#people go crazy over that and while he wont admit it its very obvious he feels quite smug about it
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sophiethewitch1 · 10 months ago
You mentioned that all the Wayne's post thirst traps. And that Damian's are like Victorian women showing some racy ankle. What does he consider a thirst trap then.
Have you ever seen a man in a dark turtle neck sweater.
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ofgoldenangel · 4 years ago
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
SUMMARY: Gabriel Meets Wally West at the Christmas Tree lighting and they spend a wonderful time together. With Snowball fights and Hot chocolate  TRIGGERS: None WRITTEN WITH: @fasterthanl1ght​
Gabriel: loved all these lights and happy kids faces he passed while walking through Rockefeller It was amazing to see how the humans celebrating the holiday season. He found a nice spot in front of the tree on a park bench smiling softly hearing the sounds of happy kids and movement of people. He felt eyes on him as he gave them a soft smile "Hello, Enjoying the Holiday fun?"
Wally:  Wally was having a blast. Christmas in Rockefeller. It didn't get much more iconic than that. He passed by a family making a snowman, some kids having a snowball fight, a couple taking a romantic walk. As he approached a park bench he got a look at the guy sitting on it and was slightly floored. Damn. He'd met some good looking folks in his time, like the Titans or the Justice League, but this guy was like on another level. It took him a second to realize he was staring and he turned away a bit just to avoid making it super obvious. "Hm me? Yeah man I love this time of year. It's my favorite!" Wow did he always sound like such a nerd? He coughed a bit feeling the need to clear his throat suddenly before turning the question on the other man. "What about you? Are you stoked for Christmas? Or you know, whatever you celebrate?"
Gabriel:  Gabe chuckled softly feeling eyes on him as he sat near the hub of all the activity, he'd briefly saw Sam and Charlie dancing feeling extreme happiness to see them enjoying themselves when he turned his attention to the boy with bright red hair something he'd yet to see in this new world. "Same, I love the idea of bring families closer and sending everyone good will." He mused looking at the other chuckling softly "I'm very stoked for it, this will be the first year in awhile I've got all my siblings close enough to spend time with them. We celebrate Christmas, well I suppose some of us do either way I'm super excited."
Wally: Family. It was a little hard to think of that with Barry gone and his parents...well he just didn't really want to think of them. Hell he hadn't even decided if he was going to visit Iris yet. He smiled lightly and decided to join the guy on the bench to look at the tree. "I was an only child but I can imagine it must be pretty great having your siblings around for Christmas. In any case Christmas is the best for sure."
Gabriel: Looked at the other wondering if he had someone to spend the holidays with, he'd learned that many people were sometimes without family which made his  heart hurt for those. "Really how interesting, I'm sure my youngest brother wishes he was an only child. But I rather like it, we sort of had a family falling out years ago this the first time we are all in the same city together. I'm sort of working up my courage to see how he is doing at the Lux club."
Wally: "Ah. Sibling rivalry. I've heard tales of it." The Titans were probably the closest thing to siblings he had and they had their tiffs for sure. Dick probably had the best examples of sibling rivalry of anyone he'd ever met. But that didn't mean the Bat Fam didn't have each other's backs when it counted. Mostly. He pat the other on the back in encouragement and grinned. "Hey man don't sweat it. I'm sure your brother will come around. If ever there was a time to patch things up and start again, this is it. That's what Christmas and New Years is all about right? Peace on Earth and goodwill and stuff."
Gabriel: He smiled nodding his head "it can be quite crazy but lucky I'm pretty close to the youngest group so I i admit its hard playing both sides." He mused looking at the other he was hoping to move forward with his fallen brothers, especially  Lucifer, he really missed his younger sibling and hopped maybe with everything happening they could get on better terms. "Thank you that's very kind of you to say, currently he is going through a rough patch and I want to be there for him but I don't want to come off overbearing. Its hard being the elder brother at times especially when once upon a time we were so close. I miss that closeness we used to share."
Wally: "That is a fine line to walk. Wanting to be closer but afraid to push them away at the same time." He'd done the same thing with his friends. It had taken him so long to decide to come back to them but he did and they welcomed him without question. He knew not everyone was so lucky but he had hope. "I think you'll be close again. You're his brother. That has to count for something." Wally was sometimes too optimistic for his own good but during Christmas he felt it was justified. His specialty was bringing some cheer to where it was needed most and as he watched the kids playing, some he even recognized from F.E.A.S.T. an idea came to him and he grinned. "You wanna join a snowball fight?" It was totally random but this guy sounded like he could use some good old fashioned winter fun right about now.
Gabriel: "You are right very fine line so far the last time we saw one another it was nice, we didn't beat each other up like before." He mused smiling softly he missed Lucifer and fighting with him in the Veil only made that feeling so much stronger if he was honest with himself.  "I love your optimistic not maybe people have that gift , I think you are right clear all the negative from my head and we should get close again. I never stopped caring about him I'll just have to show him." Gabe's smile returned almost tenfold when the other mention a snowball fight. "I'd love one! its actually be my first in a long time promise to take it easy on me? OH I'm Gabriel by the way, Gabe for short." He replied hopping off the bench holding out his hand.
Wally: Alright that just wasn't fair. No one should be allowed to look that good. The dude, Gabe's smile was practically blinding. Holy hell. Wally did his best to shake it off and laughed as he held out his hand to shake the others. "Wally West. Optimism is kind of my thing. There's always a bright side somewhere if you're willing to look." He grinned happily and started towards the kids calling to them. "Hey guys, this is my new friend Gabe! Mind if we join you?" They kids all looked at each other before agreeing excitedly and separated themselves into teams. Having a grown up on their side gave them a great advantage after all. Wally turned back to Gabe nearly buzzing with his own excitement. "Alright if this is your first snowball fight I'll try and go easy on you. The kids might not though so just, heads up. Basically there's two teams right. And you just run around pelting each other with snowballs until the other teams give up! Easy!" Ok so maybe those rules were oversimplified but that's how he used to play with the Titans. Only they used super powers. Which reminded him of one other thing Gabe should know. "Just remember when you're making a snowball don't pack it too tight. And make sure there's no rocks or ice in it. We don't want anyone getting hurt you know. This is strictly for fun. No tears allowed. Unless of course you feel the need to cry when my team wins. I promise I won't judge." Cute or not Gabe was so going down and Wally couldn't wait.
Gabriel: He was quite happy for the distraction in the form of Wally the male seemed to be just as fun as he was plus it gave him an excuse to not wonder into the Lux too early and set Lucifer off. He walked a rather thin line when it came to his youngest brother but he was still happy to be close to him once again. "Sounds like great advice to live by when one thinks about it" he mused letting the other talk giving the kids a slight wave of his hand. He looked at his teammates smiling before being pulled back to Wally. "That sounds amazing, I hope you wont cry if I get you a couple times then?" he teased nodding his head he'd seen the other making the snowballs enough to get the hang of it plus it will be fun either way I'm sure" he mused before nodding is head chuckling at the other "I promise no tears or pain, but try not to cry if If my team takes the win after all I could be some snow chap" he mused moving over to his team to help make some snowballs for the starting fight.
Wally: Wally was glad he could provide a distraction if nothing else. Christmas time was no time to be down when you could be getting that holiday cheer. He grinned a cheeky grin at the other's words, before switching his tone to one of mock sympathy. "Listen Gabe you're a cool guy and all, but you're not going to hit me. Not even once. But don't feel too bad though. I was the dodge ball king back in high school." Or he would have been if he'd been allowed to use his powers. He totally let those jerks pelt him back then.The kids had built up two snow barricades to act as bases for their teams and Wally went to the one closest to him to plot with the kids on his side. Once their strategy was set he picked up a snowball and made a show of stretching out in front of the enemy team and Gabe. "All right kiddos let me show you how a pro gets things done." With that he sent a snowball flying straight at Gabe. At normal speed of course. He didn't want to crush the poor guy on his first strike. Not in his first snowball fight ever. With the first ball in the air the game was on and with a yell it began. "ATTACK!" The kids behind him all screamed and let their own snowballs fly. Wally was smiling like a loon as he peppered the other team as best he could with going over board.
Gabriel: Gabe had to admit he was beyond glad that he could spend time with Wally he seemed like quite a fun person plus his bright red hair had captured Gabriel's attention almost immediately. He decided it was best to not go over using his strength and powers less the other feel he gave them an unfair advantage. "I bet I can hit you just once during this little snowball fight, Loser buys the Hot chocolate what do you say? We both come out a winner." He mused holding out his hand winking at Wally. He smiled watching the kids excitedly get ready for the fight, it was times like this he loved humanity, things were so simply to kids compare to adults. "Okay now we are going to not only win but have an amazing time okay?" He told the kids smiling at their cheers before he ducked to move away from the snowballs flying "Cheater!" he chuckled out loud throwing his snowballs "Let them have it."
Wally: "Alright hot stuff, you're on. I'll take that bet. That hot chocolate is going to taste so much sweeter when you buy it for me." Wally wasted no time and once the game started he was off like a rocket. No super speed yet but even his normal fast was crazy. He made snow balls in record time and his team now had an endless supply. When he joined the fray he targeted Gabe specifically. Mostly because he didn't want to go for the kids because that seemed kind of low but also because it was the best tactical option to take out the strongest asset first. He almost missed the snowball coming at him from the side but his speed kicked in just for a split second, lighting flashed across his eyes as he moved imperceptibly fast just enough to doge before time slowed again and he was going at the kids pace. Any normal human wouldn't have seen that be he was unaware of who the person was that he had actually challenged.
Gabriel: He couldn't help but chuckle at the other he could tell he was going to like Wally alot, they male had similar energy to him which made wanting to be friends with him quite easy. He wouldn't even mind paying for Hot chocolate if his team lost after all this fight was the most fun he'd had in ages. He didn't know Wally had powers of course had he been human maybe he wouldn't have noticed the sudden super speed. He couldn't help but smile using some of his strategy to up his aim a bit trying to get a snowball and hit the red haired male moving to dodge anything coming his way. "is that the best you've got Wally?"
Wally: The kids were dropping fast now as one by one they started to get tired or took one too many snow balls. Wally was laughing and running around making more snowballs and generally having a great time. He might as well have been a kid himself for all the fun he was having. There was a reason he got along so well with the kids from F.E.A.S.T. It was also why the Flash helped deliver presents on Christmas Eve. This was what the holidays were about and Wally loved it with his every fiber of his being. The challenge from Gabe only made him grin wider. "You wish. You haven't seen even half the things I can do." The battle was slowing down as the kids gradually began to sit on the side lines. Of course his energy reserves were doing just fine and he wasn't waning at all in his onslaught. He saw the snowball Gabe threw at him coming and caught it mid air with a smirk. He pulled his arm back and sent it flying right back at Gabe, certain that it was going to hit.
Gabriel: Gabe was enjoying himself itd been such a long time since he'd  be this free and happy. Lately he'd been feeling a tad off but after spending time with the kids and Wally he felt rejuvenate in a way he couldn't explain. The holidays while not all of his siblings favorite time still was great because they once again were all together.  He could tell the kids were getting tired with their snowball antics which was fine because his subject was Wally. He chuckled at the others reply looking back at this attempts he enjoyed the fun that came with fight. So when wally caught his snowball only to throw it back he let it hit him. " ahh I've been hit" he fell to the ground pretending to die " how cruel the world is did you see how vicious he was in his attack kids?" He chuckled making the kids laugh.
Wally: Wally laughed and did a victory lap as Gabe went down, moaning about his epic loss. "Woo! That's right! Team Wally for the win! Heck yeah!" The next moment he was gobsmacked as the kids proceeded to ignore him in favor of going to check up on Gabriel to make sure he was ok. His heart melted at the sight of them checking Gabe's forehead and trying to see if he was hurt. They were such good kids. He shook his head smiling lightly as he went over to help. He held out his hand to help the other up out of the snow. "Looks like victory is mine. These kids are shaming me pretty good in sportsmanship though so what do you say. Truce?"
Gabriel: Gabriel chuckled softly watching Wally do his victory lap before he had all the kids rush to him checking him over. This is why he loved kids so much, they were always so kind and loving before the world or people molded and changed them. “I’m okay I shall struggle with this loss” He teased the kids tickling a few before waving his hand “I will say though I have all these candy canes, and it's only fair to share them huh?” He mused handing each kid from both teams cane telling them how great they played as they ran off to their parents who were waiting. He smirked at the hand Wally held out to him taking it without any issue hiding a little bit of snow in his other patting through the others bright red hair. “Oops” he smirks laughing nodding his head “quite so, they are brilliant at sportsmanship and I do accept that Truce. How about that Hot Chocolate I promised?”
Wally: The scene was heart warming really. The kids obviously loved the candy canes and he loved seeing them so happy and carefree. However his own happiness was tinged with a little bitterness as he watched some return to their parents, and some to their chaperones from FEAST. It wasn't fair that those so young had to go through something as terrible as growing up without a home or family. But that was why he did what he did. If no one else would love them then he would. Just like Barry did for him. He was smiling as he helped Gabe up until something cold ran through his hair and down his back. "ha-ah! AH! COLD!" He jerked back and shook his hair out as best as he could but the damage was done and his usually bright red fluffy locks were now damp and limp as they hung down into his eyes. "Well that was cheap! So much for sportsmanship!" He shivered and made a show of shaking off the cold. It might have been a little exaggerated but that smirk of Gabe's left him even more flustered than the snow and he had to play that off. "You do realize this means I have to get you back at some point?" Despite his words he was still grinning like mad at the other. "But later. Right now I'm going to need something to warm up after all this cold."
Gabriel: He had greatly loved hanging out with the children and spending time playing a game he'd only seen from Heaven. He had fun, enjoying the laughter of child who seemed to wish him and Wally all good will before they left.  Gabe chuckled at how well he'd managed a sneak attack on Wally if anything Michael would be proud of how well he'd played things. "sorry Wally but you know its only fair I was cold now we both can be." He chuckled happily looking at the other before smiling " I suppose so but either way I planned to warm you up with some nice Hot Chocolate so maybe you'll find it in your heart to forgive me" He gave a rather cute pout before nodding his head pulling the other towards the Hot Chocolate tent "They have a couple kinds, Mellow Hot Chocolate, Mint Hot Chocolate or Regular what do you feel like?"
Wally: Ok. Saying something like 'i was planning to warm you up' should not have sounded sexy at all. And yet here he was, having those kinds of thoughts when clearer that was no the intention. Then Gabe hit him with a pout that should not have been as cute as it was and Wally was even more confused. He was freakin hopeless. He was also really good at being in denial so he just laughed and shook his head. "Your bribe is tempting, therefore I will forgive you. This time." He was grinning ear to ear as he followed the other into the tent, sighing as the warmth and scent of chocolate filled the air. "Mmm you know I think I'll go for the mint. I like switching things up."
Gabriel: Had to admit it was nice having Friends even if their was something quite new between them it felt nice to have someone to hang out with that wasn't his family. He chuckled softly "Yes I told you I can be quite convincing, plus I've just thought to share the snow with you since you shared with me" He teased the other before nodding his head "perfect I'll get a mellow one" He mused ordering their hot chocolate and paying for their stepping to the side to wait for it. "smells good doesn't it?"
Wally:  Wally had severely underestimated just how convincing his new friend could be. hell it's not like the guy was actually doing anything particularly convincing in the first place. Wally was just weak. That was it. He rolled his eyes still smiling. "How generous of you. We should get you a medal to commemorate your generosity." He stood beside Gabe as they waited for their drinks, the other people happily chatting and milling about around them. He took a deep breath and slowly released it, taking in the smell of chocolate hanging in the air. "Mm it does. Thank you. I know we tease and all but I do actually appreciate it. The drink and the snowball fight. People underestimate what a little fun can do you know." Wally may not have admitted it to himself or anyone else but he also had a lot on his mind this season and a snowball fight with a perfect stranger turned friend had been just the distraction he needed.
Gabriel:  Gabe smiled at the other he was quite glad to have run into someone new while hanging out by the tree, he'd known plenty of his siblings were off doing whatever made them happier so it was nice to have something of his own. "I wouldn't mind one, I bet I'd look very dashing with some medals" He chuckled softly looking around everything smelled heavenly and he could still hear the sounds of happiness filling the air. "You are very welcome Wally, I appreciate you hanging out with me after the game, its been quite along time since I've had this much fun" He replied honestly smiling when their drinks were done passing Wally's his. "So what other things do you like to do for fun? I'm curious"
Wally:  Dashing was definitely one way to put it but Gabe didn't need a medal to look good. He did that just fine with his stunning smile and those blue eyes and that curly hair and, oh wow. Wally really needed to stop. He was getting way too ahead of himself here. He chuckled and nodded. "Yes dashing. I'm sure you would. And you're welcome too. Though It's not like I was going out of my way or anything. I just like having fun. Especially this time of year." He was more than happy to spread the love and cheer with someone who needed it. The last question had him pondering for a second. "Well, I play video games and watch movies, jam out on my guitar or bass, go running, swimming, basketball, I volunteer a lot. That's actually how I knew those kids. Most of them were from F.E.A.S.T. I don't know if you've heard of it but it's a great place. They do a lot of good there and i'm happy to be a small part of that." Was he speed talking? He didn't think so but when he got to rambling it was harder for him to tell. Shockingly he wasn't used to talking about himself this much. Which meant it was time to switch subjects. "What about you? What sort of things do you do when you're not getting utterly destroyed in snow ball fights?"
Gabriel:  Had to admit this wasn't his first time being called dashing, there were entire artworks detailed to his face taking on his beauty unlike his brothers who looked more like a hot mess then anything real. Yet hearing it from wally made him smile a bit more chuckling "it's still was quite the first meeting, it's been awhile since I've had fun like that, things have been rather strange since moving here to New York. Much like everyone else its been a rather up and down year." He replied honestly he hadn't felt this happy since before he arrived here and learned the truth of his father's cruelty towards his siblings. "That sounds amazing, i mean not many people volunteer much here I've noticed and I have heard of F.E.A.S.T  I love their work and often working towards doing more for them. Sort of a pet project of mine, i have quite the soft spot for children." He mused enjoying all the new information he'd gotten from Wally he was quite a wonderful person. "Well not at completely exciting as everything you do,  I enjoy reading all types of books really you'll often find me with a book in my hand compared to gaming controller but I still can hold my own thanks to my elder brother.  I also love cooking and baking so i like finding and trying new food to create, spending time with my family is always a plus in my book. It never fails to make me smile finding activities that will make my siblings smile and laugh. " He mused honestly smiling softly as their drinks were given to them taking a sip. "Mhmm its soo good isn't it?"
Wally:  "Tell me about it. New York ain't like Kansas that's for sure. It's a whole other animal." New York City was probably three times the size of Keystone City and eve for a guy who could see it all in seconds, it was a lot. He listened, nodding along and smiling as Gabe explained his own interests. They had a lot in common but some differences as well. Wally for example, couldn't cook to save his life. It took WAY too long for a speedster. "A love of books we have in common and also a love of food. Though I am probably the worst cook you can imagine. Big ups to you for learning how to cook. I usually make due with fast food and hot pockets." He sipped his hot chocolate admiring the way he talked about his family. No wonder the guy was excited to see them this year. By the sound of it they seemed very important to him. He was about to answer Gabe's comment about the drink when he tipped it back and got nothing. "Huh. It was. Must have been better than I thought since I downed that in no time."
Gabriel:  "I take it you are from Kansas then? I've never been there I hear its a lot of farm land is that true?" Gabe questioned wondering about other places outside of New York.  He was beyond happy to be making friends with the other boy it wasn't as if he had plenty and enjoyed having people around after coming from so many siblings "Yeah? food is amazing and sometimes a good book is enough to keep me entertained all night, I've never had a hot pocket before does it taste good?" he asked wondering if the other wanted to grab some food later with him given that he seemed to like food as much as he did. "I enjoy cooking it does take some time though If i ever cook for you I can just invite you over when it's done, then you reap the reward of my cooking" he mused smiling as he sipped his drink till the end before looking at the other. "That's cute Wally, I'm glad you like it, you know we don't have to end our company if you'd like, maybe we could look around together and grab some more treats?"
Wally:  "Put it to you this way. If you like wheat, corn and cows...and nothing else, than Kansas is a great place for you." He wasn't joking either. Outside of the cities that was pretty much what Kansas had. "Oh and tornadoes. But you get used to it." They didn't mean anything to him but even for the rest of the Kansas populations it was a normal enough occurrence that it didn't faze them too much. Wally was a little taken aback by the offer to cook for him. Out of the blue. They'd barely met but Gabe seemed so, open. More so even than him and that was saying something. "Well, I mean sure I'd love to hang out some more. And I'd love to try your cooking and show you what a hot pocket tastes like, not that it's anything to write home about. But...I don't know I'm just not used to people liking me so quickly. Are you sure you really to want to do this? I'm asking now so you don't make a mistake you might regret later." Wally winked and laughed but there was an undertone of insecurity there that he couldn't mask if he tried. It was just a habit of his to make light of things that worried him or things that he was unsure of.
Gabriel:  "I have to admit I've never seen a Cow up close are they cool animals? though I have to wonder what place you like more New York or Kansas" Gabe asked curiously things about Wally keep getting more and more interesting as he chatted with the other. "Tornadoes quite the thing they are destruction and beauty if you believe the whole eye of the storm thing" He mused He smiled softly at the other "I love cooking for people....that offer was odd huh? sorry I'm quite new at this whole making friends thing.  I'd like to try a hot pocket especially if you give me tips. I like you Wally you are fun to hang out with...I'm sorry if I'm too strange" He mused running a hand through his hair, humans were so hard to understand but then again he did like Wally. "I want to hang out more with you and get to know you, if you'd be willing to get to know me?"
Wally:  "Oh Kansas for sure. Don't get me wrong, New York is great and all. But in the famous words of Dorothy Gale, there's just no place like home." Keystone would always be his city and even if he was currently stationed in New York City he still cleaned up the Keystones streets any chance he got. Central too if Barry was busy. "I've seen tornadoes and cows up close and personal so I can say for sure that cows are cute and that tornadoes are awesome. The destruction isn't, but nature is incredible in it's own right." As Gabriel began to apologize Wally was quick to ease his worries. "No no you're not odd at all. I'm the one who's odd. Frankly I was just surprised you hadn't gotten tired of me yet. I'm not exactly everyone's cup of tea you know." He chuckled a little at the quip and smiled. "Of course I'd be happy to hang out with you. And if you really REALLY want to, I'll even get you a hot pocket. Though as a cook you might want to brace yourself. They're not exactly five star quality haha." This whole meeting felt incredibly serendipitous. Almost like it was too good to be true. That didn't bother Wally at all. He'd always been of the mind set that you roll with the good times and the bad. He was going to enjoy this new friendship as long as it lasted.
Gabriel: “Sounds like a nice place, maybe one day I can go visit down there, at least see where you came from and how cool it sounds.” Gabe replied smiling softly it was nice to see other places and he thinks he might have seen Kansas once upon a time but he hardly remembered anymore. “Cows and cute and tornadoes are awesome just so long as the destruction is kept to a minimum, Got it” He mused chuckling. Gabriel wasn’t sure if he mis-stepped but he was grateful when Wally told him he hadn't and he didn’t want to ruin his friendship. “Oh good I’m so glad to hear that you don’t find me odd. I don’t think I could, you are very fun Wally, I mean what about you makes people tired?” he questioned curiously what about Wally made people upset he couldn’t understand at all. “I don’t mind, My other siblings are huge snack lovers, they might have even fed them to me and I don’t remember every new thing they like to show me in terms of food there is a lot. But I can get some good ideas from them about food related fun” He mused happily chuckling softly before wrapping his arm around Wally’s shoulder. “This is going to be the start of a great friendship just you wait Wally.”
Wally:  Gabe definitely made Kansas sound a lot cooler than it actually was. Obviously Wally liked it because that was where he grew up and that's where his home city was but most people didn't really care for it. Especially people who were used to huge metropolitan areas. But Gabe seemed really interested so, why not? "Maybe I'll take you sometime. Show you the sights." Even if there weren't too many sights to see. This whole whirlwind of a friendship was fast even for Wally but he didn't mind one bit. Gabe was kind and generous and easy on the eyes. Wally wasn't surprised they hit it off so well but he was surprised at how quick Gabe was to defend him when they had only just met. The insecure part of him knew it was probably only temporary and that one day Gabe would grow tired of him but the optimistic side didn't really care. If that was what happened then he'd cross that bridge when they got there. For now he was just happy to get to know the guy. He smiled hearing him talk more about his siblings so fondly. "You're family sounds like a great bunch. Complicated, but still great. I'm lucky to find people who can tolerate me." He felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the hot chocolate cover him as Gabriel put his arm around him. For a second he wanted nothing more than to just stay like that, warm and safe and happy. He didn't know how long this would last, whatever this was, but he intended to enjoy every moment of it. "I think so too Gabe." A great friendship indeed. Whatever came next Wally was going to embrace it for however long he could. /END
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xjoiexgabriel · 5 years ago
HIM || Beiste Boys
Who: Gabe Beiste & @jackbeiste Where: The mall When: 11/30 What: the boys go to grab gifts at the mall and run into someone they use to know (TW: Abuse mention, TW: Anxiety, TW: Mention of violence)
It was shopping day for the Beiste boys. Taking the day to spend it together, just the three of them, to get all the gifts they would need. Gabe pushed the stroller as they walked through the mall, smiling to his little brother. "So how are you and Sebastian doing?"
Jack liked this so much, just being with his brother again. In a way, he almost missed the first couple of months at Joie when he'd clung to his brother so much. They were still working out some nice inbetween, and if this was it... it was a good middle. "Hm?" he asked, having been lost in his own thoughts. "Good.. great, really," he said, unable to stop himself from grinning.
Gabe smiled to see his little brother so happy. It made him happy to see how happy Jack was. Sebastian had his quirks but as long as he was good to jack, they were good. "So you have any ideas what to get dad? "
"Hmm, no... I guess I'll give him a bou... book again," He said, shrugging. It was his go-to for Sheldon, and it was usually successful, or at least it always seemed to be successful. "Maybe a cardboard of us," he added, flashing his brother a playful grin. Sheldon tried, but it was obvious he missed them, especially now that they were both gone, and Myles was so far away from him too. Jack missed him a lot too, and the fact that he came to Joie for Thanksgiving had been such a relief.(edited
Gabe rolled his eyes some. "Come on Jack jack, you gotta put a little more effort in. Why don't we go in on something for him together? You know something that he'd enjoy a lot. I was thinking we get him a massage chair and possibly some winter hats and gloves. God knows he's going to freeze if we dont since he wont wear pants." Chuckling a bit, Myles even laughing as well.
Jack laughed softly too, nodding. "Sure, we'll get the chair together. I still wanna give him a book. You can give him the gloves... fits your dad role, huh?" He teased, flashing him a grin.
"Yeah, guess I'm turning into a dad. " Game chuckled. "Just come on, dad really needs to wear pants more" He joked. "What book would you want to get him this time? Also I'm. thinking we order the chair and have it delivered around Christmas. "
"It's wai... weird to think about," Jack admitted. It wasn't like Gabe hadn't been a very dedicated big brother, but a father... he had figured that would come much later. "Maybe you should get him pants... if you buy 'em, he'll wear 'em," he mused. At least when one of them was around. "Not too sure yet. Ordering it sounds good, though."
"Yeah, its kind of crazy to think I helped make this little one but I mean, now that he's here, I don't think I can see my life without him now." Gabe grinning as he looked down to see Myles had nodded off. "Alright, let go hit the furniture place to see if we can..." Gabe stopped dead in his tracks. His heart stopped as well, grabbing Jack's arm he didn't move. Cooter. Cooter was there.
"No, and I don't think I'd like to try to see it without him either," Jack said softly. "What's wrong?" He frowned as his brother suddenly stopped and held his arm in a tight grip. It took him several moments to recognise Cooter; the few memories he had of him were all over fifteen years old, but even as he had aged... it was still obvious who he was. "Oh,' was all he managed to say, barely more than a whisper.
Gabe nodded, taking Jack's hand and turning to walk in the other direction. His heart was racing. What the hell was he doing there. Why would he be in Ohio. Stopping a good distance away, Gabe looked around some. "You okay?" wanting to make sure the shock of seeing him wasn't too much on Jack.
"Wha-what's he... doing here?" Jack couldn't stop staring, glancing back even as his brother lead him in the opposite direction. He felt so small suddenly, like he was still a little kid. Gabriel had held his hand like that when they were younger. It'd been a while. It was comforting, but he could still feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He wanted to ask Gabe if he was okay too, but he couldn't get the words out. Not even thinking about it, his free hand reached up to touch the scar on the back of his head. It wasn't large, easily hidden, but it was there all right. Just one of the few gifts from their father.
Gabe saw him go to touch his head and pulled Jack into him. He kissed his hair, his heart still racing. All Gabe could think was the same thing that Jack asked and how he never wanted Cooter to meet or see Myles. "I don't know why he's here but maybe we should leave before he sees us."
He hugged him tightly, glancing over to where Cooter had been. The man wasn't there, and he searched frantically for him; his heart dropping when he did. "He saw us."
Gabe looked around as well. "Yeah, I think he might have so lets just get out of here." Holding Jack's hand, he turned to walk but it was too late. Cooter was standing 20 feet away, waving. Gabe glared at him. "Jack, get myles out of the stroller and hold him please."
Jack nodded quietly, quickly taking his nephew into his arms, taking a step back; holding him in a protective embrace.
Gabe stepped in front of his son and his brother as the man walked over. Gabe was bigger then him now, thats for sure. He didn't budge, his face not showing one bit of fear. When they were face to face, he just smiled to them.
 "Hey boys, long time." Cooter put his hand out to Gabe. Gabe just glared at him. 
"What do you want?" Gabe spat back at him.
His heart was beating so fast, and he knew it was making Myles nervous; he tried to calm himself, gently rocking his nephew, whispering sweet nothings into his cheek. It comforted them both, even as he could hear Cooter's voice, it felt distant. All he could hear was Myles and his baby talk.
Cooter peeked around Gabe to see Jack and the baby. 
"Who's kid?" He asked his oldest. Gabe stood tall and stood his ground. "
“Doesn't fucking matter. I asked you a question. What do you want? Why are you even here?" If Cooter got any closer, he was going to lose it though. He was trying to stay calm for now.
"Leave," Jack finally managed to spit out, glancing up to look at his father, though avoiding his gaze.
baeLast Thursday at 12:36 PM
Gabe smiled, squeezing Jack's hand. Cooter only laughed though. "Shut up." he called to Jack. That was it, Gabe turned to Jack. 
"Go to the car right now." Giving him the stroller. "Don't look back, just go. I'll be right there."  Once Jack was gone, Gabe was up in his face. "Listen you prick, i don't fucking care why you're here, I only care that you stay the fuck away from me and Jack. You hear me. I'm not a little kid anymore and I'll be damned if you think you can scare me. You don't scare me anymore, Cooter. I suggest you get the hell out of Ohio as fast as you fucking can." Gabe turned then and walked away, trying to catch up with Jack. He heard Cooter calling to him, but he didn't care to turn back. He just cared to make sure Jack and Myles were okay. Catching up to them at the car,  Gabe got Myles into his car seat and gave him a bottle then pulled jack into a hug. "I got you, Jack." he whispered.
He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Cooter had always told him to shut up, usually not with a laugh and it usually came after Cooter made him try to talk in the first place. He almost wanted to say something, just to prove to his father that he could. But nothing wanted to come out. He shut his mouth, biting hard enough on his lower lip to taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth. Yet somehow, he also felt a rush of disappointment that Cooter didn't even seem happy to see him. He did as Gabriel told him to, standing outside by the car, breathing heavily as he tried to calm himself down; at first hestitant to let go of his nephew. "I'm sorry," he whispered, hugging him back tightly.
"No no, youre okay. Let just, get in the car and we're going to go get some fast food and go back on campus." Gabe knowing they'd be safe there. He got into the driver's side and pulled out. Shopping would have to wait for another day.
He shook his head, but got into the car. "I shoo... shoulda backed you up," he said softly.
"You did. You did exactly what needed to be done. I don't want Myles to see him or know him. Trust me, you did so much in that moment, Jack." Gabe replied. "You protected Myles."
Jack nodded, wiping away some tears with the back of his hand. He took a deep breath before speaking again, making sure to speak really slow and clear as he didn't trust the words to come out right if he didn't. "He's your son, but he is my nephew.. so he is my kid too."
Gabe nodded. "Yes, he has me, you and Vince. He has people that love him and protect him. My only goal was to keep him from seeing Myles and to protect you as well. I did that so we did good. Now do we want burgers or tacos?"
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purghhappenings · 7 years ago
I LOVE your hc on shanks×mihawk! (I think their ship name is akataka??) and yes, it killed me that there is so little content about this ship. So can you do another hc on them but like, from the red haired pirates' POV? Like ben saw shanks with heart eyes staring at mihawk and he was like "oh crap" Thanks!
AhhhhH!!!!!!!!! It is akataka and if you search that your world will open up like mine did, alright we’re going to be going from basically Shanks and Mihawk first meeting to them developing over the years and i totally hope you like this cause I’ve been so excited to write about this all day. (This is kind of in the POV also kinda third person?? I’m so sorry if it sucks) 
I’m also putting this under the cut
Benn Beckman was usually a man of few words, and thankfully he had just the right amount of words for this situation. “What in God’s name were you thinking?!” -The next day after an entire town was leveled due to two pirates clashing
The day had started pretty normal, it was their captains birthday so naturally a party was held
They had stopped at a relatively calm Grand line island, rumors of a man with a permanent glare on his face reached the crew but “what does that matter, its my birthday”  -Shanks before Benn murdered him.
Luck be thy name, the permanent glare guy was at the fucking bar as the red haired pirates.
To this day both gentlemen refuse to admit they were too stupid to admit their undying lust and then love
Shanks: definitely love at first sightMihawk: It was something at first sight yeahYassop: murder at first sight
One wrong look turned Dracule “Hawk-eyes” Mihawk into a murderous heathen 
To this day Benn loses his shit because Mihawk thought Shanks wanted to pick a fight with how hard the guy was glaring at him but Shanks, in all of his glory, *cough* idiocy *cough* was completely and utterly star struck.
Benn: to most he looks constipated and severely confused but to us he still looks that way but it means he likes someone
Lucky Roo: My favorite part was they both didn’t know how to handle their obvious attraction and chose to have a fucking brawl in the bar
No, not with swords, even though they’re both swordsman I’m talking throwing punches and each other over shit
This went on for several years. For years they hated one another which the government of course tried to play up because of Shanks being an emperor and everytime his picture was shown Mihawk just fucking left(kinda like War of the Best, that motherfucker went nyoom)
Finally, they of course meet again on the same day, and Shanks has recovered enough brain cells that he shares with Buggy to start actively flirting with the terror known as Mihawk.
Eventually MIhawk gets so frustrated that he finally shouts “Why must you consistently appear on my birthday?!”
And like a fucking lightbulb every. single. red haired pirate crew member took a moment of silence for mihawk.
Shanks: Its your birthday?! -Said with a shit eating grinMihawk: What of it??Red Haired Pirates: Oh no.Shanks: Oh. Yes.
That was the last day Dracule “Hawkeyes” Mihawk ever had a cruise around the grandline in peace
Shanks at some point during this: he fucking enjoys it at this pointBenn marking down in a notebook: mihawk could be a masochist which is the least shocking thing our idiot captain has told about him
After the initial them wanting to absolute bang murder each other, they did start a bit slow because mihawk was a brick on the brake.
Or a total downer depending on which person you asked
A general consensus is Mihawk is the dumbest smart man they know because Shanks is fucking crazy and at least he had enough hindsight to say “I’m not getting out of this unless he dies or I do” and though he tried at first he realized some levels of crazy could not be killed
He seems pretty emotionless but Benn has never feared for his captains life more than when they met up after Shanks lost his arm and Mihawk almost slaughtered him, his crew, and half of the grandline
After Mihawk learned the story he said no kid is ever worth a limb, then he met his two children Perona and Zoro and his adopted son Luffy and dammit he would give up a limb for them too 
Benn has never feared for Mihawks life more than when Mihawk told Shanks he had gone after Luffy(in hindsight it was to keep other warlords off of him, but also to see what the kid was made of) Shanks was a momma bear and Mihawk actually disappeared for a few days 
Which also went into the notebook that has the affectionate title “Our Dumb Captain and his Somehow Slightly Dumber Boyfriend” Or the ODCAHSSDB because Shanks and Mihawk almost figured out it existed and Yassop was quick to make them confused cause honest to god try saying ODCAHSSDB a few times like(i can barely type it)
The Red Haired Pirates did. Not. Approve. At first. They had good points like
  He’s tried to kill you
he’s a warlord
They effectively fell on deaf ears because there were actual fucking hearts in his eyes.
They warmed up to the idea pretty fast when they realized mihawk wasn’t psychotic like their captain oh my god an actual fucking playing piece Benn is not afraid to admit he’s called Mihawk on Shanks when his captain is being unreasonable and wont listen
Mihawk will not hesitate to admit to calling Benn when Shank’s is being a little shit and he doesn’t have the time what do you mean Zoro’s lost he said he was going to the bathroom
They are allies and powerful ones at that, especially when both Benn and Mihawk get called because Shanks is being one giant little shit
Yassop; We’ve only ever had to call them together twice, but the one time Captain got so drunk he wanted to burn Marie Jois to the ground and while we’d love to do that, we. just. can’t.Lucky Roo: It was fucking hilarious I’ve never seen captain more afraid and unfortunately turned on in his life and I can’t get the image out of my head
Nobody is not saying Akataka is kinky but you do the math 
They’ve had more ups than they’ve had downs because of how well they mesh, where Mihawk doesn’t want to sympathize Shanks is there to sympathize and when Shanks is too involved Mihawk works well as an anchor-Rockstar at some point being so drunk explaining to random people
Over the twenty or so years Mihawk and Shanks have known and been together the Red Haired Pirates have seen them fight only one time. And they regret to inform you it was not over something difficult.
It was how to pronounce Donquixote Doflamingo while drunk which spiraled into Luffy and Law purposefully mispronouncing his name 
That is unfortunately the best fight Yassop has got to witness
LR: Shanks tried to fuck with Mihawk when I asked for the salt by trying to hand him over, but Mihawk had to have been expecting it because three seconds later and captain was in my lap
Shanks is a hopeless romantic, the hopeless part about it is he doesn’t know how to be romantic while all it takes from Dracule is him stopping by on his coffin boat and a rose and Shanks cannot function for three days
They’re very domestic which is odd for a band of pirates to see because when they shop together its as people not as two feared pirates
It was very unsettling.
As it was said, they didn’t like the warlord much, then realized he was an ally, but now he’s more of a family member. They all joke and tease him, sometimes if Shanks is busy they’ll call to just check up especially if they hear the world government is doing some shady shit(especially after moria)
No, now Mihawk is unfortunately(to his ego) almost considered a redhaired pirate just to a point of “No he’s not officially with us but cross him and you’ve crossed us”
After Shanks lost his arm Mihawk slaughtered several schools of sea kings out of spite -Yassop trying to spread that around on various islands 
I’m so sorry if this is terrible, I’d like to blame wine but I really can’t I haven’t ever written HC’s like this before more of my POV with various feat. Of what I imagine the characters to be saying so I really hope you like it(if not you may stone me or challenge me to a Davy Back Fight)
My inbox is always open so hit me up with more requests!!!! I’m always bored and loving talking you guys so thank you for the ask and I seriously hope you enjoy it!!!!
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kaigazing · 7 years ago
Kaisoo after Hogwarts (slytherin!soo/hufflepuff!nini)
(because im enslaved to this au right now and i will probs never write this as a fic since i know jack shit about harry potter)
the two secretly dated during their later years as students (only exo knew definitively that they were dating, the rest of the school just kinda assumed)
secretly because kyungsoo comes from a long line of purebloods, and not the nice kind. his parents are openly prejudiced against muggle-born wizards like jongin and just generally look down on muggles. also, very homophobic and just genuinely nasty people
you can see the issue here right?
so soo is also a year ahead of jongin, meaning there’s a gap in which kyungsoo is gone while jongin is finishing up his final year
before kyungsoo graduated, they soft broke up, mainly just because kyungsoo is practical and figured it would be stupid to expect jongin to stay loyal to him for an entire year with little contact other than letters
jongin agrees because he assumes it kyungsoo who wants to get away from him and in the end he values kyungsoos happiness above his
so kyungsoo plays the good son for another year while jongin is still in school. he gets an internship under his father in the ministry of magic and he absolutely hates it but he deals
kaisoo keeps a letter correspondence during this gap year, but the letters considerably dwindle toward the end
kyungsoo does send jongin a congratulatory message for his graduation though!! 
jongin immediately looks for internships in the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures (care of magical creatures had always been his favorite class at hogwarts) and gets in
the two meet up in the ministry. its awkward and cute and its like that gap year didnt exist
kyungsoo invites jongin out for coffee, and jongin agrees even though he hates coffee because he wants to hang out with soo now that theyre adults™ 
they settle into a  routine: the two meet up for coffee before the work day, catching each other up on their lives (yeah, kyungsoo’s parents are still prejudiced dicks and jongin’s mom’s cafe is doing well)
it takes no effort to achieve the same closeness they had at hogwarts; it becomes overwhelmingly obvious the two are still crazy about each other
jongin breaks routine and invites kyungsoo out for dinner one night, and the two realize its a date like half way into their entrees
jongin admits that he never dated anyone during his last year at hogwarts and threw himself into his studies, holding onto the hope that kyungsoo would be willing to take him back after graduating and getting a good job
surprise!! kyungsoo didnt date anyone either. he entertained his parents and their attempts to set him up with girls from ~respectable~ pureblood families but he never let it go further than the initial date
falling in love the second time is incredibly easy consider theyve been head over heels for each other for a few years now
however, theres still that looming obstacle: kyungsoo’s parents
jongin assures him that they dont need to tell them right now, and that jongin’s mother loves and supports their relationship and they could go to her for any parental support they needed
so kyungsoo lets it sit for a few months, happily visiting jongin’s family in muggle london
during these visits, kyungsoo shows of his innate talent for pastry decorating and cooking in general, further impressing jongin’s mom who already adored him (the kims love him okay)
however the pain of hiding himself and his love for jongin from his parents eventually catches up with him
kyungsoo resolves that even if he and jongin for some reason DONT last, at least he’ll finally be out to his parents and have this burden off his conscious
it goes as well as you’d expect. theres a lot of screaming and crying and in the end, kyungsoo gets burnt off the family tapestry a la sirius black
soo is understandably devastated. he prepared himself for this exact scenario but (whether foolishly or not can be debated) had a sliver of hope that his parents would put his mental wellbeing and happiness over their views and traditions
its a shitty and depressing time for him, but he has jongin and the kim family to comfort him
in the true slytherin way, kyungsoo gets fed up with his own lethargy and decides to create goals for himself and sets to achieve all of them
first on the list: quit that awful ministry job he never wanted
jongin’s mother immediately asks him to work at her cafe, mentioning that she’d been keeping an eye on him and waiting for an opportunity to snatch him up
slowly but surely kyungsoo grasps control of his life again
kaisoo move to an apartment in muggle london, quite close to jongin’s mother in fact. the two often commute to the cafe together
jongin keeps his job in the ministry (he really loves animals alright) and thats all the connects kyungsoo has to the wizarding world anymore (besides his own magic, of course)
flash forward a year or two, and we see kaisoo happily engaged. kyungsoo does take the kim surname as per western traditions. however, he also kinda wants to disconnect himself from the do name
they do eventually adopt! they have a son who is sorted into ravenclaw and is the same year as baekyeol’s twins (one slytherin one gryffindor). the three are two years behind baekyeol’s daughter (gryffindor)
ive got plotlines for their son but i wont write about it lol
ok this ended up being more kyungsoo after hogwarts im sorry i snubbed nini
i might eventually write a fic about this but dont hold your breath lmao
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cafffeinations · 8 years ago
It’s amelietweek! \o/ Here’s something for the day 4 prompt College/University AU. It also features Estonia as Lithuania’s room mate, and has mentions of Canada (I think Himaruya put Estonia’s ‘human age’ as younger than America, but here he’s older, like Lithuania). Its ~2,400 words and can be read on AO3 here
Somehow Alfred not being there is just as distracting as when he is, but Eduard is oh so fortunately around to inform him why.
Seeing as Alfred isn't around, there's really no excuse why Toris isn't getting on with any work. Without the stories about his day or the new people he always seems to be meeting, explanations about whatever new thing he's into that week and just his exuberant presence in general, it's a much quieter and study-friendly Tuesday evening than Toris usually has.
 Yet whenever he tries to focus on the paragraphs before him, the blinking cursor reminding him how unfinished they are, his eyes manage to glance of their own accord back to the clock at the bottom of the screen. He's usually here by now, the thought cycle begins, I wonder what he's up to?
But as the more rational part of his mind points out, there's no real reason for him to be here; just because he usually comes by doesn't mean he has to.
That should be the end of it, but he just cant help but imagine where he is, be it eating with friends or out running or maybe even studying - unlikely, he smiles wryly to himself, remembering how Alfred had proclaimed that he's 'better off' cramming before finals or he'll just forget everything. Toris had questioned if that really was so wise, to which Alfred had stuck out his tongue, making such a silly face that he'd laughed and -
His word count still has not gone up.
With a sigh he leans back and stretches his arms and shoulders, mentally berating himself, just as Eduard comes through the door.
"Hey," he greets, sliding his backpack onto the bed on his side of the room, "that doesn't look so promising." 
"Yeah, I'm not having the most productive time," Toris replies ruefully, trying not to calculate the days and hours until the one of his many deadlines.
"Well don't worry, you'll manage. You always get it done," Eduard reassures him, and he smiles gratefully, at least until he continues, "especially as it seems our resident freshman isn't around for once to distract you."
"Oh, don't be mean," Toris resists the urge to roll his eyes, a vague idea of where Eduard is headed, "he doesn't come here that much."
"If you say so," Eduard says in a tone that clearly doesn't believe him.
"Its only on Tuesdays when he has a late class over here," Toris bites against his better judgement, referring to the computer suite they live near, "and some Wednesdays if he has time to kill before baseball practice...and maybe on Fridays because of that burger stand he likes." (It was, according to Alfred himself, the best he'd had since moving from home).
"Hmm. How convenient."
"Plus he thinks that he can get your help with his coding or whatever it is you computer guys do!"
"He wishes! That was a one time deal and he knows it." Tutting, he boots his computer up (but Toris knows that as much as Eduard grumbles about Alfred, he finds him nice enough or he wouldn't put up with him coming over at all). "No, it's not me he treks over here for."
There's an emphasis there that he can't help himself but address. "I know what you're saying, and stop it. We just get along well, that's all."
"I'm not saying anything."
"You are," he grumbles.
"Well it's not my fault he's got a major crush on you, is it? I'm just pointing out the obvious. Yes, it's obvious," he interrupts before Toris can say otherwise, "and you like him back, or you'd be busy working instead of sat there looking at the time." 
"I wasn't- I was just- reading and planning what to write!" he protests, lying, and wondering not for the first time how Eduard manages to pick up on things he'd really rather he didn't.
"Very convincing," he says dryly.
As if to make a point Toris turns back to his screen, but he's not reading anything at all.
It's not exactly something he's never thought about, but he hadn't realised that it was so obvious. Or maybe Eduard was just too perceptive for his own good - he hoped that was the case.
"I don't think Alfred swings that way anyway," he says after a while, not quite as casually as he intended, but luckily Eduard is rifling through a pile of notes, not seeing his faint blush.
"You'll never know if you don't try," he shrugs, "You should just ask him. If you can get a word in against all the nonsense he chats, anyway."
Alfred did talk a lot, yes, but Toris enjoys it so long as he can keep up with the tangents that he sometimes flies into. And it wasn't all nonsense - if you really listened, there was more to him than just loudness and energy.
This was particularly apparent when they were alone. Then, it wasn't unusual for him to talk in, well how could he put it...just a different kind of way, one that led Toris to discover this more rounded side of him. Not that he meant Alfred was a superficial person or anything - really he was pretty damn genuine to all - but just that being on the go as much as he was, and as breezily as he interacted with so many people, he didn't think many (if any) got to see the depths that he did.
And maybe this wasn't all that unique, because wasn't everyone the same? Not many share their deeper thoughts with everyone in everyday conversation now, do they?
But the fact that Alfred could sit on his bed and come out with all sorts of things to him, made him feel kind of special. He'd learnt for example that Alfred jokes to people about math being the end of him, but he doesn't like admitting he'd been close to not making it to college at all until he'd taken extra tutoring; he knows that Alfred has a twin brother who he has little in common with but still 'actually kind of misses', and wishes they were closer; he knows as well that he's got some sort of hang-up about missing out on things and that's why he likes to get involved in so much. 
If Toris is a bit like his confidant then he's fine with being there for him, and it doesn't mean Alfred likes him, just that they feel comfortable around each other. That's what he gets most from Alfred, he suspects; a lingering feeling of lightness, his fun and carefree manner a refreshing break from himself and the stresses he gets himself tangled up in.
Does that mean he wants more than just, hanging out though? The idea of going there, closing that distance between them when they're sat together, is far (far) from unappealing, but feelings get so messy, and...well, he should be focusing on the reason why he's here in the first place. To study, and the grades sure aren't going to achieve themselves.
 Its just as he's about to pull on his pyjamas, having managed a to-do list for tomorrow's study if not ticked any more off that night, that his phone buzzes, twice in quick succession.
There aren't that many people who message him, and sure enough its the culprit of his earlier distraction.
Hey im so sorry i didnt come over today!! blame my mom, she said she had important news and to skype her ASAP so i ran back and all it was is that shes selling the house!!
which is still important lol but i was freaking out so much thinking it was something bad! sorry
He can feel a smile creeping onto his face before he's even halfway through reading, so very much like Alfred it is to sound lively even in text. The fact that he's being thought about too may have contributed to that smile, but he means it when he replies,
You dont have to apologize! You can't ignore moms when they say its important haha. That sounds exciting!
He's barely set the phone down when it buzzes again, but this time its a call - for some reason, this makes him nervous, but before he can over-think he hits answer, grabs his key and slips out of the room so Eduard can't eavesdrop when he comes out the shower.
"Hey, its me, can you talk?"
"Yeah," he says and pads past other rooms along the hall to sit out on the top step of the flight of stairs. "How are you?"
"I'm good, now!" America chirps down the phone, "Can you believe it though? She could've phrased it in a much better way, she had me so worried!"
"That's true!" Though he could also imagine Alfred doing the same, impulsively sending a message before thinking it through, "Its really fine though!"
"Yeah? You didn't miss me too much?"  
Obviously Toris can't see his face, but he can picture the cheesy and slightly cocky grin all the same.
"Not much," he teases, "I have Ed for company, after all."
"Pssh, I'm much better company than he is! That guy still won't help me with my paper," he grumbles, to which Toris chuckles.
"So you're moving home then?"
"Oh yeah - well to be honest its not even a shock, before we even went to college Mom was making plans to downsize. Just means there wont be as much space to move back so no pressure for finding a job at the end, right!" He laughs loud, in somewhat contradiction to what he's just said, and Toris hopes Alfred's room mate is out or at least not trying to sleep.
"You've got a couple of years to think about that yet," he says, "there'll be room for you to stay for vacations still, right?"
"Yeah, better be. Me and Matt have already said there has to be unless she wants us fighting over who's gonna sleep on the floor!"
"You spoke to him too?"
"Mm!" he imagines Alfred is nodding, "Actually I've been on skype to him most of the night. Its been a while since we talked, you know?"
"Yeah. How is he?"
"Really good! Buried in books he says, but doing okay. He's found a group of hockey nerds so he's been getting crazy with them 'til now I'm sure."
Toris thinks he means this in an affectionate way, considering how he says that he misses the guy, but his flip-flopping in how kindly he describes his brother isn't all that new a phenomenon.
"I think college is suiting him good. I tried to ask about all the girls in those pictures with him on Facebook and he went all red and told me to mind my own business! So he must be doing well, right!" he laughs again and Toris can’t help but smile too.
"You'll have to get some of his secrets," he teases, expecting Alfred to take it in his stride. 
"Yeah, maybe," he sighs, and there's a pause; not sad, just there, and for a second Toris remembers his earlier conversation with Eduard, and whether Alfred likes...
He decides against going there now.
"It's nice you're catching up."
"Yeah. I told him he should visit sometime soon. Hopefully he won't be too mad that not many people know I have a twin, ha ha...but you two would get along well I think."
"Oh yeah?"
"Uh-huh, you're both kinda quiet. And you put up with me! Actually, Matt said that-" 
He waits for the rest, but instead he gets, "actually, nevermind. How was your day?" 
"Um, it was fine but hey I'm curious now!" Toris answered, unsure as to what it could be. 
"Nah, it's nothing. I'll tell you next time I see you. I have to go to a group project before practice tomorrow but hopefully soon?"
"Yeah, sure," Toris replies, "I don't go far!" (which except from the library, was sadly true).
"Cool. Ok, well, goodnight!"
"Night Alfred," he says, and waits for him to hang up. After a few seconds he does, but something about the abrupt end and change of track is nagging at him. It's uncharacteristic of Alfred to be hesitant, but of course he's fully entitled to his privacy. He'll just have to wait and see if he does elaborate later.
He's about to get up when his phone vibrates again, making him jump.
"Ok so I'm sorry if this weird but basically he said I talked about you so much he couldn't wait to meet you and he was glad that I'd found someone, and I was like what are you talking about and he was like - okay you don't need all of that, and um, do you know what I'm getting at here?"
He talks so fast it takes Toris' mind takes a while to catch up with his ears, and a few moments on top of that to fully process just what he's said.
"I, think I might," he says slowly, butterflies in his stomach.
"Do I? Come across like, I you know... like you."
He wonders what the best answer would be, and truth be told doesn't really know.
"I think only you can answer that," he says softly, and wishes he was there with Alfred now, to reassure the likely puzzled frown furrowed on his face. "For the record though, its not weird."
"It's not?"
"No, it's - it's fine. It's more than fine, actually," and he waits with bated breath for a response.
"Cool," Alfred says, which may not sound like much but he knows, he can just tell, that means he’s happy.
"Listen-," he starts at the same time as Alfred says "So-"; they laugh, nervously but happily, and he lets Alfred continue.
"I've got some stuff to figure out, about this," he says, "but I think you can help. Are you free on Friday?"
"Do you wanna go for a drink? Like, a proper drink. A date drink."
"That would be great," he says, beaming, and he really means it.
The next morning as he's about to head to the library, Eduard says, "I  don't want to say I told you so, but, I told you so."
"What do you mean?" Toris says as innocently as possible, feigning ignorance.
"Funnily enough, given your denial, something's happened between you and him."
Toris exhales into an exasperated laugh. "I haven't even said anything! How can you possibly know?!"
"You've practically been smiling ever since you woke up."
And throughout the day, whenever he thinks about Friday, it's hard to stop.
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