Hey, sorry I haven’t really been online, I had some things I was doing.
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I think I might be beating most of my friends in blood to coffee ratio nowadays.
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Yeah? Oh jeez, this is..sort of bringing back memories, haha. Like..I dunno, it’s nice to hear from you again. And..it’s going around in circles, and I know I’ve said this before but I will definitely keep that in mind. I’ll keep those good vibes, Mike. And- oh god, Michael don’t!!
It’s good to hear from you again, too. I mean, you-you, not my you, who I get to hear from plenty about how “[She doesn’t] care if [I] bought the orange juice, drinking out of the carton is gross, what if [she gets] cooties?”
I wasn’t checking in online for a while there, but I was wondering if you were doing alright.
I won’t, this time, because I’m a very charitable guy.
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That’s true Forensics has been pretty interesting so far and I get to study history at the side so I guess college has its perks And yeah, I can already imagine dad give both of us that one long lecture. Whenever we just screw up now that’ll be fun.
Under all that calculus, you get to learn a little. Focusing on the positives is always good, and finding the good in your time there is just as important as knowing that you’ll end up where you want to be after.
Oh, boy. I haven’t heard that lecture in so long, I think I might even miss being able to quote it word for word.
#truthorslap#Of course. Friends and family are really important.#Being able to help the people in your life and keep them safe is key.#Ice cream? Not today. It's a good idea though.
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Lucky!! Yeah..general ed just sucks. Like we already learned this in high school and I don’t- want -to pay for another year or two for classes that I’ve taken, ugh. But yeah, thanks for the good vibes, Michael. And..more like that’s the last thing that our parents would want to hear.
Oh, yeah, the early on classes are like that. It’s a lot of catching everyone up together, and you’re doing alright, and then suddenly you’re taking Calculus 3 and you wish it was Calculus 1 again. Or, at least, that was the case for me. Having a specialized study really helps to get away from the things you already know from highschool.
Oh, man, wouldn’t that be the day?
#truthorslap#I always wanted to live a good life but I guess I never really felt grateful for everything. I definitely do now though.#Things were a little rough at times but I'm just lucky that I get to see this all through.#You don't have to be a good Samaritan. You just have to want to make a difference.#You want to and that's what I'm proud of.
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Thanks..gonna need all those good vibes for Calculus because I feel so dead inside that class; it’s the *worst*. Hahaha, no don’t worry, you’re not giving me a bad influence or something. I know..and I’ll keep that in mind.
Oh, yeah, Calculus is always like that. This semester was the first time I didn’t have a required calculus course. I’ll make sure to send you some extra good vibes for that.
That’s good to hear. The last thing I’d want to do is influence you into getting into trouble.
#truthorslap#That's all I can ask for.#I've heard of what has happened to me before from others and it's not that I'm not scared.#But knowing also makes me grateful for the life I have if that makes any sense.#I'm glad you got to learn to swim even if the reasons weren't exactly the happiest.#And I'm really proud of you for wanting to help others.#I hope that's not too weird for you to hear.
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Yeah yeah don’t worry about it, Mike. I’m still a responsible young adult so, I might as well get good grades while I’m slowly getting into debt. Hahaha well, I can’t guarantee that since I’m new to this place too the uh area near the university I’m attending, at least but if I’m getting lost with my friends we’ll stick together like our buddy system.
It’s good to hear that you’re sticking to being responsible. I’ll send you good thoughts, anyway. Finals are rough, studying or not.
That’s true. Maybe you’ll even find some cool new places that way. Not that I’m encouraging you to get lost, or anything. The buddy system is a good idea, for sure.
#truthorslap#Jeez... be careful with that. I'm glad you at least know what to do in that situation.#Hey no you don't have to apologize.
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shyfidxlity replied to your post: shyfidxlity replied to your post: ...
I do. It’s all right. Whatever, don’t get a big head.
I’ll make sure not to let it get to me.
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okay, jack nimble-fingers, just don’t blog too fast or your old man heart might give out.
I’ll do my best to not have a heart attack over all this typing and whatever things I’ll see on the internet.
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shyfidxlity replied to your post: Hey, guys, I finally have a lot more free time to...
#Like blogging I guess. of all the bad decisions you could make
And here I thought you liked my company.
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Aww, that does sound nice right about now; some cold lemonade under a porch..good stuff. And..well, been busy with finals week here until it like..got postponed for a couple weeks. So nowadays I’m just heading to the beach and hanging out with friends. It’s kind of interesting since most of my friends here aren’t from the US so I dunno, I guess it’s a pretty cool experience to just show them around and stuff.
Oh, man... Well, it’s good to hear that you’re taking advantage of the time you’re getting. Don’t forget to get some studying in before the postponed finals, though.
I’d imagine so, showing people the places you like is always a great experience. Just make sure not to get lost or anything while you’re showing everyone around.
#truthorslap#How is surfing going for you? That's always seemed pretty cool but It's never something I've gotten to try.#It's good to hear that you've gotten better at swimming.
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welcome back to the land of the blogging, stranger
Thank you. My heart is old now, but my blogging hands are still young.
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truthorslap replied to your post: Hey, guys, I finally have a lot more free time to...
I’m really glad I can sit down and do the things not busy people do. Like sit on porch swings and drink lemonade and watch the young’uns play in the yard.
How are you holding up, Alex?
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Hey, guys, I finally have a lot more free time to do stuff.
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The Hierophant
The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guides oneself..." The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine. You are a person who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles. You are matured enough, quite wise and logical. However, you are somehow associated and obsessed with the past.
TAGGED BY: @truthorslap TAGGING: if you wanna do the thing go for it
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Well, those concerns are something not to worry about, then. First of all, someone having tattoos doesn’t mean that they’re a bad person; it could be a way to show their artistic creativity or..whatever, you know. And anyways, I don’t know about your Alex but me..well..I’m not really interested in guys or girls- or just anyone in general. I’m just..not interested in stuff like that, at all..you know??
I know, I know. Don’t judge a book by its cover, or various tattoos. Book tattoos. I guess those would be library stamps?
I mean, from personal experience I don’t, but I know people who just aren’t all that interested in that sort of thing. There’s nothing wrong with that.
#truthorslap#That's how everyone gets wise right? Learning from your mistakes is a pretty important skill.
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No, I wouldn’t; even if you were from a different dimension, I think I know that you didn’t handle that Grand Theft Auto incident very well. Hahaha, even if it was pretty funny at first.
Yeah, keep talking, jailbird. It’s a slippery slope from there, what if you got a jail boyfriend? What if he had tattoos? These are completely valid concerns.
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