips and then returns his gaze to your eyes. "Get in the car..." He pulls away, giving you room to move.
"Shit..." You get in the car and drive back again, heading to the hospital, where your mother was.
After driving for about 15 minutes, you arrive and park in the hospital parking lot.
"Come on, we can't linger here." Vincent gets out of the car and adjusts his gray suit, looking at you.
You get out of the car and look at him, with a blank expression. The two of you enter the building and head for the elevator, which had not yet reached the floor you were on.
"Flowers?" Vincent points to them, still looking at you through the sunglasses he had put on before entering the building.
"She doesn't like that stuff, she thinks it's a waste of money." You speak as you press the elevator call button, without looking at Vincent.
"Hm..." He shrugs and pays for some yellow and purple flowers that were gathered together in a small basket, holding his silver briefcase in his other hand.
The elevator arrives on the floor and opens the doors, allowing the two of you to enter, followed by two more people.
"Hold the door!" A guy with his hair all pentied back in a black jacket and pants yells as he runs towards the elevator.
Vincent presses the button and holds the doors, allowing the man to enter.
The man was Ray Fanning, the police officer who was looking for the killer who killed his informant Ramon, who was giving him information about the case of a criminal boss.
"Thank you..." Ray says briefly, quickly pulling out his phone to send a message.
"Which floor?" Vincent looks at Ray, still wearing his sunglasses.
"Fifth." Ray says without taking his eyes off the screen of his phone.
The elevator is silent, each waiting to reach their respective floor.
Arriving on the 3rd floor, you and Vincent exit the elevator, heading to your mother's room.
"Mom?" You approach her and give her a kiss on the forehead.
"What happened? I've waited for you the whole day..." Your mother looks at you, worried and curious.
"I've had some... setbacks, but it's okay now..." You smile faintly, after noticing that your mother's gaze was directed at Vincent, who had taken off his sunglasses, giving her a faint smile.
"And who is that, your boyfriend?"
"MOM, NO... He's my... friend..." You sigh, looking away. "Vincent, this is my mother, Mary... Mary, this is Vincent."
Vincent smiles and extends his hand to greet Mary, who smiles broadly.
"Friends with benefits, I know..." Mary winks at you playfully and Vincent laughs to himself.
"Your daughter drives super well, she does a great job." Vincent looks at you and smiles teasingly.
"She's super dedicated, isn't she? It's one of her best features..." Mary smiles at you. "Do you know what she'd like to be in the future, why she's been driving a cab for so long?"
"Mom, we've already come to see you, now we really need to-" You look at Vincent, seeing that he was enjoying keeping his mother company.
"No, no... I want to hear more..." Vincent smiles broadly, with a slight malice.
"Heh, limousine company..." Mary turns to him and smiles, proud of you.
"Wow, what a great thing, it's a great idea." Vincent looks at Mary as he puts his hands together behind his back.
You, feeling uncomfortable with the situation, decide to take Vincent's silver briefcase and run as far away as possible in order to get him away from your mother.
Vincent notices you're missing and turns around, looking for you while also noticing that his briefcase wasn't in the room.
"Y/N!!" Vincent rushed out of the room, through the hallways of the floor and past several people who worked on the hospital, towards the stairs, where he sees you coming down as you run. "Y/N!!"
You keep running without looking back.
Leaving the hospital, you continue towards a walkway that stands over an avenue.
Vincent keeps chasing after you, hoping you don't mess up. You stop, seeing him approaching as he carries his pistol in his right hand.
"Shit..." You look at the silver briefcase and toss it up, off the walkway.
"No!" Vincent looks at the briefcase that was falling on the avenue, being destroyed by thousands of cars that passed over the suitcase.
You breathe deeply, trying to catch your breath.
Vincent looks at you, approaching and then knocks you to the ground, pinning you down with the weight of his body.
"Do you have any idea what you did? You've ruined my work..." He looks into your eyes, your faces separated by an inch. "Let's see what else you can do."
He smiles mischievously at you, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt and pulling you in for a long rough kiss.
You look at him confused, but soon returns the kiss, closing your eyes and trying to enjoy the heat of the moment.
When you separate, a string of saliva hangs between the two of you as you exchange warm glances.
Vincent licks his lips, pulling you up, helping you to stand up.
He, still holding his pistol, guides you back to the cab.
"V-Vincent..." You look at him as he opens the rear door of the cab.
"Lie on your back." He says in a serious tone, his gaze fixed on your eyes and lips. "Now..."
You, afraid that he would do something bad to you, obeyed him.
"Take off your pants..." Vincent smiles mischievously at you as he looks down at your body.
"Look, I've been really wanting to do this to you, but... HERE?" You try to get up but he again, puts his hand on your chest, preventing you from completing the action.
"Here and now..." Vincent chuckles to himself and strokes your body over your clothes.
"Agh~" You breathe heavily as Vincent helps you take off your pants.
You take off your pants, exposing your panties and smooth legs.
"Look at this." Vincent rubs over your panties with his thumb, your intimacy already wet. "So wet, just for me~"
You close your eyes, throwing your head back and suddenly moving your hips, following his movements.
"That's my beautiful girl, just like that." He smiles widely, as if he's proud of you. "My good girl."
He puts your panties aside, staring at your intimacy.
"Vincent, I... never... I did that." You look at him with your lips parted, gasping for some air.
"Don't worry." He opens up your intimacy with two fingers and gives your intimacy a quick lick, making you feel a shiver down your spine. "I'll take good care of you."
You close your eyes, waiting for Vincent to act.
He, seeing that you have surrendered entirely to his touch, brings his face close to your clit and begins to lick it, making you shudder with pleasure.
"Oooh, Vincent... Agh~" You squirm, arching your back and letting out moans of pleasure.
"Look how you like that, I didn't think a virgin like you would want something like that so badly." Vincent laughs in a low tone, then smiles at you. "I can't do anything but give you what you want so badly, dear. "He puts more pressure on his actions by making circular motions with his tongue and with the help of a finger, he increases the speed.
"Shit... Agh... Damn, that's too good~" You sigh, arching your back even more.
Vincent felt your intimacy pulsate and with that, he stopped his actions, pulling away from you.
"Hey! It was good, don't stop!" You look at him, trying to understand why he did it.
"Calm down, I'll give you something even better..." He licks his lips as he unbuttons the belt of his pants. "I will make you never forget this moment."
With that, he takes off his belt and unbuttons his pants, pulling them down and showing off his black boxers, with his bulge pulsing a little inside his underwear.
Her eyes focus on his private part, covered by the black fabric. "It's very... big... It won't fit..."
You blush and look at Vincent, who was looking at you with his arms crossed.
"Yes, baby... Don't worry. Now, turn around." You turn around, resting your elbows on the cab seat and getting on your knees.
Thus, he lowers his boxers, showing his cock and then takes off his panties, approaching and adjusting his position to match yours.
Without warning, he inserts his member into your intimacy, starting with a big thrust, causing you to let out a slightly loud moan.
"Agh... Mmm... Oh... it hurts, but it's good..." You sigh and blush some more, looking up at him over his shoulder.
"I know, but it's going to get better." Vincent continues his movements, in a gentle way, being careful not to hurt you.
Vincent increases the pressure little by little, wanting to take you to the pinnacle of pleasure. "That's right, sweetheart. That's what you wanted, right? After screwing up my mission..." Vincent slaps one of your buttocks, making you moan in pain and pleasure. "You thought you'd get away with this, didn't you? You thought wrong, kitty~"
He looks around, making sure no one is watching them.
"I'm sorry, Vinc-" You're interrupted by another slap on your right buttock.
"Louder!" He commands, further increasing the strength of his movements, feeling your inner walls closing.
"I'm sorry!" You whimper, sinking your head between your arms.
"Good girl." He grabs you by the hip and turns you around, making you face him. "What a beautiful little thing."
He caresses your face and lifts your shirt, showing your bare breasts, bringing his face closer to them while putting one nipple in his mouth and the other, caressing with his free hand. "I didn't know you weren't wearing a bra, otherwise I would have fucked you before."
Afterwards, he kisses you passionately, still repeating his thrusts in your intimacy.
Your tongues meet and fight for control of the other's mouth, causing Vincent to let out a long moan.
"I... I'm going to... Agh~" You put your hands on his shoulders, closing your eyes tightly.
"Me too." Vincent smiles and kisses your right cheek."
With that, the two of you reach the climax together. You feel Vincent's seed going inside your intimacy, filling you completely.
Still inside you, Vincent lays his body on yours, trying to catch his breath. "Next time, it won't be here in the cab..." He looks at you and smiles, giving you a slight laugh as you roll your eyes.
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ok, I swear this is the last ask I send for today
WHAT IF Cregan finds the piece of Aegon's hair years after the wedding? WHAT IF Angel wasn't as discreet and a good liar as she believed? WHAT IF Cregan started connecting the dots? I imagine a scene like Robert and Cersei talking about Lyana, how their marriage never had a chance and finally being honest with each other.
Bestie please feel free to send me 1,000,000 asks a day, I am always thrilled to receive them! 🥰
I think a lot of people imagine future revelations/confrontations between Angel and Cregan, but lowkey, that man has zero emotional intelligence and doesn't really have any interest in Angel's true feelings. My personal impression is that he never gets suspicious for 2 main reasons:
Cregan is an enthusiastic believer in the "I rescued my wife from the evil Usurper" narrative. It becomes a part of his honorable, heroic identity, and it is the story that is told throughout the North. There is no one around him who questions it; why should he? Cregan also lives in a gender-segregated society. He spends most of his days hunting and making political decisions and doing sword stuff, and as far as he knows his wife is dabbling in her little medical bookworm hobbies and taking care of kids once they have them, and husband and wife will meet up at night for dinner and sex (her marital duty, after all), and that's really as far as Cregan's thinking goes. He's simply not that deep.
Angel is emotionally volatile at times (due to repeated trauma) but she is also very very booksmart, far more so than Cregan or probably anyone else in Winterfell. She has specific objectives throughout her lifetime - ensuring that Jaehaera and Autumn are protected, for example - and she needs Cregan to make them happen. He is the one with immense respect and political capital, not her, and if she endangers the relationship she also jeopardizes the wellbeing of those she truly cares about. Therefore, she is mindful to keep Cregan happy, which doesn't really take a whole lot. If he ever found the braid, she would simply say it was Jaehaera's. Cregan already knows she has a soft spot for the Targ girl since they "survived the same monster" and all that.
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