#people liking the characters and relationships(/p) I do but liking them the WRONG WAY/lh
ablednt · 2 years
My desire to make an owl house fan blog so I can be autistic about it in public vs my aversion to most fandom spaces FIGHT
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lostinmcyt · 3 years
here's the thing though, there are /some/ people who call themselves dream apologists who do excuse abuse. just like there are /some/ other people in the fandom who excuse torture, and say he deserves it. here's what i've noticed though, there are more c!dream sympathists who are Like That on twitter and reddit (eugh, reddit), and there are more c!tommy apologists who are Like That on tumblr. (though there are always some on any platform) i've seen so many bad faith, horrible takes on twitter from every side (i know i sound a little centrist here). and i have genuinely encountered people on twitter, with large followings who said "oh dream didn't abuse tommy, their relationship was just toxic" and no one came in and corrected them. my point is, firstly we need to stop judging "apologists" by the outliers, or by their bad apples. BUT i also think, if we're gonna view it as sides, both sides need to start taking a little accountability, and also call people out people in their /own/ group when they genuinely do spout victim-blaming rhetoric, instead of no-true-scotsmaning them out. 'cause i've been tryna do that best i can, if i do encounter it. and i know the response to the survey was a bit disappointing from my side, i know how shitty it feels when people don't, 1. get the point of ur character and 2. echo a lot of victim-blaming sentiments, even if the character itself isn't real, because the things they say are real, and sound so eerily familiar. i genuinely cannot be on dream smp twitter for that reason. - cube (once again back in ur inbox with a long-winded opinion :P)
okay now that i'm off work-
yeah shitty as it is I have also seen some people who say they're c!Dream apologists who do say that c!Dream did absolutely nothing wrong or that c!tommy deserved the exile treatment or whatever with their whole chest (notably only in form of twt screenshots posted here either by antis going 'SEE THEY'RE ALL ABUSE APOLOGISTS' or by us going 'yo what the actual FUCK', but then again, i have my dash curated to avoid shitty people so i'm not saying no one like this exists on tumblr) - and i 100% agree that in the true spirit of this fandom discussing moral conundrums on a daily basis they should be told that hey, actually, how about you maybe reconsider.
with the c!tommy apologists who say the torture is okay - well if you're a c!dream fan and try to discuss that point you get called abuse apologist in return because Exile is the only arc that matters and we cannot discuss anything else ever and the cycle continues xD so a lot of us gave up lmao and now we just ask people to tag appropriately and stare in horror otherwise
but this is touching on what I said - difference in the definition of what a c!dream apologist is. cause you know, i go by 'i acknowledge his faults but i'm going to look into his character deeper to try and understand where they came from as well as i don't believe he's irredemable because god damn everyone deserves a chance to get better' definition which is i think the most popular angle at least in my corner of dsmpblr. the people i talked about earlier would not be c!dream apologists by this definition, they'd be what i like to call, 'wrong' /lh
idk man, it's the generalization that gets me, and also the fact that people will go out of their way to show up in your asks or your notes or in general tags even and say 'yeah if you like this character/if you're an apologist you're actually abusive to people in real life' hen it couldn't be further from the truth but they don't know that nor do they care to stop and think about the fact that maybe they're wrong-
and people of this fandom only seem to go this far in c!dream/c!dream fans case, i don't think people go out their way to go to c!q fans and yell at them about torture or yknow to go to c!sam fans and yell about prison reforms (if they do, guys, i'm so sorry /srs) AND ALSO some one them will be like 'you're an abuser /j' like????????? hello??????????????? show me where the joke is.
sorry for how rambly i am my brain is melting from the heat you have no idea how much effort it took to reply lol
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jjjjjjjjeffrey · 4 years
Pspspsps gimme that badlands lore
Anon I love you sm thank you. I am a little tired rn (Edit: I fell asleep while writing this) so this might get ramble-y but. Bullet point time
The Egg!!
Ik my original post was about missing pre-Eggification Badlands but like. The Egg! It gives the Badlands & Co. so many opportunities for future lore on top of the lore of the present. Also its so impactful to Everyone from the Badlands I think its impossible not to acknowledge fbsnfbsj. Imo the Egg arc is a smaller part of a bigger Badlands plot thats still going
Its been said Many times before but the Egg is looping sm people into lore that might otherwise have been left to their own devices? I appreciate the writers for scooping everyone into it sm. And also!! This means that future Badlands lore can include more than just the 3 or 4 original members without it feeling forced or sudden. Theyve set up a web of characters who now have relationships and past experience w each other
C!Bad, Ant, and Sam were all. Relatively isolated before the Egg plot by virtue of Not having had the opportunity to have large impact on the plot before hand. Lemme tell you, SAD-ist putting Bads "who cares" line into that animatic? I Cried. Revolutionary, thank you SAD-ist for acknowledging that new factions(?) can be relevant and also more than a little intimidating
On the note of Bads line!! The Egg can impact the Badlands ideals So Much. Theres been sm conflict caused between the Badlands members by the Egg right? But also in canon the Egg 100% chose the Badlands for a reason. Iirc theyre idea was p much to claim everything to the North(?) of Bad and Skeppys house as theirs (and the opposite direction of Erets castle if they could get her on board). I think they left the other two sides open but theres no way the Egg wasnt like "Oho you already want to take over everything? And youre doing it by using others' weaknesses? Less manipulation for me 👀"
Unless, ofc, the Egg was already influencing them when they were deciding that. Might develop a theory about that later but for now Im gonna continue w my point
Future lore??
I really dont think the Badlands are gonna still have that goal of "Create peace through unity" if they recover from the Egg. I think if I was possessed by a red vine that went "Hey we're gonna take over the world together. Or else 🙂" I maybe wouldnt want to take over the world anymore? Like the Badlands' motivations were Understandable and somewhat justifiable but so far the Eggs had no motivations more than "Be red do crimes" iirc
Speaking of justifiable motivations!! I really want the characters involved in the Egg arc to be able to heal w each other after its done. I want them to learn more about each other and to understand Why they each did what they did. I just think a recovery arc would be nice and also they are friends your honor (P.S. Ant give us lore please for the love of god /lh)
Guys please I just want one (1) recovery arc that doesnt immediately go horrifically wrong
I have more thoughts but like I said I fell asleep writing these last night. Now it is morning and I am no thoughts head empty
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