#people pissing me off so bad recently just in general. online and irl
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devilsskettle · 23 days ago
i think i’m finally sick of this website YAY i’m deleting it from my phone. i will be back soon probably but i think i’m finally over it
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militant-holy-knight · 6 years ago
Alleged Lucasfilm Insider Spills the Beans
On May 26, 2018, on the /tv/ board on 4chan an user titled Lfl did an AMA session with the users. Given that the source was anonymous and his refusal to prove his credentials, we should take his information it with a grain of salt. Though I felt like resposting most of what he revealed. I know I am posting this with the good chance that OP was just roleplaying, but time will tell whether any of this is real or not.
>any talk of firing kathleen? She’s certainly not in good standing after the Last Jedi debacle. Absolutely hated in my department and by a lot of others I know of.
>Let me guess this is a thread where you pretend Lucasfilm is in shambles because a single movie is underperforming. Far from it, actually, but we’ve seen better days. TFA killed a lot of the creative/“anything goes” vibe we had, as evidenced by the “Art Of” book. Seriously, take a look at how cool some of the concept art we had that was thrown out for a safer approach. However, R1 was a blast to work on and felt like the old days. TLJ and Solo were very awkward to work around. A lot of wasted potential with Solo and a lot of in-fighting with both productions.
>tell me about Indiana Jones, news on the 5th film, are more films in the future? It’s in development hell. 2019 is a lucky shot in the dark. Overall, I don’t know much beyond the fact that it’s barely been moving along.
>Do you wish Kevin Feige was in charge? Are toy companies pissed off because of the lame characters and designs? Possibly. There are a number of people I’d rather have in charge of the writing, mostly some of the creative veterans like Filoni or Leeland. The general idea around here is that a “hands off” producer who could also keep things under control would work best. Hasbro is actually pissed off at the way information is handled and the focus on “earth tones” and less interesting visuals in both background aliens and main characters. Going forward there will be a push for more “toyetic” and PT-esque designs. I’ve seen some interesting IX designs, especially Kylo/Rey, who both have “battle armor” on. Kylo has some sort of red crystals on his. Not sure if Kyber or whatever.
>Is the next anthology really Obi-Wan? Any plans for Maul in other anthologies? Yeah, Obi-Wan is the next anthology. Bit of a poorly kept secret at this point, but the announcement should happen within the next 3-4 months. I’ve seen some concept art and it’s honestly breathtaking. I have a great feeling about the film as long as it isn’t stiffled creatively. Don’t believe any bullshit about Thrawn being in it. As far as I know, he’s not. Next movie is up in the air, but talks are revolving mostly around a Boba Fett/Bounty Hunters movie. After that a Solo sequel is planned depending on how well this movie does. That’s where Maul should be making his next appearance. If Solo bombs then he’ll appear in the Fett movie. Considering the Mandolorian connection between them, it’s not a bad idea in my opinion.
>When’s Kuntleen getting the boot? How exactly are you going to right the ship for Episode IX? How much internal division is there at Disney/LFL about the direction the franchise is taking? Kathleen isn’t going anywhere until post IX. If that and Solo underperform then she’ll probably be chained to a smaller project that no one cares about, (ala FOD) and given creative control to herself. 9 is going to be very different. Timeskip, more “toyetic” designs. Personally, I think the damage is done at this point. A lot of higher-ups were gunning for JJ to do all 3 movies and are losing their minds at the idea of SW becoming unprofitable. By the way, Johnson’s trilogy will most likely not happen. Overall there is a very tense atmosphere in the upper-class of the company. Very competitive overall. Lower on the ranks, everyone seems a little bit more disgruntled than usual and a lot of the “magic” is gone. A lot of people are just happy to be paid.
>Is there any truth to the rumor that they are abandoning the trilogy structure for a continuous MCU style? That’s bullshit. Trilogies will always remain. Now, the anthology movies are a different case. Those will be handled more MCU-like.
>Anon you’re exposing yourself as a fake too easily here. Nobody shills on 4chan. It wasn’t JUST on 4chan obviously, but on the internet as a whole. Journalism sites, fan sites, ect. I think the lesson Disney learned is that shilling for a SW movie is pointless when the fans are so opinionated.
>How did they try to defend it? Rian Johnson was being toted around as a “true fan of both the OT/PT” here and that was the narrative/marketing strategy for awhile. Backfired when the movie actually came out and marketing had no idea how to handle it, so damage-control mode was engaged.
>Tell me the truth, how much posting on the Star Wars reddit is paid for? I go there for a good laugh every now and then, it’s the only community I’ve seen where people are so determined to be positive about TLJ that they will include stuff like “TLJ was my fav SW movie btw” at the end of completely unrelated posts. Reddit is a huge center of the marketing campaigns, especially since the site is such a hivemind and opinions get parroted once they’re popular enough to stand on their own. /tv/ is very similar, but contrarian, and harder to control. The Force.net is another, albeit smaller, center for damage control.
>what’s Rian like? Weirdo. Easily one of the weirdest fucking dudes I’ve met, and I only met him twice. Words cannot describe how awkward he is.
>What’s Pablo Hidalgo really like? Awesome irl, but a bit of a dick online. He’s constantly bombarded though. Personally, I think Matt Martin handles fan relations much better and more enthusiastically.
>Why is Disney afraid of using classic aliens? Why are all their alien designs fucking shit and the exact same earthy-brown muppets? Honestly, the art design in the Disney films are fucking boring, uninspired and more Dr. Who rather than Star Wars. Don’t even get me started. The reasoning behind it is despicable too. That brown/earthy skin tone is cheaper to cast for the prop department than recreating the colorful classic puppets/mask. It’s all about cutting corners. The amount of humans in the recent movies is so fucking boring and everyone agrees. Hopefully that’s something fixed with the “toyetic” initiative in future films.
>what is the general opinion of the movies and characters (rey, finn, poe) in the office? Not hated, but the general opinion is that nothing will come close to George’s movies/characters. Gotta admit, it was funny to watch some of the OT purists at LFL start to appriciate the PT when TFA came out. I think those movies will age a lot better now that George is gone. I know a fair amount people who really enjoy the ST characters. Rey is obviously the most popular, but everyone seems disappointed that Finn was sidestepped and turned into a joke in TLJ/TFA.
>Are they really talking about recasting Leia? That seems like such a shitty thing to do. Unfortunately, I can confirm it’s been talked about. No idea who the picks are, but it’s a better option than CGI Leia IMO
>Do you know why Trevorrow was Fired? What happened behind the scenes in rogue one between Edwards and Gilroy? He literally had no idea what to do with IX after Rian’s Rape and flipped out. I don’t blame him, who the fuck even cares about IX in the fanbase now?
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bi-mercy · 8 years ago
On Overwatch and Good Sportsmanship
Someone called me “disillusioned” for saying ‘good game everyone’ after a match in ovw so sit down kids its time for a little lesson in good sportsmanship. 
I’ve been playing competitive sports since before I was 10, including several different sports. For the sake of simplicity I’ll just be comparing it to tennis. After every game, no matter if you lost horribly, or you stomped your opponent, no matter what you always, always go up to them and shake their hand and you say ‘good game’ or ‘great game.’ It’s polite, it’s good sportsmanship, and it shows that you actually care about the game itself rather than just winning it. 
I have no tolerance and no respect for people who rage after they lose a game, or put the other team down when they beat them. When you play a game or a sport against someone else, you treat them with respect- I don’t care whether it’s online or irl. We all lose sometimes, and yes we all rant to ourselves in our minds or maybe even off of mic/ chat. But the point is- that’s where it stays. You don’t start ranting at people, you leave it where it’s you and maybe a friend are there to hear it. 
There’s also a huge difference between working with your team mates when things are going wrong, or yelling at them and being passive aggressive. I had a team mate the other day who got super passive aggressive about little things, to the point where he left even though we were doing those things because we were pointing out his entirely unnecessary tone. And here’s the thing- that’s not working with your team. You can phrase the same request as “hey that turret is up could (x counter) get it?” rather than “why aren’t you getting the turret i’m looking at you (x counter)” or “maybe its not obvious but get that turret.” Because if you’re being a rude asshole people won’t want to work with you, because you’re not working with them either. 
A different game someone went on mic after the fact to rant “good fucking job team” when we lost. Similarly in another recent game, two people decided that they were the only ones doing well and therefore they’d just yell at everyone else and when that failed go and stand in the corner doing nothing for the rest of the game, and then yell at us some more when the game ended. Behavior like that not only shows that they don’t understand how team based games work, they’re just generally unpleasant people (one of them proceeded to act the same for every game, ranting whether he won or lost) who ruin the game for anyone else playing it. It all goes back to treating people with respect- including your team mates. If your team is doing bad, try to work with them. And if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t work, but yelling at people isn’t going to help in any way. To go back to the tennis analogy- tennis is a bit of a strange sport in that it’s both a team sport and an individual sport. You can win your game, but if your team mates lose theirs you can still lose the match. Personally I think that works pretty well compared to overwatch- no matter how well you play, you can’t win unless you work with your team. Encourage them, don’t put them down. If they mess up repeatedly, give them polite advice and encourage them to want to get better, and eventually they’ll get it. If you yell at them or put them down it’ll only make things go worse. 
When people act like pissed of 10 year olds with no filter, it ruins the experience for everyone, including the people acting like that. And yes there’s a certain amount of that that’s “expected” but that doesn’t mean it should be tolerated. Overwatch is multiplayer game and in any competitive games or sports there’s an expectation of good sportsmanship. That’s how I was taught through sports growing up, especially when I lost, and that’s how you grow and improve. So yeah, no matter how badly we lose, or how quickly we win, I always leave some kind of message at the end, at the very least a small ‘gg’ if I can’t get myself to type out the whole thing. If things go really bad, even no comment is better than raging. Sportsmanship is just as important in overwatch and other games than it is in sports. Do it, stick with it. 
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szopenhauer · 5 years ago
what is the weather going to be like where you live tomorrow? who knows, forecast is lying
who lives in your house and what are they doing right now? my parents, dunno, they just finished eating
does your best friend live near you? my dad lives with me
what is the last place you kissed someone, if ever? her apartment
how do you like to express yourself? in every possible way?
whose birthday is coming up? my sister’s 
what do your favorite pair of shoes look like? can’t choose only one pair
what city do you live in? what’s the population? I’m not sharing that
what time are you going to sleep tonight? we’ll see
who is the last person you hugged for a long time? parent
what are your top five favorite cities? that I visited or would like to?
how did your parents pick your name? my mom liked it 
do you want to move out? yes
how long would it take you to walk to the house of the last person you kissed? walk? :o omg...
what did you last have a conversation with one of your siblings about? what happened on Wednesday
other than a dislike button, what’s something you wish facebook had? hmm...
which part of your day was best: morning, afternoon, or night? I hope night will be good
what’s something you would do drunk but never do sober? I’ve never been drunk so no idea
what is more annoying, people who take forever to reply to texts or when they only say ‘k’? both are annoying but constant ok or XD are basically K.O. of the conversation
have you ever had a night that’s been hands down the best night of your life? if so, describe what happened? can I count dreams tho?
what time do your parents normally get home from work? mom’s retired and my dad either 8 am or 8 pm
what is a word, if any, that you always have trouble spelling? cześć and similar with ść like iść myć and sometimes also words with l and r inside like galeria as I switch those and there’s garelia instead
what was the last awkward moment you experienced? my whole life is awkward
last thing that really hurt you? physically or emotionally/mentally?
are you ever afraid to be yourself? if I can get beated or even killed for that
did you kiss or hug anyone today? hug
how many people have told you they were in love with you? ugh...
is any part of you sad at all? always
would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone? my gf obviously
honestly, if you could go back one month and change something would you? maybe
are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? yeah
do you still talk to the last person you kissed? even now
do you have a bad temper? I guess
do you believe that there’s good in everybody? who cares if there’s more bad/evil in them
are you the funniest of all your friends? don’t wanna brag but... 
have you ever gone to work with a hangover? never been hungover
what pisses you off the most? shitload of stuff
are you emotional? might be
what’s something you wish you could go shopping for right now? if I had my own apartment...
have you done anything illegal in the last three days? no do you ever get shy around the boy/girl you like? sorta
have you ever gotten soap in your mouth for cursing? do you think that’s right to do to kids who curse?: luckily not, that’s awful, don’t do that
what age do you think is appropriate for kids to start watching horror movies with lots of gore?: never, kid or adult, those movies shouldn’t exist in the first place
do you know what the word “polyamorous” means?  I know
how many bug bites do you currently have?: about 10, first time in my life I’ve been bitten so hard and yet ppl dare to say there are no mosquitos this summer
do you have any wind chimes outside your house? how many?: we don’t, my mom used to have bamboo one inside but somehow it’s gone now
do you know someone who actually had someone give them a bouquet of real roses and one fake one, and tell them they’ll love them until the last one dies?: wow :o
which do you like better, firefox or internet explorer?: Opera but Firefox if I had to choose between those two craps
do you have a flat stomach? would you ever wear a belly shirt to show it off?: it ain’t flat but I still wear crop tops when I’m in the mood for that
with eyebrow piercings, do you prefer the ring or the curved barbell?:  I don’t care 
would you date someone who was five years older than you?:  I don’t think so
if you had to have one drug (illegal ones, like marijuana and cocaine and all of them) right now, what would it be?: none
would you ever get a sleeve or a half sleeve on your arm (we’re talking about tattoos)?: hell no
do you have a wireless mouse and/or keyboard?: not wireless
do you think your biological parents love each other?: what even is love...
would you rather live alone in a huge mansion or alone in a small studio apartment?: small apartment is enough, I don’t have to clean whole mansion haha or pay for all the electricity and such
if you came across child porn on your computer, what would you do?: not possible as only I use it
what’s the name of the street you live on?: that’s personal
how often do you use “<3”?: rarely
how do you feel about abortion?: it’s complicated, I don’t want to talk about it
what’s one thing your grandmother does that you can’t stand?: ...
did you ever notice how it’s more tragic if a younger person dies than an older person, even if they both died of the same cause?: it’s because old person had time to live and it’s normal they’re going to die soon on smth anyway, kids and teens or even young adults should have an equal chance in life 
how often do you wash your hair?: recently basically everyday
do you think the price for a movie ticket is too high these days?: I agree have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?: nope
what’s your favorite musical?: Cats is the only one I like, I hate musicals
Have you ever watched a beaver build a damn before? not irl, just documentary/online
How often do you get spam in your email? all the damn time, 99% of emails are spam and it makes me mad
Do you use “shall” or “should” more often in speech? should only
Do you know anyone who can read Braille? I learned but forgot already
Do you ever wish that you had a tail? kinda
Do you prefer garden snails or water snails? all of them snails :)
Do you pay attention to detail? often
Would you wear a veil at your wedding, if you were to get married? I prefer capes or trains for that matter but veils aren’t a bad idea either
Are you a male or a female? I’m a cis female
Do you like fairytales? not a fan 
What is your favorite type of whale? I think they’re pretty cool in general, don’t know enough about types
Do you prefer paper bags and plastic bags when you go to the grocery store? Or perhaps those reusable ones? depends
Do you like your country’s flag? it’s... boring
Do you like things that have a zigzag pattern on them? sweaters
Has the airbag ever gone off in the car before, with you in it? no
When’s the last time you used a dishrag? today
What does your favorite bag look like? can’t decide
list two facts about your last kiss. it was with a woman that I’m dating in her apartment - ok that’s three facts lol
what was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning? my skin is awful
have you ever worn the opposite sex’s underwear? nah
have you ever kissed in a pool? I haven’t
have you ever lied to protect someone’s feelings? yep
how did you meet the last person you kissed? mutual friend in high school, we went to the crappy concert together
whats something that really grosses you out? plenty of stuff that I don’t want to even think about 
what is the oldest person you would date right now? my age is old enough 
do you use your middle finger often? I suppose
how many people have you kissed in your entire life? one
how many hours has it been since you woke up? at first I woke up at 6 am then half past 10 am and now it’s 3 pm
are you listening to anything? not currently
has anyone ever sprayed you fully clothed with a hose? I don’t recall but would be pissed
do you own an umbrella? I borrow my parents’ umbrella when I have to because I hate umbrellas
what do you have in your pockets right now? no pockets!
how many keys are on your key chain? just one
what do they go to? my house 
are you wearing a shirt that has a sports team logo on it? ewww, no way
have you parents ever hated one of your boyfriends/girlfriends? my mom doesn’t like the fact I’m into girls so... how old is the last person you kissed? 28 
how old were you in 1995? 3
how old will you be in 2027? 35
what brand of shampoo do you use? Family splash
who was the last person to give you money? family member
have you ever dreamt of someone you barely know? that was weird
when was the last time you went to the ocean? saw the sea once, not ocean
do you know how to give cpr? not best
have you ever taken a pregnancy test? what for?
have someone seen you naked in the last month? yup
what kind of doctor did you go to the last time you went? had to get vaccine against tetanus after I was bitten by the dog this Wednesday
are you jewish? am not
have you ever wished your eyes were a different color? it’s not that important
how many times does “n” occur in your full name? twice
what are you initials? Z.C.
what is something that always makes you feel pretty? *rolling my eyes*
how many songs are on your mp3/ipod? I don’t remember, I didn’t use it in a long time
have you ever flashed someone accidentally? in elementary I had no boobs so I didn’t wear a bra and there was PE and I was teaching my classmate how to do a carthwheel and I flashed a certain boy who was bullying me later in life (middle school), he said - You’re wild
do you ever crack your knuckles/back/ankles/wrists/etc?: I despise ppl who do that, stop!
if you walk by a mirror, do you look at yourself in it?: try not to
what would you do if a stranger came up to you and said you are the most attractive person they had ever seen?: think it’s a prank 
have you ever shared a blanket with someone?: sure
what is more important, happiness or trust?: happiness includes trust
do you ever think “what if” about anything?: overthinking for life
do you care too much/not at all/just enough?: all at once lmfao
are you a morning person or a night person?: night but I’m barely a person
what would you do if you opened up your front door and your doorstep was full of surprises?: what kind of surprises?
if you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept?: thx but no
do you have a good relationship with your mother?: not as much as I’d like to
the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?: 3 - on a cam/video chat, publicly and on her bed
are your nails painted?: they’re not painted
are you someone who worries too often? 24/7
do you like thunderstorms?: I like how lightning looks like and the sound of thunder but weather makes me feel ill so...
would you like to see a tornado at some point in your life?: if it didn’t kill me
could you stay in the same relationship for over a year?: I assume
who has seen you at your “worst?“: family and partner
will you kiss the last person you kissed again?: we plan to
if you could have one super power what would it be?: healing - myself and others
what’s your opinion on people wearing high heels to school?: dumb
do you listen to any music that doesn’t have lyrics?: can but don’t do that usually
do you stutter when you get nervous?: nah
do you attend church regularly?: I listen to the mass every Sunday
what is your favorite superhero movie?: can’t choose only one
do you watch gossip girl?: no
what do you get whenever you go school shopping?: I’m done with school however, back when I did do school shopping, it was about notebooks mostly
what is your #4’s dog’s name?: I didn’t have so many 
do you consider yourself responsible?: depends
are you tired?: yesss
do you think that aliens exist? it’s possible
what do you doodle most often?: *shrug*
if you went to jail, what would you go for?: smth I didn’t do, I would be framed
are there any bruises on your body right now?: weird but not even after that unlucky Wednesday, my skin isn’t bruising easily
if you died next week, what would be the cause of death?: heart attack, allergy, accident etc
what do you think about dating websites?: didn’t help but OKC have fun questions :P
what is your favorite thing to get at starbucks?: I don’t go there
what about at mcdonalds?: french fries
do you wear contacts or glasses?: if I had to I’d choose glasses
how many clocks are in your room?: just cellphone and computer 
how many fridges are in your house?: ... 1
what is the best way to tell someone that they stink?: too ashamed to point that out :x
what time will you go to bed tonight?: 11 pm but probs will fall asleep before 2 am as usual
How do you feel right this moment?: not good
What does the last person you kissed name start with?: M.
How many people have you kissed in the last 5 months?: no one else
When did you last have sex?: recently
State the lyrics stuck in your head at the moment.: I'm hard on the outside but if you see inside, inside, inside 
What do you currently hear?: not a single thing and happy about it
What would you do if your doctor told you, you were pregnant?: they’re mistaken as it’s not possible
If you’re dating someone how long have you been together?: about 2 months
What’s the longest relationship you have ever been in?: dunno if I can count that as relationship 
Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?: used to know
Are your parents strict?: they’re weird
What grade are you in?: graduated 
Have you ever kissed in the rain?: wouldn’t want to, I imagine it being uncomfy
When was the last time you seen your mom?: she just opened my room’s door without knocking to ask me for another favor
Do you and her get along good?: won’t say so
Have you ever stole anything?: not really
What’s the last thing you heated up in the microwave? I don’t use a microwave, I heard they’re bad for your health
Have you ever felt like a slave before? kind of
How often do you shave? What do you shave? not your business
Whose grave did you last visit? been to the funeral but besides that my brother’s
Describe a time when you felt brave. nie czuję się odważna tylko dzielna tak jak nie jestem cierpliwa lecz mam silną wolę
Have you ever participated in “the wave”? if I’m thinking what you’re thinking
Have you ever accidentally waved at the wrong person before? worse
Oh no! Your house is on fire! What’s the first thing that you try to save? important documents, pendrives, photo albums, my fav stuffed animal (but most importantly myself and my fam)
Do you remember to save your documents? I’m paranoid about it
Are you the person who paves/smooths things over in an argument, or do you just add more fuel to the fire? I must confess I quite often add fuel but not every single time
How many pets do you have? just my doggo
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