#people who liked Catwalker inadvertently revealed they liked Luka becuase they are more or less the same
miraculousreblogs · 3 years
I was just thinking about why I liked CatWalker so much and i realised..it's becuase he's like Viperion...almost a copy paste of him.
Let break down their main traits:
Professional yet friendly
Takes initiative
(For ease of understanding and so that I don't have to mentions Adrien again and again let's assume CatWalker is a totally seperate character from him. Also I'll not claim to be completely unbiased. While I liked CatWalker I have a bigger preference for Viperion. Still i will try to be as neutral as possible. If you want to refute something do it nicely and not in the sense to attack me becuase your favourite character got critisized in a post about analysing his character similarities to a pre-existing character.)
So CatWalker...he's pretty neat yeah? A very dependable team mate.
Professional but friendly
It's pretty much shown to us in his introduction that he respects LB and wants to keep it professional. But that doesn't stop him from being friendly.
I can appreciate this.
But it's very much like Viperion. Who also is very into keeping things professional and smooth.
"Thank you for trusting me.", While returning the Snake miraculous to Ladybug. An example of how much he respects her and stays professional. He doesn't burden her with expectations of getting it back but doesn't show aloofness either.
CatWalker helps get back LB her yoyo in Kuro-Neko. This can be seen as a sign of resourcefulness since he claims it for his partner so as to make their fighting more efficient. More so, he believes Ladybug will need it for her Lucky Charm, a step he thinks of in advance. Which is pretty good when your job is to be a hero. (Heck, its good in any job or situation).
Similarly, Viperion finds out how to use the dino plush in Wishmaker and tells Ladybug how to use it effectively and wasting the least amount of time. One might argue that his power go through multiple loops of times doesn't count but it still resourceful. He makes defeating the akuma easier and that's what matters.
Both CatWalker and Viperion have a more tactician nature to them, like Ladybug.
CatWalker notices the piggy back slot on the cat's back and concludes it must be an akuma of sorts. Over here he observes and evaluates, talking a much more active role in decision making and team synergy.
Similarly Viperion notices how to defeat Desperada. He strums his lyre and finds out that Desperada cannot concentrate with his playing and uses it to help LB and Cat Noir defeat the akuma.
CatWalker's overall aesthetic is pretty smooth. Not only is he fluid the entire fight but his line as claiming to take care of LB comes off smoothly and sweetly.
(I couldn't see it romantically but I admit it was a very nice moment.)
Similarly Viperion is like that in Desperada.
"Ladybug brings enough luck for all of us ", a smooth but reassuring line showcasing his trust in LB.
(it's also similar to how Luka is Mari's shoulder to cry on in the season 3 finale..but that's not really about Viperion since he's Luka's super hero form so I'm not sure if it counts. If you want it to count then it counts if you don't then...I can't really do anything about it)
Lastly comes their initiative/decision making.
While CN already had a bit of this it shows much clearly in CatWalker. When he leads away the Cat akuma and tries to calm it. Also the point of his resourcefulness can be counted here.
Similarly, Viperion also takes initiatives. While that is a given with his power..it makes even more sense when you see the fact that he choose that CN's identity reveal was not worth the victory and reset time in Wishmaker. He could have just as easily let it go and allowed the evryone to know CN's identity after he willingly have it up. But Viprion didn't do that and reset time instead.
There are only two major differences I can think of.
Firstly, Cat Walker has a more fighter role than a Tactician role, thus granting him more screentime. In comparison, Viperion is meant to work more from the shadows.
Secondly, CatWalker is LB's equal and therefore will actually have a different dynamic with her in comparison to temporary heroes. Viperion on the other is not going to interact with her as much as he will listen to her as she is the team leader.
These differences though become very Small with how little screen time CatWalker got. Failing to give him any 3D-ness that would diffrentiate him from Viperion.
Essentially it feels like Viperion's personality was copy pasted into CatWalker and as good as declared to be LB's ideal type by Plagg.
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